Home Mushrooms Dota AllStars mods. Best mods for Diablo II Download dota mods for omg lod

Dota AllStars mods. Best mods for Diablo II Download dota mods for omg lod

All mods are taken from the official website of DotA Allstars and translated into Russian, the article is written according to the v6.57b version of the Dota Allstars map.

All mods (modes) that are used in DotA Allstars are listed and described below.

Mods are prescribed (selected) by the blue player (not necessarily the host). If the top blue slot is empty, then the next top player selects the mod

Mods are entered into the command line in a row, for example, if you need -ap and -em, then you write "-apem" . Or write in a row with a space and a dash in front of each. Example: "-ap -em"

Primary mods. Used by the blue player (usually the host). If it is missing, it uses the next one from the top.

-allpick / -ap
All players choose heroes from any tavern
Not compatible with allrandom(ar), teamrandom(tr), leaguemode(lm) and moderandom(mr)

-allrandom / -ar
Each player receives a random hero from any tavern of any team
Not compatible with allpick(ap), teamrandom(tr), leaguemode(lm), voterandom(vr) and moderandom(mr).

-teamrandom / -tr
Each player gets a random hero from their team's taverns
Not compatible with allrandom(ar), allpick(ap), leaguemode(lm), voterandom(vr) and moderandom(mr).

-moderandom / -mr
Random selection of mod from allrandom(ar), allpick(ap), teamrandom(tr) and normal pick (normal pick).
Not compatible with allrandom(ar), allpick(ap), teamrandom(tr), leaguemode(lm), voterandom(vr) and deathmatch(dm).

-randomdraft / -rd
There are two taverns filled with 22 heroes the same for both sides. The choice of heroes is based on the leaguemode system. It differs by the practical impossibility of selecting planned strategies due to a non-standard limited set of heroes. Usually it is preferred by experienced players, for whom the transition to a level of deep "understanding" of team play and orientation in any situations is important.
Creeps appear at the third minute.

-leaguemode / -lm
All mods related to random selection are prohibited. To activate the mod requires 10 players (total 2 teams). Team players take turns picking a hero.

Incompatible with allrandom(ar), allpick(ap), mirrormatch(mm), teamrandom(tr), deathmatch(dm), moderandom(mr), allagility(aa), allintelligence(ai), allstrength(as), itemdrop(id) ), nopowerups(np), supercreeps(sc), easymode(em), duplicatemode(du), voterandom(vr) and samehero(sh).

-extendedleaguemode / -xl
All mods related to random selection are prohibited. To activate the mod requires 10 players (total 2 teams).
Player commanders have the opportunity to exclude three heroes from the taverns, then the team players choose a hero in turn.
Creeps appear at the fourth minute.

-voterandom / -vr
Three different match types are given to choose from for each player. Everyone votes for the mod they want using "-option #" where # is "1", "2" or "3".
To activate the mod, the same number of team players is required.
3 "selections" of heroes are given ala:
1) Techies, Vengeful, Magina, Centaur, Pugna / Lina, Bane, Tiny, Axe, Lanaya
You vote for the selection you like the most, and the interesting thing is that the five heroes are distributed randomly and you end up having to play against the kent and the magician, constantly getting blown up by mines, although you just wanted to run with the wenga)
Incompatible with leaguemode(lm), allrandom(ar), mirrormode(mm), teamrandom(tr), deathmatch(dm), moderandom(mr), allagility(aa), allintelligence(ai), allstrength(as) and samehero(sh ).

-singledraft / -sd
Three different random heroes are offered to each player, one for each attribute (Agility, Mage, Strength). Each player chooses which of the three heroes they want by typing - choose –pick 1 –pick 2 –pick 3

-captainsmode / -cm
Blue and Pink players are captains. First, there is one ban of 4 heroes from each team. After the ban, the captains pick first 1 hero from one team and from the other, then two times 2. The heroes appear in a line as in the -rd mod. To ban the hero you have 40 seconds per attempt to pick 60, and 45 extra seconds for all 5 attempts.

Secondary mods. Used by the blue player (usually the host). If it is missing, it uses the next one from the top.

-deathmatch / -dm
If a hero dies, the player is given the choice of a new hero after passing the death cooldown.
If a mod with a random choice of a hero (ar, tr) or a free choice (ap) was selected in parallel, the player receives a hero according to the rules of the mods. Meepo cannot be selected.
The team loses when 36 heroes die (half the total of heroes from all taverns).
Not compatible with allintelligence(ai), allagility(aa), allstrength(as), teamrandom(tr), leaguemode(lm), moderandom(mr), voterandom(vr) and samehero(sh.

-no death timer / -nd
With deathmatch, it makes it possible to choose the next character immediately after the death of the previous one.

With deathmatch, sets the maximum number of team member deaths.

-itemdrop / -id
When a hero dies, there is a chance that an item in a random inventory slot will drop, whatever it is. There is no money for death.

-supercreeps / -sc
Periodically, at the same time, a random super creep appears on a random side for each team, going like normal ones.
The weakest super creep is siege golem, slightly stronger scary fish, ancient hydra is the strongest.
Incompatible with leaguemode.

-easymode / -em
Towers are weaker, more experience and money is given.
Incompatible with leaguemode(lm).

-nopowerups / -np
No runes. Runes disappear and do not appear on the map.
Incompatible with leaguemode(lm).

-allagi / -aa
Players can only pick heroes with the primary stat Agility.
Incompatible with allstrength(as), allintelligence(ai), deathmatch(dm), voterandom(vr) and leaguemode(lm).

-allint / -ai
Players can only choose heroes with a primary stat of Intellect.
Incompatible with allstrength(as), allagility(aa), deathmatch(dm), voterandom(vr) and leaguemode(lm).

-allstr / -as
Players can only pick heroes with a primary stat of Strength.
Incompatible with allagility(aa), allintelligence(ai), deathmatch(dm), voterandom(vr) and leaguemode(lm).

-shuffleplayers / -sp
Players will be randomly mixed in teams and colors.
Compatible with all mods.

-polingmode / -pm
You can not pick up other people's items.

-terrainsnow / -ts
This mod converts the current terrain to snow terrain.

-mirrormatch / -mm
To activate the mod, an equal number of players in teams is required.
After one minute, the heroes of each pair of players (blue-pink, teal-gray, purple-light blue, yellow-dark green, orange-brown)
change to the same: the hero of one of the pair or the second. After - the heroes reappear. Meepo cannot be selected.
The first flow of creeps appears on the second minute.
Incompatible with samehero(sh), voterandom(vr) and leaguemode(lm).

-duplicatemode / -du
All heroes (excluding Meepo) can be re-selected. For example, I got Zeus, and someone else writes a repic, then he can also get Zeus, not necessarily a repic. You take Zeus, I wait for his "cooldown" in the tavern, I also take Zeus, then my friend waits and takes Zeus, etc.
Not compatible with league mode(lm).

-samehero / -sh
All players play the hero chosen by the blue player. Meepo cannot be selected.
Incompatible with mirrormatch(mm), voterandom(vr) and leaguemode(lm).

-reverse / -rv
The enemy chooses a hero for you.

-observerinfo / -oi
Shows additional hero information to spectators when their cursor is on the hero.

-onlymid / -om
Creeps do not follow the bottom/right and top/left lanes. Only in the center

-notop / -nt
Creeps don't follow the top/left lane. Only in the center and bottom \ right.

-nomid / -nm
Creeps do not go in the center. Only on the lower\right and upper\left lines.

-noswap / -ns
Prohibition of swapping heroes between team players.

-norepick / -nr
Prohibition of the speech of heroes.

-miniheroes / -mi
Makes all heroes 2 times smaller =)

Fashion "for fun" (for fun). Introduced during the first 15 seconds of the game separately from the primary and secondary.

Runes with money are sold on the map, 3 shops and towers can be built.

When a hero casts a spell, their cooldowns are reset and their mana is restored to maximum.

Game commands. Used by all players.

Random selection of the hero according to mods, but without manual selection.
Choosing a hero with the help of a team does not take money.

Ability to change the hero: the choice of another or repeated random drop, in accordance with the active mods of the choice of the hero.
Activation is possible during the first minute of the game, but not in leaguemode(lm).
Activation costs 150 gold with normal pick, with -ar and -tr = 400 gold.

-matchup / -ma
Shows which heroes are controlled by which of the opponents, the levels of the heroes, as well as the time of the liv, if any.

-movespeed / -ms
Shows the movement speed of the player's hero.

Action time - 60 seconds. Returns the hero to the base. During the 60 second countdown, the hero cannot move or use skills.

Possible for N "aix, Terrorblade, Dragon Knight and Banehallow. Used near the fountain if the hero's control is lost (bug with metamorph).
Lasts 200 seconds.

Makes it so that Test of Faith Chen "a (a skill that teleports allies to the base) could not teleport you.

Reverse -disablehelp. Returns the ability to use Test of Faith Chen on you (a skill that teleports allies to the base).

-flashstr / -fs
Shows the strength bonus gained by killing creeps at ", 64);" onmouseout=hiddendrivetip(); href="/heroes/Pudge.html"Pudge

-creepstats / -cson / -csoff
Shows how many enemy creeps you killed and how many finished off your own. Does not show the number of killed neutral creeps.

-showdeny / -showdeny
Shows an exclamation mark over the last hit of his team. The exclamation mark has the color of the player who killed the creep.

-deathon / -don
Shows a countdown timer until the hero respawns.

-denyinfo / -di
Combining the -cson and -showdeny commands.

Updates the transparency animation of Phantom Assasin (passive skill, gives a chance to dodge, blurs the player model).
Doesn't affect anything else.

Shows the table of killing and last hitting creeps under the table of the total score of the game.

Reverse -cson.

Shows a table of allied heroes that can be offered to exchange heroes. Further, with the command -swap [#ally from the table] you can offer to exchange heroes for an ally. An ally who wants to confirm your offer and make an exchange writes similarly to -swap #, only inserts your number, taking it from the same table. You can swap before the first creeps appear.

Shows a description of active game mods.

Hides messages about the death of heroes.

-hideheronames / -hhn
Removes the names of the players' heroes near their nicknames in brackets.

Reverse -hidemsg. Enabled by default.

Disable sound notifications about the death of heroes.

weather effects

Gives a random number from one to #. Settling disputes by throwing the dice. Function analogue from World of Warcraft

Shows the current APM(Actions Per Minute) parameter.

Shows a chicken icon to indicate if it is currently being used.


Anti hack mode

Removes all messages from the screen.

Displays a list of players who have not performed any action for 10+ minutes.


Kicks out of the game players who have not performed any action for more than 10 minutes.

An analogue of the -swap command for all allies at once.

-water xxx
Changes the color of the water for the map, for the one who introduced this mod.Possible Blue, Red, Green, default.

Works only with the -sd mod. When you have lost the list of enchantments, write this mod.

Commands available to the player in single player mode for tests

Or simply
-test when you're not playing by yourself.

Level increase by one

-gold xxxx
XXXX amount of gold

Respawn Creeps


Maxlevel - all heroes are given level 25.

100,000 gold for each hero.

Like any legendary game, Diablo II has acquired an impressive number of modifications in less than two decades of its existence. True, during the period of the highest popularity of the game, there was not such a large number of "friendly" modding tools as it is now. Therefore, the process of creating new content from users was quite laborious, and its result did not always leave a favorable impression. Some user mods suffered from imbalances and optimization curves, others turned out to be something extremely boring or simply absurd.

But there were those who were able to seriously and for a long time hook the fans of Diablo II, did not get lost and went along with the legendary game through the decades to our present. However, even today, ignoring the much more relevant Path of Exile and Diablo III, loyal fans periodically release new interesting mods for their favorite game, designed for players who want to get new experiences and impressions within their beloved and well-known universe. The ten most successful and famous mods for Diablo II will be discussed in this article.

The Grapes of Wrath

The mod adds a lot of new content to the game, changes the leveling system of heroes, changes the locations available in the game and adds new monsters. One of the main features of The Grapes of Wrath is the countless new recipes for the Horadric Cube, which is available in the game from the very beginning. There are also new types of magic that can be studied in books. Even the inventory sizes in The Grapes of Wrath have been increased so that the player has a place to store the goods found during campaigns.



The mod changes the mechanics of the game, adds new music, enemies, quests, items and much more. Even the design of locations has undergone major changes - most of the time you will have to deal with cleaning up underground catacombs and labyrinths, which is reflected in the name of the modification. It cannot be said that all innovations from Underworld are equally successful and interesting. It is also worth noting that compared to Ressurection and The Grapes of Wrath, the Underworld mod simplifies the game rather than adds hardcore.

Median XL

The famous mod that offers a huge number of changes both visually and in terms of game mechanics. With him, the game is radically transformed, it becomes more dynamic and hardcore.


Like many other Diablo II mods, Zy-El adds new items, monsters, runewords, and an improved crafting system to the game. The level of pumping the hero increases to 10,000! Zy-El also brings several uber locations to the game for high-level players.

The Fury Withing

And one more modification, very popular among those to whom the original seems too simple. In fact, this is an improved version of The Grapes of Wrath, which we wrote about above. True, unlike The Grapes of Wrath, The Fury Withing does not have a high-quality crack and it is better to play it in English.

Le Royaume Des Ombres

A very interesting mod that adds a huge amount of items from Path of Exile, Diablo III and Titan Quest to the game. In addition, Le Royaume Des Ombres changes character skills and redoes quests. An important feature is the addition of modern screen resolutions.

Eastern Sun

A mod that changes the skills of the heroes, adds many new items (including unique ones) and monsters, and even slightly improves the graphics.

is alive

A mod that, according to the developers, does not break the original mechanics and dynamics inherent in Diablo II, but deepens and develops them, making the game more intense. No new items and skills! But there are many previously inaccessible locations with more difficult enemies and new quests, as well as a more advanced crafting system.

Glory of Nephilim

Glory of Nephilim makes the game more challenging by spawning a huge number of unique and elite bosses, as well as buffing regular mobs. In addition, the mod offers a modified crafting system, reworks the skills of heroes and mercenaries, and also adds new items.

On the map Dota AllStars There are many mods (game modes) that can be used by the host at the beginning of the game, the mod entered will determine the game mode.

To use commands in the game, open a window for entering a message (press Enter or the key combination Ctrl + Enter, the difference lies in the mode of sending a message, only to members of your team or in a general chat). Commands and mods in DotA are entered in the send message field and begin with a "-" symbol - a dash!

After entering the command in the send message field, press "Enter" to send a message \ use the command in DotA, the game will accept the command and give the corresponding information notification or report an error.

Several commands in DotA can be combined into one, for example: using two DotA game modes (ar and em), you can specify as - "-ar", then "-em" or combine commands by specifying them as - "-arem". When combining commands into one sequence, specifying commands does not matter, i.e.: "arem" = "emar".

Dota itself will recognize the specified sequence of commands and apply them, or report incompatible commands. Yes, not all teams and mods in DotA are compatible, you can not use it together: "arap", because. they conflict with each other, these commands determine the character selection mode. With this combination of commands in DotA, an informational message will be shown about the incompatibility of commands.

Information about the compatibility of DotA commands and mods is presented in the table below.

-allagility or -aa

Players can only choose Agility Heroes.
Incompatible with: -ai, -as, -dm, -vr, -lm.

-alintelligence or -ai

Players can only choose heroes that specialize in intelligence.
Incompatible with: -aa, -as, -dm, -vr, -lm.

-allpick or -ap

Players of both teams choose heroes from any taverns.
Choosing a hero costs 75 gold coins.
Incompatible with: -ar, -lm, -mr, -tr, -vr.

-allrandom or -ar

Players receive random heroes from any taverns.
Hero selection is free.
Incompatible with: -ap, -lm, -mr, -tr, -vr.

-capitansdraft or -cd

Mod cd - a mixture of rd and cm, at the beginning you have access to a circle of heroes, as in -rd, only at first the team captains block 2 heroes from the circle, as in cm. At the very beginning, there is a 15 second delay before selecting heroes in -cd mode, which allows two groups to look at their heroes.

-captainsmode or -cm

The blue and pink slots are involved in picking (choosing) and banning (banning) heroes, i.e. become captains. If the blue or pink slot is empty, then the right to choose and block heroes goes to the next slot.

The captains of each side are given 60 seconds for each block / pick and 60 seconds of spares. At the beginning, the captains block four heroes, on each side. Blocking takes place according to the 1-1 principle, i.e. the first captain blocks WD, the second SK, then again blocks the first. The pick of heroes follows the principle 1-2-2-2-2-1, i.e. the first captain picks 1 hero, the second captain picks 2. After the players choose heroes from those that the captain chose.

If the captain missed his turn and did not block the hero, then he will not have a second attempt. If he misses the hero's pick, then the choice of the hero is random.

-capturepoint or -cp

This mode actually requires more team play than you might think of a fun mode.

10 minutes after the start (creeps) 6 capture points appear in certain positions on the map. They are always visible to all players for the remainder of the game.

To capture a point, you need to stand on it for a certain amount of time. The more heroes at the same time on one point, the faster it is captured. Naturally, there should not be enemy heroes nearby. Five heroes need 12.5 seconds to capture one point, one takes 60 seconds. Invisible heroes and illusions do not affect capturing points.

The game notifies the players about the capture of points by enemies. Also on the minimap you can see which point belongs to whom. When capturing a point, all heroes on that team gain buffs.

There are 3 types of points in total, 2 for each type, symmetrically placed on the map. When capturing points of the same type, the bonus is doubled.

Combat- Type I Point [Damage/Armor]: Increases damage by 14 and armor by 4.

Regen- Type II Point [Health/Mana Regeneration]: Increases health regeneration by 4 and mana regeneration by 1. per second.

Speed- Type III Point [Movement/Attack Speed]: Increases movement speed by 4% and attack speed by 12%.

Each time a point is captured or recaptured, all heroes on the team that participated in the capture recover 200 health and mana and gain 150 gold and experience (as for 4 creeps).

The picture below shows the location of the points on the map.

Red = Speed, Blue = Combat, Orange = Regen.

-deathmatch or -dm

After the death of a hero, the player chooses another hero.
A team loses if it exceeds its death limit (default: 40) or if the main building is destroyed.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-duplicatemode or -du

The mode when it is possible to choose the same heroes.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-easymode or -em

Towers become weaker, heroes gain 10% more experience. Players receive 2 gold coins per second.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-experimentalrunes or -er

Experimental rune mode. A new rune appears immediately after taking the previous one.

-extendleague or -xl

In 15 seconds, blue and pink players choose heroes that will not be playable.

Incompatible with: all modes

-fastrespawn or -fr

Reduces your hero's respawn time by 50%.

-itemdrop or -id

A mode when, after the death of a hero, an item drops out of a random slot in his inventory, and the player does not lose money.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-leaguemode or -lm

This mode requires 10 players.
The choice of heroes by the players of each team takes place in turn, starting with the Sentinel team: 1-2-2-2-2-1.
Incompatible with: all modes

-lives # or -lm

The team changes the death limit.

-meleeonly or -mo

Only melee heroes remain in taverns.

-miniheroes or -mi

All heroes in dota are reduced to half their normal size.

-mirrormatch or -mm

Immediately after the first minute, the heroes of each pair (blue-pink, purple-light blue, teal-gray, orange-brown, yellow-dark green) change to one of the pair's hero. For example, your color is orange, you have chosen the hero Rikimaru, your opponent "brown" chooses the Anti-Mage, after a minute, a situation may arise when you get the Anti-Mage, and the enemy will have it, or the enemy will get Rikimaru, and your the hero will remain unchanged. The -mm command can only be activated when there is an equal number of players, i.e. 2 for Sentinel and 2 for Scourge, or 5 vs 5 etc. Creeps will spawn at 2 minutes.
Incompatible with: -lm, -sh, -vr.

-moderandom or -mr

One of the following modes is randomly selected: -ap, -ar, -pick, -tr.
Incompatible with: -ap, -ar, -dm, -lm, -tr, -vr.

-nobot or -nb

A mode in which the creeps of the warring parties do not respawn on the bottom lane, and the towers there become invulnerable.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-nodeath or -nd

A mode that can only be activated after -dm is activated.
The command disables the respawn time of the heroes.

-nomid or -nm

A mode in which the creeps of the warring parties do not respawn on the mid lane, and the towers there become invulnerable.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-nopowerups or -np

A mode in which there are no runes.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-norepick or -nr

Prevents players from using the -repick command.

-noswap or -ns

Prevent players from changing heroes.

-notop or -nt

A mode in which the creeps of the warring parties do not respawn on the top lane, and the towers there become invulnerable.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-onlymid or -om

Incompatible with: -lm.

-onlymid or -om

A mode in which the creeps of the warring sides do not respawn on the side lanes, and the towers there become invulnerable.
Incompatible with: -lm.


Default mode.
Players of each team choose heroes from taverns belonging to their side.
Choosing a hero costs 75 gold coins.

-poolingmode or -pm

All other people's items can be used by everyone.

-randomdraft or -rd

This mode requires 10 players.
The selection of 22 random heroes by the players of each team takes place in turn, starting with the Sentinel team: 1-2-2-2-2-1.
Incompatible with: all modes

-rangedonly or -ro

Only heroes with ranged attacks remain in taverns.

-reverse or -rv

The mode when players choose heroes for players of the opposite team.

-samehero or -sh

All players have the same heroes. The hero is chosen by the "blue" player.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-shuffleplayers or -sp

Random distribution of players to teams.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-singledraft or -sd

The computer offers 3 random heroes (of different specializations: strength, dexterity, intelligence) to choose from for each player.

-supercreeps or -sc

A mode in which one of the three types of supercreeps for each team respawns at a random time on one of the lanes.
Incompatible with: -lm.

-switchon or -so

Enables the use of the -switch command. Thus, sometimes it solves the issue with players who left the game, or overly strong heroes, in order to balance the game.

-teamrandom or -tr

Players on each team receive random heroes from taverns belonging to their side.
Incompatible with: -ap, -ar, -lm, -mt, -vr.

-voterandom or -vr

The mode requires each team to have an equal number of players.
The computer offers all players three options for recruiting heroes. Players vote for their favorite option with the -option # command (where # is 1, 2, 3).
Incompatible with: -ai, -al, -ar, -as, -dm, -lm, -mm, -mr, -sh, -tr.


Disable cooldown of abilities of heroes and items. Full mana regeneration after using the ability.
Some abilities will not be active all the time (for example, Abaddon and King Leoric's ultimate abilities can last up to four times in a row).

-zoommode or -zm

It moves the camera away for viewers to see more and better.

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