Home On the windowsill Peppa Pig and her toy friends. Peppa Pig and her toy friends Peppa Pig video games

Peppa Pig and her toy friends. Peppa Pig and her toy friends Peppa Pig video games

Peppa Pig and her toy friends.

Here are collected all the BEST-BEST new series with Peppa Pig toy in Russian! The adventures of your favorite toy are the most interesting and exciting. Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Brother George and Peppa Pig are living a real toy life!

Children's video about Peppa and the Pig family! Watch Daddy Pig buy Mummy Pig a PINK CAR! Cars and pigs!

While Daddy Pig is resting, Mommy Pig is running around shopping and it's very hard for her to carry bags️! Mummy Pig has an idea: she needs a car! Multi-toys - pigs from the cartoon about Peppa Pig - loaded into dad's truck and went to the car dealership! Look how different cars are around! Peppa Pig and George love it! The sales assistant is a strict Barbie! Barbie doll won't let Peppa Pig and George jump on brand new cars! Look, it's a sports car! But the family car ... Mommy Pig doesn't like anything! And this is a blue car! But Mom Peppa Pig is not happy! And Daddy Pig has his eye on the jeep!!! But Mommy Pig needs a car, not Daddy Pig... Oh, look! Pink car! Just right for Mama Pig! It's a convertible! Mommy Pig and Peppa Pig are delighted! The desire of a woman is the law! And Papa Pig had to ruin his piggy bank! Do you know how much a pink car costs? One million rubles!

Mama Pig climbed into the car and drove home happy! The beauty! Thank you, Daddy Pig! You are the best dad and husband!

Peppa Pig and her toy friends - playlist.

Educational cartoons, presentations, children's video clips from - Yellow Excavator. Presentations by Elena Molchanova, mol4alena - Children's video clips

Baby Peppa Pig won the hearts of both very young viewers and adults. This is not surprising, the funny little girl and her family are like most families. And humor and light irony will not leave anyone indifferent. In this article, we will introduce you to all members of the Peppa family, as well as friends.

Go to the toys section Peppa Pig

If you are interested in educational toys for your child, we recommend in our TOMTOYS online store. Modeling with hands is one of the most interesting game processes for children from a very young age. Your child may not yet know what it is and how to sculpt correctly, but as soon as the fingers take the dough for modeling for children, you will see how exciting the process is.

In each five-minute episode, the adult characters of Peppa Pig appear: Daddy Pig and Mommy Pig, grandparents, a doctor, a teacher and an ice cream seller. Parents always appear together, which is rare for any cartoon. Usually children see one of the cartoon parents.

In the Peppa Pig cartoon, the characters often behave differently than well-bred children should: the pigs fall on their backs, laugh loudly, get dirty and love to jump in muddy puddles. Daddy Pig and Mommy Pig never scold their children and even encourage them to "pig". Therefore, parents should explain to the kids that such behavior is unacceptable. After all, kids love to repeat the actions of their favorite cartoon characters!

Why did the series win so many fans not only among children, but also among adult audiences? The simplicity of the actions of the heroes is understandable to every child. Their behavior is close to the kids: whether the characters go to the dentist, to the cinema or to visit. The kid himself went with his mother to the clinic or shopping. Adults also enjoy watching cartoons: they often recognize themselves in pig parents.

The main characters of the cartoon:

  1. Peppa
  2. George
  3. Mama Pig
  4. Daddy Pig
  5. Grandpa and Grandma
  6. cousin chloe
  7. suzy the sheep
  8. and other friends

1 Peppa Pig

The main character, the eldest daughter in the family, is a cute little pig, in one of the episodes, called "My Birthday" ("My Birthday Party"), she was only 4 years old. Like every child, she loves jumping in puddles very much. Dressed, often in a red dress and black shoes. Peppa lives with her Mommy Pig, Daddy Pig and little brother George.

Peppa loves to play, dress up, go to new places and make new friends!

But Peppa Pig's favorite pastime is jumping in muddy puddles. All her adventures always end happily and are accompanied by outbursts of grunts and laughter.

2. George

Peppa's brother, the youngest child in the family. In the cartoon series called "George's Birthday" ("George's Birthday"), he turns 2 years old. He walks on his own, talks - but can only utter separate phrases. Strongly adores dinosaurs, a small dinosaur, one of his favorite toys. Crazy about playing with her sister Peppa, but she gets bored sometimes. If anyone inadvertently offends George, he immediately begins to cry.

3. Mama Pig

Mommy Pig is most often dressed up in a beautiful orange dress. Very caring and incredibly kind, like any other mother. Has an excellent sense of humor. In one of the episodes of the animated series "Mom Pig's Birthday" she turned 32 years old.

4. Daddy Pig

He has poor eyesight, so he wears glasses all the time. Works for a construction company. Get very angry if someone jokes about his huge belly. However, despite this, he has an unsurpassed sense of humor. Doesn't know how to use tools at all. If he took up the road map, the family will no doubt get lost or go astray.

5. Peppa Pig's grandparents

Daddy pigs and mom often visit their parents, accustoming children to this. Grandfather, although he is at a venerable age, is distinguished by vivacity and enthusiasm, at his age he is not averse to playing on the computer and riding down the hill, remembering his childhood days.

The amused grandfather, like all his descendants, emits bewitching grunts, having heard them himself, involuntarily, you will begin to repeat - “Oink”! Grandfather has many friends, and visiting with his grandchildren is one of Peppa's favorite pastimes. One of these visits is dedicated to a whole series about the grandfather rabbit lighthouse.

Peppa and little George love to play with their grandparents, who, in turn, love them back.

The heroine - Grandmother Pig, almost completely repeats the character of her mother, her exceptional quality can be called sedateness and wisdom, which are more pronounced in character. Grandmother has lived with her grandfather all her life, and she has never regretted it - the couple is clearly worth each other. Not noticing their venerable age, the old people walk everywhere together, and there is not a single series where these characters would part for a long time.

6. Pep's cousin Chloe

Chloe is the cousin of Peppa Pig and her very little brother, newborn Alexander, as well as their parents Aunt Pig and Uncle Pig (brother, on the side of Papa Pig). Peppa is several years younger than Chloe, and therefore Peppa sets her as an example and dreams of being like a cousin.

Susie the Sheep is one of the main characters in Peppa Pig, as she is the pig's best friend. Together with Peppa and other animal children, Susie the sheep goes to kindergarten with Madame Gazelle, where she learns a lot of new things. In addition to Peppa, Susie is friends with the lion cub Leo, and sometimes even with an imaginary made-up friend.

7. Susie the Sheep

Sheep loves to come to visit her girlfriend pig - to play games that usually end in joyful jumping through puddles and loud cheerful laughter. They also like to play role-playing games together. One day, they played hospital - Peppa was in the role of a doctor, George was a patient, and Susie got a responsible position as a nurse. She coped with it quite successfully. The nurse's outfit suited her very well, although in ordinary life she prefers pink dresses.

By nature, Susie the sheep is cheerful, friendly, able to make friends and have a versatile rest. Together with her friends, she enjoys playing ball, cycling, hiking and celebrating birthdays together.

8. Friends of Peppa Pig

Here are the close friends of Peppa Pig, playing with them, the girl goes along her life path, learning kindness and mutual assistance. It probably makes no sense to describe the rest, you yourself will be able to get to know them if you start watching all the series without stopping from beginning to end. Yes, yes, exactly all the series, since in each episode, unexpectedly for yourself, you can meet a new character.

Friends of Peppa Pig, whom she meets in the cartoon:

  • Wolves
  • gazelles
  • Chanterelles
  • Kangaroo
  • Hamsters
  • Rhinos
  • Donkeys
  • Rabbits and bunnies
  • Zebras
  • doggies
  • cats
  • Elephants

Peppa Pig is the main character of the series created for young children. Ruddy cutie Peppa is a 4-year-old girl from a good family with dad, mom and younger brother. In the course of the cartoon, Peppa Pig regularly finds herself in various wonderful circumstances and encounters things unknown to her, while almost always coming out triumphant in these difficult situations.

Peppa Pig is very temperamental and emotional, like all children: he laughs out loud when he is having fun, cries loudly when he is sad or offended. Together with numerous friends and girlfriends, the pig effortlessly learns the world around.

Baby Peppa spends her time very energetically and joyfully: in winter she sculpts snowmen, plays snowballs and rushes down hills on a sled, and in summer she runs through puddles, plays pranks in the sandbox, swims and rides a bicycle.

Peppa Pig's parents are extremely practical and reasonable. Grandpa Pig and Grandma Pig help their granddaughter in all her endeavors, protect her, even if she is wrong, and therefore Peppa grows up friendly and cheerful, feeling the protection of her parents and adults close to her.

On ordinary days, Peppa Pig walks around in her favorite bright red dress, and on holidays she wears fairy or princess costumes. Peppa enjoys attending kindergarten, where she loves to study and play with friends and buddies. Parents and kindergarten teachers rejoice at Peppa's successes and accomplishments. Peppa the little pig is madly in love with Susie the sheep, who is Peppa's best friend and very often accompanies Peppa during fun and entertainment.

Every day Peppa receives new knowledge and discovers for herself, her life is filled with delights and small troubles, oversights and their corrections. The little pig invites the audience to become involved in her fun adventures, you will not get bored with her.


Peppa Pig (Peppa pig - english) is a delightful animated series that tells about the life of a little Peppa pig. This cartoon was created for children under the age of 5 years. It tells various stories in an adventure form and describes the everyday situations of the pig family: travel, picnics, celebrations and many other everyday situations.

cartoon screensaver

The plot of the animated series is filled with charming moments that instill positive traits in children (respect for the elders, care for the younger ones, love for nature).

The cartoon about Peppa pig in English is excellent for early learning English for children. Cheerful, bright and funny, he will be loved by children of any age and unobtrusively help to learn English speech. In addition, the Peppa Pig series in English with subtitles is also suitable for adults who are learning English from scratch.

The animated series "Peppa Pig" ("Peppa pig" in English) has become one of the most popular children's television animated series, along with the series "Paw Patrol" and "Masha and the Bear", earning, for example, in 2014 about 1 billion dollars. USA. The animated series about Peppa Pig has become so popular that it is currently translated into 40 languages ​​and broadcast in 180 countries around the world. "Peppa Pig" in Russian was released on the screen in 2008.

Why did viewers of different ages like the cartoon about Peppa Pig and her friends? Because the cartoon is unusually kind, there are no negative characters in it and there is not even the slightest hint of any evil. After watching Peppa Pig, you shake off all the negativity that has accumulated during the day. The bright, colorful world of the animated series improves the mood of both children and adults.

The kids absolutely love Peppa Pig and her friends. Seeing a funny pig, the child forgets about his whims, goes on experiences with Peppa, and at this time the parents go about their business without worrying that the child will get bored with the adventures of Peppa's beloved pig and her friends.

The animated series "Peppa Pig"

The first series of the animated series appeared in 2000. Three friends - Phil Davis, Mark Baker and Neville Astley - became the developers of the cartoon about Peppa Pig. By combining their professional knowledge and experience in animation, they created the look of a special character. Peppa Pig is an image that almost all children without exception like.

The history of the broadcast of the cartoon about Peppa Pig began in the UK in 2004. In the future, the animated series appeared on television in other countries. During this time, more than 300 episodes (6 seasons) have been shown.

Abroad, the animated series was shown on Channel 5 and Nick Jr. In Russia, this cartoon appeared 4 years later - in 2008. The animated series "Peppa Pig" was broadcast on TV channels Carousel and TiJi. Maybe soon it will be possible to watch the new series of 2017 in Russian.

The Peppa Pig project has a rather complicated history. The profitability of the project was achieved only after the first year of work on the animated series, its director earned only $500. However, simple plots, interesting characters, and good voice acting helped make the Pep Pig cartoon a favorite for millions of children.

Peppa Pig: Season 1

From season 1, the viewer learns that Peppa Pig is fantastically inquisitive, interested in the world around him, tirelessly travels and makes new acquaintances. Together with Candy the cat, Susie the sheep, Zaza, Zoe and Zuzu the zebras, Rebecca and Richard the rabbits, Denny the dog and Emil the elephant, Peppa attends a kindergarten, goes hiking, celebrates the holidays.

In the course of the action, you will see how Peppa Pig is sad during the rain, when the rain stops, the whole pig family jumps through dirty puddles. The brother of Peppa Pig George the Swine has a toy - his favorite dinosaur, he is always at hand, but suddenly the dinosaur is lost, the search begins. Peppa Pig's best friend, Susie the sheep, comes to visit, and the girls refuse to play with the younger pig George. Peppa Pig and George Pig arrive at Grandma and Grandpa's where they see they have a new pet, Peppa and George are playing hide and seek. Brother George will go to Peppa's children's institution for the first time; Mom Pig works on the computer, Dad Pig cooks dinner for the whole family, Peppa casually slams mom's computer. Peppa teases brother George by throwing the ball high, which, to the joy of the pig, the brother is not able to get, because he is small in stature; while reading a newspaper, Daddy Pig put his glasses on somewhere, search activities begin. Peppa and George go to visit their grandmother, where Peppin's grandfather shows off his garden; the whole family is having breakfast, George the pig begins to hiccup, hurrying to drink the juice. Peppa's buddies have a bike race announced, she wants to participate, but notices that her bike does not meet the technical requirements of the competition.

Peppa Pig: Season 2

Season 2 of the series tells about the main character's desire for self-development and learning new things. A thousand questions are born in the pig's head on a variety of topics, and the pig's parents create all the conditions for learning by inviting a good teacher, Madame Gazelle.

Next, the viewer will see how Peppa and brother Zhorik launch bubbles; Peppa Pig's Children's Establishment Emily the Little Elephant comes; Peppa's grandma and grandpa go on vacation. Peppa's family is having a picnic, Zoya the zebra and dad join them, and when the picnic is over and you have to leave, Peppa forgets her teddy bear Teddy. Peppa and her brother watched a TV show about detectives and they had a desire to become detectives; George has a new friend; Peppa and his grandfather are making a scarecrow; in kindergarten, Peppa buries a time capsule. Peppa, brother, grandparents, relaxing on the beach, discover rock puddles; Peppa's family hand over waste paper and cans for recycling; Peppa and her family are launching boats. Pedro checks Peppa's eyesight, oddly enough, with both eyes closed, our pig does not see anything; Grandpa Dog bought a new sink, which suddenly breaks down, but smart Daddy Pig fixed it. The roof leaked in Peppin's kindergarten, and in connection with the proposed closure of the educational institution, the kindergarten's management begins to sell off property, Peppa decides to buy a toy she doesn't need.

Peppa Pig: Season 3

In season 3, Peppa learns that it turns out that adults have to work all day to feed Peppa and her brother; Peppa and his family suddenly see a rainbow; Pedro becomes the cause of illness for Peppa's entire kindergarten group. Peppa's family finds a book that Daddy Pig was supposed to donate to the library 10 years ago; Peppa's family goes to rest; Peppa and George discover that the leftover fruits and vegetables are used by their grandparents as fertilizer to grow plants in the garden. Richard Rabbit comes in to play with Peppy's Brother, which infuriates her; Peppa, George and Grandpa Pig, while sailing on a boat, fly into a small island; Peppe the pig is being rolled up from France by her friend, the donkey Delphine. It turns out that Mom Pig works as a firefighter, Danny the dog has a birthday; Grandmother Pig shows her own chickens grown by her grandchildren; Peppa and her family go on a field trip to the space museum, then head to the amusement park. In kindergarten, Peppa and her friends learn to count; handy men Mr. Bull and Mr. Rhino are repairing a rusted pipe and electrical wiring.

Peppa Pig: Season 4

Season 4 will present the viewer and Peppa Pig with a bunch of unique situations: our pig gets acquainted with exceptional characters. Peppa and brother George naturally love to have fun, however, all pigs love to have fun. Peppa got older, changed a little and even learned some adult secrets. One day, Peppa and her friend Suzy found out that adults work every day, and in order to understand how it is, they start playing shop. At first it seemed to them that the work is great, then they realized that it was tiring and boring. A couple of days later, Peppa and her brother learn that they need to be able to farm the land, because grandparents ask their grandchildren to help with the housework. But that's not all: Peppa ended up on the moon!

Peppa Pig: Season 5

In season 5, the viewer will see Peppa in new everyday situations: Peppa's bike has a flat tire, the bike needs to be repaired, Peppa and her friends start riding imaginary bikes and jumping in fantastic muddy puddles. Pig's mom and dad take Peppa and brother George to the castle to participate in a medieval banquet, play the king and queen and meet the dragon - this day has become George's favorite day; Miss Bunny is taking Peppa's family in her taxi to Grandma and Grandpa's house to give them their groceries. Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are riding Daddy's scooter at school, on the way back Daddy decided riding the scooter was fun and when it's time to pick up the kids from school Mummy Pig joins the ride. Peppa helps Grandpa Pig carve a big pumpkin for Halloween; Peppa and her family go to a New Year's party; Peppa invites Susie, Pedro and Danny to play tennis. Peppa goes out with George to jump through the muddy puddles, but suddenly a snowstorm hits; Peppa and George get bored as they play together, mom and dad show how fun it is sometimes just to listen to music. The wolf comes to visit Peppa; Peppa and her class learn a lot about the world around them; Peppa and her family go to Grandma's birthday party.

Peppa Pig: Season 6

The 6th season of the Peppa Pig animated series gives its viewers even more adventures and fun moments together with the main characters: the long-awaited winter has come, Peppa and her brother George put on the warmest clothes - mittens, scarves, hats and jackets; they wanted to jump in the puddles, but it turned out that in winter it was not so easy to do this, the puddles froze and became slippery. Even the pond, where ducks used to swim quietly all the time, is now hidden under the ice. It's snowing outside and it's a great time to go sledding, ice skating and other winter fun with friends. And Peppa and George learn what electricity is, sometimes it is turned off and this can scare the kids: each of them was doing his own thing, and suddenly the electricity was gone. Peppa and George were very scared, but mom said that it was not scary. My mother also said that earlier there was no electricity in the houses at all and they came up with various ways for entertainment. Mom's story inspired little pigs to play virtual TV - they didn't have to be bored without light!

On Russian television, all episodes of Peppa Pig usually appear later than in some countries of the world, so the seasons of the animated series that have not yet been shown in Russia may be broadcast after translation in 2017. Most likely, earlier than on TV, the new series of Peppa Pig 2017 can be viewed on specialized sites on the Internet.

Popular episodes

Like in any other series, there are more or less popular series in the Peppa Pig cartoon.
Here we have collected the best Peppa Pig series:

"Peppa Pig" Season 1, Episode 1 ("Peppa Pig: Puddles")- it's raining outside, Peppa is sad, because in such weather you can't play outside. The rain finally stops, and Peppa and brother George start playing their favorite game - they start jumping in muddy puddles! The special fun begins when parents Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig join their kids.

"Peppa Pig" Season 1, Episode 2 ("Peppa Pig: Dinosaur")- Peppa's brother George has a favorite toy - Dinosaur, and now the dinosaur is lost, little George is unusually upset. Peppa, with the help of Daddy Pig, conducts search activities, and a powerful group of detectives finds the baby's favorite toy, which makes George indescribably delighted.

Peppa Pig Season 1 Episode 22 (Peppa Pig: The Tooth Fairy) Peppa's baby tooth fell out. Her parents tell her that at night some kind of tooth fairy will definitely come to pick up her tooth. The fairy will buy Peppin's tooth by paying a shiny coin for it. Embarrassed, Peppa decides to definitely wait for the tooth fairy, for which she will have to stay awake until the morning, but it is very difficult to go all night without sleep...

"Peppa Pig" Season 1, Episode 32 ("Peppa Pig: Storm")- on one of the wonderful sunny days, Peppa and brother took toys (Peppa - Bear, George - Dinosaur) and went to a picnic. At a picnic under a mountain near their home, they are talking, drinking orange juice, eating cookies, and then ... there was a roar! Thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and now Daddy Pig is running without an umbrella to save the children, as a result he got wet and almost got sick. The cartoon ends with the traditional cheerful floundering of the pig family in puddles and puddles.

Peppa Pig Season 2 Episode 33 (Peppa Pig: Grandpa's Engine)- George and sister Peppa came to visit their grandparents. Walking, they saw that the grandfather was doing something in the garage. Soon something thundered in the garage, snorted, and a small engine appeared from it. Peppa's grandfather is clever! Inspected the locomotive and decided to ride. On the way they had fun and sang a song about a steam locomotive. On the way, the family of pigs met the bus of the mother of the Rabbit, the passengers of which moved into the grandfather's engine, the Rabbit let them go, and she herself went after. Another puddle that appeared on the way stopped the Rabbit's bus, he simply got stuck in it. And only grandfather's engine managed to help the bus get out of the muddy puddle.

"Peppa Pig" season 3, episode 13 ("Peppa Pig: Firetruck")- Mother Pig dressed in the uniform of a firefighter in the morning. It turns out that she was going to a fire training session of the women's volunteer fire department of the village where Peppa's pig family lives. Peppa and her brother asked their mother to look at the fire truck, and the group moved to the fire station. At this very time, Daddy Pig is heading to an important training session of the football team of which he is a member. The purpose of the training is to develop the technique of cooking meat on coals. At the fire station, Peppa Pig and her brother meet the fire truck and the women's fire brigade. While the pig was at the station, the men's football team unsuccessfully lit the barbecue coals and started a small fire. This is how the village fire department got the opportunity to prove themselves in business ...

"Peppa Pig" season 3, episode 32 ("Peppa Pig: Hospital")- at a break, Peppa hit her knee on the asphalt while playing hopscotch. The teacher treated the wound and put a plaster on Peppa's sore spot. It turns out that one of the students is missing from the lessons, he ended up in the hospital and the whole class, at the suggestion of the teacher, goes to visit him. It turns out that Pedro broke his leg and was put in a plaster cast. The students decided to draw on the plaster cast, which makes it bright and beautiful. Sick Pedro likes to lie in the hospital: courtship of nurses, favorite dinners in bed, scratching behind the ear from the head doctor - how can you not like it? Tomorrow Pedro returns to class, his leg has already healed, you can run and have fun again. The whole class is happy.

"Peppa Pig" season 3, episode 35 ("Peppa Pig: Baby Alexander")- The Peppino family is heading to visit Cousin Chloe's pig family. The cousin has a small child Alexander. After a pleasantly spent evening, everyone goes to bed, but the night does not promise to be languid. A child's cry is heard from the darkness: Alexander suddenly woke up and yelled with a good obscenity. Alexander's parents calm him down by turning on the vacuum cleaner or playing the trumpet. Daddy Pig decided to demonstrate his proven method and went to roll baby Alexander in a stroller around the house: it helped, but not for long. When Alexander cried once again, Daddy Pig decided to take Alexander for a drive. As a result of an attempt to open the car, an alarm went off, which raised the ears of the entire district. Oddly enough, the boy liked the sound of the alarm, and he calmed down and fell asleep, and Daddy Pig showed himself to be an experienced parent.

"Peppa Pig" season 4, episode 1 ("Peppa Pig: Laundry")- Daddy Pig washed his T-shirt before leaving for work and hung it up to dry. The rest of the household once again had fun, jumping in muddy puddles, and jumped: the T-shirt was covered in mud, dad tried in vain ... Mom decides to rectify the situation and wash dad's dirty T-shirt, and at the same time everything that came to hand. Peppa put her red dress in the washing machine. Everything was washed, but dad's T-shirt was dyed pink - the paint that was used to paint Peppa's dress turned out to be unstable. The pink T-shirt did not suit Papa Pig, and he went to football in a white shirt.

In addition to the above, the following stories fell into the category of favorite stories by the audience:

  • "Peppa Pig got chicken pox"
  • "Peppa Pig in the pool"
  • "Peppa Pig Birthday",
  • "Peppa Pig in the supermarket",
  • "Peppa Pig and Bicycle"
  • "Peppa Pig and the Bus"

Alterations and parodies on Youtube of the cartoon "Peppa Pig"

The reason "Peppa Pig" became popular is that, unlike many hits for children, it is also popular with adult audiences. The Fixies, for example, are wildly popular with kids—comparable to Peppa or more. But they are not interesting for adults. Therefore, apparently, on the theme of the animated series, a lot of alterations of the cartoon, made in various formats and techniques, appeared.

Upon request, in the Internet search engines "Peppa Pig YouTube", in addition to the actual original episodes of the series, there are countless links to various kinds of alterations of the cartoon:

A) "Peppa Pig: Goblin Translation", "Peppa Pig: Forbidden Series"- reworked original series with the use of obscene expressions (mat) in the dubbing. These works have nothing to do with Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin).

B) "Peppa Pig: horror stories, horror stories, scary stories"- collections of quirky cartoons for older children. The cartoons use plots and there are heroes of fairly well-known horror films. Famous series in this category: Peppa Pig and Zombies, Peppa Pig and Freddy Bear.

C) "Peppa Pig got a deuce"- a collection of episodes that can be called "Peppa at school." Some of the cartoons were made on the basis of the original video sequence with a different voice acting, some of the episodes were drawn anew.

D) "Peppa Pig and Baba Yaga"- a puppet animated series in a fairy-tale style. Baba Yaga, dinosaur, serpent Gorynych are the characters that the main characters of the Peppa Pig cartoon face. In this series: Peppa pig and George are looking for the staff of Svint Klaus, which was stolen by Baba Yaga and has already managed to turn a stone into a dinosaur; Baba Yaga stole all the snow so that Santa Claus would not come to Peppa Pig and her friends; Pig, together with Papa Pig, George, Teddy the elephant and Candy the cat, go to Baba Yaga to return the stolen snow.

E) "Funny Peppa Pig", "Peppa Pig: Fun without obscenities"- a collection of cartoons based on the original video sequence, but with new comic dubbing, including texts of famous jokes. Perfect for middle and high school kids.

E) "Peppa Pig and an injection", or "The Big Adventures of a Little Pig"- a separate animated series about Peppa Pig, her family and her friends with new stories, very interesting for children of primary school age. There is also a puppet series on medical topics featuring the main characters of Peppa Pig.

G) "Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol"- a series of toys with stories on various topics: George has a stomach ache and Peppa pig does not know what to do. The puppies of the Paw Patrol team came to the rescue. Peppa, along with George and Grandpa Pig, were on a sea voyage, suddenly a storm began, the ship capsized and everyone ended up in the water. The Paw Patrol team is here to help!

H) "Peppa Pig Rap"- a cartoon in which Peppa Pig sings a rap song.

I) "Peppa Pig treats Daddy Pig"- costumed short videos about how Daddy Pig ate a lot of sweets and got sick: he got red spots on his face. Peppa Pig heals Daddy Pig by giving him an injection and he recovers. Daddy Pig promised Pig not to eat a lot of candy anymore.

K) "Peppa Pig and Germs" ("Peppa Pig against Germs")- educational video with toys for kids. The Evil Germ decided to infect someone: he gave George an unwashed berry to make George sick. Peppa Pig told her brother that it is necessary to wash fruits and vegetables before eating and be sure to wash your hands with soap after each walk, then germs will not be scary.

L) "Peppa Pig: a parody"- cartoon collections with many stories featuring Peppa Pig, Barbie dolls and other characters of children's cartoons. Judging by the accent during dubbing, collections were made in Ukraine.

M) "Peppa Pig and Spiderman"- cartoons about cars, in which Peppa pig participates. The pig was walking near the lake and met his brother, he showed off in a spider-man costume. Peppa was going to the store, before that she drove home and also changed, looking at George, into Spider-Man.

H) "Deadpool vs. Peppa Pig" is a music video in which the popular character Deadpool and Peppa Pig compete in the performance of musical rap songs.

A) Peppa Pig: Jumanji- An animated series based on the movie "Jumanji", where the characters from the cartoon "Peppa Pig" participate.

P) "Masha and the Bear and Peppa Pig"- educational video series with toys. Masha and the Bear invited Peppa the pig, who brought Masha a Kinder Surprise. After tea, the friends went home. Tired for the whole day, Peppa, Masha and Misha went to bed because they were very tired, especially since Masha's birthday is the next day...

P) "Peppa Pig: Minecraft" - games "Minecraft" is a wonderful world in which an ordinary hero named Steve spends his life. On his way there are many obstacles that prevent him from fulfilling his desires. Peppa pig is involved in one of the plots.

C) "Cool Peppa Pig"- a series of flash games in which the heroes of the series about Peppa Pig play the main roles. Names of the games: "Cool Peppa Pig", "Peppa Pig is not the same", "Peppa Pig is back".

T) "Peppa Pig and Barbie"- cartoon with toys. Peppa Pig came to visit Barbie doll. Barbie introduced her friend Ken to her friend Peppa. Peppa Pig decided to kiss Ken, and Barbie, seeing this, hit Ken in the face and kicked him out!

The number of different kinds of works based on cartoons about Peppa Pig is simply amazing, it probably exceeds the number of episodes in the Peppa Pig series. This is the best indicator of the extraordinary popularity of the series.

Why is Peppa Pig so popular with children and adults? There are several main factors:

  • unusual art style;
  • unusual approach to dramaturgy;
  • therapeutic effect for the psyche;
  • combination of repeating and changing elements;
  • short series.

After watching Peppa Pig, the child is simply overwhelmed with a variety of interesting information presented in an unobtrusive and playful way. For adults, it's like reading a fascinating non-fiction book.

Peppa Pig cartoon characters

- a 5-year-old girl, the eldest child in the family. Lives with his parents and brother George. He likes to jump in puddles, play with friends on the street and in kindergarten. Often laughs at Daddy Pig's overweight. The character is privately owned, selfish, often arrogant, while he likes to have fun and have a good time.

Peppa pig family

Piglet George- Peppa's younger brother, he is 2 years old. He walks by himself, but utters only a few words. He loves dinosaurs, his favorite toy is a little dinosaur named Mister Dinosaur. He likes to play with his sister, which sometimes bothers her. Always starts to cry if someone offends him, a little greedy.

Mama Pig- a kind and caring mother. Likes to spend time with family. Works at home, typing texts on a computer. He loves to cook and has a good sense of humor. She is 39 years old.

Daddy Pig Serious, practical, wears glasses. Has a permanent job. He does not like when people joke about his prominent belly. Has a good sense of humor. Golden hands, but growing out of the wrong place, doesn't get along well with instruments. Loves family travel. Sick of topographic cretinism, without a navigator anywhere. Boastful by nature, usually trying to show off his skills, usually unsuccessfully. Great puddle jumper, great drummer. Papa is 43 years old.

Grandmother and grandfather- Mother Pig's parents. They often visit Peppa's family. Grandfather grows vegetables in the garden, loves crafting and sailing on his boat. Grandmother is a housewife, cooks well. Grandparents love their grandchildren very much. My grandmother was born in 1951 and my grandfather in 1944.

Chloe- Peppa's cousin from Papa Pig's side. Chloe's family includes her newborn brother baby Alexander and their parents Uncle Pig (brother of Papa Pig) and Aunt Pig. Chloe is a bit older than Peppa, and Peppa always strives to be like her big sister. Chloe was born in 1996 and Alexander in 2004.

Peppa Pig's Friends

Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend, loves to play with Peppa and visit her. Dreams of becoming a nurse, sometimes wearing a nurse's outfit. Susie was born in 1999.

Rebecca Bunny is Peppa's friend. Able to make a special sound, standing on tiptoe. He loves carrots very much and blushes at the mention of this fact. Peppa's best friend.

Kangaroo Kylie - Peppa's friend, loves to jump in puddles, does it best of all, modest. Born in 2000.

Pony Pedro is Peppa's friend. Wears glasses, very distracted, likes to sleep, a little shy. Likes to portray a cowboy. Born in 1999.

Zebra Zoya is Peppa's friend. Good. Zoe's best friend is Rebecca the bunny. Born in 2000.

Candy's pussy is Peppa's friend. Kind, sometimes humble. Born in 1999.

Emily the elephant is Peppa's friend. Shy, shy and humble. Born in 2000.

Songs and music in the cartoon "Peppa Pig"

The cartoon has a rather rich soundtrack. The soundtrack includes fifteen musical compositions. Among them, the main musical theme is the song "Peppa Pig". It should be noted that the music gives a special charm to the cartoon, the melodies captivate the audience from the first sounds, which only enhances the emotional impact of the series. The compositions organically fit into the plot, very subtly and clearly they convey the feelings of the characters and the general atmosphere.

The author of the music for the cartoon is Julian Knott, a British composer, director and screenwriter. He has written music for several animation projects. In 2006, he received the famous Annie Award, an American award for achievements in animation.

The popularity of the cartoon led to the creation of various music collections on the Internet under the names "Peppa Pig's Favorite Music" or "Peppa Pig's Favorite Songs", while the musical compositions are not related to the animated series itself. The image of Peppa in this case is used to promote, perhaps, little-known, but beloved in a narrow circle of songs. In addition, there are song collections "Cool songs of Peppa Pig", which are somewhat different in composition from the above, but pursue the same goal.

Video games based on the cartoon "Peppa Pig"

Peppa Pig games are joyful adventures in the company of a relaxed and cheerful pig and her friends. Free Peppa Pig games are entertaining and educational.

Favorite game for the little ones is Peppa Pig Coloring. The goal of the game is to color a picture of Peppa Pig or her brother George.

Another popular Peppa Pig online game is Peppa Pig puzzles. The task of the game is to put together a puzzle, but which depicts a funny pig.

Peppa Pig in the supermarket

Supermarket Peppa Pig Games: The main tasks of Peppa Pig in games are to keep order while in the store. There should be no expired goods on the shelves, Peppa needs to receive and count the goods and put them on the shelves. In addition, you need to learn to count money.

The game "Peppa Pig builds a house" - you need to arrange a variety of furniture and other items to make Peppa's room comfortable: by grabbing objects with the mouse, drag them to the selected places.

It is clear that Peppa Pig games for girls are more popular, because the main character is a girl. One of the games for girls is Peppa Pig Makeover. In the game, you need to make a makeover for Peppa Pig. You need to follow the prompts and then everything will work out!

Peppa Pig makeup

The game "Peppa Pig for two" offers to become a real detective and consists of several levels, each of which contains a detective and a criminal. The detective has a weapon that needs to be used to destroy the gangster.

In addition to games on the Internet, there are game lessons "How to draw Peppa Pig", which are colorful step-by-step instructions for depicting a cartoon character for kids and their parents.

Peppa Pig magazine

Peppa Pig Magazine is an entertaining and educational magazine for children and parents. Each issue of the magazine contains exciting stories about the adventures of Peppa Pig and her friends, curious puzzles and tasks, coloring books, games and crafts. The magazine aims to encourage and strengthen early childhood development skills.

Peppa Pig magazine

In each issue, readers receive stickers and pages to cut out.

Each issue of Peppa Pig comes with a delightful themed gift that kids will love and will help make learning even more interesting and fun.

To date, 31 issues of the magazine have been released, since April 4, 2017, you can buy special issue No. 5 with 5 gifts.

Peppa Pig toys

Peppa Pig toys are based on the animated series that is so loved by children all over the world. With them, the child will be able to start an exciting game, play scenes from their favorite cartoon and invent their own stories.

In a huge assortment there are character figures, play sets, designers and much more.

Peppa Pig dolls are tumbler dolls, soft dolls, Peppa's friends dolls, Peppa's parents dolls. As they say, for every taste and budget!

Soft toy "Peppa Pig" has a unique effect of speech animation, repeating the movement of the mouth when playing speech. Click on her left ear - and she will sing you 2 songs, tell you a poem and say more than 10 phrases from the cartoon in the voice of a real Peppa Pig!

Play set "Peppa Pig" - a large selection of diverse sets, for example, "Peppa's House with a garden", "Playground Peppa Pig's house with a slide", "Motorboat". Toys are easy to store and move, figurines and accessories can be folded into a house with a convenient carrying handle and closed with a lock.

Game set "Peppa Pig"

One of the most popular sets is the Peppa Pig Doctor set. With the Peppa Doctor set, children can feel like a real doctor and play out fun role-playing games, because hospital play is traditionally popular with younger kids. Children are happy to play the role of a therapist or surgeon, treat toys, care for and care for them. After such a game, going to a real doctor is not at all scary.

Lego Peppa Pig - Lego Peppa Pig construction sets consist of simple parts, they are easy to assemble and then disassemble again. The puzzle draws you into the game for a long time. Lego sets contain everything for the construction of a real play complex. Each item is carefully thought out and complements the gameplay. Children enthusiastically assemble the designer for hours, not interrupting for a minute.

Peppa Pig confectionery toys are, for example, a Peppa Pig cake, a collection of Peppa Pig: Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs, Chupa Chups and Peppa Pig chocolate balls.

Among the industrial products for children, there are also many Peppa Pig products: a Peppa Pig scooter with 2 and 3 wheels, a Peppa Pig backpack, and Peppa Pig balls.

Peppa Pig light industry products include: Peppa Pig suit, dresses, T-shirts, jackets.

Criticism and public perception

Many adult viewers visually dislike the animated series. Too simply drawn, as if painted by a child, there is no single plot, there is no intrigue. But as you watch the cartoon, it begins to attract precisely with its simplicity. The plots are simple, uncomplicated, but interesting for that, they look without tension, easily. There is humor in the cartoon, I like the voice acting.

Among the shortcomings of the animated series, the discrediting of the image of the father is noted. The older Pig has three-week-old stubble, is shown as a stupid, clumsy loser, and even Peppa often calls her dad stupid and fat. According to many parents, the cartoon forms negative models of children's behavior - every 20-30 seconds laughter is sure to sound, and in most cases it is stupid and inappropriate.

Photo of Peppa Pig

Most of the reviews from viewers are extremely favorable.

The cartoon has an unusual art style. In the drawing of characters, it is easy to notice the influence of primitivism. The style seems simple to children, adults usually notice that it is a special simplicity that comes after complexity. Adults love this too.

An unusual approach to dramaturgy is noted. It is customary that any scenario should usually be based on conflict and have a structure of "start-development-climax-denouement". There are almost no conflicts in Peppa Pig, and this magically has almost no effect on watchability. The biggest conflict that can be seen in the cartoon is a conflict with oneself, and it is emphatically not dramatic. For example, Daddy Pig has a tendency to fall asleep after eating - and he tries to fight it.

The cartoon has a therapeutic effect on the psyche. In Peppa Pig, an almost ideal world and an almost ideal family are shown, in which there are virtually no conflicts, everyone loves each other and forgives weaknesses, parents do not scream or lash out at their children. In turn, children love their parents and strive to please them, each member of the family plays its own understandable role, traditional and rigidly fixed, all problems easily turn into jokes. Nothing serious happens in this magical world, because everything is fine there, even perfect - just a balm for the souls of many adults.

The series harmoniously combines recurring and changing elements. There are passages and images that are repeated from series to series. For example, the same screensaver, in which each time the main characters are re-introduced. Or the repetitive scene in which Peppa and George happily jump in a muddy puddle. Or that George is constantly mumbling about dinosaurs. Children rejoice at learning the familiar, while adults enjoy constancy, while each story can learn a lot of new things. This balance of many viewers is simply mesmerizing.

All characters

Peppa Pig

The girl, the eldest in the family, she is 6 years old (for 2017, 18 years old). Lives with his parents and brother George. Like everyone else, he loves to jump in puddles. Likes to play with friends on the street and in kindergarten. Often makes fun of Daddy Pig's overweight. By nature, she is possessive. Selfish and sometimes arrogant. But at the same time he loves to have fun and have a good time. Peppa, like George, likes the computer game Happy Chicken. Peppa's best friend is Susie the sheep. Has a goldfish named Goldie.

Piglet George

Peppa's younger brother, he turns 4 years old (16 years old in 2017). He walks by himself, utters only a few words. He is very fond of dinosaurs, a small dinosaur named Mr. Dinosaur is his favorite toy. He likes to play with Peppa, which sometimes annoys her. If someone accidentally offends George, he starts crying. A little greedy. If Peppa is offended by him, he giggles. George, like Peppa, likes the computer game Happy Chicken. George's best friend is Richard the Bunny.

Mama Pig

Kind and caring, like all mothers. Likes to spend time with family. Works at home, typing texts on a computer. He loves to cook and has a good sense of humor. She is 41 years old (53 years old in 2017). She was born in 1976.

Daddy Pig

Wear glasses. Goes to work. He doesn't like when people joke about his big belly. Also has a good sense of humor. Not very good with instruments. Likes to travel with his family. If the card is in his hands, the family will definitely go astray. By nature, he is boastful, he loves to prove his skills, which turns into failure. World champion in puddle jumping, good drummer. Daddy pig is 43 years old. He was born in 1974.

Other relatives

Grandmother and grandfather

They are the parents of Mother Pig. Frequent guests in the Peppa family. Grandfather loves to grow vegetables in the garden, make crafts and sail on his ship, Grandmother loves to cook and is a housewife. They love Peppa's family very much. In the series "Vacation in the sun", "Vacation is over" look after Goldie - Peppa's fish. Grandmother was born in 1951 and grandfather in 1945.


Peppa's paternal cousin. Chloe's family includes her newborn brother baby Alexander and their parents Uncle Pig (brother of Papa Pig) and Aunt Pig. Chloe is slightly older than Peppa, and Peppa always strives to be like her big sister. Chloe was born in 1996 and Alexander in 2004.

family friends

There are quite a few other characters in the series who also participate in families:

  • goats
    • Gabriela the goat - appears with her father in season 4 during Peppa's vacation in Italy. Born in 2000.
    • Signor Kozlik is Gabriela's father. Looks after vacationers in Italy. Born in 1972.
    • Aunt Goat is Gabriela's aunt. Sells stuff for tourists in Italy. Appeared in season 4. Born in 1975.
    • Uncle Kozlik is Gabriela's uncle. Makes great pizza in Italy. Appeared in season 4. Born in 1969.
  • Wolves
    • Wendy the Wolf is Peppa's friend from the New Home series and her neighbor. Born in 2000.
    • Papa Wolf is Wendy's father. Rarely appears in the series. Born in 1974.
    • Mom Wolf is Wendy's mom. She only appears in the series where Peppa, her family, and the wolf family are having a picnic. Born in 1976.
  • gazelles
    • Madame Gazelle - teaches Peppa and her friends in kindergarten, also taught their parents. Previously, she played rock guitar in Vesyoly Gazelles under the pseudonym ZhiZhi. She went on vacation for a week, in the series “Farewell to Madame Gazelle”, and everyone thought that she was leaving forever. Born in 1951.
    • Gazelles - members of the group "Merry Gazelles". In Madame Gazelle's Farewell, Madame Gazelle met them again.
  • Horses
    • Horse Sparkle Hoof - Peppa and George's toy horse - a gift from their aunt.
  • Foxes
    • Freddie the Fox has been Peppa's friend since Season 3. He smells, can find Peppa's friends with his eyes closed. Freddie was born in 2000.
    • Papa Fox is Freddy's father. Also smells. Dobry, has his own shop and a truck with things. Born in 1974.
    • Mom Lisa is Freddie's mother. Appeared in the series very rarely. In the "Hospital" series, a nurse. Born in 1976.
  • Kangaroo
    • Kangaroo Kylie - Peppa's friend, loves to jump in puddles. Jumps best of all, modest. Born in 2000.
    • Kangaroo Joey is Kylie's younger brother and George's friend. Lives in the pocket of mother Kangaroo. Born in 2003.
    • Papa Kylie - the whole family came to visit Peppa and George at their long-standing invitation to visit Papa Pig. Dad was born in 1974.
    • Kylie's mom is kind, caring. Mom and Dad Kylie love the rain. Mom was born in 1976.
  • Hamsters
    • Doctor Hamster is a veterinarian who treats all animals. In The Flying Vet, she flies to calls in a helicopter. Married to Mr. Hamster. Born in 1952.
  • Pony
    • Pony Pedro is Peppa's friend. Walks in glasses. I like being a cowboy. Very scattered. Likes to sleep. A little shy. Born in 1999.
    • Papa Pedro is an eye doctor. In the series "Who sees how?" checks Peppa's eyesight. Born in 1974.
    • Pedro's mother is kind and caring. Born in 1976.
  • The Bears
    • Dr. Bear is a doctor who treats all adults and children. In the episode Pedro's Cough, he fell ill for the first time. Born in 1969.
    • Little Bear is George's imaginary friend in "Bedtime Story".
    • Teddy bear is Peppa's favorite toy, which she carries with her everywhere.
    • Belinda Bear - "Bee", Peppa's cousin Chloe's friend. Born in 1997.
  • Donkeys
    • Donkey Dolphin - French donkey, in season 2 corresponded with Peppa, after which she became her friend. Born in 2000.
    • Donkey Didier - Delphine's younger brother, met George in season 2, after which he became his friend. Born in 2003.
    • Delphine's Father - Comes for a day with Delphine in season 2. Born in 1974.
    • Mom Dolphins - in the series appears only in season 2. Born in 1976.
  • Sheep
    • Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend, loves to play with Peppa and visit her. Dreams of becoming a nurse. Sometimes wearing a nurse costume. Suzy was born in 1999. Often they quarrel
    • Mother Sheep is Susie's mother. It is found in the series "Work and play", "Whistling", also in the series where Peppa wins big bears. Born in 1976.
    • Papa Baran - does not appear in the series, but this season he is talking on the phone, in fact, Susie's father. Born in 1974.
  • rabbits
    • Rebecca Bunny is Peppa's friend. Has the talent to make a special sound when standing on tiptoe. He loves carrots very much and blushes at the mention of this fact. Rebecca's best friend is Zoya the zebra. Born in 1999.
    • Rabbit Richard is Rebecca's younger brother. From the series "George's Friend" - George's best friend. Born in 2003.
    • Papa Rabbit is Rebecca and Richard's dad. Busy, Papa Pig's colleague at work. Born in 1974.
    • Mother Rabbit is the mother of Richard and Rebecca. In season 4, she gave birth to twins - a boy, Roby, and a girl, Rosie, whose names were invented by Peppa and her friends. Born in 1976.
    • Grandpa Rabbit is Rebecca and Richard's grandfather. Grandpa Pig's best friend. In Grandpa Rabbit Dinosaur Park, he makes artificial dinosaurs for Freddy the Fox's birthday party. Makes grandfather bunny tea. This is whiskey tea. Born in 1946.
    • Miss Rabbit is the twin sister of Mother Rabbit, works many jobs, has good sales skills (in the Museum series, a family of four pigs easily sold the fifth ticket for a dinosaur toy). Looks after Rebecca and Richard when Mother Rabbit is at work. Once I ran to my sister and sprained her leg. Born in 1976.
    • Robbie and Rosie are newborn twins who appeared in Season 4. Born in 2005.
  • Zebras
    • Zebra Zoya is Peppa's friend. Good. Zoe's best friend is Rebecca the bunny. Born in 2000
    • Mr. Zebra is Zoe's dad. Works as a postman. In Daddy's Camera, he sends a camera to Daddy Pig. Born in 1974.
    • Mama Zebra is Zoe's zebra mom, active in Night at Zoe's House. Born in 1976.
    • Zuzu and Zaza - Zoe's twin sisters, active in Night at Zoe's House, usually friends with George. Born in 2002.
  • Dogs
    • Puppy Danny is Peppa's friend. In Danny's Pirate Party, a party is thrown for him. Born in 1999. Since 05/26/2017 - champion WWE [ ]
    • Papa Dog is the captain of the ship. Before the series "Captain Daddy Dog" he was on a long voyage. Born in 1974.
    • Grandpa Dog is the owner of a car service. Looks after Danny while Daddy Dog is swimming. Born in 1941.
    • Grandmother Dog - has a good sense of humor, caring. Born in 1943.
    • Mom Dog - appeared in the series "Children's Performance". Born in 1976.
    • Lacey's dog is George's girlfriend "She doesn't appear on the show, but she's on the phone this season." Born in 2007
  • cats
    • Candy's pussy is Peppa's friend. Kind, sometimes humble. Candy's best friend is Emily the elephant. Born in 1999.
    • Mrs. Pussy is Candy's mom. Papa Pig's colleague at work. Born in 1975.
    • Papa Cat - Active in the Aquarium series, Candy's father. Born in 1973.
  • elephants
    • Elephant Emily is Peppa's friend. Shy, shy and humble. Emily's best friend is Candy's pussy. Born in 2000.
    • Elephant Edmond is a smart baby elephant, he is friends with George. In the Lunar Park series, he jumped on a fake moon with Peppa's family. Born in 2003.
    • Mom Elephant is Emily and Edmond's mom. Rarely appears in the series. Born in 1976.
    • Papa Elephant is a dentist. Checked Peppa's and George's teeth in "At the Dentist". He has a great talent for picking up tools with his trunk. Born in 1974.
  • lions
    • Leo the lion cub, Susie's imaginary friend, is mentioned in Pretend Friend.
  • Rhinos
    • Mr. Rhino - helps Mr. Bull repair the road and build houses in series such as "Road Repair", "New Home". Born in 1962.
  • cows
    • Mrs Cow - she works. Mr Bull's wife. She is 41 years old. Born in 1976.
    • Mr. Bull is a colleague of Mr. Rhino. Husband of Mrs Cow. He is 43 years old. Born in 1974.
  • Rabbit Richard - Zoe Baker
    Zuzu and Zaza - Alice Maya
    Puppy Danny - George Wolfurd (seasons 1-2) and Jadona Mills (seasons 3-4)
    Pony Pedro - Harrison Oldroyd
    Zebra Zoya - Sian Taylor
    Emily the Elephant - Julie Moss
    Edmond the Elephant - Johnny Butler
    Chloe Pig - Eloise May (seasons 1-2), Abigail Daniels (seasons 3-4) and Zara Siddiqui (seasons 4)
    Freddie the Fox - Max Miller (season 3) and Jame Oran (seasons 3-4)
    Kangaroo Kylie - Maisie the Menace
    Gabriella Goat - Sophia Arafi Alexander Oliver Maya (Season 2), Harley Bird (Season 3) and Minnie Kennedy-Parr (Season 4)


    Narrator - John Sparks / Oleg Kutsenko (Russian dub)
    Papa Pig - Richard Ridings / Oleg Kutsenko (Russian dubbing)
    Mama Pig - Morwenna Banks / Larisa Brochman (Russian dubbing)
    Grandpa Pig - David Graham / Dmitry Filimonov (Russian dubbing)
    Grandma Pig - Francis White / Larisa Brochman (Russian dubbing)
    Madame Gazelle - Morwenna Banks / Elena Chebaturkina (Russian dubbing)
    Miss Rabbit - Sarah Ann Kennedy / Elena Chebaturkina (Russian dubbing)
    Aunt Rabbit - Morwenna Banks and Sarah Ann Kennedy
    Papa Rabbit - John Sparks
    Grandpa Rabbit - Brian Blacid
    Mama Sheep - Debbie McDonald
    Candy's mom is Morwenna Banks (season 2) and Layla Farzad (seasons 3-4).
    Mom Dog - Debbie McDonald (Season 1), Claire Waxler (Season 2) and Judy Flynn (Season 4).
    Grandpa Dog - David Rintoul
    Papa Dog - Alexander Armstrong
    Pedro's mom is Kate Gribble (Season 1), Madeleine Maya (Season 2), Layla Lewis (Season 2), Jemima Williams (3), Layla Farzad (Season 4) and Judy Flynn (Season 4).
    Papa Pony - John Sparks
    Mother Zebra - Morwenna Banks
    Papa Zebra - David Graham
    Chloe's dad - John Sparks
    Chloe's mom is Alison Snowden (seasons 1-2) and Judy Flynn (seasons 3-4).
    Papa Elephant - Andy Hamilton
    Papa Donkey - Jerome Haupert
    Papa Kangaroo - Alexander Armstrong
    Papa Wolf - Alexander Armstrong
    Mom Wolf - Chania Mahon
    Papa Fox - John Sparks
    Papa Goat - Andrea Tran
    Uncle Goat - Morwenna Banks
    Aunt Goat - Morwenna Banks
    Doctor Bear - David Runtoil
    Mr. Bull - David Runtoil

A funny British-made animated series, containing short stories of 5 minutes each. The new season is already available and all episodes are in Russian. The cartoon contains stories from family life - typical situations (walk, picnic, travel, etc.). It teaches kindness, mutual assistance, the ability to laugh at oneself, to show understanding and care in the family and in relationships with people.

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Description of the cartoon

Heroes without interruption get into funny stories. Each story contains a task that the characters solve and draw conclusions. This is useful for young viewers to learn how to make decisions and do the right thing. After watching all the series, you need to plunge into the new series of 2019.

The main characters of the series are:

  • Peppa Pig is a funny girl with character, she loves fun, friends and her goldfish. Jokes about Daddy Pig's weight. Video with the adventures of Peppa and other heroes is colorful and figurative.
  • George loves dinosaurs, loves to play with his sister, but can be intrusive. Sentimental. Like his sister, he is rather greedy. The cartoon is so addictive that you want to watch all the series in a row without stopping.
  • Mom Pig is completely absorbed in the main thing for her - home, family and caring for loved ones. He loves to cook, writes texts at home. The sense of humor does not leave her;
  • Daddy Pig is the father of the family. Plump (which he doesn't like jokes about), wears glasses, works in a firm. Great sense of humor. He does not find a common language with tools, which causes ridiculous situations. Loves family travel, but doesn't get along with navigation. When the opportunity arises, he likes to brag.

It is better to watch in good quality in order to see this bright cartoon in all colors. This series is available - you can watch it online for free, which is convenient.

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