Home Useful properties of fruits To cut the index finger of the right hand is a sign. Thumb cut: the meaning of omens

To cut the index finger of the right hand is a sign. Thumb cut: the meaning of omens

Many palmists believe that it is by the hands of a person that his character can be determined. From the hands of women, you can determine how much a lady carefully cares about her beauty. After all, most women (as it should be) try to monitor the skin of the fingers and hands. But sometimes incidents happen, for example, you accidentally cut your finger. Then you have to wait for the wound to heal and the phalanx will become beautiful again. But the cuts are not accidental. If you believe folk omens, then cutting your finger is something new will come in life. Is this so, and what to expect, we will discuss in this article.

What does a sign mean when you accidentally cut your finger

Usually women cut a finger, because it is they who cook a lot, manage the kitchen, and often use a knife. Even the most experienced hostess cannot be insured against an accidental cut. That is why the omen - to cut your finger - refers more to girls than to men. It is believed that when a girl accidentally cuts her finger, at that moment someone thinks a lot about her. Who can think of a lady? Most likely, this is her husband, boyfriend, lover or secret admirer.

The depth of the cut can tell you how strong a person's thoughts are. If the wound is superficial, then the person thought about you quite a bit, perhaps casually mentioned you in a conversation. Well, when the wound is quite deep, it may mean that people think of you all the time. This explanation applies to all fingers except the thumb.

If you cut it, then you should expect not pleasant events, but, perhaps, grief or tragedy. Try to be careful with the knife and other cutting, piercing objects. After all, it can be life-threatening, especially when you have a blood disorder.

The moment when the finger is cut is also important. If this is done on the eve of the New Year, then it is worth waiting for the wedding next year. Do you already have a groom? If so, then you will definitely get married. And if there is no chosen one yet, then wait for an acquaintance and an imminent wedding. There are also cases when your finger is not cut, but you, for example, pinched it (by a door or something else).

Here the interpretation will be as follows: trouble awaits you, perhaps it will be problems in your personal life or with health. It may also be just not a pleasant surprise, not a welcome gift, a meeting, a bad conversation in a negative way, and so on. Don't get depressed or desperate right away.

Pay attention to your life, environment, are you satisfied with everything? If not, then something needs to be changed. After all, life depends entirely on you and only on you. Signs - they have always been, are and will be, but there is only one life and you need to live it the way you want. Having cut your finger, reconsider your being, do the necessary - make adjustments to your daily routine. It will do you good, definitely!

What signs are there about the shapes of the fingers and how they can be interpreted

You can tell a lot about a person by paying attention to the shape of his fingers. This applies to both men and women. Folk omens appeared a very, very long time ago, but have survived to this day practically unchanged. Now, too, every second person regularly addresses them, but how else ?! People with long and thin fingers are refined and gentle natures.

These people are very sensual, even romantic. And if the fingers are short, one might say, "clumsy", then you should always be on the lookout with such people. And all why? Because these people do a lot on the sly, without warning, they are looking for their own benefit everywhere, egoists, in a word.

If a person's fingers have a slightly square shape, while they are also short, then these people are very stubborn. They know how and love to stand their ground for a long time, even if they are wrong. But, at the same time, such natures are very hardworking and are not lazy to start something new (as well as continue what they started with the same persistence). And the owners of long, but also "square" fingers are enterprising natures, but more flexible.

If there are so-called nodules on the fingers, then such people are very pedantic and picky. They put forward many demands in life, both to themselves and to those around them. Thus, these individuals always achieve their goals and high results.

If a person's fingers are curved (inward), then such a man or woman has rather limited intellectual abilities and opportunities. There is nothing you can do about it. It is not so important what the shape of your fingers is, but it is imperative to take care of them: from all kinds of injuries, fractures, cuts, including.

What signs are associated with certain fingers

If you cut a finger on your left hand, then nothing good should be expected. This sign can be called negative. It is very likely that in the near future one of your parents (or people very close to you) will become very sick or die.

There is a recommendation in order to avoid the "fulfillment of the omen": take your parents with you and leave somewhere indefinitely. This should be done for at least a month, until the finger finally heals. It is very useful to temporarily change your place of residence, in any case.

Also, a rather deep and strong cut in one of the fingers of your left hand (especially the thumb) may mean that you will soon quarrel with your chosen one. To avoid this, be vigilant and control your emotions. After all, a sign is a sign, but a person can change a lot.

If you cut your thumb specifically, it may also mean that your loved ones need you. Therefore, you should postpone all affairs and take time for your family. Life is very short and anything can happen. Pay attention to the signs that are sent from above!

If you cut exactly forefinger, then this indicates that in the near future your income will decrease somewhat. Therefore, do not waste money, spend only on the essentials. The cut on the middle finger is also negative. You can quarrel with a loved one in the very near future. Therefore, emotions must be taken under control! You shouldn't teach other people's lives, better take care of yourself. You will benefit from this strategy.

A cut ring finger again points to possible problems... Only this time, disappointments or quarrels can await you at work. Do not argue with the team. A cut little finger indicates you, specifically your personality. It is worth thinking about your behavior, perhaps making the necessary adjustments. It's high time, but you did not pay attention to how you behave. The finger gives you a reminder!

What you need to do to prevent bad things from happening (after cutting any finger)

It happens that people are very careless when handling dangerous objects. We mean the knife now. So, when cooking, do not wave your hands and do not be distracted. If you do not believe in any signs, then you should not pay attention to their interpretation. Usually nothing happens to “non-believers” people: neither good nor bad.

There are also people who simply do not like stabbing and cutting objects. They can cut their finger precisely because of their "not love". The knife seems to "reciprocate." You don’t love me - I won’t love you either. Try not to touch the knives if this is so problematic for you. Then the problems of cuts will bypass you. The best thing you can do is be careful! This applies to knives and life in general.

The people have long noticed that random events can not be. Every episode, even insignificant, has consequences. Do you know what to cut your finger for? There is a sign about this, and it is not alone. We have two hands, each with five fingers. Can you imagine how many events this magic "barometer" can predict? If you are not yet using such "manual" prompts, let's figure it out.

Cut your finger: a sign

When, for example, salt is scattered, they are guided by the event. Here is a direct relationship: scattered - got on the ears (trouble and tears). They argue quite differently when they explain why to cut a finger. The sign is given to us in the form of a postulate. That is, one event leads to another. If you do not understand the essence, then it will simply fly out of my head. It's not often that we hurt ourselves, you must admit. When you grasp the essence of the phenomenon, knowledge about it will never be erased, it will remain in your memory forever. One has only to cut a finger, the omen itself will pop up in the head, as it has been preserved in the logical chains of the brain.

Although you choose how to study folk wisdom. And we propose to investigate our sign in full interconnection with the description of the energy-informational functions of the fingers. Have you heard of these? If you know what everyone is responsible for, then you will understand what the rank means on the corresponding one. A cut is a harbinger of a problem in the very area that the finger "controls". In addition, it is important on which hand it was located. But first things first.

Sign: cut your thumb

Each wound, as popularly believed, is a signal of the subconscious, a hint of certain problems. The thumb is associated with the ability to achieve a goal, plan and control events. They say that through this section of the limb there is a flow of vital energy that allows you to feel realized in the world. Cutting this finger on your right hand means that those around you will demand attention. Someone close to them is experiencing difficulties, but they are not able not only to overcome them on their own, but also to ask for advice. That is, you will have to quit all your business and help those in need of your attention.

The wound on the reverse side is interpreted in a completely different way. What to prepare for if you happened to cut your finger on your left hand? A sign suggests that finances are in jeopardy. You need to limit yourself in spending or simply save. In addition, the risk of theft is likely. The loss of money will interfere with the implementation of plans, that is, the rank indicates that the flow of energy (finance is also a force) may be limited.


This finger is responsible for the ability to overcome crisis situations. This means resilience in difficult conditions, the ability to adhere to your principles, not to retreat under the onslaught of circumstances, courage, wisdom, and the like. What does the omen tell us about the injury? Cut the index finger (right) - to conflict with influential people or power structures. It is necessary to hide firmness, rigidity, stubbornness, harshness in the far corner of consciousness, arm yourself with flexibility, activate cunning. Show more friendliness without compromising your beliefs. Try to avoid conflicts. As they say, a sense of humor will help you. Then you will avoid troubles, and do not drop your dignity.

If cut on the left, then conflict situation matures in a circle of loved ones. Here the people give the same recommendations. More kindness and compassion, a desire to understand dear people, less selfishness, rudeness, harshness. Control your emotions, watch your words. Take care of your loved ones, they love you!

Middle finger

This finger is associated with the emotional sphere. He is responsible for love, sex, friendship, a good relationship with others, warmth and understanding. Wounds on the central finger of omen are associated with this. Cutting a finger on the right hand is a sign of treason and betrayal. Look closely and listen to those around you. It is necessary to understand what they are thinking about, what their loved ones are striving for, what is in their souls. Otherwise, betrayal will turn out to be a bolt from the blue for you. Probably, if you talk, try to figure out the situation together, then stress can be avoided. But no, so it will not become a tragedy for you.

Cutting this finger on the left - to the loss of a close friend. Probably, the person you completely trust has long been internally dissatisfied with the relationship, but so far he has held back. His patience is running out. Ranka says that your paths will diverge. The omen does not say whether it is possible to avoid a break, to keep the warmth of friendly relations.

Ring finger

It is believed that this finger is responsible for position in society. There is even such a sign: for outstanding personalities, the length is equal to the average. This is very rare. Cutting it is a threat to your reputation.

The right one talks about intrigue in the service or in business sphere... Ranka warns that the enemies have stepped up their black activities. They probably took advantage of your own accidental oversight or mistake. You need to be careful with your colleagues and superiors. The noise will soon subside, and if you're lucky, it won't come to open disassembly. The optimal behavior in such a situation is a passionate and responsible performance of duties. The bosses will see that you do not respond to slander, and they will forget the unfavorable information.

If a finger on the left hand has suffered from a cut, gossipers try to influence loved ones. They flip facts or use fiction to tarnish your name in the eyes of loved ones. You can fight this only with sincere care and attention.

Little finger

This finger is associated with material pleasures, comfort, prosperity. There will be unexpected or even unnecessary expenses if you cut your finger on your right hand. The sign claims that the planned acquisition will not be useful for you. Think before spending money. In addition, you need to take your wallet out of your pocket less often: you will be drawn to the purchase of useless things.

A wound on the left little finger portends a feeling of dissatisfaction, a lack of comfort. IN everyday life this portends minor breakdowns, malfunction household appliances, the heating will be turned off or the water is hot, there will be no favorite milk in the store, and the like.

How to prevent the negative effects of cuts

Get scared bad omens not worth it. The people came up with an "antidote" for this case too. If the cut is not very deep, place a ring on this finger. Gold will help to cope with negative forecasts related to external circumstances. For example, spot a thief in time and protect your wallet. Silver acts on the person himself. It will help to perceive what happened with humor, to see the positive in any situation. It is advised to pour a deep wound with holy water. And, of course, do not expect anything terrible. Remember, Signs are clues. If you use them correctly, you will be able to get around the trouble in a roundabout way. Good luck!

A person who has never injured his finger in his life does not exist in nature, except perhaps infants... We cook, do handicrafts, gardening. We nail our hands with doors, scald with hot tea. Some people even manage to cut their palms with a book page! Fingers are always in the line of fire. Often we do not pay attention to minor injuries - covered with a plaster and then on business! But the signs say: in vain. A random rank can be a direct message about something extremely significant.

What does the sign "cut your finger" mean?

Nails, like hair, are considered to be a kind of antennas that connect a person to the universe. It is not for nothing that in the old days their haircut turned into special sacrament, and everything cut was carefully collected and destroyed so that an evil sorcerer would not lay his paw on the accidentally lost piece. Naturally, the connection with the Cosmos was also attributed to the fingers, because, if the theory is correct, each of them is crowned with its own miniature "transmitter"! Under such conditions, why not be able to look at least into the near future?

Damage on the left or right hand with a knife, scissors or something else

  • A slight injury to the finger on the right hand is considered a harbinger loud scandal with the participation of a man, and on the left - a woman. You should be careful with overly emotional friends and colleagues, otherwise you will come out of the skirmish with a nervous tic. Do you need it?

It can be assumed that a painful cut makes a person not the most peaceful interlocutor, which is why quarrels at this time happen more often.

  • If a girl injures her finger on her leading hand, it means that her lover was thinking about her at that moment. And if the trouble happened on the eve of the New Year or Christmas, one can hope to find a wedding ring in a festive glass of champagne. However, the hand may not be the leading one, so long as it does not turn out to be the thumb of the right hand. A cut on it threatens major trouble.
Did the girl cut her finger over her morning coffee in Moscow? Somewhere in Thailand at dinner her beloved remembers. Connection between loving hearts strong!

Many cultures believe that an invisible but strong bond is established between lovers. This explains the omen: the young man remembered the girl, her heart fluttered, her hand trembled unintentionally - the sign is ready. Receive and sign.

  • The most "creepy" version of belief is intimidating: if you deeply cut one or more fingers on your left hand, one of your relatives can say goodbye to life. And in order to protect themselves from danger, loved ones (most often the omen speaks of the parents of the poor guy who cut himself) must immediately get off the spot and move. It can be assumed that the belief was born from a simple association: blood poured out - we are talking about a blood relative, it was painful - they are coming bad events... But if the omen really worked, all the chefs would be completely orphans, and among representatives of other professions, every second would be hit.

However, you can benefit from superstition. Cut a finger on your left hand - think about your parents and carve out a week in your busy schedule to visit them. Gently ask about your health, please with positive news, invite to your place for a couple of days. Or maybe do all of the above, without waiting for the tip of a selfless finger?

Interpretation on every finger

A cut on the index finger threatens with lack of money and low self-esteem

Table for wounds on the leading and passive arms or if the cut is deep

Pay attention not only to which hand was hurt, but also to see if the cut is deep. A small scratch from a knife or scissors promises one thing, a deep wound another. And if the damage turned out to be really serious - for example, it was necessary to put stitches - the sign is interpreted in the same way for both the right and left hands.

Leading hand (the one you actively use) Prediction Passive hand Prediction Severe Damage Prediction
Large You are too fixated on your problems, while one of your next of kin is in dire need of your help and support. Large You are going in the wrong direction and setting the wrong goals for yourself. Take time out and reflect on your life. Something conceived does not fully comply with the requirements of morality and can cause pain to others, for which you will be punished afterwards. In order not to start this chain, weigh each action. Any pebble thrown at another will return to you as a cobblestone.
Pointing Do not argue with your superiors - lose your place. Don't waste your money - you'll have to shrink soon. And do not quarrel - you will run into a high-ranking and vindictive enemy. Pointing You are probably worried or about to enter difficult period, which will undermine your faith in yourself. Don't give in! A little more, and the clouds will disperse. An insidious enemy lurked nearby, trying to ruin your plans. Continue to move towards your goal, but slow down and do not talk about successes or problems.
Average You can't help everyone, and those around you - just imagine - will not disappear without your advice. Leave other people's lives alone and take care of your own. Average If you don't learn to bite your tongue in time, hurt the one who loves you. A relative will be offended for a long time, and a loved one can go in search of a more sensitive soul mate. Your sex life and creativity. So that the first does not suffer, pay more attention to your partner, and in order to keep the second in order, rest and devote time to your favorite activities. Better to combine both.
Nameless Not everything will go smoothly in the service. Clashes, overwhelmed projects, a computer that stubbornly hangs when it is so important for you to have time to submit a report on time - anything is possible. Nameless Someone is looking for opportunities to do nasty things to you, so be doubly careful.

Signs interpret the wound on this finger as an indication of damage. If you do not want to spend the next months running around sorcerers and psychics, urgently engage your thoughts with the positive - the better you succeed, the more reliable will be the barrier from the alien negative energy... If the fear is too strong, go to church. For a believer better protection from the evil eye does not happen.

Little finger In all cases, the little finger scolds: you are subject to envy, and this feeling prevents you from achieving what you really need. Stop looking at other people's achievements and focus on your own.

If you injure two or more at once

If the injury occurs on two or more fingers, you should pay attention to the one that suffered the most. If all "participants in the action" are cut off equally, treat the problem according to the table in a complex manner.

If blood cuts are too frequent

Keep in mind that one accidental wound almost never turns out to be an omen. You can treat it as a warning only after receiving a second or even a third cut in the same area, and in a matter of days. But what if the injuries have become so frequent that it no longer fits into the normal framework? It looks like the problem is really ripe. Arm yourself with interpretation and start solving it. But the world will accept so subtle and diverse that it is too difficult to make unambiguous statements. Immediately rely on your intuition, it will tell you the right way out.

Prick with a needle, pin or rose thorn

How not to fall in love with a beauty in such a new thing?
  • A needle stuck in the thumb is considered a sign of impending trouble.
  • If you prick your hand while embroidering, the work will go quickly, and the craftswoman will get a lot of praise for her.
  • Are you planning to decorate yourself with a new thing, but you got bloodied with a needle? Do not be discouraged and do not abandon the "needlework"! If you bring it to the end and put it on, a handsome prince will surely fall in love with you. Or just a decent man.
  • A bad omen is to inject a newlywed on the day of the wedding. Stay away from needles and pins, or your relationship with your husband will be prickly.
  • Whoever stumbles upon a rose thorn will be disappointed in close person... Either greenhouse owners, flower sellers and amateur gardeners are very lonely people, or the omen is still wrong.

And if you pinch your hand?

A finger injured in an unequal battle with a door, a window or any other heavy thing is not considered a sign if a slight redness has passed before the evening. But when a conspicuous bruise appears on the pinched place, beware of a quarrel. You will need all the composure that you can find in yourself, because you will be provoked into a scandal for a long time and stubbornly.

Why inadvertently burn or scald

Strictly speaking, high temperatures, whether it be a burning match or boiling water, by signs do not differ much from a cut. But small discrepancies in the signs "cut" and "scald your finger", if desired, can be found.

Big, forefinger, middle, ring, or pinky?


Someone from your family will ask for your advice the other day. Take his request very seriously, you are really needed.


Money will begin to flow away, as if into a bottomless hole. Become leaner.


Quarrels lie in wait at every turn! Drink valerian, get busy breathing exercises or comprehend Zen, so as not to succumb to provocateurs.


The upcoming troubles concern the service sphere. Double your diligence so you don't miss.

Little finger And again, well-being is under attack. Do not invest in dubious projects, and keep your wallet and phone in sight, otherwise they will be taken away.

First aid

Be sure to sterilize the wound

In the old days, they tried to immediately stick a piece of cobweb on the wound, most often with the appropriate hex for speedy healing. Not as stupid as it might seem! The web itself is a tolerable dressing material - it is sterile, environmentally friendly, the blood stops ... One BUT: if the future bandages are not woven by the hard worker-spider right in front of your eyes, 20 seconds before the cut, there is no question of any sterility. Dust and fly remains will safely move to a fresh wound. Even if you are a fan-reenactor, you should not be like your ancestors in this matter. Disinfect the wound, cover it with a plaster, and if the cut or injection is very deep, look at the emergency room. It is better to appear to the doctor on duty as a reinsurer than to treat the inflammation later.

Put your burnt finger under the stream cold water for a few minutes. (It is not recommended to use ice, you may not follow the sensations and add frostbite to the burn.) Then apply the appropriate ointment to the skin and apply a gauze bandage. Do not open bubbles!

And in order to get rid of mystical difficulties at once, put on the wounded finger for a couple of minutes Golden ring... Noble metal removes evil and attracts success to its owner.

It is believed that a finger injured during the waning moon will heal hard and slowly, no matter how you try to heal it. But the growing moon will speed up your recovery.

You can argue to the point of hoarseness about whether to believe in omens, all the same, everyone will remain unconvinced. But even realists can see the positive side of finger superstitions. By forcing you to reflect on your life, a small wound will play the role of a real psychotherapist, or even really help you see a problem that previously escaped your attention.

In ancient times, people treated their hands with respect and attentiveness, because with their help it was possible to predict the future of a person. There are a number of countries where women and girls wear gloves in order to protect themselves from damage, negative energy... If accidents happened to the hand, a mythological explanation was given. The cut of the finger mattered. Older generations explained that such an action is a harbinger of future incidents, even if you cut your finger by accident.

A cut thumb Is a harbinger of misfortune and failure

Harbinger of the future

Most often, women can cut their fingers, as they regularly deal with kitchen knives... Signs interpret that it matters which finger was cut. Cutting your thumb is a harbinger of misfortune and failure. In ancient times, such a sign was treated positively, because it meant that they thought about a person at that moment, and the stronger and more serious the wound was, the stronger the feelings for the person were, the topic of the conversation was positive.

Such a sign for a girl meant that her soulmate was thinking about her. Positive value have all the fingers of the hand, just not the thumb. In ancient times, sages believed that through this part of the body a person can communicate with space, and any damage portends changes. In this way, the guardian angel wanted to predict and prepare a person. It also matters which hand the cut is on:

  • If a cut on your thumb right hand, then - this is a harbinger of the fact that you will need to help your relatives, you will need to devote time to them.
  • When you cut your left thumb, it is a sign that everything planned will not come true, even if you put in an effort. You will need to make a serious decision on which your entire future will depend.

The meaning of prediction

Signs interpret that the injury to this part of the body is of particular importance for the girl; it is also important to consider when the action took place. If a girl is injured before the New Year, then she will marry or meet her soul mate. The same prediction when to prick with a needle. You can also damage the nail. The sign explains that after such a sign it is not recommended to plan a trip, you will face troubles and temporary financial difficulties.

Cutting your right thumb is a harbinger of needing to help your family.

You need to monitor your actions, because they can bring harm, trouble and trouble to loved ones. A slight injury is a sign that you will have a quarrel with your loved one, colleague, friend, relative. Full moon trauma will heal quickly. When the moon is incomplete, the process will take a long time.

Whole hand prediction

Other fingers can be damaged. The action of the right hand is explained as follows:

  • An injury to the index finger portends material difficulties. It could mean a layoff, a decline wages, fine at work.
  • It's a bad omen to decide everything for others. This portends the middle finger.
  • The nameless one will bring you a quarrel in the work area.
  • The little finger will help you calm your jealousy.

An injury to the fingers of the left hand will help to change life, and pay attention to the opinions and advice of loved ones. The middle one acts as a harbinger of a quarrel, the nameless one will help you protect yourself from bad influence, scammers. You will be able to prove yourself with positive side and make the people around you pay attention to you. A damaged pinky will protect you from wasting time. It will show that you do not need to envy loved ones, you should think about your future.

To prick a finger - for a girl, a sign means that a loved one is thinking about her now. If this happened before the New Year, he will bring marriage. The same result will be obtained if the girl cuts her finger.

If you pinch your finger, it portends an unpleasant surprise. Folk wisdom does not recommend keeping your fingers between your fingers (crossing). But the banal fig is very much even welcomed - as a preventive measure against the evil eye and damage.

Looking at the shape of other people's fingers will give the observant person rich food for thought. For example, highly intelligent natures, but at the same time poetic, artistic and sensual, have long thin fingers.

People whose fingers are short and clumsy cannot boast of great intelligence. Rather, on the contrary, their mental capacity are small. At the same time, the owners of such fingers are quite violent, and when necessary - and cunning, so you need to communicate with them carefully. They are most concerned with the satisfaction of their own flesh, and they do not even remember about such a subtle matter as the soul.

Short toes square shape say that the character of their owner is characterized by limitations, stubbornness and - how back side medals - perseverance and hard work, practicality. The ground under their feet is solid, and the income is large enough thanks to the ability to earn. But they spend little due to the fact that by nature they are thrifty, if not stingy. People with such nails are distinguished by their diligence.

Long, square-shaped fingers belong to people who have enough developed intelligence and analytical mind. They are very successful in areas such as science, banking, finance, business. Excessive conservatism is perhaps the only drawback of such people.

Long and knotty fingers are the lot of pedants who reach the heights of careers in architecture, medicine, mathematics and others. exact sciences... Such people are characterized by perfectionism.

Holders of fingers "shovel" can be safely called jack of all trades. Everything that they do (and they constantly invent something, disassemble, create), bears generous fruits.

Tapered fingers belong creative people, for example, writers or composers. To create masterpieces, in addition to abilities, they are helped by the perseverance inherited from nature and the desire for research work.

Long pointed fingers have their own name - psychic. It arose because people with such fingers are impulsive, vulnerable, their mood changes at an amazing speed. It's no wonder that just as quickly, some hobbies are replaced by others. Principle and honesty are characteristic of people with such fingers, but they do not always succeed in defending their beliefs due to a lack of natural vitality.

The fingers bent inward indicate, to put it mildly, the modest thinking abilities of a person. In this sense, people with very flexible fingers are their complete opposites. Thick fingers are a sign that their owner is too great attention devotes to the needs of his flesh.

It should be noted that in pure form the above types are rare. Therefore, you will have to call on all your observation to "calculate" which of them is dominant.

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