Home natural farming Divination for the present and the future. Interesting in the category of divination on playing cards. Playing deck suits and their meaning

Divination for the present and the future. Interesting in the category of divination on playing cards. Playing deck suits and their meaning

To make a layout for love on your own, you need to divide the deck into 3 parts and lay it out on the table. It is necessary to remove the top cards from each pile, put them in front of the one who is being guessed in a row. The left is responsible for the past, which accumulated the energy of love throughout life. The central one shows what is happening now on the love front of a person. The card on the right shows what opportunities the questioner has in love in the near future.

When divination occurs, it is required to use the senses as much as possible. To create the desired positive mood, turn on your favorite music, watch a positive movie, good memories help to tune in. There is no need to divide Tarot cards into good and bad. Each has a specific purpose, and any one can hide the best scenario. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, if you have a feeling that you are not assessing the situation correctly, there is no need to rush, but it is worth thinking several times.

Often it seems to many that no events are happening, but in reality everything is completely different, it’s just that a person has no idea. If you have a strong belief that at the very beginning you went down the wrong path, you may be right, and the cards inform you about this. It happens that the situation you dream about will not happen under any circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this in a timely manner and go the other way.

Fortune telling online: "past, present, future"

Fortune telling online Tarot allows you to find out the current state of affairs, understand the circumstances of the past and predict what awaits a person in the future. In this scenario, 3 Tarot cards are involved, each of which is responsible for the time period in the position in which it falls.

To start divination online according to the Tarot layout “past, present, future”, you need to select 3 cards, the system will give out all the information about what was, is and expects in the future. When the information is given to you, you must carefully analyze it, draw conclusions and heed the advice.

Tarot layout for the "situation"

Situations can be favorable and unfavorable and they are associated with different areas of life. The alignment will help you get a general idea of ​​​​the situation in which you are now, get important information about how to manage it for success in love relationships and all areas in the future. Everyone can independently set the duration of the Tarot layout. Before you start the session, you need to pay maximum attention to the meaning of the question. It must express feelings and thoughts. You need to be fully prepared to receive both a positive and a negative answer, then you have nothing to fear and you will overcome any difficulties along the way. For the “situation” layout, you need to lay out 3 cards. They are interpreted as follows: the central card is the “key of the situation”, the card on the left is “comments”, the right one is “recommendations”.

When reading cards, both the initial and the last impression are important. Your feelings, such as fear, feelings, cold, warmth, lightness, all this must be combined with the result that the cards showed. The alignment will help to understand the current situation and make the most correct decision. You can’t guess at the same situation often, it can be confusing.

Online fortune-telling "present events"

To find out information about what awaits you in the coming hours, you need to do the Tarot layout “card of the day”. Maps will warn you of any upcoming event. Their meaning is not so easy to remember, so use the interpretation that the Internet gives out. If you draw a card and it does not give clear information, listen to the feelings and if you feel anxiety, then listen and pay special attention to it. If after a day or two the feeling of anxiety becomes stronger, you need to do the alignment for "today" again. Perhaps you lost sight of how it seemed to you a trifle and could not correctly interpret the alignment. Maps do not serve as a guide to action, they just help you find the right path and suggest ways to solve a problem. They can tell you what is the best thing for you to do, what suitable profession to choose and achieve great success.

Tarot layouts: what they are and what they are for

Tarot cards originate from ancient times, people have always loved predictions, they answer many questions of the questioner, give advice on how to get out of a certain difficult situation and help to know oneself, reveal one's inner world and understand it. But the cards cannot give a definite answer. There are many layouts of Tarot cards, and they are able to answer various questions, but there are the most common ones:

  • "Map of the day". This alignment will tell you exactly how to spend the day and what needs to be done to make it successful.
  • "Way". He answers how to act in his situation, how to behave in order to bring desires to life, how to solve a certain problem.
  • "Celtic cross". Answers any question asked and provides a general picture of the questioner's future.
  • "Pyramid". It gives answers to questions about what can positively influence a certain situation and how a person should act.
  • "In searching of love". Helps to know the personality of the person who will bring a love relationship into your life.
  • "For a kindred spirit." Shows you how to find your soul mate.

The questioner needs to remember that he independently decides how to act in a particular situation.

10 card layout

This alignment gives an idea of ​​the future life of the questioner, as well as the past and present. The first row tells about the past, the second about the present, and the third about the future. Cards can be laid out alternately in rows.

  • S - significator
  • 1, 2, 3 is the first row.
  • 4, 5, 6 is the second.
  • 7, 8, 9 is the third.

To get more accurate information, you need a different alignment.

  • 2, 1, 3 - in the first row means the past.
  • 4, 5, 6 - in the second row mean the present.
  • 8, 7, 9 - in the third row show the future.
  • Cards in the middle 1 4 7 - talk about the general state of affairs of the questioner in a certain time period - past, present and future.
  • The cards on the left 2 5 8 - mean forces that enter into confrontation, desires that interfere with the achievement of goals.
  • The cards on the right 3 6 9 - mean the end result, the way out of the contradictory situation and the consistency of those forces that lead to success.

This way you can get information.

"Gypsy layout"

This fortune-telling is required to be carried out with the cards of the "Senior Arcana", the diagram shows exactly how they need to be laid out.

Cards mean:

  • No 1 - own "I".
  • No 2 - means that he loves you.
  • No 3 - what is ruining you.
  • No4 - what teaches you.
  • No 5 - what torments you.
  • No 6 - what awaits you.
  • No 7 - that will not leave you.

For fortune-telling to be accurate, you need to tune in and mentally turn to the cards and pulling out each of them, ask yourself in turn about the question corresponding to the card number.

Spread of desire

The Tarot layout for desire will help you find out what exactly the questioner wants and what forces prevent you from making your cherished desire come true.

  • No 1 - what is the desire.
  • No 2 - does the questioner deserve the fulfillment of his desire.
  • No 3 - forces that prevent the realization of desire.
  • No 4 - forces that help the fulfillment of desire.
  • No 5 - should the questioner change something to fulfill the desire.
  • No 6 - whether the desire meets the interests of the questioner.
  • No 7 - how it all ends.

There are many layouts, in order to understand which one suits the area you need, you need to try different options and see how easy and understandable it is for you to work with them. If fortune-telling is carried out by a tarot reader with extensive experience, then it is not difficult for him to work with any of the Tarot layouts. The events indicated during divination can happen quickly, or they can take place over time.

No one is capable of revealing your future to you with 100% accuracy. Just as it does not paint you a complete picture of what awaits you.

Fortune telling with the help of 36 playing cards can warn you of possible danger, suggest what needs to be done to accomplish your plan, what obstacles may arise in your path, and how to deal with them.

Consider several ways to predict using playing cards.

Divination for the near future

For this ritual for the near future, you will need 36 playing cards. Divination proceeds as follows. After mixing the deck, lay out 5 cards horizontally, then randomly remove part of the cards towards themselves and again lay out the cards on top of the existing ones.

This should be done three times. In the end, you will get five stacks of three, and another should be pulled out and put separately.

Put the rest of the deck of cards aside - you won't need it. Now it's time to decipher the divination. The first pile on the left means what fate has prepared for you at the present time, the second symbolizes personal life, the third - family, the fourth - the past, the fifth - the future. A separately lying card speaks of events that will reassure you in case of negative predictions.

Divination decoding

Peak suit:

  • Ace - bad news;
  • The king is a person who interferes with your plans;
  • Lady - do not pay attention to gossip;
  • Jack - empty hopes;
  • Ten - you will be condemned;
  • Nine is a minor illness;
  • Eight - disappointment;
  • Seven - unpleasant changes;
  • Six - separation from home.

Heart suit:

  • Ace - take care of the family;
  • The king is a lover for a lady, for a man a stranger;
  • A lady is a lover for the stronger sex, for a woman she is a stranger;
  • Jack - the help of a friend;
  • Ten - financial success;
  • Nine is a reliable person;
  • Eight - learn to be happy;
  • Seven - the risk will justify itself;
  • Six is ​​an unexpected meeting.

Club suit:

  • Ace - profit;
  • The king is a respectable man;
  • Lady - an influential woman;
  • Jack - your efforts will not be in vain;
  • Ten is fun;
  • Nine - change for the better;
  • Eight is a gift;
  • Seven is good luck;
  • Six is ​​mixed news.

Diamond suit:

  • Ace - important news;
  • The king is a lover for a lady, a friend for a man;
  • Lady - a friend for a woman, a fan for a man;
  • Jack - do not trust appearance;
  • Ten is a good mood;
  • Nine is a simple solution nearby;
  • Eight - a sincere person nearby;
  • Seven - take care of friends;
  • Six - good luck in all endeavors.

What hides the past, present and future

Fortune telling with the help of 36 playing cards will allow you to discover the secrets of your past, clarify the present and look into the future.

Before you start this, you should decide on the period that interests you.

After thoroughly mixing the deck, pull out any three of the 36 playing cards and lay them in a row in front of you. They will symbolize your past.

Next, we again pull out three at random and lay them out under the top row. These cards hold the secrets of your present. In the same way, lay out the third row, symbolizing your future. And we put one more card separately at the bottom.

This divination on playing cards is deciphered as follows. First, you should pay attention to the suit. If spades predominate in the cards of one row, this symbolizes misfortune, death, loss, the prevailing club suits in the cards of the row also do not bring anything good. A diamond suit can mean both success and small troubles, but a heart suit can mean success and good luck in everything.
If we conditionally number the cards, it turns out that 1,2 and 3 characterize the past, 4,5 and 6 characterize the present, and 7,8 and 9 characterize the future, with the ninth card symbolizing the distant future.

Decoding by dignity

In cards, it is aces that always symbolize complete surprise, kings and queens denote people who are quite close to the person of the fortuneteller, jacks are unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people who can affect the events of your life.

Dozens symbolize serious plans, expectations; nines can denote both monetary gain and financial loss; eights - empty worries, unnecessary fuss; sevens - gossip, useful tips, intrigues of enemies; sixes - road, business trip, journey, sometimes quite a long one.

Jack, king and queen of spades designate respected, influential people, club suit - middle-aged and little influence, tambourine - quite young, but already successful people, hearts - close people.

The value of the suit and size when decoding

The nine of spades portends a serious obstacle in your path; cross suit - a fatal mistake, a fatal miss; tambourine - financial success; heart - success in love affairs.

The eight of spades symbolizes the blow of fate; clubs - sadness and tears; tambourine - profit, replenishment of the budget; hearts - laughter, a cheerful company, a holiday.

Seven of the suit of spades means problems at work, major quarrels, scandals, hatred, gossip; club suit - a profitable business proposal; tambourine - good news, receiving an award; heart - good news, unexpected joy.

The ace of spades portends major troubles, sometimes even the death of a loved one; tambourine - monetary success or marriage; hearts - good news. Peak ten portends illness; club - disagreements, serious quarrels, scandals; tambourine - a large financial profit; heart - a joyful event, fun.

The peak six brings with it difficulties, worries, shame; cross - irritation, unpleasant trip; tambourine - a rather difficult task that will be appreciated; heart - a pleasant journey, a possible promotion.


Fortune telling on the cards will help you plan your life, warn of troubles and tell you how to deal with them. Knowing the interpretation of the suit and the dignity of all the cards, you can come up with your own layout and use it if necessary.

Fortune-telling on cards for the future helped to lift the veil of secrecy, to learn about the unknown, to predict one's fate, to unravel how others relate to the fortuneteller. The most popular spreads are performed on 36 cards - we will share the best fortune-telling methods, thanks to which you will learn a lot of new things.

Let's look at the four most popular layouts. They will help you find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the coming month, lift the veil of secrets from the past, better understand the present and predict the future - short and long term.

For the coming month

To tell fortunes and find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the next thirty days, you need to choose the right time. For this method, the last days of the current month (from the 29th to the 31st) are suitable.

It is necessary to carefully shuffle the deck, and then randomly draw 9 cards from it. The meanings of these cards will tell you about the near future. For example:

Please note: the sequence in which the cards fall out and the number of suited pictures also matter. Study the interpretation scheme in as much detail as possible in order to select the correct value and correctly guess the future.

For past and future

This is a universal divination. It is advisable not to use a playing deck and not to guess on the new moon - under such conditions there is a risk that the cards will begin to lie and tell a lie. It is also not recommended to use this fortune-telling more than once a day.

How to guess:

  1. Choose the right day. In the evening, sit down at the table, light candles (this is not necessary, but the energy of Fire will help you to deeper reveal the secrets of your past and better understand what awaits in the future), prepare a deck
  2. Shuffle the deck well. While shuffling, focus on what you want to know. You must be calm, relaxed and at peace. Try not to let extraneous thoughts enter your mind - you should only be interested in guessing
  3. After shuffling, remove five cards from the top of the deck and lay them out on the table in a horizontal row. At the same time, it is necessary to say the following phrase: “For me, for my heart, for my home, I want to know what was and what will be.” Important: cards must be removed with the left hand (closer to the heart) in the direction away from you
  4. Repeat the third step. But you will have to get and lay out not five cards, but six. And the words will be different. When laying out cards from the deck, repeat: “The heart will calm down, the matter will end”

Then examine which cards have been drawn. In the first row - indicate what has already happened in your life. A five-card spread will indicate mistakes made in the past or details that are worth paying attention to.

The layout of six cards will indicate what the fortuneteller expects in the future.

Interpretations can be as follows:

The most accurate for the future

The next, third method, which we will talk about, is not the most popular, but definitely the most accurate. It is based on the magic of the number 13, which patronizes all magical rites, rituals and divination. When using this many cards, they most often tell the truth.

But you can use this fortune-telling only in one case - when you are faced with a choice: you need to make a certain decision. If the situation is critical, you see two scenarios and cannot choose the right one, you can apply this fortune-telling.

How it is done:

  • Prepare a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle carefully. During shuffling, clearly imagine the current situation, think about possible options for solving a problem or getting out of a critical situation.
  • Then randomly draw thirteen cards

Not all of the thirteen cards will be taken into account in the interpretation, but only those that were odd. What they point to:

  1. The first card - personifies some important event that worries you the most at the moment
  2. The third one will indicate the reason why you find it difficult to make a decision.
  3. Fifth - predicts events and situations that will happen to the fortuneteller in the very near future
  4. Seventh - indicates the abilities and talents of a person, the strengths of his personality, which must be used on the path to success
  5. Ninth - will indicate people who are able to help the fortuneteller in solving his problem. Or is it some kind of opportunity that needs to be used in the near future
  6. Eleventh - these are the sources of negativity that is present in the life of a fortuneteller and prevents him from moving forward

To unravel the meaning, use the interpreter:

For upcoming events

This simple fortune-telling will help you find out what awaits a person in the near future, as well as predict events that will not happen very soon.

First, prepare a deck of 36 cards. Then shuffle carefully. Remove the cards randomly three times towards you. Set the discarded cards aside.

From the remaining deck, select 16 cards - they will be used for divination.

These divinations are very simple. Any person can perform them. But be careful and do not be skeptical about the ritual - the cards tell the truth only to those who believe in them and have no doubt that the prediction will come true.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Self divination technique:

For divination for love according to the "Past, Present, Future" layout, you need to divide the deck into three parts and put them on the table. Remove the top cards from each of the piles and place them in a row in front of the questioner. The left card is the past, which accumulated the energy of love in the life of the questioner. The middle card means what is happening in the love life of the questioner now. The right card indicates impulses, desires and possibilities in the sphere of love.

During divination, it is important to use your senses. A favorite movie, memory, song can help you create the right mood. Try not to divide cards into bad and good. They all have a special purpose, for any of them a successful outcome of events can be hidden. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, if you begin to feel that you have made a mistake in understanding the situation correctly, take your time, think again. Sometimes we feel like nothing is happening. The reality may be different, we just don't know it yet. But if you are firmly convinced that you initially went down the wrong path - perhaps it is, and the cards let you know about it. It happens that the situation you are counting on really cannot happen. The main thing is to realize this in time and choose a different path.

2 main ways to find true love:

1. Capture the essence of phenomena.

The psychological, physiological, social and financial conformity of a man and a woman is not enough to call the relationship Love. It is necessary to go to a deeper, hidden plane of interaction, which is available only to especially refined natures. In the words of a classic, you need to feel everything, otherwise the world loses its meaning. This invisible world of energies determines who your true soul mate is. Magicians will help to develop the natural ability to read information and look beyond the limits of everyday, ordinary reality. Not all of them have vision, but they are excellent at teaching hypersensitivity with the help of certain psychotechnics. The subconscious will begin to signal to you about where the real Love is, and where the illusions are. It remains only to catch this message, correctly interpret and receive manifestation in the material world.

2. Self-improvement.

One should not think that if everyone starts to improve their energy nature, divorces and families that exist without Love will disappear. Not everyone can reach the divine frequency of spiritual vibrations. Many are invited, few are chosen. Love is God's great gift. According to the immutable universal laws, it is awarded to those who have succeeded in spirituality. Knowing the incomprehensible and inexorable forces hidden in man and space, we attract truly beloved people. Previously, this knowledge was available only to a small number of initiates who went through a special initiation and special psychic training. Now, thanks to information technology, many secrets become public, but do not find practical application. The ability to seek and see miracles among contemporaries is atrophied. This means that there are restrictions that prevent meeting true Love. The esoteric path implies a movement from gross to subtle, makes it possible to achieve perfection and gain unconditional Love. It is she who brings changes into our lives that a limited mind is not capable of. The path prompted by the heart is unmistakable, for the one walking along it feels everything at once.

One of the most popular is fortune-telling on the cards "Past, present, future." The popularity of this method is easily explained by the fact that it can cover a significant period of a person's life and understand how various life events can affect fate in general.

The most truthful divination is the one you believe in. Perhaps this is the most important condition for the success of a fortune-telling rite. But besides this, you need to remember that there are a number of rules that must be followed. So it should be remembered that a fortune-telling rite should be carried out only in a positive mood. Women should not guess on critical days.

Remember fortune telling on the cards "Past, present, future" will be true only if you use cards that you have not played before. In addition, only you must be the owner of the cards. They must not fall, even by accident, into the wrong hands.

You can increase the likelihood of obtaining truthful information by providing a special atmosphere in a separate room where fortune-telling will be held. To do this, light candles and turn off artificial lighting. It is also recommended to cover the table with a dark tablecloth.

Execution of the alignment

In order to learn about the past, understand the present and predict the future, you need to use a deck of 36 cards. Having retired to a separate room, you need to complete all the above recommended preparations, and focus on your desire that you want to receive a true prediction. A deck of cards must be carefully shuffled for several minutes. Thus, an energy connection with the cards is established.

When the feeling comes that the cards are ready to tell you the truth, you need to alternately remove the top five cards with your left hand and lay them out in front of you from left to right in a row, shirts up. Do the same two more times. That is, it is necessary to lay out three rows of cards with five cards each. At the end of the layout, another card is laid out from the bottom. Then the cards are turned over in the same order as they were laid out.

The layout is interpreted in columns as follows:

  • The first column indicates what will become the most important for you in the future.
  • The second column predicts what will happen in personal life.
  • The third column will describe events in the family at the present time.
  • The fourth column will describe events in the past that have had a direct impact on the present and will further affect the future.
  • The fifth column gives you an overall picture of the particular life period you are interested in.
  • The last card, laid out from the bottom under all the rows, focuses on the layout, which will calm the heart.

Interpretation is carried out according to the meanings of the cards and their suits:

  • Ace: hearts - success and prosperity, clubs - profit, diamonds - inheritance, peak - life shock.
  • King: hearts - the appearance in the life of a man, clubs - the influence of an imperious man, diamonds - the possible birth of a boy, peak - an improvement in well-being.
  • Lady: hearts - the appearance in the life of a woman, clubs - the help of a close relative, diamonds - the possible birth of a girl, peak - hostility.
  • Jack of hearts - help from a friend, clubs - minor troubles, diamonds - receiving news, spades - a high probability of deception.
  • Ten: hearts - receiving funds, clubs - financial losses, diamonds - profitable deals, peak - condemnation of people.
  • Nine: hearts - the emergence of relationships, clubs - the emergence of strong feelings, diamonds - successful negotiations, peak - deterioration in health.
  • Eight: hearts - a happy life period, clubs - receiving news, diamonds - good news, peak - life disappointments.
  • Seven: hearts - changes for the better, clubs - understanding and care of loved ones, diamonds - various problems, peak - life's troubles.
  • Six: hearts - an unexpected meeting, clubs - an unexpected trip, diamonds - a business trip or business trip, peak - parting.

The most important combinations in this scenario are the following:

  • King of clubs six and jack - a long forced business trip.
  • Jack of clubs between any two cards - difficulties and problems.
  • The eight of clubs and the seven next to the ace of hearts - a love wedding soon.
  • The six of clubs between any two cards of the highest value - success and inspiration.
  • Spades king, queen and jack - confirmation that there is a powerful patron.
  • Any card between the seven of diamonds and the nine of spades is trouble in your personal life.
  • A queen of diamonds and a jack next to the ten of spades is a deception and the appearance of unpleasant people in the environment.
  • Diamonds eight and nine next to any card - a warning about a possible betrayal.

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