Home Natural farming Elbrus animals. Travel to the Elbrus National Park. Latest guest posts

Elbrus animals. Travel to the Elbrus National Park. Latest guest posts

The Elbrus National Park is located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The highest mountain peaks of Russia and Europe are located on its square, their beauty and majesty attract many tourists here. In particular, the majority wants to admire Elbrus, and some dare to climb it. In addition to the mountains, there are other natural attractions in the park - picturesque gorges, powerful waterfalls, alpine lakes, healing mineral springs. Alpine meadows with medicinal plants growing on them are also beautiful.

Elbrus National Park on google-panorama:

A significant area of ​​the park is occupied by forests, consisting mainly of conifers and birches. A variety of plants grow on the territory, some of them are rare and are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The fauna is also rich, some species are endemic. It happens that wildlife comes into contact with people, for example, near the cable car, at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, a fox appeared, which the workers began to feed. She remained and is now considered a local landmark, tourists are watching her with interest and photographing the red-haired beauty. Employees gave her the nickname "Fly", the animal even had its own page on Instagram.

Among the activities that the park can offer are climbing mountain peaks, hiking, horse and combined routes, recreation in ski resorts.


For visiting the national park, a fee of 50 rubles is charged, for climbing Elbrus (at an elevation of over 3800 meters above sea level), they take 250 rubles.

You can visit the national park both independently and by ordering a tour at the agency. The second option is convenient because the agency takes care of all organizational issues - it provides a transfer, if necessary, equipment, guide services, etc. high level of physical fitness. Many people come to Prielbrusye on their own, the employees have approved the permitted routes along which tourists can move. Some of them are quite simple, even children can go through them, studying nature and enjoying its beauties. Some of the routes are exclusively on foot, while others combine driving and walking.

Climbing Elbrus is considered one of the most popular routes - the mountain is the highest in Europe (the height of the western peak is 5642 meters). Someone uses the cable car and climbs to a height of 3,750 meters, admiring the marvelous views from the height, others make a multi-day hiking ascent. A ski resort with a fairly developed infrastructure was created on the slopes of the mountain, where you can usually go skiing and snowboarding from November to March, trekking is popular here in summer.

Another favorite route of visitors to the park leads to the Maiden Spit waterfall. Rapid streams of water fall down from a height of almost 30 meters, beautifully scattering in flight in long streams that resemble a girl's loose hair. A mesmerizing sight, the refreshing coolness of the water, the noise of the stream, and the beauty of the area impress tourists. Also noteworthy is the high non-cascading waterfall Abai-Su, whose streams fall from a height of about 70 meters. Its name translates as water or the river Abai - this is the name of a rather well-aimed hunter.

After reviewing the photos of Giybashkel Lake on the Internet, many people want to see it with their own eyes. This is not surprising, because its water has an amazing green-turquoise hue, and on the way to it you never stop admiring the beauty of untouched nature and the views from the pass to the valley.

You can also get to the mineral springs; an ecological path from Polyana Cheget leads to them, equipped with recreation areas, bridges, information stands and signs. The water in the springs has truly healing properties, the effect is complemented by the amazing beauty of the area, on the way you can meet huge glacial boulders, avalanche trays, appreciate the diversity of flora and fauna.

How to get there

Travelers often get to the village of Terskol, and then set off along the routes they are interested in. You can get here directly by bus from Nalchik, from other cities you will first have to go to Nalchik.

Of course, it is more convenient to get to the park by car, the distance from Mineralnye Vody is about 170 km, from Nalchik - 110 km.

How to get by car from Nalchik

How to get there by car from Mineralnye Vody

Another option is to take a taxi; Yandex services work in Nalchik. Taxi, Maxim and others, in Mineralnye Vody - Official taxi "Mineralnye Vody", Yandex. Taxi.

You can also use a transfer service, for example, the route is served by KiwiTaxi.

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Mineral water Terskol from 4125 p. show
Nalchik Terskol from 4375 p. show
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Terskol Mineral water from 4125 p. show
Terskol Nalchik from 4375 p. show

Dzhily-Su tract, Prielbrusye National Park, video:

Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Zolsky and Tyrnauzsky districts

Foundation history
The unique nature of the Elbrus region attracts tourists from all over the world who want to enjoy the view of the majestic Elbrus, snow-capped mountain peaks, picturesque gorges of the North Caucasus. Marvelous landscapes, the purest mountain air, mineral springs, snow sparkling in the bright sun - all of this can be found here in abundance.
To preserve this unique natural complex and develop sustainable tourism in 1986, the Elbrus National Park was established with an area of ​​101 thousand hectares.

Physical and geographical features
The territory of the national park is located in the region of the Central Caucasus, includes part of the Main Caucasian and Lateral ridges.
The most famous object of the national park is Mount Elbrus (6542 and 5621 meters). This is an extinct volcano, on the eastern summit of which sulfur dioxide emissions are observed - signs of not yet extinct volcanic activity.
In the area of ​​the mountain, lava flows are widely developed, flowing from it along the valleys of the main rivers. In the valley of the Malka River, the length of the lava flow is 23 km. About 15% of the entire territory of the park is covered by glaciers and snow.
More than 100 mineral water springs and many picturesque lakes are concentrated in the park. One of the most interesting is Syltran-Kol, located in the upper reaches of the Syltran river.
The rivers of the Elbrus region are famous for their waterfalls. These are "Maiden's Braids", a waterfall listed in the book "100 most beautiful waterfalls in the world", Sultan and others.
On the territory of the national park, the climate is generally temperate continental, with cold winters and hot summers. The very complex topography of the territory, a significant difference in absolute heights above sea level, the influence of glaciers, the proximity of the Black Sea and a large volume of air exchange with the free atmosphere - all this provides a rather sharp difference in the climatic features of this region from others. The coldest month is February with a temperature of -17.7 ° C at an altitude of 4100 meters above sea level and -3.4 ° C at an altitude of 1467 meters. In August, the temperature at an altitude of 1467 meters is + 17.0 ° C, and 2600 meters above + 0.2 ° C.

Diversity of flora and fauna
Climate change with height determines the vertical zoning of the vegetation cover. A powerful belt of coniferous forests is replaced by a narrow strip of woody and shrub woodlands, which gradually turn into a belt of subalpine and then alpine meadows. The most interesting plant in the park is the Caucasian rhododendron, the largest in the heather family. Its lush, creamy and pale pink blossoms form giant fairy-tale flower beds that blend beautifully with the dark green foliage.
Alpine forests are rich in mushrooms, lingonberries, blueberries, strawberries, and drupes. Sea buckthorn is widespread, the thickets of which are strictly protected along the Baksan River.
The fauna of the Elbrus region is predominantly Asian in nature. Before the beginning of the great glaciation, the Caucasus united with the land of Western Asia, through which animals from Central Asia penetrated.
Tour is one of the ancient relics. Severtsov's tour and Dagestansky meet here. Probably, this is the most famous animal of the high-mountainous Caucasus. Another abundant species is the wild boar, which also lives in mountain forests. Chamois are less common. In the forests of the Elbrus region, there are wolves, jackals, common fox, lynx, brown bears.
Of the mammals living in the park, 8 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, including the Central Asian leopard, Caucasian forest cat, pointed bat and giant nocturnal.
Among the birds, 11 are listed in the Red Book: Caucasian black grouse, Saker falcon, golden eagle, burial ground, Caucasian peregrine falcon, bearded vulture, white-tailed eagle and others.

What to watch
The park has a huge number of wonderful places to visit. These are many natural monuments: Narzan Glade, the upper reaches of the Malka River, the Sultan waterfall, the Dzhil-Su tract at the foot of Elbrus and others.
Monuments of history, archeology and ethnography are represented here by the remains of residential and household buildings, burials. At the entrance to the national park in the Baksan gorge, a historical and cultural zone is created with a network of historical and ethnographic excursions and routes, as well as workshops on folk crafts.
You can combine your visit to the park with a visit to the astronomical and neutrino observatory; in Azau, the glaciology museum of the MSU educational base is open for you.

Based on materials from oopt.info and zapoved.ru

Parks / Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Elbrus region today is one of the most significant mountain natural monuments of the Caucasus. This is an area of ​​a unique landscape, where the mountains have become the cradle and home of many species of plants and animals, and preserving it is an inalienable task of the state. For this purpose, on September 22, 1986, the Elbrus National Park was created here. The director of the park M.A. Bekkaev. The park is located in the mid-mountain and high-mountain zones of the Lateral and Main ridges of the Central Caucasus, on the territories of two administrative districts of the KBR - Elbrus and Zolsky. Its total area is over one hundred thousand hectares. 62 percent of it falls on hard-to-reach relief: rocks, glaciers, snow fields. As for the flora and fauna, it also has its own characteristics. Mount Elbrus, the tops of which are covered with solid firn (dense granular snow) and ice caps, serves as a mighty refrigerator that drains the surroundings. Therefore, in the Elbrus region, spruce and fir, which love moisture, do not grow, but pine, birch, aspen and some other deciduous plant species prevail. The main type of vegetation cover is meadows. And the mountain slopes are covered with a dark green carpet of rhododendrons, whose pink and white flowers bloom every summer. Last year, on the territory of the Verkhnemalka forestry, such a forest-forming culture as birch was planted on an area of ​​ten hectares in the upper reaches of the Malka River. The earlier forest plantations were supplemented: in the Verkhnemalka forestry - birch on two hectares, in the Verkhnebaksanskoye forestry - pine on three hectares. 59 thousand units of planting material were dug out, which was used in our National Park, and the forest was cleared of dead wood and debris. Twelve hectares of dead wood were harvested in the Elbrus forestry (Yusengi gorge). After laying the gas pipeline, we removed forty waste vehicles, although this had to be done by the gas workers themselves. It remains to remove a small area in the area of ​​the village. Baydaevka. But all this activity would not make sense if the unique natural complexes of the Elbrus region were not protected by the relevant service of the National Park. To preserve natural ecosystems and their components, forestry, reforestation, biotechnical and other specialized activities are carried out. On our initiative, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia has drastically reduced sanitary thinning. If earlier up to a thousand cubic meters of forest were cut down, then in 2003 for the first time felling amounted to 300 cubic meters. This indicator will remain within the same limits this year, and in the future will decline to a minimum. Only diseased and overmature trees are removed. The park belongs to the objects of national heritage and is a specially protected area. In order to ensure compliance with the established regime here, we have created a special service consisting of state security inspectors. The law gives them great rights. Since, according to the regulation, the Elbrus National Park is a single owner within its borders, with the assignment of state control functions for the protection of flora, fauna, soil, and land resources. Work on protection is carried out by employees of three forestries - Elbrus, Verkhnebaksansky and Verkhnemalkinsky - are state inspectors. These are foresters, twenty-three foresters and five gamekeepers. The hunting service also carries out biotechnical measures to preserve and increase the number of wild animals. Salt licks for tours and chamois are being installed. Shooting of stray dogs is carried out, as they cause great damage to nature, in particular, during nesting of birds, and young wild animals. A permanent task force operates in the National Park on a special vehicle with the involvement of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is especially important during the hunting season - from September 1 to January 15. In the pre-New Year period, round-the-clock patrols were carried out, especially in areas where young pine trees grow. There was no cutting of New Year trees (pines) for the purpose of selling them to the population. Only a few trees were cut down for schools and preschool children's institutions according to the order of the Elbrus district administration. In the future, in order to protect the territory of the National Park, we want to introduce horse patrols. This will be more effective, since access to high-mountain forest areas is difficult for vehicles. The main task is to preserve and restore the unique natural complex "Elbrus" and create conditions for the full regulation of tourism and excursion recreation. To solve it, we need to develop scientific foundations and practical measures to maintain the biological balance of the biosphere and improve the rational use of its resources on the basis of modern knowledge. The most important task of the park is to create conditions for regulated tourism, mountaineering and recreation in natural conditions. We have created a department of tourism and environmental education, a scientific department. The first of them is responsible for organizing competitive bidding for the lease of land plots, ensuring regulated tourism and recreation. These activities are exclusively licensed by the National Park for all organizations located in our territory. Unfortunately, not all managers have yet understood the need to obtain licenses. Currently, only OJSC "Elbrusturist" and the recreation and sports center of MSTU "Dzhantugan" have passed this procedure. For this purpose, we have created a department for environmental education and tourism. Now we are carrying out preparatory work on the organization of tourist routes, the selection of experienced guides. In a word, we are going to unleash this case. But, of course, the funds earned in any case will not be enough to solve global problems. State support is indispensable. In previous years, starting from 1995, the National Park also issued licenses and concluded agreements for the lease of land plots. But this was contrary to legislative and by-laws. Therefore, the Elbrus District Court, on the initiative of the prosecutor's office, contested the lease of almost all plots, except two. Now this work is being carried out strictly according to the established rules. Certification and improvement of seventeen tourist routes are being carried out, and five of the most popular ones have already been mastered: in the gorges of Adyr-Su, Adyl-Su, Irik-Chat, Yusengi, on the slopes of Mount Elbrus. The arrangement of six picnic sites has been selected and has already begun: in the area of ​​the village. Neutrino, at the entrance to the Yusengi gorge, on the Cheget glade (on the territory of the former tent camp), on the territory of the Terskol Central High Center (on the banks of the Azau River), near the village of Baidaevka and below the Azau glade. This will make it possible to regulate tourist flows, reduce recreational loads in the most popular holiday destinations, and use natural objects rationally and in a civilized manner. The park is inhabited by sixty-three species of mammals, one hundred and eleven species of birds, eleven species of reptiles, aquatic, six species of fish and a large number of insects. It is the center of the distribution of the tur, or the Caucasian goat, which seems to be one of the ancient relics. There are also chamois. Animals of European forests are widely represented: brown bears, wild boars, foxes, squirrels, martens, wolves. There are some that are listed in the Red Book. This is a Caucasian otter and a giant nocturnal. And besides, it lists six species of birds: Caucasian black grouse, balaban, golden eagle, Caucasian peregrine falcon and bearded viper, two species of snake-like - the Caucasian viper and the Asian newt. Taking this opportunity, I would like to outline the legal features of the National Park, because the Elbrus region is open to everyone and it would not hurt every visitor to know them. In accordance with the regulation on the park, a differentiated protection regime is established. Five functional zones have been identified throughout its territory: specially protected reserved, educational tourism, recreational use and a zone for economic purposes. The first of them is intended for the protection of especially valuable and areas in need of restoration (only scientific observations are allowed there). The second is allocated in order to provide conditions for the preservation of natural complexes and objects. Visiting is strictly regulated on its territory. The third zone is used for land plots, buildings and structures in the territories of national parks for the implementation of activities to provide environmental education and familiarization with attractions. The recreational use zone covers the entire area of ​​the park, and the economic purpose is intended for the implementation of activities necessary to ensure its functioning. It should be borne in mind that according to the legislation, land, water, mineral resources, flora and fauna located on the territory of the National Park are provided for its use (possession). Any activity that may damage natural complexes is prohibited here, and there should be only one type of land relations - rent. We carried out relevant explanatory and other work to conclude agreements with organizations located in the park. But, unfortunately, entrepreneurs have not yet shown proper activity in concluding lease agreements for forest lands. Meanwhile, a specially created commission in our country considers the incoming applications quite quickly, and, as a rule, positive decisions are made on them. Our team has enough strength to ensure the protection of natural resources, the preservation of the unique flora and fauna of the park. However, poor funding does not allow high-level research and development, without which it is impossible to achieve proper reproduction and rational use of natural resources. In addition, to solve this problem, it is necessary to involve specialists from higher educational institutions and scientific organizations.

The Caucasus, a symbol of the beauty of mountain nature, excited the imagination of Pushkin, Lermontov, Griboyedov, and many other Russian and foreign classics, continues to conquer tourists from all over the world with its extraordinary entertainment.

Of particular interest to everyone is the Elbrus National Park, located in the Baksan Valley, at the foot of one of the highest peaks in Europe - Mount Elbrus, famous for its two peaks.

National Park "Elbrus", located around Mount Elbrus.

Founded in 1986, the park is equipped with everything necessary for the recreation of tourists and skiers: there are excellent recreation centers and boarding houses, comfortable lifts and wonderful ski slopes. Skiing is possible almost all year round, except in early spring, when avalanches are possible due to melting glaciers. The dazzling beauty of the snowy peaks, clean mountain air, Caucasian hospitality - all this makes rest in the Elbrus region unique for everyone who has been here.

Big Azau (Baksan glacier) is a landmark of the Elbrus region.

In the Elbrus region, you can not only relax and practice mountain skiing, but also admire the exotic creations of the nature of the mountains. There is something to see here.

Elbrus itself is a unique creation among the Caucasus mountains: its Western peak reaches 5642 meters in height, and the Eastern one - 5621 meters. It is an extinct volcano made of granite and crystalline shale, and its slopes are ideal for ski slopes.

Mount Cheget is located near Elbrus, the height of which reaches 3650 meters. This peak is conquered not only by professional climbers, but also simply by tourists to enjoy the fantastically beautiful views of the Baksan gorge, which open from the top of Cheget. From here you can also see the picturesque village of Terskol, inhabited by hospitable and hardworking Kabardino-Balkarians, the peaks of Donguz-Orun, Kogutan and Nakra, covered with glaciers sparkling in the sun. The slopes of Cheget are recognized as the most difficult ski slopes in the world.

There is also Good Mountain, the history of which is associated with the legend of the evil spirit Goode. Lermontov, who knew this legend, used its motives in his poem "The Demon". From the top of Hood you can also observe pictures of the majestic beauty of the Elbrus region.

Valley of Narzanov, which warmly welcomes guests of the Caucasus into its "baths".

A unique creation of the Caucasian nature is the Narzan Valley, located in the Baksan Gorge. Narzan, gushing out of the ground, is so rich in iron that it stained it with a reddish-brown rust color. Narzan jets are impressive in their thickness and power.

The mineral water from the sources of Dzhily-Su attracts many people who take medicinal baths and drink medicinal water.

Natural wonder of the Elbrus region - the Valley of Castles.

The valley of "castles" is another miracle of nature, consisting of bizarre forms of moraine outliers - the remains of solid rocks that did not succumb to wind erosion. They rise on the plain, reminiscent of ancient exotic castles and create an unforgettable sight.

Stone mushrooms of the Elbrus National Park.

Stone "mushrooms" are the result of the impact of wind erosion on rocks, from the mass of which only pillars of stone with flat caps remain. Exotic "mushrooms" are located at an altitude of 3200 m.

No less exotic figures, striking the imagination with bizarre shapes, were formed from solidified lava at the foot of Elbrus.

The Kyzyl-Kol River is famous for its waterfalls, which are about 30 meters high. You can endlessly admire the streams and splashes sparkling in the sun: this spectacle is simply mesmerizing and suggests the power of the water element, capable of making its way even in volcanic frozen lava. But even more attention is drawn to the two-stage waterfall on the Balyk-Su river, located near the confluence of this river with the Kyzyl-Kol.

Can't leave indifferent the contemplation of another unique place in the Elbrus region - a plane with a smooth surface, located at an altitude of 2900 m., With an area of ​​at least 400,000 sq. M. The people called it the "German airfield": among the local residents there is an opinion that during the war of 1941-45 German planes landed on this plane. This information has not been confirmed by anything, but the area allows a large plane to land.

While visiting the Elbrus region, you can hear different legends. One of them tells about the healing power of narzan. A young man named Nart, which means a hero in translation, climbed the mountains to destroy the monster that tormented the mountaineers. The monster, exhausted by the struggle, was chained to a rock. Nart cried because he could not help his brothers, and his tears broke through the stones and became healing springs. People, having drunk this water, became strong, were able to kill the monster and free Nart. And narzan became a drink that gives heroic strength.

A place called "German Airfield".

Elbrus region is a great place for alpine skiing and adventure lovers, connoisseurs of extraordinary natural beauty and incredible sensations.

Anyone who visits these places can bring home a wide variety of hand-knitted woolen and downy items made by local craftsmen.

Here you can buy various souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones, such as: horns of the tour, chasing and ceramics. Connoisseurs of national cuisine will be able to taste ayran, cheeses, dried lamb and many other Caucasian delicacies.

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The Elbrus National Park is located in the depths of the Baksan Valley, at the foot of the highest peak in Europe - the two-headed Elbrus. The main ski slopes and lifts of Kabardino-Balkaria are located on the slopes of Elbrus and on Mount Cheget (3,700 m).

The main ski areas of the Baskan Valley: Elbrus, where you can ski and snowboard all year round, Cheget, where the ski season usually lasts from December to the end of May. The resort tracks are superbly equipped and are perfect for professionals, amateurs and beginners alike. Chairlifts are comfortable and safe. In summer, you can go mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain biking. But only with an instructor!

In 1986, the Elbrus National Park was created. There are 23 recreational facilities on the territory of the park, where about 5 thousand people can rest during the season.

There are six villages in the Elbrus region: Upper Baksan, Neutrino, Elbrus, Tegenekli, Baidaevo, Terskol. The nearest town is Tyrnyauz, the administrative center of the Elbrus region.

For inspection

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia. The western summit has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. Elbrus is a cone of an extinct volcano on a high base of granites and crystalline schists.

Mount Cheget is located near Elbrus and has a height of 3650 m. From Cheget there is a beautiful view of the Baksan gorge, the village of Terskol, Elbrus on one side and Dongus-Orun, Kogutai and Nakra on the other. Cheget's slopes are among the most difficult in the world ski resorts.

Good Mountain- a stunning view of the nature of the Elbrus region opens from its top.

Valley of the Narzan is located in the Baksan gorge, behind the village of Baidaevo. The land in the clearing is colored rusty brown due to the high iron content in the water. One of the springs in the clearing is so powerful that the thickness of its jet is comparable to the thickness of an adult's hand.

Sources of Jila-Su- two powerful outlets of mineral water and many small ones. Here they drink mineral water and take baths. The water from the springs is curative and therefore many people visit these places.

Not far from the springs is located Valley of "castles" with moraine outliers of the most exotic forms.

Above sources, at Kyzyl-Kol river, there are two waterfalls with a height of about 30 m. Here you can clearly see how the water washed the passage for itself in the lava.

On the Balyk-Su river there is a two-stage waterfall right before its confluence with Kyzyl-Kol.

German airfield- This is a huge plane at an altitude of 2900 m. It is at least 800 m long and at least 500 m wide. Local residents say that German planes landed here during the Great Patriotic War. Most likely, this is a myth, but the modern An-2 can land and take off from it.

Stone "mushrooms"- This is the result of exotic erosion, which resulted in stone pillars with flat caps. "Mushrooms" are located at an altitude of 3200 m. And at the foot of Elbrus, nature has created from lava many sculptures of the most unimaginable forms.


A long time ago, a terrible monster lived on Elbrus, which sent innumerable disasters to the lands of the mountaineers living in the valley: rockfalls, avalanches, earthquakes. The highlanders paid tribute to the monster with the best young men and women of the village. Many daredevils tried to kill the villain, but they all died. Once in a poor mountain family, a boy was born, who was named Nart, that is, a hero. At 17, he was a real strongman. He decided to kill the monster and went to his lair. They fought for a long time. Mountains trembled, lightning flashed, thunder roared. Finally, Nart weakened. Then the monster chained Nart to a rock blown by all the winds. Frost and sun hardened him. An eagle flew in and pecked at his liver, which immediately overgrown. Every spring the monster came to see how Nart was suffering. Nart raised his head and, looking at the enemy, asked:
- Tell me, a terrible monster, is the grass green in the valleys, cattle also graze, are the highlanders also alive?
- That's right, but you will never see what you love.
And Nart wept. And his tears, burning through the ice and stone, came out at the foot of the springs. The people drank this water and felt how they were getting stronger and stronger. And finally, he fearlessly climbed to the top of the mountain and, in a bloody struggle, killed the monster and freed Nart. Since then, the mineral water has been called by the name of Narta, and the word "sano" means "drink". So, narzan is the water of the heroes.

Local features

The Elbrus region is a high-mountainous region of Russia, a real paradise for ski lovers or adventure seekers. The mountains are beautiful at any time of the year, but in early spring it is unsafe there - glaciers begin to melt, and the danger of avalanches increases.

What to bring from here

Local women knit wool and wool from goats and sheep. Now many have switched to machine knitting, and the quality of the products has dropped. But you can find hand-knitted products - from socks and hats to voluminous, warm, like a fur coat, sweaters and the finest openwork scarves. Knitted items may smell a little like a goat, but don't be embarrassed - this smell disappears very quickly, especially after washing. They also sell national felt hats and boots, chuni, hats made of goat and lamb skins.

You can buy horns of a tour, a horseshoe for a horse - for luck, various chased and ceramic products. Local markets sell dried lamb, smoked Kabardian cheese, and locally produced halva.

In koshas (summer pastures with lonely shacks) you will be sold milk, ayran and cheese.

Climate and weather

Many climatic zones of the world are collected here. But in general, the climate here is moderately continental, with a pronounced altitudinal zonality. At an altitude of about 2500 m, the average air temperature in July is usually +10 degrees, in January –12. At an altitude of more than 4000 m in July it is 0… –1, in January –19… –20 degrees. It is quiet in the Elbrus valleys, there are more than 300 sunny days a year.

Best vantage points and photos / videos

From the top of the Good Mountain, a stunning view of the nature of the Elbrus region opens. The surroundings can be explored from any point: from the valleys there is a beautiful view of the majestic mountains, from the mountains - to the valleys and peaks.


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