Home natural farming Equipment for the production of tea at home. Industrial production of Ivan-tea. Assortment of tea products as a way to increase income

Equipment for the production of tea at home. Industrial production of Ivan-tea. Assortment of tea products as a way to increase income

Now there is a trend of business development in terms of opening factories, plants, production lines. His business in the field of tea production line is very highly profitable. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of competitors in this area on the market, there remains a segment of high quality tea that is of interest to all investors. According to statistics, one person on average consumes approximately 120 liters of tea of ​​various types.

Variety of tea products

First, we offer to figure out exactly what types of tea exist.

As everyone already knows, especially from TV commercials, that the main countries that produce tea are: Kenya, Ceylon, China, Indonesia, India. As for Russia, the state is engaged in the cultivation of tea only in the Krasnodar Territory.

As you know, the best tea plantations are in India.

So, if you decide to purchase your own tea production line, then you need to take into account the following information.

Let's start with the legal details first. So, when purchasing raw materials for the production of tea, you should know that it must have all approved certificates of quality and conformity. As a rule, such documents indicate radiological, microbiological, physico-chemical and other indicators.

The process of tea is quite laborious and lengthy. This can be seen in a specific example, for example, the manufacture of black long leaf tea. Like any technological process, it consists of several stages: withering, twisting, fermentation, drying. After all these manipulations, the sheets are rolled in rollers to release cell sap to start the fermentation process.

Prerequisites for production

The room for tea drying must withstand the set temperature throughout the entire process Special requirements are put forward for the rooms where the tea production line is planned to be installed. They need to maintain a certain level of humidity (as a rule, there should be high relative humidity) and temperature (from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius). The sun's rays should not penetrate into the workshops.

At the last stage of tea processing, drying takes place with the help of hot air. This is done in order to remove excess moisture and preserve all the beneficial properties. At this stage, the work of enzymes ends.

After completion of fermentation and drying, the mixture is to be sorted: thinner tea leaves - separately, larger ones - separately. As a result, we have teas that differ from each other. If the tea leaves are too large, they must be crushed.

Cost and equipment

Purchase of an automatic line for the production of tea bags - 1.7 million rubles. At the same time, it should also be understood that prices will depend on the plants for the production of lines, as well as the power and other characteristics of the equipment.

Standard set of necessary equipment for making tea:

Such equipment is an automatic production line. Prices for it start at about 700,000 rubles. (the price of the production line was in 2014).

Video: Tea production

In any corner of Russia it is impossible to imagine breakfast, lunch or dinner without tea drinking. Modern equipment for the production of tea is designed to preserve the structure and all the best properties of the tea leaf at all stages of processing. We have already told you how to open your own, and now we will consider what kind of tea production equipment you need to create your own factory.

Most entrepreneurs choose Chinese tea production lines, which are used to process all kinds of tea leaves. With the help of new technologies for processing high quality raw materials, we will get a tasty, aromatic drink, which is so popular in our country. This line can be used to produce different types of tea: black and green.

The mini-workshop for the production of tea is modern machines that perform a number of technological processes of production. They are equipped with automatic control systems and are distinguished by relatively low energy costs.

Metal air heater

For example, model FP-14III - 4 pcs.

Air heater - equipment for tea, with the help of which the first drying of tea leaves is carried out to achieve technological humidity.

Technical characteristics of air heater type FP-14III:

  • nominal warm air temperature: 120%,
  • air heater efficiency ≥60%.

Rotary crushing and cutting machine for tea leaves

For example, model 6CRQ-20 - 2 pcs.

Highly demanded equipment for the production of tea. In a rotary machine, the mass of leaves is separated, after which this raw material is placed in an automatic machine for initial twist drying.

Specifications of rotary machine type 6CRQ-20:

  • productivity: 1000kg/h;
  • rotation speed of the main axis: 34r/min;
  • drum gauge: 200×915mm;
  • accessory energy: 5.5kW;
  • dimensions: 2400×440×810mm.

Tea leaf splitting sorting machine

For example, model 6CJS-30 3pcs.

Specifications of 6CJS-30 sorting machine

  • productivity: 500kg/h;
  • splitting roller speed: 700-740r/min;
  • shaking frequency: 330 times / min;
  • component energy: 1.1kW;
  • dimensions: 2160×1110×1200mm.

tea dryer

For example, model 6CH-20 - 7pcs.

The tea dryer has a drying area of ​​20.4m2. Its component energy:

  • main motor 1.5kW;
  • wind turbine 4kW;
  • efficiency: 120kg/h;
  • number of layers of the drying plate: 6;
  • dimensions: 5240 2120 1900.

This tea production equipment is necessary for the fermentation of raw materials to obtain color and bitter taste. Such a line costs 15-20 thousand dollars. Chinese companies offer high-quality equipment for tea production. Here you get excellent service, a good price and a guarantee for the equipment.

High income from tea production will be achieved through free raw materials. By growing tea yourself, you will get a very profitable tea business with the smallest capital investment.

Four options for a set of equipment for the production of tea

You can build your own mini-workshop for the production of tea by purchasing modern equipment from the manufacturer, and at the same time save several thousand dollars. With it, you can produce tea products from the raw materials of your area. It can be raspberry, cherry, pear, grape leaves, as well as the well-known Ivan tea or fireweed. You will get the perfect, unusually tasty natural product.

Consider several options for tea equipment.

1 option:

  • tables;
  • mechanical sheet twisting machine;
  • mechanical sifter;
  • mechanical drying.

The capacity of such a line is from 40 kg. per day of input raw materials. The price is from $7200 to $8000. We advise you to purchase tea production equipment from trusted suppliers, such as EURASIA GROUP.

Option 2:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • roller mechanical;
  • mechanical sifter;
  • dryer electric.

Productivity - from 130 kg of tea raw materials. Price - from $ 9100 to $ 10,000.

3 option:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • electromechanical roller;
  • electric sifter;
  • dryer electric.

Productivity - from 150 kg of tea raw materials. The price is from $10,600 to $11,000.

4 option:

  • tables;
  • trays for drying and fermentation;
  • automatic sheet twisting machine;
  • electric sifter;
  • dryer electric.

Productivity - from 220 kg of tea raw materials at the entrance. The cost is from $ 13,000.

You can save a little if you build tables and drying trays yourself.

The last stage of production is the packing and packaging of tea products. Equipment for tea packaging and automatic dosing can be purchased from $500, depending on the brand and manufacturer.

Tea production is a fairly simple process, consisting of several technological steps. Each operation requires highly specialized equipment. Since tea is the most popular drink in the world, the tea business will remain relevant for at least another 10 years.

Video: professional tea equipment

  • Making herbal tea
  • How much can you earn
  • Regulatory framework
  • Purchase of raw materials

Making homemade, piece, exclusive or simply homemade tea is a highly profitable and simple business. The tea business is attractive to a beginner in that with the right choice of market, you can start working with little or no start-up capital. You can produce herbal, fruit and any natural eco tea at the initial stage in your own kitchen. The first buyers are your friends and subscribers on Instagram or Telegram.

What is the best tea to make?

There are a huge number of recipes for making herbal formulations: a combination of fragrant and neutral plants, fruits and leaves, petals and whole inflorescences. You can make green tea, supplementing it with exotic fruits, spruce or cedar - the variety is amazing and, as a rule, only applies to your imagination.

If black and green tea in the store is presented in a large assortment, then you have to look for other types. About 75% of sales are for black varieties, 15% is for green, and only 10% of demand is for herbal and fruit formulations. Moreover, according to statistics, approximately 80% of products are "prepared" to one degree or another. Flavorings now surprise no one, but they are almost always identical to natural ones. Dyes and other non-Eco additives are even in some types of black single-component tea.

Proper promotion of your product will allow you to occupy a niche of eco products. In the cold season, warming compositions are in demand, in summer - refreshing teas. That is why it is easiest for a beginner to enter the market with a non-classical drink. For example, by offering the consumer herbal preparations or blends with the addition of dried berries and fruits. A separate line is occupied by exotic drinks.

A bouquet of Douglas fir, chamomile, lemon balm, anise and hyssop will definitely not leave your customers indifferent. You can combine such a drink with forest honey, which you can also offer. This will require building relationships with trustworthy beekeepers.

How to set up tea production

The main rules for organizing the production of herbal (and any) tea are similar to the requirements for collecting medicinal plants. To implement the idea, you will need to register a company, find suppliers of raw materials, and purchase packaging material. The production of herbal tea consists in grinding raw materials and packing them into special filter bags. The already packaged product is packed into cardboard boxes and delivered to the customer. Serial production of a noble drink requires the purchase of an automated line.

Production consists in its packaging: raw materials are delivered in large quantities from the countries of natural germination of the plant. In China, you can order green and red varieties, India and Ceylon are famous for their black teas. For herbal drinks and uzvars, the best supplier is Altai, Siberia. The entrepreneur only needs to develop a recipe and add components that will create a unique blend.

Making herbal tea

In the process of making herbal tea, as, indeed, in the production of any of its types, raw materials play an important role. With improper storage, it quickly loses its taste. That is why when purchasing components, you should pay attention to the state of drying, the color of berries and inflorescences.

An important point is the environmental friendliness of herbs and the period of their collection. Many of them are medicinal and harvested at a certain time. For example, St. John's wort, linden, chamomile are famous for their fragrant flowers and are collected at the time of blooming inflorescences; cloudberry, currant and raspberry leaves are collected in spring, immediately after full bloom; fruits of currant, raspberry, wild rose - at the moment of full ripening.

It is also important to know the rules of drying:

  • ether-containing plants are dried at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees;
  • St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm leaves are dried at a temperature of about 60 C;
  • fruits and berries must undergo heat treatment at 90 C.

The most valuable are herbs that are harvested in the period preceding their flowering, and dried on sunny days, in a natural way under awnings, and stored in a room with ventilation. Each plant has its own collection time, you need to remember this and not chase the price of wholesale lots. Compilation of herbal preparations is an individual process. These can be classic "grandmother's recipes" or mixtures made according to individual preferences. Production can be:

  • piece, making exclusives with your own hands in small quantities;
  • small-scale. The release of tea on a company scale allows providing more than a thousand customers;
  • large-scale. A complete activity.

How best to sell products

Many people believe that herbal formulations are medicinal.

In fact, such drinks have a general strengthening effect, they can warm in the cold or refresh in the heat. If black tea has some contraindications, few people like the taste of green, then a light herbal composition is suitable for almost everyone.

There are many ways to sell herbal tea:

  • creating your own VIP tea club;
  • through networks of tea boutiques, retail outlets;
  • with your own online store.

At the beginning of business development, it is advisable to conduct an advertising campaign, which is the main tool on the way to the information content of customers. But this will require some means. Our own group on VKontakte, Instagram and other social networks will help to make products recognizable.

By offering products of your own production to friends and acquaintances, you can achieve better results in a short time.

Natural herbal tea must be of high quality - this is the main requirement for a fragrant drink on the way to popularity.

How much can you earn

The profitable part of the business depends on entrepreneurship. When the mini-workshop is fully loaded, the income will be from 150 thousand rubles: the production line is capable of producing 70 thousand packages per month. At the cost of 1 package of the simplest herbal tea 50 rubles. profit will be about 350 thousand rubles. After paying all expenses, the entrepreneur will receive a little less than half of the net income.

But you can count on such an amount by organizing mass production and issuing your own brand.

At the beginning of development, income will be somewhat less. For example, a VKontakte group for 1000 people will provide a profit of up to 50 thousand rubles. per month, sales through YouTube and telegrams will increase income by another 75 thousand rubles.

The profitability of the business is 45%. Full payback comes in the first six months of successful activity.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of a natural tea business depends on the line of business. You can organize a small enterprise with 200 thousand rubles, which will be needed for registration, the purchase of a batch of raw materials and the manufacture of packaging.

To start an automated workshop, you will need:

  • obtain an activity permit - 50 thousand rubles;
  • rent a room and carry out repair work in compliance with the requirements of the SES and the fire inspection - 300 thousand rubles;
  • purchase a line for the production of tea bags - 700 thousand rubles. (used equipment is cheaper);
  • create an advertising campaign, website, online store - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase raw materials - 250 thousand rubles.

If you have 1.5-2 million, you can organize a modern production of herbal tea. In the early stages, costs can be reduced. For example, purchase a used line, re-equip your own premises, run a smaller scale advertising.

Step by step plan to start a tea business

How to start making natural tea? First of all, you need to learn how to prepare fragrant mixtures, offer them to your relatives and friends.

Next, you need to register with the tax office, conclude agreements with suppliers of raw materials, obtain all permits for the production of a natural drink, and create groups on social networks. The first batch should be distributed among friends, the second - sold using the Internet.

To open a large-scale production, you will need to rent the appropriate premises. It should be large enough to accommodate all the necessary equipment. As a rule, when creating a production area, three zones are created: for the reception and storage of raw materials, packaging and storage of finished products.

Briefly, the step-by-step plan for organizing tea production is as follows:

  • conducting marketing research, drawing up a business plan;
  • obtaining permits;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers of raw materials;
  • rent and arrangement of premises;
  • conducting an advertising campaign.

Regulatory framework

Like any business, tea production requires registration with the tax office. It is possible to register an activity both as an individual entrepreneurship and a legal entity. It should be noted that buyers trust LLC much more than individual entrepreneurs.

An individual entrepreneur is suitable for creating a small production. In the future, in the presence of wholesale orders, you can form an LLC.

Do I need a permit to open a tea factory?

The activity is not subject to licensing. But still, the manufacture of food and beverages implies the execution of a package of permits:

  • coordination of technical conditions of production with SES, fire inspection;
  • formulation approval;
  • permission from the veterinary service;
  • certificate of compliance of products with hygienic standards of SES.

Self-government bodies may have an extended list of requirements in the region. That is why it is necessary to find out in advance all the nuances of registration of production in local regulatory authorities.

Which OKVED to indicate for the sale of products

In accordance with the all-Russian classifier for the production of herbal tea or other type of drink, the OKVED code 10.83 is used.

Which taxation system to choose for registration of activities

OKVED code 10.83 allows you to apply a simplified taxation system with a rate of 6% or 15%. For the first option, confirmation of all expenses is required. The second option of taxation, namely 15% of the income received, is much simpler and does not require documentary evidence of the expenditure part of the business.

Business organization technology

The technology for organizing a successful business is to create individual herbal preparations. By producing high-quality products of your own brand, you can quickly conquer your niche in the beverage market.

Naturally, at the beginning of production, one's own brand may not be registered, but if assembly line production is organized, the brand is required.

Purchase of raw materials

For the manufacture of teabags or other types of tea, it is necessary to purchase only certified raw materials. The documents must contain radiological, microbiological indicators, the presence of pesticides and heavy metals in the leaves. Otherwise, it is necessary to independently conduct an examination, and this is a very costly and lengthy process. To search for suppliers of black and green tea, you need to establish contacts with wholesalers from China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. Preference should be given only to high-quality varieties of the drink - extra and higher. In Russia, tea plantations exist only in the Krasnodar Territory.

As for herbal preparations, it is much easier to find raw materials here: the surrounding plants can be an ideal option for production.

The composition of mixtures for the manufacture of herbal preparations

Herbal preparations are compiled individually. Naturally, you can make tea with certain herbs, but the mixture is much tastier. Aromatic herbs (mint, lemon balm, oregano, thyme) do not combine with each other, as their stronger aroma displaces all other tastes. That is why fragrant herbs are combined with neutral ones.

Components can be different:

  • vitamin, which contain raspberries, rose hips, cherries, currants, apples, etc.;
  • cooling or warming;
  • fragrant and not so much.

The most useful plants for making tea are rose hips, raspberries, currants, chamomile flowers, mint and lemon balm leaves, linden inflorescences.

The choice of equipment for the preparation of products

It is possible to establish the production of tea practically without special equipment: the raw materials are crushed by hand, the packaging is ordered from the supplier, and the label is ordered from the printing house. With such a project implementation, there will be a physical restriction on production output, since you work with your own hands or attract a minimum of assistants. Serial production requires special equipment.

A complete line allows the production of about 120 tea bags per minute. It is recommended to purchase used equipment at the initial stage of development, it will cost around 1.2 million rubles.

Also, as an option, you can make loose herbal teas. With this approach, it is necessary to purchase a special packaging device.

The most time-consuming stage in the preparation of Ivan-tea is the process of preparing for fermentation, namely, the destruction of tea leaf fiber.

The option with an electric meat grinder does not suit everyone. Particularly picky fans of this drink try to avoid the interaction of the sheet with metal objects (meat grinders).

Maybe it's in the old traditions, maybe in the opinion that the interaction of the willow-tea leaf with the metal starts the oxidative process. I won’t guess, I’ll just describe the process of making a small device for another option for twisting a leaf of willow-tea.

If there are no problems with twisting a well-withered willow-tea leaf, then you will have to tinker with the leaves of fruit trees (apple, pear, etc.) and raspberries. And without freezing-thawing of the leaves, most likely, it will not work.

Materials and tools

To work, you will need a wide board (pine, linden, etc.), an angle grinder (aka angle grinder) with a disc diameter of 125 mm, a petal end circle and a sandpaper.

Work process

Draw a circle with a compass.

We make a sketch of future convolutions.

If it is convenient for you to make circular rotations clockwise, then we make the bulge of the convolutions as in the photo. If counterclockwise, then the direction of the bulge is reversed.

Now, using the petal circle, we make indentations along the contour. First from the inside
then from the outside.

If possible, choose the interval between the "waves".
We smooth out the bumps with the help of the skin.

Roller do-it-yourself ready. You can start rolling your tea.

PS. Subsequently, for convenience, the board had to be made wider and more massive, for which a grooved floor board 36 mm thick was used. The cup size has also increased.

After some experiments with this device, I was once again convinced that a very important component of the process of twisting a willow-tea leaf is proper wilting. It depends on the correctness of the withering whether the sheet will curl or break.

We all constantly hear advertisements for tea with the taste of bergamot, not with bergamot, but with taste!!! Taste is achieved with the help of various additives. At the same time, a large number of various herbs grow in Russia, which can either tone up or, on the contrary, calm the nervous system, help with various diseases, and improve the overall well-being of the body.

Here are a few types of plants that are traditionally used as tea additives.

  • mint,
  • Melissa,
  • yarrow,
  • raspberries,
  • currant,
  • chamomile,
  • calendula,
  • the Rose,

1. Organizational moments

To start activities, you need to register with the tax office, to start activities, the organizational form “Individual Entrepreneur” is optimal, as well as choose the form of taxation, the most suitable form is “Simplified taxation system, income minus expenses”.

1.1. Obtaining permits

To start tea production, you need to receive the following documents from SanEpidemStation and RosPotrebNadzor:

  1. Specifications agreed and registered (TU)
  2. Technical instruction (TI)
  3. Recipe
  4. Permission from the veterinary service
  5. hygienic conclusion of SES for production
  6. Other (according to the individual characteristics of the project)

The list of documents is large and the collection of all documents takes considerable time, you can either do everything yourself (for a long time), or contact specialized companies that will do everything themselves and relatively quickly, but for a fee.


Opening of a tea shop

2.1. Equipment

There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of equipment for the production of tea bags, the most popular are Constanta automatic equipment. (capacity 130-150 bags per minute) and automatic equipment EC-12 (capacity 120 bags per minute).

This equipment can produce leaf or herbal tea as well as fruit teas.

The cost of equipment differs from the brand of the machine, year of manufacture and modification. So the prices for new equipment start from 100,000 euros, used equipment can be bought for 35,000 - 40,000 euros.

View other tea packing machines.

2.2. Room selection

Room requirement:

The premises in which the organization of production is planned must comply with the requirements of the SES.

The premises should have several rooms, in one warehouse of raw materials, a warehouse of finished products, a production site, and staff rooms.

The building must have electricity and water supply.

2.3. Staff

To service a small tea production workshop, the staff should have the following employees:

  • Director (general management, product sales),
  • Technologist (composes a recipe, controls the quality of raw materials and finished products),
  • Workers 3 persons (engaged in the production and packaging of products).

2.4. Raw material suppliers

To produce a high-quality and competitive product, it is necessary to choose good suppliers. There should be no problems with suppliers, there are many offers on the Internet for the sale of both loose tea and various medicinal herbs.

You can organize the reception of various field herbs from local residents of the countryside by advertising in advance.

2.5. Markets

Finished products can be sold through several distribution channels:

  • Federal and regional grocery chains
  • Specialized tea shops
  • Internet - shop
  • Pharmacy chains

3. Feasibility study

3.1. Capital expenditures:

  • Packaging equipment EU-2 (used from 1996) - 1,700,000 rubles
  • Obtaining permits - 150,000 rubles
  • Repair of the premises (according to SES standards) - 500,000 rubles.
  • Conducting an advertising campaign: 500,000 rubles.
  • Creation of inventory, other 500,000 rubles
  • Total 3,350,000 rubles

The productivity of automatic equipment EC-12 is 120 bags per minute or 6 packs of 20 filter bags. For a month (22 days) at 8 hours, this equipment can produce 63,360 packages of tea, with a selling price of 30 rubles per pack, monthly revenue (with 100% sales of manufactured products) will be 1.9 million rubles.

The cost of tea production includes the cost of raw materials and electricity, the markup depends on the type of product, but on average, somewhere around 50%

3.2. Economy

7.3. Payback

The payback of the shop for the production of packaged tea is 14 months.

Viktor Stepanov, 2012-05-23

Questions and answers on the topic

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Specifications below equipment for drying tea leaves, offered for delivery by our company.

The price is indicated in US dollars, so that you can calculate the price as quickly as possible today.

The internal rate of companies: the rate of the Central Bank + 1.5%.

You can order tea leaf drying equipment, at a bargain price, in our company.

Tea leaf drying equipment


This item is included in the section Tea production equipment Buy a tea leaf roller

The business associated with the production and sale of loose leaf tea is highly profitable. Despite the high competition in this market, the segment of expensive natural types of tea is still of great interest to investors. In a year, one average Russian consumer drinks almost 120 liters of various types of tea.

There are several classifications of this product. In our country, tea, depending on its type and quality of raw materials and technologies used in the production, is divided into:

  • sheet (long leaf);
  • pressed (leaves along with shoots);
  • granulated;
  • flavored;
  • extracted (dried or aqueous extracts).

Long leaf tea, in turn, can be green, red, black or yellow, depending on the degree of fermentation of the tea leaf. This division is associated not only with the difference in appearance or color of tea, but also with various production features. For example, with an intensive course of oxidative processes during the processing of fresh tea leaves, a long fermentation occurs, which, as a result, gives black tea.

In the production of green tea, a fresh leaf is heated under high temperature. As a result, at the very beginning of processing in raw materials, redox processes are stopped. Red and yellow teas are semi-fermented varieties. Red teas have more fermentation than yellow teas.

Pressed tea is available in the following types: brick (green), tablet (black and green) and slab (black).

Extracted teas are concentrated liquid or dry extracts of green and black tea.

Granulated tea is produced by granulating tea crumbs or dust, which are formed during the processing of black long leaf tea. Unlike other types of tea, granulated tea contains sugar, which is added during the granulation process to increase the stickiness.

Often, black, red and less often green teas are flavored with jasmine, lemon, cloves and other special additives, which gives them a pleasant aroma and unusual taste.

Depending on the raw materials and methods of processing, the following types of teas are distinguished: loose, or long leaf (as a rule, it is black, yellow or green), pressed (green and black brick teas and green brick), tableted (green and black), extracted ( extracts of green and black tea), tea in paper bags for single brewing.

In terms of popularity in Russia and the CIS countries, black tea is the leader (about 80-85% of total sales). On a global scale, green tea accounts for about 25% of the total production of green teas, and red tea accounts for no more than 2-3%. The growth rate of the domestic tea market is estimated at 20-25%.

The main tea producing countries are China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Kenya. Almost every country has its own "specialization". So, in China there are four main tea production regions (southern, southwestern, Yanbei and Yangtze), producing green teas of various varieties. Red teas are grown in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. However, China mainly exports black and red teas, which are not in high demand in the local market.

Red teas are also produced in Taiwan. A small part of this country's exports is green tea.

In Japan, tea is grown on the islands of Shikoku, Honshu and Kyushu. The country is famous for its best varieties of green tea.

The four main regions in India where tea is grown are Assam, Darjeeling, North and South India. This country, like Ceylon and Indonesia, "specializes" in black tea. Kenyan tea is considered the strongest, due to the high content of tinin in it.

In our country, tea is grown only in the Krasnodar Territory.

Please note: each batch of raw materials must have all the necessary certificates of quality and conformity. They indicate microbiological, radiological, physicochemical, organoleptic indicators, mass fraction of salts of heavy metals and pesticides.

Tea production is a rather long and laborious process. Consider it on the basis of the manufacture of the most popular types of tea - long leaf black.

The production technology consists of several stages: withering, twisting, fermentation and drying. Withering is necessary in order to give the tea leaf softness and elasticity. It is natural and artificial. In the first case, the sheets are exposed to sunlight for at least 18-20 hours at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 70%. Of course, not every country has the conditions for such a procedure (as a rule, this method is used in Sri Lanka). Therefore, most often, manufacturers prefer artificial withering, which is carried out in special chambers with controlled temperature and humidity.

Then the sheets are rolled in rollers: they are placed in a drum, where, by rotating the mixer, twisting takes place. During this stage, cell sap is released on the surface of the leaf, which is exposed to enzymes. This is where the fermentation process begins. In order to completely separate the sheet into fractions, it goes through this procedure 2-4 times. After each of them, the leaves are sorted and moved.

The premises where the factory is located must meet certain requirements. They maintain high relative humidity and a certain temperature (22-26°C). Usually the room where the tea leaves are processed and fermented is located on the north side of the factory, where direct sunlight does not penetrate.

The final stage of tea leaf processing is drying in a stream of hot air. This procedure is necessary in order to remove excess moisture and preserve the properties in the tea leaf that are formed in it during the fermentation process. Under the influence of high temperature, the work of enzymes stops. Drying usually takes place in two stages: the first at a temperature of 90-95 degrees Celsius, and the second at 82-87°C.

The semi-finished tea product obtained after fermentation and drying is sorted - delicate tea leaves are separated manually from coarse ones, resulting in teas of factory standards. Excessively large particles are crushed. Leaf fractions are used for the production of loose leaf tea, and small fractions (crumbs) are pressed into brick tea.

Finally, different grades of tea, according to the standards of certain grades, are mixed in a mixing (blending) drum. The uppermost parts of the shoot go to the production of higher grades of tea.

So, for the production of tea, you will need the following equipment: several types of mixers, dryers, presses, machines for crushing dry components, twisting lines, screeners, tedders, homogenizers, blending containers, tippers, as well as filling and packaging equipment and / or processing lines, production and packaging of black and green teas, as well as tea bags. The cost of the simplest line for the production of tea starts from 700 thousand rubles.

Products such as tea are subject to mandatory certification with a declaration of compliance with GOST requirements:

  • GOST 3716-90 Bulk green tea. Specifications";
  • GOST 1939-90 Packed green tea. Specifications";
  • GOST 12810-79 Brick green tea for export. Specifications";
  • GOST 3483-78 “Green brick tea. Specifications";
  • GOST 1940-75 “Black slab tea. Specifications";
  • GOST 1937-90 Bulk black tea. Specifications";
  • GOST 1938-90 Packed black tea. Specifications".

To obtain a declaration of conformity, you must contact the certification body and submit the following documents for consideration: the company's statutory documents, information about the manufacturer / seller, product catalog and name, technical documentation, laboratory research and examination protocols.

At the same time, separate certificates are issued for green and black tea. In addition, you will need to obtain a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

Since the business of producing and selling tea is seasonal, it is necessary to create stocks of raw materials for such production. Therefore, you will need large premises not only for placing equipment, but also for organizing warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

The payback period for this type of business is at least two years. The level of profitability is not less than 40%.

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