Home Potato Interesting ideas to give money. How to give money for a wedding in an original way: interesting ideas. Original packaging for money: balloons

Interesting ideas to give money. How to give money for a wedding in an original way: interesting ideas. Original packaging for money: balloons

Modern realities are such that wedding gifts are mostly given in the form of money. As Semyon Slepakov sings, having received money as a gift, no one will say: thank you, I already have it.

How much should I donate? This is the first question that concerns those invited to the wedding. Everything here is individual, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the givers and the traditions accepted in a given locality. A much more important question is how to give money for a wedding so that this moment becomes unforgettable.

Play with a gift

You can hold a competition with the participation of guests and young people to give money in an interesting way. Give all participants a box packed in a gift wrapper and ask them to unpack and open the boxes as quickly as possible. Inside there will be a smaller box, in it there will be even less, and so on until the tiniest one. There will be a surprise in it, only the newlyweds will have money, and the rest of the guests will have small memorable souvenirs.

Packaging option for souvenirs for participants of wedding competitions

With the bride, the witness and other girls among the guests, the toastmaster sometimes plays a game to see who can change the diaper of a doll baby faster and with better quality. The bride will find the money in the diaper.

For a fun gift of money, you can buy a money printing machine at a gift shop. All that remains is to load it with real banknotes and hand it over to the newlyweds, turning the handle a couple of times to demonstrate how the machine works.

A souvenir money printing machine will be an original gift for newlyweds

Piggy bank with money

You can come up with a lot of options for giving money to young people right in the piggy bank.

  1. Buy or make a transparent piggy bank with your own hands and divide it inside into 2 equal parts by placing a partition. Sign the halves, for example, like this: “To husband, wife” or the names of the heroes of the occasion. You will have to make 2 slots in the top for money. Place the same number of bills into both halves of the piggy bank. You can add silver or gold coins from the Bank of Russia, which will become a profitable investment.
  2. As a transparent piggy bank, you can use a regular glass jar with a lid with a slit. Fill it with bills of both large and small denominations, and coins. The walls of the jar can be decorated with wishes to the newlyweds or with a cool inscription like “canned cabbage.”

Gift within a gift

You can give money to young people beautifully by putting it in an object that is a gift in itself. For example, for the bride, you can buy or order a clutch of the same style as the wedding dress, and put money in the inner pocket along with expensive cosmetics. You can give the groom a leather wallet or organizer with banknotes inside.

To hint to the bride and groom not to delay having children, you can put money inside the baby's feeding bottle.

Money can be organically woven into the plot of a framed picture. For example, green banknotes can imitate a landscape, red banknotes can imitate a sunset, etc., as your imagination dictates. Instead of a picture, you can insert a framed photo of the bride and groom at the beginning of their relationship. Along with paper bills, you can also use coins, including those made of precious metals.

You can give an original gift of money for a wedding: if the celebration takes place on the eve of the New Year, you can give an artificial Christmas tree decorated with banknotes. You can put bills inside transparent glass balls so that they are not immediately noticed. Such a gift will at first cause bewilderment, but later it will pleasantly please you.


The most valuable gifts are those made with your own hands. It is in such a homemade surprise that you can put banknotes and write congratulations on your wedding.

Origami figure made from dollar bills

Money carpet

  • Take two identical pieces of polyethylene. Their size depends on the number of bills and coins that you plan to donate.
  • On the first piece, mark the money slots with a ballpoint pen.
  • Place a bill or coin on the first intended one, place the second piece on top and stitch the edges of the cell using a sewing machine.
  • Place money in the second cell and machine stitch its edges.
  • Fill and stitch the remaining cells in the same way.
  • Of course, it’s worth thinking in advance about the pattern according to which the money will be placed.

Money cake

Here is another way to give money for a wedding in an unusual way. Such a gift is profitable and convenient to give with a group of friends or classmates.

  • Prepare a round tray, banknotes of various denominations, coins, satin ribbons.
  • For the bottom layer of the cake, take the longest ribbon and sew its ends together to make a ring. Insert banknotes rolled into a tube inside the ring. There should be enough of them so that they fit tightly and fill the ring.
  • In the same way, lay out a second ring of smaller diameter and place it on top of the first.
  • If desired, you can make a third, topmost layer.
  • Use coins to decorate an impromptu cake.

Money bouquet

You can give money to newlyweds in the form of a bouquet. You need to make rosebuds from banknotes and secure them on wooden skewers or stems from real roses. All that remains is to place the bouquet in an original vase or decorate it in paper, which is used to decorate real bouquets in flower shops.

Money pot

  • Buy a real clay pot from the store.
  • Place larger bills on the bottom of the pot.
  • Put silver and gold coins from the Bank of Russia on the bills (you can do without them).
  • At the very least, fill the remaining space of the pot with coins of different denominations, the closer to the neck, the smaller.
  • Cover the pot with a cloth and tie with ribbon. It is better to give such a gift to the groom, as it is quite heavy.

Today, money is the most relevant, but also the most banal wedding gift. However, there are many ways to turn a cash gift into a real surprise. You just need to use your imagination a little and be creative.

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Simple and tasteful 01. The simplest option is to give.

money in a special envelope or put it in a postcard

The newlyweds will never guess that they will eventually find money in the big box. It will be a surprise for them.

02. If you give the newlyweds a beautiful a chest or box filled with bills and coins of different denominations, this will undoubtedly cause a storm of emotions among the bride and groom, as well as their guests.

It is not at all necessary that all the money be real. For the required quantity, add photocopied or drawn pieces of paper. You can order banknotes with photographs of the heroes of the occasion from a photo studio and fill the space of the box with them.

03. Buy as a gift for your loved ones unusually shaped piggy bank and put some bills in it.

04. Money is also possible roll up in a regular jar and present it to the newlyweds with comic congratulations and wishes. Pre-exchange the bills into smaller ones so that it seems like there is a lot of money in the container.

05. What if invest in an elegant wedding handbag, which will be designed in the same style as the dress, then such a gift will only cause admiration from the bride.

In addition to banknotes, you can put the most necessary items in your handbag, such as a mirror, handkerchief, lipstick and powder.

Such a gift can be given by a witness, close friend or relative who has an idea of ​​what the newlywed will look like on her wedding day.

It is advisable to discuss this point with the bride in advance so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation. After all, she can buy a wedding handbag on her own and yours will be superfluous.

06. It will look very unusual a gift made of money, if put in a small gift box bills neatly rolled into tubes and tied with a ribbon.

07. Nowadays people are increasingly giving gifts for weddings. paintings made from money. To do this, you need to purchase a frame with glass and insert money into it. They can be placed randomly or in the form of a specific pattern.

08. You can give an impromptu money tree, using either a picture or a photograph decorated with currency.

09. A vase with artificial or fresh flowers with banknotes peeking out among the petals, or a box of chocolates containing money instead of treats, will not leave the recipients of such gifts indifferent.

10. The most ordinary umbrella will turn into a work of art if crispy pieces of paper are tied to its dome.

11. Also looks very impressive garland of rubles- an unexpected comic present that will decorate the bride and groom.

12. Will amuse the guests gathered for the celebration, festive basket with cabbage. Place each sheet with a banknote and wish the bride and groom a speedy addition to the family.

13. Putting money in children's shoes or booties, present this gift with the words: “For the first timid steps into a happy future!” Such a surprise will bring a smile and tears of tenderness to many guests.

14. Quite an unusual and interesting surprise for newlyweds in the form of bundles of balloons with money invested in them will give a sea of ​​positive emotions to all people present at the holiday.

15. Some souvenir shops provide this unusual service: you can roll up a tin can, filling it with anything. In this case, it will be money. By putting a few euros or dollars in a tin, you will give young people happy moments of fun that will accompany opening the can.

Flight of creativity

01. A creative approach will help in the process of creating a monetary gift for happy lovers. You can decorate many items with coins and bills.

For example, ordinary indoor flower or money tree with rubles attached or dollars will look much richer and more attractive.

02. Do you know how? embroider on linen? Great! This skill will be useful for creating a cash gift for a wedding. Transfer the tree pattern onto the fabric, and in place of the leaves, attach pieces of paper with rubles, rolling them into tight rolls or giving them the appearance of a fan.

03. Give to newlyweds glasses in which rolled up rubles were previously placed. You can decorate the glasses yourself with a pattern or design, which will make your gift unique and exclusive.

04. You can build any figurine from finances. Origami lovers will cope with this task easily and quickly. For example, a boat with “expensive” sails or an almost goldfish.

It can also be all kinds of flowers and bouquets of banknotes.

05. It will be no less unusual and interesting if given to a young family. a tablecloth or blanket, to the surface of which carefully glue many, many banknotes of various denominations. You can decorate this beauty with ribbons, bows and inscriptions.

06. DIY soft pillows for a young married couple. Small pillowcases can be filled with flower petals and money along with some filling.

Some photo studios print the selected image onto the fabric. A pillow with a photo of lovers is a great gift that will serve as a reminder of a happy wedding day for many years.

When considering several options for a cash gift for a wedding, invest in it not only banknotes, but also your love and care. Any gift should bring joy and bring a happy smile to people’s faces.

“What to give for a wedding?” - this is the question that faces those who were invited to the wedding. The wedding gift that will always be needed is, of course, money.

Naturally, what someone has already come up with has already been implemented by someone, and probably more than once. It's unlikely that you will be the first. Therefore, read, think and come up with something of your own.

And the presentation of a monetary gift must be played up. This largely determines the impression you make with your wedding gift.

So, how to give money for a wedding in an original way (super ideas):

  • 1. Wedding gift " Money Tree" Buy a decorative tree or flower. Glue some money onto each leaf with tape: 1, 5, 10... euros. Such a gift can be very interesting to play with. First place a pot of soil in front of the newlyweds and ask them to bury a coin, water it and read the spell “crex-pex-fex”. Close their eyes and change the pots. That is, when the newlyweds open their eyes, there will be a money tree in front of them.
  • 2. Wedding gift " Cabbage" We take a head of cabbage and put money under the leaves. Or you can make holes in a head of cabbage and stick rolled up money in there. And we give! And at the top, where the edges of the leaves are, you can insert a baby doll.
  • 3. Wedding gift " An initial fee" Glue a pocket to the box with powder (or something else), and put the money there. This will be your contribution to the washing machine.
  • 4. Wedding gift - Coloring"Color it yourself." A homemade coloring book is given as a gift, where on the spread, on one side there is a real banknote, and on the other side there is a photocopy.
  • 5. Wedding gift " Photo album“, insert banknotes into all cells.
  • 6. Wedding gift " Umbrella". Glue money or tie it on strings to the inside of the umbrella, give the umbrella in a closed state and ask the young people to open it with the words: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.”
  • 7. Wedding gift " Box" like a pirate one, and inside there are new ten-ruble coins, euros, and any other coins. As an option - a tiny chest, and inside there are some rare and expensive coins (for example, banks sell commemorative coins). Real coins can be diluted with chocolate coins (which are sold in almost any candy store), necklaces made of candies in beautiful candy wrappers. If, on the contrary, you want to make the gift more expensive, then a large banknote can be placed on the bottom. As an option for packaging coins, you can use “ Magic pot"(put the coins in a baking pot).
  • 8. Wedding gift " Jar of cucumbers" Dress in village clothes, introduce yourself as relatives from the village, who “give what they are rich with.” And they are rich in pickles! Young people are given a “jar of cucumbers.” Take an ordinary three-liter jar, twist dozens one at a time into tubes and put a full jar (you can twist hundreds, if you don’t mind). Follow the link to see our implementation of this.
  • 9. Wedding gift " Garland" Give money in the form of a garland. Make holes in the corners of the bills and thread them on.
  • 10.

    Present for the wedding " Kinder surprises". You can give one Kinder Surprise egg, or you can give a whole basket of eggs. But the testicles are not simple. You carefully unfold, break or cut each testicle. Take the toy out of the plastic container and replace it with a rolled up coin. Place the container with money back into the chocolate egg, connect the flaps and run a hot spoon along the joint. The whole egg is like new 🙂 Oh yes, you still need to wrap it back in the wrapper.

  • 11. Wedding gift " Children's boots". The young people begin their journey to a happy family life. Let the symbol of the beginning of the journey be small children's shoes, in which there is money for the first timid steps.
  • 12. Wedding gift "A book about family life." And stick an envelope with money on the spread.
  • 13. Wedding gift " Bouquet of flowers". Make buds from banknotes. Or insert into paper buds.
  • 14. In a candy box, similar to a box (for example Raffaello, Korkunov), fold the money in bundles. Each pack can be signed and spent on something. For example, for a wife for a fur coat, for a husband for a laptop, for a child for toys.
  • 15. Gift from the mafia. Place packs of money and flour in plastic bags (ala cocaine) in the Suitcase. Givers must wear suits, glasses and a headset.
  • 16. Wedding gift " Money printing machine". Make it yourself or buy it at a souvenir shop. Top up with real money.
  • 17. Bouquet of balloons. Put money in balloons, inflate with helium, tie strings.
  • 18. Wedding gift " Big surprise". Place money for the wedding in small balloons, inflate them with helium and put them in a large box. The box is beautifully packaged.
  • 19. Wedding gift " A pot of honey". Place money wrapped in a plastic bag inside the pot.
  • 20. Wedding gift " Tin". In souvenir shops there is such a service - wrapping a gift in a tin can.

As you can see, giving money for a wedding is not always boring, it can be very fun and interesting. But watching all the guests take turns putting envelopes with money on the tray is disgusting. It’s as if they don’t give it as a gift, but rather pay for the entrance to the wedding.

A wedding is a memorable and amazing event in the life of a couple; it is from this that the countdown of their future life together will begin. Guests often rack their brains in vain about what to give to the newlyweds and, most importantly, how? After all, you really want your gift to be remembered and bring joy to the newlyweds, even if it’s just ordinary money.

It often happens that even a very expensive gift, which you spent a long time choosing after visiting dozens of stores, remains unnoticed. Can you guess why? - Because its appearance is no different from dozens of other gifts, and the delivery went completely unnoticed.

So, how to give an original wedding gift?

Wedding gift wrapping

First of all, pay attention to the packaging - it can be not just standard beautiful paper with a bow, but also velvet, silk or other beautiful fabric, richly decorated with intricate figures and flowers. You can give the gift an original shape - make the packaging in the form of a ball, candy, roll or cone - it all depends on your imagination and artistic skills. Remember: a gift should open easily; not everyone enjoys tearing paper and fiddling with ribbons for a long time.

You can also combine gifts: for example, if you are giving jewelry or money, why not complement them with a beautiful box? Give a beautiful bouquet of flowers along with a vase! If you are giving the newlyweds a set or other kitchen utensils, add a basket of delicacies to the set so that the couple can have a full-fledged holiday tea party. Believe me, only the most pleasant memories are associated with such gifts, given from the heart.

Choosing a wedding gift with soul

If you are sure that the newlyweds will appreciate your bold ideas, you can surprise them directly with the gift itself - original photo collages, soft toys that speak with human voices, funny cartoons or handmade crystal paintings - such gifts will be appreciated not only by the newlyweds, but also by their guests. You can please the couple with a hot air balloon ride, unusual tours, collectible dolls that are custom-made based on portraits of the bride and groom, or exclusive designer items.

If you are a fan of unconventional approaches to solving such a problem, thoroughly familiarize yourself with the customs of the peoples of the world: for example, in Japan it is customary to wrap wedding gifts in the form of a fan, and in Malaysia every guest comes to the celebration with a hard-boiled egg - a symbol of happiness and prosperity. So why not replace this egg with, say, a Kinder Surprise with a banknote inside, and at the same time tell the newlyweds about the traditions of other nations?

There is also an interesting custom in Tanzania: the groom must place the skin of a lion at the feet of his beloved, with which they will cover themselves on their wedding night, so that their children will also be distinguished as brave. So why not take it as a basis if you are giving, for example, a carpet or other interior element?

Pranks and surprises

An original way to give a gift is for it to be given not by you, but by complete strangers and unexpected people on your behalf. Nowadays there are many agencies that organize pranks and parties, so if you have original ideas, contact them.

Wouldn’t it be a memorable event if a parachutist lands near the newlyweds at the exit registration and gives them gifts and congratulations? Or maybe the courier will climb through the window of the banquet hall in a fancy dress or an elegant tuxedo and happily congratulate the young couple on this wonderful event. You can ask professional actors or magicians to spice up the traditional wedding program and make the evening truly unforgettable - there are plenty of options.

How to give money in an original way: money trees

Many people prefer to limit themselves to a cash gift - this is very convenient, because the newlyweds will be able to decide for themselves what they need most at this moment and purchase this item. Much better than giving a obviously unnecessary toaster or the tenth service. But you also need to present a financial gift in an original way, because banal envelopes and cards have long been boring.

The original version is the so-called “money tree”. This can be an applique on paper or embroidery, onto which real “money” leaves are attached. You can do it differently - choose an ornamental plant with dense and wide leaves, and glue bills of different denominations to each leaf. You can also give such a gift in an original way: take a completely empty pot of soil, hand the couple a coin and ask them to bury it. Afterwards, let the newlyweds close their eyes, and at this time you change the pot, saying, “Grow a tree, bring us money.” Opening their eyes, the bride and groom will be very surprised and pleasantly pleased.

You can also give a “money vegetable”. To do this, you will need a head of Chinese cabbage - its leaves are looser than those of white cabbage, so it will be easier to insert bills. Roll the money into tubes and place it between the leaves: to prevent your surprise from getting soggy, you can wrap the money in cling film.

The same trick can be done with a jar of pickles: but you just need to fill it not with pickled vegetables, but with green bills rolled into a tube. And you can give it to the young people with the words: “Here, the grandmother from the village passed it on. I raised and preserved it myself.” Or fill a jar with sweets, in which you can hide bills. It's funny and unusual.

Gift for travelers

If the newlyweds love to travel, you can make a real collage of currencies from different countries of the world: pounds, dollars, euros, rupees, shekels, tugriks, rubles - everything that is found in local exchange offices can be present on the poster.

In order not to offend the newly-made spouses, a couple of bills should be more or less substantial: for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars, and the rest can be small. As a wish, we can add that the spouses are now simply obliged to visit all countries whose currency is included in the gift.

Pot with treasure

For this gift you will need a metal or clay pot, into which you need to generously pour change - the smaller the coins, the better. You can tie the neck with a beautiful fabric or translucent paper and securely secure it with a ribbon.

Large bills should be placed at the bottom of the gift, and it is better to give it to the groom, after all, such a surprise also weighs a lot. The newlyweds will be pleasantly surprised by such a gift, and guests will envy your originality and imagination.

Photo album with pockets and postcards

If you really want to surprise and delight the people you love, it’s time to start doing handmade things. You can make original cards or envelopes without much effort, but the newlyweds will be very pleased.

You also have the opportunity to make a photo album with pockets. This can be several A4 sheets glued together with internal “pockets” made of foil or tracing paper. If you don’t have the time or desire to tinker with paper, you can purchase a photo album, and select an original picture for each page and accompany it with banknotes. For example, on the first page you can put a photo of a villa or a beautiful country house and accompany it with the inscription: “Now you have something to strive for, we wish you to settle here” and put a certain amount in your pocket, the “first investment” in housing.

The second page is a beautiful car and again a symbolic amount. Third page: “We have a car and courage, so we’ll buy a garage,” a photo of the garage and a banknote are attached. The next page is a photo of the baby. You can sign: “Are you expecting a baby? - here’s money for diapers” and the money invested. You can come up with a lot of funny inscriptions and sections: for home improvement, for a rainy day, for friends, for travel - it all depends on you and your sense of humor.

The best gift is a book

You can also put money in a book, although it may be deliberately uninteresting: a manual on cooking, gardening, or just folk advice. An envelope is glued to the cover or, if you don’t mind, cut out a hole for money right in the middle, where we place your gift.

The book can then be closed and packaged so that the title of the book is visible. Such a gift can be presented with the words “This is the best gift for newlyweds.”

You can also put money in a photo frame and hand it over with the words: “Now you have glass, breaking which, you can solve temporary financial difficulties and find happiness again.” And another interesting option is a gift with the code name “careless guest”. To do this, you need to take a large thin box, decorate it with bows and ribbons, and put several glass jars inside. Approaching the young people, as if by accident, the guest stumbles, the box flies out of his hands, a ringing and crash is heard. The donor embarrassedly gets to his feet, apologizes and remembers that the contents of the box included instructions (an envelope or postcard with money), which he successfully removes from his pocket and gives to the newlyweds. Such surprises will add a touch of variety to any celebration, and most importantly, will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the wedding.

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