Home Potato The mainland crosses all the meridians of the earth. Which continent is crossed by the equator and prime meridian

The mainland crosses all the meridians of the earth. Which continent is crossed by the equator and prime meridian

Answer: ____________________

  1. To which of the following language families does the majority (89%) of the Russian population belong?

    1. Altai 2) Indo-European 3) Ural 4) Caucasian

  2. An example of rational nature management is:

    1. Pioneering

    2. Fertilization

    3. Creation of protective forest belts in the steppe

    4. Change of land by mining

  3. Which of the following regions produces raw materials for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy?

    1. Pskov region

    2. Arhangelsk region

    3. Vologda Region

    4. Republic of Karelia

  4. What type of climate is typical for the Kamchatka Peninsula?

    1. temperate continental

    2. temperate maritime

    3. Subarctic

    4. temperate sharply continental

  5. Using the data in the table, determine the average population density in the Belgorod region in 2002. Write down your answer in numbers.
Territory area and population by age groups of certain regions of Russia in 2002

^ Belgorod region

Republic of Kalmykia

Bryansk region

Komi Republic

Territory area, thousand km 2





Population, thousand people






Younger than working age





Over working age





Answer: ______________ people per 1 km 2

  1. In which of the following regions of Russia is the administrative center a millionaire city?

    1. Vologda 2) Tomsk 3) Rostov 4) Magadan

The ancient city of Machu Picchu (13° S and 72° W) appears to be floating in the mist. This ancient city was accidentally discovered in 1911. The archaeological expedition climbed the mountainside through the thickets of the jungle, until, finally, almost at the very top they saw buildings made of blocks of white granite. The blocks were not bonded with mortar. They were so tightly fitted to each other. That even the blade of a knife could not be inserted between them. Such masonry greatly increased the strength of the walls, which is very important, since earthquakes often occur here.

  1. The buildings in Machu Picchu were made of granite. What is the origin of the rock is granite?
Answer: ____________________

  1. What is the name of the country where Machu Picchu is located?
Answer: ____________________

  1. A map of which continent should be chosen in order to study the location of Machu Picchu in more detail?

    1. North America

    2. Africa

    3. South America

    4. Eurasia

  2. Check out the map shown in the picture. The figures show variants of the terrain profile, built on the basis of a map along the A-B line by different students. Which of the profiles is built correctly?

  1. Arrange the regions of the country in the order in which their inhabitants celebrate the New Year. Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.
A) Stavropol Territory

B) Primorsky Krai

C) Republic of Tyva


  1. December 21 day equals night on:

    1. the southern polar circle; 3) Northern tropic;

    2. equator; 4) south pole

  2. Identify the country by its brief description:
“This is one of the largest countries in the world. Located in the northern hemisphere. Its shores are washed by the waters of three oceans. The westernmost part of the country is occupied by mountains. It is exceptionally rich in forest resources, fur-bearing animals, fresh water reserves, and various minerals. It has a land border with only one state. The capital is not the largest city in the country.”

Answer: _________________________

  1. What is the process?
The relocation of people from one country to another for economic, political, personal reasons is called ...

Answer: _________________________

From school, we remember that each point on the planet has its own coordinates. Without these data, the movement of aircraft and ships would be impossible, and it is difficult to imagine the modern life of mankind without knowledge of geographical coordinates. The earth's equator and the zero meridian, encircling the planet, cross several continents, but only in one of them do they "meet". Which continent is crossed by the equator and the zero meridian - we will consider in this short article.

To begin with, let us recall more precisely what the equator and the prime meridian are. Although this knowledge is given in elementary school, many people in adulthood do not have a clear understanding of these concepts.

With the equator, everything is quite simple. This is a conditional line on the surface, perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the planet. It is clear that there can be only one equator, this is the longest horizontal line of the Earth (its length slightly exceeds 40,075 km). The entire surface of the Earth below the equator (or, to be more precise, south) is the Southern Hemisphere. Everything above the equator belongs to the Northern Hemisphere. The equator of the Earth in its movement crosses two continents: Africa and South America.

Three interesting facts about the equator:

  1. A person standing on the equator rotates along with the Earth's surface at a speed much greater than the speed of sound.
  2. It is well known that it is always and everywhere hot at the equator. But in the country of Ecuador there is a high volcano, standing right on the line of the equator. On the slopes of this volcano there is a glacier that never melts.
  3. In Brazil, there is the city of Macapa, which is crossed by the equator almost in the middle. This, in particular, means that when it is summer in the northern quarters of the city, it is winter in the southern quarters at the same time.

But it was not so easy to draw the zero meridian on the surface of the Earth. If the equator has a quite obvious physical meaning (it is the longest of the earth's horizontals), then the meridians (lines passing through the earth's poles) are all the same, and, from the point of view of physics, any of them can turn out to be a "starting" one.

For this reason, already in ancient times, people began counting geographic longitude, based on their convenience. For example, Hipparchus considered the longitude of the island of Rhodes to be the starting point.

As expected, not everyone liked this decision. In the scientific world, for decades there have been discussions about the "validity" of the Greenwich prime meridian. At one time, the practice even began to spread when for sea charts the Greenwich meridian was used as the zero meridian, and for land maps - some other, "local" meridian.

But all disputes once pass, and this one also passed. Currently, no one disputes the right of the Greenwich meridian to be considered the starting, zero, in determining geographic longitude.

We have already indicated through which continents the equator passes. And the Greenwich meridian crosses three continents: Eurasia, and Antarctica. It is not difficult to see that Africa is mentioned in both lists. She is the only continent on Earth through which both the equator and the Greenwich meridian pass simultaneously. True, they were not destined to meet on land. Their point of intersection is in the Gulf of Guinea, just west of the African mainland.

This place is interesting! A person who finds himself here will not be able to accurately answer in which hemisphere of the Earth he is located. All its geographic coordinates (both latitude and longitude) will be described by solid zeros!

"Mainland Australia" - Density and area of ​​settlement. In Australia, cattle are bred in large quantities, as well as sheep. Australia. The population of Australia. Population. Communication is well developed: telephone, radio, television, Internet. Australia is the most sparsely populated continent. Australia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of fine-fleeced sheep.

"Continents Grade 7" - Which continent is the largest in area? Read the material of the textbook "Views of the Islands". World land. Can I answer questions? Let's think! 4. What is the land of the planet represented by? What is a mainland? What is an island? Divide the continents into hemispheres. Which hemisphere has more continents?

"Lesson Continents and Oceans" - Icebergs are common in the Baffin and Greenland seas. Continents. The Latin word aprica means "sunny". Mainland Eurasia. Africa. An ocean that surrounds all continents except Australia. Most of the year the ocean is covered with ice. The smallest continent. Indian Ocean. The border between Europe and Asia passes: Two parts of the world are distinguished as part of the mainland.

"Inhabitants of the Continents" - Famous for the extraordinary beauty of nature. Africa is unique for its fabulous rich nature. Mosses and lichens are the only land plants in Antarctica. Eurasia. The tallest animal in the world, the giraffe, lives in Africa. South America. Eucalyptus is Australia's most famous plant. Life on different continents.

"Mainland Eurasia" - 3. The length of the mainland. "Eurasia is the greatest landmass". Gulf, peninsula. Calculate the extent of Eurasia from west to east at 60°N. sh. (1° - 55.8 km) and from north to south along 80° E. Islands. The extent of Eurasia. Sea, islands, peninsulas. extreme points. Physical and geographical position of Eurasia.

"Life on different continents" - Japan. Eurasia. China. An elephant in India is not afraid of ants. "True False". Rice is the "Food of the Gods" in China. Eucalyptus trees grow in Australia. Three habitats. Africa. Prepare a message about interesting animals and plants and illustrate. Lesson objectives: Giraffes live in Eurasia. The giant panda is a rare and little studied animal of Eurasia.

Almost all of you have paid attention to the "mysterious lines" on maps and globes representing latitude (parallels) and longitude (meridians). They form a grid system of coordinates by which any place on Earth can be precisely defined - and there is nothing mysterious or complicated about it. Parallels and meridians are imaginary lines on the surface of the Earth, and latitude and longitude are their coordinates that determine the position of points on the surface of the Earth. Any point on Earth is the intersection of a parallel and a meridian with coordinates of latitude and longitude. This can be most clearly studied with the help of a globe, where these lines are indicated.
But first, everything is in order. Two places on the Earth are determined by its rotation around its own axis - these are North and South Poles. On globes, the pivot is the axis. The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean, which is covered with sea ice, and explorers in the old days reached this pole on a sled with dogs (it is officially believed that the North Pole was discovered in 1909 by the American Robert Perry). However, since the ice moves slowly, the North Pole is not an actual, but rather a mathematical entity. The South Pole, on the other side of the planet, has a permanent physical location on the continent of Antarctica, which was also discovered by land explorers (Norwegian expedition led by Roald Amundsen in 1911).

Halfway between the poles at the "waist" of the Earth is a large circle line, which is represented on the globe as a seam: the junction of the northern and southern hemispheres; this circle line is called - equator. The equator is a line of latitude with a value of zero (0°). Parallel to the equator above and below it are other lines of the circle - these are other latitudes of the Earth. Each latitude has a numerical value, and the scale of these values ​​is not measured in kilometers, but in degrees north and south of the equator to the poles. The poles have meanings: North +90°, and South -90°. Latitudes above the equator are called northern latitudes, and below the equator southern latitudes. Lines with degrees of latitude are called parallels, since they run parallel to the Equator and are parallel to each other. If parallels are measured in kilometers, then the lengths of different parallels will be different - they increase when approaching the equator and decrease towards the poles. All points of the same parallel have the same latitude, but different longitudes (the description of longitude is just below). The distance between two parallels that differ by 1° is 111.11 km. On the globe, as well as on many maps, the distance (interval) from a latitude to another latitude is usually 15° (that's about 1,666 km). In figure No. 1, the interval is 10 ° (this is approximately 1,111 km). The equator is the longest parallel, its length is 40,075.7 km.

help with the test please 1. Which continent is crossed by all meridians? Eurasia; 2. Africa; 3. North America; 4. Antarctica 2. Boundary areas between lithospheric plates in which volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur are: 1. platforms; 2. seismic belts; 3. mountains; 4. oceanic plains. 3. What landforms are formed mainly under the action of external forces? 1. protrusions of the continents; 2. vast plains; 3. deep sea trenches; 4. river valleys. 4. Determine the type of climate according to this characteristic: "The temperature in summer and winter is + 25º ... + 28 ° С, the annual rainfall is more than 2000 - 3000 mm." 5. At what latitudes do ascending air flows predominate and low pressure belts form? 1. in equatorial and polar regions; 3. in temperate and equatorial; 2. in polar and tropical; 4. in tropical and equatorial regions. 6. Cold currents include: 1. Peruvian and Gulf Stream; 2.Peruvian and Californian; 3. Californian and Brazilian. 7. The names of natural areas are given according to the nature of: 1. wildlife; 2. vegetation; 3. human economic activity. 8. What natural complex was formed as a result of human activity? 1. river valley; 2. mountain system; 3. irrigation channel; 4. high-rise belt. 9. Determine which natural zone is referred to: "... low temperatures all year round, precipitation is rare, mainly in the form of snow, dwarf vegetation, lemmings, arctic foxes are found ...". 10. 90% of all living organisms harvested by man in the ocean are: 1. shrimps, crabs; 2. shellfish; 3. algae; 4. fish. 11. According to the map of the natural zones of the world and the soil map, determine which soils prevail in Africa in the zone of humid equatorial forests: 1. red ferralitic seasonally humid forests and high mountain savannahs; 2.red-yellow ferrallite evergreen forests; 3. red-brown savannas; 4. reddish-brown desert savannas. 12. What are the coordinates of the westernmost point in Africa? 1. 14°N; 15°W; 2. 14°S; 17°W; 3. 17°N; 26°W; 4. 11°N; 3° E 13. There are more in North Africa than in South: 1. diamonds; 2. gold; 3. oil; 4. copper. 14. What is the largest lake in Africa by area? 1.Victoria; 2.Nyasa; 3. Tanganyika; 4. Chad. 15. The shortest people on Earth living in Africa: 1. Bushmen; 2. pygmies; 3. Ethiopians; 4. Berbers. 16. What is called screaming in Australia? 1. underground artesian waters; 3. temporary drying up rivers; 2. light eucalyptus forests; 4. fenced pastures for livestock. 17. The bitch devil is found: 1. in Northern Australia; 2. in Eastern Australia; 3. on the island of New Guinea; 4. on the island of Tasmania. 18. Which islands are located in the Caribbean Sea to the north of South America: 1. Tierra del Fuego; 2. Falkland; 3. Lesser Antilles; 4. Galapagos. 19. Descendants from marriages of blacks and whites are called: 1. mestizos; 2. sambo; 3. mulattoes; 4. Indians. 20. Who discovered Antarctica? 1. J. Cook; 2. M.P. Lazarev and F.F. Bellingshausen; 3. R. Amundsen; 4. R. Scott. 21. What river is the Grand Canyon National Park on? 1. p. Colombia; 2. p. Colorado; 3. p. Niagara; 4. p. St. Lawrence. 22. The lowest territory of Eurasia is: 1. The Caspian lowland; 3. Dead Sea; 2. Mesopotamian lowland; 4. Lake Geneva. 23. “This country is the birthplace of C. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, Walter Scott. In its capital, you can visit the Tower, watch the changing of the royal guard at Buckingham Palace.” What country are we talking about? 1.France; 2.Spain; 3.Italy; 4.UK. 24. Correlate the rivers of the world: the mainland river 1. Congo; A. Eurasia; 2. Mississippi; B. South America; 3. Mekong; B. Australia; 4.Darling G.North America; D. Africa.

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