Home Grape All about goose eggs. Can you eat duck eggs? Potential danger and contraindications

All about goose eggs. Can you eat duck eggs? Potential danger and contraindications

- a delicacy food product that is used quite rarely. This is due to the fact that the goose does not rush all year round, but only for 2-4 months, giving no more than 30 eggs during this time. What benefit can bring the use of this product, and in what cases harm, it will be useful to know for everyone who has the opportunity to purchase them or would like to try.

Description and chemical composition

Geese are a common poultry, bred mainly for their meat, liver and down. However, geese are also a source of valuable egg products, known for their dietary properties and culinary possibilities. The eggs obtained from them differ in size and weight. They are 2-3 times larger than chicken ones: up to 10 cm long, up to 5 cm wide, have an elongated, asymmetric shape, pointed in the upper part, covered with a very strong white shell on top, the bark thickness is 0.55 mm.

Goose eggs are a complete food product containing:

  • vital vitamins - A, D, E, K, group B;
  • full complex of amino acids, omega-3 and 6 acids;
  • minerals - sulfur, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.;
  • antioxidants - lutein.

Comparison of goose, chicken and quail eggs

In addition, they contain 13.9% proteins, 13.3% fats, 1.3% carbohydrates, 0.8% micro and macro elements. The average weight of 1 egg is 160-200 g, calorie content is 180 kcal.

Attention! In geese, the nutritional value of eggs is directly related to their size. The larger it is, the higher its nutritional value.

Goose eggs have a rich taste and, unlike chicken eggs, are less fatty. Their shell has a porous structure, without a special bactericidal film, which is why they are more susceptible to infection with salmonellosis and other pathogenic bacteria. Egg taste largely depends on the quality of the feed used, this is especially true for products obtained from geese. The more grass in the diet of geese, the more tender the taste of the eggs obtained from them.

What are useful

Due to the high content of bioactive nutrients, goose eggs have a beneficial effect on the human body. Including them in the diet allows you to maintain at the proper level:

  • Muscle mass, as egg proteins serve as building blocks for their cells. In addition, they contain more protein than meat and it is easier to digest.
  • Weight, as eggs fill you up quickly and promote a good metabolism.
  • The condition of bones, hair and skin, due to the high content of essential elements. This is one of the few products - sources of vitamin D. The combination of phosphorus and calcium activates the regenerative processes in the body, strengthens nails, teeth, bones, and serves as a prevention of osteoporosis. Tocopherol and other fat-soluble vitamins provide shine and elasticity to the hair, a healthy look to the skin.

  • Vision. The lutein, lecithin and retinol present in the yolk prevent age-related degeneration of the eye muscles and the development of “night blindness”.
  • Memory, creative thinking and responsiveness, as egg choline increases brain activity.
  • Functions of the reproductive system and hormonal balance.
  • Efficiency and vivacity, resistance of immunity to infections due to replenishment of the deficiency of nutrients.

In addition, the biogenic nutrients that enter the body when eating eggs contribute to its detoxification, cleansing the liver of toxins, and blood vessels from sclerotic plaques. This product is useful for pregnant women. Being rich in folic acid, it has a positive effect on the development of the brain and central nervous system in the fetus.

In home cosmetology, goose eggs are used to prepare nourishing, cleansing and anti-aging masks for skin and hair.

Attention! Eating this type of eggs is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels. To avoid allergic reactions, do not give them to babies under 7 years old.

Features of use, selection and storage

In cooking, goose eggs are used in baking flour products. It is thanks to their addition that a lush and soft dough is obtained. In addition, as a complete ingredient, they are used in salads, sauces, appetizers, casseroles, soufflés, puddings, confectionery.

When planning to use this product, it should be borne in mind that 1 goose is quite capable of replacing 2-4 chicken eggs in a dish. They are used as food, as usual - boiled, fried or baked, before cooking it is recommended to wash them in running water with soap. Due to the increased risk of salmonellosis, raw goose eggs are not recommended.

Attention! It will take 20-25 minutes to cook them hard-boiled.

You can buy goose eggs only in farms and from private traders who breed geese, this product is not sold in the store. When buying, you should carefully inspect each copy, paying attention to the cleanliness and integrity of the shell, the absence of dents and bulges on its surface, any odors, since damaged or dirty eggs quickly deteriorate.

Since it is recommended to store egg products at t ° + 5-12 ° C, the refrigerator is the best place for this. The shelf life of eggs in raw form is 10-14 days, in boiled form - 3-6 days. The fact that they have deteriorated and are no longer suitable for food is indicated by an unpleasant odor that has appeared. To increase the storage of raw products will allow clogging of the pores on the surface of the egg shell, by treating it with wax or vegetable oil.

Egg products obtained from geese are a valuable food product. And although it has less nutritional value compared to chicken eggs, its use allows you to expand the diet and make up for the deficiency of essential elements.

Charlotte from goose eggs: video

Goose eggs have appeared in the human diet since the domestication of geese. This refers to the Neolithic era - about 10 thousand years BC. Goose eggs belong to dietary products, the nutritional value of which is several times higher than chicken eggs. The egg is quite large, weighing about 200 g, with a white shell.

Goose eggs have a fairly dense shell, so to cook hard-boiled eggs, you need to boil them for 15 minutes in salted water under a lid over medium heat. Also, goose eggs are quite dirty and should be washed under running water before use. In terms of fat content, eggs are largely inferior to duck eggs. Depending on the nutrition of the bird, the taste of the eggs also changes. The more fresh grass in their diet, the more tender their taste.

How to store and where to find

It is necessary to store goose eggs at a temperature of 2-12 ° C and a humidity of 85-90%. This temperature regime is observed in the refrigerator in the egg department. To keep eggs fresh longer, they must be thoroughly washed from dirt. First of all, it is necessary to use eggs with damaged shells. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria can get inside.

There are no goose eggs in retail sales, so you can only buy them on the farm from a breeder.

Goose eggs calories

Goose eggs are very nutritious, as they are high in protein and fat. In 100 g of raw eggs, 185 kcal. These eggs should be eaten in moderation.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of goose eggs

Composition and presence of nutrients

Goose eggs are very nutritious and contain a large amount of nutrients. They include vitamins (,,, and group B), micro and macro elements (calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and others). The use of goose eggs has a beneficial effect on brain activity and the functioning of the genitourinary system. Specific substances contained in eggs help to eliminate toxins, reduce fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, improve memory and visual acuity. During pregnancy, the introduction of goose eggs into the diet contributes to the normal development of the brain and nervous system in the child.

The yolk of a goose egg contains a rather rare substance - lute. It acts as a powerful antioxidant that allows human cells to rejuvenate and slow down the aging process.

Use in cosmetology

Goose eggs are used in cosmetology for the preparation of various face masks. So for dry skin, you can use a moisturizing mask based on goose egg yolk and fresh tomato. Grate the tomato and mix thoroughly with the yolk. The resulting mass should be applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then rinse everything off with warm water.

In cooking

Goose eggs are used in cooking for a variety of dishes, such as pastries, mayonnaise, desserts, casseroles, salads and appetizers. The most popular are baked goose eggs. To prepare them, raw goose eggs are carefully pierced with a knitting needle and all contents are drained. The shell should be kept as intact as possible for its future use as a form. Next, add onion, tomato, croutons, salt, pepper and nutmeg chopped in a blender to the eggs. The whole mass must be mixed until smooth and passed through a sieve. Using a syringe, pour the mass back into the shell. The resulting blanks should be placed in the oven at a temperature of 170 ° C for 25 minutes. The finished dish is served with sour cream and herbs.

Goose eggs have been used by man for many centuries. Moreover, they are used for both food and cosmetic purposes. But they have not received wide distribution due to the fact that it is not easy to buy fresh goose eggs. And these domestic birds rush not all year round, but seasonally. Moreover, goose eggs can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Proper nutrition always includes chicken or quail testicles. But eating goose is also very useful, as they are nutritious and contain a huge amount of nutrients that are important for human health. Regular consumption of them in food:

  • normalizes the work of the organs of the human reproductive system;
  • replenishes the deficiency of nutrients;
  • gives a charge of vivacity and makes a person more resilient;
  • increases efficiency and stress resistance;
  • normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, increases their tone and patency;
  • improves brain function and maintains its normal functioning, thereby improving memory and increasing cognitive capabilities;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • slows down the aging process and starts tissue regeneration;
  • speeds up metabolism and elimination of toxins;
  • cleanses the liver and improves kidney function;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • improves digestion and intestinal microflora.

The product has a specific, but very delicate taste, which not everyone likes. It depends primarily on the conditions of the geese and their diet.

How to cook goose eggs

Geese are water birds. When eating their stale or undercooked eggs, there is a high risk of contracting infectious diseases. Therefore, when buying, storing and preparing such a product, experts recommend observing the following rules:

  1. Goose testicles can be used for salads, vegetable casseroles and pastries, second courses, confectionery. But this product is never used raw, unlike chicken or quail eggs. You will also have to take into account and change the proportions indicated in the recipe. The product is also used for cosmetic purposes for the manufacture of masks for hair and skin.
  2. It takes a very long time to cook goose testicles - 15-25 minutes. If after heat treatment they have acquired an unpleasant odor, do not eat them.
  3. You can buy this product only from trusted farmers. It is not worth making a purchase from your hands in the market, as this can result in poisoning or an infectious disease. The cost of 1 testicle usually varies between 60-90 rubles.
  4. A quality product has an almost perfect oval shape, and its shell is clean and not stained with dirt or droppings.
  5. It is recommended to store goose eggs only in the refrigerator, like chicken eggs. The recommended shelf life of this product is 14 days. But it is best to eat it no later than 10 days.
  6. Goose eggs have a thick shell. But at the same time, it is permeable to harmful substances from the external environment. Therefore, it is recommended to disinfect the surface of the testicle no later than 2 hours after laying.

Important! Never eat or use for cosmetic purposes a product that has a damaged shell or features that are not characteristic of this product, such as an unpleasant odor.

The composition of the product

All properties of the product are provided by its rich composition, which includes such useful substances as:

  • almost all vitamins of group B, A, C, D, E, PP, K;
  • minerals, including sulfur, zinc, calcium, as well as potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium;
  • lutein and lecithin;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins and fats, carbohydrates;
  • choline;
  • water;
  • vitellin and albumin.

Note. The composition of goose eggs also contains cholesterol. This product is high in protein and low in fat. Its calorie content is 185-200 kcal per 100 g, while the average weight of a goose testicle is 180-200 g.

What is the difference between goose eggs and chicken eggs?

Chicken eggs are different from goose eggs in many ways:

  1. Their size is much smaller (about 3-4 times), and the consistency is more liquid.
  2. Goose eggs have a specific smell and a richer flavor.
  3. The shell of chicken testicles is much thinner, and the pores that allow infection to penetrate inside are smaller. Because of this, goose testicles must always be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. Moreover, their cooking time is 2-3 times longer.
  4. Goose eggs contain less fat than chicken eggs. The nutritional value also varies.
  5. The shelf life of chicken eggs is several times longer, but the temperature and humidity are allowed to be the same.

Contraindications to the use of goose eggs

The main contraindications to the use of this product may be the following factors:

  • individual intolerance to eggs and hypersensitivity to protein;
  • children's age up to 7 years;
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels;
  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

If this is your first time trying this product, then do it carefully. Start with a small amount. And be sure to pay attention to the reaction of your body to a new component of the diet. If a rash develops on the skin or other signs of allergy appear, you feel heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, then stop using the testicles.

The use of goose eggs in cosmetology

It is possible to use goose eggs not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes. This product, when used correctly, helps to moisturize and nourish the skin with useful substances, will favorably affect its condition, start the processes of tissue regeneration and stop the aging of the dermis. And the result of the masks is noticeable after the first use.

And it is important to remember that masks for dry skin contain only yolk, and for oily skin - protein. For combination and normal dermis, the entire product can be used. But the finished composition should not be stored in the refrigerator - it must be used immediately after mixing, and the remains should be thrown away.

Among the most effective homemade face masks, traditional healers distinguish several proven recipes:

  1. Tomato mask. Grind one medium-sized tomato in a blender or with a grater. Add raw goose egg yolk to the resulting mass, and then mix everything thoroughly. The product is applied to the skin of the face so that all areas are covered, except for the area of ​​​​the lips and the area around the eyes. After 15-20 minutes, the remnants of the mask can be washed off with running warm (but not hot!) Water, gently blot with a towel and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Honey mask with egg. Mix a spoonful of natural liquid honey with a goose egg white or yolk. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture. This mask has a light whitening effect.
  3. Scrub mask for delicate skin. Brew a few tablespoons of oatmeal in a cup. Let them cool and add the yolk or white of a goose egg to the mass, as well as a little grape seed oil or wheat germ. Mix everything well and apply on the face, neck and décolleté along the massage lines for 3-4 minutes, and then rinse with warm running water.

Eggs are an old way to wash your hair. It was they who used to replace the shampoo familiar to us today. Add goose eggs to henna, vegetable oils, kefir and other products that are used in hair masks. Apply the composition on the head for 15-30 minutes, then use the shampoo. This procedure will make your hair strong, shiny, obedient, silky, accelerate their growth and add volume.

Remember, goose eggs are not suitable for everyone to eat. Responsibly treat the choice and purchase, storage and preparation of this product. And then dishes with it in the composition will become a nutritious and healthy addition to your diet. But as a cosmetic product to improve skin and hair health, goose eggs will be a good alternative to chicken and quail testicles, and they will suit most women and men.

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Goose eggs have appeared on the human menu for a long time, for the first time they began to be eaten more than 1000 years ago. However, this dish was not fixed in the kitchen book for the reason that geese do not lay eggs all year round. Moreover, the birds need appropriate care and conditions, which makes the product quite expensive and unprofitable for suppliers. However, there are adherents who are interested in the benefits and harms of goose eggs.

Composition of goose eggs

Not many people know that the nutritional value of eggs is determined by their weight. The heavier the specimen, the higher its usefulness for human health. However, when comparing goose and chicken eggs, the former are less nutritious despite their impressive size.

The ratio of BJU per 100 gr. product is optimally balanced. It is about 14 gr., 13 gr., 1.5 gr., respectively. Goose eggs contain a lot of vitamin A, which is a natural antioxidant and vitamin of youth.

The product is not deprived of B vitamins, they are simply necessary for a person for the full functioning of the nervous system. Frequent intake of eggs will ensure a comfortable sleep and stabilization of the psycho-emotional environment.

In addition, the composition boasts an accumulation of tocopherol, or vitamin E, in a large volume. Eggs contain vitamin K and D, mineral compounds (copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium and others).

The benefits of goose eggs

  1. Due to its high nutritional value, the product is used to saturate the body with energy. With regular use of eggs, intestinal motility normalizes, microflora improves, and the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach decreases.
  2. If you combine goose eggs with fresh vegetables and herbs, you can completely balance the diet. When meat is added to such a menu, proper nutrition for athletes is ensured. Goose eggs form muscle fibers and increase metabolism.
  3. Due to the accumulation of iron, the correct prevention of anemia (anemia) in adults and children is carried out. Moreover, the consumption of the product has a positive effect on mental activity, a person becomes calmer and more relaxed.
  4. The product is used to cleanse the liver and free the cavity of internal organs from toxic substances, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals. It is useful to eat eggs for people with addictions to harmful foods, alcohol and tobacco.
  5. Mineral compounds provide a comprehensive cleansing of blood channels from cholesterol. This quality is very useful for the body in order to eliminate the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and varicose veins.
  6. Due to the accumulation of beta-carotene in the composition of the product, eggs are prescribed for people suffering from eye problems. If you have shrunken vision, include the product in the menu. You can also perfectly strengthen the eye muscles and lubricate the apple (production of natural tears).
  7. Goose eggs are indicated for use by men who have problems conceiving. Due to the peculiarity of the product to enhance the production and quality of sperm, reproductive activity is normalized. And the content of folic acid is useful for pregnant girls, since this vitamin ensures the proper development of the skeleton and central nervous system of the baby.
  8. The product fights intracranial pressure, so eggs should be eaten with constant headaches and severe migraines. The product enhances the action of brain neurons, which improves memory.
  9. As part of the yolk of a goose egg, a lot of lutein accumulates. This substance has antioxidant properties and is responsible for the youthfulness of tissues. Lutein is needed by a pregnant girl to ensure the proper formation of the baby's brain.
  10. Not without the use of goose eggs in cosmetology. Based on raw proteins, tightening face masks are made. Fresh yolks, in turn, help to cope with hair problems. In both of these cases, the activity of the secretory glands is normalized, the fat content of the skin and hair disappears.

How to cook goose eggs

  1. A similar product is often used for the preparation of confectionery. Raw materials go well with vegetable casseroles. The only condition is that you need to calculate other proportions for the test. A goose egg is many times larger than a chicken egg.
  2. If you decide to boil a goose egg, then it will take much more time to cook than, for example, in the case of chicken. Finished raw materials should have a pleasant smell. To boil a goose egg, you have to wait half an hour. A sharp aroma indicates the staleness of the product and the danger to the body.
  3. Goose eggs can also be fried. In most cases, raw materials practically do not differ from chicken. The only difference is the size of the white and yolk. Try to give preference exclusively to rural products.

  1. In the usual store you can not buy goose eggs. The problem is that such products are practically not supplied. You can buy eggs in the nearest village or from a farmer. The average price per piece is about 65 rubles.
  2. When purchasing raw materials, pay attention to the integrity of the shell, smell and cleanliness. A quality product has the right shape. The egg should not be soiled with dirt and droppings. There is no smell whatsoever. Otherwise, refrain from purchasing.
  3. After buying eggs, you can store them on the shelf of the refrigerator. The temperature should be 2-12 degrees with an air humidity of about 80-90%. If you haven't tried similar products before, don't limit yourself. Natural raw materials are much more useful than artificial components that are hazardous to health.

Harm of goose eggs

  1. Raw materials are strictly prohibited for consumption in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Do not try to eat eggs with high cholesterol in the blood and an allergic reaction to the composition.
  2. It is not allowed to consume goose eggs to small children. A fragile organism can react unpredictably to a new product. If you are trying raw materials for the first time, carefully monitor your condition. Refuse in case of rejection.
  3. Goose eggs can be dangerous to humans in their raw and semi-cooked form. This composition causes the development of pathogenic bacteria in the body. In this case, it is better to play it safe and boil the eggs a little longer.
  4. In some cases, the human body reacts negatively to the specific smell of raw materials; you should not tempt fate and try eggs. In advance, the brain gives a signal that you will not like the composition. This can lead to a number of problems.

Goose eggs are a specific product and are not very popular at the present time. If you decide to try this kind of raw material, buy it from farmers or in villages. Consider all possible contraindications before consumption. Do not include the product in the children's diet. Coordinate a similar menu with a specialist.

Video: goose egg omelet

Opinions about whether goose and duck eggs can be eaten are very ambiguous. Some nutritionists say that this product should be called the elixir of youth. But there are experts who strongly recommend that you stop eating duck eggs. Who should diversify their diet with this product, and who should not, what recommendations should be followed and what should be refrained from? You should learn more about this if you want to diversify your daily diet.

Duck and goose eggs are large in size, their shell is quite strong, covered with a characteristic white coating. The weight of one product will be about 200 g. Many are interested in how the eggs that ducks and geese carry differ in taste from chicken ones. Everything is quite simple: their taste characteristics are much more pronounced. However, goose eggs are slightly inferior to duck eggs in terms of fat content and richness of aroma.


Why is eating duck and goose eggs recommended? The thing is that they contain a lot of nutritional components, so they certainly will not be superfluous for your body. An interesting fact: scientists believe that the larger the fruit, the higher its value as a storehouse of vitamins and other useful elements. Nevertheless, even taking into account that the volumes of goose and chicken eggs differ, they are still somewhat inferior to the product that is common in domestic cooking in terms of saturation with vitamins.

It is recommended to eat goose eggs, as they include protein, contain large amounts of fats, but at the same time they have very few carbohydrates. The composition of this product includes B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D and K. It contains another healthy substance - tocopherol. Not without mineral elements, too. They include small amounts of sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper and iron.

If we consider the benefits that regular consumption of goose eggs can bring to your body, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the elements present in the composition of the product have a beneficial effect on the work of brain cells, stimulate brain activity;
  • the level of sex hormones in the body remains stable;
  • this product cleanses blood vessels and removes various toxins from the body;
  • the yolk contains an antioxidant that has a positive effect on vision, preventing a variety of diseases associated with the visual system;
  • magnesium and B vitamins are a useful supplement for the human nervous system;
  • in total, goose and duck are recommended for use in cooking, because their regular use is positively displayed on the appearance of a person. Hair, skin, nails become healthy.

Eating goose and duck eggs is worth it if you want to take care of your health. The storehouse of vitamins contained in the product is a good reason to include it in your daily diet.


Is it possible to eat goose eggs regularly is a question that worries many. It would seem that their composition is so diverse in vitamins and minerals that there is no doubt. However, the question of the use of eggs of ducks and geese is ambiguous. No wonder some experts say that you can not eat this product on an ongoing basis. However, if you dig deeper, there are not so many nuances. Among the key disadvantages of the product, one stands out: allergenicity. That is why preschool children (and generally up to about seven years old) are not recommended to eat goose and duck eggs.

Another scary thing is that duck eggs can often be contaminated with salmonellosis. However, neither you nor your household will have to fight the infection if you eat eggs exclusively from healthy birds. In addition, add them to food, but do not drink raw, because salmonellosis, as a rule, is transmitted through foods that we eat uncooked.

Remember that the sooner you take goose eggs from under the layers, the less harmful bacteria and components will penetrate the product through the shell. If they are stale, they should be eaten with caution in the future. In general, there is no reason to be afraid to eat these eggs. If you follow the basic recommendations for their preparation, you will not have any reason to worry.

Rules of use

It may seem strange to some, but in order to protect yourself from harmful bacteria and microorganisms, you must first wash the eggs before eating them. The thing is that they have much larger pores, which means that the risk of introducing some kind of infection into the body is higher. When using this product in cooking, remember that the smell of goose eggs is peculiar, and not everyone likes it.

However, if at one time the geese living in your backyard regularly ate grass, the aroma will not be so pronounced. Boiled eggs are eaten very often, but they should be boiled for at least 15 minutes. Forget about eating them raw. Another important point: if you have high blood cholesterol levels, eating such eggs is not recommended.

Cooking methods

Duck and goose eggs are used in cooking not as often as chicken eggs. However, there are plenty of variations here as well. You can add them to pastries, salads, snacks, etc. Some lovers of this product prefer to fry it in a pan, but it should be done evenly. What other uses are there? It already depends directly on your gastronomic preferences.

The main thing to remember is one thing: when boiling eggs, they must be allowed to boil for at least 15–20 minutes so that all microorganisms harmful to health are killed in hot water.

And finally, one more rule: buy exclusively fresh eggs, because your health and the well-being of your loved ones primarily depend on this, and this should by no means be neglected.

Video “Cooking goose eggs with vegetables”

From this video you will learn about an interesting recipe for cooking goose eggs with vegetables.

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