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Sports in the life of a preschooler.

Currently, one of the pressing problems is preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation. The first ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle are formed already in preschool age, which is fundamental in the development of a person’s personality.

The Federal State Educational Standard calls for adapting to national and regional needs and thereby creating conditions for the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of the individual, her abilities and inclinations, to meet developing socio-cultural and educational needs.Thus, a contradiction is determined between:

The formation of a positive and active attitude of young people from an early age towards sports and the undeveloped theoretical and methodological foundations;

The child’s need for movement, action and lack of formation of interests and motives in playing sports.

What is the benefit and why is sport important for preschool children? Sport is an integral part of the life of a healthy person who cares about his future. And in order to protect health from a young age, a love of sports must be instilled from childhood, starting from preschool age.

Playing sports with preschool children shapes their positive attitude towards their own health, helps in organizing activities and leisure time, and in finding a place in life. Based on this, it is necessary to introduce children to sports.

Considering the formation of an active and positive attitude towards sports, the goal is to develop interest in sports activities among beginners.

The need for this is due to a number of reasons:

Children have an acute motor need due to their development and growth;

Health status due to unfavorable environmental conditions and global climate change;

The increasing role of sport in the development of a child’s physical strength, his inclinations and abilities;

Lack of understanding among children of the value of sports.

All parents dream of raising a healthy and comprehensively developed child, and achieving this goal is impossible without regular physical education and sports.The task of parents is to encourage their children’s passion, control it, develop interest in sports, and not let it fade away. Parents must be convinced that playing sports develops the physical capabilities of the body, disciplines the child, and has a beneficial effect on health, morality, learning and behavior. Only such conviction will make parents true friends of sports, helpers of children in their sports activities. It should be remembered that all children need sports.

Sports for preschool children

Swimming . Strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, nervous system, normalizes blood circulation and breathing. In addition, it hardens and, accordingly, increases resistance to various diseases.

For very young children, you can offer the most basic, simple exercises or water games in the pool. It is recommended to practice effectively from the age of 6–8, when children can already listen intently and attentively, distinguish “right” from “left” and are fully familiar with the parts of their body.

Football, volleyball and basketball. Popular team games develop the ability to win and concede, serve as a prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, and build muscles.

Little players learn to interact, help a teammate and quickly navigate a difficult situation.

Gymnastics. For “princesses” over 4 years old. Plasticity and flexibility, graceful posture are acquired, self-esteem increases, and the appearance of flat feet is eliminated.

Coordination and clarity of movements are honed, girls become more musical and artistic, free and relaxed.

Horseback riding . Its popularity is gaining momentum. Communication with kind, calm animals solves psychological problems, improves general condition, the ability to maintain balance, treats and prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You can start doing it around the age of 5.

Tennis . Suitable for older preschoolers. Jumping, concentration, assertiveness, endurance, excellent coordination and reaction - these characteristics are developed on the court. In addition, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart improves.

Skis . An excellent option for hardening, gaining independence, endurance, and organization. It is better to start between 4 and 6 years old.

Dancing . Ballroom, folk and modern, any - increase performance, impart plasticity and artistry, improve the cardiovascular system.

How to choose a sport?

Before enrolling your child in any section, consult with him. Consult a doctor who will assess your health condition and give the necessary recommendations. Meet the future coach, find out his qualifications, listen to reviews.But remember that you cannot force or coerce a child under any circumstances, as this can only cause harm, and then the child will not want to do anything at all.For most children, the personal example of their mothers and fathers plays a major role in their desire to develop and lead a healthy lifestyle. The child will be more willing to learn new sports by watching active and cheerful parents, which will bring the desired results: the health and joy of your child.

We are used to the fact that sports for boys are exclusively football, and for girls only dancing. Think more broadly, referring to the experience of big-time sports: girls achieve high results in both fencing and martial arts, and boys are in no way inferior to them in figure skating in the plasticity of movements. The world of sports is diverse - this includes:

  • sports games (basketball, football, volleyball, golf);
  • complex coordination sports (gymnastics, acrobatics, fencing);
  • speed-strength sports (athletics);
  • cyclic (running, swimming);
  • intellectual (chess).

Sports for children allow you to find the optimal balance of physical, mental and communicative activity. The main condition is that the child must like what he does. Remember that there are many types of sports, and you should give your child the opportunity to choose what he likes. After all, why do you need tears, hysterics and the need to drag him by the collar to the next training session?

Which sport is better to choose?

Something fundamentally new appears in a child’s life: a team, a strict coach, and it’s strange that just yesterday you could watch cartoons all day, but now you need to train regularly. To make leaving your comfort zone painless, we take into account the psychological component!

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Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.


  1. Consolidate knowledge about sports;
  2. Learn to establish the simplest relationships between a sport and its attributes, the time of year;
  3. To develop the ability to speak correctly and completely and actively use words in speech on the topic “Sports Games”;
  4. Improve communication skills.
  5. Cultivate perseverance, patience, diligence.

Description of the manual: The versatility of the didactic manual “Types of Sports”, with a set of pictures on lexical topics: “Winter Sports”, “Summer Sports”, “Sports Equipment for an Athlete”, “Symbols of Sports Games” suggests the possibility of its use in working with children of senior preschool age . When creating the manual, I proceeded from the fact that it should be bright, attractive for children, educational, developing, convenient, so that several children could play at the same time. By varying the playing fields with tasks and ways to complete them, you can maintain interest in preschoolers for a long time. The manual allows you to consolidate material from simple to more complex.

The manual is made of plates covered with colored paper. The pockets are made of transparent film. Cards with types of sports, attributes for sports games, symbols of sports games are printed on a printer. Three plates connected to each other (like Lull circles). Several circles of different diameters are strung on a rod. All circles are divided into the same number of sectors. There are pictures on them. The circles move freely. Removable circles can be combined with other illustrations depending on the purpose. Using just a few rings, you can get either different versions of the game or additions to the game being played.

Working method: To start the game, place the manual on the table. Place the selected rings with pictures on top of the circles. Unscrew the edges of the plates. There are many game options. It all depends on the tasks assigned and the material covered by the children. The circles are divided into sectors and a picture is glued to each one, or the children insert them into the pockets themselves. Children, rotating the plates, must match the pictures united by the general theme of the game. This manual can be used to compose stories - a description of a sport (skiing, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball) using reference pictures - diagrams (a story in a chain, a story by two (three) children, one child). To reinforce the material, you can play a didactic game “Find the mistake”, in which the teacher swaps the pictures in advance, and the children find a picture that does not correspond to the signs of a given time of year. You can use the manual in the following educational games:

Game "Pick up a picture"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports; teach children to identify the signs of sports games; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports.

Game description: Pictures of winter and summer sports are attached to the bottom ring (hockey, luge, ski jumping, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, athletics, cross-country skiing). Children select pictures and put them in pockets. Winter sports are placed on the blue sectors, and summer sports on the yellow sectors. For the top ring, select the appropriate attribute for it (team, single sport, etc.)

For example: on the lower ring - an image of a hockey player is attached, on the upper ring - a team sport

Complication: Sports are selected after solving the riddle.

To consolidate the material, you can play the didactic game “Find the mistake”, in which the teacher changes the pictures in places, and the children find a picture that does not correspond to the sports game.


Then they beat off
They don’t have time to catch up . (Tennis)

He deftly goes around the gate,
Develops greater speed. (Skier)

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,

Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke. (Swimming)

Climbed onto the springboard
I wasn't afraid of heights.
I put on my skis
Flew off the springboard
Landed on the ground
Didn't fall, didn't break.
Who is this?

The athlete accelerates while sitting on them,
And lying on their backs they descend. (luge)

The game is on at the skating rink,
The ice is hot with skates.
Two teams perform
They drive the puck with sticks.
Hey guys, have fun.
And this game... (Hockey).

These fragile dragonflies
With a skipping rope - virtuosos,
They control the hoops,
Clubs and balls
They can draw with tape,
Who are they I want to know? (Gymnasts)

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize the symbols of sports games.

Game description: Children must match the cards with the sports and their symbols.

To reinforce the material, you can play the didactic game “Find the Error,” in which the teacher swaps the pictures in advance, and the children find a picture that does not match.

“Guess whose balls?”

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports attributes; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment; develop visual attention and logical thinking; expanding children's vocabulary with adjectives; develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Children name any sport on the lower ring, then by moving the middle and upper rings they select the sport, the corresponding definition and the ball belonging to this game.

For example: On the lower ring they name the sport - basketball, the athlete is a basketball player, on the middle ring they call the basketball hoop and correlate the upper ring with the symbol of this game.

At the end, children can be asked questions to consolidate:

– Show which athletes play football, tennis, basketball, rugby, volleyball.

– Men and women go in for sports. A man playing football is a footballer, but a woman? (ask about tennis, basketball, rugby, volleyball)

“Each player has his own field”

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports grounds; develop visual attention and logical thinking; develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Children guess riddles (type of sport), insert them into the pockets of the lower ring, then select a sports ground corresponding to this sports game into the pockets of the upper ring


A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

In shorts and warm mittens
Two comrades are fighting (Boxing)

Approaching the shield
We put the ball in the basket. (Basketball)

Hit the puck accurately with your stick,
If you play … (Hockey)

“Who owns what?”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to define sports games and correlate their games with symbols; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.

Game description: Children guess the riddles (type of sport) on the bottom ring, then move the middle and top rings to match the sport, the corresponding definition and symbol of the sports game.


The wheels are turning
The knitting needles are shining,
And road racers
The chariot rushes . (Cycling)

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,
What is the correct name for the competition? (Athletics)

Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke. (Swimming)

Exercises on parallel bars,
Horse and log
These young athletes
Fully capable . (Gymnasts)

They pulled the bowstring,
The arrows were released... Oooh
We flew, didn't fall,
Hit the bull's eye right . (Archery)

A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

In shorts and warm mittens
Two comrades are fighting (Boxing)

Our horse is rushing to the finish line
What is that game called? (Horseback Riding)

"Sport equipment"

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports attributes; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; Develop visual attention and logical thinking.

Game description: Pictures of winter and summer sports (figure skating, cycling, speed skating, basketball, football, snowboarding, boxing, alpine skiing) are attached to the bottom ring. Children select pictures and put them in pockets. On the middle ring, too, after solving the riddle, the appropriate equipment is selected for it (boxing gloves, snowboard, skates, soccer ball, skis, basketball hoop, bicycle), on the upper ring signs of sports are indicated (summer or winter sports)

For example: an image of a hockey player is attached to the bottom ring, a stick to the middle ring, a snowflake to the top ring (winter sport)

After all the circles have been collected, the children determine which athlete needs these items.

Skis are needed... ( skier) .
Skates are needed ( figure skater, speed skater) .
Need a ball ( football player, basketball player) .
Need a snowboard ( snowboarder),

Boxing gloves are needed ( boxer)

Need a bike ( For a cyclist)


Riddles for the bottom ring

The defense does not sleep, we go on the attack,
Approaching the shield
We put the ball in the basket. (Basketball)

So they came together in a fight in the ring.
Everyone has gloves on their hands.
The cheerful gong sounded
He gave the signal for the start of the battle . (Boxing)

The hero rushes along a steep mountain,
He is not afraid of frost,
Speed ​​like a steam locomotive . (Skier)

The wheels are turning
The knitting needles are shining,
And road racers
The chariot rushes . (Cycling)

Along the icy path

Athletes each other
They want to overtake. (Skating).

Jumping on ice to music,
Lifts and rotations.
The runners of the skates shine,
The costumes are a sight to behold. (Figure skating)

A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

Over the snowy mountains,
Over jumps and hills
On a snowboarding apparatus
Athletes break their records. (Snowboarding)

Riddles for the middle ring

From the blows I take off,
I'm flying into the distance at full speed.
I love flying into the gates
Hearing the joyful “Goal!”
I have one concern,
To make football beautiful.
I don't like it when you use your hands
Sometimes they touch me.
You can tame me with your feet
Or your head. (Soccer ball)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running the race!
And it’s not horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones …(Skates)

Early morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass,
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my... (Bike)

There are two stripes in the snow,
The two foxes were surprised.
One came closer:
Someone was running here... (Skis)

He looks like one board,
But I’m proud of the name,
It's called... (Snowboard)

The ball cracks when hit
He will be hammered into it (Basketball hoop)

Two girlfriends are leather pillows,
They put clothes on their hands and fight in the ring. (Boxing gloves)

"Winter and summer sports"

Target: Introduce children to winter and summer sports and consolidate existing ideas about them. Learn to solve riddles using evidence-based speech. Develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Players sort out cards with images of attributes. The teacher reads the riddle, players guess and select the necessary pictures, putting them in their pockets.


They kick the ball around the court with rackets,
Then they beat off
They don’t have time to catch up. (Tennis)

The athlete rushes down the slope like an arrow.
The snow from the skis flows like a fountain,
He deftly goes around the gate,
Develops greater speed. (Skier)

Players fight for the ball:
Attack, defend,
They take aim at the goal
Left, right, roundabout.
They score a goal and shout: “Hurray!”
But the game is being played
In the pool, not on the field.
And it's called (Water polo)

Along the icy path
The skates glide quickly.
Athletes each other
They want to overtake. (Skating).

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,
What is the correct name for the competition? (Athletics)

Here the boats are running,
Right and left, here and there,
People control them
They walk on the waves with the wind. (Sailing)

Climbed onto the springboard
I wasn't afraid of heights.
I put on my skis
Flew off the springboard
Landed on the ground
Didn't fall, didn't break.
Who is this? (Ski jumper)

The athlete approaches the barbell
He takes it by the neck.
The projectile will swing forward and backward,
And now the projectile is at the top - the weight is taken. (Weightlifting)

Jumping on ice to music,
Lifts and rotations.
The runners of the skates shine,
The costumes are a sight to behold. (Figure skating)

These fragile dragonflies
With a skipping rope - virtuosos,
They control the hoops,
Clubs and balls
They can draw with tape,
Who are they I want to know? (Gymnasts)

Two opponents in a fight fight:
They attack and fight back.
There is no blood from a rapier injection.
At least there are tournaments with battles. (Fencing)

In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is... (Basketball)

I'm in a hurry to get to training
I fight smartly in a kimano.
I need a black belt
Because I love….. (Karate)

Who's cooler
Slightly noticeable
To the cloud, to the cloud,
Meter by meter
It's difficult to get up -
Carrying his home on his back?
Think, think, don't be lazy!
Not a snail -... (Climber)

By playing sports from childhood, the child grows up harmoniously developed and not psychologically complex, because does not suffer from obesity, acquires beautiful posture. But not all children strive to play sports. As a rule, there is only one reason for this - a sport that is interesting for the child has not been found.

To get a child interested in sports, there are two ways. The first is visiting competitions, where you can watch professionals, because it is always an exciting spectacle. The second is my own example. Children learn about the world through repetition, so your little one will be excited to take part in the family sports tradition.

Parents often wonder at what age to start playing sports? Each child’s age has physiological characteristics; take them into account when choosing a sport for your child.

Pediatricians believe that you can start swimming lessons right from birth. Simple wallowing will improve health and train all the baby’s muscles. For congenital torticollis, rickets, scoliosis and flat feet, swimming is the best sport. But before you start classes, still get your doctor’s approval; there are also contraindications.

A child 2 - 5 years old is not yet ready for team games, but he will enjoy running, climbing, dancing, and ball games. This period is very timely to start classes. At this age, many parents send their children to figure skating, gymnastics, tennis and swimming. It is at this age that they begin to master those sports that require complex technique and excellent coordination.

From the age of two onwards, involve your child in family sports activities. This could be morning exercises, short runs in the park in the warm season, for winter you should buy a treadmill for your home, and practice simple outings into nature with ball games as often as possible. The child will happily do all this if adults set an example.

Children, having reached the age of 6, can clearly understand the rules of team games and their concept. Team games teach the child how to live in society and socialize him. Children from this age begin to enroll in football, tennis, gymnastics, and martial arts sections. The very popular athletics is not suitable for preschool children; they may come to it later. This is due to the physiology of children; the development of endurance and strength qualities begins at the age of 8.

Very often, parents are upset when their child changes one sport to another. But this is absolutely normal for younger children because they want to try absolutely everything, and your child is simply looking for what is closest to him.

Many parents are faced with the question: should they send their child to a sports section and is there any point in this at preschool age? The benefits of physical exercise are undeniable. They make the child healthy by deepening his breathing, improving digestion, and accelerating the removal of toxins from the body.

Why do we need sports?

But at the same time, many parents have negative memories of their physical education lessons. Some encountered unprofessionalism from a physical education teacher, while others simply do not like this kind of workload. For other parents, everything is different: they love sports and perceive it only positively. Therefore, it is important for them to teach this to the child.

Sports for preschoolers are primarily needed so that the child develops muscles, joints become mobile, and posture is straight. It is during physical activity that a child can learn to control his body, as well as show self-expression and self-realization. It is especially important for girls, since regular exercise gives grace and grace to their gait. For boys, this helps develop dexterity and reaction speed.

Physical education in kindergarten

It is not necessary to send your child to a special sports section. Regular physical education classes in kindergarten are sufficient. Under the guidance of a competent trainer, a child can fall in love with active activities and develop their body well. In the future, if the child wishes, it will be possible to send him to the section. Professional sports.

It is important to understand the differences between sports and exercise. The latter’s task is to improve general physical fitness in accordance with age-related development. This is done by walking, running, jumping, and crawling. Parents should also understand that competent training is important for preschool children in sports. It can only be carried out by a person with the appropriate qualifications. Without knowledge, he can easily harm a child.

Sports sections for preschoolers

If parents intend to make a professional athlete out of their child, then they are faced with two questions: where and when to send their child? On the one hand, the sooner classes start, the better. But on the other hand, certain sports are only available after reaching a certain age.

What sport and at what age should I send my child to?

Horseback riding (for children over 4 years old)

The once popular horse riding is coming back into fashion. Ponies can take part in the section from 4 years old. Communication with a horse perfectly develops the psyche, as well as coordination and the musculoskeletal system. There is also such a direction as hippotherapy - therapeutic horse riding, which can help in rehabilitation after a number of diseases.

Swimming (for children from 6 years old)

Serious swimming training can only begin after the age of six. It is at this age that the child is clearly aware of his body, can distinguish between right and left, and also listen to the coach’s commands. Regular swimming forms and strengthens the muscle corset, which is especially important for proper posture.

Rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating (for children from 4 years old)

The golden rule in these sports is that the sooner the better. Children are sent to such sections from the age of four. Many parents have the opinion that playing this sport is only for girls. But it will also be useful for boys to develop flexibility and coordination of movement; this is also a good prevention and treatment of flat feet.

Why is it so important to start classes at age four? It is better to start stretching and flexibility training during this period in order to achieve the desired shape before the competition period.

Football, basketball, volleyball (for children from 6 years old)

Team sports are no less important. The key knowledge is not only harmonious physical development, but also that children learn to interact with each other. Children from the age of six can be enrolled in classes. Such sports provide good protection against scoliosis.

You should be more careful when playing football, as during such activities a child can easily get injured. With regular training, body imbalances can develop. The upper part, which will be larger than the lower one. It is also worth considering that while playing football, the child’s muscles will not be stretched, their strength will only increase. To develop the eye and reaction speed, it is better to send your child to a volleyball or basketball section.

Hockey (for children from 4 years old)

After the premiere of one well-known Russian film, the popularity of hockey increased. Many boys and even girls ask their parents to take them to the sports section. This can be done after four years. The section is primarily intended for boys, but there are also women's teams. The main advantage of team sports is that children learn to play in a team, hear and listen to each other, and come to the aid of a friend. In later life, even if the child does not connect his life with professional sports, he will need this communication skill.

Martial arts (sport for children from 6 years old)

Recently, it has become fashionable to send children to martial arts classes. This is done primarily so that the child can stand up for himself in the future. It also helps develop self-esteem and self-esteem.

Until the age of ten, light training continues. Real and serious preparation begins at the age of ten. In addition to physical training, martial arts teach concentration of spirit, the ability to control one’s emotions, and also instill a certain philosophy.

Outdoor games (for children from 4 years old)

In addition to physical education in kindergarten, the professional sports section, there are outdoor games. They also contribute to the development of the child, both physically and intellectually. It is important that they are understandable and have easy rules. But at the same time, games should not be too primitive.

In general, all games can be divided into plot and plotless. In the second case, children are asked to act on a signal, which develops their ingenuity and dexterity, as well as the ability to navigate in space. For example, a simple version of this game is for the presenter to lay out some toys around the room. The children's task is to find them as quickly as possible.

What sport should I send my boy (girl) to?

Sports for preschool children are important for the development of a full-fledged and harmonious personality. The key here is to properly train your body and improve it. It is important for every parent to remember that only through regular training can a child be made resilient and healthy. To do this, it is not necessary to send your child to the sports section (which are often paid). It is enough to walk with your children in the fresh air as often as possible, play with them, and also engage in physical activity. Swim in the summer, ski in the winter, and so on. This way you will not only help your child, but also improve your health. Remember that the golden rule of parenting is personal example.

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