Home Potato Impressions of OS X Yosemite after a month of use. Which Macs will receive OS X Yosemite Description of mac os x yosemite

Impressions of OS X Yosemite after a month of use. Which Macs will receive OS X Yosemite Description of mac os x yosemite

Apple has released the final version of OS X Yosemite. First unveiled at WWDC 2014, the new desktop operating system for Mac is a major update to OS X. You can download OS X Yosemite from the Mac Store App Store follow the link at the end of the article. For the second time in the history of the platform, Apple provided an update for free.

OS X Yosemite continues the direction set with the launch of last year's OS X Mavericks, offering users an even cleaner design and even more iOS-inspired features. If the familiar iOS applications Maps and iBooks appeared in Mavericks, this time Apple promises that both systems are designed to work together as conveniently as possible.

The flat design, translucent panels, and move away from gradients and textures in iOS 7 are clearly visible in OS X 10.10, making the desktop platform look much more modern. Application icons have a new minimalist and flatter design, the application bar and windows have sharper edges.

Notification Center has been expanded with a new Today View for calendar, reminders, weather, promotions, social networks and so on - Apple notes that the functions will be expanded with third-party widgets that can be downloaded from the app store. The universal search tool Spotlight has become one of the most important tools in the OS - it now appears in the foreground in the center of the Desktop.

One of the biggest changes is the new iCloud Drive service, which allows you to access all the files stored in your iCloud account through the File Finder. Users can view their cloud-stored files, organize them into folders, tag them, and search them using Spotlight - just like any other file type. All iCloud Drive files will sync between OS X, iOS and even Windows.

The Safari browser has undergone a significant overhaul, with a clearer, more intuitive design and improved search integration. Apple says the browser now executes JavaScript faster than any other browser on the market—on standard websites the difference can be up to six times faster than Firefox and up to five times faster than Chrome. Apple has also expanded support for Safari web standards, including WebGL, SPDY and HTML5.

AirDrop support has been implemented between OS X and iOS - users can exchange images and other data between their mobile devices and desktop systems without using a cord. Finally, Handoff technology allows you to start working on a Mac and finish on an iPhone or iPad, and vice versa.

OS X Mavericks and OS X Mountain Lion users can upgrade to the new operating system absolutely free. A new version desktop platform is already available for download in the Mac App Store, and in addition it will be distributed with Apple computers.

Download OS X Yosemite for Mac [

On October 16, a new operating system for Mac OS X Yosemite was released. Perhaps, these are the words that all Apple publications will begin their review of the new Mac OS. Trite? Yes, so we will do it differently.

We could do the shortest review of Yosemite in the world and describe it in four words:

Flat, colorful, contradictory, cool.

But for such a review Apple company will not pay us, so below is waiting for you detailed review all the tricks, frills and innovations.


Let's start with the main thing. After all, it was design that formed the basis of Yosemite. Externally, the OS caught up with its mobile counterpart and began to resemble it in everyone. Flat interface elements, blur and translucency. How did this affect the system? Controversial issue.

I was lucky enough to become the owner of a Mac only a few months before the release of Yosemite, so I didn’t have time to love the old and classic interface with all my heart.

However, I have been using iOS since version 4, and with the release of iOS 7, I became an adherent of the new trends of the brilliant Jony Ive. Therefore, the question of the attractiveness of the new OS is subjective. I'm sure that the people shouting that appearance Yosemite will make them gag a lot, but there will be far fewer of them who find the updated system design attractive.

Translucency is now everywhere. For example, when scrolling a page in Safari, you will notice that it disappears under the top bar, coloring it with the background color. Journalists from The Verge noted that this is inconvenient and a little distracting. However, it is not. The colors are very calm and do not interfere with browsing.

The same can be said about the plane. The flat interface doesn't look significantly better or worse, it's just different.


The main changes in Safari are visual. The bookmarks bar has changed, now it looks almost identical to the bookmarks bar on the iPad. At the top are open pages, at the bottom are pages from other devices synchronized via iCloud.

Safari's Omnibox now shows bookmarks and frequently visited pages. You can permanently get rid of the bookmarks bar and open them from the omnibox.


In the notification center, just like in iOS 8, there are now widgets. Stocks, a calendar, a calculator, a review for today and other basic widgets are available as standard. However, third-party developers will be given the opportunity to create their own widgets and sell them on the Mac App Store.

I was never able to accept widgets in iOS 8. Despite the fact that there are really cool widgets, their usefulness and convenience is reduced, if not to zero, then to a very small percentage. Will the same thing happen with widgets in Yosemite? I think yes.

Spotlight is less useful here than in the US. There he can now show screenings in cinemas, places in cafes and much more, all this does not work for us. But as before, you can use it to open files, programs and Wikipedia pages. The new functionality is that Spotlight will show more personalized information based on the same algorithms as Siri.

However, some of Spotlight's features are still useful to us. For example, you can convert units of measurement by entering only the first character of one of them.


The Mail application has received many innovations and using third-party clients is now almost meaningless. First of all, you can now send very large files by mail, up to 5 GB. This file will automatically be uploaded to iCloud Drive and the recipient will receive a link.

It is now possible to make annotations directly in messages, sign a document using a trackpad, and improvements have been made in working with several mailboxes at the same time.


iTunes has received the most important change - it has become simpler and faster. Moreover, remembering iTunes on Windows, I would like to wish that iTunes 12 would be released there as quickly as possible, because iTunes for Windows is a hellish hell.

AirDrop for iOS and Mac is now universal. That is, you can transfer files from a mobile device to a computer and vice versa.

The function works great, although not without problems. Sometimes the connection disappears and appears again after a while. I have not been able to figure out what this is connected with.

But overall, AirDrop is good; files are transferred almost instantly and in a couple of clicks.

Handoff and Continuity

The era of Continuity will begin very soon as third-party developers implement this feature in their applications. Many did this immediately after the release of Yosemite, others will do it over time.

Continuity lets you experience apps on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac as if you were on the same device. The most common example is to start reading an article in Pocket on an iPhone and continue from the same place on a Mac.

The same applies to working with files, mail and many, many others. Continuity's capabilities will be limited only by the imagination of the developers.

Handoff is a feature very similar to Continuity that allows you to make and receive cellular calls on your Mac or iPad. And it's every bit as cool as it sounds. When working on a computer, you don't have to run to your phone to answer the call. And while watching movies on your iPad in bed, you can stop and call anyone directly from the tablet.


The messages received two notable innovations. Firstly, group chats, and secondly, Soundbites - new feature, which lets you record a short audio message and send it using iMessage.

Apple's new cloud storage looks very promising. On Mac it appears as a separate folder. But iOS definitely lacks a native app.

This brings our review to its logical conclusion, since the remaining changes in OS X Yosemite are minor. What do you think of the new Mac OS? Did it live up to your expectations or were you expecting something else?

As you may have already noticed, our website is expanding and improving every day. Just recently we launched a section in which you can leave your own review of the tablet. You have also probably read our impressions of and, comparative review which, by the way, can be seen here very soon. Today I want to talk about Apple's desktop operating system - OS X Yosemite.

The release of Apple's new operating system took place on the day of the October Apple Special Event, that is, a little less than a month ago. During this time, I managed to familiarize myself with the system in detail and am ready to talk about its pros, cons and overall impression.


Let's start with the design, because this is the first innovation that users encounter when updating OS X. Yosemite, or as people affectionately called it “Yosya,” received the design of iOS 7 - flat, transparent and minimalistic. It seems that Apple should have introduced Mavericks with this design, but it’s good that it’s late than never. In general, is this design so successful as a variation for the desktop platform? In my opinion, it is quite successful and you get used to the new interface very quickly. The color palette isn't super-bright, and transparency is well mixed with powerful blur.


Many people were really looking forward to the so-called “Dark Mode” in the new OS X, and it appeared here. I tried it and didn’t understand at all why everyone was praising it. The implementation of the dark mode is very far from ideal, the bottom dock is unnecessarily black, and in the menu bar, third-party icons look simply terrible on a dark background. In general, I left the standard implementation of the bottom and top panels, which I advise you to do.


I don’t see any point in talking about any particular aspect of design in more detail. The general picture is clear from the previous two paragraphs, and the rest can be seen in the screenshots presented to your attention.


The second topic I would like to touch on is new features, functions and capabilities. Not to say that Apple is very concerned about software innovations, but still some turned out to be very useful. As Craig Federighi said on stage, OS X and iOS are now closer than ever to each other, and now I’ll explain why. The first handy element is the updated Notification Center, similar to that on iOS. Now there is a Today screen where you can add various widgets. For example, a calculator or stocks. Let me remind you that the Notification Center is accessible from any part of the system by simply swiping with two fingers on the trackpad. A convenient thing has become even more convenient.


I also liked Safari - oddly enough, best browser for OS X. No matter how much Chrome is praised, it is unlikely to compare with the native Apple browser on a Mac in terms of speed and power consumption. Now you can see everything in Safari open tabs in the same way as on the iPad. I was also pleased that the search bar was combined with the “Favorites” bookmarks folder and a separate line was added with frequently visited sites. It is both convenient and looks beautiful - everything is designed in the form of tiles (not a hint at Windows at all).


But, in essence, this is just the evolution of individual applications. But what I can call a revolution, albeit small, is the capabilities of Continuity and Handoff. We even wrote a whole article about the first one on our website, but in brief the gist is the following. Now you can receive calls and SMS, as well as send text messages and commit voice calls on your Mac computer. There is no magic here, the iPhone should still be in your possession. Imagine that the iPhone is lying in the hallway, and you are working at the computer in the bedroom and at that moment a call comes into your phone. Now you don’t need to get up and go get the device, wasting extra seconds. You can simply answer the call from your Mac right away.


But Handoff, unfortunately, never started for me. Perhaps this is a Yosemite bug, but for some reason my MacBook stubbornly does not want to connect to the iPhone 6. Because of this, the notorious Handoff does not work, which in theory allows anyone to continue working standard application pick up where you left off on your previous device.


As the author of articles on the site, as well as the author of videos on the channel, I really liked the opportunity using native OS X tools - using the QuickTime Player program and a Lightning cable. I also used the function a couple of times and transferred photos from iPad to Mac - convenient and simple.


And here's what I need new operating system What I didn't like was the overall performance of the system. Let me tell you right away that I am using (Iris Pro-256Gb), that is, the basic configuration of a 15-inch firmware. The term “basic” means that in the MacBook Pro Retina 15 line there is a model with additional best characteristics, and not “weak configuration”. The hardware in my computer is the most modern, but the system does not work as smoothly as before.


The fact is that there were no lags on Mavericks, everything worked like clockwork, so much so that sometimes the thought even arose that this was simply impossible. But with the advent of OS X Yosemite, you come to the conclusion that not everything is so rosy in the apple kingdom. Mission Control's startup animation is noticeably laggy, with many application applications launching with a noticeable jerk. Periodic freezes for a second when moving between tables have already become the norm, no matter how sad it may be.


What's even more frustrating is that some apps that run smoothly on Mavericks fail to autorun on Yosemite. So, for example, TweetDeck simply freezes and remains in this state until restarted. In general, with application optimization and improvement general work The operating system still has a lot of work to do.

Overall, I was pleased with the new OS X Yosemite; all the disadvantages in terms of optimization and speed of work are offset by the advantages in terms of design and the introduction of new features. Let's hope that Apple will improve OS X in the next updates and we will enjoy the smooth operation of our Mac computers.

) it became known about the intention Apple will be released soon. Then the Cupertino team announced a number of functions that the new platform was supposed to receive. Now something has happened that many users expected - it has become available for free download.

In contact with

In order to install the new version of Apple's desktop OS, you should visit the official Mac OS X Yosemite page and click on the button Upgrade Now(Update now).

Naturally, it’s worth noting first of all the design change, somewhat reminiscent of the style of last year’s iOS 7 - it also came out a little “flat”. The platform received translucent panels, gradients and textures were removed. All this allows the new product to look more modern.

One of the most noticeable innovations in the Apple OS is the display of the Spotlight search tool in the foreground in the center of the Desktop. In addition, the Cupertino team implemented new mode– “Today View” for the calendar, reminders, weather, promotions, social networks, etc. Tim Cook’s company says that the functionality of the Notification Center does not end there – it can be expanded with .

One cannot ignore the new cloud service, which provides access to all files uploaded to iCloud. These documents can be accessed directly from the Finder, similar to the mechanism implemented by Dropbox. It is also worth noting the implementation of file synchronization iCloud Drive with OS X, iOS and even Windows.

The changes that have befallen Safari are quite noticeable. From now on, it will be more convenient and easy to work with the browser - and all thanks to a simplified and more understandable interface. We also note improved search integration. According to allegations Apple, new Safari version executes JavaScript code faster, and we're talking about not only about previous builds of the browser, but also about other analogues on the market.

Another innovation is support for working between OS X and iOS, making it possible exchange content between mobile devices and desktops without the need to use a cable. The presence of support, in turn, allows you to work with documents on different devices.

Apple has released the final version of OS X Yosemite. First introduced at WWDC 2014, the new desktop operating system for Mac is a major update to OS X. You can download OS X Yosemite from the Mac App Store using the link at the end of the article. For the second time in the history of the platform, it provided an update for free.

OS X Yosemite continues the direction set with the launch of last year's OS X Mavericks, offering users an even cleaner design and even more iOS-inspired features. If the familiar iOS applications Maps and iBooks appeared in Mavericks, this time Apple promises that both systems are designed to work together as conveniently as possible.

The flat design, translucent panels, and move away from gradients and textures in iOS 7 are clearly visible in OS X 10.10, making the desktop platform look much more modern. Application icons have a new minimalist and flatter design, the application bar and windows have sharper edges.

The Notification Center has been expanded with a new Today View view for calendar, reminders, weather, stocks, social media and more - Apple notes that the features will be expanded with third-party widgets that can be downloaded from the app store. The universal search tool Spotlight has become one of the most important tools in the OS - it now appears in the foreground in the center of the Desktop.

One of the biggest changes is the new iCloud Drive service, which allows you to access all the files stored in your iCloud account through the File Finder. Users can view their cloud-stored files, organize them into folders, tag them, and search them using Spotlight - just like any other file type. All iCloud Drive files will sync between OS X, iOS and even Windows.

The Safari browser has undergone a significant overhaul, with a clearer, more intuitive design and improved search integration. Apple says the browser now executes JavaScript faster than any other browser on the market—on standard websites the difference can be up to six times faster than Firefox and up to five times faster than Chrome. Apple has also expanded support for Safari web standards, including WebGL, SPDY and HTML5.

AirDrop support has been implemented between OS X and iOS - users can share images and other data between their mobile devices and desktop systems without using a cord. Finally, Handoff technology allows you to start working on a Mac and finish on an iPhone or iPad, and vice versa.

OS X Mavericks and OS X Mountain Lion users can upgrade to the new operating system absolutely free. The new version of the desktop platform is already available for download in the Mac App Store, and in addition it will be distributed with Apple computers.

System requirements

  • OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard or higher
  • minimum 2 GB memory
  • 8 GB of free disk space
  • Some features require an Apple ID; conditions are required.
  • Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; charges may apply.
  • Continuity features (Handoff and AirDrop) require compatible Bluetooth LE (4.0)
Supported Models:
  • iMac (Mid 2007 model or newer)
  • MacBook Air (late 2008 model or newer)
  • MacBook (late 2008 Aluminum model, early 2009 or newer)
  • Mac mini (Early 2009 model or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 model or newer)
  • Mac Pro (Early 2008 model or newer)
  • Xserve (early 2009 model)
Requirements for individual functions:
  • Handoff requires an iOS device running iOS 8.
  • iPhone calls require an iPhone running iOS 8.
  • To exchange SMS, an iPhone with iOS 8.1 is required.
  • Instant Hotspot requires a cellular-enabled iPhone or iPad running iOS 8.1.
  • Some features require an Apple ID, compatible hardware, or a compatible internet or cellular network connection; Additional fees may apply; Additional terms and conditions may apply.

What's new in version 10.10.5

The OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 update improves stability, compatibility, and security for your Mac.

In this update:

  • Improved Mail compatibility with some email servers.
  • Fixed an issue in Photos that prevented video from being imported from GoPro cameras.
  • Fixed a bug in QuickTime Player that prevented playback Windows files Media.
Instructions for creating an installation flash drive (createinstallmedia utility) from Apple

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