Home natural farming Mirror protection rune reservation. Runes for protection from negativity, protective runic formulas for all areas of life. What is runic protection with a reverse blow

Mirror protection rune reservation. Runes for protection from negativity, protective runic formulas for all areas of life. What is runic protection with a reverse blow

A reverse blow is a return of damage or the like. as a result of being removed by a stronger magician, or if the victim was protected.

Cleansing Thread During the week, always have a three-inch green rope with you, which you moisten with your saliva or blood. As you do this, be sure to say: Everything that touches me is transmitted to the thread. After seven days, make a candle, the wick of which should be this rope. Burn the candle on Wednesday morning. Lighting her wick, say: Burn, candle, with clear light, pure fire. As you burn, all the black power will disappear. The method of daily purification from energies and influences alien to you is that during the day you will wear a charmed thread, and in the evening destroy it with a fiery flame. In the morning, at the beginning of the day, moisten the brown thread with your sweat or saliva and say the plot: Everything that will be given to me, the thread will not forget. Wear this thread all day long in your clothes, and when you come home, burn it over a candle flame, saying: I do not burn the thread, I burn black power. Let all sickness and fears, all corruption and the evil eye come out with fire!

Translation on wood. The day of the exchange is the date of your birth, any month. Three days before the exchange, you need to tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of the working hand, as long as you like. Wear this thread for a full three days, without removing it for a second. You can't get wet. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of the left hand with a ritual knife with a black handle, moisten the removed thread with blood and go with it to a pre-planned tree. Tie a thread into three knots on any of the branches, while saying to each knot: “Here is mine for you, and I need yours. I change with you, I close with you! silently return home. This thread should never be seen again. When tying the thread, keep in mind that if someone finds it and removes it, your translation will stop working, therefore, tie it higher and away from the eyes. A broken branch during rituals must be placed on the altar. Forged once every six months. If the tree dries up or is cut down, they remake it immediately. It can be used both for protection against the return flow, and for ransom from the disease.

Universal protection. Find a nominal grave, the age of the deceased should be approximately yours, this is a must. 2 days before the ceremony, fasting for 3 days, only black bread and water. On the third day at dawn, come and bring something that is very dear to you, that is, a gift to the deceased spirit, light a candle at the head and say 9 times: Spirit! I came (came) to ask you for protection, you lie here and I walk on the ground. Help, protect, take away evil from me (name). Forever and ever, Amen. "Bow bows, 3 times. Leave without looking back. Don't talk to anyone at home. Be silent. After the ceremony, another day of fasting. A candle for the dead in the church. You can magpie.

A drop of your blood

On the Sunset, and if the ceremony was performed at night, then after 30 minutes, go up to the aspen, grab it by a powerful branch and say 3r .: WHAT GROWS IN THE EARTH, LET IT TAKE ALL THE EVIL ON YOURSELF. CHUR NOT ME AND NOT MY FAMILY, BUT THIS ASPEN. AMEN. (Stand by the tree for 5 minutes and you can leave).

Black tape. This will keep the spell from turning against you and harming anyone, as well as yourself. You will need black thread or ribbon. Burn incense of sandalwood and lavender, and tie three knots, saying the spell: I bind this spell With threefold Karmic power, Lest it bring harm And turn against me, As I wish, so be it! When casting a spell, keep the thread/ribbon with you. After seven days, tie a ribbon around the tree.

Protection against reverse and against errors in operation. We take a new saucer and drip a pentagram with a candle, before dripping a star, we drip a drop of our blood in the center of the saucer and drip it with wax. Then we drip a pentagram and read the protection: “I am guarding myself from the return lightning turnover. I will protect my affairs, my body and my blood. I cover myself with the star of the morning, I spray the return lightning. stand up at the corners of the morning star, guard my body and soul. Amen." Then we wrap the saucer in a new towel and hide it. Works 6 months.

From return. After the rite of inducing damage, put a mirror in a basin of water. Washing yourself with water from this basin and looking into this mirror, say: “I remove the trace of work from myself, remove it with a mirror reflection, reflect the trace of work in the mirror, plunge into the world of reflections. So be it!” We pour the water away and bury the mirror away from the house.

Witch bottle Take a glass bottle, fill it up to half with sharp objects: pins, needles, broken glass, fill it all with a mixture of water and salt and cork the bottle tightly with a cork. Read the plot three times: “I am walking across an open field, seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, evil, unsociable. Go, demons with half-spirits, to dashing people. path and road, in the house and the forest, in strangers and relatives, on land and on water, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, and my words are strong. Find a secluded place and bury the bottle to a depth of more than 40 cm. Very effective protection, lasts for 5-7 years.

Soul protection Immediately after midnight, put two white magic candles, two charmed knives, incense near you on the left and right on the floor or on the table. Lighting any of the candles, read the 90th psalm "Alive in the help of the Most High." Next, light the incense and say: Protection Spell to the Higher Spirits - 3 times: "I call and conjure you, Holy, Almighty Angels of God, Rulers of every day and hour, in the name of the Mighty and Great Agla He come to my aid at this hour. In honor of the One Who created the sky, the Earth, the sea, the Universe, and everything that is in I command you to fulfill my will: body, heart, spirit, soul, blood, all bones, half-bones, all bodily composition, mind-mind (names), shut up and lock from evil people, from an evil sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a snake, from snakes, from a bullet, from fire, from a terrible and doomsday, from a thieves' attack, from murder, from a fiery flood, from a toothy sickle, from a sharp knife, from a destroyer, a robber, from a flame, from a flood. I conjure you Holy, Almighty Angels God's Rulers of every day and hour, keep life, health, brains (names) forever, always wear a protection spell over us (names). what you asked (a) to translate into reality. So be it! So be it! Yes it will be so!" After finishing the ritual, extinguish the incense by slightly dipping it in water, and extinguish the candles with your fingers in this order: first the right, then the left. Collect all the items and wrap them in a cloth (preferably white), hide them in a secret place so that no one finds them, no one burns them, they don’t chop or cut anything with them. Repeat the described magical actions for 7 nights, so that every day of the week you will be protected from all evil. If you want to achieve a long-term and lasting effect, you must systematically perform bioenergy accumulation exercises. By constantly training, you will be able to raise your bioenergetic potential to such a level that sorcerers, psychics and elemental ill-wishers will simply not be able to inflict an energy blow on you that can break through the wall of your protection.

Threefold retribution Take a candle, a thread 70 cm long, lamp oil, sand, a sharp knife. Mentally draw a magic circle around you, you can use chalk. Take a knife and on the bottom of the candle write the name of your offender, aggressor, or come up with a figurative name for him. Holding the candle in your hands, breathe on it three times, exhaling all the negative impact from yourself. Then tie a thread around the candle, and start wrapping it around the candle counterclockwise, imagining that you are surrounded by a huge protective cocoon in the form of an egg. Winding the thread, constantly repeat the spell: Three times three, as you sowed, The fruits are ripe, collect them, For good and for evil, for praise and blasphemy, May God decide your fate! The thread must be wound from the bottom up, in a spiral, trying not to leave free space on the candle. Tie a knot at the top. Take lamp oil, saturate a candle with it, pour sand into a saucer, strengthen the candle and set it on fire. Mentally think that along with the candles, all the negativity directed at you burns out.

From the return It is better to spend in the bath. do once a month on the waning moon. The first is to take water from a living source (rain and well water are suitable). It is easy to get water from a well in urban conditions; there will be no problems with rainwater either. Also stock up on white bread with a fairly soft crust. At dawn, get into the bath in the basin. To be of course without clothes. Previously, such rituals were performed in baths. So, light 12 inverted church candles before entering the bathroom. Standing in the bathroom, say water and pour yourself from head to toe. With the water that drains from your body into the basin, soak the bread and feed it to animals or birds. Then pour the water itself at the crossroads. Plot to read 12 times: "Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth! I conjure you for twelve months to save me (your name) from the blows of the rear knife, from the blow of retribution, from the blood flowing, from the death of the fillet. Create for me, sin for me, and whoever eats the bread will take it. Living water I wash myself, I pay off with dead water. Nima".

Aspen. After the ceremony, preferably at sunset, and if the ceremony is done at night, then after about 30 minutes. Approach a tree (ideally, it should be an aspen, but it can be poplar, birch and oak), grab a powerful branch and say three times: “What grows in the earth, let it take all the evil upon itself. Chur is not me and not my family, but this aspen (oak, birch). Amen" After that, stand for at least 5 minutes near the tree and you can go home with confidence that the back blow will not affect you, but there are exceptions to every rule, and here it is.

Reduce the rollback to the plant. Often from spoilage with a fatal outcome. When planting a new plant they say: The truth - I say, rollback - from I say. As death inexorably pursues life, so life incessantly replaces death. Renewing strength - I pay tribute, taking life - I give birth to it. I plant the plant, I take the rollback. The word is strong and indestructible. Let it be so!

From voodoo rollback. On Saturday, on the growing moon, cover the table with black cloth, put black and white candles on the table. Open crossroads, then summon Esha Agwe 13 times : "Ejira Toro Ponto, Ejira Toro Agve! Mai Trabajo, Tres Dios, Tres Noches, Eshu Ray, Dar Mi blanco VooDou! Ashe!!! Ashe!!!

From return. To avoid a rollback during the damage associated with the burial of the enemy’s volt, they say: “AND I DON’T BURY HIM MYSELF, BUT ST. GABRIEL BURIES”

From return. In eighty cases out of a hundred, the curse directed at the victim returns to the one who gave birth to it. This can be due to various reasons, but most often, this happens in three cases: if the protection was not previously removed from the victim, or the protection of the victim is too strong; if the connection between the sorcerer and the victim has an emotional connotation that is unacceptable during a curse; and in case of incorrect execution of the action itself. However, the curse, like a living organism that is easier to create than to destroy, exists until it completes its task; to remove it is only possible for the owners of inexhaustible witchcraft power. But, almost any person, regardless of his success in witchcraft, is able to take the curse away from himself and direct it to any other living being. This explains the obligatory presence in their dwellings of domestic animals, such as a black cat, lizard or crow, mentioned in the beliefs about witches and sorcerers. In fact, both an animal and a person can serve as a victim to remove the curse. To achieve the best result, when choosing a victim for removal, the sorcerer is guided by its predisposition to the effect of the shifted curse. For example, if the sorcerer knows about a sick animal or person, then he will rather shift the curse of the disease on him than on anyone else. Having outlined a victim to remove the curse, the sorcerer creates an energy corridor between himself and the victim, which carries out a one-sided transfer of negative influences. Having visualized his protection and the protection of the victim in certain images (possibly in the form of spheres surrounding the body), the sorcerer forms a “gate” in his own, and directs a certain channel (corridor) from them, breaking through the protection of the victim. Then, he programs the resulting connection to transfer the curse from himself to the victim. The corridor remains open for an indefinite amount of time, so that the curse can be reflected from the sorcerer at any time, and can be closed when the sorcerer does not see the need for it. The action is best performed with direct visual contact, but it is also possible to use one's own imagination, a photograph of the victim, objects belonging to her, etc.

Protective amulets. In order to insure yourself against a possible return of the curse, a protective amulet can also be useful to the sorcerer. It is a ring or medallion with one of the stones listed below:


black agate


cat eye

Moon rock


All these stones show both directly protective properties and are energy accumulators. Like any magical item, a protective amulet must be cleaned and charged before use. For example: on the night when the moon is growing, the sorcerer lights a specially purchased red candle and, rotating the amulet counterclockwise over its flame, utters the phrase thirteen times: “In the name of the Forces of Darkness! Get away from me everything hostile and conjured!”

From the return. A reverse blow is a return of damage or the like. as a result of being removed by a stronger magician, or if the victim was protected. If the return line went: Go around 9 churches in one day. Buy seven candles in each. Put the first one to rest. The second is for crucifixion. The third is Nikolai Ugodnik. The fourth is the Mother of God. Fifth, to all Saints. The sixth - for the health of relatives (any icon) The seventh - we take home from each church. Then, for 7 days, burn pr 1/2 candles in the morning and evening. At the same time, read the morning and evening prayers.

Mirror. During the ritual, I hang a mirror around my neck with the reflective side away from me and on both hands a bracelet with a moonstone, a cone of rock crystal on the altar on the left side and a piece of jet on the right side, when I do envoltation, then I and the altar in a circle drawn in chalk. It is important to hide the mirror after the ceremony and never look into it.

Amulet against damage, evil eye, love spells, curses, Slavic pagan. Read at dawn, in a field, or by a river, at the crossroads of 4 roads, on all 4 sides, clockwise, while bowing to each side: I will rise, (name), early dawn, wash myself with honey dew, I’ll dry myself in the sun’s heat, I’ll bow on four sides, I’ll pray to the Beregins - Mothers. Oh you, goy be, Beregini - Mothers! As you accept a child into this world, and swaddle it in swaddling clothes, close and protect me, (name), with silk shrouds, silk belts, with your blessing, from evil from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, and from all evil of a dashing person, from evil blood, from an evil thought, and from an evil thought, so that I, (name), do not spoil, do not conjure, neither a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor an evil and dashing person, nor evil blood, nor an evil thought, nor thought, nor a counter and comprehensible, not for drink and for a hedgehog in a feast, in conversation and in every kind of fun. Oh, you goy, take care of Mother! You put an iron tyn around me, (name), from earth to heaven, from age to age, so that I, (name), do not spoil, do not conjure, do not look, and do not see, and do not hear, at a feast, in conversation, in every fun, and forever and ever, from now on and forever, my word is strong! It is required to leave the Goddesses - grains of wheat, honey and wine in a glass. They leave without looking back, they don’t talk to anyone and don’t even greet them with a nod. They do it for themselves and for their loved ones. Observe men's and women's days. Each one is done on a different day. P.S. Doing it once a year is enough. - Only in the first sentence you need to indicate yourself as a performer, and in the future the name of the person on whom you put protection (if yourself, then yourself) - And then you say: (if on someone) "my husband (name)", "child my (name)." - Leave the car at a distance, so that the place of the ritual is not visible from it, and go to the place on foot. Come back without looking back. - Grape wine of good quality. P.S. - You buy glasses, or you can take them from home stocks, it doesn’t matter, but if you bring a cast (half), the dishes in which you bring them, leave them there, I leave an open bottle there (It’s indecent to pour it like that!) - You may experience question ..- the plot is read, for example, in the field, on all 4 sides, clockwise - does it matter which side to start from - north, south, etc.!? -Since the ceremony is done at dawn, they start from the east and follow the course of the sun.

From return."A shadow on the wattle fence, pull my work from me. I won’t take it on myself and I don’t want to, I give the shadow, I won’t pull it on myself. The shadows will disappear by night, and I won’t suffer from the turnover from work. deliver, help, reflect, nullify."

A drop of your blood give it to the earth and say: "I cover myself with the earth, I was created from it and I will go into it. And may mother earth forgive my mistake, and take my sin upon myself. glory to her"

Egg. Option for an egg, you need 1 or 3 of them, depending on the strength of the suggestive damage. During the ceremony, the egg should stand next to you on a black cloth. After the conspiracy-damage, we put our hand (which gives off energy) and say 3 times: I DO EVIL, I WILL NOT GET ANSWER. EVERYTHING THAT COME BACK, LET IT GO TO THIS EGG. LET IT BE SO! (After the eggs are buried where people do not go. The main thing is that the eggs do not break)

To the tree. It is suitable mainly for beginners, it helps in inducing simple damage and other rituals. If you make a mistake in the ritual, the return line will go to the tree. When inducing serious, severe damage, this rite will not help. Translation on wood. The day of the exchange is the date of your birth, any month. Three days before the exchange, you need to tie a red woolen thread around the wrist of the working hand, as long as you like. Wear this thread for a full three days, without removing it for a second. You can't get wet. On the day of the exchange, cut the thumb of the left hand with a ritual knife with a black handle, moisten the removed thread with blood and go with it to a pre-planned tree. Tie a thread into three knots on any of the branches, while talking to each knot: Here's mine, and I want yours. I change with you, I close with you! Silently break off (only with your hands) any other branch, put a bosom, just as silently return home. This thread should never be seen again. When tying the thread, keep in mind that if someone finds it and removes it, your translation will stop working, therefore, tie it higher and away from the eyes. A broken branch during rituals must be placed on the altar. Forged once every six months. If the tree dries up or is cut down, they remake it immediately.

Egg. During the ritual, place a lightly beaten raw egg next to you with the words: "Take back the powers that are returnable, beyond the control of the mind and disgusting passions, inaccessible to the heart, like a temple accepts sinners." After the ritual, let the dog eat the egg.

Runes of protection are ancient symbols that can protect from evil and return it to the one who created it. Runic amulets, staves and talismans can serve both to protect the house and to clean it from alien influences or directly to diagnose the induced evil. At the same time, these signs work with the fundamental energy of the Universe and have virtually unlimited power.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the ultimate goal of using runic protection. You can make or purchase a magical sign for yourself, protecting your home from enemies and any negativity.

Magical signs are important for successful work, because it is here that our successes and achievements haunt our colleagues. Streams of evil, negativity and damage can haunt you at the slightest success in your career.

An interesting fact: note that for effective and reliable protection, it is advisable to use narrow symbols. For example, signs aimed specifically at home, health or work are much more effective than general symbols that protect against negativity.

Formula Prosperity, protects and gives well-being.

Rune combination:

  • INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ - the formula translates as "wild onion", which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical power, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:

  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

A strong protective spell, protects from someone else's envy, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents the penetration of negative energy into the house. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the house and economy, strengthen its status and well-being. A charm with this spell should be placed at the entrance, at the gate, on the porch, above the front door from the outside.

Rune combination:

  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.
  • TEYVAZ - Rune of a warrior. The will to win, strength and success in the struggle.

An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and corruption. A magical word that means "horse" and is a call to the good power of the sacred horse.

Rune combination:

  • OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

To deactivate the enemy shield, staves are used, consisting of runic symbols of Scandinavian origin. Protective runes can be applied to things belonging to a person, or even documents - the main role is played by the purpose of application.

This protective formula is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizes targeted energy strikes and the negative energy of others.

Rune combination:

  • TEYVAZ - Rune of a warrior. The will to win, strength and success in the struggle.
  • TURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

The palindrome formula is for reflection and protection. A protective spell that acts like a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back unchanged.

Rune combination:

  • KANO (Kenaz) - The rune of incarnation and disclosure, the rune of Inspiration.
  • HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
  • KANO (Kenaz) - The rune of incarnation and disclosure, the rune of Inspiration.
  • ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, fettering.

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. The ancient formula of mirror runic protection against magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magic duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

Rune combination:

  • HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
  • LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, the rune of what leads, the rune of flow and pure flow, the rune of the inner circle of magic.
  • EVAZ - The rune of change and movement, the rune of internal transformation and progress - a shift from the dead center.

The formula protects against spoilage and the evil eye. A powerful travel talisman. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of imminent danger. It will help you avoid trouble along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:

  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.
  • ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and patronage of the gods.

Travel formula. A strong talisman for pleasant, fun and safe travel.

Rune combination:

  • RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), the rune of the road and travel.
  • VUNJO - Rune of joy and happiness.

Formula for protection against hostile forces. This protective spell is designed to destroy the energy and psychic blows and destroy the hostile forces that threaten the owner of the amulet.

Rune combination:

  • HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including the rupture of a vicious circle.
  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • GEBO - Rune of the Gift and the Gift of return, the rune of partnership and cooperation, the rune of the unity of opposites.
  • ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
  • LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, the rune of what leads, the rune of flow and pure flow, the rune of the inner circle of magic.
  • URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

The function of protective runic staves is to deactivate negative energy, return the negative to the offender and reduce the loss of the person to whom the negative was directed.

To activate the runes of protection from negativity, it is possible to use the visualization of energy. Rub the signs with your hands until the heat appears, and then hold your hands over the runes. Feel how your energy charges the signs. As a rule, the runes are superimposed for one year, but it all depends on how strong the runologist is.

Runes of protection and counterstrike can be applied in several ways. To protect against negativity, the runic wording is applied to the photo. Paints, felt-tip pens and pens are suitable for drawing signs.


Do you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative magical influences? Then this article was created especially for you. Find out what runes of protection and reverse strike are, as well as check out other equally useful information. Enjoy reading!

What is runic protection with a reverse blow

Runes of protection in all situations will help remove negativity from any sphere of human life. The mirror method of work is the most common - any negative message from the outside will be automatically cut off from the operator, working according to the "boomerang" method. This approach will allow you to quickly identify the ill-wisher from your inner circle - constant illnesses, failures in business will be a frequent companion of this person.

In what cases is mirror protection with runes appropriate?

Mirror protection with runes will reflect any targeted magical effect on a person (damage, evil eye, love spell, curse, etc.). It acts like a "reflective surface" - all negative is automatically cut off from the operator, redirecting to the person who pointed it.

The combination of Scandinavian symbols (Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Kenaz, Isa) allows you to remove any magical effect. Can be used during "forced stop" periods. Allows you to reassess your values, set the right life priorities, etc. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the areas of life that should be cleared of negativity. Before installing the above formula, be sure to conduct a preliminary diagnosis.

Runes used in mirror defense

To establish protection "mirror" with a reservation, the runes line up in strict sequence. The following are popular Scandinavian symbols that are used when creating mirrored protection.

  • Isa: Symbolizes ice in every sense of the word. It has a wide spectrum of action, allows you to "cover with ice" negative magical effects. Allows you to stop the course of diseases, repel attacks from the outside, and also minimize the manifestations of anger, rage
  • Kenaz: Allows you to increase the susceptibility of the operator, sharpen intuition. The main task is to cut off negative bindings due to self-confidence. Helps maintain excellent physical health
  • Hagalaz: The literal translation of this Scandinavian symbol is hail. It carries a powerful, destructive force aimed at the destruction of any negativity directed from the outside. The rune has an ambiguous effect, therefore it is recommended to use it only in extreme cases.

Runic staves for protection with a return

We bring to your attention the popular runostavs of protection with a return.

Runic becoming "Lotus"

The essence of the formula is the protection of the operator with a hassle, a reverse blow aimed at an ill-wisher. Diagnosed, provides strong, reliable protection. The stave includes the following runes: Algiz, Turisaz, Evaz, Nautiz, Soulu.

To enhance the effect, the formula contains runes of elves, Irish letters, runes of trouble. In the central part of the stave is the northern sun, whose task is success, prosperity in any sphere of life. Suitable for weak people. Activation of the formula does not require blood, it is enough to say the desired result, backing it up with the phrase "So be it."

Note! The formula is fully negotiated - rune activation is not required. Perfectly misses the magic of the operator

Runic protection "Cobra"

The combination allows you to break the incoming negativity, give a reverse blow, which will bring many problems to the ill-wisher. Works great over long distances.

Consider a detailed transcript of the stav:

  • Protection from negativity, reverse strike - 8 Teyvaz, 8 Algiz
  • Creating an impenetrable, hiding the operator from prying eyes - a branch from Stunginn Iss (Icelandic rune)
  • A strong reverse blow on the ill-wisher, the punishment of the offender - Hagalaz + Ur
  • Creating a concentrated stream, repelling an attack that works like a "blast wave" - ​​the task of Laguz
  • Cutting off possible attack attempts, eliminating vampire suckers - Eyvaz + Turisaz ("Axes of death")

Runic becoming "Choke"

The purpose of the formula is to eliminate any negative bindings by blocking access to the operator, his next of kin. She has proven herself well when working with children under 12 years old, adults.

The decoding of the stav is as follows:

  • Soulu: The energy of the sun destroys all attempts of the ill-wisher to bring negativity to the operator
  • Dagazy: The main task is to block access to the operator due to the interweaving of Mobius rings
  • Teyvaz + Turisaz + Uruz: An "explosive mixture" of energy that redirects negativity back to a person

Note. It is recommended to add a photo in the middle of the formula. Drawing on a picture is allowed - it is especially important when working with children under 12 years old. If we are talking about an adult, you can add a Slavic amulet / amulet, subject to the veneration of the Slavic gods

In the clause, indicate all areas of life from which negativity can seep, mentally imagine that becoming protects you from all kinds of magical influences, blocks vampire channels, returning evil to the offender in a threefold amount. Fire activation.

Rates for protection against damage and the evil eye with a return

Consider the main runes for protection against damage and the evil eye, their most common combinations.

Runic becoming "Surprise"

Protects the operator from all kinds of magical attacks of targeted influence (damage, curses, evil eye, slander, etc.).

The basis of the stav is the “swastika” from Soulu + Teivaz. The operator is symbolized by a central dot surrounded by Soulou. 8 Laguz allow to hide the work of the above formula, to wash away the negativity that has made its way back to the ill-wisher.

The task of the rays of "Surprise" is to block, hold the negative. For this, 5 runes of Isa are used. The combination Hyeres + Dagaz is engaged in the return of the magical effect back.

The following runes will help break any defense of the attacker into pieces, laying him on a hospital bed - Hyera, Teyvaz, Dagaz, Stungin, Kaun, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Uruz. The punishment for the evil done is carried out by 2 Turs (Icelandic runes).

Runic formula "Dragon"

The formula provides protection, cleaning the operator, his immediate environment from third-party programs, negative magical influences, etc. Negotiated in any form. better by breath or fire.

The detailed scheme of the stave is as follows:

  • 4 - help of the Gods, other higher powers
  • 2 Kano - detection of negativity in any sphere of the operator's life
  • 2 Turisaz - clipping malware / bindings
  • 2 Hagalaz - the destruction of the negative
  • 3 Soulou - the power of the Sacred Fire allows you to burn all the filth, dispersing the shadows
  • Nautiz - guarantees the "success of the operation", making sure that the negative does not come back

The operator is protected in the following way:

  • Jera - switches cleaning to protection mode
  • - indicates the completion of the cleaning phase
  • Central point - "I am" the operator
  • 3 Nautiz - triple protection
  • 2 Hagalaz + 2 Turisaz - destruction of magical attacks
  • 2 Uruz + 2 Teyvaz - stamina, strength of protection

How to put protection with a return after cleaning with runes

Check out the protection example after. The technique is simple, effective, so it is suitable even for novice runologists.

Buy a white wax candle, light it. Set the photo in a frame in front of you, put a candle on the right side of it. Look at the candle flame, mentally imagining that the power of fire cleanses you, your loved ones from possible negativity, cuts off possible bindings, preventing them from approaching the family. You can make a preliminary preparation of thoughts by writing them out on a piece of paper, reading them with expression during the ritual.

The candle must burn out completely. The photograph should be taken out of the frame and placed in a white envelope. Alternatively, use a paper box with white walls. The image should be kept for three years. After the expiration of the above period, the envelope / box together with the photograph must be burned, scattering the ashes in the wind.

Interesting! To remove negativity from your life and also help yourself to reveal unrealized creative potential, I recommend trying it - this will help heal your inner world and restore spiritual harmony

Let this information help you get rid of any negative magical manifestations, deservedly taking revenge on the offender. Follow the site for updates. All the best!

In practical magic, there are a great many runes that carry a powerful force of destruction, which works at great distances, affecting a person even in a photograph. Anyone can inflict runic damage and perform other rituals to destroy the enemy, his luck and loneliness - the main thing is to follow the instructions. It is important to choose the ritual you need, choose it carefully - after all, it is real to perform it, and it is difficult to return the result back.

The full power of the ancient runes is not known to so many people - this is sacred, magical knowledge, which is revealed only to the elect. Runes can cause love or destroy the brightest, because the meaning of some ancient symbols has a powerful destructive meaning. So when conducting runic damage, you can direct their power to:

  • Corruption and curses;
  • induction of death;
  • Madness.

Runes destroy the object of influence from the inside and eventually become the cause of death, if that was the goal.

How to damage with runes

Corruption with the help of runes is an ancient and proven ritual that will work stronger if a person makes them himself. In particular, it is worth knowing that rune signs are applied to natural material - wood, stone, with a pen or marker. If carried out correctly, the result of the influence will be visible after 2-3 days.

The rune "Peter" carries fear and death

Damage by runes orcha nautiz - hagalaz - uruz - isa

It is considered simple and effective damage, destroying the object of influence from the inside, does not give the victim a chance to recover. In this ritual, Isa is taken as the main rune - it means ice and fading. Using it in a ritual, you deprive a person of vital energy, blocking the paths of good luck and strength for him, suppressing his will.

The power of this rune is activated by blood - a drop of your own blood is enough, which is enough to cover the symbolic meaning. In the ritual, the uruz rune used carries the power of suppressing the personality, and in particular its action should be discussed.

Damage isa - uruz - uruz - isa

The symbolic meaning of the runes is applied as follows:

- in the photo of the object of influence, 2 uruz runes are applied to his face - one goes above the other in an inverted state.

- runic symbols - Ises are drawn on both sides.

Looking closely, you can see a combination of certain connections - Hagalaz, a symbolic cyclicity that, without stopping, will involve the object of influence in troubles and failures, a series of destructive anger and aggression. Such a symbol is activated by saliva.

Corruption of failures

To do this, the following runes are combined in the drawing - Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz, which in their influence will attract constant failures to a person. This combination of runes is activated by saliva.

Destruction of relationships

To divorce even loving people forever and close their common path - they use a combination of the runic combination Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz. The central rune is Gebo - this is directly the relationship of the couple themselves. And if you have a common photo of a couple, they draw a formula between them, if not, take a photo separately and apply runes between them on a piece of paper. Such a formula is activated by one's own blood, and it is recommended to perform the ritual on the day of Loki.

Scandinavian elemental runes

The power of runes in wise hands is great

Having chosen this or that damage for yourself, you can gradually proceed to the preparation and conduct of the ritual. The order of writing runic signs should be learned by heart - it will not work to rewrite from a sheet.

Protecting Yourself Against Rollback

The rune Helmet of Horror will act as protection for you - it is drawn exclusively with coal in the center of the forehead. It is she who should be applied to the body before the start of the ritual, although washing off after is also prohibited, since the ritual is performed in the evening and at night. It is with her that they go to bed, and during sleep she will be erased herself. She will protect you, and you pay your price after - not with blood, but with gifts to the gods. And if the gods like the victim, there will be no negative consequences for you. The only taboo is not to damage a pregnant woman with the help of runes.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to one or another Scandinavian deity, but regardless of this, it is forbidden to perform a ritual on Sunday. In particular, the supreme Odin and Loki are responsible for revenge and damage, deceit in the hierarchy of the Scandinavian gods - it is to their help and protection that one should appeal with the help of runes.

Odin's day is Monday, and the day of the god Loki is Thursday. An appeal to the deities can be pronounced both in an arbitrary form, composing your own, and using already existing texts. Finding them on the Internet is not difficult, the main thing is that they all go in a polite and courteous, confident manner. You invite the gods in your appeal in your appeal to the ritual, after which you must make a sacrifice.

Correct runic ritual

Preparing the altar

To conduct the ritual of the elements, you should prepare in advance:

  • Water - preferably running and not boiled, raw.
  • Salt - it represents the earth.
  • Candle - it symbolizes the element of fire.
  • Aromatic, with the smell of a forest or a sea breeze, sticks are a symbol of the element of air.

They are all arranged in a circle, clockwise and in the center - put a photograph or a personal item of the object of influence. Also put a pen or a marker in the center of the circle, with which you will apply the runes, put a sharp knife next to it. Let the objects lie down in the center for a while and absorb the energy of the elements.

Runes are a powerful tool in destructive magic

Lesser Runic Ritual

The ritual is carried out in the following stages:

  1. You stand in front of the built altar and address with words to the supreme Scandinavian gods.
  2. Next, raise your right hand up and use it to point to all the elements of the altar, calling for help with the words - Water, Earth, Air, Fire, I ask you to take part in the ritual.
  3. When each element is called, kneel down and write the runic combination of symbols you have chosen on the photo of the object of influence and always in the head area.
  4. The main thing, drawing each rune - stipulate its role and action in the ritual, activating it in one way or another, with blood or saliva, breathing. During the activation process, say - from now on, with my will, I will activate the runes, and when I want to finish their influences, I will burn this picture.

Sacrifices to the gods

For a sacrifice to the god Odin, you should choose high-quality light beer, honey, for the god Loki - dark beers or fire. Making an offering to the gods is simple - go outside and pour beer under a tree. As for fire, it can be a candle that you put and light under a tree, and honey - just pour a little on the roots and bark.

Before you pour the beer under the tree, take one sip yourself. When going to a ritual sacrifice, be sure to be silent and also silently return home, do not answer questions, calls. In front of the tree, at its roots on the ground, draw the symbolic rune Hagalaz with your own hand - it is she who symbolizes the destructive power of damage.

No matter what life situation you are in - the Rune of Protection will always come in handy. At the same time, the impact on a person may differ - for example, from damage and the evil eye, as well as getting rid of envious people, from enemies, saving property from thieves, and so on. It doesn’t matter what awaits a person in the future - it’s better to play it safe in advance and avert trouble from yourself with the help of Runes, which are a sign of strong and constant protection.

What is runic protection

So, what is runic protection? This is help provided at different levels of human life, allowing you to protect him from troubles. The most popular mirror rune shield - it cuts off all the evil that a person has in mind, and works like a "boomerang". If a person with bad intentions appears in a close environment, he can be quickly identified by illness and failure in personal affairs.

Principle of operation

To deactivate the enemy shield, staves are used, consisting of runic symbols of Scandinavian origin. Protective runes can be applied to things belonging to a person, or even documents - the main role is played by the purpose of application.

The function of protective runic staves is to deactivate negative energy, return the negative to the offender and reduce the loss of the person to whom the negative was directed.

The simplest example of a defensive stav looks like this: Kenaz, then Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Isa. This alignment is a mirror protection with runes. A negative message, if present, will not affect a person. The notorious boomerang principle works here: everything that you wished will go to the one who sent this magical message.

Types of runic protection

Rune protection is done like this:

  • Execution of amulets with protective runes.
  • Drawing from magical staves and runic formulas with subsequent activation.

Both methods work in the same way. The difference is how they will be executed. Amulets are created in order to wear them all the time, and after the runes are no longer needed for protection, they are removed from themselves - after that they cease to function. As for the formula, it is drawn on a photo, body or object made of leather, wood, or other similar materials. Its action will end only when the formula is erased or burned.

Basic protection rules

The main thing here is on what occasion a runic standing for protection is applied. If you make runes of protection for yourself and want to protect yourself from enemies, then in this case the signs are written of different types - as a runescript and a runic becoming (in this case, the signs are drawn without any specific sequence). It is important to draw signs logically, taking into account the meaning of each symbol and setting them according to the formula: desired - ways to achieve the goal - the result you want to get. You can never add symbols of your own free will - you will only make yourself and others worse.

There are also runes to protect the house. Such signs for home protection can be applied everywhere - only the material matters. As matter, paper, a wooden amulet or leather are used. Also, to protect the home and family, symbols are also applied to the photo. The material at the same time depends on what result you want to get, and on your personal desires. Beginners should avoid self-compilation of layouts, but it is better to contact a specialist - this will help to protect at all levels and avoid a fatal mistake.

To activate the symbols, you need to read the slander, although in some cases the runologist can do without it. As a clause, a spell is used, which is negotiated in free form. To make the effect stronger, you can pre-write the spell on paper.

To activate the runes of protection from negativity, it is possible to use the visualization of energy. Rub the signs with your hands until the heat appears, and then hold your hands over the runes. Feel how your energy charges the signs. As a rule, the runes are superimposed for one year, but it all depends on how strong the runologist is.

Runes of protection and counterstrike can be applied in several ways. To protect against negativity, the runic wording is applied to the photo. Paints, felt-tip pens and pens are suitable for drawing signs.

If you want to put a protective rune on yourself, then draw the sign as follows: the top of the sign should be closer to the chest, and the bottom closer to the legs. If the sign is applied to paper, then it should be worn constantly - even in the shower (a patch can be used for this purpose).

If an animal needs protection from trouble, signs can be applied to the collar, bowl of the animal or its photo. The main thing here is not to tell anyone about this.

If you need to protect property, then the symbols must be applied to the door jamb.

What runes are used

Signs can be used to strengthen the rune shield:

  • Algiz- a symbol for protection. The main strength of the rune is manifested in the fact that it always begins to act on time. The sign helps prevent impending problems and reconciles enemies.
  • Nautiz- a protective sign associated with fire. It works only if a person is under control of his emotions. Otherwise, the sign will devastate with the power of fire.
  • Isa- pacifies, relieves internal aggression.

If damage hangs over your family, make a talisman using runes: Algiz, otal and Eyvaz. If you are sure that you are negatively affected, use a combination Eyvaz with Soulou. The effect of the mirror will shield you from any spell, returning to the sorcerer. Sometimes they add to the layout Teyvaz, Turisaz and Hagalaz.

Simple protective formulas

To protect yourself at work or at home, or to protect yourself with runes after cleaning, protective formulas are used. There are a lot of them, but they include approximately the same formulas. Suitable for those who have relatively recently worked with runes. If you need home protection, then use the rune Odal, located in the center, and two runes Algiz to the left or right of it.

If you are constantly traveling, then use a bunch Algiz and Raido for your protection. If you need to protect yourself from envy and theft, then use the formula FehuAlgiz.

For a woman and a child, the formula will serve as a protective ligament BerkanaAlgiz, and if you need to make a protective talisman, then a bunch will do EvazAlgizIsa.

If you are worried about your personal life and want to protect it from other people's influence, then you can write a combination on your photo with your soulmate GeboAlgizotal. If you need to protect only one person, then use the three characters TurisazTeyvazTurisaz. Protective runes for dwellings consist of symbols such as otal, Teyvaz and Algiz. Moreover, the last two characters are used twice.

In black magic, the Hammer of Thor is used. It consists of Inguz, Hagalaz and Teyvaz. It protects only from strangers - it does not attack its own. It helps both from hidden and from obvious threats.

Runic protection at all levels

If you want to protect your family from enemy negativity and get a 100% result, use formulas.

If you want to protect yourself as reliably as possible from the effects of enemies and get a specific result, you can use rune formulas. For example, the rune specialist Cantas compiled the formula "Holy Land". Thanks to this formula, an impenetrable shell appears around the one on whom the conspiracy is carried out.

Also, the Sinais runologist created the formula "Spirit Helper". It allows you to call the Guardian, which allows you to remove damage and protect a person in the future throughout life.

Popular defensive stakes

Let's look at some options for protective layouts.

solar vortex

Becoming a "Solar Whirlwind".

This one is one of the most popular. It cleanses from the inside, restoring and protecting from negativity. Suitable as a talisman.

guardian guardian

Becoming a Guardian Guardian.

Another popular becoming is the "Guardian", which both protects and fills with positive energy. The negative that was sent to the person is sent to the source, confusing the plans and thoughts of the sorcerer.

Protection against thought suggestion

Becoming "Protection from the suggestion of thoughts."

So that someone else could not impose their thoughts and desires on you, this becoming is used. It allows you to cut off any psychological manipulation that people carry out with you.

Terms of reservation

In order for the slander to take effect, you need to saturate it with energy. Therefore, the clause should consist of several parts:

  • This part indicates exactly how runic magic will be used. For example, you can ask that protection be carried out under the action of this form, or the formula will help protect you from enemies.
  • Next comes the main part. Here they indicate what is expected from the runes.
  • This is followed by a formal part with the condition of activation of the runes.
  • The last point is needed to protect yourself from negative consequences.

Runic protection with a tap

Is it possible to remove the damage and send it back to the offender? There are a sufficient number of such practiced ties - at the moment of pronunciation, they remove negative emotions, “mirroring” them back to the person. These include the staves "Kapets to the enemy", "Absolute protection" and "Black Star".

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