Home perennial flowers Interesting paranormal activity. Scary and mystical stories from life. Warning from Thailand

Interesting paranormal activity. Scary and mystical stories from life. Warning from Thailand

To believe or not to believe in the supernatural? On the one hand, paranormal phenomena have no scientific explanation and are beyond our understanding.

But on the other hand, how can one not believe the stories of such respectable people as politicians, policemen, military personnel and others who personally experienced encounters with the unknown. Their testimonies can be considered reliable. Although, however, decide for yourself.

Levitating piano

At one of the sessions of spiritualism, which was attended by President Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln and several of their friends, the piano came off the floor and hovered in the air. President Lincoln and Colonel Simon Case climbed onto the piano, causing it to shake and bounce, forcing them to dismount. After this incident, Lincoln believed in levitation and considered it proof of the existence of some "invisible force."

Photograph of Mary Lincoln with a ghost

After her husband's death, Mary Todd Lincoln asked photographer-medium William Mumler to take her photograph. Surprisingly, long before the invention of Photoshop, Mumler managed to create a photograph that shows the ghost of President Lincoln behind his wife. This photograph is now in the library of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Ghost at the police station

Officer Carl Romero, who was on duty at the Hispaniola, New Mexico Police Department, was monitoring the images on the monitors when he saw a blurry, white humanoid figure in the protected area.

Churchill and the Ghost of Lincoln

During one of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's visits to the White House, he was placed in a room that used to be Lincoln's bedroom (where else!?). Churchill had just come out of the bathroom, naked and with the same cigar in his mouth, and then he saw the ghost of Lincoln - he was leaning on the fireplace.

According to Churchill, he affably addressed the spirit: “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have caught me in an inappropriate state." In response, Lincoln's ghost smiled and then disappeared.

UFO over the US-British airbase

On December 28, 1980, in Woodbridge, England, military personnel saw an unidentified triangular flying object. Some inscriptions were engraved on the skin of the alien ship, they were touched by the hand of Sergeant James Penniston. He later claimed that in this way he downloaded some kind of binary code, which was imprinted in his memory.

The man who makes it rain

Donnie Decker would go into a kind of trance and could make it rain indoors. Water dripped from the ceiling, flowed along the walls, jets of water could scatter in different directions.

The police were called to houses with "rain". The police were wet, but could not explain anything. The strange rain-making phenomenon continued until the priest performed the ritual of exorcism from Donnie.

Ghost at the site of the ruins of the World Trade Center in New York

Retired police lieutenant Frank Marra said he repeatedly observed a strange African-American woman, dressed in World War II nurses' clothing, holding what looked like a tray of coffee bags and sandwiches.

The mysterious figure always appeared at a distance of about 50 yards from him, but each time he inexplicably disappeared when he tried to get a better look at it. Other police officers also said they saw the woman.

Roswell Incident

The story goes that a UFO crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, USA in July 1947. A sensational statement appeared in the press that a flying disk fell into the hands of the military. After 24 hours, this statement was denied, saying that the discovered object was a weather balloon.

Public relations officer Lieutenant Walter Hout left an affidavit describing the UFOs and alien bodies he saw at the crash site. After his death, these testimonies were published.

UFOs and nuclear weapons

Captain Robert Salas, who served at the US Air Force base in Montana, spoke about UFO surveillance of nuclear facilities and described an incident when almost all the missiles on alert were out of order at the moment when "a large oval luminous an object".

Ghost Pilot

When RAF biplane pilot Desmond Arthur crashed in 1913, the board of inquiry first found that the accident was the fault of a mechanic who failed to fix the wing malfunction, but then the case was retried and the mechanic was acquitted, the investigation placed all blame on the pilot. It was then that a ghost began to appear at the airbase, in the silhouette of which colleagues recognized Desmond.

There was a rumor that the ghost is because the deceased pilot is dissatisfied with the slander erected on him. Under public pressure, the investigation was reopened and Desmond was acquitted. After that, the ghost appeared only once and was said to be smiling.

Ghost stories and other paranormal stories are tens of hundreds of cases that defy material reality. From time to time we encounter such mystical horror that it is impossible to believe in it.

tell paranormal stories, kind ghost

The next few "fairy tales" range from slightly creepy to downright terrifying, but they all have one thing in common: there is no reasonable explanation for them. - Please do not read mystical stories before going to bed - take care of your psyche.

Voices in a woman's head.

In 1984, a woman was quietly reading a book while at home. Suddenly, a clear voice sounded in her head, saying to her, Please don't be afraid. I know how shocking this conversation is, but it's the easiest way to communicate. My friend and I worked at the Children's Hospital and would like to help you. You are sick.

After a series of medical tests, including psychological tests, the patient was diagnosed with a large benign brain tumor. Moreover, the mysterious voice continued to speak to her during medical testing.

After the completion of the operation to remove the tumor, the patient, having come to her senses, heard a voice for the last time: We were glad to help you. Farewell.

The woman did not report any post-surgical problems and did not hear her voice again. A study of the patient and the mysterious voice in her head that diagnosed the brain tumor was published by the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

An imaginary friend or relative?

My grandfather passed away a few weeks after I was born. You know, I've never seen what he looks like. When I was 5 years old, I started seeing a person in a rocking chair. My parents thought it was an "imaginary friend" from dreams. But they were more and more surprised when I told them the details of the conversation.

Finally, my parents asked me more about it. I told them every detail I could remember and they showed me a photograph of the man. This was my grandfather.

Today I am 22, and I feel my grandfather somewhere in the background. I remember when I dreamed of a high school graduate, and I looked at the stands, I saw him next to my parents. I like to think that he watches over me from where he is.

Past life experience?

A few years ago, when my daughter was just over three years old, my husband and I watched a TV show about the horror of 9/11. It was the day of the anniversary of the event. My daughter, who was coloring pictures nearby, looked up as a plane hitting one of the World Trade Center buildings appeared on the screen. Suddenly she told us: "I died there."

Then she just went back to her pictures as if she hadn't said a word. We never spoke to her about the concept of death and never discussed 9/11.

Since then, the daughter has never spoken about it, but now, if something appears on TV about 9/11, she says: "I don't want to watch it."

Skeleton of Hampton Court Palace.

Hampton Court Palace is considered one of the most haunted buildings in England. According to their website, the castle is haunted by at least three ghosts.

Skeleton from Hampton Court Palace. England is a world of conservatism, a palace without a ghost is a hut

Katherine Howard - was repeatedly seen by palace employees and guests. Sybil Penn - a ghost wandering around the palace, apparently worried that her grave was moved back in 1829.

However, the palace's most notable "inhabitant" has to be the "Skeleton", a creepy ghost caught on the palace's CCTV cameras in 2003. Palace representatives explain on their website:

For three consecutive days, palace security personnel were forced to close one of the fire doors... On the first day, CCTV footage showed the doors being thrown wide open with great force, but nothing could be seen.

On the second day, the same thing happened, but this time on the screen unexpectedly in an evening dress and closed the doors. They add: The doors opened again on the third day, but there was no more sign of the ghostly "gatekeeper".

Maybe this is the ghost of the most famous resident of the palace of Henry VIII? You can watch the video on YouTube for yourself.

Papa Doppelganger (double)*

About ten years ago (I was 8 years old at the time), I visited my father at his house. My stepmother was in the kitchen and I was in the common room. We both saw him in a red flannel shirt and blue jeans coming up the stairs. I called my father and followed him. My father turned and looked at me as he climbed the top step and turned the corner.

I called my father again. Suddenly, unexpectedly, from the living room, dad raised his head over the couch and asked what I wanted. He slept on the couch all the time, but my stepmother and I saw him coming up the stairs from the living room.

It was the most impossible thing I have ever seen. Both my stepmother and I still remember it and talk about it to this day. And everything happened in good daylight, so it was not some kind of supernatural illusion of the night.

Wilson Hall, Ohio University.

Room 428 at Wilson Hall is permanently closed. Students from Ohio University, the ninth oldest public university in the US, are not allowed to look into the room due to multiple reports of ghosts and dangerous ghost activity.

Wilson Hall was reportedly built on top of an Indian burial (that always ends badly). Spiritualists argue; the building is located in the center of a pentagram formed by five ancient cemeteries, giving this geographic location additional strengths of either security or evil.

In the 1970s, a student died under mysterious (unexplained) circumstances in room 428. Years later, a student used what she perceived as "energy" in the room to practice "astral projection" rituals.

In such a practice, the human spirit (or consciousness) is said to leave the body and can travel at will. One day she cut her own wrists.

Ever since the two deaths occurred here, everyone in the room has reported terrifying apparitions at every hour of the day or night. Objects flew through the room and smashed against the walls. The students heard voices, whispering and even hysterically screaming, although no one was there.

The door often opened and then closed on its own. Worse than that, demonic faces appeared right on the wooden panel of the room's door. And although the school changed the door several times, the exhausted, disgusting faces reappeared.

Eventually, the room became too intimidating, and the university, fearful that another student death might occur, decided to permanently close the door. This is the only known case where the room is closed due to up to this day.

We are used to believing, or rather we are convinced that the world around us lives according to established and familiar laws, but is it so?

  • (German: Doppelganger - doppelgänger) a mysterious creature with the ability to polymorphism. Creation is able to recreate the image of a person indistinguishable from the original.

From time to time, fatal events occur that cannot be rationally explained. Some of these stories happened a long time ago, some are recent. In any case, people remember them, they are all mysterious and frightening so much that they invariably attract attention. Do you believe in paranormal phenomena? Or do you think it's all just a hoax? Let's recall the most famous mystical cases, here are 15 of them.

15. The Dancing Plague of 1518

Documented in the historical records of the 16th century, the so-called "dancing or dancing plague" became the only phenomenon of its kind.
In July 1518, in the city of Strasbourg (at that time part of the Holy Roman Empire, now the region of Alsace, France), the inhabitants suddenly felt an irresistible desire to dance. Several people began to dance for days on end, without rest, without stopping. Many died of heart attacks, strokes and exhaustion.
The outbreak of the "epidemic" began when a woman named Frau Troffea began to dance in the streets of the city. Within a week, 34 people joined the dance, and a month later there were already 400. Historical documents indicate that people died from exhaustion caused by incessant dancing. But the reasons why people didn't stop are unclear. As the situation got worse and more people began to dance, the agitated nobles began to look for reasons. Some of the dancers were taken to shrines and temples to beg for healing from illness. It all ended with the dancing ending as suddenly as it had begun.
Modern theories to explain the dancing plague include mass mental disorder, ergotism (poisoning with ergot alkaloids), religious ecstasy, chorea or "St. Vitus's dance". But it must be admitted that none of these theories can fully explain what actually happened.

14. Carl Pruitt

The story of Carl Pruitt's grave curse began in 1938 in Pulaski County, Kentucky (USA). Pruitt returned home after a day's work to find his wife in the bedroom with another man. Enraged, Pruitt grabbed the chain and began to choke her, and the lover fled the scene. After the woman died, Pruitt committed suicide.
The family of Pruitt's wife refused to forgive him, and he was buried separately, in a different cemetery (and even in another city). Cemetery visitors passing by Pruitt's grave noticed that something strange was happening to her. They saw strange spots that looked like circles, and then began to connect, and the image on the tombstone became like a chain. The strange image caught the attention of the boys who were passing by on bicycles. To impress his friends, a boy threw a stone on a tombstone and suddenly cracked it. On the way home, the boy had an incredible accident: a bicycle chain came off, wrapped around his neck and strangled him. The boy's mother was heartbroken and decided to "recoup" on the gravestone. She took an ax and hit the slab several times. The next day, when, after washing, she hung clothes on a rope, she mysteriously got tangled around her neck and killed the woman.

This is only part of the creepy stories around the grave of the strangler Pruitt ... By the early 1940s, most people already stayed away from that cemetery, in fear of losing their own lives. After another death at Pruitt's grave, his body was exhumed and the tombstone destroyed.

13. The Amityville Horror

Perhaps this is the most famous story on our list. The Amityville case is a lawsuit that accuses 23-year-old Ronald Defeo Jr. of murdering all members of his family. This tragedy caused a great resonance in society, and over time led to the emergence of a cultural phenomenon called the Amityville Horror. The story led to a couple of dozen adaptations, a book and a lot of parodies. What happened there?

There were 6 victims: the parents of Ronald Jr. - DeFeo Sr. (44 years old) and Louise (42 years old); and his four siblings - Don (age 18), Allison (age 13), Mark (age 12), and John Matthew (age 9). They were all shot with a .35 Marlin shotgun by Ronald Defoe Jr. According to the examination, Louise and Allison were not sleeping at the time of death.

Defeo's lawyer tried to bring the case to the insanity of the killer, especially since Defeo claimed that he "heard the voices of his relatives in a conspiracy against him." However, a doctor named Harold Roland stated that DeFeo was responsible for his actions, although he used heroin and LSD, and suffered from antisocial personality disorder. Despite this, there are still many unknowns in the case. For example, there is no motive. Also, none of the neighbors heard the shots, although it is simply impossible not to hear the rumble of a shotgun. All the victims were laid face down, but the investigation showed that the killer did not move the bodies. Ronald DeFeo himself claimed that a certain Indian leader forced him to do all this. The killer is currently serving six parallel sentences - for each of the six murders he received a life sentence.

12. McCormick's Notes

Ricky McCormick was murdered on June 30, 1999, and notes were found in his pants pocket that appeared to contain a coded message. However, all attempts by cryptanalysts of the FBI and the American Cryptoanalytical Organization to decipher them did not lead to success. Interestingly, news reports in 1999 did not contain information about encrypted notes. Data on this was made public only 12 years later, when the FBI considered this death to be a murder.

Both notes contained text consisting of letters and numbers with the occasional inclusion of brackets. According to the FBI, the notes may contain information about McCormick's killer. According to McCormick's relatives, the deceased used a similar technique for encoding messages from childhood, but, unfortunately, none of them knew the key to his cipher.

All attempts to decipher the text came to nothing, and in 2011 the FBI, through its website, asked for help from everyone who wanted to help figure it out. A huge number of different interpretations and versions have been received, but so far there is no decoding of McCormick's messages, nor an explanation for his mysterious death. Who killed him?

11. Robert Stephen Larsen, Jr.

Although Larsen did not die, the circumstances of his injury were curious enough to add to our list. The story is this: Wilissa, a small, quiet town in Iowa. In early June 1912, around 12:45 p.m., the Moore family was brutally beaten to death with an axe. The victims were 8 people, of which only two adults: Joseph (aged 43), Sarah (née Montgomery, 39), Herman Montgomery (11), Mary Catherine (10), Arthur Boyd (7) and Paul Vernon (5) , and two guests - Ina (8) and Lena Stillinger (12). The killer, who was never found, was able to get in and out of the house undetected because he had the key. As he left, he sang the doors behind him and closed the windows. Although there were several suspects, not a single person was convicted for this terrible crime.
On November 7, 2014, Larsen (a ghost hunter) and a group of his comrades stayed at the "Vilis House where everyone was killed with an ax" to conduct some kind of paranormal investigation. Larsen was in the northwest bedroom (where the Stillinger girls were killed), and suddenly, in a panic, called for help using radio communication. When friends found him, he was stabbed in the chest and apparently self-inflicted... This happened around the same time that the Moore family was killed.

10 Ghost Widow

In a small town in Thailand called Tambon Tha Sawang, there have been at least 10 unexpected deaths among men who were reported to be perfectly healthy. Some simply dropped dead in the street, while others died in their sleep.

A medium was brought in to find out if these strange events were related to the "ghost widow". And the medium told all the villagers to hang red shirts in front of the windows to ward off evil spirits. And he also warned families where there was an only son that they were in the zone of greatest risk, a ghost would definitely come to them. Interesting way to fight! There were also rational assumptions as to what actually caused the death of these 10 people: most likely, an "airborne" disease or an infectious disease.

9. Debra and Mark Constantino

The couple appeared on TV shows, according to some reports, they seemed very close-knit. However, their lives were tragically cut short. The reports stated that the couple was in the process of divorcing and that there were episodes of domestic violence.

It all started with the murder of Debra's neighbor, James Anderson, who was found dead, and ended in the couple's daughter's apartment with a two-hour police standoff. Apparently, Mark killed Debra and then pointed the gun at himself. Was it a murder out of jealousy, or is it one of those very paranormal cases? Sounds like a case of domestic violence. However, the influence of supernatural power is not excluded. By the time the police stormed the house, Debra and Mark were dead.
Just in case, write down the phone number for such cases (if you are in the USA, of course):
National Domestic Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

8. Henry Thomas

It turns out that there is such a thing as "spontaneous human combustion." Henry Thomas caught fire and burned out completely as he sat quietly in his chair and watched TV. All that was left of him was a skull and one booted leg. Someone said that Thomas' death was caused by a lit heater. But then why didn't the flames touch Thomas's house, and why didn't the owner of the house even budge? The enigma… 73-year-old Henry Thomas met his demise in 1980.
Despite numerous cases of spontaneous combustion of people, science treats this phenomenon very carefully. Indeed, how can a person catch fire if 2/3 of it consists of water and other non-combustible elements. They argue that a person can burn out only if the combustion temperature exceeds 1000 degrees, and this temperature lasts for several hours. And nothing like this is simply impossible to achieve under normal conditions ... Only the paranormal and mystical justification for this mysterious phenomenon remains. Decide for yourself!

7. Evelyn Hernandez

Evelyn Hernandez, 24, went missing on May 1, 2002. The girl was on the demolition, and was about to give birth. Her five-year-old son Alexis also disappeared with her. Hernandez dated a man named Herman Aguilera (father of the unborn child).
On July 24, 2002, Hernandez's body was found in San Francisco Bay near the bridge. Broken legs and a torso in a maternity blouse were all that was found. DNA tests confirmed that it was Hernandez's remains, however, neither the rest of the body, nor her fetus, nor Alexis were ever found. Deliberate harm or paranormal activity? There is a version that Satanists are involved in this terrible crime, who pray to the devil every day, and this takes the story to another level.

6. The Jamiesons

October 8, 2009 around 2 pm Bobby (44) and Sherilyn Jemison (40) along with their 6-year-old daughter Madison, got ready for a trip. They lived in their own house in the small town of Euphola, Oklahoma. The family was looking for land to buy, and the purpose of their trip was literally 40 km from Eufola, in the mountains of Oklahoma (Latimer County), near the village of Red Oak. A land broker offered the family to go with them, but the Jamiesons refused to help. Loading their pickup truck with the essentials for the trip and taking their little dog with them, the family set out for the Red Oak area, where they were last seen.

On October 17, 2009, hunters found an abandoned white pickup truck on a dirt road in the forest 10 km from Red Oak. In the car were the belongings of the owners and a dog half-dead from hunger and dehydration. Where do they go? There were no signs of a struggle, and the owners disappeared without taking any documents with them, no mobile phones, no outerwear, a GPS navigator, and even wallets with credit cards and a little cash. But the biggest surprise was under the driver's seat - after searching the car, the police found a paper bank bag with $ 32,000. A week later, the search activities were stopped, and the realization came to everyone that something extraordinary had happened to the Jamison family.

5. Charles Walton

Charles Walton is a resident of the village of Lower Quinton in Gloucestershire, England. Known as the victim of a brutal murder. The Walton murder case remains unsolved to this day. At the time of the murder, he was 74 years old and had lived his entire life in Lower Quinton. He was a widower who shared his small home with his 34-year-old niece Edith, whom he adopted at the age of 4 after her mother's death. Walton had a reputation for being unsociable.

On February 14, 1945, early in the morning, Walton went to work in the field, taking a pitchfork and a small axe. The last person to see him alive was a local farmer who spotted Walton near Meon Hill around noon. Night fell, and Charles still did not appear at home. Worried, Edith turned to a neighbor for help and went with him in search of her uncle. Walton's body was found lying under a large willow on the top of Meon Hill. The forks were driven into his throat with such force that their teeth went deep into the ground. In addition, there was a cruciform wound on the chest of the deceased, an ax was thrust into his ribs.

Renowned anthropologist Marguerite Murray has stated that Charles Walton was killed in a Celtic sacrificial rite by a secret sect of the Druids. Scotland Yard tried to solve the "Walton case" without mysticism. But February 14 was not an easy day - according to the Druid calendar, it is February 1, the day of sacrifice to the earth. The Celts called it the day of the Festival of Lights - Oymelka, when the druid priests performed their bloody sacrifices on a freshly plowed field, asking the gods to send a good harvest.
Although no one has ever been formally charged with the murder of Charles Walton, it is said that it was witchcraft and the murder was occult. In fact, when Walton's pocket watch was found at home, a piece of colored glass was found inside. The glass of the "glass witch" is used to ward off evil from the owner - Charles never took off this watch, except for the day he was killed.

4. Christopher Case

Christopher Case, 35, lived in Seattle, Washington. In April 1991, he was found dead in the bathroom, with a frightened expression on his face. Shortly before his death, he visited San Francisco, where he met and went out for lunch with a couple of acquaintances. Sammy Sauder, physicist, teacher, and longtime friend of Case received a message on his answering machine from Case. He called in a panic, and claimed that a certain woman put a curse on him, due to the fact that he was not interested and rejected her. According to Souder: "He said he was very afraid, the witch attacked him all night (in his sleep, not physically) and cut him to pieces. He woke up with small cuts on his fingertips. And asked me to call him back."

When the body was discovered, the authorities found candles, crucifixes; the house around the perimeter was watered with a salt solution. Tony Burt of the King County Police said: "Cause of death unknown. The initial autopsy does not indicate death by violence. (Detectives) don't think it's murder. The death is under investigation."

3. Newborn from Talisay, Philippines

Little is known about this case. It happened in December 2011: John Edison Malakey, a child of ten days old, died under extremely strange circumstances. The grandparents reported red stains on the floor of their daughter's house (they thought it might be rats) and blood stains in the kitchen.

When the mother of the newborn, Kimberly, received a call, she rushed home in a panic. It's terrible, get ready... Her newborn son was bleeding from his mouth and nose; his navel was pierced, as if withered. The child died in the hospital. The family claims that some otherworldly being killed him.

People are naturally skeptical and suspect a cover-up, but that's only until the neighbors noticed blood also on the roof of the house where the crime took place...

2. Peggy doll

The Peggy doll, supposedly cursed and containing some terrible powers, belongs to Jane Harris, a resident of the United Kingdom. The woman calls herself a researcher of supernatural phenomena and explains her close interest in the occult with the innate psychic abilities that she inherited from her grandmother.

Peggy is a very unusual doll. She does not talk or move around at night, but she tends to, being in the same room with people, cause them severe nausea and chest pain. Jane filmed several recordings of her attempting to exorcise the evil entity from the doll and posted them on YouTube. Despite the fact that Peggy did not show signs of life, many users who watched these videos reported severe nausea and chest pain. Thus, if you decide to watch the video below, we warn you that you do this at your own risk.

Harris is the head of the Cursed Dolls in Shropshire. People from all over the UK periodically bring children's toys to the Englishwoman, who they consider to be possessed by evil spirits.

1. Eliza Lam

On January 26, 2013, 21-year-old student Eliza Lam left her native British Columbia for California. After staying in San Diego for a while, she checked into the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles on January 28. On February 1, she had to leave the hotel. She was last seen alive three days after checking into the hotel lobby.
While in California, Lam kept in touch with her parents every day, and after they were unable to contact her, they called the police. The police investigated the disappearance of the girl and a few days later found CCTV footage from the hotel elevator, which shows that Lam is behaving very strangely: pressing buttons and sticking his head out of the elevator several times, as if looking for someone. She also periodically enters and exits the elevator, and even seems to talk to herself.

2 weeks went by with no sign of Lam until the residents of the hotel started complaining about the black water from the taps and the lack of pressure in the taps. Climbing to the roof, a hotel employee found Lam's naked body in one of the closed water tanks. An autopsy was performed, which showed that the girl had drowned. No drugs or alcohol were found in her blood. The death was determined to be an accident.

Ghost fans believe that Lam was actually captured by some kind of evil spirit or that she was under its influence. As evidence that Lam was possessed, people point out that it is still unclear how she managed to get to the roof. There are two accesses to it: a fire escape or a door that was always locked. In addition, the locked door was in a place that only long-term guests (and probably a ghost among them) or hotel staff knew about. Lam was a girl with a slight build, but she somehow managed to open the heavy door and close it behind her.

When humanity stands at a crossroads, most often its fate is decided by forces beyond the comprehension of mortals. By the way, usually those who have power control everything, and this is the government and military leaders, they can influence many things. Basically - unleashing wars among themselves, making great scientific discoveries or spying on the population.

The most important historical events - the flight of the first man into space and the two World Wars - took place under the influence of forces inaccessible to ordinary people. Sometimes these forces treat the world like a toy for their own whim. Sometimes they even have an intangible origin ...

Most stories about paranormal phenomena can be explained by optical illusion, the play of light, calling fiction and outright lies. People don't believe what they don't understand. However, such phenomena can leave their deepest mark in the annals of history, changing the world, even if most people do not believe in their existence.

A person tends to doubt incomprehensible things. And if many people are witnessing phenomena that cannot be explained, the world often has to accept the fact that such things exist. So, here are ten unexplained paranormal phenomena that have changed the world: from UFOs, the existence of which the Pope himself admitted, to the damned Bermuda Triangle.

10 The Miracle Of The Sun Recognized By The Catholic Church

How long does it take to admit that an event has changed history? And what about the recognition of it by the Roman Catholic Church itself? Yes, even with the subsequent canonization? The Miracle of the Sun was finally recognized as a valid biblical miracle on October 13, 1930, twenty years after the event itself. It became a sensation.

Around noon on Sunday October 13, 1917 in the city of Fatima in Portugal, thousands of people who were at that time on the street witnessed the appearance of an opaque rotating disk against a stormy sky, which directed a blinding beam of light at a crowd of onlookers, many of whom could distinguish in the center of the disk image of the Holy Virgin Mary.

This phenomenon actually happened, 30,000-100,000 people of different ages were observed, and was recognized as a true miracle by the Roman Catholic Church. Despite some attempts to explain it with cosmic dust or the play of light, science still failed to unravel the nature of this phenomenon.

9. Curse that takes lives

The butterfly effect is described in many fantastic stories about time travel, which does not necessarily mean that someone must die. Kill Hitler, save Abby Lincoln or whatever, history will change immediately. As soon as someone dies, the influence of this person on the course of history is immediately forgotten.

Which is why the poltergeist curse doesn't seem so special. Most have heard of this curse from various sequels or a remake of Toby Hooper's classic haunted house, or from a know-it-all friend talking about how Steven Spielberg actually made this movie.

Spielberg is certainly responsible for the untimely death of dozens of people who starred in his films. And all due to the fact that in his first film he used real human bones, not props. Since then, an inexplicable curse has claimed the lives of the main cast as a result of various tragic or violent circumstances, even the screenwriter was killed in a car accident.

8. Forever locked haunted room

Even if room number 428 left a very small mark on history, it is still no less significant. Stories about the presence of ghosts in one of the rooms of the student hostel at the Ohio University in Athens, have a decade of history, starting with the construction of Wilson Hall, a residence not only for students, but also the ghost of a man who died under mysterious circumstances in the seventies.

Stories still differ, according to some, the spirit of a young woman killed in a cruel occult ritual lives here, according to others, astral projections of former residents were seen here, and, of course, ending with stories about ghosts seen by students and teachers, and paranormal activity - objects raised and thrown into the air.

Since then, Room 428 of Wilson Hall has been tightly sealed. This is not a joke or a publicity stunt by Ohio University, this room is in all seriousness declared uninhabitable, which is why it is closed, and no one has ever entered it since. Not counting, of course, the crew of SyFy's haunted house reality show.

7. The Roswell disaster turned the world upside down

If you've ever heard of Roswell, it's either because you're a kid in the 90s when the quality of talk shows left a lot to be desired, or because you're aware of the conspiracy theory that fueled the love of soap-opera sci-fi alien stories in the first place. . Nearly seventy years later, the story still gives me goosebumps.

Many still do not believe that the Roswell incident can be explained by the fall of a meteorological probe (or a Soviet spy satellite), being sure that the presence of a state secret in the case of an unidentified flying object that suddenly fell to the ground proves that the United States made contact with aliens. Area 51 is hidden from outsiders for a reason.

Even if the UFO was not involved, and there was no autopsy of the alien body, which the popular hosts Ant and Dec talked about in their programs, the incident itself became a landmark for fans of the paranormal and changed pop culture so much that the mere mention of the word "Roswell" causes association with flying saucers. On this occasion, Google even came up with a new doodle!

6. SWAT guys win success

The American military often resorts to all sorts of strange, esoteric, incomprehensible methods for the sake of defeating enemies. Not so long ago they tried to create a "gay bomb" that, when exploded, would force the enemy armies to drop their weapons and start making love to each other, then there are cases when the CIA drugged people with LSD to brainwash them, and finally, a small project called Stargate.

Unfortunately, this project has nothing to do with the unexpectedly long-running series (by the way, a remake by Roland Emmerich is expected soon). Its details came to light thanks to John Ronson's nonfiction book, The Goat Staring People, later adapted into the film Mad SWAT, starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, and Kevin Spacey.

In the seventies, many representatives of the hippie movement were recruited into the ranks of the US Army in order to study possible ways to use weapons and remote control programs in weapons. Including the method of continuously watching goats until they die. It is obvious that the common soldier or hippie soldier was not trained in the use of such weapons, but their innovative methods were applied at the siege of Mount Carmel.

5. The oldest artifacts are evidence of ignorance of history

According to current estimates - based on paleontological data, etc. It is believed that humanity appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago. However, it took us a very long time to evolve from primitive primates.

But then how to explain the Dropa stones, disks dating back 12,000 years, covered with small hieroglyphic symbols? Or even more incomprehensible spheres from Klerksdorp, found in mines in South Africa, which are about 3 billion years old, as well as consisting of pyrophyllite and having depressions and carved grooves around the entire circumference? Pay attention to 10 historical mysteries.

Nobody knows. Seriously, scientists have been puzzling over these mysteries for years. Ufologists say that these things came from extraterrestrial guests who once arrived on the nascent planet, but why didn’t they take evidence of crafts and language with them? Perhaps they left them to inspire the first people to develop civilization.

4. Morgellon's disease, or a disease that is not recognized

A large number of stories about zombies - movies, books, games, etc. - have an inspiring effect on a person, it begins to seem to him that not everything is in order with him. News that tells about another infectious disease that the world has not seen before is most often accompanied by speeches by representatives of the US Center for Disease Control, saying that they have not encountered anything like this before.

What is happening now. CDC officials set the record by saying they are not sure if Morgellon's disease is really a disease that causes painful sores all over the body, if it is contagious, and that for now it has been defined as "unexplained dermopathy."

Changes are inevitable, they will occur along with a change in the physiology of the sick. Some tend to consider Morgellon's disease to be complete nonsense, that people actually think that they are sick, only the cause of the occurrence of real boils all over the body is still unclear. A terrible disease that no one really understands.

3 Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

There is still heated debate about what is really happening in the Bermuda Triangle (according to some estimates, its size is from 804 to 2,430 square kilometers, located in the ocean between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda), but it is possible with certainty to say that a huge number of boats, aircraft and other modes of transport that ever got into this area, never got out of it.

Despite a high number of disappearances, it was never included in the latest list of the 10 most dangerous waters for navigation. Some suggest that UFOs abduct people in this place, while others believe that Atlantis once was in this place, and it is there, in the obscure darkness of the ocean, that people are drawn.

However, something strange is definitely happening in the Bermuda Triangle, as evidenced by the numerous disappearances of civilian and military vehicles. Bombers and warships, all of which mysteriously disappeared here, contributed to the actual number of victims of World War II.

2. Noises from a parallel world underwater

People spend so much time watching the stars in search of strange and wonderful creatures, forgetting that the Earth holds many more surprises. In the end, we still have not explored 95% of the oceans due to the impossibility of being at certain depths due to pressure drops. Can you imagine what strange creatures can live deep in the bowels of the oceans?

It is worth remembering the sound like a roar, a low-frequency powerful noise recorded by experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration deep under water, which no one has ever heard before. It can be compared to the sound of shaking ice blocks, broken parts of the glacier that fell into the water.

Some managed to record this sound very well, but for someone it turned out not so well. The sound itself was discovered in the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 1,760 km, not far from the place where, according to the stories of Howard Lovecraft, Cthulhu himself, the lord of the worlds, lives, which in itself is terrifying. It is clear that there is no Cthulhu there, but the roar at the bottom of the ocean once again reminded us that below, and not just high in the sky, there may be intelligent life that is waiting in the wings.

1. Battle of Los Angeles vs Aliens

The Battle of Los Angeles is arguably one of the most widely publicized and still unsolved mysteries in modern history. Facts remain facts: on the night of February 24-25, 1942, the US military was alerted in response to an attack by an unknown enemy army in the sky over California.

The incident took place a short time after the attack of the Japanese troops on Pearl Harbor, when America had just entered the Second World War, and everyone was on their nerves. In any case, the air defense forces would not have deployed such heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire if the reason was really insignificant. At first they thought that this was the second attack of the Japanese army, but then this version was abandoned.

Secretary of the Navy Franklin Knox called the incident a "false alarm" but was unable to explain the source of the light that caused all the fuss. Ufologists consider this case one of the most significant evidence of paranormal activity in history, the first contact proving that aliens are not at all friendly towards people.

But even if the Battle of Los Angeles is not the first meeting of humans and aliens, it had a different, more tangible impact on history: since then, the number of reports of UFO sightings and military interventions has grown exponentially ...

This article brings to your attention several paranormal phenomena, over which scientists and skeptics have been racking their brains for many years and cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion.

Taos rumble

Taos hum is a low frequency noise of unknown nature. This phenomenon got its name due to the city in which it was registered - Taos, New Mexico. In fact, such phenomena are characteristic not only for this small town: the appearance of inexplicable noises has been noticed in different countries around the world.

Taos rumble audio:

Often, industrial origins are attributed to these sounds. And yet, the situation in Taos is somewhat different: only 2% of the local population hear the noise. In addition, people who have heard the Taos hum note that it is amplified inside buildings, and in the case of ordinary noises of industrial origin, it would be the other way around.

Basically, the nature of this phenomenon is explained in different ways:
1. Ordinary industrial or other noise produced by machines, acoustic systems, etc.
2. Infrasound, which may be of a geological or tectonic nature.
3. Pulsed microwaves
4. Electromagnetic waves
5. Sound waves from low frequency communication systems (e.g. communications on submarines)
6. Radiation in the ionosphere, including that produced within the framework of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
It is important to note that the source of the noises has not been definitively identified despite numerous studies by local universities as well as individuals.

Near death experiences

Near-death experiences are the general name for the personal experiences of people at the moment of their near-death experience. The following phenomenon may provide an answer to questions about the possibility of life after death. Many people who have experienced clinical death claim that such a life exists.

NDEs include physiological, psychological, and transcendental aspects. Despite the fact that different people describe the events that occur to them after near-death experiences in different ways, many elements are common to all:

  • The first sensory impression is a very unpleasant sound (noise);
  • Understanding what is dead;
  • Pleasant emotions: calmness and tranquility;
  • Feeling out of the body, hovering over your own body and watching others;
  • Feeling of moving upward through a bright tunnel of light or a narrow passage;
  • Meeting with deceased relatives or clerics;
  • An encounter with a being of light (often interpreted as a deity);
  • Consideration of episodes of the past life;
  • Reaching a boundary or boundaries;
  • Feeling unwilling to return to the body;
  • Feeling warm despite not wearing clothes.

It is also known that in some cases the experiences following the seventh stage, on the contrary, are extremely unpleasant.
Communities of people who experience or study the paranormal are more open to interpreting near-death experiences as evidence for the existence of an afterlife. In turn, scientists often interpret this phenomenon as hallucinations or fiction.
In 2008, a study was launched in the UK that will study 1,500 near-death patients. The study will involve 25 hospitals in the UK and the US.

Doppelgänger - ghostly doppelgangers

In literature, doppelgangers (German doppelganger - "double") are the demonic counterparts of people, the opposite of a guardian angel. The appearance of a doppelgänger often heralds the hero's death. Despite the fact that they are considered to be literary characters, there are several historical sources that indirectly prove the existence of these creatures.
One of these is the testimony of Queen Elizabeth I, recorded by the chronicler shortly before her death. According to the queen, she saw herself lying on the bed of her bedroom, more precisely, her double, who, according to her, was very pale.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe saw his own double, dressed in a gray suit trimmed with gold, while riding a horse in the direction of Drusenheim (Drusenheim). At the same time, the double was driving in the opposite direction. Eight years later, while traveling from Drusenheim along the same road, Goethe noticed that he was wearing the exact same suit as he had seen on the double.
It is known that Catherine II also saw her copy moving in her direction. Frightened, she ordered the soldiers to shoot her.
An unusual case of a similar nature also happened to Abraham Lincoln: the reflection he saw in the mirror had two faces. Being a superstitious person, Lincoln remembered what he saw for a long time.

Sudarius from Oviedo is a piece of cloth measuring 84 x 53 cm. with blood stains. Some people are inclined to believe that this sudari was wrapped around the head of Christ after his death, as mentioned in the Gospel of John (20:6-7). It is believed that both the sudarius and the shroud were used in the funeral ritual. In the course of the study, the purpose of which was to confirm or refute the authenticity of the sudarium, blood stains remaining on the fabric were examined. As it turned out, the blood on the king and the shroud belongs to the fourth group. In addition, most of the spots on the sudaria come from fluid from the lungs. This is explained by the fact that often people who were crucified did not die from blood loss, but from suffocation.

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