Home Preparations for the winter New human vibrations. Signs of an increase in human vibrations. What determines the vibrational level of a person

New human vibrations. Signs of an increase in human vibrations. What determines the vibrational level of a person

What lowers vibrations:

1. Negative emotions

Negative emotions such as fear, anger, envy and greed will drastically lower your vibration level.

Moreover, if you experience a certain negative emotion for a long time, for example, being constantly irritated, you open the “gates” with your own hands to situations that provoke you to even more irritation ... followed by even more irritation and, as a result, fiery anger.

There is a vicious circle from which it is not easy to escape.

On the one hand, it is strictly FORBIDDEN to lock emotions in the body, suppressing them (this leads to very real physical diseases).

On the other hand, indulging your negative state adds to the chaos in your life.

What to do?

Allow yourself to LIVE the emotion inside and out, enjoy your anger or fear... and say STOP! Just shift your focus to something more positive.

Consciously change yourself. Do what makes you happy, not stressful.

2. Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts flicker in any person, regardless of his level of development.

The problem comes when you do this. regularly replaying the negative scenario or mental dialogue over and over again in your mind.

One short-term thought does not carry much weight... But when you “think” the same thought over and over again, it turns into an independent energy entity.

The negative wave sent by you is regularly fueled by your doubts, criticism, condemnation of yourself and others, as a result, it gains strength and begins to act. on one's own. You would be glad to think of something more pleasant, but it doesn’t work ... your thoughts take over the reins of your behavior.

To stop negative thoughts, any practices and meditations aimed at liberation from thoughts and inner silence are useful.

Any intrusive thought can be said NO: “ I've already thought of this idea!»

You cannot prevent thoughts from appearing in your head, but you choose which thought remains in it.

3. Excessive self-criticism

But the attention of the Inner Critic undermines your self-esteem and makes you doubt your own abilities. A vicious critic makes you compare yourself to others who are more successful, more successful, more…. (fill in yourself) people, and you are constantly losing: there will always be someone who has achieved more than you.

If you want to sharply lower your vibrations, start scolding yourself for EVERYTHING! And you will immediately notice how quickly others will react to this, making claims against you for no particular reason.

Many of you are familiar with the situation when you repeat to yourself over and over again: “Well, how could you! It seems like a smart woman, but once again she got into a mess! This is how the inner voice called the Evil Critic manifests itself in our lives.

4. Condemnation and rejection

Condemnation is a scourge for spiritually advanced people.

The more a person knows about how it should be, the more difficult it is for him to stay in the position of an observer and not compare the way of life of people with the “standard” he created himself.

Knowing is not enough! It is necessary to apply any information in practice and make sure that it is firmly registered inside as a new line of thinking and new habits.

Practitioners know how easy it is to revert to old, non-constructive behaviors in a stressful or conflict situation... they know what they have to go through to solidify their new vision. Therefore, there is no condemnation or rejection in them ... they see the ESSENCE of the process and respect the results achieved by other people, no matter how small they are.

Do not judge and you will not be judged!

5. A mess in the house

Rock music, scientific literature or “abstruse” conversations (analysis), horror stories, dying plants in the house, mass gatherings (rallies, competitions), “art works”), and, of course, rubble and dust in the house perfectly lower the vibrations.

DO NOT wash, DO NOT cherish, DO NOT cherish)))) - the result is guaranteed!

6. Media

Television, radio and the Internet, teeming with "yellow press" news of various kinds - from just gossip to the lowest dirt - is also a great way, if you wish, to slide vibrationally below nowhere.

And here, without a conscious choice and the presence of an inner “man with a gun”, who can automatically obscure your mind and attention from all this turbidity with his body.

7. Your environment

It is quite possible that all of the above is a long-past stage for you ... But not for your environment!

If there are gossips among your friends and colleagues who love to gossip, slander, complain or criticize, you are in the right place to fall, and fall low.

Like attracts like!

8. Heavy food

Everything around you vibrates at a certain frequency. Including food.

Low-frequency nutrition, this is primarily meat, fish, dairy products, eggs; all fried and smoked foods, even vegetable.

Heavy and/or fatty foods are most often NOT compatible with practices to expand your consciousness and raise your vibration.

Since we are talking about ways to LOWER vibration in order to quickly achieve the goal, eat a lot, eat horrible and when cooking, swear and quarrel, charging the food with negative emotions! (Do not)

9. Foul language

If you want to get sick and be left without strength, swear!

Swearing has such a low vibration that it instantly punches "holes" in your energy field, through which any low vibration is effortlessly sucked into you. Moths fly to the light, negative vibrations - to the mat.

Draw your own conclusions.

10. Alcohol

Briefly about this: alcohol clouds your consciousness, turns off your awareness and throws you into the lower astral layers, where dirt and emotional waste of the collective consciousness accumulate ... Astral entities are looking forward to those who like to think “for three”.

At the astral level, access to the higher dimensions of your soul is CLOSED.

Now you know 10 ways to lower your vibration, and I hope you try to avoid them.


. The amount of food needed is reduced. There is no feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that along with the level of vibrations, the energy potential increases... The body stops taking heavy (low-vibration) food.

. Decreases the time it takes to sleep. The feeling of lack of sleep disappears and vivacity is present in the body all day ...

. Dreams become lucid, vivid and vivid, then disappear altogether. They are replaced by the experience of light in a dream. The line between dream and reality is blurred...

. The body becomes light, a volatile energy is felt in it. Wings grow behind...

. We begin to feel people keenly. One glance at a person or even at a photograph is enough to feel his essence. We become more sensitive on the subtle plane. By raising our frequency level, we also begin to perceive higher frequencies of other people and learn much more about these people than they know about themselves...

. The need for communication weakens or completely disappears, loneliness becomes pleasant. There is a feeling of completeness and self-sufficiency. There is an understanding that everything external is just a reflection of the internal. There is no need to look for what previously seemed to be in others, but not in you ...

. Fear and self-doubt are completely gone. They become no longer functional, because. there is complete acceptance of everything that happens. At a higher frequency level, the mind stops generating ideas of fear and insecurity... as well as many other ideas...

. The meaning of once read spiritual books becomes clear and understandable by itself. It's time to realize...

. There is a feeling of absolute confidence in the correctness of the goal. There is no doubt where we are going and why. Intuition comes into play, which is never wrong ...

. Our impact on the environment is growing. What we say or think begins to come true. This is what people used to call miracles. They begin to happen every second... This is how the energy potential manifests itself...

. There comes an experience of causeless joy from what is happening. This is the result of liberation from fears and self-doubt... Damn good feeling...

. Sincere compassion wakes up, a desire to help others and opportunities for this appear. Again, very selectively, relying on your own intuition ...

. There are glimpses of true being. There comes a desire to move without stopping and reach the end. There is a feeling that this is what you have been looking for all your life, this is what you have been waiting for, this is what you are ... And you will never stop being this!!!

Ways to increase vibrations.

One of the main conditions for maintaining health or healing is an attitude to high vibrations.
What are vibrations? Perhaps readers remember from school about the corpuscular-wave theory of light? The initiates of the ancient mysteries knew about this from the Teachers of mankind, that at the heart of everything that exists lies an energy that vibrates at different frequencies. And depending on the frequency of vibrations, this or that sound, this or that color, this or that type of matter is obtained. And just as with light and sound a person is able to perceive only a small part of the range (ultra- and infrasound, ultraviolet and infrared light, etc. remain outside our perception), we also do not perceive many more subtle types of matter (vibrating at higher frequencies).

Many have heard that the human body is surrounded by an aura invisible to the ordinary eye, that a person has some other subtle invisible bodies, and some have even heard their names: ethereal, astral, mental, etc. They are what they mean when they talk about the release of the body at the time of death or during yogic meditation. In the future, a person will develop new sense organs, and he will be able to perceive an ever wider range of vibrations of matter. But this is in the future, but already now we can do a lot to increase the frequency of our vibrations. What is it for, what exactly can it give for our health, for our happiness?

Remember how we are talking about an unfortunate person - he is depressed, walks as if lowered into the water, which is hard on his soul. And, on the contrary, if a person is happy, healthy, then we say that he is on the rise, he flies like on wings, which is easy on his heart. That is, folk wisdom has preserved hints of ancient knowledge about high and low vibrations of energies. And it is high time for today's humanity, arrogantly rejecting the knowledge of the ancients, to take a closer look at our distant past and creatively combine current knowledge with the intuitive insights of our ancestors, who knew how to live in harmony with nature. In the meantime, self-taught psychics, all sorts of newly-minted shamans, etc., are clumsily trying to do this. Unfortunately, among them there is more foam than true abilities and knowledge.
At the same time, the Teachers of humanity are trying in every possible way to help people, through their messengers they transmit new teachings that will bring humanity on a new, higher turn of the spiral to harmony with nature, fortunately, to health. In particular, here one can point out the Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky, Agni Yoga of H. I. Roerich and a number of other teachings.
Of course, this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, in this article I will try to give some idea about these magical healing vibrations. Skeptics can throw aside the article, but seekers can try and be convinced.
So, let's start with the fact that everything painful, evil, dirty has low vibrations, and everything healthy, happy, joyful has high vibrations. Pathogenic bacteria and microbes can live only at low vibrations, while high ones are unbearable for them, they burn them. Therefore, as many have probably heard, the wounds of the winners heal so quickly and, on the contrary, the wounded of the losing side are seriously ill for a long time. And any disease is characterized by the energy of low vibrations (clairvoyants see a kind of energy dirt in a diseased human organ, and the aura of a depressed or unhealthy person looks dirty gray. And a person overflowing with happiness and health seems to glow (especially the eyes), often this is noticeable even to ordinary people. This means that a person is overwhelmed with light energy of high vibrations.)
The world around us is one, the differences are only apparent, external. As already mentioned, energy is at the heart of everything that exists, and what happens between individual organisms is what modern scientists call energy-information exchange. That is, bad energy is bad information, and vice versa. And when we read our newspapers filled with descriptions of crimes, violence, or watch TV, from where cruel news, cruel and vile films splash out on us (pornography is also vile, dirty energy), then we tune in to these low vibration frequencies of dirty information and we absorb it into ourselves.
The same thing happens when we speak evil ourselves or listen to the unkind speeches of other people, when we have evil, vindictive thoughts and feelings. Even obscene expressions carry dirty energy of low vibrations, which stains us and lowers our energy level. And the energy-information exchange takes place in the same way as with a radio receiver: at what frequency of waves we tune in, we receive that program. And therefore, if we lowered our vibrations with evil thoughts, feelings, words or deeds, then we immediately tune our body to receive dirty energy, which serves as an ideal breeding ground for pathogens.
There is another amazing fact reported by the Teachers of Humanity in Agni Yoga: when irritated or angry, a person produces especially negative vibrations that have such a strong effect on the surrounding space that a special poisonous gas of imperil is formed. Unfortunately, this gas consists of matter of more subtle vibrations, and therefore scientists have not yet been able to fix it with the help of modern instruments. However, as is known from the same sources, the corresponding devices should appear in the near future. But already now, many of you may remember that when a very irritated or angry person appears in the room, then, even without seeing or hearing him, more and more sensitive people already feel the appearance of some kind of oppressive pressure.

The teachers of humanity warn that this gas is contagious and that it is deposited in the central nervous system, especially in the region of the spine, where it contributes to the manifestations of sciatica, etc. It is advised to leave such a poisoned room or at least open a window. And what is still very bad is that this poison of irritation and anger is very difficult to remove from the body, making it difficult for our recovery and development. Therefore, avoid irritably angry people and try not to poison yourself and others.
So how can one achieve high vibrations, create conditions within oneself in which pathogenic bacteria and microbes cannot exist? To understand this, one must observe happy healthy people. What makes them different? As a rule, these are kind joyful people, they are not interested in base conversations, gossip, they are not inclined to condemn other people, they are not envious, they do not torment themselves with experiences of life's failures and difficulties, but they are hardworking and calmly looking for a way out. They subconsciously learned to tune in to higher vibrations and avoid lower ones. And due to the corresponding cosmic laws, which require a separate discussion, they structure the space around them in a special way and, as they say, luck smiles at them more often and fate develops better. They get sick less often, are more efficient, and they even need less sleep. Therefore, you will be able to improve your health and even your destiny by the mere fact that you will take a closer look at such people and try to adopt their positive attitude towards life and towards people.
Now consider other, more targeted ways to raise your vibrations. Let's start with the famous formula beauty will save the world, a formula so often ridiculed and in which most of us do not believe. And in vain. After all, what is beauty? This is what most fully corresponds to its high purpose, which is harmonious.
People usually limit themselves only to external concepts of beauty, but even a base person can be beautiful, and therefore people do not believe in the saving role of beauty. But the external side is only a tiny part of our personality, our world. There is a much more important and voluminous part - the inner world of a person. Its share in our personality is immeasurably greater, and therefore the beauty of our inner world affects our lives also immeasurably more than our external data.
Beauty, or rather harmony, has such high vibrations that it transforms both a person and the world around him. And when the proportion of harmonious people in society reaches a certain critical mass (not as large as some people think), then a qualitative leap will take place in the life of society, and humanity will rise to a new stage of evolution.

But this is a matter for the future, but for now let's look at how you can use the high vibrations of beauty for your own healing and even to improve your fate.
Turn your gaze up more often, to the blue sky, to the bright stars. From there, from outer space, a stream of cosmic energy, energy of a higher order, is directed to the earth, filling you, if you tune in correctly, with the very energy of high vibrations that is so necessary for physical and mental health. To tune in to this energy, admiration for the beauty of the sky and stars, as well as reflection on spiritual topics, helps.
The same energy of high vibrations is poured into the nature around us. Admire the beauty of nature more often: the lush greenery of trees and grasses, the blue of rivers and lakes, beautiful flowers. It is in nature that a lot of harmony is still preserved. And if you contemplate it with admiration and love, then there is a kind of unity, a connection to the pure energy of nature. In Japan, schools even have special hours in the curriculum when children are brought to especially beautiful parts of nature and they silently contemplate it for a long time.
But remember that such a unity with nature and connection to its energy reserves will occur only if you treat it with love.
Another possibility of energy recharging from the nature around us is in direct contact with trees. To do this, you need to choose the tree that is most attractive to you (better birch or oak, but in no case maple, aspen or willow, which take energy [although in some cases these trees can also help when a person is full of negative energy, as well as when some types of headaches]). Try mentally how to make friends with this tree. It is best if these are the same trees, for example, on your route to work or near your home.
Yogis recommend mentally talking with trees. Place your palms on the tree and mentally tune in to it. Remember that this must be done with love. If you exercise, you will soon begin to notice the vital rhythm of the tree - you will, as it were, sway slightly. Then you will feel the energy pouring into you - clean, refreshing and healing. And if you do this exercise regularly, then it will be enough for you to communicate in this way with your tree friend a couple of times a day for several minutes to have enough energy for the whole day. Just try not to spill this natural energy with irritation or other negative emotions.

Another interesting fact: if there are two trees nearby or a double / triple tree, then, as if closing these trees with your hands, you get an increased energy flow (as if the trees communicate through you, or you are included in the energy cycle between them). Also, a very good effect is given by the position when one of the branches of the tree touches the crown chakra. The incoming flow of energy is also significantly enhanced. I have two such birch trees, where I can stand between them like on a crucifix and a branch touches the top of my head. And if at the same time I find myself there at sunrise, facing him, then this is such a harmonious solemn energy, powerful and joyful ... It is also unusual sensations if any fresh, strong and beautiful leaf is in full contact with the forehead in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entrance to the chakra third eye.
- Passing by my tree friends (when there is no way to approach them and stand next to them), I touch the tree branches, asking them for some energy in advance. At the same time, I feel how my palm is filled with energy, after which I put this palm to my forehead, and I feel how the energy flows down and spreads through the body.
- With a well-flowing energy, I soon clearly begin to feel the chakra of the third eye, and, somewhat less actively, the throat and heart chakras. From the root chakra, a warm pleasant energy begins to rise through the sushumna. For me, this is always a criterion that the trees (and the surrounding space) are located or are able to give me the energy I need at the moment (there are days when I feel well the suppression of trees, their reduced energy. I think that this is due precisely to the fact what AI writes about heavy currents).

Trees-friends: I found a group of birches for myself (a small island in the city on the way from my house to the parking lot), which I internally made friends with, always, when passing, I greet them and feel their return greeting. It is interesting that, being in the forest, working with energetically stronger / more powerful trees (oak, pine) and well charged with them, and then, returning to the city and passing by my friends - birches, I go up to them and feel like I in addition, a blissful flow of loving energy flows in. At first I could not even understand how it could be? I thought that I had recharged in the forest to the maximum, but then I noticed that the trees-friends and my energy were already tuned to each other, mutually located to each other, and the exchange was more harmonious and complete.
I will add that working with trees (despite the rather long story about it) takes me 5-10 minutes on the way to work, and 5-15 minutes on the way home. Fresh vigorous energy and internal harmonization are usually provided. I will also add that it is very difficult to describe cooperation with nature, these feelings are too subtle. Therefore, I think a lot remains undiscovered.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Being among the greenery, where the air is clean and pleasant, and having tuned in to unity with nature, relax, get distracted from all other thoughts and begin to deeply and joyfully, slowly and with pleasure inhale the prana dissolved in the air, this primordial pure life energy. At the same time, one more advice from yoga: try to breathe not only through the nose (yoga does not recommend inhaling through the mouth at all, since there are no those special physical and energy protection mechanisms that are provided by nature in the nose). Breathe also with every pore of the skin, this will bring you incomparably more prana and vivacity and a joyful feeling in all cells of the body.
It also helps to listen to the main sound (vibration) of nature - the rustle of tree leaves, the murmur of a stream. This sound corresponds to the note F in music. It calms and harmonizes. Nature speaks softly and kindly to us.
Look for silence in nature, listen to it, enjoy it. It is silence that allows you to dive deeper into the contemplated object, as well as reveal and improve the beauty of your inner world. Try to find at least a little time every day for solitude and immersion in the beautiful, the sublime.
But we cannot always go out into nature, and the weather does not always allow us to do this. Therefore, we will consider other ways of raising our vibrations. One of them is the contemplation of beautiful flowers, and always with admiration and love. One of the esoteric teachings says that flowers were created by higher powers specifically to please a person and promote his spiritual development with their perfect beauty.
And if you try to tune in to the harmonious beauty of a flower, admire each of its petals, find more and more beauty in it, then soon you will definitely feel how your mood improves, fatigue disappears, peace comes to your soul. And you will no longer need to resort to artificial invigorators, such as strong coffee or, which is incomparably worse, a cigarette (the smoke of which destroys prana in the room, so yogis believe that a smoker is worse than a drunkard, since he mainly harms himself, and smoker destroys the common property - prana).
Another way of raising vibrations outside of nature is a purposeful, concentrated contemplation of beautiful works - works of art, architectural masterpieces, etc., listening to beautiful musical works, singing (especially classical music, which is closest to harmony). Look for beauty in everything. Perceive it with all the senses available to you, including the sense of smell (it is not for nothing that aromatherapy has become widespread in the West). Remember that beauty is high vibrations, vibrations of health, spiritual development. Look for it in everything and yourself strive to be beautiful in everything, especially in thoughts that have a decisive impact on the entire existence of a person, including his health.
And, accordingly, avoid everything ugly, vile, morally unclean, more often listen to the voice of your heart, your conscience, because it is in you that an innate higher feeling speaks, which never makes mistakes, you just need to learn to hear it and follow it. And you will definitely be happy, improve both your health and your destiny.

The formula for raising the vibrations of a person.

I am Sanat Kumara.
I salute you.
Watching you, the Ascended Forces of Light decided to help the unascended humanity of planet Earth. You pay attention to what is happening around you. You see that there are many accidents in which people remain alive, but many lose their material property. We are constantly telling you to reconsider your values. We tell you again that you will not be able to transfer the material values ​​of the third dimension into another dimension.
At higher levels of body vibrations, material values ​​are not needed. Your spiritual developments are important here. What matters here are the colors of your aura that you received in all your incarnations.
Our help today is that we can give you a formula that will help raise your vibration from any level. You just need to read it, trying to relax as much as possible so that our Light, sent in response to your request, can clean up the layers of dirt, which would allow you to live with more conscious thinking. As you become more and more aware, your vibrations will automatically begin to rise. You yourself have already tried how this formula works. You know that the mood becomes unstable, constantly changing. Therefore, if the people with whom you communicate allow us to help them (they read the formula for raising vibrations), and then begin to feel sharp mood swings, then you will need to be able to explain and provide support to them. Now write down the formula.

» In the name of I AM THAT I AM, with the permission of the Lords of Karma of the Earth, under the guidance of Sanat Kumara and the Ascended Masters, under the protection of Archangel Michael and his legion of angels, I turn to my Higher Being, my Golden Angel and ask to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that is allowed to me at this stage of development of my consciousness. I ask you to raise the vibrations of all my bodies to the level that will benefit the development of my soul, the souls of those people and Essences that surround me, for the benefit of the entire Space and for the benefit of the evolution of planet Earth.

I thank all the Higher Powers for their help.

I ask Archangel Raphael to heal all my bodies and fill the healed places with the Light of the color scheme that will help in the healing of my bodies.

With open Hearts, I accept the help rendered and thank the Lords of Earth’s Karma for the permission given to the Ascended Forces of Light to help me and all unascended humanity, as well as all the Beings who make moving up the ladder of evolution for the benefit of the entire planet Earth.

I accept the changes that are happening to my bodies and consciously direct the Light of God through me to the places where it is needed.

May it be so!"

This formula is very energy intensive. And if people feel, after reading this formula, the need to sleep, then this must be done. You have to leave everything and go to bed. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for you to fall asleep and
came back, and you will feel a very strong surge of strength. This formula is our gift to you. It will start working from the moment you read it for the first time.
You need to read it according to the need that you feel. Someone will read every day and then take a break.
Someone - once a week, a month. It all depends on how much you yourself will help your consciousness to expand, and what else you will do for this purpose.
People, understand! We give you gifts, but only you decide whether you accept them or not. We give you help, but only you can accept it or refuse it.
Live in the energies of Universal Love! I am Sanat Kumara.

As a parapsychologist, I am often asked:

  1. How to raise your vibrations?
  2. How to quickly work off your negative karma?
  3. How to reach a high level of spirituality?
  4. How to REALLY observe the laws of the Universe?
  5. How to be on the same wavelength with the Higher Beginning?

The answer is simple, first of all, realize that any of our thoughts, words, emotions, especially actions, is, first of all, a vibration. If you arrive in negative thoughts, and at the same time you still experience negative emotions (resentment, guilt, aggression, depression, claims, negative criticism, condemnation of yourself or others, etc.), then you instantly lower your vibrations, becoming in the lower astral plane of the earth. Immediately, in the likeness of your torsion fields, entities of different levels and different orders can cling to you (for your own training). Do you need it? I think it's overkill...

So how do you get out of negativity quickly and reliably? The exercise “Presumption of innocence of a person or Plus 100 to my karma” will help you develop a healthy habit of always being on high vibrations in a VERY short time. But before you begin to master it, you need to know how powerful thought is. This is no longer a secret, science from different sides gives us evidence that thought - it is a universal form of energy that has both creative and destructive power.

Let's start with the vibration scale, and finish with the properties of torsion fields that any object in the Universe has.

About vibration levels

David R. Hawkins is a renowned educator and expert on thought processes. Life member of the American Psychiatric Association, has been a psychiatrist since 1952.

On the basis of the conducted experiments, "Kinesiology" is a scientific and practical discipline that studies muscle movement. The conclusion was made: the body “understood” and, with the help of muscle signals, indicated what was good for it and what was harmful.

For example, subjects always felt muscle weakness when they took clean envelopes with artificial sweetener, and felt muscle strength when they touched envelopes with a natural substance.

Numerous empirical studies have established that muscles strengthen or weaken under the influence of: positive or negative emotional and intellectual, as well as mental factors.

Empirically, it has been found

  • A positive stimulus increases muscle tone, a negative stimulus leads to a weakening of the muscle.
  • The kinesiology response reflects the body's ability to distinguish anabolic (energy-giving) from catabolic (energy-consuming), true from false.

For example, it was revealed: a smile and positive words and phrases “I believe in you and support you!” give strength to the physical body, it becomes stronger, immunity improves. The words "I hate you" make the body and immunity weaker. Friends, draw your own conclusions!

After twenty years of experimentation, David Hawkins has mapped out an amazing map of the geography of human experience. A scale for determining and increasing vibration levels.

And what do you think, at what level of vibrations is humanity now?

They found out that the level of vibrations of a gorilla is 220 units on the David Hawkins scale, and humanity in the total mass is only 180 units. Impressive, isn't it? Do you want to be at that level? Well, if you are friends with karma, then it’s unlikely ... for me it’s definitely a little low. I am more impressed by the level of the state of my inner world from 500 units; love, harmony, enlightenment… If you also want to quickly reach this level, then my original exercise “The Presumption of Innocence of a Person or Plus 100 to My Karma” will help you do it very quickly.

But before you finally delve into the process of the exercise itself, a couple more IMPORTANT rationales - WHY DO IT?

Scientific experiment proving the power of thought

Japanese explorer Masaru Emoto found a way to show how water changes under the influence of words and thoughts. Emoto says that everything that exists has a vibration, and written words also have a vibration, i.e. identical vibrational code, and each word has its own imprint, like fingers on a hand.

And this individual vibration structures around itself a certain physical field – an aura. How did he calculate it? He did many experiments with water. And I realized that water is the strongest conductor of these vibrations.

He took the same water and poured it into different bottles. I put good words on some, bad words on others. I froze this water, and then studied the resulting water crystals under the strongest microscope. Crystals of water frozen under beautiful words formed even and beautiful snowflakes, all as one had beautiful, clear outlines. Conversely, negative words contributed to the creation of snowflakes with ugly shapes that did not form groups.

What are these experiments talking about?

And they say that bad words destroy any liquid structure! Man is 80% water. And what do you think? What does a person who constantly thinks about bad things do - one who constantly grumbles, pouts, swears, cries, how bad everything is, spins Mexican TV shows and thrillers mixed with horror films ... How often do you scold yourself, people or take offense? To whom do you wish harm? Who do you pity? I think that it happens, for someone less often, for someone the norm of life. Thus, you build a negative program for yourself, thereby structuring your physical form and the negative torsion field around you (more on that below).

The power of thought has already been proven in the laws of quantum physics!

They are based on the opening of the torsion field.

This discovery claims that all objects in the Universe, including our thoughts, create this very torsion field. What is it and how can this knowledge help us to know more fully the Laws of the Universe?

Academicians G. I. Shipov and A. E. Akimov developed the theory of the so-called torsion fields. For this discovery in 1997 Shipov A.G. was recognized by the scientific community of the United States as a "Man of the World" !!! (And we didn’t even hear the name of this our compatriot!)

The discovery of the torsion field explains many concepts, in particular the Law of Attraction of good and bad in our lives. Everyone knows that the world is a boomerang, or a mirror. And science confirms this.

These are microscopic vortexes of space that arise around a rotating object. Since the atoms and molecules of any substance have a certain spin (moment of rotation), torsion fields arise around them and repeat the shape of this object.

The discovery of the torsion field put a lot in its place

For example, if an object was in space and it was removed, then its torsion field remains for a long time. Example. A cut leaf under a physical device measuring the aura of an object shows the aura of a full leaf. Phantom pains during the removal of a limb in the body have the same origin.

For a torsion field, distance does not matter. It is transmitted almost instantly from one point of the universe to another. The place of propagation of the torsion field (TP) is the physical vacuum and the electromagnetic field.

Torsion fields are right-handed and left-handed. That is positive and negative charge. Fields with the same charge attract, and fields with different charges repel.

This is precisely what is confirmed by life and the axiom that we ourselves attract the circumstances that are in our thoughts. And the most interesting thing: the torsion field transmits information. Moreover, it has absolutely no restrictions in distance and time.

A torsion field is an information imprint of an object. It does not matter whether this object is in the past, present, or future - clairvoyants can see its imprint in the form of a torsion field. The most important thing to understand from the theory of the torsion field for application in life is that thought is a torsion structure.

Thought, like any material object, creates a torsion field.

What does it look like. The work of the brain creates electromagnetic radiation of a certain quality (we create what we think), and the radiation creates a torsion field.

So. Thought creates an information imprint (torsion field) of what it is directed to.

Let's fix

A torsion field is a structure that, acting on space, leads to the perturbation of fields and the conception of physical matter. If a person thinks negatively about another person, or, in general: “Well, everything and everyone is tired! You go ... ”, then he disturbs the space around him, a cloud of evil, everyone who falls into it begins to change in accordance with this field.

An example from life. A woman marries a man, he was already married before her, did not drink and earned good money. Starting to live with this woman, he began to drink, and his cash flow was cut off. Why did the man start acting like this? Because the woman radiated continuous claims and dissatisfaction with her partner. The woman endured for several years, got tired, divorced ...

And what was her surprise when her ex-husband found another woman. He married her, stopped drinking and began to earn good money again. And how many men and women choose partners who look like father and mother, with negative behavior patterns, as their life partners? Quite often such clients come to me for consultation.

What does all this mean?

The presence of a torsion field explains and proves the materiality of thought. This means that we are all Creators, because without thought we do not exist!

And here the most important thing is to understand, accept, remember and live on the basis that every minute we create our reality with our thoughts. And if it (reality) does not suit us, then the only way to change it is to change our thoughts, beliefs - mental programs. How? The exercise “The presumption of innocence of a person or Plus 100 to my karma” will help you, it is at the end of the article. And a few more words about those Higher laws that everyone should already know! After all - ignorance of the laws does not exempt from their implementation.

A little about the laws of the universe

If some cell of the body begins to have a destructive effect on itself, this is called autoaggression. In this state, she starts the program of self-destruction. Do not be surprised later on with cancer or other serious illness. If you (a cell of the Universe) send destructive thoughts to another person (another cell of the Universe), for example: hatred, anger, resentment, envy, condemnation, claims, or you scroll through a negative scenario in your head with the participation of another person, then you still destroy yourself , but indirectly. Why is that?

Because you are a particle / cell of the Universe, just like the other person is the same particle of the same Universe - one Organism! And by directing negative thoughts to another person, another cell, you thereby deny the existence of another cell of one whole Organism. And since we all live in the same organism, you thereby deny yourself. It is important to remember that every cell, even if the worst one, is here, for some reason, but is needed. The universe knows better why!

The Universe as the Main Organism automatically starts correcting the diseased cell, which works against its Organism, actually poisons the Organism. And the Higher Intelligent Beginning begins to teach the cell through illnesses, accidents, because it comes to it so quickly, it begins to think. If the cell does not understand the signals of the higher Organism, then it destroys it so that it does not poison it completely. Everything is simple.

Why does the Universe not feel sorry for a person, sending him training through "misfortunes" and illnesses?

For the universe, the human body is not so expensive. Because the human soul is eternal. Reincarnation has already been proven, and there is serious medical evidence for this phenomenon. For the Universe, the Soul is much more important and it stimulates it in every way (somewhere with a stick, somewhere with a carrot) so that the Soul does not work in a pathological mode, but performs its healthy functions, working for the benefit of the whole Organism. It makes a person move forward, helps a person to change and evolve - to improve himself.

Higher powers want a person to take responsibility for his life, admit his mistakes and correct them without emotional lamentations. By the way, the more a person suffers, the more they send them to his head? Why? Yes, because everything that is sent, both bad and good (karma is called) is honestly earned by their “overwork”! The universe, as a boss from a subordinate, does not need crying for an unfulfilled task, it needs responsibility and work to be done. It's that simple!

I hope you understand the rationale - WHY KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS CLEAN AND POSITIVE. If not, read this article again. If you don't have to, keep spitting into the wind, everyone has the right to do so! And if you have reached a new level of spiritual development and understood the meaning of this important step - DO NOT DESTROY the neighboring cell Universe, and live with it in cooperation, then with the blessing of the Universe, begin to introduce a NEW STEREOTYPE OF THINKING AND BEHAVIOR into your life. And we will start with the simplest, with such a common quality as - CONDEMNATION.

By the way, many people who started practicing this exercise immediately felt changes for the better on the physical level, they got additional energy, strength, joy, interest in life and even motivation for new achievements, because the vibration level "ACCEPTANCE" is 350 units. . And this is much better than condemning 50 units. Fix this level, and later go to 700 units - then this is enlightenment.

There are very few people like this! Well, here's the exercise itself. And if you honestly read everything to the exercise, then you are a great fellow and the Universe was very happy for you! How do I know? I am constantly in touch with the Subtle World, my profession is as follows - I am a regressionist, I lead people into the Subtle World and past lives, receiving from there the most important information for humanity.

Stages of work on the exercise "The presumption of innocence of a person or Plus 100 to my karma"

  1. Catch yourself thinking condemnation (or other negative program).
  2. Follow emotionality, catch emotion (anger, anger, hatred...). When you start to analyze what is happening, your emotions automatically go by the wayside, this is a feature of our brain and you need to use it!
  3. Ask yourself: “Why am I doing this? Where will this lead me?"
  4. Erase your original program, repeat: "Erased, erased, erased ..." or "CANCEL". To do this through visualization (imagination), as if erasing with an eraser or a rag in space.
  5. Ask for forgiveness from the person to whom the program was sent. By the way, you yourself can find yourself in this place, for example, with a sense of guilt.
  6. Give support on a subtle level, mentally say: “You will succeed, I believe in you!!!”.

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