Home Preparations for the winter Basset Hound: what temper is hidden behind a sad dog face? Basset Hound: description of the breed, care Long dog basset hound

Basset Hound: what temper is hidden behind a sad dog face? Basset Hound: description of the breed, care Long dog basset hound

These hound dogs cannot be confused with any other breed outwardly. These animals are very massive, while they have long ears, short legs and a look full of life experience. But this view is very deceptive. This breed is extremely capricious, but at the same time remains the kindest of the existing ones.

History of the breed

The first mention of them was found in ancient manuscripts. Short legs are a kind of pathology, but fortunately, this does not affect life expectancy in any way.

Basset hounds, like dachshunds, were bred artificially, by crossing various breeds in which similar pathologies were already observed. The main task of this breed is the pursuit and capture of small game such as badgers, foxes and rabbits. The nose, located in close proximity to the ground, is able to catch even the most subtle, and barely perceptible smells.

Based on the opinions of the majority, Basset Hounds were bred back in the sixteenth century for the aristocracy and the monarchy, who were very fond of hunting. Another opinion is based on the fact that the Basset dog was bred at the turn of the nineteenth century in Great Britain. Only the fact that such short-legged breeds were used exclusively for hunting can be reliably called. It was in the UK that the standards and descriptions characterizing this breed were first developed.

Today, this hunting breed has become a friend and devoted companion for most. Basset Hounds are loved for their colossal loyalty, kindness and aristocratic appearance. Their character and stunning look are able to conquer everyone who has ever seen them live. True, these same qualities often become the reason for the rejection of puppies. Based on the statistics, we can say for sure that those people who have at least once started a Basset Hound will never give preference to another breed.

The name of the breed comes from a combination of two words that denote a low hound. The first mention of this short-legged huntress was found in writings found in ancient Egypt. The remains of her distant ancestor were also found there, in one of the catacombs of Saqqara. Similar finds took place both in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Greece.

Breeds similar in characteristics were bred at the beginning of the fifth century in one of the abbeys of France. An illustrated description of the basset hound breed was given in a manuscript describing the rules of hunting in the middle of the fifteenth century. Conducting free hunting on horseback has been the privileged pastime of all noble people for many centuries. Hunting dogs accompanying hunters were valued very highly, and the selection was carried out very seriously.

They stopped breeding Basset Hounds during the French Revolution, but under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte, everything returned to its former places. The selection was carried out under official supervision, in the same years the breed was first exported to England. It was the locals of this country who made every effort to ensure that the representatives of this breed became heavier and more powerful.


The modern characteristics of the breed were approved back in 1988 by the International Cynological Federation. It is worth considering that the modern breed is very different from its ancestors.

The French breed was primarily valued for its slightly curved front legs. The stronger the bend, the higher the value of the dog. The ideal parameters of the dog should have been such that the chest almost touched the surface of the ground, while not forgetting the characteristic curvature of the paws.

The root cause of the existing pathology has not been clarified, although English scientists have made a lot of efforts to eventually even out the curvature of the front paws.

We can highlight the following primary reasons:

  • malnutrition of the bitch in the postpartum period;
  • malnutrition when carrying puppies;
  • defects at the genetic level;
  • crossing individuals suffering from rickets.

The Basset Hound is not only the largest, but also the heaviest of all hounds in existence. With a very slight growth - only about 40 centimeters, an adult will weigh about 30 kilograms. It has a high forehead, a rectangular and massive head and a noticeable tubercle on the back of the head. She has prominent eye sockets and high cheekbones. The skin on the muzzle can be easily pulled back. It is characterized by the presence of a deep mouth with strong, strong and even teeth. Depending on the main color, the nose can be either brown or black. The muzzle is evenly broad and deep, while the nostrils are open. The upper lip hangs slightly, which makes it possible to cover the entire lower part of the jaw.

Dogs whose eye color is in the brown palette are valued. Light eyes are a clear sign of a cross. The body is elongated and very strong, like all representatives of the hounds. The ears are set low, flexible, soft, thin, narrow and close to the cheeks. When at rest, the neck is slightly arched and the back is level. The front paws completely envelop the convex and wide chest, while they should not touch. The ribs are convex and rounded. There are characteristic folds on the neck, and the skin hangs loosely on the abdomen. The shoulders and withers of the dog are proportional to each other.

In addition to the elongated croup muscles, this breed has fairly strong and muscular hind legs. The back brushes should be perfectly straight, while the front brushes are slightly apart and set straight. The trace left after it must be complete. Guard hair can be both soft and have an average level of rigidity. By itself, it is dense and short.

Color occurs:

  • light brown with lemon white;
  • brown color with an admixture of black and white;
  • combination of red, black and white;
  • brown with white patches;
  • red with white transitions;
  • black with white spots.

Character and intelligence

This breed is called gentlemanly, largely due to slowness, expressiveness of the gaze and very long ears. This breed of dog is very smart, besides, they will always achieve what they want. In this case, their intellectual features, ingenuity and, of course, external data that can persuade anyone to give another indulgence come to their aid.

At the slightest prank or whim, ears immediately enter, which allow you to close your eyes to broken dishes and hidden slippers. Such an attitude is unacceptable, because if the puppy feels weak, he will have to be carried in his arms for the rest of his life. And over time, it will become even more dodgy and harmful (characteristic). They are distinguished by special activity only if they see an animal nearby, which could be counted as prey.

In the Basset Hound breed, the character can be safely called kind and docile. Due to their distant roots, their day may be spent sniffing around or looking for a hidden toy or favorite treat. Extremely slow, but even more calm because of this, dogs are able to establish friendly relations with all family members in a very short time. They intuitively try to please their owners.

It is also worth mentioning the colossal stress resistance, which helps them get along excellently with the kids. If he is very interested in something, he can bark at it for hours, which also makes the Basset Hound an excellent guard.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that dogs extremely do not like to be left alone, they begin to sleep a lot, eat and howl, and very loudly. First of all, this should be taken into account by those who plan to live with a dog in an apartment. They remember the offense well, so you should expect some kind of retribution. In case of increased interest, all dangers will be ignored.

Advantages and disadvantages

The peculiarities of this breed include incredibly thick paws and extremely sad eyes. Over time, the Basset dog will resemble a respectable aristocrat who will slowly walk along one of the local streets. Appearances can be deceiving, so if they smell prey, they will chase it for hours.

The features of the breed are:

  • caring for a small puppy is extremely difficult and time-consuming;
  • rather complex character;
  • complete loyalty to the kids pulling the ears, and colossal devotion to all family members;
  • an excellent hunter with amazing charm (the strongest among other hunting breeds);
  • hair care will not be difficult;
  • rather unusual appearance.

This breed is right for you if:

  • you love animals and are ready to give them as much attention as possible;
  • living in a large living space;
  • if other animals live in your house and you have children;
  • even if this is your first four-legged friend;
  • you are able to stubbornly his antics and character;
  • you have enough patience to teach the dog the necessary commands;
  • Do you prefer long walks?
  • you have a large family and at least one family member always stays at home.

You should not start this breed if:

  1. You are incapable of saying no. The dog will feel eternally hungry and beg for goodies at the first opportunity. And don't overfeed them.
  2. You have little free time and you have no time to play and communicate with your four-legged friend. The dog needs a lot of communication and constant attention. Basset hound dog needs your love.
  3. Basset hounds have a lot of salivation, so it should not be given to overly clean people. Saliva will be everywhere, and cleaning will be done quite often. When the dog eats or drinks, pieces of food and water will be scattered around the bowl. This is a feature of their structure, and one should not scold him for this.

Caring for a dog is pretty easy. Once a day for five minutes, the hair is intensively combed out. This will remove dead hairs and restore fat balance. You should wash your dog no more than a few times a month, so as not to bring down its natural “smell”.

The ears are regularly inspected for foreign bodies and inflammation. During tick season, several checks should be made throughout the day. Wipe the ears with a special solution and a cotton napkin. From childhood, it is better to teach puppies to feed, completely or partially excluding human food.

Hunting qualities

Unfortunately, these dogs, in our region, are rarely used for hunting, but in vain. But the basset hound breed is in unprecedented demand in the USA and Europe. Basset hounds are very reckless about hunting, therefore, having noticed an outside animal, they will immediately begin the pursuit. The chase will be accompanied by a very sonorous bark, which is characteristic exclusively for this breed.

When chasing, the dog will forget about everything and can go a long distance. That is why it is very important to teach the dog basic commands, at the top of the list, which should be the call - to return to the owner. It will not be superfluous to learn commands using an ultrasonic whistle. This will help the four-legged hunter to hear the call of the owner, while being at a very impressive distance.

They take the trail very well, especially the bloody one. They run slowly, but they are more enduring than, for example, beagles. They take their prey by pursuit and starvation. They can chase pheasants, a squirrel or a hare for hours, but in the end they will lead him straight to the owner. The subtle scent of this breed does not give the prey a single chance to knock down the trail.

It is recommended to take on a collective hunt for boars or other large game. They work great with spaniels. If he sees how the dachshund is trying to get the fox out of the hole, he will try to do the same. Moreover, the character of the basset hound is absolutely fearless. It is recommended to take it both for open hunting and for field hunting when prey is being pursued.

How to choose a puppy

The Basset Hound dog breed is difficult to educate due to its stubborn and very wayward character. If you do not have enough experience in training, it is better to seek help from a specialist, and not wait for a miracle. It is necessary to train a dog from a very early age, because the older the dog, the more difficult it is to train it.

It is recommended to take Basset Hounds only from trusted kennels. A good breeder will continue to be interested in the life of a little ward and, if necessary, can give some sensible advice. If any problems are brewing, he should be contacted in the very first place.

To begin with, it is better to spend time at several exhibitions and familiarize yourself with the proposed catalogs. Origin is the main factor that you should pay attention to in the first place (if you need a hunting dog). Get to know your favorite pedigree. However, it is worth considering that not every puppy is able to become a worthy representative of his kind.

If you plan to participate in exhibitions, then you should pay more attention to representative class dogs with pronounced generic characteristics. A familiar specialist or breeder will help you finally decide on the choice of a friend.

If you want to make a good, but still just a friend, then when choosing it is better to be guided solely by your own intuition. The choice of gender depends solely on the owner.

In order for the pet to be always happy and in good shape, regular and long walks are necessary. The coat does not require special care, but it is necessary to comb it regularly with a comb with natural bristles. You need to wash your dog several times a month. A constant and thorough examination of the eyes and ears for the presence of inflammation and mites is required.

Due to their relatively small stature, the breed is prone to overweight and frequent bloating in the abdomen. Meals should be regular, but in small portions. It is better to feed him three or four times a day, but in small portions. It is recommended to give preference to a series of low-calorie feeds. Long walks are required at least several times a day, otherwise the dog will lose all his hunting skills.

They can live both in a small apartment and in a private house. Walking in the yard cannot replace a full-fledged walking in the park. The life expectancy of this breed is just over 12 years. If you use foods high in calcium, your dog may develop kidney stones. For rainy walks, it is recommended to purchase a special jumpsuit.

Their immunity is quite strong, but there is a risk of acquiring a number of genetic diseases and defects. Their eyes are a sore spot, so conjunctivitis, eyelid deformity, cataracts and glaucoma often appear.

Special attention will require:

  • stomach and legs;
  • nutrition;
  • mouth folds;
  • wool.


For a balanced diet, it is better to use super-premium and premium class dietary feeds. Basset Hound eating homemade food is not recommended. Human meals and products will inevitably lead to severe obesity.

From time to time it is worth pampering your pet with low-fat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products. Sometimes you can give cereals and vegetables, and soak dry food, but this is only for puppies.

Over time, an adult dog should completely switch to dry food, and dairy products can be given in the morning. If the pet overeats, he begins to sleep a lot and get fat from this.

Regularly lying on the couch can become a habit that will be difficult to break. If you are still not sure about the quality of dry food, it is better to feed your dog with vegetables, cereals and lean meats.


The Basset Hound cannot be called a speedy breed, but it is better to walk with him on a leash. The absence of such an obstacle as a leash can encourage a four-legged hunter to catch a bird or a local squirrel. The Basset Hound loves to walk very much, despite the fact that it moves more than slowly.

The dog knows no limits in food and will never refuse to eat or steal something tasty. In order to avoid obesity, it is necessary that he spends a lot of time in motion. Bathing is often not recommended, so it is worth buying a few raincoats or special suits for bad weather.


Possible diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • ectropia and glaucoma;
  • volvulus;
  • obesity;
  • problems with the spine;
  • ear infections;
  • inversion of the century;
  • colic, bloating and stomach upset.

The average life expectancy of this breed is about 12 years. The test for various genetic diseases is carried out by the breeder. Adult dogs often suffer from a decrease in thyroid function. Numerous problems with the back and spine in particular are quite common among pets.

You can help recognize the disease by observing the following signs:

  • partial paralysis of the back;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy and unwillingness to go down or up stairs;
  • tremor.

Education and training

The day you have this little four-legged hunter in your family, your life will change forever. It will be filled with numerous worries about the future puppy, pleasant worries, joy and fun games. When choosing tactics of behavior, one should take into account the characteristics of the character of the Basset Hound breed.

First of all, you need to understand that this is a hunting breed. Namely, these instincts become a headache for an unprepared owner. On walks, you need to be especially careful, as any animal can arouse interest and awaken hunting instincts. The dog can run away and get lost. In the process of hunting, they forget about everything, so they can jump out onto the road. First you need to teach the pet to return to the owner on command.

The dog needs constant contact and does not tolerate loneliness very well. If you surround him with care and love, he will become the smartest and most devoted. But the lack of proper attention will inevitably provoke apathy and a desire to play dirty tricks. When he is sad, he begins to howl (cry) very loudly and heart-rendingly, which will instantly notify all your neighbors that you have this miracle. Fighting these songs is difficult, but possible. If possible, do not leave him alone for a long time. If this is not possible, you should teach him to be independent from childhood.


Our video will tell about the features of the breed.

The Basset Hound is a breed of hound dog, despite the fact that they have short legs. Originally used to hunt foxes and badgers, their sense of smell is second only to that of the Bloodhounds. The name of the breed comes from the French "bas" - low and "hound" - hound.


  • Like all hounds, they are stubborn and difficult to train. It is advisable to give them to professional trainers.
  • If the dog picks up an interesting smell, he will follow it, no matter how dangerous it is. Always walk your dog on a leash and keep your yard securely fenced in, plus take an obedience course for dogs.
  • One of the main reasons owners get rid of dogs is because they are slobbery. Also, due to the nature of the skin around their mouths, they splash a lot when they drink. If you are squeamish or very clean, then it is better to look for another breed.
  • They often suffer from flatulence, if this annoys you, then talk to your veterinarian or change your diet.
  • They love to eat, overeat and often suffer from obesity. This can lead to problems with the joints and spine.
  • Long, floppy ears should be inspected and cleaned weekly to prevent infections. Sometimes even more often, because during active walks dirt gets into them.
  • They can howl loudly, especially if left alone for a long time.

History of the breed

The true history of the breed began in 1870, when the first dogs came to England. But the first mention of dogs that look like bassets was in an illustrated text about hunting “La Venerie”, written by Jacques du Fouilloux in 1585.

According to the texts, they were used when hunting foxes and badgers, short legs helped to pursue animals in holes, from where they were then dug out by hunters. The illustrations show dogs with rough coats that modern dogs do not have.

However, other hounds of this group have it, for example, . It can be seen that these dogs are still in their infancy, and, most likely, they appeared several decades earlier, and possibly more.

The first appearance of these dogs in America dates back to the reign of George Washington, when he was given several puppies as a gift.

It is believed that they were bred as an alternative to the larger hounds so that hunters could pursue their prey on foot rather than just on horseback. Hunting, that's what they were used for from the moment they were introduced until they became popular.

Basset Hounds are descended from the Artesian-Norman Bassets, whose origins are unclear. It is believed that they are descended from the Bloodhounds, and this seems to be true, since both breeds have floppy ears and a sad expression on their faces.

The popularity of these dogs increased significantly with the beginning of the French Revolution, as we remember, the breed was bred so that the hunter could follow them on foot, getting to where the horse could not go.

Before the French Revolution, hunting was the privilege of the nobility, but after it quickly spread to the lower classes.

Representatives of these classes could afford one or two hounds, but not a horse, which made hounds of this species very popular. The number of dogs is starting to increase just at a time when the number of other dog breeds in France is steadily declining.

So, let's leave the confusing history of origin and return to the exact data. The modern history of the breed begins with the reign of Napoleon III, from 1852 to 1870.

The emperor was so fond of artesian-Norman bassets that after a year of his reign he ordered a bronze statue of a dog from the sculptor. In 1863 they participate in the Paris Dog Show, where they gain international fame, and after fame and popularity in other countries.

They first came to England in 1866, when Lord Galway brought them from Paris, but they did not receive due fame. In 1876, Sir John Everett Millais began importing Bassets from France, and being a passionate hunter to popularize them widely, is today considered the founder of the breed.

The popularity of the Artesian-Norman Bassets skyrockets, and in England they become known as Basset Hounds. After a few years there are enough owners and breeders.

But, they are poorly versed in the breeds of imported dogs, and sometimes they cross different ones. This creates confusion where fashion and popularity play a role.

As a result, English breeders decide that they need to create a larger and heavier hound, for this they cross them with Bloodhounds. And after fifty years, they are already significantly different from the artesian-Norman, being a new, modern breed.

They came to the USA at the end of the 19th century, at first as show animals, but quickly gained popularity with hunters. To this day, hunting with basset hounds is popular in the states of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

The American Kennel Club registered the breed in 1885, a year after its inception. British Kennel Club (United Kennel Club) in 1928. Basset Hound Club of America, founded in 1933.

Their comical appearance makes dogs the heroes of cartoons, movies and magazines. In the same America, fame with him came after February 27, 1928, when the Times magazine posted a photo of the dog on the main page.

The features of this breed are guessed in the Disney cartoon character Droopy, dogs regularly appear in feature films.


One of the most recognizable breeds in the world, thanks to its unique appearance and regular appearance in the media. They are recognized by their long body, short legs, sad expression, wrinkled muzzle and floppy ears.

One of the most striking traits of the breed is short stature. They were bred specifically for hunting, where the hunter would be on foot, not on horseback, and the dog was not very fast. Height at the withers no more than: 33-38 cm, dogs above are not allowed to participate in show rings and are excluded from breeding.

Their short stature is deceptive and most people think they are small dogs. However, they are surprisingly heavy and strong, to be convinced of this, it is enough to try to lift the dog. Unlike other breeds, the breed standard (AKC and UKC) does not describe the dog's weight, probably because height is more important. Most of them weigh between 22 and 27 kg.

The ancestors of the breed were exclusively hounds for centuries, which affected the appearance of the breed.

They have a very long muzzle and nose, which gives a large area for the olfactory receptors, plus allows the dog to keep the nose as close to the ground as possible.

They also have a wrinkled face, and it is believed that these wrinkles help to capture and retain scent, which is highly doubtful from a scientific point of view. By the way, they say the same thing about the ears, they say they push smells closer to the nose.

These wrinkles thickly cover the muzzle and neck, giving the dogs a sad expression. The eyes should be dark in color, light ones are undesirable. The conjunctiva of the lower eyelid is visible, but not too much.

The length of the Basset Hound is much larger than the height, in fact it is a large representative of the family, but on short legs. Their paws may be crooked, but not so much as to interfere with movement or working qualities. Their skin is plentiful, hanging down, betraying the dog's current expression.

However, under it lies a muscular and strong body, as a hunting dog should have. Their tail is long, usually raised and tilted slightly forward, resembling a saber in shape.

The coat is short and smooth, any color recognized by the hounds is acceptable. Usually it is tricolor, the shape and location of the spots do not matter.


Basset Hounds are known as one of the most gentle and calm dog breeds, they are very rarely aggressive and usually very friendly. They are great friends for children, if only they are taught not to drag the dog by its long ears and wrinkled skin.

If you are looking for a pet dog for a large family with children, then you have come to the right place. If the watchman, then this is not the case.

Basset Hounds get along well with other dogs, as they usually hunt in packs. They can be slightly dominant, especially when feeding, but show little to no aggression towards other dogs. However, each dog has its own character and it is worth relying on a general description, check everything yourself.

Unlike other breeds of hunting dogs, Basset Hounds pursue prey but never attack it. This means that they get along well with other pets. However, they are still dogs, and they may chase animals outside the home. To avoid this behavior, you need to socialize the puppy from an early age, introduce him to cats, rabbits, hamsters and other small animals.

Gentleness and not being mean to others does not mean that Basset Hounds are easy to train, quite the contrary. They have the glory of one of the heaviest breeds in training. They learn to track and chase prey very quickly, but are generally very complex.

They are built to chase prey for long hours and are very stubborn as a result. It's incredibly hard to get him to do something he doesn't like.

This does not mean that they are untrainable, but you will need significantly more time and patience than with other breeds of dogs. In addition, the result may not be what you expected. Even the most well-trained dogs show a high ability of selective hearing.

They hear the command, understand what they want from them, but continue to do their job. If you need a dog that will do tricks, then look for another breed.

If you want to train a dog, then be sure to prepare tasty treats, they love to eat and eat everything that their sensitive nose leads to. It is enough to hold something from the treats, and the dog will show how smart he is when he wants to.

These dogs were bred to track and chase game, and Basset Hounds excel at these tasks. Having taken the trail, they tirelessly follow it, sometimes for hours, and it is impossible to tear them away from this activity. Carried away by the smell, they can forget about everything and ignore all commands.

This means that when walking, it is very, very important to keep the dog on a leash, and in the yard only on the condition that there is nowhere to run. And although they are not the most dexterous escapers, they are strong and dig well. Consider this if the dog lives in your yard.

Many owners say that basset hounds are sloths, which they regularly prove by wallowing on their favorite rug. However, they are able to follow the trail for hours, and this requires endurance and endurance.

Although they need less exercise than other dogs, it is important to keep in good shape, as they are prone to obesity. And yes, they are non-destructive, but bored ones can chew furniture or bark all day long.

There is another feature of their character that future owners should be aware of - they are quite vocal and can be very loud. When hunting, they warn hunters by barking, and modern dogs behave in the same way.

Most owners are not ready for their dogs to bark loudly, let alone their neighbors.


They practically do not need professional grooming, regular combing, that's all hair care. However, some of them shed very heavily, and the wool will roll around the house. In addition, they drool a lot, you will be drooled, just like your furniture.

Often you will find a mixture of saliva and wool, plus they smell quite strongly and often suffer from flatulence. In general, this is not an "aristocratic" dog, and if you are extremely clean or squeamish, then it is better to choose another breed.


Despite the unpretentiousness in hair care, the Basset Hound needs hygiene in other things. Their floppy ears and folds of skin become a haven for infections and dirt, which means they need to be cleaned and checked regularly.

And since the rare dog likes it, the process can be tricky given the stubbornness of the breed. It is recommended that you start training your puppy as early as possible and always give treats afterwards.


Like other breeds, in the selection of which a person took part, they suffer from various diseases. According to a study conducted by the British Kennel Club, the average life expectancy of these dogs is 11 years. The main cause of death is cancer (31%), followed by old age (13%), cardiac problems (11%).

Take a look:

Basset Hound - a detailed description of the dog breed, photos, videos, features of the content and the history of the origin of the breed

Breed dossier

  1. Country of origin: United Kingdom.
  2. Classification: Group 6. Hounds and related breeds. Section 1. Hounds.
  3. Training: Basset Hounds are quick-witted but can sometimes be stubborn.
  4. Color: Basset Hounds usually come in tricolor (black with white and fawn). Sometimes there are two-color individuals, and even less often - one-color (the color adopted by the hounds).
  5. Dimensions. The dog is quite large, albeit undersized. Height at the withers males: 33 - 38 cm. Weight: 20-25 kg.
  6. General impression: short-legged massive dog with long ears. On the head, the skin forms folds, the head is dewy. The skin also forms folds on the shins and knees.
  7. Usage: hunting breed. In our time, Bassets have proven themselves to be excellent companion dogs.
  8. Physical exercise: active. Bassets love active games, great physical activity.
  9. Character. The strong, unemotional nature of the Basset Hound has become almost a legend. Representatives of this breed are almost never angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. They are very stubborn, so Bassets need a calm and strong-willed owner, because if Basset senses weakness in the owner’s character, he will definitely become stubborn.
  10. Content: Basset hounds are not suitable for keeping in an apartment, because this is a hunting dog, they need room for movement and active physical activity.
  11. Grooming: not very difficult, because the representatives of this breed have a short, smooth coat. The Basset Hound needs to be brushed once a week. These dogs require careful ear and eye care.
  12. accommodating A: get along well with cats and dogs in the house. They love small children.
  13. Diseases: Basset hounds suffer from glaucoma, skin dermatitis, they also have problems with digestion and the musculoskeletal system.
  14. diet: Basset hounds are happy to eat dry food, as well as products of natural origin. These dogs can not be fed a lot, otherwise they get fat and become lethargic, clumsy.
  15. Lifespan: 10-12 years old.

History of the origin of the breed

Basset Hounds were originally used as hunting dogs to hunt rabbits. Experts believe that Bassets are descended from Bloodhounds, but in order to preserve the features of Basset Hounds, breeders selected only individuals with shortened legs.


The head is quite large, with a convex skull and a powerful muzzle. The muzzle is elongated, the jaws are strong. A distinctive feature of Bassets is that the skin on their head forms folds and wrinkles. The lower eyelids may droop slightly, giving the Basset's muzzle a somewhat sullen look. The eyes are diamond-shaped, dark brown. The ears are set very low, very soft and long. Neck dewlap, muscular. The body is massive, elongated. The chest and back are wide, the ribs are convex. The limbs of Basset Hounds are short and powerful, muscular but compact. Paws are massive, with wide lobes of fingers. The tail is long, very wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the end. The coat is short, smooth, close to the body. Hard to the touch.

Psychological picture

The strong, unemotional nature of the Basset Hound has become almost a legend. Representatives of this breed are almost never angry, they are phlegmatic and rarely show aggression. They are very stubborn, so Bassets need a calm and strong-willed owner, because if Basset senses weakness in the owner’s character, he will definitely become stubborn.

These dogs are very affectionate and devoted, they do not have a soul in their master, they suffer alone.

Basset hounds are not suitable for keeping in an apartment, because this is a hunting dog, they need room for movement and active physical activity. Grooming is not very difficult, because representatives of this breed have a short, smooth coat. The Basset Hound needs to be brushed once a week. These dogs require careful ear and eye care.

Price policy

Basset Hounds are quite expensive. For one Basset puppy, you will have to fork out 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The price varies depending on the pedigree, gender and class of the puppy. In addition, when choosing a puppy, you should only contact trusted breeders, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring a puppy with poor health.

Price: 15,000 - 25,000 rubles

The Basset Hound is a dog with a peculiar, somewhat comical and memorable appearance literally at first sight. The breed has gained particular popularity in America, where a large number of families start it as a family dog. Despite the outward clumsiness, the Basset Hound is active, mobile and cheerful almost around the clock.

According to one version, the ancestor of the Basset Hound is the Norman Basset Artesiano, brought to Great Britain in the 18th century and crossed with the Blackhead. According to another version, the progenitors of the breed are considered to be St. Huberts - hounds that lived in France.

There are two types of bassets described in old canine books. The Artesian line is the ancestor of the modern breed, and the Flemish line is mixed with terriers and served as the beginning of the Dachshund breed.

The original purpose of the Basset Hound dog breed was to hunt small game on foot. It was easy for a hunter to follow a short-legged pet with a normal step, so the breed was actively used to track down and extract an animal from holes. The name Basset was originally given by the French to all undersized dogs. Later, short legs and small stature were elevated to the characteristic features of a particular breed.

The short-legged breed was introduced at a dog show in 1863. The heyday of the popularity of the breed began with its entry into England, where hunters appreciated the merits of bassets and began to consolidate their working qualities. At this time, the Basset Hound group included three varieties of the breed: Ardennes, Artesian and Artesian-Norman.

Each of the breed branches was crossed by the owners with other hunting dogs. One of the good results was the union of the basset and the beagle, from which the breed received compactness and activity.

The description of the American-type Bassent Hound breed was officially registered in 1933.

During the French Revolution, dogs of this breed almost suffered complete destruction. The dog was considered a symbol of the power of aristocrats and began to systematically exterminate. Of all the representatives of the breed lines, it was possible to save the Norman and Artesian branches. In the 19th century, some specimens came to Great Britain and were crossed with the Bloodhound. A new type of basset appeared, with a longer body and ears. Wrinkles on the skin became a characteristic feature of the new breed. The new breed was named Basset Hound.

In 1883, the Basset Hound Club was created in Great Britain, thanks to which the breed became widely known throughout the world. The dogs were entered into the register of the Kennel Union of America and the first breed standard was approved. The English and French Basset lines began to mix. And as a result, the American type of Basset Hound was born. The description of the American-type Bassent Hound breed was officially registered in 1933.

Basset hounds have appeared in Russia recently, although the first representatives were imported into the country from France as early as 1740.

Appearance and breed standard, photos

The modern Basset Hound is a short dog with a dense body on short, massive legs. A characteristic feature of the breed is excess skin that gathers on the muzzle, neck and legs in deep folds. The height of the dog is from 33 to 38 centimeters, weight is from 20 to 29 kilograms.

A photo. Two basset hounds in foliage

Basset hound dog in the photo

The Basset Hound standard has the following characteristics:
  • Head rectangular, massive. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is sloping, pronounced. Cheekbones are high.
  • Bite scissor. Teeth are strong and straight.
  • Nose black or brown, depending on the main color. Nostrils open, wide.
  • Eyes have a diamond shape due to loose eyelids. Eye color is dark brown.
  • Ears large, drooping and close fitting to the cheeks. Ears set low.
  • Body elongated, with strong bones. The neck is strong and broad. The back is flat, wide. The chest is low set, convex, wide. The ribs are elongated, rounded.
  • limbs short, powerful, covered with folded skin. The forelimbs are rounded, enveloping the chest. In the lower part approaching each other. The hind limbs are strong and muscular. Paws are strong, large, straight set and slightly outward. Rear directly set. Pillows are divided, massive.
  • Tail set high, powerful, tapering towards the tip.

Coat type and color features

Basset Hounds have a short, dense, close-to-body coat. Initially, an exceptionally hard coat was attributed to the breed, but among the representatives of basset houds there are many real champions with soft outer hair.

The most popular basset hound color is tricolor (white with black and brown or red).

The classic colors of the breed are as follows:

  1. White combined with black, red, brown.
  2. Tricolor: white-black-red and white-black-brown.
  3. Lemon - white with light brown.

Characteristics of the breed

Bassent Hound has a difficult character. These dogs can simultaneously touch and annoy their owner. The characteristic feature of the Bassent Hound is the combination of an affectionate companion, devoted and friendly, with a rare stubbornness, sometimes not amenable to education. Gentleness, lack of aggression, calmness and friendliness are the main features of the Basset Hound breed.

The Basset Hound is a headstrong dog with self-respect. She will not rush to carry out the commands of the owner, but will first consider them. The peculiarity of the basset character is a certain detachment from the owner and other family members. At the same time, loneliness is not acceptable for them.

Bassets love to be in the company of a large number of people, love to play with children and can even act as a nanny. But the dog does not tolerate familiar treatment with itself. With cats and other dogs in the house, the Basset gets along without problems.

IMPORTANT. You should not start small rodents and birds in the house at the same time as the basset hound. The instinct of a hunter in a dog can manifest itself at any moment, and then they will not be in trouble.

Basset is always on his mind. He is affectionate and devoted to the owner, while independent and stubborn. The owner needs to be able to negotiate with him. Attempts to put pressure on the dog lead to the fact that he will begin to portray the deaf-deaf and continue to do as he planned at first.

Basset hounds are very wayward dogs, but at the same time they like to have fun.

The owner of the basset must be thoughtful in order to be able to establish contact with the dog. At the same time, the dog loves the owner and all the household very much, loves to be in the spotlight, asks to be petted.

A basset guard will not work. Having met a stranger on the threshold, the dog will bark a couple of times for order and calm down on this. Basset will not rush at a stranger in order to save the property of the owner, because he is a hunter, not a watchman.

Features of training

From the first months of the appearance of a dog in the house, it is necessary to begin its upbringing. Bassets master commands quickly enough, but they are not always in a hurry to fulfill them. The stubbornness of the puppy is stopped by a light slap with a folded newspaper.

First of all, the puppy must learn the commands “No” and “Fu”. The puppy will be afraid of the rustling newspaper and will hasten to fulfill the command. Early training is important because puppies are more docile.

New commands will help to learn a rewarding treat. Yelling and using physical punishment will cause a negative reaction from the dog. It is impossible to force this breed to do anything in this way. If a dog is offended, it will definitely harbor anger and take revenge at any convenient moment. The basset will consider biting the owner beneath his dignity, but he will gnaw the boot belonging to the offender with great pleasure.

It is necessary to negotiate with the Basset Hound, otherwise it will simply refuse to fulfill the owner's requests.

Teaching commands and obedience to the Basset Hound is not an easy task, and only an exceptionally persistent and patient person can cope with it. You will have to show ingenuity and even cunning to find the motivation to perform any action. All commands must be reasonable, otherwise the wayward pet will consider them useless and will not comply.

The Bassent Hound is a breed for keeping in an apartment, and cannot live on the street. If the owner lives outside the city, the dog should live in the house, not on the street. A basset box or enclosure is not suitable. But the dog loves to walk in the yard.

Bassets need physical activity, because without it the dog quickly gains weight, which can provoke the development of diseases of the joints and spine. You need to walk the dog 2 times a day. Walks can be long, but the basset does not need to be overly active. Leisurely walking can be alternated with games.

Currently, Bassent Hounds are not used as hunting dogs, but the breed has retained its working qualities. Basset, having sensed the beast, gets on the trail and starts chasing the prey, not reacting to the owner's calls. Therefore, the dog must be taken on a leash for walks.

For walks in cold weather, the basset is dressed in warm clothes.

For walks in slushy weather, you need to purchase special clothing. It will protect your pet from the cold and at the same time prevent excessive contamination of the coat. In frosty weather, it is recommended that the dog be dressed in warm overalls, since the close location of the body to the ground can lead to hypothermia and a dog cold.

IMPORTANT. The Basset Hound is contraindicated in jumping from a height and long walking on the stairs. It will also cause musculoskeletal problems.

In an apartment, a basset hound should have its own place. It should not be too soft, and it should be placed in a place away from drafts.

Breed care is not complicated and includes the following activities:

Organization of feeding

Bassent hounds are famous for their excellent appetite. The dog will not refuse a single piece of food offered to it, therefore it is prone to obesity. In this regard, the nutrition of the dog must comply with the recommendations of the breeders in terms of dose and composition.

From the first days, the puppy must be taught to eat strictly by the hour, without begging for treats in between meals. Portions must be strictly adjusted to suit the basset's lifestyle. Feeding leftover food from the master's table is categorically contraindicated for this breed, since a high content of fats and carbohydrates in food will adversely affect the pet's health.

IMPORTANT. The Basset Hound should not be overfed or succumbed to his requests for treats from the master's table. It is worth treating the dog several times between feedings, and all family lunches and dinners will be held under the whining of a dog begging for pieces.

Puppies are fed 6 times a day, an adult dog 3 times. The bowl for feeding the Bassent Hound with the help of a special stand is placed in such a way that the dog's head does not hang down while eating, as this leads to deformation of the cervical vertebrae and twisting of the small intestine.

The basis of the diet of the breed should be protein.

The basis of the diet of the breed should be protein. Meat (beef, chicken, offal) is given daily in raw or boiled form until half cooked. Vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), greens, porridge from buckwheat and rice perfectly complement the menu.

Twice a week Basset is given a chicken egg. Once or twice a week, the pet is treated to dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt). Legumes, sweets, flour, spicy, fried, smoked dogs are contraindicated

You can rationally organize the nutrition of the Bassent Hound with the help of premium and super-premium class dry food (,). You should strictly follow the recommendations for the size of portions of dry food, depending on the age and weight of the dog. As a rule, an adult dog needs 2-4 glasses of food per day.

Characteristic diseases and life expectancy

The main problem of the Basset Hound is diseases and injuries of the spine. The condition of the pet must be monitored from childhood, as obesity and excessive exercise can impair his health. To maintain the musculoskeletal system from an early age, the dog must receive enough calcium.

A photo. tricolor basset hound puppy

Two basset hound puppies in the photo

Breed compliance is determined by the appearance of the parents and the characteristics of the puppy itself:
  • Powerful and straight paws.
  • Rectangular head.
  • Long ears.

When buying, the main guidelines are three factors:

  1. Compliance with parental standards.
  2. Baby's appearance.
  3. Puppy behavior.

A healthy and up-to-date Basset Hound puppy can only be found in a specialized nursery in the following cities:

  • Moscow - from $400 (http://www.bassethoundland.narod.ru/about.html, http://bassetkolani.narod.ru/http://bassethaund.ru/).
  • St. Petersburg - from $350 (http://north-west-major.ru/, http://svartapim.ucoz.ru/puppy.html).

The Basset Hound breed makes you fall in love at first sight. If you are thinking about making friends with this breed or getting yourself a puppy, you should find out how to keep, educate, train him, because behind their seeming passivity lies an inquisitive mind, playfulness, a desire to love and be loved!

The name "Basset" itself has French roots ("bas", that is, "low"). Surprisingly, with short stature, short legs and impressive ears, this hunter will give odds to many other breeds!

The breed originated in France in the Middle Ages. There is an opinion that this breed of dog has common roots with dachshunds, terriers and bloodhounds, from which they inherited a massive head and height.

The very peak of the popularity of undersized hunters fell on the entry of this breed to England, where unusual reincarnations took place with it. It is worth noting that English breeders and hunting enthusiasts were hard at work strengthening and improving their positive qualities, having three breeds in their use:

  • From the Ardennes;
  • Artesian-Norman bassets;
  • and finally the Artesian Basset Hound.

They differed not so much, in a number of parameters, depending on the tasks presented to the breed:

  • Some breeders worked on curved paws, while others worked on straight ones;
  • in one case, growth was increased, and in the other, it was reduced.

The addition of local beagle blood gave the breed a tangible benefit, as a result, the basset acquired higher rates in mobility and became more compact.

basset hound appearance

A representative of this breed with sad eyes, long and soft ears. Dogs are perfectly balanced, despite the external disproportion, as they have highly developed paw muscles and a massive body. Thanks to this, the Basset Hound breed has excellent grace and smooth movements, meeting all standards.

  • She has a broad back, a bulge of the lumbar and even chest;
  • the head looks proportional, and because of the folds of the skin it seems quite massive;
  • the color of the breed is dominated by black and white tones, bred with fawn and fawn-light tones of wool with the tolerance of all colors adopted by hound breeds.

The growth of dogs reaches 40 cm at the withers, and the weight rarely "passes" over the mark of 30 kg.


The Basset Hound is a contact and docile breed, which does not exclude the ability to manipulate the owners. They have a sharp and resourceful mind, able to achieve the desired result. Having a non-aggressive character, they are not adapted for watchdog functions, but they feel great in the circle of a large family with children.

The pet is able to become an ideal "nanny" for kids. Dogs have high rates of tracking and chasing prey, otherwise the character is not too docile. All this only means that you will need much more time in training these pets than in any other breed of hounds.

In addition, what you should know about the nature of basset hounds:

  • Representatives of the breed know how and love to be very loud, on the hunt, they directly fill with joyful barking when a target is detected;
  • at home, they also do not restrain their impulses, which not all owners will like, and the neighbors will not be happy either.

Basset hound training

The training of these four-legged friends is a rather unusual and very troublesome business, as mentioned above, with a certain skill and a high level of patience, it is still possible to train representatives of the Basset Hound breed. The process should take place in a playful and relaxed way. As part of the training process, the owner must respect the personality of the dog, its self-sufficiency, as representatives of this breed represent a bright personality that cannot be found in other breeds. Adopt the specific sense of "humor" of your dog, which knows how to deftly and enthusiastically bend its line.

  1. It is not necessary to constantly repeat only 1 command, so the dog will completely lose interest in the training process, making the training useless;
  2. for obedience, reward your tailed friend with a treat to stimulate interest in order to show love for the dog;
  3. give up swearing towards the pet and punishment, he may simply lose confidence in the owner.
  4. Initially, it is recommended to learn the “come to me” command, as the Basset Hound has a habit of getting carried away with smells and forgetting about everything in the world.

Otherwise, training is not particularly different from other hunting breeds. The main thing is to deal with the animal systematically.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing puppies of this very proud Basset Hound breed, you should first of all find out about the pedigree, visit several exhibitions, contact the nursery, because only there you will receive qualified help, including from a veterinarian.

Pay attention to the puppy's parents and their characteristics. One of the criteria for selecting puppies is the physical condition of the parents, how well-fed and cheerful they are.

Don't miss out on the following features:

  • Condition of wool and skin;
  • ears without painful lesions and the absence of impurities;
  • the tail should be without obvious creases;
  • check the tummy for a hernia;
  • straight and rather plump legs - the key to the puppy's health.

The cost per breed varies between 5-35 thousand rubles, the cost of a puppy depends on the region.

The Basset Hound is not very whimsical in a city apartment, very lazy, this representative of the hound breed can sleep for a long time and be indifferent to the world around him. In a private house, it needs to be controlled more often.

With a fairly coarse and very thick coat, this breed requires brushing 2-3 times a week with a comb equipped with natural bristles to keep the coat shining and shiny.

Everyone approaches water procedures in their own way, but at least 2-3 times a month, in order to get rid of a specific smell, eyes and ears require special attention - the most problematic areas in puppies. Special drops should be dripped into the eyes, as well as into the ears against wounds and ticks.

Despite the specifics of the character, the Basset Hound is still a hunting dog breed, and emotional discharge is necessary, and physical exercise is also what he gets during walks 2 times a day and the slower he walks, the more calories are absorbed in the body.

Food from the table of the owners is not only contraindicated, but even dangerous, you need to feed the dogs only with special food.

Health and disease

This breed of dog can hardly be called painful, but it is characterized by diseases such as:

  • Volvulus;
  • ectopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypothyroidism in the "old men" of this breed;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • back problems;
  • hip dysplasia.

Pay attention to the voracity of Basset Hounds, because of this, obesity is possible, plus, blood incoagulability is not uncommon. The appearance of an inguinal hernia is not excluded.

Do not be afraid ahead of time, as a systematic visit to the veterinarian will help maintain the health of the pet, whose average life expectancy is 15 years.

A photo

Nevertheless, Basset Hounds are very calm and peaceful dogs, they love to play with small children. They become a real member of the family, and how you raise him, what conditions you create, calmness and silence depend. Make the right choice if you are interested in a phlegmatic aristocrat with long ears.

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