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All about religion and faith - "prayer for career growth" with a detailed description and photographs.

Work in the life of every person plays a huge role. Therefore, when troubles begin in the business sphere, it delivers a lot of worldly inconvenience. In such cases, you must definitely pray in order to harmonize the atmosphere around you.

Prayer for work can be used in any difficult situation that is associated with events in the business field. For example, prayer can be very effective when looking for a suitable job. You should also turn to the Higher Forces if you wish to climb the career ladder. It is important to offer a prayer for work near the icon. You should also remember about sincerity when praying, faith must be present in the soul, and all other additional attributes will allow you to create the right environment.

Orthodox prayers for good luck and success in business at work

In Orthodoxy, there are many prayers that are used to attract good luck in work. Also, some of them have special power and help to find a good job. It is very important before you read a prayer for a good job, to repent of your sins.

Prayer for a good new job

If you are looking for a new good job, then you should prayerfully turn to St. Seraphim of Swarovski. A feature of such a prayer appeal is that after it practically nothing will need to be done, since the work itself will find you. Moreover, there will soon be several suitable vacancies on the horizon, so there will be a choice.

The prayer sounds like this:

Prayer before an interview

If you have to go to an interview, then in order to be hired, you should read a special prayer. You need to turn in such a prayer to the Guardian Angel. As a rule, you need to offer prayer words to your heavenly protector the night before. To do this, retire to a separate room and light a church candle.

You must first explain in your own words the reasons that you want to get this particular job. It is very important not to be distracted by anything in the process of contacting the Guardian Angel.

This prayer should end with the following words:

It is noteworthy that such a prayer appeal to the Guardian Angel always gives confidence and reassures. It will help you get ready for the interview.

Prayer after the interview

After the interview, as a rule, the employer does not immediately inform the applicant about his decision. Therefore, in order to incline his choice in your favor, you should read another prayer when you come home.

Again, be sure to retire in a separate room, and light a church candle.

Thinking only about the desired work, it is required to pronounce the following prayer words with deep feeling:

After such a prayer, a call will soon follow with a notification that you have been accepted for a new job.

Prayer for everything to be good and safe at work

There are many prayers with which you can improve the situation in the business sphere. It is advisable to turn to the Higher Forces about success in work daily. You can do this both in the morning and in the evening. Only in the second case, one should definitely thank God for the day lived, regardless of whether it was successful or not. It should also be remembered that it is necessary to read a prayer for good luck in work before any responsible business. This will not only achieve the desired result, but also strengthen the position, which will contribute to career growth.

Strong prayer to Saint Tryphon from troubles at work

Great Martyr Saint Tryphon is held in high esteem by Orthodox believers. During his lifetime, his miraculous work became widely known throughout the world. He saved entire villages from destruction and various disasters and cleansed souls from demonic influence. Today, people often offer prayers to him for protection from devilish temptations and for help in obtaining material wealth. If this Saint prays every day, then you can reliably protect yourself from any troubles in the business sphere. And even if problems arise, which is quite natural, they will be easily solved.

Those who are going to turn to Saint Tryphon for help in their work should remember that during his lifetime he was a hard worker and often took on the hardest work. Therefore, being in the heavenly halls, he helps only those who honestly work and strive to achieve well-being in an honest way.

Prayer from an evil boss, envious people and ill-wishers at work

Very often, many people have a dysfunctional atmosphere at work. The reason for this may be an evil boss, the presence of ill-wishers and envious people. A special prayer will help to resolve this situation and improve relations.

A prayer appeal directed to Saints Gleb and Boris is considered especially strong. They are the protectors from various human failures. Prayer will help to extinguish existing conflicts and will harmonize relations between management and work colleagues.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Prayer for help in the work of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer for help in work, which contains an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, is always good support. You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home, it is very important to do this in front of the icon of the Saint in a secluded place with a lit church candle. You should not dedicate anyone to the fact that you are asking for the help of the Holy One. You can only do this when you achieve real success. And, of course, you should remember that prayer can be effective if your soul is pure from evil thoughts and envious feelings.

The following prayer addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker is recommended to be read before starting any work.

The prayer text sounds like this:

To resolve global business issues, this prayer should be read on St. Nicholas Day on December 19 or May 22. You can supplement the above prayer in your own words, expressing specific requests.

Prayer for work and money Matrona

The Holy Matrona of Moscow always helps those who work hard.

A prayer appeal to her might sound like this:

Prayer for luck and success in work

Humanity has long been accustomed to rely on the will of the gods. At first, pagan gods helped people, but now they have been replaced by the gods of professed religions.

In addition to the Lord and Jesus Christ, the Orthodox offer prayers to the saints to gain happiness and eliminate failures. Even a prayer for good luck at work was invented. It is lifted up before the start of the working day by workers who want a productive result of their work.

Knowledgeable people say that it really helps. Turning with a prayer to the Higher powers, concentrating on what you want, it is possible to gain success. The only condition is the presence of faith. Without true faith in help, the saint will not hear the words addressed to him, or he will perceive it as a joke and in the future do not expect help from him. The saint may even put spokes in the wheels, showing his displeasure.

Thanks to such a prayer for gaining good luck at work, it is possible to improve your own position on the career ladder and success. Welfare will immediately increase, the respect of others will increase, the attitude of the authorities will improve.

Pray for good luck in your work and in the future, for finding a new job.

Such words are called affirmations. They strengthen self-confidence and guide to success. Knowledgeable people use them constantly, reaching the heights.

Let faith into your heart

People turn to prayer only when they have troubles, luck is lost. Until then, a person prefers to do worldly affairs, often not paying attention to the spiritual world. But when failure happens, he prays to the Guardian Angel or other patron saints. This is the wrong approach. Pray even when things are going well.

Remember that every word you say matters. It is also necessary to pay attention to the emotions with which the prayer is offered. Ask for the help of the Higher Forces, having reached peace. Eliminate anger from the heart and thoughts.

Say thank you before reading. Keep in mind that you need to clearly visualize what you want. Imagine that you have already received it and are now enjoying the benefits. It is also necessary to rethink the feasibility of this. Only the truly needy can get it.

Prayers for Career Growth

Church ministers have written down many prayers for gaining good luck at work. The most commonly used words are:

To find a position that is worth you. Today, finding a job with a suitable salary is problematic. For such purposes, the words of this prayer offered to Saint Typhon are used. Take the icon to the saint and in the morning say the words daily, designed to activate the necessary natural energies to attract the right workplace for you.

Before a work day. Employees of firms often worry about how the working day will go. To eliminate trouble at work, they say at the beginning of the working day or before the meeting prayers to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is recommended to pray to him, even when you are confident in your own abilities.

People tend to predict the future, eliminating possible losses or failures. To do this, be sure to thank the Supreme Powers for the acquired work, obtaining the necessary material benefits and finding a position with a large salary. God loves to be thanked and always helps those who are grateful.

There are many more ways to attract good luck using the words of prayers offered to saints and god. You can even come up with your own prayer. The main thing is that it be saturated with faith, love and gratitude.

Popular prayers for work:

Prayers for good luck at work: comments

Comments - 4,

Graduated from high school last year. I couldn't find a job until July. Went to interviews that seemed to go well. They promised to call me back, I hoped ... And nothing ((I was without a job for almost a year, got into debt, I was already ashamed to take it from my parents ... My grandmother advised me to read a prayer for good luck and finding a job. I started the morning with a prayer, prayed three times before going to bed. After 2 weeks, the employer himself called and offered to have an interview. I was taken for an internship. And now I am a full-time employee of the company))) Prayers will help in all hopeless situations, the main thing is to believe.

Mother Matronushka, I beg you, I beg you, please help me make the documents so that everything is fine and I stay with my family, help Matronushka, please

Mother Matronushka, please help me in tomorrow's business, protect me and my friends. ask the Lord for protection and forgiveness for me and my team. Thank you for everything.

Mother Matrona, I beg you, hear my prayer for the son-in-law of my servant of God Alexei. Help him at his workplace on the flight. sides of the bosses and the captain, I PLEASE YOU STOP the evil thoughts and actions of his boss Thomas help that the working moments of the servant of God Alexei all work out send him knowledge and skills to understand the new job help him in the arrival of the new captain so that he treats the SERVANT OF GOD ALEXEY with understanding and kindness and let write him a good review about his work, or he deserves it for his patience. Matronushka, I beg you, hear me my prayer, do not leave me without your help, have mercy and help the servant of GOD ALESKAYA.

Conspiracies and rituals for career growth

Work for every person is an integral part of life. In order to get a good position, you need not only to have a higher education, but also to be a true professional. But sometimes even this does not guarantee getting the desired job and salary. In order to provide yourself with a promising job, you can use a conspiracy for career growth. They have helped many people get good jobs and climb the corporate ladder.

Conspiracies for career growth

Conspiracies and prayers for a worthy position

A conspiracy for a good job allows you to deal with constant failures and rejections. Getting a decent position is not a whim, but a necessity for every person. This allows you to provide for your family and achieve harmony with yourself. A conspiracy for good work can be done both at home and with the help of an experienced magician.

Finding a job that really will be to your liking is very difficult, but possible. Do not give up, because the one who puts maximum effort into this will get what he wants. No one but you can make your dream come true. In order to get a good position, you can use a variety of rituals that pass from generation to generation. Rites have existed for many years, and even in those days everyone wanted to get a decent job, but, despite the fact that progress has stepped far forward, the problem with employment remains.

Therefore, those who really want to get a good position can use special rituals and rituals. Before you read the plot, you need to think very carefully about what position you want to get. Quick rituals allow you to get the position that you have dreamed of all your life in just a couple of days.

Rituals for achieving career goals

In order to attract good work, you need to prepare for the ritual. After all, such rituals allow you to increase your income or receive a bonus that you did not expect at all. Therefore, before the ritual, prepare a scarf, a coin and a secluded corner.

How is the ritual performed?

To conduct such a ceremony, you will need a little time, and you will get a new job very quickly. To carry out the ritual, you need to clearly follow the rules, because the slightest deviations can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, if you decide to attract a worthy position, then follow all the requirements. A conspiracy for a good job must be carried out as follows:

When the sun hides behind the horizon, you need to read the following plot over the coins:

“As the moon is the eternal companion of the stars, so success will become my companion. I am a fine fellow and a master craftsman, I find an approach to any complex matter, I will always come to the rescue. With the early sunrise, a new occupation will come to me. Amen."

  1. Coins over which a conspiracy was read must be wrapped in a scarf. Then they need to be placed so that they stand like an eagle towards you.
  2. Then the coins must be hidden so that no one can find them.
  3. When you wake up in the morning, you can safely start looking for the desired job.

In order for the plot to work, it is necessary that the moon shines directly through the window. Therefore, in the daytime, it is not advisable to carry out such rituals, because they are unlikely to work.

Conspiracy for luck in business

There is another strong conspiracy for successful work. For him, you need to take some sacred water and a church candle:

  1. In order for the person who will read the plot to really be able to find the desired job, he must purchase a candle on Wednesday.
  2. The ceremony can be performed absolutely on any day except Friday. This ritual allows you to make sure that you always have money in your pocket.
  3. To conduct the ceremony, it is necessary that it was already dark on the street.
  4. Next, you need to place a candle and holy water on the table. These items should be facing each other. After you light the candle, we read the following conspiracy:

“Please, crumble, I’ll ask by luck. Give me strength and perseverance so that any work I do successfully comes out, so that everything that I start ends successfully. And may I always be the best, with colleagues in respect, with superiors in high esteem. And let no one do nasty things to me and intrigues against me. Amen".

  1. You need to repeat this conspiracy three times.
  2. After that, the jar closes, and then sprinkle all the corners with this water at the workplace.

It may be that the water remains, and you need to know where to put it. The answer is simple, everything that remains in the bank needs to be sprayed on the floor.

If you carry out such rituals, then success will always keep pace with you. There will always be money in your house, and your family will rejoice at your achievements. This rite is necessary not only to attract good work, but also to increase self-esteem. Therefore, if you doubt that you can achieve the desired result, then feel free to read the conspiracies and be sure that the universe will help.

Conspiracy for career growth

You already know how to get the desired job with the help of rituals, and how to achieve a promotion and attract money and good luck. In order to climb the career ladder, you need to work very long and hard. A career is built not in one day, but over the years. In order for career growth to be noticeable today, it is necessary to conduct a conspiracy for a career. In order for the ceremony to pass correctly, you need to prepare natural products, it is desirable that they be homemade.

In order to conspire for a career and money, you need to take:

This ritual for raising has one distinctive feature, in which it must be performed in front of everyone who is at home. Traditions say that if you want luck and money to always be around, you need as many people as possible to wish it to you.

When to start the ritual

You can conduct a conspiracy for a career at absolutely any time of the day:

First you need to pour a little cream into a glass and read the following prayers:

“I will wander out of my house, out the door, out the gate, through the long country roads - not the steppes. I will appeal for my fate, my first way is to find a coin, the second is a gold piece, and the last one will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously for many years and see no troubles.

  1. After reading the plot, you need to take three sips of cream.
  2. Drink whatever is left with tea or coffee.

Before going to bed, you need to shake the pillow well and say the following words:

“Mother blood first gave me milk to drink, now help me find a good job.”

This conspiracy allows you to achieve heights in a short period of time. A similar ceremony can be performed independently for yourself or your husband. In general, you can do this together, only everyone should have their own items for the ritual.

Career rituals from Stepanova

The rituals that Stepanova opened to people are very popular. They have been in use for over a year now. Career growth allows many people not only to earn more, but to consider themselves real gods. After all, self-esteem plays an important role for everyone. It may also be that because a person did not get the desired job or promotion, he began to use alcohol or drugs. Everyone wants to have their place in the sun and be an example to their children.

Therefore, if you want to become a truly great person, then we bring to your attention the fastest conspiracy for career growth. This rite is performed exclusively on the young moon. To perform the ritual, you need to take a few coffee beans and a candle. As soon as the sun hides behind the horizon, you can safely carry out the ceremony.

  1. Go to a room where you will be alone with your thoughts.
  2. If there are icons in the room, then they should be removed. This is a prerequisite for this ceremony.
  3. As soon as the rays of moonlight hit the room, put the candle on the table.
  4. Then around it you need to put coffee beans and light a candle. Tune in to your luck at work and read the following words:

“As the moon is in the sky, so am I at the zenith. As the moon will grow, so I will begin to grow at work. And I will not have recessions, only good luck and success in my work. And no one can interfere with me, neither evil envious people, nor nasty pests. And it will be as I said, and what will happen after that will no longer matter. Amen, amen, amen."

This conspiracy must be read three times, and in the morning, when you come to work, spread the grains throughout your workplace. The rise of a person will be expected in just a few days. The most important thing is to strictly observe all the requirements of the rite. After all, if you do something wrong, then everything can turn in the other direction.

Rituals for a Career on Easter Day

Easter rituals are the strongest, because on this day the angels themselves descend from heaven. In the church that night they watch the sky and wait for some sign from above. Therefore, at Easter it is best to conduct rituals for success in work or obtaining the desired position. The ritual is carried out only on the morning of the holiday, you must come from the church and wipe your face with a towel. Then read the following words:

And I am the red sun of the whole world.

Sweet honey, salty salt,

Next, you need to lay a towel on the table, bending over it to eat Easter cake and an egg. After you leave for work, wipe the table you are working at with a towel. Angels will help you achieve great success in your work, and you will quickly go up the career ladder.

Rituals for a successful interview

Interviews are an integral part of employment, because it is thanks to him that the employer can find out what the candidate is capable of. Many people are very worried before such an important day. Therefore, in order to gain confidence and attract the attention of the authorities, it is worth conducting a ceremony.

Such conspiracies are carried out in secret, from everyone, because it concerns only you. It is impossible to talk about the ceremony not to relatives, not to friends. To conduct the ritual before the interview, you need to prepare some items. Take a piece of paper, a glass or toe, water, a pen and go into a room where it is very quiet.

Our labor activity, as well as sleep, occupy the most

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How to perform the ritual

All these items can be found at home. For the rite to work, you need to clearly follow the instructions:

  1. At this point, you need to think only about the future interview. Write a short story about this moment.
  2. A piece of paper should be folded in half and hidden so that no one can find it.
  3. Fill a glass with water and read the following words over it:
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Shlenova Galina "Prayers and conspiracies"

I call upon the earthly miracle to reveal itself in the name of the Divine Virgin and my requests will be heard, and through the power of the great Feminine Essence I ask the Lord to pour the spirit of Life into my organs and give the strength to fight against the manifestations of the unwholesome, and the seven golden Rays from the Marvelous Crown will touch me and help get rid of earthly ailments and purify me from the unwholesome stratifications growing in me, for the Good of the world is born by the Feminine Beginning. Amen.

I turn to You, Lord and Creator of all that exists in the earthly world, and I ask to preserve my nature from decay and decay, to give strength to my blood, so that I can reject all previous negative influences and gain protection from future influences, so that the evil eye and evil speech do not touch my heart and have not poisoned my soul, for I am open / a / now only before the Lord. Amen.

Consciously imagine the process of the growth of the child and address the Lord's power with the words:
Send, Lord, the growth of the body of my child, let neither illness nor dashing will stop the development, for the power of the Lord will help to grow, and His help will destroy all evil influences. Satisfy, Lord, my child with the power of life and give him a blessing for the future earthly existence. Amen.

Take a big apple, press your sides a little and say:
I will ask the Lord for the fruit that has grown, saturated with His grace-filled power, to help the misfortune of the body of my child and give him a blessing to get rid of bodily ailments.
The Lord will hear my request through the power of the great Vegetative Spirit and help so that the child’s body will no longer experience unnecessary suffering, and the fruit eaten by it will bring new strength for great change and healing. The disease will leave the body, and the Lord will give the strength to endure, for the Vegetative spirit will give support to my request and will saturate the fruit for my child with the Lord's power. Amen.

Let the child eat the whole fruit, and expect a speedy healing.

Pour a little poppy into one hand on an open palm, and hold a lit candle in the other. Talk:
He will be sated with the miracle of the Lord, the power of nature will be manifested by the Higher Light. In the name of the Lord, the evil of the impure influences will be reflected, and the Vegetative power will protect me from them. All troubles and sorrows will leave my dwelling forever, when the poppy seeds, the plant good spirit will call. That good Source will be revealed that brings good and peace to the world, and the walls of my house will become a strong defense against manifestations of the unclean. Amen.

Scatter poppy in the corners and do not sweep for seven days.

There are three brides of the Lord, and none of them has an advantage, but only the Light of the Lord brings to each of them that glow of the body and soul, which people call beauty. Only unearthly Light gives birth to earthly beauty, and I do not ask the Lord for new features to my body and face, but I ask Light to give them for a wonderful human good, so that the great harmony of the world touches my members and my face. I ask you to saturate me with the Beauty of Heaven, so that every person can see in me the miracle of the touch of the Lord and be saturated with His Light through the perception of this miracle.
My simple beauty will shock everyone who sees me. My heart will be filled with happiness, that I bring heavenly beauty for people. The Lord will perform a wondrous miracle, and I thank Him for the firm touch on my appearance. Amen.

I ask the great Lord for the good of the family, who carries the complete fusion of my soul with the soul (name), my husband, for there is no greater happiness in the world than to be part of a whole Family, and I do not ask for earthly blessings, but I ask to strengthen our union and protect (name ) from worldly temptations and I will take the first step towards a new family life myself, so that there are no obstacles to our rapprochement. Amen.

Try to forget the grievances and spend the evening with your husband relaxed, without tension.

I ask the Lord to give great help from Heaven. There is no place for man in the world without the power of the Lord. I will bring a bowl of water of painful suffering to the bright face of Heaven, and I will ask the three powers of the Lord to give me good luck and give Light on my paths.
Touch my life, Lord, with your hand and draw a line of Light from me to Yourself. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in my mind and bodily natural state, and do not give grave tragedies to my loved ones. By faith I will draw near to You for the suffering of relief, and my gratitude to You has no limit. Amen.

Lord Light of Heaven, touch my soul, bring it a new Light, give me happiness and a new decision of fate. Let me meet in a world where there is so much deceit and suffering, who can heal the wound of my soul with his bright spirit, return the life force to my body with the touch of his hands, and new happiness will be given by the Light of Heaven for family life and for bodily intimacy. I will ask the Lord not to refuse to help me. Nothing is impossible for His Light. Amen.

O Lord, I will ask You with Your hands to take trouble away from me, Your servant / Your servant / (name). I will be a rare miracle for the river of my life, the face of the Lord is hidden by living power from trouble / a /, and my soul will not endure wild and unnecessary suffering, from which the Lord will allow me to evade.
I will sanctify my path by His power, and the threat will depart, and the line of life will not be broken before the deadline. The storm will not blow me away, the rain will not flood, life's trials will not destroy me, as long as I, by the power of the Lord, fatally draw my days.
I thank the Lord for this strength. It is indestructible and gives a way out of any test. Amen.

Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: My great desire will be fulfilled in the spirit of the Lord's help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow into reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and by the Spirit of the Lord, what I ask Him for will be given to me. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen.

Tie a scarf in a knot and carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

Put a glass of yellow juice on the table, preferably between the window and a lit candle and say:
My words will reach my merciful Lord. The ladder of Heaven will save you from base passion, let my petty desire be destroyed by my prayer.
The zones of the frontal brain will be broken by the yellow Heavenly help from the Lord, for the Light of His rays will touch my soul, a change will come to my soul, my head will be sanctified for treatment. The power of life will return, for there is still a future. The river of life is not yet shallow, and the evil human desire to drink cannot resurrect me. The blockade of the intoxicating liquid potion will be overcome by the liquid in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Drink juice and drink water, you can tea. Do this every morning for a month.

Sit down in front of a lit candle and say, raising and lowering both hands at once:
I am asking for a new path for my essence. The new path will not be filled with anxiety, for the Lord will not leave me in the earthly world, where I was born and I will be able to fulfill the vow of renouncing the impure attraction to poisons and unnecessary substances that lead my body to premature death, and my soul to suffering and destruction.
A little time will pass, and I will become independent / a / from the habits of withering and decay will stop and a new source of vitality will open and the happiness of liberation will come and the hands themselves will stretch out to Heaven to praise the power that gave me the continuation of life. Amen.

Take paper and write:
I vow not to smoke as long as I live. I swear to the Lord never to take a poisonous potion into my mouth, which does not give me the opportunity to breathe deeply. I will always remember that there is no such force that will force me to break the word given to the Lord by me, and I will be delivered forever from the madness of self-poisoning by inhaling poison that is unnecessary to me and harms all my organs. For a new life without tobacco, I will endure only three days, and then the Lord will take away unnecessary thirst and give me strength to resist the temptation of the earth, for only the Lord's strength is able to overcome the strength of habit. Amen.

Oh, Jesus, Son of the Lord, bring me peace, and I will pray to You and ask for help to give to cleanse my soul from old bad deeds, and change my essence for the possibility of atonement for my sins. For a new life, give Jesus strength to me and call the Light of the Lord on my soul. With a prayer I will fall asleep, with a prayer I will wake up, and the Lord's power will irrigate the withered soul. Amen.

Place a ring of yellow metal without stones on the stomach and say seven times:
Belly, give me the head treatment, ah, ring, give the stomach the strength to do so. I release the life force of the ring and ask the Lord to put it on a pure heart and take the pain from the head into the ring, and transfer the power of the ring to my soul to get rid of torment and earthly influence. Let the mud of the river take my pain forever, and I will gain strength. Amen.

Throw the ring into the river where the mud is.

Poppy seeds that have grown on the ground will be sanctified by the power of the Fire of the Lord. What has grown in nature will be saturated with the power of the Lord's spirit, with heavenly peace, will give me renewal, health, purification, will enter me with particles of the forces of blessing for great bodily healing. This plant of the Lord will be saturated with the miracle of unearthly influence on my body, on my organs, on my brain. Amen.

Oh, the good power of the Lord, bringing Light into the souls of people and giving a feeling of unity with the Creator of the world, give me the power of bodily formation without suffering and disease, so that with new forces, by the miracle of Heavenly touch, the goodness of the Lord into the world will carry / carry / and thank the Lord for his help. Amen.

Take any object that the child constantly comes into contact with and say:
I ask the Lord to give joy to my child so that he cannot know in life what brings grief, what will break his connection with the Higher power that brought him into the world.
Give, Lord, various tests to him, but do not give such that they will destroy his soul. Bring joy to him for life, for only Your strength gives the way to the Heavenly Light.
May my request be accepted! May it be so. Amen.

Return the item to the child and make sure that the child does not part with it for the first three days.

Hold the money in your hand and say:
Seven vital forces and gold strength, give me an even and quick monetary saturation. It is not yellow gold that strengthens my paths, but those seven of my vital forces that I call for help, but help will reach me by the world power of the Lord.
The Lord will not give yellow gold, to whom there is no help from the world's complex law, which he gives to those who multiply, but at the same time give his own without regret. You must first give without a doubt, and then wait for the yellow gold. Amen.

Talk like that money and give it to the beggar. Good luck will come and then there will be profit when you give without regret.

Take two knives and connect them with a cross. It is necessary to arrange the knives so that the blades are outward. Move your hands over them and say:
I will drive the bad power out of my dwelling with my hands, and the lunar curse, sent, will go out in a salty stream to where it came from, and the power will be destroyed by the power. Heaven will support him who is the root of the house, and the spirit of the Speech of God will carry away the spirit of evil and dark power from my dwelling.
May the ailment sent by me melt away and the Light of Heaven cleanse my body and free me from illnesses, perform a rare glorious miracle in order to achieve the triumph of the Lord's forces on earth.
The night struggles with the day, and the bad with the good, but everything is decided by the Sword of God, for His Power is in everything. Amen.

Separate the knives and put them side by side on the table, blades facing out. Do this for seven days, and the evil will go away.

Saturate, Lord, my soul, open the frontal protection and receive enough of the Light of the Lord. There will be joy in my organs, and the body will receive the rays of the Light of the Lord and thousands of particles of Heavenly Rain will pour into my soul, and the Lord will touch me for my wondrous liberation from the old influence of sins and mistakes that have placed a burden on the path of my soul, and the soul will become pure, and for a long time to come I will thank the Lord for the forgiveness of the sins of my life. Suffering will recede, and I will be filled with the good of the Lord / a /. Amen.

Cut off the nail and put into the melted wax. Roll up a lump and warm it with the warmth of your hands and say:
May the unwholesome desire of my body to take in more than is necessary for its activity disappear, and the Lord's support melt the excess in my body, as the warmth of the body softens the wax and the Lord hears my request and helps to remove unnecessary fats and harmful substances that have accumulated in me. Where the incorruptible of the Lord is poured in, there the corruptible earthly will leave in the name of the great Lord, and I will find the Essence of the Lord firmly pure body. The Lord will strengthen and purify every cell of my body by the miracle of earthly manifestation, and the Love of the Lord will manifest itself stronger than earthly negative influences. A clean body will come to me with the pure Light of the Lord. Amen.

Bury a lump with a nail in the ground before sunset.

Bring, Lord, an equal and natural attraction to the marriage bed and do not let the great power of the universal life principle fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new strength to continue and strengthen bodily intimacy. Every night will become a blessing, as well as for me, and for the woman who has merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss to my body.

In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen.

I ask the Lord, with His great strength, to help my body regain that state, strong and productive, which is saturated with great youthful strength, and decrepitude will not come to me inaudibly, and bodily suffering will not seize me before the time. My faith will drive away the fear of old age, and the body, by the power of Heavenly Light, will acquire freshness and elasticity, and there will be a miraculous restoration of my lost youth, my blood will become hot, and my muscles will be strong, my eyes will marvel at bright colors, and I will give thanks to the Lord for the miracle of my great renewal. . Amen.

O my Lord, my Creator, I ask for Your help, grant healing to the servant of God / servant of God / (name), wash her blood / his / with Your rays. Only with Your help will healing come to her / him /. Touch her / him / with miraculous power, bless all the ways of her / him / to salvation, recovery, healing.
You will give her /his/ health to her body, blessed lightness to her /his/ soul, divine balm to her /his/ heart. The pain will recede, and the strength will return, and the wounds will heal her / his / bodily and spiritual, and Your help will come. Your Rays from Heaven will reach her / him /, give her / him / protection, bless her / him / for healing from ailments, strengthen her / him / faith.
May the Lord hear this prayer. Glory and thanks to the power of the Lord. Amen.

A plot of land must be chosen next to the dwelling, seven steps from the entrance to the house, in the shade zone of the house. In sunny weather, when only a shadow covers the chosen place, sit on the ground and say:
May the Earth heal me, and may Heaven give the Earth the path of my bodily healing from earthly ailments and help my new triumph of life, for the Lord will send a great miracle with a mighty hand to his servant / his servant / (name). The Earth will bear my torments, and by the hand of the Lord the sickness will depart from my body to the Earth, and I will hide from illnesses with the shadow of my house, and the Sky will cover me with a net of great solar protection. Amen.

Get up and go to a sunny place, stand there for three minutes.

The power of the Lord will heal me, the servant of God / servant of God / (name), from the forces of the curse. I will be cleansed / a / from all impurity, from human evil, from ailments. Truly, everything that has entered me will come out with miraculous power, the power of the Lord will wash the blood with purity. Rays of Divine Light will give the servant of God / servant of God / (name) health, healing, purification. Everything will be renewed by the touch of the Lord. May the Lord grant the power of renewal, purification, healing in Your holy name. I will feel the power of the Lord's help throughout my life. Amen.

The body grows the fruit with the power of the Lord's good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to endure my desired child until the deadline. May the Lord protect him from negative influences and do not give me dangerous paths so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of the forces of life and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord's hand will help me and at the right time will reveal to the world the one who is under my heart. Amen.

Strengthen, Lord, my faith and give me the strength to endure severe trials for my body, give it relief from bodily torment, find ways out for the fetus of my body such that there will be no injury to me or the fetus, and will not cause unnecessary suffering to the bodies bound by a common leash until tearing them apart and freeing a new being, for there is no greater joy for me than to give it life.
The Light of the Lord will illuminate with its touch a new life, and there will be no more suffering, but only happiness and goodness will enter into me with this Light. The miracle of the Lord will happen, and I thank the Lord in advance for His help. Amen.

Put a vessel with water in the place where the rays of the Sun fall and say:
My Lord, give the power of protection from bad influences to the water that is in front of me. The great spirit of the Lord will protect me through water saturated with the Light of the rays of God's blessing, and alien influence will not touch me when I sprinkle my body with water. Can the enemy's bad eye look at me then without harm to me, for I will be protected / a / by the Lord by the power that accepts the good, and returns the bad to the one who wishes evil. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself with water (face, palms, feet).

You need to pick up a candle, light it and say:
I turn to the Lord, and there is no other support for me in the world than His power, which brought me into the world for suffering, and it’s too early for me to think about moving to other worlds that await me only after the natural and God-provided end of the life test, given to me to strengthen and become an incorruptible soul, with the Light of its saturation, and I have no right to test my death in violation of the deadline in order to escape from the severe trials destined for me, for it will be even harder for the soul in such a tragic and unnecessary outcome, for the Lord will soon return the joy of life to me, and a new meaning will fill my remaining days, and may I never remember the minutes of my weakness.

I thank the Lord for helping me not to lose the power of life by His power. Amen.

Take a liter of grape juice, pour it into one bowl and say over it in the morning:
My treatment for all ailments will be blessed by the power of God, the wondrous Heavenly Ladder. All illnesses will irrevocably go away, a new birth will be given to me suddenly, and I will be immeasurably filled with new strength / a /. The influence of the south will prevail over the north, and the moisture of life will be double. The blessing will be to all my members for further existence. I rejoice, for the rays of the Lord have already touched me. Thank the Lord. Amen.

Drink juice after a conspiracy for half a glass, but each time speak all the juice.

Brew and rub into the head in the morning before sunrise and in the evening after sunset a mixture of plantain, nettle and mint branches in equal proportions. While saying:
I pour divine decoction on my head. What has grown in nature will not fade, it will be repeated with new growth, abundant density, saturated growth, the divine power of addition, multiplication, saturation. Will be born, repeat, increase! He will take strength from the grass, from the foliage, from the trees. Does not die, does not dry out, does not disappear! Amen.

Put your hand on your head and say:
I will, Lord, be saturated with Your strength and bodily Spirit / a /, and my head will not endure unbearable torments, for Your strength will help me and bring deliverance from pressing bodily pain and give divine lightness.
No more pain will return to my head. I will no longer lie with a sore head, afraid to move. There is no forgetting from pain, and only God's help will save me and give me future healing. I will thank the Lord day and night for His help. I will always do this, and my pain will pass. Amen.

Remove your hand from your head and place it on the heart area. The pain will stop.

Put a glass of water on the table in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and ask him:
Oh, great Nikolai, saturate the water that I drink with the Light of my Strength. Let my nervous left brain stop the process of occurrence of foci of inhibition, minor drowsiness and bodily weakness. Dispel the fog in my thoughts, drive away my decrepit laziness for a long time with small steps, and new forces will distract my body from unnecessary sleep for great work. I will come to a new close life without relaxation.
My strength is under the blessing of Nicholas the Great. I catch His rays on the water I drink. Amen.

Drink water.

The power of Heaven preserves the one who received protection from the spirit of the Rain of Heaven, and the Great Spirit will give protection when, with his cold speech, the coldness of the volatile death takes away from the servant of God / servant of God / (name).
A wonderful warm salvation by the Light of the Heavenly Ray will come to me, and the weight of lead will not touch my members. Rarely is earthly protection given by the Spirit of Heaven, but there is the hand of the Lord, and it will take away from me quiet iron and whistling lead. And the black darkness will not yet receive me, there is still no place for me among the departed spirits, life will not be interrupted by someone else's hand.
Death will depart from me, and I will preserve my body as a whole. The Heavenly Rain Spirit will protect me. Amen.

Talk in front of a dangerous road three times.

Pour water (not boiled) into a glass, pour half the earth from under a fruit tree into another glass, put a burning candle in the ground. Talk:
Let the water of the earth be saturated with the power of the Lord, and let the earth receive the power of action. Infirmity will be burned by fire, and the Spirit of God will stop the process of decay, and ailments will depart from me with the forces of the Earth, Fire, Water and the Spirit of God.
The power of the Lord's blessing will destroy the black power of the birth of an ailment, ailments of the body and soul. May the forces of the nature of Fire, Water, Earth and the Highest Lord Spirit of touch be reunited. I will receive a great cleansing in the name of the powers of the Lord. Amen.

Wash the sore spots with water, and you can also drink it. Scatter the earth under the tree.

Put water in a glass on the window during daylight hours, light a candle and say:
I ask the Lord for the power to saturate the water with His Light, which carries great power, the power of fear disperses and brings people a great blessing for good luck and luck in any good undertaking that does not harm other people, for I do not wish evil in my deeds, but good, and not fear I want to live, but with the joy of the great good Power, which I ask to touch the water for my spiritual formation and for the life path of blessing, and my path will not bring me terrible and risky deeds, and there will be no unpleasant and unnecessary events, for I trust the Lord with my life. Amen.

Drink a sip of water before an unpleasant journey or event, use the rest of the water for washing and wiping before going to bed or a long journey.

Face the daylight in front of a window or in the direction of the Sun on the street and say with your eyes closed:
Hear my anxiety, Lord, and help me change the distribution of the currents of life in my body for new and flourishing growth, for joining and strengthening organs, touch me, Lord, with Your power, and food will not only bring strength, but also grow there will be a simple accumulation of fat evenly throughout the body so that it does not disturb the harmony of my body. I thank the Lord for His great help. Amen.

Place and light a candle in front of you on the table, and bring your right hand to the fire so that you can feel the warmth of the candle with your palm. Say four times:
My right hand, with which the sign of the cross is made, will absorb the fire of the Lord's candle, the warmth of the fire will calm and relax me, the servant of God / servant of God / (name), will give the penetration of the warmth of the Divine into every organ of my body. Peace and well-being for the soul, peace for the heart, health for the body, purity for the spirit.
The power of God's help will be present in my life with calm, purification, relief. Amen.

Cross yourself and put out the candle.

O my Lord, let me feel Heaven's blessing on my destiny. May my earthly path be sanctified by a miraculous change. In the name of the Lord I will be healed of my ailments, with my heart I will feel the presence of Your power and help from above, for Your forces, saturated with rays of the healing Sun Light, will calm me, pour into my blood the power of healing, purification, renewal, heal my body from serious ailments, from the vanity of the soul , from sadness of the heart, for Your power is unsurpassed, unsolved and secret, - in the whole world, rays and drops, miraculous ways, visible and invisible.
Give me, Lord, a blessing on my earthly life with Your help. May my paths be illuminated by Your Light, pure and unfading in the name of the Lord and all the powers of Heaven. Amen.

With everything that the Lord gave me, the servant of God / servant of God / (name), at the moment, saturation will be soon, I will not overeat unnecessary things that have become poison for my body after saturation. I will stop by the Lord's touch, I will be full / a / small. The Lord's strength will stop my hand in time, will not give me superfluous and unnecessary things. And I, your slave / Your / (name), will be under Your Eye, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength of the inner stop from excess food, burdening excess weight. I will be healed / a / by the power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thank our Lord. Amen.

Take a sheet of paper for a compress, rub it with your palms so that it crackles, and say:
So I will crush my illness that I will be without it. I will be healed by the power of the Lord, given to me in the palm of my hand, and I will thank Him, I will praise His power, which brings good. I will direct my palms to where the disease will touch me with corruption, and the power of the Lord will remove impurities from my organs and give quick treatment. My body will be blessed by the Lord, and the Lord will protect it in the future, for there is no greater cure than His strength. Amen.

Put your hands on the sore spots, hold until the moisture comes out, and then attach the paper and hold for about an hour. Diseases will definitely go away.

Attach the golden ring to the forehead and read three times:
Wonderful gold of the Lord's great Creation, sudden for people, I ask your healing soul to give my frontal lobes of the brain your dual power for in-depth treatment of the lower blood circulation and normalization of the work of small and large bodily vessels (and give me the power to fight smoking). I will be day and night in summer and winter to ask the Lord for healing. Amen.

At the end, put the ring on your finger and do not remove it until the next time. Do this every evening for fourteen days.

Drink a large amount of liquid and in the morning, touching the window frame, say: My body will no longer disturb the rhythms large and small, and confidence in the blood rhythm will come so easily that the cycle will not be broken even for a day, and by the power of the Lord touching my body, my violations will not accept, and unnecessary blood will leave at the right time for the blessed proper life development and existence, and with unnecessary blood, all ailments that violate the natural balance given to me by the Lord from birth will leave me, and even chest breathing will destroy the touch of the perishable influence of the earth, and so my organs will get stronger, so that there will be no more unnecessary deviations and hormonal imbalances. Rarely will healing come by the hand of the Lord. Amen.

Do this every morning after waking up, and the rhythms of the body will be set for good.

Look at yourself in the mirror and pray with these words:
Lord, the great Creator of all that exists, I ask You to guide me on the path of Light and not allow the power of my soul to be scattered on negative deeds and deeds, but to be spent only on bringing satiety to my soul. Become an obstacle to my unkind aspirations, and by faith I will bring pure Light into my soul for a new page of my life. Amen.

Joy is needed for this prayer, and first you need to think about something very good: about children, about the coming of spring, about the bright colors of Nature so that your soul becomes joyful even for a moment, and immediately say:
Spirit of Nicholas, the great Pleasant, come to me and don’t let my joy dissolve, don’t let it go away, rejoice with me and bring to my body for life the feeling of a joyful presence in the world, give it the unfading power of life in order to serve God’s servant / slave God's / (name) until the end of my days, do not lose the feeling of the joy of life, and ailments will leave my body, for through the spirit of Nicholas the Great, my body will touch the rays of the Lord. I thank Nikolai Ugodnik for his help. Amen

I ask the Lord to bring for me a new life and a new great joy, for only joy will lead me to the blessing of the Lord, and there will be no early withering of my body, saturated with the Light of the touch of the Lord's rays. God has no unwholesome branches, and when I touch His rays, I will become one of them. Such heavenly bliss will seize me, that my body will receive a new great strength, and with joy I will come to the world of the Lord's Light. The world of the rays of the Lord will accept me and saturate me with its Light for further existence in the earthly world, where only joy conquers corruption. Amen.

Put a small golden thing in the sea water, think over the water and speak a plot (2 times):
The living soul of water, where it is impossible - do not enter, but where you must - go in. Heal itching and small suppurations, and melt the zones of change, non-flow or small scars with winter snow and remove them forever with an earthly miracle. I will see some necessary Stairway to Heaven, and it will accept me, and help, and by an unearthly miracle it will sanctify the water, and the sea foam will take away my earthly skin organic deviations, and by an unearthly miracle, I will rejuvenate and renew myself with sea foam, for our sins I will pray with water I will wash myself.

While washing, say:
Lord, give me a miracle, I will wash the face of the Lord with water, and the Lord will give the ordered youth. Amen.

Do not wash your face with soap, but only with charmed water. Do not wipe after washing.

Creator, Lord, I ask you to exert an unearthly influence, to create a rare miracle, to change the strength and processes of the earthly bodily life in the human bodily essence so that my youth does not go away until the century. He will put off corruption with the Divine Light and the hand of the Lord, by drinking the streams of the Heavenly Rain, save my body, that youth that I will be able to receive by the power of Heaven. May the power of the Creator keep me young and free of skin defects for the rest of my life. The world of the Sun will give me an amazing miracle, and I will control my body with unearthly forces and take away corruption forever with the water of the Lord. Amen.

Put a metal ring in front of a lit candle and pray:
O Lord, saturate my body with a cloud of Heavenly Light, let it accept true saturation with the Spirit and merge for a while my soul with Heavenly power when I touch the metal.
The goodness of the Lord will pour out through the touch on my soul. I will touch it seven times, and seven Rays of Heaven will enter into me with Fire and the miracle of the Lord.
I will become a good Light filled / a / and my life will be transformed by the Lord's touch. Amen.

Touch the ring with the finger on which you will wear it. Pray seven times, each time touching the ring at the end of the prayer. Extinguish the candle and do not touch the ring for an hour, then put it on your finger and do not take it off for seven days.

Cut the onion head in half and put the halves to the cheeks with your hands. Say:
Oh, wonderful lives of the power of growth and the plant soul, remove from the body that old age that I have gained / a / from the plants I have eaten, and let it go into the head of the onion, and through it - back to the ground. My skin will be cleansed, bad strength will go away, and I will flourish with my whole body. With the summer solar wind, the dust of the earth will leave me, and the body will be saturated with the Heavenly God's Dew. I will be a life force, tears of change / a /. Amen.

Put the onion halves together and plant the onion in the ground for three days.

The soul of a maiden asks for her body from the Lord youth and the wondrous desired beauty of a girl, thick hair, clean skin, white face. You can help me Lord with the power of Heaven. By an unearthly miracle, Heavenly pearls will touch my face, the evil of copper will leave my face. The Sun will send a thread from the wondrous world to my hand, and with living water it will wash the new skin on the new face. I will walk along good paths, a wondrous wonder will touch me, The clear sun will stop with its rays the tape of time on my face and body. Lord help him! There is no stronger hand! Amen.

Pour some wine into a transparent bowl and say:
My prayer to You, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I call on Your high touch, and I expect a miracle from You to sanctify and transform this liquid. By Your power, the Source of Vegetative Good will saturate the wine with the Life spirit, and close contact with the Solar clear spirit will reveal the essence of wine. The Hand of the Lord will sprinkle with Heavenly Light, fill this vessel with the power of purification, and seven perishable influences will depart from me when I drink the wonderful drink of Light. Amen.

Drink wine.

I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new, successful path so that the great influence of the Lord helps me to be saturated with Light and my loneliness, caused by an unclean spirit, passes. I will block the river with three nets in order not to miss my happiness, and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a meeting by a miracle will happen with the only one I need in the world and our paths will be connected by the light of true love. Amen.

Pray in the morning.

Warm up red wine and read the plot:
Alien, superfluous will refuse to feed the creature, when I drink this wine, new forces will purify my blood, fill my kidneys with peace, purity and Heavenly power. I will tear away dashing miserable impurities like unnecessary trash from the body, and purification of my cheeks will come for a new healthy life. Through small pockets my disease will go away. With red living wine I will be healed, by the power of the Lord I will be healed. Amen.

Drink wine and go to bed.

Hold the hairpin in your hand and say:
The hand holds a great marvelous quick bodily healing. A new future life is a great beginning in this hairpin, and it will bring the Soul of the Forest for a new high purity of my face and body. Small things will be discarded, and large ones will be removed with winter snow and melted with it. The white spirit itself will change the body, and the face will be called the White spirit. A white day will take care of my skin, and the spirit of the Forest will touch my skin and take my illnesses, both bodily and spiritual. Amen.

Attach the hairpin to your hair and do not remove it for seven days.

Touch your hand to the place under which the formation or tumor is located and say:
I ask the Great Lord to give strength to my hand to change the distribution of the Light of the Lord on my body with a touch to eliminate the violation that has arisen, and the currents of my body will restore the correct development and distribution, disperse the formation that is unnecessary to my body, growing against its laws, and distribute bodily tissues in such a way that the proportions of my body given to me from birth will not be violated.
The light of the Lord's rays, touching my body, will restore the copper-salt exchange between the tissues and healing will come by the miracle of the touch of the Lord on my hand. My body will become free from any deviations of the great balance of life established by the Creator for me. May the Lord hear my words and let His help come. Amen.

Dip your hand in a vessel of water, hold for three minutes, then put your hand back and read. Do this three times a day for a month.

Lord, cleanse my skin from skin zones of earthly influence and bodily stone influence, and water from river shells. The pains will pass like days of parting, the divine heat will scorch my body and head, it will burn and destroy everything that has not burned down, and illnesses will depart from me, the strength from the fire will burn my skin old age. I will invoke a rare miracle, and the Ladder of Heaven will accept me, I will touch the other world, eternal and indestructible, with life. May my wondrous beauty not be destroyed until the end of my days, the skin will remain young, and the spirit - cheerful. I will show the world that the power of the Lord works a miracle for the people of the Lord. Amen.

Pour a small amount of dry wine or fruit juice into a transparent glass, put it on a level place by the window, light a candle and say:
I call on the great Lord's influence on wine (juice) and through it on my organs, when I drink the liquid, and a small saturation will become a great help. There is no healing without the help of the Lord, and I ask Him to bring me protection and healing from all influences, and I will pray to the Lord to let me get past a serious illness, and the Lord will destroy my anxiety with pure Light, and great good will come to me, and the solar influence will drive away from I have an unclean influence, and my body will not accept illness, for the Lord will protect me. Amen.

Wine (juice) to drink.

Take some red wine, look at it and say:
Saturation with a dead spirit, come by the power of the Lord into this potion in order to kill that new one that wants to grow not according to bodily balance, but along arbitrary paths that are not good for me. I ask the Lord to return the bodily distribution of the forces of life that was given to me from birth. Let the great rejection of alien cells come, and their death will give life to me, for the Lord has saturated this liquid with the influence that my body needs at this moment. Amen.

Drink wine quickly without wasting time. Do this every day, morning and evening.

Pray at night in order to better tune in to the connection with the Higher power, which will help you get rid of severe suffering. Ask:
O my Lord, do not let my body continue to bear unpleasant and dangerous bodily short, but terrible trials that bring me suffering and do not allow me to live a full life.

Help, Lord, to find lasting healing! Before the new day, stop, Lord, all the attacks that I do not need, and relaxation will come instead of tension, and the blessing of the power of Light will flow into me by the hand of the Lord and bring a new good day into my life, a day without suffering and manifestations strange and unnecessary to me. I will thank the Lord for a day lived without suffering. Amen.

The Arrow of Heaven will perform an amazing miracle, and the regulation will return to the sources of my life force, and the light of bodily joy will come with an Arrow so strong that skin and earthly corruption will no longer annoy my body when I call on the Arrow of Heaven, and a pure body will forget anxiety. Only the power of the Lord can direct this Arrow, and I ask Him not to bypass me in great help, and I am grateful (grateful) to His power, which brings me good. Amen.

Light a candle, put a glass of water in front of it and pray:
O Lord, saturate this water with Heavenly Light. Give water a great life-giving power for my bodily healing, and the divine moisture will sanctify the water with a simple miraculous influence. Give me peace of mind, Lord, through the water I drink, and bodily cleansing will come by the miracle of the Lord’s great touch, and the Heavenly Fire will dry up the river of suffering, for the Lord’s strength will give strength to my body through the water that I drink, and I thank the Lord for the miracle of His touch on water. Amen.

Drink water. (You can drink in parts during the day).

Pour as much water into a wide dish as you need for washing, put a candle in a candlestick in water and say:
The strong miraculous influence of the Lord will enter this water, the essence of the water will receive it, and the dead will leave the washed skin. The body will return to its former freshness, and the sense of bodily joy that has been wasted will return through the touch of the Lord, and the net of a new wondrous blessing will cover my face, youth will break through with the Light of the Lord, and the old will be washed away with clean water, and the new will come. The power of a miracle will firmly enter, and I will begin to surprise people with a new face. I will bring the great influence of the Lord into the world. So be it, and the Lord help me. Amen.

Wash your face with water. Do this in the morning.

I feel the help of the Lord's great power. By the power of the Lord, / a / will be the servant of God / servant of God / (name) during sleep, and the Lord will not give him / her / relaxation such that moisture spills in an uninvited stream. The Lord's eyes will be opened to him / her / in case of such a need, and the sleep will be interrupted for the right time, and the illness will recede from him / her / by the power of the Heavenly Rain, and the blessing of the Lord will not leave him / her / already. Amen.

I ask the power of the Lord to help change my cruel fate and give the way to liberation from the liquid dope that takes away my strength and mind and corrodes my soul. Heavenly Light send, Lord, I have no joy from life. Some suffering brings intoxicating drink, and I will pray for deliverance from an unnecessary need for me, and the life force will return when I stop swallowing poison, and with it the joy of renewal will come, flow into me, life will be illuminated with a new meaning, and by the miracle of the Lord rebirth will depart from I crave alcohol. Amen.

Sunny God's blessing, Open the source of my life force to bring the miracle of the birth of a new life, and I will pray to give it a source. Saturate, Lord, with the power of life my particles for a miraculous manifestation, two bodies will merge and give the basis of a new life, and I will be healed by the Lord from limitation, and with my life force the Light of Heavenly touch will flow into the life of a new being. Amen.

The power of the birth of a new day will bring me, the servant of God / servant of God / (name), the strength of the fight against my internal bodily ailment. The Light of the Lord will saturate my organs with a new life-giving blessing. The spirit of the Lord will bring me the power to renew bodily tissues from the great Source, which gives the basis of life, and the process of development of my illness will be stopped. Life support will come from above by the power of the Heavenly Father, who gives me a miracle of healing, and in the new day I will be supported / a / in getting rid of the disease. Amen.

My mouth and my heart turn to the Lord, for there is no greater joy in the world than sincere communication with the Higher Power, which gave me the opportunity to drink the cup of life and find the Spark of the Higher Light, and I ask the Lord to help my body replenish the strength lost during the day, and my soul - to reject the impure nightly influence, so that tomorrow's day will not be darkened, and I will enter it with joy, for the Lord is with me. Amen.

I ask the power of the Lord to give me a path that is pleasing to the Lord, to the healing of my bodily ailment. Give me, Lord, the opportunity to stop the processes of my visual impairment. The Light of Heaven will pour into my eyes and purify the wonderful perception given to me from birth, and the bright colors of the world will delight me, and with sunlight I will gain a clear vision, and fear will go away, for the Lord leads me. Amen.

Look at the cloud and say:
I ask the Lord by a miracle to let my feelings and thoughts come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that it accepts my aspirations, and my heart will show the way for him to meet with the one for whom I suffer.
With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to pour rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him a desire and a way, a desire to meet me and a way to me.
May the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive its heart, and its soul will receive the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me and I thank Him for His help. Amen.

Light a candle, take a glass of water in your right hand, and an image of a person in your left. Strongly desire to change his attitude towards himself and say, holding the image above the water:
With pure heavenly power, I want to give a miraculous effect to water, and I ask the Lord to support my request, for it is not self-interest that leads me, but Love, for my heart has no rest without the one whose image is in my hand, without (name) and the water will accept my request and melt ice in the heart (name) and with the Light of the Lord will enliven his spiritual perception and the call of my heart will ignite the return fire and he will find the joy of recognition when the water comes into contact with his body, for love will become pure. Amen.

Try to get the person in contact with the water. In extreme cases, you can sprinkle the image.

Place a glass of water near the lit candle and say:
I ask the Lord to give water the simple power of Heavenly influence on earthly paths. The waters are good, accept my request addressed to the Lord, connect the path of a person whose image is reflected in my dreams with my life path and bring (name) a miracle of Heaven to meet me. My thoughts, prayers and appeals will bring him to me, and I will see the one who I need all the time, and the clouds will dissipate, and life will be illuminated by sunlight when I see (name) and hear his speech, and our hands will touch, so that already never be apart. And I will find a new destiny thanks to the help of the Lord. Amen.

Pour water near three trees in equal parts, calling for the help of the Lord.

Put your hand on your heart and say:
Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick way to the only one who is able to illuminate a new light all my life and open your heart to meet mine for a miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen.

I will be washed with the Gold of the Truth of the Lord / a / when the Lord opens my organs with the Heavenly Source and cleans out from me all the unwholesome saturations accumulated by me on the earthly path with the Solar wind, and my whole life will be illuminated by the Sun of the Lord, and I ask the Lord to bring me closer to Himself for in order to receive the Cleansing of the Lord. Thus, I will perceive the Higher Sources that my heart will open, be saturated with the Rays of the Lord, and my soul will merge with the Highest Spirit in order to call forth the power of the Lord's influence. I will be washed by the sunlight/a/ and be transformed/a/ by the miracle of the Lord and I will always feel the point of contact now. Amen.

Pray on Thursday and Saturday three times, preferably in nature before sunset.

Prayers help not only improve health and avert trouble. With faith, you can return prosperity to the house and attract abundance.

Many people think that praying for money is a sin. After all, Jesus Christ was not rich, and many Saints also managed small. The church constantly mentions that wealth leads straight to hell and makes people sinners.

Actually it is not. There are many prayers to the Lord God and his saints for prosperity in the home and financial well-being, and many successfully apply them in their lives. After all, money gives you the opportunity to live a happy life, make your dreams come true, as well as help those in need along the way and just make the world a better place. Of course, in addition to financial prosperity, you need to learn how to correctly formulate your desires.

Monetary prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

She is a good help in any matters related to real estate, as well as in solving legal issues. You need to read it every morning for a week, or until you get what you want.

Saint Spyridon, be glorified! During your lifetime, you helped the disadvantaged and the weak. Worked miracles and delivered from poverty. Your name is on everyone's lips, for you help even after your death. I also beg you for help. Protect me and my family from poverty and want. Save and increase our finances. Send us abundance and wealth. Amen.

Prayer for money Matrona of Moscow

Everyone knows that Matronushka helps everyone who comes to bow to her. But it is not necessary to go to Moscow, it is enough to buy a small icon for the house and read a prayer in front of a lit candle.

Mother, mother, I trust in you with all my heart and soul. You are the one who helps the needy and stands up for the poor. send mein the house of prosperity and abundance, but deliver me from greed and all kinds of sins. I beg you for help and ask for abundance of money so that there is no grief and poverty in my life. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for wealth and prosperity

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I beg you for help. Please be strict with me, but fair. Send me prosperity and abundance according to my faith and save me from mistakes. Give me the wisdom to manage my money wisely and attract opportunities that give me financial freedom. I trust in you, for you help everyone who asks. May your name be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

In addition to money prayers, there are also prayers for good luck, which can not only in money matters, but also in any other vital issue. However, remember: for your requests to be heard, you do not need to sit at home and wait for insight. Move towards your goal, even in small steps. But that's the only way you can get what you want. Believe in yourself, think positively and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.08.2016 03:07

Many people are faced with a situation where luck turns treacherously away, and efforts do not lead to the desired ...

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