Home On the windowsill Interview with Royal Bar CEO Yulia Tikhomirova. Interview with Yulia Tikhomirova, General Director of Royal Bar

Interview with Royal Bar CEO Yulia Tikhomirova. Interview with Yulia Tikhomirova, General Director of Royal Bar

Yulia Tikhomirova, beautiful and fragile blonde. She is also the captain of a giant gastronomic ship called the Royal Bar. The portal site asked Yulia to tell about her ship, and the taste preferences of her passengers, as well as her own tastes when choosing watch accessories, without which no yachting connoisseur can do.

The name Royal Bar hides a huge territory. Tell us what the "Royal Bar" is like?

- Behind the royal bar is its royal grandeur .. ( laughs). First of all, as you noted in the question, the new guests who come to us are amazed by the scale of the Royal Bar - 8000 square meters. There is a huge complex behind these numbers. I will emphasize the last word. Because Royal Bar is not only a restaurant and a summer terrace, it is also its own beach with a swimming pool, volleyball and children's playgrounds. This is a marina and majestic tents with a capacity of 30 to 600 people. All this is the "royal bar".

A piece of the Mediterranean in Moscow. This is how the press of Royal Bar positions itself. Surely the location obliges the chef to create appropriate dishes? Tell us a little about the restaurant menu and the preferences of the public.

- This year Royal Bar turned 10 years old, but neither now nor before, the restaurant has not specialized in Mediterranean cuisine. Our menu is dominated by dishes of European, Japanese, Italian cuisine. And this choice is not accidental. We have studied the preferences of our guests well. And with full confidence we can say that they come to us for contemplation and enjoyment of food that is close and understandable to them. Of course, you will find positions from fish and seafood in our menu, but this is not a priority.

What cuisine is in the most demand? Do your guests have trends?

- The answer follows from the previous one. European-style cuisine is in the greatest demand among our guests. We have quite a lot of visitors with kids. And the most delicious pizza "Campagnola" or the branded "Royal Bar" is used. Beauties who come to enjoy languid evenings on the veranda, with a glass of wine in hand, choose light vegetable salads from the chef a la "arugula with shrimp" or "roasted pumpkin salad with apple in peanut sauce." Yacht owners who come to our marina to have a bite to eat and stock up on food for the future prefer meat dishes. For example, veal kebab or rack of lamb.

— VodaBereg is a site primarily about yachting. But we decided to ask you not about them, but about women's passion - accessories. Namely, watches, which are an integral part of yachting. Tell us about your possible watch collection or favorite pieces?

- This question is at the right place. To be honest, I am a modest fan of famous watch brands. Of course, I don't have the grandiose collection that some people have. But there are interesting examples. Watches are some kind of trophies from European capitals that I visit when traveling. Among my favorites are such brands as: Rollex, Hublot, TAG Heuer. I brought my first Rollex from Zurich. It was the watch of my dreams, which, by the way, I was almost deprived of at customs. From jewelry watch brands I choose Chanel and Chopard. And from the thematic - Submariner for divers. When I came to manage Royal Bar three years ago, the first thing I did was buy myself a Submariner as a gift.

By the way, I buy all the watches myself and do not welcome them as gifts. I sincerely believe in the sign that the clock is about to part. This, just the same, reminds me of a Chanel watch that was presented to me by my ex-young man.

— How do you find the right direction and stylistic solution? Do you have an entrepreneurial flair, knowing in advance that the business will be successful? Or are you guided solely by knowledge of the market and the economic situation in the country?

— I am not devoid of intuition, which helps me out. It can be both female intuition and entrepreneurial - as it is more convenient for anyone. However, this is not all that I am guided by ( laughs) when making decisions. For a leader in the restaurant business, education, the “right” contacts and knowledge of the market are also important. First of all, I have a strong economic education and a strong working background. At one time, I had a lot of successful internships abroad. And in Russia, before Royal Bar, I headed the commercial department of the Dynamo Sports Palace.

For a long time, beautiful and stylish women have not been associated exclusively with the hearth and fragrant borscht. Now successful business women in terms of career growth and the efficiency of working on their projects can easily overtake male colleagues. Director of the section "Lifestyle" website spoke with the general manager of the restaurant Royal Bar Yulia Tikhomirova and learned about how to keep a big business in fragile female hands, while remaining a real lady.

website: How did you start your career in the restaurant business?

Julia Tikhomirova: I got into the restaurant industry quite by accident: I was sitting at home on maternity leave, before the decree I worked almost all my life at the Dynamo Sports Palace (Lavochkina, 32). A year later, a very good friend invited me to see the Royal Bar. I arrived, saw this place and was delighted - a stunning view, a very beautiful veranda, a wonderful beach in summer and the possibility of holding a large number of events. And I agreed to take over the restaurant, as they say, in my own hands. For two years we studied, used the services of a management company. And for the last two years I've been doing Royal Bar herself. In total, I have been in this business for four years.

The events that we hold are weddings, graduations, various corporate parties, birthdays, awards, closing and opening of seasons and, of course, fashion parties.

website: It is generally accepted that if the chef is, then it is usually a man. If, for example, a hostess, then most likely a girl. Is there such a stereotype regarding the position of the CEO? Is it easy for a fragile girl in such a post, obliging to lead men? Have you ever felt any wary attitude towards yourself from your partners?

Julia Tikhomirova: In fact, in all my jobs, I was mostly surrounded by men. I think I'm already immune to them, just like they are to me. Therefore, no difficulties and problems arise, we always agree. I am a very loyal, calm person, you can always negotiate with me. And our chef, by the way, is a nice girl Ekaterina.

We decided to try a girl as a restaurant chef for the first time. We'll see, I don't think there should be any problems. At the very least it will be interesting. But the bar - this is always and invariably - men.

website: Are you not a hard leader?

Julia Tikhomirova: Unfortunately, or fortunately, no. It happens in different ways, I can be tough, of course, but this is very rare, because I always negotiate with my employees, whom I love, and who, I hope, love me.

website: Is it hard to combine work, such a solid post and personal life?

Julia Tikhomirova: I am not married, I have a daughter, and she, of course, lacks my attention, but I have to combine it. I try to spend all my free time with her, she understands me, she is already five years old. Well, of course it's boring. There are difficulties, without them, unfortunately, we have to get out.

website: Have you encountered envy?

Julia Tikhomirova: Maybe yes. I don't know, I somehow stopped paying attention to it. If people have nothing to do, then let them envy. Well, so as to directly meet with envy, then no, this has never happened so far.

website: What about the style of clothing? How do you like to dress? Are you more likely to come to a meeting with friends in a dress or jeans?

Julia Tikhomirova: I am completely calm in clothing styles. If I need to wear a dress and heels, I will definitely choose this business or evening look. If you can just come in jeans, then I'd better put them on and do without heels - just to make it comfortable to walk. I don't have any particular style. I try to dress appropriately for every event. I have favorite designers - for example, my girlfriend Alexandra Serova, it is her dresses that I most often wear for going out.

website: Do you follow fashion shows?

Julia Tikhomirova: Trying. We had the closing of the Moscow Fashion Weeks. As part of the shows in Gostiny Dvor and the Manezh, I managed to see a lot of interesting designers, among which I noted many new names for myself. In general, I love fashion.

My favorite designers are Julia Dalakyan, Alexandra Serova, Anastasia Zadorina and Andrey Ponomarev.

website: What beauty brands do you like?

Julia Tikhomirova: I guess I've been more into brands lately. Dolce & Gabbana and Chanel.

website: You said that you spend your free time with your daughter. Do you travel a lot together? Which countries impressed you both the most?

Julia Tikhomirova: I love Spain, Barcelona very much, we fly there almost every summer, my daughter rests there for 3 months, I try to fly to her often. I really love the Maldives, the Dominican Republic - there is silence, peace, you lie down, no one touches you, and it’s just very good. Now I’m thinking about where to fly to for the New Year, I really want to.

website: I would like to talk about the stars. There were a lot of weddings of famous people in the Royal Bar this summer. How do you collaborate with celebrities in general?

Julia Tikhomirova: In principle, we try to work with stars in the same way as with ordinary clients, we do not divide our guests into media people and unknown people. All our clients are VIP. We are always glad to see everyone - both just for dinner or lunch, and at individual parties. We successfully organize turnkey events for clients. You just call and tell us what you want, and we do everything ourselves - from compiling a menu to inviting some well-known presenter.

We have two large beautiful tents on our territory, we can decorate them on our own, and invite entertainers and artists, arrange fireworks. To hold a beautiful event yourself, without intermediaries - a wedding, graduation or corporate party - this is for Royal Bar absolutely not a problem.

By the way, I invite all readers website and personally you to the most fashionable party of the beginning of 2017 - "Hangover-PARTY", which will be held in Royal Bar for the Old New Year. All details on parties on the official website of our restaurant royalbar. Moscow and on instagram royal_bar.moscow.

website: Who is your main audience? Girls, men, couples in love, big companies...?

Julia Tikhomirova: These are more male companies, it seems to me. There are more girls on the beach in the summer season, but still, representatives of the stronger half are more common in the restaurant. Despite the fact that the emphasis on Royal Bar is done on the organization of events, we try to attract people to the restaurant. This season, I believe that we have attracted a lot of customers to us even more by the restaurant - there were a lot of people, especially in good weather. People are happy to come and eat with appetite.

Julia Tikhomirova: I have one more job: I head the commercial department of the Dynamo Sports Palace. It’s good that everything is nearby, and I live nearby, and it turns out to keep up with everything. In general, I am very mobile, active, I can work until the night, if necessary, even on weekends. I can come home, then break loose, leave if someone calls somewhere.

website:How do you recover after a hard week at work?

Julia Tikhomirova: I can go to a beauty salon for a massage or a SPA, I can swim in the pool with pleasure.

website: How do you keep yourself in such great shape?

Julia Tikhomirova: Not to say that I really love beauty salons, but I go, of course, to provide care for my hair, body and face. I go to the gym and play tennis.

I try to eat right when possible, not to overeat. You know, working in the restaurant industry, there are a lot of temptations to eat well and eat a lot - so I try to limit myself a little. Well, a healthy lifestyle, of course - I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcoholic beverages.

site: What would you wish the readers of the site?

Julia Tikhomirova: Of course, to be beautiful, healthy and always happy - do what you love, and then everyday work will bring only joy and pleasant fatigue. And everyone who is fond of volleyball, and indeed sports in general, is invited to the matches of the Dynamo men's volleyball team, which are held at the Dynamo Sports Palace. And then, have dinner at Royal Bar! We will always be glad to see you!

November 2 at one of the most famous venues in Moscow, in a cozy and stylish atmosphere of the restaurant Royal Bar , there was a party dedicated to the end of the Fashion Weeks of the spring-summer 2017 season. All autumn we watched with interest the new collections of famous designers, and also rejoiced at the debuts of talented fashion designers who had just begun their journey and first appeared on the world catwalks.is an event that has become a logical, and most importantly, beautiful and magical finale of the seasonal fashion shows. It could not be otherwise - a wonderful interiorRoyal Barand the views from its veranda turn any evening into a real holiday.

As part of FashionTime Designers and Royal Bar Party along with a wonderful buffet and delicious drinks, there were shows of two designer brands. Both fashion houses participated in Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia and are already familiar to the Moscow fashionist with their images.

The evening was opened by designer Andrey Ponomerev. A young, but already popular fashion designer in the Moscow fashion beau monde. Behind the designer are many interesting collections, cooperation with the Tatyana Mikhalkova Charitable Foundation "Russian Silhouette", participation in Fashion Weeks with her own brand PONOMAREV, screenings at the Moscow Film Festival and the Miss Russia contest, presentation at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia of the spring-summer 2012 collection under the Black Star by Timati & Andrey Ponomarev brand, creating costumes for Yana Shevchenko's show (YanaStasia brand) "How much does love cost?"

In the new collection PONOMAREV, which the designer presented in Royal Bar, clear, complex lines, a simple silhouette and an unusual finish. The basis of the collection is a classic that is close to avant-garde, casual and eccentric. The special attention of the guests of the party was attracted by the suits, which combine the actual sports cut and coloring, high-quality fabrics and business style. They look great with both sneakers and classic pumps, both with rough boots and sophisticated sandals.

The show was completed by Yulia Tikhomirova, General Director Royal Bar. She walked down the impromptu runway in a beautiful monochrome trouser suit with a sleeveless jacket, which was crowned with a long, light train.

The second designer to show his collection at FashionTime Designers and Royal Bar Party, became Svetlana Krylova, representing the brand Stella Di Mare. The outfits of this brand are for those who live in the city and lead a modern active lifestyle, combining work, nightlife, visiting cafes, cinema and exhibitions.

New collection Stella Di Mare distinguished by originality, sensuality and elegance. The designer paid special attention to the cut of dresses with an open back - it is this part of the body, according to Svetlana Krylova, that most expressively emphasizes the fragility and beauty of the female figure.

Designer Anastasia Zadorina (pictured in the center) is engaged not only in the fashion business

Sergei Bobylev / TASS /

Twenty-eight-year-old designer Anastasia Zadorina broke Mikhail Kusnirovich's Bosco group's 15-year monopoly on the production of clothing for Russian Olympians. In February, she won the right to dress the Russian national team for eight years and, after signing the contract, will probably pay the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) about $10 million a year. Will the daughter of the head of the FSB support service, Colonel-General Mikhail Shekin, have such funds? As Vedomosti found out, Zadorina, together with her older sister, 35-year-old Yulia Tikhomirova, has been in business for 10 years. Among their partners were members of the Forbes list and former counterintelligence officers.

From MGIMO to Iskander

Until recently, Zadorina and Tikhomirova were known only as regular participants in fashion shows and social events. Everything changed in February 2017, when Zadorina’s Za Sport company unexpectedly became an R&D licensee in the clothing category. The contract has not yet been signed, its financial conditions are not disclosed in the ROC. But Kusnirovich told Kommersant that the committee had requested 650 million rubles from him for extending cooperation. in year. The representative of the committee declined to comment on this assessment, saying only that Zadorina's proposal turned out to be the best. Zadorina herself does not comment on the contract. Collaboration with the ROC will be a logical continuation of the business career of a young designer who has earned a name in the industry and experience in the production of sports uniforms, according to her acquaintance. True, apparently, fashion projects have not yet brought her big money. The revenue of the main company Zadorina, "For Group", in 2015 amounted to 638,000 rubles, a loss - 86,000 rubles. (hereinafter - SPARK data). The Equipsport company, which is engaged in sports uniforms, with revenue for 2013 of 53.5 million rubles. received a net profit of 4 million rubles. There are no more recent data.

The biography and career of the sisters Zadorina and Tikhomirova is easiest to judge by their interviews with glossy magazines. The sisters have repeatedly said that at first dad - who served for more than 10 years in the USSR Embassy in Berlin and the Russian Consulate General in Bonn - was against their hobbies and refused to support his daughters' hobbies. Tikhomirova, whom her parents saw as a doctor, chose German studies at the University of Bonn. At 22, she had to become a manager in companies that sold products. But after her father became president of the FSB-controlled volleyball SC Dynamo from Moscow, Tikhomirova became the commercial director of the club's home arena, the Dynamo Sports Palace on the street. Lavochkin.

At first, Zadorina, at the behest of her parents, prepared for a diplomatic career: in 2011 she graduated from the MGIMO master's program with a degree in foreign policy and diplomacy in Russia. But, having received a diploma, she immediately put up a collection of clothes "Moscow - Tel Aviv" for the competition of the "Russian Silhouette" fund of Tatyana Mikhalkova. Since that time, she has become a regular participant in fashion shows. Her Zadorina Group LLC sold evening dresses at the Crocus City Mall and the Vesna store on the Arbat. The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 7.8 million rubles. with a loss of 18,000 rubles, a year later - 12 million rubles. with a net profit of 687,000 rubles, but in 2014 the company was liquidated.

Zadorina took up the production of sportswear in 2012. Her Equipsport LLC received orders for sewing uniforms from SK Dynamo and one of the founders of the club, the FSB-controlled regional society Dynamo 24, as well as beach and regular volleyball teams. Transneft, Vnukovo Airport, Rus-Oil, etc. ordered uniforms and overalls from Equipsport. Many customers and sponsors of fashion companies were business partners of the Shekin family in larger projects. So, the most famous design action of Zadorina is the release of T-shirts with patriotic inscriptions like “Sanctions? Don’t make my Iskanders laugh” or “Poplar is not afraid of sanctions”, among others, was sponsored by a certain Baikal Concern PJSC. He had a chance to become the largest project of the Shekin family.

supply chief

FSB Colonel-General Mikhail Shekin was appointed head of the 7th FSB service (operation support service) in 2007. Three departments are subordinate to him - financial, economic, logistics (UMTO) and capital construction. The Shekina service buys almost everything for the FSB - from apartments, cars and boats to clothes, it also owns the medical institutions of the department. The service even has its own customs warehouses for temporary storage. It was because of the importation of contraband to the customs warehouse of military unit 54729 that Shekin's predecessor, FSB Colonel General Sergei Shishin, lost his post. In 2005, this warehouse received more than 100 wagons with Chinese consumer goods, paid from the accounts of the UMTO FSB, Kommersant wrote. According to the publication, the Cherkizovsky market was the final destination of the cargo. The scandal led to the resignation of a dozen high-ranking security officials, and Shishin had to move to VTB as a senior vice president. A little later, Shekin became president of the Dynamo volleyball sports club. The founders of the club are the regional organization "Dynamo-24" (FSB of Russia), the Moscow society "Dynamo", the National Charitable Foundation, the sports club "Rosneft" and the development fund "Dynamo". The president of the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VVF) since 2004 was Shekin's immediate superior, the then director of the FSB, General of the Army Nikolai Patrushev.

« Gazprom» did not live up to expectations

“I am not my own enemy, no comment. The project did not take place, we will end here, ”a person who was involved in the creation of Baikal, which united the children of high-ranking security officials and businessmen who worked with Gazprom contracts, told Vedomosti.

The company was established in December 2014. Zadorina received a 30% stake in it and headed the board of directors. Olga Zolotova had the same number. Who she is - Vedomosti failed to find out. But at the same time, the son of the former head of the Security Service of the President of Russia, and now the head of the National Guard, Viktor Zolotov, Roman, entered the board of directors of Baikal.

Spouses Victoria and Dmitry Makarov received another 10% of the company. Makarova is a longtime partner of Zadorina, until February 2017 they owned on parity terms 90% of the Za Group company, which produced clothes designed by Zadorina.

The remaining 30% of Baikal's shares belonged to Irkutsk businessmen Evgeny Evstigneev, Sergei Rassokhin and Yana Bogomolova.

The only asset of Baikal was a 90% stake in Stroygazservis (SGS), created in 2009 by Alexei Snegirev, the former head of procurement and logistics at Stroygazmontazh (SGM) Arkady Rotenberg. The first company was a subcontractor of the second - one of the largest general contractors of Gazprom.

SGS supplied components to almost all major gas pipeline construction projects: the North European Gas Pipeline (Gryazovets - Vyborg section), Sakhalin - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok, South Stream, Bovanenkovo, and so on. Until 2014, the company did not disclose its revenue, so it is difficult to assess how successful Snegirev's business turned out to be.

Baikal got SGS through Evstigneev, who in 2014 bought it from the founder, and then transferred it to a new company.

In 2015, SGS decided to switch from subcontractors to Gazprom's contractors. He applied for three competitions of Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk LLC with a maximum price of 9.4 billion rubles. But it was not possible to get contracts. Two competitions for 4 billion rubles. won "Stroytransneftegaz" Gennady Timchenko, and a contract for 4.9 billion rubles. went to the Sakhalin company "Vostok morneftegaz" Leonid Lee.

After that, the SGS began to rapidly lose the market - in 2015, its revenue fell 40 times to 8 million rubles, and the loss grew to 25 million rubles. In the summer of 2015, Baikal sold a 90% stake in SGS. A little later, Zolotova sold her stake in Baikal.

Volleyball development

In the second half of the 2010s, the stormy activity of Ivan Tikhomirov, the same age and namesake of Yulia Tikhomirova, began. At 23, he became a co-founder and CEO of a dozen companies involved in the development projects of the Dynamo volleyball. Two acquaintances of the Shekin family say that at that time he was the husband of Tikhomirova, who was engaged in development projects in the family. In 2007, she established her own company, Msk Stroy, which was supposed to prepare construction sites.

Tikhomirov's main partners were Vyacheslav Rotavchikov, a 47-year-old counterintelligence officer, FSB colonel and former general director of SK Dynamo, and Evgeny Smirnov, a member of the board of directors of Transmashholding (for more details, see inset).

Volleyball and locomotives

Little is known about one of the main business partners of Zadorina and Tikhomirova, 79-year-old Evgeny Smirnov (pictured). The first time his name was mentioned in 1997. Then Smirnov worked as the general director of the Transsnab company, established by Zheldorbank, Roszheldorsnab of the Ministry of Railways and Transrail Holding, close to the then head of the Ministry of Railways Nikolai Aksenenko. Transsnab acted as an intermediary in the supply of rails and other equipment for the superstructure of the tracks under contracts with the Ministry of Railways. In 2002, Smirnov became an adviser to the president of Evrazholding (now Evraz) Alexander Abramov. At that time it was the only rail manufacturer in Russia. In 2005, Smirnov participated in a deal with the shares of Transmashholding, the largest Russian manufacturer of locomotives and passenger cars. Judging by the company's statements, in 2005 10% of its shares went to Volley Sport-Service LLC. The company was founded by the former player of SC "Dynamo" Alexander Yaremenko and former players of the club "Luch" Stanislav Shevchenko and Andrey Sapega. Smirnov was the general director of Volya Sport Service and therefore joined the board of directors of the engineering holding, where he remains to this day. Volley Sport Service itself became the property of Volley Sport JSC, created by Shevchenko and Lada Soshenkova, a minority shareholder of Volleyball South, controlled by Shekin's daughter Yulia Tikhomirova. In 2007, the Dutch The Breakers Investments B.V. became the owner of 100% of Transmashholding. Its main owners were Iskandar Makhmudov, Andrei Bokarev, Maxim Liksutov (now Deputy Mayor of Moscow) and Sergei Glinka. In the same 2007, a 25% stake in the holding for 9.2 billion rubles. acquired Russian Railways, and in 2010 another 25% plus 1 share - the French concern Alstom. In 2005, Smirnov also became a co-founder and chairman of the board of the Institute for Problems of Natural Monopolies (IPEM), whose phone number coincided with the contacts of the TMH trading house (owned by Transmashholding). The main customers of IPEM were Russian Railways and its affiliated structures. According to their state order, the institute assessed the risks and feasibility of increasing the number of freight carriers, predicted changes in passenger traffic and helped with the planning of the Russian Railways investment program to upgrade the rolling stock fleet. Most of these studies were somehow connected with the activities of Transmashholding. In 2016, IPEM's portfolio of government orders amounted to 118.5 million rubles. IPEM is also associated with Zadorina. Since 2010, he has owned 18% in the Institute for Security Problems of the CIS (IPB CIS), the largest beneficiary of which is the general's daughter. In the company "Ecoresurs", which owns the rest of the shares of the institute, 53% belongs to Zadorina, 18.5% - to Smirnov. Vedomosti failed to contact Smirnov.

True, Tikhomirov's business activity faded as unexpectedly as it began. In 2012, he disappeared from all his companies, his shares passed to Shekin's daughters and former partners. Perhaps this is due to the separation of the couple, suggest two familiar families. Just last year, Tikhomirov registered as an individual entrepreneur and opened a car wash in Nekrasovka. Her employee told Vedomosti that Tikhomirov was abroad. The businessman did not answer the questions of Vedomosti sent to him. She did not answer questions about Tikhomirov and Yulia Tikhomirova. What projects did the businessman take part in?

VTB took the arena

On December 23, 2015, on the capital's Vasilisa Kozhina Street, not far from Victory Park, it was overcrowded. Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, VTB President Andrey Kostin and his first deputy Vasily Titov, Moscow Vice Mayor Marat Khusnullin and President of SC Dynamo General Shekin came to lay a capsule with a message to posterity in the foundation of the future international volleyball arena for 3,500 seats. The arena, whose construction was solemnly announced by officials, bankers and generals, was a small part of the multifunctional complex (MFC) Match Point, which was to appear on this site. The planned building area is 202,945 sq. m, and the cost - almost 19 billion rubles. The 28-storey buildings will house offices and apartments.

In fact, the complex on the street. Vasilisa Kozhina - long-term construction. The project started in 2008. Then Moscow leased 2.5 hectares of land to SC Dynamo for the construction of an office and sports complex. The customer and investor of the construction were Volley Grand LLC and the interregional sports public organization (MSOO) Sports Initiatives. Tikhomirov became the general director of the first of them, and Rotavchikov, Smirnov and the owner of the National Republican Bank Dzhulustan Borisov became the founders. The second company was founded by Tikhomirov, Smirnov, Borisov, the All-Russian Volleyball Federation (VVF) and several top managers of the Miel group.

The partners jointly invested about 300 million rubles in the project. and attracted a loan from VTB for at least 7.6 billion rubles. And after the crisis and problems with financing, investors quarreled. The structures of Smirnov began to sue the structures of Rotavchikov and Borisov regarding settlements with contractors and investments in construction. Tikhomirov in 2012 chose to withdraw from the project, and a year later the construction was frozen.

In 2014, the MFC construction project was completely transferred to VTB. The representative of the bank did not talk about the project, it was not possible to contact Borisov.

If large-scale construction in Moscow did not work out, then the projects for the construction of hotels and sports complexes in Suzdal, Anapa and Adler were successfully completed by the Tikhomirovs' structures. The UMMC of Iskandar Makhmudov and his partners, the Siberian Business Union (SDS), Renova Viktor Vekselberg and the Safmar Charitable Foundation of Mikhail Gutseriev helped them in this - some of them on a gratuitous basis.

So, in the resort village of Vityazevo near Anapa, since 2004, the VFV has been building a sports and educational health center "Volei Grad". The federation itself built only two volleyball courts and a hotel with 64 rooms. In 2009, the federation conceded the lease of the site to Volei Grad, which was co-owned by the structures of Yulia and Ivan Tikhomirov. They built an indoor training hall there, four cottages with an area of ​​342 sq. m each and a presidential villa of 524 sq. m.

The third stage of the sports complex in 2015-2016. financed "Safmar" Gutseriev. He transferred VFV donations of 100 million rubles. With these funds, it was planned to build two new beach volleyball courts, a tribune for 1,500 seats, and improve the territory of the complex. The Safmar Foundation did not answer Vedomosti's questions about Volley Grad.

Hotel for the FSB

In 2013, an Olympic facility of federal significance was built in Adler - the Sport Inn sports and recreation hotel with 50 rooms and beach volleyball courts. During the Sochi Olympics, the Sport Inn, like several other hotels in Adler, was occupied by the FSB for its own needs.

At that time, Tikhomirov's MSOO Sports Initiatives owned 51% of the Start company that owns the hotel. The rest was with the SDS. But the money for the construction was donated by Renova, its own structure - LLC OSZ - was the customer and developer of the hotel. This follows from the proceedings that accompanied the issuance of a permit for the construction of the hotel - its "Sports Initiatives" was approved in the Central District Court of Sochi retroactively, in 2016. The representative of "Renova" did not comment on this project.

At the beginning of 2016, Oksana Simonova, former top manager of Miel and CEO of Msk Stroy, Yulia Tikhomirova, bought 51% of Start from Sports Initiatives. SDS sold 49% of Start LLC to its lawyer Andrey Zelenkov.

In 2016, in Suzdal, on the banks of the Kamenka River, UMMC opened a small hotel "Copper Dvor". As Vedomosti found out, the Tikhomirovs also took part in this project. The hotel was built by Ecoresurs-invest, a subsidiary of Ecoresurs, established by Anatoly Zhuravlev, ex-director of the National Charitable Fund (formerly the National Military Fund). The fund was created in 1999 at the initiative of President Vladimir Putin to attract donations from the largest Russian companies that built housing for the military, Novaya Gazeta wrote. Tikhomirov bought out 43.5% in Ecoresurs in 2010 and, together with Yulia Tikhomirova, received a half in Ecoresurs-invest. The second 50% of "Ecoresurs-invest" went to UMMC. In 2015, UMMC bought out the share of the Tikhomirovs and remained the sole owner of the hotel.

Ecoresurs bought Zadorin from the Tikhomirovs by 2010. In the same year, this company acquired 82% in CIS Institute for Security Problems LLC (ISB CIS). Zadorina took the position of deputy director in it.

Ex-banker with a hoarder

Businesses have to buy new cash registers ten times more expensive than the cost, RBC reported in early March, citing State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoi. This happens, according to Lugovoi, because the 8th center of the FSB certified the only sample of the fiscal drive for new cash desks, which is produced only by affiliated companies Atlas-Kart CJSC, Rik LLC and Besant CJSC. Their beneficiary is Vladimir Shcherbakov, RBC quotes Lugovoi. We are talking about the ex-banker Shcherbakov, whose company, together with the Russian Club of Economists Felix Shamkhalov, co-founded the Institute for Security Problems of the CIS, which in 2010 became the property of the youngest daughter of FSB Colonel-General Anastasia Zadorina. Shcherbakov was a co-owner of BVA Bank, which lost its license in 2014. The investigation accused Shcherbakov and top managers of the bank of withdrawing money abroad, believing that with their help, from 2011 to 2014, about 10 billion rubles were transferred abroad under dubious schemes. The schemes were as follows, Kommersant reported: companies close to Shcherbakov and his partners purchased nickel powder and acrylic resin for FSUE Goznak in Singapore, but first they were delivered to the EU countries, from where they were imported to Russia at a repeatedly inflated price. Shcherbakov could not be detained.

Safe Mansion

In early December 2016, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev arrived at a small mansion on Prospekt Mira. The purpose of the visit is participation in a scientific and practical meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the creation of the CIS. The event was entrusted to the IPB CIS.

What is the IPB CIS? The institute has three directors and four employees. They prepare scientific reports and consultations "on a wide range of CIS security issues," according to the institute's website. Among the institute's research customers are Vnukovo Airport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Security Council. According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in 2013 the Institute performed research work for 4.5 million rubles, in 2014 - for 8.6 million rubles. In 2015, its revenue amounted to 9.5 million rubles, the loss was 252,000 rubles.

The Institute's main asset is its headquarters in a historic mansion built in 1901 on Mira Avenue. In 2006, the institute received a mansion from the Moscow government on preferential lease until 2030. According to the FAS, the rental rate is 1 rub. for 1 sq. m per year, i.e. renting a mansion in Moscow with an area of ​​878.7 sq. m can cost 878.7 rubles. in year. True, the capital's benefits were issued under the former owners of the IPB of the CIS. In 2006, the institute belonged to the Russian Club of Economists, controlled by the former chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education, Felix Shamkhalov.

This was not Shamkhalov's only deal with the Shekina family. In 2007, Tikhomirov bought from the Russian Club of Economists a 41% stake in Kosta LLC, which became part of the Shekin family's huge hunting estate in the Yaroslavl region.

Hunting with state bankers

Kosta has 8,400 hectares of hunting grounds on a long-term lease, as indicated on the website of the administration of the Yaroslavl region.

After 2011, Tikhomirov's share in Costa passed to Zadorina. And 25% in the LLC was acquired by the Mouflon company of VTB President Andrey Kostin and his deputy Vasily Titov. Another 16% went to Olga Zaostrovtseva, daughter of the former deputy director of the FSB, Yuri Zaostrovtsev.

In the neighborhood with "Kosta", in the village of Los on the street. Okhotnicheya, 9, there is a huge experimental forest and hunting farm of the Federal Security Service of Russia (109,500 hectares leased until 2061). It went to the structures of Tikhomirova and her partners. The transfer of state property took place in several stages. After corporatization in 2010, PJSC "Los" at the auction for 40 million rubles. bought the "Royal Hunt" of the banker Peter Aven and the owner of NLMK Vladimir Lisin. In 2014, businessmen sold the farm to Taels LLC, among the founders of which Aven was also once, but by the time of the transaction he had sold a share to partners - Tikhomirova and VTB employee Sergey Erin, who consolidated 47% of the company's shares each. Another 6% received Zaostrovtseva.

From scouts to hoteliers

Another business partner of Anastasia Zadorina, Maria Romanova, is the wife of a former intelligence officer, ex-adviser to the director of FSUE Rostek, Alexander Romanov. Together with Zadorina, in December 2015, she acquired control over the Luxus company, the Russian representative office of a well-known Ecuadorian rose importer. In mid-December, Zadorina sold her stake in the company to partners. The Romanovs in the register of companies of Montenegro appear as equal owners of DOO Romanoff, which owns the Azimut and Romanov hotels on the Adriatic coast. Previously, the co-owner of the company was Nadezhda Khoreva, whom Kommersant calls the wife of Andrey Khorev, the former deputy head of the economic security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A few years ago, both Romanov and Khorev became defendants in criminal cases. Khorev was suspected of giving a bribe, trafficking in weapons, but all criminal cases fell apart. Romanov was accused of organizing commercial bribery. According to investigators, he and his accomplices collected additional payments from importers "for expedited clearance." The investigation also found that in 2009, the wives of Khorev and Romanov purchased the Azimut hotel and four land plots in Montenegro for 6.5 million euros, Kommersant wrote. The Sevsky District Court of the Bryansk Region in 2014 sentenced Romanov to five years in prison and a fine of 117 million rubles.

As a result, Zadorina and Tikhomirova's structure turned out to be the main co-owners of two recreation centers with hunting grounds with an area of ​​117,900 hectares. And by the way, its own heliport "Los", owned by the FSB.

At the same time, Tikhomirova invested in pharmaceuticals. In 2010, together with Rotavchikov, they bought 20% each of NPK Nanosystem LLC from the Pharmaco pharmaceutical holding. Shortly before that, 24% in the latter was bought by the daughter of the president of Transneft, Major General of the FSB Nikolai Tokarev, Maya Bolotova. The Nanosystems presentation says that its main goal is the development and commercialization of highly effective drugs for the treatment of cancer, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases.

In 2013, Nanosystema became one of a dozen companies with which the Ministry of Industry and Trade signed a contract for preclinical studies of water-compatible nanoscale forms of rifabutin under the federal target program "Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry until 2020". Nanosystem received 31 million rubles for research.

But over time, Nanosystem lost ground. The company's revenue decreased from the maximum 677 million rubles. in 2012 to 164 million rubles. in 2014. There are no more recent reports in SPARK.

Sweet life

“Too cool for a city cafe,” wrote TimeOut magazine in 2006 about the two-story restaurant Lubyansky, which worked in the FSB residence at Malaya Lubyanka, 7. The establishment, decorated in black and ash colors, belonged to the Quorum-Invest company close to the National Military Fund of Zhuravlev - the very one from whom Tikhomirov bought the Ecoresurs company. In 2007, Tikhomirov acquired 60% of Quorum-invest, another 10% went to Smirnov.

A year later, when the lease on the building expired, Tikhomirov and his partners sold Quorum-Invest. In 2012 the company went bankrupt and liquidated.

But the Shekinas did not remain without restaurants.

In 2013, Yulia Tikhomirova's Dynamo Service for 12 million rubles. acquired the Royal Bar restaurant on Leningradskoye Shosse, next to the Dynamo Sports Palace opened in the same 2013. Tikhomirova got a complex with an area of ​​8000 sq. m, which includes a restaurant, a summer terrace, a private beach with a swimming pool, volleyball and children's playgrounds, a marina and tents, she told Vodabereg.ru.

Zadorina also got her own restaurant. In 2015, together with a well-known lawyer and restaurateur Alexander Rappoport, she opened the Latin Quarter, “the first Pan-American restaurant in Russia.” A year later, the partners corrected the concept of the establishment, remaking the restaurant into a Latinos sevicheria. Rappoport declined to comment, forwarding all questions to Zadorina.

What kind of business do the daughters of the "supply manager" of the FSB Mikhail Shekin do, and who helps them

(Solvaigsamara: more photos in the original source; click arrows)

Two daughters of the head of the FSB support service, Colonel-General Mikhail Shekin, turned out to be successful businesswomen. Anastasia Zadorina and Yulia Tikhomirova have been actively implementing their projects in various fields for over 10 years. They willingly invest money in fashion and sports equipment, restaurant business, development and elite hunting farms. Among their partners are the largest businessmen from the Forbes list, and former counterintelligence officers help to establish business ties. The achievements of the general's daughters were reported by Vedomosti.


Shekina's youngest daughter, 28-year-old Anastasia Zadorina, won the right to dress for the Russian Olympic team in February. Za Sport, owned by Anastasia Zadorina, unexpectedly became a licensee of the Russian Olympic Committee in the clothing category. The terms of the contract were not disclosed. According to the publication, after the signing of the contract, the annual R&D commission from Za Sport could be about $10 million. The designer Zadorina took up the production of sportswear in 2012, when her Equipsport LLC received orders for sewing uniforms from SK Dynamo and one of the founders of the club, the regional society Dynamo 24 controlled by the FSB. In addition, the company has sewn beach and regular volleyball teams. Transneft, Vnukovo airport, Rus-Oil and others also ordered uniforms and overalls from Equipsport. Now Za Sport will dress Russian Olympians for the next eight years.

Sergei Bobylev / TASS

Zadorina is also known for initiating the release of T-shirts with patriotic inscriptions like “Sanctions? Don't make my Iskanders laugh" or "Poplar is not afraid of sanctions." This campaign was sponsored by the Baikal company, which was established in December 2014 and united the children of high-ranking security officials and businessmen who worked with Gazprom contracts. Zadorina owned 30% of the company, and she headed the board of directors.

Vladimir Astapkovich / RIA Novosti

In addition to the clothing and sports equipment business, Zadorina, together with the famous restaurateur Alexander Rappoport, opened the Latin Quarter restaurant in 2016, later renamed the Latinos sevicheria. In addition, Anastasia, together with her friend, the wife of a former intelligence officer, ex-adviser of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostek, Alexandra Romanova, was engaged in the import of roses from Ecuador. Anastasia Zadorina is the main owner of the Los hunting farm, which was previously controlled by the Russian FSB. The company owns more than 109.5 thousand hectares of hunting grounds in the Pereslavl district of the Yaroslavl region.


Earlier, the Meduza publication reported that since the summer of 2016, Zadorina has also been working as deputy general director of the Ruselectronics holding, which is part of the Rostec state corporation. There she oversees public relations and several major consumer projects - in particular, the creation of the "Russian iPhone".

At the end of 2016, Anastasia Zadorina starred in Stas Mikhailov's new video for the song “There, Beyond the Horizon” (and made costumes for him), and Za Sport was one of the sponsors of his concert at Olimpiysky.


The eldest daughter of Colonel-General Shekin, 35-year-old Yulia Tikhomirova, was engaged in development, as well as in the restaurant and pharmaceutical business. Tikhomirova's ex-husband, Ivan, was a co-owner of the Sport Inn hotel in Adler in 2014. In 2014, the FSB paid 19 million rubles for hotel accommodation during the Olympics. According to Vedomosti, Mikhail Gutseriev's Safmar charitable foundation allocated 100 million rubles for the construction of volleyball courts in the Volley Grad center near Anapa, co-owned by the structures of Ivan and Yulia Tikhomirov.


Also, these same structures were engaged in the construction of hotels and sports complexes in Suzdal, Anapa and Adler, receiving the help of well-known companies and funds like the Renova fund of Viktor Vekselberg, and some of them provided them with assistance on a gratuitous basis.

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