Home Grape Golden Ring of Russia cities, sights, history, photos. The Golden Ring is one of the most interesting tourist routes. The list of cities included in the Golden Ring

Golden Ring of Russia cities, sights, history, photos. The Golden Ring is one of the most interesting tourist routes. The list of cities included in the Golden Ring

Golden Ring of Russia cities, sights, history, photos

The Golden Ring of Russia is a famous tourist route that includes 8 ancient Russian cities. These are Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Sergiev Posad and Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Such ancient cities as Moscow, Murom, Alexandrov, Gus-Khrustalny and others are also attributed to the Golden Ring, but their involvement in the route is controversial, therefore only 8 of the above cities are traditionally considered “golden” cities.

The Golden Ring of Russia is the unofficial name of the famous route. It first appeared in 1967, when journalist Yuri Bychkov wrote a series of essays on Russia's oldest cities and combined them into one common name, which has since become popular among tourists. The author of the sensational term is no longer alive, and his “brainchild” still attracts millions of tourists every year.

Trips along the Golden Ring of Russia for travelers are an exclusive opportunity to see several magnificent pearls of our country at once. Moreover, bus tours along the Golden Ring of Russia are in the greatest demand. Such tours allow you to see not only the sights of amazing Russian cities nearby, but also use the services of a guide.

Excursions along the Golden Ring help to better understand the history of such a great power as Russia, to feel it from the moment it turned from a pagan country into a Christian one. A few centuries later, the era of feudal fragmentation led to the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and centuries later, the unification of Russian lands contributed to the overthrow of the yoke and the liberation of the country. The princely title changed to royal, royal to imperial. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge over the past millennium, but the sights of the golden eight cities easily restore the chain of events of rich Russian history.

That is why tours along the Golden Ring will be an amazing revelation for tourists, helping them to fall in love with and know all the power and beauty of a country that has gained fame as an invincible power and which neither Napoleon nor Hitler could break.

1. Vladimir

Majestic Vladimir was built at the beginning of the 12th century on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, who decided that he could not find a better place than on the banks of the Klyazma River to build a defensive fortress. However, Monomakh did not have time to complete the construction of the fortress, so after his death, his grandson Andrei Bogolyubsky continued the work. Thanks to the efforts of Bogolyubsky, the famous city became not only a defensive fortress, but also the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. It was the time of growth and flourishing of Vladimir as a major trade and craft city.

During the years of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the city was burned almost to the ground and rebuilt stone by stone by the Russians. This did not prevent Vladimir from becoming a city with a unique cultural heritage in the form of ancient architectural monuments and ancient Russian architecture, which are very popular among Russian and European tourists visiting Vladimir.

The famous Golden Gate

At the beginning of the last millennium, these gates served as a triumphal arch, served as the main front entrance to the Russian city, and were also part of a defensive fortress that protected the city from enemies. Now they are painted white, but at the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, who built them, they were golden and shone dazzlingly in the sun.

White stone Assumption Cathedral

Andrei Bogolyubsky also had a hand in the construction of the cathedral. For a long time, the temple served as a place where Russian princes were married for the reign. The Assumption Cathedral was built in record time - literally in three years, but after a fire that occurred a quarter of a century after its construction, it was subjected to a thorough reconstruction. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the temple was again reconstructed. In the 15th century, the frescoes in it were restored by Andrey Rublev himself. However, the restoration of the Assumption Cathedral did not end there either: the cathedral was repeatedly repaired and today it is not only the cathedral of the Vladimir Metropolis, but also a museum of ancient Russian architecture.

Demetrius Cathedral

The ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built at the end of the 12th century by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. The cathedral is popular for its white-stone carvings, which have been preserved almost in their original form. The frescoes of the Last Judgment, painted under Vsevolod, have also survived to this day.

2. Rostov the Great

The first mention of Rostov dates back to the 9th century, when it was recorded in chronicles. Historians tend to believe that the city was named Rostov in honor of a prince named Rost, but this is just an assumption. Glory came to Rostov in the X century, when Yaroslav the Wise began to reign in the city. It was from the time of his reign that the prosperity and development of the city began. In many ways, the flourishing was facilitated by active trade between merchants.

In the XIII century, Rostov became one of the first cities in which stone buildings began to be erected. But, like other cities of the golden eight, it suffered greatly as a result of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and only after the overthrow of the yoke again turned into a rich and prosperous city.

Rostov Kremlin - the brightest sight of Rostov

In the 17th century, during the years of its construction, the Rostov Kremlin served as the metropolitan court, but already in the 18th century it lost its functions after the metropolitan court moved to Yaroslavl and was almost demolished. The cult building (better known to us from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession") was saved by a miracle.

The Kremlin was restored and turned into a museum in the 19th century. Today, the Rostov Kremlin consists of 11 towers and architectural structures adjacent to it, among which are the Assumption Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on Senya and other monuments.

3. Kostroma

The Golden Ring of Russia also includes the city of Kostroma. Kostroma was founded in the middle of the XII century and its formation as a city is associated with the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky. At first, Dolgoruky ordered the construction of a defensive fortress on the Kostroma River, but later a whole city arose near the fortress, in which trade began to be actively conducted. Kostroma was built entirely of wood and therefore burned more than once. The fires stopped when the Russians learned to build houses out of stone.

Kostroma became a haven for the future Tsar of Russia. In the Ipatiev Monastery, young Mikhail Romanov, who became the founder of the Romanov dynasty, was hiding from boyar disgrace, which existed until 1917. It was there that the boyars bowed their heads before him and urged him to put an end to the Troubles, forgive them and return to Moscow in the position of the anointed of God - the king.

Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery

The monastery, which became a temporary home for Mikhail and his mother, was built in the 14th century by the Tatar Murza Chet, who, having escaped from the Mongol-Tatars, asked for shelter from the Russian prince and was baptized under the name Zacharias. Zakhary was seriously ill, but he was healed after he saw a prophetic dream in which the Mother of God herself appeared before him. In gratitude, the man built the Ipatiev Monastery.

The monastery was rebuilt during the time of Boris Godunov, it became stone and acquired a modern look. Boris Godunov personally donated villages to the monastery and allocated funds for restoration.

Monument to Ivan Susanin

In the 19th century, a monument was built in Kostroma to Tsar Mikhail and the national hero Ivan Susanin, who gave his life to save Tsar Mikhail during the Time of Troubles. During the disgrace, Mikhail and his mother hid in Domnino. They were searched for by the Polish-Lithuanian detachment. The young heir to the throne was ordered to be taken prisoner. However, the Poles did not know the exact location of the future king and asked the peasant for directions. Ivan Susanin did not lose his head and led the detachment away from Mikhail's refuge, having managed to warn his relative about the danger impending on the king. A relative of Susanin conveyed this message to the tsar. Mikhail and his mother managed to escape and hide in the Ipatiev Monastery. As for Susanin, when the Poles and Lithuanians realized that an ordinary peasant had circled them around the nose, they began to cruelly torture and torture him. Susanin was adamant and did not give out the whereabouts of the royal persons, for which he paid with his life.

After the overthrow of the Romanov dynasty, the monument was completely destroyed by the revolutionaries, but half a century later it was rebuilt. This time the sculptors erected a monument to only one Ivan Susanin. This monument is the national pride of Kostroma.

4. Yaroslavl

The ancient city was founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise and, of course, was named after this Grand Duke. In the same year, Yaroslav died, but the Yaroslavl Kremlin, laid at the intersection of the Kotorosl and Volga rivers, became the beginning of a grandiose construction. During the years of the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Yaroslavl, unlike other cities that are part of the Golden Ring of Russia, did not suffer. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, one of the relatives of the Khan of the Golden Horde began to rule Yaroslavl, and the city began to flourish and develop.

Yaroslavl and the Time of Troubles were transferred - the troops of False Dmitry II, who decided to seize power in the country, stopped in it, and later the people's troops of the second militia of Pozharsky and Minin, who defeated the Polish interventionists, were located in the city. After the Troubles, Yaroslavl began to develop intensively, various crafts were especially developed.

But during the years of Soviet power, the city suffered a lot: during the civil war, many houses burned down, a large number of people were killed and many historical monuments were destroyed.

The grand restoration of the city and the economy began after the Great Patriotic War, during which there were also casualties and destruction.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

One of the oldest monasteries built in Yaroslavl was Spaso-Preobrazhensky. It was founded in the 12th century and for a long time remained the main spiritual abode of Orthodox Russians. In the XIII century, the Transfiguration Cathedral was built, then the Holy Gates, the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the belfry and other buildings and churches were built. In the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the people's militias received a blessing when they went to save the country from the Polish-Lithuanian intervention. In the same monastery, young Mikhail Romanov signed his first letter of consent to become Russian Tsar.

Now the monastery is a state museum-reserve.

In addition to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and the Yaroslavl Kremlin, “cold churches” built in the 17th century are very popular with tourists - these are the churches of Elijah the Prophet, John Chrysostom, John the Baptist and others. And, in principle, the whole city consists of one sights - there are over 700 of them in the city, so one day is not enough for tourists to see all the treasures of ancient Yaroslavl.

5. Ivanovo

The young city, famous for its beautiful brides and a rich variety of textiles, first made itself known in 1608, when an entry was made about it in the annals. At that time, it was still only a fragile village, but it had already managed to find itself in the thick of things during the Time of Troubles. In Ivanovo there was a camp of Polish interventionists. During the revolutionary years (at the beginning of the 20th century), a camp of revolutionaries was formed here. But it was not the rich history that became the decoration of the city, but the machine-building enterprises and textile factories that made the city a Russian celebrity.

Shudrovskaya tent

The Shchudrovskaya tent is one of the oldest monuments preserved in Ivanovo. Appearing in the 17th century as a command tent, today the building is a local history museum. It is an excellent example of stone construction of the 17th century.

Revolutionary monuments

The monument to the fighters of the 1905 revolution and the Krasnaya Talka memorial are the main sights of the city. Despite their "youth", the monuments have become a vivid reminder of the feat of the working youth, who decided to overthrow the tsarist government and give the country liberation.

6. Suzdal

The founding of Suzdal is associated with the name of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. It was Vladimir who began the construction of a defensive fortress on the Kamenka River, which became the beginning of the construction of a beautiful and amazing city, which received official status only in the 18th century under Catherine II. Vladimir Monomakh fell in love with Suzdal and put his soul into the majestic Suzdal Kremlin he created. He also built the Assumption Cathedral, which, although repeatedly restored, preserved ancient frescoes from the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion and the Time of Troubles.

Yuri Dolgoruky continued the work begun by his father. Under him, Suzdal acquired the status of the spiritual center of Orthodox Christians. During the years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the Time of Troubles, the city was badly destroyed, but quickly recovered from losses and became a city-reserve.

Suzdal Kremlin

The Kremlin is crowned with the Nativity Cathedral, Nikolskaya Church and Bishops' Chambers. As already noted, the Suzdal Kremlin was founded by Vladimir Monomakh. At first it was a log fortress with towers, surrounded by ditches and earthen ramparts, later the construction of the main architectural structures of the Kremlin began. The stone Suzdal Kremlin and churches left from ancient times, earthen ramparts and ditches have survived to this day.

Excursion with a visit to the Shchurovo settlement is very popular. In many ways, this popularity is due to the release of Pavel Lungin's historical film "Tsar", which attracted the attention of viewers to the settlement of the ancient Slavs due to the wooden scenery installed by the film crew during the filming process.

An equally amazing place is the Intercession Convent, which has become a haven for many famous historical figures who were imprisoned for political reasons. Among the most famous are the wives of Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible, who fell into disgrace through the fault of their crowned spouses.

7. Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad is a city that millions of Orthodox people dream of visiting. It was founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh back in 1337. As a youth, Bartholomew (the future Saint Sergius of Radonezh) and his brother Stefan settled on the banks of the Konchura River, deliberately making this quiet deserted place their refuge. Here they built a church in honor of the Trinity and a monastic cell. The annals say that Dmitry Donskoy himself, going to the famous battle, came to bow and for a blessing to Sergius of Radonezh. The devotees of Radonezh continued his holy work and today this church has become the world-famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And a whole city grew up around the church, which officially received the status of a city during the reign of the deeply religious Empress Catherine the Great.

16 years after the death of St. Sergius, the monastery was burned to the ground by the Tatar Khan Edigei and rebuilt under Abbot Nikon of Radonezh. Since then, the monastery flourished. Under Ivan the Terrible, the monastery began to grow and turned into a powerful fortress, and under Catherine it became a Lavra. Now the Lavra consists of 50 different buildings.

As for the city itself, it arose thanks to rumors that spread at the speed of light about healing miracles taking place in the monastery. Elders, pilgrims and just believers began to flock to the walls of the monastery and stay here for permanent residence. The next systematic step was the development of trade and crafts, bringing Sergiev Posad closer to obtaining city status.

The main and most significant asset of Sergiyev Posad, of course, is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra with a rich historical past. It includes more than a dozen churches, among which are the Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Assumption Cathedral, the Church of St. Sergius and other buildings. The future Emperor Peter I hid within the walls of the monastery several times: the first time to escape from the Streltsy rebellion, the second time - from his sister, Princess Sophia.

Remember the famous matryoshka? Sergiev Posad became the birthplace of this wooden doll, which was loved by Soviet children. Meanwhile, although the matryoshka was released only at the beginning of the 20th century, even Sergius of Radonezh cut various wooden toys and distributed them to the kids, thereby blessing the future city for the further production of toys.

8. Pereslavl-Zalessky

A fabulous city arose on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo. Its entry into the Golden Ring of Russia is not accidental. Yuri Dolgoruky himself (the founder of the capital of Russia - Moscow) had a hand in the construction of this city in 1152. According to the ideas of Prince Pereslavl-Zalessky was to become the capital of North-Eastern Russia. Already in those days, Pereslavl-Zalessky was a city of impressive size, although it was located on a swampy area.

Alexander Nevsky, the famous commander who repelled the attacks of the Swedes, Lithuanians and Germans, was born and reigned in this amazing city. He also managed to establish peaceful relations with the Golden Horde. The people literally idolized the prince and considered him the defender of Russia. In memory of him, the Church of Alexander Nevsky was erected in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

the Red Square

Since Pereslavl-Zalessky was to become the capital, it could not do without Red Square. There are famous architectural monuments and churches on Red Square - the same Alexander Nevsky Church, the Transfiguration Cathedral and others.

The Transfiguration Cathedral, like the city itself, was founded by Dolgoruky in 1152, now it is a museum-reserve. Its main advantage lies in the fact that it has survived to this day in its original form and this differs from other white-stone churches of Russia. Frescoes dating back to the second half of the 12th century were also found in it, and the icon “Transfiguration”, written in the 15th century by Theophanes the Greek, was found.

The decorations of Red Square are the monument to Alexander Nevsky and a huge boulder, which is 2 billion years old and was found on the banks of the Trubezh River. The boulder is better known as the Blue Stone, which fulfills the most cherished desires and heals from diseases.

All the oldest Russian cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia are united by a unique history, rich cultural heritage, amazing natural beauties and a unique charm that has preserved the remnants of antiquity, grandeur and glory of the Russian state.

The number one direction near Moscow, which ensured a stable inflow of foreign currency to the state treasury back in the days of socialism, the Golden Ring on the map resembles rather a calligraphic capital “O”, striving to break away from noisy Moscow and be carried away into the foggy distance of the glorious history of Russia and the blessed silence of the outback.

8 ancient cities with majestic monasteries and golden-domed churches, chambers of commerce of the Volga merchants and workshops of famous folk crafts - a brilliant crown of the Mother See. Not to visit them means to miss a lot of interesting and important things from the eventful domestic past.

But you should not think at all that there is nothing to do here except walking around religious and secular architectural complexes - on the contrary! For example, in Yaroslavl, you can eat up to satiety almost the most delicious donuts in the central region, and take a couple of heads of cheese from Kostroma in the same Kostroma birch bark; Suzdal will cheer you up with the International Cucumber Festival, and Pereslavl-Zalessky will enchant you with the blue expanses of Lake Pleshcheyevo. In addition, the path to this fabulous kingdom is not far at all: only a couple of hours from Moscow, and the tourist infrastructure is quite developed - you can eat and spend the night with taste and for reasonable money.

What is the Golden Ring: cities and monasteries

First, let's define terminology. The classic Golden Ring is 10 cities, significant for their historical and cultural monuments, located on a virtual circle to the northeast of Moscow. Clockwise from the nearest city to the capital, they are: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. In 2015, the city of Kasimov joined them, and in 2016, Kaluga.

Along with the classic route, there are also extended ones, depending on the imagination of the tour operators, including neighboring cities (by the way, no less remarkable in terms of landscapes, traditions and culture): Kalyazin, Murom, Plyos, Rybinsk, Gus-Khrustalny, Palekh, Alexandrov, etc. Forgive them such a confusion of thoughts: there really is something to see on the territory of the central regions of Russia, and in spirit these settlements fit perfectly into the framework of the Golden Ring - cozy towns topped with domes burning in the sun, spacious Central Russian landscapes around and magnificent examples of applied art as a visiting card - let's take at least Gusev crystal or a lacquer miniature of Palekh.

Rostov the Great

Routes along the Golden Ring

There are a lot of options for excursion programs along the Golden Ring. In addition to the classic “ten” mentioned above, an extended loop route around the Yaroslavl region is popular - with a visit to Myshkin, Rybinsk and. Its length is about 1000 km.

You can travel along the Golden Ring not only in a circle, but also radially: for example, from Rostov the Great - to the Borisoglebsky Monastery, from Yaroslavl - to Tutaev, from Kostroma - to Plyos and Shchelykovo, from Ivanovo - to Shuya and the places of folk crafts Palekh, Kholuy and Mstyora. Most often, such mini-programs include visiting only 4-7 cities.

According to the duration of the trip, they can be calculated both for 2-3 days (weekend tours), and for the full 9-10 days needed to explore the main cities and other "like cherubs". The most popular options are from 2 to 5 days, although there are also a lot of people who want to embrace the immensity, especially in the summer.

What to ride

The most convenient way to move around the Golden Ring is an organized tour. Despite the inevitable “gallop across Europe” in such cases, the advantages of this option are obvious: they will bring and take away on schedule, settle, feed and tell.

Travelers on their own should focus on personal vehicles (ideal) or intercity buses. The railway is more suitable for individual visits to the cities of the Golden Ring, since it connects only regional centers (which is convenient, say, for Yaroslavl or Vladimir). In many small towns, the stations are located tens of kilometers from tourist places. To quickly get to the opposite side of the "ring", you can use the plane: for example, flights from Moscow Domodedovo depart twice a week to Kostroma. Travel time is just under 1.5 hours.

  • Which cities of the Golden Ring can be visited on a boat during a cruise

Maps of the Golden Ring

Communications and Wi-Fi

Finding a free Wi-Fi hotspot in the cities of the Golden Ring is not a problem. The Internet is not available everywhere, but you can’t talk about a shortage either, after all, it’s a tourist route. So, in small towns like Sergiev Posad, access is available in central cafes and popular restaurants. Some establishments offer free Wi-Fi only to customers, so you need to make an order to get a password.

In larger cities, such as Vladimir, the net can be caught in large squares and in the area of ​​​​sights.

As for hotels, it is better to study this issue when booking. Spoiled by the default service, tourists from megacities may encounter partial coverage or no Wi-Fi at all. Access problems may arise in small mini-hotels or guest houses.

Hotels of the Golden Ring

Fortunately, the days when a trip to the Russian outback was invariably fraught with difficulties in finding a suitable hotel (more precisely, with a complete lack of decent housing options) have sunk into oblivion. Today, in any city of the Golden Ring, there are at least a couple of nice hotels, as well as many options in the private sector: from cozy mini-hotels with home furnishings to apartments and even cottages rented by the day. There are also business hotels, "sharpened" for rich foreigners.

A pleasant zest and, if you like, exotic even for us, residents of big cities, is accommodation in old houses in suburbs or real village huts.

Accommodation prices range from 550-1500 RUB for a room in a private sector, sanatorium or camp site to 2400-5100 RUB for a well-furnished room in a modern hotel or a well-maintained private hotel. Business accommodation will cost 6000-10000 RUB for a double room with breakfast. Prices on the page are for November 2019.

What to bring

Handicrafts and souvenirs of the cities of the Golden Ring are perhaps more attractive to travelers than monasteries, temples and museums. In addition to the standard assortment - all sorts of things with the image of local architectural monuments - almost every town is famous for the exceptional products of its craftsmen. In Kostroma, for example, magnificent birch bark things are made - tueski and boxes, caskets and baskets. Linen clothes and home textiles are also brought from here - plain and embroidered. From Pereslavl-Zalessky, it is worth picking up wonderful interior and kitchen items made of carved wood. Vladimir is known for patchwork, finift and jewelry made of semi-precious stones, and Suzdal is famous for tapestries. In Ivanovo, be sure to pay attention to the products of local weavers - chintz and printed fabrics, home and bedroom textiles. The places of the "big" Golden Ring - Kholuy, Mstyora, Palekh - are famous throughout the world for the art of lacquer miniatures.

Journey through the cities of the Golden Ring

Cuisine and restaurants of the Golden Ring

Thanks to the unflagging tourist interest, largely from foreigners, there are no problems with eating establishments on the Golden Ring. From sandwich and wine shops (and you say exotic - abroad!), where you can kill a worm, say, with meat and potatoes in a pot and have a glass "for sightseeing", to restaurants of Russian haute cuisine in the spirit of the famous Moscow Cafe Pushkin .

In the cities of the Golden Ring, you should definitely try local gastronomic delights: in Yaroslavl - donuts, in Kostroma - cheese, in Suzdal - mead and cucumbers in all forms - from fresh to pickle, in Rostov the Great - pike dishes.

It is worth noting that in inexpensive establishments they feed in a native way: fresh products, impressive portions, democratic prices - the soulful Russian hinterland, after all, is not the shameless shaver-makers of megacities. Buffet in hotels is rarely offered: breakfasts are usually continental, and dinner can be ordered from the menu in the hotel restaurant.

The best photos of the Golden Ring

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What to watch

The theme of New Year's miracles is continued by Vladimir, where even fairs in winter turn into theatrical stages, and the ball is ruled by the main enemy of New Year's matinees - Baba Yaga. Miracles are happening in the fairy-tale museum “Babusya-Yagusya”, beloved by children - the hook-nosed old woman suddenly becomes kinder and even treats guests with sweets.

Noisily having fun on New Year's days and in the complex "The Birth of a Fairy Tale" 25 km from Pereslavl-Zalessky (website). It is worth returning to this city in the summer to pay a visit to the Russian Park, which offers dozens of programs for children's recreation.

A unique place in Suzdal is the Shchurovo Settlement Museum, where the atmosphere of ancient Russian life is recreated. In early spring, a unique festival "Russian Fairy Tale" takes place here.

In Yaroslavl, children are accepted as heroes in the museum-theater "Aleshino Compound". Worthy of attention are the zoo and the dolphinarium.

In Rostov the Great, chic Kremlin Christmas trees are organized. It will not be superfluous to look into the Lukovaya Sloboda Museum and the Pike Dvor Academy of Fish Soup in the Rostovsky Complex (website).

Ivanovo and Sergiev Posad cannot boast of such an abundance of entertainment, but there is something to do here too. The Ivanovo Zoo, for example, is home to more than 800 representatives of the animal world (website). And in Sergiev Posad, a great place for a family vacation is the Park of Wonders amusement complex.

Holidays and events

In the cities of the Golden Ring they live and have fun in the best Russian traditions - to the envy of the inhabitants of megacities, they ride sleighs, noisily see off the winter by burning scarecrows, lead round dances, dress up in whatever they like.

The brightest folk festivals are held in the regions on New Year and Christmas. In this regard, Vladimir, Kostroma, Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl delight with entertainment programs. Full immersion in the atmosphere of fair life is guaranteed on Maslenitsa weekend. Celebrations are accompanied by songs, noisy performances and eating pancakes with dozens of toppings. There is a high demand for the Golden Ring and for Easter.

In an age when Easter cakes are bought in supermarkets, an Easter trip to the ringing city of the Golden Ring will give an unforgettable experience.

The summer season on the Golden Ring opens with May holidays, and continues with night festivities on Ivan Kupala. A spectacular event on the Yaroslavl land in July - the Balloon Festival. At the beginning of autumn in Vladimir, competitions of heroes "Princely Fun" are held.

Suzdal boasts a kaleidoscope of holidays. In the middle of summer, tourists from all over the country come to the city to celebrate Cucumber Day. Widely known local race competitions in bast shoes.

Climate and season

The climate in the cities of the Golden Ring is classic, temperate with pronounced seasonality - warm in summer, cold in winter, and rainy in autumn and spring.

The high season is the end of December-January, when crowds of tourists flock to the outback to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. Winter here is "correct" - with frost that decorates the windows, snowdrifts and crisp snow, without which the tourist attraction of the cities, perhaps, would have suffered greatly. It is crowded on the Golden Ring and on Maslenitsa, when people are in a hurry to take part in colorful folk festivals.

In spring, as in other things and in autumn, life in the cities subsides - it is slushy on the route, it rains. The flow of tourists resumes in May. Summer in ancient Russian cities is unconditionally the perfect season for relaxation. Firstly, trees grow here, not high-rise buildings, and it's beautiful. Secondly, at this time of the year there are many street festivals on the Golden Ring - it's fun. Well, not in the Moscow-style clean rivers and lakes found on the route will greatly brighten up the rest of those who like to swim.

The Golden Ring is the main tourist route of the country, popular not only among Russian, but also among foreign travelers. It includes ancient cities located relatively close to Moscow, in which medieval fortresses, monuments of church and civil architecture of the 12th-19th centuries have been preserved. The route is popular not only because of the unique sights, but also due to the transport accessibility and convenient location of the cities of the Golden Ring relative to each other. Traveling along the Golden Ring of Russia allows you to see the oldest and most important monuments of Russian architecture in a short time, to visit those cities where the most important events of Russian history took place.

Cities of the Golden Ring of Russia

The list of Golden Ring cities is controversial. A number of cities are full members of this "golden" community:,. It remains in doubt: this city cannot be compared with the history or number of monuments listed above, it has never been a princely capital.

On the other hand, tiny, but very ancient and interesting cities, younger ones, and a number of others, rightfully claim to be included in the Golden Ring route.

Sometimes cities from the main list are called the Great Ring of Russia, and settlements from the debatable list are called the Small Ring.

Tours and excursions around the Golden Ring

Tours around the Golden Ring are very popular. As a rule, tour operators offer bus tours. Cities are located nearby, so transfers usually do not take more than 3-4 hours. This method allows you to see the main attractions in a short time. Usually excursions take from 3 to 7 days: it all depends on the number of cities included in the program.

Of particular interest are river cruises along the Golden Ring. , and are located on the banks of the Volga, so it is very convenient to visit them while traveling by boat.

Journey around the ring of Russia

Traveling around the cities of the Golden Ring can be organized independently. Even in small towns, you can always rent a hotel, apartment or guest house. At the same time, there are no problems with the transfer: the settlements are connected either by rail or bus routes, or both at once. In small towns like public transport does not work very well, but this is not necessary: ​​one day is enough to get around all the sights of the city on foot, they are all concentrated in the historical center.

Sights of the Golden Ring

Each of the cities of the Golden Ring boasts a huge number of attractions - ancient churches, monasteries, defensive structures and others.

In Vladimir, you should definitely see the Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, the Golden Gate, as well as the sights of the Vladimir suburb - the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Bogolyubovsky Monastery.

There are several monasteries in the area, as well as a nature reserve, an amazing natural monument. So here you can combine cultural and beach holidays.

Among the cities of the Small Ring, one of the most popular is: it is interesting not only for the events that took place here (the mysterious murder of the heir of Ivan the Terrible, the young Tsarevich Dmitry), but also for the temples that have survived to this day. However, if you have free time, it is worth visiting all the cities from the small list above: each has its own zest and charm, this especially applies to the Volga cities.

Festival of active recreation "Winter Fun" in Uglich

Tourist route of the Golden Ring

The starting point for traveling along the Golden Ring is usually: the capital itself sometimes claims to be included in the "golden" list. Consider a long journey that allows you to see both the "big" and "small" cities of this route.

The first mandatory stop is located about 50 kilometers from Moscow. Another 65 kilometers along the M8 highway - and you will be in. Here you can stay for the night: even a cursory inspection of the monuments with a walk along the lake shore will take the rest of the day.

From Yaroslavl to only 85 kilometers. So you can spend the night in the homeland of the Snow Maiden, and the next day you can explore the city. From Kostroma to also about 85 kilometers. Even if you do not plan to explore the city, the road to Vladimir still passes through it. You can rent a hotel in Ivanovo, or already in Suzdal: it is located 75 kilometers from Ivanovo, there will be another 30 kilometers to go.

One day is enough to explore tiny Suzdal. Then there are two options: if you want to see and, then immediately from Suzdal you need to make a 70-kilometer detour to visit. If not, then Yuryev-Polsky will be the last point of the route before returning to Moscow from Vladimir.

In Vladimir it makes sense to stop for the night. It will take 1-2 days to explore the city itself.

The most convenient way to travel around the Golden Ring is by car: it allows you to see more. On the other hand, you can travel along the specified route by bus. Considering that the distances between the waypoints do not exceed 90 kilometers, the road will be easily transferred. Traveling without a car will allow you to better feel the atmosphere of each city and get to know it better.

The most popular excursion route in the country - the Golden Ring of Russia - is known far beyond the borders of our homeland. Tens of thousands of foreigners come to visit and look at the sights of the times of ancient Russia every year. But even such popularity still cannot answer the main question - how many cities are included in this route?

There are only 8 officially recognized cities of the Golden Ring, but some sources name 12, and some even double this figure. The Vipgeo portal offers to get acquainted with the list of cities of the Golden Ring of Russia and find out what you can see in them?

Sergiev Posad

As soon as they call Sergiev Posad as part of the route - and the pearl of the Golden Ring, and its heart, and the unofficial capital. And all these epithets will be true - any organized tour will start from Sergiev Posad, whether you like it or not.

Of course, the central attraction of the city is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, which gave its name to the settlement that arose around the monastery of one of the most revered Russian saints. Excursions are held here regularly, and the number of pilgrims and ordinary tourists at any time of the year is so great that in any case you will have to endure queues and other inconveniences.

The monastery itself can be walked up and down in a couple of days, but the Toy Museum will take you much less time. But it is worth a visit if you are interested in the history of this craft.

Important: On the territory of the Lavra there is its own hotel, which accepts not only pilgrims, but also tourists. Therefore, if you want to stay in Posada for a few days and learn more interesting things about the monastery, it is better to stay there.


Anyone who says that it is worth visiting the ancient city of Vladimir only for the sake of the Golden Gates of the 12th century - he simply did not study history. To date, the city has several dozen architectural monuments of federal significance. Among them, in addition to the Gates, there are also UNESCO sites:

    Assumption Cathedral - one of the few temples of pre-Mongolian Russia;

    Dmitrievsky Cathedral is also a monument of architecture of the XII century.

In addition, several very specific museums are located on the territory of Vladimir and its suburbs, for example, the museum at the Vladimirsky Central prison or the interactive exhibition area Borodin's Smithy.

What exactly to dedicate a visit to Vladimir - modernity or antiquity - you decide. But any excursion can harmoniously combine these directions.


Without a stop in Suzdal for at least a few hours, it is impossible to visit Vladimir, even if you are exploring the Golden Ring on your own. The cities are 30 km apart from each other, so there will be no problems with logistics.

The core of the city and the key attraction is the Suzdal Kremlin, built, according to the most conservative estimates, in the 10th century. Of course, the Nativity Cathedral and Bishops' Chambers appeared much later, but the first earthen fortifications date back to the dawn of the Russian state.

Pilgrims and admirers of Orthodox architecture will find room for peace in Suzdal - there are as many as 6 monasteries within the city, and this is taking into account the fact that you can walk from the center to the outskirts in just an hour.

Of the secular buildings of Suzdal, you should definitely see the Trade Rows and the unique Museum of Wooden Architecture.

Rostov the Great

Everyone knows that Rostov is not only on the Don, but also a little to the north - in the route of the Golden Ring. And yes, it also has its own Rostov Kremlin, which is the main point of any excursion. Many of them are based on the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, but few people thought that several important architectural monuments are located on its territory:

    Assumption Cathedral of the 16th century and Belfry of the 17th century;

    Church of the Savior on Senyah;

    Church of John the Evangelist;

    Red Chamber of the 17th century.

Rostov the Great became famous for its "home" museums - exhibition sites located in historical mansions or in antique-styled houses:

    Museum of the Rostov merchants;

    Museum of the factory "Rostov Finift";

    Gallery "Khors";

    Lukova Sloboda;

    Academy of fish soup "Pike Yard";

    Craft yard "Fire Bird".


For pilgrims, Pereslavl-Zalessky is 4 active and two more Orthodox monasteries converted into museums. It is deservedly considered the most spiritually rich city of the Golden Ring after Sergiev Posad.

The shrines of the city are:

    Holy Trinity Monastery;

    Nikolsky monastery;

    Feodorovsky Monastery.

But the closed monasteries have always aroused more interest among tourists:

    Sretensky Novodevichy Convent;

    Goritsky Monastery.

And, as in Rostov, Pereslavl has its own thematic museums, sometimes unparalleled in the world, for example:

    Iron Museum;

    Teapot Museum;

    Kvass Museum;

    Tea Museum.


It is unlikely that there are many cities in the world whose entire districts would be recognized by UNESCO as part of the World Heritage of Humanity, but our Yaroslavl is one of them. The historical center of the city is the subject of special protection of the world's defenders of antiquity and at the same time is the main place for all excursions related to the Golden Ring.

Of course, acquaintance with Yaroslavl most often begins with the Transfiguration Monastery, which appeared in the city during the reign of Ivan III. It has reached our time in a fairly reconstructed appearance, but its value has not decreased from this. Many tourists climb the belfry of the main cathedral to see almost the entire city from its height.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

In addition, the most valuable architectural monuments of Yaroslavl include:

    Gostiny Dvor;

    Demidov pillar;

    The estate of the Zatrapeznovs;

    Vakhrameev's mansion;

    Rozhkov's house.

At the same time, no one cancels walks along the Volga embankment, or Strelka, as it is commonly called here. Within walking distance from it are three key museums of Yaroslavl:

    Art Museum;

    History Museum;

    Museum "Music and Time".


Once Kostroma was famous for its Kremlin and the exploits of the legendary Ivan Susanin, but now people come here as part of the Golden Ring of Russia route for appeasement, Volga landscapes and ancient architecture that survived the turbulent beginning of the 20th century.

Now all official excursions in the Empress Kostroma begin with an inspection of the territory of the Ipatiev Monastery - the pearl of architecture of the 17th century. Among the key objects of the monastery:

    Chambers of the Romanovs;

    Catherine's Gate;

    Archimandrite Corps.

Museums of Kostroma are known far beyond the borders of Russia - these are reference exhibition complexes from the point of view of history, dedicated to the most beloved crafts among the people, the most famous personalities and even folklore heroes. Must-sees are:

    Museum of flax and birch bark;

    Museum of Petrovsky Toys;

    Museum of Wooden Architecture;

    Romanovsky Museum;

    Terem Snegurochka.


The favorite saying that Ivanovo is a city of brides has already settled so deeply in the minds of any Russian-speaking person that many begin to forget about the true historical significance of this place. Of course, sewing manufactories have long turned into modern factories, but thousands of tourists come here every year not for their sake.

The specific format of excursions around Ivanovo is a forced march through museums, including:

    Museum of Ivanovo chintz;

    Museum of the First Council.

But the architectural delights of Ivanovo no longer belong to antiquity, but to the era of industrialization - in the 1930s the city was actively built up, including experimental projects of outstanding Soviet architects. Excursion groups bring to such objects as:


    House of the Collective;


    Regional Bank;

    Ivanovo Post Office.

The oldest building in the city, and one of the few pre-revolutionary buildings, is the Shchudrovskaya tent, built in the 17th century.

Cities included in the Golden Ring

In addition to the main 8 cities of the official route of the Golden Ring of Russia, the following cities are often included in it:

  • Yuryev-Polsky;



It is best to visit each of the cities on your own, so as not to be limited in time and in the program of excursions.

Is it worth visiting the cities of the Golden Ring on holidays? (opinion)

You can often see questions on travel forums about whether it is worth going to the popular cities of the Golden Ring of Russia for the holidays - New Year, Christmas and Easter? And no less often there are answers that it is absolutely impossible to do this - there are a lot of people, prices are skyrocketing, etc.

In fact, as those tourists who independently built a travel route by car say, on holidays in each of the ancient Russian cities there is a unique atmosphere. Yes, there are quite a lot of people, but this is not comparable to the hype at night sales or the notorious queue at the Mausoleum. Even if a lot of people come to the festive divine service in the Lavra or any other large temple, no crushes have been observed for the last 10 years.

And about the prices, those tourists who are used to eating or living directly in the tourist area are right. Of course, restaurants near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra or the Rostov Kremlin will be indecently expensive, especially during the holidays. But it is worth literally crossing the street - and it is quite possible to find an inexpensive cafe or hotel with adequate prices. Another thing is whether there will be free places.

Also, experienced guests of the Golden Ring warn of problems with transport on holidays and weekends - intercity buses sometimes have to wait for hours. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a car tour.

In my carefree youth, my sister and I spent a lot of time traveling around our country. We always chose cities at random: based on weather conditions and transport accessibility. More recently, I was surprised to find that I did not miss a single city of the Golden Ring. I must say that the trip to each of them left me with a lot of pleasant impressions.

The official composition of the "Golden Ring"

So, The Golden Ring of Russia is cities that managed to save ancient artifacts. Surprisingly, but recognized only 8 cities from 5 regions:

  1. Moscow region: Sergiev Posad;
  2. Vladimir region: and;
  3. Ivanovo region: Ivanovo;
  4. Kostroma region: ;
  5. Yaroslavl region: , Rostov the Great And Pereslavl-Zalessky.
Recently the list was replenished with two more cities:
  1. Kasimov(Ryazan Oblast);
  2. (Kaluga region).

Expanded composition of the "Golden Ring" of Russia

Thinking about it, you understand that the list of cities filled with the atmosphere of antiquity does not end with the top ten from the traditionally accepted list. Personally, about a dozen more wonderful places come to mind, where you can feel the spirit of ancient Russia:

  • Plyos;
  • Palekh;
  • Bogolyubovo;
  • Gus-Khrustalny;
  • Kalyazin.
They are not named in the "Golden Ring" at the official level, but many rightfully include them in this list. After all, in fact, in each of them there is a sufficient number of noteworthy objects of antiquity.

why ring

In the 60s, a series of notes on ancient Russian cities was published under the single cycle "Golden Ring". Since then, the designation has stuck and today the golden ring is a tourism term. They designate route through the ancient cities. Looking at the map, you can see that this route forms a not quite even ring.

What can you see when going along the "Golden Ring"

It is worth starting with the fact that the cities of the Golden Ring are located in surprisingly picturesque places: on the banks of rivers and lakes and are notable for their mesmerizing landscape. But, of course, that's not all! Traveling along the Golden Ring, you will see:

  • monasteries and cathedrals, churches and temples, - there will be an incredible number of them,
  • ancienturban development,
  • interesting, often small museums with truly valuable exhibits.
  • in addition, in some places still preserved craft traditions: Meet the true craftsmanship.

It is good to walk around the cities of the Golden Ring, enjoying the unhurried lifestyle of the Russian hinterland, and look for entertaining objects.

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