Home Perennial flowers The essence of the doctrine of Christianity. Fundamentals of Christian doctrine. When the Lord ascended from earth to heaven

The essence of the doctrine of Christianity. Fundamentals of Christian doctrine. When the Lord ascended from earth to heaven

Faith of the Saints. Catechism of the Eastern Orthodox Church

Saint Nicholas of Serbia (Velimirović)

Introduction. About the Christian faith

Chapter 1. Origin and sources of the Orthodox faith

Chapter 2. Christian Orthodox Confession of Faith

Chapter 3. The Seven Holy Sacraments

Chapter 4. Old Testament commandments

Chapter 5. New Testament

Introduction. About the Christian faith

What is the essence of the Christian faith?

The Christian faith is based on the fact that Jesus Christ is a witness to the most important mysteries of existence and the owner of knowledge about life. People cannot acquire this knowledge through their own efforts, but only through faith in Him.

What are these most important secrets of existence and life, about which only Christ has true knowledge?

The most important secrets of existence and life are:

The mystery of invisible realities: God, Angels, human souls;

The mystery of the creation of the world and the end of the world;

The mystery of God's providence, leading man and humanity to a specific goal according to His wisdom and omnipotence;

The mystery of the fall of man and his salvation through the incarnation;

The mystery of the Kingdom of God as the ultimate goal of man's earthly life and the right path leading to this goal.

The mystery of the resurrection from the dead, the Last Judgment and eternal life.

Have any other teachers of faith, thinkers and philosophers tried to explain these mysteries?

Yes, many have tried to find an explanation for these mysteries. However, they relied only on the limited powers of the human mind and their reflections on the world and human nature. All their persistent attempts to penetrate these secrets ended only in various assumptions and entire theories that contradicted one another.

What then is the advantage of knowing Jesus Christ?

The advantage of Christ is that He is an eyewitness. He testifies: I speak what I have seen with My Father (John 8:38); and in another place: No one ascended into heaven except the Son of Man who came down from heaven and is in heaven (John 3:13). He said to the teachers of the faith of his time: you are from below, I am from above; You are of this world, I am not of this world (John 8:23). He said to one of the Jewish leaders, “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak about what we know, and we testify about what we have seen” (John 3:11). Then He repeated once again: I am the bread that came down from heaven (John 6:41). And He spoke many other things on this subject with the authority of a witness who had seen all the mysteries of heaven and earth, so people were amazed at His science, for never a man spoke like this Man (John 7:46).

Indeed, in everyday life we ​​trust an eyewitness more than some theorist or philosopher. However, there were other teachers of the faith who claimed that they received their teaching from certain angels, but angels are also eyewitnesses of great mysteries. What does it mean?

It’s true, sometimes the Lord God sent His angels to individual people to teach them and guide them on the right path. But much more often, people experienced false visions, that is, evil spirits appeared to them in the guise of angels. However, in the case of Jesus Christ the situation is different. The angels neither taught Him nor showed Him the way. On the contrary, He himself commanded the angelic army and cast out evil spirits from people. Angels served Him, and demons trembled in horror before Him.

Should we, then, think that Christianity is superior to all other religions of the world?

The Christian faith should not be compared with other religions and, strictly speaking, should not be called a “religion” in the pagan sense of the word. For it is not just one of the various religions, but it is FAITH IN CHRIST AND THE REVELATION OF CHRIST. Christian faith is a personal, unique and complete revelation of God to people for the sake of their enlightenment and salvation. The Lord God will no longer give another Revelation until the very end of the world, and one should not expect the coming of another messiah other than Jesus Christ.

How then should we relate to some of the attempts of our contemporaries to equate the Christian faith with all other religions?

These attempts are erroneous, for the blood of the Son of God cannot be equated with the ink of a writer. This is a dangerous experiment, for God is not mocked (Gal.6:7). And although we, as members of the ancient Eastern Church, are lenient towards every human being, we are strictly forbidden to equate the truth of Revelation, transmitted to us by God, with religions and philosophies created by people.

By what means should we fight against attempts to equalize the Christian faith with other religions?

First of all, by deepening our knowledge about our Orthodox faith, using faith in everyday life, immersing ourselves in faith to the point of self-forgetfulness, like a scientist giving himself entirely to his discovery. Secondly, by wise and noble efforts (in no case by force), helping people to rise from the lowest steps to the heights of our modern faith, and not to descend to imperfect beliefs and mingle with them for the sake of some kind of agreement.

Why do we call our faith life-giving?

Because FAITH and LIFE are inextricably linked, like cause and effect. The Lord Jesus Christ said: he who believes in the Son has eternal life, and he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him (John 3:36). In addition, it was said: the righteous shall live by faith (Heb. 10:38).

Chapter 1. Origin and sources of the Orthodox faith

Where does our Orthodox faith come from?

From God's Revelation.

From what sources can we draw awareness of faith or God's Revelation?

From two sources: Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition.

1.1. Holy Bible

What is Holy Scripture?

The collection of sacred books of the Old and New Testaments is called the Holy Scriptures, or the Bible.

Why is Scripture called Holy?

Because the Most Holy Lord our God inspired holy people to create these books and directed their works in order to teach us a holy life.

What does the word Bible mean?

This word is Greek and means books. However, this word is used here not in the sense of “collection,” but in the sense of “quality,” that is, the meaning of the word refers not to many books, but to the Book of Books, to the top of the pyramid of all the books in the world.

1.1.1. Books of the Old Testament

How are the books of the Old Testament divided?

Into four groups: books of laws, historical, moral and prophetic.

Which books of the Old Testament are considered books of law?

These are the five books of Moses, namely:

Genesis is a book about creation;

Exodus is a book about migration;

Leviticus is a book about priesthood and sacrifices;

Numbers - a book about numbers;

Deuteronomy is a book about the repetition of laws.

What does the book of Genesis teach us?

First of all, it convinces us of the Omnipotence of God and His Wisdom in the creation of the world by the creative Word of God. Secondly, it tells us with what great Love the Lord created man in His image and likeness. Thirdly, it reminds us of the perfect truth of God, who expelled our first parents Adam and Eve from Paradise, who, deceived by Satan, ungratefully turned away from their Creator and believed their destroyer, which led to the tragedy of the human race.

What do the laws of the Old Testament teach us?

They show how God taught people through the inevitable law of Truth to prepare them to learn the law of Love through the Savior Jesus Christ.

Which books of the Old Testament are historical?

The Book of Joshua, The Book of Judges of Israel, The Four Books of Kings, The Books of Chronicles, The First Book of Ezra, The Book of Nehemiah, The Book of Esther.

What do these history books teach us?

From them we learn about the active participation in all significant events of God, who, with the best intentions, corrects and heals the sinful nature of man in order to protect people from the satanic networks of idolatry and turn them to Himself - the One True and Humane God.

Which books of the Old Testament are moral?

Book of Job, Psalms, Proverbs of Solomon, Book of Ecclesiastes or Preacher, Song of Solomon.

What do we learn by reading these moral books?

These books teach us how to relate to all sorts of events in everyday life and how to behave on the zigzags of life's roads, without losing sight of the Lord our God and His Commandments under any circumstances.

Which books of the Old Testament are prophetic?

Books of four great prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.

The books of the twelve minor prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Sophronia, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

In addition, the Church uses: the Book of Wisdom of Solomon, the Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach.

Is this division of the books of the Old Testament strictly defined?

No is not. In the books of laws and prophets one can find many historical facts, and in the books of history there are also prophecies. Among all books, the Psalter occupies a special place. Although the Book of Psalms is usually classified as a moral book, the Psalms are full of prophecies about Christ. In addition, the Psalter is the best prayer book in the entire Bible.

1.1.2. Books of the New Testament

How many books are there in the New Testament?

The New Testament is practically one book, for all of it, from the first to the last page, is devoted to one central theme.

What is the central theme of the New Testament?

At the center of the New Testament is one singular person, that is, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How many small books does the great Book of the New Testament consist of?

The New Testament consists of twenty-seven parts.

Can each of these small parts be called a “book”?

It is possible, if you judge not by its volume, but by its importance. Among them are the Epistles of the Apostles, containing only one printed page.

What books are included in the New Testament?

1. Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John;

2. Acts of the Holy Apostles;

3. Seven Council Epistles: from James - 1, from Peter - 2, from John - 3, from Jude - 1;

4. Fourteen Epistles of the Apostle Paul;

5. Revelation (Apocalypse) of the Apostle John the Theologian.

What does the word "Gospel" mean?

“Gospel” comes from the Greek word evangelion, which means good news, good news.

Why is it called that?

According to the person of Jesus Christ, Who is perfect goodness and perfect newness in the history of mankind.

Who was the first to use the word Evangelion in the New Testament?

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Who in His first sermon told people: “Repent and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15).

What do we learn from the Four Gospels?

We learn that all the promises that God made to men in the Old Testament have been fulfilled, and that all prophecies, from the days of Adam onwards, have been fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.

What else does the Four Gospels teach us?

We learn, on the one hand, of the perfect character of Jesus Christ, far more perfect than any of us can imagine; about His nobility and exceptional love for people; about His willingness to forgive and help; about His humility and outward poverty of clothing; about His sacrifice and suffering for the sake of people. In addition, we learn about His perfect divine origin, His supernatural birth, supernatural miracles, supernatural wisdom, power and love, His miraculous resurrection and miraculous ascension.

What else?

In short, from the Gospels we learn all the basic truths about our Savior and salvation.

How might we then call the Gospels compared to the rest of the books of the New Testament?

The Gospels can be called Books of fundamental truths.

What do we learn from the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of the Apostles?

We will learn about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, about the tireless activity of the apostles in preaching the Good News of Christ, about the organization of the Church, the creation of miracles in the name of Jesus Christ, and we also learn about the life of the first Christians and Christian communities.

How then could the Book of the Acts of the Apostles be called in comparison with the Gospels?

The Acts of the Apostles could be called a book of practical application of the basic truths contained in the Gospels.

What do we learn from the Epistles of the Apostles?

We find there an explanation of the basic truths contained in the Gospels.

How then should these Epistles be called in comparison with the Gospels?

The messages should be called Books of explanation of the basic truths of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

What do we learn from the book of Revelation of St. Apostle John the Theologian?

We learn about the difficult struggle of the Church against all the beasts of light and hell, as well as the final triumph of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, about His victory over all the powers of darkness.

What then should the book of Revelation be called in relation to the Gospels?

Revelation of St. John the Evangelist should be called the Book of the final victory of the fundamental truths contained in the Gospels, which will take place at the end of the world drama, the main character of which from the very beginning was Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

1.2. Sacred Tradition

What is Sacred Tradition?

This is all the spiritual heritage we received from our holy ancestors, which is completely consistent with the Holy Scriptures and helps us to correctly understand the Bible.

What is older: Holy Scripture or Holy Tradition?

Sacred Tradition.

What's more extensive?

Sacred Tradition. The Holy Evangelist John the Theologian confirms this with the words: Jesus did many other things; but if we were to write about this in detail, then, I think, the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (John 21:25).

What does Sacred Tradition cover first?

Sacred Tradition covers:

1. A brief and accurate statement of our Orthodox faith;

2. The doctrine of the seven holy sacraments and the rites associated with them;

3. Apostolic canons (canons);

4. Rules (canons) of the seven ecumenical councils:

I - Nicaea, 325 AD, 318 Holy Fathers,

II - Constantinople, 381 AD, 150 St. Fathers,

III - Ephesus, 431 AD, 200 St. Fathers,

IV - Chalcedon, 451 AD, 630 St. Fathers,

V - Constantinople, 553 AD, 160 St. Fathers,

VI - Constantinople, 680 AD, 170 St. Fathers,

VII - Nicaea, 787 AD, 367 St. Fathers.

(Only about two thousand representatives of the Christian Church from different countries of the world took part in these seven ecumenical councils).

5. Canons and rules of some local councils;

6. Rules on church discipline of St. Basil the Great and other saints;

7. Creations of the Holy Fathers of the Church;

8. Liturgical books;

9. Lives of Christian saints and martyrs;

10. Customs of faith, signs and symbols as exponents of our faith, hope and love.

Is it possible to separate Holy Tradition from Holy Scripture?

No, they are inseparable, for in the light of Holy Tradition we correctly understand Holy Scripture, and in the light of Holy Scripture we value and love Holy Tradition.

What would be the consequences of separating Sacred Tradition from Sacred Scripture?

The consequences of such a separation are disastrous and are expressed in erroneous interpretations of the Bible, heresies, schisms and, ultimately, in the division of the Universal Church.

Who is called to preserve and prevent distortions of the text of Holy Scripture and the purity of Holy Tradition?

The Church, which, according to the Apostle Paul, is the pillar and ground of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). First of all, this is the responsibility of the church hierarchy.

Chapter 2. Christian Orthodox Confession of Faith

What is the essence of the Orthodox faith?

The essence of the Christian faith in the creed of the Eastern Orthodox Church is summarized in the Creed.

Are there other forms of religion besides the Creed?

There are several samples of religion, such as the Apostolic Symbol, the Symbol of St. Athanasius the Great and St. Gregory of Neocaesarea. However, in the Orthodox Church, the most often used is the Creed, compiled at two Ecumenical Councils: in Nicaea (325) and in Constantinople (381).

What does the Creed consist of?

The Creed consists of twelve members:

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, consubstantial with the Father, by Whom all things were;

3. For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human;

4. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;

5. And he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures;

6. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

7. And again He will judge the living and the dead with glory, and His kingdom will have no end;

8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the Prophets;

9. Into One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

11. Tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead;

12. And the life of the next century. Amen.

2.1. Interpretation of the Creed

2.1.1. First member of the Creed

What does the first member of the Creed sound like?

I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

Why do we believe in the only God?

Because only one God is the true God.

What is the very essence of God?

God is spirit, limitless, unchangeable, unattainable, incomprehensible, eternal, beginningless and boundless.

What are the essential properties of God?

God is the most holy, all-good, all-righteous, all-powerful, all-wise, abundantly merciful, long-suffering, omnipresent, omniscient and all-content Spirit.

Why do we call God Father?

Because He is the father of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, and also of all those who become His children by being reborn through Jesus Christ.

Why do we call God the Creator?

Because He created everything visible and invisible by His power and wisdom, and nothing came into being or exists without Him. God is the Creator, Creator and Almighty.

What is meant by heaven?

Heaven is an invisible spiritual world to which an innumerable number of Angels belong.

Who are Angels?

Angels are disembodied and invisible spirits.

Are Angels Similar to People?

Yes. Like people, Angels are individuals endowed with reason, feelings, power and a personal name. Like humans, they find goodness in God.

How are Angels different from people?

Angels are incorporeal and immortal.

Who are Guardian Angels?

These are those Angels who are charged with the duty of protecting and protecting each of the people individually. Christ Himself confirmed this with the following words: See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven (Matthew 18:10).

Are all Angels the same?

All Angels are identical in nature, but differ in glory, power and their deeds. There are nine angelic ranks: Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim, Dominions, Powers, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

What is another name for Angels in the Bible?

Very often they are called the Heavenly Army, the Army of the Lord.

Why are they called the army?

Because they are the divine force that opposes the evil spirits that are against God and attack people.

Who are evil spirits?

Evil spirits are angels who have fallen away from God and become enemies of both God and people.

What is another name for evil spirits?

Evil spirits are otherwise called devils.

What does the word devil mean?

It means: slanderer or seducer. Devils constantly slander God and people.

What evil deeds do devils constantly lead people to do?

They instill in people all sinful desires and lead them to do bad deeds that are contrary to the Commandments of God, mainly hatred, lies and violence. Jesus Christ speaks about this to the unbelieving Jews, His persecutors: Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).

How do you know that some people are seduced by the devil?

This is evidenced by their hatred of God and people, as well as their anger, deception and violence.

What do devils fear most?

The name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Whose name do the atheists hate the most?

The name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2.1.2. Second member of the Creed

How is the second part of the Creed read?

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who was born of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, consubstantial with the Father, by whom all things were;

What does the name Jesus Christ mean?

Jesus means Savior because He came to save people from Satan, sin and death. Christ means the Anointed One (as Kings, High Priests and Prophets have been called since ancient times).

How do we understand that Jesus is the Son of God?

This should be understood to mean that He alone is the Son of God, born from the being of God the Father, and not created by God.

Is there a big difference between the words “born” and “created”?

Yes, very big. Just as a person gives birth to his child of the same nature as himself, but, at the same time, can create, for example, a mechanism that is of a different nature, so God begat His Son from His eternal being, and therefore the Son of God is endowed with the same Divine nature from God the Father. But God also created countless animals and objects that do not possess divine essence.

Why is the Son of God called Light from Light?

God the Father is the eternal Light of wisdom and love, so it is logical that the Son, born of such a Father, is Light from Light.

What do the words mean: true God from true God?

The Son of God is called God in the same true sense as God the Father. Jesus Himself confirmed this with the words: I and the Father are one (John 10:30).

Why do we say: Everything happened to him?

God the Father created everything in heaven and on earth by His Son, which the Bible confirms: All things came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that was made (John 1:3).

2.1.3. Third Member of the Creed

How is the third clause of the Creed read?

For our sake, man and our salvation came down from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human;

Why did the Son of God descend from heaven, that is, from His eternal glory and bliss, descend into this world of suffering?

He came down for the sake of people and for their salvation.

For what reason did He leave heaven? What prompted him to do this?

His mercy and immeasurable love for people.

Did he come to earth for the sake of all people?

Yes, He came to offer salvation to all the people of the earth. However, only those who believed in him and who responded to His love with their love were saved.

What do the words mean: incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary?

Incarnate means that the Son of God took on human flesh. The Blessed Virgin Mary conceived Him supernaturally, miraculously, when the Holy Spirit descended on Her.

How could it happen that the Virgin gave birth to a Son without knowing her husband?

To Almighty God all things are possible. With His power He created at the beginning the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. So here too, the power of the Most High overshadowed Her, and the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus Christ, a perfect Man and a perfect God.

In what ways is Jesus Christ the same as other people?

He had a body and soul like any other person, but he was sinless. He was a perfect man, a man without sin or vice.

How is Jesus Christ different from all other people in the history of the earth?

In one His personality two natures were united, Divine and human. People are people, and He was a God-man.

Why do we call the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of the Lord, the Mother of God?

Because the two natures of our Savior, divine and human, were united at the very conception. So God and man were born from Her at the same time in one person.

Why do we call the Mother of God the Ever-Virgin?

Because She remained and remains a Virgin before the birth, during the birth and after the birth of Jesus Christ; She remained a Virgin forever.

Does the Orthodox Church venerate the Mother of God as a Saint?

Yes, She is revered above all other Saints, and even above the Angels, for God chose Her to be the instrument of salvation for mankind through the birth of the Savior.

ByWhy do we call Jesus Christ Savior?

Because He came down from heaven to save people from Satan, sin and death, for Satan caused sin, and with sin came death.

When did the first sin happen?

In Paradise, when Adam and Eve transgressed the commandment of God and submitted to Satan.

How are other people related to Adam's sin?

All people inherited that sin from their first ancestors. We inherited sin from the ancestors of the human race in the same way as we inherit hereditary diseases from our parents.

Was that first sin the only sin Jesus came to save people?

No, to that first sin countless other sins were added, and under their burden people fell completely under the power of Satan.

Why did God not exalt some man, a genius, to complete the mission of Jesus Christ, in order to thereby spare His Son?

Because all people were sinners and mortals, even the greatest and the best. The whole world lay in sin. Satan and death ruled the world until the only omnipotent Savior, sinless and immortal, stronger than Satan, came down from heaven, bringing liberation and salvation to the human race.

2.1.4. Fourth Member of the Creed

What does the fourth article of the Creed sound like?

She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.

Who slandered and condemned Jesus Christ?

The Jewish elders and Pharisees, who were jealous of Christ, because the people were drawn more to Him, who performed great miracles, but they could not do this.

Who was the judge who condemned Jesus Christ to death?

Pontius Pilate, Roman governor of Palestine, representative of the Roman emperor.

Why is the name of Pontius Pilate specifically emphasized?

To historically confirm the moment of death of Jesus Christ. In the same way, the Emperor Augustus is mentioned in the Gospel parable about His birth.

For what sin or crime did Pilate condemn Christ to death?

No way. Pilate personally confirmed before the elders and people of Judea: I find no guilt in this man (Luke 23:4). Then he said again: I examined before you and did not find this man guilty of anything of which you accuse Him (Luke 23:14). Then he repeated for the third time: I am bringing Him out to you, so that you may know that I find no guilt in Him (John 19:4). However, being afraid of the Jews, who shouted: if you let Him go, you are not a friend of Caesar (John 19:12), Pilate handed Him over to the Jews to be crucified.

How could the Lord God allow Jesus to die such a cruel death, although he was completely innocent?

Jesus died not because of his sin, but because of our sins. The eternal truth of God brought such an innocent and invaluable sacrifice to atone for the sin of Adam and our sins.

Was such a huge sacrifice necessary?

Yes. With this sacrifice, the Lord God showed His boundless love for people: He (God) loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:10).

Why do we call Jesus Christ the Redeemer?

Because Jesus Christ, through His suffering and His death on the cross, atoned for our sin and delivered us from curse and death.

How could He die, being an immortal God?

He died not as God, but as a man. His Divine essence and His soul never experienced death.

What is the uniqueness and greatness of Christ’s sacrifice?

First, in His absolute innocence; secondly, in His boundless love for people and His submission to the will of the Father; and thirdly, in His voluntary desire to die for sinners to save them.

2.1.5. Fifth Member of the Creed

What does the fifth article of the Creed sound like?

And he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures;

What event was Christ's greatest victory?

His resurrection from the dead.

What most proved that He is Almighty God?

Again, His resurrection from the dead.

What event testifies to Christ's victory over Satan?

His descent into hell.

What is hell?

The kingdom of pitch darkness, where Satan wields the power of death. Christ was able by His death to deprive the one who had the power of death (Heb. 2:14), that is, the devil.

Why did Jesus Christ descend to hell?

By His descent into hell He made Satan tremble and flee from His face. He gladdened the myriads of human souls languishing there with His coming.

What did Jesus Christ do for the souls of people suffering in hell?

He preached His Gospel - the Good News of victory over death and confirmed His victory over Satan and over death. And after many believed Him, they were saved.

When did the resurrection of Jesus Christ occur?

On the third day after His death, that is, exactly as He predicted many times to His disciples. Jesus Christ died on Friday and rose again on Sunday.

Who was the first to know about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

The soldiers whom the Jews ordered to guard His tomb.

Whom did they notify about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Jewish high priests and elders.

How did the elders and high priests receive this news?

They were afraid and worried, bribed the guards, giving them enough money, and ordered it to be announced to everyone that His disciples, coming at night, stole Him while we were sleeping (Matthew 28:13).

Which of the admirers of Jesus Christ was the first to know about His resurrection?

The women who followed Him from Galilee. The angels who appeared before them at His tomb said: Why are you looking for the living among the dead? He is not here: He has risen (Luke 24:5-6).

How and to whom did Jesus Christ irrefutably prove that He rose from the dead?

He proved that He was alive physically to His disciples and followers, not just once, but many times, appearing to them alive for forty days, as evidenced by the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of the Apostles and Revelation.

What did Jesus Christ do during the 40 days from His resurrection to His ascension into heaven?

For forty days He continued to speak to His disciples about the greatest mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

Why is it said that Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day according to scripture?

Because there were prophetic words about His resurrection back in the Old Testament (for example, Ps. 15:9-10; Is. 53). Jesus Christ Himself compared Himself with the prophet Jonah, saying: just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). And again, after His resurrection, He said to the apostles: Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day (Luke 24:46).

2.1.6. Sixth Member of the Creed

What does the sixth article of the Creed sound like?

And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

When did the Lord ascend from earth to heaven?

On the fortieth day after His resurrection.

What do we call this day?

Ascension Day.

From what place did the Lord ascend to heaven?

From the Mount of Olives.

Who was an eyewitness to His ascension?

All His faithful disciples.

Why did the Lord ascend to heaven?

Because He completed His service to people and after that He ascended to His eternal abode.

Did he ascend to heaven in human form?

Yes, in the guise of a real person whose body has risen from the dead.

Why was His ascension visible to many witnesses?

To convince everyone who believed in Him that they too would ascend to heaven after the general resurrection of the dead.

What do the words mean: sits at the right hand of the Father?

This means that Jesus Christ has the same greatness, glory and power with God the Father. Before His ascension, He confirmed this to His disciples, saying: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me (Matthew 28:18).

2.1 .7. Seventh Article of the Creed

What does the seventh article of the Creed sound like?

And again the coming one will be judged with glory by the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end;

What does the seventh article of the Creed teach us?

It says:

about the future coming of Christ;

about His future judgment over the living and the dead;

that His eternal Kingdom of Heaven will be fulfilled.

Will the second coming of Christ be different from the first?

The second coming will be completely different. At His first coming He was humble, ready to serve people and suffer for them. And the second time He will come in His majesty and glory to judge people, living and dead.

How does He Himself speak about His second coming?

He said: when the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory, and all nations will be gathered before Him; and will separate one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matt. 25:31-32). And after this He will judge the righteous and the sinners according to their deeds.

Is there any description of His second coming?

There are several. For example, the Apostle Paul, comforting those who grieve for their dead, says: The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first (1 Thess. 4:16).

Is there still some evidence from heaven about His second coming?

Eat. During His ascension, two angels appeared and said to the apostles: Why are you standing and looking at heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him going into heaven (Acts 1:11).

What else has been revealed to us about the final judgment?

Christ Himself said that when He returns in His power and glory, He will reward everyone according to their deeds (Matthew 16:27).

What will He then say to the believers and the virtuous?

Then the King will say... come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25:34).

What will He say to unbelievers and sinners?

Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

And what will happen in the end?

The virtuous will receive eternal life and bliss, and the sinners will receive eternal torment.

What will the second coming of the Lord be like?

Lightning fast! Just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (Matt. 24:27).

When will the second coming, and the Last Judgment, and the end of the world?

The time of these amazing events is not revealed to us. Only our Lord reminded us that we should always be ready to meet Him: therefore, be ready, for at an hour when you do not think, the Son of Man will come (Matthew 24:44).

How to prepare for this terrible day?

Correct thinking, correct feelings and righteous deeds, done according to His science, according to the advice of the Church and following the example of the Saints of God.

Did Jesus Christ mention any signs indicating that the end of the world was approaching?

Yes. He mentioned that such signs would be: wars, revolutions, earthquakes, riots, famine, plague, slavery, false prophets, betrayals, increasing hatred and decreasing love, strange signs in the sky, pictures of terrible disasters, enmity between nations, and so on.

Do we believe that Jesus Christ will overcome all these adversities?

We firmly believe. In all these troubles and misfortunes, our Lord and Savior will win all saved souls, as He foresaw at the beginning of the drama of the world. Not one of those who believes in Him and calls on His name will perish.

2.1.8. Eighth Article of the Creed

What does the eighth article of the Creed sound like?

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the Prophets;

Why is the Holy Spirit called Lord?

He is called so with full right, just as God the Father and the Son of God are called Lord.

Is the Holy Spirit God?

Of course, God, the True God is from the true God, only He is not born of the Father, like the Son, but comes from the Father.

How then can we say that we believe in one God?

We truly believe in one God, the great mystery about whom Christ revealed to us. He revealed to us the secret of the complete agreement of the three Divine hypostases of one and the same being of God. Therefore, we speak of the Triune God, or the Holy Trinity, as one God.

Did the Lord reveal Himself in the Old Testament as the Most Holy Trinity?

Not entirely clear. The prophet Isaiah in his vision heard the seraphim singing to God on the throne: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts (Is. 6:3). The word holy repeated three times corresponds to the three hypostases of God.

Why didn't the Lord reveal Himself in the Old Testament as the Most Holy Trinity?

Just as a person does not reveal his soul to servants and strangers, but confides his innermost secrets to his children, so God revealed the secret of His existence not to “strangers” people who were servants and slaves of the Law, but withheld the Revelation for His children, the children of Love proclaimed in the New Testament.

How much is the mystery of the Holy Trinity revealed in the New Testament?

Only as much as a person can contain while in his body. Archangel Gabriel announced to the Blessed Virgin: the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). Therefore, the entire Trinity is mentioned here: Spirit, Father and Son.

Is there another example?

There is another one. During the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, the sky was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are my beloved Son; I am well pleased in You (Luke 3:21-22).

Is there anything else?

The Holy Evangelist John clearly points out: for three testify in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one (1 John 5:7). By the Word, the Apostle John means the Son and speaks about this in his Gospel: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; and we have seen His glory, as of the only begotten of the Father (John 1:14).

Another example?

The Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples: Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

Why is the Sublated Spirit called Life-Giving?

Because there is no real life without the Holy Spirit either in heaven or on earth.

Why does the Orthodox Church teach that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father (in contrast to non-Orthodox people who claim that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son)?

Because the Orthodox Church reasons logically and believes that God knows about Himself better than people know about Him. And our Lord God Jesus Christ, who announced the mystery of the Divine essence, revealed to His disciples about the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit proceeds from the Father, saying: The Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me (John 15:26).

Why is it said that the Holy Spirit spoke through the mouth of the Prophets?

Because this is an indisputable fact. The Holy Apostle Peter writes: no prophecy in Scripture can be resolved by oneself. For prophecy was never made by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:20-21).

Were the Apostles also inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit?

Certainly! However, the Apostles are not mentioned in the Creed, because no one doubted this when the Creed was compiled. Only the Prophets are mentioned, since in those days heretics denied the fact that the Old Testament was created by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Has the Holy Spirit ever appeared in visible form?

He appeared in the form of a dove during Jesus' baptism. In addition, He appeared in the guise of divided tongues of fire and descended on the Apostles on the Day of the Spirit, on the Fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ.

Can any Christian become a partaker of the Holy Spirit?

A true Christian can, for this follows from the words of Jesus Christ, full of reproach: If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). The Holy Apostle Paul wrote: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you? (1 Cor. 3:16)

What gifts do we receive when we have been rewarded with the Holy Spirit?

All kinds of gifts of virtue: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fear of God, courage, modesty, piety and others.

How can you be rewarded with the Holy Spirit and His gifts?

Through strict control of your heart and tongue; through fervent prayer and love; through the Sacraments.

2.1.9. Ninth Member of the Creed

What does the ninth article of the Creed sound like?

Into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

What is the Church?

The Church is a completely special society of people throughout the history of mankind, for in essence it is the family of God, created by the Word and Blood of Jesus Christ and led by God the Father and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

What did Christ say about the Church?

Jesus Christ said: I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18).

Who is the head of the Church?

The ever-living Christ, who said: I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). And the Apostle Paul spoke of how the Heavenly Father glorified His Son Jesus Christ and placed Him above all, as the head of the Church, which is His Body (Eph. 1:22-23).

How do Christ and the members of His Church relate to each other?

The Apostle Paul expressed this very clearly in his words: together you are the body of Christ, and individually you are members (1 Cor. 12:27).

Who are the members of the Church?

People, men and women, all those who are united by the true faith, the same hope, bound by the same Law of God of love, sanctified by the same Holy Sacraments, and governed by bishops and clergy.

How is the Church different from all other worldly public organizations?

The attitude towards its members, for even the dead remain members of the Church, which is not the case in any secular organization.


When a member of the Church ends his life's journey on earth, he parts only with his body, but does not part with the Church. His soul goes to the Heavenly Church. This is why there are two wings of the Church: the visible Church and the invisible Church.

Who belongs to the visible Church?

All those Christians who live on earth in visible bodies and fight for Christian perfection.

Who belongs to the invisible Church?

All those Christians who died in true faith in Christ over the past twenty centuries, as well as the Old Testament righteous whom the Lord saved during His descent into hell.

Do our deceased parents, brothers, sisters, children, relatives and friends belong to the invisible Church?

Of course, but provided that they lived and died as Christians.

Which of the Churches is more numerous: visible or invisible?

The Invisible Church is much larger, and the number of its members is constantly growing.

Is there a connection between the visible Church on earth and the invisible Church in heaven?

Exists. We resort to the help of the Saints belonging to the heavenly Church.

What is this connection expressed in?

In the prayers of living members of the Church for the dead and in works of mercy, on the one hand, and in the prayers and concerns of the dead for the living, on the other hand.

What are the main features of Christ's Church?

The Church of Christ is one, holy, universal and apostolic.

Why do we say that the Church is one?

Because it represents a single spiritual body, the head of which is Jesus Christ, with one Holy Spirit abiding in it. The Apostle Paul, speaking about the sevenfold unity of the Church, said: one body and one Spirit... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all (Eph. 4:4-6).

How should we understand that there are independent Churches within the one Orthodox Church?

The independence of private Churches, that is, parts of the one Universal Church, is expressed in the use of the language of their people or in some external differences that are subject to Canonical rules. In other words, these Churches are members of the single body of the Universal Church, and they, like the branches of one tree, are nourished from the same root by the same juices.

What independent Churches exist in the Orthodox Church?

Constantinople, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Greece, Cyprus, Sinai, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian, Georgian, Albanian, Polish, Czech lands and Slovakia.

Are they the same?

They are related, which is why they are called sister churches. In addition, the Russian and Balkan Churches call the Church of Constantinople the Mother Church because they accepted Christianity from Constantinople.

Who rules the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Ecumenical Council, which consists of representatives of all independent sister Churches.

Who leads the local Churches?

Patriarch, Metropolitan or Archbishop with the Council of Bishops.

Can a person be saved without the Church?

No, it cannot, for the Church is the sacristy of God’s grace, without which no one can be saved, just as a hand cut off from the body cannot live.

Why is the Church called holy?

Because it is sanctified by the holiness of its Founder, Jesus Christ, His holy Word, works, sacrifice and suffering for the sole purpose of saving people and leading them to holiness. In addition, the Church has given and is constantly giving many new saints and even more martyrs.

How does the Bible talk about the holiness of the Church?

Here is one example: Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her in order to sanctify her, cleansing her with the washing of water through the word; that he might present it to himself as a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:25-27).

Do sinners who belong to Her defame the Church?

Sinners discredit themselves, and not the entire Church, just as smoke from a chimney cannot pollute all the air of the earth.

ByCan the Church correct sinners?

Helps a lot. This is a very important task of the Church - to cleanse sinners from their sins in order to make them righteous members of the holy family of God.

What does the Church do with sinners who stubbornly refuse to come to repentance?

The Church cuts off unrepentant sinners from its body like dead members. The Lord said this: if he who has sinned does not listen to the church, then let him be to you as a pagan (Matthew 18:17).

Why is the Church called Universal?

Because it is not limited by place, time, people, or language. She addresses all of humanity. The risen Lord sent His apostles to teach all nations.

For what other reason is the Church called Universal?

It is also called Ecumenical because it includes all the truths and all the means necessary for the salvation of every human soul in the whole world.

ByWhy is the Church called Apostolic?

Because the spirit, teaching and works of the Apostles of Christ are completely preserved in the Church.

Should the Church obey the Apostles in everything?

Must obey in everything.


Because Christ Himself chose the apostles and endowed them with the authority to speak and work in His name. Advising, He said to them: you will testify, because you have been with Me from the beginning (John 15:27).

Should we obey the Apostles as we obey Jesus Christ?

They must, for He said to the apostles: whoever receives you receives Me (Matthew 10:40). Even moreover, He threatened the cities that would not accept the apostles with threatening words: Truly I say to you, it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city (John 10:15).

What special power did the Lord give to His apostles?

The power to bind and loose from sin. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18). And it was also said on this same occasion: whose sins you forgive, they will be forgiven; those whose sins you retain, they will be retained (John 20:23).

What is apostolic succession?

This is the preservation by the legal hierarchy of the Church of the teachings of the apostles and the acceptance of the grace of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their transmission through an unbroken chain of church authority from the apostles to the bishops, from bishops to priests and deacons through ordination.

Has our ancient Orthodox Church preserved apostolic succession?

Yes, I saved it.

Of course. We should be grateful to God and our parents for this.

2.1.10. Tenth Member of the Creed

What does the tenth article of the Creed sound like?

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

What is baptism?

This is the solemn holy Sacrament through which we become legal members of the Church.

How many sacraments are there in the Orthodox Church?

Seven: 1. Baptism; 2. Confirmation; 3. Communion; 4. Repentance; 5. Priesthood; 6. Marriage; 7. Blessing of Oil.

Why is only the sacrament of Baptism mentioned in the Creed?

First of all, because through the holy sacrament of Baptism we receive grace as newborn children of God in order to become Christians. Only after this are we allowed to begin all other sacraments for the sake of our spiritual growth.

Is there any other reason?

There is a reason, and it is that at the time of the preparation of the Creed, disputes flared up between the Orthodox Fathers of the Church and some heretics on the issue of the sacrament of Baptism, but there were no disputes about other sacraments.

Why do we say one baptism?

Because the sacrament of Baptism is performed on one person only once and cannot be repeated. We are born physically only once, so spiritual birth can only happen once.

2.1.11. Eleventh Member of the Creed

What does the eleventh article of the Creed sound like?

Tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead;

What does the resurrection of the dead mean here?

This means that God, by His will, will make immortal not only our souls, but also our bodies. Therefore, any immortal soul will acquire its immortal body according to its deeds.

What types of bodies are there?

According to the Apostle Paul, there is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:44).

After the resurrection, will the dead rise in the same bodies in which they were buried?

No, for the bodies of the dead are perishable. They will be resurrected in spiritual bodies that are immortal and incorruptible.

Like Gowill God raise the dead?

With His Word, just as He created the world with His Word, just as He resurrected with His Word the dead girl, and the dead young man, and Lazarus. The same thing will happen in the event of a general resurrection: the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and, having heard, will live (John 5:25).

What will happen to the living at the time of the resurrection of the dead?

Their bodies will instantly change and become spiritual and immortal, but in accordance with their deeds and disposition.

When will there be a general resurrection of the dead?

At the end of the world, when the Lord God counts that the number of saved and chosen ones has been fulfilled.

What state are the souls of the dead in before the general resurrection?

In the state that corresponds to their deeds during their stay in their bodies on earth, that is, either in a state of anticipation of eternal bliss, or in a state of anticipation of eternal torment.

By what court is the soul condemned to temporary bliss or temporary torment?

The so-called separate, preliminary court.

When is there a separate trial?

Immediately after the death of a person.

At what trial will it be decided what awaits the soul: eternal bliss or eternal torment?

At the last general judgment, which is also called the Last Judgment.

When will the Last Judgment be?

At the end of the world, after the resurrection of the dead.

What is the difference between a separate court and a final court?

At a separate judgment, only the souls of individuals are judged, but at the general final judgment, both souls and bodies will be judged together.

Why do not the souls of the righteous immediately after leaving this life receive eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Because they will wait for all of us, the rest, whom they always remember and for whom they always ardently stand up.

And for what other reason?

They await reunification with their resurrected bodies. The multitude of human beings in the Kingdom of Heaven will differ from the multitude of Angels in that they will have spiritual bodies, while the Angels are completely incorporeal.

2.1.12. Twelfth Member of the Creed

What does the twelfth article of the Creed sound like?

And the life of the next century.

What do the words life of the next century mean?

This is the life that will begin after our death and resurrection.

What will the life of the righteous of the next century be like?

True and full life in union with God and with the heavenly family of God; a life of crystal purity and divine glory, eternal light and joy.

What did Jesus Christ say about the righteous of the next century?

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matthew 13:43).

Will all the righteous receive equal blessedness and the same glory?

Despite the fact that a blessed life will come for all the righteous, they will differ, just as the sun differs from the month and the stars from one another: the glory of the sun is different, the glory of the moon is different, and the stars are different; and star differs from star in glory (1 Cor. 15:41).

Why does God, the All-Merciful and Long-suffering, not save criminals and atheists who persist in sin?

Because they themselves do not want salvation. They reject the call of God, despise the cross of Christ, resist God's Law, do not believe the Truth, but rejoice in untruth, oppress the Church and persecute believers; in a word, they side with Satan against God and never repent.

Can sinners repent after death?

No, they can't. Only in this world can people choose who to be: voluntary servants of Christ or Satan. After death, they will join their master, whom they chose and followed in their earthly life. The Lord Jesus Christ said to His servants: where I am, there will My servant also be (John 12:26).

Chapter 3. The Seven Holy Sacraments

What is the Holy Sacrament?

The Holy Sacrament is a visible sacred act through which the invisible saving power, which is called God's grace, brings miraculous gifts to those who receive them.

What is God's grace?

God's grace is those gifts of God that God the Father gives through the Holy Spirit, but according to the merits of the Son.

What are these gifts?

These are all kinds of grace-filled gifts necessary for our rebirth, sanctification and salvation.

Is it true that we are saved only by God's grace?

Yes, if we voluntarily accept God's grace with faith, which is expressed through good deeds.

How many holy sacraments are there in the Orthodox Church?

There are only seven of them: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion, Repentance, Priesthood, Marriage and Blessing of Anointing.

Which Holy Sacraments can be repeated and which cannot?

The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Priesthood cannot be repeated. The rest are possible.

3.1. Holy Sacrament of Baptism

What is the sacrament of Baptism?

Baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer is cleansed of all sins, inherited and personal, and, like a newborn child, enters into the Church of Christ.

What is the most important thing in the sacrament of Baptism?

Three times immersion in water in the name of the Most Holy Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit with the appropriate prayers of the priest.

Why do we believe that baptism is necessary for any member of the Church?

First, Jesus Christ sanctified Baptism by His own example. Secondly, we must adhere to His commandment given to the disciples: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Third, we must remember His strict reminder: unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).

What is the significance of being immersed in water three times and emerging from the water at Baptism?

Being submerged three times means death to sins against the Holy Trinity, and emerging from the water three times symbolizes rebirth to life in God.

What three things does the priest require from the person being baptized?

Renunciation of Satan, repentance and acceptance of Orthodoxy according to the Creed.

When infants are baptized, who on their behalf guarantees renunciation of Satan, repentance and true faith?

For babies, these words are pronounced by the godfather, or godfather.

What are the responsibilities of a godfather (godfather)?

The godfather (godfather) must educate and teach his godson the true faith.

What kind of veneration is given to the godfather (godfather)?

Orthodox Christians greatly reverence godfathers, considering them spiritual successors.

Why is it necessary to baptize infants?

Firstly, out of fear that the child, if he dies unbaptized, will be excluded from the Christian family and therefore at the Last Judgment will appear among the atheists. Secondly, because the apostles baptized children. Thirdly, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself loved children very much and demanded: let the children come to Me (Mark 10:14).

How should we treat parents who, out of their irresponsibility, allow their baby to die unbaptized?

Like the killers of their own children.

What should you do if the baby is very sick and there is no priest?

In such an exceptional case, the Church allows any Orthodox Christian, man or woman, to perform the baptism ceremony in the shortest possible way, that is, immerse the child in water three times, while saying the words: “The servant of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen ". If the baby survives, the parish priest must subsequently complete the Baptism and perform Confirmation.

3.2. Holy Sacrament of Confirmation

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is a sacrament through which a baptized person receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening and making him wise, helping him to maintain the true faith and live in chastity.

How is this sacrament performed over baptized people?

The priest anoints individual parts of the body of a baptized person with holy oil, while pronouncing the words: “Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Where did these words come from?

From the Epistle of the Apostle Paul, which says: He who establishes you and me in Christ and anointed us is God, who sealed us and gave the deposit of the Spirit into our hearts (2 Cor. 1:21-22).

Why is the forehead anointed first?

To sanctify the mind to think about God and His teachings.

What does anointing the breast mean?

To sanctify the heart for the love of God.

Why are the eyes anointed?

To sanctify them to see the grace of God in every creation.

Why are ears anointed?

To sanctify them to hear the word of God.

Why are cheeks anointed?

To sanctify them to express joy in good deeds and shame in sins.

Why are the lips anointed?

To sanctify them for the glorification of the Lord God and so that they always speak truthfully and well.

Why are hands anointed?

To sanctify them for good and noble works before God.

Why are feet anointed?

To sanctify them and guide the Christian along the true path leading to the Kingdom of God.

How can all this be expressed briefly?

To sanctify the whole person, his soul and his body, his deeds and his behavior, so that he becomes holy, as God is holy.

Is it correct to perform the sacrament of Confirmation immediately after Baptism?

That’s right, for it is said so both in the Holy Scriptures and in the Holy Tradition. Baptism with water symbolizes purification, and anointing means sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Read: 1 John 2:20-27; 2 Cor.1:21-22; Acts 7:14-16, and also Exodus 29:4-7. It follows from the Bible that one sacrament is not separated from another.

Who performs the sacrament of confirmation?

The priest, however, not without the participation of the bishop in this sacrament. Bishops prepare and illuminate the holy myrrh, without which the priest cannot perform the sacrament of confirmation.

Does the Old Testament speak of anointing, which became a prototype of the sacrament of confirmation?

Yes, it says. In ancient times, kings were anointed as kings. This is stated in 1 Samuel 10:1; 16:13. At present, all Christians are anointed, for Christ has made us kings and priests to His God and Father (Rev. 1:6).

3.3. Holy Sacrament of Communion

What is Communion?

Communion is a sacrament in which a Christian believer, under the guise of bread and wine, receives the very Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who established the sacrament of Communion?

Our Lord Jesus Christ administered communion to His disciples for the first time at the Last Supper, on the eve of His suffering and death.

How did Jesus Christ give communion to the Apostles?

This is stated in the Gospel: And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and giving it to the disciples, said, Take, eat: this is My body. And taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins (John 26:26-28).

During what service in the church is the Sacrament of Communion prepared and celebrated?

During the most important church service, which is called the Divine Liturgy.

Why is the Divine Liturgy more important than all other church services?

Because it reveals the whole drama of the life of Jesus Christ from His Nativity to His Ascension into heaven.

What moment of the Divine Liturgy is the most important?

The transubstantiation of bread and wine performed by a bishop or priest.

Why is the Sacrament of Communion celebrated in church all the time?

Because Jesus Christ commanded so: do this in remembrance of Me (Luke 22:19).

Why is it necessary to receive communion?

Because our eternal life depends on it. Jesus Christ said: he who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:54).

What are the consequences of not taking the sacrament?

In this case, we are in mortal danger, for the Lord said quite clearly: unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you (John 6:53).

How should one prepare for the Sacrament of Communion?

By fasting and prayer, confessing our sins and forgiving those who have sinned against us.

What do we receive through the sacrament of Communion?

We take into ourselves the living Jesus Christ Himself and, united with Him, we receive eternal life, which He himself spoke about this way: he who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him (John 6:56).

Can this be explained by some example from life?

The baby takes his mother's milk, which is essentially her body and blood, and, feeding on this, grows. Likewise, during Communion we eat the Body and Blood of the Lord, and from this food our souls grow and improve.

What more could be said about the food of our souls?

Our bodies are created from dust, from earth, and therefore feed on earthly food, but our souls have a heavenly essence and therefore must feed on heavenly food. Jesus Christ said this about Himself: I am the bread that came down from heaven (John 6:58).

How often should you take communion?

At the very least four times a year (during four fasts). However, it is advisable to start communion as often as possible, depending on your readiness for communion. It is especially important to receive communion during illness.

What prayer should be said before communion?

“I believe, O Lord, and confess that You are the true Christ, the Son of the living God, Who came down from heaven into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

I also believe that here is Your true and most pure Body and Your most pure Blood.

Therefore, I pray to You: have mercy on me and forgive me my sins, committed voluntarily or involuntarily, knowingly or unknowingly, in word or deed, and grant me, without condemnation, to partake of Your holy Mysteries for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.”

3.4. WITHholy sacrament of repentance

What is Repentance?

Repentance is a Sacrament in which the repentant receives remission of sins and reconciliation with God.

Which sins are forgiven through the sacrament of repentance, and which are not?

All sins that we committed after baptism and which we confessed to the priest and repented of are forgiven.

However, inherited sin cannot be forgiven by repentance alone, without baptism. In addition, some mortal sins cannot be forgiven, for example, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the future (Matt. 12:32).

What is required to perform this Sacrament?

Confession of sins before the priest, after which the priest reads a prayer and, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, absolves the sins of the person who repents.

How do we know that a person who repents will have his sins forgiven?

This is known from the Bible and Sacred Tradition. Jesus Christ forgave the sins of the repentant, and the Apostles did the same. From the Holy Tradition the names of many sinners are known who repented of their sins, changed their lives and became Saints.

Who gave the right to bishops and priests to forgive sins?

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Who said to His apostles: Whose sins you forgive, they will be forgiven; On whomever you leave it, it will remain on him (John 20:23).

If someone has sinned against his neighbor, and he has forgiven him, then does the sinner need to go to confession to a priest?

It is recommended, because every evil directed against people is also directed against God. There are no sins that do not harm God. Therefore, it is necessary to always come to the priest for confession and absolution.

With what spiritual disposition should one go to confession?

With sincere repentance and a contrite heart, with a feeling of forgiveness for all who have sinned against us, and with the decision to submit to the priest if he imposes penance.

What kind of penance (punishment) can a priest impose?

Very different, depending on the severity of our sins, for example, fasting, praying, compensating the victim, doing a merciful deed, or even excommunicating us from communion for a while.

How often should you repent?

The more often the better. It is necessary to confess before the sacrament of communion. Finally, we need to confess during a serious illness, for we do not know the day of our death. Therefore, one must be ready, absolutely ready, to join the heavenly family of God as a repentant, free from sin, blessed child of God.

3.5. Holy Sacrament of Priesthood

What is the essence of the Sacrament of Priesthood?

The priesthood is a Sacrament in which the Holy Spirit, through the laying on of hands of bishops, imparts grace and the right to those who are ordained as a priest or bishop to perform the remaining sacraments of the Church and guide the spiritual life of their flock.

How many degrees are there in the Sacrament of Priesthood?

Three degrees: bishop, priest and deacon.

How are they different?

A bishop can perform all seven Sacraments of the Church, a priest can perform six, except for the Sacrament of the Priesthood, and a deacon helps the bishop and priest, but cannot perform the Sacraments himself.

Who ordains a bishop?

Two or more bishops.

Who are bishops?

Bishops are the heirs of the Apostles.

Who established the church hierarchy?

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself as the first High Priest, as stated in the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Jews. He, as the source of all authority and right in His Church, gave the apostles the authority to teach, heal and forgive sins.

What does the church hierarchy look like?

Above all is Jesus Christ as the eternal High Priest, from him come the Apostles, from the Apostles come the bishops, and from the bishops come the priests and deacons.

Why is it necessary to lay on hands in this Sacrament?

First of all, this is what the Apostles did. In this case, by laying on hands on the person being ordained, spiritual power is transferred. In this way, ecclesiastical authority and sacred rites are legally connected.

Can there be any church community that does not recognize the bishop and does not obey him?

No, it cannot, for such a part of the Church is torn away from the body of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church and is deprived of the grace of God.

Why do we call the priest father?

Because through the priest we are born again at Baptism as children of God. From our hands during Communion we receive heavenly food (the Body and Blood of the Lord). In the Sacrament of Repentance we receive from him the remission of sins, and in the other Sacraments we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In addition, the priest constantly prays for us, teaches us, gives us advice, warns us, and guides us. Therefore, priests are actually our spiritual fathers. Of course, they must be worthy of this name and their great mission.

3.6. Sacrament of Marriage

What is Marriage?

The Holy Sacrament of Marriage, or wedding, is the Sacrament through which the Holy Spirit unites into a single being a Christian and a Christian woman, who before the priest without hesitation declare that they will love each other all their lives and remain faithful, and receive the blessing to give birth in marriage and raise children .

How did God bless the first married couple?

The Lord God blessed our first parents Adam and Eve in Paradise and said: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28).

What is the unity of husband and wife in marriage?

This union is the closest bond of all relationships that bind people, for it is said: a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and the two will become one flesh (Gen. 2:24).

Did the Lord Jesus Christ confirm this ancient covenant of marriage?

Did the Lord Jesus Christ sanctify marriage?

He sanctified marriage by His presence at the wedding in Cana of Galilee and by turning water into wine at that wedding.

What meaning did He give to marriage?

The Lord gave marriage a deeper meaning. Just as water turned into wine, so in His presence carnal love is transformed into spiritual love between two souls.

Has the New Testament brought about any changes in views on childbearing?

The birth of children in pre-Christian times was intended to fill the earth, and the purpose of Christian marriage was to fill the Church of Christ on earth and in heaven, and ultimately to fill Paradise.

Does Christian marriage have some deeper symbolic meaning?

It has. The Apostle Paul compares the marriage bond of husband and wife with the bond of Christ and His Church. Therefore, he emphasizes that, like Christ, Who is the head of the Church, the husband should be the head of the wife. Just as a man and a woman become one in marriage, so Jesus and His Church are one and inseparable.

3.7. Sacrament of Anointing

What is Blessing of Anointing?

The Sacrament of Anointing consists of the prayers of the priest and the anointing of the sick person with consecrated oil, through which the grace of God is invoked on the sick person for his recovery.

What is meant by illness here?

A disease of both body and soul.

How does the grace of God work in this Sacrament?

She heals the body of its infirmities and cleanses the soul of its sins.

Since when has this sacrament been performed in the Church?

Since the time of Jesus Christ. At the command of Jesus, the apostles went to preach the Gospel to different nations and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them (Mark 6:13).

How was this sacrament given to bishops and priests?

According to the commandment of the Apostles. The Apostle James writes quite clearly: if any of you is sick, let him call the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will forgive him (James 5:14-15).

Is the Sacrament of Anointing performed only on the seriously ill and dying?

No. This truly miraculous Sacrament is also performed on those who are mildly ill.

3.8. Teaching of the Orthodox Church on the Holy Sacraments

Church says:

1. BAPTISM: the cleansing of people from all sins, which is consistent with the world's teaching about purity.

2. ANOINTING: strengthening, enlightenment by the Holy Spirit, which is consistent with the worldly desire to receive education and upbringing.

3. COMMUNION: feeding the soul with God's bread and wine, which corresponds to the physical need for nutrition.

4. MARRIAGE: selflessness - complicity, which echoes friendly help and meets the instinct of procreation.

5. REPENTANCE: self-condemnation, cleansing of one’s sins with tears, which corresponds to the worldly teaching about truthfulness.

6. Anointing: treatment of the soul, which corresponds to medical care for the body in the hospital.

7. ORDINANCE: management, direction, direction to God, which in public life meets the need for order, power and service.

Society says:





Chapter 4. Old Testament commandments

There are three types of God's commandments:

The most ancient commandments, the Old Testament and the New (last) Testament.

The most ancient commandments were not written down. The law of God was sealed in the hearts of men and in their conscience, as the Apostle Paul says about the pagans: when the pagans, who do not have the law, by nature do what is lawful, then, not having the law, they are a law unto themselves: they show that the work of the law is with them written in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness (Rom. 2:14-15).

This ancient unwritten law was common to all of Adam’s descendants. Since the time of the forefathers, it has been transferred from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, and has been preserved through the centuries as Sacred Tradition.

However, through Satan's incessant efforts and the corruption of men, this natural Law has disappeared from men's hearts. Therefore, the Lord God, through Moses, fifteen centuries before Christ, gave people the Law written on tablets. This written Law is called the Old Testament.

None of these two Laws could save the human race from the three main evils: from Satan, from sin and from death. These Laws were only preparatory, leading people to the last Law of God, called the New Testament. This New Law of God was given to people through our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is the Old Testament?

This Law of God, which God gave through Moses on Mount Sinai, was written on two tablets of stone and consisted of the Ten Commandments.

What do the Ten Commandments sound like?

1. I am the Lord your God... You shall have no other gods before Me.

2. Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything that is in the sky above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water below the earth.

3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain.

4. Work six days and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.

5. Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long.

6. Don't kill.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Don't steal.

9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife; neither his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

How were these commandments written on two stone tablets?

On the first stone slab were inscribed the four Commandments, which set in order our relationship with God. On another stone tablet were inscribed the six Commandments, which regulated our relationships with man.

4.1. First Commandment

What does God's First Commandment prescribe to us?

So that we believe in one God, Who is the only true God, and refuse to believe in many gods, for this is sin and deception.

Was it natural for people in those days to believe in one God, as it is for us today?

At the beginning, people believed in one God, but over time, with the increase in sins and transgressions, human conscience became darkened, and people with a rich imagination, under the influence of their passions and at the instigation of Satan, came up with many gods.

How do we sin against faith in one God?

1. Deification of so-called great people (as the Romans deified their emperor) instead of God.

2. Worship of things: either worship of the creations of human hands, or worship of the world of God (deification of the sun, stars and nature in general) instead of worship of God.

3. By allowing skepticism into our hearts, that is, doubts about the existence of God.

4. Doctrines about God that differ from the faith of our fathers, that is, heresies.

5. Separation from the Universal Church, that is, schisms.

It does not prohibit, for we do not worship them as God, but we honor them as the most worthy members of the family of God.

Why do we then pray to the Saints?

Because it is said that God fulfills the prayers of those who love Him. Saints are the greatest worshipers of God. Through their mediation God helps us, and we know this from experience.

4.2. Second Commandment

What does God's Second Commandment command us?

Do not deify anyone other than the one God. As stated earlier, the second commandment forbids us to worship the natural world and the works of human hands. The Lord God is above all His and human affairs.

Why then do we venerate icons?

We honor icons as blessed images of the one life-giving God, His Angels, Saints of God and martyrs for the faith, who are our intercessors and mediators before God.

When we pray in front of an icon, to whom do we pray?

To the Saint who dwells in heaven, whose face is depicted on the icon, and through him to the Lord God, the King of kings and all His Saints.

When we venerate an icon, who are we touching with our lips?

With our lips we touch the image of the Holy One, and with our thoughts and hearts we come into contact with the Holy One of God himself, as with a living and real person residing in the Heavenly Church.

Who condemns the Orthodox Church for venerating the Saints of God and for praying to them?

Exclusively Protestants who do not have spiritual experience of communication with the Saints and who do not understand that the main work of Jesus Christ is that from faithful and regenerated people He created the family of God, which binds the children of God in heaven and the children of God on earth with the closest ties.

Who else sins against faith in one God?

We ourselves sin against faith in one God and act like pagans when we overeat and get drunk, so that the stomach becomes our god. Or when we begin to deify money, property, extol our personality, or state, or people, or civilization.

4.3. Third Commandment

What does God's Third Commandment prescribe to us?

Do not use the name of God in vain or in obscene conversations.

What is specifically forbidden to us by the Third Commandment?


Saying obscene words when talking about God.

To utter the name of God in minor conversations or even to confirm a lie.

Swear in the name of God and blaspheme.

Break the commandments and vows given to God.

How should you pronounce the name of God?

The name of God should be pronounced rarely, only in prayer and always with great reverence, for this is the most holy name, from which demons tremble in fear, with which people and their deeds are blessed, which heals illnesses and sanctifies the lips that pronounce it.

4.4. Fourth Commandment

What does God's Fourth Commandment command us?

Dedicate the seventh day to God and spend it as a day of rest.

What does the word Saturday mean?

The Sabbath means a day of rest because in six days God created the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested from the works of creation. I just want to remind you that one day for the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day: in your sight a thousand years are like yesterday (Ps. 89:5).

Why do we consider Sunday a day of rest?

Because our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the seventh day, and on Saturday He was in Hell, preaching the Gospel to the dead and saving them.

What day was a day of rest for Jesus Christ?

Sunday is the day when He won victory over the last enemy, that is, over death. On Friday, High Friday, He conquered our sins, on Saturday He conquered the kingdom of Satan in Hell, and on Sunday He conquered death by His Resurrection. So gloriously He completed the mission of saving people. And only then did He indulge in rest. Therefore, the resurrection is both His and our day of rest.

How should we spend Sunday, the holy day?

Joyfully, remembering Christ's victory over death;

By abstaining from daily labors;

In prayer at home and in church;

Reading the Bible and other soul-helping books;

Reflecting on your deeds and thoughts over the past six days;

Visiting the sick and doing deeds of mercy;

Resting and glorifying God, the Most Holy Theotokos, Angels and Saints of God in the soul.

4.5. Fifth Commandment

What does God's Fifth Commandment command us?

We need to appreciate them, listen to their advice, listen to their experience, be grateful to them and love them the way they love us. Help them in their old age, and after their death remember them in prayers and do charity work in memory of them.

Firstly, as is absolutely clear, because through them the Lord God gave us life. With their selfless love, invaluable care and efforts, we grew up and were educated.

Secondly, because our parents, as one flesh, symbolize God the Father, and we symbolize God the Son. So our attitude towards our parents is a symbol of our attitude towards God, towards the Holy Trinity.

Thirdly, just as we honor or do not honor our parents, so our children will honor us or not, as has been proven by experience throughout the history of the human race.

What punishment awaits those who disobey this commandment?

Very difficult. In the Old Testament, the Lord commanded that anyone who curses his father or his mother must be put to death (Ex. 21:17). Noah cursed his son Ham and his descendants because Ham was disrespectful to his father and mocked his poverty. So Absalom died a terrible death, pierced by arrows, when he hung on an oak tree, entangled in its branches with his hair, for he rebelled against his father, King David.

Are there any examples in the Bible that children who honor their parents receive God's blessing?

There are many such examples in the Bible. For example, in the Epistle of Jeremiah there is an amazing example of obedience to the father of the sons of Rahab, who forbade them to drink wine, and the Lord of hosts blessed them.

Did Jesus Christ follow this commandment?

Of course, he followed, both in word and deed.

Does our reverence for our parents help us in other ways?

Yes, by honoring our parents we learn and prepare to respect authorities, both in spiritual life and in worldly life.

4.6. Sixth Commandment

What does the Sixth Commandment of God command us?

We are prohibited from killing our neighbor out of envy, hatred, self-interest or revenge.

Why is it forbidden to kill your neighbor?

God created man in His image and likeness and breathed life into him. Therefore, by killing a person we rebel against God's likeness and against God's property. We have no right to take away what we cannot give.

How should you feel about suicide?

Suicide is equal to murder. Our life does not belong to us, but to God.

How should we think about killing in war?

There are different types of wars. The Old Testament often speaks of war as God's war. This refers to the battle for truth against the horror of lies. In such a war, killing is justified and being killed is considered a merit.

What kind of killers are there in peacetime?

There are killers of the body and killers of the soul. Killers of souls are those who, being depraved atheists, kill human souls, corrupting them and turning them away from God.

Why are duels prohibited?

Participants in a duel do not respect either church or state laws. In a duel, the innocent party may be killed, but the guilty party may be spared.

How then do we understand that the Bible approves of a duel between David and Goliath?

This duel was not a personal test of strength, but a clash between the army of the true God and the army of the enemies of God, the idolaters. David went against the defender of paganism and, with God's help and God's inspiration, won. This is for us a wonderful example of God’s providence and His Omnipotence. The fight between David and Goliath is nothing like an ordinary duel.

Who is the oldest and worst killer in the world?

The devil, for Jesus Christ said about him: he was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). If God had not prevented him, he would have killed all human beings. The rest of the murderers of people are instruments of the devil.

For what reason does the devil want to destroy the human race?

Because of hatred and malice, for he knows that people must receive the Kingdom of Heaven, which he lost. That is why the devil is called a misanthrope.

Why does God protect and preserve people's lives?

Because he loves people. Therefore, God is called the Lover of Mankind.

4.7. Seventh Commandment

What is prohibited by the Seventh Commandment?

Illegal sexual intercourse is prohibited, such as adultery, premarital affairs and other shameful passions that have replaced the natural relationship with the body with an unnatural one.

What is the essence of this commandment?

What is the reason for breaking this commandment?

First of all, these are the traps of Satan, which the enemy of all purity, chastity and holiness sets for people, hating the multiplication of the human race and the growth of the spiritual family of God, that is, the Church.

Secondly, the ignorance of men and women who passionately look at each other's bodies instead of peering into their souls. They know little about the great confessors and about God's people. This ignorance stems from improper education and the corruption of society.

What sin does the Bible compare with the sin of adultery?

In the Old Testament, idolatry is called adultery, adultery, fornication. And idolatry is a mortal sin against God.

What are the fruits of fornication?

Death of body and soul, self-deception, bad illnesses, mental confusion, nervousness, sick and deformed children, despair and, ultimately, madness.

4.8. Eighth Commandment

What is prohibited by the Eighth Commandment?

It is forbidden to steal. A person who steals is called a thief. We are not allowed to become thieves.

What is theft?

Secret appropriation of property belonging to a neighbor or the state;

Open violent robbery of someone else's property;

Deception of the poor or ignorant when buying or selling;

Negligence in public service, trying to work less than required and less than what is paid for;

Living through deception, fraud and falsification.

What does God expect from us, what should we do?

Respect any property;

Earn the respect of others through honorable work;

Live by your labors and help less fortunate neighbors;

To be diligent and diligent in our service, trying to do more than is expected of us.

4. 9. The Ninth Commandment

What is forbidden by the Ninth Commandment?

It is prohibited to testify falsely about your neighbor, secretly, openly, or before a court.

What is the most dangerous lie?

False testimony against a person in court, when in support of their words they swear by the name of God.

What are the consequences of perjury?

Material and moral damage to a person falsely accused. However, even greater damage is caused to the false witness himself, for by uttering a lie, he darkens, corrupts and destroys his own soul.

Is it possible that a false witness will not be exposed and punished?

No. The Lord God Himself vouches for this, Who says: there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known (Matthew 10:26).

What classic example from the history of Christianity speaks to the revealed truth?

When the guards of the Tomb of Christ came to the elders and announced to them about the resurrection of Jesus, they gave the soldiers enough money and said: say that His disciples came at night and stole Him while we were sleeping (Matthew 28:11-13). However, the lie could not hide the fact of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but only covered the liars with eternal shame.

Did the Apostles warn Christians not to tell lies?

Being the main fighters for the embodied Truth, the apostles spoke out very sharply against lies. Thus, the Apostle James writes: if anyone among you thinks that he is godly and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, his piety is empty (James 1:26). The Apostle Peter in the First Epistle is also irreconcilable with lies.

Where do lies and deceit come from?

From Satan, whom the Lord Jesus Christ calls the father of lies: When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).

4.10. Tenth Commandment

What is prohibited by the Tenth Commandment?

Selfish desires and unrighteous desires to possess something that belongs to one's neighbor.

Why are desires that have not yet become deeds prohibited?

Because bad thoughts give rise to bad actions. Our heart is the workshop from where all our thoughts, speeches and deeds come. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: From the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, blasphemy - this defiles a person (Matthew 15:19-20).

Do our dreams of appropriating our neighbor's property make sense?

They don't make any sense. With such thoughts we are going to build happiness out of the misfortune of our neighbor. Therefore, such desires are simply madness.

How can you resist bad desires?

Controlling your desires, purifying your heart with prayer and the fear of God, confessing to the priest all your sinful thoughts, remembering death and the Last Judgment of God, at which everyone will receive a reward for their deeds.

Chapter 5. New Testament

What is the New Testament?

This is the Law of God, which was revealed and transmitted to people through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah.

What is another name for the New Testament?

The Last Law of God.

Why do they say this?

Because the Lord God will not give another Testament until the end of the world.

What is another name for the New Testament?

Internal Law, the law of conscience, because it is based on the internal motives of our external activity.

Then, what is the whole Law of Christ?

This is the new, final, internal law of God, the most perfect and only law of salvation.

Why didn't the Lord God give such a Covenant through Moses?

For the same reason that we teach children what they can and cannot do, teaching them the ABCs of correct behavior, without trying to explain to children the hidden motives for correct actions. The Apostle Paul explains it this way: I could not speak to you, brethren, as spiritual, but as carnal, as babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food, for you were not yet strong enough (1 Cor. 3:1-2).

What is the difference between the external Law given through Moses and the internal Law given through Jesus Christ?

The Law of Moses was given as a preparatory Law for one small flocked people, and the Law of Jesus Christ was given to all the peoples of the earth, who are connected among themselves into a single spiritual family of God by the priceless Blood of Christ Himself.

5.1. The Two Greatest Commandments of the New Testament

What are Christ's two greatest commandments in the New Testament?

The first commandment of the New Testament:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength (Mark 12:30)

And the second commandment is similar to the first:

Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31).

What did Jesus Christ say about these New Testament commandments?

Jesus Christ said that the entire Old Testament was based on these two commandments, and also confirmed that there is nothing more important than these commandments.

Does this mean that the ten commandments of the Old Testament lost their meaning after the proclamation of these two commandments of the New Testament?

No. This only means that the commandments about love for God and neighbor made the Old Testament more perfect. This was confirmed by the Apostle Paul, saying: love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom. 13:10). In other words, love is above commandments and prohibitions, for it curbs most of all and creates most of all.

What does it mean to love God?

This means: to love Him more than anything else: more than yourself, family, people, that is, more than everything in the world.

What does it mean to love God with all your heart?

This means: to melt all the feelings of your heart into one feeling of love for God.

What does it mean to love God with all your soul?

This means: to illuminate and inspire your soul with the love of God.

What does it mean to love God with all your strength?

This means: to tame your will and subordinate it to a cause pleasing to God.

What does the second commandment of the New Testament mean: to love your neighbor as yourself?

First of all, this means that we need to love the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Perfect Man, the closest and most beloved to us, and through Him, love all other people close to us.

Is our love for Jesus Christ included in the first commandment?

Of course, it does, but what is meant there is love for Him as God, in the hypostases of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, love for God the Son and at the same time for God the Father and the Holy Spirit. And here we mean love for Him as a man, as a model of a real man, the noblest of all the sons of the human race.

Did the Lord Jesus Christ speak about the need to love Him?

Yes, he did, and quite impressively. He said: Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me (Matthew 10:37).

Moreover, He said: He who hates Me also hates My Father (John 15:23). Jesus Christ asks each of us: “Do you love Me?”, as He asked the Apostle Peter: Simon the Jonah! Do you love Me... (John 21:15). And the Apostle Paul says: If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be cursed (2 Cor. 16:22).

What then can be said about our love for other people?

Just as we love God through Jesus Christ, we love people through Jesus Christ.

Does our love for Jesus Christ serve as the basis of our love for God and for people?

Of course, this is so, for if we love Christ, who embodied love in Himself, then we love everyone whom He loves and for whom He died. Thus, both commandments of the New Testament oblige us to love Jesus Christ, the beloved Mediator between God and people. Without love for Him, our love for God and for people will not be complete and true.

What else does the New Testament say about love?

Truly, a lot. For example, our knowledge of God depends on our love for God, for whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love (1 John 4:8). Or again: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), and where there is no fear, peace reigns.

What is the visible expression of our love for God?

Prayer and doing the will of God.

How is our love for our neighbor expressed in practice?

In charity, that is, deeds of mercy, actions and thoughts, words and prayers for others in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and for His sake.

5.2. About prayer

What is Christian prayer?

This is our way of contact with God, through which we express our faith, hope and love.

What types of prayers are there?

Inner Prayer

Outdoor prayer

Personal prayer

Cathedral prayer

What is internal prayer and what is external prayer?

Inner prayer is also called mental prayer. It is accomplished in silence, without words, with the mind and heart. External prayer is also called oral prayer and is pronounced in words.

How often should you pray?

It depends on how much we love God. The more we love God, the more often we rise to Him in prayer. The most worthy will be those who pray to God unceasingly, following the words of Jesus Christ that we should always pray (Luke 18:1).

How can you pray continuously?

You can pray continuously through mental prayer, that is, internal prayer. You can silently send up your silent prayers to God even on the road or while working, thanking Him, praising Him or calling on His help.

What is the shortest inner prayer?

"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!"

What is personal prayer and what is congregational prayer?

When a person prays alone, silently or orally, then this is personal prayer. When he joins the prayer of other people in church or anywhere else, such prayer is called conciliar prayer.

Which of these prayers are obligatory for a Christian?

They are both required. You need to pray secretly, silently, but also openly, out loud. When a person is left to himself, he should pray everywhere, and he should also pray with other Christians in the church. The saints did the same.

What are the main thoughts in prayer?

Any proper prayer usually consists of three parts: thanksgiving, supplication and glorification. First we thank God for everything we have received from Him, then we ask Him to fulfill what we need at the moment, and finally we glorify Him and magnify His goodness, omnipotence and glory.

5.3. Lord's Prayer

What is the Lord's Prayer?

The most perfect and common prayer, said both at home and in church, is the Lord’s Prayer. It is called so because the Lord Jesus Christ passed it on to His disciples as a model of prayer.

What does the Lord's Prayer sound like in the Gospel?

Our Father who art in heaven!

Hallowed be Thy name;

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matt. 6:9-13).

How is the Lord's Prayer structured?

First, it contains an invocation, then seven prayer requests and ends with a doxology.

How do we start?

We begin by invoking God, calling Him Our Father.

Why don't we say "My Father"?

Only Jesus Christ, not the created, but the begotten Son of God, has the right to call God My Father, and we, created by God and adopted by Him, thanks to the selfless sacrifice of Jesus Christ, sons and daughters, have the honor of calling His Father Our Father, since who received Him, He gave power to those who believed in His name to become children of God (John 1:12).

Is there any other reason why we can call God our Father?

In this appeal lies the great meaning of brotherly love. Christ wants us to love one another as brothers. In addition, only those who recognize the same father can be considered brothers.

Why don't we call God "our Creator"?

Because the Lord God created the whole world, but He is more than the Creator of men. He is the Father of all people who have been reborn by the Holy Spirit and become children of God. Therefore, people are not just creatures, but children of God.

Why do we say: He who is in heaven?

Because the true God eternally resides in heaven, that is, outside of time and space. He is not limited to the earth, like the false gods of the pagans who worship nature and persons.

First prayer request

What is the first request in the Lord's Prayer?

Hallowed be Thy name.

We pray to God to help us make His name revered by all people as the holiest and greatest name in the world. The commandments of the Old Testament, where God was considered Creator and Judge, forbade people to take the name of God in vain. Through the New Testament of love, we are obliged everywhere and always to carry through life the most holy name of our Father and to be ready to die in the name of Christ, as myriads of Christian martyrs died for the faith.

Second prayer request

What is the second petition in the Lord's Prayer?

Thy kingdom come.

What desire do we express with this petition?

We pray to God to help us make sure that the Kingdom of Heaven of the Most Holy Trinity of the Consubstantial One comes and enters into our souls, into our families, into our people and reigns over the whole earth.

How do we understand that the Kingdom of Heaven will come to us?

Just as God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are One in eternal harmony of peace, power and glory, so we desire that our mind, heart and will become one, like the Divine essence, the reflection of which is our souls. May the display be the same as the Original!

How do we know that the Kingdom of God has come?

The kingdom of God...is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). When we see that this overwhelms our souls and the souls of all the people around us, then we can be sure that the Kingdom of God has come.

Third prayer request

What is the third petition in the Lord's Prayer?

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

What desire do we express with this petition?

We resort to the help of God so that He stops our hesitation between God and Satan, between good and evil, so that we can completely renounce the will of Satan and surrender to the will of our Father, as our Lord Jesus Christ did when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: pass this cup pass me by; but not what I want, but what You want (Mark 14:36).

Why do we say: like in heaven?

Because in heaven, Angels and Saints with all their hearts, full of joy, submit to the will of God. God's will is their will, and that makes them happy. That is why we pray for this for us on earth as well.

Fourth Prayer Request

What is the fourth petition in the Lord's Prayer?

Give us this day our daily bread.

What desire do we express with this petition?

Firstly, with this petition we express our confidence that without God's omnipotence and mercy we cannot live even a day. Secondly, realizing that we can die any day, we ask to be saved from the insane desires to accumulate wealth for life in the foreseeable future, while our neighbors can die of hunger, not even having bread to subsist. In other words, we pray to the Lord to give us exactly what we need, no more and no less.

What kind of bread are we talking about here?

This refers to both material and spiritual food, which we cannot receive without God's grace and mercy. Material bread grows on earth, but spiritual bread comes from heaven. The first is needed for the body, and the second is for the soul. About material bread, Jesus Christ said that man will not live by bread alone... (Matthew 4:4), but about spiritual bread He said: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever (John 6:51). So, the bread we need for existence is Christ himself, and other bread is only an addition to that bread.

Fifth Prayer Request

What is the fifth petition in the Lord's Prayer?

And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.

What desire do we express with this petition?

We ask God to help us restrain ourselves and forgive our neighbors for their sins committed against us, just as He could forgive us our sins. It was said through His lips: if you forgive people their sins, then your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, and if you do not forgive people their sins, then your Father will not forgive you your sins (Matthew 6:14-15).

Sixth Prayer Request

What is the sixth petition in the Lord's Prayer?

And do not lead us into temptation.

What desire do we express with this petition?

We pray to God to remember our human weaknesses and not to send grave misfortunes upon us for the sake of our confirmation in faith and not to allow the devil to tempt us in misfortunes.

What is the difference between God's test and the devil's temptation?

The difference is truly huge. When the Lord God allows us various sufferings, He does so with the intention of strengthening our virtues, just as steel is tempered in fire. The devil, on the contrary, tempts us with some kind of sin or shame with the intention of making us even worse, weaker, badder, in order, in the end, to completely lead us away from God and completely destroy us.

Seventh Prayer Request

What is the seventh petition in the Lord's Prayer?

But deliver us from evil.

What desire do we express with this petition?

We pray to God to free us from bad deeds and bad people. We seem to pray: “Save us, Our Father, from bad deeds and protect us from the most dangerous enemy.”

Who is the most dangerous enemy?

Satan. All sinful thoughts and bad deeds that stem from them come from Satan. That is why with this petition we pray to the Lord, Who is light and love, to deliver us from the enemy, who in itself is darkness and hatred.


How does the Lord's Prayer end?

A doxology that goes like this: For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

What do we express with this doxology?

We express our faith in God as the almighty and most glorious King, who alone can fulfill our prayers. Therefore, we magnify, glorify and love him.

What does the word: Amen mean?

Amen is one of the names of God. The Lord said to the Apostle John the Theologian: Thus says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God (Rev. 3:14). We complete every prayer and every thanksgiving to God with this name. This is the same as if we said: God, Truth. In the same way, when we take an oath, we say at the end: Amen, which means: what we say is true, as Truth or as God.

5.4. The Character of a Christian According to the New Testament

The New, or last, Testament was given to people through Jesus Christ, God made man, with the goal of forming a new character in people, so that they would become new people worthy to be called children of God and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. This new character must be developed from all the gospel virtues, both personal and general.

5.4.1. Nurturing Christian Character

What makes up Christian character?

The main components: submission to Christ and His Church, personal efforts to succeed in virtue and special inspiration, or God's grace received through the Church Sacraments.

What are the most important Christian virtues?

Faith, hope and love.

What is the meaning behind this?

Right thinking through faith in Christ, chaste feelings through trust in Christ and virtue through love for Christ.

What other Christian virtues are there?



Moral purity;




Zeal in faith.

How to achieve these virtues?

By persistent repetition until these virtues become as natural to us as breathing.

Is it possible to succeed in developing our character by persistent repetition of Christian virtues?

Of course. Just as the educational system is built mainly on repetition, so the training of Christian virtues in life is very essential.

What hinders the proper development of Christian character?

What is sin?

In essence, every sin is a lie and violence.

What sins are called mortal?

Those that lead to eternal death. There are only seven of them.

How do they relate to the seven virtues?

The seven deadly sins are the opposite of the seven greatest virtues:

Pride is opposed to humility;

Love of money - generosity;

Depravity - moral purity;

Envy - mercy;

Intemperance - abstinence;

Anger - meekness;

Despair - jealousy in faith.

What other serious sins are there?

There are four more flagrant sins punished by heaven:

Premeditated murder for the purpose of robbery;

Underpayment for hired labor;

Abuse of widows and children.

Are there lesser sins?

There are many sins that are not so serious, forgivable, which can manifest themselves in thoughts, words, desires and deeds.

How can you free yourself from sins?

Through the sacrament of Repentance, strict control over oneself and preventing the repetition of sin, as well as an active desire for good.

5.4.2. Beatitudes

The Lord Jesus Christ in His Sermon on the Mount commanded the disciples:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

The poor in spirit are those who consider themselves completely insignificant compared to the greatness of God and passionately desire to be rich in God and in His Kingdom.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Those who cry in this world, in the transitory world, are similar to the Son of God, Who never laughed, but very often lamented because of the foolishness, sinfulness of people and their suffering.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

The meek are philanthropic and long-suffering people. Because of his meekness, Jesus Christ was called the Lamb of God. The angry and irritated are the opposite of the meek. The angry ones quickly grasp, but just as quickly lose, while the meek, patient and persistent, after a long time, achieve their goal. Christians were persecuted by the pagans and were almost all exterminated, but now they predominate on earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Those who hunger and thirst for truth are people who suffer greatly from the vices of the world. They will see the victory of the risen Christ, who will defeat all the forces of evil, and their hearts will be filled with bliss and joy. They will also see the victory of the persecuted Church and will rejoice.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

As we deal with the children of God, so God will deal with us. Mercy for mercy. However, God's mercy is incomparably higher than human mercy, and the Lord promises the merciful that they will receive a hundredfold. Mercy is a dual virtue. While we are merciful to others, we must be merciful to ourselves and not forget about the salvation of our souls. Selfishness, vindictiveness and malice are the opposite of mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

The human heart is truly a spiritual eye, allowing us to see spiritual things and, first of all, God. Through long-term struggle and God's grace, the heart can be cleansed from the impurities of sin. The Lives of the Saints tell us this very well. The eye of the heart becomes clouded from dirty thoughts and bad desires.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace. He imparted a peaceful spirit to His disciples. Everyone can only give what they themselves have. If we have peace in our souls, we can convey peace to others. The agreement of the mind, heart and will creates a triple unified world - the true, Divine peace in the soul.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

To be persecuted for the sake of righteousness means to be like Jesus Christ and the apostles. In the Orthodox Church, a huge number of martyrs appeared who suffered for the truth, who populated the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ, for it is better to suffer for good deeds than for evil, as the Apostle Peter writes (1 Pet. 3:17).

Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and slander you in every way unjustly because of Me.

Here Jesus Christ speaks of the suffering of His followers. They will be tormented, denigrated and scolded, but they must endure everything and not lose faith in Him, hoping that He will come in His time as a Victor and a righteous Judge, and will forever separate the righteous from the sinners.

Conclusion: Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven.

Rejoice while weeping; rejoice while suffering; rejoice as you die, for the greatest of the human race, who have walked the same thorny path as you, are now waiting for you in the world where Jesus Christ reigns and where there is no sighs, no sorrow, no suffering, but only life and joy eternal.

5.5. Christian virtues

Along with the Beatitudes, our Lord Jesus Christ gave instructions to His followers to achieve other virtues that are also important for the development of Christian character. These virtues can only be achieved through conscious, selfless work and a chaste life, following the example of the Holy Fathers of the Church.

5.5.1. Improving Character

DO INNER PRAYER. Do it as the Bible says: When you pray, go into your room and, having shut the door, pray to your Father who is in secret; and your father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly (Matthew 6:6).

FAST. Keep your fast before God, and not before people. Appear to those who fast, not before men, but before your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly (Matthew 6:17).

TAKE CARE OF YOUR SOUL. It is necessary to take care of both the body and the soul, and in different ways. The soul is different from the body, and it needs different food, different clothing and different light, for, as Jesus said: man cannot live by bread alone (Luke 4:4).

TAKE CARE OF THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR SOUL. The integrity of the soul determines strength and peace of mind, and a divided soul means weakness and destruction, for every house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:25). The Lord also says: no one can serve two masters... you cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6:24).

CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. Good thoughts are the seed for good deeds. The Lord God All-Seeing knows all our thoughts and warns that evil thoughts defile a person, for from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, theft, false witness (Matthew 15:19). Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor your thoughts and improve your soul.

DO NOT GIVE YOUR TONGUE WILL. Remember that for every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment (Matt. 12:36).

AVOID HYPOCRISY AND PRETENTION. Remember the words of Jesus to the disciples, and therefore to us: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing hidden that will not be known (Luke 12:1-2).

BELIEVE LIKE CHILDREN. Become sincere, trusting and humble like children, for unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3).

BE PATIENT AND STANDARD. Having endured all the hardships in fulfilling the commandments of God, you will certainly save your soul, for he who endures to the end will be saved (Matthew 10:22).

CONTROL EXCESS in eating, drinking and other needs. Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with gluttony and drunkenness and the cares of this life (Luke 21:34).

UNCONDITIONALLY BELIEVE in the omnipotence and mercy of Jesus Christ. Fear not, but believe. Remember that hope and love without firm faith are like a house without a foundation.

STUDY the Holy Scriptures, and your conviction of the power of God will grow every day, strengthening your faith.

GET SOLITUDE, for solitude is very useful for introspection, reflection on your own life and conversations with God. Only superficial people are bored when alone. Remember that Jesus Christ often went into the desert and remained alone.

GET FREE FROM THINGS. Human life is not about having many things. The soul of a person is more valuable to God than the whole world. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul (Matthew 16:26). We must be careful not to humiliate ourselves, our personality, our soul with material goods, but to soar our soul above everything in the world.

STAND BEFORE GOD. A truly religious person understands perfectly well that he constantly stands before God, the Living and All-Seeing. Therefore, he is ashamed of sin and proud of righteous deeds.

ABIDE IN CHRIST, for it is written: I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit (John 15:5). Therefore, let Christ enter your hearts as into His home, and from there begin to control your thoughts, desires and deeds.

PREPARE FOR DEATH AND WAIT FOR JUDGMENT. A person who sees and hears thousands of people die every day, but does not think about his own death, is reckless. To a man who did not think about the approach of death, but filled his barns with grain for many years to come, the Lord said: crazy! This night your soul will be taken from you; who will get what you have prepared (Luke 12:20).

THANK GOD for everything. Even if the Lord gave you a small amount, if you are grateful for this too, He will multiply His gifts, just as He multiplied the five loaves.

PRAISE THE LORD. Do not seek glory from men, but praise God. The more you give, the more you will receive. Say after the Most Holy Theotokos: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1:46-47).

5.5.2. Improving relationships with people

DO ALMS SECRETLY. When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do... so that people may glorify them, ... do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your almsgiving may be in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly (Matthew 6:2-4).

APPLY WITHOUT DELAY. Give to the one who asks from you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you (Matthew 5:42). Give everything in the name of Christ and for the sake of brotherhood.

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you (Matthew 5:44). There is no other way to unity with Christ and the establishment of peace and brotherhood.

DO GOOD FOR PEOPLE. How? Just as you would have people do to you, for this is the law and the prophets (Matthew 7:12). This commandment comes after the two great commandments of Christ.

FORGIVE TO YOUR BROTHER IN CHRIST. If your brother sins against you, reprimand him; and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times a day, and turns back seven times a day and says, “I repent,” forgive him (Luke 17:3).

BE HUMBLE. Christ was born in a stable. Why then do we fight for the highest honors and first places? Sit in the last place... for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted (Luke 14:10-11).

HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE SINNER. This is a way to help them improve. Ridicule and condemnation will not do him any good. Christ considered such people sick. He visited them (as, for example, Zacchaeus), ate with them, and spoke cordially with them. Therefore, He was able to restore spiritual health and human dignity to them.

MAKE RECONCILIATION WITH THE ENEMY. Before going to church or court, a Christian should try to make peace with his enemy.

CONFESS CHRIST BEFORE PEOPLE WITH COURAGE. Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory (Luke 9:26).

BEWARE OF THE FALSE CHRIST. In the last times, the atheists and enemies of Christ will proclaim themselves or another dangerous liar to be “Christ.” Foreseeing this, the Lord Jesus Christ reminded: Take heed that you are not deceived, for many will come in My name, saying that it is I... do not go after them (Luke 21:8).

REWARD ACCORDING TO YOUR DESERVES. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's (Matthew 22:21). This means: give to the worldly authorities what belongs to the world, and to God - spiritual gifts. Just as the profile of Caesar is stamped on coins, so the human soul has the face of God.

BE SENSIBLE. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required (Luke 12:48), either in health, or in wealth, or in knowledge, or in honor. If little is given to you, then little will be required of you. God's truth is certain and perfect. It is not smart to rebel against such laws.

BE READY TO SERVE. Service is ennobled from Christ and through Christ, so voluntary servants in the name of God are the new elite. The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matt. 20:28). If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, then you should also wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example (John 13:14).

BE READY TO SACRIFICE, not only with material things, but also with your life for the sake of Christ, Who sacrificed Himself for our eternal salvation. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). You can have many friends, but your closest friend should only be Jesus Christ.

HAVE HOPE, do not lose Christian optimism in life's trials. In all troubles, misfortunes, suffering, even in torment or on the verge of death, a Christian is full of hope, for he remembers the words of Christ:

Great is your reward in heaven;

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, for they cannot kill the soul;

I have conquered the world;

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

Christianity arose in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean world during an era of religious ferment. There were many cults, including the cult of the gods of Rome and the cults of the gods of those cities and countries that became part of the Roman Empire. Particular importance was attached to the cult of the emperor. Mystery cults dedicated to one or another Greek deity were widespread. All of them were associated with the worship of a certain god who was killed by his enemies and then rose from the dead. These rituals were kept secret from outsiders, but the initiates believed that by performing these rituals, they participated in the death of God and through his resurrection gained immortality. Another religious tradition, Hermeticism, promised its adherents liberation from the shackles of the flesh and immortality.

Christianity rejected the veneration of pagan gods and the emperor. It had certain similarities with mystery cults, but differed significantly from them - in particular, in that it was not a mythical character that was revered, but a real historical figure, whose life and teachings became the subject of veneration and faith. The Christian faith was also significantly different from what the mystery cults offered. Christianity partly borrowed its terminology from Greek philosophy - primarily Stoic, Platonic and Neoplatonic - but its semantic core - the belief that in Christ the eternal God became man, suffered death on the cross, and then rose from the dead - had nothing common with any of the philosophical systems existing at that time.

Christianity was significantly different from other religions and from official cults, so its followers faced constant persecution from the bulk of the population and the authorities, who outlawed Christianity. However, the number of Christians multiplied, and the emperors took decisive measures to force them to renounce their faith. Throughout the 3rd century. two emperors - Decius and his successor Valerian - did everything to put an end to Christianity forever. At the beginning of the 4th century. Diocletian instigated the widest and most cruel of all persecutions against Christians.

However, in the five centuries following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the vast majority of the population of the Roman Empire, including the emperors, became Christian. In 312, Emperor Constantine the Great accepted this belief, and his example was followed by his three sons, who also became emperors. An attempt by Constantine's nephew, Emperor Julian (nicknamed the "Apostate"), to revive paganism (in 361–363) failed. In the 4th century. Christianity became the state religion of Armenia and Georgia by the end of the 5th century. Christian communities appeared in the Persian Empire, in India and among the Germanic peoples on the northern borders of the Roman Empire.

In the first generation of Christians there were several outstanding missionaries, the most remarkable of whom can be considered the apostles Paul and Peter. They and their less illustrious contemporaries preached Christianity primarily among the Greek-speaking population of the empire. From large cities, faith spread to small towns, and from there to the countryside.

Among the reasons that prompted the majority of the population of the Roman Empire to accept Christianity are the following: 1) the gradual decomposition and decline of Greco-Roman culture; 2) the adoption of the Christian faith by Constantine and his successors; 3) the fact that in Christianity people of all classes and nationalities were accepted into a single, common brotherhood and that this religion could be adapted to local folk customs; 4) the church’s uncompromising commitment to its beliefs and the high moral qualities of its members; 5) the heroism of Christian martyrs.

Church organization.

Christians believed that they constituted one universal church. It was organized according to the principle of "dioceses" (a term denoting a territorial unit within the empire), or "dioceses" headed by a bishop. The bishops of Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Constantinople and Rome enjoyed special honor. The Bishop of Rome, as the head of the church of the imperial capital, was given primacy over other bishops. In addition, according to tradition, the first bishop of Rome was the Apostle Peter, whom Christ himself appointed head of the church.

To counter these and other similar trends, the Christian Church developed three principles to ensure the preservation of the faith in its original purity. First, there was the doctrine of apostolic succession, according to which the apostles received the gospel directly from Christ, and then, before their death, transmitted it - along with their doctrinal authority - to bishops elected by Christians of the local church, and these bishops, in turn, transmitted him to his successors. In this regard, the church had to determine exactly which lines of episcopacy go back directly to the holy apostles. In particular, the bishops of Rome were considered the direct successors of the Apostle Peter.

Secondly, it was necessary to clearly define the range of writings that contained the true teaching of the apostles. Even before the end of the 4th century. a canon of 27 books was developed that make up the New Testament. The main criterion for including a book in the canon was the authorship of an apostle or a person directly associated with one of the apostles.

Thirdly, the task arose to give a short and clear formula that would express the essence of the Christian faith, as a result of which symbols of faith arose, of which the most common was the so-called. Apostles' Creed. The name of this symbol did not indicate that it was formulated by the apostles themselves, but that it briefly expressed the main content of the apostolic teaching. With the exception of two or three verses included in it later, this symbol already existed in the second half of the 2nd century.

The concept of apostolic succession of bishops, the New Testament canon and Apostles' Creed still remain the foundation that determines the life of most Christian churches.

Trinitarian disputes.

The Church also had to determine its position on a number of theological issues, disputes over which undermined its unity. The Church very early accepted the doctrine of the Trinity, i.e. that God is one in three Persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The first Christians were Jews raised to believe that there was one God. Jesus taught that God is the Father. Having witnessed the life and death of Jesus Christ and believing in his resurrection, the disciples also believed that Jesus was God. But how can one believe that God is one? How can the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be God, and how are they related to each other?

The Council of Nicea left unresolved the question of the relationship between the human and divine principles in Christ. The next three ecumenical councils were devoted to this issue, the last of which, the Council of Chalcedon (451), adopted a formula of confession that is still adhered to today by the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican churches and most Protestants. According to this formula, Jesus Christ is not only “consubstantial” (that is, identical in essence) with the Father, but also has the same essence as people, being fully God and fully man. In addition, it says that in Christ the two natures - divine and human - are united in such a way that they cannot be divided into two Persons. Some Eastern churches that have accepted Nicene Creed, refused to accept the resolutions of the Council of Chalcedon. The separation of these churches was largely due to political and ethnic reasons related to the reluctance to submit to the Greeks and Latins who controlled the Roman Empire and the universal church. These Eastern churches (often, although incorrectly, called Monophysites) emphasized primarily the divine nature of Christ and attached much less importance to his human nature; Similar views are held by Armenian, Egyptian (Coptic), Ethiopian and Syrian (Middle Eastern and Indian) Christians. see also CATHEDRAL OF CHALKEDON; MONARCHIANITY; MONOPHYSITISM; TRINITY; SABELLIANS.


Augustine (354–430) played an exceptional role in the development of Christian theology, having a huge influence on the Western Church, and in modern times on Protestantism. Augustine, a highly educated and intellectually gifted man, came to Christianity as a result of a dramatic spiritual quest. His personal experience allowed him to pose with particular acuteness problems already familiar to the church. In particular, he taught that as a result of the Fall of Adam, all people were tainted by sin and were unable to find salvation by independently turning to God. Only as a result of the action of God himself, through the grace he bestows, which no man can receive or deserve, does a person acquire the repentance and faith that are necessary for his new birth and eternal life. Augustine insisted that this work of grace is ordained by God and that man can only be saved if he is chosen for it.

The era of late patristics.

In Christianity, certain forms of liturgical practice developed early. The center of the service was the Eucharist, dedicated to the memory of the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples and which he commanded them to continue to eat in remembrance of him. Already in ancient times, liturgies appeared, which served as a prototype for the services that are still performed today in various churches. see also SECRET.

Another characteristic feature of Christianity is the monastic movement, which began in Egypt in the 3rd century. and which soon covered the entire Christian world. At a time when, as a result of mass conversions of the inhabitants of the Roman Empire to Christianity, the moral character of the main part of Christians was no longer so high, some ascetics made efforts to truly and fully implement the commandments of Christ in their lives. This movement took many forms. In the western part of the empire, the communal way of monastic life, established by Benedict of Nursia (c. 480–547), prevailed. see also MONASKY.

At the beginning of the 5th century. a series of events threatened the very existence of Christianity. The Roman Empire fell into decline, which by this time had become almost completely Christian and with which Christianity itself began to be associated. Constant invasions of barbarians from the north and northeast continued, with minor interruptions, until the 11th century. The first major military success of these conquerors is usually considered the Battle of Adrianople in 378, when the Goths killed Emperor Valens. In 410 the Goths captured Rome. In subsequent centuries, the empire experienced invasions by the Huns, Slavs, Bulgarians, Hungarians and finally the Scandinavians. In the 7th century a new threat arose from the Arabs, who were advancing from the southeast, bringing with them a new religion - Islam. By the end of the 8th century. The Arabs conquered Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, most of Egypt, North Africa and most of the Iberian Peninsula, taking possession of half of what was called Christendom.


Over the first six centuries of Christian history, significant advances were made that allowed the Christian religion to withstand numerous threats. Many conquerors from the north adopted the Christian faith. At the beginning of the 5th century. Ireland, before the 9th century. remaining outside the Roman Empire and not subject to foreign invasions, it became one of the main centers of Christianity, and Irish missionaries went to Britain and continental Europe. Even before the beginning of the 6th century. some Germanic tribes that settled within the former borders of the empire adopted Christianity. In the 6th–7th centuries. The Angles and Saxons who invaded Britain were converted. At the end of the 7th and 8th centuries. Most of the territory of the modern Netherlands and the Rhine Valley becomes Christian. Even before the end of the 10th century. The Christianization of the Scandinavian peoples, the Slavs of Central Europe, the Bulgarians, Kievan Rus, and later the Hungarians began. Before the Arab conquest brought Islam with it, Christianity had spread among some peoples of Central Asia and was also practiced by small communities in China. Christianity also spread up the Nile, into the territory currently occupied by Sudan.

At the same time, by the first half of the 10th century. Christianity has lost much of its strength and vitality. In Western Europe it began to lose ground among newly converted peoples. After a short revival during the Carolingian dynasty (8th – early 9th centuries), monasticism again fell into decline. The Roman papacy had weakened to such an extent and lost its prestige that it seemed inevitable death awaited it. Byzantium, the heir to the Eastern Roman Empire, whose population was predominantly Greek or Greek-speaking, survived the Arab threat. However, in the 8th–9th centuries. The Eastern Church was shaken by iconoclastic disputes related to the issue of the admissibility of venerating icons. see also ICON.

From the second half of the 10th century. a new flowering of Christianity begins, which lasted about four centuries. Christianity was officially adopted by the Scandinavian peoples. The Christian faith spread among non-Germanic peoples along the Baltic coast and on the Russian plains. On the Iberian Peninsula, Islam was pushed to the south, and in the end it held only in the extreme southeast - in Granada. In Sicily, Islam was completely ousted. Christian missionaries carried their faith to Central Asia and China, whose inhabitants were also familiar with one of the eastern forms of Christianity - Nestorianism. However, east of the Caspian Sea and Mesopotamia, only small groups of the population professed the Christian faith.

Majestic Gothic cathedrals and ordinary parish churches were erected, expressing the faith of Christians in stone. Scholastic theologians worked to comprehend Christian doctrine in terms of Greek philosophy, primarily Aristotelianism. An outstanding theologian was Thomas Aquinas (1226–1274).

East-West schism.

The Christian churches of the Orthodox East also experienced a revival - primarily the Byzantine Church, whose sphere of influence included Greece, Asia Minor, the Balkans and Russia. This revival was partly monastic and partly theological in nature.

However, over time, a crack arose and began to widen, dividing the western branch of the church, headed by the Pope, from its eastern branch, the head of which was the Patriarch of Constantinople. The reasons for the schism were partly of a social nature, since gradually developing and intensifying cultural and linguistic differences manifested themselves in a long rivalry for the primacy of the authority and power of the two imperial capitals, eastern and western, and, accordingly, the two churches personified by these capitals. Differences in Eastern and Western liturgical practices also played an important role. Controversy also arose over the Western formulation Nicene Creed, which originally spoke of the proceeding of the Holy Spirit from the Father and in which the Western Church included words indicating that the Spirit proceeds not only from the Father, but also “from the Son.” see also FILIOQUE.


The Crusades became a characteristic feature of medieval Christianity in Western Europe. The first campaign was undertaken at the call of Pope Urban II in 1096 to gain control of the holy places in Palestine, which were constantly visited by Christian pilgrims. Jerusalem and several other Palestinian cities were captured and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem was established. Subsequent crusades were undertaken in order to protect this kingdom or return lost territories to it. However, as a result of these campaigns, the Muslims not only were not driven out of Palestine, but, on the contrary, united among themselves and strengthened themselves, which allowed them to eventually gain the upper hand and become the undivided masters of these lands. The last stronghold of the Crusaders fell in 1291. The Crusaders sowed distrust and hatred among the local population, which led to a sharp deterioration in relations between the West and the Middle East in the 12th century.

Ottoman expansion.

Since the middle of the 14th century. The territories where Christianity was widespread were significantly reduced, and its very existence was threatened. In 1453 the Ottomans captured Constantinople, the center of Orthodoxy. In the same century, they appeared under the walls of Vienna, managing to capture all of Greece and the Balkans and almost turning the Mediterranean Sea into the inland sea of ​​their empire. The Ottomans did not eradicate Christianity in the areas they captured, but they did deprive Christians of almost all rights. As a result, the ecumenical patriarchs were actually forced to buy their rank from the sultans, and many of the bishops appointed to the Balkan churches did not even speak the language of their flock. The adoption of Islam by the Mongols, who ruled all of Central Asia, and especially the campaigns of Tamerlane (1336–1405) led to a significant reduction in the number of Christians in this region and to the complete disappearance of Christianity in many lands.

Late Middle Ages.

In Western Europe, a crisis has emerged in the life of the Roman Catholic Church. The first symptoms of this crisis were the transfer of the papal throne to Avignon (“Avignon” or “Babylonian captivity”, 1309–1376) and the great Western schism between the two lines of popes, Avignon and Rome, which began soon after 1378 and ended only at the Council of Constance ( 1414–1418). The great schism was followed by the reign of the Renaissance popes. The most famous of them were Rodrigo Borgia (Alexander VI, 1492–1503) and Giovanni de' Medici (Leo X, 1513–1521). Monasticism in this era fell into a noticeable decline. “Pluralism” (the practice according to which one person was allowed to hold several church positions at once, and the receipt of income from benefices did not require the presence of the beneficiary holder and his participation in the management and affairs of the diocese) became widespread.

However, even in these decades, the Christian faith did not experience such a decline as in the first half of the 10th century. Religious movements such as the mystical Brethren of Communal Life movement (which remained within the church) and the work of reformers such as John Wycliffe and Jan Hus, who were condemned as heretics, testified to the great vitality of the Christian religion.


The 16th century marked a new revival of religious life, marking the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, as well as a new territorial expansion of the Christian religion, striking in its scale.

The Protestant Reformation, which began in Germany in 1517 with the speech of Luther, developed in four main forms, united by the recognition of the exclusive authority of the Bible and the denial of the authority and power of the Pope. The first, Lutheranism, went directly back to Luther (1483–1546) and over time came to dominate much of Germany and the Scandinavian countries. Lutheranism placed particular emphasis on the principle of “justification by faith alone” and rejected those dogmas and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church that were considered by Lutherans to be contrary to the Bible. The second form, Calvinism, was embodied in the Reformed and Presbyterian churches and owed its emergence to John Calvin (1509–1564). Calvin particularly insisted on the absolute sovereignty of God and accepted only those teachings of the medieval Catholic Church that he believed were clearly expressed in the Bible. Calvinism became the main form of Protestantism in Switzerland, much of the Rhineland, the Netherlands and Scotland; he also gained strong positions in Hungary, England and in the 13 American colonies, which later united to form the USA. The third form of Protestantism is Anglicanism. Thanks to the efforts of Henry VIII, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and Elizabeth I, it retained many more pre-Reform features than other branches of Protestantism. Finally, the fourth form of Protestantism was various Anabaptist movements. The Anabaptists, distinguished by the greatest radicalism among all movements in Protestantism, were persecuted not only by the Catholic Church, but also by more conservative Protestants, which over time led to a reduction in their numbers. However, they became the spiritual ancestors of the Mennonites, Baptists and a number of other Protestant denominations, which later received especially great development in the United States. The first three branches of Protestantism developed against the background of the emergence and development of nationalist sentiments and ideas. By worshiping in national languages, all four forms of Protestantism contributed significantly to the emergence of the cultural pluralism that has become an integral feature of modern Western civilization. see also ANABAPPTISTS; ANGLICAN CHURCHES; PROTESTANTISM; REFORMATION.


The process of territorial expansion of Christianity was carried out primarily by the Catholic Church and states such as Spain and Portugal. The spread of Christianity was carried out partly through missions to non-Christian peoples, and partly through the migration of European populations. It has become widespread in the Caribbean and Central and South America. Smaller Christian communities arose in Canada and in certain areas on the African coast, in India, Ceylon, China, Japan and the East Indies, especially in the Philippines, where the majority of the native population was converted.

Religious wars.

One of the consequences of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations was the so-called. religious wars, the main ones being the Thirty Years' War in Germany (1618–1648), the War of Independence of the Netherlands, which ended in victory, and the civil wars in France between Huguenots and Catholics. The religious wars fixed the territorial boundaries between Protestant and Catholic regions and countries in approximately the same state as we see these boundaries today. see also HUGENOTS.


Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries. contained a new threat to Christianity. The skeptical deism of thinkers such as Locke in England, the Encyclopedists in France, and Lessing in Germany had little in common with traditional faith. In addition, most of the churches of the time, including the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the Orthodox and Protestant churches, were closely associated with the state. The Act of Toleration, passed in 1689 in England, weakened this system. Then came the French Revolution (1789–1799), followed by the Napoleonic Wars (1804–1814), which destroyed or weakened many of the political structures controlled by the church. see also DEISM.

Attitude to Christianity in the 19th century. was marked by sharp contrasts. On the one hand, anti-Christian tendencies continued to develop in society. In Catholic countries, a wave of revolutionary movements arose, mainly of an anti-clerical orientation. The Industrial Revolution weakened the traditional foundations of society, which were associated primarily with the church. The new socio-political teachings, especially Marxism, were openly anti-Christian and won many adherents among the intelligentsia and workers. On the other hand, all major branches of Christianity experienced a noticeable revival.

In Catholicism, this revival was expressed, in particular, in the strengthening of the papacy. In 1870, the First Vatican Council proclaimed the dogma of the infallibility of popes in those cases when they speak ex cathedra (i.e. officially) on questions of doctrine and morals, and confirmed that the pope exercises absolute administrative power in the church. Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Rerum novarum(1891) outlined the basic principles that should guide the church in the face of the social and economic problems of the new era. The Pope called for the study of the works of Thomas Aquinas, seeing in Thomism one of the means to satisfy the intellectual demands of our time. The old monastic orders were renewed and strengthened, and new monastic congregations also emerged. Developing the doctrine, Pope Pius IX officially proclaimed in 1854 the dogma that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin (the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary).

In the East, as a result of the weakening of the power of the Ottoman Empire and the liberation of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia from the Turkish yoke, the churches of these countries got rid of centuries of dependence on Muslim rulers. New trends also arose in the Russian Orthodox Church - primarily in prayer practice and piety, but also in theology.

Protestantism developed energetically. New life was breathed into Christianity, in continental Europe, by Pietism (which arose in the 17th century) and the revival of the Lutheran faith, and in the Anglo-Saxon world by evangelicalism, among whose outstanding pioneers was John Wesley (1703–1791). Movements such as the Home Mission in Germany, as well as the Salvation Army, YMCA, and YWCA in Great Britain, sought to address the problems created by urbanization and industrialization of society. The Red Cross organization and the Christian pacifism movement opposed the evil that the war brought with it. Protestants played a large role in establishing a ban on the use of slave labor in the British Isles and in the United States. The best minds worked to bring theology into line with the latest intellectual trends (F. Schleiermacher, 1768–1834, played an outstanding role here).

The spread of Christianity during this period was carried out partly due to active and massive immigration of the population of traditionally Christian countries to America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and partly due to the conversion of non-Christian peoples.

The twentieth century.

After World War I, Christianity faced new threats and difficulties. In traditionally Christian countries, forces emerged that achieved revolution - political, economic and cultural - on a global scale. Two world wars affected all peoples on earth. The emergence of nuclear weapons in 1945 threatened the lives of all people on Earth. In Europe and Asia, old forms of government were abolished. In large regions - most notably Russia and China - the ancien regime was replaced by communist rule, usually combined with militant atheism. Countries one after another experienced an industrial revolution, which also threatened the existence of traditional religion. In both Western and Eastern Europe the number of churchgoers has dropped sharply. The colonial system collapsed, and Christianity, which the inhabitants of the former colonies associated with Western imperialism, began to be seen as a phenomenon of imperialist culture. As a result, non-Christian religions flourished in these countries - primarily Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. However, the main trend of the 20th century. All over the world there is a movement towards secularism, rejecting all religion.

Contemporary Christian Revival.

Despite all these difficulties, Christianity today is experiencing a period of growth. This is indicated by a number of undeniable signs.

1. The spread of Christianity throughout the world continues. Despite the population explosion in the Third World following the First World War, the number of Christians, still a religious minority, has increased significantly relative to the total population in India, Indonesia and the African countries to the south. from the Sahara.

2. Christianity was an important factor in the independent social and cultural development of the independent peoples of the Third World countries. In particular, the training program for indigenous Christian clergy expanded, and many of them entered the episcopate of the Roman Catholic Church (or its equivalent in Protestant churches). When European missionaries were recalled from a number of countries during World War II, the work of converting the population of these countries to Christianity was taken over entirely by local priests and bishops.

3. Christianity continued to exist in countries with communist regimes. In Russia, after a period when the militant anti-Christian policies of the communists led to a significant reduction in the number of church members, Christianity was revived again and the number of believers increased significantly. In East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, churches continued to exist despite many difficulties and oppression. In China, where the number of Christians never exceeded one percent of the total population, the number of churches declined more sharply and Christians suffered more severe persecution than in Europe, but Christianity survived here.

4. New movements in Christianity began to emerge - along with the old ones, which also strengthened significantly. In Catholicism, the increasing participation of the laity in the life of the Church was evidenced by the emergence of the Liturgical Movement, Catholic Action, Eucharistic Congresses, Christian Democratic parties, the Legion of the Virgin Mary and a large number of youth organizations, as well as the implementation of new translations of the Bible into national languages. In Europe, the position of the Catholic Church was especially strong in Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France, Southern Germany, Switzerland, Northern Italy and Poland. In encyclicals Quadragesimo anno(1931) and Mater et master(1961), following the example of the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII Rerum novarum, Popes Pius XI and John XXIII outlined a whole series of principles that should guide Catholics in the changing social and economic situation. New institutions arose in Protestantism, such as evangelical academies and church conventions in Germany, the Church in the World in the Netherlands, Iona in Scotland and Sigtuna in Sweden, designed to introduce Christian ideals into society. In Great Britain and the United States, efforts were increasingly made to introduce Christianity to working people who were far from the church. The Hilfswerk charity of the Evangelical Church in Germany, the Interfaith Committee for Refugee Aid (CIMADE) in France and the Church World Service in the USA were the means through which Protestants sought to alleviate the physical suffering of the victims of World War II and subsequent wars. Protestant churches were vocal about labor issues, race relations, and international issues.

5. Significant efforts have been made to take into account the main intellectual currents of our time. The Roman Catholic Church, on the eve of the First World War, made great efforts to eradicate "modernism", which could have a harmful influence on many members of the clergy. However, this action did not imply a renunciation of all scientific work. Such outstanding thinkers of our time as Jacques Maritain and Etienne Gilson, in their works, expounded the theological teaching of Thomas Aquinas, making it understandable and convincing for modern people. Gabriel Marcel developed the philosophy of existentialism, popular among both believers and non-believers. In Protestantism, Karl Barth became the most influential theologian after Schleiermacher, winning recognition not only among Protestants, but also among Catholic theologians. Barth developed a Christocentric doctrine, according to which knowledge of God can only be achieved through Jesus Christ. In the USA, Reinhold Niebuhr led an entire school that studied the problem of the relationship of Christianity to the social, economic and interethnic issues of our time.

6. Christians achieved a degree of unity that they had never known before. They were still far from uniting into a common church, but they began to present a united front in the face of the whole world. This trend was most characteristic of Protestantism, which represents the least cohesive and unified branch of Christianity. The creation of regional and national councils of churches and especially the World Council of Churches (1948) made it possible to achieve particularly great success in this direction. By the early 1960s, the World Council of Churches already included the overwhelming majority of Protestant and Eastern churches. At the same time, friendly relations between Protestant and Catholic church leaders strengthened. In 1961, the Ecumenical (Constantinople) Patriarch took important steps aimed at strengthening unity and cooperation between the Orthodox Churches. In 1962, on the initiative of Pope John XXIII, the Second Vatican Council was convened, the main goal of which was the renewal of the church in the face of the problems that arose in the 20th century, and the movement towards achieving Christian unity. After the conclusion of the council in 1965, Pope John's successor, Paul VI, zealously set to work to implement the decisions of the council.

7. Christianity has acquired much greater moral authority in the non-Christian world than ever before, influencing in particular the formation of the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi, India's most authoritative spiritual leader in the 20th century, and through him many of his compatriots. Although Christianity could not play a dominant role in the countries of this world, it nevertheless significantly influenced the ideals and actions of people.


According to rough estimates, in 1996 there were approx. 2 billion Christians; of which 981 million are Catholics, approx. 600 million Protestants and 182 million Orthodox (in Russia 70–80 million). In general, the number of adherents of the Christian faith exceeds the number of adherents of any other religion.

The main branches of Protestantism that emerged in the 16th century continue to exist in Europe; they are considered as their religion by the majority of residents of northwestern Europe and Great Britain. In the 20th century these churches were separated from the state in Germany and Wales, and even earlier there was a separation of church and state in the Netherlands. The Church of England and the Church of Scotland avoided separation from the state, and the Lutheran Church in the Scandinavian countries and Finland received state status. However, even where church and state are separated, the almost universal custom of baptism and confirmation remains. The United States is characterized by a special diversity of Christian churches and denominations. All existing forms of Christianity are represented in this country, but the largest and most numerous denominations here are not Lutherans, Calvinists and Anglicans, as in Europe, but Baptists and Methodists (also with European roots). Protestant denominations of purely American origin were added to the latter. Of the eastern churches, the most numerous is the Orthodox Church. See also. M., 1994
Christianity: Dictionary. M., 1994
Zadvorny V.L. History of the Popes. Volume I. From St. Peter to St. Simplicia. M., 1995
Pospelovsky D.V. Russian Orthodox Church in the twentieth century. M., 1995
Zadvorny V.L. History of the Popes. Volume II. From St. Felix II to Pelagius II. M., 1997
Peoples and religions of the world. Encyclopedia. M., 1998
Rozhkov V. Essays on the History of the Roman Catholic Church. M., 1998

The Hebrew Scriptures relate: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have remembered what Amalek did to Israel, how he stood against him on the way when he came out of Egypt.”(1 Samuel 15:2). And approximately 480 years after this act of the Amalekites (Acts 13:20), the Most High indicated to the Israeli king Saul: “Now go and smite Amalek, and destroy all that he has; and give him no mercy, but put to death from man to wife, from child to suckling, from ox to sheep, from camel to donkey.”(1 Samuel 15:3)... There are quite a lot of similar examples in the Old Testament writings, and some of these stories can lead us, Christians, to bewilderment.

But here is an example of a conversation between the apostles and Christ, which suggests the opposite:

“And He sent messengers before Him; and they went and entered the village of the Samaritans; to prepare for Him; but [there] they did not receive Him, because He appeared to be traveling to Jerusalem. Seeing this, His disciples, James and John, said: Lord! Do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and destroy them, just as Elijah did? But He, turning to them, rebuked them and said: You do not know what kind of spirit you are; For the Son of Man came not to destroy the souls of men, but to save” (Luke 9:52-56).

In this short and seemingly not very significant story, the whole essence of Christianity is outlined. Perhaps this would be enough for some to understand why our Lord, the High Priest, came. However, the essence of Christianity simply must be reflected in our inner world, as well as in our actions; and for this, it is important for us to clearly understand the essence of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.

What will help you understand the essence of Christianity?

Before Christ came to earth, Solomon was considered the wisest man on earth. It was he who most clearly expressed the problem of humanity as a whole, writing:

“I spoke in my heart about the sons of men, so that God might test them, and so that they would see that they are animals in themselves. Because the fate of the sons of men and the fate of animals is the same fate: as they die, so these die, and everyone has the same breath, and man has no advantage over cattle, because everything is vanity! Everything goes to one place: everything came from dust and everything will return to dust” (Eccl. 3:18-20).

Man was created “in the image and likeness of God” to have dominion over the earth, and Scripture tells it this way:

“God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. Let all the beasts of the earth fear and tremble at you, and all the birds of the air, everything that moves on the earth, and all the fish of the sea: they are given into your hands” (Gen. 9: 1, 2. Also: Psalm 8: 4 -9.).

However, you should pay attention to the fact that man was created on the same day, the sixth, along with the animals. Instincts such as: the instinct of self-preservation, reproduction, dominance over other individuals - are often uncontrollably transformed into greed and betrayal, adultery, envy and war... why?

This is the answer to the fact that the first people succumbed to sin so easily: “God saw everything that He had created, and behold, it was very good. (And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day)"(Gen.1:31). They were perfect according to the flesh, without defect, but at the same time, Adam was not blessed spiritually - but it was the seventh day that was blessed (Gen. 2:3.). The Apostle Paul wrote:

“we who have believed enter into rest... For nowhere is it said about the seventh [day] like this: and God rested on the seventh day from all His work... Therefore there still remains a Sabbath for the people of God. For whoever has entered into His rest has also rested from his own works, just as God did from His” (Heb. 4:3,4,9,10).

And if we are talking about the essence of Christianity, then we cannot help but remember that it was Christ who was the Lord of the Sabbath, into which each of us has to “enter.” This Leader said:

“I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

“Thus it is written: The first man Adam became a living soul; and the last Adam is a life-giving spirit... The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second person is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, so are the earthy; and as is he that is in heaven, so are those that are in heaven” (1 Cor. 15:45,47,48).

If we carefully examine the Scriptures, it becomes clear that before the coming of Christ, all those who were pleasing to the Most High God Yahweh were all moved by the Holy Spirit.

For example, in the Israeli kingdom of Samaria there was not a single righteous king - however, in the kingdom of Judah, true worship was restored from time to time... why is that? We will find the answer in the words of the prophet Ahijah: “That the lamp of My servant David might remain always before Me in the city of Jerusalem, which I have chosen for Myself for My name to dwell there.”(1 Kings 11:36). In the kingdom of Samaria, the Most High also preserved the prophets for Himself by the Spirit, so that spiritual light would remain for people (Rom. 11: 2-6.). Thus, by carefully studying biblical history, we can understand that without the Spirit of God, man cannot be pleasing to Him; for this, you simply need to be blessed (Rom. 9:10-14.).

We all need to honestly admit that we are flesh, created on the “sixth day” along with the animals, that we are children of the carnal Adam; If he had not sinned, then instead of him, there in paradise, we would have sinned. And for us, it is important to be led into that “rest” by the second “Adam,” the Eternal Father, Christ (see: Isaiah 9:6.).

The first people were created without sin - but it was they who soon left it to us as a heritage. So we come to the fact that in the biblical sense, the number SIX is the number of the flesh, of which the devil is the god:

“For the flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh: they oppose each other, so that you do not do what you would like. If you are led by the spirit, then you are not under the law. The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, quarrels, envy, anger, strife, disagreements, (temptations), heresies, hatred, murder, drunkenness, disorderly conduct and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do this will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. There is no law against them. But those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal. 5:17-24).

The law left through Moses was only a “schoolmaster” to the Messiah (Galatians 3:11,24.) - but the Jews took it literally, not understanding the essence; Thus, the Law was for them an educator of EXTERNAL behavior. Not having the Spirit from God, the Jews were not able to understand the Law; This was their main problem and mistake, the way they thought themselves - and how they judged others.

The scribes and Pharisees were blind guides who did not understand that the Law began not with external education - but with the internal world (Matt. 23:26.). The history of Israel, through the Mosaic Law, shows us all: no matter how much the Almighty God admonishes and punishes, without the Holy Spirit there is no full meaning. Scripture says:

“An ox knows his owner, and a donkey his master’s manger; but Israel does not know [Me], My people do not understand... What else should we beat you with, who continue their stubbornness? The whole head is full of ulcers, and the whole heart is withered. From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there is no healthy place: sores, spots, festering wounds, not cleansed and not bandaged and not softened with oil” (Isa. 1: 3, 5, 6).

This is why it is important for us all to realize that ourselves, without that “Sabbath” blessing, we cannot truly draw closer to God. “As it is written: no one is righteous; there is no one who understands; no one seeks God; everyone has gone astray, up to one are worthless; there is no one who does good, no, not one.”(Rom. 3:10-12).

“Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not such a covenant as I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; They broke that covenant of mine, although I remained in covenant with them, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law within them, and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they will be My people. And they will no longer teach one another, brother to brother, and say, “Know the Lord,” for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord, because I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more” (Jer. .31:31-34).

This is confirmed by the prophet Ezekiel:

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; And I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My commandments, and to keep My statutes and do them” (Ezek. 36:26,27).

This happened on Pentecost, after Christ gave His life for us, thereby demonstrating the greatest love. And only THEN, humanity had the opportunity, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, to understand the essence of Christianity, the essence of the Law. Pavel wrote:

“We preach the wisdom of God, secret, hidden, which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the authorities of this age knew; for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory... God revealed [this] to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, and the depths of God...we have not received the spirit of this world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we might know what has been given to us by God, which we proclaim not in words learned from human wisdom, but in words learned from the Holy Spirit, comparing spiritual with spiritual. The natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, because he considers them foolishness; and cannot understand, because this [must] be judged spiritually” (1 Cor. 2:7,8,10,12-14).

The essence of Christianity today

So: through the love of the Lord Christ and grace from God the Father (and only then, through understanding) Christians of the first century acquired a true relationship with the Most High. The Apostle Peter admonished:

“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people taken for his own inheritance, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light... And lead a virtuous life among the Gentiles, so that for the reasons for which they revile you as evildoers, seeing your good works, you glorified God on the day of visitation... For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in His steps (1 Pet. 2:9,12,21).

And the essence of Christianity today is to become a follower of Christ as an intercessor for humanity.

Take for example the story of Joseph, who became engaged to Mary: when the mother of Christ found herself pregnant in Joseph’s absence, before their wedding, what should he have thought?..

According to the Law, Mary should have been stoned, and first of all, Joseph himself had to do this (Deut. 22:14,20-24.). However, Scripture says: “Her husband Joseph, being righteous and not wanting to make Her public, wanted to secretly let Her go.”(Matt. 1:19). What then was his righteousness if he literally did not fulfill the Law? - That: “...mercy prevails over judgment”(James 2:13.). Also, Solomon wrote: “Save those taken to death, and will you really refuse those doomed to be killed?”(Prov.24:11).

This is exactly what Christ did in relation to harlots, publicans and others, without dividing the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, etc. into confessions. But the question was how pure is a person’s inner “vessel” for accepting peace from the Most High (Matt. 23:25,26.).

And what do we have in the Christian world today?

Not many believers in Christ really think about why there is so much error and quackery among them today; why in any provincial town, some five or seven Christian churches (both Protestant and sometimes traditional) cannot find a common language?.. Often, only the appearance of unity is pretended, as well as the possession of the gifts of prophecy, healing and speaking to others languages ​​- but to be honest, in essence, this is an exercise in self-deception, an attempt to prove that nothing has changed since the first century.

The Apostle Paul said: “I know that after I am gone, fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among yourselves men will arise who will speak perverse things, so as to draw away the disciples after themselves.”(Acts 20:29,30).

Both during the Middle Ages and during the early 21st century, we see that not only are all Christian denominations in a state of division - but often divisions also occur within churches. Therefore, we can say that today's Christianity is in the state of Babylon the Great. The prophetic effect of this state was an event that is described in the book of Genesis:

“The whole earth had one language and one speech... And they said: Let us build ourselves a city and a tower, with its height reaching to heaven, and make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of the whole earth... And the Lord said: Behold, there is one people, and one everyone's language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not deviate from what they planned to do; Let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. And the Lord scattered them from there throughout all the earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore the name was given to it: Babylon, for there the Lord confused the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them throughout all the earth” (Gen. 11:1,4,6-9).

The inability to understand the truth from the Most High in unanimity indicates the absence of the Holy Spirit in Christianity today (1 Cor. 1:10. Eph. 4: 5,6.). Let these words be no offense to you all, friends, because honesty is the basis of humility and understanding of the essence of Christianity. How unpleasant it would be to write about this - but obvious facts indicate disorder in Christian movements. And before proving that some denomination has been purified by the Holy Spirit and the fire of trials (see Dan. 11:35; 12:10. Mark 9:49,50.), one should ask the question: is it really true in this Christian movement? , in strict accordance, the events predicted for the time of the end of the wicked world were fulfilled?.. The Apostle Peter warned:

“Beloved! do not shy away from the fiery temptation sent to you to test you as a strange adventure, but as you participate in Christ’s sufferings, rejoice, and at the revelation of His glory you will rejoice and triumph... For it is time for judgment to begin in the house of God; But if it [begins] with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the Gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:12,13,17).

And such scriptures as for example: Micah.7:6-9. Jer.30:7,12-16,23,24. show that true Christianity of the last days will simply have to undergo purification through suffering, as it was in the days of the Lord Christ and His disciples (Zech. 13: 6-9. Mal. 3: 1-5.).

Who will be these true messengers of the Almighty, through whom humanity will find peace and Truth? (Dan.8:23; 11:31-33. Rev.11:2-8. Dan.12:3.)... The vast majority of the Christian world will not immediately understand this. For this reason, the Apostle Paul warned: “Let brotherly love [among you] remain. Do not forget the love of hospitability, for through it some, unknowingly, showed hospitality to Angels. Remember the prisoners, as if you were in bonds with them, and the suffering, as you yourself are in the body.”(Heb. 13:1-3. See: Matt. 25:31-40.). Just like their Master Christ, they will come without reputable teleconferences, thousands of auditoriums, expensive suits, tailcoats and wristwatches with diamonds. These will be those who, without pompous phrases about the teachings of the trinity, the immortality of the soul and other theological interpretations, will discover the essence of true, pure Christianity.

Someone correctly noted that human history can be compared to a wheel; and Scripture states: “Everything that was written before was written for our instruction...”(Rom. 15:4). In the first century, the denomination in which Jews belonged for whatever reason did not matter. What mattered was how much each individual strove for honesty in order to accept not only the law: “do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal” - but it should be purity, without internal malice and wickedness.

At the end of the wicked world, the followers of the Intercessor-Christ will also gather all those who are sincere in heart to the pure, one Truth - the Lord Christ; and it will still be the same, regardless of belonging to any confession. The Prophet Zephaniah wrote about this : “Wait ye ​​therefore for Me, saith the Lord, until the day when I arise for desolation, for I have appointed to gather the nations, to call together kingdoms, to pour out upon them My indignation, all the fury of My wrath; for the whole earth will be consumed by the fire of My jealousy. Then again I will give clean lips to the nations, so that everyone will call on the name of the Lord and serve Him with one accord.”(Zeph.3:8,9). “That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro, and carried away with every wind of doctrine, by the craftiness of men, by the cunning craft of deceit.”(Eph.4:14).

As we have already mentioned, at the beginning of the 21st century, it should be recognized that Christianity as a whole has not yet been cleansed of lies and delusions. If anyone believes that he belongs to the “correct” denomination - and the rest are under the wrath of God - he is greatly mistaken, not understanding the essence of Christianity. No one today can know what the real motives of each of us are. The Apostle Paul warned:

“Therefore, do not judge in any way before the time, until the Lord comes, who will illuminate the hidden things in darkness and reveal the intentions of the heart, and then everyone will have praise from God” (1 Cor. 4:5).

During the sign of the end of the wicked world, that real division that Christ spoke about will begin:

“You will also be betrayed by your parents, and brothers, and relatives, and friends, and some of you will be put to death; and you will be hated by all because of My name” (Luke 21:16,17).

The fact that (except for the first century) this prophecy concerns specifically the last days is confirmed by the prophecy of Micah:

“...a son disgraces his father, a daughter rebels against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; A man's enemies are his own household. But I will look to the Lord, I will trust in the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. ... Do not rejoice for my sake, my enemy! although I have fallen, I will rise; although I am in darkness, the Lord is light to me. I will bear the wrath of the Lord, because I have sinned against Him, until He decides my case and brings judgment on me; then He will bring me into the light, and I will see His righteousness. And my enemy will see this and shame will cover her, who said to me: “Where is the Lord your God?” My eyes will see enough of her, and she will be trampled down like mud in the streets” (Mic. 7:6-10).

From the 8th to the 10th verses imply the emergence of their apostate Christianity, the “harlot,” “Babylon the Great” (Rev. 18:4,5.), which we have already mentioned above. Something similar already happened in apostate Jerusalem of the first century - compare: Acts 2:40. Luke 21:20-23. Rev. 18:20,21,24.

There will be two reasons for the persecution of true Christians, co-priests of Christ, at the end of the wicked world.

The first is that “because lawlessness will increase, the love of many (Christians) will grow cold” (Matt. 24:12). By lawlessness, we mean the persecution of Christians by an wicked ruler from the devil. Prophet Daniel wrote: “At the end of their kingdom, when the apostates have fulfilled the measure of their iniquities, a king will arise, impudent and skilled in deceit. And his strength will be strengthened, although not by his own strength, and he will produce amazing devastation and will manage to act and destroy the mighty and the people of the saints.”(Dan.8:23,24).

To understand the second reason, we must return again to the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the wife of Joseph. If you read such scriptures as: Rev. 12:1-5,17. Daniel 2:34,35. , then we should conclude that the mother of the Lord is a prototype of the Heavenly Kingdom, Mount Zion (Rev. 14:1.). And the main point that I would like to draw attention to is the situation in which Maria found herself during her so-called “guilt” for pregnancy. The sons of the Heavenly Kingdom will find themselves in the same position; they will be judged and slandered, accused of spiritual fornication and apostasy from the “real”, generally accepted Christianity. But their judgment will be unjust, since they will not understand the hidden essence of what is happening - just as the Pharisees of the first century did not understand, condemning Christ for violating the law of the Sabbath, washing hands, communicating with harlots and tax collectors; also, claiming that He is a Galilean impostor (John 7:41,42,52.).

*** He who has ears to hear, let him hear: 1 Cor. 2:14-16. Matthew 18:10,23-35.

So David wrote: “Great peace have those who love Your law, and there is no stumbling block for them.”(Ps. 119:165).

The law and essence of Christianity consists of purity, righteousness and love, which comes from the inner world of each of us - everything else is vanity. No matter how many sacrifices are made (many millions of whom were killed before the time of the Redeemer) - all is vanity... The temple built in the time of Solomon turned into dust; everything we see will one day disappear - but the essence of Christianity: love for God, His Son and our neighbors, remains forever (1 Cor. 13:8.). Hurry to do good, learning what its truth is - only through this can we become real Christians. And may the Heavenly Father grant us understanding of this. Amen.

Scriptures to Consider: Titus 3:3-6. Galat.6:1,2. James 5:14-20. (John 10:11; 15:12. Luke 11:23. 1 John 4:20,21.).
(S. Iakovlev).

The most powerful, influential and numerous of all the main ones currently existing, ahead of Buddhism and Islam, is Christianity. The essence of religion, which breaks down into so-called churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and others), as well as many sects, lies in the veneration and worship of one divine being, in other words, the God-man, whose name is Jesus Christ. Christians believe that he is the true son of God, that he is the Messiah, that he was sent to Earth for the salvation of the world and all humanity.

The religion of Christianity originated in distant Palestine in the first century AD. e. Already in the first years of its existence it had many adherents. The main reason for the emergence of Christianity, according to clergy, was the preaching activity of a certain Jesus Christ, who, being essentially a half-god, half-man, came to us in human form in order to bring people the truth, and even scientists do not deny his existence. About the first coming of Christ (the second of the Christian world is just awaiting) four sacred books have been written, which are called the Gospels. The sacred writings written by his apostles (Matthew, John, as well as Mark and Luke, disciples of the other two and Peter) tell about the miraculous birth of the boy Jesus in the glorious city of Bethlehem, about how he grew up, how he began to preach.

The main ideas of his new religious teaching were the following: the belief that he, Jesus, really is the Messiah, that he is the son of God, that there will be his second coming, there will be the end of the world and the resurrection from the dead. With his sermons, he called for loving one's neighbors and helping those in need. His Divine origin was proven by the miracles with which he accompanied his teachings. Many sick people were healed by his word or touch, he raised the dead three times, walked on water, turned it into wine and fed about five thousand people with just two fish and five cakes.

He expelled all merchants from the Jerusalem Temple, thereby showing that dishonest people have no place in holy and noble deeds. Then there was the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, accusations of deliberate blasphemy and brazen encroachment on the royal throne and a death sentence. He died, being crucified on the cross, having taken upon himself torment for all human sins. Three days later, Jesus Christ was resurrected and then ascended to heaven. About the religion Christianity says the following: there are two places, two special spaces that are inaccessible to people during earthly life. and paradise. Hell is a place of terrible torment, located somewhere in the bowels of the earth, and heaven is a place of universal bliss, and only God himself will decide who is sent where.

The religion of Christianity is based on several dogmas. The first is that the Second is that he is trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The birth of Jesus occurred by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; God became incarnate in the Virgin Mary. Jesus was crucified and then died to atone for human sins, after which he was resurrected. At the end of time Christ will come to judge the world and the dead will rise. Divine and human natures are inextricably united in the image of Jesus Christ.

All religions of the world have certain canons and commandments, but Christianity preaches to love God with all your heart, and also to love your neighbor as yourself. Without loving your neighbor, you cannot love God.

The religion of Christianity has its adherents in almost every country, half of all Christians are concentrated in Europe, including Russia, one quarter in North America, one sixth in South America, and significantly fewer believers in Africa, Australia and

Completed by a student of SKhBI 2/12

on the subject “The Idea of ​​National Independence”

Anisimova Anastasia

Fundamentals of Christian Doctrine


1) Christianity. Origin and distribution.

2) Fundamentals of Christian doctrine:

Seven major sacraments;

Main holidays of the Christian religion.

3) Spread of Christianity:

In France;

In Germany;

In the United States of America.

4) Christianity today.

5) List of used literature.

Christianity(from the Greek word christos - “anointed one”, “Messiah”) originated as one of the sects of Judaism in the 1st century. AD in Palestine. This original relationship with Judaism - extremely important for understanding the roots of the Christian religion - is also manifested in the fact that the first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, is the holy book of both Jews and Christians (the second part of the Bible, the New Testament, is recognized only by Christians and is for the most important of them). Spreading among the Jews of Palestine and the Mediterranean, Christianity already in the first decades of its existence won adherents among other peoples.

The emergence and spread of Christianity occurred during a period of deep crisis in ancient civilization and the decline of its basic values. Christian teaching attracted many who were disillusioned with the Roman social order. It offered its adherents a path of internal salvation: withdrawal from the corrupt, sinful world into oneself, into one’s own personality; strict asceticism is opposed to rough carnal pleasures, and the arrogance and vanity of the “powers of this world” are opposed to conscious humility and submission, which will be rewarded after the advent of the Kingdom of God on the ground.

However, already the first Christian communities taught their members to think not only about themselves, but also about the destinies of the whole world, to pray not only for their own, but also for the common salvation. Even then, the universalism characteristic of Christianity was revealed: communities scattered across the vast expanse of the Roman Empire nevertheless felt their unity. People of different nationalities became members of the communities. The New Testament thesis “there is neither Greek nor Jew” proclaimed the equality before God of all believers and predetermined the further development of Christianity as a world religion that knows no national and linguistic boundaries.

Since the 4th century, the Christian Church periodically gathers the highest clergy at the so-called ecumenical councils. At these councils, a system of dogma was developed and approved, canonical norms and liturgical rules were formed, and methods of combating heresies were determined. The first ecumenical council, held in Nicaea in 325, adopted the Christian Creed - a short set of main dogmas that form the basis of the doctrine.

Christianity develops the idea of ​​one God, the possessor of absolute goodness, absolute knowledge and absolute power, which matured in Judaism. All beings and objects are his creations, all created by a free act of divine will. The two central dogmas of Christianity speak of the trinity of God and the incarnation. According to the first, the inner life of the deity is the relationship of three “hypostases,” or persons: the Father (the beginningless principle), the Son or Logos (the semantic and formative principle), and the Holy Spirit (the life-giving principle). The Son is “born” from the Father, the Holy Spirit “proceeds” from the Father. Moreover, both “birth” and “procession” do not take place in time, since all the persons of the Christian Trinity have always existed - “pre-eternal” - and are equal in dignity - “equal in honor”.

Man, according to Christian teaching, was created as a bearer of the “image and likeness” of God. However, the Fall committed by the first people destroyed man's godlikeness, placing on him the stain of original sin. Christ, having suffered on the cross and death, “redeemed” people, suffering for the entire human race. Therefore, Christianity emphasizes the purifying role of suffering, any limitation by a person of his desires and passions: “by accepting his cross,” a person can overcome evil in himself and in the world around him. Thus, a person not only fulfills God’s commandments, but also transforms himself and ascends to God, becoming closer to him. This is the purpose of the Christian, his justification of the sacrificial death of Christ. Associated with this view of man is the concept of “sacrament”, characteristic only of Christianity - a special cult action designed to actually introduce the divine into human life. This is first of all - baptism, communion, confession (repentance), marriage, unction.

The persecutions experienced by Christianity in the first centuries of its existence left a deep imprint on its worldview and spirit. Persons who suffered imprisonment and torture for their faith ("confessors") or were executed ("martyrs") began to be revered in Christianity as saints. In general, the ideal of the martyr becomes central in Christian ethics.

Time passed. The conditions of the era and culture changed the political and ideological context of Christianity, and this caused a number of church divisions - schism. As a result, competing varieties of Christianity - "confessions" - emerged.

Basis of faith Holy Scripture (the Bible) and sacred tradition are recognized (the decisions of the seven Ecumenical Councils of the 4th-8th centuries, as well as the works of major church authorities, such as Athanasius of Alexandria, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John of Damascus, John Chrysostom). It fell to these church fathers to formulate the basic tenets of the doctrine.

An important place in Orthodoxy is occupied by sacramental rituals, during which, according to the teachings of the church, special grace descends on believers. The Church recognizes seven sacraments :

Baptism - a sacrament in which a believer, by immersing his body three times in water with the invocation of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, gains spiritual birth. A person (most often an infant) not only gets rid of so-called original sin, but becomes a true Christian;

In the sacrament Confirmation the believer is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, restoring and strengthening him in spiritual life. Confirmation is performed after baptism (for the faithful - immediately after baptism, and for Catholics - after a certain time) and consists of sanctifying a person as a Christian by lubricating individual parts of his body with a special aromatic oil (mirror), allegedly containing “divine grace”, “gifts of the saint” spirit."

In the sacrament communion the believer, under the guise of bread and wine, eats the very Body and Blood of Christ for Eternal Life.

Sacrament repentance or confession is the recognition of one’s sins before a priest, who absolves them in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sacrament priesthood performed through episcopal ordination when a person is elevated to the rank of clergy. The right to perform this sacrament belongs only to the bishop.

In the sacrament marriage , which takes place in the temple during a wedding, the marital union of the bride and groom is blessed.

In the sacrament anointing of oil (unction) when anointing the body with oil, the grace of God is invoked on the sick person, healing mental and physical infirmities. During this sacrament, the clergyman forgives the sins of a seriously ill or dying person and “endows” the necessary holiness for the afterlife.

Let's consider main religious forms of Christianity formed in the process of historical development of the Christian world.

Another major (along with Orthodoxy) direction in Christianity is Catholicism. Word " Catholicism" means universal, universal.

Orthodoxy - one of the three main directions of Christianity - historically developed, formed as its eastern branch. It is distributed mainly in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the Balkans. The name “Orthodoxy” (from the Greek word “orthodoxy”) was first found among Christian writers of the 2nd century. The theological foundations of Orthodoxy were formed in Byzantium, where it was the dominant religion in the 4th - 11th centuries.

Its origins are from a small Roman Christian community, the first bishop of which, according to legend, was the Apostle Peter. The process of isolation of Catholicism in Christianity began in the 3rd - 5th centuries, when economic, political, and cultural differences between the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire grew and deepened.

The division of the Christian church into Catholic and Orthodox began with the rivalry between the popes and the patriarchs of Constantinople for supremacy in the Christian world. Around 867 there was a break between Pope Nicholas I and Patriarch Photius of Constantinople.

Catholicism, as one of the directions of the Christian religion, recognizes its basic dogmas and rituals, but has a number of features in its doctrine, cult, and organization.

The basis of Catholic doctrine, like all Christianity, is the Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition. However, unlike the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church considers as Holy Tradition the decrees of not only the first seven Ecumenical Councils, but also all subsequent councils, and in addition, papal epistles and decrees.

At the Second Vatican Council (1962 - 1965), the process began agiornamento- renewal, modernization of all aspects of the life of the church. First of all, this affected the tradition of worship. For example, the refusal to conduct services in Latin.

The essence Protestantism is as follows: divine grace is bestowed without the mediation of the church. A person's salvation occurs only through his personal faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The laity are not separated from the clergy - the priesthood extends to all believers. Among the sacraments, baptism and communion are recognized. Believers do not obey the Pope. The service consists of sermons, congregational prayers and the singing of psalms. Protestants do not recognize the cult of the Mother of God, purgatory, they reject monasticism, the sign of the cross, sacred vestments, and icons.

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