Home Potato Commercial offer for distance learning. Commercial offer for the organization of corporate training in English. For the manufacture of metal structures

Commercial offer for distance learning. Commercial offer for the organization of corporate training in English. For the manufacture of metal structures

http://pandia.ru/text/78/441/images/image001_152.gif" alt="*" width="13" height="13"> Plan and use personal and work time effectively, distribute the load in the best possible way.

Avoid wasting time, identify its inappropriate and inefficient use, free up additional time resources.

How to get more job satisfaction.

Understand what factors stimulate or limit your own performance.

Eliminate excessive emotional tension and stress associated with lack of time.

Properly delegate tasks and authority.

Determine your long-term and short-term goals in various areas of activity.

Correctly distribute your efforts between everyday routine tasks and long-term tasks. Highlight the essential from the flow of affairs, prioritize. Determine the order of work.

Take responsibility for deadlines and results. Don't put off until tomorrow what you should have done yesterday.

Take an overview of life, evaluate and comprehend the quality of living. Make your life more harmonious.

Methodology and forms of education: Concentrated theoretical material in the form of interactive mini-lectures; Testing; Practical tasks, individual and group exercises; Group discussions and games; Well structured printed handouts.

All material in the training is considered from 3 points of view:

I. Attitude towards work

II. Relationship with people

III. Attitude towards personal life

I. Attitude towards work

1. Introductory part

2. Problematization (what will happen if I start to do everything?)

3. Testing (slice of reality)

4. Urgency-importance (distribution of one's affairs)

5. Exercise "Eating Toads"

7. Exercise "Creating your daily routine AGAIN" (taking into account: letters, distracting calls, tea drinking, etc.)

8. Planning tools: diary, electronic calendars (Outlook, calendar in phone, tablet, PC, etc.)

9. Homework for 7 days

II. Attitude towards people /III. Attitude to life.

Similarly: at the beginning of the block, testing is carried out, then work on blocks.

1. Engines of freedom.

Call" href="/text/category/koll/" rel="bookmark">team)

4. Exercise "Like - dislike"

5. "Crisis, Fires"

6. Lifestyle.

7. Exercise "Do I need to do this?"

8. Sources of stress. Problem solving algorithm.

9. Action plan for 7 days.

Author and business coach Linnik Tatiana, 36 years old. Currently Head of HR Development Service in a large metropolitan company. For a long time she worked as a corporate trainer for a large company (the federal network Beeline) in Bryansk.

Certified business coach since 2008 (practical experience of 5 years), on account of about 200 (developed and conducted) trainings on various topics: sales, time management, management, customer focus, methods of managing subordinates.

Passed training for trainers in such companies as HumanFactors (Nizhny Novgorod), "BusinessTrainingConsulting" (Moscow), "Mainstream" (Nizhny Novgorod)

Format of learning.

1. The training is designed for 1 day of training 10 academic hours, there are breaks for coffee breaks, for lunch.

2. The total number of participants is up to 15 people.

3. Training can be organized on the following days of the week - on Saturday, Sunday - as agreed with the customer. Dates are agreed in advance.

4. Venue: MFC Business School auditorium at Bryansk, Gagarin Boulevard, 27 or on the territory of the customer.

5. Time 10.00-18.00

6. If desired, it is possible to organize lunches for participants. Additional payment

Cost of education

1. Tuition fee, 00 (twenty eight thousand three hundred and eighty) rubles

2. Surcharge for each participant of the training in excess of the declared number in the group (if necessary) 1120.00 rubles

Evgeny Malyar

# Business nuances

Sample commercial proposals

A commercial offer is usually divided into two categories: “cold” - intended for mass mailing, and “hot”, addressed to specific managers of firms theoretically interested in services.

Article navigation

  • The main task of the commercial proposal
  • The Role of Templates
  • How to make a commercial offer for the provision of services, examples
  • Commercial offer for transport services
  • Commercial proposal for design
  • Commercial offer for cleaning services
  • Commercial offer for the manufacture of furniture
  • Car service, cooperation offer
  • Offer for special equipment services
  • For the provision of legal services
  • Building maintenance
  • For garbage disposal
  • For the manufacture of metal structures
  • Commercial offer for the protection of the object
  • Proposal for the provision of accounting services
  • Commercial offer for the provision of educational services
  • KP for sewing curtains

All commercial products fall into two categories: goods and services. You need to sell both, and one of the most effective promotional tools is considered to be a letter containing an offer.

The article will consider the rules for compiling texts that promote services, and give examples of them with comments.

The main task of the commercial proposal

In many enterprises, writing a commercial proposal is entrusted to the most qualified specialist. It is believed that it is he who knows everything about the proposed product, and therefore will cope with the task best of all. This approach is justified in a number of cases, when it is known for sure that the letter will be read by people who understand all the intricacies of the case. For example, a generator for a power plant cannot be offered to a large energy supply company in “simple words”. But to conclude a contract for services (or rather, their provision) is most often obtained after reading the text of the head of the company, who does not delve deeply into the nuances.

A common situation: the director received a letter offering cleaning of the premises, legal support, or, for example, refilling a cartridge with a visit to the client. The head calls the head of the department (supply manager, chief lawyer or someone else) and offers to evaluate the usefulness of the proposal for the company.

The main task of the compiler of the CP is to ensure that his message is not thrown into the trash (or deleted in the mailbox trash) without reading the contents.

The Role of Templates

Today, downloading a sample commercial offer for any service is not a problem. After changing the details of the enterprise and other individual information, a text will be obtained that meets the main requirements for letters of this kind. Here is an example:

Everything is clear, understandable and concise. However, a universal filling pattern has not yet been invented, and, most likely, it never will be. The sample must certainly be creatively reworked to give it individuality. In order not to spoil a good selling text, you need to know the rules by which it is compiled.

How to make a commercial offer for the provision of services, examples

Just like any car, regardless of the brand and price, consists of certain components and assemblies, so the correct proposal contains indispensable functional blocks, without any of which it “does not work”. And it's not just a beautiful letterhead or a sweeping signature. It is important that the letter:

Offered benefits: a potential customer of the service is not very interested in the glorious history of the company and the degree of friendliness of its team. He wants to know what benefits he will get (savings, quality, speed).

Unobtrusively "pressed" on terms: Every product has an expiration date. The offer to provide services must also have a deadline that defines its conditions: “Until 06/24/2018, the prices are the same, and after (by default) it will be more expensive.”

Called to action: after realizing how good the conditions set out in the first part are, and having received a slight push from the second, the likely client may want to talk about concluding a contract. The actions proposed to him should be as simple as possible. Any commercial product is successfully sold when access to it is facilitated. Just "call this number" or "answer this email".

These triune rules are not always observed by the compilers of commercial proposals. In this example, there is no deadline. If all conditions are met, the letter promises much greater effectiveness.

Now it's time to consider concrete examples of commercial proposals.

Commercial offer for transport services

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories:

  • "cold" - intended for mass mailing;
  • "hot", addressed to specific managers of firms theoretically interested in services.

Based on this classification, it should be understood that in order to increase efficiency, it is desirable to “warm up” the offer, which many sales managers do not want to do. This means that it is still better to call or visit the selected company before sending the letter. In this case, it is not at all necessary to seek a conversation in person with the leader. You can talk nicely with the secretary (or other employee who owns the information), and if the employee is professionally suitable, then find out:

  • does the company use the services of any transport company, or does it have its own fleet of vehicles;
  • what are the volumes of traffic;
  • Is the fee expensive?
  • whether the director is satisfied with the existing cooperation;
  • if there are complaints, then about what unpleasant moments;
  • Need freight or passenger delivery.

The work of a marketer is generally very similar to the difficult lot of an illegal intelligence agent, and the more he learns, the better.

From the information received, it becomes clear what to focus on when drawing up a commercial proposal. At the same time, even using a template, you should remember about the mentioned deadline. However, when negotiating with a particularly valuable client, it will be possible to forget about him later.

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General rules: depending on the profile specifics, the requirements for transport services may be as follows:

  • trading companies are interested in prompt delivery and safety. If, along with transport, security services are also offered, this can be a decisive factor;
  • a budgetary organization that announces a tender for the transportation of goods is more often attracted by a good price, supported by the quality of the delivery service;
  • Everyone loves discounts.

It should be remembered that the most enviable transportation customers are already working with someone, and they will have to be lured away with significant advantages.

Commercial proposal for design

Typically, design organizations in the main profile specialize in the provision of construction services, and at the same time engineering documentation is included in the total estimated cost. The rules for preparing a commercial offer are the same as in other cases, but it is recommended to pay special attention to:

  • high quality materials at a reasonable price;
  • the speed of design, installation, repair or finishing work.

In this case, at the beginning of the letter, it is considered useful to mention the objects already handed over and the clients who were satisfied. Since the volume of the text is limited, only the main thing should be stated: the specialization of the construction company, the use of materials imported directly, warranty obligations, etc.

Budget organizations are more interested in the benefits of pricing policy, but this does not mean that quality is allowed to be low.

As for purely design organizations, it is useful for them to provide images of buildings built according to the documentation developed by them in the proposal. It is better if these are photographs of houses that you can be proud of.

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Commercial offer for cleaning services

The commercial offer of a cleaning company, subject to the necessary observance of general rules, has a number of specific features that reflect the advantages and benefits. You can attract clients:

  • discounts for regular orders or signing a long-term contract;
  • the use of environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and safe for health detergents;
  • the use of modern technologies that reduce cleaning time and improve quality;
  • the ability to perform particularly difficult surface cleaning tasks.

Cleaning services can be offered not only to legal entities, but also to ordinary citizens who want to save time and are ready to pay for it. In this case, the method of "cold" mailing demonstrates effectiveness, if, of course, the offer is made correctly.

Commercial offer for the manufacture of furniture

At the present stage, the furniture business also has its own characteristics, and they consist in the fact that the prevailing share of products is mass-produced in large factories with high technological capabilities. Laser cutting with markings, special equipment for trimming edges, perfect fastening methods - all this is very expensive and inaccessible to small manufacturers.

However, they have a certain market niche - the implementation of individual orders in cases where mass-produced samples do not fit into the interior. On this factor, the concept of a commercial offer for furniture manufacturing services can be built. The potential client is offered:

  • unique design, corresponding to his wishes and features of the room;
  • no hassle (departure of the measurer at a convenient time, delivery, assembly);
  • the ability to view the result in a 3D model on a computer, followed by order approval;
  • fulfillment of the most unusual wishes regarding the color, shade and shape of furnishings (the notorious "any whim");
  • embedding of any technical means in furniture cases;
  • high-quality harmless materials with ISO certificate;
  • warranty and post-warranty service if necessary;
  • affordable prices.

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In fact, in the offer of a furniture manufacturing service, it is advisable to focus on the advantages implied by an individual approach and emphasize that the quality of the products practically does not differ from large-scale samples.

Car service, cooperation offer

Car service is a broad concept and includes services ranging from a car wash to a high-tech service station equipped with sophisticated diagnostic equipment. The peculiarities of a commercial offer for car repair are that a potential client must understand what services they can be offered at the enterprise. If a company specializes in a running gear or a particular brand in general, then this should be clearly indicated. In particular, information is needed:

  • on cooperation with vehicle insurers;
  • availability of own expertise;
  • on specific types of work. In particular, this may be the possibility of restoring expensive body elements, bumpers, SUV load-bearing frames, aluminum parts, argon welding, etc.
  • prompt diagnosis and troubleshooting;
  • the presence of a heat chamber for drying the body after painting;
  • a large stock of auto parts.

If there are other advantages that can attract clientele, then they must be listed, accompanying the text with appropriate images.

For motorists, the ability to easily find a business with or without a navigator is especially important. A map is required.

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Offer for special equipment services

Features of the use of special equipment are that it is dictated by extreme necessity. When it is impossible to do without an excavator, aerial platform or other means, the client is only left with a choice between possible service providers, and as a rule, there are not many of them. Based on this circumstance, the offer for special equipment is relatively laconic and consists mainly of an offer, which indicates the parameters (characteristics) of the proposed equipment and prices.

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For the provision of legal services

Legal Market services is characterized by high competition and literacy of its participants. It is really very difficult to stand out in a number of law firms and consulting firms, therefore, the preparation of a commercial proposal should be treated with particular care. You must first study the conditions of other similar firms and determine the possible advantages. Standard features include the following:

  • high probability of a favorable decision. Every lawyer knows that a 100% guarantee in this matter is impossible;
  • support and guarantee in various instances on a contractual basis;
  • the possibility of saving on the reduction of the staff of a lawyer by the enterprise;
  • high qualification and guarantee of legal integrity of all outgoing and internal documentation of the company;
  • speed of resolving issues in various instances;
  • the possibility of receiving free of charge certain types of services, for example, consultations.

In all other respects, each law firm decides for itself what advantages it will use to attract new clients.

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Building maintenance

As a rule, commercial proposals for the support of individual houses, housing estates and cottage settlements are classified as "warm" and "hot", that is, agreed in advance. They are rarely sent by mail, especially electronic, and more often delivered personally after an oral agreement.

The text of the proposal is tied to a specific facility, which the contractor claims to service, and is accompanied by a table with the prices of each service per month and the total amount. Usually the document is addressed to the tender commission. The figures indicated in the proposal are decisive. The style of the letter is not so important.

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For garbage disposal

This service, in the case of its regular provision on a contractual basis, is included in the nomenclature of the already considered maintenance of buildings. The exception is one-time episodes when a large amount of garbage is generated after repair, construction and emergency work. In the commercial offer, the offer contains information on tariffs and types of additional services (loading, disposal of hazardous waste).

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For the manufacture of metal structures

In this case, it is desirable that the commercial offer contains information about the enterprise, its production capabilities, equipment that allows the implementation of structures of any complexity, advanced software and other details. It is worth mentioning that only the highest quality rolled metal is used. For the customer, when ordering structures, quality is more important than price - he will have to use these products for a long time.

Prices are not included in the text. The cost of metal structures is calculated according to the estimate, and it is individual and is part of the project.

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Commercial offer for the protection of the object

It is not customary to save on security, therefore, in the offer of security services, emphasis is usually placed on the effectiveness of the measures taken. It is possible to ensure high quality of service by applying many years of experience and advanced technical means. The listing of protected objects belonging to the most famous partners will be very helpful.

  • personal,
  • information,
  • fire department
  • territory of the enterprise from the penetration of unauthorized persons.

Mention may also be made of monitoring the access of personnel and ensuring that trade secrets are kept.

Despite the secondary importance of the price of the service, it should not be forgotten either: competitors, perhaps no less qualified and with no worse equipment, are not asleep.

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Video surveillance

This service belongs to the already considered security activities, and it can be singled out only if it is provided separately, outside the complex of other measures that ensure security. For example, a proposal to install video intercoms in a residential complex is issued in the form of a letter indicating the prices for the entire entrance and for a separate apartment. It is desirable to list the technical advantages of the mounted system.

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The subject of the contract can be any work for which the use of internal resources for any reason is unjustified:

  • catering for company employees;
  • washing bed linen for a hotel that does not have its own laundry;
  • accounting for a small company;
  • legal service;
  • supply of components for assembly;
  • services for the creation of the organization's website and its ongoing maintenance.

In general, the meaning of the term is expressed by the translation of the word outsourcing - an external source. The task of the creator of a commercial offer is to convince a potential client of the benefits of outsourcing cooperation, and specifically with his company.

In many cases, companies with extensive experience in providing a service can provide cost savings.

For example, the creation and maintenance of a corporate website requires a qualified specialist in this field on staff. An ordinary system administrator may not be able to cope with this task, or he will make the resource unsuccessfully. In this case, the proposal should include several options, based on potential customers of different levels of solvency.

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Proposal for the provision of accounting services

Is it possible to imagine a company without a full-time chief accountant? To some, this idea will not seem very successful, but in practice, third-party finance and accounting specialists are attracted quite often. Accounting, conducted on the basis of an outsourcing agreement, saves the company's management from troubles in the form of fines and penalties due to mistakes made due to the inexperience of the employee. A third-party audit is in some cases simply necessary.

The market of accounting services is oversaturated, therefore very high requirements are imposed on the commercial offer. It must be persuasive, and the text must correctly place emphasis on the merits and advantages of this company.

Reputation and experience are paramount. Of particular note are the measures taken to preserve trade secrets.

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Commercial offer for the provision of educational services

Regardless of the type of educational service offered (training at a university, college, private gymnasium, courses, tutoring, etc.), the main advantages can only be the qualifications of teachers and the quality of the knowledge gained.

A sentence begins with a title that accurately describes its essence. It is necessary to express in a few words what the educational institution is preparing for. Also worth mentioning:

  • individual approach;
  • availability of unique techniques that have proven their effectiveness in practice;
  • tuition fees (per semester, year, full course);
  • if possible, a short list of graduates who have made successful careers (if any).

KP for sewing curtains

At the end of the article, the requirements for the offer of such a common household item as curtains will be considered. As you know, they are different both in quality and price, but every housewife, regardless of financial capabilities, wants them to be beautiful.

Commercial offer

for the organization of corporate training in English



1. The need for corporate training

2. About companyActive English

2.1. general information

2.2. Our advantages

2.3. our clients

3. Turnkey corporate training (provided services)

3.1. Studying programs

3.2. Services

4. Expected results and effect of training

5. Cost of education

5.2. Discounts

5.3. Methods and procedure of payment

6. Requisites and contact details

1. need in corporate training

English is the de facto language of international communication today, and this is especially true for business. If your business partners are representatives of foreign countries, then the need for a confident knowledge of English, especially business English, becomes obvious.

The scope of language knowledge is extensive, these are business trips, business meetings and negotiations, presentations, informal business communication, correspondence and telephone communication. The key to success in such communications is a confident knowledge of the English language.

Confident knowledge of the language, excellent pronunciation and understanding of the speech of your partner emphasizes the high level of the company and its employees, being to some extent a competitive advantage of the company in the face of foreign counterparties.

At the same time, as a rule, knowledge of general English obtained in secondary and higher educational institutions is not enough for effective communication on business topics. Thus, many companies have to improve the language skills of their employees by organizing corporate training on general and special programs, referring to providers of relevant services.


2.1 General information

2.2 Our advantages

2.3 Our clients

2.1 General information

Active English was founded in 2004. In five years, we have grown from a team of like-minded teachers into a modern educational company, a school of business English, which has only highly qualified teachers, its own programs and methodological developments in the field of business English.

The principles and policies of ACTIVE ENGLISH are focused on providing educational services of the highest quality, on the implementation of modern and most effective teaching methods in their work, guided by the principles of the quality management system for education, developed on the basis of the ISO standard.

Currently, ACTIVE ENGLISH is one of the leading corporate training companies in Moscow, while having a significant number of undeniable competitive advantages.

2.2 Our advantages

ACTIVE ENGLISH has significant positive experience in organizing and conducting corporate English language training, has all the necessary resources and competitive advantages:

1. Significant experience in the corporate training market

We have been chosen by many large companies;

ü corporate training is the main direction of our activity;

ü our teachers travel outside the Moscow Ring Road;

ü experience in organizing corporate training and constant contacts with training managers, HR managers of companies.

2. High professional level of teachers

ü Strict professional requirements for each teacher;

ü Primary and periodic attestation testing;

ü Professional development of teachers (in the field of specialized business English programs);

ü Careful selection of teachers for corporate training;

ü Only teachers with the necessary experience and knowledge work on business and specialized English programs;

ü Teachers with higher linguistic education (MSLU named after Maurice Teresa, MGIMO, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Diplomatic Academy), as well as teachers with two higher educations (linguistic and economics) (they work according to special programs);

ü Teachers follow the ACTIVE ENGLISH corporate code of ethics.

3. Openness and transparency

ü flexible pricing policy;

ü the possibility of considering candidates for teachers (questionnaires) before the start of classes;

ü conducting a trial lesson;

ü the ability to replace a disliked teacher at any time.

4. Effective corporate training programs

ü the choice to study one of the standard programs (general, business or specialized English), including the free development of an individual study plan for groups

ü the opportunity to order the development of a training program in almost any area of ​​business;

ü approval by the client company of the program and lesson plan before the start of classes and payment;

ü for each program, the selection of educational materials is carried out on the basis of several textbooks, as well as original publications, and not one textbook taken as the basis of the course;

ü the presence in the composition of ACTIVE ENGLISH of a methodological group responsible for the development of programs, curricula and the selection of educational materials, bilateral quality control of the developed programs and plans;

ü ACTIVE ENGLISH specializes in training in business English programs and relevant methodological experience in this area.

5. Friendly and flexible payment system

ü the possibility of payment upon completion of classes (at the end of the month);

ü flexible system of discounts;

ü optimization of taxation of the client company on the cost of training;

ü availability of discounts on tuition fees (up to 15%);

ü low prices for corporate English language training compared to other companies (according to the quarterly report of the ACTIVE ENGLISH marketing group “Monitoring the composition, cost and quality of services provided in the field of individual and corporate English language training”, as of 10.10.2008) .

6. Guaranteed quality of education

ü availability and effective functioning of the educational services quality system (EQMS), built in accordance with the ISO standard;

ü strict control of the quality of education and progress;

ü Tracking the satisfaction of the client company with the learning process;

ü providing training reports to the training manager of the company;

ü Take appropriate corrective action, if necessary.

2.3. our clients

They entrusted their training to us: Earnst & Young, Up-Scale Soft, KROK, Optima Group of Companies, Famatech Network Management Software, Megamax, Rus Bank, Gallery Restaurant, Expedition Restaurant, DNA Technology, Telesystems" ( MTS), -21", Vizavi Bank, SkyLink, Uralsib, BinBank, Lukoil CJSC INTER RAO UES, Uniastrum Bank, Peak Region, -Center, Heights PM ”, -top”, “CB Richard Ellis”, TRADE”, “Rosbank”, Wind Digital”, “Stryker Electronics”, “Algai”, “Quantum Graphics” and many others.

3. Corporate training on a turnkey basis (provided services)

3.1. Studying programs

3.2. Services

3.1. Studying programs

ACTIVE ENGLISH specializes in corporate business English training, including some specialized areas of business English. Training programs and curricula are developed by our professional methodologists, and the effectiveness of our methodological developments has been repeatedly confirmed by the successful experience of their application. When teaching, both the best modern teaching aids and original literature and publications from the field of business are used.

To date, the following training programs are included in the standard offer for corporate clients:

1. General English

2. General + Business English

3. Business English

4. Specialized English

5. Target English

Direction training Specialized English offered under the programs of the following thematic areas: marketing, finance, personnel management (HR), jurisprudence.

Direction training Target English is divided into the following training modules: spoken English, English for tourists, as well as a special training module "Interview".

Note: according to the program chosen by the client company (for each group or individual student), an individual curriculum is developed that contains only those topics that are necessary for studying, and is also aimed at developing the required language skills, as a rule, confident speaking and understanding the interlocutor by ear .

3.2 Services provided

We provide a full range of services for the organization and conduct of corporate training ( turnkey corporate training ).

1. Testing the knowledge of English among company employees

Face-to-face oral and written testing of knowledge of general and / or business English, determining the level of knowledge, skills in writing, translating, speaking and listening to speech understanding.

It can be carried out when a new employee is hired, and also mandatory before the start of training.

Issued full test results report with comments.

2. Formation of groups of students based on testing

Groups are formed in accordance with the test results and according to the criteria for the purpose and direction of training, the level of knowledge and intensity of training.

Issued a report containing lists of groups, goals for each group, intensity, training program, as well as a brief explanation of the proposed composition of the groups.

3. Development / correction of the training program and development of an individual curriculum for the group

For each group, in accordance with the objectives of the training, a modification of the standard program selected for training is carried out, including: the definition of training topics, the choice of teaching methods, the planning of the distribution of study time according to the program, the selection of training materials, the definition of target indicators and the main results that should be achieved at the end of the course. All this is recorded in the passport of the training program.

On the basis of an individually developed training program passport, a detailed lesson plan is formed for each group.

Issued passport of the training program and the curriculum attached to it, which are agreed with the client company before the start of training and can be adjusted before training.

Note: the training program can be adjusted (expanded) in the learning process.

4. Conducting corporate training for company employees

Training of employees of the client company is carried out at a convenient (agreed) time with the departure of the teacher to the place of training. The time of corporate training is offered to choose from daily from 7.30 am to 21 pm.

Training is conducted only by highly qualified ACTIVE ENGLISH teachers according to the developed curriculum.

The quantitative composition of the group is from 2 to 6 people. Perhaps individual training, providing for special conditions (VIP).

The average duration of the course is 60 academic hours (3.5 months with an intensity of 2 academic hours 2 times a week).

Issued training reports, including data on academic performance and the results of control tests (written and oral), lists of records of classes held, including attendance by group.

5. Quality control of the process and achievement of learning objectives

Training quality control is carried out by the ACTIVE ENGLISH corporate training coordination department. Training coordinators are teachers-methodologists of the highest qualification. The purpose of quality control of education is an objective verification, independent of teachers in the structure of ACTIVE ENGLISH, of the teacher's compliance with the methodological principles of teaching, the conscientiousness of his work, as well as the progress of students.

When monitoring the learning process, methods of direct, reverse and cross-quality control are used and include:

ü questioning students in order to obtain their assessment of the learning process, the teacher, training materials, assess their own success, etc.;

ü questioning of teachers in order to obtain their assessment of the progress of students;

ü analysis of intermediate tests conducted by the teacher in his group;

ü conducting control tests by training coordinators (1 time per month, more than 1 time if necessary)

At the end of the course, a final exam is held.


- in the learning process: forms of quality control/monitoring of the established form, including a description of the corrective actions taken (if any);

- at the end of training: an extended learning summary report, the main part of which is the presentation of the learning outcomes obtained and the achievement of the target indicators of the curriculum. As applications, all forms of intermediate quality control.

4. Expected results and effect of training

The main expected result of training for the client company can be considered the achievement by its employees of the goal of competent and confident knowledge of English at a level sufficient for the effective use of language knowledge in their professional activities.

In this case, the beneficial effect of training will be:

ü in a significant reduction in the time spent by employees on preparing letters and documents in English (translating received correspondence, compiling and editing letters to foreign partners), preparing for business meetings, reducing the time spent on obtaining the required information from printed materials in English and etc.

ü the possibility of independent participation in business meetings, negotiations, presentations without an interpreter;

ü in expanding the possibilities of business communications with foreign partners, due to the removal of the language barrier (for example, informal business communication);

ü in improving the image and level of the company in the face of foreign partners due to the high level of English proficiency of its employees.

Undoubtedly, these advantages have an economic effect for the company.

Linguistic target indicators that reflect the effectiveness of training and are assessed in points include:

ü Active vocabulary for each of the topics of the training program;

ü Listening comprehension;

ü Literacy of writing;

ü Pronunciation;

ü Fluency and literacy of speech.

These target indicators are included in the training reports.

5. Cost of services provided and discounts

5.1. The cost of the services provided

5.2 Discounts

5.3. Methods and procedure of payment

5.1 Cost of services provided

5.1.1 Training

Training program

The cost of one lesson
1 academic hour = 45 minutes

2 ac. h

3 ac. h


General English

Business English


General + Business English



Spoken English

English for tourists



Financial English

Human Resources (HR)

Legal English

Note: the cost of 1 lesson is indicated, including the departure of the teacher within the Moscow Ring Road.

5.1.2 Testing


Testing cost

Up to 10 people

From 10-20 people

More than 30 people

Testing before starting training (initial testing)

Testing in the learning process


5.2 Discounts

To date, the following discounts are available for corporate English training:

§ Discount for the number of groups: when forming more than 4 groups within one company - 5% ,

§ Advance Tuition Discount: for 3 months - 15%.

5.3 Methods and procedure of payment

The following tuition fees are available:

ü Advance payment for tuition for one, two or three months

ü Monthly payment upon completion of classes (the last month is paid before the start of training)

6. contact details

The address: Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, building 1

Phones: (4; .

E- mail: *****@***ru

Internet: www. *****

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