Home Potato A detailed overview of all types and types of internet connections. Types of Internet connections. What are the types of Internet connections (the most common)

A detailed overview of all types and types of internet connections. Types of Internet connections. What are the types of Internet connections (the most common)

Modern world it's hard to imagine without the Internet. Thanks to the various search engines on the Web you can find absolutely any information, spend your free time for exciting games online. In addition, through the World Wide Web, you can use services that make our life easier, namely: food delivery, taxi, courier services and much more.

Today the Internet has already become a part of life. modern man... Almost all business and entertainment is somehow connected with the Global Network. However, in order to ensure the connection, several conditions must be met at once. The topic of our conversation today is: "What is an Internet connection? Types of connection, their advantages and disadvantages."

Through cable

Currently, this type of connection has received most widespread... To connect yourself to cable Internet, you need to contact the provider who is engaged in the maintenance of your home. He will stretch a wire into the apartment through which the signal will go. Usually twisted pair or fiber optic is used for this purpose. Let's consider the features of these options.

Twisted pair

In this case, from the switch cabinet installed at the entrance to your apartment, copper cable which then connects to your computer or router. According to this principle, the connection is usually carried out in apartment buildings. In this case, it is enough to simply determine what type of connection is installed in your home. If a thin wire comes into your apartment, and the connection speed is on average up to 100 Mbit / s, then most likely a twisted pair is used. If the speed is faster and the cable is thicker, you probably have a fiber-optic internet connection. Connection types can be determined by other criteria.


In the case of using an optical connection, a cable is brought into the apartment, which is connected to a special distribution cable installed in the house. This type of connection has one very important advantage. Speed ​​in in this case can reach 1 Gbps. With the help of an optical cable, you can connect to the World Wide Web and use TV and telephone services. At the same time, you do not need to start three wires into the apartment at once: one cord will be responsible for all types of connection. Cable internet can work with network protocols using two protocols: local and virtual.

The local network

The principle of work of a cable connection using a local protocol is that your ISP assigns you a separate IP. The communication provider combines all PCs into one common network where every address is monitored. This type of connection can also be subdivided depending on whether static or dynamic IP is used. The easiest way is to use a dynamic IP address. The settings are made directly by the Internet provider. The user does not need to adjust anything.

How do you know what type of connection you have? If you just connected a cable to your computer and the Internet started working, then you have a dynamic IP. When using a static IPOC, it will ask for additional parameters to login. In terms of providing Internet access, the static option is more complex. The system will ask you to enter data before each session. You can request all the necessary information for connection from the provider.

For services that all the time request a static IP, this address is preferable to use. How, in this case, can you determine that the static version is being used? In most modern routers through which an Internet connection is made, the connection types are determined automatically. If you have a cheap or old router, then the provider can provide you with all the necessary data. Also, experts will help you deal with specific model devices. Judging by the reviews, mostly providers connect their customers via a static IP address. Rostelecom is engaged in widespread implementation of "statics". This is due to the fact that such a connection facilitates the process of monitoring each specific user. As for the quality of the connection, everything here is largely determined by the type of cable and user equipment.

Virtual network

VPN, or virtual private network, works on the principle of using encrypted protocols. The data exchange between the provider and the user's PC is encrypted, increasing the security on the Web. There are only two main types VPN connections- PPTP and PPPoE. Some of the most popular are PPPoE protocols. To connect to the Internet, you need a username and password. Operating room Windows system recognizes PPPoE as a high speed conditional dialing connection.

PPTP is not widely used because the user is required to enter the provider's server address. Feature PPTP - encryption algorithm. Which operators wired internet do they work under this protocol in our country? The most popular provider that uses it is Beeline. Reviews about this type of connection are rather ambiguous. Many people are not satisfied with the changing data rate, but for some it is not critical.


At the time of this writing, the most popular type of Internet connection is FTTB. When using this type of connection, wired Internet operators install a switch in the house that interacts with the provider's station using fiber. A twisted pair cable is pulled to the subscriber's apartment, which is inserted into a router or directly into a PC. In terms of price / quality ratio, this type is optimal. The access speed can be up to 1 Gigabit per second.

Using combined connection types

What are the types of internet connection? The combined connection combines several types at once. The priority in this case will be the virtual network. Static and dynamic IP addresses can be used as additional resources. The difference between these types is in the way of entering data about the provider's server: manual or automatic. In reality, this type of connection is rarely used. It is often used in multi-tiered office networks.

Telephone connection

Surely many people remember the times when Internet access was carried out through the telephone. Fiber-optic technologies dominate today. However, to this day there are territories where, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to stretch an expensive cable. In this case, the presence home phone helps a lot. You can connect to the Internet via Dial-Up or ADSL. The latter allows you to work at low speeds of the order of 10 Megabits. This is enough for most tasks. To fully work with this technology, you need a telephone cable and a modem. At the same time, if you want both the phone and the Network to work for you, you need to use a splitter. He is responsible for branching the loops to the telephone and computer.

Internet access via Dial-Up-connection can already be called a relic of the past. With this technology, the phone line will be busy if you are surfing the Internet. The connection speed will be only 56 Kbps. Today this is no longer enough. Despite all the shortcomings of this technology, there are simply no other options in hard-to-reach areas. Judging by user reviews, even watching a video on YouTube becomes a problem when using this type of connection.

Satellite Internet

Many people today are interested in how to connect the Internet through a satellite dish. It is currently one of the most expensive types of compound. However, the dish can be installed almost anywhere. The main requirement is good satellite visibility. For most of the large operators, this is not a problem.

A satellite dish is the best answer to the question: "Which Internet is better in private house? "With the help of a satellite dish, you can easily access the Web even in the wilderness, where there are no communications. Many probably know how satellite television works. Internet via this device works in the same way, the only difference is that the transmitter is additionally placed on the plate. This is necessary in order to ensure a two-way exchange of information. Such a channel operates at a speed of several tens of megabits. The main disadvantage typical for this type of connection is the high cost of equipment and maintenance. Tariffs for this kind of Internet are simply exorbitant.


Many are probably familiar with Wi-Fi protocols and know firsthand what a wireless connection is. Typically, Wi-Fi covers areas that are difficult to reach for cable connections. This type of connection is often used in cottage settlements.

To provide Internet access, the provider installs base stations... They cover about 5-10 square kilometers... To connect to the web, the user needs to use the receiver. If the client is at a considerable distance from the station, he can use a special antenna that amplifies the signal.

A built-in Wi-Fi module is found today on most modern electronic devices... To connect them to the Network, you just need to select the correct item from the list and enter the password. That is why many customers today are trying to establish an Internet connection through a Wi-Fi router.

In addition, today some providers are trying to promote WiMAX technology. It is scalable and easy to deploy without problems, but has not yet been widely adopted.


The Internet today has covered almost all Earth... However, connecting it is not easy. To access the Web, you will have to use the services of one of the providers. Inhabitants major cities can choose from several connection options. In small towns or villages, as a rule, it is possible to connect to only one, maximum two providers. In this case, you can try to establish the Internet via a satellite dish.

V this review were given the basic principles by which the Internet connection is carried out. The connection types were considered with all the advantages and disadvantages indicated. Which option to choose is up to you. Consider not only which type of connection is best for you. The financial component is also important.

And today we will look at the devices with which we can access the Internet.

Ways to connect to the Internet

First, let's take a look at the most common ways to connect to the Internet:

1. Local computer network or Ethernet(sometimes called fixed internet access);

2. Through the telephone line(ADSL and Dial-Up);

3. Mobile access(GPRS, EDGE, 3G);

4. Through cable TV(DOCSIS).

Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages.


In this tutorial, we covered the basic devices for connecting to the Internet. I did not touch on satellite Internet and other, more exotic options, so as not to overload you with specific information (the lesson was not small anyway).

If you have any unclear points or have additional questions, write in the comments, we will try to figure it out.

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Due to the increase in speed and the amount of transmitted information, ever higher requirements are imposed on the quality of the Internet connection. But it often happens that the Internet speed is lower than the one declared by the provider, and technical support referring to the quality of the end equipment can not improve the internet speed. In order to figure out which technology to connect to the Internet and at what speed of information transfer you can count on, let's figure out the existing Internet connection technologies.

On this moment There are six fully-fledged and widely used technologies for connecting to the Internet:

ADSL technology - connection through an analog line

DOCSIS technology - connection via coaxial cable

FTTB technology - twisted pair connections

PON technology - fiber optic connection

Mobile Internet

Satellite Internet

And although not all of the presented technologies were developed directly to provide Internet access, we will consider them, since all of them are widely used as an Internet connection throughout Russia. Connect the Internet in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region it is also possible using only one of the presented technologies.

Wired (home) internet

Let's start our consideration of the wired (home) Internet with an earlier Internet technology, and at the time of its development, video DSL technology. Originating in the late 1980s, DSL was used exclusively for transmitting a video signal, but due to commercial inefficiency, this technology was soon abandoned and forgotten until the mid-1990s. During this period, DSL was supplemented with an asymmetric modification of the digital subscriber line and began to be used for the transmission of Internet connections. This is how the ADSL technology, which is widely used in Russia in general and in St. Petersburg in particular, arose.


The technology of accessing the Internet through a splitter (separating the data of a telephone and Internet connection) and a device modem (for adapting a signal for the purpose of subsequent sending over a broadband connection), which is a telephone. ADSL uses a telephone (analog) cable to carry the signal.

Internet connection using ADSL technology is by far the cheapest way to access the Internet; therefore, this technology has the widest coverage area.

But along with the price, there are disadvantages - the speed and quality of the Internet and telephony decrease when the phone and the Internet are used simultaneously, and there may be a slight "noise" in the handset due to the abundance of signals. At the same time, the connection speed rarely exceeds 15 Mb / s. ADSL is practically not used in tandem with digital Internet television, since turning on the TV will "eat" almost the entire speed of the Internet connection, leaving that traffic for opening and processing pages. As a rule, if available alternative technologies Internet providers are trying to establish an Internet connection through them. But often there are no alternative Internet technologies in the house and the connection is carried out via ADSL.

The advantage of this Internet connection technology is the low price and wide coverage area. In fact, the presence of a city telephone line in the premises will provide you with Internet access. Thus, you can conduct the Internet to a private house, to a summer cottage in a cottage at the price of a telephone cable from the nearest PBX. The Internet in apartment buildings in St. Petersburg and Moscow, in most cases, is connected for more than modern technologies such as DOCSIS.

DOCSIS coaxial cable transmission technology became widespread in the early 00s.

DOCSIS technology

Uses a TV cable to transmit the Internet signal. Since the technology was originally developed for cable television, a modem is used to adapt the Internet signal as well as in ADSL technology. This technology went through several stages of its development from the DOCSIS 1.0 standard to the EuroDOCSIS standard, reaching a maximum Internet transfer speed of 70 Mb / s. At the same time, there are no shortcomings and drop in quality with the simultaneous use of the Internet and television.

This technology is quite suitable for connecting home Internet. Especially if the house has a small number of gadgets that simultaneously use the Internet signal. Connecting a private house to such an Internet will cost several times more. This technology also has a wide coverage area and can be used even in commercial premises to create local network... However, one should not forget that with all the positive characteristics, this technology is not targeted for laying the Internet network, and the data transfer rate limit is a maximum of 70 Mb / s. Providers of St. Petersburg and the region use this technology to a limited extent in the absence of more modern Internet connection channels.

In this regard, we turn to the consideration of the following technology, created specifically for connecting and transmitting Internet data. This is PON technology.

PON technology

or passive optical network technology.

Since 2010, PON has been the most advanced internet signal transmission technology. This technology has practically no restrictions on the speed of the Internet connection. Signal adaptation is performed by means of an ONT terminal installed for each Internet user. PON technology is divided into classes depending on the amount of data transmission: from APON - 5 Gb / s to GPON - 500 Mb / s. Mostly the restrictions are related to the quantity additional equipment serving the network. Today, a fairly wide range of users (mainly large cities of St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc.) have access to GPON technology.

But even GPON will more than cover all the requirements of Internet users.

PON technology provides high quality communication, due to the individual conduction of a fiber-optic cable to an apartment or commercial premises, without separating the signal to other subscribers. A user optical terminal is installed directly in the room, as a rule, it does not require additional customization... Installing an ONT terminal does not significantly affect the quality of the Internet connection.

Of course, installation of a GPON fiber optic cable for connecting to the Internet is more expensive than any of the technologies presented, but if your requirements for the quality of an Internet connection are high, then fiber is definitely your choice.

With the help of GPON you can bring the Internet to the office, provide the Internet in the commercial premises. Large providers carry fiber to the apartment at their own expense, providing individuals with the opportunity to connect to the network at high speed.

A type of PON connection is

FTTB technology

(twisted pair or fiber optic to the house)

This method involves the use of fiber as a backbone, supplying the signal to a switch-type router located in the house (usually in the basement), from which the Internet is connected to the subscribers' apartments via a twisted pair cable. Today it is one of the most common connection technologies, combining speed and economy.

Of course, it is no longer possible to achieve such a speed as with optical fiber, because the signal to the Internet user's apartment is transmitted by a twisted pair that has a restriction on the Internet transmission speed of up to 100 Mb / s, and a drop in the quality of communication, again, as a result of using a twisted pair, the trunk of which other people use it besides you. Thus, during peak hours, the speed is shared across all network subscribers (that is, your entrance or home).

But the compensation for the instability of the Internet connection is, of course, a decrease in the price level.

I would like to note right away that Wi-Fi router or wireless Internet you can connect using any technology, because it provides wireless wi-fi connection a device that is connected to the Internet and transmits a signal at a distance. Wireless internet is usually connected at home or in a high-density room wi-fi devices, unconnected users - for example, a cafe or restaurant, a library, etc.

For commercial purposes, a local network is more often used.

And although the local network cannot be attributed to a full-fledged Internet connection

we just have to mention it - after all, only with its help you will be able to combine heterogeneous computing resources in a single environment, providing access to them from various devices and computers included in the network. The most significant advantage of a local area network is the high speed of information transfer and the ability to ensure the "privacy" of its use. To connect computers in a local network, it is not necessary to use the Internet, or any additional devices. Or the Internet can be used to a limited extent,

for example, by creating such a network between several computers, one of which is connected to the Internet, all participants will be able to go online.

At the same time, Internet traffic will be divided among all network participants, which is quite acceptable for offices and commercial projects.

But even with a wide coverage area, wired Internet will never cover the spaces that it can cover. Mobile Internet.

Wireless Internet

Mobile Internet

Beloved by all owners of smartphones, tablets and other portable devices - the mobile Internet also refers to the "world wide web" only indirectly, because it uses mobile network... At the same time, the mobile Internet is gaining more and more popularity among the population. This is also due to the fact that devices using the mobile Internet have received leaps in their development, increasingly replacing stationary computers. Mobile internet technologies are not standing still, offering enough good speed internet connections. 3G technology is being replaced by 4G and LTE, providing an average access speed of up to 10 Mb / s. However, as you can see, the speed of the wired connection of the mobile Internet is still very far away. But the broad geographic possibilities of its application make the mobile Internet a loyal assistant for any user.

So, for example, to provide Internet for summer cottages, Internet in a private house, Internet in a cottage, Internet in the countryside, Internet in the region and many other problems will be solved by mobile Internet. And although the speed of several Mb / s is unlikely to allow you to freely download large files, it is more than enough for communication - and work when there is simply no access to other points.

Including, mobile Internet through a phone or a mobile router allows you to distribute the Internet to any other wi-fi devices.

However, if you want to improve the quality of the Internet signal in the country or in country house you can consider satellite internet for yourself.

Satellite Internet

appeared in Russia relatively recently, but has already gained wide popularity.

The essence of this technology is simple, the provider transmits the Internet signal via satellite and the antenna-receiver located in your country house receives the signal and through the modem adapts it to access the Internet. Connection speed when using satellite internet can reach 15 mb / s. However, the cost of connecting satellite Internet will be about 40 thousand, depending on the power of the receiver antenna. And as is the case with wired Internet, there is a monthly subscription fee.

Payment when paying for mobile and satellite Internet is made on the basis of the traffic used, in contrast to the wired Internet, where they are mainly used unlimited tariffs the Internet.

Which internet to choose?

If, after reading this article, you are still hesitant about which type of Internet connection to use, then we recommend starting from such parameters as:

Required internet speed

Internet connection stability

Internet price (tariffs, subscription fee)

Internet connection cost (equipment, wiring, etc.)

Geographic location of the object connection

You can find out which provider the house is connected to, find out the Internet connection technology and leave a request for Internet connection on our website.

Good time!

Russia is a big country, and the problem of communication different corners our country has always been relevant. With the development of Internet technologies, this problem is partially solved, however, even here everything is far from simple ...

In this article, I decided to consider different ways Internet connection. I do not intend to tell you all the subtleties of each option. Perhaps the mission of this article is different - to acquaint you with different options and ways of connection, perhaps, suggest an idea to look for something better ...

It's just that at one time I was very surprised how people still manage to "sit" on a Dial-Up connection, when providers with a "dedicated line" (Ethernet) have come to our city for a couple of years. It turns out that many simply did not yet know that it is possible to connect to this Internet provider for almost free and get speeds ten times higher!

And so, I finish the memories, and move on to the topic ...

How to connect to the Internet. Pros / cons of different ways

Dial-up connection (ADSL or Dial-Up)

The most common type of internet connection. There is a regular telephone line everywhere - in almost every locality(thanks to the country of the Soviets for electrification and installation of telephones).


In parallel, a modem is connected to your telephone set (to the telephone line) (like a second telephone). Further, operators usually have special numbers by which you can get access to the Internet (by dialing them from a modem, of course).

In general, I will note that this method is gradually "dying out" and disappearing into oblivion: in our country, after all, a program has been adopted for the development and laying of a network even in remote areas.


  1. high availability (you can connect to the Internet even in many remote villages of our country);
  2. low cost of equipment (you only need a modem, which can be found for less than 100 rubles!).
  3. You can connect on your own: just buy a modem, connect it to a telephone line and set up a connection on a PC.


  1. very low speed (up to 56/128 kbps). Enough is only for viewing pages (you can not dream of downloading files);
  2. high price;
  3. poor connection stability: the connection often breaks;
  4. the phone will be busy (when accessing the Internet).


You may find useful an article on how to convert Mbps to MB / s (or why I connected to the Internet at a rate of 100 Mbit / s, but I download only 10 MB / s) -


This method also uses a telephone line, but has a significant advantage: the phone will not be busy while working with the Internet, and it provides much higher speed (up to 8 Mbps).

Among the minuses: the more expensive cost of the equipment (than with a Dial-Up connection), and the impossibility (in most cases) to set up the connection on your own without the specialists of the operator to which you are going to connect.

Dedicated line (Ethernet, GPON, DOCSIS)

Ethernet / GPON

The most common type of Internet connection in all large cities... A cable is laid to your apartment (like a television cable, only it has more veins), which is connected either directly to the network card of a computer / laptop, or to a Wi-Fi router (to create wireless network in the apartment).


  1. high data transfer rate (up to 100 Mbps with Ethernet, and up to 1 Gbps with GPON connection (fiber)). By the way, there is another popular type of FTTB connection - this is "optics" stretched to your house (but not to your apartment!);
  2. low cost of services (unlimited connection will cost only a few hundred rubles a month);
  3. stable and high-quality communication, with low ping, which is very important for game lovers (one of the most stable today);
  4. practically nothing needs to be bought: there is a network card in every modern PC (and the company's Wi-Fi router is often provided for free ...).


  1. the need to lay a cable to an apartment / house;
  2. is available only in relatively large cities (moreover, if you have a new or remote area, it may well be that not a single operator has connected your home).

Over coaxial (TV) cable (DOCSIS)

This type of connection is not very common in our country. The connection to the Internet is carried out via a television cable (KTV), the speed is up to 42 Mbit / s (you must admit that not much, given modern realities).

The principle is approximately the following: a special is connected to a television cable. cable modem - one output goes to the PC (Internet is distributed), the other to the TV. You can work with the Internet in parallel with watching TV programs (one does not interfere with the other!).

In general, this type of connection is more used in sleeping and remote areas, where there is simply no other choice (say, Ethernet). Well, or in those cases when you already use the services of KTV and there is no desire (opportunity) to lay another cable into the apartment (for example, it is unreasonably expensive).

Wireless and mobile Internet access (GPRS, EDGE, 3G / 4G, WiMax, etc.)

The most advanced and one of the most developing areas. I do not even presume to single out any of the connection types separately. Perhaps you should focus on 3G / 4G. "it" is in every modern phone ...

In general, now any smartphone is able not only to access the Internet itself, but also to share (distribute) it to neighboring PCs / laptops / other smartphones. In many large cities, 3G / 4G coverage is the most widespread (4G provides speeds up to 100 Mbps and higher (in practice, the speed "dances" in different parts of the city, and it's good if it is 20-30 Mbps)).

To connect a computer to the Internet via a smartphone, it is enough: connect it to the USB port, and activate the modem mode on the smartphone (in each modern device it exists). Also, on a smartphone via modem mode, you can create Wi-Fi network and distribute the Internet using it (everyone who connects to it will also have access to the Internet). See screenshots below.


Perhaps you will need an instruction: how to distribute the Internet to a computer or laptop from Android -

I note that modems (in the form of flash drives) are also popular now, which can be connected to any PC / laptop via a USB port. Provide a fairly good connection quality.

Pros of mob. Internet:

  1. there is no need to buy anything in addition (if we do not take into account special modems);
  2. the Internet can be distributed very quickly for any device (including, even on the road or in nature);
  3. a sufficiently large coverage area (can be used in an area where there is nothing else);
  4. v recent times more and more unlimited tariffs appear.


  1. communication costs several times more than the same leased line;
  2. often high ping, which will not suit most fans of network games (in general, the quality of communication depends on the area and distance from the tower);
  3. not as fast as other connection types.

Satellite connection

This is not a very popular type of connection (very expensive), and is only used in remote parts of the country, where there is simply no other alternative. The access speed strongly depends on the equipment that will be provided to you. One of the main disadvantages of this type of connection, which is worth noting, is the presence of a very high ping: at least 250 ms (this is a lot)!


  1. the ability to install anywhere in the country;
  2. independence from terrestrial communication channels.


  1. very high ping (250 ms and higher) - it is almost impossible to play network games or talk over IP telephony;
  2. high cost of equipment and payment for services;
  3. the need to coordinate the installation of equipment (not always and not everywhere);
  4. bulky and complex equipment (do not install and configure yourself).


It is possible that all this (what I wrote in this article) will soon not make any sense ... This is me about the words of Elon Musk, who promised that in a few years, he will cover the Earth with satellites and provide almost all the inhabitants of the planet with free and fast Internet access! It's tempting!

However, personally, I believe that his words were not without advertising and pathos: maybe they will cover the Earth with satellites, but it will be in 15-20 years (minimum) ...

That's all for me. Good luck!

23. 05.2017

Dmitry Vassiyarov's blog.

What are the different ways to connect to the Internet?


Are you going to change your provider or get another access point to the World Wide Web? Then you should know what types of the Internet are, or rather, how to connect to it. The speed and convenience of work, as well as the amount you will spend on connection and use, will depend on your choice.

The Internet has become so commonplace for modern people that few people think about what types of it exist and how it was improved to the result that we have now. Interesting to know? We read the article.

Wired connection

To begin with, you can connect to the global network with or without wires. The first option, as a rule, assumes a higher speed and stability of the connection. But, as you understand, it is suitable if you are going to use the Internet stationary. This is true? For you I will tell you about modern species wired connection and what preceded them.


One of the most internet connections. Remember the times when users were on the Internet, and because of this, call landline phone it was impossible for them? They had a dial-up connection.

Physically, it looked like this: the subscriber had a modem, which, when connected to the Internet, dialed the pool number and connected to the device at the provider's station.

The speed of such a connection was 56 kbps. Moreover, the tariff was determined not by the services provided, but by the time spent on the network.

It could even be half an hour.


First broadband internet... What does it mean? This type of connection is realized through a fiber optic cable or modem, and is faster than its predecessor. Also, when a subscriber is surfing the Internet, he is also available by phone. This became possible due to the division of frequencies for data transmission and conversations.

In the name of a family of technologies, the symbol "x" conventionally denotes the first letter of a particular subspecies. DSL with of English language stands for Digital Subscriber Line, which means digital subscriber line. The types of connections differ in information encoding and data transfer rate. The highest performance is considered - up to 24 Mb / s.

As you can imagine, this connection no longer meets modern requirements, so it is practically not found now.


This type of connection is the next stage in the development of broadband after xDSL. It works according to the following scheme: in apartment building or a switch is installed close to private houses, connected to the provider's station using a fiber-optic cable; a twisted pair cable is supplied to the client's house, which is inserted either directly into a computer or into a router.

The abbreviation FTTx is a family of Internet types. It stands for "fiber to the x", which means fiber to the point "x". Different letters can be specified instead of the last character:

  • N (node) - network node.
  • C / K (curb / kerb) - means: to the block, microdistrict.
  • DP (distribution point) - distribution point.
  • P (premises) - generically: before the premises. The most common option includes 2 subspecies: B (building) - the cable reaches the border of the building (foundation, basement, technical floor), H (home) - directly to the apartment or house.
  • D / S (desktop / subscriber) - fiber is pulled into a media converter or terminal located near the subscriber's desktop.

E / Z (telecom enclosure / zone) - connection from the server room to the workplace.

The FTTx family is popular these days because it offers good quality at an affordable price. Do you want to get high-speed Internet, television and telephone connection? Choose this option. If all 8 cores in the cable are used and good equipment, your connection speed will be approximately 1 Gbps.

Pay attention to the alternative. Fiber optic and twisted pair are used to connect to the global network and through another technology - Ethernet, which also provide high-speed data transmission at a speed. By the way, Ethernet subspecies with indicators of 2.5, 5, 10 Gbit / s and higher have already been developed.

Another family of broadband connections modern type... Depending on the connection method and Internet speed, other letters are written instead of "x". The abbreviation contains the phrase "passive optical network", which translates as "passive optical network". In fact, it looks like a tree-like fiber-cable architecture with passive forks at the nodes.

Simply put, one transceiver module is used for many subscribers. The cable is laid directly to the client's home and is plugged into a media converter, terminal or sfp switch module. Hence, all of its resources are used by one person. Therefore, Internet failures due to network congestion are excluded.

By connecting xPON, you can use gigabit internet and other Tripple Play services (cable TV and telephony).

Satellite Internet

This type of Internet is also a thing of the past, because it requires high connection costs. Judge for yourself: the subscriber needs to have at least an expensive satellite dish and receiver, as well as pay a lot to the provider for the provision of services. Although in return you get unlimited in tandem with digital television.

The organization of satellite Internet is carried out in two ways:

  • One-sided (asymmetric). Data is received via satellite and transmitted via 3G / 4G or cable.
  • Bilateral (symmetrical). Reception and transmission of information is carried out via a satellite channel.

Nowadays, you can consider the option of connecting via satellite if the Internet is required, for example, in a remote village or a house in the forest. That is, where there is no way to conduct and poorly catching mobile communications.

Wireless connection

With the regular release of new products among smartphones and tablets, wireless Internet has gained popularity. In comparison with fiber-optic wired connection, it excludes binding to one place, but, as a rule, it is inferior in speed.

This type of Internet can be divided into two main categories: the one that is provided mobile operators and home or public via WiFi router.

Mobile connection

It all started with 2G (GSM) technology, which was developed for telephone conversations... When it became necessary to transfer data, an add-on for this channel appeared - GPRS: information is collected in packets and sent over unoccupied voice channels at a speed of 171 Kbps.

Very slow, right? The developers also understood this, as a result of which they came up with another add-on - EDGE, which allows exchanging data with maximum speed 474 kbps.


The needs of users were constantly growing, because of this, and EDGE resources became insufficient. This is how a technology appeared that remains popular today. It provides speeds up to 3.6 Mbps.

To connect, a modem is required, which is inserted into a computer or distributes the Internet via. Many gadgets have a built-in 3G device. Services are provided, as a rule, by the same mobile operators.

This technology combines 5 data transmission standards, but the most widespread is CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access).


An advanced technology that has not yet displaced the previous generation due to insufficient coverage and high cost. In 4G, the data transfer rate has been increased to 100 Mbit / s, subject to movement with a gadget, and up to 1 Gbit / s - for stationary subscribers.

This became possible due to the fact that communication is not divided into voice and Internet - only the latter is valid. In this case, there are also several standards: WiMax and LTE.


Many people use this term every day, but few know what it means in practice. The abbreviation comes from the English phrase "wireless fidelity", which translates as "wireless fidelity."

But now "Wi-Fi" is used as a separate, independent concept.

Among the wireless types of Internet, Wi-Fi is the highest speed (up to 100 Mbps). It is based on radio signals: they are supplied by the provider, and you only need to have a receiver. It can be a router, a special module for a stationary computer, a smartphone, a tablet, etc.

That's all.

I wish you pleasant communication and fruitful work on the Internet, whichever type of connection you choose.

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