Home natural farming Dangerous snakes of the seaside region. Eastern cottonmouth

Dangerous snakes of the seaside region. Eastern cottonmouth

On the territory of Primorsky Krai, there are at least three species of muzzle, which are morphologically very close: the Ussuri muzzle (Gloydius ussuriensis) is the smallest species of muzzle on the territory of Russia; rocky muzzle (Gloydius saxatilis) and short-tailed muzzle (Gloydius brevicaudus).

All these three species on the territory of Russia are sympatric, that is, their ranges coincide and occupy the south of the Far East, roughly speaking, the territories located south of the Amur River (Primorsky Territory, south of Khabarovsk Territory and Amur Region).

The basis of the diet of these snakes are amphibians, lizards and rodents. Moreover, the diet of the Ussuri muzzle often includes frogs, and its larger relatives prefer to hunt voles and mice.

In winter, muzzles fall into hibernation, which lasts all the cold season. Wintering comes to an end at an air temperature of +18 - 20 ° С.

Cottonmouths are not aggressive snakes, they can only be dangerous when escape routes are cut off. Very often, the "victims" of the muzzle are unlucky tourists who run ahead through an unknown area and, as a result, step on a snake. The danger of a muzzle bite is greatly exaggerated; for all the time I have lived in Primorsky Krai, I have not heard of a single case of death caused by the poison of this reptile. At the same time, a snake bite is very painful and can remind of itself within a week, after which recovery occurs. If you are going to nature, then do not forget to look under your feet, the muzzle will always give way to you if you move without fuss and haste.

It should be noted that the muzzle has suffered the fate of many animals living in the Primorsky Territory, the reason for this is the oriental cuisine, which highly appreciates the meat of these snakes. At present, Far Eastern cottonmouths have become an object of illegal export. In addition to humans, this snake has a lot of natural enemies: predatory animals (badger, raccoon dog, columnar and harza) and birds (hawk buzzard, black kite, big-billed crow and jay).

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Ussuri muzzle - Agkistrodon ussuriensis(Emelianov, 1929)
(= Ancistrodon blomhoffii (Boie, 1826); Ancistrodon blomhoffii intermedius (Strauch, 1868); Ancistrodon halys intermedius (Strauch, 1868); Ancistrodon blomhoffii ussuriensis (Emelianov, 1929); Agkistrodon halys ussuriensis (Emelianov, 1929)

Appearance. Length body reaches 650 mm, tail length - 80 mm. Head large, the edge of the muzzle is slightly rounded. Intermaxillary shield barely visible from above. Frontal shield slightly longer than wide. The parietal scutes are very large, significantly exceeding the frontal ones in length and width. Abdominal shields 145-166, undercaudal - 37-51. Around the middle of the body 21 row scales.

Coloring. Above brown, brownish or dark brown, almost black. On the sides of the ridge, on the sides of the body, immediately behind the head, there is a row of elliptical rounded spots, lighter inside and rounded by a dark ring. In the middle of the ring, a dark spot is sometimes noticeable. Elliptical rings on the back can merge. Along the border with the abdominal shields, from the head to the anus, a row of brown or black rhombic spots runs along the sides of the body. Belly gray with small white spots in front.

Spreading. It occurs in the Far East everywhere in the Primorsky Territory, further north to the mouth of the Amur River and in the very south of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region; outside of Russia in Manchuria and in the north of Korea. Until recently, it was considered in the volume of a polytypic species Agkistrodon blomhoffii(Boie, 1826), widespread in East Asia on the mainland and the Japanese islands.

Habitat. Very moisture-loving look. It inhabits the banks of rivers, swamps, does not avoid rice fields. As a rule, it adheres to open spaces covered with grass or bushes of hazel, broom. In the forest regions of the Sikhote-Alin, it usually adheres to forest edges and warmed scree on the slopes. Common on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. In the mountains it rises up to 1300 m above sea level. Very often on scree and sandy-stony sea beaches lives together with Agkistrodon saxatilis. In this regard, it is interesting to note that there are great differences in the diet of these snakes.

Activity. Swims well.

poisonous snake, has paired tubular poisonous teeth on a very mobile maxillary bone. As with most viper snakes, enzymes predominate in the venom of moths - hemotoxins that act on the hematopoietic system, causing hemorrhages, thrombosis and, as a result, extensive necrosis. However, the composition of the venom of cottonmouths and their closest relatives of rattlesnakes also contains a proportion of neurotoxins that act on the nervous system, causing paralysis of the respiratory center and other nerve nodes, i.e. two phases are noted in the action of the venom of these snakes: the first is neurotoxic and the second is hemotoxic (typical for real viper snakes).

Reproduction. Mating takes place in April-May. In September - early October, females bring 4-11 cubs 150-180 mm long, which, after the first molt, begin to actively eat small frogs.

Food. Ussuri muzzle eats mainly frogs and extremely rarely small mammals. In marshy places and river marshes, eating fish has been noted.

Wintering. Wintering in October - early November. It often winters in wintering communities, like the stony muzzle. Exit from wintering from the end of March to the end of May.

Similar types. It differs from the stony muzzle in smaller size, color, fewer scales around the middle of the body. It differs from other snakes in the presence of a facial fossa.

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With this article, we open a new section on the site about reptiles in Primorsky Krai.

Reptiles (reptiles - from lat. Reptilia) - a class (according to the traditional classification), or a paraphyletic group (according to the cladistic classification) of predominantly terrestrial vertebrates, including modern turtles, crocodiles, beakheads, amphisbaena, lizards and snakes. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, together with amphibians, they united in a group of reptiles - cold-blooded terrestrial vertebrates. About 9400 species of reptiles are known in the world, 72 species live on the territory of Russia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The snake season has come to an end, amphibians are preparing for wintering. .

But for next summer, it doesn’t hurt to stock up on knowledge about poisonous snakes.

For example, about Shchitomordnikah. I have always considered this snake the most poisonous in Primorye, but information from Wikipedia dispelled my confidence. It turns out that there are practically no deaths after the bite of the Cottonmouth.
But nonetheless. It is better not to put your fingers in the mouth of this reptile and be aware of the habits and lifestyle of poisonous snakes. And remember the main difference: poisonous snakes have vertical narrow pupils, non-venomous snakes have round pupils. But both of them bite painfully.

Cotton muzzle in the photo below, we caught on the lake in 2013. Obsessively crawled between the tents, had to be caught and eaten.

This snake in 2008 was almost stepped on on the way to the sea. At the request of the kids, he let him go - he threw him away from the road into the bushes, let him live.

This muzzle is the smallest species that lives on the territory of Primorsky Krai. In the north it reaches the mouth of the Amur River, and in the south to the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. The length of an adult snake usually does not exceed 65 cm. The head is large, the edge of the muzzle is slightly rounded.


Prefers damp places in coniferous and deciduous forests of the Far East. It is a frequent guest on the sea coast, and along the banks of reservoirs. It also does not avoid rice fields and villages, where the cottonmouth is exterminated by local residents or snakes die under the wheels of cars. In its biology, the Ussuri muzzle is very similar to the stony one, with which it often lives together on stony screes and sandy-stony sea beaches. In logging sites, this species is found much less frequently than the stony muzzle. In the mountains, it stays along forest edges, in clearings, among bushes and on rocky slopes of mountains, rising to a height of 1300 m above sea level. The Ussuri cottonmouth is a common snake in the main habitats, forming clusters of 17 individuals in wintering areas (often wintering together with the stony cottonmouth).

In contrast to the stony muzzle, its numbers are still quite high in places.

Reproduction of the Ussuri muzzle

Mating takes place in April - May, and in September - early October, females give birth to 4 - 11 cubs 150-180 mm long and weighing 4 - 6 g. Most females have a one-year breeding cycle. According to indirect data, in the north of Primorsky and, possibly, in the Khabarovsk Territory, this species (as well as the stony muzzle) can have a two-year breeding cycle. Muzzles reach puberty at a body length of 400 mm, possibly after the third wintering. Newborn snakes have time to molt 5-6 times before leaving for wintering, while the first molt occurs after 6-7 hours, the second - after 2-3 days.


Unlike other species, it includes mainly frogs and rarely small mammals. But the composition of prey items varies depending on the size of the snake, the location of a particular population, and the abundance of prey. It can eat fish and insects. This snake swims and dives well and is able to swim across the sea bay in the vicinity of Khasan station.

The Ussuri muzzle has many enemies: these are birds of prey (hawk buzzard, white-tailed eagle, black kite), big-billed crow and jay, predatory mammals (badger, raccoon dog, weasel and marmot). Dried cottonmouth meat is eaten by the Japanese and Koreans, and is also used to make medicines. In recent years, the snake, along with the Far Eastern frog, the Far Eastern tortoise and other Far Eastern species, has become an object of illegal export.

A species of poisonous snakes of the genus muzzle, subfamily of the pit-headed family of vipers. The total body length reaches 80 cm or more, while males are larger than females. The head is large, well demarcated from the neck. From above, the head is covered with large shields, forming a depressed shield. The coloration of the upper side of the body is dark red-brown or light reddish-brown. Dark spots run along the sides of the body, sometimes merging with transverse stripes into one broken line.

Spreading: Russia, Korea, Northeast China. In Russia, the rocky muzzle is distributed in the Far East to the north to the lower reaches of the Amur River, to the west to the Zeya-Bureya interfluve. In the east, its distribution is limited by the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and the Tatar Strait. Thus, the range of the medium muzzle covers Primorye, the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region.


Cotton muzzle lives in a wide variety of places: in flat and upland steppes, in semi-deserts, and through rodent colonies even penetrates into fixed sands. It is also found on scree in mountain forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes, in subalpine meadows. It can climb up to 3 km into the mountains. above sea level.
Population density of muzzle in habitats is usually low, and the maximum number is observed in spring and early summer. In spring and autumn, this snake is active during the day, and in summer it passes to a crepuscular and nocturnal lifestyle. Exit from wintering takes place from the beginning of March to the end of May, depending on the latitude of habitats. Mating is observed in April - May, usually 1.5 - 2 weeks after leaving the wintering grounds. and continues for almost the entire active period.

In the middle of summer, snakes begin to move to permanent habitats, such as rocks, at the foot of slopes and in ravines. Rodent burrows, crevices of scree, cracks in clay cliffs serve as shelters for the muzzle. They leave for wintering in the first decade of October.

What does the stony muzzle feed on

The diet of the common muzzle includes various small vertebrates, mainly rodents, as well as shrews, small birds and lizards. Occasionally it eats the eggs of birds and small snakes. Juveniles also feed on invertebrates.

Primorye is the only place on Earth where glaciers have not reached, so here you can find those that existed even before the ice age. The same goes for its fauna. This region is unusually rich, it has everything: the ocean and mountains, minerals and medicinal plants, fast rivers and clean lakes full of fish, legendary caves and a huge green space of the taiga, in which the black bear coexists.

It is surprising that in such an abundance of Primorsky Krai snakes are represented by only a few species, 3 of which are poisonous.

Primorsky Krai

Unfortunately, the modern urban dweller is completely unadapted to life in nature, where he visits either barbecue or during his vacation. Often people cannot simply distinguish poplar from birch.

By and large, each of us should know what our eyes see, feel and understand smells, follow a bird with our eyes, knowing its habits and habitats. But alas, general illiteracy and lack of elementary curiosity separated people and nature forever.

And to know, for example, what kind of snakes are found in the Primorsky Territory, it is important if you go to the forest for a picnic, otherwise it may end badly. About a dozen reptiles live in these places, of which a person should avoid three - the Sakhalin viper, the eastern and stony muzzle.

There is one type of conditionally poisonous snakes. Such reptiles do not pose a threat to life, but they can cause a lot of discomfort, therefore, when going to the forest, it is better to take care of both the first-aid kit with antidote and the knowledge of how the dangerous snakes of Primorsky Krai look like.

Oriental muzzle

It is difficult to confuse this snake with any other, as it has a characteristic color in the form of black circles on the sides of the body, which are connected along the back. From the mouth to the eyes of the eastern cottonmouth there are stripes that give it a smiling look, but it is better not to trust him.

These snakes in Primorsky Krai prefer damp places and reservoirs, as they are excellent swimmers and dive well. They can be found in water meadows, swamps and forests. There were cases when, during migration, eastern cottonmouths swam across rivers and even small sea bays.

They have to overcome such dangers every year, as they look for suitable places for wintering. These snakes in Primorsky Krai, like many others, prefer to sleep underground or in a shelter that does not freeze through and is not subject to flooding by melt water, so they have to look for suitable caves or crevices in the mountains. Sometimes in one place collects up to 2000 individuals.

Quite often, rodent burrows, located somewhere on a hill, become wintering grounds, whose owners were previously eaten by muzzles.

These snakes feed not only on birds and mammals, but also on fish, and frogs, and amphibians. The eastern muzzle uses poison in the same way as other Primorsky Territory. They do not attack people, and in every possible way try to avoid them, so if you come across an eastern cottonmouth, just wait until it crawls. The snake can be only 5-10 cm from the human leg and quietly crawl away if it feels that nothing threatens it.

Stony muzzle

The Primorsky Territory is arranged in such a way that, with their coloring, they seem to warn a person: “Don’t come near, I’m dangerous!” So the stony muzzle is the owner of bright brown stripes, which are separated by light inserts.

The venom of these snakes, like those of others, causes the bitten 2 stages of deterioration:

  • firstly, it is a powerful hemotoxin that provokes thrombosis and hemorrhage;
  • secondly, it is a neurotoxin that causes paralysis of the respiratory tract and the victim simply suffocates if he has not died from extensive necrosis before.

The most common rock muzzle is in the mountains, namely in forest stone scree in Lazovsky and Sikhote-Alin. Often, different types of snakes in Primorsky Krai winter in one place. It can be a deep depression or a crevice at a depth of up to 4 meters, where reptiles rush from all sides. In one such pit, there are snakes, and different types of muzzle, and vipers, and snakes. They come out of hibernation in April-May.

Sakhalin viper

This beautiful and small snake of a dark gray or brownish hue with a beautiful zigzag pattern along the body may even seem cute, but it is included in the category "The most dangerous snakes in Primorsky Krai." The venom of this viper has hemolytic properties, and if a person or even a large animal, such as a horse, was bitten, then death occurs within half an hour from blood incoagulability and numerous hemorrhages in the internal organs.

The Sakhalin viper prefers to settle along the banks of rivers and lakes, but it can be found in the coastal rocks in the area of ​​Sovetskaya Gavan and on the border of the beach and the forest, therefore, when relaxing on the river bank, for example, it is better not to walk barefoot in the thicket.

The snake never attacks first and avoids a person in every possible way, but if it is stepped on, it will respond, of course, with a bite. This snake feeds on lizards, small rodents and birds.

Brindle already

There are conditionally poisonous snakes in Primorsky Krai, whose bite will not kill a person or animal, but will bring a lot of unpleasant moments. The unusually beautiful brindle already belongs to this category.

Its length of up to 1.1 meters already makes it noticeable, and in addition to this, the color of the back of the snake varies from olive and greenish to sky blue with transverse black stripes or spots that give it a tiger look.

As this snake species matures, it develops orange or reddish spots that further "colorize" its skin.

The bite of a tiger snake is not dangerous and you should be afraid of it if it turns its back on you. In the event of a threat, he raises his body and turns his neck towards the enemy, on which glands are located that produce a caustic poisonous secret, which is deadly for small mammals.

If this substance enters a person in an open wound, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable - from severe poisoning to death with a weak heart.

Japanese already

This inconspicuous small snake up to half a meter in length prefers to settle in cedar-deciduous and small-leaved forests, less often it can be found in meadows, near berry bushes. It will not be easy to notice it in the grass and foliage. The skin color of the Japanese snake varies from greenish to dark brown and chocolate.

It can be given out by a yellow stripe running from the mouth to the eyes. The abdomen of the snake is olive or yellow. To find her, you will have to try hard, not only is she an excellent camouflage, but she chooses the most secluded places for life - rotten stumps, fallen trees, stones.

The snake feeds mainly on earthworms, small frogs and mollusks. It is distinguished from the closest similar snake species by the absence of a pattern on the skin.

Amur snake

This snake can be safely called a movie star, since it is the Amur snake that replaces its dangerous and poisonous relatives in films of various categories. Its black color, which is interrupted by bright yellow stripes, gives it an exotic look, which is what the directors use when shooting another scene with snakes attacking people.

Usually reptiles have a color that helps them blend in with their surroundings, but the Amur snake with its bright stripes is unlikely to succeed, which is why many are surprised why it needs such an “extravagant outfit”.

In fact, this is his defense, as his enemies' eyes do not perceive his body as a whole precisely because of these yellow broken lines that bend when the snake crawls. This gives her an advantage and time to run.

The Amur snake is not at all afraid of people, and although its habitat is forests and meadows, it often settles in gardens and near houses, which greatly helps their inhabitants. Even cats can't handle mice and small rodents as well as these snakes.

They determine their habitat and leave it only if they are looking for a mate or a better place for wintering, but always return after hibernation to their territory.

patterned snake

A variety of these snakes in many countries is included in the category of pets and pets. And this is not surprising. The patterned snake quickly gets used to people and eats from the hands, and its smooth, unlike other snakes, skin is very pleasant to the touch. They live in orchards and vineyards, climb trees perfectly, swim and dive.

Their color varies from grayish back with black spots to light gray and yellow with brownish spots. In the wild, they prefer mountain slopes, swamp edges, floodplains and alpine meadows.

They feed on everything they catch - from small mammals and birds to insects, fish and eggs. They first strangle their prey, as boas do, and swallow the eggs whole.

On average, they live up to 9-10 years. These are the most common snakes in the border region of Primorsky Krai.

redback snake

This one is small because on its olive-colored back, reddish spots with a border “lined up” in 4 rows. The red-backed snake loves water and always settles near water bodies or in very damp lowlands and swamps. He hunts in the water, feeding mainly on small fish, frogs, and when he is lucky, birds and small rodents.

The amazing thing about this snake is that it belongs to the viviparous reptiles, which is rare. Small snakes appear in a shell resembling an egg, which they immediately tear open and begin to hunt. The young feed on earthworms and insects.

Safety regulations

If you are not going to nature and are not familiar with the surrounding natural world, then the best advice in such a situation is to be vigilant and careful. Seeing that it is crawling in the grass (the inhabitants of the Primorsky Territory can have a completely different, sometimes even exotic color), you should not shout and beat her with a stick.

Snakes are afraid and avoid people, and if a chance meeting did occur, they should be allowed to crawl their way.

The cottonmouth is one of the most common snakes among the viper family. In our article, we will talk about what species of it are found, how they look, how dangerous they are, as well as about the features of keeping this snake at home.

Types: description and photo

More than a dozen species belong to the genus muzzle. Let's take a closer look at the most famous ones.

Appearance. In representatives of this species, the body length does not exceed 70 cm, the tail accounts for 11 cm. The head is wide, large shields are visible on the upper part. Between the eyes and nostrils is the facial dimple, which is thermally sensitive.

A feature of the snake is the presence of vertical pupils in the eyes. There are 23 rows of scales on the sides of the body. Also, the snake has abdominal shields - about 180, and undertail - 35-59 pairs.

Important! When bitten by a poisonous snake, before a person is taken to a medical facility, it is necessary to immobilize the bitten part of the body and provide the victim with plenty of fluids.

The upper part of the body is distinguished by a brown or gray-brown color, on which dark brown spots are placed. There are also spots on the left and right, but they are much smaller. The head is characterized by the presence of a clear spotted pattern in the center and dark postorbital stripes on the sides.

The abdomen may have a light gray or brown color, against which there are small dark and light specks. In nature, individuals of brick red or black color can be found.

Poison. A person very painfully endures the bite of this snake. In the place where the bite was made, as well as in the internal organs, severe bleeding begins. With immediate hospitalization, a person recovers completely in about a week.
The child's body tolerates a bite more acutely. Horses and some other domestic animals can die from the bite of this species of viper.

Spreading. Most often found in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, northern Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, northwestern China, Mongolia.

Food. Common muzzle feeds on small vertebrates - rodents, shrews, small birds and lizards. Occasionally, bird or snake eggs may be present in the diet. May also consume invertebrates.

Vodyanoy (fish eater)

Appearance. The length of the snake can reach 185 cm; females are usually much smaller than males. The muzzle-fish eater has a wide triangular head, a strong and slender body.
Young snakes have a red-brown color, dark transverse stripes are visible on the back. The tip of the tail is painted bright yellow - with its help, the viper lures prey.

As the snake ages, the stripes become blurred, the background color changes to dark olive or dark brown, almost black. On both sides of the head there are narrow stripes of white color, which are connected at the tip of the head.

Poison. The cottonmouth fish eater is one of only five snakes whose bites account for about 95% of all bites in the United States. The bite is very painful and has serious consequences, but deaths do not occur often. The bite site instantly becomes red, swells, necrosis develops.

Spreading. Most often found in the southeastern regions of the United States.

Food. The diet includes frogs, fish, small snakes, rodents, lizards and birds.

Appearance. It is the smallest species among the muzzle. The length of the body is a maximum of 65 cm, the tail is 8 cm. It has a large head, a rounded edge of the muzzle.

Scales are located on the sides of the body in 21 rows. There are also ventral shields - 16–66, and undercaudal shields - about 51 pairs. It has a predominantly dark color - brown or brown above.

On the lateral parts of the body there are rounded dark spots, in the center of which there is a light core. The belly is painted gray, small white spots are visible on it.

Did you know? The taipan is the most venomous snake in the world - one portion of the poison can kill about 100 people.

Poison. A snake bite is painful, but with proper treatment, a person recovers in 5 to 7 days. Lethal outcomes practically do not occur.
Spreading. Most often found in Russia, the northern regions of Korea and China.

Food. It feeds on frogs and very rarely mammals. The snake menu may vary depending on the area. The diet also includes fish and insects.

Copperhead or moccasin muzzle

Appearance. The length can reach 100 cm. The back is distinguished by a yellow-bronze or red color and yellow-brown spots located across. The side of the snake has a light brown color. It has a triangular copper-colored head, a wide and blunt muzzle. The body is muscular and massive.

Poison. At the site of the bite, severe pain appears, nausea and vomiting may begin. The poison is not too strong, and death is not common. Death can occur only in the presence of severe allergies.

Spreading. Habitat are the southern states of the USA, the northern regions of Mexico.

Food. The diet of the copperhead muzzle contains small rodents, birds, reptiles and amphibians. If it is difficult to find such food, he eats caterpillars and insects.

Malay (smooth or insular)

Appearance. The length of the snake is 75–91 cm; females are much larger than males. The Malayan muzzle has a flat head and large shields, a strong body, which is covered with smooth scales. The color is represented by several triangular spots, painted brown and having a white and black border.

Poison. To date, there is no antidote; immediately after the bite, the usual anti-snake serum is applied. Depending on age, toxicity manifests itself in different ways, however, if help is not provided within 30 minutes, a person may die.

Spreading. You can meet the Malayan muzzle in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand. In addition, the habitats are China, Laos, Burma.

Food. It feeds on mice, rats, small lizards and frogs.


Appearance. The length of the snake can reach 80 cm or more. Males are usually larger than females. There are 23 rows of scales on the body. There are also upper labial shields - 7–8 pieces, abdominal shields - about 175, subcaudal shields - about 52 pairs.

It has a large head, which is clearly separated from the neck; on its upper part there are shields that form a large shield. The upper part of the body is painted in a dark or light red-brown shade.

Dark gray stripes are visible across the body - there are about 40 of them. The belly can be light gray or black with a dot.

Important! When picking berries in areas where snakes are found, you first need to push the bush away with a stick and only then stretch out your hand to it.

Poison. The poison contains neurotoxins that affect the nervous system and can lead to respiratory paralysis. With prompt medical care, a person will be healthy after 7 days.

Spreading. It is found in Russia, Korea, northeastern China.
Food. It feeds on small vertebrates: rodents, small birds and lizards. From time to time it can eat bird eggs.

Appearance. The snake is of medium size, reaching a length of 70 cm. Unlike the common muzzle, large elliptical spots are located on the sides of the body. It has 21 scales around the body, which is distinguished from above by a white-gray or brown color. The belly is dark in color.

Poison. The snake's venom is quite toxic, after being bitten, the place becomes red and swollen. It is necessary to immediately provide first aid and take the victim to the hospital. With timely assistance, after 7 days the effect of the poison completely disappears. No lethal outcomes were recorded.

Spreading. Places of distribution are Japan, Korea, East China. Occasionally it can be found in some regions of Russia.

Food. Feeds on small mammals, birds, amphibians, fish. Likes to eat frogs.

Despite the fact that the muzzle is poisonous, some exotic lovers still keep it at home. Consider what is needed for this.

Terrarium arrangement

The required temperature should be provided due to additional artificial lighting, it is also worth using a thermal cord and a thermal mat. Daytime temperature should be within 30–32°С, nighttime - 23–25°С.

You can place various twigs or snags in the terrarium so that the snake can crawl along them.

Did you know? In areas with a large number of snakes, people smear their houses with mustard or scatter dry mustard on the ground, as its smell repels thesereptiles.


Mice, hamsters, small quails, frogs, insects are suitable for feeding. The muzzle can eat both live and dead food. It is recommended to give food once every 5 days.

Force feeding muzzle: video

Security measures

In order not to suffer from a poisonous bite, it is important to follow simple rules:

  1. Be sure to wear high, thick shoes, preferably made of rubber, when going into a wooded area or an area where snakes are found.
  2. Take a stick with you and, moving, feel the path with it.
  3. Move loudly - so the reptile will hear the approach of a person and crawl away.
  4. If a snake appears in front of you, you need to freeze and wait until it crawls away.
  5. If she has taken a threatening posture, it is necessary to smoothly step back, while not putting her hands forward and not turning her back to her.
  6. You can’t run from a snake - there is a chance of stepping on another.

So, the muzzle is a dangerous poisonous snake, but if you follow the safety rules, a meeting with it can be painless for a person. It can even be kept in a home terrarium.

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