Home Grape How to get yellow from food coloring. How to make red food coloring? How to make white dye

How to get yellow from food coloring. How to make red food coloring? How to make white dye

Everyone knows that artificial colors used in cooking are very dangerous to health. Therefore, many try to use natural products to obtain color. It is not difficult to do this, and the naturalness and safety of the dishes will be guaranteed.

Why dyes are needed

Dyes are divided into natural and synthetic. Natural dyes are plant products and do not contain chemicals. Synthetic dyes can be gel, liquid and dry. Food coloring is used in the food industry to turn ordinary foods into works of art and boost sales. They do not have any taste properties, so they do not affect the taste of the products.

Substances obtained through a chemical process are harmful to the body. Therefore, many people prefer to prepare dyes on their own from more natural products. Thus, you can not only make the dish colorful, but absolutely safe. And for this you don’t need to buy expensive components at all, since ordinary products will do.

Harm of artificial dyes

The chemical industry produces a huge amount of substances, which are then used to make products more attractive. But not everyone knows what exactly is hidden behind synthetic dyes. For example, even the composition of most of these mixtures cannot be determined without long-term laboratory studies.

And manufacturers do not always adhere to standards and easily violate the amount of dangerous components contained in dyes. At the same time, the harm of such substances is not only in possible allergies. Some preservatives can cause oxygen starvation, adversely affect the nervous system and provoke the development of tumors. Therefore, it is important to limit the use of such products, and use only natural dyes for homemade dishes.

How to make dye at home

To do this, just open the refrigerator and choose any vegetable or fruit that matches the color. You can take juices, jams, herbs and even seasonings for this purpose. As for the storage of natural dye, without sugar it will only be good for a few days. But with the addition of sugar, the dye will quietly stand for 10-14 days. The main thing is to place it in a glass container with a tight lid and do not leave it warm.

Red color
In order to give the dish such a shade, you can use the juices of raspberries, strawberries, cherries or cranberries. Ordinary red wine and various jams are also suitable. It is advisable to add several components, then the red color will be more saturated. Often, housewives use ordinary beets to prepare dishes with a red tint. And for good reason, because this vegetable is considered the strongest natural dye.

It is not difficult to get a coloring pigment from beets. To do this, 1-2 fruits must be washed, peeled and grated. Then the beets are poured with water and boiled for about an hour over low heat. Also, 0.5 tsp must be added to the broth. citric acid, otherwise the dye will discolor from air oxidation. Once the beetroot has cooled, it must be strained and used to color the dish.

Orange color
The easiest way to get orange natural dye is to use carrots. It also needs to be cleaned and grated. Then the vegetable is laid out in a pan and poured with butter, previously melted in a water bath. The ratio of carrots and butter should be 1:1. Next, the mixture should be darkened on the stove for about 5 minutes. The oil should acquire the desired shade, after which the cooled carrots should be squeezed through cheesecloth.

To give the dish a yellow color, lemon is most often used. Its zest is rubbed on a very fine grater, and then squeezed and filtered juice. You can also get a great yellow tint by mixing a little turmeric in warm water.

Green color
For a rich green color, you can use fresh spinach. It must be rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a meat grinder. The resulting mixture must be boiled for half an hour, and then filtered through cheesecloth.

Purple and blue colors
They can be obtained by using eggplant skins, dark grapes or blueberries. Purple cabbage is also perfect, which you just need to cut and boil. If you need to get a brown color, then the easiest way to achieve this shade is with sugar. It must be mixed with water in a ratio of 5: 1 and placed in a pan.

It is necessary to fry sugar on a small fire and at the same time stir it constantly. After the mixture has acquired the desired shade, water is added to it and filtered. In addition to burnt sugar, chocolate, coffee or cocoa can be used to obtain brown color.

Black color
Often black is used to decorate dishes. Achieving such a shade is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. For sweet dishes, for example, for a cake, you need to use cocoa powder. But not ordinary, but a special grade powder called "Dutch Ultra". It contains more chocolate and is itself much darker than traditional cocoa. And for salty dishes, squid ink is ideal.

Beige color
In order to get a beige color, many chefs recommend adding, for example, a little tomato paste to the cream. The color depends on the amount of paste, so when you add a large amount of tomato, the cream will turn out not beige, but closer to orange. Tomato paste does not affect the taste of dessert.

If several natural dyes prepared earlier are stored in the refrigerator, then you do not need to look for ingredients to get a new color. You can mix existing colors and get the one you need. For example, for the color of the sea wave, you can mix blue and green, and to get a blue dye, just mix green with red. In order to get a black tint, you need green, blue and red dyes. And a beautiful pistachio color will turn out if you mix yellow and blue.

A lot depends on when exactly the coloring matter is added to the dish. Therefore, it is important to know:

  1. Dyes should not be added to fresh dough. It is better to saturate pastries with dye. But this rule does not apply to meringues.
  2. If the dough is needed not for baking, but for noodles or dumplings, then dyes, on the contrary, are recommended to be added immediately during kneading. After all, then it will not work to paint the finished product.
  3. In the cream that is used for decoration, the dye also needs to be added at the last moment. Otherwise, excess components may adversely affect the stability of the cream during whipping.
  4. Do not rush and add as much dye as possible. 1-2 drops are enough to see what color will turn out. Yes, and make it richer then much easier.

These are just the basic ways to get different colors. If you approach the matter with imagination, you can get unusual shades. They will decorate any dish and surprise guests very much. And safe components will not harm health, so all the goodies can be eaten by children.

Video: do-it-yourself natural food coloring

This article describes how to make natural food coloring.

All industrial confectionery and other products in grocery stores contain a lot of chemical dyes. This can be seen if you look at the label with the composition of the product.

  • For a long time, many housewives have been baking various pastries, cakes, cookies and other goodies for their household and guests.
  • But how to decorate the product so that it is original and beautiful?
  • You can add home-made food coloring to creams, whipped cream and mastic.
  • It's very simple, read all the necessary information in this article.

How to make natural red food coloring with your own hands?

Natural food coloring is made from the juice of fruits and vegetables. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice or just boil the grated fruit in water. For example, to make natural red food coloring with your own hands, you will need 1 beetroot. Do the following:

  1. Remove the skin from the beets.
  2. Grate it on a grater board on a large section.
  3. Put in a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers the flesh of the vegetable a little, and put on gas.
  4. Add a few drops of 9% vinegar, but no more than half a teaspoon.
  5. Boil for 3 minutes - no more!
  6. Strain through a strainer to remove the pulp. The juice is ready - it is a natural red food coloring.

Add this dye to creams or dough to make a red tint.

How to make natural blue food coloring?

Blue (purple) color is used to create cakes or other confectionery. Usually confectioners paint mastic, from which decoration for products is made. To make natural blue food coloring, juice from the following fruits and vegetables:

  • Black or purple grapes
  • Blueberry
  • Blackberry
  • fresh blue cabbage
  • Frozen eggplant peel

To get the dye you need to do the following:

  1. Grind the berries in a meat grinder, finely chop the cabbage and eggplant skin.
  2. Then fill with water, put on gas for 3 minutes, add a few drops of 9% vinegar.
  3. Strain and use to create a unique color.

Natural dye sours quickly. Therefore, it should be done only once and used within 2 days. It is better to store on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, where the temperature is lower and the air is colder.

How to make natural orange food coloring?

Orange paint is bright and juicy. A dough product decorated with this color will be appetizing and beautiful. To make natural orange food coloring, you need carrots. Follow these steps to get it:

  1. Grate carrots on a large section of a grater board.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and then add the carrots. The proportion of carrots and butter is 1:1.
  3. After 5-7 minutes, the carrot will soften and release juice. You can already use it.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and squeeze the juice from the mass through cheesecloth.

You can also get orange paint using orange peel. Do the same with this fruit as with carrots.

How to make natural green food coloring?

Green shades are natural and juicy. They are also used for coloring cream and mastic. To make natural green food coloring, you need to buy a bunch of spinach.

  1. Scroll the greens through a meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the pulp to a gauze napkin and squeeze out the juice. It can already be used as a paint for confectionery masses.

If you want to get a shade of green, but more saturated, then boil the spinach leaf juice over a fire for half an hour.

How to make natural yellow food coloring?

Yellow is the color of the sun. Not a single decoration of a cake or pastry can do without it. To make natural yellow food coloring, you need to buy saffron.

  1. Grind this plant in a meat grinder or through a coffee grinder if it is dry, and dilute with a few tablespoons of warm water.
  2. Can be diluted with vodka or alcohol, but with water 1:1.
  3. After 24 hours, strain the infusion through cheesecloth.

If you want to get a less intense color, then grate the zest of a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Yellow color is also given by turmeric.

How to make natural beige food coloring?

Beige is the color of naturalness. It can also be made from food and you don't have to use chemical dyes if you want to decorate the confection. To make natural beige food coloring, confectioners use tomato paste. Depending on the shade, it is laid in the mass and amount of tomato. The more it is, the faster you get a “dark beige”, closer to orange shades. Tomato does not affect the taste of the product.

How to make natural white food coloring?

A white tint is also needed when creating confectionery, despite the fact that cream and cream prepared according to many recipes turn out to be white. To make natural white food coloring, you should use milk powder, cream, sour cream or even cottage cheese. Powdered milk must be dissolved, and the cottage cheese mixed in a small amount of warm water. Then the resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve and the lumps are removed.

How to make natural black food coloring?

Black and dark shades are also used to embellish individual pieces. The dye of this color can be created at home - in your kitchen. To make natural black food coloring, the following products are used:

  • Black olives. They need to be grated and boiled in a small amount of water. Then strain and remove the pulp.
  • Cocoa varieties "Dutch ultra". It has a lot of chocolate and is therefore darker than regular cocoa.
  • Squid ink.

Use olives and cocoa powder to make a dye for sweet dishes, and use squid ink for lean and salty dishes.

How to make natural purple food coloring?

The above described how to make natural blue or purple food coloring using blueberries, dark grapes, or eggplant skins. Experiment and mix berry and vegetable juices to create different shades of purple or blue.

Mixing Natural Food Colors: The Rules

If you plan to work as a confectioner at home - to make confectionery products to order, then you will spend a lot of food paint on a daily basis. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days, and you can mix already created shades to get new ones. For instance:

  • The color of the sea is obtained by mixing blue and green.
  • Blue and all its shades - when mixing green and red.
  • Dark (black) shade - green, blue and red.
  • Pistachio - yellow and blue.

There are rules for mixing paints. They also work on mixing natural food colorings.

In this circle you can see what happens if you mix the primary colors.

  • For example, when you dissolve red and blue, you get purple.
  • When obtaining secondary and tertiary colors, you need to mix those colors that show the corners of the triangle of the secondary color.
  • For example, when mixing secondary green and primary yellow, you get a tertiary - yellow-green.

It's simple: look for the dyes of the desired color in your refrigerator and mix them according to the rules of this circle to get the desired shade.

How to make brown natural dye at home?

Many novice confectioners think that brown dye at home is obtained using only cocoa. This ingredient can be used if you need to decorate a sweet cake or pastry.

But what if the dye is needed for a salty dish? You can use coffee. It must be brewed and filtered through a sieve - the dye is ready.

Also, brown dye is made from caramel:

  • Boil sugar with a little water in a ratio of 5:1.
  • Heat until the mixture turns brown.
  • Then remove from heat and add some water.

Important: Do not burn the sugar so that the caramel does not give off bitterness.

How to get pink natural dye?

Pink food coloring is one of the most popular dyes used to create creams and fondants with this shade. At the same time, the pink chemical dye is dangerous, as it can cause allergies or even bronchial asthma.

Make pink natural dye at home. You can get it from strawberries and raspberries. Scroll the berries through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. A more delicate shade will be obtained if the juice is boiled with water.

How to get blue natural dye?

The blue tint is rarely used in jewelry, but it is still sometimes needed. To get a blue natural dye, you need red or blue cabbage. Its leaves need to be crushed and juiced. You can boil the crushed leaves in water to get a soft blue color.

What natural dye is better to use for cream, mastic, cake icing?

When creating cream, mastic and icing for cakes, it is important that these masses are uniform in texture and color. Therefore, it is better to use natural dye in liquid form. Vegetable or fruit juice or boiled down liquid will help to make the mass beautiful in color. It should be noted that there are natural food dyes that are used in food production in the preparation of various products. These include the following additives:

In addition, there are absolutely safe natural dyes. They can be divided into several types:

  • Gel- used for coloring creams, mastic and dough. Consists of glycerin and glucose.
  • Liquid- color the cream, help to make inscriptions and drawings on the mastic using an airbrush.
  • Dry- Diluted in boiled water. Used to color dough and cream.
  • Kendurin- allows you to achieve a pearlescent shade of cream, mastic or dragee. Consists of natural silicate, which gives such an effect.

Accordingly, in addition to natural juices, gel, liquid, dry dyes and kendurin can be used to color creams, mastics and glazes.

What natural dye is better to use for confectionery, dough, baking?

For dough products, chefs use natural dyes in the form of juices, as well as natural food gels and dry coloring powders to create confectionery products.

What is the best natural dye to use for drinks?

If you need to make a drink of the original color, then you can add berry and fruit juice or those natural dyes that are diluted with H2O. For example, natural gel, dry and liquid paints.

What is the best natural dye to use for dyeing eggs?

All Orthodox Christians paint eggs in preparation for Easter. Previously, this was done with the help of onion peel. Now a variety of paints are available for modern housewives.

What natural paint is better to use for painting eggs? You can use both berry and fruit juices, but first you need to pour in a little vinegar. Natural dry and liquid paints are also used, which can be bought at a grocery outlet.

Can green be used as food coloring?

When you need to make a mastic mass or cream on a green-colored cake, in the summer it is easy to create it from the juice of spinach leaves. But, what to do in winter, when this greenery is not available, and Easter is still far away, and edible paints are not yet sold in stores? Can green paint be used as food coloring?

Remember: Zelenka is not a food product!

But many confectioners use a solution of brilliant green to color confectionery masses. It is enough to add just one drop of this product to get a rich green tint. This amount does not give a foreign smell or taste.

Video: Food coloring. A simple DIY recipe. Red.

Three types of colorants are commonly used by food manufacturers:

  • . Made from natural raw materials.
  • . Fully synthetic.
  • . Identical to natural.

Most often, it is precisely such dyes that are created artificially that are used. In addition, red food coloring is further modified to improve its properties. It is used to improve the color and appearance of the product, apply a dye and to restore the natural color of the product, which may have been lost during processing.

Food coloring red is actively used to give colorless products an attractive shade and create the appearance of diversity on store shelves. For the end consumer, color serves as an indicator of the freshness of products, brighter products are always considered much more recognizable among the mass of others.

Dyes responsible for color can be contained in it for natural reasons (this group includes beets, carrots, etc., the color of which is given to them by nature) or added by people in the process of preparation or processing.

How is the dye made?

You can make red food coloring using different technologies. The most popular way can be called the use of red rice, when using the fermentation technology on ordinary polished rice, mushrooms of a certain type are grown. In the process of its development, the fungus releases a pigment with a red tint.

As soon as the sealing process is completed, it is dried using a special technology to a powder or left in granules. The pigment is preserved in them and can be used later for adding to food products. The resulting pigment is very resistant to sunlight and temperature changes.

Natural red food coloring can also be obtained from leaves, a variety of root vegetables and berries of the appropriate shade. Wastes from the wine industry and canning factories can also be used for this purpose.

The amount of coloring pigment in each case will depend solely on the characteristics of the raw material, its degree of maturity and the climatic conditions in which it grew. In most cases, this mark does not exceed a couple of percent. Scientists today are trying to find as many ways as possible to create food colors of natural origin so that the use of synthetic additives that are harmful to the body can be completely eliminated.

Another food coloring that gives cooked dishes a red tint is betanin (E162), which is obtained by evaporation from beet juice extract. Usually it is used in the form of a powder, since it is very convenient and its properties are not lost from this. You can get a wide variety of shades - from purple to rich bloody, simply by changing the acidity of the medium used.

Betanin is not just a dye, it also plays an important role in the human body:

  • . Helps break down plant and animal proteins.
  • . Strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • . Reduces pressure.

How to make red dye at home?

All housewives want to cook for their family only the most healthy dishes, but at the same time they look quite attractive. What can replace red food coloring and is it really possible to use natural dyes instead? There are many simple recipes that you can use.

You can get a rich red or pink color if you boil the berries (strawberries, raspberries, red currants, etc. red berries). As for vegetables, ripe red tomatoes, bell peppers, red cabbage, and even powdered sweet paprika will also come in handy to create red food coloring at home.

The most powerful dye is still considered beets, which must be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated before cooking. Next, the juice is poured with a small amount of water and boiled over low heat under a closed lid for at least 1 hour. To make the broth more saturated, and the color persistent, you need to add a little citric acid to the juice. After cooking, the broth should be cooled and strained with gauze.

The dye obtained as a result of manipulations meets the following requirements:

  • . Completely harmless to all members of your family, even if you use a little more than the recommended dose.
  • . Provides high-quality coloring of the product despite the amount of composition used.

Such food coloring can also be obtained in the process of mixing some shades. Be sure to take into account the fact that home-made dyes are short-lived and, when exposed to air and sunlight, can deteriorate very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to use them completely immediately after preparation or store them in a tightly stoppered container, into which light cannot penetrate.

Food coloring has been around for decades. Every first product off the supermarket shelf contains at least one dye. Many of them are on the list of permitted and do not harm health. But if you want to be completely sure of the safety of the products you use and cook unusual, colorful dishes for your family, it is better to make dyes from simple vegetables or fruits.

Replace synthetic dyes in your homemade culinary masterpiece with food, from natural products, because it is not difficult to prepare them.

Let's be objective - a cake made using food natural dyes will not be as bright and colorful as a store-bought one, but it will be tasty, healthy and safe for your health, without containing a single gram.

Shades of red

Red dye can be obtained from the juice of cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants. cranberries, pomegranate, red wine, and syrups containing shades of red.

But you should not limit yourself to fruit ingredients alone - dark red tomatoes, red peppers and sweet paprika powder will give a red tint to the dish.

The strongest red dye is still beets. To obtain a coloring pigment, it must be washed, cleaned, grated, poured with water so that the beets are only slightly covered with it.

Then cook on low heat for about an hour. The dish must be covered with a lid.

So that the prepared broth does not discolor due to air oxidation, add citric acid to it. After cooling and straining, the natural red dye is ready for use.

Orange color

The source of the orange color, you guessed it, is carrots. Peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater, put them in a pan, pour melted butter in an amount equal to the volume of carrots and fry for 5 minutes over low heat.

The carrots should be soft and the oil will turn orange. After removing the pan from the stove, let it cool down, then squeeze the carrots fried in oil through cheesecloth.

As a source of orange, you can also use carrot juice or orange zest, which you need to rub on a fine grater, and then squeeze the orange juice out of it through cheesecloth.


You can get it from the zest of a lemon in a way similar to obtaining a dye from an orange, rubbing the zest on a fine grater and squeezing it.

More strong and bright is the yellow dye from saffron, which can be obtained by crushing saffron, diluting it with warm water, letting it brew for 24 hours, and then straining it.

Green color

Spinach can be used as a rich green source. After passing it through a meat grinder, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

To obtain an intense green color, spinach should be simmered for half an hour, and then strained.

Blue and purple

Blue and purple dyes can be obtained from the juice of dark grapes, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant peels, or from red cabbage leaves (both fresh and boiled).

Brown color

Its source is burnt. Mix 5 parts of sugar with 1 part of water and put in a pan.

Fry the sugar mass over low heat, stirring constantly, until you get a dark brown product.

After adding a little water to it, mix well, and then strain through a fine sieve.

Cocoa powder and strong coffee will also help color the dish in all shades of brown.

As you have seen, it is not difficult to prepare natural food colors, the only thing I want to draw your attention to in the end is the shelf life of food colors. He is quite short. Try to use them as soon as you prepare them.

Good appetite!

Natural food colorings - easy, environmentally friendly and useful 95% of the information a person perceives with the help of the eyes, and making a dish brighter means making it more attractive. So, the juicy burgundy color of borscht or a multi-colored salad definitely stimulates the appetite. It is on this that the demand for food coloring in cooking is based.

For thousands of years, people have successfully used the gifts of nature, extracting food colors from them. Now we have incomparably more opportunities for such research - let's see how you can prepare natural food colors at home and what requirements we place on them.

Requirement 1 - Natural dye

Exclusively natural materials - extracts, pomace and juices, decoctions and tinctures from seeds and fruits of plants, from leaves and bark. Animal materials are not used for food coloring due to the strong characteristic taste, the difficulty of obtaining and the short shelf life.

Requirement 2 - Food coloring means edible

This requirement implies not only the edibility of the dye, but also a minimum of its own taste. Ideally, the dye should be completely tasteless (onion peel) or add some zest along with the color (citrus zest or coffee). The taste of the coloring should not affect the taste of the final product, but this is difficult to implement in reality - and a separate problem when using natural colors is the result of mixing flavors and aromas.

Requirement 3 - Coloring food

This requirement includes durability and invariability of color - at least for a short time, although in these parameters natural dyes definitely lose to synthetic ones.

How to make natural food coloring at home

The beauty of natural food colors is their availability. These are foods that we eat almost every day, familiar and healthy, inexpensive and accessible. Beets, carrots, spinach, spices, bright berries and citrus fruits - this is our rich arsenal at home.

The answer to the question “what to make natural food colors from” is at hand in every kitchen.
We can use:
1. Freshly squeezed juices from colored foods.
2. Shredded and fried their pulp.
3. Direct addition of fresh pulp to the final product.
Feel free to focus on the original color of the vegetable or fruit: if the beets are already dark red, then we will not get an orange or green dye from it. Accordingly, green spinach will not give us a red dye, no matter what we do with it.
However, with natural dyes, the same principles of mixing paints apply as with watercolors, gouache or synthetic dyes. If you want orange dye, mix red and yellow. Need green - mix yellow and blue food coloring.

How to Get Red Food Coloring and Pink Food Coloring

Beets and fresh red berries (raspberries, lingonberries, cherries) serve as sources to help get red food coloring and pink food coloring.
Contrary to popular belief, beets will not give us a rich red color - depending on the concentration, we will get shades from pale pink to burgundy. Grate fresh beets on a fine grater and simmer them in a small amount of water over low heat. When the beets are stewed and "give up color", squeeze the liquid through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. For a more vibrant and long-lasting color, add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
For a pure red, use freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, but don't forget its characteristic sour taste.
Raspberries will give various shades of pinkish and raspberry, cherry - darker shades of red.
If you use such natural dyes for cream, a few drops of juice will be enough to give an interesting shade.

Dye blue natural food

A pleasant blue and blue color is obtained using blueberries, blueberries or red cabbage. It is most convenient to crush blueberries or blueberries in a sieve or mesh colander and add the resulting natural blue food coloring to cream or dough.
Red cabbage juice gives an interesting blue or blue color. It is good to color boiled egg white with this juice and decorate salads with it.

yellow food coloring

Carrots, sea buckthorn, turmeric, saffron, citrus fruits give sunny shades of yellow and orange. Carrots - the most affordable option: grate bright carrots on a fine grater and fry them over low heat in vegetable oil. Squeeze the resulting slurry through gauze or through a thick sieve.
Sea buckthorn berry juice can be added to creams or dough, it will give us the same cheerful yellow tint.
Turmeric can be found in any spice section and is also a good option for yellow food coloring. Pour a tablespoon of dry powder with warm water or alcohol, hold for a day in a dark place and strain. Turmeric is a budget option for saffron, it doesn’t give such an amazing taste, but it works very well as a food coloring.

Green food coloring

The soft green color gives us spinach. There are two options: - use freshly squeezed juice of leaves and stems - stew chopped spinach in water and then rub the gruel through a thick sieve.
Spinach green food coloring is often used to color dough.

Synthetic dyes and their invented harm

The volumes of consumption of dyes are growing year by year, the requirements for the quality and safety of food colors are growing even faster - and manufacturers are simply forced to meet the needs of buyers.
The prototypes for many synthetic dyes are natural dyes. So, for example, curcumin or carotene are almost identical in composition to natural ones. In addition, the quality and safety of synthetic food colors is controlled by the WHO International Commission; all approved for use are included in the Food Code - a code of quality standards for food and semi-finished products, which includes food additives.

Synthetic food additives are easier to use than natural ones, do not require preliminary preparation and special storage conditions, can be stored for a long time and definitely will not change the taste of cream or dough.
If you want to get not just pleasant shades, but bright natural colors - we offer you all types of food colors available today: dry, gel, liquid.

Proven manufacturers, guaranteed fresh and high-quality products, a huge selection of useful and pleasant little things for cooking - a supermarket for confectioners will do everything to make the cooking process a real pleasure for you.

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