Home Preparations for the winter Crafts from fir cones for school. Photos and craft workshops

Crafts from fir cones for school. Photos and craft workshops

A pleasant walk through the coniferous forest can be combined with an exciting activity - collecting fallen cones from pine and spruce trees. From pine cones of different shapes and sizes and plasticine you can quickly make a lot of fun and simple crafts for children. Plasticine will help shape the cones that will remind you of familiar animals and plants.


To make a bee, you will need a fir cone, made of plasticine - 4 blue or dark blue wings, three yellow stripes about 5 cm long, small white and black balls for eyes, “horns”, and a mouth.

We collect the bee. Attach yellow stripes to the pine cone. Attach the wings. We attach white balls in place of the eyes, and black balls on them. Secure the “horns” and mouth.


For a dragonfly you will need a narrow spruce cone, made of plasticine - 4 narrow wings, a tail, two eyes with pupils and a mouth.


To make a horse you will need:

  • 1 small fir cone for the head
  • 1 large fir cone for the horse's body
  • gray or brown plasticine
  • black plasticine
  • white plasticine
  • 4 toothpicks
  • wool threads for horse mane and tail

Roll out a cylinder from gray or brown plasticine - a neck for a horse. Small cone-shaped lumps of plasticine for the ears. Two balls of black plasticine are for the pupils. Two white plasticine balls for the horse's eyes.

Make four square hooves from black plasticine. Cut strips from gray plasticine to “stick around” the toothpicks - the horse’s legs.

Place toothpicks into strips of plasticine, seal and level. Insert the resulting horse's legs into the hooves.

Collect the horse. Attach the head to the plasticine neck and secure it to the body, lightly spreading the plasticine over the bump. Attach the ears. Make eyes and attach. Insert legs.

Cut strips from wool threads for the mane and tail as shown in the photo. Place the cut threads on pieces of plasticine.

Fold the threads for the tail and secure with plasticine. Attach the tail to the horse.

Make a mane and attach it to the horse.


To make a pike you will need a fir cone and plasticine parts - 3 pairs of fins, a tail, a mouth, white and black balls for the eyes. Apply balls of black plasticine to the fins, turning them into spotted ones.

We collect pike. Attach the mouth to the pike. We form the mouth with a stack. That is, we make it a little gaping. Let's make eyes. Attach the fins and tail.


To make a parrot from pine cones and plasticine you will need:

  • 1 small bump
  • 1 big spruce cone
  • purple plasticine for the wings and feather decorations around the neck
  • red plasticine for paws and beak
  • white and black plasticine for gas
  • multi-colored plasticine for feathers on the head

Sculpt the parts for the parrot as in the photo.

We collect the parrot.

Christmas tree

For example, you can make an elegant New Year tree from a fir cone. To strengthen the fir cone, we make a stand from plasticine. We decorate the Christmas tree with toys - beads. We attach the beads to the pine cone on plasticine. You can put a gift under the Christmas tree. The gift can be fashioned from plasticine and decorated with beads.

A Christmas tree can be made from three cones, different in size. The cones are fastened together using plasticine. We decorate the Christmas tree with beads. We attach them to the cones with plasticine.


To make a penguin you will need a fir cone, from plasticine - two black wings, a head, two legs, a nose, two white balls and two black balls for the eyes.

We assemble the penguin as shown in the photo.


For the lemur you will need fir cones - 1 large and 1 small; make a tail, ears, nose, bangs, eyes, paws from plasticine.

We collect the lemur. Attach bangs, ears, eyes, nose to the small bump. Finish the lemur's face with white plasticine. Using a small plasticine neck, attach the head to a large bump - the body of the lemur. Cut the front and back legs into bars, slightly round and attach. Fasten the striped tail at the back.


Cones and plasticine make cute crafts - cacti. For example, a small open cone turned into a small cactus. A pot for it can be made from plasticine.

This funny cactus was made from spruce and pine cones. To make such a cactus, connect two fir cones together with plasticine. Connect two pairs of small cones with plasticine and attach them to our cactus. You can use any jar as a pot. Place the cactus in the pot and secure it with plasticine.


Cones of different shapes may give you the idea of ​​​​creating a more complex craft, such as the camel in the photo below. However, this seemingly complex craft can be assembled in just half an hour. The Bactrian camel made from cones and plasticine in the photo is made from one large cone and nine small cones. In this case, the camel’s legs are made of two small narrow cones connected by plasticine. The legs are also attached to the body using plasticine. On the back of a camel there are two humps - made of two small open cones. The camel's neck, with a slight forward bend, is made of two small narrow cones. The camel’s head is a small bump, the eyes are made of black plasticine. If desired, you can make a tail for the camel from brown plasticine.


To make a deer you will need 1 large fir cone for the body of the deer and 1 small cone for the head, twigs for the legs and horns, plasticine - neck, ears, tail, hooves, white and black balls for the eyes, nose, narrow plasticine strips for decorating the horns .

We collect deer. We fasten the head and body of the deer using a plasticine neck. We attach the ears, eyes and nose to the head. We attach the legs to the body using plasticine. We insert the branches into plasticine hooves. We attach the tail. We make horns - we attach narrow brown plasticine strips to the branches. We attach the antlers using plasticine to the deer's head.


In order to make a “Dachshund” dog you will need 1 long fir cone and 1 small cone, made of plasticine - eyes, nose, long ears, neck, tail, short legs. We attach the small bump to the large one using a plasticine neck. Attach eyes, nose, ears, legs and tail.

Squirrels with mushrooms made of plasticine on a pine branch with an attached cone.


You can make a turtle very simply and quickly. To do this, you need to take a large diameter but short open cone, cut off the top or unscrew it by hand to get a flatter shape. From plasticine we make a head and legs with a small tail for a turtle.


Pig made from a pine cone and pink plasticine. The muzzle, ears, crochet legs and tail, and eyes are made from plasticine.

We insert the cone into the head. We attach the legs and tail.



Fir cones make graceful swans. From plasticine we sculpt a head with a beak and a neck for a swan. We form the swan's neck. We attach the neck and head to the bump. We make the swan's eyes and beak from red plasticine.


To make the “Hedgehogs in a Forest Clearing” craft from pine cones and plasticine you will need:

Glue stick;
colored paper in “autumn” shades (yellow, orange, green);
plasticine (orange, black, red and white);
box or lid (for a clearing);
decorations (leaf sequins).

1. For the clearing we need leaves. To make a lot of leaves, fold the paper into 2-3 folds and then in half. On the halves, use a pencil to mark the outline of the leaf (birch, oak). And let's start cutting!

2. When there are enough leaves, we begin to decorate the clearing. To do this, apply glue to the bottom of the box and place the leaves randomly.

3. When the autumn meadow is ready, we begin to sculpt hedgehogs!
For the muzzle, we need orange plasticine. You need to roll a large ball and attach it to the pine cone. Please note that you need to fasten it on the side of the cone where the scales have opened. It is the open pine scales that will imitate needles.

Then you need to “stretch out” the muzzle.
4. We make paws from black plasticine - 4 pieces. We attach them to the bottom of the cones.
This is how the hedgehog turned out with a muzzle and paws.

5. Attach the eyes – white balls – to the muzzle, and the pupils – black balls. Don't forget about the nose!

6. Now that the hedgehogs are ready, it’s time to launch them into a clearing of leaves.
Hedgehogs love to run through the leaves and look for something on the edge of the forest!

7. You can add berries or fruits to the clearing. After all, autumn is harvest time!
So that the hedgehogs can eat, we make berries from red plasticine.

8. Now you can decorate the backs of the hedgehogs with berries and small sequin leaves.


You can make a mushroom clearing from pine cones with plasticine. For this, two open cones for the caps and two small narrow cones for the stems of the mushrooms are suitable. We attach the mushroom stems to the caps using plasticine. We make a clearing from green plasticine. We attach the mushrooms to the clearing.


Craft “Vase”, decorated with a branch with flowers made from pine cones. Draw a vase on a piece of paper. We attach a thin strip of plasticine to the vase. We attach small bumps to it. We attach watermelon seeds to plasticine as leaves. We paint the cones and seeds with blue gouache or another color. We decorate the vase with blue and blue crayons.

Cones are one of the most common natural materials used in handicrafts at school and kindergarten. Original crafts from pine cones Even small children can do it under the guidance of adults. Schemes and photos are an opportunity to find creative ideas and show creativity. Making products from pine cones has a positive effect on children's development and improves fine motor skills. Use your imagination and your crafts will be no worse than in the photo.

Simple crafts from pine cones for kindergarten

Scheme of crafts from pine cones

Use not only pine cones, but also fir cones for needlework, then your crafts will be more diverse.

What can be made from pine cones

Don’t think that crafts can only be made from pine cones. If you disassemble the cone into scales, ample opportunities for creativity open up. Take a pair of wire cutters and separate one pine cone into small pieces. Now it's easy to make an applique or a photo frame.

Photo frame made of scales

Photo frame made of pine cones

Candlestick made of pine cones

Start gluing your scales. The candle will need to be inserted into a glass, so the cardboard base should be twice the diameter of the glass.

The plates are glued in a checkerboard pattern until they exceed the height of the cup. When the product is dry, you can insert the candle and enjoy the atmosphere of romance.

Cone flowers

Don’t think that only winter crafts can be made from pine cones. If you cut a pine cone correctly and then paint the blanks in different colors, then it will be easy to assemble a flower bouquet.

Flower buds can be glued to stem sticks or secured to wire. You can try making a 3D applique from flower cones.

DIY basket of pine cones

If earlier baskets were woven exclusively from wicker, today many other materials have appeared. Modern needlewomen widely use it for weaving boxes, baskets and other products. Do you want to make an original basket with minimal time? Then take the cones and connect them in the required sequence.

Basket of pine cones

Make a second layer for the basket and connect the two rings together in a checkerboard pattern. The handle of the basket is made in a similar way, but instead of thin wire, thick wire is used. Don't forget to make the bottom out of pine cones or thick cardboard.

Cones are an affordable and natural material for crafts that can be easily obtained by everyone and not in a single copy. Add plasticine to this natural material and develop your child’s imagination. In this article we will look at how to make children's crafts from pine cones and plasticine with your own hands.

You will need: pine cone, orange, green, white and black plasticine, stack, autumn leaves.

Master Class

  1. Make ears and an elongated muzzle from orange plasticine, roll up a black nose and attach all the parts to the pine cone.

  2. Make a tongue out of orange plasticine, then attach it.
  3. Make crescent-shaped eyes from white plasticine and attach green pupils.

  4. Make eyelashes from cuttings - the tails of leaves.
  5. Attach the eyes to the pine cone.
  6. Mold 2 legs and a tail from orange plasticine and make cuts with a stack, as shown in the picture.

  7. Attach the paws and tail to the pine cone.
  8. Lay out the leaves and plant the fox.

The fox made from pine cones and plasticine is ready!

Airplane made of pine cones and plasticine

You will need: pine cone, yellow, orange, pink, black, brown and purple plasticine, skewer (thin wooden stick).

Master Class

Bee made of pine cone and plasticine

You will need: fir cone, plasticine blue, yellow, white and black.

Master Class

  1. Make 4 wings from blue plasticine.
  2. Make 3 strips 5 cm long from yellow plasticine.
  3. Make horns and a mouth from black plasticine.
  4. Assemble the bee this way: attach stripes and wings, balls as eyes, then horns and mouth.

A bee made from a pine cone and plasticine is ready!

Pike made of pine cone and plasticine

You will need: fir cone, brown, black and white plasticine, stack.

Master Class

  1. Make 3 pairs of fins and a tail from brown plasticine.
  2. Roll balls of black plasticine and attach them to the tail and a pair of fins, making them spotted.
  3. Make a pike's mouth out of brown plasticine, and make it slightly open using a stack.
  4. Roll balls of white and black plasticine for eyes.
  5. Assemble the pike this way: attach the mouth and balls as eyes, then the fins and tail.

The pike made from pine cones and plasticine is ready!

Penguin made from pine cones and plasticine

You will need: fir cone, black, orange and white plasticine, stack.

Master Class

  1. Make 2 wings from black plasticine.
  2. Make a beak and paws from orange plasticine.
  3. Shape the paws using a stack.
  4. Roll out a ball of black plasticine for the head.
  5. Roll balls for eyes from white and black plasticine.
  6. Assemble the penguin in this way: attach the head to the pine cone, then attach the eyes and beak to it, add wings and legs.

The penguin made from pine cones and plasticine is ready!

Lemur made of cones and plasticine

You will need: 2 fir cones of different sizes for the body and head, plasticine in gray, white, orange and dark blue, stack.

Master Class

  1. Make ears from white and gray plasticine.
  2. Make a bang from gray plasticine and a drop-shaped blank from dark blue plasticine.
  3. Roll balls for the eyes: 2 large and small from dark blue plasticine and a medium-sized pair from orange plasticine.
  4. Mold the front and hind legs from gray plasticine, highlight the claw area with a stack.
  5. Make a tail from white plasticine and attach dark blue stripes to it horizontally.
  6. Assemble the lemur in this way: take a smaller cone, cover the lower part of the muzzle with dark blue plasticine, and the upper part with white. Attach the bangs, eyes and ears, form a neck from gray plasticine, then connect the cones. Attach the paws and striped tail.

The lemur made from cones and plasticine is ready!

Deer made of cones and plasticine

You will need: large and small fir cones, black, white and brown plasticine, twigs.

Master Class

  1. Make a neck out of white plasticine and connect the cones.
  2. Roll balls of white and black plasticine and attach them as eyes.
  3. Make ears and a nose out of brown plasticine, then attach them.
  4. Prepare 4 twigs and 4 pieces of black plasticine, then form the deer's hooves and attach them.
  5. Attach 2 branches to the ears as horns and decorate them with flat strips of brown plasticine.
  6. Make and attach a tail from brown plasticine.

Pig made from pine cones and plasticine

You will need: bump, pink, white and black plasticine, stack.

Master Class

  1. Make a pig's head and ears from pink plasticine.
  2. Roll balls for eyes from black and white plasticine.
  3. Decorate the patch with a stack and attach eyes and ears.
  4. Crochet 4 legs and a tail from pink plasticine.
  5. Assemble the pig this way: attach the legs, tail and head.

The piglet made from pine cones and plasticine is ready!

Hedgehogs made of cones and plasticine

You will need: cones, plasticine of orange, black, pink and white, green paper of different shades, scissors, glue stick, box or lid for the clearing, sequin leaves as decoration.

Master Class

Hedgehog made of cones

If you find a lot of beautiful pine cones on a walk with your baby, then you can make this funny hedgehog that will cheer you up in winter, reminding you and your child of an autumn forest or park.

For production we will need:

  • Several cones, approximately equal in size.
  • Plastic stand.
  • Black smooth pebble.
  • Acorns.
  • Plasticine.

Let's get to work.

  1. We sculpt the body of a hedgehog from white plasticine.
  2. We attach a black pebble to the sharp nose, form a small strip from red plasticine and make a mouth for the hedgehog, and make small eyes from black plasticine.
  3. We carefully place the cones along the entire back of the hedgehog.
  4. Having moved away from the eyes, carefully attach the acorns. If there are no acorns, then small spines for the hedgehog can be made from black plasticine.
  5. Place the finished figurine on a stand.

Can be done hedgehog made from cones simpler, like this.

or something like that

Lion made of fir and pine cones

Materials for each body part:

  • 1 large fully opened pine cone;
  • ears and muzzle - 3 large acorn caps;
  • nose - a large scale from a fir cone and a small chestnut, several times smaller than an acorn cap, or a black peppercorn;
  • eyes 2 peppercorns, a small piece of birch bark;
  • mane - birch bark or thick paper;
  • body: 1 long large fir cone;
  • front paws – 2 pine sticks and 2 small pine or spruce cones;
  • hind legs - 2 two small pine or spruce cones of the appropriate shape;
  • tail - a small fir cone, a long flexible stick or a piece of string.

All parts are glued together with superglue.


Leo is ready!

Baba Yaga made of pine cones

Surely at school you were asked to do . Let's try to make a fabulous Baba Yaga from pine cones and twigs.

We will need:

  • Stand – a shoebox lid or small wooden plate may work
  • Plastic or cardboard disposable cup. Brown is better. We will make a stupa out of it
  • Double-sided or plain transparent tape
  • Twigs or straws for covering our stupa
  • A long twig and old thread or rope for a broom
  • 2 pine cones – body and head. Try to find a rounder bump for your head
  • Old rope or thread for hair
  • Two bent branches - for hands
  • A piece of red fabric - for a scarf

Let's get started with the craft:

  1. We take our mortar cup and cover it with double-sided tape on the top and bottom. (If you don’t have double-sided, you can take a regular transparent one and fold it in half with the adhesive side facing out). We cut the branches and cover the glass. Additionally, the top and bottom can be tied with threads. Fill halfway with moss or cotton wool. The stupa is ready.
  2. We stack the cones one on top of the other so that we get a body and a head. We wind them together with a thin black or brown thread, hooking it onto the scales. We also tie the handles. We put it in a mortar.
  3. We make hair from threads or ropes and glue it onto the head so that the blunt side of the upper cone (face) remains open. We tie a scarf from a piece of fabric. Draw eyes on white paper and glue them onto the pine cone. (Tip: look in a book at what the eyes of people and animals look like. This will help you draw correctly)
  4. We tie a whisk of thread to the end of a long branch (you can tie pine needles). We stick the finished broom into the mortar.
  5. We put the moss on a stand and place the stupa with Baba Yaga there. The moss can be decorated with red hawthorn berries, or rolled into red plasticine balls. Behind our grandmother you can carefully place a pine branch with green needles for decoration.
  6. You can sit an owl next to Yaga. For it you will need a pine cone, any bird feather, drawn eyes and a beak.
  7. We take the cone with the blunt side up. From the found feather we cut off pieces for owl ears. Glue the pine cones to the top side a little from the back. Draw round yellow eyes and a beak and glue them on. On the side of the eyes, between the scales of the cone, we stick thin strips of feathers - these will be the eyebrows. We sit the owl in the moss next to Baba Yaga.


Cockerel made of cones and plasticine

Even a baby can make such a funny chicken, of course, if his mother helps him a little in making the craft.

For work we will need:

  • One big shot.
  • Plasticine.
  • Two large white buttons.
  • Plastic stand.

Let's get started:

  1. Let's treat the bump. To do this, carefully cut off the top and bottom of it with scissors.
  2. We form the head from yellow plasticine and sculpt the paws.
  3. We sculpt eye pupils from black plasticine and glue them onto white buttons (eyes).
  4. We take red plasticine, and from it we fashion a beak for the chicken and its crest.
  5. We attach the head of the figurine to the upper part of the cone, and the legs to the lower part.
  6. Place the finished figurine on the stand.

Craft from pine cones “Swan on the Lake”

Such a wonderfully beautiful swan can be made using a pine cone and decorative material. Invite your child to make such a craft; he will probably enjoy both the creative process and the resulting swan on the lake.

To make it you will need:

  • One big and two small bumps.
  • Plasticine.
  • Two branches.
  • Dry tree leaves.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Gouache.

Let's start the work process:

  1. For a large cone, cut off the lower part a little.
  2. From black plasticine we sculpt a neck for a swan and attach it to the top of the pine cone.
  3. For the bird's head, you can use white or green plasticine. Form the head, make the growth with black plasticine, the beak with red, and the eyes with blue. Make a small stand from blue plasticine and place the finished swan on it.
  4. We cut out thin strips from green colored cardboard; they will serve as grass.
  5. We decorate small cones with thin strips of plasticine so that they look like reeds. Attach them to the branch using glue or plasticine.
  6. We glue reeds onto a plastic stand with plasticine, place strips of green cardboard using glue, and place the swan on the stand.
  7. Draw a lake with thick blue gouache.
  8. When the gouache dries, beautifully glue the autumn leaves.

It all depends on your imagination and desire, I will offer you a few more photo of crafts made from pine cones.

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