Home Mushrooms The boy is now an orphan father. Guidelines. Pronoun. Errors in its use

The boy is now an orphan father. Guidelines. Pronoun. Errors in its use

And pronouns


3. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. - M.: Higher school, 1987. S.179-220

4. Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. M.: Publishing house of Moscow University, 1994. S. 328-329, 333-335.

5. Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. R.I. Avanesov. M., 1997.


1. Form aspectual pairs of the following verbs: touch, master, challenge, assimilate, calm, build up, double, condition, sum up, legitimize, empower, honor.

2. Form the form of the 3rd person singular of the present tense from verbs: rinse, splash, wave, wave, click, cackle, purr, meow, pour, pinch.

3. Correct the sentence, explain the mistakes in the use of pronouns.

The boy is now an orphan, his father died when he was three years old.

Behind him was a cart loaded with things.

The group passed all tests and asked to re-examine them first.

The hostess removed the suitcase from the table and pushed it aside.

When the holidays came, the students went to their relatives, they were looking forward to them, hoping to have a good rest.

The patient asked his sister to pour himself some water.


1. Open the brackets, change the infinitive to the appropriate verb form; indicate possible synonymous variants, give their stylistic assessment.

1. Boats do not stand still, they (sway) on the water. 2. The wind blows, rain (splash) in the face. 3. The assembly elects a committee and (authorizes) it to draw up a draft resolution. 4. For several days the wolf (roam) through the forest, looking for prey. 5. On the same day, at dawn, an enemy detachment (to invade) the area where our troops are located. 6. The jury is already finishing its work and is now (summarizing) the results of the competition. 7. As soon as you receive the money transfer, (notify) me about it. 8. The specialists said that I would (recover) soon.

2. Indicate the shortcomings and speech errors that arose as a result of the incorrect use of pronouns. Edit sentences.

1. Stuffed dinosaurs were exhibited in this museum, which all died from the bombing. 2. This hero, beloved by the audience, did not leave the stage on TV screens for 14 evenings, and then eighteen films of the series filmed on them. 3. We will hold such meetings more often: they arouse the interest of young people in their profession, develop their love for the theater. 4. It is possible to release a person who has fallen under high voltage only with the help of special means designed for him. 5. If someone tells me something against Belov, I will give him a face. 6. Head of the shoe section, come to your place urgently! 7. If, after three days of keeping these dogs in a special place, the owners do not appear for them, the latter are subject to destruction.

3. Correct the sentences, indicate the nature of the errors in the use of verb forms.

1. The troops were concentrated to deliver a decisive blow to the enemy. 2. Light frost pleasantly pinches the face and hands. 3. If you are opposed to meat dishes, the doctor will put you on a diet. 4. Do not damage furniture by placing a hot kettle on the table. 5. Where did you hear about it? 6. On the advice of a doctor, the patient gargles with a solution of baking soda. 7. If this continues, I will find myself in a quandary.

Practice #11

Correct use of nouns and prepositions


1. Modern Russian: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Beloshapkova. M., 1981. S. 281-289, 301-308.

2. Russian grammar. M.: Nauka, 1980. V.1. pp. 483-530, 531-539.

3. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. - M.: Higher School, 1987. S. 168-179.

4. Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. M.: Publishing house of Moscow University, 1994. S. 151, 154, 330-335.


1. Put phrases in dative, instrumental, prepositional cases.

573 meters, 74 exhibits, 15 copies, 48 ​​meters, 61 minutes.

2. Form complex adjectives from these phrases and write them down: 28 days, 473 grams, 8 minutes, 2 hours, 1.5 kilometers, ¼ final, 3 liters.

3. Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in brackets in the correct case.

Act according to (order). After (graduating from) the university, I will go to (appointment). She always misses (you). In view of the lack of food, shortening the route was now especially important. Dimka decided that as an exception this time Zhigan was not lying. It was hard to understand what convenience the carpenter had in mind when bending the backs of the chairs so mercilessly. Leaning against the trunk of a pine tree, not sparing the shag, in the war (on) the account of the war, Terkin was talking. (In) the course ... of the whole road, Kasyan maintained a stubborn silence. (B) continue ... the night before the fight, I did not sleep for a minute.


1. Write down the numbers in words.

Arrange 3894 books…, add 208 to 573, subtract 47 from 785, passenger boat with 2655…, do the work by 2005…, remember 1913…

2. Form ordinal numbers from the following quantitative:

1, 2, 11, 40, 73, 90, 100, 341, 400, 648, 3 thousand, 200 million, 120 billion.

3. Open the brackets, write the numbers in words.

The institute's library is replenished monthly (300-400 books). Together with the new ones (1203 words), the German language textbook will have over (4.5 thousand) words. The difference between (87 and 58) is (29). The second Soviet artificial Earth satellite was in space (163 days). A small old town with (4675 inhabitants), beautifully located on (both-both) sides of a picturesque river, attracts many tourists. It was possible to manage (one and a half thousand rubles).

Practice #12

syntactic style. Variation in the form of agreement.

Variants of the grammatical connection of the subject and predicate


1. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. - M.: Higher school, 1987. S.244-271.

2. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. - M.: "Logos", 2001. S.315-320.

3. Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B. Secrets of style. M., 1998. S. 143-146.


1. Insert the required letters; motivate the choice of the form of the predicate. Specify the options.

1. Now there were ... four against Valerka. 2. We were left ... only three of the eighteen guys. 3. On the way there were ... three. 4. Of the twenty who graduated from school, only four entered ... a university. 5. Now six of them were sitting...behind the trees, holding guns. 6. There are three of us officers here. Two peacefully sleeping ... t. 7. For disrespectful reasons was absent ... four. 8. Five passed ... the exam ahead of schedule.

2. Add the missing letters in the endings. Highlight the main members of the sentence. Explain the use of the singular or plural form of the predicate.

1. Spent a month ... a thousand rubles. 2. A million rubles were allocated for the construction of preschool institutions. 3. How many noble tasks are a hundred ... tons before the teacher! 4. The last two students successfully passed ... exams. 5. After the revolution, the majority of foreign specialists traveled ... to their countries. 6. 45 minutes passed ... unnoticed. 8. Several housewives, who went out for bread or milk, also crowded ... in the crowd. 9. In July 1918, about half a million workers of a military factory went on strike in England. 10. In worries, a few more days passed unnoticed. 11. It was even somehow embarrassing that so many people came ... to meet us. 12. Several graduates of our school work ... at a watch factory.

3. Choose the correct form of the predicate (verb or participles) from the data in brackets. Motivate your choice. Indicate the possible options and give their normative and stylistic characteristics.

1. By universal suffrage (was elected - were elected) 85 people. 2. The majority, especially teachers, (thirst - longed for) decisive action and (was ready - were ready) to take risks. 3. The very subject of discussion - socio-economic and political problems, issues of culture and art; events of international and intra-union life, etc. - it would seem that it does not (tolerate - tolerate) any stylistic liberties, does not (allow - allow) any deviations from the norm. 4. Those who (will come - will come) with the most interesting proposals (can - can) take part in the creation of the company's council, in the consideration and selection of received projects. 5. Many brave men once (tried - tried) to get here. 6. Three years after graduation (worked - worked) engineer Petrova at the plant. 7. The designer (introduced - introduced) a rationalization proposal, the implementation of which would reduce the cost of manufactured parts. This is her third proposal.


1. Indicate whether the predicate is correctly agreed with the subject.

1. The operation was performed by a young surgeon, Boytsova, who recently defended her PhD thesis. 2. The intelligentsia, and especially its best part - exemplary writers, have always been considered the guardians of the purity of the literary language. 3. The highway crossed the railroad track. 4. The exhibition train arrived at the station yesterday and opened for visitors. 5. A group of workers led by foreman Ilyin and Komsomol organizer Stepanov completed the installation of a complex machine ahead of schedule. 6. A young woman was sitting in the waiting room. It was the director's secretary. 7. The communists of Western Europe made every effort to ensure that the explanatory campaign, as well as the campaign for collecting signatures and other forms of struggle, led to a genuine success and formed the basis of a powerful peace movement. 8. His cowardice, or rather, his cowardice, struck everyone. 9. The press, in particular large-circulation and wall newspapers, systematically expand information materials.

2. Is the predicate agreed with the subject correctly? Specify the options.

1. I remember with gratitude those who were my friends at a difficult time for me. 2. No one, even the most trained athletes who participated in the competition, could surpass the record set by a young swimmer. 3. Which of the girls turned out to be the biggest minx? 4. The patient vaguely saw how someone in white, must be a nurse, approached his bed. 5. What will those say who have shown themselves to be careless mouth-waterers in relation to the plunderers of socialist property? 6. The first who came to the polling station to vote were my neighbors, pensioners. 7. None other than parents are primarily responsible for raising children. 8. Which of your friends wrote to you about this? 9. You are the ones who are called to renew the world.

3. Open the brackets, choose the form of agreement between the predicate and the subject; motivate your choice; indicate the options.

1.Installation of new and reconstruction of existing equipment sometimes (ongoing - underway) without appropriate preparation of the rest of the production links. 2. Plants equally (necessary - necessary) both moisture and heat. 3. Some kind of unprecedented softness of the word and address (amazing - amazed) of her old acquaintances. 4. The Congress of the Administrative Council and the Congress of the Technical Commission of the International Broadcasting Organization (was held - have been held) in Budapest. 5. The fame and popularity of a talented writer is everything (growing - growing). 6. Every rustle, every creak, every sound (was heard - beat heard) in tense silence. 7. On sale (available - available) in a large selection of ready-made dresses, shoes, knitwear. 8. The deepening and development of contradictions between the capitalist countries repeatedly (caused - caused) military conflicts. 9. At the end of 1941 (began - began) the defeat of the fascist hordes and the collapse of their plans to capture Moscow. 10. Son and daughter (will help - help) to carry your things to the station? 12. Each new victory of the human mind, each new concept that arose in collective labor (fixed - fixed) in the language.

Practice #13

Options for harmonizing definitions and applications

With defined words


1. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. - M.: Higher school, 1987. S.272-288.

2. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. - M.: "Logos", 2001. S. 320-322.


1. Choose definitions for the following complex words, explain what caused your choice.

Machine-machine, raincoat-tent, tsar cannon, pavilion-gazebo, automatic diner, unfortunate student, hero fortress, cream soda, creme brulee, rocking chair, sofa bed, Doberman Pinscher, barn- pantry, porridge-concentrate, library car, launch vehicle, block diagram, boy-woman, plakun-grass.

2. Put the words given in brackets in the correct form. Motivate the choice of form.

1. I had to live for some time in the capital (Republic of Mali) city (Bamako). 2. Evergreen trees grow on the island (Crete). 3. A large dam is located in the city (Markala) on the river (Niger). 4. A strong earthquake was noted in the state (Nevada). 5. Belarusian biologists worked in the jungles of the island (Ceylon) for two months. 6. South of the lake (Victoria), which is located in the Republic (Kenya), livestock is often susceptible to sleeping sickness caused by tsetse. 7. In the resort towns of our country (Yalta, Alupka, Alushta, etc.) new health resorts will be built.

3. Choose the correct option for agreeing the definition with nouns - homogeneous members. Motivate your choice:

student progress and discipline - student progress and discipline, summer heat and heat - summer heat and heat, write an interesting novel or screenplay - write an interesting novel or screenplay, young radish and onion - young radish and onion.

the world famous microbiologist Sergeeva – the world famous microbiologist Sergeeva; engineer Nikolaeva, who spoke at the meeting - engineer Nikolaeva, who spoke at the meeting; respected comrade Titov - respected comrade Titov; interesting newspaper "Arguments and Facts" - interesting "Arguments and Facts".

5. Explain from a normative-stylistic point of view the use of the following constructions:


1. Add endings. Explain what rules govern the agreement of definitions with nouns that have an application.

1. In our student club, we have already designed a large ... showcase-stand, clearly showing ... the life of students of our faculty. 2. Rakhmaninsk… the symphony concert made… a great impression on me. 3. On the roads of Transcarpathia, we often met cars, each of which had a convenient dacha-van. 4. In Samarkand we were shown a high ... minaret tower, built ... back in the 15th century. 5. In the settlement of builders there was ... a permanent ... new ... nursery garden. 6. State… museum-estate in Yasnaya Polyana is reopened… for visitors. 7. This year, our ... district ... children's ... doctor I.P. Fadeev was ... awarded ... with a medal. 8. At the academic council of the faculty, ... the associate professor of our department Shilova, known ... for her work in the field of phonetics, spoke. 9. We respect ... comrade. Vasiliev! Please donate books to the library. 10. And now the floor is given respected ... comrade ... Titova. 11. One (one) of the inhabitants of the rooming house, Nastya, strives with all her heart to meet a person who would love her. 12. It [lake - N.F.] is one ... of the main fish breeding ... bases of Heilongjiang Province.

2. Put the names enclosed in brackets into the correct forms.

1. A well-known artist was on tour in the summer garden (Hermitage). 2. For two years my brother lived in the city (Kirovsk). 3. We rested in the summer on the river (Oka), a tributary of the river (Volga). 4. The water in the lake (Naroch) is clean and cold. 5. The plane flew up to one of the largest islands (New Zealand). 6. We stayed at a hotel (“Minsk”). 7. Our correspondent met with the governor of the state (Michigan) in the USA. 8. Workers of the plant (“October Revolution”) put forward their candidates for the City Council. 9. A selection of the poet's poems will be given in the next issue of the magazine ("New World"). 10. The bus arrived at the bus station of the city (Tula). 11. On the carriageway of the street (Petrovka) a pedestrian was hit. 12. A lot of empty cars have accumulated at the station (Voronezh). 13. A new fishing industry has been formed on the lake (Ladoga). 14. Andrei Voznesensky likes to relax on the lake (Svir).

3. Choose definitions for these common nouns; make sentences with them in such a way as to show what is the peculiarity of agreement in such constructions:

an orphan, a sleepyhead, a slob, a baby, a swindler, a drunkard, a miserable person, a rogue.

Practice #14

Syntax style. Variation in the form of control


1. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook - M.: "Logos", 2001. S. 322-326.

2. Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M.: Education, 1989. S. 160-187.

3. Panfilov A.K. Collection of exercises on the style of the Russian language. M., 1989.

4. Dictionary of compatibility of words of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1987.

5. Rosenthal D.E. Practical stylistics of the Russian language: A textbook for universities. M.: Higher school, 1987. S. 288-320.


1. Point out the stylistic coloring of the following phrases:

Father's house - fathers' house - father's house; Dahl dictionary - Dalev dictionary; military service - army service; Pushkin's poem - Pushkin's poem; coolness from the river - river coolness; engineer from Khabarovsk - Khabarovsk engineer; door handle - door handle; red face - a red face; a ticket without a reserved seat - a non-reserved seat ticket; postal worker - postal worker; book for children - children's book.

2. Describe the semantic and stylistic differences between the options:

Walk on water - go for water; stargazing - observation of the experimental group; in a car accident - in a car accident; work as a teacher - work in the field of education; to be the center - to be the focus; chemical laboratory - creative laboratory; the western front is the front of work.


1. Form valid combinations with the words given in brackets.

Render(support, service, assistance, influence, impression, meeting, trust); win(top, success, victory, milestone, prestige, high score); conduct ( competition, meeting, control, organization, meeting, conference, lesson ); show(conscious attitude, desire, skill, will, character, indifference, pattern of behavior, initiative, initiative).

2. Put the words in brackets in the correct form (use prepositions if necessary): according to (order), control (execution of the order), did not receive (permission), recall (term paper), head (department), pay (travel), wait (train), give (pencil), drink (water), lean ( experimental results).

3 . Point out the shortcomings in the construction of phrases and sentences.

Pay attention to labor productivity. Pay attention to… Explain the dangers of alcohol. Nobody will forbid it. Haven't reached that level. The question is about the role. I have spoken to this question more than once. To be offended that ... I pay attention to this. Below I will dwell on the fact that ... The speech emphasizes that ...

4. Put the word in brackets in the correct form in phrases with each of the given words.

Address - designate - count (reader)

Faith - confidence (victory)

Influence - affect - reflect - leave an imprint (views)

listen - listen - listen (melody)

Inspire confidence - inspire confidence (patient)

be proud - proud - pride (achievements)

Make a difference - distinguish - distinguish (I and he)

Complain - appeal (verdict)

Reward - honor (prize)

Put on - put on (coat, child)

Dissatisfied - disappointed (review)

Need - lack (money)

pay attention - pay attention - detain

attention - to attract attention (picture).

Practice #15

5. On this day, the commission examined twenty-three students.

Task 4. Look for errors in the use of pronouns. Correct the suggestions.

1. The boy is now an orphan; father died when he was three years old.

2. Behind him was a cart loaded with things.

3. The group passed all tests and asked them to be examined first.

4. The hostess removed the suitcase from the table and pushed it aside.

syntactic rules.

Task 5. Point out the errors associated with the violation of the order of words in the sentence, correct them.

1. The walls are decorated with posters and flags.

2. Personnel turnover generates an inattentive attitude of the administration.

3. The issue of preparations for the elections of the Central Election Commission was discussed.

4. An instructor came to the district to train pest control specialists from local residents.

5. In poems, references to inanimate objects are used in order to increase their expressiveness and emotionality.

6. Ivanov refused to take the winter session with all the students.

7. Kutuzov, as shown by L. Tolstoy, being on the battlefield, most of all cared about maintaining the morale of the soldiers.

8. The maid came in with a starched headdress.

9. The newspaper called this decree a bitter pill for supporters of "shock therapy", which must be swallowed.

Punctuation rules.

Task 6. Place punctuation marks in the text.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a remarkable Russian doctor and scientist, was called the "Wonderful Doctor".

was born in Moscow. The son of poor parents, the grandson of a serf, he recognized the need early. Due to poverty, he had to leave teaching in a private boarding school, but the case helped him. The Pirogovs often visited the well-known Moscow doctor, professor of the university. His eyes did not escape the unusual interest of Nikolai, who carefully followed every word and movement of the doctor at the bedside of his sick brother.

Mukhin sent his fourteen-year-old teenager to be examined at the medical faculty of Moscow University. Nikolai passed the entrance exams on a par with everyone else.

Pirogov perfectly graduated from the university. To prepare for a professorship, he went to Yuryev (now Tartu), a small town in Estonia. In the surgical clinic of the University of Pirogov, a twenty-two-year-old young man made the first scientific study that showed him to be a talented scientist.

Four years have passed. He is a young scientist who has already surpassed his peers in the vastness of his knowledge and brilliant operating technique to such an extent that at the age of 26 he was able to become a professor at Yuryev University.

the largest specialist in the field of medicine also left behind a lot of work on pedagogy.

Functional styles of speech.

Task 7.

A) “The king had a pool in his palace, an octagonal, cool pool made of white marble. Dark green malachite steps descended to its bottom. A cladding of Egyptian jasper, pale white with pink, barely visible veins, served as its frame. The best ebony went to the walls. Four lion heads of pink sardonyx squirted water into the pool. Eight polished silver mirrors of excellent Sidon work, the height of a man, were built into the walls between light white columns ... "

B) In the first three sentences, clauses of time are used, since they denote actions that, firstly, follow the action referred to in the main; secondly, the actions of the main sentence are simultaneous with the time; thirdly, they precede the action of the main clause. The last sentences - with a subordinate clause that indicate the conditions without which the action indicated in the main clause is impossible.

C) “The very next day she began to fulfill her plan, sent to buy thick linen, blue Chinese and copper buttons at the market, with the help of Nastya she tailored a shirt and a sundress for herself, planted all the girl’s clothes for sewing, and by evening everything was ready. Lisa tried on the new thing and admitted in front of the mirror that she had never seemed so sweet to herself. She repeated her role, bowed low as she walked, and then shook her head several times, like clay cats, spoke the peasant dialect, laughed, covering herself with her sleeve, and earned Nastya's full approval ... "

Task 8. What style is this text? Prove your point.

Autumn this year is excellent, warm. There are frequent light showers. Mushrooms in the forest abyss. You know, I'm a big hunter for mushroom hodgepodge, so I'm not too lazy to go into the forest. I’ll pick up a full basket of selected, clean, large ones, but I don’t take any trifle at all. And then all this in a frying pan, but with an onion, and with sour cream. Real jam!

Come to us, my friend, for the “mushroom hunt”.

(From a letter)

Option 2.

Morphological norms .

Exercise 1. Correct the sentences, explain the errors in the use of the case form of nouns.

1. The role of Neschastvittsev in Ostrovsky's "Forest" was played by a young talented actor.

2. Modern science has creatively mastered much of what was created by Darwin.

3. Buy me a pair of stockings and two pairs of socks.

4. From time to time, astronomers manage to clearly observe Mars.

5. The apple orchard occupies over one hundred hectares.

6. A large crop of tomatoes has been harvested.

7. Divide it all into several equal shares.

8. We were in the largest workshop of the plant.

9. Documents must be submitted by the first of August.

10. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second.

Task 2. Form short forms of adjectives.

Impeccable, close, meaningless, naked, long, kind, ancient, sincere, courageous, sharp, full, kindred, strong, mysterious, warm, solemn, cunning, hoarse, feeble, intelligent, sensitive, bright.

Task 3. Find errors in the use of numbers. Correct the suggestions.

1. Humidity is seventy-six and a half percent.

2. Cars were parked at both gates.

3. One and a half academic months are left before the start of the exams.

4. A nine-meter-old hundred-year-old oak towered in the center of the clearing.

5. Two hundred and forty three boys and girls participated in the competition.

Task 4. Look for errors in the use of pronouns. Correct the suggestions.

1. When the holidays came, the students went to their relatives; they were waiting for them with great impatience, hoping to have a good rest.

2. The patient asked his sister to pour himself some water.

3. The first performance of the artist brought her great success, and one could expect a lot from her.

4. The guide gave explanations to his listeners and asked them to write them down so that they could be printed later.

syntactic rules.

Task 5. Find errors in nominal and verbal management. Fix them.

1. Is the indifference of parents for the fate of their children conceivable?

2. Opinion can vary greatly.

3. The earnest request of those who signed up for the festive New Year's Eve, donate money before December 29th.

4. Only here, and only today, winning a win-win lottery reaches up to a thousand rubles. 5. Mike Tyson has always lusted for fame and aspired to win.

6. The boycott of drugs should become the norm in Russia.

7. I have always been impressed by those politicians who honestly kept their promises to the voters.

8. I would be interested to know your opinion on this issue as well.

9. Nobody likes this student because he fawns on the teacher all the time.

10. The literature does not contain direct indications of which values ​​are to be compared.

Punctuation rules.

Task 6.Set up punctuation marks.

Treasures of folk wisdom.

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years countless treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And perhaps in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of the people with such force and so multifaceted does its mind manifest itself so crystallinely its national history, social structure, life, worldview, as in proverbs.

The apt and figurative Russian language is especially rich in proverbs. There are thousands, tens of thousands! As on wings they fly from century to century from one generation to another, and that boundless distance where this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible ...

The epochs that gave rise to proverbs are different. The variety of human relations that are imprinted in chased folk sayings and aphorisms is boundless. From the abyss of time, in these clots of reason and knowledge of life, the joy and suffering of people's laughter and tears, love and anger, faith and unbelief, truth and falsehood, honesty and deceit, hard work and laziness, the beauty of truths and the ugliness of prejudices ...

The publication of Russian proverbs collected over several decades of the last century by a dialectologist and writer will serve the great and noble cause of studying the inexhaustible riches of our national culture of our great and mighty language.

(M. Sholokhov).

Functional styles of speech.

Task 7. Determine the speech type of each text.

1) Everything, wherever you look, lay the glare of the setting sun. The trunks of the trees seemed to blaze with fire, the foliage blinded my eyes. It gradually became cooler. The long dark night was approaching. My new acquaintance is a very attractive young man. He must be eighteen years old. He plays tennis, dances well, and tells good jokes. Very versatile personality, intellectual. In general, the guy that is necessary.

Topic 5.4. The use of forms of verbs, participles, participles

Topic 5.3. The use of pronoun forms

The student must:


be able to:

1. A pronoun usually replaces the preceding noun closest to it. Violation of this rule leads to a distortion of meaning.

2. A collective noun (youth, peasantry, etc.) cannot be replaced by plural pronouns. Youth is she (not they).

3. Forms for her, from her are colloquial. Normalized use: for her, from her.

4. Pronouns theirs In russian language No.

5. Pronouns own, themselves indicate persons who perform actions.

Related tasks

Correct the mistakes.

The boy is now an orphan, his father died when he was three years old.

Behind him was a cart loaded with things.

The group passed all tests and asked to be examined first.

The patient asked his sister to pour water.

Their child.

She wrote to her daughter in a letter that she should have come.

Turgenev leads the hero to a gradual realization of his mistakes.

The people decided to fight the enemies, they organized a partisan movement.

The student must:


Morphological, grammatical norms;

be able to:

Use grammatical forms of words in accordance with the norms.

1. Forms of 1 l are not used in the literary language. unit of the present or future simple tense from the verbs to conquer, convince, find oneself, kink, feel. It is correct to say: I can win, I can convince.

2. In modern language no forms: lays rides. Is: puts, puts, rides.

3. Some -sya verbs have a double meaning - passive and reflexive, which creates an ambiguity of meaning. Graduates are sent to the village (themselves or they are sent?)

5. The participial turnover should not include a definable noun. Edited manuscript by editor. Correct: edited manuscript editor or manuscript edited by the editor.

6. The participial turnover usually adjoins the noun being defined.

Incorrect: The mountain range stretches from east to west, consisting of many ridges. Correct: The mountain chain, consisting of many ridges, stretches from east to west.

7. We must not allow inconsistency in the use of types of participles. For example: Reading article and noting necessary material, I made extracts. Right: Reading article and noting necessary material, I made extracts. Or: After reading article and noting the right material.

Related tasks

Correct the mistakes

1. Do not damage furniture by placing a hot kettle on the table.

2. Where did you hear about it?

3. I will find myself in difficulty.

4. Don't wave your arms.

5. He puts things on the table.

6. Before a lecture, students often linger in the audience.

7. The store is closed by the seller at six o'clock.

8. The grandson often dresses as a grandmother.

9. The harvested crop is sent to different parts by rail, by air and by water.

Section 6. Syntax

Topic 6.1. Basic units of syntax: phrase and sentence.


A gerund is an invariable form of a verb that has the features of a verb and an adverb and denotes an additional action.

Verb features:

View: reading - reading. Offering - offering;

Returnability: returning - returning. Having met - having met.

Adverb signs:


Role in a sentence - gerunds in a sentence are only circumstances: (He spoke carefully, afraid to say something superfluous. Sasha looked at them smiling.)

Unlike participles, participles do not have time - they only have a form.

Imperfect gerunds denote an action that denotes simultaneously with the main: tearfully and cursing loudly, he tried to move the horse.Perfect participles denote an action that happened before the main participle:His companion, throwing on a scarf, offered to return to the garden.

Participles from imperfective verbs are formed with the help of suffixes - and I: buy - buying. Preserved in the language and several obsolete forms with the suffix - learn: being, playfully, stealthily.

Participles from perfective verbs are formed using suffixes

B, -lice, -shi: to buy - having bought, to meet - having met, to save - having saved, to appear - having appeared.

Participle turns. A gerund with dependent words forms a gerund.

Difficulties in the formation and use of gerunds.

The action expressed by the verb - predicate and the additional action indicated by the participle must be performed by one person. Therefore, the following sentences are wrong:When I caught a cold, my throat hurt - my throat caught a cold. Returning home in the rain, our jackets were soaked through - jackets returned home in the rain.


How can you complete a sentence?

1. Having met him by chance in the theater,

A) she remembered their student years.

B) it hurt her that they parted so ridiculously.

C) she wanted to return the past.

D) unexpectedly for herself, she felt how dear he was to her.

2. Getting a job,

A) during a meeting with the employer, every word you say should be thought out

B) During the meeting with the employer, be modest, but with dignity.

C) the suit in which you go to the negotiations must be strict.

D) your self-confidence can be the reason for refusal.

3) Arriving at the river,

A) hurried to unsaddle the exhausted horses.

B) it became clear to them that it would not be easy to cross it.

C) the village on the opposite bank became clearly visible.

D) they were overcome with despair, as the bridge was destroyed.

  1. In a chess competition, a young master, meeting with a grandmaster, won a brilliant victory 1 . 2. The use of these expressions and turns can be shown by illustrative examples, taking samples of fiction as illustrations. 2 . 3. The entire presentation in the book is made extremely short, taking into account the student's time budget. 2 . 4. Science requires such advice, applying which would be useful in practical work. 2 . 5. After reading the work for the second time, I think that the main thoughts are expressed in it correctly. 3 . 6. Approaching the river, we stopped the horses, quickly jumped to the ground and, hastily undressing, rushed into the water 1 . 7. Using a slide rule, the calculation is made quickly and easily 2 . 8. Having received a severe wound, the soldier was saved by his comrades 4. 9. Hastily dressed and washed, the boy ran to school, but, clinging to something and stumbling, fell 5 .

Replace subordinate clauses with adverbial phrases and vice versa; if this cannot be done, indicate the reason for the impossibility of replacement.

  1. Since Gorky knew the life and life of the tramps well, he could clearly depict them in his works. 2. When we returned home, it was already dark 6 . 3. Eugene Onegin made a strong impression on Tatyana, as he stood out sharply among the surrounding landowners. 4. After the students finished checking the dictation, the teacher took their notebooks 7 . 5. When Plyushkin untied all sorts of bundles, he regaled the guest with such dust that he sneezed 7 . 6. The old carrier dozed, leaning over the oars 8 . 7. Kashtanka, unable to bear the music, shifted uneasily in her chair and howled. 8. Past Kashtanka, pushing her with their feet, non-stop back and forth customers walked 8 . 9. Without restoring his health, he will not be able to seriously engage. 10. Having dismissed the generals, Kutuzov sat for a long time, leaning on the table.

Reference .

1. Mistake in the use of the type of gerund.

2. A participial turnover cannot be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the participle refer to different persons; For example: "Returning home, I was caught in the rain».

3. The adverbial turnover cannot be used in an impersonal sentence that has a logical subject, for example: “Approaching the forest, I became cold.

4. The adverbial turnover cannot be used if the sentence is expressed by a passive construction, because the producer of the action expressed by the predicate and the producer of the action expressed by the gerund do not match, for example: “Having risen up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the berths of Nizhny Novgorod».

5. A heap of gerunds, creating dissonance.

6. Substitution is impossible because the main sentence is impersonal.

7 Substitution is not possible because the main clause and the subordinate clause have different subjects.

8. Replacement is impossible, because the gerund indicates the manner of action.



The participle has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

Verb features:

1. View - perfect and imperfect (writer - writer)

2. Time - present and past: sleeping-sleeping.

3. Recurrence: rejoicing.

4. Pledge - real and passive.

Valid participles denote a sign of the person or object that itself performs the action:contemplating, contemplating.

Passive participles denote a sign of the object to which the action is directed: considered, considered.

Adjective features:

  1. Denotes a sign of a person, an object.
  2. It varies by numbers, genders and cases.
  3. Passive participles have a full and short form:purchased goods - goods are purchased.
  4. Role in the sentence: full participles are only a definition, short participles are only part of a compound nominal predicate.

Participle formation

Real present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb with the help of suffixes-usch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch, The real past participles are formed from the stem of the past tense verb with the help of suffixes - wsh, -sh.

Passive present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb with the help of suffixes -eat, -im, -om, -t, -nn, -yonn (carrying, piercing, dormant, deciding, carrying, solved, stored, carried, stabbed, read, decided).

Spelling HH and H in participles and verbal adjectives.

In full participles and verbal adjectives NN is written :

1. If the word has a prefix(read, seeded). Exception: named brother, smart child.

Note 1. The presence of a prefix does not affect the spelling of verbal adjectives.(uncut, unkempt).

Note2. The spelling of verbal adjectives also does not change in compound words:homespun, little-worn)

2. If there is a dependent word during the sacrament:cobbled roads.

3. Two H is written in non-prefixed participles formed from perfective verbs(abandoned, given, bought, decided, captured)

4. With two H, adjectives of verbal origin are written in -ovanny, -ovanny:risky move, spoiled child, pickles. In words forged, chewedcombinations OB, EB are part of the root.

Note. Wounded- noun;soldier wounded in the leg- participle with a dependent word;Being wounded., the soldier remained in the ranks- participle, although it has neither a prefix nor a dependent word, it retains the verbal meaning and is written with two N.

In short passive participles, unlike full participles, one N is written.

(The essay is written)

The participle with dependent words forms participle turnover.

Participle turnovers

Correct the sentences, explain the mistakes.

1. He spoke about the orders that prevailed here before the revolution 1 . 2. The task performed by us does not cause any particular difficulties 2 . 3. The writer spoke about the changes in the book, which he is preparing for reprint 2. 4. In the near future, a new production will be shown, created by the members of the drama circle 2 . 5. Our regularly published wall newspaper provides interesting information about the life of the school community. 2 . 6. Daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain in winter conditions will pay with their lives 3. 7. Students who write poorly homework will have to redo it 3 . 8. Each student who would like to participate in the work of the scientific circle must submit an application to the dean's office 4 . 9. A lecture given to students on the peaceful use of atomic energy aroused great interest 5 . 10. A few days after the quarrel, Dubrovsky caught Troekurov's peasants in his forests stealing firewood. 6 .

Replace attributive clauses with participial phrases; if this cannot be done, indicate the reason for the impossibility of replacement.

1. Chelkash was pleased with his luck, himself and this guy, who was so scared of him and turned into his slave. 2. Grushnitsky is one of those people who have ready-made lush phrases for all occasions 7 3. The author had to be present at the scene at the landowner Penochkin, which will remain in his memory for a long time 8 . 4. In the last house, which ends the village, the light was still on. 9 . 5. We drove through a plain that was scorched by the sun and covered with dust. 6. Griboyedov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" touched on the same topic, which other classic writers later began to develop 7. 7. Among the books there was not one that would not interest me. 10 . 8. The blizzard looked and suddenly recognized in the black-headed boy the very shepherd boy to whom he left his horse yesterday 9 . 9. Ilya entered the yard with an important air of a man who did a good job.


1 Mistake in the use of communion time

2 Participle forms on-sya should, where possible, be replaced by passive forms: instead of "son raised by father> son raised by father. Sometimes such a replacement is necessary because the particle -sya has different meanings, including reflexive and passive, which can be mixed; for example, instead of "cows going to slaughter" you need ... sent to slaughter.

3. Erroneous forms of participles on - shi from verbs of the perfect form (with the meaning of the future tense), since such a form of participle does not exist ("doing", "thinking" and so on.).

4. Irregular forms of participles with a particle would, since verbs in the subjunctive mood do not form participles ("speech that would have raised objections, etc.).

5 The participial phrase must be fully or after the noun being defined (book lying on the table), or in front of it (a book lying on the table), but should not be torn by the word being defined (“lying book on the table).

6. Incorrect word order in a sentence with a separate participial turnover.

7. Substitution is impossible because the main clause contains a correlative word (the form of the demonstrative pronoun That )

8. Replacement is impossible, because the predicate of the subordinate clause is expressed by the verb in the form of the future tense.Participles have no future tense.

9. Substitution is not possible if the allied word that is in the instrumental or dative case (replacement is possible if the word that is in the nominative or accusative case without a preposition)

10. Substitution is impossible, because the predicate of the subordinate clause is expressed by the verb in the form of the subjunctive mood.Participles do not have a subjunctive mood.



Pronoun - this is a part of speech that does not name a person, quality or quantity, but only points to them.

Ranks of pronouns:

1.Personal: I, he, she, it, we, you, they.

2.Returnable: yourself.

3. Possessive:mine, yours, yours, yours.

4.Indicative: this, that, such, so many, such.

5.Undefined:someone, something, someone, someone, some, some,a few, some, some, etc..

6.Negatives: nobody, none, not at all, no one and etc.

7. Interrogative:Who? What? Which? whose? How many?

8. Relative - the same interrogative, but not used in interrogative sentences, but to connect the main and subordinate clauses in a complex subordinate:I don't know who came to you; We haven't decided yet how many days we'll stay in Petersburg; Tell me whose book this is.

9. Determinants:himself, most, all, everyone, each, other, any, other and etc.

Pronouns her, him, them can be possessive:to their son, in her apartment, for his book.

Difficulties in the formation of forms and the use of pronouns.

1.Forms from her, from her, theirs- spacious. Forms are correct from her, from her, them.

2. The sentence must be structured in such a way that it is clear which word or words are being replaced by the pronoun: He read the note, crumpled it up and, lighting a cigarette, put it in his pocket -a note or a cigarette?

3. The pronoun your and yourself refer to the person performing the action. And the proposal should be built with this in mind.Petya loves his little sister- not Petya's sister, but someone else.

Pronoun spelling

  1. In negative pronouns, under stress, NOT is written, without stress - NI: Not no one to ask oh don't ask .
  2. NOT and NOR with pronouns are written together, separately - in the presence of a preposition (the preposition is placed between the particle and the pronoun):no one - no one, nothing - nothing.
  3. TO particles, OR, ANYTHING and the prefix KOE with indefinite pronouns are written with a hyphen: someone, some, something.
  4. Combinations none other than; none other than; nothing but; not that other like contrasts matter, so they use the negative particle NOT, for example:The order was signed by none other than the director himself. The order was signed by the director, and not by anyone else.

pronominal combinations none other (other) and nothing else (other) are not related to opposition and, as a rule, are used in sentences where there is negation, for example:Nobody else could do it.

Less often, these combinations are found in sentences without negation, and they are of an attaching nature, for example: The question can only be resolved by a specialist, and no one else.In these combinations, the particle NOT is used, which is written together with the pronoun.

Wed The summons could not be served on anyone other than the defendant personally. - The summons could not be served on anyone other than the defendant personally. This could be nothing more than a mistake. “It couldn't be anything but a mistake.


Explain the nature of the error.

1. He never finished his autobiography.

2. Working on a novel brings him back to his childhood.

3. I found my brother in my room.

The use of pronouns

Correct the sentences, explain the mistakes.

1. The boy is now an orphan: his father died when he was three years old 1 . 2. Behind him was a cart loaded with things 2 . 3. The group passed all tests and asked to be examined first 3 . 4. The hostess removed the suitcase from the table and pushed it aside 1 . 5. When the holidays came, the students went to their relatives: they were waiting for them with great impatience, hoping to have a good rest 1 . 6. The patient asked his sister to pour himself some water. 4 . 7. The first performance of the artist brought her great success, and you could expect a lot from her 5 . 8. The guide gave explanations to his listeners and asked them to write them down so that they could be printed later 1 .


1. A pronoun usually replaces the preceding noun closest to it. Violation of this provision leads to a distortion of meaning.

2. The initial n is added to the personal pronouns of the 3rd person (he, she, it, they) if they come after simple prepositions(without, in, for, before, for, from, to, with, atetc.) and after some adverbial prepositions that govern the genitive case(around, in front, near, past, opposite, about, in the middle, after, behind and etc.): without him, with her, around them, behind himetc. After prepositions of adverbial origin that govern the dative case, the initial n not added:contrary to him, according to her, contrary to them, towards him, according to her, like himetc. Not added n also after the preposition thanks to and prepositional combinations consisting of a simple preposition and a noun:thanks to him, in contrast to her, in opposition to them, about them, on his part, in relation to her, with the exception of theiretc. After the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs, 3rd person pronouns are used without the initialn: sister is older than him, he works better than her.

3. Collective noun (peasantry, students, groupetc.) cannot be replaced by a plural pronoun. You can't say:The students have left for the holidays; they will rest well during the summer.”In order not to create an uncomfortable combination of " it will rest,” follows the word students replace with the word students.

4. Reflexive pronouns yourself and your refers to the person doing the action. Therefore, in the proposals:The tenant asked the janitor to take things to himself; The professor invited the assistant to read his report- pronoun for oneself semantically related to the noun janitor, and his pronoun - by the way, assistant.

5. Forms are correct from her, from her (forms from her, from her are colloquial or obsolete).



The numeral is a part of speech denoting an abstract number, quantity or order of objects when counting and answering questions How many ? or which one? What's the score? : seventy-five, three, sixth.

According to the composition, the numerals are divided intosimple, complex and compound.

Simple made up of one root(six, forty, fifth, tenth)or from two roots, but on the condition that only the last part changes during declination (fifteen, thirtieth).

Complex consist of two roots, and both change during declination:fifty, two hundred, three hundred.

Composite consists of several words:seventy-eight, one hundred fifteen, two thousand and seven.

From numerals, which denote the exact amount, you need to distinguish nouns (three, ten, dozen, majority, minority, lot, part, row), pronouns( how many, many, several)and adverbs with quantitative meaning

(few, many).

Depending on the meaning and morphological features, numerals are divided into quantitative and ordinal.

Quantitative - (HOW?): Whole(twenty one), fractional (seven hundredths), collective ( two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten).

numeral one can be in the plural, but at the same time it retains its lexical meaning only if it is used with nouns that have only the plural:He only has onetrousers. Waited one day. In other cases, it acts either as a restrictive particle:She only eats apples (only apples)or as an adverb:Children were left at home alone (without supervision).

Declension of cardinal numbers

Numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half and one and a half hundred have two case forms:

I., V - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred

R., D., T., P. - forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred

In complex numerals, all parts decline:

AND. fifty, two hundred

R. fifty, two hundred

D. fifty, two hundred

B. fifty, two hundred

T. fifty, two hundred

P. about fifty, about two hundred

In compound numerals, all words are declined: more than three hundred ninety-six meters


They indicate the order of items in the count and answer the question WHICH? Ordinal numbers are very close to adjectives. Like adjectives, they can be an agreed attribute or be part of a nominal compound predicate.: He remembered well their first date- definition . He was the first who agreed to support me -is included in the predicate. In combinationnouns can be circumstances:It happened in the first month of their life together -circumstance of time.

In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes.

Difficulties in the formation of forms and the use of numerals

With collective numerals, it is permissible to use far from all nouns. They may be followed by:

1) nouns that call males:two brothers, four friends, three neighbors . Reminders of female persons are unacceptable: phrases are erroneous: three sisters, five girlfriends; Right - three sisters, five girlfriends.

2) nouns denoting people without specifying gender:three children, four strangers, two citizens;

3) inanimate nouns that have only the plural form: two sleigh, three gates, four days. However, if the number is greater than four, another form must be chosen:five pieces of scissors, a pitchfork in the amount of six pieces;

4 ) personal pronouns: There were five of them;

5) names of baby animals:Our cat has three kittens.

After compound numbers ending in ONE, the noun is in the singular form:twenty-one delegates elected.

The pronoun - numeral BOTH, in addition to the masculine and neuter forms, has the feminine form - yboth brothers, for both occasions, with both sisters, for both female students . Since nouns that are used only in the plural do not have a gender, they cannot be used with the words BOTH, BOTH. You can't say:both sledges or both sledges; Right: those and other sleighs.

- When combined with a numeral one and a half with a noun, the definition is put in the plural form:one and a half full glasses.

With compound numbers ending in two three four, The noun is used in the singular form:twenty three boys

Spelling of numerals

A soft sign in the middle of numerals is written from fifty to eighty and from five hundred to nine hundred:

(fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred).


There are mistakes in the proposals; fix them:

1. The bolts were changed at both gates. 2. Four girls from our class are dancing. 3. Two hundred and fifty rubles were missing for a ticket to Odessa. 4. For the winter, the holiday home bought thirty-four sledges. 5. He has two nephews and three nieces. 6. I had to limit my expenses to five thousand two hundred rubles. 7. Pushkin was born in 1799.

A4. Find grammatical errors:

1) a lot of apples

2) in both books

3) with eight hundred rubles

4) lie down

A18. In which row is each word spelled with b?

10 p..esa, aphorism..m, throw..te

2) crown..chat, inter..er, in..jection

3) tone..she, eight..eleven, midnight..

4) nine..hundred, r..yany, vos..merka



The table shows masculine nouns divided into groups according to the way the plural is formed. Read the words out loud, pay attention to the correct stress, try to remember.

Ending -A / -Z







more and


b o tsmany


bulld o zery


in s bors


in you dialects



doctor, inspector

Great Danes




pan valves


to about zyri


combine harvester






l ectors




m and chmany








t o mouths


t o sta






fl o you


spr and tsy


Headquarters and staff


pcs u rmana


shield s

Variants of case endings of nouns.

1. Masculine nounsin the genitivesingular other than the usual ending-AND I may have an ending Y/-Y

in the following cases:

Real nouns when denoting measures, quantities:a glass of kefir, a cup of tea, a piece of sugar;

Nouns real and abstract when designating an object to which the action applies partially:add sugar, eat soup. Have some tea. Catch up with fear;

Abstract nouns when denoting the degree of manifestation of a feature:there is little order, so much noise, there is no use;

In fixed phrases:to no avail, went out of the forest, out of the house, eye to eye

2. Masculine nouns in the prepositional case of the singular (with prepositions B, HA) have the ending–U/-Yu when designating a place, and when designating an object, the usual ending-E: He made a lot of money in gardening. There were only apple trees in the garden.

3. Plural nounsin the genitive zero ending in the following cases:

Denoting paired objects (a pair of boots, felt boots, boots, stockings(but: socks);

In the names of nationalities, if the stem of the word ends in H, R: British, Armenians, Bashkirs, Georgians, Gypsies;

In the names of the old military branches:a group of hussars, cuirassiers, lancers; group of partisans, soldier.

For some units of measurement:five amperes, watts, x-rays.

But the ending is OV: five hectares, liters, kilometers, centners, dollars.

Remember: several rails, kilogramoranges, tangerines, tomatoes, tomatoes.

4. Feminine nounsin the genitiveThe following endings are possible:

Zero in the following cases:Barges, fables, songs, apple trees, domain, poker, roofs, shafts, nannies, rods, weddings, gossip, estates, herons, sheets (possibly sheets);

TO HER: fathoms, stakes, pins, handfuls, candles.

5. Words that are used only in the plural can have the following endings:

Zero e: breeches, harem pants, attacks, darkness, twilight, trousers .;

TO HER: rakes, stilts, weekdays, firewood, mangers;

RH/-EV : jeans, shorts, frost, rags, rags.


1.Fix bugs:

1) For this dish you will need a kilogram of tomato, rice and minced meat.

2) A pair of boots was irretrievably lost.

3) In Chekhov's Cherry Orchard, minor characters play an important role.

4) It was difficult to walk on the hot sand without shoes.

5) Supply contracts, reprimands received, pyramidal poplars, invited trainers.

2. Finish the sentence:

1) You also need to put shoes, shoes, sneakers, wife's boots, rubber boots, son's boots, slippers, stockings, socks, daughter's leggings, my shorts, jeans, trousers into the backpack. But in the backpack there is no more room for……………………………………………………………………..

2) For this exotic salad, you need tangerines, oranges, apples, olives, tomatoes. Need to buy by the kilogram……………………………………………………….

3) Georgians, Armenians, Bulgarians, Moldavians, Turks, Greeks, Ukrainians, Uzbeks live in our area. I know customs well………………………………………………………………….

4) He has been collecting tin soldiers for many years. He had old Russian hussars, cuirassiers, grenadiers, lancers and modern branches of the military: tankers, artillerymen, pilots, infantrymen, sappers. He gave his younger brother all of his……

Assignments on the topic "Noun"

The words are divided according to the way the plural is formed. Each group has a word included by mistake, find it, explain your solution.

A) director, professor, rector, doctor, master, watchman, cook, coachman;

b) engineer, dispatcher, trainer, architect, accountant, carpenter, foreman;

c) paramedic, editor, instructor, designer, proofreader, turner, baker;

d) airport, elevator, syllable, cake, reprimand, container, dome, valve, toast;

e) searchlight, handwriting, sector, tractor, number, sweater, jumper;

f) bell, boat, tower, poplar, farm, toast, fan, cellar, bill, tom.

The words are grouped according to the way the genitive plural is formed. Each group has a word included there by mistake, find it, explain your solution.

1) centner, pood, kilogram, kilometer, hectare, inch, watt;

2) barge, roof, estate, fable, candle, gossip, nanny, apple tree, blast furnace;

2) an Englishman, a Parisian, an Odessan, a peasant, an Armenian, a Georgian. Bulgarian, gypsy;

3) soldier, partisan, hussar, cuirassier, artilleryman, dragoon, lancer, citizen.

Every sentence has a spelling mistake, correct it.

1) For the second summer, a camp of nomadic gypsies has stopped near the city.

2) For this dish you will need a kilogram of tomato, rice and minced meat.

3) Dinner was an ordinary plate of pasta.

6) Several pairs of stockings not knitted by my grandmother always lay on this table.

7) As a result, a pair of boots was irretrievably lost;

9) A group of soldiers received the task to go behind enemy lines

10) It was difficult to walk on hot sand without shoes;

11) There were not enough blankets for all the country guests.

Correct any errors in the sentences.

  1. Two pairs of socks and several pairs of stockings had to be thrown away.
  2. Fortunately, there were two policemen nearby.
  3. Two soldiers were sent to investigate.
  4. A thick black veil covered her face.
  5. There were no comments on his speech, and even his first and last name were not mentioned.

Mark the cases when nouns in the genitive case can have the following endings:

Only -A / -Z

Only -U / -U

A / -Z or -U / -Yu as options

Melting snow..

Try honey..

The customs of the people..

Lots of people..

Export tea..

Buy sugar..

Work without rest..

Tea sorting..

Have a tea..

Try cheese..

Lots of snow..

I'm dying of hunger..

Gunpowder stocks..

No smoke.. no fire

Spirit Presence..

Set the heat..

Tea plantations..

The cost of sugar..

Sale of kvass..

Lots of people..

Made from wax..

I want juice..

Don't let pass..

Have a drink..

Correct possible errors related to determining the gender of nouns.

  1. Chile was discovered by Magellan in 1520.
  2. The big chimpanzee watched us sadly from behind the bars of the cage.
  3. Delhi is located in the northwestern part of the country.
  4. It's time for me to drink my cocoa.
  5. A new PBX has been built in our area, so now we will be with a telephone.
  6. The Efremov Moscow Art Theater is not at all like the one that Stanislavsky once nurtured.
  7. The Congo was a French colony for a long time.
  8. The Ministry of Emergency Situations sent special teams to the flood areas.

Tasks that test the possession of morphological norms.

  1. wonderful person
  2. hardly had time
  3. less than two fifths
  4. lie on the shore
  1. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.
  1. by two thousand and twenty two
  2. a few tomatoes
  3. completely cold
  4. most important
  1. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) kilogram of apples

2) future elections

3) up to two thousand two years

4) among the gypsies

  1. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.
  1. more needed
  2. several hectares
  3. with four hundred rubles
  4. go home

5. Indicate an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) in two thousand and one

2) do not wave your hands

3) Georgians

4) small transistors

1) with twenty-five rubles

2) no claims

3) the worst

4) do not put notebooks here

7. Indicate an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1) in five hundred steps

2) five kilograms

3) more beautiful

4) lie down on the mat

8. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1)in both bags

2) run

3) no comments

4) put

  1. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the word form
  1. have a cup of tea
  2. Worst case
  3. seven hundred and sixty seven birds
  4. Kilogram of waffles
  1. Specify an example with an error in the formation of the word form

1) a pair of shoes

2)two pairs of socks

3) fifty five years

4) a pair of stockings.



Which? Whose?

Ranks of adjectives: qualitative, relative, possessive:

Quality adjectivesdenote signs that may be inherent in a person, object to a greater or lesser extent, many of them have a short form

(what?): hot summer (hotter), angry dog ​​(angrier), beautiful flower (beautiful);

- Relative adjectivesdo not have degrees of comparison, denoting a quality, at the same time they contain an indication of the relationship of this quality to something else. It could be a relationship:

To the material from which the object is made:iron ring(iron ring), silk dress(silk dress):

In place( station square, university library);

At the time( New Year's fuss, yesterday's soup);

to the face ( Crib (crib for a child);

to action ( preparatory courses, washing machine);

To the number (double price)…

- Possessive adjectivesindicate belonging to a person or animal and answer the question whose? They have very characteristic suffixes:-ov (-ev), -yn (- in), - and - th-:grandfather's house, mother's gift, squirrel tail, dog hair.

Degrees of comparison of quality adjectives:

comparativeshows that some quality is inherent in this object to a greater or lesser extent than others:

There are two forms of comparative degree:

simple formcomparative degree is formedwith help

suffixes-HER (HER), -E, SH (beautifulAndVee, louder, thinner) .

complex shapecomparative degree is formed with the help of wordsmore or less (more successful and less successful work).

Superlativesindicates the greatest measure of a feature in one subject compared to all other homogeneous(Volga - longeyshaya among the rivers of Europe).

Superlatives can be simple or complex.

Simple superlative formformed with suffixes- ASH(ESH), -SH (bravest, greatest, lowest). Sometimes a prefix is ​​added–NAI (the strictest).

Compound superlative formcan be formed in several ways:

- wordsMOST, MOST, LEAST (most talented, most talented, least talented)

- comparative adjectives and wordsALL or TOTAL: the most talented of all, the most talented of all.

Not all qualitative adjectives form degrees of comparison, in particular, those denoting animal colors do not have them (piebald, black) and for some words that name signs that appear only in the absolute degree:barefoot, dead, widowed.

Transition of adjectives from one category to another:

The transition of relative adjectives into qualitative ones:golden money.

The transition of possessive adjectives into qualitative ones:wasp waist - very thin. Turning possessive adjectives into relative ones:fox hat, mink coat.

The transition of qualitative adjectives into relative ones: light industry, obtuse angle.

Transition of other parts of speech into adjectives

Participles in adjectives:prickly, lucky, leading (specialist), defiant behavior- cheeky,outstanding scientist- talented.

Rarely used as adjectivesnumerals and pronouns: He was the firststudent in class(the best student).I am no speaker, I could not convince anyone

(unimportant, bad).

Errors in the use of adjectives:

-Addition to a simple comparative or superlative degree of words more, less, most, most. (This winter will be even colder than last.).

- It is unacceptable to use the short and full form of adjectives as homogeneous members: It is impossible to say:He was gloomy and disappointed.

- When choosing between the short and full forms of adjectives, it should be borne in mind that the full form denotes an absolute sign, which has a permanent character, a short one indicates an inconstant sign, inherent only to a given person, object or characterizing them at the moment:The girl is sick, weak - The girl is sick with the flu. She is always restrained, calm - Despite yesterday's insult, today in a conversation with him she was restrained, calm.


1. Determine the category of the adjective (qualitative, relative, possessive) in each of the phrases.

Silver spoon, silver hair, silver voice, silver feather grass.

Iron nail, iron nerves, iron man, railroad, iron health, iron curtain.

Stone steps, stone heart, stone face, stone statue.

Cold day, cold look, cold welcome, cold tones, cold war, cold milk.

Ice mountain, ice wind, ice look, ice tone, ice heart.

Grandma's shawl, all these are grandmother's tales, grandmother's pies.

2. Read the text. Complete tasks.

(1) Language is, undoubtedly, a form, a body, a shell of thought ...

(2) From here it is clear that the richer that material, those forms for thought that I acquire for myself to express them, the happier I will be in life, the more understandable to myself and others ... (3) It is clear that the more flexible, the richer The more diversely we assimilate the language in which we have chosen to think, the easier, the more diversely and richly we will express our thought in it. (4) The great Pushkin, by his own admission ... studied both the language and the spirit of the people from his nanny Arina Rodionovna. (5) The expression "to learn the language" is especially applicable to us, educated Russians, because we, the upper class, are already sufficiently cut off from the people, that is, from the living language.

(F. Dostoevsky)

1) Find in the text, write out the adjective (adjectives) in a comparative degree.

2) Find in the text, write down the adjective that turned into a noun (substantiated adjective).

3) Find in the text, write out the adjective (adjectives) in the superlative degree.

3. Read the text. Complete tasks.

(1) In life one must have one's own service - service to some cause. (2) Let this thing be small: it will become big if you are faithful to it. (3) In life, kindness is most valuable, and at the same time, kindness is smart, purposeful. (4) Happiness is achieved by one who strives to make others happy and is able to forget about his own interests, about himself, at least for a while. (5) Knowing this, remembering this always and following the paths of kindness is very, very important.

1) Find in the text, write out the adjective (adjectives) in superlative degree.

2) Find in the text, write out a short adjective (adjectives).

3) In sentences 1-3, find, write down the adjectives that act as definitions.

4. Correct possible errors in the sentences.

1. This will be the tallest building in Moscow. 2. He also had worse days. 3. This team is weaker than the Brazilian one. 4.Competition in the car market is becoming more and more fierce. 5. We bought a car almost new and at the best price. 6. Shish kebab cooked on a fire, of course, is tastier than fried in a pan.7. Now our football team is solid, persistent, purposeful, it is not strange that it managed to defeat the strongest opponent - the Brazilians. 8. The day is even autumn than yesterday. 9. He is deaf to all my requests. 10. Upon closer acquaintance, a strange old man with a beard turned out to be a sweet and very interesting conversationalist.

11. The novel is interesting in many ways. 12. The task is so difficult! 13. He was gloomy and disappointed. 14. No matter how calm she was, this time she could not stand it and lost her temper. 15. His hands are golden, and he is always entrusted with the most difficult work.

TWO Nwritten in suffixes-ONN, ENN(commission, business), as well as at the junction of the stem ending in H and the suffix –H- (equestrian, foggy).

One Hwritten in suffixes–IN (goose), -AN (-YAN) (leather, silver).

Exceptions:Wood, tin, glass.

Note 1:adjectivesyoung, green, crimson, ruddy, swine, windywritten with onen, (But:windless).

Note 2:With one or twoHnouns are also written, formed from the corresponding adjectives (or nouns), for example:silversmith(master),piece of silver(coin),unmercenary(disinterested, impractical person),oilman, hotel, raspberry, birthday boy, nephew, relative, traveler, supporterand so on.

Note 3:Adjectives must be distinguishedoil(from oil, in oil, for oil), for example:oil stain, oil paint, oil pumpAndoily(oiled, impregnated, oiled), for example:butter pancake, butter porridge, oily hands;in a figurative sense:oily eyes;Also:Shrovetide (Maslenitsa- holiday) ;windy(day, person)wind(engine).

Write, distributing words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word in two columns, inserting the necessary letters instead of dots:

1-with a checked vowel 2-with an unchecked vowel

Ud..to get in, obl..ka, tr..kick, b..reddish, zag..give, gl..det, ..carefully unite..twist, ..range..out.

Write the words by opening the brackets and inserting the necessary letters instead of dots:

Sports..men, ba..ketball, f..ri, parach..t, ryu..zak, in..hall, and..chase, draw (f, fl)at, serious..ezny, (with ) left, (c) right.

Write down the grammatical foundations of the sentences:

1. The village decorates the garden. 2. This boy took the album. 3. A wonderful gift was sent to me by mail from my brother.

Underline the main members of the sentence, put a sign between them, if necessary:

1. Andersen is a great Danish storyteller.

2. Gerda and Kai are the heroes of his fairy tale.

3. Gerda is a brave and kind girl.

4. She saved Kai from the evil spells of the Snow Queen.

Extend the proposal with an addendum.

1 . Autumn surprises us...

2. The old pond is covered ...

3. A gentle smell emanated ...

Analyze proposals by members.

1. I was returning to the village.

2. The path passed through a clearing in a pine forest.

3. In a clearing near the edge, I saw blue flowers.



Verbis the part of speech that answers questionsWhat to do? What to do?,denotes a process, action or state of a person, object. The initial form of the verb is an indefinite form, or infinitive, indicators of the infinitive - endings -t, -ty, -who.

Verbs have one of the following types -perfect or imperfect.

Verbsperfect lookanswering a questionwhat to do, denote a perfect action that has a result:draw, write.

Verbsimperfect formanswering a questionwhat to do, denote a process, regularly repeated or ordinary action:draw, write.

Transitive and intransitive verbs.

A transitive verb has a direct object after itself, that is, a noun in the accusative case without a preposition:love sister, read a book.

In two cases, the object can be expressed in the genitive case:

- in case of denial:did not find a dictionary in the store;

- if the action passes not to the whole object, but to a part of it:drink kvass, eat soup, add sugar.

Reflexive verbs.

Reflexive verbs are those that have a postfix -SIA, -SIA.

All reflexive verbs are intransitive and often denote an action performed by the producer himself and directed at him:wash, bathe.In addition, they may refer to:

- a mutually directed action performed by several subjects (meet, hug)

-action as a permanent property of the subject(dogbites, nettles burn);

- change in physical or mental staterejoice, hurry up, stop).

Impersonal verbs.

With them, it is impossible to use the subject. Usually this is a state of nature, a person:it was getting dark, unwell, managed. It dawns early now.

Many personal verbs can act in an impersonal sense.: All the roads were covered with snow.

Impersonal verbs can be formed from some personal verbs using the postfix -sya:Now he could breathe easily and freely.

Conjugation of verbs

Changing verbs in persons and numbers is called conjugation.

If the endings of the verb are stressed, the distinction between the first and second conjugation is not difficult: the conjugation is determined by the endings that are written as they are heard.

Verbsfirst conjugationhave the following endings:-u(-u), -eat(-eat), -et(-et), -eat(-eat), -ete(-ete), -ut(-yut).

Verbssecond conjugationhave the following endings:-u (-u), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat).

If the verb has an unstressed ending, its conjugation can be determined by the infinitive. Namely:

Second conjugation: all verbs in –it (except for shaving, laying), as well as verbshear, breathe, hold, drive, twirl, see, hate, depend, offend, watch, endure.

First conjugation: to shave, to layand all other verbs that did not fall into the second conjugation (prick - prick, wash - wash andetc.)

Note: one should distinguish between similar-sounding endings of future tense verbs - eet and imperative - ite, for example:get out - get out, choose - choose. For example:When you go outside, you will see for yourself how cold it is. - Leave the room and close the door.

The imperative mood expresses an impulse to action,formed with the suffixAND(comingAnd, putAnd, lookAnd), particleslet, let, wordsLet's,Let's:Let him call. Let them come early. Let's buy. Let'scall.

Some verbs form the imperative in an unusual way: drivego, lie down - lie down, eat - eat) . A number of verbs have an alternation:run - run, search - look, put - put, smear - smear, cut - cut.

Some verbs do not form the imperative mood at all:to want, to be able, to hear, to see, to be unwell, to depend, etc.

Subjunctive (conditional) mooddenotes an action that is possible only under some condition, is formed by adding particles BY(B) to the past tense form of the verb:He would go to the country, breathe fresh air.

The indicative mood names an action as a real fact that is taking place now, was in the past, or will happen in the future.. In this mood, verbs change in tense, in contrast to the imperative and subjunctive moods:The monotonous sound of the sea spoke of peace, of eternal sleep, which awaits us.

Three tense forms are formed from imperfective verbs: present, past and future compound tenses.

Only two forms of tense are formed from perfective verbs - past and future simple.

Past tense verbs change in number and gender. The forms of the past tense are formed using the suffix -L- bought, bought, bought, bought.

The use of the letter b in verb forms

The letter b is written:

1) in the indefinite form of the verb (

2) in the endings of the second person singular of the present or future tense (bathe - swim, take care - beware); wash - wash, return - return);

3) in the imperative mood after consonants, except for the forms lie down, lie down (multiply - multiply, cope - cope);

4) in a reflexive particle (suffix) after a vowel sound (bend down, hide, retire).

Verb suffixes

1. In an indefinite form and in the past tense, they are written-OVA, -EVA,if in the first person singular ending in -UYU(-YUU) (Head - manage, managed, spend the night - spend the night, spent the night)

If the verb ends in unstressed - YVAYU, - IVAYU, then the same suffix is ​​​​preserved in the indefinite form and in the past tense, for example:put off - put off, put off.

2. Verbs ending in stressed - vat, -vayu have the same vowel before the suffix - va- the same vowel as in the indefinite form without this suffix, for example:hallAndt - hallAndpour, fill, overcomeet - overlordewat, overlordevayu.

Exception:prolong - prolong, prolongand some others.

Spelling NOT with verbs

1. Negation not with verbs is written separately: I wasn’t, I don’t need, I don’t know ...

Note 1: It is written together with non-verbs that are withoutNotnot used:be indignant, perplexed, dislike, something is unwell today, but in accordance with the general rule: no good.

Note 2. The verb to grab in any meaning is written separately from NOT:The puppy is no longer missing the owner's trousers; The book is missing two pages.

The spelling is different Do not reach in the meaning of "do not reach" (does not reach the handchandeliers) and lack in the meaning of "to be in insufficient quantity", "to be needed" (lacked patience; two fingers are missing on the hand; only this was missing).

2. Verbs are written together with a compound prefix NEDO-, giving the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action:underfulfill, undersalt, undercook soup, underestimate abilities, lack sleep, undernourish, oversight, underhear.

Note: It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the prefix NEDO -, denoting ThuOthe action is performed below the norm, and the same-sounding verbs with a prefixbefore- preceded by the negation NOT, denoting that the action has not been completed, cf.:neglect the childmake an oversight)don't watch the play(don't finish watching); constantly malnourished - the child does not finish eating his soup at dinner; Alwaysunderpaid - never paid extra. As a general rule, it is written separately not with verbs that have a prefixbefore-,For example:do not run, do not finish, do not finish, did not agree to anything, did not finish something.


Correct the sentences, explain the mistakes.

1. Sunflower seeds are crushed, kneaded and washed with cold water from impurities.

2. We need to help young people grow and show their abilities.

3. Do not damage furniture by placing a hot kettle on the table.

4. Focus on critical issues. 5. Where did you hear about it?. 6. If this continues, I will find myself in a quandary. 7. On the advice of a doctor, the patient gargles with a solution of baking soda. 8. Don't wave your arms so much. 9. A flower without water dried in a vase.


1. Some forms of verbs in -sya have a double meaning - passive and reflexive, which sometimes creates an ambiguity of meaning. For example:Young professionals go to new buildings(they are sent or are they directed?). In these cases, instead of the passive form, it is better to use another (young professionals are sent).

2. Mixing types of the verb.

3. The following forms of the imperative mood are considered literary:stick out, expose, straighten, pour out, clean, do not spoil, do not wrinkle, do not wrinkle, notify, feast on, cork, uncork; look, come out, don't steal, put it down.

4. The following forms of imperfective verbs are recommended, formed with the help of suffixes-yva-, -iva- from perfective verbs with a stressed vowel o in the root:affected - affect, master, challenge, assimilate, soothe, build up, double, honor(in these forms, o alternates with o);to disgrace, to condition, to sum up, to legitimize, to defame, to time, to empower(the vowel o is retained).

5. In pairssee - see, hear - hear, torment - torment, climb - climbthe first verbs are bookish, the second are colloquial.

6. In the literary language, the forms of the 1st person singular of the present or future simple tense from verbs are not usedto win, to convince, to find oneself, to be weirdand some others.

Missing forms are expressed descriptors (I can find myself, I can convinceand so on.).

7. Shapes are recommendedrinses, splashes, waves, sways, calls, cackles, purrs, meows, sprinkles, pinchescolloquial and colloquial forms).

Parallel forms with a semantic difference are possible:splash - splashmeans “sprinkle, sprinkle” (sprinkles water, sprinkles linen);splatter - splattermeans "sprinkle drops, sprinkle with splashes" (dirt splashes, sparks splash, splashes with saliva)move - movemeans "to move, pushing or pulling something" (moves furniture);move - movey has a figurative meaning “to induce, to lead” (it is driven by a feeling of compassion); the train is moving means "set in motion"; the train is moving means “is in motion”.drip - dripmeans “fall in drops, pour drop by drop” (dripping medicine into a glass, sweat dripping from forehead);drip - dropt means "to leak" (caplet roof). It spawns, it throws thunder and lightning, but: it throws loops, a seam.

8. The following forms are more common in the living language for the past tense of non-prefixed verbs with the suffix -nu-, denoting a gradual intensification of a long state:dry, kitty, wet, deaf, wheezing, chah, etc. (and not: dry, sour, wet, stalled, witheredetc.).



Prepositions- these are service words with the help of which subordinating relations are formed in a phrase.

According to their structure, prepositions are divided into the following groups:

simple,consisting of one word:from, by, about, into, thanks to, byand etc.

Complex: from behind, from under, over,and etc.

Composite, consisting of several words and formed by combining a preposition with a significant part of speech:during, despite, since, etc.

The most common prepositions are primitive, these are prepositions that, by origin, are not associated with any significant words in the language:without, before, with, from, at, to, in, on, etc..

In addition to them, the Russian language has many derivative prepositions that originated from adverbs, nouns and participles at a later time.

Spelling of prepositions

Compound prepositionsfrom behind, from under, behind, above, etc.. written with a hyphen, for example:from behind the house, from under the bed, over the seashore.

Consolidated and separate spelling of prepositions

and prepositional combinations.

1. Prepositionsin view of, instead of, like, as a result of, like, about, beyondare written together, for example:in view of the upcoming departure (but a combination of the preposition: in the mind of the city, keep in mind), like a lever (but: in the Tolstoy family), due to illness (but: join the investigation), like scissors, about documents.

2. Prepositionsin the form of, in connection with, in continuation, during, in conclusionare written separately (the last three words in the meaning of time have e at the end), for example:as an exception, in connection with the appointment, during the year (but: new characters in the continuation of the novel), throughout the road (but: bends in the course of the river), at the end of the report (but: conclusions in the expert opinion).

Use of prepositions

1. Prepositionsbecause of, because of, because ofused withgenitive case.

2. Predlogsthanks to, according to, in spite of, towards, like, contrary toused withdative case.: thanks to the help of friends, according to the order of the rector, against my will, against the wind, like a cannon shot, against the wishes of my relatives.

3. With a pretextBynouns after verbs of feelingmourn, grieve, cry, missetc.) are used indative case: to yearn for one's homeland, to miss one's brother.

Personal pronounsin this case are inprepositional: miss you, crying for us.

A gross speech error is the replacement of the prepositionByin these phrases the prepositionbehindwith instrumental case:miss you, miss you.

4. SuggestionByWithprepositionalused in temporary constructions denoting "after something:upon presentation of a passport, upon arrival at the airport, upon return to their homeland.

5. The correct choice of case and preposition is important for constructing sentences. Sometimes, instead of prepositional constructions, prepositional combinations are incorrectly used:"explaining mistakes"(instead of:explanation of mistakes), "indicators for the use of electricity"(instead of:usage rates...), "operate with exact facts"(instead of:deal with exact facts) and so on.

6. Some prepositional combinations, relatively recently formed (the so-called new prepositions -in business, along the line, in part, at the expense ofetc.), when used inappropriately, they give the speech a clerical character:in terms of meeting the needs of young people, in the study of literary works, through the trade union organization, etc.

7. When choosing a preposition, one should take into account its inherent shades of meaning. So, to express causal relationships, synonymous prepositions are usedowing to, owing to, owing to, because of, owing to, due toetc. However, one should sayin view of the imminent departure,but not "due to imminent departure”(departure has not yet taken place and has no consequences yet); on the other hand, it must be saiddue to past rainsbut not "due to past rains" (the phenomenon refers to the past).

Has not lost its lexical meaning and prepositionthanks to.It is usually used when talking about the causes that cause the desired result:thanks to the measures taken, thanks to the help of a comrade, etc. Therefore, turnovers with this pretext in combination with something negative should be considered unsuccessful: Large losses were incurred due to the fire.

8. Prepositionsin - onand their antonymsfrom - fromcan be used synonymously:go by train - by train, return from the kitchen - from the kitchen.

PretextV, used to express spatial meanings, denotes the direction into something (with the accusative case) or being inside something (with the prepositional case); pretextonrespectively denotes the direction to the surface or being on the surface; pretextfromhas the meaning "from within", and the prepositionWith- meaning "from the surface". Wed:in the table, on the table, from the table, from the table.

If we are talking about some territory that seems to be a limited space, then the preposition is usedV: be in the field; if there is no thought of limitation, then the preposition is usedon: be on the field. Wed: in the yard (space surrounded by a fence or houses) - in the yard (outside the house: it's cold in the yard today).

With the names of cities, districts, regions, republics, countries, states, the preposition is usedV.- VTula, in the Kirovsky district, c. Moscow region, in Uzbekistan, in Indiaetc. Combinationin Ukrainearose under the influence of the Ukrainian language (cf.: in the Poltava region, in the Chernihiv region) and is supported by the expressionon the outskirts.

With the names of mountains, a preposition is used for:in Altai, in the Caucasus(meaning mountainous terrain without sharply defined borders). But:in Crimea(strictly limited territory, including both mountains and steppe space).

The preposition is used with the names of enterprisesat: at the plant, at the factory, at the post office, at the telegraph.

The names of educational institutions use the prepositionin: at the institute, at the technical school, at school;with the names of parts of the educational institution - a prepositiononat the Faculty of Philology, in the third year(But:in the classroom, in the third grade- under the influence of the concept of a closed room for classes).

With the names of entertainment enterprises, the following usage has been established:in the theater, in the cinema, in the circus, but: at a concert, at the opera, at a performance, at a session.

With the names of vehicles, options are possible:in the train - on the train, in the tram - on the tram, in the subway - on the subway(the preposition on has a more general meaning)

To indicate the opposite direction to the prepositionVmatches the prepositionfrom, suggestionon-. pretextWith: went to Ukraine - returned from Ukraine, went to Moscow - returned from Moscow.

Correct the mistakes

1.According to your desire, we have made room for you upstairs.

2. Zhozhd, contrary to the prediction of my grandmother, did not go.

3. He did everything against the wishes of his family.

4. A foreign passport has to be changed after its expiration date.

5. I informed the management about everything immediately after signing the contract.

6. It was boring to sell toys, and she also left the store.

7. The police moved against the column of demonstrators.

8. According to the order of the director, smoking is prohibited in our office.

9. She looked after the departing train for a long time.

10. We have been saving money for an apartment for a long time, but due to the increase in housing prices, the purchase of it is being postponed.

11. This student from Moldova is very talented.

12. Go to your grandmother in the summer, she misses you very much.

13. When we left the theater after the performance, there was a real thunderstorm.

14. Due to heavy rains, the road was completely washed out.

15. According to your order, the company was built for review.

16. Because of his perseverance and diligence, he will be able to achieve a lot.

17. The concert was attended by war and labor veterans.

18. At the end of my studies, I will definitely return to my native village.

19. Having finished the tour, the circus returned from the Crimea.

20. Tickets at the ticket office of the bus station can be purchased upon arrival of the bus.



Union- this is a service part of speech, with the help of which a connection is made between individual words within a simple sentence, between parts of a complex sentence, as well as between independent sentences in the text.

All unions are divided into two groups:

Composing and subordinating

Coordinating conjunctions:

A) connecting, expressing enumeration relations:and, yes, neither ... nor, also, also;

b)separating,connecting mutually exclusive concepts:or, either, then ... then, not that ... not that;

V)adversativeexpressing opposition:but, but, but, nevertheless.

Subordinating conjunctionsthey attach a subordinate clause to the main clause in a complex one, expressing all sorts of semantic relationships between them. Unions differ depending on these values:

- temporary:when, while, as long as, as long as, after, before, as soon as, only, only.

- comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, as if;

- target:in order to; in order to; then to;

- concessions: although; although, despite the fact that;

- conditions: if, if…then; once... then;

- explanatory: what, as if, so that, as if not;

- causal:because, since, for;

- consequences:so, as a result.

In terms of structure, unions are divided into the following groups:

- simple,consisting of one word:and, and, but, although, to, that, etc.

- compositecontaining several words:because, after, in view of the fact that ...

Unions can besolitary: and what if etc.;recurring: no no,then ... then; double: if, then; as ..., and; how much...how much; not only but; not so much ... as; though... but.


Particles- these are service words that form some grammatical forms or give different additional shades to words, parts of a sentence or the whole statement:On the shores of the sleepingonlya slight sound of wind is heard.

According to their meaning and role in the sentence, particles are divided into three categories:shaping, negative and modal.

Shaping particlesserve to form grammatical forms. Their number is small. Particlewouldserves to form the subjunctive mood:Everything would be fine if youhad enough patience. ParticlesYes, let's, let's, let, letare used to form special forms of the imperative mood:Long live the sun, long live the darkness! Let's help him. Let him write a statement.

negative particlesare the particlesNotAndnot at all, not at all, far from: the sky is clear. You are not the only one with us.

modal particlesintroduce additional semantic shades into the sentence, express the feelings and thoughts of the speaker. They are different in meaning:

- interrogative -is it, is it, is it: Isare you unfamiliar with him?

- index- here, out: Hereour old house.

- restrictive -only, only, almost, exclusively, only, just, at least: HeTotaljustpetty official.

- expressing clarification -: Moneyjust

- exclamatory -: Where iscan I handle this task?

- expressing doubtexactly, just, exactly, almost, almost: Moneyjustenough for all the planned purchases.

- exclamatory -what for, how, well, how, where there, where, well, : Where isme to handle!

- expressing doubthardly, hardly: Hardlyhe agrees to our proposal.

- amplifying -same, even, after all, everything, all the same, and, more, directly, simply: And whensamewill you come?



Adverb- this is a part of speech, which includes unchangeable words denoting signs of an action, state, other sign, person or object.

Most often, adverbs adjoin verbs, denoting a sign of action and acting in a sentence as circumstances: place, time, reason, purpose, image or mode of action:settled nearby, got up early, agreed in the heat of the moment, did it on purpose, came on foot.

When denoting a sign of another sign, adverbs enter into combinations with adjectives, participles, adverbs:completely alien, vehemently objecting, very hot. In a sentence, they are circumstances of measure and degree.

Less commonly, adverbs denote a sign of a person or object, acting with the main noun as an inconsistent definition:reading aloud, separation forever, in the apartment opposite.

Being invariable words, adverbs do not express any grammatical meanings and do not have grammatical features. Combining with other words, adverbs are combined with them according to the typeadjoining.

Adverbs with suffix -Oformed from qualitative adjectives, have degrees of comparison similar to those of these adjectives. And just like adjectives,degrees of comparison are simple and complex.

Simple comparative degreeformed with suffixesher, -her, -she, -e.Moreover, some adverbs have variable forms of comparative degree:far - further, further; early - earlier, earlier; late - later, later; loud - louder, long - longer.

Compound Comparativeformed with an auxiliary wordmore, which is combined with the original form of the adverb:in more detail, more carefully.

simple superlativesis formed, as with quality adjectives, with the help of suffixes -eysh, -aysh: please, please explain in more detail.

Compound Superlativeformed by combining the wordmostwith the original form of the adverb or a combination of wordseveryone, everythingwith its simple comparative form:writes the most interesting, most interesting of all, most interesting of all, runs fastest of all, shines brightest of all, loved more than anything in the world.

The so-calledpronominal adverbs, which do not name signs, but only point to them, which brings them closer to pronouns:why, why, therefore, therefore, where, where, from where, how, then, when and all derivatives of them.

Spelling of adverbs

Vowels at the end of adverbs

Adverbs with prefixes v-, za-, na-, formed from short adjectives, have a letter at the endO(to the left, bright, tight); adverbs of the same origin with prefixes do-, iz-, s- have a letter at the endA(red-hot, long time ago, on the right).

Adverbs for hissing

Onat the end of adverbs, after the hissing, a letter is writtenb,For example:wide open, backwards, backwards.

Exceptions:already, married, unbearable.

Negative adverbs

In negative adverbs, it is written under stressNOT, without stress -NO(in both cases the spelling is continuous), for example:no time to rest - never got sick.

Hyphenated adverbs

Written with a hyphen

Adverbs with a prefixBy-,formed from full adjectives and pronouns ending in

mu, -him, -ski, -tsuki, -i

Adverbs with a prefixin-, in-,formed from ordinal numbers

Adverbs with suffixes -something, -or, -something, with the prefix something,

particle, yes.

Adverbs formed by the repetition of the same word or the same stem, as well as a combination of two synonymous or associated words.

Work in a new way

Act your way

Speak German,

Po - foxes.

Firstly Secondly,


fourth, fifth, last.

Somewhere, sometime, somewhere, somehow

all the same.

A little bit, barely, after all, firmly, firmly, little by little,

unexpectedly, unexpectedly

I’ll pick up, hello, not today or tomorrow,

also the technical term for on-mountain.

Continuous spelling of adverbs

Are written together

Adverbs formed by combining prepositions-prefixes with adverbs

Adverbs formed by conjunction

prepositions-prefixesVAndonwith collective numbers

Adverbs formed by combining prepositions-prefixes with short adjectives

Adverbs formed by combining prepositions-prefixes with full adjectives and pronouns

Adverbs that have in their composition such nouns or such nominal forms that in modern

literary language is not used

Adverbs, if between the preposition-prefix and the nouns from which the adverb was formed. A definition cannot be inserted without changing the meaning

(adj., num., place.) or if a case question cannot be posed to the noun.

Adverbs with spatial and temporal meaning, having in their composition the nouns top, bottom, front, back, height, distance, depth, breadth, beginning, end, age.

Until now, until now. Forever, the day after tomorrow

Double, double

(but: two by two)

To the right, easily, cleanly, satiety, occasionally, again, for a long time, in vain, nearby. in short

Loosely, manually, blindly,

at random

in the dark

close. draw

Enough, locked up, soft-boiled, quietly, down to the ground, from the inside, to the ground, obliquely, hastily, on an empty stomach, at random, in reality, by chance, inadvertently, at a distance, across, in half. Afternoon, behind, outside, early in the morning, awake, too much.

In addition,

together, instantly

again, around

after, up to,

on time, afterwards, halfway,

really, against, soon, out loud. Married,

towards, in spite of, inside out, on the eve,

on the face,

vice versa,


vying, half

lastly, rent

along, by force, at random,

involuntarily, sideways, at once.

Note: are written separately: in mockery, in installments, as a curiosity.

Up, up, up, down, down, down, down, up, forward, back, up, away,

far, deep, wide, at first, at first., completely, finally,

forever, forever, forever, forever...

Separately, these words are written only if there are explanatory words for the indicated nouns in the sentence itself or according to the meaning of the context:

Into the depths of centuries, into the misty distance, forever and ever,

Separate spelling of adverbs

Written separately

Adverbial expressions consisting of two nouns with a preposition, as well as combinations of two identical nouns in an amplifying sense, of which one is in the nominative case, and the other in the instrumental.

Adverbial combinations of nouns with prepositionswithout, on, with, inAndonwith plural nouns.

Combinations of nouns with various prepositions, if the noun in a certain sense has retained at least some case forms.

Preposition combinationsVwith nouns that begin with a vowel.

Side by side, eye to eye, one on one

honor honor,

weirdo weirdo.

Indiscriminately, without asking,

No sense, no tiredness

To failure, to fall, on the run, in plain sight, on the fly, galloping, on the move, to taste, to the eye, to confuse, with the knowledge, to match, under the guise, in the heads, in the legs.

Overseas, overseas

At home, at home, in memory, from memory, on hand, not from hand, in mockery, with mockery, under the arms, under the arms, on tiptoe, on tiptoe.

In exchange, point blank, (Alsodownhilland others - with prepositions ending in a consonant).


356 . Which rowall words are writtenthrough a hyphen?

1) issue (on) the mountain, try (on) everyone, (little) slightly literate, (in) fifth, again (still)

2) talk (in) own way, (in) fifth grade, (in) apparently, as (as if), be (according to) your

3) glue (cross) crosswise, walk (to) alone, all (still), (only) just three years, somewhere (anywhere)

4) when (then), understand (in) Latin, (secondly), (for) two, (according to) your assignment

357. Which rowall adverbs are writtentogether?

1) (for) distillation, (for) meeting, (for) rental, (for) century

2) (before) I fall, (in) hearts, (from) shoulders, (to) odal

3) (on) guard, (in) crumple, (until) dry, (in) alone

4) (for) tomorrow, (for) guessing, (without) silence, (in) hand-to-hand

358. In what row are all adverbs writtenapart?

1) (to) death, (to) remote, (to) release, (to) eye

2) (for) two, (for) by heart, (for) rare, (for) leaked

3) (with) evil, (without) sense, (with) raid, (on) conscience

4) (on) gallop, (on) half, (in) secret, (in) girth

359. In what row are all adverbs writtentogether?

1) (on) white, (until) half dead, (from) hunger, (until) noon

2) (to) show, (to) ford, (to) husband, (to) climb

3) (in) half a turn, (in) the beginning, (on) backbone, (on) luck

4) (at) the end, (in) surprise, (in) general, (in) far

360. In what sentence are all the wordsWithNotare writtenapart?

1) A (not) big bird looks into the still (not) open windows and (not) hurriedly walks along the eaves.

2) (Not) deep, but painful abrasions and scratches caused anxiety, so (didn't) want to think about (un)finished construction.

3) The son (not) childishly looked at his father and, (not) letting him finish, ran out into the still (not) lit courtyard.

4) The visitors were (not) pretentious: they were (not) worried about the fact that the territory had not yet been (not) landscaped, the facades (not) painted.

361. In what sentence are all words withNotare writtenapart?

1) At the exam, it was required to translate texts without (not) looking into the dictionary, which made everyone (not) a little worried.

2) He (not) although admitted that he was justly punished for nothing (un)justified act.

3) (Not) looking at the (not) stopping rain for the third day, we (not) began to change our route.

4) (Not) clean air, (not) gentle sea, (not) cheerful company forced us to extend the rest: we were carried away by a completely (not) comic business - spearfishing.

362. In what sentence are all words withNotare writtentogether?

1) The witness (did not) finish the main thing, dwelling on absolutely (not) important details, (not) worrying the investigator.

2) Health problems (not) solved in time, for which there is always (not) enough time, will subsequently bring (not) little trouble.

3) An (un) replaceable employee at the enterprise made a completely (un) expected decision, which was regarded as a (not) silly joke.

4) With nothing (incomparable) beauty was revealed to the gaze of travelers who approached the top of the paths that had not yet been (not) travelled.

363. In what sentence are all words withNotare writtentogether?

1) (More than) times I recalled the case when an (un)intentionally spoken word made us (un)friends.

2) Until now (not) seen and (not) heard by us appeared in his (not) invented stories as a country of (not) earthly wonders.

3) Dasha studied (not) badly, she (didn’t) love mathematics: she (didn’t) (had the patience to build chains of endless examples.

4) For reasons (not) dependent on him, the brother (not) how many years (not) was in his native places, therefore, with (not) covered excitement, he searched for the former features in the (not) recognizable appearance of the city.

365. In what sentence are all words withNotare writtenapart?

1) Boats descend into a (not) large, but capricious puddle, enter with force into (not) malleable thickets, where an (un) accustomed eye will even (not) notice a way out of the swamp-grass captivity.

2) The fog has not yet (not) completely dispersed, (not) you can see the village where the shepherd boy leads me through the (not) dry field after the rains.

3) If a person is (not) happy, then he is to blame and is obliged to fuss over himself until (not) eliminates this (un) convenience or (un) misunderstanding.

4) A never-before-seen spectacle opened up to me that night: our entire glade sparkled with lights from fireflies; even the dog took it into his head to yelp at this (un) seen world.

Before correcting mistakes in the first part of the exercise, you need to remember what the pronoun means.

If we talk about the second part of the exercise, it is aimed at using the desired form of the verb. You need to know that some forms of verbs are not used at all.

Pronoun. Errors in its use

Since the pronoun denotes a subject without naming it, some confusion may arise with the use of this part of speech. The fact is that if there are too many pronouns in speech (oral or written), it is difficult to understand which subject they refer to.

For example:

Masha gave the book to her younger sister, and she (sister) invited her (Masha) to read it (the book) together.

As you can see, there are even three pronouns. It is very difficult to understand what exactly they mean.

There is one rule that you need to know: the pronoun denotes the last noun that comes before it.

Fixing bugs

We will correct the error in each sentence, explaining why the original version is not correct.

  1. The boy is now an orphan; father died when to him was three years old. ("He" according to the rules for using pronouns should refer to the last noun. It turns out that the father was 3 years old. To avoid such a mistake, you can rewrite the sentence: the boy is now an orphan; when he was three years old, his father died).
  2. Behind his there was a cart loaded with things. (This pronoun is inappropriate here, you need to use "him" (according to the rules for changing the pronoun): Behind him was a cart loaded with things).
  3. The patient asked his sister to pour yourself water. ("Myself" refers to the last noun - sister, although the meaning is to pour water for the sick; we change: the patient asked his sister to pour him some water).
  4. The hostess removed the suitcase from the table and pushed it aside. ("His" refers to the last word - a suitcase, which does not fit the meaning. Most likely, the suitcase was simply removed from the table, but the table was already moved to the side).

Let's move on to errors in the use of verbs:

  1. Not wave so hard with your hands. (This form of the verb is a gross error, since it does not exist; correctly - don't wave).
  2. On the advice of the patient's doctor rinses throat with a solution of baking soda. (Irregular verb form, correct rinses).
  3. We need to help the youth to grow and show their abilities. (Need to help (what to do?) to grow and exercise).

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