Home perennial flowers Bodypainting for Tigers: Conservationists' Strangest Promotional Stunt…. Animal body art on human bodies by Craig Tracy Tiger body art

Bodypainting for Tigers: Conservationists' Strangest Promotional Stunt…. Animal body art on human bodies by Craig Tracy Tiger body art

Body art is amazing art! It makes already beautiful girls even more beautiful and delightful. The main thing is that the master works. After all, a real Master, such as Craig Tracy, can make a real tiger out of three girls for several hours of work.
Craig Tracy is arguably the world's most talented bodypainting artist. At least that's how it seems, looking at his latest creation. The tiger painted on the bodies of the three girls seems to be alive.

Craig Tracy is one of the most famous body painters in the world. He has written thousands of works written on thousands of beautiful girls. And his new work is devoted to the problem of the extermination of tigers in China. After all, the Year of the Tiger is in the yard!

Louisiana body painter Craig Tracy is very concerned about the disappearance of tigers. Therefore, in order to attract to this problem, he created his new "picture" called "The Last South China Tiger" ("The Last South China Tiger"). To do this, he needed three beautiful girls, ten hours of work and a lot of water-based paint.

If you look at the photos or video of the beginning of the process, then it is simply impossible to see at least some tiger features in the three girls clinging to each other. But every minute, thanks to the creative skill of Craig Tracy, a real predator from the cat family appears before us.

The fact that there are not so many species of plants and living beings left on our planet that are not listed in the Red Book is a well-known and regrettable fact. Conservationists around the world are doing what they can to make things right. However, sometimes their PR-actions seem to be too strange. For some, this may look like a body painting project in defense of Chinese tigers, which was embodied by artist Craig Tracy. However, this tiger graceful bodies bodypainting models are both weird and wonderful.

Artists for saving tigers

Save China's Tigers asked renowned artist Craig Tracy to help them protect the tigers. As you know, artists are more than strange people, with their own vision of the world, and so on. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to draw public attention to the problem of an endangered species - tigers - he chose such a strange method - body painting. Strange, but damn beautiful.

For centuries, artists have depicted the naked female body in all its beauty and grace, but this case is special.

Artist Craig Tracy loves to draw human bodies, and at the request of the British charity Save China's Tigers, he created a believable tiger head on the bodies of three models using the body painting technique.

Tracy prepares the background for her work, and then the process proceeds in several stages.

The models (still dressed) settle down on the canvas with sketches of the tiger.

Tracy sketches while his assistant pins up the model's hair to keep it out of the way.

Then the first sketches are retouched and corrected - the eyes.

You look into the eyes of a tiger on the backs of elegant and graceful girls.

In 2010, the UN placed the tiger at the top of the list of endangered species.

The girls are resting.

Sitting in this position for several hours as a model for body painting is not the most pleasant, but what you can’t do to save nature.

Master at work.

Artist Craig Tracy completes his work in a studio in New Orleans.

Every stroke is incredibly important...

The end result should help people realize the seriousness of the situation.

The artist with his masterpiece.

Unfortunately, Craig Tracy's masterpiece remained only in photographs.

The art of body art is now difficult to surprise anyone. But this is only because a huge number of "artists" (that's right, in quotation marks) have divorced, who hide the lack of their own talent behind the beauty of the female body. But when talent, skill, and the beautiful body of beautiful girls are combined, body art becomes truly art. A striking example of this is a series of "animal" works Craig Tracy.

We have already talked on our website about Craig Tracy's craving for naked girls and disappearing felines, resulting in the creation of an image. But it turns out that this is not a single project for the artist, but one of many similar works.

Craig Tracy has over a hundred paintings made in the form of body art, of which about a dozen deal with animal themes. Moreover, the artist’s favorites are clearly the big cats: lions, tigers.

These animals themselves are very beautiful and graceful, and when painted on naked female bodies, they become even more beautiful and attractive.

The artistic method of Craig Tracy looks very simple, but at the same time it is very complex in execution and varied in variations. The artist takes a naked model or several models at once and creates a drawing depicting an animal on them. But not the whole picture, but only a part of it, supplementing it with a previously drawn background image.

So the viewer, who does not know anything about Tracy's work and his unusual artistic method, may not understand at all that this is body art. And even having learned this, he will not always be able to tell where the pattern on the body ends and the background pattern begins.

You can spend hours looking at pictures drawn by Craig Tracy in the form of body art. And even more time can be spent watching the video, which shows the process of the master working on his works. For example, in this video, where the artist creates a portrait of an Asian tiger on three nude models:

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