Home Potato List of foods low in saturated fat. A ketogenic diet is high in fat. Does heart disease cause

List of foods low in saturated fat. A ketogenic diet is high in fat. Does heart disease cause

Fat burning foods for fast weight loss, affect the metabolic processes in the body, due to the components of their organic composition.

How do fat burning foods work?

In this case, we are talking about fat metabolism, insulin levels, the rate of fat breakdown, metabolism and the percentage of digestible fats.

Products with fat-burning properties enable the body to easily take and assimilate food and convert it into energy without putting it into fat depot. In addition, a set of vitamins contributes to the active division of cells and the overall improvement of the body.

Can I eat only fat burning foods?

The answer is unequivocal - you can! A diet based on fat-burning foods helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to fortify the body. And this is quite reasonable, because fat-burning foods are the simplest and most affordable fruits, vegetables, spices, dairy and sour-milk products, cereals, nuts, water.

Foods that speed up metabolism


It is officially proven that without a sufficient amount of fluid, all metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, water must be consumed necessarily and in the right amount (about 2 liters per day in small portions).


An important activator of the acceleration of the metabolic process. A cup of natural brewed coffee will speed up your metabolism by about 5%.


These products are high in fiber, the digestion of which the body has to spend a lot of energy. This fact is an accelerator of metabolic processes in the body.

lean meat

Ideal in this regard is the white meat of chicken breasts. Protein is digested for a long time in the gastrointestinal tract and this process is quite energy-consuming. As a result, the metabolism is accelerated by almost half of the usual.


The element responsible for the speed of metabolic processes is leptin. A big supplier of leptin is fish. That is why nutritionists treat this useful product with great respect.


Grapefruits and oranges are completely devoid of fats and proteins, but contain a lot of moisture and even more vitamins. Vitamins, fructose and fiber actively stimulate the metabolic process and improve digestion.

Beans (red)

Contains resistant starch. Like all protein products, including those of plant origin, it requires a long digestion and enhances the metabolic process. Due to this, the beans give a long-lasting feeling of satiety, fight against alien flora and perfectly cleanse the intestines.


The presence of a large amount of manganese in this product qualitatively improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, spinach improves the functioning of the sexual sphere, activates brain activity, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and contributes to the production of the “happiness hormone”.

Milk products

They speed up the metabolic process, as they are a powerful stimulating nutritional element. However, it is worth noting that only fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milkshakes and ice cream are preferred to the diet.


Useful properties of water and drinks in burning fat

A large role in a fat-burning diet is given to water and drinks. They not only help to flush and cleanse the body of unhealthy toxins and toxins, but also, as an independent product, contribute to active weight loss.

Water is a catalyst for launching metabolic processes in general. In addition, by cleansing the body, water makes it possible to normalize the work of all internal organs, including the work of fat redistribution.

Note! Ice water (or water with ice) promotes faster fat burning than water at room temperature.

For quick weight loss, you can use drinks containing foods that burn fat:

  • Water with cranberries (cranberry juice). Natural cranberry juice mixed with water is used as a diuretic for weight loss. It quickly removes fluid and has a fat-burning effect. Preparation: 250 g of natural, and preferably freshly squeezed, cranberry juice mixed with 150 g of water. Drink fresh and chilled.
  • Fat burning drink with grapefruit and mint. Preparation: mix the juice of 1 grapefruit and a couple of oranges, chopped lettuce heads and a few chopped mint leaves with a shaker. Drink chilled.
  • The most effective fat burning drink "BIGGEST LOSER", created by popular fitness trainer Kim Lyons. Preparation: water (2 liters), half a chopped fresh cucumber, a few slices of grapefruit, tangerine and a few leaves of chopped mint, mix and infuse. Add a few ice cubes, drink chilled in small sips.

Fat burning abilities of cereals

Cereals and grains are an excellent way to lose extra pounds and cleanse the body of toxins. Cereals perfectly satisfy hunger and give a feeling of satiety for a long time, as they contain organic nutrients and fibrous substances. They, without harm to the waist, saturate the body and help improve peristalsis.

Thanks to grain crops, one main meal can be replaced from time to time by products in this category. For example, for breakfast or dinner, you can cook oatmeal on the water with the addition of fresh berries, chopped fruits or nuts.

It is important to know! With all the obvious usefulness of cereals, the diet should not be limited only to cereals and replace the main meals with them. The body must receive all the necessary substances - proteins, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Meat and seafood for quick weight loss

Meat products are the main supplier of protein, which is necessary for the body as a building material. The protein diet is based on this microelement, but the principles of such a diet are completely different.

For quick weight loss with a fat-burning diet, you can include all types of lean meat in your diet. Particular preference is given to white chicken meat (breast). Boiled, steamed, stewed or grilled meat is allowed.

Fried meat in fat, breaded, in fatty marinades and sauces is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to simultaneously consume carbohydrates, bread and all types of flour products with meat. The best option for combining products with meat would be a vegetable side dish of low or negative calorie foods.

Fish and seafood are also useful in losing weight, as they are rich in valuable nutrients that are essential for the body.

Fish and seafood differ from each other in structure and digestibility. For example, seafood has a fiber structure and therefore takes much longer to digest than river or sea fish. Therefore, crab meat, shrimp or lobsters saturate the body faster, do not require a large portion and do not store excess fat.

Very useful for weight loss sea or river fish. However, preference in a fat-burning diet is also given to low-fat types of fish. This product is extremely rich in vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium without much loss, and the phosphorus content is simply huge.

Useful properties of vegetables and fruits

Foods that burn fat for fast weight loss - most vegetables and fruits

The main useful property of vegetables and fruits in the process of losing weight is their minimum calorie content.(or negative calorie). Only all fruits and vegetables are suitable for the diet, except for potatoes. Its calorie content is about 80 units per 100 g of product, which is unacceptable for fat burning diets.

An excellent product for weight loss are celery and any kind of cabbage. When they are processed, the body spends more calories than it receives. In nutrition, this is called a negative calorie.

Fruits are also extremely beneficial in weight loss as active fat burners and detoxifiers. The content of fructose in them, a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and fiber give the body a powerful boost of energy in the complete absence of protein components.

In addition, some fruits have healing properties for many diseases. For example, blueberries treat diseased vessels with varicose veins, improve vision, activate the brain and can stop Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

The role of dairy and sour-milk products in fat burning

Nutritionists say that dairy products are essential and, of course, very useful in the process of burning fat. There is only one caveat! Dairy products should not contain more than 5% fat, the presence of sugar and caloric additives is also undesirable.

If there is no lactose intolerance, then milk must be present in the diet menu, as an important component for activating metabolism, a valuable supplier of calcium and growth vitamins. Dairy products are the natural food of the body at any age, and casein (milk protein) contains valuable amino acids for the body, which are necessary for strengthening muscle mass.

Interesting fact! One glass of kefir per day is the rate of protein intake for a person. In addition, a glass of kefir provides the body with vitamins B and D, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.

The role of spices for rapid weight loss

The role of spices in the process of losing weight is difficult to overestimate. Spices not only accelerate metabolic processes at times, but are also rich in useful elements, which, in turn, are healing for many diseases.

Using spices, you can easily lose extra pounds, even without severe dietary restrictions, and at the same time make the menu more diverse.

Here are some spices that promote weight loss:

List of the healthiest fat burning foods

Fat burning products for fast weight loss are natural natural products. A fat-burning diet based on them is safe and even beneficial, as these products naturally destroy excess ballast and add a lot of benefits to the body.

Product category List of fat burning foods for fast weight loss Useful properties of the product
The drinksWaterActivates metabolic processes, cleanses the body
Green teaNatural antioxidant. Burns body fat thanks to the catechins and caffeine contained in tea
Juice, drinkFiber and active substances of fruits and vegetables activate metabolism, prevent fat accumulation
Red wineThanks to the active substances resveratrol, quercetin and the presence of flavonoids, red wine actively promotes the breakdown of fats.
Fruitsorange, tangerineThey contain a large amount of vitamins and fiber. Start an active metabolic process and prevent the formation of body fat
AvocadoThe carnitine contained in avocado accelerates the processes of fat breakdown and prevents the formation of excessive accumulations "in reserve"
ApricotA large amount of vitamins, fiber and trace elements - give good satiety without extra calories
WatermelonIt has a diuretic, cleansing effect. Great low calorie snack
A pineappleContains a large amount of vitamin C and the active element bormelain, which burns fats
pear, appleWell satiated due to the fiber content. Virtually no calories
GrapefruitInositol and naringin contained in grapefruit actively fight fat accumulation
LemonExcellent supplier of vitamins and active fat burner
KiwiGreat for burning excess fat. Contains flavonoids and many vitamins
PapayaRich in papain, which easily breaks down fats and speeds up metabolism
VegetablesCabbage (white head)It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the intestines. Contains vitamins, fiber with a minimum of calories
BrocolliThe enzyme sulforaphane, in broccoli, actively breaks down fat and prevents the formation of fat reserves.
vegetable marrowThe product has a negative calorie content and has a diuretic effect. Contains fiber and trace elements necessary for the body
TomatoContains the active element lycopene, which actively breaks down fats
CucumberLow-calorie, but well saturates the body. Natural adsorbent, removes toxins
CerealsOatmealOatmeal boiled in water, good for the digestive tract, starts active metabolic processes
BuckwheatThe leader of all cereals in terms of the amount of vitamins. It saturates well, nourishes with useful elements, is used in mono-diets
SpicesCinnamonBurns fat, suppresses increased appetite, can replace regular sugar
MustardActivates metabolic processes. Burns fats and is also used for wrapping
HorseradishConsists of dietary fiber, vitamins, trace elements. Counteracts the accumulation of body fat
Black pepperAccelerates metabolism several times, powerful fat burner

Basic Rules for Eating Fat Burning Foods: Losing Weight Safely

The use of fat-burning foods is completely harmless to health, as these are common foods for the stomach that are used in the human diet every day.

However, there are definitely some rules to follow. so that the results of using a fat-burning diet are more tangible:

  • Diet for every day should be as balanced as possible and, preferably, varied. This means that every day the body must receive all the necessary trace elements, nutrients and vitamins.
  • The amount of food consumed should be sufficient to saturate, but not overabundant. Determining the volume of a serving for one meal is very simple - visually it should not be larger than a hand clenched into a fist.

Note! Of the products that burn fat, for quick weight loss, water occupies a special place, so its daily dose should be at least 2 liters!

  • To get started on a diet, It is necessary to gradually and gradually accustom your body to a new eating behavior. For example, gradually give up sweet black tea or coffee and replace sugar with a little honey or cinnamon. Then also gradually accustom your body to green tea and a glass of low-fat kefir for dinner.
  • It is necessary to strictly observe the regime food intake. It will be more effective to switch to multiple meals in small portions, including healthy snacks. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Any diet does not exclude feasible physical activity. Proper adherence to a fat-burning diet involves active weight loss, which can adversely affect the condition of the skin, especially in areas of the greatest accumulation of fat. Therefore, active physical exercises, fitness, visiting gyms is only welcome.

The opinion of nutritionists: how effective is the use of fat-burning foods

Nutritionists unanimously argue that fat-burning foods for quick weight loss and a properly organized diet will not only help you lose extra pounds, but also heal your body, cleanse it of harmful toxins and toxins, and purposefully fill every cell with life-giving vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

The effectiveness of this diet has been verified by laboratory studies involving many women. All of them significantly lost weight, which was the ultimate goal of the diet. Along with this, all women noticeably healed their bodies and even got rid of some concomitant ailments.

Video about products that will help burn excess body fat

Foods that burn fat for fast weight loss in this video:

Fat burning foods. TOP 6 products for weight loss in this video:

For many decades, losing weight was afraid to eat foods with a high percentage of fat. But fats are also different!

Some fats (trans fats) increase the amount of bad cholesterol and are the cause of diabetes. And others (unsaturated fats) help in strengthening the immune system and preventing cardiovascular disease.

In addition, healthy fats are good for weight loss. Since they are involved in the secretion of hormones and contribute to rapid saturation.

The first benefits of exposure to the right fats can be seen in improving skin color and normalizing bowel function.

And when consumed regularly, they help reduce chronic pain and inflammation, as most foods that contain healthy fats are rich in powerful anti-inflammatory agents (omega-3s).

List of foods with healthy fats for weight loss

Fish fat

Eating this fat is important not only for weight loss, but for overall health. Recently, studies by an Australian professor have been completed, which have shown that the use of fish oil increases the effectiveness of training aimed at weight loss.

You can find this type of fat in large quantities in the liver of Atlantic cod, as well as halibut, sturgeon and salmon.


Many mistakenly believe that this product is fatty and not good for the body. Yes, lard is only made up of fats, but these are healthy fats that help you lose weight.

They contribute to the active burning of excess calories. Although, of course, you should not abuse this product: a small piece per day is enough.


Most grams of healthy fat can be found in pig meat. So, for 100 grams of such meat, there are 2 grams of fat. Of course, we are not talking about a fatty pork cutlet, but about a tenderloin of a young calf, properly steamed or in water.

By the way, eating a small amount of piglet meat has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. It should be noted that steam pig is not only a source of monounsaturated fats, but also potassium and iron.

Nutritionists are inclined to believe that pig meat is healthier than white poultry meat. Of the healthy types of meat, you can also pay attention to the lamb (young lamb). One hundred grams of the product contains 3.5 grams of fat.


Anyone who counts calories knows that nuts are high in calories. But you can eat a handful a day. The product improves the work of the heart and blood vessels, suppresses the feeling of hunger.

Each type of nuts is useful in moderation, all contain healthy fatty acids. So, 10 grams of pistachios contain 2 grams of healthy fat. In the same amount of walnuts, healthy fat will be 0.7 grams, and almonds - 3 grams, in hazelnuts 4 grams, in 100 grams of pine nuts - 1.5 grams.

If your goal is to lose weight, it is better to choose pine nuts, which contain an acid that suppresses hunger. Due to the copper content, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the absorption of iron by the body, pistachios reduce the level of bad cholesterol, and.


All nutritionists agree that olive oil is the most useful oil. It retains a maximum of useful properties, is an excellent antioxidant, and has a great effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. A tablespoon of olive oil contains 9 grams of healthy fats.

Flaxseed oil is also helpful. But it has a special spicy aftertaste that not everyone likes. It is important to buy only cold-pressed oil, which retains unsaturated fatty acids that bring benefits.


10 grams of tender avocado pulp contains 1 gram of healthy fat. Moreover, the fruit itself is 75% composed of vegetable fats. All fats are useful and necessary for a person for health and beauty.

Plus, the fruit pulp contains many vitamins and minerals. It is only important to eat avocado pulp exclusively in its raw form. If the product is thermally processed, then it will no longer be so useful.


Many healthy fats can be found in soybeans or flax seeds. But it is important to use these products in strictly limited quantities.

bitter chocolate

Oddly enough, but the real one is a product to which nutritionists are more than condescending. It helps to lose weight and contains healthy fats, but it is important that the product is 70% or more cocoa.

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 32 grams of healthy fat (if the chocolate contains nuts, this figure will be higher).

hard cheese

In addition to high-quality cheese containing healthy fats, it also contains calcium and vitamins. The only thing to take into account is the fact that when losing weight, you can eat only those cheeses whose fat content does not exceed 40%. For example, consider mozzarella.

And a few more tips:

  1. No matter how healthy unsaturated fats are considered, their consumption also needs to be controlled. The daily norm is 1 gram per 1 kg of your weight.
  2. The less processed the product is, the more useful it is. Prioritize seeds, nuts, vegetables, and then fish, butter, cheese, and other cooked foods.
  3. Variety, variety and more variety! Each product contains a different ratio of fatty acids and its own supply of useful properties.

Include healthy fats from the right sources in your diet and those extra pounds will melt like snow in the spring.

When you look at a product's guaranteed nutritional value, don't be embarrassed to look at the heading "fats".

As many as four types of fats can fall into this category: saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and trans fats. In addition to what is written on the package, today it is necessary to have an idea of ​​which fats are good for the body and which ones should not be consumed at all.

Most people assume that if a product contains a high amount of fat, then it becomes unhealthy. Unfortunately, this assumption is not always correct. Of course, this may seem like a joke, but this article will help you understand what fats are.

In this post you will find a list of foods that contain healthy fats. These are 13 high-fat foods that should be added to your diet.

To understand the nutritional value of fats, you first need to understand how fats differ.

Common types of fats

Carbohydrates are sometimes referred to as a macronutrient, or a nutrient that the body needs in large amounts to function properly.

Fats are also classified as a macronutrient and must also be consumed by the body. However, like carbohydrates, not all fats are equally nutritious. In fact, some fats, such as trans fats, can be very unhealthy.

By the way, saturated fats and trans fats are two well-known classes of fats, while monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats seem to scare people the most. It all depends on how well informed you are.

Let's take a look at the 4 types of fats most commonly found in foods.

Saturated fats are organic substances in which all carbon bonds are single. Saturated fats can be found in animal and vegetable fats, oils, red meat, eggs, and nuts.

You may have heard different information about saturated fats. Some studies say there is no evidence that unsaturated fats increase the risk of heart disease. Although other studies, such as those made by the American Heart Association, state that saturated fat increases cholesterol levels and should be limited to no more than 10% of the daily intake.

In fact, in those studies that have concluded that there is no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, it has also been noted that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Indeed, the American Committee of Dietetics recently revised the data on cholesterol and saturated fats, resulting in the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, which do not reflect restrictions on the intake of cholesterol in diets. It has also been suggested that restrictions on saturated fat intake be reconsidered because there is no strong evidence that these fats are associated with heart disease or other diseases. The full report can be read at health.gov.

Agree, this is quite shocking news, because we have always been told to eat less fatty foods and cholesterol. But most likely we will see changes in all dietary guidelines in the coming year.

I would like to draw attention to this so that you are not afraid of fats, because. most of the healthy foods on our list contain saturated fats. Lots of natural saturated fats won't hurt. But on the other hand, there are also harmful saturated fats in the remains of congealed fat (for example, after frying bacon) and in other harmful products.

It seems to some that it is quite normal to consume unhealthy foods in food. Of course, these products contain not only saturated fats. But the main thing we need to learn is to distinguish foods that are good from bad saturated fats.

Trans fats

Speaking of lard, trans fats can be found in unhealthy foods such as deep fried foods, fried foods, potato chips, frozen pizzas and various non-dairy creams, etc.

Trans fat is the oil of a mad scientist. To create trans fats, hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, which makes it solid at room temperature, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is also what happens with artificially-synthesized saturated fats.

The result is partially hydrogenated oils. You may have heard this term before because these oils are often used for the following reasons:

  1. They don't need to be changed as often as other oils (Think of deep fryers at fast food places like McDonald's - they don't change oil often)
  2. They have a longer shelf life
  3. They are cheaper than natural oils
  4. They give us a pleasant taste

Partially hydrogenated oils should always be avoided. But not all trans fats need to be eliminated from your diet. Yes, what is found in frozen pizza and french fries should be avoided, but the part of the products that is described in the list below should definitely be on your menu.

Monounsaturated fats

So, we have come to the next essential substance, which should always be present in your diet. Monounsaturated fats, like polyunsaturated fats, should be classified as "good fats".

For starters, monounsaturated fats contain one double carbon bond. This bond means that fewer carbons are needed for synthesis compared to saturated fats, which are mostly hydrogen bonds.

Unlike saturated fats, monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. To remember this, think of olive oil - it contains high amounts of monounsaturated fats and much less saturated fats. Therefore, olive oil will not harden if spilled. However, coconut oil, which is higher in saturated fat, solidifies at room temperature. This is the easiest way to remember the difference between oils that are high in saturated and monounsaturated fats.

Finally, the last.

Polyunsaturated fats

Polyunsaturated fats have two or more double carbohydrate bonds.

Polyunsaturated fats are found in some oils, such as sunflower, safflower, and corn oil. These products should also be discarded. But these oils can also be found in healthy foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds.

It is important to note that polyunsaturated fats are considered essential, which means that they are essential for our body. You can find at least half of them on our list.

There are two types of polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are indispensable and therefore we must get them from food.

Now that you have an idea of ​​all four main types of fats, we can discuss what foods we can get them in.

Healthy fats: a list of foods that you should pay attention to

Ideally, you should get both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet, focusing mainly on omega-3s. Until now, these two types of fats were considered healthy and suitable for daily consumption. Some of the foods on our list contain saturated fats, but it's better to stick with those foods than processed ones.

We recommend adding these high-fat foods to your diet. But it is necessary to introduce foods high in fat into the diet gradually, starting from two to three times a week. Also, if you are increasing your fat intake, then lower your carbohydrate intake.

But now we will not go into such details too much. Just keep in mind: you should not eat a pie if you have eaten a lot of fatty foods.

Milk products

Yogurt will help improve digestion with probiotics or live cultures and, according to research from the US National Library of Medicine, will also help you lose weight.

Thanks to the nutrients, yogurt energizes and provides a dose of calcium and protein.

Please be careful when buying yogurt: pay attention to the labels to avoid a product loaded with sugar. It's best to dilute the yogurt yourself with whatever you like, such as honey, fresh blueberries, and cinnamon.

Cheese is also an excellent source of protein, calcium, and minerals, and may be the most beneficial for appetite control.

Alana Aragona, a nutritionist and men's weight management coach, once said: “The combination of protein and fat in regular high-fat cheeses is very rich ... As a result, snacking on high-fat cheeses does not let the appetite go for hours; I have found that this reduces the amount of food my clients consume in subsequent meals."

Since this is still too fatty food, pay attention to portion sizes and adjust them as needed.


Although the next two products on the list were discussed above, they are still worth mentioning. Olive oil may be higher in saturated fat than other oils, but its nutritional benefits far outweigh this downside.

What does this product do useful?

As a result of research, it was found that olive oil contains many antioxidants. Olive oil can actually prevent the development of cancer cells and even cause them to die. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties thanks to a polyphenol called oleacansal. Oleakansal directly targets inflammation and pain like popular NSAID drugs, but without the side effects.

  1. Coconut oil

What can you say about coconut oil?

Coconut oil can improve cholesterol levels and give you a good boost of energy.

According to SFGate: "Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, which are used by the body directly for energy."

Who doesn't love an instant boost of energy?

Nuts and seeds

Nuts also provide a lot of energy, so it's good to always have them on hand. But the main problem with nuts is that they can be extremely high in fat, so portion control is a must. Limit yourself to a handful, because these guys get eaten too easily and unnoticed!

Let's take a look at this list of nuts for their fat content per 100 grams:

  • Almonds: 49 g fat, 78% of calories come from fat
  • Brazil nuts: 66 g fat, 89% of calories come from fat
  • Cashews: 44 g fat, 67% of calories come from fat
  • Hazelnuts: 61g fat, 86% of calories come from fat
  • Macadamia: 76g fat, 93% of calories come from fat
  • Pecans: 72 g fat, 93% of calories come from fat
  • Pine nuts: 68 g fat, 87% of calories come from fat
  • Pistachios: 44 g fat, 72% of calories come from fat
  • Walnut: 65g fat, 87% of calories come from fat

This list should not stop you from eating nuts, on the contrary, it should prove that in some quantities, eating nuts is a must.

Seeds can be considered like nuts: they are useful and necessary, but only in small quantities.

Some of the best seeds

  1. Chia seeds
  2. Flax seeds (ground)
  3. Pumpkin seeds (roasted, no salt)
  4. Sunflower seeds (roasted, no salt)

Despite their high fat content, chia seeds are very healthy. To be honest, flax seeds are also essential, plus they contain slightly less fat than chia seeds. Flax seeds are a source of fiber, antioxidants and essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating pumpkin seeds occasionally will provide you with antioxidants and about 50% of your recommended intake of magnesium. Mercola reports that magnesium is vital for the maintenance of bone and tooth tissue, heart function, it is involved in the relaxation of blood vessels and ensures good digestion.

As for sunflower seeds, they are also rich in antioxidants, as well as fiber and amino acids. It's safe to say that these seeds should become a mandatory part of your diet.

  1. Nut butter

The properties are similar to nuts. Peanut butter is one of those foods that should not be avoided. However, the right type of nut butter is needed, just like choosing nuts. I don’t know about you, but I love almond and nut butter the most.

Chop a stalk of celery, add almond butter, sprinkle with a little hemp or chia seeds instead of sugary raisins.


  1. Avocado

When it comes to very fatty foods, control is your best friend.

As you can see in the Nutrition Guarantee, an average serving of an avocado should be about 1/3 of a medium avocado. If you eat a whole avocado, you will get 250 calories and 22.5 grams of fat. Of course, it's okay if you eat a whole avocado because it contains 71% monounsaturated fat, one of the best types of fat.

You'll find about 20 vitamins and minerals in avocados, fiber, protein, omega-3s, 4g total carbs, and about 1.2g available carbs, so avocados are low in carbs. All these benefits make avocados an indispensable high-fat food.

Although olives are considered high in fat, they are high in monounsaturated fats, making olives an excellent addition to any diet.

As mentioned earlier, higher amounts of monounsaturated fats can be attributed to balancing blood sugar levels, lowering blood cholesterol, and lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Animal products

  1. Eggs

Eggs have a fairly high level of cholesterol, but the level of fat is also elevated.

Most of the fat is in the yolk. Therefore, most people on fat-restricted diets eat only protein. The only problem is that all the fats found in the yolks are irreplaceable.

One large egg contained 1.6 g of saturated fat, 0.7 g of polyunsaturated fat, and 2 g of monounsaturated fat. In addition to healthy fats, you will also get vitamins and minerals, thus improving your metabolism.

Red meat consumption in excess can lead to an increase in iron levels, thus reducing the elasticity of blood vessels and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

However, eating meat from time to time, such as two to three times a week, is good for your body.

LiveStrong point to the need to buy the right cuts of meat. Some cuts may have more saturated fat and cholesterol, while others, such as tenderloin, have more healthy fats in the right amounts. You can choose bison meat, it is leaner and healthier.

Instead of buying expensive fish oil supplements, consider eating fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, or mackerel.

These types of fish are high in protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health: “An analysis of 20 studies involving hundreds of thousands of participants found that eating one or two three-ounce servings of oily fish per week — salmon, herring, mackerel, sprat, or sardine — reduced the risk of heart disease by 36%. ".

Other foods containing healthy fats for weight loss

Yes, chocolate is a healthy product, of course, if you choose the right kind of chocolate. By choosing chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa, you can extract great benefits.

The Cleveland Clinic found that the fats found in cocoa butter are used in the manufacture of chocolate, such as oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat similar to that found in avocado or olive oil.

In addition to fats, chocolate boasts the content of flavonoids, a group of antioxidants.

When you eat chocolate, your body will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reducing excess cholesterol
  • Increased blood flow to the heart and arteries
  • low blood pressure
  • Reduced risk of blood clots
  • Improves mood

A piece of dark chocolate is the required amount of chocolate per day.

Hello, dear readers of the website site, in this article we will talk about fats, their varieties, how to distinguish between good and bad fats, and how they affect the process of losing weight in general.

We will understand the issues that relate to the use of fat for weight loss, and learn how to calculate the individual rate of consumption of these substances per day during the diet.

I want to start with another personal story of my weight loss, where I will tell you about the mistakes that I made and that prevented me from achieving my goals.

Having decided to lose weight, I revised my diet and first of all removed all kinds of fatty foods from it. I thought that they should be excluded as much as possible. She ate only vegetables, low-fat dairy products and allowed herself some fruit. At that time, I considered meat and fish products unsuitable for weight loss, since they contain fats. You may have recognized yourself here as well.

Within a week of my diet, I began to feel tired and irritated, and after two weeks my hunger was wolfish. I didn't understand why? Why didn't everything I ate make me feel full? But it turns out it's all about the fats that I threw out of my menu.

If you are faced with a similar problem, review your diet and especially pay attention to the content of fats in your menu, what foods you use them with and in what quantity.

In order to help you understand the topic of fat while losing weight, I will provide you with information based on my personal research and observations obtained by studying weight loss books and the Internet.

It turns out that fats are simply necessary for weight loss, and their amount is individual for each person. If only someone had told me this before.

The benefits of fats for the human body when losing weight:

  • - they are a source of energy;
  • - participate in the formation of brain neurons;
  • - ensure the functioning of the immune system;
  • - stimulate the release of bile during digestion;
  • - contribute to the absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
  • - the absorption of calcium in the bones also occurs in combination with fats;
  • - regulate the metabolic rate;
  • - saturate the body and this ensures the absence of hunger, which in turn does not provoke a person to overeat.

How to calculate daily fat intake for weight loss.

Nutritionists say that when losing weight, you need to reduce fat intake to 80 g per day. And the best solution to this issue is the calculation of the individual norm of consumed fats. There are several ways to help make calculations.

1st way.

With growth up to 165 cm, subtract 100;
If your height is 166 - 175 cm, subtract 105;
Height over 175 cm, subtract 110.

The results of the calculation will correspond to your rate of fat consumed per day when losing weight in grams.

2nd way.

I find this method to be more effective, since you can consume different amounts of fat daily. This amount is calculated using the individual minimum daily allowance of each person and does not exceed 80 g of fat per day.

The minimum individual amount of fat can be calculated by multiplying your ideal weight by 0.8.

You can find out your ideal weight using the Brocca formula by clicking on the link.

For example, your ideal weight is 65 kg.
65* 0.8=52 g

Your minimum fat intake for weight loss is 52 g. If you create your daily diet with the amount of fat in the range of 52-80 g, this will be enough for comfortable weight loss, good health and no hunger.

But, the benefits of fat are possible only with its proper use.

Good and bad fats.

Which fats to eat when losing weight, and which ones are better to limit or completely eliminate from your diet.

Conventionally, these substances can be divided into two types:

  • vegetable
  • and animal origin.

And in terms of composition:

  • for saturated fatty acids
  • and unsaturated.

Saturated fats- remain solid at room temperature. To melt their contents, they should be well heated. It is for this reason that when they enter the human body in large quantities, they cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, causing an increase in cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the consumption of saturated fat leads to obesity.

Saturated fats are found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products (lard, margarine, butter, cream, lard, etc.).
Very often they are used in fast foods, various pastries, confectionery.

Therefore, people who want to stay healthy and slim try to exclude such foods from their diet. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are important for the healthy development of the human body, so they must be consumed in a certain amount and choose less fatty varieties.

unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils (sunflower, olive and coconut oils, as well as in nuts and seeds). These fats are considered one of the most beneficial for the human body during various diets, since their insufficient intake harms the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, leads to a weakened immune system, memory impairment and the development of atherosclerosis.

Summing up, I want to emphasize that fats during weight loss must be present in your daily diet. The main thing is to be able to understand products that contain healthy (unsaturated) and harmful (saturated) fats, then your weight loss will be effective and will not harm your body.

When losing weight, fats should be consumed in the form of vegetable oils. Use olive, sunflower, linseed oil for dressing salads and cooking.
You also need to consider getting fat through dairy products, meat, eggs and fish.

Use low-fat varieties of these products in your diet, as when breaking down 1 gram of fat, as many as 9 kilocalories are released. If these kilocalories are not consumed, they are deposited in the body in the form of fat reserves in the liver, subcutaneous adipose tissue, internal organs and other fat depots.

In the diet of a person who is losing weight, products such as margarine, butter, various spreads and lard should not be present. You also need to exclude pastries, confectionery, fast food, fatty sausages and fatty meats and fish.

When compiling your diet menu, do not forget about the quality and quantity of fat consumed in your daily diet. Remember that a low-fat diet leads to chronic hunger and can lead to a serious metabolic disorder.

We wish you to be healthy and slim!

The result is not guaranteed and is individual, as it depends on many factors.

Eating a lot of fat is not at all as harmful as doctors say. True, if we are talking about ketone with a reduced amount of carbohydrates. On it you can lose weight and even improve your health, studies of Dutch and Australian scientists prove.

Scientists have already convinced us that saturated and can lead to a variety of health problems and success. But there are some types of fats that can be very important for our body. The ketone diet (reduced carbs, high fats) is on the rise. It has already been affectionately nicknamed "keto". In Europe, keto establishments have opened where adherents eat ... fried chicken with a ruddy skin, slices of bacon, fatty salmon, various cheeses. All this - without bread and garnish. And at the same time they claim that they lose weight and get rid of ailments. They believe that, but they perceive fats as completely normal. And not in vain!

Even among those who are not a fan of "keto", information about healthy fats is spreading more and more. For example, recently there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of and, but we are talking about monounsaturated fats, which are also found in nuts, olives and seeds. No less frequently, medical portals mention a vital fatty acid, which is rich in salmon and tuna.

You will be interested:

Specialists from the University of Twente (Netherlands) and James Cook University (Australia) became interested in the phenomenon. Previous studies have already proven that a diet consisting of fats and proteins does not lead to, but rather helps prevent it and curb appetite. But you can also lose weight through exercise. So are there any benefits to the ketone diet? In addition, many people like this style of eating.

Recent studies have shown that this approach to nutrition reduces the level of triglycerides, and they are a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. The opposite effect is given by most modern diets with the use of large amounts of fructose. Also, the ketone diet helps to control. And vice versa, .

Scientists have been trying to understand the role that high-fat diets play in the recovery process in the body. They tested the experiment with experimental rodents and found that in mice with such a diet, the repair of damaged cartilage accelerated.

Something similar happened with the restoration of the brain. In one study in elderly patients who suffered from mild cognitive impairment, 6 weeks on a high-fat diet was found to be significant. And another small study found that in people suffering, there was a noticeable decrease in the signs of the disease.

However, it should be remembered: when deciding to go on such a diet, it is especially important to consult with doctors, especially if you have or. Also, such a diet harmoniously affects only those who devote at least half an hour a day to physical activity.

The main products from which the menu is built: meat, lard, poultry, oily fish, eggs, cheese, vegetable and animal oils. In a small amount, only green non-starchy vegetables are allowed: lettuce, cabbage, celery. This is why the total amount of carbohydrates per day should not exceed 20-40 grams.

Approximate keto diet menu


Breakfast. Omelet from two eggs, tea without sugar.

Dinner. Salad of boiled chicken breast and a small amount of green lettuce flavored with vegetable oil

Dinner. Trout steak baked in foil.


Breakfast. A handful of almonds, coffee with cream.

Dinner. Boiled chicken fillet, cucumber, cheese slice.

Dinner. 200 g homemade cottage cheese with sour cream.


Breakfast. 3 boiled eggs, boiled beef tongue, kefir.

Dinner. Stewed fish, cabbage salad with olive oil.

Dinner. Portion of protein shake with grated apple.


Breakfast. 2 egg scrambled eggs with bacon, tea without sugar.

Dinner. Chop, spinach.

Dinner. Salmon fillet, broccoli.


Breakfast. Coconut oil dessert with unsweetened berries (raspberries, currants, blueberries).

Dinner. Grilled chicken meat, big green salad with mayonnaise.

Dinner. Salad: canned tuna with cucumber.


Breakfast. Baked cheesecakes (with a minimum of flour in the composition and without sugar).

Dinner. Steak with mushrooms.

Dinner. Seafood salad with boiled eggs and cucumber.


Breakfast. Avocado.

Dinner. Boiled brisket, cabbage and carrot salad.

Dinner. A serving of protein shake with unsweetened berries.

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