Home Potato Earth tiger and fiery bull. Tiger bull compatibility, the couple will be unusual, but it will not be easy to build love. Marriage and family

Earth tiger and fiery bull. Tiger bull compatibility, the couple will be unusual, but it will not be easy to build love. Marriage and family

On the one hand, we respect the predictions and recommendations of the eastern horoscope, we try to take them into account in our lives. On the other hand, we doubt the extent to which such esoteric knowledge is applicable in our everyday practical life.

However, still, if we look closely, we see that understanding the influence of the horoscope on us and on our partners allows us to better understand what exactly we want in life and what needs to be done to improve our relationship with a loved one.

So, what can we say about those whose sign is Ox or Tiger? First of all, it should be noted that the Ox is a strong person, ready to fight for what he considers right. At the same time, it is characterized by a high degree of security and endurance.

This suggests that he is able to relatively calmly endure possible blows of fate on his way. The tiger is characterized in a completely different way. This is a person who lives for today. He has a well-developed ability to be creative. He pours fresh, original and quite effective ideas. However, he is much more vulnerable than a bull.

What to do if these signs have a conflict? There's nothing to be done. Much more likely that the Bull will win. He is strong, resilient and unflappable. At the same time, the tiger is sensitive, open and relatively defenseless. That is, the conflict here is counterproductive.

Does this mean that a good and lasting relationship between these signs is impossible? Not at all. We must not forget that the very influence of the horoscope is, rather, the deep foundations of our attitude to the world. At the same time, relationships are a manifestation of our feelings and thoughts. With an attentive, respectful and supportive attitude towards each other, the Bull and the Tiger may well build an excellent relationship.

Compatibility in love, marriage

In this section, we consider two main cases of such relationships. Of course, maintaining and developing relationships is often not so easy. If a woman is a Tiger according to the horoscope, and a man is a Bull, then relationships are built much easier. On the contrary, in this case certain pitfalls may be present.

He was born in the year of the bull, she is the tiger

This option is very stable. The Bull-Man will be busy with his own affairs, using his strength to be a worthy support for the Tiger-woman. And this support will be mutual. A woman will give interesting ideas, various considerations that may be useful to a man.

It will help him feel life deeper and enjoy it better. Of course, the Tiger woman is very freedom-loving, because this is one of the important properties of her sign. However, the sobriety of thinking and the reliability of the Ox man rather attract her, allowing her to feel secure.

This union will certainly be successful if both strive to build relationships, support each other, and not conflict with each other.

He was born in the year of the tiger, she is the bull

But what if the Ox is a woman? What should both do in this case? Here, the relationship will largely depend on the woman. The way she behaves will determine the relationship in this pair. Such a woman is more likely to be conservative.

If, at the same time, she exerts strong pressure on her partner, then this can lead to devastating consequences. If this happens, then everything will depend on the willingness of the man to show patience and the desire to maintain a relationship.

The Ox Woman is primarily a practitioner. She instinctively seeks to organize and improve her life. The tiger lives, rather, by impulses. For him, first of all, there is today. The Tiger rarely plans the future, the Ox, on the contrary, prefers to foresee everything in advance.

It would be a good strategy if they simply agreed among themselves and would make concessions to each other in certain situations. For people who are important to each other, this is unlikely to be a problem.

Union cons

If the woman is a Bull, in this pair the question of who is the head of the family will be a serious problem. On the one hand, a woman is much stronger in any conflict that may occur. On the other hand, if she herself will moderate her strength and avoid dominating her husband, allowing him seniority in the family, this can create a harmonious relationship.

In general, it is believed that such a couple has much less chance of a happy marriage than with many other signs of the horoscope. But there is also a downside. If a Tiger man sees that a woman is showing wisdom in influencing their relationship, he will appreciate it especially much. He will try to make her life beautiful for real.

The Ox Woman believes that practical interests should prevail in her life. However, the Tiger man is able to open before her another, more ideal side of the relationship.

Compatibility in bed

  • Together with the emotional and bright female Tiger, the male Ox seems too cold. But actually it is not. He's just not used to expressing his emotions outwardly. Some women take it hard, because they need a symphony of feelings, not a monologue. Often in such relationships, sex is an opportunity to better understand each other. However, sometimes there can be a struggle for leadership, which leads nowhere. The main thing for such a couple is to strive to understand and feel each other, harmony, softness and tenderness are important, and not competition among themselves. Relations in bed between these signs can be special due to the fact that the partners are very different from each other.
  • The Ox Woman loves to accept the courtship of the delightful and sparkling Tiger. Let her not take it right away, but if the Tiger is persistent enough, both partners will eventually be rewarded. In this way, they will be able to build a beautiful and lasting relationship.

Business Compatibility

In business, these two types can be useful to each other. However, the potential for conflict remains high. These people look at the world differently, this cannot be avoided. At the same time, the Tiger will personify an open and creative, albeit somewhat aggressive beginning.

This will help to find the right solution even in difficult situations. On the other hand, the Ox is a good practitioner and strategist, which the Tiger lacks. If the parties do not restrain their emotions, their joint activities can turn into torture due to the difference in their views on life.

If they show patience and mutual respect, they will be able to take advantage of both the advantages of the Ox and the advantages of the Tiger.

friendship compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs largely depends on the Ox. This is the case both if it is a man and if it is a woman. The Ox is not only stronger, he is a practical and down to earth person.

To some extent, this person is a support for his loved ones. Fire is a wealth of feelings, thoughts and hobbies for loved ones, it opens up new depths of beauty and joy of life. However, as a consequence, such people are impractical and much more vulnerable.

Despite the obvious contradictions, it can be argued that these are, to some extent, opposites that complement each other. Each of them is able to give the other what he lacks.

Percent Compatibility

There is also such an indicator of the quality of relations between partners. Despite the possibility of their improvement. These figures for the pair in question are relatively small.

If we are talking about a situation where the Ox is a man and the Tiger is a woman, then the numbers will be as follows:

  • compatibility in love - 60%;
  • married - 70%;
  • in bed - 60%.

If we are talking about a couple where the Ox is a woman and the Tiger is a man, then:

  • compatibility in love - 50%;
  • married - 50%;
  • compatibility in bed - 60%

Tiger and Ox are different people. The bull is practical, down to earth, calculates its steps in the future. The tiger is an open, emotional and creative person. Human relationships are connected not only with the natural features of the various signs of the horoscope, but also with what people close to each other do and how they relate to each other.

There are two main problems in this case:

  • One of them is the restraint of the Ox, combined with the emotionality and openness of the Tiger. Here, in order to improve relations, efforts are needed on both sides. The Tiger must learn to better see and understand the Bull behind the mask of restraint, and he must moderate the strength of his pressure, giving the Tiger more freedom so that he feels confident.
  • Another feature is that the Ox is strong, practical, calculates his steps in advance. And the Tiger is active, disperses its efforts in many directions, lives for today. If the Ox does not learn to restrain himself, his pressure can become unbearable for the Tiger and complicate their relationship. To prevent such problems from arising, the Ox must learn to restrain himself, and the Tiger should show patience and understanding.
  • One way to improve relationships is to look and maintaining common hobbies.

A good relationship between these two signs is quite possible. But, for this, both parties must make certain efforts.


The horoscope allows you to better understand the features of a loved one, depending on his sign. It also allows you to find additional opportunities for further development of your relationship.

In the union of the Ox man and the Tiger woman, there is a problem with concessions. The woman is freedom-loving and wants to spend her free time at her own discretion, which will annoy the man. A woman will teach him to stop and just enjoy life, and he will show what the stability of everyday life is.

Ox and Tiger are not the easiest combination. In order for this union to exist, sincere love and commitment to the relationship is needed. Both take different approaches to life, which can be a source of contention. The patience of the Ox will be of particular importance in this relationship, while the Tiger needs to become more down to earth and not live so impulsively. On the other hand, both love their family, which can be a solid foundation.

The Ox man is as stable as a rock. Outwardly, it may seem slow, but he always acts according to his mind and his own methodology. He does not make hasty decisions and judgments until he thinks everything over. His unhurried pace of life from time to time prevents him from taking advantage of "burning" offers. It depends on stability and routine. He does not like to take risks, especially if he knows that there is a reliable alternative. He knows how to work hard and gradually accumulate his wealth. He always keeps his promises, which makes him a great friend. Can't stand people who do everything at the last minute.

The Tiger woman is active and impulsive. She loves emotions, which is the exact opposite of a man. She quickly gets into a state of anger and cools down just as quickly. She throws herself into her affairs with great zeal and goes through life at a dizzying pace. Passionate, possessive and jealous. Despite all the confident appearance, she needs a lot of emotional support. A man is ready to help, but she does not need his dry logical advice when it hurts her soul. She wants to hear that it's the other person's fault, and she doesn't deserve this fate. The Ox man is honest and direct, so there may be problems with this kind of support.

The Tiger woman is strongly attached to her loved one, but can flirt with other men, which will drain the Ox's patience. A man may be disappointed by her impulsiveness and activity. She is very temperamental and instantly jumps from one emotion to another and can get confused herself in her feelings. She needs a reliable guide like the Ox, so if a man finds the strength to cope with her storms, she will appreciate it very much.

These two signs live on different wavelengths. The Tiger is true to herself, and if the Ox understands how to experience her emotional outbursts, they have a certain potential.

Compatibility reviews

Horror, relationships to nowhere (((4.5 years were together, the bull crushes psychologically with his inaction in life, indifferent attitude to everything, he only thinks about his beloved, although he tried to adjust, change, but then he became what he was, and selfishness surfaced with rudeness, no respect for relatives and the girl, but with friends the hero, the soul of the company (((I am a twin tiger, he is a Libra bull ((((although there is something to remember from the good) probably a person doesn’t need much (((

I have been in this marriage for 39 years and thanks to heaven that gave me the physical and spirit of strength to give birth and raise a daughter and 3 sons, so do not despair!

The Tiger and the Ox cannot live together! The tiger is very bad in this marriage.

yes))) that is hope, but not in the case when people speak different languages ​​in the truest sense of the word, or maybe it’s for the better that we won’t be able to offend each other, but we will walk by the hand and stupidly enjoy life)))) )))

When people speak different languages, there is nothing good in it, you just can’t understand each other in any way, it’s the same as a Chinese will speak with an American, even beat your head against the wall, but they won’t understand each other.

For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat in his life. The bull is not too accustomed to being attacked or urged on, he will not let himself be swallowed. Bulls are too freedom-loving, and the one who manages to eat it will definitely spoil the stomach. The bull cannot prevent the Tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but still tries to somehow dominate, remind him of caution and warn against rudeness.

According to the Ox's compatibility horoscope, they will not see a common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But women - Bulls are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign and get used to a silent role if the Tiger can satisfy all their needs. But subsequently they will definitely show impatience, the Tiger Woman will definitely pay attention to the majestic Bull, because in her eyes he is a model of a pure conscience.

Ox Man and Tiger Woman

Here the situation is rather simpler, since the Ox man will be busy with his own affairs, provide rear, and the Tiger woman will throw up new ideas, interesting thoughts and help the Ox look at life a little easier and enjoy this life more.

She, of course, is too freedom-loving, but, soberly assessing the reliability of a man, she is more likely to agree to marriage with him than with a man of a different sign. In this union there will be trust and understanding if both do not want to build relationships, trying to prove something to each other. A successful union if both are ready to hear a partner.

Ox Woman and Tiger Man

The compatibility horoscope in such a union will largely depend on the Ox woman, on her possessive instincts and the desire to insist on her own. Too much pressure from the conservative Ox woman can be devastating to such an alliance if the Tiger man is not ready to continue and develop the relationship. He understands more and knows how to settle, reason with the Bull woman.

She is a practitioner, so she tries to improve and organize her life as much as possible. The Tiger lives more for today, with impulses, he rarely plans something, and the Ox, on the contrary, tries to spread the straw in advance so that no difficulties take her by surprise. They need to agree and just give in to each other, find a compromise solution. It's not hard for a couple.

In this thread:

The nature of those born in the Year of the Tiger

The tiger, which is the embodiment of strength, gives people born under this sign an iron will, a strong character, and an unwillingness to obey. Such people find themselves either in leadership positions, or perform the function of a reformer, a revolutionary, speaking out against generally accepted norms.

It cannot be said that in his actions the Tiger is guided only by emotions. He is distinguished by wisdom, a sober outlook on life. The desire to win makes him an unstoppable fighter, and inner nobility pushes him to self-sacrifice. Gemini, who were born under the sign of the Tiger, feel organically. They are active, mobile, constantly on the move. The Leo-Tiger combination gives the world very noble, generous, but at the same time proud people.

The Tiger is most difficult to manifest in people born under the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. By nature, closed Cancers cannot splash everything out when the Tiger requires it. Due to the fact that they have to keep inside the whole storm of passions, such people burn out early. And the Scorpio-Tiger is a very controversial nature, nevertheless capable of a real act.

Positive qualities: optimism, active life position, patient attitude towards loved ones.

Negative character traits: excessive straightforwardness, conflict.

The nature of those born in the Year of the Ox

The main qualities of those born in the Year of the Ox are patience, endurance, and determination. Under certain circumstances, they can also be overly emotional, even aggressive. Their anger knows no bounds, so it's best not to bring them to such a state. All qualities are more pronounced if a person according to the horoscope is Taurus. Such a person will never be afraid, will not start to panic, will calmly go towards the goal.

Harmoniously feel people related to the horoscope to the sign of Libra. They combine industriousness and calmness, authoritativeness and wisdom. Virgos born in the Year of the Ox also attract with poise, composure and patience.

Tiger man and Ox woman. Compatibility

Such a pair, according to the eastern horoscope, is considered quite complex. Partners will constantly fight for leadership, for attracting the attention of a spouse. However, passion will not leave them. Under unfavorable circumstances, the husband may lose interest in his wife as an equal partner, then the life of the mundane Ox and the unstoppable Tiger will go in parallel, but not together.

The problem is usually with the woman. She cannot always understand the breadth of interests and hobbies of her husband, they seem to her empty and superfluous. The wife will strive to limit her husband's life to the cares of the household and the house, but this is too little for him.

Ox man and Tiger woman. Compatibility

If the union is created by the Tiger and the Ox, compatibility is considered almost ideal in this case, when the husband is the Ox, and the wife is the Tiger. Such a couple will almost certainly be happy and harmonious. A man will do anything for his wife and children, will help his wife in everything.

In a pair of Tiger and Ox women, marriage compatibility is at a high level, because a woman values ​​herself and her man. She invests money and strength in herself and in those who are close to her, gratefully responding to love and attention.

In a pair of Tiger and Ox, compatibility in love can be based on a common interest. The tiger always has a lot of hobbies, if his partner does not share them, the relationship can collapse.

Therefore, it is better to have a common hobby, such as learning a foreign language together or doing DIY repairs, traveling or attending cooking classes.

Prospects for the development of relations

A couple, when the Ox and the Tiger connected their destinies, may encounter misunderstandings, different strengths of character. As a result, sometimes a “vector marriage” is obtained, that is, one in which relations are based on the principle of “master – servant”.

In this case, the Bull will act as the owner, who will lead the Tiger in many matters. Especially significant problems appear in marriage when a woman was born in the year of the Ox. She needs to be able to show loyalty, restraint, be sure to give in, otherwise the relationship may collapse over time.

In nature, the friendship between the Ox and the Tiger is nonsense. But if you take the Chinese horoscope, then the union is possible. But will he be happy if we are talking about people born in the year of the Ox (man) and the year of the Tiger (woman)? Is friendship possible between them? Before making predictions, it is worth studying the nature of these signs, by which compatibility is determined.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the union between the Ox and the Tiger is possible

Woman - Tiger

A woman born in the year of the Tiger is active, she is a leader. She has a desire to command in her blood, and often it goes beyond the family. For the sake of a career, she can run the house and forget about the household. If she comes across an accommodating life partner who will take on part of her duties, then she will cope.

  • Powerful and strong nature.
  • She is confident.
  • Yearns for a fight.
  • Always collected, she easily copes with any situation.
  • Smart, has a logical mind.
  • Her life is a constant adventure.
  • Often rushes from one extreme to another.
  • Likes cleanliness and order.

Man - Ox

Ox man is solid, serious, stubborn, hard-working

A man born in the year of the Ox is charming, pleasant in communication. By nature, he has excellent mental and physical data. The eastern horoscope warns that this sign is the most powerful of all. Solid, serious, persistent, hard-working - these are his characteristics.

  • His hallmark is honesty, which is why he enjoys the trust of friends and colleagues.
  • He has a logical mind.
  • Prefers loneliness, does not like to change something in his life.
  • Hot-tempered.
  • Domineering. He makes decisions quickly, but if it was wrong, he worries a lot.
  • Supports traditions and conventions.
  • In marriage, a woman will not have to worry about money, because the hard worker - the Ox will provide her.
  • Undemanding, he does not need comfort.


Reading the characteristics of the signs, it seems that their compatibility in marriage is zero. Too different people, too different from each other. However, this union is possible, as the horoscope says, favorable for the couple. The Tiger Woman helps the Ox move forward, grab new opportunities, and develop. This is a relationship based on friendship.

A woman born in the year of the Tiger loves to command

She also organizes their joint trips. At first, innovations alarm the Bull, but then he becomes convinced that this is useful for him. And the woman herself celebrates a small victory, because she managed to cope with such a strong personality.


The compatibility of two strong personalities is small. However, not in this case. A woman born in the year of the Tiger and a male Ox can be together, because they have different views on life. The bull is the very strong man that a woman needs. She feels protected next to him and can afford to become soft and fluffy. In this marriage, she is happy, so she is grateful to her husband. In addition, the Tiger woman strives for cleanliness, and the Ox helps her put the house in order, that is, these signs can have harmony, the horoscope does not deny this.

There are pluses in marriage for the Ox. He needs not just a wife, but an adviser. The analytically inclined Tiger woman is suitable for this role. In addition, she has a real gift - a strong intuition. The man soon becomes convinced that he was right, relying on her opinion. These signs are connected not only by love, but also by friendship. The horoscope warns that relationships are not always smooth, but compatibility is more or less.


The Tiger woman tends to pamper children: she is sure that the child should be naughty, play, relax, because she will have time to work in the future. The Ox does not understand this attitude, because he believes that it is necessary to work from childhood.

Ox believes that you need to work from childhood

In addition, two strong personalities both in marriage and in friendship will compete, fight for primacy. Therefore, the compatibility of the pair is not ideal. In this fight, the Ox often wins, and the Tiger woman either comes to terms with the situation or breaks off relations. Most often, she chooses the second option. The horoscope warns of this scenario.

In addition, the Tiger woman is a temperamental, passionate nature, and the Ox man is outwardly calm. It is hard for him to endure the whims of his wife, her irritability. He does not understand why his wife is unhappy, because she does everything for their common happiness: she works hard, brings money and food to the house. And the woman does not have enough attention, it seems to her that she is being neglected. She needs emotions, but the Ox man is different in temperament, it is hard for him to show his feelings.

intimate life

In friendship, compatibility of signs is high, but in love, marriage, intimate life also plays an important role. A real relationship should be passionate. But the Ox man does not like romance, which often offends a woman. Also, the Ox’s confidence that a man can afford casual sex on the side can also interfere with love. However, not all Bulls cheat on their wives.

The Tiger Woman loves extreme sex, but the Ox Man will not agree to this. However, she will not cheat on him and will not tolerate cheating on his part. If the spouses make compromises, and also on the condition that they are connected by a feeling of love, married life will improve over time.

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