Home Mushrooms Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teachers. Why do we venerate Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles

Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teachers. Why do we venerate Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles

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Teachers of Slovenia Presentation on the topic: “Why Cyril and Methodius were canonized as saints”

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From elementary grades, I was interested in the question “Why were Cyril and Methodius canonized as saints?” I started looking into this issue. I read many books and many other literature. While studying literature, I learned that Saint Methodius first served, like his father, in a military rank. The king, having learned about him as a good warrior, appointed him governor in one Slavic principality of Slavinia, which was under the Greek state. This happened at the special discretion of God and so that Methodius could better learn the Slavic language, as a later future spiritual teacher and pastor of the Slavs. Having been in the rank of governor for about 10 years and knowing the vanity of life, Methodius began to dispose his will to renounce everything earthly and direct his thoughts to the heavenly. Leaving the province and all the pleasures of the world, he became a monk on Mount Olympus

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And his brother Saint Constantine from his youth showed brilliant successes, both in secular and in religious and moral education. I also learned from books that Constantine studied with the young emperor Michael. They learned from the best teachers Constantinople, including Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople. Konstantin Received excellent education and perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages, but he especially diligently studied the works of St. Gregory the Theologian. Later he received the title of Philosopher (wise). At the end of his teaching, Saint Constantine accepted the rank of priest and was appointed curator of the patriarchal library at the church of Saint Sophia.

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But, neglecting all the benefits of his position, he retired to one of the monasteries near the Black Sea. In the future, he was almost forcibly returned to Constantinople and appointed as a teacher of philosophy in the higher school of Constantinople. After the young Constantine managed to defeat the leader of the heretic iconoclasts Aninius in the debate, he retired to his brother Methodius and shared monastic deeds with him for several years in a monastery on Olympus, where he first began to study the Slavic language. Soon the emperor summoned both holy brothers from the monastery and sent them to the Khazars for the gospel sermon. On the way, they stopped for some time in the city of Korsun, preparing for a sermon.

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In Korsun, Saint Constantine found a Gospel and a Psalter written in "Russian letters" and a man who spoke Russian, and began to learn from this man to read and speak his language. After that, the holy brothers went to the Khazars, where they won the debate with the Jews and Muslims, preaching the Gospel teaching. Subsequently, Constantine, with the help of his brother Saint Methodius and the disciples of Gorazd, Clement, Savva, Naum and Angeliar, compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated into Slavonic the books, without which Divine services could not be performed: the Gospel, the Psalter and selected services. According to some chroniclers, it is known that the first words written in the Slavic language were the words of the Apostle the Evangelist John: “In the beginning there was (there was) the Word, and the Word was to God, and God was the Word.” This was in 863. Studying further literature, I concluded that the brothers Cyril and Mifodiy really left a significant mark in the writings of teachers

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After accepting the schema with the name Cyril, Konstantin died at the age of 42, but before his death, he asked his brother Mifodii: “You and I, like a friendly pair of oxen, led the same furrow; I'm exhausted, but don't you think to leave the work of teaching and retire to your mountain again.” Methodius fulfilled the will of his brother and continued the gospel sermon among the Slavs. In the last years of his life, Saint Methodius, with the help of two disciple-priests, translated into Slavonic the entire Old Testament, except for the Maccabees, as well as the Nomocanon (Rules of the Holy Fathers) and the patristic books (Paterik).

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Methodius died on April 6, 885 at the age of 60. The funeral service for the saint was performed in three languages ​​- Slavic, Greek and Latin; he was buried in the cathedral church of Velehrad, the capital of Moravia. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized as saints in antiquity. In Russian Orthodox Church The memory of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlighteners of the Slavs has been honored since the 11th century. The oldest services to the saints that have come down to our time date back to the 13th century. Now, having learned about the enormous contribution of the brothers Cyril and Methodius, I can say that for Orthodox Russia the celebration of St. to the first teachers is of particular importance, since it was they who made an inexhaustible contribution to the development of the Slavic Divine Liturgy and writing.

Brief lives of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Slavic teachers

Holy equal-noap-o-so-first-teach-the-li and pro-sve-ti-te-li Slavic, brothers Ky-rill and Me-fo-diy about -is-ho-di-li from a noble and blessed family, who lived in the Greek city of So-lu-ni. Saint Me-fo-dius was the eldest of the seven brothers, Saint Kon-stan-tin (Ki-rill is his mo-on-she-name) - the youngest . St. Me-fo-dius was sleep-cha-la in the military rank and was the right-wi-te-lem in one of the under-chi-n-ny Wi-zan-ty- skoy im-pe-rii of the Slav-Vyan-principalities, in-vi-di-mo-mu, Bol-gar-sky, which gave him the opportunity to learn glory-vyan- ko-mu language. Having stayed there for about 10 years, St. Mefo-dius then accepted mo-na-she-stvo in one of the mo-on-sta-rays on Mount Olympus. Saint Kon-stan-tin from an early age from-li-chall-sya pain-shi-mi-s-so-but-stya-mi and studied together with a little-year-old him -pe-ra-to-rum Mi-ha-i-scrap from the best teach-te-lei Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la, including Photius, boo-du- sche-go Pat-ri-ar-ha Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-sko-go. Saint Kon-stan-tin perfectly comprehended everything in-y-ki of his time and many languages, especially ben-but lying down, but he studied your-re-niya holy-ty-te-la. For your mind and you-yes-u-shchi-e-sya in the knowledge of the holy Kon-stan-tin in-lu-chil pro-name Philo-so-fa (wise-ro-go) . At the end of the teachings, Saint Kon-stan-tin took the rank of priest and was appointed as the guardian of the pat-ri-ar-shey bib-lio-te-ki at the temple of St. So-phia, but soon-re-ki-zero hundred-face-tsu and tai-but went to the monastery. Investigated there and returned to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, he was a determined de-len teacher of philo-so-fi in the Highest con-stan- ti-no-Polish school. The wisdom and strength of faith still with everything could-lo-do-go Kon-stan-ti-na would be so great that he managed to win in pre -ni-yah in-waiting here-ti-kov-iko-no-bor-tsev An-nia. After this be-da, Kon-stan-tin was sent by him-pe-ra-to-rum to a dispute for debate about the Holy Trinity with sa-ra-tsi -na-mi (mu-sul-ma-na-mi) and also won in the same way. Returning, Saint Kon-stan-tin retired to his brother, his holy Me-fo-dius on Olympus, spending time in unceasing mo-lit-ve and reading your-re-ny holy fathers.
Soon, they-re-ra-tor called both of their holy brothers from the mo-to-sta-rya and sent them to ha-za-ram for the gospel pro -ve-di. On the way, they stayed for some time in the city of Kor-su-ni, going to the pro-po-ve-di. There, the holy brothers-tya miraculously about-re-re-whether the power is sacred-but-mu-che-no-ka (pa-myat 25 November). In the same place in Kor-su-ni, holy Kon-stan-tin found the Evangel-ge-lie and Psal-tire, on-pi-san-nye "Russian-ski-mi buk-va-mi", and che-lo-ve-ka, go-in-rya-shche-go in Russian, and began to learn from this che-lo-ve-ka to read and speak in his languages. After this, the holy brothers from-great-vi-lied to the ha-za-rams, where they got-y-whether in trouble in pre-ni-y with Jude-I-mi and mu-sul-ma-na-mi, pro-ve-duya the Gospel teaching. On the way to my brothers again in-se-ti-li Kor-sun and, having taken the relics of St. Kli-men-ta there, returned to Kon-stan -ti-no-pol. St. Kon-stan-tin remained in the hundred, and St. Me-fo-dius received the yoke-men-stvo in a small mo-on-stad-re Po- li-chron, not far from Mount Olympus, where he hung up before.
Soon they came to them-pe-ra-to-ru in a word from the mo-raw-th prince-zya Ro-sti-slav-va, with-tes-nya-e-my-go German -ki-mi epi-sko-pa-mi, with a request to send to Mo-ra-via, teach-te-lei, someone could pro-po-ve-do-vat on native for slav-vyan languages-ke. Im-pe-ra-tor called the saint Kon-stan-ti-na and said to him: te-bye no-who-it-is-not-you-half-nit." Saint Kon-stan-tin with a prayer and a mo-lit-howl came to a new-in-move-gu. With the help of his brother, Saint Me-fo-dia and the apprentices Go-raz-yes, Kli-men-ta, Sav-you, Na-u- ma and An-ge-la-ra, he co-sta-vil the Slav-Vyan-sky az-bu-ku and translated books into the Slav-Vyan-sky language, he couldn’t do without some -lo to perform God's service: the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalm-tyre and the selected services. It would be in 863.
After the completion of the re-re-vo-yes, the holy brothers from-great-ve-were to Mo-ra-via, where would you have received from the ve-whether what a honor, and began to teach god-service in the Slavic language. It was you who called the evil-boo of the German episcops, co-executives in the Mo-ravian churches of the divine service in Latin -ke, and they rose up against the holy brothers, arguing that divine service can be performed only on one of three languages: Hebrew, Greek or Latin. Saint Kon-stan-tin replied to them: “You recognized only three languages ​​worthy of glorifying God on them. But Yes-view in-pi-et: "Sing-thee, Lord-in-de-vie, the whole earth, praise-thee, Lord-in-yes, all languages-qi, all-some breathing-ha-nie yes hwa -Lit Lord-on-yes!" And in the Holy Evangelion he said: "Let's go and learn the whole language ...". The German bishops would have been shameful, but they would have been even more angry and, yes, sorry, in Rome. The holy brothers would have been called to Rome to resolve this issue. Taking with him the relics of St. Kli-men-t, the pa-pas of Rome, the saints Kon-stan-tin and Me-fo-dius from-great-were in Rome. Having learned that the holy brothers were carrying holy relics with them, papa Adri-an went out with the clergy to meet them. The holy brothers would have met with the same, the pa-pa of Rome approved the divine service in the Slavic language, and pe-re-ve-den-nye brothers-tya-mi books at-ka-hall to-lo-live in the Roman churches and make a tur-gia on the glory-vyan- kom language.
Being in Rome, the holy Kon-stan-tin for-couldn’t-and, in a miraculous vi-de-nii from-the-shchen-ny Gos-po-house about at -closer to the end of the chi-na, accepted the schema with the name of Kirill. 50 days after the adoption of the schema, on February 14, 869, the equal Kirill died at the age of 42 years. From-going to God, St. Cyril for-by-ve-gave his brother, St. Mefo-dius, continue to reap them about -shchee de-lo - pro-sve-shche-tion of the Slav-Vyan-sky peoples with the light of the true faith. St. Mefo-dius begged the pa-pu of the Roman-th to re-sew to take away the body of the brother to bury him in his native land, but pa-pa pri-ka-hall to-lo-live the relics of St. Kiril-la in the church of St. Kli-men-ta, where they became co- ver-shat-sya chu-de-sa.
After the end of the holy Kiril-la pa-pa, following the request of the splendid prince Ko-tse-la, sent the saint th Mefo-diya in Pan-no-niyu, ru-ko-po-lo-live it in ar-hi-episco-pa Mo-ra-vii and Pan-no-nii, on the ancient re-table of the holy apo-sto-la An-d-ro-ni-ka. In Pan-no-nii, St. Me-fo-dius, together with his-and-mi-student-no-ka-mi, continued nie, writing-men-ness and books in the Slavic language. This again you called the fury of the German bishops. They went to arrest and su-da over the holy Me-fo-di-em, someone was sent to Shva-biyu for something , where in those two-and-a-half-years he pre-ter-sang many sufferings. Liberated by God by order of the papa of Rome John VIII and restored to the rights of ar-hi-episco-pa , Me-fo-diy continued the Evangelical pro-in-after all, among the glory-vyan and crossed the Czech prince Bo-ri-voi and his su-pru- gu Lud-mi-lu (pa-myat 16 September-Ob-rya), as well as one of the Polish princes. For the third time, the German bishops raised-whether they were going to the holy place for not-accepting the Roman doctrine of the origin de-nii of the Holy Spirit from the Father and from the Son. Saint Me-fo-dius was called to Rome, but justified himself before Pa-sing, having kept the right-to-glorious academic nie, and was again returned to the hundred-li-tsu Mo-ra-vii - Ve-le-grad.
Here, in the last years of his life, St. Me-fo-dius, with the help of two apprentices, priests, re- led the entire Old Testament into the Slavic language, except for Mak-ka-vey-sky books, as well as No-mo-ka-non (Pra-vi-la of the saints from- tsov) and holy-father-che-books (Pa-te-rik).
Anticipating the approach of the end of the chi-na, Saint Me-fo-diy pointed to one of his disciples - Go-raz-yes as on do-stand-but-go se-be pre-em-no-ka. The saint predicted the day of his death and died on April 6, 885, at the age of about 60 years. From-pe-va-nie holy-ty-te-la would-lo co-ver-she-but in three languages ​​- Slavic, Greek and Latin; he was in-gre-ben in the cathedral church-vi Ve-le-gra-da.

Complete lives of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Slavic teachers

God is good and all-powerful, co-creating from non-existence to being everything you see-di-mine and invis-di-mine and decorates every beauty - with-that, someone-ruyu, if you think-to-lyat-not-many-gu, you can think-len-but partly-but cheers-to-meet and know That th, Who co-created so many and marvelous creations, for “by the greatness and beauty of those -mouse-le-ni-em and their Creator, ”So-ro-go re-pe-va-yut An-ge-ly With the Three-holy voice and we, all great- in faith, we glorify in the Holy Trinity, in other words, in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that is, in three hypotheses sah, what can be called three faces, but in one Deity. After all, before all the hour, time and year, you are all the ra-zu-ma and the spirit-how-no-go-no-ma- The Father himself gave birth to the Son, as Pre-wisdom says: “Before all the hills, it gives birth to Me.” And in the gospel-he-liy, the Word of God was said-for-itself-with-pure-by-mouth, incarnating-for-fu-time-me-on for the sake of our spa-se-niya: “I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me.” From the same Father, the Holy Spirit emanates, as the Son of God himself said in the Word: “The Spirit of truth, Who is from the tsa is-ho-dit".
This God, having finished all your re-re-ing, as Da-vid says: “Heavens were affirmed by the word of the Lord, Its all si-la them. For He said - and became, He commanded - and co-created, ”before everything, he co-created man-lo-ve-ka, dust from the earth taking, and from Se-bya living-in-creative du-but-ve-ne-em soul-shu inhaled, and sensible speech and freedom to give, so that we -stay in paradise, for-for-for-for-ve-giving him for testing; if he keeps it, then the immortal remains, if he stops, he will die by death, according to his own will, and not according to God e-mu ve-le-niyu.
And the devil, having seen, that a man-lo-ve-ku-eye-for-for-such an honor and for-a-know-it-that place for him, with someone-ro-go he is from -didn’t fall for his mountain, for-sta-vil (him) to pre-stup-drink for-after-after all, and drove the man-lo-ve-ka out of paradise, and condemned him to death. And since then, the enemy began to co-blaze with many goats-ny-mi kind of man-lo-ve-che-sky. But God, in great mercy and love, did not leave people with everything, but for every year and time he chose a husband and revealed people de la them and move them so that everyone, like them, strives for good.
Such was Enos, who was the first to call on the name of the Lord. And after him, Enoch, pleasing God, was re-re-not-sen (you-so-ko). Noah was right-winged in his ro-de, he was saved from so-and-so in the kov-che-ge, so that again your earth would be filled with re-no-eat Bo-zhi-im and stole-si-las. Av-ra-am after the de-de-le-nation of tongues, when everyone fell into delusion, he knew God, and was called His friend was, and accepted both of them, that “in se-me-no-your bless-word-vein-we will be all people.” Isa-ak, in the way of Christ, was raised up on the mountain for the sacrifice. Jacob idol-catching those who uni-lived and saw the flattery-ni-tsu from the earth to the sky: An-ge-ly of God according to her rise-ho-di-li and similar di-whether. And blessing his sons, he prophesied about Christ. Joseph pro-kor-mil people in Egypt, po-ka-zav himself (che-lo-ve-com) God-mine. About Job Av-si-ti-di-sky Pi-sa-nie go-vo-rit that he was right-ve-den, right-living and not-ro-chen: subjected to well-thy is -py-ta-niyu, pre-bearing (him), blessed-word-ven was God. Mo-and-this with Aaron-n between hier-i-mi God-zhi-i-mi God (for) fa-ra-o-na was called, and tormented Egi-pet, and led the people of God - in the daytime, after a cloud of light, and at night, at a fiery table; and mo-re once-de-lil, and walked along the su-hu, and the Egyptian-chan somehow drank. And in the desert without water, on-of-silt on-the-kind of water and on-satisfied with bread An-gel-skim and birds; and spoke with God face to face, how impossible it is for a man to speak with God, (and) gave on-ro-du for-kon, on-pi-san-ny God-zh-im with a finger. Joshua Na-vin, having defeated the enemies, divided the earth between the ro-house of God. The judges also won a lot of victories. And Sam-mu-il, having received God's mercy, po-ma-zal and appointed the king according to the word of the Lord-under-nu. Yes, the view with a cro-stu passed on the people and taught (him) the songs of God. So-lo-mon, who, having received more wisdom from God than all people, created many good teachings and parables, even though I didn’t get them myself. Elijah ob-li-chil the go-lo-house of human evil-boo, and resurrected the strength of the dead from-ro-ka, and, bringing fire from heaven with a word, oops -lil many, and burned the victim with miraculous fire; re-biv-ing naughty hier-priests, priests, ascended to heaven on a wheel-of-fire-no-noy and ko-nyah, giving teaching-no-ku doubled spirit. Eli-this, (his) my-lo-beam, twice as many miracles performed. Other pro-ro-ki, each in their own time, pro-ro-che-stvo-va-li about future udi-vi-tel-ny de-lah. After them, the great John, ho-da-tai between the Vet-khim and the New-for-ko-nom, became Kre-sti-te-lem and sv-de-te-lem Christ hundred and pro-by-the-no-one alive and dead.
The holy apostles Peter and Pavel with the rest of us, the disciples of Christ, you, like lightning, passed through all the world ru, light up the whole earth. After them, mu-che-no-ki washed away the filth with your own blood, and pre-em-no-ki of the holy apostles, christened the king, ve-li-kim in motion and labor-house times-ru-shi-whether languages. Sil-vestr, great-vedi-but out of three-hundred and seven-on-two-fathers, having accepted himself in the help of the ve-is-who-s-s-r Kon- stan-ti-na, having gathered the First Council in Nicaea, defeated Arius and cursed him and his heresy, which he lifted to the Holy Tro-i-tsu, as once Av-ra-am with three-me-hundred-mi and in-sem-on-dtsa-tyu served-ha-mi re-beat the tsars and -I received the blessing of the word and bread and vi-but from Mel-khi-se-de-ka, the king of Sa-lim-sko-go, because that priest-eat of God was All- above. Yes-mas, and with a hundred five-tyu-de-sya-tyu from-tsa-mi and ve-li-kim tsar-rem Fe-o-do-si-em in Tsa-r-gra-de confirm -di-whether the holy Symbol, that is, “I believe in the one and only God”, and, having driven Ma-ke-do-nia, cursed him and hu- lu him, I-ru-he spoke to the Holy Spirit. Tse-le-stin and Kirill with two-m-one-hundred-from-tsa-mi and another tsar so-kru-shi-li in Ephesus Nestoria with all the bolt-to-her , somehow he spoke to Christ. Leo and Ana-to-liy with the right-in-faithful tsar Mar-ki-a-nom and with six-hundred-mi and three-tsa-tyu from-tsa-mi cursed in Khal-ki-don, madness and bol-tov-nu of Ev-ti-khi-eva. Vi-gi-liy with god-pleasing Yus-ti-ni-a-nom and with one hundred six-stu-de-sya-tyu five-tyu from-tsa-mi, Fifth So-bor with -brav, find-kav (where some bolt-tov-nya hid), cursed. Aga-fon, Apo-stol-sky pa-pa, with two-me-hundred-mi and se-mu-de-sya-tue from-tsa-mi with honest Kon-stan-ti-n tsa-rem on the Sixth So-bo-re, many resurrections of races-co-lo-li and all those co-bo-rum, having driven, cursed, I say about Fe-o-do-re Faran-skom, Ser-gii and Pir-re, Ki-re Alek-san-dria-skom, Go-no-rii Roman-skom, Ma-ka-rii An-tio- chi-sky and other-chih with-hurry-no-kah of them, and christ-an-sky faith, standing on the truth, strengthened-pi-li.
After all this, God is merciful, “Someone wants, so that every man-lo-age will be saved to the true-tin-no- came to-knowledge, "in our time, for the sake of our-go-on-ro-yes, no one and no-one ever for- bo-til-sya, for good-ro-go de la raised us teach-te-la, bless-women-no-go teach-te-la Me-fo-diya, someone-ro-go everything is good-ro-de-the-whether and move-gi to each of these places-no-kov come-lo-alive, do not be ashamed-dim-sya: after all, he is one of them - there were veins, there were a little less others, and others more, - red-but-re-chi-vy surpassed good-ro-de-te-lyu, and good-ro- de-tel-nyh - red-but-re-chi-eat. To each-to-mu-upo-buff-shis, an example of each-to-go battle showed: the fear of God, the preservation of-for-ve-dey, chi -ti, pri-le-zha-nie in prayers and holiness, the word is strong and mole-something - strong for against-no-kov, and mole-something for those who receive teaching, rage, quietness, mercy, love, passion and patience, - he was all of everything, so that everyone - attract.
He was born on both sides, not bad-to-go, but good-ro-go and honestly, from-west-no-go from-give-on to God and tsa- ryu, and the entire So-Lun-sky country, which was also manifested by its physical appearance. In this way, and (participants in) disputes, who have loved him since childhood, do respectful conversations with him, for now the king , having learned about the speed (mind) of him, did not instruct him to hold the Slav-Vyan-Prince, so that he would learn all the Slav-Vyan-sky customs and habits not a lot, as if pro-seeing, - I (would) say, - that God wanted to send him as a teacher for glory and first ar-chi-episco-pom.
Having spent many years on the prince and seeing many demons in a row of the waves of this life, he replaced the striving -going to the earthly darkness on the thought of the sky, because he did not want to torment the good-natured soul with the fact that it is not eternal - but not pre-wa- yu-schim. And, finding a convenient time, he left the prince and went to Olympus, where the holy fathers live. With a haircut, he dressed in black ri-zy and would-be-shaft, with a cor-no-stu in-well-being. And, having fulfilled the entire mo-na-she-sky rank, turned to books.
But it happened at that time the following: the king sent for Philo-so-th, his brother, (to go) to ha-za-ram (and) so that he would take it to himself as a help. After all, there would have been Jews, strong-but khu-liv-shie hri-sti-an-sky faith. He said that: "I am ready to die for the Christian faith." And he did not disobey, but, as he walked, he served as a slave to his younger brother, looking like him. He mo-lit-va-mi, and the Philosopher of the word-va-mi pre-could-whether those and in-shit-mi. The king and pat-ri-arch, having seen the maiden move him, year-old for God-his way, convince him (co-say-sit-sya), so that -ti-whether in ar-hi-epi-sko-py to an even-numbered place, where there is a need for such a husband. Since he didn’t agree, bring him-well-di-whether and in-sta-vi-whether the yoke-men-nome in mo-on-sta-re, someone-ry on-zy -va-et-sya Po-li-chron, the income of someone-ro-go from me-rya-is-two-twenty-two-four-my-spa-yes-mi-zo-lo- that one, and the fathers in it are more se-mi-de-sya-ti.
It happened in those days that Rosti-slav, the prince of Slav-Vyansky, and the Holy Regiment sent from Mo-ra-via to Tsar Mi-kha-i -lu, speaking like this: “We, God, by the grace of her, are healthy, but they came to us to teach a lot of hri-sti-an from ita- Lyan-tsev, and from the Greeks, and from the Germans, teaching us in a different way, and we, the Slavs, are simple people, and we don’t have anyone who would -took us to the truth and taught us ra-zu-mu. In a certain way, good vla-dy-ka, send that husband, someone who puts us all right. Then the king Mi-ha-il said Philo-so-fu Kon-stan-ti-nu: “Do you hear, Philosopher, this speech? No one else can do this, except for you. So there are many gifts on you, and, taking the brother of your yoke-me-on Me-fo-diya, go ahead. After all, you are co-lu-nanny, and co-lu-nanny everything is ho-ro-sho-go-ryat in slav-vyan-sky.
Here they don’t dare to say neither before God, nor before the king, according to the words of the holy Apostle Peter, how he said: "Fear God, honor the king." But, in-feeling-wav-ve-li-che de-la, they pre-da-lied they mo-lit-ve together with others who were of the same spirit , which is what they are. And then God revealed Philo-so-fu Slavic books. And that, that hour, up-rya-to-chiv of the letter-you and so-sta-viv be-se-dy, from-right-wil-sya on the way to Mo-ra-via, taking Me-fo-diya . And he began, again with a cor-no-stu in a vi-well-as, to serve Philo-so-fu and teach with him. And when mi-well-lo three years, they returned from Mo-ra-via, having taught students.
Having learned about such people, Apo-sto-face Ni-ko-lai sent for them, wanting to see them as An-ge-lov of God-zhi-them. He consecrated their teachings, in the way of the Slavic-Vyansk Gospel of He-lie on the al-ta-re of the holy apo-sto-la Peter, and holy in the popes of bless-wife-no-go Me-fo-diya.
There were many other people, some-rye-but-si-whether Slavic books, saying that it doesn’t-do-ba-no -ka-ko-mu on-ro-du to have their own letters, except for ev-re-ev, Greeks and la-ti-nyan, according to over-pi-si Pi-la-ta, ko- then-ruyu he is on the Cross of the Lord-under-him on-pi-sal. Apo-sto-face called them pi-lat-ni-ka-mi and three-tongue-ni-ka-mi. And to one episcop, someone who was sick with the same disease, he commanded to bless from the disciples of the Slavs sky three in pops, and two in an-gnos-stov.
After many days, the Philosopher, going to the Judgment, said to Methodius, brother of his own: “Here, brother, would we -fight in harness, pa-ha-li one-well-bo-roz-du, and I’m at the forest (do-da-bo-roz-du) pa-give, I finished my day. And even though you love the mountain very much, you can’t leave your teacher for the sake of the mountain, because how else can you better achieve spa-se-niya ?
He sent Ko-cel to Apo-hundred-li-ku, asked to send Me-fo-dia to him, blessed-women-but-teach-te-la on-she- go. And the Apo-sto-face said: “Not only to you, but to all those Slavic countries in the way I send him as a teacher from Bo- ha and from the holy apo-sto-la Peter, the first pre-hundred-lo-on-the-next-no-ka and hold the key from the Kingdom Heaven-but-go." And he sent him, writing such an epic-lea: “Adri-an, bishop and servant of God, Ros-sti-glory-va and Holy-half-ku and Ko-tse-lu. Glory to God in the highest and on earth the world, in man-lo-ve-kah bless-go-le-ni, that we heard about you spiritually, did we hope for this with the wish and prayer of yours for the sake of spa-se-niya, how did the Lord raise the heart of yours -kat him and showed you that not only faith, but also good-gi-mi de-la-mi to-do-ba-et serve God, because "ve- ra without deeds is dead, ”and from-pa-da-yut those who-ry “in-a-ra-ma-yut that they know God, but de-la-mi from- re-ka-yut-sya from Him. After all, not only from this saint-th-tel-th-pre-hundred-la pro-si-whether you teach-te-la, but also from the b-go-ver-no-th tsar Mi-ha-i-la, so that he sends you blessed-wife-no-go Philo-so-fa Kon-stan-ti-na with your brother, why don’t we do-la- whether. They, having seen that your countries are on-ho-dy under the authority of the apo-so-pre-hundred-la, did not do anything about -tiv-no-go ka-no-us, but they came to us and brought with them the relics of St. Kli-men-ta. We, the triple joy, have received, for-thought-whether-whether to send to your countries the son-on-the-she-go Me-fo-diya, husband with -ver-shen-no-go-ra-zu-mom and right-in-ver-no-go, use-py-tav and consecrate him together with his teachings-no-ka-mi, so that taught you how you pro-si-li, from-la-gaya in the language of your books-gi-gi for the whole church-no-go chi-on, including le with the holy mass, that is, the service, and with Kre-shche-ni-em, as the Philosopher Kon-stan-tin began mo-lit-va-mi of St. Kli-men-ta. Likewise, if and who else can worthily and rightly-in-ver-but-to-say, - let there be holy and bless-of-words-le-but Bo- gom and us and the whole All-Lena and Apostolic Church-to-view, so that you can easily learn for-the-leadings of God. Just this one save you the custom, so that during the month of sleep-cha-la chi-ta-li Apo-table and Evangel-lie in la-you-ni, in a slav-vyan-ski way. Yes, use the word Pi-sa-nia, that “they will praise the Lord, yes, all nations”, and another: “And everyone will become - to speak about the greatness of God in different languages, in some way he will let them speak the Holy Spirit.
If, then, is there any of the teachers gathered from you, of those who hear the ear and from the truth, from the yam, will begin, daringly, to bring discord between you, re-writing books in your language, let it be from-lu-chen not only from Communion, but also from the Church, for now, not correct. For they are wolves, not sheep, which should be recognized by their fruits and protected from them.
But you, beloved children, in-vi-nuy the teachings of God-e-mu and do not reject the teachings of the churches so that you become true-tin-but in-clo-nya-yu-shchi-mi-sya God, Father to our heaven-no-mu, with all the saints-you- mi. Amen".
Ko-tsel received him with great honor and sent him again, as well as twenty people from the names of people, to Apo -a hundred-li-ku, so that he consecrates him to the episcopacy in Pan-no-nii on the throne of the holy An-d-ro-ni-ka, apo-sto- la from the number of se-mi-de-sya-ti, which became.
After this, the old enemy, the hater of the good and the opponent of the truth, raised the heart of the enemy on him, the ro-la, with all the epi-sko-pa-mi, that, they say, "you teach in our region." He answered: “I myself would go around a hundred, if I knew that yours. But she is St. Peter. In truth, if you, because of the vi-sti and greed, in-pre-ki ka-no-us on the old pre-de-ly on-stu-pa-e-te , interfering with the teachings of God-e-e-mu, then be-re-gi-tes, so as not to pour your brain, wishing to break through the forest mountain. They from-ve-cha-whether to him, saying in a rage: "Evil you-be-do-you-do." He answered: “Is-ti-nu go-vo-ryu before the tsar-ry-mi and I’m not ashamed, but you step-pai-te with me like ho-ti-te , after all, I am no better than those who, in great torment, lost their lives for speaking the truth. And when there were a lot of questions about owls, but if you couldn’t refute him, the king said, getting up: “Don’t bother, give me mo-e-go Me-fo-diya, because he was already sweating, like by the stove. He said: "So, vla-dy-ka." Did people somehow sweat-no-tho-philo-so-fa (and) say to him: “Why did you wake up like that?” And he: "I argued with the ignoramus." And after arguing about these words, they dispersed, and having co-glorified him in Swabia, they kept him for two and a half years.
It got to Apo-hundred-li-ka. And notifying them, he sent a ban on them, so that not a single royal bishop would serve Mass, that is, services, as long as they keep him. In this way, from-pu-sti-li him, saying to Ko-tse-lu: “If you have him, don’t leave us for good.” But they did not leave the court of St. Peter, because four of these bishops died.
It happened then that mo-ra-vane, being convinced that the German priests, someone lived with them, didn’t come -whether to them, but the eye-you ku-yut to them, all of them were driven out and sent to the Apo-hundred-li-ku: “Since before, our fathers from the holy th Peter the Baptism pri-nya-li, then give us Me-fo-diya ar-chi-episco-pom and teach-te-lem. That hour the Apo-sto-face sent him. And the Holy Regiment, the prince, took him with his mo-ra-va-na-mi and entrusted him with all the churches and the spirit in all cities -dah. And from that day on-cha-lo the teachings of God grow very much, and the spirit-ho-ven-ness in all cities grows and multiplies-to-live- Xia, and in-ga-nye - ve-ro-vat in the truly-tin-no-God, from their for-wanderings from-re-ka-is more and more. And the mo-raw authorities began to expand their pre-de-la and defeat their enemies without failures, just like they themselves tell-say-wa- ut.
There would be pro-ro-che-sky Bla-go-give in him, so many of his pro-ri-tsa-nia came true. We will talk about one or two of them.
A very strong pagan prince, sitting on the Vistula, in-but-strength hri-sti-an and pa-ko-sti de-lal. Having sent to him, he said (Me-fo-diy): “It would be good for you to be baptized, son, by your own will on your own land, so that you are not baptized for strength, but in captivity on someone else's land. And remember me.” So it would be.
Or here. Once upon a time, the Holy Regiment in-e-val with the g-we-mi and didn’t achieve anything, but honey-lil. When the Mass began to approach, that is, the service of St. Peter, (Me-fo-dius) sent to him, saying: “If you promise to eat with me with yours in-and-for-the day of St. Peter, then I believe that soon -ro will give them to you God. So it would be.
One person, very rich and co-vet-nick (prince-zya), married on his own ku-me, that is, on yatro-vi, and (Me-fo -diy) instructed and taught a lot, and persuaded them, but could not de-ve-them. In the same way that others, you-yes-ying yourself for the servants of God-them, secretly de-spread them, flattering because of property, and in -everything is from their vra-ti-whether from the Church. And he said: “The hour will come when these flatterers will not be able to help, and remember those my words, but do nothing already kids can't." Out-of-the-way, after God’s step-off, pa-la attack them, “and there was no place for them, but it was like a whirlwind, under- hva-tiv, scattered the dust. There were many other things, but it would have been, about which he opened something in parables.
The old enemy, the hater-nick of the ro-yes of the che-lo-ve-che-tho-tho-could not endure all of this, raising some-things on him, like on Mo-i-sei, Da-fa-na and Avi-ro-na, some of them - openly, others - secretly. Patients of the Iopa-Tor-here-sue co-vra-scha-yut weak-bey-shih from the right way, go-in-rya: “Pa-pa gave us power, and he is ordered to be driven out together with his teaching.
Having gathered together the entire Mo-Rav-sky people, they ve-le-whether pro-honor before them the epi-hundred-lea, so that they could hear about his persecution. People, as a peculiarity, but che-lo-ve-ku, all were not-cha-li-lissed and mourn-whether that they-sha-yut-sya-so-go-pas-you -rya and teach-te-la - except for the weak, some-ry-mi move-ga-la lie, like leaves-mi wind. But when they read the letters of Apo-hundred-li-ka, then about-on-ru-zhi-whether the following: “Our brother Me-fo-dius is holy and right ve-ren and de-la-et the apostolic de-lo, and in his hands are all the Slavic lands from God and from the apostle-so-pre-sto- la, and whom he curses, he will be cursed, and whomever he blesses, let him be holy. And, ashamed, they dispersed like fog, with shame.
On this, their anger did not end, but did they begin to say that the king was angry with him and, if he found, he would not be alive -mu. But the merciful God did not want that in this hu-li-li His servant, He put it in the heart of the king, for the heart of the king is always would be in the hands of God, the thought and sent a letter to him: “Honest, I really want to see you. So do me a favor, work hard (come) to us so that we can see you, while you are in this world, and pray for your - no-no. And he immediately went there, the king accepted him with great honor and joy, and, praising his teaching, withheld from his teaching -no-kov in-pa and dia-ko-on with books-ga-mi. And yet, la-niya fulfilled him, what he wanted, and didn’t refuse him anything. Ob-las-kav and oda-riv, led him with the glory back to his pre-table. So is pat-ri-arch.
On all the paths, he pa-pa-gave in many pa-sti from the dia-vo-la: in the deserts to robbers-no-cams, on the sea in the waves not-nya wind-ditch, on the rivers in the out-of-the-western tornadoes, so that the word of the apo-sto-la was used on it: “Trouble from robbery no-kov, troubles in the sea, troubles on the rivers, troubles from false brothers, in labor and in motion, in a hundred-yan-nom bde -nii, in many ways go-lo-de and thirst-de ”and in other ne-cha-lyah, about whom the apo-table is mentioned.
And then, protecting yourself from doubts and your sadness on God, he is alive, even earlier, from the disciples of his two pop-pov, from personal speed-scribes, quickly re-re-lo-lived all the books, everything is full of stu, except for Mak-ka-vei-sky, from Greek to Slavic, for six months, from March to twenty-six hundred days ok-tyab-rya me-sya-tsa. Having finished, he gave a worthy praise and glory to God, yes-to-u-th-such blessing and good luck. And ascend with your clergy Holy Secret Ascension, from-holidays to the memory of St. Demetrius. After all, before, with Philo-so-ph, he re-lo-lived only the Psalms-Tyr and the Gospel-he-lier with the Apostle and from-branded-we-mi churches mi service-ba-mi. Then, too, No-mo-ka-non, that is, right-vi-lo for-to-on, and paternal books re-re-lo-lived.
When the Hungarian king came to the Danish countries, he wanted to see him: -whether and pre-la-ga-li that you don’t get away from him without suffering, he went to him. But he, as he did-do-ba-et vlad-dy-ke, accepted it - with something, glory and joy. And be-be-be-before-vav with him, as-be-sta-lo to such a mu-zham to be-be-se-dy, from-let-styl him, ob-las-kav, in-tse -lo-vav, with da-ra-mi ve-li-ki-mi, saying: “Mi-nay me always, honest father, in the saints your-them- lit-wah".
So he stopped on all sides about-blaming-non-niya, having made mouths of many-re-chi-yous, he completed the path and saved faith, waiting for the great-ved-no-th crown. And in so far as he pleased, he was loved by God. It has become-lo-approaching the time to accept something from the passions and to the city for many labors. And ask him, say: “Who do you think, an honest father and teacher, among your students, would be pre-em- no one in your teaching?” And he said to them at one of the famous scholars of his own, named Go-razd, go-vo-rya: “This one from your lands Is it a free husband, taught ho-ro-sho in Latin books, right-in-ve-ren. May there be God's will and your love, like mine. And when all the people gathered on Palm Sunday, he, weak, entered the church, bless the tsar, the prince and the cli-ri-kov, and the whole people, said: “Step-re-gi-te me, de-ti, for three days.” So it would be. At the dawn of the third day, he said the following: “In your hands, Lord, I wet my soul.” And he chanted on the hands of the priests on the 6th day of Month ap-re-la on the 3rd index of 6393 from the co-creation of the whole world.
Bringing him to the grave and giving him a worthy honor, from-serve the pupils of his church service according to -la-you-ni, in Greek-che-ski and in slav-vyan-ski and in lo-zhi-whether it is in the cathedral church. And he came to his fathers and pat-ri-ar-ham, and pro-ro-kam, and apo-hundred-lams, teach-te-lyam, mu-che-no -kam. And having gathered, the demonic crowds of people pro-vo-mrs. row: men and women and women, small and large, rich and poor, free and slaves, widows and si- mouths, foreigners and locals, sick and healthy, - all, mourning for the one who was everything from everything, in order to attract everyone. But you, holy and honest chapter, in your prayers from above, take care of us, striving for you, get rid of everything on-pa-sti, learners-of-theirs and the teachings of races-about-country, and here-si from-go-nya, so that, having lived here to-stay-but on-she -go-to-knowledge, have we become with you, your flock, the right one hundred-ro-well of Christ, God of our-she-go, eternal life with -no-may from Him. Glory and honor to him forever and ever. Amen.

Bib-lio-te-ka li-te-ra-tu-ry of Ancient Russia. T. 2. St. Petersburg, 2004.

Another biography of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slavic teachers

Holy equal-noap-o-so-so-Ky-rill, teacher of Slo-Viennese (before accepting the schema - Kon-stan-tin) and his elder brother Me-fo -diy (pa-myat 6 ap-re-la) according to the pro-is-hoj-de-nya of the glory, born in Ma-ke-do-nii, in the city of Thessalonica. Saint Cy-rill began to shine with a brilliant ob-ra-zo-va-nie, from the age of 14-not-the-age-ra-that re-pi-you-va-ess with a sy -nom im-pe-ra-to-ra. He soon took the rank of pre-swee-te-ra. Upon returning to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, co-sto-yal bib-lio-te-ka-rem of the so-bor-noy church-vi and pre-po-da-va-te -lem philo-so-fi. Saint Ky-rill successfully led the argument with here-ti-ka-mi iko-no-bor-tsa-mi and with ma-go-me-ta-na-mi. In an effort to seclusion, he retired to Mount Olympus to his elder brother Methodius, but secluded him for long-zha-moose short time. Both brothers would have been sent in 857 by them-pe-ra-to-rum Mi-ha-i-crowd in the mis-si-o-ner-journey for pro-po-ve-di hri-sti-an-stva at ho-zar. On the way, they stayed in Kherson and found the relics of the sacred there. Arriving at the ho-za-ram, the holy brothers be-se-do-wa-li with them about Christ-an-sky faith. Convinced pro-ve-due of the holy Kiril-la ho-zar prince and with him the whole people brought christianity. The blessed prince wanted to na-gra-dit about-by-ved-no-kov bo-ga-you-mi da-ra-mi, but they from-ka-be-gotten from this- go and pro-si-whether the prince from-let-sit with them on the ro-di-well of all Greek captives. Saint Ky-rill returned to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol with 200 captives-no-ka-mi.
In 862, the main business of the holy brothers began. At the request of Prince Ros-sti-slav-va, im-pe-ra-tor sent them to Mo-ra-via for pro-ve-di hri-sti-an-stva for glory-vyan -sk language. Saints Ky-rill and Me-fo-diy, according to the revelation of God, with-hundred-wee-whether the Slavic az-bu-ku and re-re-ve-whether on the la -Vyan-sky language of the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalm-tire and many God-serving books. They introduced a divine service in the Slavic language. Therefore, the holy brothers, would you be called to Rome at the invitation of the Roman Pa-pa, where Pa-pa Adrian met them with the some kind of honor, for they brought there the relics of the sacred-no-mu-che-no-ka Clement, the Pa-pa of Rome. By nature, sickly and weak, Saint Cyril soon became ill from many labors and, having accepted the scheme, died started in 869 at the age of 42.
Before death, he told his brother to continue to live the christian enlightenment of glory. In-gre-ben St. Cy-rill in the Roman church-vi of St. Kli-men-ta, where they-chi-va-yut the relics of this priest-no-mu -che-no-ka, bring-not-sen-nye to Italy from Kher-so-ne-sa words-ven-ski-mi teach-te-la-mi.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril the Philosopher, Slovene teacher

From swaddling clothes diligently / having created wisdom for yourself, God’s voice, / seeing the brightest, like a pure maiden, / welcome south, bring, / like gold monists, having adorned your soul and mind, / and found like another Izum, blessed / blessed wiser.

Translation: From infancy, persistently making wisdom your sister (), preacher of God, you saw her brightest, like the immaculate virgin whom you accepted, brought to yourself, as if you adorned your soul and mind with a golden necklace, and became (in monasticism) another, Cyril ( in the world - Constantine), blessed, wise in name and in mind.

Troparion Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian teacher

As an apostle of unity / and the Slovenian countries teacher, / Cyril and Methodius of God-wiseness, / pray to the Master of all, / affirm all the Slovenian languages ​​​​in Orthodoxy and unanimity, / die the world / / and save our souls.

Translation: like-minded and Slavic teachers of the countries, Cyril and Methodius, God-wise, the Lord of all, pray to all the Slavic peoples in Orthodoxy and like-mindedness to affirm, to protect and save our souls in peace.

Kontakion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril the Philosopher, teacher of Slovenia

With a firm and divinely inspired teaching / enlightening the world with bright dawns, / flow like lightning around the universe, / blessed Cyril, / scattering the most luminous word of God, / in the west and north and south / enlightening the world with miracles.

Translation: Enlightening the world with the bright radiance of the unchanging and the teaching, you flew around the universe like lightning, Cyril, scattering the bright word of God in the west and north, and south, enlightening the world with teaching, holy.

Solid and God-inspired teaching / enlightening the world with bright dawns, / flow like lightning around the universe, holy Cyril, / scattering the word of God in the west, and the north, and the south, / / ​​enlightening the world with teaching, holy.

Translation: Enlightening the world with the bright radiance of the unchanging and God-inspired teaching, you flew around the universe like lightning, Saint Cyril, scattering the word of God in the west and north and south, enlightening the world with teaching, holy one.

En kontakion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril the Philosopher, Slovenian teacher, at a prayer service

Love life most brightly, holy, / we illuminate the Deities with the dawns of the three suns, / come, like lightning, into the whole universe, / enlightening the northern and southern lands, / the light of the west does not appear. spiritual,//make more boldness towards God.

Translation: Having loved the bright life, saint, illuminated by the bright radiance of the Divine, you appeared like lightning in the whole universe, enlightening the countries of the North and South, and being an unfading light for the West. Therefore, now, having dispelled the darkness of sin, saint, ask from above the spiritual, since you have to God.

Kontakion to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, a Slovenian teacher

Let us honor the holy pair of our illuminators, / By translating the Divine Scriptures, the source of the knowledge of God to us, / from which even this day we draw abundantly, / we bless you, Cyril and Methodius, / the Throne of the Most High / / and praying warmly for our souls.

Translation: Let us honor the sacred pair of our enlighteners by translating the Divine Scriptures from the source of the knowledge of God, from which even today we draw abundantly, we glorify you, Cyril and Methodius, the Almighty coming and fervently praying for our souls.

Magnification Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, teacher Slovene

We magnify you, / Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, / Who have enlightened all the Slovenian countries with their teachings / / And led them to Christ.

Prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian teacher

O Glorious Illuminator Slovenian language, Saints Cyril and Methodius, your letters and the light of Christ's teaching prosvetivshesya and faith nastavlshesya, Thou offspring to the fathers, hard nowadays resort and contrite heart we pray: If ye, and the covenant of your not soblyudohom about pleasing bo God nebregohom and from fraternal unanimity in the faith you have fallen away, both as of old in your earthly life, and now sinful and unworthy do not turn away vain, but, as if having great boldness in the Lord, diligently pray to Him, save the way of the world may he lead the fallen away to unanimity and unite all of us with the spirit of love into the One Saints, Cathedrals and Apostles of the Church! Vemy more, how much can the prayer of the righteous through the mercy of the Lord. Do not leave us, sad and unworthy, your children, even for the sake of sins your flock, divided by enmity and seduced by the temptations of the non-Orthodox, diminished, sheep of the word, torn, delighted by destructive wolves. Podazhdte DRC us the prayers of your jealousy Orthodoxy, like a yes paternal tradition of good preservation, the canons of the church faithfully complied with, any false teachings strange otbezhim and tacos in the life of God-pleasing prespevayusche life of paradise in heaven be worthy, idezhe kupno you glorified in the Trinity one God, for ever and ever . Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teacher

Kondak 1

Elected from the King of the forces of the Lord Jesus as an apostle in the language of Slovenian, Methodius and Cyril of God-wisdom, with songs we praise you, our representatives; but you, as if you have boldness in the Lord, free us from all misfortunes by your intercession, calling: Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and the teacher of God's wisdom.

Ikos 1

Creator of angels and Lord of forces, present you to be enlighteners in the Slovenian language; for this sake, and His grace be with you, protecting and strengthening you all the days of your belly, your helper to yourself, the glory of God in the cities and deserts, deeds and words were broadcast to everyone. The same and we, as a branch of the tongue, enlightened by the faith of Christ from you, we sing to you, saying: Rejoice, joys of the gospel gospel; Rejoice, bearer of miraculous grace. Rejoice, many who grieve for the name of the Lord; Rejoice, you who rejected the charms of this world. Rejoice, childish God blessing; Rejoice, crowns of confession are adorned by Him. Rejoice, for having despised the glory of man, in the wilderness they sought the Lord; Rejoice, for with much boldness you proclaimed the will of His will to the mighty of this world. Rejoice, for the sake of these, from the Lord of all, bright acceptance into paradise; Rejoice, our warm intercessors before Him. Rejoice, as with your prayers to our faith, the confirmation of the imam; Rejoice, as by the intercession of your heresies, the overcoming of the banner. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 2

Seeing Saint Cyril, still a youth, in the night a vision, as if choosing Sophia a virgin sister for him, this story was a parent. But Tii, having understood the will of God here, in order to be a child of their wisdom to the servant, great about teaching and punishing him, caring, seeing his speedy progress in the mind, I sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Unreasonable mind and testing the nature of beings, Cyril in wisdom is more advanced than his peers and, still a youth, glorified, and in the royal chambers in the form of a good young son of the king was installed. But, having despised the wealth and glory of the earth, and looking for the only need for salvation, they settled in the desert, but with prayers and prayers they will achieve dispassion. For the same reason, Methodius, the voivode, already gone, went to Mount Olympus, where he served as a monk to the Lord. In the same way, we will also learn to despise the temptations of the world, and most of all to please Christ God, the saints of His hymns: Rejoice, glory, even from a man who has not been deceived; Rejoice, you who have clung to wilderness life. Rejoice, for the Lord has enlightened you in dreams and visions; Rejoice, for even human wisdom has helped you to salvation. Rejoice, for the Word of God and the holy fathers of Scripture more than philosophy have naturally loved; Rejoice, for the hearers of the Lord's law are not quick to forget, but creators. Rejoice, for the intrigues of the devil, on the desert dwellers, have conquered naturally; Rejoice, for for this sake I have given you power over temptations and passions. Rejoice, as your ascetic struggle has gained you a crown of life; Rejoice, for you are now an ascetic and fasting accomplice. Rejoice, to all sinners before God, the blessing of the intercessor; Rejoice, protectors of our souls from the flattery of Satan. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and the teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 3

The power of the tsar's prayers compelled Saint Cyril to leave the desert for the sake of pastoral work in Tsaregrad, where the glory of God was learned and things were done and iconoclastic heresy was put to shame. The same, O holy father, affirm us in Orthodoxy, but return our fellow tribesmen who have fallen away from the true faith to the same faith, so that all the Slovenes with one mouth cry out for their enlighteners to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having the power of wisdom, you flowed, Saint Cyril, with the monk George to the Agarian for the sake of faith, and from St. Gregory the Theologian we spiritually enlighten, the wisdom of the mystery of the Holy Trinity in many similarities showed you, shaming the wicked with the power of your words. But you, inflamed with envy, desiring to destroy you with a potion, you tasted it, you did not suffer harm, but you arrived in good health to St. Methodius in the monastery, and with him you lifted up the monastic labors of the packs, and the desert of your exploits was enlightened with light. In the same way, enlighten us with your intercession, with the love of those who sing: Rejoice, cymbals of the goodwill of the glory of God; Rejoice, pillars of His firmament to the Church. Rejoice, thou who didst preach the mystery of the Trinity in likeness; Rejoice, incarnation of God the Word before the Saracens fearlessly confessing. Rejoice, enlightenment of Greeks and Jews and barbarians; Rejoice, Annunciation of the Triune Godhead. Rejoice, for the iconoclastic flattery has been put to shame by you; Rejoice, for the wickedness of the Hagarites withers away from you. Rejoice, for you are teachers who are ignorant of the truth of Christ; Rejoice, as when tempted by doubt you find mentors in the faith. Rejoice, for those who have angered the Lord have you as intercessors before Him; Rejoice, for those who please Him have patrons. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 4

A storm of various troubles and evils, which finds in the languages ​​​​of Slovene, by your intercession, destroy, reverend, as if you accepted the services of many lots, and in the face of the apostles, and in the reverend host, and in the teachers of honor, and in the confessors of the army, the Lord, may you all The Slovenes cry out to Him for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the king Kozaresk, as if the true faith is confessed in the country of the Hellenes, ask yourself from the king of Byzantium teachers of Orthodoxy. This same begged the saints Cyril and Methodius to leave the desert and sail by the Pontus of Euxinus to the goats. Having come to them, the holy brethren turned their hearts to Christ and gave them saving Baptism. With the same, we will glorify the Equal-to-the-Apostles brethren, saying: Rejoice, not afraid to descend to the barbarian with the gospel tidings; Rejoice, having illuminated the sea with your glorious procession there. Rejoice, for the incorruptible relics of the Holy Apostle Clement were obtained from you; Rejoice, for by this help the wickedness of Kozar will be put to shame from you. Rejoice, for the light of Christ was taught to the land of midnight; Rejoice, for your righteousness has spread its glory to all the ends of the earth. Rejoice, intercession and affirmation of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, from heresies and schisms our strong fence. Rejoice, thou who didst receive reproach from the Hagarites and Jews for Christ; Rejoice, having received a blessing from the relics of the martyr. Rejoice, having taught us to honor the saints in a good way of your life; Rejoice, and yourselves, as the servants of God, from all Orthodox confessions. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 5

The divine star appeared to you the holy Clymet's incorruptible body, rising on the waves of the Pontus Euxinus, lying hidden on its bottom from seven hundred years. The Lord has shown you to work miracles as a sign of the apostolic labors and your confessional sorrows. Even knowing, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the holy brethren of their fellow tribesmen, they profess the true faith, but they do not lead the word of God with their language of honor, rushing to translate the Divine books into the Slovene language, so that all people in their native language will glorify the one and all Lord; the same we will glorify the Lord about our saints, and we will cry out to them: Rejoice, giver of Christ's light by a foreign people; Rejoice, Enlightener of the Slovenes, your fellow tribesmen. Rejoice, worker of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, good shepherd of the flock of Jesus. Rejoice, faithful interpreter's words of God; Rejoice, our blessings and meek teachers. Rejoice, having carried the peace of Christ with you everywhere; Rejoice, thou who have enlightened the whole world with the light of your teachings. Rejoice, now accepting the prayers of us sinners; Rejoice, and now send comfort to the sad. Rejoice, all, for the truth of the oppressed, a refuge; Rejoice, holy dwelling of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 6

Formerly preachers of God-bearing, the holy brethren to the countries of Slovenian Idosha enlighten the newly baptized people with the teachings of Christ. Thee, having seen you, like angels of light, the salvation of the gospel of the future, like good shepherds, laying down their lives for sheep, crying out to God glorifying His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The dawn of the true faith that shone in Moravia, asking the princes of Slovenia from the king of Byzantium to their countries, teachers and affirmers of people. Having heard the same prayers, Saints Methodius and Cyril moved to the Slovenian countries, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the Slovenian people. Even having gone away, rejoicing in Slovenia and, flowing from everywhere to the holy brethren, I will learn the law of God, glorifying the Lord and praising our enlighteners, together with them we will sing Methodius and Cyril, crying out: Rejoice, our apostles the godly words; Rejoice, our teachers of grace. Rejoice, our confessors, having much boldness; Rejoice, our reverend hermits. Rejoice, our prayer books are warm; Rejoice, our bright miracle workers. Rejoice, glorify God with all tongues; Rejoice, thou who didst expose the trilingual heresy. Rejoice, word of consolation in the year of sorrow; Rejoice, in difficult circumstances their hope and intercession. Rejoice, bringing to the Lord of all our prayers of repentance; Rejoice, and you yourself pray for us to Him. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 7

If you want to drive you out of the Slovenian countries, you slander the Latin priests before the Bishop of Rome. When this one, with the relics of St. Clement, who came to see you and your orthodoxy and good life, take away, abie shamefully slandering you greedy people, bless you in the name of Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The holy brethren appeared to the wondrous apostles, having no rest in their labors: Saint Cyril was exhausted from the exploits of many, soon after coming to Rome his stomach died. Saint Methodius, however, was strengthened by the jealousy of his brother and honored by the grace of the bishops from Pope Adrian, return to new feats in Moravia and Pannonia, even if you carry the greatest labors; marveling at them, let us hymn the holy brethren, calling: Rejoice, good servants of Christ; Rejoice, for even before death, return the truth to the rest of the nature. Rejoice, O Lord, and not pleasing man; Rejoice, thou who didst receive His name for the sake of reproach. Rejoice, through all your life you have labored in the field of the Lord; Rejoice, even after death you did not leave your flock for your love. Rejoice, light of the world and former salt of the earth; Rejoice, like a lamp, burn in the darkness, shining with your tongue. Rejoice, like a city on top of a mountain, from the faithful and the unfaithful do not hide; Rejoice, having made the commandments of the Lord and taught others. Rejoice, for this sake of greatness in the Kingdom of God, the name; Rejoice, on earth in the Church of the Lord's glorification. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 8

Strange is the repose of St. Cyril appearing to everyone, not thinking about temporary life, but praying to the Lord about the churches newly enlightened by him, may I confirm in Orthodoxy and protect from trilingual heresy and other misfortunes and troubles, but exhort St. Methodius, saying: “Behold, brother , the wife of oxen byahov, one rein is heavy, and I fall in the forest, having died; you love the holy mountain Velma, do not break the mountain for the sake of leaving the teachings of the Slovenian languages. Meanwhile, marveling at the capital of the zeal of the holy brethren, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Being completely devoted in soul and body to the covenants of his brother, Saint Methodius was not afraid of princely bans, neither slander from the Latin priests, nor imprisonment in prison, but all this, like a good warrior of Christ, enduring, did not stop the Slovenian tongues and his flock to rule and enlighten , until in old age, and to St. Cyril, to the blessed abode of paradise, reposed. To them we will sing warmly: Rejoice, the crown of patience on the land of the wedding; Rejoice, eternal light in the shining heaven. Rejoice, ascetics, poor in spirit, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, you who have wept a lot, for you have been abundantly comforted. Rejoice, meek ones, for you have inherited the land of Slovenia in Christ; Rejoice, hungry and thirsty for the truth, as if you were satisfied in the heavenly villages. Rejoice, merciful ones, for it is not only you who have mercy on yourself, but you also intercede quickly for mercy from God; Rejoice, pure in heart, for today you see God face to face. Rejoice, former human peacemakers, as the sons of God were called; Rejoice, exile for the sake of righteousness, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, as if you were quick to hate from people and persecution and slander quickly accepted Christ for the sake of Christ; Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 9

All sorts of intrigues, finding in the Slovenian countries, cheerfully ruined nature, reverend, the same now do not leave us, humble and sinners, but affirm all Slovenians in Orthodoxy and unanimity, and with one mouth and one heart cry out to God who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitya of the many-talked, like fish are mute, we see about you, reverend, they will be perplexed, more, how in the desert the spirit soared naturally, and in the midst of a man vigilant feats of labor. We, rejoicing, as such imams, teachers and prayer books, glorify you, saying: Rejoice, confessor of the true faith; Rejoice, heirs of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, iconoclastic denunciation of heresy; Rejoice, shame on Judaism. Rejoice, correcting trilingual heresy; Rejoice, having opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven with the word. Rejoice, warriors of Christ, still in life from Him with the glory of the wedding; Rejoice, and keep the spirit of humility in your glory. Rejoice, evil one, like Isaiah and Jeremiah, from fellow tribesmen for the good received; Rejoice, for Daniel and Esther interceded for your tongue. Rejoice, with all the saints shining with a flickering light; Rejoice, with all the saints of God praying to the Lord for us sinners. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 10

Although save the new flock of Christ from mental wolves, Saint Methodius on his deathbed, his disciples, prayerfully stand firm in true faith, below the machinations of the enemy, be afraid, but also in sorrow and misfortune for all thank God, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

There is a wall for all those who work in Orthodoxy, and an intercession for you who flow with faith, Methodius and Cyril of God-wisdom, for the Creator of heaven and earth has chosen you to be fishermen on earth, after which in heaven the apostle will be consecrated. In the same way, beseech us for His grace with the gift of giving, tenderly crying out like this: Rejoice, virtues, like fine linen, adornment; Rejoice, having compared with Solomon in wisdom. Rejoice, for you have become like the great Anthony and Pachomius by abstinence and prayer; Rejoice, as the Great Basil and John Chrysostom, gifted with the power of the word. Rejoice, for you are quickly like Joseph in chastity; Rejoice, for you imitated the patience of Joblem. Rejoice, you who competed with the king and the prophet David with innocence; Rejoice, for you have become like Elijah in zeal for the faith. Rejoice, for, like Paul and John the Theologian, you naturally loved Christ God; Rejoice, for Daniel and the three youths courageously glorified God. Rejoice, as you cohabit with an angel and saints of God; Rejoice, for we call on your sinful name with faith. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 11

Bringing thanksgiving singing to the Lord, intercession to us sinners who has given you, we pray with tenderness, our holy teachers, do not disdain our laziness for our sake, depart from us grave ones for the sake of our iniquities, but ask mercy from the Lord for all who cry to Him for you: Alleluia .

Ikos 11

Praise the luminous apostle of the Slovene couple, faithful, let us eliminate our strife and strife, and even more divisions in faith, keeping the unity of the spirit in the union of the world, let us sing the holy teachers like this: Rejoice, loud trumpets of the Gospel gospel; Rejoice, harp of the sweet-sounding preaching of salvation. Rejoice, strongholds of righteousness; Rejoice, destroyer of unshakable untruth. Rejoice, givers of joy to all former; Rejoice, perceiving the sorrows of attacks from everywhere. Rejoice, bribes and rewards by your labor from people who did not seek; Rejoice, you who prayed to God for ungrateful people. Rejoice, angel of God and the saints of His exploits and virtues with their joy; Rejoice, eternal joys are with them in the abode of blessed pleasure. Rejoice, stars, shining with the light of truth; Rejoice, you yourself shining with the light of your virtues. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 12

Ask us the grace of unity and peace, reverend ones, and peace in the whole world until the end of your worldly life, preaching the gospel, just as we, having freed ourselves from all splits and temptations, will sing in the world, like friends, to the one who loved the one peacemaker of all the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your wondrous life on earth and glory, even in heaven, thinking, humbly we pray to you, holy teacher, strength from above as an Orthodox Christian on invisible and visible enemies who have bestowed, and brought the peoples of Slovenia into the unity of the faith, all sing, rightly crying out: Rejoice, Orthodoxy solid fence; Rejoice, living rebuke of unbelief. Rejoice, the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father to the point, as if from ancient times, having confessed; Rejoice, perform the service of God to anyone with your testamentary language. Rejoice, affirmation of the righteous in righteousness; Rejoice, and the lawless turn to the law. Rejoice, as you and we, in fulfillment of the Church, breathe in; Rejoice, for you have reached the word of God in our native language. Rejoice, as with your prayers, like a strong visor, we are protected from our enemies; Rejoice, for by your intercession we are worthy of eternal life. Rejoice, all Slovenian shepherds and fathers, and for the sake of Esma, all brethren; Rejoice, for for the sake of you, brothers, we are made according to the flesh and according to the spirit of the brothers of Christ. Rejoice, Methodius and Cyril, the language of the Slovenian apostles and teacher of God's wisdom.

Kondak 13

Oh, wonderful and foreboding language of the Slovenian teachers, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, who have now received our prayer, free all the Slovenians from the evils and troubles they find, observe in peace and unity and bring to the Kingdom of Heaven by your intercession all those who sing to God in tenderness for you : Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teacher

Oh, glorify the language of Slovenian teachers and enlighteners, Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril. To you, as a child to the father, by the light of your teachings and writings of enlightenment and in the faith of Christ, we now diligently resort and pray in contrition of our hearts. If only your covenant, like a disobedient child, not observing and pleasing God, as if you are clean, careless, and from like-mindedness and love, even more slovenly, like brothers in faith and according to the flesh, you bequeath good, otpadohom, both, as if ancient in life do not turn away your ungrateful and unworthy vain, but reward the good for evil, so now do not turn away the sinful and unworthy children of your prayers, but, as if you have great boldness to the Lord, diligently pray to Him, that he will guide and turn us to the path of salvation, strife and strife, arising in the midst of brothers of the same faith, will die, having fallen away, the packs will lead into unanimity, and will unite us all by unity of spirit and love in one, Saints, Cathedrals and Apostles of the Church. Vemy bo, vemy, how much can the prayer of the righteous to the mercy of the Lord, if it is brought about sinful people. Do not leave us, your dull and unworthy children, their sin for the sake of your flock, gathered by you, divided by enmity and temptations from infidels seduced, diminished, but her verbal sheep are scattered, from mental wolves admire, give us jealousy with your prayers for Orthodoxy, yes, let us warm it up, we will preserve the fatherly traditions well, we will faithfully observe the charters and customs of the church, we will run away from all false teachings and so, in a life pleasing to God on earth prospering, we will be worthy of the life of paradise in heaven, and there together with you the Lord of all, in the Trinity of the One God we will glorify forever and ever. Amen.

Canon of Saint Cyril Equal to the Apostles

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and the Spirit will be filled;

Putting your divine mouth to the cup of divine wisdom, it was saturated with saving drink, with the mind showing light with the tongue, and the ax that cuts hostile all flattery.

Having enlightened you, like a light, the Light-giver Christ our God to the whole world, reveal you a teacher and an ambassador to teach the dark Books of Western languages.

Extract the Holy Spirit from the abyss by the word of God to the whole world of a teacher of piety, wise, precious beads, God's law Books, blessed, sanctify tongues.

Bogorodichen: The red mind is bestowed upon the Heavenly forces, God, for Yours was a spiritual temple, when in the womb you carried our God the Virgin, the most holy city.

Canto 3

Irmos: From on high, you descended by will to the earth above all beginning, and you lifted up the humble human nature from the hell of the underworld: there is no more holy than You, Lover of mankind.

By the word and heart and tongue of Christ, the Son of God, preaching, wisdom and power and the Word incarnate, blessed, having confounded the trigentiles with streams of inflows.

Tsevnitsa is holy, truly appear, blessed Cyril, the voice of salvation to us with a holy sound of spiritual rattling beautifully, flattery drove you away.

About the fiery mind, about the good-voiced trumpet, about the glory of the song, about the golden gusset, about the tongue that sweetened honey in parables, Cyril the Wise, remember us all.

Bogorodichen: By the advice of the Stepfather, the Beginningless Son, as the Word, in Your bed by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, Mother of God, dwell and be born in the flesh from You, saving our souls.

Sedalen, tone 8

Like the dawn, enlightening the whole earth, persecuting heretics, exacted in the east and west and north and south: you correct the tri-pagans, preaching to the countries, speaking their tongues to them and betraying the Books. When you come to Rome, lay that body, blessed, in the hands of the Lord, betraying your soul: piety to the teacher, pray to Christ the God of sins, leaving tribute to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Canto 4

Irmos: Sit in glory on the throne of the Divine in a cloud of lightness, the Most Divine Jesus has come, the Incorruptible Hand, and those who call for salvation: glory, Christ, to Your power.

The other Abraham, blessed, was a transmigration from the fatherland, a desire for Greater Wisdom, as if you were adorned with golden monists, shining with bright rays.

With a copy of your words, as Zamvri pierced you, Midianstey of heresy, having attached bitterly, the bodily image of those who appeared in the flesh of Jesus.

Equal in substance preached thou the power of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son of the Three-Sun Light, in the Name of God we are, according to the giving of the sons of the Light and the truths of the heiress.

Bogorodichen: Having escaped the first condemnation of Adam by You, the Maiden, we gained joy unspeakable, blessing to all gave birth to you, the Son of God in our image.

Canto 5

Irmos: Now I will rise, - prophetically speaking God, now I will be glorified, now I will ascend, the fallen one is received from the Virgin, and uplift My Divinity to the Smart Light.

I will adorn you with my mast, blessed, good, grace poured out in your mouth, spiritually wise, and those who do not honor the depths from the dry land will be flooded with your words.

Standing strong, aiding in faith, wisely, flattering stumbling blocks with your word, equaling the Divine path with the faithful, instructing the obedient in the city of Christ.

Floating wonderfully the abyss with your word and parables, blessed Cyril, from the winter, sordid with good faith, you entered the silence of the Highest cloisters.

Bogorodichen: Saving people, the Father is equal to the Son of Man: from You, Most Pure, the flesh of the reception and the earthly God, having created and created the Kingdom of Heaven, people have.

Canto 6

Irmos: I came into the depths of the sea, and drowned me there is a storm of many sins: but like God from the depths raise up my life, O Many-merciful.

The host is dead, kissed by Agaryan, like a living serpent, in your parables of the Trisun and the One Deity, succumbing to the power of exhaustion.

Like a chosen arrow, being a heretic enemy, yataya in the body of a saint, as if prophetically written, stored by the Divine and shooting enemies.

Having loved Wisdom from a young age, thou didst take thy sister to thyself, and having contrived God, blessed, thou art a philosopher.

Bogorodichen: Ezekiel You see the gates, the image of the One Highest God passed through, Thy holy bed passed through the flesh, Most Pure, and did not leave them to eat.

Kontakion, tone 2.

Enlightening the world with bright dawns with a firm and God-inspired teaching, flow like lightning around the universe, blessed Cyril, scattering the bright word of God, in the west, and north, and south, enlightening the world with miracles.


Loving the brightest life, wiser, the dawns of the Tri-Sun Godhood are illuminated, passing, like lightning, the universe, enlightening the northern and southern countries, but the western light is not ascending. The same to me, having driven away the darkness of sin, blessed, ask from above to send spiritual grace: have boldness to God to pray unceasingly for everything.

Canto 7

Irmos: Do not serve the creature of God's Wisdom more than the Creator, but the fiery rebuke is masculinely correct, rejoicing singing: venerable fathers, the Lord and God, blessed be thou.

With verbal squeakers, blessed, calling the sheep into the holy fences, with wise parables, with the beauty and sweetness of your words.

Do not be afraid, teacher, military one to enter into the regiment of the Jews, all the same, their people are a pillar of wisdom, as if He is Canaan with prophetic parables.

To you the gift of the source is signified by all the right faith, blessed, sweet-flowing water, always soldering the sons of piety and fulfilling, like a river, the Church of the Lord with flow.

Bogorodichen: Heaven's widest creation, God, Brakone-skillful, has settled in Your bed, Most Pure, the same I pray to Thee, who afflicts me with sins, deliver me with the breadth of my repentance.

Canto 8

Irmos: The youths of the pious in the cave, the Nativity of the Theotokos saved is, then squalidly formed, now active, lifts up the whole universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, deeds, and exalt Him to all ages.

Having turned to the Light, the light appeared to the attention of a hedgehog from God, O philosopher, for having gained Paul with virtues, he flowed the whole earth in tongues, shining brighter than the sun, with the word of your teaching cry: Sing to the Lord, deeds, and exalt Him to all ages.

As if the host of Jewish people was torn apart by the sharpness of your words, blessed, in the cities of Seversky in Kozarekh, kiss you. You have cut many, holy teacher, like Goliath David, in the trash.

Great is the stronghold and firmament of the land of Pannonian possessions, blessed, heretical delusions destroys Books and tri-pagans, strongly taught by you, the same, the teacher of the wise, remembering ever, we glorify Christ.

Bogorodichen: Through the books of the teachings of the holy prophets, Virgo, the Theotokos, we preach Thee by faith;

Canto 9

Irmos: Eve, by the disease of disobedience, instilled an oath to eat: You, Virgin Mother of God, with the growth of the womb-bearing of the world, the blessing flourished thou, we magnify Thee all.

Like a shone, honestly lay Christ, shining at the ends, wise, in the crown of the church, For His sake, laboring to death, multiplying the faithful upbringing with reason and reverence.

You were a disciple of Paul the Divine, his children following, going to the edge of the west, spreading the word in the tongue (in Kaon), and in Rome you betrayed your spirit in the hand of God.

As the sun rises on the earth, to the teacher, everywhere with parables, the rays of God's voice, enlightening, singing thee with faith and about the race of those standing in your body, remember, blessed, your disciples.

Bogorodichen: With the rays of Your light, Most Pure One, now enlighten my soul lying in the pit of death, raise up, crushing enemies, offending my soul forever and inciting me to sin.


As Christ the light of the world, the show and the teacher of the universe, blessed Cyril, the Thessalonica branch, to those of us who remember your honest memory, we ask Him for mercy.

random test

Photo of the day

We all know how to read and write, but we never think about who created the letters and words, that is, the alphabet. Who were these two brothers? Which life path did they pass? Through what vicissitudes did Cyril and Methodius carry their creation? Why were they elevated to the rank of saints? What monumental books did they translate into Slavic, thus giving us knowledge? A long, thorny path from an ordinary Greek family to the icons of all Slavic churches.

The Byzantine Empire gave Russia not only the Christian religion, but also writing, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. People standing at the origins of the creation of Slavic writing are destined to forever remain on the list of the most eminent people in our history. Their names, Cyril and Methodius, are revered by the Russian Church as the names of saints.

Cyril and Methodius were brothers. They were born in the city of Thessaloniki (Byzantium). In Russian sounding, this name is known in the sources as "Thessalonica" ("They arrived from Thessalonica"). Also, some sources call the brothers not Cyril and Methodius, but Constantine and Michael. As for their origin, many scientists put forward the opinion that their family went back to Greek roots.

In Slavic Orthodoxy, Cyril and Methodius are revered as saints Equal-to-the-Apostles "Slovenian teachers"; the order officially adopted by the church is "Methodius and Cyril".

Their family was reputed to be quite wealthy and noble. My father had the rank of officer and served in the military at the court of the governor (strategist) of Thessaloniki. In addition to Cyril and Methodius, the family had seven more sons. All of them, starting from the elder Michael (Methodius) and ending with Constantine (Cyril), also had to, according to the established tradition, follow in the footsteps of their father, that is, embark on the path of military service. Under the patronage of his father, Mikhail made a very good career in this field. He managed to rise to the rank of strategi (military and civil governor) of the province of Slavinia, located in Macedonia, which at that time was part of the Byzantine Empire.

The ten years he spent in this post were not in vain for Michael (Methodius). Over the years, he perfectly mastered the Slavic language, which later became a priority for making a decision to create Slavic alphabet. What caused Mikhail to quit a successful military career overnight is not exactly known. Many historians see this as an expression of a personal search, a desire to find one's true destiny. Be that as it may, after ten years of military service, Michael makes a firm decision to cut his hair as a monk. He implements this decision almost immediately, in one of the Slavic monasteries located on Mount Olympus.

In 860, Constantine was sent as a missionary to the Khazar Khagan. There, Constantine had a dispute with the imam and the rabbi. According to some sources, Constantine won it, but the kagan did not change his faith. According to others, the rabbi pitted Konstantin against the imam and proved to the kagan the advantages of the Jewish faith.

Konstantin, the youngest of the brothers in the family, impressed from childhood with the breadth of his interests and remarkable abilities in science. The father, as if on a whim from above, refused to make plans for the military future of his youngest son. Constantine was apprenticed to one of the best teachers in the city of Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, to the teachers who taught the young Emperor Michael. Among these teachers was the future Patriarch Phokius of Constantinople. Konstantin was fluent in many languages, had vast knowledge in various branches of science. He was especially interested in theology and philosophy. He enthusiastically studied the writings of the apologists of the church. His own views were in tune with the thoughts of the famous Saint Gregory the Theologian.

Constantine, being at a very young age, clearly defined for himself that he would devote his life to serving the Lord. Having barely finished his studies, he takes the rank of priest and holds the honorary position of curator of the patriarchal library, located in the church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. Constantine did not stay in this position for long, leaving dusty folios and manuscripts for the sake of the life of a wandering monk. It is noteworthy that Konstantin secretly left the library, practically fleeing to one of the many monasteries. What drove them? Youth? Furious impulses? Fortunately, the fugitive was tracked down and returned to Constantinople. He was offered to become a teacher of philosophical sciences at the higher school of Constantinople.

Western theologians believed that it was possible to praise God only in Greek, Hebrew and Latin. Constantine and Methodius, who preached in Moravia, were considered heretics and summoned to Rome. But the pope approved worship in the Slavic language, and ordered the translated books to be placed in Roman churches.

Here his talent as a theologian and philosophizing thinker was fully manifested. Bright oratorical skills and the ability to convince any audience that he was right allowed Konstantin (Kirill) to win his first significant victory in the theological field: to defeat in the debate the views of the iconoclasts - one of the heretical movements that openly opposed Orthodox Christianity.

The emperor of Byzantium and the fathers of the Byzantine church appreciated the talent of Constantine, instructing him to lead a dispute with the Saracens, where Constantine had to defend the immutability of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. And here Konstantin also became the winner.

In the middle of the 50s of the 9th century AD. he was destined to lead a missionary trip to the Arab lands. Later, with the same educational goal, he, together with his brother Michael (Methodius), goes to the Khazars. Their goal is to convey to other nations the true values ​​of Christianity. And everywhere there were people ready to listen to the words of Constantine. He knew well not only the theory of Christian theology, but also perfectly studied the Koran, finding in it many confirmations of his words. Years of missionary service brought him fame and respect from many Slavic peoples. Constantine was often called the Philosopher, honoring his wisdom.

The main merit of Constantine is the compilation of the foundations of the Slavic alphabet. In this matter, his brother, Michael (Methodius), helped him in everything. They not only laid the foundation for Slavic writing, but also translated the Gospel into Slavonic.

According to the Life of Constantine, the letters of the new alphabet were given to Cyril by divine revelation: “The Philosopher went and began to pray ... And God revealed to him that he was listening to the prayers of His servants, and then he folded the letters and began to write the words of the Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Constantine spent the last years of his life in Rome, seriously ill, but tirelessly working on compiling theological works. In 869 AD, anticipating the approach of death, he takes the schema (trimming as a monk) and a new name - Cyril, and was also elevated to the rank of archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia.

Michael, who was not only his brother, but also his closest comrade-in-arms and associate, was by his side until his last breath. It was to him that Konstantin addressed his last words: “You and I are like two oxen. When one falls from a heavy burden, the other will continue his path.

Cyril was buried in the church of St. Clement in Rome. Once, on one of his missionary trips, Constantine discovered the relics of this Roman emperor, who was canonized as a saint for his great martyrdom, and reverently delivered them to his homeland.

After the death of his brother, Methodius returned to Moravia. In 870, he was taken into custody, accused of heresy. He spent about three years in prison. He was released only after the personal intervention of the Pope. In order to finally protect his life's work from attacks by the German clergy, who had extended their influence to Moravia, Methodius insisted on a personal audience with the Pope. Having met with him, he asked to approve the liturgical works translated by him and Cyril into Slavonic. The pope and the Roman curia did not find anything in them that somehow contradicted the canons and dogmas of Christianity.

Methodius devoted the rest of his days to translating into Slavic the Bible, the Patericon, a collection of ecclesiastical laws of the Byzantine church (Nomocanon). He died on April 19, 885, on the day of the bright church holiday - Palm Sunday. It is noteworthy that despite the approaching breath of death, he found the strength to serve a festive church service, bequeathing to people to follow the laws of the Christian religion. In commemoration of his merits, the funeral of the deceased was carried out immediately in 3 languages: Latin, Greek and Slavonic. The Church canonized Methodius and his brother Cyril as saints.

The Tale of Bygone Years tells that all Greek church books were translated into Slavonic in six months by the forces of only two people: “Methodius planted two priests ... cursive writers, and translated all the books from Greek into Slavonic in six months, starting in March, and finishing October 26..."

The death of Cyril and Methodius prompted their opponents to ensure that Slavic writing, as well as worship in the Slavic language on the territory of Moravia, were put under the strictest ban. The followers of the saints were persecuted and persecuted. Many of them settled in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, in the cities of Kievan Rus. This is what contributed to the wide spread of Slavic writing.

The Slavic alphabet, compiled by the brothers Cyril and Methodius, was called the Glagolitic alphabet. Church Slavonic writing, based on the Glagolitic alphabet, should not be confused with the Cyrillic alphabet. This is a more adapted alphabet, developed somewhat later by the disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The Cyrillic alphabet is used by such peoples as Macedonians, Serbs, Bulgarians, as well as Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians.

The merits of Saints Cyril and Methodius are duly appreciated by many peoples inhabiting the East and West. The Day of Slavic Culture and Writing is an official public holiday in our country, as well as in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. By tradition, it is celebrated on May 24 (in Slovakia and the Czech Republic - July 5). In addition, in Bulgaria there is even a special order of Cyril and Methodius, which evaluates special merits in the field of culture.

Cyril and Methodius - saints, equal to the apostles, Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic. Cyril was born around 827, died on February 14, 869. Before becoming a monk at the beginning of 869, he bore the name Constantine. His older brother Methodius was born around 820, died on April 6, 885. Both brothers were from Thessalonica (Thessalonica), their father was a military leader. In 863, Cyril and Methodius were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Moravia in order to preach Christianity in the Slavic language and assist the Moravian prince Rostislav in the fight against the German princes. Before leaving, Cyril created the Slavonic alphabet and, with the help of Methodius, translated several liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic: selected readings from the Gospel, apostolic letters. Psalter, etc. There is no consensus in science on the question of which alphabet Cyril created - Glagolitic or Cyrillic, but the first assumption is more likely. In 866 or 867, Cyril and Methodius, on the call of Pope Nicholas I, went to Rome, on the way they visited the Blaten Principality in Pannonia, where they also distributed the Slavic letter and introduced worship in the Slavic language. After arriving in Rome, Cyril fell seriously ill and died. Methodius was consecrated Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia and in 870 returned from Rome to Pannonia. In the middle of 884, Methodius returned to Moravia and was busy translating the Bible into Slavonic. Through their activities, Cyril and Methodius laid the foundation for Slavic writing and literature. This activity was continued in the South Slavic countries by their students, who were expelled from Moravia in 886 and moved to Bulgaria.


In 863, ambassadors from Great Moravia from Prince Rostislav arrived in Byzantium to Emperor Michael III with a request to send them a bishop and a person who could explain the Christian faith in Slavonic. The Moravian prince Rostislav strove for the independence of the Slavic Church and had already applied to Rome with a similar request, but was refused. Michael III and Photius, just as in Rome, reacted to the request of Rostislav formally and, having sent missionaries to Moravia, did not ordain any of them as bishops. Thus, Constantine, Methodius and their entourage could only conduct educational activities, but did not have the right to ordain their disciples to the priestly and deacon ranks. This mission could not succeed and have of great importance, if Constantine had not brought to the Moravans an alphabet that was perfectly developed and convenient for the transmission of Slavic speech, as well as a translation into Slavic of the main liturgical books. Of course, the language of the translations brought by the brothers differed phonetically and morphologically from the living spoken language spoken by the Moravans, but the language of liturgical books was initially perceived as a written, bookish, sacred, sample language. It was much more understandable than Latin, and a certain dissimilarity to the language used in everyday life, gave it greatness.

Constantine and Methodius read the Gospel in Slavonic at divine services, and the people reached out to the brothers and to Christianity. Konstantin and Methodius diligently taught the students the Slavic alphabet, worship, continued their translation activities. Churches where services were held Latin, empty, the Roman Catholic priesthood was losing influence and income in Moravia. Since Constantine was a simple priest, and Methodius was a monk, they did not have the right to put their students in church positions themselves. To solve the problem, the brothers had to go to Byzantium or Rome.

In Rome, Constantine handed over the relics of St. Clement to the newly ordained Pope Adrian II, so he received Constantine and Methodius very solemnly, with honor, accepted worship in the Slavonic language under his guardianship, ordered to put Slavic books in one of the Roman churches and perform worship over them. The Pope ordained Methodius as a priest, and his disciples as presbyters and deacons, and in a letter to the princes Rostislav and Kotsel, he legitimizes the Slavic translation of the Holy Scripture and the celebration of worship in the Slavic language.

The brothers spent almost two years in Rome. One reason for this is Constantine's deteriorating health. At the beginning of 869, he took the schema and the new monastic name Cyril, and on February 14 he died. By order of Pope Adrian II, Cyril was buried in Rome, in the church of St. Clement.

After the death of Cyril, Pope Adrian ordained Methodius to the rank of Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia. Returning to Pannonia, Methodius launched a vigorous activity to spread Slavic worship and writing. However, after the removal of Rostislav, Methodius did not have strong political support left. In 871, the German authorities arrested Methodius and held a trial against him, accusing the archbishop of having invaded the possessions of the Bavarian clergy. Methodius was imprisoned in a monastery in Swabia (Germany), where he spent two and a half years. Only thanks to the direct intervention of Pope John VIII, who succeeded the deceased Adrian II, in 873 Methodius was released and restored in all rights, but the Slavic service became not the main one, but only an additional one: the service was conducted in Latin, and sermons could be delivered in Slavonic.

After the death of Methodius, the opponents of the Slavic worship in Moravia became more active, and the worship itself, which rested on the authority of Methodius, was first oppressed, and then completely faded. Some of the students fled to the south, some were sold into slavery in Venice, some were killed. The closest disciples of Methodius Gorazd, Clement, Naum, Angellarius and Lawrence, imprisoned in iron, kept in prison, and then expelled from the country. The writings and translations of Constantine and Methodius were destroyed. This explains the fact that their works have not survived to this day, although there is a lot of information about their work. In 890, Pope Stephen VI anathematized Slavic books and Slavic worship, finally banning them.

The work begun by Constantine and Methodius was nevertheless continued by his disciples. Clement, Naum and Angellarius settled in Bulgaria and were the founders of Bulgarian literature. Orthodox Prince Boris-Michael, a friend of Methodius, supported his students. New Center Slavic writing originates in Ohrid (the territory of modern Macedonia). However, Bulgaria is under a strong cultural influence of Byzantium, and one of Constantine's students (most likely Clement) creates a script similar to the Greek script. This happens at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century, during the reign of Tsar Simeon. It is this system that gets the name Cyrillic in memory of the person who first attempted to create an alphabet suitable for recording Slavic speech.


The question of the independence of the Slavic alphabets is caused by the very nature of the outlines of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic letters, their sources. What were the Slavic alphabets - a new writing system or just a kind of Greek-Byzantine writing? In deciding this issue, the following factors must be taken into account:

In the history of writing, there was not a single letter-sound system that would have arisen completely independently, without the influence of previous writing systems. So, the Phoenician letter arose on the basis of the ancient Egyptian (although the principle of writing was changed), ancient Greek - on the basis of Phoenician, Latin, Slavic - on the basis of Greek, French, German - on the basis of Latin, etc.

Consequently, we can only talk about the degree of independence of the writing system. At the same time, it is much more important how accurately the modified and adapted original writing corresponds to the sound system of the language that it intends to serve. It is in this respect that the creators of Slavic writing showed a great philological flair, a deep understanding of the phonetics of the Old Slavonic language, as well as a great graphic taste.





Attaching great importance to the cultural and historical revival of the peoples of Russia and taking into account the international practice of celebrating the day Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, Presidium Supreme Council The RSFSR decides:


Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

In 863, 1150 years ago, the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius began their Moravian mission to create our written language. It is mentioned in the main Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years": "And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language."

And a second anniversary. In 1863, 150 years ago, the Holy Synod of Russia decided: in connection with the celebration of the millennium of the Moravian Mission of the Holy Brothers Equal to the Apostles, to establish an annual celebration in honor of St. Methodius and Cyril on May 11 (24 CE).

In 1986, at the initiative of writers, especially the late Vitaly Maslov, the first Writing Festival was first held in Murmansk, and the following year it was widely celebrated in Vologda. Finally, on January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the annual holding of the Days of Slavic Culture and Literature. Readers do not need to be reminded that May 24 is also the name day of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Logically, it seems that the only state-church holiday in Russia has every reason to acquire not only a national sound, as in Bulgaria, but also a pan-Slavic significance.

Kirill(in the world Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher, 827-869, Rome) and Methodius(in the world Michael; 815-885, Velehrad, Moravia) - brothers from Greek city Thessalonica (Thessaloniki) in Macedonia, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, the creators of the Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity.


Cyril and Methodius came from the Byzantine city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Slavic. "Thessalonica"). Their father, named Leo, held a high military position under the governor of Thessalonica. The family had seven sons, with Michael (Methodius) being the eldest, and Konstantin (Cyril) being the youngest of them.

Thessalonica, where the brothers were born, was a bilingual city. In addition to the Greek language, they sounded the Slavic Thessalonica dialect, which was spoken by the tribes surrounding Thessaloniki: Draguvites, Sagudites, Vayunits, Smolensk, and which, according to the research of modern linguists, formed the basis of the language of translations of Cyril and Methodius, and with them the entire Church Slavonic language .

Before being tonsured a monk, Methodius made a good military and administrative career, culminating in the post of strategist (commander in chief of the army) of Slavinia, a Byzantine province located on the territory of Macedonia.

Konstantin was a very educated person for his time. Even before his trip to Moravia (the historical region of the Czech Republic), he compiled the Slavonic alphabet and began to translate the Gospel into Slavonic.


Constantine studied with the best teachers of Constantinople in philosophy, dialectics, geometry, arithmetic, rhetoric, astronomy, as well as many languages. At the end of his studies, refusing to enter into a very profitable marriage with the goddaughter of the logothete (head of the gospodar office and keeper of the state seal), Konstantin took the rank of priest and entered the service of a hartophylax (literally, “library keeper”; in reality, this was equal to the modern rank of academician) at the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. But, neglecting the benefits of his position, he retired to one of the monasteries on the Black Sea coast. For some time he lived in seclusion. Then he was almost forcibly returned to Constantinople and determined to teach philosophy at the same University of Manavra, where he had recently studied himself (since then, the nickname Konstantin the Philosopher has been strengthened behind him). At one of the theological disputes, Cyril won a brilliant victory over the highly experienced leader of the iconoclasts, the former Patriarch Annius, which brought him wide fame in Constantinople.

Around the year 850, Emperor Michael III and Patriarch Photius send Constantine to Bulgaria, where on the river Bregalnitsa he converts many Bulgarians to Christianity.

The following year, Cyril, together with George, Metropolitan of Nicomedia, goes to the court of the Emir of Militia to acquaint him with the basics of Christianity.

In 856, the logothete Theoktist, who was Constantine's patron, was assassinated. Constantine, together with his disciples Clement, Naum and Angelarius, came to the monastery, where his brother Methodius was the abbot. In this monastery, around Constantine and Methodius, a group of like-minded people formed and the idea of ​​creating a Slavic alphabet was born.

Khazar mission

In 860, Constantine was sent for missionary purposes to the court of the Khazar Khagan. According to the life, the embassy was sent in response to the request of the kagan, who promised, if he was persuaded, to convert to Christianity.

Khazar Khaganate (Khazaria)- a medieval state created by the nomadic Turkic people - the Khazars. He controlled the territory of the Ciscaucasia, the Lower and Middle Volga regions, modern northwestern Kazakhstan, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the eastern part of the Crimea, as well as the steppes and forest-steppes of Eastern Europe up to the Dnieper. The center of the state was originally located in the coastal part of modern Dagestan, later moved to the lower reaches of the Volga. Part of the ruling elite converted to Judaism. AT political dependence part of the East Slavic tribal unions was from the Khazars. The fall of the kaganate is connected with the military campaigns of the Old Russian state.

Khazar Khaganate

During his stay in Korsun, Konstantin, in preparation for the controversy, studied the Hebrew language, the Samaritan script, and along with them some kind of “Russian” letter and language (it is believed that there is a typo in the life and instead of “Russian” letters one should read “Sursky”, that is, Syriac - Aramaic; in any case, this is not the Old Russian language, which in those days was not distinguished from the common Slavic). Constantine's dispute with a Muslim imam and a Jewish rabbi, which took place in the presence of the kagan, ended in Constantine's victory, but the kagan did not change his faith.

Bulgarian mission

In Constantinople, the sister of the Bulgarian Khan Boris was held as a hostage. She was baptized with the name Theodora and was brought up in the spirit of the Holy Faith. Around 860, she returned to Bulgaria and began to persuade her brother to accept Christianity. Boris was baptized, taking the name Michael, in honor of the son of the Byzantine Empress Theodora - Emperor Michael III, during whose reign the conversion of the Bulgarians to Christianity took place. Constantine and Methodius were in this country, and with their preaching, they greatly contributed to the establishment of Christianity in it. From Bulgaria, the Christian faith spread to neighboring Serbia.

In 863, with the help of his brother Saint Methodius and the disciples of Gorazd, Clement, Savva, Naum and Angelyar, Constantine compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the main liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic: the Gospel, the Psalter and selected services. Some chroniclers report that the first words written in the Slavic language were the words of the Apostle the Evangelist John: “In the beginning there was (there was) the Word, and the Word was to God, and God was the Word.”

Moravian mission

In 862, ambassadors from the Moravian prince Rostislav came to Constantinople with the following request: “Our people profess the Christian faith, but we have no teachers who could explain the faith to us in our native language. Send us such teachers.” The Byzantine Emperor Michael III and the patriarch rejoiced and, calling on the Thessalonica brothers, invited them to go to the Moravians.

Great Moravia- is considered the first Slavic state that existed in the years 822-907 on the Middle Danube. The capital of the state was the city of Velegrad. Here the first Slavic writing was created and the Church Slavonic language arose. During the period of greatest power, it included the territories of modern Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, as well as Lesser Poland, part of Ukraine and the historical region of Silesia. Now part of the Czech Republic.

Constantine and Methodius stayed in Moravia for more than 3 years and continued to translate church books from Greek into Slavonic. The brothers taught the Slavs how to read, write and conduct worship in the Slavic language. This aroused the anger of the German bishops, who celebrated divine services in Latin in the Moravian churches, and they rebelled against the holy brothers and filed a complaint with Rome. Among some theologians of the Western Church, a point of view has developed that praise to God can only be given in three languages, in which the inscription on the Cross of the Lord was made: Jewish, Greek and Latin. Therefore, Constantine and Methodius, who preached Christianity in Moravia, were perceived as heretics and summoned to court to resolve this issue in Rome to Pope Nicholas I.

Taking with them the relics of St. Clement, Pope of Rome, found by Constantine on the Chersonese journey, the brothers set off for Rome. On the way to Rome, they visited another Slavic country - Pannonia(the territory of modern western Hungary, eastern Austria and partly Slovenia and Serbia), where the Blaten principality was located. Here, in Blatnograd, on behalf of Prince Kotsel, the brothers taught the Slavs book business and worship in the Slavic language.

When they arrived in Rome, Nicholas I was no longer alive; his successor Adrian II, learning that they were carrying the relics of St. Clement, met them solemnly outside the city. After that, Pope Adrian II approved worship in the Slavic language, and ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in Roman churches. At the behest of Adrian II, Formosus (Bishop of Porto) and Gauderic (Bishop of Velletri) consecrated three brothers who traveled with Constantine and Methodius as priests, and the latter was ordained a bishop.

last years of life

In Rome, Constantine fell seriously ill, at the beginning of February 869 he finally fell ill, took the schema and a new monastic name Cyril. 50 days after the adoption of the schema, On February 14, 869, Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril died at the age of 42. He was buried in Rome in the church of Saint Clement.

The chapel (side altar) of the Basilica of St. Clement is dedicated to the memory of Sts. Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius

Before his death, he said to Methodius: “We are with you, like two oxen; from a heavy burden, one fell, the other must continue on his way. The Pope ordained him Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia. Methodius with his disciples, who received the priesthood, returned to Pannonia, and later to Moravia.

By this time the situation in Moravia had changed dramatically. After Rostislav was defeated by Louis the German and died in a Bavarian prison in 870, his nephew Svyatopolk, who submitted to German political influence, became the Moravian prince. The activity of Methodius and his disciples proceeded in very difficult conditions. The Latin-German clergy in every way prevented the spread of the Slavic language as the language of the church. They even managed to imprison Methodius for 3 years in one of the Swabian monasteries - Reichenau. Upon learning of this, Pope John VIII released him in 874 and restored him to the rights of an archbishop. Coming out of prison, Methodius continued to preach the gospel among the Slavs and worship in the Slavic language (despite the prohibition), baptized the Czech prince Borivoi and his wife Lyudmila, as well as one of the Polish princes.

In 879 the German bishops organized new process against Methodius. However, Methodius in Rome brilliantly justified himself and even received a papal bull allowing worship in the Slavic language.

In 881, Methodius, at the invitation of Emperor Basil I the Macedonian, arrived in Constantinople. There he spent 3 years, after which he returned to Moravia with his students.

Methodius of Moravia

In the last years of his life, Saint Methodius, with the help of two disciple-priests, translated the entire Old Testament (except for the Maccabees) and the patristic books into Slavonic.

In 885, Methodius fell seriously ill. Before his death, he appointed his disciple Gorazd as his successor. April 6/19, 885, on Palm Sunday, he asked to be carried to the temple, where he read a sermon and on the same day died(at the age of about 60 years). The funeral of Methodius took place in three languages ​​- Slavic, Greek and Latin. He was buried in the cathedral church of Velehrad, the capital of Moravia.

After death

After the death of Methodius, his opponents managed to achieve the prohibition of Slavic writing in Moravia. Many students were executed, some moved to Bulgaria and Croatia.

In Bulgaria and subsequently in Croatia, Serbia and Old Russian state the Slavic alphabet created by the brothers became widespread. In some regions of Croatia until the middle of the 20th century, the liturgy of the Latin rite was served in Slavonic. Since liturgical books were written in Glagolitic, this rite was called Glagolitic.

Pope Adrian II wrote to Prince Rostislav in Prague that if anyone becomes contemptuous of books written in Slavic, then let him be excommunicated and brought to trial by the Church, for such people are “wolves”. And Pope John VIII in 880 writes to Prince Svyatopolk, ordering that sermons be delivered in Slavonic.


Cyril and Methodius developed a special alphabet for writing texts in the Slavic language - the Glagolitic alphabet.

Glagolitic- one of the first Slavic alphabets. It is assumed that it was the Glagolitic alphabet that was created by the Bulgarian educator St. Konstantin (Kirill) Philosopher for recording church texts in Old Church Slavonic. In Old Church Slavonic it is called "Kѷrїllovitsa". A number of facts indicate that the Glagolitic alphabet was created before the Cyrillic alphabet, and that, in turn, was created on the basis of the Glagolitic alphabet and the Greek alphabet. The Roman Catholic Church, in the fight against the service in the Slavic language among the Croats, called the Glagolitic "Gothic scripts".

Usually they speak of two types of Glagolitic: the older “round”, also known as Bulgarian, and the later “angular”, Croatian (so named because, until the middle of the 20th century, it was used by Croatian Catholics when performing divine services according to the Glagolitic rite). The alphabet of the latter was gradually reduced from 41 to 30 characters.

In ancient Russia, the Glagolitic alphabet was practically not used, there are only individual inclusions of Glagolitic letters in texts written in Cyrillic. The Glagolitic alphabet was the alphabet for transmitting, first of all, church texts, the surviving ancient Russian monuments of everyday writing before the baptism of Russia use the Cyrillic alphabet. There is a use of the Glagolitic script as a cryptography.

Cyrillic- Old Slavonic alphabet (Old Bulgarian alphabet): the same as the Cyrillic (or Cyrillic) alphabet: one of two (along with the Glagolitic) ancient alphabets for the Old Slavonic language.

The Cyrillic alphabet goes back to the Greek statutory script, with the addition of letters to convey sounds that were absent in the Greek language. Since its inception, the Cyrillic alphabet has adapted to linguistic changes, and as a result of numerous reforms in each language, it has acquired its own differences. Different versions of the Cyrillic alphabet are used in Eastern Europe and Central and Northern Asia. As an official letter, it was first adopted in the First Bulgarian Kingdom.

In Church Slavonic, it is called "Klimentovitsa", in honor of Kliment Ohridsky.

Cyrillic-based alphabets include the alphabets of the following Slavic languages:

Belarusian language (Belarusian alphabet)
Bulgarian language (Bulgarian alphabet)
Macedonian language (Macedonian alphabet)
Rusyn language/dialect (Rusyn alphabet)
Russian language (Russian alphabet)
Serbian (Vukovica)
Ukrainian language (Ukrainian alphabet)
Montenegrin language (Montenegrin alphabet)

At present, V. A. Istrin’s point of view prevails among historians, but is not generally recognized, according to which the Cyrillic alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek alphabet by the disciple of the holy brothers Clement of Ohrid (which is also mentioned in his Life). Using the created alphabet, the brothers translated the Holy Scriptures and a number of liturgical books from the Greek language. At the same time, it should be noted that even if the Cyrillic letter styles were developed by Clement, he relied on the work on isolating the sounds of the Slavic language done by Cyril and Methodius, and this work is the main part of any work to create a new script. Modern scientists note the high level of this work, which gave designations for almost all scientifically distinguished Slavic sounds, which we owe, apparently, to the outstanding linguistic abilities of Konstantin-Kirill, noted in the sources.

Sometimes it is asserted that there was a Slavic script before Cyril and Methodius. However, it was a non-Slavic language. It should be remembered, at the same time, that in the time of Cyril and Methodius and much later, the Slavs easily understood each other and believed that they spoke a single Slavic language, which some modern linguists agree with, who believe that one can speak of the unity of the Proto-Slavic language until XII century. Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) also points out that Konstantin was the creator of Slavic writings and there were no Slavic writings before him.


Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized as saints in antiquity. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the memory of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlighteners of the Slavs has been honored since the 11th century. The oldest services to the saints that have come down to our time date back to the 13th century.

In 1863, a solemn celebration of the memory of the holy primates Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius was established in the Russian Church.

The holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia - the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

Troparion, tone 4
As the Apostle of the same morality and the Slovenian countries, the teacher, Cyril and Methodius of God's Wisdom, pray to the Lord of all, affirm all the Slovenian languages ​​\u200b\u200bin Orthodoxy and like-mindedness, pacify the world and save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 3
Let us honor the sacred pair of our educators, who have exuded divine scriptures as a source of knowledge of God for us, from worthless even to this day we indulge you, Cyril and Methodius, who are coming to the Throne of the Most High and praying warmly for our souls.

We magnify you, Holy Apostles Cyril and Methodius, who enlightened all the Slovenian countries with your teachings and led you to Christ.

Cyril's code. The birth of civilization

Released: 2013
Genre: Documentary
Production: TV channel "Russia 1"
Duration: 00:50:16
Director: Alexander Brunkovskiy

About movie:
The film tells about the emergence of the Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic - and how Russia took the place of the leader of the Eastern Christian Cyrillic civilization.

The great saints Cyril and Methodius created a universal principle - every nation is worthy to know the Word of God in their native language. And now this principle continues to be implemented. The film tells how, on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet, alphabets are created for the previously unwritten languages ​​​​of the peoples of Russia. And a Russian Orthodox priest - the modern successor of Cyril and Methodius - comes on dogs to yurts and teaches Kamchatka Koryaks to read the Gospel printed in Cyrillic in Koryak.

But there were times when the fate of the Russian alphabet seemed to hang in the balance. In the 1920s, the Bolsheviks hatched plans to replace the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet. Lunacharsky actively supported this project. Cyrillic was then considered a reactionary tsarist alphabet that hindered the world revolution. But the main goal of the Bolsheviks was, of course, to format the spiritual memory of the people in their own way, to deprive future generations of the opportunity to read everything that had been accumulated in the course of centuries of Russian history.

What saved the Russian alphabet then? How did it happen that among all the peoples of Europe, only the Slavs received a national alphabet many centuries ago? How did the fact that they learned the Bible in their native language, and not in Latin or Greek, affect the national self-consciousness of all Slavs? How did Russia save its Cyrillic brothers from the 400-year-old Ottoman yoke? What struggle over the Cyrillic alphabet is unfolding in modern world? Will Ukraine switch to the Latin alphabet?

Filming took place in Russia, Greece, Istanbul, Rome, Crimea, Czech Republic, Croatia, Kamchatka.

Taking part in the film: Metropolitan Hilarion, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Alpatov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Florya, Professor of Moscow State University Andrei Kibrik and others.

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