Home Mushrooms What are numerals in a sentence? Syntactic role of numerals. What type of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother

What are numerals in a sentence? Syntactic role of numerals. What type of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother

In this article I will tell you what it is numeral and I'll look at everything in detail digits of numerals.

Numeral- this is a part of speech that denotes the abstract number or order of objects when counting them (six, eleven, two hundred and forty-two, first, twenty-second).

From the point of view of lexical and grammatical features, numerals are distributed into the following categories: 1 ) quantitative (eight, thirteen); 2) collective (three, seven); 3) fractional (one second, three fifths); 4) ordinal (fourth, seventy-first).

Based on their structural features, numerals are divided into three groups:

1) simple(having one root): one, two, third;

2) complex(formed by adding two or more words): eightieth, nine hundred;

3) composite(which includes two words or several words): one hundred fifty one, two hundred two, one sixth.

Quantitative numerals

This category includes numerals that indicate the number of items being counted ( five notebooks, one hundred dollars) or an abstract number (seven, three hundred). In terms of grammatical features, cardinal numerals are varied.

  1. Numeral ONE has gender forms (one, one, one), as well as singular and plural forms, distinguished in all cases ( one-alone, alone, one..). This numeral agrees with the noun in all forms.
  2. Numeral TWO in the nominative case it has two forms: two for men and Wednesday kind and two for feminine ( two buses, two clouds, two pens). In oblique cases these forms do not differ ( two buses, clouds, pens).
  3. When combined with numerals two three four nouns are used in the gender form. case unit numbers, and when combined with other numerals (five, one hundred, thousand) the nouns have the form gender. plural case numbers ( five notebooks, one hundred days, one thousand pages).
  4. Numerals thousand, million, billion can have the properties of nouns if they are combined with numerals ( six million, twenty thousand). In addition, when forming compound words, they also behave like nouns: thousand-year-old(connecting vowel e connects the stems of two nouns: thousand and years; million-voice- connecting O ).

The declension of cardinal numerals is not uniform; it is represented by a variety of forms:

  1. Numerals one two have the same endings as fixed adjectives, and numerals three four - as soft adjectives.
  2. Numerals from 5 to 20 and 30-80 change like third declension nouns, and for numerals from 50 to 80 both parts change ( pole And ten And, six Yu ten Yu ).
  3. The numerals 40, 90, 100 have only two forms in declension: in im. case and wine. case - forty, ninety, one hundred, and in the rest - forty, ninety, hundred.
  4. Numerals thousand, million, billion are declined as nouns of the corresponding declension.
  5. For compound numerals, when declension occurs, all words change ( six hundred twenty seven - six hundred twenty seven - six hundred twenty seven).

In a sentence, cardinal numbers can be subjects ( Thirteen is not divisible by four without a remainder), addition ( Multiply two by six ), the nominal part of the predicate ( Seven seven - forty nine ), inconsistent definitions ( Photo three by four ).

Collective numerals

This is a type of cardinal number. Collective numbers call the number of homogeneous objects as a certain collection ( two guys, six artists). Collective numbers include nine words: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

These numerals are declined as full plural adjectives, and combinations are formed with a limited range of words:

1) with nouns, substantivized adjectives (which have become nouns) and participles, with pronouns we, you, they, denoting names of masculine persons ( three workers, four students, seven officers; two brave, five students; there were two of us, we were waiting for the three of you);

2) with nouns naming young animals, and with the word children ( five children, five hares, five kids);

3) with nouns that have only a plural form ( two scissors, five days).

Please note: Words both, both, wallpaper in modern linguistics they are often referred not to numerals, but to pronouns, since they do not denote quantities, but only indicate the previously named two objects and have meaning both.

Fractional numerals

Fractional numerals are also a type of cardinal ones and serve as a designation for a fractional number ( two thirds, one and a half, one eighth) or the number of objects is less or more than one ( one fourth of the cake, two fifths of the area, one and a half bottles).

According to their structure, fractional numbers are divided into several groups:

1) one simple word ( one and a half);

2) one compound word ( one and a half hundred);

3) the name of the fraction, consisting of a cardinal number (in the numerator of the fraction) and an ordinal number (in the denominator): two sevenths..

Fractional numbers are combined with nouns denoting countable objects, as well as with real and collective nouns ( three-fifths of the plot, two-thirds of the pie, two-quarters of the student body).

When fractional numbers are declined, all their components change, but nouns do not change ( two-fifths of an apartment, three-quarters of a pie…).

Numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred have only two forms: one and a half, one and a half hundred in the nominative and accusative cases and one and a half, one and a half hundred in all others. In addition, the word one and a half has two generic forms: one and a half in combination with masculine and neuter nouns; one and a half - with feminine nouns ( one and a half columns).

Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers indicate the order of objects when counting them, i.e. name the attribute of an object by the number by which the object is designated ( fifth entrance, second row). Therefore, they, like adjectives, agree with the combining noun in gender, number and case, and in some textbooks they are treated as relative adjectives. In a sentence they can act independently, or they can appear in combination with a noun as one member of the sentence ( It's snowing for the second day).

When declensing complex ordinal numbers from 50 before 80 and from 200 before 900 the first part does not change (it is in the genitive case), and the second acquires the endings of adjectives ( sixtieth, sixtieth; six hundredth, six hundredth).

When declension of compound ordinal numbers by case, only the last word changes, and the remaining words are used in the nominative case form ( one hundred and thirty-first, one hundred and thirty-first; fifty seventh, fifty seventh).

In a sentence, a numeral can perform a variety of functions, and serve as both the main and secondary member of the sentence. To determine the syntactic role of this part of speech, it is necessary to ask the question correctly. This article discusses all variants of numerals in a sentence with examples.

The numeral plays a very important text-forming role. It can be used in speech for a variety of functions.

The syntactic role of the numeral in a sentence

Cardinal numbers can be both the main and minor members in a sentence. In order to determine the syntactic function of a numeral, you need to correctly pose a question to it.

  • Subject always stands in I. p. and answers questions Who? What?

    For example: (What?) Ten minus seven equals three. (Who?) Thirteen climbers disappeared without a trace in the mountains.

  • Predicate usually denotes the action or state of the subject. If the predicate is expressed as a numeral, as a rule, it denotes the result and answers the question How many?

    For example: Three hundred and thirty three divided by one hundred and eleven is (how much?) three.

  • Addition, expressed by combining a cardinal number with a noun, answers questions what? what? about what? how? What?

    For example: (To whom?) Forty-six school students were awarded certificates. All night he thought (about whom?) about these two girls. For my birthday I was given (what?) five whole boxes of chocolates.

  • Definition, expressed as an ordinal number, answers questions Which? which? which? which? what? which ones? what?

    For example: (Which one?) All members of the jury liked the seventh candidate. The collective numeral can also play the role of a definition . All (which?) eight children were very well brought up.

  • Circumstance, expressed as a numeral, usually answers questions Where? When? how long? how? Etc.

§1. General characteristics of the numeral name

A numeral is an independent significant part of speech. Numerals are different in meaning, grammatical features, and structure.

1. Grammatical meaning- “number, amount, order when counting.”
Numerals include words that answer the questions: How many?, Which?

2. Morphological characteristics:

  • constants - quantitative/ordinal, simple/composite
  • changeable - case for all numerals, gender and number for ordinal ones, and also, in addition, individual numerals have features that do not fit into the general scheme:
    for some quantitative ones: genus, for example, one-one-one, two-two,
    number, for example, one-ones, a thousand-thousands, a million-millions.

Numerals are declined, changing according to cases, and some - according to cases, numbers and genders in the singular. On this basis they are referred to as names.

3. Syntactic role in a sentence:

  • cardinal numbers, together with the noun that depends on them, form a single member of a sentence, for example:

    Three magazines were on the table.

    I bought three magazines.

    The story was published in three magazines.

    Cardinal numbers are included in those parts of a sentence that can be nouns.

  • Ordinal numbers are in a sentence a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

    Our place is in the tenth row.

    The boy was third.

§2. Rank by value

According to their meaning, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
Quantitative means "number" or "quantity". Number is an abstract mathematical concept. Quantity is the number of items. Cardinal numbers, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • whole denote integers and quantities in integers, for example: five, twenty-five, one hundred and twenty-five
  • fractional denote fractional numbers and quantities, for example: one second, two thirds
  • collective express the meaning of the totality: both, three, seven

All subcategories of cardinal numbers have their own characteristics. Integers and fractions can form mixed numbers, for example: five point three (or: five point three).

Ordinal Numerals indicate the order of counting: first, one hundred and first, two thousand and eleven.

§3. Numeral structure

According to their structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

  • Simple Numerals are those that are written in one word: three, thirteen, three hundred, third, three hundredth
  • Composite- these are numerals made up of several words written separately: thirty-three, three hundred thirty-three, three hundred thirty-third .

What happens?

  • Whole quantitative
  • Fractional quantitative- compound.
  • Collective quantitative- simple.
  • Ordinal Numerals can be both simple and compound.

§4. Cardinal numbers. Morphological features

Whole numbers

Integer numbers change according to cases. If these are compound integer numerals, then with declension all parts change. For example:

I.p. eight hundred five ten six (books)
R.p. eight hundred fifty six (books)
D.p. eight hundred and fifty-six (books), etc.

From the examples it is clear that for derivatives of numerals formed by adding stems, both parts change when declension occurs.
Of great interest are numerals that have not only case forms, but also gender or gender and number.

These are numerals: one, two, one and a half, thousand, million, billion and others like that.


Word one varies by gender and number: one boy - M.R., one girl - F.R., one state - cf. r., alone - plural This numeral does not have one set of forms, like most integer cardinal numerals, but four: for each gender in the singular and for the plural.

The numeral two changes not only by cases, like all numerals, but also by gender: two boys, two girls, two windows (the forms sr.r. and m.r. coincide).

Thousand, million, billion

These numerals are similar to nouns. They have a constant gender and vary in numbers and cases.

I.p. thousand, thousands
R.p. thousands, thousands
D.p. thousand, thousands, etc.

Fractional cardinal numbers

In addition to numerals one and a half, one and a half hundred, all fractional compounds: the first part is an integer cardinal number, and the second is an ordinal number: two thirds, five eighths. With declension, both parts change, for example:

I.p. five eighths
R.p. five eighths
D.p. five-eighth

One and a half
Numeral one and a half changes not only by cases, but also by gender: one and a half - one and a half, For example:

a day and a half, a week and a half.
(The form of the sr.r. coincides with the form of the m.r.)

One two as part of fractional genders they do not change, but are used in the form of genders, for example:

one eighth, two thirds.

Collective numbers

Collective numbers vary by case. Only the word is special both, which has genus forms:

both brothers, both sisters, both states
(The forms of m. and s.r. are the same)

§5. Ordinals. Morphological features

Ordinal numbers are closest to relative adjectives. They change by number, in the singular by gender and by case, and have endings like adjectives. In compound ordinal numbers, only the final word changes, for example:

I.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
R.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
D.p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, etc.

§6. Syntactic compatibility of numerals with nouns

U cardinal numbers there are features in syntactic compatibility with the nouns to which they relate.

In I.p. and V.p. they require after themselves nouns in the form of R.p., for example:

eight books, fifteen roses, twenty people.

At the same time, the numerals one and a half, two, three, four require a singular noun. h., and the rest - in the plural. h.

Two windows - five windows, three roses - thirty roses, four boys - forty boys.

This type of syntactic compatibility is called control, because The case of the noun is governed by the numeral.

In all other forms, the type of connection is different, namely: agreement, i.e. numerals agree with nouns in case.

R.p. five windows, three roses
D.p. five windows, three roses
etc. five windows, three roses
P.p. (about) five windows, three roses

The exception is the numeral one. It agrees with the noun in all cases.

Fractional numbers have prime numbers one and a half, one and a half hundred combine with nouns as whole units.
The remaining fractions control the R.p. Nouns can be used in both singular and plural, for example: two-thirds apple (part of the object) and two-thirds apples (part of the total number of items).

Collective numerals combine with nouns in the same way as whole cardinal numerals. In I.p. and V.p. they control R.p. noun, and in all other cases agree with the noun in the case. With all collective numerals except both, the noun is used in the plural form, for example, seven kids. And only with both nouns are used in the singular: both brother both sisters.

Ordinals agree with nouns, i.e. behave like adjectives. For example:
first day, seventh a week, eighth notes day.


in compound numerals only the final word changes:
one hundred and twenty third paragraph (t.p., singular, m.r.),
second hand (t.p., singular, f.r.),
fourth window (T.p., singular, sr.r.).

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What grammatical meaning do the numerals express?

    • Number, amount, order when counting
    • Item attribute
    • Note
  2. What numerals indicate order when counting and answer the question Which?

    • Quantitative
    • Ordinal
  3. Is it possible in Russian to combine whole numbers with fractions?

  4. Can collective numbers be compound?

  5. Does the numeral change by gender? both?

  6. Can a numeral be a definition?

  7. What type of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother. ?

    • Coordination
    • Control
  8. In what forms do ordinal numbers agree with the noun in case?

    • In all
    • In all except I.p. and V.p.
    • In I.p. and V.p.
  9. How do collective numbers change?

    • By case
    • By cases and numbers
    • By cases, numbers and in the singular - by gender
  10. Which numerals have subcategories according to their meaning?

    • In quantitative
    • In ordinal
  • In which column do the highlighted words represent:
    1. number of objects and answer the question how many?,
    2. number and also answer the question how many?,
    3. order of objects when counting and answer the question what?
  • Determine the case of the highlighted words.

Highlighted words are names numerals. Numerals that answer the question how many? - quantitative.

Numerals that answer the question what? (which? which? which?), - ordinal.

Some scientists consider ordinal numbers to be ordinal adjectives due to the fact that they do not denote quantity and number and answer the question which? (which one? which one? which ones?).

Numerals can be different parts of a sentence:

Two Yes two - four.

Divide six on three.

We live on second floor.

A numeral denoting quantity, in combination with nouns, is one member of a sentence:

Two boys approached the school. Classes start at nine o'clock.

  • What do numerals mean and what questions do they answer?
  • What parts of a sentence can numerals be?

Using this definition, think like this: Four books are on the table. How many books? Four. This is a cardinal number. With the noun of the book, it forms a phrase, which is one member of the sentence - the subject. Look at the picture on page eight. On what page? On the eighth. The word eighth is an ordinal number. In a sentence it is a definition.

345 . Write it off. Write the letter above the cardinal numbers To., above the ordinal ones - a letter n. Underline the highlighted words as parts of the sentence.

Indicate the conditions for choosing spellings in place of gaps.

1. Input..t seven heroes, seven ruddy 3 mustaches. 2. C first pop jumped to the ceiling; with second slap..slap l..pop of the tongue, and with third The snap knocked the old man out of his wits. 3. Three girls They were spinning poses under the window... but in the evening. 4. B third Once he threw a net, a net came with one lever. (A. Pushkin.) 5. Three- odd number. 6. Seven And four - eleven.

In addition to numerals, other parts of speech can also have numerical meaning. Numerals can be written in words and numbers, but other parts of speech can only be written in words.

346 . Complete each row with these words. Compose two sentences with homogeneous members, using any cardinal and any ordinal numbers.

Troika(for answer), three(comrade), triple(ship "Vostok"), triple(efforts); hundredth(by the list), one hundred(trees), centennial(oak); (new) nickel, (became) fifth grader, (huge) fives, five(seconds), fifth(day), five-story(house).

347 . Numerals are often written in numbers rather than in words. When reading a text with digital notation of numerals, mistakes are often made: numerals are used in the wrong case. Check yourself whether you are using numerals correctly. There are two forms of numerals written in brackets. Choose the one that meets the norms of the literary language. Read it out loud.

The tallest plants are Australian eucalyptus trees. They reach 150 (one hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty) meters. Spruce grows up to 60 (sixty, sixty) meters, pine - up to 48 (forty-eight, forty-eight) meters. Birch can be about 36 (thirty-six, thirty-six) meters high, and oak can be up to 25 (twenty-five, twenty-five) meters. The world of living nature is rich and diverse, and people must take care of it.

348 . In what style is the text written? Name the ordinal numbers in it. Make and write a receipt, for example, about skis and skates taken from school.


I, Viktor Ivanov, a student of grade 6A, received 27 (twenty-seven) books from the library of school No. 6 for an exhibition in the classroom of new children's literature.

Numeral- this is an independent significant part of speech, combining words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question How many? or which?.

The numeral is a part of speech into which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - their relationship to number. The grammatical features of numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category of meaning the numeral belongs to.

Places of numerals by meaning

There are cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Quantitative numerals denote abstract numbers (five) and number of items (five tables) and answer the question How many?.

Cardinal numbers are integers (five), fractional (fiveseventh) and collective (five).

Whole Cardinal numerals denote whole numbers or quantities. Whole cardinal numbers are combined with counting nouns, that is, with nouns that denote objects that can be counted in pieces.

Fractional cardinal numerals denote fractional numbers or quantities and are combined as with counting nouns (twothird sweets), Same with uncountable nouns (two-thirdswater), but cannot be combined with animate nouns.

Collective Numerals denote the number of objects as a whole. Collective numbers include the words both, two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Collective numerals have limited combinability; they do not combine with all nouns, but only with some:

    with nouns that name males (twomen); numeral both also combined with nouns denoting female persons (both women);

    With nouns person, person, child (five people, persons,children);

    with names of baby animals (seven kids);

    with nouns that have only plural forms (two sleighs); These nouns are combined mainly with numerals two, three And four;

    with nouns naming paired objects (two noseskov); two socks- these are two socks, and two socks- these are four socks, that is, two pairs of socks;

6) with personal pronouns we, you, they (there were no two of them).Ordinal numerals indicate the order of objects when

account (first, second, fifth, one hundred twenty-fifth) and answer the question which?, which one?.

Digits of numerals by structure

Based on their structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

Simple numerals are one-component (two, two, second).

Composite numerals are not single-component, that is, they are written with spaces (fifty five, five tenths, five thousand fiftyfifth place).

Complexes 2 and 3 are also distinguished complex numerals that are one-component, but have two or more roots (five hundred,five-and-hundred-thousandth). In complex 2, for some reason, this group also included numerals ending in - eleven (fifteen),To which element -eleven is not a second root, but a suffix.

The identification of complex numerals in these educational complexes is associated with methodological goals - teaching the declension of complex numerals with second roots -ten And -hundred (five-and-ten-and, five-and-hundred).

Grammatical features of cardinal numbers

The only “full-fledged” morphological feature of cardinal numbers is the feature case. Numerals do not have a morphological sign of number (about words one, thousand, million, billion see below). The morphological feature of gender is represented only in numerals two, both, one and a half, Moreover, they contrast two generic forms, one for the masculine and neuter gender (twotable, window), the other is for the feminine (two desks):

One and a half

m., Wed. genus

m., Wed. genus

m., Wed. genus

one and a half

one and a half


one and a half

both of them

both of them


one and a half

both of them

both of them

one and a half

one and a half


one and a half

about them

both of them


one and a half

both of them

both of them

As we see, the words two And one and a half generic differences appear only in I. p. and V. p., in the word both gender differences can be traced in all cases, and in I. p. and V. p. they are expressed by the ending, and in other cases - by the stem (if we accept the division into morphemes that is given in the table).

Changing numerals by case is called declination. Numerals have special types of declension (called numeral in linguistics) and substantive types of declension. ,

Numerals are declined in a special way two, one and a half(see above), three, four, forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half hundred:




One and a half hundred




one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred

I. p. / R. p.



one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred

As we see, the numerals three And four they incline equally, and the words forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half And one and a half hundred only two forms differ - one for I. p. and V. p., the other for R. p., D. p., T. p. and P. p.

Numerals five- twenty And thirty inclined according to the third declension, that is, like a word sting, and the numeral eight Variable forms of T.p. are presented - eight And eight.

In numerals fifty- eighty And two hundred- nine hundred(that is, the names of tens on -ten and hundreds per -sot) both parts are declined: the first as the corresponding simple numeral, the second for numerals on -ten according to the third declension, and for numerals on -sot (-sti, -sta) by plural number of substantive declension (with the exception of forms I. and V. p.).

Cardinal numbers are characterized specially compatiblestu with nouns.

Whole and collective numerals are combined with nouns as follows: in I. p. (V. p.) the numeral is the main word and controls the noun, requiring it to be placed in R. p. unit. numbers for words two three And four and in R. p. pl. numbers for words five and further. In other cases, the main noun is the noun, and the numeral agrees with it, for example:

three~(I- P.) ^tEvil(R. p. unit); five(I. p.) tables(R. p. pl. h) three(R.p.) tables(R. p. plural); five(R.p.) tables(R. p. plural) three(D.p.) tables(D. p. plural); five(D.p.) tables(D.p.pl.) three(V.p.) table(R. p. unit); five(V.p.) tables(R. p. plural) three(T.p.) tables(T.p.pl.); five(T.p.) tables(T.p.pl.) (o) three(P.p.) tables(P. p. plural); five(P.p.) tables(P. n. plural)

Fractional Cardinal numerals always control the R. of a noun, and the number of this noun depends on the meaning of the construction, cf.: one second candy- one second candy.

In grammatical terms, words stand out among cardinal numerals one, thousand, million, billion, trillion and other names of larger numbers.

Word one changes according to gender, number and cases, in which it agrees with the noun (one table, one desk, one window, alonesled). Plural form alone to denote one object is combined with nouns that have only a plural form (one sleigh, gate, scissors). The word bows one according to mixed declension: in I. (V.) p. has substantive endings (oneO, one-a, one-o, one-and), in other cases - adjectival declensions. In other words, the numeral one grammatically behaves like a relative adjective.

Words thousand, million, billion and others have a constant morphological character of the genus (first thousand- female genus, first million- husband. gender), change by numbers and cases (first thousand, first thousand). These words are declined according to substantive declensions (youa thousand- according to the first declension, million and others - according to the II declension). When combined with nouns, these words always control the noun, requiring it to be put in the form of R. p. plural. numbers: I. p. thousand tons R. p. thousand tons D. p. thousand tons V. p. thousand tons etc. thousand tons P. p. (o) thousand tons.

In other words, these words behave grammatically like nouns. They are classified as numerals only on the basis of their meaning.

In a sentence, the cardinal number, together with the noun to which it refers, is one member of the sentence:

I bought five books.Grammatical features of ordinal numbers

The grammatical features of ordinal numbers are similar to relative adjectives. Ordinal numbers vary by gender, number and case and in all forms agree with the nouns they refer to. Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives (according to adjectival declension, and the word third- mixed: third-0, third-him, third-him, third-him, third-him,

as a possessive adjective). In compound ordinal numbers, only the last part is declined:

I. p. two thousand and five

R. p. two thousand and five

D. p. two thousand five

V. p. two thousand and five

etc. two thousand and five

P. p. (about) two thousand and five.

The numeral as a part of speech has the following features of presentation in educational complexes.

All three complexes study the numeral in one stage in the 6th grade and present the material with slight differences. In all complexes, the main attention is paid to the issue of the categories of numerals in meaning and structure and declension of numerals. The actual morphological features of numerals are discussed very briefly, which does not allow students to develop a clear understanding of the grammatical heterogeneity of numerals of different categories and some words within the category of cardinal numerals.

Complex 2 identifies 4 categories of numerals by meaning: cardinal, collective, ordinal and fractional (and proposes precisely this order of study) and notes that “cardinal numerals change by case, but have no gender (except for words one two) and numbers (except for the word one)". The wording “does not have a gender” requires clarification: numerals one two, and also for some reason not included in this list when considering the corresponding categories both And one and a half have a non-constant sign of gender, that is, they change according to gender, while cardinal numerals thousand,million, billion and other names of large numbers have a constant gender attribute. About the grammatical features of the word thousand etc. are not mentioned in any of the complexes, which significantly complicates their morphological analysis. Only in complex 2 is it said about the peculiarities of the syntactic compatibility of cardinal numerals with nouns and that grammatically “ordinal numbers are similar to adjectives.”

Complex 3, like complex 1, divides numerals into quantitative and ordinal and, within quantitative ones, distinguishes sub-categories of integer, fractional and collective numerals. In connection with the speech orientation of the complex, the main emphasis of complex 3 is on the use of numerals: their declination, selective lexical compatibility of collective numerals, use of the word both/both, and the numerals both And both presented as separate words, while two And two presented as forms of one word.

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