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What's going on with the wife. What's going on with my wife? Don't let marital love fade away

Author Dmitry asked a question in Dating, Love, Relationships

How to return time back to correct the mistakes made in life? and got the best answer

Answer from User deleted[expert]
That won't work.

Answer from Vadim Novikov[newbie]
there are special pills, I answer you from the past - I have a monitor with a kiniscope

Answer from Zhenek Kotov[newbie]
Where can I get a time machine in Zhytomyr?

Answer from erer ererer[newbie]
I also want to turn back time, I lost everything ....

Answer from "Glavspetsodezhda" Elena[guru]
You know, it's better to do and regret what you did. What not to do and regret what you didn’t do .... And for the future; don't do something you'll regret later...

Answer from Anyusha[newbie]
It would be nice if there was an answer!

Answer from Chajka[master]
Time has one bad news for everyone: it does not know how to return and return!
Once you made a mistake yourself - look for ways to correct it, you will gain invaluable experience!

Answer from @[email protected] [guru]
fix them in the present

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
try to fix the mistakes without returning the time.

Answer from Grisha[guru]
not really buddy just live normally and honestly!

Answer from DV[master]
But try it differently. Drive it into your head - I DO NOT REGRET ANYTHING; EVERYTHING that was done was not done in vain; Everything God does is for the best. And remember! Never in our life is not just like that! Made a mistake - that means what it was for !!

Answer from Belaya Sova[guru]
It is better to think about how to avoid these mistakes in the future than to regret the past.

Answer from VERtuality[newbie]
There is this phrase:
"In order for a happy future to be more fully manifested already in the present, one must complete one's past"
The past is what has already passed and experienced by you. .
Live in the present and think about the future! !
ZY: You can still watch the movie "The Butterfly Effect", if you haven't watched))

Answer from Lorochka............[guru]
Not only you want this!!

Answer from Alexandra Yunikova[expert]
People make mistakes, and time can not be returned. But now, realizing that he was wrong, he has become smarter and will try to prevent them.

Answer from Estella[guru]
Time is an illusion and no one will return it. I know for myself .. I would give everything - take me back 12 years ago ... I will give everything - money, position in society, work, status ... And no one agrees ...

Answer from Ozma[active]
dude is trite, but nevertheless I will answer because my boyfriend constantly tells me that everything that is not done is for the best ...

Answer from KotoVasya[guru]
There is one variant .... Psychoanalyst! You look like a year old, and you will start LIVING in a completely different way!

Answer from Kaska-Maska[guru]
alas, time cannot be turned back
but don't make these mistakes again.

My beloved and I have been together for almost 2 years, before that we were friends for another 5, he is 2.5 years younger than me (perhaps this also plays some role)
Our relationship was born slowly, but he became everything to me, already when the relationship reached a new step, I saw a furious desire in his eyes, he said that he wanted me (he is my first man), every time he said that he was dreaming of the next meeting, and if we stayed the night together, he didn’t let me fall asleep .... over time ... he stopped behaving like that, and we already switched roles, now I’m saying with hints that I want him, I call him to me when I have the opportunity to be at home only together .... but .. he comes ... and .. enters the Internet, then he still pays attention to me, and after that he immediately runs to the net again (he has no net at home) ... well Is this the behavior of a man who burns with passion for his beloved??
we have real problems with calls ... on weekdays at school, in another city, and I really want him to call every day .... But this does not always happen ... There are times when he can call for a whole week several times a day, sometimes once a day .. and sometimes ... even once a week he won’t call ... at such moments I start to get a little upset and think up all sorts of different things for myself ... and then I call myself .... and I can no longer speak normally ... in the end we quarrel, but initially I call to find out how he is doing, is everything okay, and not at all for the sake of a quarrel ...
and one more thing .... we are both students, but his scholarship is much less than mine, his scholarship is only enough to pay for training (oh, yes, by the way, he goes to training 3 times a week) .. wow, and sometimes I want to be with him somehow relax .. and I know that it’s impossible for men to show that they are unable to pay for a woman, BUT I couldn’t resist ... and now I’m ready to kill myself ... I wanted to spend 2 days with him in another city ... at first he did not agree , and then he surrendered to me, we drove off, he was, to put it mildly, not in a very good mood ... I rented an apartment for us for knocks, we went to bowling and a 5D cinema ... he seemed to stir up and the mood went up ... but here on apartment, after dinner .. he lay down and started watching TV ... then of course we decided to do something more interesting, set up candles (which I also bought) .. voot .. and after that he immediately lay down and began to sleep, at first he like a joke, and then seriously .. I put out the candles and was offended and surprised, I didn’t recognize the person who hadn’t let me sleep at night...
and more recently we were walking in the city and he suggested going to a cafe (we go to it all the time, she is nice and not expensive), but I wanted to eat ... and I insisted that I go to a pizzeria ... I also paid there (((I don’t know what happened, I didn’t insist like that before ... but now I’m thinking ... that I probably did all this in vain ...
and it’s probably in vain that every time I part, I tell him that he would call me, that he would call me at all, don’t forget .... but he still doesn’t call ... maybe it’s better to be silent then and he will call more often?
Help ... I really want to return everything back, I want to see his desire, to hear what I want, I want him to call again on dates, and call more often ....
but now it turns out that he doesn’t call, doesn’t call, then I call ... we first speak very coldly, I’m offended, then I still say ... that we can meet, otherwise we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I miss you .. .
please help .... I can’t behave like this anymore, otherwise I can’t, because I’m afraid that if I don’t call myself, he will never call again ....

This article describes the concept of time travel. The concept of time, as well as electricity, is unknown, but we know how to use it, we understand its laws and principles. Time is an illusion, as is life. However, it cannot be said entirely that this is an illusion, time refers to life as perceived on the lower planes of existence. Time is everything for a person. It governs our lives, dealing with our past, present, and yet unmanifested future for us. Unlike the human race, there are those who are not affected by time at all, those entities that rule the worlds of Yetzirah, Beria and Atzilut. Unlike humans, the principles of time do not affect these beings under any circumstances.
We restrict ourselves to the following definitions:
“This is the present that models and shapes the future”;
“Our present life, which is based on the foundations built in the past.” As far as we are concerned, every contact with anything else and every action has its own consequences.
If we take the concept of time and represent it in the form of a ruler, then we can divide it into three parts: the left side, the middle and the right side. We can associate it with the past, present and future. We look at time as these three separate concepts. In reality, time is constant and unchanging, and all three concepts are combined into one. Just like a ruler, although we have divided it into three sections, it remains intact. This is one of the basic principles of time.
Another principle we might add is the concept of duration. In other words, two hundred years in Earth time is not even comparable to a fraction of a second for God. God is the source of life, Dao. All things and even time flow from Him, therefore He is the one who controls the universe and time. Thus, the boundaries of time are also infinite. We must keep in mind that time is constant. There is no past, present or future, and only so. The Time Return Ritual is designed to move your consciousness into a realm of time that is familiar to you. You are able to attempt to go back in time using the methods described and bring back something specific to yourself directly in this personal time.
You might have been able to play music when you were young, but as you got older, your senses slowly cooled off so that you wouldn't even touch the piano. By using the method below, you will be able to go back to the time when you had a passion for music and, using magic, you will be able to bring this trait back into your life.
One of the reasons for wanting to perform this ritual is that it can help improve your life in the present by restoring your former abilities. Another reason may be to help hasten the development of astral faculties. Some of the keys to getting the most out of this ritual are to dive as deep as possible. Also remember that you have a body, but you are not only your body. Your mind is as free as the wind, and once you firmly grasp this concept, you will be able to effectively overcome the barriers of time. There is only one tool you will need and that is the sigil. A sigil is a symbol that represents an idea, thought, power, or whatever you choose. If necessary, invent a sigil or take it from books. The only thing that is important is to remember that the sigil must have some meaning in order to go back in time. The way to do it is a little research in itself. On the other hand, you can keep the sigil simple, or you can choose one, such as your zodiac sign. The sigil is used to obtain the magical power of the plane it corresponds to.


First, define a goal. Keep in mind those traits or abilities that you have or could have that can be enhanced or changed in this life. It could be a magical trait, an aspect of your personality, perhaps a forgotten talent or something specific. Once this has been carefully determined, choose a sigil that represents your magical power. Create it, then draw it on paper to enhance its power in your mind. The sigil is supposed to have a sympathetic or magical connection with you.



Find a comfortable position while sitting or lying down. Do the Fourfold Breath.

When the ultimate stage of relaxation is reached, visualize yourself in a dark room.

Imagine a small light a few yards in front of you and approach it. Imagine how it grows and grows. When you finally reach the light, it will become a shining calendar. Stop in front of him.

Visualize calendar pages starting to flip backwards - in reverse time at an ever-increasing rate. Imagine that the calendar is flipped so fast that you can only see the blurred light. Go back in time at least ten years. Imagine that the calendar slowly starts to stop until page after page stops. Remember the day, month and year of the page that stopped in front of you.

Now visualize the disappearance of the calendar, the scene of the past begins to appear. Pay attention to all the actions taking place in this place, breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, step forward in the Sign of the Enterer, willing to penetrate the membrane of time.

Place your other self in this time, keeping in mind that you are not here to face history, but rather, you have a task to complete.

Once you have found your other self, approach it face to face. As soon as you can, form your chosen sigil between you and your other self. Mentally place the sigil, performing the Sign of the Enterer, on the forehead of your second self, and see it yourself shining brightly. Once the sigil has become stable on your doppelgänger, begin to feel your own self absorb the traits or skills that you have planned in advance to recover. Do this until you feel that you have collected enough essence or magical energy. Then restore the sigil and let it soak into you, preferably through the forehead.

Return to the place from where you entered this plane in time. Get out of there using the Sign of the Enterer. See yourself returning to the dark room.

Get in front of a calendar. Visualize again how it flips as it moves forward. Keep seeing the pages turning until it reaches the current day and year. When the pages stop, confirm to yourself the current month, day, and year, keeping the knowledge of what entity you have brought into your present from the past.

Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

You can perform this ritual once a week to strengthen the same intention, or you can choose a different target and return at a different time.


Proper choice of sigil is vital. It is important to understand how the sigil is used. Otherwise, it can awaken any negative feelings or thoughts. If this is possible, take care to choose another sigil more appropriate to the mood and meaning.

© Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
© Translation - Fr. Laiveril Laems, edited by Fr. Absurd, 2008.

In our country, it is growing inexorably every year. And this is only official data and facts. And how many people "scatter", just having lived in it is impossible to count.

For many women, the ex-wife becomes the new relationship. Often, a child is also attached to it, or even more than one. And if, entering into these new relationships, it is possible to somehow get rid of the second half that has become unnecessary, then there are no former children. And if even a drop of conscience and consciousness remains in a man, then his current companion has to somehow put up with such a phenomenon as an “ex-wife”, which is not always easy to do.

Psychology is a strange thing, and the subconscious is a mysterious thing. Marrying a man with a history of a former spouse, a woman begins to compare herself with her, thereby lowering her self-esteem. Often this happens unconsciously, against the wishes of the newly-made wife herself, but it is difficult to do anything about it, although it is possible.

This situation will improve slightly if the ex-wife starts dating someone or remarries.

Then the man's meetings with her will be reduced to a minimum, and his current woman will somehow be calmer.

Well, if the situation is not very lucky, then you need to try to somehow move away from the comparison, try to convince yourself that each person is unique and some of your qualities attract a man much more, since he is currently nearby. And with this thought, you need to calmly continue to live on, without winding yourself up over trifles.

According to many psychologists, men also compare their ex-wives, girlfriends with real ones. This is quite natural and often happens unconsciously.

If you do not take into account the suspiciousness of women who believe that when comparing a man, most likely, he prefers his ex, then not everything is so bad. After all, no one can “get into” the head of another person to find out what he is thinking. And if the comparison is in favor of today's life, and the current wife is already standing behind her with a rolling pin in her hands? You should not turn into an angry fury, it is much better to just calmly accept the very fact of comparison, as an inevitability in life.

If you harass a loved one with constant nit-picking, jealousy for his past, then he may have an idea about how to return his ex-wife. Indeed, sometimes people break up for some far-fetched reasons, due to the fact that they could not find out something and talk about something.

By her behavior, a woman can both refute and confirm the idea that the ex-wife is better. To do this, you should not do anything extraordinary, it is enough just to constantly “get” a man with constant comparisons and jealousy, and also, as some people like to do, “nag” a husband who pays alimony. A wife, especially one who is an ex and wants to get her husband back, is only at hand.

In summary, we can say that building is not easy. In order for them to be strong and long, mutual understanding, love and respect for each other are required. And, of course, angelic patience and the ability to smooth out conflicts.

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