Home Preparations for the winter Why does a woman dream about a wolf according to dream books? Why do you dream about a wolf according to the dream book Why do you dream about catching a wolf

Why does a woman dream about a wolf according to dream books? Why do you dream about a wolf according to the dream book Why do you dream about catching a wolf

Civilization has advanced enough in development for people to feel protected from attacks by predators. And yet, hunters and travelers prefer not to encounter wolves in the forest, even if they have guns. Wildlife still poses dangers to people who are not prepared to deal with it. Wolves rarely attack people, but it is almost impossible to stand alone even in front of a small pack.

Why do wolves dream and does such a dream pose a threat? Depending on the mood of the animal, the color of its fur and the actions of the sleeping person, dreams are divided into negative and foreshadowing benefits.

Many people consider the wolf to be a cunning and powerful opponent, and they are right. In a dream, the image of a forest predator reflects an unsympathetic boss or an aggressive colleague who is next to the dreamer. The dark color of the animal confirms the sleeper’s fears about their malevolent intentions. Fighting a wolf in your night dreams and defeating it will help prevent problems.

Any appearance of a wolf symbol means some dangerous set of circumstances in which the person who saw the dream will have to defend himself.

These could be rumors, gossip, or an attempt to deceitfully ruin a person’s reputation in front of business partners. Having tamed a wolf or gained the upper hand in a fight, the sleeping person will keep control over the situation in his own hands.

Interpretations of dreams in different dream books

Some dream interpreters considered wild animals a clear sign of failure and loss in reality. Others explained how to take advantage of turbulent events or an encounter with an indomitable person.

According to Miller

Gustav Miller promised a promotion to the dreamer who wounded or killed a wolf in a dream. Having entered into battle with a strong opponent, he will achieve success and earn praise and honor. He will also clear the reputation that has suffered as a result of the intrigues of ill-wishers. A howling beast in a dream shows that the sleeper is moving in the right direction.

The sooner you can get rid of the wolf, the better things will go in reality. This will be followed by the discovery of a conspiracy or plans of people harming the dreamer.

The clairvoyant considered any appearance of animals, and especially predators, in a dream to be a bad omen. An unsuccessful period will come in the fate of the person who sees the dream, and it will affect all areas of his life.

A pack of wolves, tearing apart prey, reports financial difficulties due to the ruin of a company associated with the dreamer. If a pack of wolves circles around a person, in reality they envy him and try to prevent his further rise.

An attack by a pack speaks of an open confrontation with rivals, and a lone wolf symbolizes a sworn enemy who will soon make his presence known.

A she-wolf with small puppies shows hypocritical friends and skillful liars surrounded by a sleeping man. Wolf cubs can even cuddle, but this only demonstrates the greater cunning of their enemies. If wolves come into the yard of a person’s house but do not attack the livestock, in reality the relatives are up to something behind the dreamer’s back.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud associated the wolf in dreams with animal instincts and unbridled passion. His bite means the beginning of a relationship with a vengeful and cruel partner, and flight from the pack means disappointment in a love affair and reluctance to meet potential lovers. Also, a pack of wolves reports disturbances in the functioning of the body. The more numerous it is, the more serious the failures.

Victory over the wolf foreshadows triumph in life and deliverance from disease. If an animal manages to bite the dreamer until he bleeds, failures and failures await him.

According to Nostradamus

During the time of Michel Nostradamus, wolves were a real disaster for peasants. In a dream, an unscrupulous, scary person takes on the image of a predator. You can expect any misfortune or trouble from him. Even a non-aggressive wolf shows the presence next to the sleeping person of a person full of hatred and threat.

A tamed wolf gives hope that his machinations will fail. If he dresses up in sheep's clothing, the dreamer's loved ones are dishonest with him. This is especially true when the coat color is dark.

According to Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov compared the wolf in dreams with a person from the dreamer’s entourage, standing above him on the hierarchical ladder. This could be a boss or an older relative.

In any case, the appearance of a formidable predator indicates future problems. If he considers the sleeping person to be prey and is preparing for an attack, he will not be able to cope with the difficulties that have piled up. A wolf guarding a flock of sheep foreshadows a terrible decline in business and the disruption of all previously conceived plans.

A grinning and growling wolf dreams of the loss of a friend, and one wounded in a fight, but not by the dreamer, warns of illness. A killed or defeated wolf demonstrates the strength and high energy of the sleeper, who is able to overcome unfortunate circumstances.

A she-wolf feeding her offspring is a harbinger of big profits or a well-deserved bonus.

The fortuneteller Miss Hasse called the wolf a secret powerful enemy, which is extremely difficult to fight. He will attack suddenly, and his blows will fatally defeat the dreamer. If in night dreams a sleeper runs away from a wolf, a person is well aware that he will lose in a confrontation in reality.

A howling wolf means the enemy is ready for active action. When a wolf or a pack divides the prey, and the sleeper watches the bloody spectacle, he tries to put his thoughts in order and draw up a plan of defense, but cannot achieve results.

According to Meneghetti

A person should be more attentive and careful after any dream where a wolf appeared. According to Meneghetti's dream book, a beast growling and rushing at a sleeping person marks a clash with criminals or an attempt to resolve the case through court.

A wolf attacking livestock shows that one should not count on relatives under the current circumstances. If the animal dies and the wolf is about to feast, the dreamer is in mortal danger. He will have to face serious challenges.

Features of wolves in a dream

The appearance of an animal can reveal a lot about a person who poses a danger to the peace of the sleeper. In dreams, light objects always carry positivity, unlike black ones.


The white friendly animal personifies a wise adviser and helper. For an unmarried girl, the dream promises a meeting with her groom. A light wolf walking next to a woman, like a dog, speaks of the presence of a powerful patron in her life. If it is the image of a friend, then the wolf shows that the person is stronger than the dreamer and higher in position.

People with high self-esteem dream of hunting a white wolf. People around them treat them with ridicule. The clean, shiny fur of a beautiful animal portends joyful events and a successful deal for businessmen.


A wolf with dark skin can mean an invincible enemy, a serious illness, or an approaching “dark” streak in life. When it is visible in the distance, misfortune cannot be avoided completely, but its consequences will not be destructive.

An attack and bite by a black wolf is one of the worst dreams that a person can have. His ill-wishers will defeat him in the fight, or he will lose a huge amount of money. It will be incredibly difficult to recover from the crash.

A she-wolf standing next to a black wolf promises the woman a quick marriage.


Why do you dream about dead wolves? It seems that they do not pose a danger to humans, because they will no longer be able to attack. Dreams of a killed, motionless beast appear after reprisals against opponents, revelation of deception, betrayal, or victory over one’s own fears. All the worst is over, you can make new plans.

Wounded, bloody

He dreams of caring for a wounded wolf before meeting a person whose reputation was unkind, but once he begins to communicate, the dreamer will understand that these were slander. The bloody animal is associated with the relatives of the sleeping person. Most likely, the problems will affect his entire family, and everyone will also have to solve them together.

Situations and actions in a dream

The beast not only means problems and struggles that lie ahead in real life due to the treachery of others, sometimes it serves as a sign of the internal contradictions of a lonely person. He wants to come out of his shell, but he has distanced himself from his acquaintances and friends for too long, and this is a difficult process.

Wolves attack

When a wolf or a whole pack is chasing a person, he has to defend his opinion and confront a merciless enemy. A positive outcome of the battle is quite possible if the wolf is defeated in a dream. It is worth considering that the battle will take a lot of energy and nerves.

Fighting wolves

If a wolf fights with a fox, an open, brutal struggle awaits the person. Enemies will stop hiding and go on the offensive. Wolves fighting each other speak of brewing conflicts in the work team.

They will try to drag the dreamer into them, but he should show prudence and, as in night dreams, remain an outside observer.

She-wolf with cubs

The wolf family appears in the dreams of parents who do not get along with their offspring, or teachers whose students do not like or obey. In both cases, the dream only reflects the feelings of the elders because of the children. If a she-wolf fiercely protects her offspring in a dream, the dreamer does not allow the children to show independence, constantly deciding everything for them himself.

Feed the wolf

Hand-feeding a wolf reflects a situation in which law enforcement has captured a dangerous criminal. Such news evokes the image of a tamed animal in a dream. A dream with a wolf licking her hands tells the girl that very soon she will meet an interesting gentleman.

Feeding a wolf from your hands foreshadows the acquisition of useful connections at work. After sleeping with the taming of a wolf, enemies will not be able to harm you.

Kill wolves

Having killed a predator, in reality you will be able to cope with cunning and deceit. Even if the animal managed to bite, but the dreamer eventually dealt with it, the evil will of the enemy will be defeated. You dream of catching a wolf in a trap before revealing an important secret.

Participation in a wolf hunt in dreams will lead to scandals and quarrels, and an unsuccessful hunt will lead to a break with your loved one.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  1. From Monday to Tuesday, night dreams show the dreamer the need to fight and defend positions if he remembers the image of a wolf. There is an evil person around him who wants to do harm.
  2. A dream with wolves from Tuesday to Wednesday suggests that problems and failures are somehow connected with blood relatives. Either they are in conflict with the sleeping person, or the problems affect the whole family.
  3. From Wednesday to Thursday, a pack of predators or a lone wolf send the dreamer to official intrigues. His enemy was hidden among his colleagues. A wolf killed in a dream demonstrates the revelation of evil plans and triumph over the enemy.
  4. From Thursday to Friday it is better to defeat the beast in a dream, since in reality the plot will be repeated exactly only with the people around you. Defeat will have a bad effect on future events.
  5. A dream from Friday to Saturday speaks of damages and losses if the animal’s skin was dark. A light, non-aggressive wolf in a dream, on the contrary, reports profit.
  6. From Saturday to Sunday, dreams of attacking wolves promise the collapse of plans and a forced change in the course of life. We need to try to eliminate problems at the lowest cost.
  7. A dream from Sunday to Monday speaks of the plans and mood of the sleeper. His doubts about the correctness of his actions and accusing himself of excessive assertiveness and aggression cause a dream with a wolf.


Wolves live and hunt in a pack; it is strange and unusual for them to be alone. The same can be said about a person. Having seen a dream with a predatory animal, the dreamer should analyze his character traits and understand what repels others from him. Perhaps the culprit is greed, intemperance, or frequent outbursts of anger. By taming an impetuous temperament, a person will become more popular in society and make new friends.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Very often, under different circumstances, wolves appear in women's dreams. They symbolize for the sleeping person the danger approaching her in real life. Below we describe more precisely what wolves dream about under various conditions.

If a woman dreams of wolves, Miller is sure that such a plot warns the sleeping woman about the presence of a dangerous enemy in her immediate environment. The actions of this man interfere with the implementation of the woman’s plans. It is necessary to declassify the enemy as soon as possible. The interpreter adds that if wolves howl in a dream, it means that a representative of the fair sex will be able to reveal the secret plan of the enemy in the very near future.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga noted that the wolf is a symbol of protection and strength.

If he appears in a woman’s dream, most likely she needs care and support. The dreamer dreams of a reliable, faithful man nearby.

The work of Nostradamus says that a wolf from a dream may turn out to be a reflection of the character and inner state of the sleeping woman herself. If in the story a girl turns into a predator, it means that in real life she is aggressive towards the people around her. You need to understand yourself and find the true reasons for anger and rage.

Seeing a pack of wolves in a dream

Often a whole pack of wolves appears in women's dreams. It is interesting that for free young ladies such a plot foretells an imminent marriage. It will be happy and successful. But this is only relevant if the animals are good-natured and do not try to attack the woman. If they surround the sleeping woman in a dream and growl at her, then you need to take a closer look at your chosen one. There is a possibility that he carefully hides his true face. You should think carefully before agreeing to marriage.

A girl gets caught up in a pack of wolves who are trying to drive her away? You should not expect understanding and support from your spouse’s relatives.

A flock of gray predators suggests that ill-wishers in real life are gathering a real conspiracy against the dreamer. If animals attack, trouble will come from colleagues or other acquaintances.

Wolves that attack bite

The most negative version of the dream is the one in which wolves attack a woman. If she is unexpectedly bitten by a large predator, this portends the girl a major quarrel in reality or a loss of moral support from loved ones, which was very important for the sleeping woman.

Animals running after a woman? In real life, she will have dangerous enemies who will do everything possible to annoy the dreamer. Dealing with them will not be easy.

A painful wolf bite means danger from strangers. You need to be especially careful with new friends and under no circumstances open your soul to them right away.

White, black wolf

The white wolf turns out to be an excellent harbinger. It portends a calm, measured and happy life for the fair sex. A girl who sees such a dream will be able to realize her plans, and good luck will accompany her in all areas of life. The main thing is not to drive away or try to kill the snow-white beast in a dream. Otherwise, success may leave the sleeping woman for a long time, and solely through her fault.

Hunting a white predator in a dream suggests that the risky business that the woman has decided on will end successfully for her. You can confidently move forward.

Did you manage to pet the snow-white animal? There will be an opportunity to get rid of your sworn enemy forever.

The black beast usually symbolizes illness or even death for a person of either gender. If in a dream he is chasing the other half of the sleeping woman or members of her family, these people are in serious danger. They need to take care of their own health, avoid long trips and solo walks in the dark.

Why do we dream about wolf people, werewolves?

Werewolves appear in dreams as harbingers of problems at work. The sleeping woman’s colleagues give the girl’s actions a positive assessment only in her presence. Behind their backs, they actively condemn and criticize the dreamer’s work. Most likely, in this form they convey information about it to their superiors.

If a woman sees herself as a werewolf, periodically turning into a wolf, then Freud is sure that this indicates her strong love for life. The girl is full of energy. You need to not miss this attitude and try to do as much useful as possible during this active period.

And in Azar’s dream book it is noted that werewolves from a woman’s dream symbolize her craving for forbidden pleasures.

Killed, dead

If a girl in her dream saw a wolf she killed, this is a good sign. Especially in cases where the animal was killed with its own hands. This means that in reality the sleeping person will be able to get out of a difficult life situation with dignity.

Eating the meat of a dead wolf means an unexpected change in an unpleasant situation in favor of the dreamer. Most likely, the woman will receive outside help.

It happens that in her dream a representative of the fair sex kills a gray wolf with her own hands. This means that she will soon be able to get rid of the fears that have been bothering her for a long time. Immediately after this, she will breathe freely and will be able to build her own life more successfully.

A woman runs away from wolves in a dream

Running away from a wolf in a dream symbolizes an attempt to shift your problems and responsibility onto the shoulders of other people. Such a dream says that in reality the girl is faced with problems, but she does not want to solve them on her own. We need to learn to take responsibility for the mistakes we make in life.

If a pack of wolves is chasing a representative of the fair sex, most likely, in reality she is constantly pursued by danger. You need to behave more carefully in all areas of life. You need to handle money especially carefully, not agreeing to any dubious financial transactions and not lending your own funds.

The decisive detail will be whether the girl managed to escape from the beast in the end.

If she hid from her pursuer, it means she will also be able to escape from danger in reality.


Hello, Yaroslav!
I often have dreams, like films with my participation, so in general I have a good attitude towards sleep :) This is interesting to me. This dream was also like a movie, interesting and dynamic. I remember two episodes that have haunted me for several days now.
I'm in a wooden house in the forest, like a children's camp or something. I need to go to the bus stop, either to meet someone or to see them off. Walk through the forest. There is a dog running around in the house, I call it with me, but then I remember that the dog is not mine, it should not obey me. I went out, to my surprise the dog followed me, and from somewhere else a second one appeared. Let's go, suddenly there is some wild animal in the bushes ahead. At first it seemed like a deer, but the animal began to emerge and turned out to be a wolf, very large, but similar to a German shepherd. The dogs ran ahead of me, began to bark at the wolf, defend me, and drove the wolf away. Although the wolf was big compared to them. We returned to the house, I remember the feeling of gratitude towards the dogs.
Then some kind of rural fair, I’m much younger there than I really am, and the country is not mine, and the time is different, like the beginning of the 20th century. A fortune teller comes up to me, takes my hand, and begins to predict my fate. She predicted something good, some changes in life. Then he says: you need a ring. And she and I are going to try on rings. One is too huge, the other can only be worn on the little finger, finally we find what we need. And then it ends up on my hand. I don’t remember how, I don’t remember, I put it on myself or someone put it on. The whole episode with the fortune teller passes in a state of surprise, I am surprised that she even started talking to me, and at the same time I trust her.

It subconsciously seems to me that this dream is connected with my first dream. I do not know why. Some work is going on, but I don’t take part in it, or, as it seems to me, I take it passively. In my life now I have a small child, six months old, and of course, there is a strong restructuring of all attitudes. My attitude towards people, towards myself, and priorities change. Besides, I work a lot, and it seems to me that I don’t have time and, by and large, the desire to stop and think. Am I really afraid of something?
Thank you.


I am Lea, and I want to complement my own dream. Thinking again, I realized that there was no connection with fear. The episode with the wolf remains unclear, but I no longer think that this episode is important. The second dream is really connected with the first, in the sense that the internal work that has been going on for a year has really come to an end. This is the situation. The beginning is described in detail on the website Trust Phone (number 80, unrealistic ideals of love). This was about a year ago. The only thing I didn’t write then was that the father of my child is also a married man. And after I calmed down about the fact that I was pregnant (I was very glad, happy), I began to think about how my relationship and the child’s relationship with dad could develop. I didn’t feel love for my dad, it was very good for me, because I wasn’t distracted by unnecessary emotional squabbles during pregnancy, I was absorbed in myself, the child, and enjoyed the situation. I wanted to - I thought about dad, I didn’t want to, I didn’t think about it. He called sometimes, we met several times (we don’t live in the same city), we didn’t solve anything, because we didn’t know how. I tried not to burn bridges, but sometimes it was difficult for me, because I love this child so much! What was pleasing was that dad did not agree to my proposal to “break up forever.” Well, the baby was born, dad calls, he came twice. The last time was a couple of days after sleep. He didn’t promise anything specifically, but he dropped the phrase that as long as he was alive, in the most difficult moment he would definitely help. As it is, I have no financial relationship with him. Not in this case. It was important for me that he recognized this child, and somehow showed it. For me, this phrase was simply an indicator that our dad accepts part of the responsibility for this little life. I don’t know how this will happen next, but for me this important stage has truly ended. Fortune teller intuition: subconsciously I knew that our dad couldn’t just brush it off. The ring that appeared out of nowhere on my finger seems to have been pulled out of my pocket: that is, as if some kind of connection exists (the ring already exists), only after this day it is more clear to me - a ring on my hand. This is what came to my mind. Yaroslav, if you have the strength and time, comment on my reasoning. If I’m more or less right, then don’t waste your time on this, I understand your workload. I also wanted to thank you very much for your comment on my letter in the Helpline. It goes without saying that I followed your recommendations, my life has changed, my relationship with the child’s father is improving, the relationship with my loved one no longer seems worthwhile to me, we have maintained our friendship and are developing it, so I can well call myself a happy mother of a healthy and cheerful child. Thank you!


I dream that there is a meeting going on. Either in some kind of barn, or in a sheepfold. They caught a wolf in the form of a man, but I don’t see his face. I am also among those who judged him. But no one seems to notice me, but at the same time I’m there. I'm trying to get to know someone. But I look closely at the old man, I don’t know him. But I can’t make out the wolf. But I really want to see his face, to find out who he is. There is some kind of argument, shouting, noise. The dream occurs for three days in a row and is always interrupted at the same place, when the old man, apparently the head of the meeting, very gray-haired, utters the words from Krylov’s fable: “I am gray-haired, and you are a friend, gray.” And I know your wolf nature...” Since I no longer know the words from the fable, I wake up. And it seems to me that if I knew the continuation of the fable, the dream would somehow end.


There were two dreams. In the first one, while driving a car, I ended up on the top of a cliff, flying over a crevice at high speed. There I met a wolf cub, who was as surprised to see me as I was to see him. We looked at each other for some time, though without hostility and we felt like we were in “Mowgli” - of the same blood. And the plot of the second dream developed at night, although it was white. My friend and I were being chased, like we were playing a game, by three hefty men. During the day, I know, they were businessmen and, as they say, decent people, but at night all their decency was replaced by a thirst for hunting, and besides, they endowed themselves with the powers of policemen, which I knew about, but I could not do anything - night. I regularly eluded them, hiding wherever I could, from empty bathtubs to white, empty cabinets. Yes, in a dream I climbed into the bathtub of a man I knew and respected in real life. The bathtub was empty and slightly dusty, and he, directly continuing the vegetable theme with a sexual connotation, threatened me, if I stayed in it for a long time, to “fuck” me with a cucumber, which he held in his hand in the immediate vicinity of the very place of the supposed estate. I, extremely surprised by his intention and writing him down as a pervert - after all, “I would not refuse normal contact without vegetable intermediaries,” decide to leave him as quickly as possible. In general, all this fuss had one purpose - I was waiting for the morning, because... I knew that in the morning this stupid game of pursuit would stop, which means that the goal I was striving for - to wait until the morning without losses - would be achieved. Morning came and the spell broke.


In my opinion, the dream continues (in some way) the theme of counterfeit money in the previous dream. In addition, a vegetable with phallic shapes was “stuck” into it - a cucumber, which echoes the potato from the previous dream. I have to think about what kind of transformations happen to me during the moments of “nights,” even white ones. Clearly there is some confusion going on.


Driving alone behind the wheel of a car symbolizes a consciously chosen path of fate. If this path goes strongly against individuation and needs correction, then there will be all sorts of incidents and accidents [I, while driving a car, ended up on the top of a cliff, flying over a crevice at high speed]. You need to be closer to your brutal (in a dream - “wolf”) impulses [there I met a wolf cub, who was as surprised to see me as I was to see him, we looked at each other for some time, though without hostility and it felt like we were like in “Mowgli” - the same blood]. That is, a hint - give up the car in favor of communicating with living creatures. Both the car and the wolf cub symbolize the characteristics of your behavior.
In the episode with the men, it is shown that your completely socially acceptable impulsive passions [during the day, I know, they were businessmen and, as they say, decent people] upon closer examination turn out to be less “correct” [at night, all their decency was replaced by a thirst for hunting, yes In addition, they endowed themselves with the powers of police officers, which I knew about, but I could not do anything - it was night]. In essence, we are dealing with the motive of persecution [she regularly eluded them, hiding wherever she could, from empty bathtubs to white, empty cabinets], where the ego-image acts as the victim, and unconscious fantasies hunt it. This connection with the policemen is very interesting. Does it show that the influences of the stereotyped superego are trying to achieve something from the underlying structures? It's not clear yet. But there is some artificiality in their essence - for example, the same desire to rape you with a cucumber, and not in the usual way. Either you are not so broad (read, “perverted”) yet. The ego-image refuses to accept such activity, which can be considered as making a choice in a model situation [threatened me, if I stayed in it for a long time, to “fuck” me with a cucumber, which he held in his hand in the immediate vicinity of the very place of the supposed estate, I was extremely surprised by his intention and, having written him down as a pervert - after all, “I would not refuse normal contact without vegetable intermediaries,” I decide to leave him as quickly as possible].
Yes, most likely, this was indeed an unconscious modeling in order to find out the ego-image’s opinion on some essential issues of existence. Once again I want to emphasize that representatives of censorship/morality/stereotypes were persecuting you.
An empty and dusty bathtub shows that at the moment the energy of the lowest, but most viable structures - instinctive vital forces, water - was absent. On this occasion, we return again to the first episode.


an open field, peasants walking and people in black hats, a lot of sheaves of hay, and I’m standing, and then we all got cold and we decided to build a house, we started digging some passages and building a wooden house, the house turned out to be stupid but very tall with triangular roof, I didn’t see any balconies, only the window was indigo color... a dog was running near the house... it was so brown in color... it kept barking, I was afraid of it, the breed of the dog is a boxer. I shouldn’t have been afraid of her, since the dog was ours, then I saw a large, black and gray wolf on the horizon, so I wasn’t afraid of him, although I understood that I should be afraid of the wolf, but I wasn’t afraid, and then people saw him and hid into the house and forgot about me and the man standing next to me, a man in a blue coat, it was my brother... or my mother... blurry, everything was blurry. I knock on the door of the house, and the wolf is approaching, the dog jumps out of the basement and rushes at the wolf, I look at this fight and I feel sorry for the dog, the wolf is strong. I woke up


A dolphin flying in the sky descends towards me, disappears for a moment and I feel like someone is holding my left hand and pulling me somewhere. I see a gray wolf with his tail between his legs, who looks at me very intently, periodically grinning. At these moments, his eyes light up with red fire. I wake up very suddenly. The hand still feels how the wolf gently held it with his teeth. The time is closer to morning, about 4 o'clock. I can't sleep for a long time. The wolf stands in front of my eyes all the time and looks at me. There is no fear, rather I like this wolf. I probably would have followed him.


Hello! A friend complained to me that she was being chased by a wolf. From the moment I began to help her get rid of him, he began to pursue me too. It was mystical - it could suddenly materialize from a dark corner of my room. So he attacked me, my hands became like cotton wool, I tried to hit him with a figurine, but the blows were weak, he went completely wild, I even said goodbye to my life, but then friends began to approach me, threw me a rope, and then helped him tie up and take away. Then I walked around the square and decided to stop by a store for a snack. I end up in a private photo studio, where the next shot is being prepared. A woman of about 30 years old is sitting on the carpet, there are children around her, the pose is very curious, plus 2 dogs are also in the frame. In short, I recognized one of the girls as my daughter, and began to fight for her with the owner of the brothel - with fights, etc. and beat her repeatedly Thank you


A den is more like a bear's home. The fact that it was a wolf who was in the den is a possible reduction in the danger from the Shadow, the most dangerous part of which is personified by the bear - a set of unconscious explosive instincts. The Wolf Under the Ground (Snow) is a Scandinavian myth about Fenrir, a huge wolf who is chained underground, and at the moment of the end of the world he will break out and swallow the sun. In a dream, he is sleeping for now (while it is winter - blizzard and snow), but when winter stops, he will wake up, and there will be trouble. Therefore, your friend, when he calms down a little in everyday life (when the storm on the surface subsides), may be in danger of trouble from the subconscious. We need to pay attention to suppressed reactions now, before it’s too late.


I urgently write it down and pass it on! I haven’t dreamed of such still lifes for a long time 8) So, the whole dream takes place on the eve of the New Year, in some unfamiliar city. Scenes and interiors change, but this city and New Year's Eve remain. First, I am visiting some elderly couple who are very happy to see me. We are expecting some more guests. Then the scene changes, I go to ballet class. I meet my ballet friends L. and A. there, who have just returned from another tour (they are actually away now). A. turns his back to me and a terribly funny sight appears before my eyes. A. is missing one buttock! It's like someone chewed it off. Here A., vying with L., begin to tell how they were attacked by wolves. That in the places of their tour there were dense forests and they had to go to some separate toilet in the forest, and then one time, leaving there, they ran into a pack of wolves, coyotes and jackals, which for some reason attacked A., and not L. ., his wife. At the same time, I quite realistically saw everything they were talking about. And the forest, and the toilet, and most importantly this very pack of “wolves-coyotes-jackals”. They all had yellow glowing eyes, bared white teeth and protruding tongues. In general, an oil painting. A. also kept repeating that he got off well, and that the buttock is, in general, nonsense, the muscles work and he does the splits 8) Moreover, it was clear that somehow his wife L saved him from being completely devoured by wolves. These wolves for some reason they respected her. Then there was a ballet class, A. tried to teach it, but because of his chewed buttock it was painful and uncomfortable for him and he kept forgetting the combinations and therefore asked me to reproduce them. After that, I was walking down the street with someone and we met a woman with a large black dog. As the dog passed me, he suddenly grabbed my sleeve with his teeth. The woman immediately began to explain that I made some kind of gesture, which for this dog is a command to bite, and that the dog is good. Then it somehow turns out that this woman brought the dog for me and in general this dog was intended for me for a long time. She begins to explain to me how to give this dog different commands with gestures and voice. I begin to imitate her, the dog obediently does everything and looks at me with such lovingly devoted eyes. Further more, from somewhere I myself begin to remember various dog commands that I once taught my real dog and this dog recognizes them. In the end, something like deep sympathy and mutual understanding arises between me and this dog. In short, the dog stays with me. Then I come to my parents, a lot of relatives are visiting, we are waiting for someone else. Everyone has gathered to celebrate the New Year and are discussing where and how to do it. In the kitchen, a crowd of people are busy chopping huge quantities of bright red boiled beets, ostensibly for a vinaigrette. Suddenly the phone rings. I pick up the phone and hear the excited voice of my husband’s first wife, trembling with excitement and breathy. “Hello, this is Cheryl,” she says, “I know that R. (husband) was going to go to a Mozart concert and I have to tell him that I was at this concert recently and I’m afraid that he will be disappointed, it’s not quite what he wants to hear." I suddenly remember from somewhere that they had already told me about this concert, and here in Ukraine someone went to it and also spoke badly about it. I answer her: “Yes, he already knows. Our friends here have already gone to this concert and said that they had never heard a worse performance of Mozart in their lives; they say it was simply unbearable.” Cheryl, her voice breaking with surprise, asks: “Really, really? In Russia?" Then my husband appears and I decide to give him the phone. (But in real life, he hasn’t spoken to her for many years, and if anything happens, then I communicate with her on the phone and it’s quite normal. 8) This is our situation.) After this, one old old long-forgotten acquaintance suddenly calls me, with whom in the distant years we flirted and joked very happily. For some reason, we agree to meet with him and again on the theme of the New Year, it seems that we are going to celebrate this New Year together. At the same time, we joke and fool around again, I laugh and at the same time watch myself in the mirror. End of the dream.


But recently I was just reading something on the topic of dogs and wolves.

For alchemists, the wolf was a symbol of the East or the “wild unconscious”, nature, etc.,

and the dog, respectively, of the West and the cultivated consciousness, are two sides of the same coin in general.

Those. with dogs and wolves, in general, everything is clear, but it’s not clear why the wolves bit off A.’s buttock 8)

But the Mozart concerto is a curious thing. Why Mozart and her husband's ex-wife? There is something there, I don’t understand what yet.


The eve of the New Year is an internal anticipation of upcoming new events in your life, similar to the feeling before the real New Year holiday. Therefore, the external changes [scenes and interiors change], but the vector remains [this city and New Year's Eve remain]. Somehow, an old, long-forgotten acquaintance with whom you flirted and joked very happily in distant years is involved in this feeling. It is no coincidence that in the dream you are going to spend the holiday being discussed together [he and I agree on a meeting and again on the theme of the New Year, it seems that we are going to celebrate this New Year together]. It seems that you adequately assess what is happening, since you do not mention that you saw yourself in the mirror, but not like that [we are joking and fooling around again, I laugh and at the same time observe myself in the mirror].

There are several interesting transitions in this dream. An elderly married couple currently symbolizes your marital relationship (for example, in the context of the test of time) and this is a sign that the revolution of the 1st paragraph will not negatively affect your marriage (you and your husband also have a chance to become such an elderly couple one day) .

But the ballet couple, symbolizing your creative potential, will be less lucky. The Master of Dreams from afar (through other heroes) shows that some instincts encroach on the integrity and effectiveness of creative possibilities [they ran into a pack of wolves, coyotes and jackals, who for some reason attacked and chewed off the buttock], awakening at the moment of utilization of negative emotions [they had to go to some separate toilet in the forest and once, leaving there, they ran into a pack of wolves]. Please note that it is the harm to creativity that remains relevant [because of his buttock being chewed off, he was in pain and uncomfortable and he kept forgetting the combinations and therefore asked me to reproduce them]. It turns out that the heroes of your dream are attacked by wolves and cause damage, while you yourself seem to be able to quite find a common language with another representative of the wolf family [in the end, something like deep sympathy and mutual understanding arises between me and this dog]. And it is not entirely clear in connection with such discrepancies - either it is shown that the assessment of what is happening by the ego-consciousness differs from the true one (they say, everything is fine, the dogs are tame, although somewhere in the forest they attack people), or wild wolves will become more obedient (since at first the dog still attacks you, and only then tames it). Here again the New Year’s canvas is being woven in and it seems that you will take some active steps in the sphere of the husband’s relationship with his ex-wife [then the husband appears and I decide to pass the phone to him (to communicate with Cheryl)].

As for Mozart. Remember, I said that depending on what kind of creative process a person dreams of, then he has a positive predisposition to this (poems, music, dancing, drawing, etc.)? According to the dream, it follows that composing does not fall within the purview of your creative potential [friends have already gone to this concert and said that they had never heard the worst performance of Mozart in their lives, they say it was simply unbearable]. But here a footnote should be made that all these conclusions were made from hearsay and Mozart’s “bad” performance may in fact be due to the negative mood of one of the mental representations (which it unambiguously “reported”). Now, if you yourself heard disgusting music, then you could confidently make statements (for example, your Ego is so negatively tuned to internal music that it hears it only as a cacophony). And so, since you haven’t heard this Mozart yourself, then this is a context connecting other fragments of the dream.


Well, I got a fancy sonic 8)

I probably agree about the internal premonition of the “new year”.

In any case, this option suits me 8)

About the elderly married couple... I don't know... maybe.

I can’t say that this arrangement really attracts me.

But let's not talk about this topic. As for everything else, I’ll say that in my opinion it’s a dream

It was like there was a “double bottom” and I couldn’t convey it in my story, it was very difficult. Take for example

A. with a bitten off buttock. For some reason, my Ego in the dream felt more funny than sorry for A. It felt like I was suppressing laughter all the time out of decency. And this is probably important, because such a feeling (secret laughter, fun at the expense of others)

was during the entire sleep. Wolves didn’t seem scary to me at all, and for some reason it was clear that they weren’t scary to L., they seemed to only attack men, and in general it seemed like a she-wolf had bitten A.

Then it was funny to me that my husband’s ex-wife was so excited about some concert and for some reason it was terribly pleasant that I surprised her with my answer, like I knew everything in advance. Moreover, the concert itself was of little interest to me at all; it was important to impress her.

After that, interest disappeared and I gave it to my husband. 8) I think that their relationship has nothing to do with it, since in general it has already completely ended and there has been almost no communication for a long time. The fact is that once the image of my ex-wife aroused in me jealousy and a desire, roughly speaking, to “be better” and “to be different,” but now

It doesn’t matter to me at all, and the dream conveys this whole trick so figuratively. My past worries are funny to me now. Hence, apparently, my old acquaintance Lesha, with whom we laughed a lot and made fun of the employees (we worked together).

The episode with the dog was the only serious one, without laughter. Yes, and how Mozart got here is still unclear, because... I certainly don’t intend to become a composer, but it’s difficult to say how to solder him to my husband’s ex-wife.





I had a series of these dreams when I was 6-8 years old. Very often I dreamed: I approached the window, 5-6 wolves were sitting on the field around the lantern. They were howling. the dream stopped a few years later when one of the wolves came up to me and looked out my window. I can’t explain this dream, now I’m 21 years old. I was scared, but very curious.


I found myself in the depths of a dense spruce forest, there was pure snow, a bright moon, in the middle there was a house, me and 3 unknown guys were sitting in it, one seemed familiar to me, he showed a two-sided picture, it seemed to me that he was a thief, we were sitting in the house, the fireplace was burning , the house was without furniture, only one empty table at which we were sitting, the wolves howled very loudly, everyone was scared, I was not a bit scared, she asked me to go clear the road, I saw a wolf, he was about 1 meter at the withers with red eyes, but I was not scared, cleared the road...and this is where I woke up


in a clearing in the forest, a wolf howl was heard in the distance, the leader got nervous, wolves flashed between the trees, I’m calm, I have a gun in my pocket, the wolves came out from all sides, they’re surrounding me, I see the leader, I need to kill him, the leader is actually a man, I’m afraid to look in his eyes, I jerk the gun, it doesn’t shoot, I jerk it again, the cartridge sticks, I take out the clip, I remove the stuck cartridge, it doesn’t shoot again, instead of a gun I use a lighter, I let the human leader light a cigarette, I try to switch it to pistol mode, it doesn’t shoot... I wake up with horror.


My friends and I were relaxing in a house, and suddenly a wolf began to kill us one by one (1 person per day). I got very scared and started advising everyone on how to barricade our house. And so we sit in a small room and talk, and they tell me that it’s me who’s killing everyone, that I’m a werewolf, and I’m just in shock and can’t believe it.


Recently this topic has already been present and discussed. See I am a vampire. The difference is that here the presence of evil somewhere within is indicated by the people around you, but you cannot believe it. A wolf is a dog, only more dangerous. Behind this image is the original need to care for someone. Then this concern develops into the need to dominate small and dependent brothers. Then - to kill them. If you realize and control this tendency within your own psyche, you can come to a very harmonious and balanced relationship with others. “Do not kill,” so as not to provoke retaliatory aggression, do not generate in others the force of vengeance aimed at your destruction. There is a measure of fairness in the use of aggression that must be discovered independently and then adhered to in relation to specific situations. If this principle is violated, then the dream will always accurately indicate the error.


I am in a pleasant area, fields and mountains around. I was riding someone, not paying attention, then I felt like I grabbed a wolf by the mane and was sitting astride him without a saddle. He is quiet and I control him. Then I move from him to the horse, on which a woman is already sitting, I sit behind her. And so I continue my journey in the company of other riders. And all this happens in the mountains.




I dreamed that I was standing on my balcony with my dad, on the 4th floor, and 7 wolves were running downstairs. My dad wanted to go somewhere, but I had to beat it and couldn’t sleep how to get out of the entrance alone, he gave me a gun and one wolf I killed, and began to shout at them with funny words, to which they also began to grow angry, and even called me “mop” names. But in general, this dream was not scary to watch, I wonder what it meant?


I had this dream somewhere on December 11-12, and on December 12 I left on a trip in which I met and started a relationship with a person. I dreamed of a wolf, but he didn’t attack me, didn’t do anything bad, and I wasn’t afraid of him, what I clearly remember is his eyes, just like in life, clear green-yellow. I'm 16 years old, my name is Olga.


Let's repeat the rule about the wolf again. The dream uses images of wolves and dogs to characterize the relationship within a couple. When one person behaves - in the emotional-sensory sphere - too actively, and the other too passively, then dogs dream. When an active person is about to limit the freedom of a passive person, he dreams of a wolf. This symbolism originates from the relationship with the mother: at first the mother dominates for the purpose of protection, and then turns into a wolf because she does not want to let her child go free.


You start a relationship with a certain person. And then you see a wolf in a dream, and very active eye contact occurs between you and the wolf. If we look into the dictionary of ontopsychology images, we will find the following: “A wolf has a more negative meaning than a dog.” Let's see what a dog means. “The dog indicates emotional and sensory dominance in relation to the dependent junior; usually talks about the relationship with the mother, which is usually negative. It means one who first protects, then dominates, and finally bites and strangles to death, like a wolf sinking its fangs into the throat of its prey.” Then let’s look at what “eyes” mean. » Eyes - means a powerful semantic influence. If eye contact is updated, and at the same time rational analysis is carried out, then it symbolizes complete control ... "

In general, the dream means: I have become very dependent on this person, I am fascinated by him. But the consequences of this connection will most likely be negative for me. This person will “build up” me and sooner or later I will want to run away from him.

The actions of this black and white nightmare (although I usually have color dreams) take place in my old apartment. I lived in an old area, in an old five-story building on the third floor, my windows overlooked something like a wild garden with wild fruit trees. The dream began with that that I was standing on the balcony with some guy. He and I were chatting about something, joking, and generally having a good time. The strangest thing is that I wasn’t even surprised why we were always standing on the balcony and where this guy even came from. Then I don’t know why I jumped down, the guy stayed on top, he shouted something to me in a panic, but I didn’t I heard and laughing called him to me. And suddenly I saw two burning eyes that were looking straight at me. I started to run in fear, and the beast rushed after me. The bushes thinned out and I saw an incredibly huge gray wolf running after me. I was in a panic and the more scared I became, the brighter his eyes lit up. It already seemed to me that I was doomed, but then a miracle happened - I was able to break away and run away. Incredibly, I managed to escape. Please decipher this dream for me, what it means.


Night forest, full moon, glistening dew, cold wind, I stand in a clearing for a second, a cloud covers the moon and I hear a soul-chilling animal howl, the moon emerges and fills the clearing with silver light and I see a wolf standing in front of the house, but I understand that these are werewolves, but I don’t feel fear, on the contrary I talk to him asking him to accept me into his flock.


in a place that is familiar to me, for some reason I decided to sleep, probably because I couldn’t sleep at home. Friends passed by. And then suddenly 3 wolves appeared around me - not large ones. They growled and started licking me - as if they were tasting me. At first I was not very afraid, but at one moment I felt strong fear. I started calling those friends who passed by for help, but they didn’t hear me. Either because they didn’t hear, or because they didn’t want to hear. I received help from a person who was not close to me at all.


I don’t remember how the dream started, but my friend and I (we study in the same group at the university and live together - she rents a room from me) were traveling with an unfamiliar young man, we were in military uniform, and we lied to him that we were studying at a military school ( actually in technology, for construction engineers). He said: “well, if you don’t have the brains, you can go there,” I answered that in fact it was simple: “no money.” Then everyone laughed about something, in general the conversation was pleasant. He was supposed to take us somewhere, like home. It was already dark, there was snow everywhere, the road was in the forest, there were dacha-type houses in the trees and in general there was some kind of presence of life, completely abandoned at night. But I noticed all this briefly because we were looking at the top, he was showing us something there - there were wires stretching very high, about 5 meters above us, they had unusually shaped lanterns, like chandeliers, and one of them was glowing (but somehow very far away) with colorful lights, but dim, and still incredibly beautiful. We were happy, I shouted “look,” pointing at this lamp. Then it suddenly became dark. Completely. The forest caught a glimpse and I noticed a wolf. The semblance of a car disappeared somewhere and the three of us were in complete darkness and I felt the wolf breathing, but I didn’t feel either my friend or this guy at all, although I knew that they were nearby. I understood that we didn’t know where and it wasn’t clear how we got there, but this briefly. I lay curled up, not on my side, but on my knees, and a small tremor ran through me, like a chill. And in my head there was such an obsessive thought that the main thing is not to be afraid of him (the wolf) and then he won’t bite, he’ll just leave, and he sniffed us one by one as if he was choosing us, and when I felt that I had completely calmed down and was not afraid, I two long fangs cut right into the middle of his back. My name is Vika, I’m 19 years old, now (after admission) I live in Belgorod, I’m studying in my third year at a technological university. I was born and raised in the Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in a small town, in Belgorod, with parents in the quarter where I live, first alone, now with Olya, who was in the dream.


My name is Ksenia, I'm 23 years old. I dreamed that I was stroking a wolf, he was affectionate. I was desperately dreaming about my pets - a cat and a cat, which, unfortunately, disappeared, or my cat, with whom, thank God, everything is fine.


I dreamed that 50 wolves gathered around my dacha house (it was built by my grandfather) and surrounded me. At first I was even scared, but then I realized that they were all my friends and I told them: Go to the house. This is exactly what they did, and I remained on the street.


I dreamed of wolves in a dream, I was very afraid, but the wolves did not have time to bite me, because people (In reality, unknown to me) saved me, and in the dream I knew them very well. I know the area where this happened very well from somewhere. When I woke up from sleep, I had a very bad feeling.


I had this dream about two years ago, but I still can’t forget it and in rare moments it still plunges me into bewilderment... But let’s start in order. As is often the case, I only remember the dream from the middle. I am in a two-story hall on the second floor (something like a balcony along all the walls). People are walking around me, couples are dancing on the first floor. I stand between two thrones on which sit kings and his wife. For some reason, like in a banal fairy tale, I am this man’s own daughter and his wife’s stepdaughter. She scolds me for the fact that all the troubles that have befallen the kingdom lately and the appearance of some Kapunka are connected with me, that I am the source of all their troubles, etc. and so on. Not understanding anything, I stand and watch as the buttons on her luxurious dress began to come off and float through the air towards where the couples were dancing. I follow this procession with my eyes and understand that everyone is moving away in horror from the middle of the room in which he appeared... I don’t even know how to describe him more precisely... The head of a wolf, a hefty black mane, broad shoulders, I don’t remember what he was wearing, but there were clothes ( something like brown leather pants and the same jacket) He stood on two legs and the buttons that flew up to him fell at his feet. Everyone started shouting, why did I bring Kapunka with me, now there won’t be any trouble... I thought that I hadn’t brought anyone, much less invited him here, and went out into the street. Panic began on the street, everyone was running and shouting that the end of the world would soon come and we had to save ourselves. At this time, passing by a house, I notice a girl on the balcony hanging a washed blouse. “We need to warn her, let her be more careful,” I think and go into the entrance. I pass the door and this Kapunka comes to meet me. I don’t have the slightest fear or even a hint that he is dangerous... He walks past me, then turns sharply and bites me in the neck... I wake up sweating and lie in bed for a long time, afraid to move. Then I decided to dispel the sleep, got up, walked around here and there, drank some water. I fell asleep, and through my sleep, in some kind of slumber, I felt that someone was starting to climb into my bed. Step, second, it turns out that it was Kapunka who stood over me, I find myself between his legs and he reaches out his hand to me and says that now you are mine and I must go with him... I extend my hand to him in response and I really feel it his fingers... Apparently this feeling of truthfulness and fear brings me out of this slumber. I lay there like a log until the morning and began to get ready for work. Being in shock from what I saw, I went to bed in the evening in full confidence that a dream only happens once and cannot be repeated. I'm falling asleep. I dream that I am in Kapunka’s arms, he is carrying me and says that we are stupid people. We think that there is God (pardon the blasphemy) and there is the Devil. In fact, there is no such division, there is only a single being or essence that combines all the good and bad. And this is the essence of HE! Kapunka said that after going through some (I don’t remember how many) circles of hell, you can purify yourself to the required level. He put me on the ground, soared in the air and hovered above the ground, spread out his arms and began to glow from the inside. Then a bright, blinding white light began to come out of it. It seemed like he was in pain. Then everything stopped and in the place of the wolf-man a rather youthful-looking young man appeared, but it was still the same Kapunka. He took me in his arms again and we flew into the sky (like clouds). It was on this bright note that I woke up, but the feeling of anxiety did not leave me for a long time. I didn’t dream about him anymore...

1 At first I had some terrible dreams. I remember 2 she-wolves. I remember I dreamed about a man and I woke up in fear. I thought, read, fell asleep. 2. I came to some room for a meeting (this place is connected with people who are ontopsychologists). The room is spacious, people are at the tables, there are boxes of candy on the table. Someone says to me: Help yourself, take some candy! I take a candy from the box in a light package with sealed ends. In my left hand I press a package with a box of chocolates to my chest (in the dream I know that there is a box of chocolates), the sealed package is open. Someone cheerfully notes that I have already opened the box, I say: Of course! To eat, but what to pull?! There are quite a lot of people, they cluster around the tables, I understand that there will be a seminar here and if I stay here now for it, I will have to pay for participation. Then I see a man sitting in a thoughtful pose, he is wearing a light shirt. The man’s head is filled with something black, thick, like foam or fuel oil, up to his neck, so that his eyes, mouth, etc. are not visible. Then I talk with the woman, we decide where to put the table for studying. And the woman owner suggests placing it above the flight of stairs, there is some kind of platform hanging over the descent of the stairs. I'm surprised, how can you put a table here?! Hostess: What’s normal, let’s set it up like this - I see that Lna places the left legs of the table on some ledges from the wall, and the right ones on that surface that overhangs the staircase descent. The table is tilted at about 30 degrees, and I’m wondering how to approach it and work?!


The day before, I received a call from an art studio and an invitation to talk about teaching classes. Before that, there was a call, and the woman said that she would like to come to classes at the center (where I taught in the summer), or maybe I could negotiate a rental in the above mentioned art studio and then the whole group will stay to study with me. I decided to start by checking out what is going on with A’s move and whether it’s possible to invite people there. Even before the call, I, of course, looked on the Internet what the studio does, saw the professor’s paintings in the interior, read, what kind of teachers teach classes and in particular my direction and, of course, self-criticism began to grow and expand And then a call from the studio itself, unexpected of course, I agreed to a meeting And I thought that there is, then I’ll show them and let them see for themselves Before the meeting, I stopped by V , he brought me the work to show me, apologized that he was busy and could not let me down with the paintings. I was met by a young girl with a good face. We talked, she showed me what the group was doing in previous classes. I openly said that I studied on my own and have no special education and I can only give what I can I found out that she found me through 2-3 people (not through the Internet), I realized that one of those who studied with me recommended me to one of the art school students. In general, we agreed on Wednesday to start, but before that I suggested reconsidering the economic side, since my materials may not be profitable for me (unless management experience is also important) After the meeting I went to the new address A, the apartment is suitable for kindergarten, but for those who are not cheap Something is not very good about classes - that in a residential building. With the same success, I can invite people to my home, with the difference that in a residential building there is practically no furniture in the room, and there is also no table for studying. It is noteworthy that when I went home, my eyes closed on their own and I saw a round pie and 2 wedges were being cut off. I also saw that along the river on the opposite bank there were trucks walking in a row (maybe eight) I also saw that I was pouring clean water into transparent bowls, in order one after another (from 5 to 8 probably bowls) NOW I’ll see what happens. From the first plot it follows that in the studio you can a) exchange candies, b) learn from a professional teacher, for this of course you will have to pay. Perhaps the man is a reflection of my gloomy thoughts and doubts about my qualities and skills A maybe B with thoughts about work? With an offer And here “with a table” is really inconvenient. Now I have a whole pie, because they don’t take rent from me and% of sales (but I have an idea to pay% to the woman who organized the people, however, I still don’t know if she will take the money? Of course, this place is the most convenient, I want to ventilate other possibilities in this building. What can I do? - pour water into bowls. What does this mean?


The first dream about wolves is a variation of the “dog” theme, that is, the theme of dependence on the parental family. During awakening, you “calm down,” that is, you find the right answer for yourself. And then you dream about work. Perhaps this is an art studio with which you are planning to enter into a contract. agreement When we get there in a dream, we evaluate the details Candy - a positive image A table hanging over the stairs means that you will have to “rack your brains” over some theoretical, bureaucratic or other rational-logical issues See Meneghetti, what does the image of a staircase mean A man without face and all smeared with tar, of course, is negative. But we don’t know: who is he? You can, of course, alternately identify his image with possible candidates among your close circle and identify the suspect by bodily reaction. But on the other hand, in a dream he does nothing, does not act. That is, if there is no strong desire to “get involved” with him, then you can and ignore When you lead a group, there is always someone “without a face”, untalented and negative. Pouring water into bowls is also from the area of ​​teaching. Perhaps bowls are the minds of your students

PS It’s better to indicate about SMS for now

I dreamed that my close friend and I were running away from a big black bird at night. we ran across a huge field, it felt like it was a huge labyrinth. Then we came across a fence, there were people standing there and one woman told us that we should not run away from this bird, that we needed to listen to it and that these birds had come for us. We stopped and began to wait for these birds, they flew up, one bird flew up to my friend, the other to me. And this woman told us not to be afraid of them, and stroked them. we began to pet them and they slowly turned from birds into wolves, we continued to pet them until they changed from wolves to boys. when they had already turned into guys, we ran up to them, hugged them and kissed them on the cheek. then it disappears and my friend and I again run across the same field from someone and hear a voice that we again don’t need to run away, that we are running away from our own friends. then in front of us we saw a really familiar girl and followed her. we began to ask her where she was taking us, she said that you will study. we walked along a long corridor where there were many closed doors. she left us in front of one door and said that we needed to go there. this door opened and we saw a lot of dead fish in this room. and we were told that we would need to clean all this fish. After that, my friend and I tried to escape from there, but we were still caught and brought back to this room. we stood looking around and then I woke up. Please help me decipher this dream.

Recently I had a dream in which at first everything was on fire, then it was as if an earthquake had started and I had this feeling as if something was going to kill me. Then everything suddenly stopped and I heard a wolf howl. When I looked out the window, I saw how a puppy first ran out into the yard, followed by a pack of wolves, and one of them tore the puppy into pieces. Then I ran to the door and began to hold it tightly because it seemed to me that they would be able to get into the house through the door. And while I was holding the door, I had the feeling that someone was trying to open it from the other side. But then it all stopped abruptly. I still remained at the door, tightly gripping the doorknob. Then I looked out the window and saw this puppy running into the yard again and wolves behind him, but they were already led by a huge red wolf and he was tearing the puppy to shreds. I flew to the door and grabbed the handle again. And I again felt this power from that side. After a while everything stopped, I felt a breeze, and the rays of dawn were shining from the window. I calmed down, walked away from the door and I felt so good, I felt such relief as if everything was over.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • Society, public duty; caring for the family.
  • May indicate a need for more care and support.
  • Fear, especially the fear of being squeezed into a corner.
  • Inappropriate flirtatious behavior.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • Wolves have a very developed sense of family and pack. They hunt and raise their young together, and they have a very strong sense of hierarchy. There are no known cases of human death as a result of a wild wolf attack in North America (although it has occasionally occurred in Europe). As a rule, wolves are non-aggressive and clashes between pack members are extremely rare. Do you feel supported by your family? Do you need to balance your personal needs with those of your family? This bright sign tells you about your family relationships and family feeling.Are you swallowing your food too quickly? Have you developed a voracious appetite? This sign can tell you that you need love and emotional support. For some people, the wolf can be a symbol of fear.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • Good value
    If an animal's mouth is bleeding, then very soon you will have a faithful and reliable companion. To make sure this happens, draw a circle on the wall with yellow hollow paint, and inscribe a triangle in it.
  • Bad value
    If the animal is sleeping, then soon your enemies will begin to act and none of your friends will be able to protect you. To protect yourself, paint a thin red stripe on each nail. And before entering the room, throw one coffee bean over your right shoulder for a week.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • A very strong enemy

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • The wolf is the enemy with whom you have to fight / the soul of a suicide / your greed, stinginess, passion for acquisition and the damage that a person suffers from these qualities / making an enemy, quarrel.
  • Hearing the howl of wolves means need, loneliness.
  • Seeing a wolf pack means a clash with the enemy.
  • Being in a pack of wolves is a threat.
  • A rapidly running wolf pack means damage from enemies.
  • Hunt wolves - open a conspiracy.
  • Killing a wolf means victory over the enemy.
  • Eating his meat means favorable circumstances.
  • To catch a wolf or to have one is to become an object of ridicule, to find yourself in a funny position.
  • Wolf - can symbolize the greed of a person and dealings with him.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • The wolf is definitely an enemy. If you killed a wolf in a dream, you will defeat your enemies in reality.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • If you dreamed of a wolf, then among your employees there is a careless and irresponsible person.
  • Killing a wolf in a dream means dealing with cunning enemies in reality.
  • Hearing a wolf howl means exposing someone's conspiracy and winning in a tough competition.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

See a Wolf in a dream

  • Symbolizes strength and independence.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

See a Wolf in a dream

  • If you dream of a wolf, the dream means a quick deal with a cruel and treacherous person. This is a warning dream. If a wolf bites you in a dream, it means illness and loss. Defeating a wolf in a dream is a sign of great success and wealth. A pack of wolves - portends you many years of suffering.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • The ferocious wolf stands motionless. - Portends a happy meeting with an official.
  • Jackals, wolves and angry dogs. - Thieves and robbers.
  • The wolf eats the meat on the leg. - Talks about an unfavorable situation.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

See a Wolf in a dream

  • The wolf is a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, anger and gluttony. In real life, the wolf acts independently and brings a lot of evil to people and many animals. There are a large number of folk expressions dedicated to this evil beast, which could be deposited in your subconscious and become a kind of message for the appearance of the image of a wolf in a dream: “People are dear, but the wolf is not,” “They beat the wolf not for that, but for that.” , that he ate the sheep”, “Winter for the wolf for the custom. Winter was told to the wolf”, “No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest”, “The wolf ate raw meat and spun high”, “Wolves howl under houses - to frost or to war” and many others.
  • Seeing a wolf hunting for a kid in a dream means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can only solve the problems that arise yourself.
  • If in a dream the wolf does not catch up with the kid, then such a dream suggests that you should not take on the business offered to you, otherwise you will lose everything you have.
  • Watching in a dream a wolf standing near a high mountain and looking at a goat grazing on it is a sign that in real life you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will be able to get out of it with honor and even benefit. If the goat stands on a mountain on which there is no vegetation, and the wolf is below in a green meadow, then in the near future your enemies will show themselves, but, despite all their efforts, they will not be able to defeat you, because you are much smarter and smarter than them.
  • If you dreamed of a wolf lying in wait for its prey not far from a herd of grazing cattle, then this dream is clear evidence that in real life, despite all your efforts, you will not be able to prevent evil.
  • To see a wolf secretly removing thirst from the trough of domestic animals in a dream indicates that there is a very evil person in your environment, whose actions are insidious and at the same time secretive. Such a dream may also mean that you should be very careful, otherwise you yourself will not understand how you will lose your job, property, family and, perhaps, even your life.
  • Caring for a wounded wolf in a dream is a sign that you are about to meet a person about whom you have previously heard only the worst. But such a dream also suggests that these rumors will not come true, and you will understand that this person is not as bad as you were told.
  • Threatening your child with a wolf in a dream, that is, telling him when he cannot sleep: “A little gray wolf will come and drag him away by the barrel,” means that in real life your words almost always disagree with your deeds.
  • Listening to the howl of a wolf in a dream is evidence that you will soon be presented with a false accusation. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work colleague is plotting against you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • A wolf bite - to a scandal, swearing, a fight, danger of injury during a quarrel

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • The wolf symbolizes the envy of others towards the person who saw this dream. A wolf entering your house is a sign warning of the possibility of conflict with the authorities. If the wolf also causes damage to your home, you are in danger of being persecuted! If the wolf did not cause damage to the house, then get ready in reality for a visit from a dignitary. However, if you happen to see a wolf in your own bed, and even in the company of your other half, the family idyll will come to an end due to the machinations of an influential and powerful person. Finding a wolf's head means glory. Taste the milk of a she-wolf in a dream - be prepared to face danger in reality!

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • Seeing a wolf in a dream means that among your employees there is a careless person who gives away industrial secrets and is capable of theft.
  • Killing a wolf means that you will cope with cunning enemies who seek to discredit you.
  • Hearing a wolf howl means that you will be able to expose a secret conspiracy directed against you and honestly emerge victorious in the competition.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • enemy.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • Seeing a wolf in a dream means that you are overly trusting of a person who will betray you. Killing a wolf in a dream means that you will defeat a cunning, insidious enemy who seeks to stain you with shame. Hearing a wolf howl in a dream means that you will soon reveal a secret alliance of your enemies who are trying to defeat you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

See a Wolf in a dream

  • Seeing a wolf is an enemy; to see many is a family quarrel.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • To see - in the near future dangers will pass you by.
  • Aggressive - your fears are in vain.
  • Throws, tears the body - you suffer from your defenselessness.
  • Whether it feeds you or the wolf cubs - your will will become stronger, you will achieve your goals, and receive support from the forces of nature.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Why do you dream about the Wolf?

  • Has a more negative meaning than a dog (see Dog).

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • In dreams, a wolf is often a symbol of loneliness or predatory behavior. If you dream of a wolf, then you are probably lacking friendships or companionship. Another scenario is that you feel that for personal gain, others are extorting something from you or you are extorting something from others.
  • Does the wolf appear up close and growl, or do you notice him at a great distance, driven into a desperate situation?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See a Wolf in a dream

  • The wolf is a symbol of cruelty, courage, open struggle for life and death, love of freedom and independence.
  • Seeing a wolf in a fight with a fox is a symbol of open confrontation, which will end the long-term, decency-covered enmity between Russia and Ukraine, which will break out after February 2006.
  • Seeing a wolf with black fur - this dream foreshadows the coming of a werewolf who will disrupt the quiet life of many and force them to turn to God for salvation and help.
  • Seeing a wolf in a red cap means a dubious position that Russia will occupy at a meeting of countries at the end of 2018, this will be expressed in the absence of compelling arguments and material support.
  • Seeing a wolf covered with sheep's clothing is a symbol of hidden meanness that a treacherous ally is preparing. This is especially worth fearing in the year of the Rooster.
  • A wolf taking food from a person’s hands means that a maniac who has kept thousands of people in fear for a long time will be condemned and isolated.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Wolf

  • To see is to suffer an explosion of strong anger; hear the howl of a wolf - you will be warned of danger; to be persecuted is to have a mortal enemy.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

See a Wolf in a dream

  • wolf bit - danger

See a Wolf in a dream

  • hunt wolves - discovery of a conspiracy or design
  • kill a wolf - death to the enemy

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: dream book of Nostradamus, dream book of Denise Lynn (brief), Slavic dream book, esoteric dream book, dream book of Martyn Zadeki, dream book of Schiller-Shkolnik, Chaldean dream book, dream book of the Otavalos Indians, Indian shamanic dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Azar's dream book, lunar dream book, mirror dream book of psychological states, Shereminskaya's dream book, V. Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book, Russian dream book, G. Ivanov's newest dream book, dream book of love, spiritual dream book, men's dream book, culinary dream book, Russian dream book, Longo's dream book, Assyrian dream book, and others.

Most dream interpreters agree that a gray predator that appears to a person in a dream symbolizes cruelty, deceit, malice and power.

The image of the owner of the forests inspires unaccountable fear in people, and for good reason. A dream book will help you find out what the animal was about in your dream and what to expect in the near future.

I dreamed about wolves in a dream, what is this for?

Famous interpreter Miller States that appeared in a dream the owner of the forest warns a person about the presence of a hidden enemy in his immediate environment, whose actions interfere with the implementation of the dreamer’s plans. Perhaps this ill-wisher is passing on important information to competitors, or is simply stealing from you.

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If a predator howls, This means that you will be able to reveal the enemy’s secret plan.

When you dream she-wolf with cubs, you may find yourself in bad company, perhaps you will be drawn into a dangerous business that threatens with unpleasant consequences.

If The predator allows you to pet puppies in your sleep, you will soon find yourself in the rays of glory. However, luck can run out at any moment, so extreme caution must be exercised.

Why does a woman dream of a wolf in a dream?

If A woman dreams of wolves, this could mean the following:

  • you will soon get married;
  • predator eats from hand and behaves kindly - the marriage will be strong and the husband will be kind;
  • beast behaves aggressively, attacks - suffering, evil husband, unsuccessful marriage;
  • aggressive pack– misunderstanding and hostility on the part of the husband’s relatives;
  • animal attack– your greatest fear will appear to you in reality;
  • predator bite- expect changes in your personal life.

Why do you dream about wolves attacking?

Often dream why do you dream wolves to man which attack:

  • predator attack means a major quarrel or loss of support from a loved one;
  • animals are running after you– the appearance of a dangerous enemy;
  • if the wolf bites– beware of strangers;
  • A woman dreams of attacking predators- imminent danger.

Why is there a white wolf in a dream?

If you dreamed white wolf in a dream - this portends a happy and calm life. You can safely implement your plans, everything will turn out very well.

Big White th predator who chasing behind the dreamer is a symbol foreshadowing a risky business.

Hunting on a white animal - you will achieve what you want in the near future.

Iron owner of the forest - get rid of the enemy.

Seeing a black or gray wolf in a dream

Black a predator is a bad harbinger. His coming in a dream could mean illness or even death.

If such a beast chasing after your relatives and or friends, in reality they are in serious danger.

Kill black beast - you will be able to avoid great danger, iron his is an unjustified risk. Be careful, don't trust strangers.

Gray predator with red glowing eyes hiding in the forest - a person you trust will betray you.

Why do you dream about a pack of wolves?

If you dream in a dream pack of wolves:

  • dreamed of a man– damages and losses;
  • if a woman dreamed– for unmarried young ladies, such a dream foreshadows a quick successful marriage, but only if the animals do not show aggression;
  • run away from the pack– you are surrounded by the wrong people, perhaps a friend will betray you at the most inopportune moment;
  • hunting where hunters chasing a flock- a dangerous enemy will soon be defeated.

Vanga States that flock gray predators foreshadow a conspiracy against the dreamer, and attack flocks are a warning that he should expect trouble from colleagues or friends.

Why does a man dream about a wolf?

If man dreams gray predator:

  • the beast sits in a cage– trouble has been hiding for a while, and is waiting for the right moment;
  • bit my hand or leg - you shouldn’t start new things;
  • fight with the beast– you have a dangerous enemy;
  • discover animal in his house– family troubles, possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • kind beast who caresses - success in business;
  • loud howl hear - need or loneliness, probable intrigues of work colleagues.

If you dream of a wolf in a dream for a girl

The interpretation may be as follows:

  • pregnant woman dreams of beast– strong emotions in reality, unnecessary anxiety;
  • animal attack– your worst nightmare will come true;
  • run away from the beast– you are haunted by failures, do not try to blame the solution to your own problems on other people;
  • beast bite– changes will soon occur in your personal life;
  • get into a wolf pack - expect a quick wedding.

Kill a wolf in a dream

if you managed to kill this dangerous predator means that in real life you will defeat the enemy or come out of a difficult situation with dignity.

Seeing fresh beast meat,eat it- the situation will unexpectedly change in your favor, expect a favorable combination of circumstances. Perhaps you will receive support and help from an unexpected quarter.

Kill the gray wolf– get rid of old fears, become the master of the situation.

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