Home Preparations for the winter Elegant and beautiful old age, worthy of emulation. The ability to age beautifully How to age beautifully and naturally after 60

Elegant and beautiful old age, worthy of emulation. The ability to age beautifully How to age beautifully and naturally after 60

How to keep youth.

The ability to age gracefully.

Once upon a time, I read an interview with a famous actor and I remember his words that you need to grow old beautifully.

He gave the example of one of his colleagues - this lady was a bright blonde all her life, but when she felt that at her age such an image was no longer comme il faut, she went on vacation and returned to the theater with gray hair and an elegant haircut.

The ability to age gracefully

Unfortunately, even actresses who have been accustomed to paying a lot of attention to their appearance all their lives often forget that no matter how much you take care of yourself, age will overtake sooner or later, and if you continue to look younger, you can slide into the image of a “city crazy”.

Therefore, you need to remember that sooner or later the moment will come when, instead of puzzling over how to preserve youth, you will have to think about how to age beautifully.

Moreover, one should be afraid not only of external changes, but also of internal ones. Often, looking at older women, you are surprised and wonder: where did that tender girl go, why did she turn into a shameless vulgar aunt?

One often sees older women who seem not to have noticed that fashion has changed a long time ago and now it is not customary to dress and make up, as in the years of their youth, which occurred at the end of the 80s, with multi-colored shadows, purple blush, chemistry and bouffant. head.

All this looks strange now on its own, and coupled with excess weight and wrinkles, it is simply depressing. Also strange is the bright multi-colored manicure on wrinkled hands (if you want everyone to notice wrinkles and age spots on your hands, then this method is the best), an abundance of catchy jewelry, ultra-youthful clothes and large prints.

The ability to age gracefully

Another serious mistake of older ladies is leggings and mini. No matter how well your figure is preserved, no matter how much you inject Botox and make braces, if you are over 35, then these clothes are not for you.

Of course, exceptions are possible: calmly wear leggings with a long sweater (at least 10 cm below the priests) for a walk with a dog, in the country, at home with a T-shirt, even in a resort town, but nowhere else.

The same can be said about the mini (although it's stupid to wear it for a walk with the dog). Another option - the mini can be worn with an unbuttoned raincoat, but also only for ladies who are not overweight.

The inability to dress according to age is often a sin of women working in network companies. Especially at large congresses, when trainings, meetings with business coaches, and other corporate events are arranged. There you can meet ladies well over 40 and well over 48 in mini, in puffy skirts, in leopard colors and ... oh, horror - in white tights.

At first I could not understand what was the matter, then I figured it out. Many of them lived a rather hard life, their youth fell on perestroika, the crazy 90s, reforms and crises. Network marketing for the first time since their youth gave them the opportunity to dress up - firstly, at least some money appeared, and secondly, you need to match the spirit of the company in which you work.

And the ladies began to dress, and dress according to their own ideas of beauty, which had changed little since their student days, because they had not been up to it all their lives. As a result, we get a style that is popularly called: "retired prostitute."

How to age beautifully?

What to do if you were always not up to yourself, but you want men to pay attention (yes, young people, a woman wants to be attractive at any age), others are treated with respect, and children are proud of you?

1. The older the woman, the more well-groomed she should look. What is said goodbye to young girls will not get away with older ladies - disheveled or greasy hair, peeling varnish, lack of manicure, ill-fitting clothes, worn shoes, etc.

2. Get a good haircut. A good haircut is when you wash your hair, style your hair with a hairdryer, and the hairstyle is preserved until the next wash. A good master can make this even on the most liquid and naughty hair, and your task is to find such a master.

3. Never, NEVER wear goodbye youth shoes! Now in stores there are a lot of comfortable shoes with low heels and no heels at all, among which you can choose something not only comfortable, but also beautiful and fashionable.

4. Easy gait. In order to preserve it, and also be able to walk even on a low, but heeled heel, you need to follow simple rules: do not get fat, do not forget that movement is life, take care of your legs, make sure that enough calcium enters the body and that cracks do not appear on the heels and calluses. And don't shuffle!

5. Refuse acid colors in clothes, choose pastel shades. For example, muted pink, olive, beige, milky, coffee with milk, etc. look great with gray hair.

6. Keep your chin straight and watch your posture. A stooped back adds a dozen years to any beauty, and turns an elderly woman into a Baba Yaga.

7. Teeth should be in perfect order. Even if you are forced to wear dentures, they should be of good quality and not cause unnecessary trouble.

8. Health must be protected - watch your body, regularly undergo a medical examination, follow the instructions of doctors, eat right - when there is no health, there is no time for appearance.

9. Buy yourself new clothes. Even if you have a lot of old things, and you practically wear out nothing, indulge yourself with something new, fashionable, stylish every season.

10. Retirement is not a reason to stay at home and limit your social circle to your family and three girlfriends. The wider the range of interests and the more acquaintances, the more you want to live and the more reasons to “puff up” in your new clothes.

11. Chat with the opposite sex. If you are married, then stop grumbling at your husband and start rejoicing that a close person is still with you. If he is nearby only out of habit, then it depends only on you to make sure that you again have common affairs and interests. If you are single, then just communicate with the opposite sex, in real life and on the Internet. By the way, here no one forbids you to create an incognito account, take a photo of a sexy blonde for your avatar and flirt heartily, or even engage in virtual sex. Yes, I agree - a stupid occupation, but after it the grandmothers flutter like butterflies and their eyes burn like those of the young.

12. Learn to age beautifully from those who know how to do it, because there are actresses who, until old age, retain elegance, dress with taste and evoke a feeling of respect, not pity.

13. How to grow old beautifully if life is simply not interesting? Liveliness of perception, optimism, curiosity, love - these are the feelings that help fight old age. Don't whine, don't complain, don't talk about illness, and don't associate with pessimists.

14. Use everything that modern science gives us in the fight against age: vitamins, anti-aging creams, cosmetic procedures,

That, what does a woman look like at 20 years old - this is a gift of nature, and at 40 - this is the fruit of her efforts. For some reason, it is so established in the CIS countries that you need to take care of yourself in your youth: make up beautifully, go to fitness, have a hobby, learn something new ... But already somewhere after 30, or even earlier, women sacrifice themselves everyday life and go into the shadows, they say, where already at that age.

Yes, we can say that to maintain the beauty and youth of the spirit, you need a lot of money, time, and then a husband, children, problems, worries. But look, for example, at the French women: it feels like they life after forty is just beginning. They are well-groomed and have some kind of elusive attractive energy.

Editorial "So simple!" I decided to figure out what to do to age gracefully. Indeed, right now, when old age is only your future, you can do everything possible to one day enter this state with your head held high.

Beautiful aged women

Many people think that beautiful aging- this is a myth, and years do not color anyone. But before you are numerous examples of people who look sexy in their sixth and seventh decade. And here are a few secrets that distinguish them from the majority.

Secrets of beautiful aging

  • food as religion
    We are what we eat. According to a number of doctors, nutrition affects the condition of the skin and age-related changes, since a person receives a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals with food, and not with food supplements. Eat foods with naturally bright colors more often, as they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, D, and K.

    Turn eating into a cult, and it will bring you, in addition to saturation, also joy. Treat yourself to beautiful and sometimes gourmet dishes and you will notice that cooking is no longer a burden.

  • It's not about quantity, it's about quality
    Even women with an average income buy themselves expensive and comfortable things - cashmere, silk, good shoes and at least one expensive bag. All together, this adds up to an elegant style of mature women, which is so admired by others.

  • With age, social life does not come to naught
    Unlike our women, who often choose TV series and sleep over social life, French women, especially in large cities, are becoming more active. Children have grown up and do not require constant attention, life is adjusted - it's time to go to parties, guests, good bars, cinema and so on.

    An active social life keeps you in good shape - haircut, styling, well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes for going out and always comfortable high-heeled shoes.

  • There is no age limit for sexuality and sex life
    It is generally accepted that after forty comes second youth- much has been achieved, learned, it's time to enjoy the still good physical shape and experience. After all, a woman can be beautiful only when she feels desired.

  • Openness to new
    Every day it is desirable to learn something new and keep an interest in life. All this rejuvenates a person and makes the eyes glow with youthful brilliance. Learn foreign languages, master technique and new programs.

  • Only forward
    It's hard to move on if you're always looking to the past. Learn from your own mistakes and stop regretting things you can't change. Meditation or yoga classes, as well as dreams and a desire to change, will help to cope with this.

  • Physical exercise
    Cardio is great for weight loss, but as we age, we don't need a small waist so much as strong muscles. Shortly after 30, you start to lose muscle mass (about 5% every 10 years), and you need to maintain it. That is why beautiful aging requires strength and endurance exercises.

  • Makeup
    Many mistakenly believe that with age, a woman needs more cosmetics. In fact, this is a big misconception, and there is a risk of overdoing makeup, which will make you unnatural and not at all young. But it must be present to hide the imperfections of the skin and draw attention to the merits.

  • A sense of humor is a powerful antioxidant
    Treat life with a positive attitude, let only the bright side of it pass through you. Joke, and not only about what surrounds you, but above yourself. After all, laughter, as you know, prolongs life.

  • Age is not a disease
    The most important thing is self-awareness and acceptance. Do not regret the lost years, create your history and memories now. Each period of life has its joys and advantages. Expect bright and unforgettable moments from every day, and this will surely give you vitality and remove a couple of wrinkles from sadness.

  • Age should not be a hindrance to beauty! As you can see, it is not necessary to spend a lot on cosmetology and plastic surgery, it all starts with your thoughts and attitude to life. The choice is yours: sit in a rumpled bathrobe watching TV or open up to this world.

    I am 40. For me, a sea of ​​anti-age cosmetics has already been invented, dozens of salon inventions and one big complex “why did you launch yourself like that!” I’m already late for something, because most anti-aging products are labeled “35+”, although their favorite manufacturers reassure by offering products “46+”, and “50+”, and even 60+. That is, it will not be possible to give up on yourself at any age, they will always stop me by the hand and say: “darling, it’s never too late to become what we want to see you.”

    And yet I decided to age naturally. What does this mean in my understanding? No fuss, nice and natural.

    No fuss.
    This means, without any worries and nerves about each new wrinkle. This, of course, is difficult - to take and suddenly come to terms with everything that changes in you. Moreover, all the previous 40 years I saw a completely different reflection in the mirror. And then - a shock: in front of me is an aunt, aging and dull.

    When the first crow's feet appeared, I was even happy. Finally, from an 18-year-old girl, she turned into a normal adult woman. And she didn’t disguise them in the slightest, but really wanted them to be visible to everyone. When at 30 I was suddenly surprised to find wrinkles on my forehead, I thought it was some kind of misunderstanding, immediately cut off my bangs, began to use day cream and this problem no longer interested me. But now, I didn’t even notice when it happened exactly, but it took me almost six months to accept my new wrinkles.

    Hypnotized by the advertisement, I rushed from one product to another, from boutique to supermarket, then back to the convenience store or distribution consultant. Result? Zero! In addition, all this was accompanied by a terrible paranoia in the form of constant doubts and a desire to understand: what should a woman look like at 40? And it was beginning to look like symptoms of some kind of mental illness.

    I watch my favorite movie and start to scroll idiotically in my head: so, how old was Kupchenko when she played this? Do I look the same or older? So, how many Dogileva is in this film? Younger, but there are already wrinkles ... I did not miss a single colleague, not a single friend without comparing myself with them. Or rather, their wrinkles with theirs. And I began to age even faster from all these worries and fuss. Until I realized if I need this race for youth.

    Why do I look 18 at 40? Am I going to audition for an ad for a youth brand? Or am I impatient to wander all night in clubs, and then spend the night with friends in a hostel? Or am I going to sit all night with beer and a guitar under the windows? Or win the heart and flesh of a neighbor who just graduated from high school? I won't even go to the Institute for a day job or get a job as a secretary. And for all other cases, wrinkles do not hurt!

    Sometimes I hear the opinion about young lovers, about the fact that it's great - young boys like it ... Lord, what am I going to talk to them about? They probably need it more than me. They need my experience, my easy temper, my independence, my attitude to life and my forms ... And for what? To then shine in front of his peers, of course. What about me? I do not want for the man I meet to be the past, even if it is pleasant and useful. I don't need a man for this. I want to live a full life with a man, a common present and future, but why do I need a teenager then?

    Looking good is great. But what does it mean - good? For me, to look good is to look natural, natural. I fell in love with SJP (although I didn’t accept her before) for the fact that she looks 48 and doesn’t hide any of her wrinkles. And I like her hands - normal adult female hands.

    I began to adore women with wrinkles and folds on the face. It's so spicy, so natural, so honest! And I absolutely do not understand what you can talk about now, for example, with Demi Moore after she began to look younger than her daughter. What for? Decided to hang out with 8th graders? It used to be interesting to me, now it is empty for me.

    I also like stars who get fatter with age rather than thinner. Because this is normal. And losing weight is not normal, it is either a disease or liposuction. Neither one nor the other indicates the naturalness of the process.

    I really stopped understanding why in such photos the "before" is worse than the "after". For me, “before” is a rather interesting woman, here is life experience, and personality, and emotions, and individuality, and irony ... And “after” is a completely different aunt, and it’s not a fact that that first one is less attractive to men, and for girlfriends, and for their children, and for colleagues.

    What is beautiful?
    Do men like youth? May be. But the question is: which men? Who buy this youth for one night? Or who dream of getting into bed with their daughter? Let, for God's sake, there will be such, but in this case, do I want to please these men?

    I had a conversation with my friend's husband. He and his wife have been for a thousand years, we all got to know each other when my friend and I were slender girls buying clothes in Detsky Mir, because the Soviet light industry completely ignored our figures. So, this man admitted to me that over the years he began to like completely different women. It was in his youth that he was attracted and “turned on” by the weightlessness of his student wife, and now he is very interested in women with forms. I ask my husband. And he also says that now he (he is my age) likes completely different women than in his youth. Which? I ask. “Normal ones, with a normal female figure” - my husband is laconic, but his gesture is very eloquent: he spreads his arms just the width of my hips (similar to how fishermen show their catch, hee-hee).

    This I mean that the men we need - they perceive all our age-related changes absolutely adequately. Moreover, they really like these changes. After all, cellulite is called a secondary female sexual characteristic, and why refuse it? It's like deciding not to be a woman. And men somehow feel it on a subconscious level. It's like with the primary symptoms in adolescence, remember? Until the chest began to grow, classmates perceived us as children, not as girls.

    What does it mean to age naturally?
    Of course, I do not urge you to do nothing at all for your skin. Cleansing and moisturizing are simple procedures brought to automatism by each of us. But here's what I noticed. I don't know how it works, but wrinkles disappear right before my eyes when I'm happy, joyful, optimistic and smiling, happy with myself and my family, even when I have money, and when I create what I like, well, of course, when I'm especially in love. And there are no doubts about chemistry, preservatives, antioxidants and other ingredients, because I know for sure that there is not a single chemical in a smile. Smiling hides wrinkles but reveals Botox (great litmus test!). Joy gives natural radiance to the skin, confidence replaces any most ideal powder, and satisfaction is the most persistent and even blush. I don’t know how anti-age cosmetics work, I tried a lot, but I didn’t see a miracle that gives love or joy.

    I don't really like any intrusions into my skin at all. I don’t like to go to bed with something on my face, so I don’t use night remedies. I disdain if someone other than my husband touches me, so massages and other salon invasions are also not for me. Yes, no reason for me. I don't want to deceive you. I have as much as I have. No more, but no less.

    It seems to me that our body is so arranged that it must receive a lot from the inside. And not only in the form of food, but also in the form of positive emotions, joyful experiences. As plants, we only need the sun and some moisture from the outside, which plants also mainly get from the earth, and the rain is just for cleanliness. So it seems to me that from the outside I only need the sun and hygiene, and I have everything else for youth inside: food, and joy, and happiness, and love.

    That's why I decided: I will age naturally, naturally, and beautifully. For someone, anti-aging cosmetics are needed, but I need anti-aging thoughts and emotions, this is quite enough for me.

    The way a woman looks at 20 is a gift of nature, and at 40 it is the fruit of her efforts. For some reason, it’s so common in the CIS countries that you need to take care of yourself in your youth: make up beautifully, go to fitness, have a hobby, learn something new ...

    But already somewhere after 30, or even earlier, women sacrifice themselves to everyday life and go into the shadows, they say, where already at that age.
    Yes, we can say that to maintain the beauty and youth of the spirit, you need a lot of money, time, and then a husband, children, problems, worries. But look, for example, at French women: it feels like their life after forty is just beginning. They are well-groomed and have some kind of elusive attractive energy.

    We decided to figure out what needs to be done to age gracefully. Indeed, right now, when old age is only your future, you can do everything possible to one day enter this state with your head held high.

    Beautiful aged women

    Many believe that beautiful aging is a myth, and years do not color anyone. But before you are numerous examples of people who look sexy in their sixth and seventh decade. And here are a few secrets that distinguish them from the majority.


    food as religion

    We are what we eat. According to a number of doctors, nutrition affects the condition of the skin and age-related changes, since a person receives a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals from food, and not from food supplements. Eat foods with naturally bright colors more often, as they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, D, and K.
    Turn eating into a cult, and it will bring you, in addition to saturation, also joy. Treat yourself to beautiful and sometimes gourmet dishes and you will notice that cooking is no longer a burden.

    It's not about quantity, it's about quality

    Even women with an average income buy themselves expensive and comfortable things - cashmere, silk, good shoes and at least one expensive bag. All together, this adds up to an elegant style of mature women, which is so admired by others.

    With age, social life does not come to naught

    Unlike our women, who often choose TV series and sleep over social life, French women, especially in large cities, are becoming more active. Children have grown up and do not require constant attention, life is adjusted - it's time to go to parties, guests, good bars, cinema and so on.
    An active social life keeps you in good shape - a haircut, styling, well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes for going out and always comfortable high-heeled shoes.

    There is no age limit for sexuality and sex life

    It is generally accepted that after forty a second youth comes - much has been achieved, learned, it's time to enjoy the still good physical shape and experience. After all, a woman can be beautiful only when she feels desired.

    Openness to new

    Every day it is desirable to learn something new and keep an interest in life. All this rejuvenates a person and makes the eyes glow with youthful brilliance. Learn foreign languages, master technique and new programs.

    Only forward

    It's hard to move on if you're always looking to the past. Learn from your own mistakes and stop regretting things you can't change. Meditation or yoga classes, as well as dreams and a desire to change, will help to cope with this.

    Physical exercise

    Cardio is great for weight loss, but as we age, we don't need a small waist so much as strong muscles. Shortly after 30, you start to lose muscle mass (about 5% every 10 years), and you need to maintain it. That is why beautiful aging requires strength and endurance exercises.


    Many mistakenly believe that with age, a woman needs more cosmetics. In fact, this is a big misconception, and there is a risk of overdoing makeup, which will make you unnatural and not at all young. But it must be present to hide the imperfections of the skin and draw attention to the merits.

    A sense of humor is a powerful antioxidant

    Treat life with a positive attitude, let only the bright side of it pass through you. Joke, and not only about what surrounds you, but above yourself. After all, laughter, as you know, prolongs life.

    Age is not a disease

    The most important thing is self-awareness and acceptance. Do not regret the lost years, create your history and memories now. Each period of life has its joys and advantages. Expect bright and unforgettable moments from every day, and this will surely give you vitality and remove a couple of wrinkles from sadness.

    Age should not be a hindrance to beauty! As you can see, it is not necessary to spend a lot on cosmetology and plastic surgery, it all starts with your thoughts and attitude to life. The choice is yours: sit in a rumpled bathrobe watching TV or open up to this world.

    Do you agree with these lessons? Share your opinion in the comments!

    (Evaluate the material)

    Once upon a time, I read an interview with a famous actor and I remember his words that you need to grow old beautifully. He gave the example of one of his colleagues - this lady was a bright blonde all her life, but when she felt that at her age such an image was no longer comme il faut, she went on vacation and returned to the theater with gray hair and an elegant haircut. Unfortunately, even actresses who have been accustomed to paying a lot of attention to their appearance all their lives often forget that no matter how much you take care of yourself, age will overtake sooner or later, and if you continue to look younger, you can slide into the image of a “city crazy”. Therefore, you need to remember that sooner or later the moment will come when, instead of puzzling over how to preserve youth, you will have to think about how to age beautifully.

    You should be afraid not only of external changes

    Moreover, one should be afraid not only of external changes, but also of internal ones. Often, looking at older women, you are surprised and wonder: where did that tender girl go, why did she turn into a shameless vulgar aunt? A vivid example of such a transformation is the host of the Let's Get Married TV show Larisa Guzeeva. Unfortunately, now she actually resembles a matchmaker, and the most rude, petty-bourgeois type. By the way, she can be opposed to Nadezhda Babkin. She is also a brunette, but, with an initially simple-minded appearance, she looks more and more intelligent with age, and dresses with great taste, very carefully balancing on the verge of dividing fairground brightness and excellent, at the same time fashionable and original style. One often sees older women who seem not to have noticed that fashion has changed a long time ago and now it is not customary to dress and make up, as in the years of their youth, which occurred at the end of the 80s, with multi-colored shadows, purple blush, chemistry and bouffant. head. All this looks strange now on its own, and coupled with excess weight and wrinkles, it is simply depressing. Also strange is the bright multi-colored manicure on wrinkled hands (if you want everyone to notice wrinkles and age spots on your hands, then this method is the best), an abundance of catchy jewelry, ultra-youthful clothes and large prints. Another serious mistake of older ladies is leggings and mini. No matter how well your figure is preserved, no matter how much you inject Botox and make braces, if you are over 35, then these clothes are not for you. Of course, exceptions are possible: calmly wear leggings with a long sweater (at least 10 cm below the priests) for a walk with a dog, in the country, at home with a T-shirt, even in a resort town, but nowhere else. The same can be said about the mini (although it's stupid to wear it for a walk with the dog). Another option - the mini can be worn with an unbuttoned raincoat, but also only for ladies who are not overweight. The inability to dress according to age is often a sin of women working in network companies. Especially at large congresses, when trainings, meetings with business coaches, and other corporate events are arranged. There you can meet ladies well over 40 and well over 48 in mini, in puffy skirts, in leopard colors and ... oh, horror - in white tights. At first I could not understand what was the matter, then I figured it out. Many of them lived a rather hard life, their youth fell on perestroika, the crazy 90s, reforms and crises. Network marketing for the first time since their youth gave them the opportunity to dress up - firstly, at least some money appeared, and secondly, you need to match the spirit of the company in which you work. And the ladies began to dress, and dress according to their own ideas of beauty, which had changed little since their student days, because they had not been up to it all their lives. As a result, we get a style that is popularly called: "retired prostitute."

    How to age beautifully?

    What to do if you were always not up to yourself, but you want men to pay attention (yes, young people, a woman wants to be attractive at any age), others are treated with respect, and children are proud of you?
    • 1. The older the woman, the more well-groomed she should look. What is said goodbye to young girls will not get away with older ladies - disheveled or greasy hair, peeling varnish, lack of manicure, ill-fitting clothes, worn shoes, etc.
    • 2. Get a good haircut. A good haircut is when you wash your hair, style your hair with a hairdryer, and the hairstyle is preserved until the next wash. A good master can make this even on the most liquid and naughty hair, and your task is to find such a master.
    • 3. Never, NEVER wear goodbye youth shoes! Now in stores there are a lot of comfortable shoes with low heels and no heels at all, among which you can choose something not only comfortable, but also beautiful and fashionable.
    • 4. Easy gait. In order to preserve it, and also be able to walk even on a low, but heeled heel, you need to follow simple rules: do not get fat, do not forget that movement is life, take care of your legs, make sure that enough calcium enters the body and that cracks do not appear on the heels and calluses. And don't shuffle!
    • 5. Refuse acid colors in clothes, choose pastel shades. For example, muted pink, olive, beige, milky, coffee with milk, etc. look great with gray hair.
    • 6. Keep your chin straight and watch your posture. A stooped back adds a dozen years to any beauty, and turns an elderly woman into a Baba Yaga.

    How to age beautifully: Teeth

    • 7. Teeth should be in perfect order. Even if you are forced to wear dentures, they should be of good quality and not cause unnecessary trouble.
    • 8. Health must be protected - watch your body, regularly undergo a medical examination, follow the instructions of doctors, eat right - when there is no health, there is no time for appearance.
    • 9. Buy yourself new clothes. Even if you have a lot of old things, and you practically wear out nothing, indulge yourself with something new, fashionable, stylish every season.
    • 10. Retirement is not a reason to stay at home and limit your social circle to your family and three girlfriends. The wider the range of interests and the more acquaintances, the more you want to live and the more reasons to “puff up” in your new clothes.
    • 11. Chat with the opposite sex. If you are married, then stop grumbling at your husband and start rejoicing that a close person is still with you. If he is nearby only out of habit, then it depends only on you to make sure that you again have common affairs and interests. If you are single, then just communicate with the opposite sex, in real life and on the Internet. By the way, here no one forbids you to create an incognito account, take a photo of a sexy blonde for your avatar and flirt heartily, or even engage in virtual sex. Yes, I agree - a stupid occupation, but after it, grandmothers flutter like butterflies and their eyes burn like those of young people :).
    • 12. Learn to age beautifully from those who know how to do it, because there are actresses who, until old age, retain elegance, dress with taste and evoke a feeling of respect, not pity.
    • 13. How to grow old beautifully if life is simply not interesting? Liveliness of perception, optimism, curiosity, love - these are the feelings that help fight old age. Don't whine, don't complain, don't talk about illness, and don't associate with pessimists.
    • 14. Use everything that modern science provides us in the fight against age: vitamins, anti-aging creams, cosmetic procedures, cosmetic surgery, etc. means.

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