Home Garden on the windowsill Pilea Ellen. Pilea - such different and amazing leaves. Flowering and fruiting

Pilea Ellen. Pilea - such different and amazing leaves. Flowering and fruiting

Pilea is a deciduous perennial plant that belongs to the Nettle family. It is highly valued by flower growers for its variety of species, unpretentiousness and attractive appearance. Depending on the species, the plant may be a shrub, shrub or herb. If home care for the small-leaved pilea is up to par, it will respond with rapid growth and an abundance of flowers.

Pilea monetifolia

Pilea monetifolia (or Japanese dollar) is on the list of the most popular species of this plant. In its natural environment, the flower grows in the tropical forests of South America, which fully explains the features of care. Such a pilea needs shading and a lot of moisture.

Pilea monolifolia flower

This perennial plant belongs to the ground cover. You can recognize it by creeping stems, on which rounded leaves with small petioles are located. The flower got its name for the visual similarity of leaves with coins. Their diameter can vary and reach 1 cm. The upper part of the leaves is colored bright green, and the lower part is purple-red.

Pilea small-leaved

Another plant with creeping drooping branches is the small-leaved pilea. On succulent strongly branched shoots there are a large number of small leaves. Their sizes most often reach 0.3-0.5 cm.

The oval leaves are light green in color and have a slight bulge. Their surface is smooth and glossy, which makes the openwork bush even more attractive.

Note! Such a flower is often used for cascading decoration and combining with tall flowers with standing stems.

Creeping Pilea

This is a houseplant. It has a bushy structure, but rarely exceeds 25 cm in height. The succulent stems of the flower are painted dark purple. Pilea indoor flower leaves are opposite. They are characterized by an oblong shape and can reach a length of 2.5 cm. The edge of the sheet has an uneven wavy pattern.

As for the color of the leaves of the creeping pilea, it is somewhat different from the color of the previously named species. The upper surface of the sheet is painted in a dark green brown shade with a slight copper tint. The leaves are completely purple underneath. The veins are clearly defined, so the surface of the sheet resembles a quilt.

Creeping Pilea

Pilea Silver

This variety has several names: Silver, Kadie or Kadiera. This flower belongs to bushy plants with erect, highly branched stems, the height of which reaches an average of 40 cm.

The oval leaves can grow up to 20 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. Their edges are slightly wavy, and the tip is strongly pointed. The leaf blade is smooth and slightly glossy to the touch.

Note! Flower growers Kadiera attracts with an unusual color: two wide intermittent silver stripes pass on a dark green leaf. It is thanks to this feature that the flower got the name Pilea Silver, which means “silver” in English.

Pilea Silver

Pilea Lebanese

This variety belongs to ampelous plants. The brown shoots of the Lebanese Pilea spread along the ground and create a dense carpet. Egg-shaped leaves grow in large numbers on the shoots. Their upper surface is painted in a silvery-green color, and the lower one is bright green.

Pilea Lebanese

Home care

The advantage of the pilea as an indoor flower is unpretentiousness. Regardless of the type, the plant takes root well in almost any apartment. It can be grown in a flower pot, on a stand or in a hanging planter. Serious mistakes in care can lead to the death of a flower, however, slight discrepancies with the recommendations will not affect its appearance and active growth.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Good lighting is one of the basic requirements for keeping flowers alive. Pilea loves bright light, but it should be diffused. Direct ultraviolet rays can be fatal for her. The best place to place it in the house will be windows facing the west or east side.

In the warm season, the pot can be taken out into the street, but you need to make sure that this place is shaded. In winter, with a lack of light, it is recommended to turn on additional lighting. Otherwise, the leaves may change color to a darker one.

In city apartments, the air temperature is approximately the same all year round, so the heat-loving pilea actively grows and blooms even in winter. The optimum temperature for it is considered to be 25 ° C. There are exceptions, for example, small-leaved pileas, for which the air temperature can be lowered to 10-15 ° C.

Important! Drafts to these shrubs and herbs are categorically not recommended, especially in the cold season.

Humidity and watering features

Strict control over the level of humidity is not required. The air in the apartments is quite suitable for the vital activity of flowers. As an exception, it is worth mentioning the summer heat in regions with low humidity. To avoid drying out, green spaces must be moistened. You can do this in several ways:

  • installation of humidifiers;
  • installation of containers with moss nearby;
  • installation on the windowsill of small containers filled with water.

When watering, the following principle should be followed: soil moisture should be below average. All types of these shrubs and herbs tolerate mild drought well. The frequency of watering largely depends on the rate of drying of the soil.

Important! Watering is necessary after the soil in the pot is dry. All water that has accumulated in the pan must be poured out immediately.

Pruning and transplant

The rapid growth of branches can lead to the fact that without regular pruning, the bush will lose its decorative qualities and turn into a clump of tangled shoots. Pruning is carried out regularly as the branches grow. Cut cuttings can be used for subsequent planting.

Note! Pruning is also used when the flower has long branches. After pinching the tops, the plant turns out to be more bushy and lush.

The peculiarity of the pilea of ​​all kinds is that they quickly degenerate. Over time, the shoots become long, and there are fewer leaves on them. This leads to a loss of attractiveness of the bush. To avoid this, with the next pinching, the cut parts must be rooted and used to grow new shoots. Thanks to this approach, the plant will be imperceptibly updated.

Propagation with cuttings and seeds

All types of this culture reproduce in two ways.

  • With the help of cuttings. For transplanting pilea, freshly cut shoots are used. The length of the branch should be about 10 cm. At the same time, it should have two or three pairs of leaves. You can put the cut parts in water for several days, or you can immediately dig into the ground. In most cases, the cuttings take root well and quickly and give roots. When this happens, it is better to put the pot in a cool place for 10-14 days.
  • With the help of seeds. If this propagation method is chosen, the seeds should be purchased at a specialized store. At home, when flowering, they cannot ripen to the end. The prepared seeds are sprinkled a little with peat and sand and covered with a film or glass on top. In this state, they are until the moment of germination (it takes about four weeks). Seedlings are placed in pots and watered regularly.

Diseases and pests

Some diseases of these green spaces occur due to improper care.

  • The appearance of dry leaves indicates insufficient watering and lack of moisture.
  • Soft stems, blackening and wilting leaves often appear with excessive moisture. The solution to the problem will be more rare watering.
  • transparent leaves. Such changes occur in bright light.
  • Darkening of the leaf plates and dry areas of the plant sometimes occur in the absence of the right amount of sun.
  • If a yellow or brown spot appears on the leaf, this indicates sunburn.

You can solve this or that problem if you take care of the flower, taking into account all the recommendations.

Pests that are dangerous to the plant are spider mites, thrips and scale insects.

Important! A condition in which only the lower leaves fall off a flower is considered the norm.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned care features, all varieties of pilea are often recommended for beginner gardeners, as well as those people who cannot devote much time to caring for green spaces.

Pilea is a genus of perennials and annuals of the Nettle family. Its natural habitat is the tropical forests of almost the entire planet. Plants are so diverse that it is sometimes difficult to group them under one name. They are herbaceous and semi-shrub forms with embossed or variegated leaves. Caring for a pilea is quite simple. Thanks to graceful leaves, it touches with unusual beauty all year round.

plant description

Pilea is a tropical crop grown in our latitudes at room conditions. The plant, covered with charming decorative foliage, grows no more than 40 cm in height. It forms compact rosettes with branched, straight or creeping stems. Leaves on flexible petioles are arranged oppositely. They are round, oblong or ovoid in shape. There are hairless or pubescent varieties. Depending on the species, the size of the sheet can vary greatly. It ranges from 3 mm in diameter to 5-10 cm in length. The edges of the leaves are serrated or entire.

In summer, small racemose inflorescences with tiny, inconspicuous flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves. Corollas that are yellowish, pink or creamy green attract little attention. In sunny weather, it is enough to touch the flowers, as a small cloud of pollen rises into the air. Pollen is transferred to neighboring plants and pollinates them.

After pollination, small seed pods ripen. An interesting feature of the pilea is to distribute ripened fruits. They have long sterile stamens, which, under the weight of a ripe fruit, straighten up and, like a catapult, throw seeds over long distances. The fact of distribution of fruits at a distance of 100 m was recorded.

Pilea species

Pilea is very diverse, there are more than 400 varieties in the genus. Sometimes they are very different from each other. Some of the types:

An elegant herbaceous plant is distinguished by a strict pattern on oblong leaves. The leaf plate with serrate edges is painted in dark green. In the central part along the veins are symmetrical whitish spots. The leaf length reaches 10 cm, and the width is 4-5 cm. Thin flexible shoots are densely covered with glossy foliage and often hang. The decorative variety "Minima" is a miniature copy of the Cadie Pilea. It completely copies its shapes and colors, but more than 2 times smaller than the main one.

A tiny plant has a dense erect stem. On it on long petioles are rounded leaves. In shape, they are similar to the leaves of water lilies. The glossy surface is translucent with a mesh of embossed veins. The foliage is painted in a rich bright green color.

The plant has fleshy, upright shoots of a pink or green hue. On the branches close to each other there are many tiny leaves 3-5 mm long. The fleshy shiny leaves transmit light and have a bright green color. Thanks to them, the plant is very decorative and has an openwork appearance.

The ground cover perennial consists of creeping shoots with miniature soft rounded leaves. The diameter of silver-green leaves does not exceed 1 cm. They form a continuous hat and resemble a dense green carpet.

Perennial with lodging shoots grows up to 20 cm in height. It is distinguished by thickened leaf blades of light green color. The leaves are mottled with a network of grooves along the veins, so it seems that there are blistering growths on the leaf. The recesses are tinted with burgundy or brown. Teeth are visible along the edge of the sheet, and the end is elongated and pointed.


Pilea can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. It is almost impossible to get mature seeds at home, and it is not always possible to get them in stores. Germinate seed material in containers with sandy-peat soil. They are deepened by 0.5 cm and the container is covered with a film. Entries appear within 3-4 weeks. Plants are thinned out, and with the advent of 4 true leaves, dive into separate pots. For young pili, it is especially important to maintain high humidity. Without it, they quickly die.

For amateur flower growers, the cutting method is more suitable. Throughout the year, you can cut the tops of shoots 5-8 cm long. Each cutting should have 2-4 pairs of leaves. Root them in water. With the advent of the first roots, the plants are planted in humus-rich soil with plenty of sand. The cuttings are kept under a cap, but regularly aired. When the flower takes root well and starts to sprout, it is taught to grow without shelter within 10-12 days.

Home care

Pilea is planted in small, shallow pots with loose, well-drained soil. The plant prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil. Soddy soil, leafy humus, sand and peat should be added to the soil mixture. A thick layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot. The rhizome of the pilea is located shallow from the surface, so it is impossible to deepen the plant too much. A flower transplant is produced in the spring, every 1-2 years.

Lighting. Pilea does not like direct sunlight on the leaves. Partial shade or diffused light is preferred. The flower is placed in the back of the room or on the eastern, western window sills. In summer, piles are exposed to the street or balcony. Shelter and draft protection required.

Temperature. Pilea does not tolerate heat well, the environment should be moderately warm. It is advisable not to raise the temperature near the plant above +25°C. In winter, a cool content is recommended at a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C.

Humidity. Pilaea live in the tropics, so they need high humidity (65% or more). At the same time, it is not recommended to spray the crown so as not to damage the leaves. Use pallets with water, wet expanded clay or moss, as well as humidifiers. The earth and leaves should not come into contact with water.

Watering. Let the top layer of soil dry out between waterings. At the same time, the roots do not withstand severe drought. Water the plants with well-purified, soft water. Excess liquid should immediately leave the soil and the pan.

Fertilizer. In spring and summer, the pilea actively increases its green mass and needs regular feeding. A solution of mineral fertilizer for decorative leafy plants is poured into the ground twice a month. Even in winter, top dressing does not stop completely. Apply half of the fertilizer every month.

Pruning and rejuvenation. Pilea stems grow quite quickly, while their lower part may become bare and lose their attractiveness. To keep the bushes compact, they are cut regularly, thereby stimulating the formation of side shoots. After 3-4 years, the pilea is rejuvenated. Cut cuttings are rooted, and the old plant is destroyed.

Possible difficulties

Pilea is sensitive to soil flooding and is easily affected by powdery mildew. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for watering and humidifying the air. When a grayish coating appears on the leaves and stem, as well as a putrid odor, they are pruned and treated with a fungicide.

If the leaves of the pilea began to wrinkle and fall off, then the temperature regime in the room was violated. It is necessary to increase or decrease the temperature to +20…+25°C. The leaves turn pale and lose their variegated color when the light is too bright. With a lack of light, the leaves become smaller, and the shoots are strongly drawn out.

Among the many types of pilea, its small-leaved form is the most popular among flower growers, since it is almost undemanding to care for. In addition to the fact that the flower is not considered capricious, it is still quite hardy and decorates the interior with luxurious small foliage. Although the culture does not have a long life span, obtaining new plants is not difficult.

Botanical description of a houseplant

Small-leaved pilea (microphylla pilea) is a herbaceous perennial species belonging to the Nettle family.

Did you know? Small-leaved saws have another, “folk”, name - an artillery tree. These plants have an amazing feature: during the period of blooming buds, upon contact with a flower, it begins to shoot small clouds of pollen, spreading it over great distances.

Pilea has the following appearance characteristics:

  • the culture is bushy, grows about 15 cm in height, but some specimens can stretch up to 35–40 cm;
  • shoots straight or creeping, thin, densely branching from the base;
  • foliage light green, fleshy, opposite, tiny (5 mm) to larger (50 mm); the appearance of the leaves is lanceolate, oval-shaped or perfectly round; on top, the leaves are convex, with a glossy sheen, with solid or serrated edges;
  • flowers - unisexual inflorescences-brushes, having inconspicuous, small flowers, sitting in the axils of the leaves.

Conditions for growing at home

There are some requirements for keeping saws in an apartment, taking into account their location, lighting, temperature and humidity levels.

Placement and lighting

Pilea small-leaved as an indoor culture can be placed in different places:

  • in florariums, winter gardens and on display windows, placing flowerpots taking into account the East-West orientation;
  • it looks great as an ampel culture on glazed loggias or balconies (in winter), and in warm weather it needs to be taken out to the terrace;
  • Pilea is a decorative and deciduous indoor flower, so it should not be placed on a windowsill with direct sunlight, but it is better to find a place in a room nearby, because due to the direct rays of the sun, the foliage may fade and even discolor, making the flower unattractive; sunburn may also occur;
  • an excellent option would be to place the bush against the background of other plants strewn with bright flowers, from which the pilea will only benefit;
  • in summer, small-leaved pileas will be beneficially affected by relocation to an open space, where in the garden, in partial shade from the foliage of trees, they can be planted in stone flowerpots.

Did you know?The literal translation from the Latin name of all varieties of pilea sounds very funny - “felt hat”. On closer examination, in many species of culture, the tepals really look like small hoods.

Temperature regime

This culture, although it has a tropical origin, still prefers a somewhat cool content: in summer - + 18 ... + 23 ° С, in winter - + 16 ... + 18 ° С. Drafts should not be allowed in the rooms where the piles are located.

Air humidity

When the houseplant in question is kept in optimal conditions, it does not require high air humidity. But at a constant temperature in the room above + 25 ° C, the heat and dryness of the air can be detrimental to the flower. If the pilea is not grown throughout the year in a cool microclimate, then the humidity level will need to be increased both during the hot period and during the operation of the heating devices in the apartment.

It is important to remember that the flower does not tolerate spraying., so you have to use air humidifiers in the room, or put the flowerpot on wet expanded clay or moss laid out on a pallet (the bottom of the flowerpot should not come into contact with water).

Features of care

The plant has its own care requirements in an apartment. They consist in optimal watering, fertilizer, bush formation and timely transplanting.


The advantage of the described culture is its ability to grow at an unstable level of moisture: the plant tolerates a short drought. But too much pause between moisture, as well as excessive watering and waterlogging of the soil, negatively affects the health of the bush. Flower overflows in winter will be especially dangerous.

The most optimal soil condition for the crop under consideration between waterings is the complete drying of the upper part of the earthen clod in a pot and a slightly moist substrate in its lower part. The culture should be watered with soft, slightly warm (+20 ... + 22 ° С), settled water 1-2 times a week. Water from the pan after watering should be drained immediately.

Important!To increase the benefits of watering for the pilea, you can use melted water at room temperature.

top dressing

Feeding is needed for pilea throughout the year.. Even at the end of active vegetation, the bush does not go into a state of complete rest. Therefore, in order to maintain the attractiveness of the foliage, to prevent the stretching of the shoots and the loss of decorativeness, it is necessary to regularly replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil mixture.

Top dressing is applied according to the following scheme:

  • in winter, the plant is fed once a month;
  • from March to October - once a week.
Pilea is fed with both universal fertilizers and liquid mixtures for decorative and deciduous crops (according to the dosages recommended by manufacturers).


In order for the indoor culture to bush and not stretch, it is periodically plucked or pruned, removing the elongated shoots. It is important even at the initial stages of growth of young shoots to correctly give the bush the desired, symmetrical shape.


Pilea is able to quickly degenerate: its bushes can lose their compactness, stretch out, exposing the bases of the stems, which is why the plant loses its holistic appearance and attractiveness. For this reason, it is recommended to renew the flower every year at the same time (between March and July), planting a new bush grown from cuttings of the previous one.

Important!When transplanting a pilea into soil prepared by oneself, it is necessary to disinfect it by calcining it in an oven or pouring it with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

When transplanting the described indoor flowers, the following technology must be observed:

How to propagate a plant

Propagated by cuttings and seeds. It is almost impossible to get well-ripened plant seeds at home. You can't always find them in stores either.

If you still managed to get them, then you can try to grow a culture from seeds as follows:

  1. Prepare containers for germination with sandy-peat soil and a drainage layer at the bottom.
  2. Make 0.5 cm indentations in each container, plant a seed in them and lightly crush with soil.
  3. Cover all containers with foil.
  4. Entries will appear in 3-4 weeks.
  5. When four true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be picked into separate small pots.

High humidity in the room is very important for young Pileyas, otherwise they can quickly die. To do this, install aquariums or room humidifiers near plants.

For propagation by cuttings, the following steps are necessary:

Difficulties in growing

Among the possible difficulties in the content of small-leaved culture are the following problems:

Pilea small-leaved among flower growers is not in vain called a favorite room culture. Her curly plants, although they do not have too catchy foliage, are able to influence the calm atmosphere in the apartment. If you follow all the above tips, then this modest decorative flower will serve as a decoration for your home interior for a long time.

Houseplants are able to revive and decorate the room. Even the smallest of them can please the eye every day. Pilea, though a small flower, but he is able to cope with the tasks. Many species with colorful and shiny leaves will be a real decoration of your flower collection. However, even for such an unpretentious plant, you need to find the right approach.

Origin and appearance of the pilea

Pilea is the most numerous genus in the vast Nettle family. This modest plant, according to some sources, has more than 600 species. In nature, there are herbaceous and shrubby forms that live from a year or more.

The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bPilea is huge - subtropics, tropics, warm areas with a temperate climate. But, unfortunately, the exceptions are New Zealand and Australia - the pilea is not found there. In habitats, the plant prefers to hide in semi-shady and humid forest places.

Pilea is a small plant. Semi-shrub species grow only up to 40 cm in height. Varieties creeping along the ground have well-branched shoots from the base. The stems are juicy and fleshy, but very fragile. A short petiole connects opposite leaves to the stem. The shape, size, color and structure of the leaf blade depend on the species.

The name "Pilea" is translated very funny. Literally translated, it sounds like a "felt hat." If you look closely, in many species you can see a perianth leaf, similar to a hood.

Pilea flowers are small and inconspicuous. They are located in the axils singly or in the form of inflorescences, similar to loose panicles or umbrellas.

Due to the interesting feature of the small-leaved pilea flowers, salute with a cloud of pollen during blooming, the plant is also called the artillery tree.

Pilea was introduced into indoor floriculture in the 18th century. The plant easily adapted to home conditions and caring for it is not difficult. Even a novice florist can grow this cute flower. Pilea is used for landscaping not only residential premises. A variety of varieties will replenish the collection of any winter garden, decorate the workplace and look harmonious in any flower arrangement.

Types and varieties of pilea

The huge species diversity of pili implies the presence of a variety of leaf shapes and textures: ovoid, broadly lanceolate, oval, with a serrated or crenate leaf edge, with a glossy surface or pubescent. The same can be said about the color scheme.

Table: types of pilea

Kinds Description
Herbaceous plant with elongated creeping shoots
up to 50 cm. Bright green rounded leaves with a shiny surface
and a crenate edge are small in size - about 1 cm.
The leaf plate looks uneven and slightly bumpy due to
veins pressed into it
A bushy plant up to 40 cm high. The shoots are thin and flexible, in
at a young age they grow straight, and then bend down a little,
acquiring an ampelous form. Leaves are quite large
10 cm. The upper side of the sheet plate has a characteristic
silvery pattern that contrasts well with the green background
Low-growing herbaceous plant 15 cm high. Spreading shoots
and strongly branched. Small numerous oval leaves
give the plant an openwork appearance. The overgrown flower resembles a fern
Shrub with erect shoots 30 cm high. Plant
decorative. Leaf plate with serrated edges due to
many depressed veins looks wrinkled. Colour
light green with copper coating
Very different from their relatives. Has an upright stem
30 cm high, which eventually becomes woody at the base.
Branches weakly. Leaves on long petioles are rounded,
shiny surface and rich green color. As the leaves age
fall down and expose the trunk, which is why the plant resembles a small palm tree
A low plant only 20 cm high. Of particular interest are
oval-shaped leaves with a serrated edge. Their surface is
structure resembles the skin of a reptile. Matte velvety surface
leaf plate is painted in bright green, on which
red-brown streaks stand out in contrast
Ground cover species, forming a dense layer on the surface of the earth
rug. Tiny, up to 6 mm, light green leaves give
plant original curly appearance

Table: Pilea hybrid varieties

Many types of pili have become the initial forms for the creation of many hybrids, which are distinguished by their original color and excellent adaptability to various conditions of detention.

Video: Peperomium Pilea

Video: Pilea Kadie

Photo gallery: a variety of shapes and colors of pilea

Pilea peperomia in a pot

Seasonal content

Despite the unpretentiousness of the pilea, it is necessary for it to withstand the necessary conditions, depending on the season. This is especially true for moisturizing and lighting the plant.

Table: what conditions are required for pileas depending on the season

Season Temperature Humidity Lighting
Spring Pilea, which is cultivated as
indoor plant, comfortable
feels at a temperature
25 °C throughout the year. AT
summer period flower s
happy to move from
rooms on the balcony, but in a secluded
corner protected from drafts and
Tropican loves a high
humidity, although some
time can endure and dry
air. Her spiky leaves
covered with hairs, not
tolerate accumulations of moisture,
so spraying the flower is not
need. During hot periods
air humidity needs to be increased
special devices for
moisturizing or just put
pot on a pallet with wet
filler, but in this
case, care must be taken to
the water was below
drainage hole. Can
put near the pilea
wet sand container
Pilea develops very well
in light shade. Bright sun
can leave burns on
tender leaves. Therefore, on the south
side can not do without shading.
East and West - these are the directions
where the plant will feel
the best thing
Autumn In winter, the temperature should not
fall below 16°C. The most
optimal atmosphere for
plants - this is evidence
thermometer at around 20 ° C.
During this period, for the pilea, especially
drafts are contraindicated.
Pilea peperomia can
tolerate lower
temperature up to 10 °С
Moisturize in autumn
there is no special need for drinking.
The exception is
heating period
In winter, for a pilea, you need
more light, so put
pot with a plant in the most
bright room. Can
use phytolamps

Pilea and florarium

Pilea is the best suited for keeping in florariums. It is compact, gets along well with other plants and easily adapts to the microclimate inside the vessel. It can be grown both in open and closed florarium.

Pilea is ideal for florariums

Landing and transplant

Pilea grows very fast. A young seedling is able to reach optimal size in 1 growing season. Therefore, the plant is transplanted almost annually. Although many gardeners do this once every 2-3 years, maintaining the optimal flower shape with pruning. The most suitable period for transplanting is spring and the first half of summer.

To choose the right new container for planting or transplanting, you should carefully study the structure of the root system of the pilea. The roots of the plant are compact and tender, located superficially. Based on these data, we select a shallow pot (no more than 10 cm deep, and best of all - 7.5 cm), but wide, and always with drainage holes. The material from which the pot is made does not matter.

The soil mixture for planting and transplanting should be chosen light and loose, with good air and moisture conductivity. In the store you can buy universal soil for decorative leafy plants. But you can make your own mixture. Combine and mix well the following components, taken in equal parts:

  • peat,
  • humus,
  • sod land,
  • coarse sand.

Do not forget to disinfect the composition. To do this, the soil can be calcined, or you can use the freezing method.

And the final touch is drainage. This is a prerequisite, since the delicate root system easily deteriorates from stagnant moisture. Drainage should be chosen as the smallest fraction, since the pots have a small volume.

Step by step transplant

  1. We lay 2 or 3 cm of a drainage layer on the bottom of the tank, and a disinfected substrate on top.
  2. As carefully as possible, trying not to injure the roots, we remove the saw from the old pot and transfer it to a new one. For a fragile plant, the transshipment method is more suitable.
  3. We add the remaining soil mixture on the sides.
  4. We do not compact the soil! It is enough to spill the substrate with water so that it sags and fills the voids, and then add the earth.
  5. We do not bury the plant.

Is support needed?

Pilea plant is small, therefore, as a rule, it does not need support. But you can dream up a little and direct the shoots of the ampelous plant up. To do this, a small stick wrapped in moss must be fixed in a pot and the shoots carefully fixed on it.

Pilea Care

The unpretentiousness of the pilea does not relieve the grower from the obligation to care for the plant.


Pilea must be watered, observing one rule - it is better to underfill than overfill. The plant is able to tolerate a slight drying of the soil, in contrast to waterlogging. Before the next watering, the earth should dry out by almost half the volume.

In winter, when moistening the soil, you need to be careful at all. At low temperatures, moisture evaporates slowly, which, if the irrigation regime is not observed, can lead to waterlogging of the earth and pilea disease. To avoid such situations, you need to moisturize on the 2nd or 3rd day after the substrate has dried.

Water only with well-settled water. If it is possible to use melt water, this will benefit the plant. The temperature of the moisture intended for irrigation should be 20–22 ° С.


Fertilizers from March to August are applied once a week and a half. Complex liquid fertilizers used for decorative and deciduous plants are suitable for top dressing. The concentration of top dressing is maintained according to the instructions.

In the autumn-winter period, the number of dressings is reduced to 1 time per month.

Pilea flowering period

Pilea flowering at home - a rare process, but quite possible if favorable conditions are created for the plant. The plant usually blooms in summer. The process is very modest: small and monochromatic flowers are almost invisible among the bright decorative leaves.

Withered flowers must be carefully pinched off so that they do not spoil the overall impression.

Pilea rest period

Pilea does not retire in winter, but continues to grow actively. If there is a desire to send the plant for forced rest, then it is best to do this between October and February. To do this, the temperature is reduced to 18–20 ° C in order to suspend the physiological processes in the plant. Watering is strictly controlled to avoid root rot, the air around the plant is not moistened.

Shaping and trimming

For a fast-growing pilea, shaping pruning is a must. If this is not done, then the plant will lose its compact size, the shoots will stretch out, will be exposed, and the pilea will lose all attractiveness.

To form a lush bush, pinching the shoots is carried out. Usually the procedure is carried out at the very beginning of spring, until the period of active growth has begun. It is useful to combine pruning with a transplant.

Pilea care mistakes

With all the simplicity in caring for a pilea, annoying mistakes happen that can lead to disastrous results. But if the mistake is eliminated in a timely manner, then the lost appearance can be easily restored.

Table: Common Pilea Care Mistakes and How to Eliminate Them

Mistake Cause elimination
The leaves are wrinkled and
then fall off
  • The room temperature is not correct:
    too high or vice versa, low;
  • Overdrying of the substrate
Pilea feels great with
average temperature of 25 ° C on
throughout the year. try
bring room temperature
back to normal, and also water the plant,
following the rules
Leaves turn pale
become lethargic
Excessive lightingPilea loves bright but scattered
light. Lightly shade a standing plant
in the active sun
Leaves lose color
shrink, run away
are drawn out
lack of lightingPilea, although it grows well with
diffused light, but shade intolerant.
This is especially true for species with
colored leaves. If not
ability to keep the plant
appropriate lighting, use
appear on the leaves
yellow dry patches
sunburn marksIf they fall into the place where the flower is kept
sun rays, use for
shading with a light curtain or curtain
The leaves turn black
become soft and
fall off
Excessive soil moistureFollow the rules for watering. Before
the next moistening of the soil should
dry out
lower leaves
fall off but young
show up on time and
well developed
natural processWith rapid growth for the pilea, this
standard situation to correct
pruning will help
The leaves have fallen and
lost elasticity
Insufficient wateringFrequent drying out of the soil can destroy
plant. Set up a watering schedule
based on temperature readings

Pilea diseases and pests

Pilea is a hardy plant, and if you follow the simple rules of care, it will delight you with bright colors and magnificent forms. But failure to comply with the simplest requirements will cause the flower to weaken, and, as a result, diseases may develop and pests may appear.

Harmful insects are very difficult to see on the bright and wrinkled leaves of the pilea, so you need to inspect the plant often and carefully, especially if it is exposed to fresh air in the summer.

Table: diseases and pests characteristic of the pilea

Diseases and
Cause Symptoms Control measures Prevention
Root and stem rotWith frequent watering
soil, especially in
cold room,
rot develops
roots and stems
caused by fungi
The soil is moist
condition, but the plant
looks droopy and
lifeless. The roots are starting
rot, stems
soften at the base
leaves become watery
fall off
Replant the plant immediately
to a new land.
Treat with Topaz
Study carefully
watering rules and
put them into practice
spider mitehigh
air temperature
in conjunction with
humidity is
environment for
The pest pierces the leaf and
sucks juices, after which
remain at the puncture site
points. As they grow, they
coalesce into large patches.
Leaves become
lifeless and falling.
Finding a tick is easy
thin cobweb, which
appears on the stems and
back side of the sheet
Treat the plant
Aktara, Fufanon or
Decis according to the instructions
Keep around
flower required level
If the pest is
showed up, deal with
a warm shower will help.
After the water treatment
do not rush to put
drink in place. shake off
water from the leaves of the plant
and give them all
dry out
Mealybugattacked by pest
the plant is rapidly weakening, its
growth stops.
Signs of infection
are white, similar to
cotton wool sticky secretions that
leaves a worm
Deal with a pest
Aktara will help. Solution
cook according to instructions
thripsSmall black or gray
insects on the inside
side of the sheet is laid aside
larvae that feed
intercellular sap. On the
damaged areas
leaf plate are formed
colorless spots,
damaged tissue dies
shoots are deformed.
A plant covered
silver plating,
testifies to the massive
pest infestation
With a severe injury
use Fitoverm -
2 ml per 200 ml of water.
Put on after processing
on the flower package and leave
for a day.
Actellik - 1 ampoule per
1 liter of water. This drug
has a strong smell
so work with it
need outdoors
or in a ventilated
deal with a little
the number of pests
glue traps will help.
Infusion treatment
celandine - good
thrips prevention.
Replacing the top layer
soil will help
prevent further
insect spread
ShchitovkaThis is an infrequent visitor to the saw,
but very cunning.
Juveniles are very fast
spread across
plant and notice them
naked eye
impossible. adults
pests hiding under
brown shell.
Feeding on plant juices
insects lead to it
deformations, due to which
the leaves dry up. If a
not detecting the threat in time,
flower doomed to die
Actellik treatment
and Fitoverm.
Need in a week
repeat treatment
Most often shield
appears on pylaeas with
smooth leaves. If a
find the pest
on time, delete it
maybe a napkin
dipped in weak
soapy solution.
Don't forget in a week

Photo gallery: manifestation of diseases and pests

The mealybug is easy to detect by the traces of its vital activity - white secretions
Thrips - dangerous pests for houseplants
Shchitovka is a dangerous and insidious enemy, which only a patient grower can cope with

Pilea breeding methods

The easiest and most affordable way to propagate your favorite saw is cuttings. Moreover, there will be no shortage of planting material. Pruning will help to restrain the active growth of the pilea and maintain its decorative effect, after which the remaining cuttings are quite useful for rooting. You can do this simple process throughout the year.

Pilea propagation by rooting cuttings

Cuttings with a length of at least 10 cm are suitable for rooting. The lower part of the shoot is freed from leaves, after which the cutting can be planted in a suitable loose substrate, wet sand, or placed in a container of water.

It is advisable to cover a container with a cutting planted in the ground or sand with a bag so that it is warm and humid inside (but not too much). It is necessary to ensure that the leaves do not touch the inside of the bag and that condensation does not accumulate on its surface. A mini greenhouse should be placed in a place protected from direct sun.

Rooting is fast. When the first young leaves appear, the plant should be gradually accustomed to the ambient temperature, briefly removing the bag.

A week after the plant gets used to the conditions of detention, it can be transplanted into a permanent container. To get a lush bush, you can plant several saws in one pot.

Pilea propagation by seeds

Seed propagation at home is almost never practiced. Some species of Pilea shoot ripe seeds and sow them in the space around them. But in room conditions, it is almost impossible to achieve seed ripening. Very rarely they are found on sale. But if you managed to buy the coveted bag, then the process of germinating seeds takes place according to the standard scheme:

  1. Seeds are spread on the surface of a moistened substrate. From above, you can sprinkle a little earth.
  2. The container with seeds is covered with a bag or placed in a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating.
  3. Shelter periodically ventilate and moisten the soil surface. But remember that excessively moist soil, as well as low air humidity, are detrimental to seedlings.
  4. Ascended and strengthened seedlings dive into pots singly or in several pieces.

Pilea - description

More than 400 species of the genus Pilea (lat. Pilea) It is found in the nettle family (Urticaceae). There are both annual and perennial species. Plants are herbaceous or shrubs. They grow in the tropical zones of the entire Earth except Australia.

These are hardy ornamental plants that grow up to 40 cm in height. They grow well in warm flower beds, in winter gardens and shop windows. Pilea Cadie grows very quickly, therefore it is valued and used in the arrangement of compositions from plants.

The flowers of the plants are unisexual and small, often growing in racemose axillary inflorescences. Pilea spreads its fruits in a very unusual way. It is like a bailout - sterile stamens grow strongly by the time of fruiting and slightly support the fruit that hangs over them. When the fruit ripens, the connection between the plant and the fruit becomes weak. Staminodes (sterile stamens) straighten up and throw the fruit up to 100 meters away!

Pilea planting and care

  • Bloom: from June to October, however, the flowers are not very attractive. In room culture, the plant is grown as an ornamental leafy plant.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: the optimum temperature throughout the year is 25 ºC, but there are species that are comfortable at 10 ºC in winter. For most species, the lower temperature limit is 17 ºC.
  • Watering: in spring and summer - as the top layer of soil dries up: the substrate in the pot should be slightly moist all the time. In winter, the substrate is allowed to dry out to one-fifth of the depth.
  • Air humidity: high. The plant is recommended to be kept on a pallet with wet pebbles or surrounded by vessels with water. It is impossible to spray the pill.
  • Top dressing: from the beginning of spring to the end of summer - once a week with a complex mineral fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants. In winter - once a month.
  • rest period: from October to February.
  • Transfer: annual, at the beginning of active growth.
  • Substrate: humic, neutral or slightly acid reaction. Composition: peat, sand, turf and humus soil in equal proportions.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and scale insects.
  • Diseases: leaf problems arise due to improper care and maintenance.

Read more about growing pileas below.

Pilea - photo

Pilea care at home


Pilea needs diffused light - bright, but without direct sunlight. It is most preferable to put a home saw on the east or west windows. When placing the saw on the south side, you need to provide diffused light or place it away from the window. Pilea can be taken out into the open air in summer, providing shade from direct rays. In winter, the plant also needs sufficient lighting, because. with its lack of pilea at home, it can change the color of the leaves, which will lead to a decrease in the decorativeness of the plant.


The best temperature for the plant throughout the year is a temperature of up to 25 ° C. Pilea Kadiera feels good even at a temperature of 15 ° C in winter, and Pilea peperomia - at 10 ° C. For other species, the air temperature should not fall below 17 ° C. Drafts in winter can kill the plant.

Watering Pilea

In spring and summer, as soon as the topsoil dries up, you need to water the room saw with settled water. In winter, watered a couple of days after the top layer of the earth has dried. Pilea is more harmed not by drying out the substrate, but by excessive watering. The soil should always be slightly damp. If the plant is flooded, then the leaves may turn pale and become lethargic - especially in winter.

Spraying Pilea

Pilea indoor plant needs high humidity, so you need to monitor the humidity in the room. Because spraying the leaves is not recommended due to the fact that the leaves may lose their decorative properties, the plant must be placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay or pebbles, but only so that the bottom of the pot is not immersed in water. Another option is to place containers of water next to the plant.

Pilea feeding

From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, the pileus need to feed the plant every week. During the autumn-winter period - monthly. Feed with flower fertilizer; concentration - as indicated by the manufacturer.

Pilea pruning

Home pilea grows very quickly. Because young specimens are much more decorative, then every year the plant must be cut, and the cut shoots should be used for propagation by cuttings. And in order for the bush to be more lush and not bare, you need to periodically pinch its shoots.

Pilea transplant

Pilea transplantation at room conditions is carried out annually. Requires humus soil, neutral or slightly acidic. A mixture of peat, sand, turf and humus soil (1/4 each) is suitable. Transplanted into small pots, because the roots of the pilea grow superficially. So that the plant does not die from excess moisture in the soil, it is necessary to provide high-quality drainage. Indoor Pilea flower is great for growing in hydroponics.

Pilea reproduction

Propagation is possible by cuttings and seeds. Seeds, some types of pilea can reproduce on their own. Propagation by cuttings is possible throughout the year. Cuttings take root either in loose soil, or in sand, or in water. Rooted cuttings of Pilea are planted in a shallow container with a mixture of 1 part hardwood soil, 1 part greenhouse and 1 part sand.

Pilea diseases and pests

Pilea leaves dry and fall off. At temperatures above 27 ° C, or below 12, the leaves may dry out, wrinkle and eventually fall off. Another reason could be dry soil.

Pilea leaves wither. With excessive watering, the soil will not have time to dry out, which will lead to the appearance of sluggish leaves, which will continue to blacken and fall off; the stem will become soft.

Pilea leaves turn pale. Excessive lighting will cause the leaves of the pilea to become lethargic, pale and slightly transparent.

The edges of the Pilea leaves dry and turn brown. Lighting is not enough - the edges of the leaves turn brown and dry out, and the leaves themselves lose their color, new leaves are small; shoots will stretch.

Spots on Pilea leaves. Sunburns will lead to the appearance of yellow spots first, and then brown.

Pilea leaves are falling off. The lower leaves fall off, but this is normal for the Pilea. It is best to cut cuttings from the plant and root it as a young plant.

Pilea species

Pilea Cadiera (Pilea silver) / Pilea cadierei

It lives in Southeast Asia in tropical forests. This perennial herbaceous plant grows up to 40 cm in height. Young stems are erect, mature stems are decumbent, highly branched, juicy and glabrous. Beautiful leaves on petioles, elongated-oval in shape and pointed to the top, have three veins; leaf width up to 5 cm and up to 20 cm in length. In England, this flower is called "Aluminum Plant", and in Germany - "Silver Pilea". The reason is two silver dashed lines running along a green-blue or bright green leaf plate. The flowers of the plant are small, collected in racemose axillary inflorescences. Slender young shoots begin to curl with age, getting the appearance of an ampelous form. The plant needs to be pinched to increase bushiness.

Pilea small-leaved / Pilea microphylla

Perennial plant, herbaceous. Grows up to 15 cm in height. Branching shoots, densely covered with leaves, touching the ground, root easily. Beautifully curving branches look like fern fronds, densely covered with tiny glossy light green round and oval leaves (up to 0.5 cm long). In the axils of the leaves, corymbose inflorescences of small flowers, both bisexual and heterosexual, gather. This species is also called "Artillery" or "Cannon" due to the fact that the stamen flowers form a cloud of dust when the anthers open. Pilea will emit a smoke of pollen if touched in summer.

Pilea monolifolia / Rilea nummulariifolia

This is a perennial herbaceous species of pilea, with 40-centimeter shoots creeping along the ground. The leaves are round, light green. Developing, the plant grows and covers the ground.

Pilea wrapped / Pilea involucrata

This pilea is a low bush (about 30 cm). The stem is erect; leaves up to 7 cm long, oval with a pointed apex, opposite. The leaves are light green in color, along the veins - brown, tuberous. This species is widely used for hybridization.

Pilea peperomioides / Pilea peperomioides

The plant has a very rigid stem and rounded leaves.

Creeping Pilea / Pilea repens

A small bush has creeping stems, and the bush itself grows up to a maximum of 25 cm. The leaves are glossy, up to 2.5 cm long, rounded, and the edges of the leaves are wavy; leaves are opposite. The color of the upper part of the leaves is dark green with a copper sheen, the lower part is purple.

Pilea Spruce / Pilea spruceana

This pilea lives in Venezuela and Peru. The leaves are opposite; the shape of the leaves is rounded or ovate, turned 180 °, or sharp, or obtuse at the top; petioles are short. The color of the leaves is shades of silver or bronze.

Pilea "Bronze" / Pilea "Bronze"

A shrub with erect stems, growing to a height of 30 cm. The 7 cm leaves are arranged oppositely and have an oval shape with a sharp point at the top. The leaves are wrinkled, silvery, and dark green along the veins. Another color of the leaves is a silver stripe along the midrib, and the edges are dark green.

Pilea "Norfolk" / Pilea "Norfolk"

The origin of this form remains a mystery. This is a perennial herb. Adult shoots are decumbent, while young shoots are upright. The leaves are covered with tiny bristly hairs, velvety and wrinkled, bright green with red-brown veins.

Pilea "Silver Tree" / Pilea "Silver Tree"

Where this hybrid came from is not clear, but this is a very beautiful perennial pilea that actively winds. The leaves are oval, the edges are serrated. The color of the leaves is green-bronze, a silvery stripe runs in the middle of the leaf, and the rest is covered with the same spots. The leaves are pubescent with red and white hairs.

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