Home Garden on the windowsill How to cook buckwheat porridge for feeding. Feeding scheme. How to cook buckwheat porridge for babies

How to cook buckwheat porridge for feeding. Feeding scheme. How to cook buckwheat porridge for babies

Porridge is an important and necessary baby food product. More and more pediatricians are inclined to ensure that complementary foods begin with cereals. Useful in its effect on the digestive system and rich in trace elements, this product must be at the heart of the baby's menu. Porridge for the first feeding can be prepared independently or purchased in packages. With the introduction of such complementary foods, parents should know at what period they can start giving the baby porridge and how to do it without problems.

From what age to give

You can include cereals in baby food from 6 months of age. Formula-fed babies can start complementary foods at 5 months.

Experts say that the time of introducing cereals into the diet of a child depends on the individual pace of his development, physical condition, and the absence of allergic reactions. If the child is not gaining weight well, then you need to start with cereals, if the weight is well pressed, then with vegetable purees (links to rules below).

Before indulging their crumbs with cereals, parents should consult with the local pediatrician. The doctor will advise which porridge is better to start with, how much to offer, what to pay attention to.

Here, we wrote how to teach a child to eat from a spoon -.

The introduction of complementary foods usually begins with 0.5-1 tsp. rice or buckwheat porridge. The consistency of the gruel should resemble mashed potatoes. It is important to ensure that there are no lumps in the product offered to the child. After feeding, the child is offered breast or milk formula.

Every day, increase the amount of porridge offered to the child by 1 teaspoon. On the second day of complementary foods, the child should be offered 2 tsp, on the third day - 3 tsp. etc., until a single serving is 150 g. A one-time intake at 7-8 months should be 160-170 g, at 8-9 months - about 170-180 g. Closer to the year, a single serving should be 200 g. Keep in mind that every child is different and will react differently to certain foods. This also applies to the volume that the baby can master at one time.

Within 7-10 days, the volume consumed is gradually adjusted to 100-150 g. For 2 weeks, it is recommended to give the child one type of porridge. Over time, the consistency should be already 10% (10 g of cereal per 100 ml of water). Only with good tolerance and the absence of allergic reactions and other troubles, you can proceed to the introduction of the next type.

Varieties of baby cereals

The most suitable option for the first complementary foods is dairy-free cereals. They do not contain sugar, milk, starch, gluten or other additives. The composition of dairy-free cereals is ideally adapted to the child's digestive system, which is not yet strong enough to digest solid food.

Buckwheat porridge. Due to the content of protein, iron, magnesium, vitamins B1 and B2, buckwheat is considered a valuable cereal and should be an indispensable product in a child's diet.

Moms take note!

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(Cooking buckwheat porridge)

Rice porrige. A product rich in healthy dietary fiber. Many parents mistakenly think that rice consumption can cause constipation in children. However, it is not. Rice flour, which is used to make baby food, does not contain crushed rice and does not cause constipation.

(Cooking rice porridge)

Corn porridge. It even surpasses rice in the amount of nutrients. Rich in protein, iron and fiber.

Oatmeal. It is considered useful due to vegetable protein and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, PP). The amount of fat and fiber contained in oatmeal is 6 times higher than their content in other cereals.

(Cooking oatmeal)

Specialists in the field of baby nutrition recommend introducing cereals in the following order:1 - rice; 2 - buckwheat; 3 - corn; 4 - wheat; 5 - oatmeal.

For each species, it is advisable to adhere to the established regimen of administration - 2 weeks. Only after that, with normal assimilation, you can proceed to the introduction of another porridge.

Most modern mothers for complementary foods use products in packages.

  1. Firstly, it's fast, simple and convenient.
  2. Secondly, baby food manufacturers supply proven, high-quality and balanced products, fully adapted to the child's body.
  3. Thirdly, you can choose hypoallergenic, gluten-free and dairy-free cereals, which will significantly reduce the risk of developing allergies in your baby.

However, some mothers prefer to cook porridge for their child on their own.

We cook ourselves

Having decided to cook cereals at home, it is important to know how to cook them. The following tips will help with this:

  • Porridges for baby food are boiled only on water!
  • Before cooking, the cereals are ground using a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Cereals are taken at the rate of 5-10 g per 100 ml of water.
  • The optimal consistency after can be achieved by adding milk formula or breast milk to the gruel.
  • You don't need to add sugar and salt.

(3 cooking recipes see above)

Rating of children's cereals

Showcases of children's supermarkets are full of a variety of food products. Often parents are lost and do not know which brands of cereals are better to choose. The rating of cereals below will help you navigate the choice.

  1. Nestle.
  2. Gerber.
  3. "Neinz".
  4. Hipp.
  5. Friso.
  6. "Baby".
  7. "Baby".

(We will write separate reviews about each company)

Before making a choice in favor of a particular food product, it is advisable to carefully read the composition. So, some manufacturers add milk powder, flavorings, emulsifiers, fructose, sucrose, vanillin and other substances that can cause allergies in a child to baby food.

An important guide will be how the baby takes this new food and how his body reacts to it. If everything is in order, there is no reason to worry!

More videos about cereals:

Lure- this is the beginning of the introduction of new types of products to replenish the energy costs of the baby.

Based on WHO research data, general rules for complementary foods have been developed:

  • the first product in the baby's menu is introduced between 4 and 6 months: at six months for natural scientists, at 4 - 4.5 months for babies on mixtures;
  • great attention is paid to readiness for a new kind of food;
  • complementary foods for months provides for the introduction of various types of food: cereals, vegetables, meat, dairy products;
  • food should be in a mashed form (mashed potatoes). If you have teeth, you can try lump food;
  • - a pledge of health, it must be continued until the age of two.

Pediatrician, doctor of the highest category Yakov Yakovlev believes: “The number 6 should be treated well. This is a great age for adult food."

With the introduction of complementary foods after the optimal period, the child will begin to lose weight, lack micronutrients. In the worst case scenario, developmental delay threatens.

With the early introduction of new foods, the risk of developing allergies increases due to the unavailability of digestive enzymes.

Complementary feeding rules

  • you need to give new food from 5 grams, increasing portions in 2 weeks to 150 grams;
  • the child must be healthy;
  • the first feeding is undesirable in the summer season;
  • another product should be introduced only after adaptation to the previous one, approximately every 2 to 3 weeks;
  • food should be freshly cooked, warm.
  • you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. If diarrhea occurs, it is better to remove the product from the menu for a while and try again after a week.

Complementary foods at 6 months

The baby's first dish is vegetable. With a lack of weight - porridge. We start with hypoallergenic broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower.

Broccoli is not the most pleasant taste, so save it for last.

You can buy vegetable purees in jars or cook them yourself. When preparing mashed potatoes, you should take a vegetable, wash, peel. Steam cooking is best. Then place the finished vegetable in a blender. Grind until puree.

The most delicious purees are from Gerber, but in terms of price they are much more expensive than Grandma's Basket.

Do not add spices, salt, sugar until two years old.

For 2 weeks, the child should get used to zucchini. Monitor the condition of the skin and stool.

Cauliflower will be the next step in expanding the diet, but subject to the absence of rashes and other elements on the baby's skin.

It should be given before breastfeeding, at 12 noon.

You can offer 5 - 6 times one dish. If the baby has not eaten the entire portion offered to him, perhaps he is just full.

Some of the latest in vegetable complementary foods are pumpkin and carrots. They are allergenic, be careful.

Potatoes are the latest of all vegetables to be introduced to the child's menu. A very allergenic product, for the assimilation of which an already mature enzymatic function of the intestine is needed.

Important information for those parents who are interested,.

Complementary foods at 7 months

Next in line are fruits and cereals. We start with a green apple and pears. Then offer prunes, apricots, peaches or plums. Of course, in the summer, the choice of fruits is much larger.

We introduce fruits, like vegetables, starting with a teaspoon, from one fruit, after a month we switch to another.

Porridge is our breadwinner

The introduction of complementary foods at 7 months should begin with dairy-free cereals. Up to 12 months there is no need for cow and goat milk, as grandmothers advise. These dairy products increase the acidity of the stomach, can provoke the development of gastritis or ulcers.

You can add breast milk or formula to the porridge.

Start with gluten-free cereals - corn, buckwheat or rice. For children under one year old, gluten is quite difficult to digest.

Do not be afraid to buy baby cereals in stores. They are already crushed and ready for use, only diluted with water. No additives are needed. Nestle produces a range of very tasty cereals at affordable prices.

Porridges are given for breakfast, it is possible together with fruits. Same amount as with vegetables. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of butter to the porridge.

8 months - meat time

By this time, the baby already has a full breakfast. Now let's create a menu for lunch. The first meat dishes are rabbit and turkey, as they are hypoallergenic. We start with 5 grams of canned meat puree, both separately and mixed with vegetables. Meat dish can be prepared independently in the form of minced meat.

After the turkey and rabbit, beef, chicken, and veal are given. It is better to refuse pork before 2 years.

Do not add vegetable oil to canned meat puree. But if you cooked it yourself, then you should add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil to vegetables or mashed meat.

The yolk is a storehouse of vitamins

We give the yolk 2 times a week, starting with ¼ part. Add to dishes or dilute with milk. Usually given in the morning. Then by the year we increase to half.

Table of introduction of complementary foods for breakfast and lunch while breastfeeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
vegetable puree- - 5-100 grams - -
fruit puree- - - 5-100 grams -
Fruit juice- - - 40-50 ml -
porridge- - - 5-100 grams -
meat- - - - 5-100 grams
yolk- - - - ½-1/4

Don't forget to breastfeed.

Complementary feeding table for artificial feeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
vegetable puree5-100 grams
fruit puree 5-100 grams
Fruit juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 grams
meat 5-100 grams
yolk ½-1/4

It's time for cottage cheese and kefir

Ukrainian doctor Komarovsky O.E. advises starting complementary foods with kefir, as it is similar to mother's milk. But WHO recommends otherwise. It is better to buy kefir for children, from Nasha Masha or Frutonyanya. Kefir should be unsweetened and without dyes.

We also start according to the "golden rule" - with a teaspoon. We give kefir for dinner at 20.00. We also choose cottage cheese for children: “Agusha”, “Tyoma”. We start cottage cheese with a teaspoon and bring it up to 50 grams by 1 year. We give in the evening for dinner with cottage cheese.

10 months - lump food

The child can be given cookies, drying, as the baby already has the required number of teeth. Give fruits in pieces, peeled.

A child with food should always be supervised!

Fruit juices are best made by yourself. Store-bought ones contain a lot of acids and sugar.

At 10 months, give fish dishes 2 times a week. Start with low-fat varieties - hake, cod, perch.

What can not be given before 1 year?

  • semolina should not be given often, as it interferes with the absorption of iron and can provoke the development of anemia;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • goat, cow milk;
  • tropical fruits, citrus.

General table for the introduction of complementary foods for children

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months
vegetable puree 5-100 gr.
The fruit. Puree 5-50 gr.
The fruit. Juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 gr.
meat 5-100 gr.
yolk ½-1/4
a fish 5-100 gr.
cottage cheese 5-50 gr.
Kefir 5-100 gr.

Meals in "banks"

Products are prepared only from environmentally friendly, carefully grown fruits and vegetables. This type of food has a guaranteed composition. Lots of checks going on. It is impossible to find poor quality baby food on the shelves.

There are no preservatives in this diet. Why are they kept for so long? Vacuum packaging and aseptic storage conditions do not allow the product to deteriorate.

You can start complementary foods with industrial products. Then, when the child gets used to it, cook it yourself. Be sure to check the expiration dates.

Complementary foods for children with atypical reactions

It is very difficult to feed a child if he has manifestations of allergies. The following rules must be observed:

  • do not add sugar to ready meals, especially juices;
  • start complementary foods only with “clean” skin;
  • keep monocomponent. Don't mix multiple vegetables or fruits. So it will be easier to identify what the allergy is, if it appears;
  • sweet fruit juices, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, leave in the end, by 10-11 months;
  • egg, fish is better to enter from 12 months;
  • the baby gets used to each new dish for at least 7 days;
  • if a rash appears, the new product is canceled;
  • if you are allergic to cow's milk, allergic reactions to beef are also likely.

Up to a year, the health of the baby is laid. Proper balanced nutrition will help to avoid many problems in the future. New food products are sure to please the child if they are prepared with love. Each baby is individual, and only the mother will be able to understand when a new feeding period will begin.

Basically, doctors recommend giving buckwheat porridge as the first complementary food to absolutely all healthy children . If the baby does not have any health problems, and the introduction of vegetables into the diet did not give any reactions, then buckwheat is a wonderful dish. This can be explained by a number of advantages that this type of porridge has:

  • Buckwheat porridge is hypoallergenic, cases of responses of the children's immune system are extremely rare (almost never).
  • This cereal is not cereal, which means it does not contain gluten. Therefore, the baby does not experience digestive disorders and other adverse reactions after feeding buckwheat.
  • Buckwheat porridge contains a lot of iron. Therefore, it is an excellent food for preventing the development of anemia.
  • Stimulates the digestive system: activates peristalsis and promotes rapid digestion. In addition, buckwheat is easily digestible.
  • This porridge has a positive effect on the heart, blood vessels, liver, muscles, and also helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the occurrence of infectious lesions of the body.

It is worth noting that buckwheat has absolutely no contraindications. That is why pediatricians advise introducing buckwheat porridge as the first food for all children, and after it, feed the baby with rice, semolina and other varieties of cereals.

Which buckwheat porridge is better for the first complementary foods?

In the modern world, there is an endless variety of special baby cereals for complementary foods, there are many ways to prepare them. But it is quite acceptable to use ordinary buckwheat, which is also eaten by adults. There are only some features of the correct choice of buckwheat for the first feeding:

  1. Always pay attention to the color of the cereal: it should be light. Brown, very dark (almost black) buckwheat in the package indicates that the grains were fried too much. And this means that there are much fewer vitamins in such porridge.
  2. Try to buy only the highest grade buckwheat for your baby, you do not need to save on children's health.
  3. Before purchasing a bag of cereals, be sure to check it for integrity and inspect the contents of the package (as a rule, bags of cereals are transparent): there should be as few unpeeled grains in buckwheat as possible. Also take a closer look to see if there are any insects or their larvae in the croup, otherwise it will be extremely unpleasant to find such a “wonderful surprise” at home.
  4. Buckwheat grains must be whole. Some parents are sure that various cuts are much more useful, and it’s easier to cook them. But this is a wrong assumption, whole grains retain the greatest amount of useful components.
  5. And even more so, give up any buckwheat flakes and instant flour. This kind of food is clearly not going to help.

Do not forget that it is equally important to properly store cereals at home: pour buckwheat into a special container (even an ordinary glass jar will do) and close the lid tightly. So porridge will retain a pleasant taste, smell and its beneficial properties.

How to cook buckwheat porridge for the first feeding?

When it comes time to introduce different cereals into a portion of a baby, not only the right choice becomes important, but also cooking. And for this, the mother must definitely familiarize herself with the rules for feeding buckwheat porridge:

  • The first buckwheat porridge for crumbs must be without the addition of milk: this will greatly complicate the digestive processes.
  • Before cooking, carefully inspect the cereal for insects.
  • It is imperative to sort out buckwheat to remove all unpeeled grains (black). They are difficult to grind in a blender, and even one such tiny grain can lead to unpleasant consequences: the baby can choke.
  • Before cooking, do not forget to wash the buckwheat well, and several times (to clean water).
  • You need to cook porridge on water, and using only boiled or environmentally friendly water, you should never pour it from the tap.
  • For cooking, you can use a slow cooker - this will save mom's time.
  • Cooking time averages 35-45 minutes: always keep an eye on the porridge. The dish is considered ready when all the grains are well swollen, softened and increased. In this case, the croup becomes a little lighter.
  • Remember that in porridge for a small child there should be no salt, honey, sugar, jam, butter.

And of course, do not forget that you need to give your baby buckwheat starting from small portions, adhering to all the rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

Buckwheat porridge recipes for babies

There are two main ways to prepare buckwheat for babies as the first complementary foods. The recipes are very simple, even inexperienced moms and dads who cook for the baby for the first time can do it.

Option one:
  1. We take buckwheat groats, and directly in dry form, grind with a blender or coffee grinder into powder.
  2. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mass into a saucepan or bowl, and add 100 ml of water.
  3. We put it on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  4. Cooking time with this method is reduced - it is 20 minutes.
  5. After the porridge has cooled, you can feed the baby.
Option two:
  1. We take buckwheat, sort it out and wash it several times.
  2. Pour 200-300 ml of water into a saucepan, let it boil.
  3. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of prepared buckwheat into boiled water.
  4. Cooking time is on average about 35-45 minutes.
  5. Grind the finished porridge with a blender or pass through a strainer.
  6. Check for large lumps.
  7. When the porridge has cooled, we feed the baby.

Please note that in none of the recipes, any ingredients are added to the porridge, except for buckwheat and water. For each feeding, prepare a fresh portion; you can’t store the dish in the refrigerator “until tomorrow”.

It is also very important to know that with excessive intake of buckwheat porridge into a child's body, it can cause negative consequences: bloating, stool disorders, colic. Therefore, give this porridge to your baby in small portions once a day. If you experience any reactions to the introduction of such complementary foods, immediately contact your doctor for advice and recommendations on subsequent introductions of new products. But it’s better not to even think about self-medication, it can significantly disrupt the healthy functioning of the baby’s body.

Do not forget: only by maintaining children's health, you will become the happiest and most cheerful parents!

Natalia King, pediatrician, specially for website

Useful video:

Porridges enrich the body with a vitamin and mineral complex, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, contain dietary fiber that improves the functioning of the digestive tract. But not all cereals are recommended for the first feeding. You need to start with those that do not contain gluten (a protein that causes allergies). An ideal option is, for example, buckwheat porridge for babies. You can offer him a dish of corn or rice.

If there is a choice between buying a ready-made product or cooking it yourself, then you need to study all its positive and negative sides.

In store-bought products intended for young children, carbohydrates break down into simple particles, and this allows the natural sweetness of the product to be preserved. They are easily absorbed by the body. Grains are carefully selected, so you can be sure of their quality. But such cereals, proposed as the first complementary foods, can cause unwanted reactions in the body.

Complementary foods for children under one year old should be given with a spoon. Bottles should not be used, as food with this method of consumption is less kept in the mouth and immediately enters the stomach. This increases the risk of poor digestion, the development of pain and colic in the abdomen in a child.

It is best to start porridge in the morning before the main feeding with milk or formula. They give a boost of energy for the whole day, in addition, there will be an opportunity to observe the condition of the child.

The first porridge for a child up to a year old should be prepared from one cereal, without the addition of fruits, nuts, honey and other components. This will allow you to track the reaction of the body.

When the baby is 8 months old, one serving should be about 160 ml, by 8-9 months - about 170-180 ml, after 10 months you can already replace breastfeeding or formula with porridge (about 200 ml).

What kind of porridge is better to cook for the first time? If the baby is prone to constipation, then it is better to start with buckwheat or corn, but not with rice. After they are digested, you can try to cook cereals from cereals that include gluten (oatmeal and millet).

To know which cereals to start complementary foods with, you need to study the composition and characteristics of the effect on the body of each of them. For example, a feature of oatmeal is a high content of fats and fiber. It is recommended to cook for children who are not gaining weight well. But it is not suitable for the first feeding. It is better to introduce it when the child is 8-9 months old, otherwise the digestive organs will be harmed.

Semolina (millet) porridge contains less vitamins and minerals, it must be introduced upon reaching one year of age, given no more than twice a week. The harm lies in the fact that semolina reduces the absorption of calcium in the body, which can lead to a disease such as rickets.

You can try introducing a dish for complementary foods according to the following scheme.

  1. Start giving buckwheat or rice porridge with a teaspoon per day. A week later, a serving of porridge should be equal to seven tablespoons.
  2. The next week should be given porridge cooked from new cereals. You can completely replace the previous dish, or you can remove it gradually. For example, on the first day, mix 6 tablespoons of buckwheat with one spoon of corn porridge.
  3. From the third week, you can cook the dish with the addition of vegetables.

Cooking porridge for children for a couple or in a slow cooker helps to preserve all the valuable substances.

Useful properties of cereals and possible contraindications

What kind of porridge for children to start complementary foods with? Buckwheat is best for the first feeding due to the absence of gluten in the composition. It is difficult for the baby's digestive system to cope with such a protein, so a rash, diarrhea, and vomiting often occur.

The benefits of buckwheat are enormous. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains a lot of iron. It is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin, perfectly fights anemia. Buckwheat also contains a lot of magnesium and potassium, which positively affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels of the child. In addition, buckwheat contains calcium, which is necessary for the growth of healthy teeth and the entire skeletal system as a whole. B vitamins strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate and normalize blood circulation. Periodic use of this porridge by a child can increase his immunity.

Reactions in children from the body to buckwheat are extremely rare. You can introduce it into the diet from 4-6 months.

Rice porridge for babies is also suitable for first feeding, as it is considered a hypoallergenic product. The benefit of rice lies in the high content of complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with a lot of energy and strength. The cereal is able to remove toxins, so the work of the intestines is getting better in children. B vitamins have a calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Rice contains a lot of silicon, which is involved in the formation of teeth and stimulates hair growth.

Rice should be used with caution. The daily inclusion of this porridge in the diet can harm the body: calcium is washed out of the bones due to the high content of fluorine in rice. Rice has a fixing effect. Therefore, this product should not be introduced early into the diet of babies who are prone to constipation.

Corn porridge for babies is extremely useful and suitable for the first complementary foods. It contains a lot of vitamins, especially group B, which ensures a healthy nervous system. Corn increases resistance to various infections, strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, and improves tooth enamel. The dish is low-calorie and nutritious.

Moderate consumption of cornmeal can not affect the body in any way. Harm can occur due to an overabundance of the product in the diet. This leads to allergic reactions and problems with the digestive system. Corn contains a lot of phosphorus, daily consumption of porridge leads to poor absorption of calcium.

Usually this porridge is boiled in milk. It is not recommended to cook a dish from this cereal until the child is 7-8 months old.

Barley porridge contributes to the good functioning of the brain, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, enveloping the walls, stimulates intestinal motility, improves vision and promotes growth. The cereal contains vitamin D and fiber. For children under one year old, it is not recommended to give it because of the gluten content.

When offering a new product to an infant, you need to carefully monitor his behavior and condition. If he became capricious, diarrhea, vomiting appeared, rashes on the body are observed, you should stop using the introduced product and consult a specialist.

How to make a delicious dish yourself

You can make your own porridge. In this case, you can be sure of the composition, but you need to choose the right recipe suitable for the age of the child. Up to 8 months, you need to cook porridge in water, without sugar and salt.

The pre-selected cereals need to be sorted out, washed, dried and ground. Pour cold water (if rice and buckwheat are used) or pour into boiling water (if oatmeal or semolina). You need to cook until completely steamed over low heat.

After one year of age, you can start adding butter to the finished dish (the first piece is equal to a gram). After a year, you can cook porridge with whole milk.

To make buckwheat porridge for children up to a year tasty, it must be of the highest grade and have a light brown tint. Grains are ground using a blender or coffee grinder. Then you need to take the required amount of the resulting flour (1 tsp) and pour water (100 ml). Cook for 15 minutes, remembering to stir.

When the baby is 10 months old, you can not grind the cereal, also boil it in water. A little later, you can try the recipe with milk. For half a glass of buckwheat, take a whole glass of water. After the water boils, it is drained. Pour the same amount of milk and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Recipe for buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Transfer the grits into a bowl (1 cup), add milk (3 cups), add a pinch of salt and sugar. Set the desired mode and time - 45 minutes.

Rice porridge up to a year is recommended to be cooked in water. Then you can enter milk with water - 1: 1. A month after the product is digested, oil can be added to the finished dish. The calorie content of porridge in water is less (80 kcal) than that of porridge cooked in milk (120 kcal).

The recipe for porridge from rice on the water is simple. Sort rice, wash, grind. After that, pour water and cook for about 25 minutes. For 1 tsp. rice flour will need to take 100 ml of water.

The recipe for milk rice porridge for complementary foods is as follows. It will be necessary to bring a glass of water to a boil, pour 1.5 tbsp. l. rice. After it is cooked, it will need to be rubbed through a sieve, add half a glass of milk and cook for a few more minutes.

Rice porridge for children can be cooked in a slow cooker. The recipe involves several steps. Add rice to the bowl, pour water and milk, pour 1 tsp. Sahara. Set the desired mode and time - 15 minutes. After readiness, you can grind and add butter.

Corn porridge for babies on the water cooked in the following way. Salt the water a little, add a pinch of sugar and bring to a boil. Pour in cornmeal or grits. In order not to form lumps, all three minutes, while the porridge is cooking, it must be stirred. After that, add oil and leave to languish.

Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker. Pour the cereal into a bowl, add salt and oil. Pour in milk and water. Set mode and time. After the porridge is cooked, you need to set the heating mode and leave for a while.

Barley porridge is cooked for 40 minutes. The recipe is simple. Beforehand, the cereals must be thoroughly washed and poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Stirring occasionally, cook until the water has completely evaporated.

If you know the basic properties of a particular cereal, then you can easily answer the question of which cereal you can start complementary foods with. The body of each baby develops in its own way, so you do not need to rely on the advice of others, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Complementary foods in the form of porridge have a high energy value and are a storehouse of proteins, fiber, various vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat porridge for babies is a source of protein, iron and iodine. Of all the known cereals, it is the most useful. That is why buckwheat porridge for babies is given one of the first.

Buckwheat has a number of useful qualities and properties:

  1. Buckwheat is a very high-calorie product, according to this criterion, it leads among all other cereals.
  2. It contains a lot of iron, iodine, phosphorus, copper, as well as B and PP vitamins.
  3. Rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins contain many amino acids, due to which buckwheat is equated in value with meat, as well as eggs. Carbohydrates provide energy for the whole day.
  4. Contains a lot of fiber, good for the intestines.
  5. Very rarely causes allergies, so it can be considered hypoallergenic.

Can buckwheat hurt?

In very rare cases, buckwheat can cause an allergic reaction. In case of individual intolerance in a baby, this product must be canceled for 2 weeks. With the abuse of buckwheat porridge, a child may experience bloating, flatulence and intestinal disorders. To avoid such unpleasant moments, it is necessary to observe the permissible dosages of products.

When and how to introduce buckwheat into complementary foods?

Usually, after 6 months of life, a baby is no longer enough to feed milk alone. That is why the introduction of complementary foods begins from 5-6 months. Complementary foods can begin with both cereals and vegetable purees. It is customary to introduce cereals at 6-7 months. It is at this age that it is best to introduce the baby to buckwheat porridge.

How to give buckwheat porridge to a child for the first time?

If you are giving buckwheat for the first time, follow our recommendations:

  • Give buckwheat in the morning, as it is very nutritious. If you give a new product in the morning, then it is possible to observe until the evening whether the baby has an allergy.
  • Formula or breast milk should only be given after the baby has eaten complementary foods. For the first time, porridge is boiled in water and nothing can be added to it - no milk, no butter, no sugar, no salt.
  • Buckwheat porridge for complementary foods is suitable for daily use, but not more than 1 time per day.
  • Perhaps it will fit for the first complementary foods and ready-made porridge for infants of industrial production, bought in a store. If porridge is enriched with useful substances, but does not contain unnecessary impurities, then it will be even more useful than home-cooked porridge. But first, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the composition of the porridge and carefully monitor the reaction of the baby after feeding.

If the package does not say that the porridge is dairy-free and does not contain milk products, then it is better not to take it for the first feeding.

  • For the very first time, you should not give your child more than 0.5 teaspoon of porridge in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction. With each subsequent time, the portion should be made more by 0.5-1 teaspoon. And so on until the portion is 160 grams (in 7-8 months), 200 grams (in 1 year).
  • Porridge for feeding is given only fresh, but not yesterday.
  • At the very beginning, buckwheat porridge for the first feeding should be liquid, resembling milk. Children can drink such porridge from a bottle. But feeding porridge with a spoon is recommended. You can gradually make it thicker.
  • If an infant refuses buckwheat porridge, do not force him! You should try to introduce complementary foods the next day.

Allergic reaction to buckwheat

To prevent a negative reaction to buckwheat, it is important to comply with certain of the above requirements. Within 2-3 weeks after the start of the introduction of buckwheat, you should not offer your baby new products. If a child has neurological diseases, then any product, including buckwheat, can cause intestinal upset. In the event of any negative reaction, buckwheat complementary foods are immediately canceled for a period of at least 2 weeks.

To facilitate the perception of buckwheat by the body, it is allowed to add milk formula or breast milk to the porridge for the child (but only 2 weeks after the start of the introduction of the product). Cow's milk can also cause allergies, so for children with allergies, it is added to porridge with extreme caution, and it is recommended to introduce it closer to 1 year of age.

How to cook buckwheat porridge for babies?

So, how to cook porridge for the first feeding:

  1. Before you cook buckwheat porridge for babies, take the highest grade cereal, sort it out, wash and dry it.
  2. Using a coffee grinder or blender, turn the cereal into flour.
  3. Put 1 teaspoon of buckwheat flour in a saucepan and fill it with 100 ml of water.
  4. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Cool the cooked food and feed the baby.
  6. Any food for babies should be cooked on the stove or in a slow cooker (steamer), in no case using a microwave oven, because. its radiation can adversely affect the quality of cooked food.

Porridge for the first feeding should be liquid. How to cook it liquid? Follow the proportions above and don't add anything else.

Buckwheat porridge with milk for children from 1 year old

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of buckwheat, 1.5 cups of water, 0.5 cups of milk, 10 grams of butter, salt and sugar to taste.

Preparation: fill the cereal with water, bring it to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat with the lid closed until the water is absorbed. Add milk to the porridge. Let the porridge boil a second time. Salt, add sugar, butter. Mix everything and remove the pan from the heat. If necessary, grind the porridge with a blender or using a sieve.

Ready-made baby cereals

Ready-made cereals for feeding are very popular, and for good reason. Sometimes, in their usefulness, they are superior to homemade cereals cooked in a domestic setting. And the preparation of such dishes takes a minimum of time and effort. The choice of ready-made cereals is huge: dairy, dairy-free cereals, with one type of cereals and multi-cereals.

How to cook instant buckwheat porridge? The preparation method is described in detail on the packaging.

Ready-made buckwheat porridge for babies may contain dried and chopped fruits or vegetables. It is important to pay attention to this, because. at the beginning of the introduction of a particular complementary food, the product should be served as an independent dish without any additives.


Buckwheat porridge is the queen of all cereals. Buckwheat is the very first of all cereals given to children for feeding. This healthy cereal is rich in nutrients and vitamins. It very rarely causes an allergic reaction. Both home-made buckwheat porridge and ready-made children's porridge purchased at the store are allowed.

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