Home Natural farming Rock paintings of people in spacesuits. UFO depiction in ancient art. Who and why put the images on the rocks

Rock paintings of people in spacesuits. UFO depiction in ancient art. Who and why put the images on the rocks

, 1780

History Mysteries: Prehistoric UFO and alien rock carvings have been discovered in India. Researchers have confirmed the authenticity of striking prehistoric rock carvings found in India. In the drawings, which, according to experts, are about 10 thousand years old, it is easy to distinguish several figures of some unearthly creatures and objects in the form of a disk.

The Department of Archeology of the Indian state of Chhattisgarh has asked various aerospace agencies to help determine the nature of these images. The experts were struck by the similarity of the depicted figures and objects with aliens and flying saucers, as we often see them in science fiction films.

According to one of the Indian experts, it is as if "ancient people 10 thousand years ago portrayed their impressions after watching fantastic films."

Is it possible that 10 thousand years ago they depicted what they actually saw? The mysteries of history and in favor of this version is evidenced by the fact that these drawings are similar to other rock paintings found in different parts of the world. The Chhattisgarh rock carvings are not unique, they are fairly typical of several ancient cultures.

Local archaeologist J.R. Bhagat believes it is likely that the ancients witnessed a visit to Earth by guests from other planets, which they captured on the walls of their caves.

“The drawings are made in the colors traditional for the area, which have been perfectly preserved despite the years. Strange figures hold in their hands something that looks like a weapon and are devoid of clear features - there is no nose or mouth on their heads. In some of the drawings, the creatures are wearing space suits. " We cannot rule out the presence of imagination in prehistoric man, but the likelihood that the authors of the drawings simply invented these images is negligible, archaeologists say.

Perhaps the alien visit was reflected in the beliefs of the inhabitants of local villages. Few of them consider rock paintings "sacred", but many have heard from their ancestors about some "Rochela people" - short creatures who descended from heaven in flying objects of a round shape and took with them one or two local residents, about whom no one else never heard anything, based on materials ua-reporter.com.

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Traditionally, cave paintings are called petroglyphs, this is the name for all images on stone from ancient times (Paleolithic) up to the Middle Ages, both primitive cave rock carvings, and later ones, for example, on specially installed stones, megaliths or "wild" rocks.

Such monuments are not concentrated anywhere in one place, but are widely scattered across the face of our planet. They were found in Kazakhstan (Tamgaly), in Karelia, in Spain (Altamira cave), in France (Font de Gome, Montespan, etc.), in Siberia, on the Don (Kostenki), in Italy, England, Germany, in Algeria, where the giant multicolored paintings of the Tassilin-Ajer plateau in the Sahara, among the sands of the desert, have recently been discovered and made a sensation around the world.

Despite the fact that cave paintings have been studied for about 200 years, they still remain a mystery.

Rock carvings of the Hopi Indians in the state of Arizona, USA, depicting some Kachina creatures. The Indians considered them to be their heavenly teachers.

According to the generally accepted theory of evolution, primitive man remained a primitive hunter and gatherer for many tens of thousands of years. And then he was suddenly struck by a real insight, and he began to draw and carve mysterious symbols and images on the walls of his caves, rocks and mountain crevices.

The famous Onega petroglyphs.

Oswald O. Tobisch, a man of generous and diverse talents, spent 30 years researching more than 6,000 cave paintings, trying to restore some kind of logical system that unites them. When you get acquainted with the findings of his research and numerous comparison tables, it is literally breathtaking. Tobisch traces the features of similarity of various rock paintings, so that it seems that in antiquity there was a single praculture and universal knowledge associated with it.

Spain. Rock carvings. XI century BC

Of course, millions and millions of cave paintings did not appear at the same time; very often (but not always) they are separated by many millennia. In other cases, drawings on the same rocks were created over several millennia.

Africa. Rock painting. VIII - IV century BC

And yet it is an amazing fact that many cave paintings in various parts of the world appeared almost simultaneously. Almost identical symbols and shapes. Of course, I cannot fail to note that each separate place has its own, strictly localized types of images that cannot be found anywhere else, but this does not in any way clarify the mystery of the striking similarity of the other drawings.

Australia. XII - IV century BC

If we consider all these images with all their attributes and symbols, there is an amazing impression that the sound of the same calling trumpet suddenly rang across all continents: “Remember: the gods are those who are surrounded by rays!” These "gods" in most cases are portrayed as much larger than other little men. Their heads are almost always surrounded or crowned with a halo or halo, as if shining rays emanate from them. Moreover, ordinary people are always depicted at a respectful distance from the "gods"; they kneel before them, prostrate themselves on the ground, or raise their hands to them.

Italy. Rock painting. XIII - VIII century BC

Oswald Tobisch, an expert on rock paintings, who traveled all over the world, with his tireless efforts came even closer to solving this ancient mystery: perhaps he was still in the powerful force field of the "primordial revelation" of the one and all-powerful Creator? "

Dogu's spacesuit. The world's oldest image of a spacesuit.
Death Valley, USA.
Peru. Rock painting. XII - IV century BC

Hopi rock carvings in Arizona, USA


Rock paintings near Lake Onega. Incomprehensible images that some philosophers interpret as flying machines.

Petroglyphs from the vicinity of the village of Karakol, Ongudai region
Hunting scenes, where anthropomorphic creatures (people or spirits?) With bows, spears and sticks hunt the beast, and dogs (or wolves?) Help them, appear 5-6 thousand years ago - it was then that this petroglyph was created.

on a rock in japan 7 thousand years ago

Algerian sahara, Tassili massif (tinted rock paintings). The era of round heads. Reach 8 meters. Stone Age Drawings

Similar examples of the creativity of ancient peoples can be found all over the world. In Altai - rock portraits of humanoid creatures in spacesuits, created 4 - 5 thousand years ago. In Central America, there are launching "spaceships". They are depicted on some Mayan tombs about 1300 years old. In Japan, bronze figurines of the 4th century BC are found dressed in helmets and overalls. In the mountains of Tibet there are “flying saucers” painted 3000 years ago. Whole galleries of monsters with antennae on their heads, tentacles instead of hands and mysterious weapons are "exposed" for all to see for us, descendants, in caves, on plateaus and in the mountains in Peru, Sahara, Zimbabwe, Australia, France, Italy.
Huge figures and little people nearby.

The history textbook says that primitive man wanted to somehow manifest himself and realize his primitive creativity with what was at hand. This is how rock paintings appeared on the rocks in deep caves.

But how primitive were our ancestors? And was it really that simple a few thousand years ago, as we imagine it? The drawings from primitive art collected in this article may make you think about something.

In ancient caves in India, near the indigenous villages of Chandeli and Gotitola, 130 kilometers from the city of Raipur, archaeologists have discovered prehistoric rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs. Using the latest technology, scientists have determined that these drawings are about 10,000 years old.

Indian archaeologists have officially turned to NASA and the Indian Space Exploration Organization for help in carrying out a detailed study of the strange drawings.

The drawings depict creatures eerily similar to those aliens that are familiar to us all from Hollywood films. Also, pictures drawn with natural pigment depict flying UFOs.

The drawings have only faded slightly with time and strange figures are clearly visible on them, some even in spacesuits, holding something like a weapon in their hands, their facial features are faintly distinguishable.

The inhabitants of many indigenous villages in India have strange beliefs and support the hereditary religions associated with these drawings. Some tribes worship the people depicted on them. They call them "little people" and tell old legends about how these people flew in on flying objects and abducted residents that no one else had ever heard of.

Some ufologists argue that these cave pictures unequivocally prove that people who lived in India 10,000 years ago actually met with extraterrestrial beings that flew on plates. Others say that these images could only be a figment of the imagination of ancient artists.

Yet the traditions and beliefs of modern indigenous people in India add mysticism to this story. In addition, many drawings on the territory of India depicting alien creatures with weapons are evidence of the meetings of people with aliens in prehistoric times and later. Also in the ancient history of India, some vimanas are mentioned, the aircraft of the Indian gods. They are described very vividly in ancient Sanskrit texts.

Descriptions of Vimans and UFOs are very similar, scientists say that they were huge aircraft, sometimes the size of a house several stories high.

UFO hunters claim that all of these widespread traditions definitely support alien visits to Earth. Ufologists even talk about the great influence of technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that visited Earth in prehistoric times, on the traditions and beliefs of people, as well as on the development of culture, technology and our civilization as a whole. Some theorists believe that all the ancient gods were in fact aliens who amazed the ancient primitive people with their advanced technologies.

However, despite the quite unambiguous references to UFOs in the ancient traditions of India, most modern scientists still consider such theories to be pseudo-scientific and say that the conclusions about aliens visiting Earth in prehistoric times are completely unfounded.

From the book of V.A. Simonov. "Extraterrestrial footprint in the history of mankind" From "NTs ENAS", 2009In the myths, tales and legends of ancient peoples, there are numerous references to unusual phenomena and amazing evidence of the presence of aliens on our planet.

Rice. No. Egypt.

The Chinese book "Tao-te-ching" tells about the initial deeds of the son of the sky Huang-di, who has four eyes and looks like a fish, who flew on a talking dragon with wings and a mustache. In his fleet of vehicles there were "flying turtles", "mountain carts", including"The stone basket is strong, but extremely light, it floats freely in the wind over the sands." The aliens used various technical devices: translucent mirrors for communication, tripods of unknown purpose with boilers partially filled with water, as well as other devices for performing work incomprehensible to the ancient author. Perhaps the alien starship crashed on Earth, and a few years later Shao-Hao flew after them on another ship:"A huge star, like a ladle, sank onto a blooming island".

Chinese alchemist and adept of the secret sciences Ko Huang in 320 BC NS. wrote that"Some made chariots in the air"which had rotating blades (blades),"Driving this device."One of the parts of the celestial chariot in an ancient Chinese drawing resembles the centrifugal compressor of a modern turbojet engine, which is designed to force air into the combustion chamber. Such compressors were used in the middle Xx century, but then were replaced by axial, as more efficient.

Rice. No. China. Air chariot.

Here is another excerpt from the same book: “Huang-di, having mined copper on Shoushan Mountain, cast a tripod near Jingshan Mountain. As soon as the tripod was ready, a dragon with a mustache hanging down came down behind Huang-di. Huang Di climbed the dragon; all his assistants and family members followed him. There were more than seventy people who ascended. The rest of the subjects could not get on the dragon and grabbed his mustache en masse. The whiskers broke off and they hit the ground. "

Having flown away, the aliens left robots on our planet, one of them was called by the Chinese Chi Yu. hands, but most importantly, Chi Yu could fly. He ate sand and stones, sometimes he also used "iron stones". When the robot ceased to function, its head was separated from the body and buried separately from the body. This burial, where hot steam was beating out of the ground for a long time, was a place of worship for the ancient Chinese.

In Purple Jasper (Chinese narrative prose of the 1st – 4th centuries), the chroniclers reported:“... Lü Gong, nicknamed Wen-ching, together with a servant and a maid, were looking for healing means between the ridges. Suddenly he noticed three people in the gorge. Addressing Lui, they said: "We are immortal celestials from the chambers of Great Purity and Great Harmony ... If you follow with us, the secret of immortality will be revealed to you." Following this, Lu, along with the celestials, disappeared for 2 days. They taught him a secret spell. Then, releasing Liu, they said: "You, venerable, spent 2 days with us, but 2 years have passed in the human world." Lu Gong returned, but saw an empty dwelling. None of the sons and grandchildren remained ... ".

In one of the books describing the reign of the Yar-Lun dynasty of Tibetan kings, there is a mention of the "heavenly kings":

As day, they came to Earth.

Like night, they went to heaven.

They disappeared like a rainbow

Leaving no tombs.

Perhaps we are talking about aliens who once visited our planet.

The African Dogon tribe has ancient, inexplicably accurate knowledge about the Sirius system, data about which astronomers received only at the end of the 19th century. The Dogons considered this star to be triple: the main component was called Sigitolo, and its satellites were Po tolo and Emme yatolo.

The Po star is white as a grain of Po (a type of millet). In Dogon sanctuaries, it is symbolized by a very white stone. The period of circulation of Po tolo around Sigitolo is 50 years (current data: 49.9 years). This star is small in size with enormous weight and density:"She is the smallest and heaviest of all stars.". According to the views of the Dogon, all things in the world are composed of four basic elements - earth, water, air and fire. But in their descriptions the Po stars instead of earth, metal is mentioned, and it is especially often called "sagal":"More brilliant than iron, and so heavy that all earthly beings, united, could not lift even particles."

Emme yatolo, the second satellite of Sigi tolo, is unknown to modern astronomy, although over the past decades, astronomers from different countries have repeatedly suggested the existence of another star in the Sirius system. According to the ideas of the Dogons, Emme ya tolo is somewhat larger than Po tolo, and is 4 times lighter; this star revolves around Sigi tolo along a longer trajectory than Po, and the orbital period is the same 50 years. Perhaps Emme ya tolo is a planet orbiting Sirius.Where did the Dogon tribe have such extensive knowledge in astronomy is unknown.

The Universe, according to the Dogon, is inhabited by various living beings. Among them there are"Horned, tailed, winged, crawling people".

In the legends of this tribe, information about the visit of our planet by aliens has been preserved:"The fox descended in the ark from the star Po.""Pale Fox" Yurugu personifies drought, darkness, disorder and is the opposite of moisture, light, order in the person of Nommo, who also descended from the sky. The Dogons represented Nommo as a half-snake human with flexible limbs without joints, red eyes and a forked tongue. Together with Nommo, the ancestors of the people arrived. The alien ark has landed after eight years of "swinging" in the sky,"Raising a cloud of dust with an air vortex", and those who arrived in it for the first timesaw the sunrise of our star:"People who, during the descent and at the moment of the impact upon landing, saw (previously) the brilliance of the Sigi tolo, were now present at the first sunrise."

It is noteworthy that the image of a half-man-half-snake is on the Sumerian cylinder seal, where the god Enki warns the Sumerians about the upcoming Flood. An ancient water clock is depicted next to it, which should tell the time before the upcoming catastrophe. For the remaining time, the Sumerians had to build a large ark and escape from destruction. It should be noted that some representatives of the human race who survived the Flood, including Noah, were warned of the impending cataclysm by the gods (aliens).

According to the American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the famous Dead Sea Scrolls, which were discovered in limestone caves near the coast, mention the visit of our planet by "heavenly people" possessing immortality and leaving many descendants on earth. Mitchell refers to the "Zadokite Document" which reads:“Heavenly people came with stubbornness in their souls and fell because they did not fulfill the commandments of God. The same happened to their sons, as tall as Lebanese cedars and strong as mountain ranges. They all fell. "

Rice. No. Egypt.

In ancient chronicles and biblical texts, there are numerous descriptions of UFO flights, and even the principle of operation and their design. In the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana, there are often references to the flying carts of the gods:

“Wonderfully shining chariot.

As if she had cut through the clouds, she filled the whole sky with radiance;

Its roar, like the roar of a huge cloud,

Filled in all the cardinal points. "

“The gods have arrived, each in his own flying cart ...

Indra, Lord of Heaven, arrived in his special flying cart,

In which 33 deities could be accommodated ... ".

“He entered the divine palace of Indra

And I saw thousands of flying carts lying motionless,

Intended for the gods ... ".

“The mighty (Arjuna) entered the beloved capital of Shakra. There he saw the chariots of the gods driven by thought; thousands of them stood and hundreds rode in all directions. "

“This villain has arrived

On an all-pervading self-propelled flying cart

Known as Saubhapura ... ”.

"" Evaparikara Vasu ", a spacious aerial flying machine

Will come to you, and you, the only mortal,

You will sit on it like a deity. "

Rice. Wiman's No. India.

In the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana", Rama's air travel is described as follows:“When morning came, Rama sat in the celestial chariot that Pushpaka had sent him with Vivpisanda and prepared to fly. This chariot moved by itself. It was large and beautifully painted. It had two floors with many rooms and windows…. When the chariot made its way in the air, it made a monotonous sound…. At the command of Rama, this beautiful chariot rose into the air with a loud noise.In legends, there are other characteristic signs of chariots: during takeoff“Roars like a lion”; "The crash filled all four sides of the horizon"; shone "Like fire on a summer night"; "Like a comet in the sky"; “Blazed like red fire”; "The whole sky was lit when she flew over it"; "Was like a guiding light moving in space"; "Shining like gold"etc. All the features of the ancient "chariots" are observed in modern UFOs.

The Sanskrit text "Ghatotrachabadma" reads:“It was a huge and terrible air chariot made of iron…. She was provided with fixtures in the right places. Neither horses nor elephants carried her. She was driven by devices that were the size of elephants. "

Other Sanskrit texts say:"By means of these devices, the inhabitants of the Earth can rise into the air, and the inhabitants of heaven can descend to the Earth."With the help of these devices, it was possible to move within the "Suryamandala" (solar system) and "Nakshatramandala" (in star systems).

Ancient reliefs have preserved for us the image of mysterious vehicles that do not have draft power - horses or oxen. The figure (Santala people, India) depicts two self-propelled carts, one of which is very similar to a motorcycle, and the second carriage resembles a modern three-axle truck carrying passengers. Its driver, seated in front, controls this vehicle with a lever that emerges from a strange square box (control panel). What drives the machines depicted on the relief is unknown.

Rice. No. Self-propelled carts. India Santala people.

Guru Jinpoche, the first spiritual mentor of the Tibetans, known in Sanskrit as Padma Samvhava, also traveled in a "wonderful tent", the description of which is surprisingly consistent with modern UFOs:“He closed himself in his wonderful tent and slowly ascended into the sky; in a few moments, the light surrounding him paved a luminous path among the clouds and melted into the sky. "

The Egyptian "Pyramid Texts" discovered by Professor R. O. Volkner at Heliopolis, dating from the end III millennium BC e., contain information about aircraft called "Tsar" or "that which flies and shines":

"The king is a flame moving faster than the wind to the limit of the sky and the end of the earth."

"The king travels through the air and crosses the earth."

“O my father, great King, the opening of the heavenly window

open to you ...

Sit on your iron throne, like the Great One,

What's in Heliopolis.

Go to heaven on your iron throne. "

Rice. No. Egypt.

Rice. No. Egypt.

The Nga-ti-hau tribe (New Zealand) has preserved legends about the heavenly god Rongamai. The deity appeared during the siege of the village of Nga-ti-hau by another tribe, the intervention of the god put the enemies to flight:“It appeared like a shining star, like a fiery flame, like the sun…. The earth shook, clouds of dust obscured our vision, a noise like a thunderclap, and then like a noise in a sea shell, rolled. "

Rice. No. Rock painting. Australia.

Australian aborigines observed in the distant past an unusual phenomenon, similar to a rocket taking off:“Approaching the edge of the valley, they saw their comrade on the other side of the valley, by the river. They shouted for him to stop, but he paid no attention and kept walking until he came to a large white eucalyptus. Here he fell dead, and next to him people saw a black creature with two huge fiery eyes. It lifted a dead man up a tree and threw it into a hollow(Luke) ... While hurrying through the valley, the people heard such a deafening thunderclap that, amazed, fell to the ground. When they got up, they were surprised to see that a giant eucalyptus was uprooted from the ground and rushing through the air towards the south side of the sky. They noticed fiery eyes sparkling from the tree. Finally the tree stopped near Warrambook(Milky Way) that leads to where the heavenly gods live. Gradually the tree disappeared from sight, and only 4 sparkling fiery eyes saw people ".

Rice. UFO No. Ceramics. Teotiaucan.

In the legends of the North American Indians there is such a description of an extraordinary object:“A big wheel came from the sky. Dazzling flames blazed around its edges, and stars glittered on its shield. It sat on the top of the shaman's mountain, and the sound of many winds was heard. People from the village fled in panic. Then, with the speed of a frightened bird, the wheel flew away, and no one has seen it since. People returned to the empty tepe(grief) and laid out the stones in the shape of a circle. "

Rice. UFO No. Petroglyph. Bolivia.

A peculiar instruction for making a vimaana is in the ancient Indian manuscript "Samarangana Sutradshara":“The body must be strong and durable: made of light material, like a large flying bird. Inside, place a container with mercury and an iron heating device under it. Through the force that lurks in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person inside this chariot can fly a long distance across the sky in the most amazing way. Four sturdy containers for mercury should be placed inside. When they are heated with controlled fire from iron devices, the chariot will develop the power of thunder thanks to mercury. And it will turn into a pearl in the sky. "

One of the most detailed descriptions of the alien aircraft belongs to the prophet Ezekiel, it is very similar to the structure of a helicopter with four propeller-driven modules:“And it happened in the thirtieth year in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, when I was among the settlers by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened…. And I saw: and now a stormy wind was coming from the north, a great cloud and swirling fire, and radiance around it. And from the middle of it one could see the likeness of four animals - and such was their appearance: their appearance was like that of a man.

And each has four faces, and each of them has four wings(screw);

And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like the foot of a calf's foot, and sparkled like shiny copper.(landing supports).

And I looked at the animals - and, behold, on the ground beside these animals, one wheel in front of their four faces.

The type of wheels and their arrangement are like the type of topaz, and the similarity for all four is one; and from their appearance and their constitution it seemed as if the wheels were in a wheel.

When they walked, they walked on their four sides; did not turn around during the procession.

And their rims - they were high and terrible; their rims were full of eyes around all four(portholes).

And when the animals walked, the wheels walked beside them; and when the animals rose from the ground, the wheels also rose ....

And ... I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a strong sound, ... and when they stopped, they lowered their wings(screws) their own. "

Aeronautics and Space Administration engineer Joseph F. Blumrich participated in the creation of the Saturn V "Which brought American astronauts to the moon. According to the "description" of Ezekiel, he recreated this aircraft, which could probably fly if the propeller module was positioned (for stability) above its center of mass, like in modern helicopters.

Prophet Zechariah also describes in his book an unusual flying object:

... I raised my eyes and saw: here was a scroll flying ...

He (Angel speaking to the prophet) told me:

"This is a curse emanating on the face of the whole Earth" ...

(Zechariah 5: 1-3)

The last words of the angel, addressed to Zechariah, are a rather unpleasant reminder to all mankind about the threat of the invasion of some alien civilizations on our planet:"... and he will destroy him and his wood and his stones."

In the same chapter of the book of the prophet Zechariah, there is a description of another aircraft:

And the angel who spoke to me came out,

And he said to me: Lift up thy eyes still

And see what this comes out?

When did I say: what is this?

He replied: it comes out efa, and said:

And so, a piece of lead rose, and there,

There was a woman sitting in the middle of the ephah.

And he said, This woman is wickedness itself,

And threw her in the middle of the ffo,

And a piece of lead was thrown over the hole.

... and they lifted up the ephah and carried it between earth and heaven.

(Zechariah 5: 5-9)

Translated from Hebrew, the word "ephah" means "refuge" (cap), the lead piece is probably the hatch of the aircraft. For what the Angel called the female pilot dishonest, it is unknown, but, probably, the earthlings did not expect anything good from the aliens.

Various historical and biblical sources repeatedly mention the flights of people on alien aircraft. On the clay tablets of the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal there is a story about the flight of the hero Etana over the Earth. Such a description could only be made by a person who really observes our planet from a great height. After a kind of "repair" of the aircraft (eagle), Etana flew to the upper sky:

Rice. UFO No. Sumer.

“Early in the morning, when the rays of Shamash barely illuminated the Earth, Etana put on a bag for the grass of birth on his shoulder in order to take it more from the upper sky, sat astride an eagle, pressed his chest against his back, took his mighty wings, and they flew over the square, over the rooftops of the city of Kish, over the land of Sumer, over the rivers, mountains and the sea.

- Look down, is the earth far away? - shouted the eagle.

The king lowered his head, and she spun from an unprecedented height. An empty bag hit him on the back, the wind ruffled his hair, and constantly covered his eyes with them, but the king could not straighten his bag or hair, because he held tightly to the wings of the eagle with his hands.

- Rivers are like threads, and people are like specks of dust! Etana shouted. - High Sky soon?

“It's still far away,” the eagle replied, and flapped its wings more strongly.

They have been flying for a long time. Etana tried not to look at the ground; he pressed his chest against the back of the eagle and thought about one thing: not to fall down.

- And now how do you see the earth? The eagle asked again.

Etana looked, and he felt so scared that he could not answer right away. No other person in the world has ever been at such a monstrous height.

- The earth is like a watermelon, and the great sea on it is like several bowls, and you cannot see either an animal or a person! He shouted as he mastered his fear. - Now is the upper Heaven really soon?

- Long away! - answered the eagle and flapped its wings even faster.

Again they flew in the heavenly heights, and there was not a single bird next to them - only Shamash above them.

- What does the earth look like now? The eagle asked. - What do you see?

Etana looked, and the earth is like an apple somewhere below. And all around the air abyss.

At that moment, the brave king, the lord of Kish Etana, did not become anymore. A frightened old man sat on the mighty bird, trembling with horror.

- Well? What do you see there? - shouted the eagle.

“I… I don’t know how to answer you. The earth is like an apple, and there are no mountains or seas to be seen.

- Finally! From here only the road to the Upper Heaven begins.

- But when, when will we arrive at it?

- I do not know. Old eagles told me, and they were told in their childhood by other old eagles, that first the earth should become like an apple, and then a long way to the Upper Heaven begins.

Etana screamed, and his fear, weakness in his body began to infect the eagle.

- Eagle, turn back! I don’t want higher! I don't need grass from the Upper Heaven!

And the eagle obeyed, turned from Shamash to the Earth, but his wings were no longer working so powerfully, and they were shaking with a small disgusting tremor.

- What have you done, old man! What have you done to me! The eagle shouted.

And together, tumbling in a formless heap, they flew to the Earth. Somewhere, in a foreign country, they crashed on a stone hill, and strangers buried them. "

Rice. No. Image of a rocket. Libya.

In the 4th Book of Kings, the episode of the ascension in the chariot of fire of the prophet Elijah is described:"When they walked (in Bet-El with Elisha)and they were talking on the way, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared, and separated them both, and Elijah rushed to heaven. "

Enoch also traveled to heaven several times:“On the first day of the first month of 365, I was alone in my house and rested on my bed and slept…. And there appeared to me two husbands of very tall stature, such as I had never seen on Earth; and their faces shone like the sun, and their eyes were like burning lamps, and a flame came out of their mouth. Their clothes looked like fluff, their feet were purple. Their wings were brighter than gold; their hands were whiter than snow. "The strangers explained to Enoch:"The Eternal Lord has sent us to you and, behold, today you will ascend to Heaven."After parting with his family, the angels rushed him on their wings to the glowing cloud:

The clouds invited me and the fog called me;

The movement of stars and lightning hurried and accelerated me;

The winds in that vision made me fly and lifted me up,

And they took me to Heaven.

Upon arrival in heaven, Enoch found himself in the "House of Fire":“A blazing fire surrounded its walls, and its main entrances blazed with fire. And I entered that house, and was (it) hot as fire and cold as ice .... There was a second house, even larger than before, and the whole entrance stood in front of me, open, and it was built of flaming fire .... And I looked into it and saw a majestic throne: it looked like a crystal, and its wheels were like the radiance of the sun, and the Cherubim was visible there. And from under that throne, streams of fiery flame emanated - such that I could not look at it. "

The Book of Jubilees says that Enoch was taken to heaven and"He stayed with the angels of the Lord for six jubilees years, and they showed him everything that exists on Earth and in Heaven."... The Book of the Secrets of Enoch mentions:“And Vretil taught me 30 days and 30 nights, and his mouth did not stop speaking. And for 30 days and 30 nights I never stopped writing comments. "After training, Enoch was returned to Earth, where he tried to transfer his knowledge to people. During such a "lecture", darkness descended upon the crowd listening to him, and the angels again carried the patriarch to heaven. There is an amazing detail in the account of Enoch's wanderings: when he returned to Earth, he discovered that he was younger than his children. This is possible only if Enoch moved at a speed close to the speed of light, and for him time passed much slower than for his offspring.

Numerous rock paintings and petroglyphs are carved on the rocks of the Armenian Highlands in the region of the Geghama ridge (Bolshoy and Maly Peitasar mountains, Sheikhi-Chingil), on the Sevasar mountain of the Vardenis ridge. Experts attribute them to V - III thousand BC NS. (detailed descriptions can be found in the works of the Institute of History and Ethnography of Armenia). A whole gallery of drawings is located on the slopes of the Zengezur Range at an altitude of 2200 to 3500 m above sea level, its length is about 12 km.

Some images closely resemble a typical disc-shaped flying saucer, others illustrate a cross-sectional view of a UFO. At the same time, the ancient drawings on the rocks and descriptions of the design of these aircraft made by our contemporaries are identical - a double hemispherical body, a flat base, retractable supports, the absence of any conventional engines and power sources known to mankind. Next to some schematic images of flying vehicles, there is a silhouette of a bezoar mountain goat, which the ancient Armenians identified with the manifestation of the elemental forces of nature: lightning, thunder, lightning and flashes of light. Perhaps this is how the ancient artists wanted to depict the effects produced by UFOs.

The multi-turn spiral next to the humanoid figures symbolizes the cosmos. The wavy lines emanating from the men can be interpreted as a means of communication. One of the drawings depicts an "astronaut" in open space, who is tied with a rope to his ship. A snake and a mountain argali (a symbol of lightning) are often drawn next to the figures of people; an antenna of the "wave channel" type is distinguishable on the head of the latter. There are also unknown creatures on the rock paintings - clearly aliens. The headless figures match the descriptions of tall aliens with a small bulge instead of a head, who landed from a UFO in a park in Voronezh, surprisingly accurately, as there is ample evidence of this.

French scientist Aimé Michel, who studied ancient petroglyphs in the caves of France and Italy, made a thematic selection of unusual drawings that are very reminiscent of modern UFO images. Such objects are observed by most of the eyewitnesses in our time.

There are also mysterious drawings on the rocks near Lake Onega, where "balloons" with rays radiating from them are depicted. The author of this book personally observed similar UFOs in the city of Perm (1979) and the city of Snezhinsk (April 24, 1999) at night. The object in both cases looked like a blue-white ball flying silently below the clouds. Six rays emanated from it, very reminiscent of the shock waves that arise around a body flying in the atmosphere at supersonic speed.

In various historical sources, there are references to the appearance of unusual objects that ufologists would undoubtedly classify as UFOs. Below are just some of the evidence of mysterious phenomena in the sky, observed by our ancestors even before the birth of Christ.

1479-1426 BC NS. “In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the scribes of the House of Life saw a moving circle of fire in the sky…. One genus ( about 45 m ) his body was long, and one kind wide, and it was silent…. They prostrated themselves (and) reported to Pharaoh. His Majesty…. thought about what had happened…. After a few days, these objects in the heavens became numerous. They shone brighter than the sun and extended to the borders of the sky…. These fiery circles were powerful. And Pharaoh, together with the army, looked at them. By evening, the circles of fire rose higher and moved towards the south. Volatile matter fell from the sky. This has not happened since the foundation of the earth. And Pharaoh burned incense to the gods ... and ordered to record what happened in the annals of the House of Life "(Papyrus of the reign of Thutmose III, XV century BC, Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum).

500–428 biennium BC NS... The philosopher Anaxagoras described a brightly luminous object the size of a log that hung motionless in the sky for several days

329 BC NS. Two luminous "silver shields" swooped down on the army of Alexander the Great while crossing the river in India.

322 BC NS. During the siege of Tire by the troops of Alexander the Great, five round shields flew around the city and destroyed its walls and towers with rays of light, which contributed to the capture of the impregnable city.

222 BC NS. "When Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius were consuls, three Moons appeared in the sky at once" (Pliny. Natural history, vol. II).

218 BC NS. “In the area of ​​Amiterno many times unknown people in white robes appeared. In Praenest - flaming lamps from heaven. In Arpi - a shield in the sky…. The moons fought the sun, and two moons appeared in the middle of the night. Transparent ships were visible in the sky "(Livy. History, book. 21).

Rice. No. of UFOs in the sky. Rome.

216 BC NS. "In Apori, east of Rome, a round shield was seen in the sky."(Livy. History, book 21).

214 BC NS. "In Adria, an altar appeared in the sky and something resembling a figure of a man near it."(Livy. History, book. 21).

213 BC NS. "In Ariminium and other parts of Italy, light flashed like daylight at night, and three moons were also visible."(Dio Cassius. Roman History, vol. 2).

175 BC NS. “Three Suns were shining at the same time. At night, several stars crossed the sky over Lanuvium "(Julius Obsequens, Book of Miraculous Phenomena, Ch. 42).

91 BC NS. “Around Spoletium, a golden-colored fireball rolled down from the sky, increasing in size all the time. Then he, gaining height, moved to the east. The ball was larger than the sun " ( Julius Obsequens, Book of Miraculous Phenomena, Ch. 145).

73 BC NS.: “The opponents were about to come together, when suddenly, quite suddenly, the sky opened up, and a large fiery body appeared, which was rushing down into the gap between the two armies; it looked more like a barrel in appearance, and more like molten silver in color. The opponents, frightened by the omen, dispersed without a fight. It happened ... in Phrygia, near a place called Otria "(Plutarch. "Life", about the intervention of a luminous object in the upcoming battle between the troops of Lucullus and Mithridates).

66 BC NS. “At the consulate of Gnaeus Octavius ​​and Gaius Suetonius, a spark was seen falling from the star. When it fell, it increased in size and, having reached the size of the moon, scattered into something like a light cloud, and then, turning into a torch, returned to the sky. This is the only record of such a phenomenon. It was observed by the proconsul Silenus and his retinue ... ".(Pliny. History, book. II).

1 BC NS.: "And lo, the star that they saw in the east walked in front of them, when at last it came and stopped over the place where the Child was."... (The Gospel of Matthew, about the maneuvers of the star, which the inhabitants of Bethlehem and the wise men observed at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ).

1 BC NS. “In our era, beams of light have been observed more than once in the sky on bright days, which crossed the sky from east to west or vice versa…. Objects described by Posidonius belong to this class: pillars and shields enveloped in flames, as well as other luminous objects…. These lights appear in the sky not only at night, but also during the day, and are neither stars nor parts of heavenly bodies. "(Seneca. Questions of naturalism).

Information about unusual objects is also available in Russian legends:“The king is the Fire Shield and the Flaming Spear, he neither burns in fire, nor drowns in water; he emits a flame from himself and burns his enemies "... The Fire Shield King flies on an eight-legged horse, like the Scandinavian Odin, whose unusual horse Sleipnir also had eight legs (landing supports). In the legends of the Scythians, the flying prince Shield appears ( targitavus - shiny disc). It is mentioned about heavenly shields by Ovid and Cicero, in Sanskrit manuscripts, Edda.

Our ancestors left numerous images of unusual flying vehicles, including a drawing of a vehicle in the form of a winged platform (tripod), which is atypical for ancient pictorial symbolism, on which the god Apollo flew from Hyperborea to Greece.

In the myths of many peoples, a gold or copper tripod was associated with an aircraft. Hephaestus, the blacksmith god from Greek mythology, built golden tripods on wheels that could attend the gatherings of the gods and return themselves to earth. Herodotus in his "History" mentions these devices:"When Jason completed the construction of his ship Argo, he loaded on board, in addition to the hecatomb, also a copper tripod."... Then the hero swam around the Peloponnese, heading for Delphi. But the ship was carried by a storm to Libya, was stranded on Lake Tritonides, from which, according to legend, Triton came out and demanded to give him the tripod.

Flying vimaanas in the distant past, apparently, were quite an ordinary phenomenon in the skies of India, their descriptions are often found in ancient Indian texts. On the carved wooden frieze of the Meenakshi temple, there are panoramic murals depicting aircraft as they were represented by the Indians in Xvi century AD NS. They depict chariots with wings and wheels, single and multi-seat vimanas, taking off from the earth in a fiery halo, fighting with each other, and even cone-shaped aircraft shot down and falling from the sky. No less interesting are the images of "people" with monkey heads who meet the celestial chariot.

Unusual rock petroglyphs have been discovered in the California mountains. On one of them, strange four-fingered creatures with "knapsacks" on their backs stand on a platform suspended in the air and examine a mysterious celestial object.

Rice. No. Drawing of the petroglyph. California.

Another drawing depicts mysterious creatures with legs in the form of balls, stars flying out of their heads. Perhaps these are anthropomorphic images of Typhon and Jupiter, and the stars symbolize the release of matter from these celestial bodies at their closest approach. The lower part of the petroglyph probably depicts a neutron star with shells of gases, dust and debris borrowed from other planets. In the background is a hat-shaped aircraft.

Among the rock carvings in California, there are also symbols of the "wandering sun", which are drawn in the form of a circle with curved rays. This is how our ancient ancestors depicted a neutron star. From their radiance the earth lit up ... "And then there was a flood, and after the flood, kings again descended from heaven."

The drawing on one of the Sumerian clay tablets clearly resembles a spacecraft with solar panels. At the bottom of the tablet is the Sumerian zodiac sign in the form of two fish. Many ancient peoples, in order to designate the era of a particular event, often depicted a certain sign of the zodiac. The event, which is captured on the mentioned tablet, can be attributed to the era of Pisces - 26 055 - 23 895 BC. NS.

On the walls of the Egyptian tomb Montemhet ( Vii century BC) there is an image of a god flying in a heavenly boat among the stars. In one hand he has a symbol of life, in the other - a symbol of death. Perhaps this is how the ancient Egyptians depicted the flight of a flying saucer.

Abydos has an ancient Egyptian temple built by Pharaoh Seti I ... The huge temple complex has perfectly preserved floor, ceiling and many colorful frescoes. On one of the lintels of the ceiling, strange drawings were found: they easily discern the outlines of a modern helicopter and two apparatus resembling airplanes. Another relief depicts a flying saucer.

Similar images are found in Hittite glyphs: vehicles resembling modern rockets and airplanes are drawn against the background of the starry sky.

On the territory of modern Lebanon in the ancient city of Byblos (Biblical Gebal), a coin was found depicting the temple of the goddess Ishtar, dating from I millennium BC NS. There is a drawing on the coin: the conical apparatus looks like a rocket standing on a launch pad.

During excavations of the ancient settlement of Tuspa (Turkey), archaeologists discovered a clay model of a cone-shaped aircraft with three nozzles, which closely resembles the space shuttle "Buran" or the American shuttle. The pilot sits in the cockpit. Unfortunately, his head is broken off, so it is impossible to establish what the ancient astronaut looked like.

An unusual artifact was found during archaeological excavations in Colombia: it looks like a kind of aircraft with a delta-shaped wing and vertical tail, like modern aircraft. It is assumed that this figurine represents a common bird, but none of the species of birds known on Earth has a vertical tail. On the leading edge of the wing, there are a kind of rings - a kind of swirlers of the air flow. When this model was investigated using a wind tunnel, it turned out that if the incoming flow has a counterclockwise direction of rotation relative to the body, then it is directed in the direction of flight. As a result of the resulting effect, the aerodynamic drag of this aircraft is significantly reduced. Dolphins use a similar principle of reducing drag when moving in an aquatic environment, creating directional vortices with the help of wave-like folds of skin on the body.

Figures with a vertical tail fin, similar to the artifact from Colombia, but more streamlined in shape, have also been found in Egypt. 14 such models are exhibited in museums in this country.

The ancient Greek composition "Sophia" mentions a means of communication with the help of which the aliens communicated with each other: “The Angels have protrusions above their eyes, where the sacred cloud rests. He also has ... an object on his head that allows him to receive sounds. This item gives a signal when the Angel receives an order from the Lord to appear in a certain place. Then he quickly looks in the mirror in his hand and receives with its help an instruction from God. "

The aliens left behind some material traces of their stay on our planet, which, unfortunately, are now lost. We are talking about "unquenchable lamps". Various historical documents mention light sources that burn for thousands of years and do not require maintenance and fuel. The Roman emperor Numa Pompilius (715-637 BC) had a shining eternal lamp in the form of a ball, it hung under the dome of the temple. The description of this miracle directly and without any hints says about its origin:"He miraculously appeared there by the will of the gods."The same "lamp", according to Plutarch's description, was located above the entrance to the temple of Jupiter-Amun. The priests claimed that it burned by itself for several centuries.

During his travels, the Greek writer Lucian saw a shining stone in the forehead of the statue of Hera in Heliopolis (Syria), which illuminated the temple premises at night. Pausanias described the palladium in the Temple of Jupiter on the Capital Hill, illuminated by an unquenchable golden lamp. As the priests explained:"She did not need to be replenished with oil, for it was sacred and came from antiquity."Saint Augustine (354–440) referred to a miraculous lamp kept in the temple of the goddess Isis, which neither wind nor water can extinguish. The Jesuit Athanasius Kircher, in his book "Edipus Egeptianus" (1652), told about the unquenchable lamps found in Memphis, which could not be extinguished with water.

In 1485, in Rome, not far from the Church of Santa Maria Nuova on the Appian Way, a mausoleum with a sarcophagus was opened, in which there was a deceased young girl practically untouched by decay. A metal lamp hung on the wall of the crypt, burning with a dim bluish light for at least one and a half thousand years. A similar lamp was discovered in the tomb of Pallas not far from Rome in 1401.

Mentions of eternal lamps are found in ancient chronicles and legends of India, China, Africa and South America. C.S.Downey spoke about a jungle village near Mount Wilhelmina (West Irian) at a conference in Pretoria:"Travelers who entered this village, lost among the high unexplored mountains, were amazed at the sight of stone balls fixed on pillars and glowing with neon-like light after sunset."

Conquistador Barco Santera spoke about a mysterious city located on an island in the middle of a lake near the headwaters of the Paraguay River (Mato Grosso plateau):"At the top of a pillar more than 20 feet high, a large 'moon' shone, dispelling the darkness."The famous explorer of South America P.G. Fossett wrote in a letter to the Englishman Lewis Spence about the same jungle area and its inhabitants:“These people have an unusual light source, which, in our opinion, seems strange. They are probably the descendants of some extinct culture that left behind ancient knowledge. "

Archaeologists studying the Egyptian pyramids and tombs carved into the rocks have long noticed that there are no traces of soot on their walls, which would inevitably appear if the builders used oil lamps or torches for lighting. German electrical engineer R. Hubbeck writes:“In October 1979, our group of five people explored the temple of the goddess Hathor in the city of Dendera. On the walls of the long and narrow (4.6 x 1.12 m) rooms, which were considered cult premises, we examined several very interesting and unusual reliefs. One of them especially interested us. On this wall, figures of people are visible, and next to them are giant bulbs, similar to modern incandescent lamps. Inside the "lamps" are "wavy snakes".Maybe these are symbolic filaments? Sharp tails of snakes enter the "lotus flower" It does not even take a minimum of imagination to see in the "lotus", which covers the narrow part of the transparent bulb, an ordinary electric socket or lamp base. The relief also shows a kind of cable connecting this device to a box similar to our distribution board. Nearby is the figure of a demon holding two knives with the blades upward - a symbol of protection. And since it is known that working with electricity is dangerous, this demon can be a warning (like a modern skull with crossed bones). "

An expert in the field of electrical engineering W. Harn suggested that the so-called "Jet pillars" located next to the "transparent bulb with snakes" are very similar to modern high voltage insulators. In his opinion, the Egyptian priests had at their disposal something like a high-voltage Van de Graaff generator. With the help of such a generator, a voltage of several hundred thousand volts can be obtained. W. Harn created a working model of such a generator and Egyptian "lamps". Talking about his experiences, he writes:“If you evacuate air from a glass bulb with two metal rods inside, the electrical discharge occurs at a much lower voltage. At a pressure of 40 mm Hg, a thread discharge jumps from one of the rods, accompanied by a glow. If you continue to evacuate air, the discharge becomes wider until it fills all the free space of the flask. All this fully corresponds to the relief in the temple of Hathor. "

Items or devices left behind or lost by aliens were kept as relics. For example, the "Ark of the Covenant" or the "Grail". In an Indian city on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, there is a Jagannath temple, which is strictly closed to all foreigners, even Hare Krishnas or yogis. In the temple there are statues of deities that are significantly different from the statues of other gods of the Hindu pantheon. They are carved from wood, which is short-lived in tropical climates, so every 9-12 years the idols have to be replaced. In the womb of the black-faced deity Jagannath there is a cache in which there is a certain object wrapped in silk. When replacing the statue, the oldest priest is blindfolded and wrapped with rags around his hands, and he alone carries the mysterious object inside the new idol. This procedure has been carried out regularly since the completion of the construction of the temple in 1198, and each time the priest who performed the ceremony died within a year. There is a belief among local residents that those who stay all night in the temple will be found dead in the morning. It can be assumed that the mysterious object from the Jagannath Temple is a source of radioactive radiation, slowly killing everyone who has been in the immediate vicinity for a long time.

The Egyptian National Museum (Cairo) contains amazing archaeological finds, the origin of which is difficult to establish. In the central showcase of the main hall, where the treasures found in the tomb of Tutankhamun are exhibited, there is an exhibit that does not have a catalog number - it is a dagger made of high-alloy (stainless) steel.This artifact refutes the classical notion of the rudimentary state of metallurgy in Egypt.The ancient Egyptians had single objects made of meteoric iron, but they could hardly make alloy steel, for the smelting of which specially selected additives were required.

There is a lot more information about unusual artifacts found in various regions of the globe, mysterious drawings depicting strange aircraft, documentary evidence of the presence of aliens on our planet. And there is more and more such evidence ...

Drawings of aliens found in India. They are genuine and engraved on the rocks. The find is approximately 10,000 years old. And interesting drawings in that they depict strange extraterrestrial beings and an object with a disc-shaped shape.

Who and why put the images on the rocks

The drawings of the aliens in question have been carefully checked for a long time. Aerospace agencies have revealed that aliens and disk very similar to how we represent aliens now. Indian scientists noted that it is the same as if ancient people had seen enough scientific films about extraterrestrial life forms and depicted it on the rocks.

It is assumed that what he saw influenced the formation of Indian culture. Cave paintings are not sacred, but they know about the Rohela people in the area. These people are presented as small creatures with large heads, flying on large round saucers. It is also said that they took a couple of people with them, and after that there was no news about them.

Alien Drawings executed in traditional Indian colors. They are very clear - they depict figures on whose faces there are no mouth and nose, and there are weapons in their hands. In some cases on aliens wearing spacesuits. It is unlikely that ancient people came up with such an image.

It is possible that ancient people showed exactly what they once saw. The theory is supported by the fact that similar drawings are found in other parts of the world. They are typical of many cultures. For example, such images were recently discovered in the city of Belozersk, Vologda Oblast. A spaceship was painted on the stone, very similar on alien, and alien, dressed in a spacesuit and holding a staff in his hand. It is known that a thousand years ago, the Vikings lived near the White Lake, respectively, the stone may be theirs. However, it is not possible to determine the exact age of the find. The fact is that it consists of silicon, which cannot be subjected to radiocarbon analysis. It may be that the stone appeared before the Vikings inhabited the area.

Was there contact with aliens or not

The assumption that ancient people had contact with aliens is not devoid of meaning. Drawings of extraterrestrial beings in India are a vivid confirmation of this, since it would be very difficult for ancient people to invent such an event.

At the moment, experts intend to contact NASA. Employees of this organization are interested in the find and say that meeting with aliens possible in the near future.

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