Home Preparations for the winter Passage of the witcher 1 ring from the reverend. Passage of the witcher - Vizima neighborhood. Poker dice combinations in The Witcher

Passage of the witcher 1 ring from the reverend. Passage of the witcher - Vizima neighborhood. Poker dice combinations in The Witcher

The first chapter opens with a long video, immediately after which you are given control of the character.

First of all, you have to deal with the flock barghests. It is better to use group style here. After the battle, you can talk to Shani. However, this can be done later (it will be in the tavern) ( M5.3).

Two tasks will now appear in your diary: Q1.5 "About people and monsters" and Q1.6 Salamander Tail .

Tip 24: Be careful when choosing phrases in dialogues. Some careless or flippant remarks may offend other characters

Tip 25: If the character is angry with you, aggressive or angry, try to leave the play area (for example, leave the house), and then return again and start the conversation again.

Map M5 - Surroundings of Vizima

Plants: swallow potion , Balissa, needle myrtle, Berberk, Hellebore.

Monsters (meet at night): barghests, drowners, a few ghouls and floater Nadir.

As well as two quests: Echinops and Beast.

There is an arrest warrant on the board. professors, as well as your first three contracts. Take everything and read to get the following quests: Q1.7. "Wanted" , Q1.8. "Barghest Contract" , Q1.9. "Contract for drowners" , Q1.10. "Contract for Ghouls" .

In the tavern you will meet the following characters: innkeeper Olaf , waitress Rita Shapochka , drunkard, antique dealer, player, bard, and - after completing the quest - an alchemist Kalkstein; and after meeting by the river ( M5.43) - and Zoltana. Some of them go to their rooms at night, and you will not be able to catch them. Try, in that case, to see them during the daytime.

Also in the tavern you can try to earn money by participating in fisticuffs. If you search the tavern, you can profit from the goods from the barrels (two of them, by the way, are right at the entrance on the street).

Among other things, you can store inventory items here for free. Later, you can get the things left for storage in any other tavern. And by asking the innkeeper for a free room (for 5 orens), you can meditate.

  1. Village gate.
  2. Bonfire.
  3. A tavern with a bulletin board in front of the entrance.
  4. Bonfire.
  5. Forge.
  6. Abandoned house.
  7. Abandoned house.
  8. Chapels of the Eternal Flame (total 5).
  9. Bonfire. Next to it is Chief Royal Seeker .
  10. Abandoned house. On the hanger: Silver ring with ruby .
  11. Abandoned house; there is a barrel at the entrance. The house is the entrance to the Salamander hideout. You can get there as you complete the quest. Q1.6 Salamander Tail .
  12. Place of Power.
  13. Dead body. From it can be taken tulips.
  14. Touching the stone increases the power of the sign Aard for a few hours.
  15. Cave. There is a fire inside.
  16. House. Inside you can find a book "Swamp Monsters" (adds an entry to the Bestiary about Utoptsakh, Plavunakh and leeches).
  17. House. Nearby is another barrel.
  18. Village police. Before they miss, they will examine for diseases.
  19. Chapel. You can enter at the final stage of the quest Q1.20. "Heavy Legacy of the Past" .
  20. Shopkeeper's tent with suspicious meat.
  21. grandma's house Rita Hats.
  22. House Reverend. Inside you will find amber, book "Fundamentals of Alchemy" and in the basement - a book "Prophecy of Itlin" .
  23. House. The book can also be found here. "Fundamentals of Alchemy" (gives knowledge about some alchemical ingredients).
  24. Barrels.
  25. Abandoned house. There are several barrels inside, and in the chest: silver ring.
  26. House Abigail. Inside you can take the book "Introduction to Magic". You can also meditate here.
  27. Bonfire.
  28. House Odo.
  29. Bonfire.
  30. Place of Power
  31. Bonfire.
  32. Entrance to the crypt. Closed until receiving the quest from the guard Mikuly (M5.42). Inside, next to the girl's corpse, lies glass vial . Also here you can find a new Circle of Elements and learn a new sign: Igni.
  33. Abandoned house. Inside: moon baby, Mercury solution.
  34. Abandoned house. Nearby there is a fire, and inside you can take Silver ring with ruby .
  35. Merchant gate to Vizima. They are guarded Mikula with two city guards.
  36. Here you will meet four racists who attacked a dwarf named Zoltan Chivay. You can choose to help Zoltan or pass by. Anyway, Zoltan stay alive.
  37. Bonfire.
  38. Bonfire.
  39. Barrels.
  40. House Harena. Inside you can take a book: "Against the Inhumans" . There are three barrels behind the house; in addition, you can meditate here.
  41. Maribor gates of Vizima.
  42. Miller's Gate - after completing the quest Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" , Mikula will be on duty here.
  43. Here you will meet a swimmer Nadir(appears only at night) - a nominal monster for which he has appointed a reward Chief Royal Seeker (M5.9). After killing him, complete the quest Q1.14. "The Monster from the Lake" , attributing The head of a floater hunter.
  44. Bonfire.
  45. Cave.
  46. Mill.
  47. If you talk to Rita in a tavern ( M5.3), then in the evening here you can save her from trouble and get a quest.

Map M6 - Crypt in the vicinity

Monsters: ghouls, alghul Ozzrel.

  1. Body Ilsa, sweetheart Mikuly. The body lies at the entrance to the crypt, next to it is a glass vial (quest item).
  2. Place of Power.
  3. Here you can learn the sign Igni.
  4. Dead body.
  5. Clogged passage. To pass, you need to complete the quest Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" . If you decide to look deep into the cave, it is better to drink cat, because with a torch there will be much more problems.
  6. Aard.
  7. Box.
  8. Dead body.
  9. Flimsy wall. Breaks easily with a sign Aard. Immediately behind her are two aggressive ghoul who will attack as soon as you do so.
  10. Flimsy wall. Easily spread by sign Aard.
  11. Algul Ozzrel- a strong opponent. Take the trophy from his body: Alghoul's head. This will activate the quest Q1.17. "King of the Crypt" .
  12. Box. Inside: red meteorite .
  13. Box.

Main quests

The main quests in this chapter are: Q1.5. "About Men and Monsters" and Q1.6. "Tail of the Salamander" . Besides, Q1.6 contains three additional tasks: Q1.15. "Secret Garden" , Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" , and Q1.18. "Strangers in the Night" . They must be completed to complete the first chapter; and its final completion will take place in stage 13 Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" , when Mikula will let you into Vizima on papers received from Reverend. And here is the quest Q.4. "Witch's Secrets" , obtained in the prologue, will remain in your diary for now.

Tip 28: The order in which the stages appear may vary depending on your actions during the passage. If you are not sure whether you are going through the stages of the quest in the right order, you can navigate by their names below:

Q1.4. witcher secrets

Stage 1. Stolen secrets

It starts with the prologue.

Stage 2. Win the trust of the villagers

This stage starts simultaneously with the beginning of the first chapter.

Stage 3. Salamander Hideout

Will start after talking about the origin the beast with Rev.(Stage 11 Q1.5 "About people and monsters" ).

Stage 4. Conversation with the Salamander

Upon entering the house M5.11) at stage 9 Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" , will have to deal with the leader of their local gang. Before dying, he will give you a name: Azar Yaved. This quest will continue in the second chapter.

Q1.5. About people and monsters

Stage 1. The beast at the gate

It is necessary to kill the monsters that attacked the gates of the village ( M5.1).

Stage 2. The Good Shepherd

Having dealt with barghests (M5.1), you will learn about Reverend(M5.22, M5.25). Now I need to talk to him the beast.

Stage 3: Sacred Flame

Talk with Reverend about Salamanders; in one of the dialogues, he will give you 5 lamps that you will need to place in five chapels of the Eternal Flame located throughout the village. ( M5.8). This must be done at night, so remember to barghests. cook swallow just in case there are a lot of them.

Stage 4. It's getting dark

When you arrange all the lamps, it turns out that this did not help. Come back to Reverend and tell him about it.

Stage 5. Witch

Reverend suspects that the appearance the beast involved a local witch, Abigail(M5.33). Go to her and talk about it.

Stage 6. Innocence of the witch

Abigail says it has nothing to do with to the beast. If she offers you a riddle about the demon Alzura in a conversation, then choose the answer "Male" to impress her.

Stage 7. Needle myrtle petals

Abigail claims to know something about The Beast. She thinks that Alvin- Source, and wants to use his prophetic abilities; but in order to be convinced of this, it is necessary to give him a potion, for the preparation of which she needs 5 petals needle myrtle . If you don't already have the Herbalism skill, you can buy them from the Vizima herbalist (M5.2). If you have the skill, collect the required amount near the tavern gate ( M5.1). Abigail will give you a description of the plant, adding a diary entry.

Stage 8. Myrtle harvested

Take the petals to Abigail.

Stage 9. Preparation of the potion

Come back to Abigail after a while. However, it is enough to leave her house and enter again.

Stage 10. Prophecy

Alvin will answer some questions. Now you can go to Reverend. In addition, you will receive Abigail notes Berengar, with a potion recipe: The soul of a dog - a ghost .

Stage 11. Waiting for a decision

Before talking to Reverend, try to finish all side quests first, especially those related to the need to run to the tavern ( M5.3), otherwise you will not be able to return to them. After this conversation, you will immediately go to stage 7 of the quest Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" .

Stage 12. Witch cornered

Having met Abigail in the cave behind the house M5.11), you will be faced with a choice: protect her from the angry villagers, or give her up to them.

If you give her out to the mets, Abigail will be killed, and they will help you in the battle with the beast(however, there will be little sense from such assistants - they will all die quickly). After death the beast, Reverend will give you city ​​pass.

If you save, then she will help you in the battle with healing spells. However, after the battle with the beast you will also have to deal with a crowd of angry villagers. Try to attack first of all those who attack Abigail. When you deal with everyone, take money from their remains, and from the body Reverend - a pass to the city. Don't forget to skin the Beast: get silver ring , ectoplasm and Soul of a ghost dog .

To battle with the beast did not cause problems, you can use the following trick. First of all, drink swallow before the fight. Yes, and a potion that restores energy (the same Owl) won't hurt. Beast will appear surrounded by three barghests. If you kill them all, he will absorb their energy and restore his health, and then summon three more. So it makes sense to kill only two of them (quick style) and then focus on the beast using the already power style. The remaining barghest can be discarded with the sign Aard not to interfere.

Stage 13. The beast is dead

No matter how you deal with Abigail, Beast dead. You have pass from Reverend (removed from his body or given voluntarily).

Stage 14. Appreciation.

If you saved Abigail she will thank you.

Q1.6. salamander tail

Stage 1. Salamander

At the very beginning of the first chapter, you will learn about reverend, as a person to talk to...

Stage 2-4. Distrustful Kmet

You will have to win the favor of three famous villagers: Odo(M5.35), Harena(M5.49) and Mikuly (M5.42). By the way, they will not enter into a conversation unless you show them,
received from Reverend.
However, it can also be obtained from beggars(M5.18), giving her white seagull.

Odo will give you a task Q1.15. "Secret Garden" , Mikula - Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" , a Haren - Q1.18. "Strangers in the Night" .

Stage 5. Trust won

After completing all three previous quests, return to Reverend.

Stage 6. Trust of the Reverend

Need to complete Q1.5. "About Men and Monsters" and talk to Reverend.

Stage 7. Salamander

The stage starts after talking with Reverend about the origin the beast(Stage 11 of the quest Q1.15. "About Men and Monsters" ).

The key to the abandoned house is at the innkeeper Olaf(M5.3).

Stage 8. Key

Upon entering the tavern, you will find that Olaf dead and Shani surrounded by several bandits. After dealing with them, take the key from the body of the innkeeper. Salamander hideout can now be accessed ( M5.11).

Stage 9. Shelter

Since it will not be possible to agree with the guards at the entrance, everyone will have to be killed. Now let's go inside M5.11) - four fencers are already waiting there. What to do - and so clear. Search the bodies, and then the boxes with the goods - an underground passage will be found under them. Get down into the hatch. In one of the conversations, you will learn information regarding the quest Q.3. "Berengar's Secret" .

Stage 10. Gang Leader

Geralt is still that negotiator, so the next dialogue ends in a fight again ... Don't forget to search all the bodies, especially the gang leader. find silver ring , elixir ( Owl), and Owl's book. In addition, in the cave you can find a couple more silver rings (one of them with ruby), one more book, and blue meteorite. To exit the cave, go to Alvin and break the wall near which he stands with a sign Aard.

Go further down the corridor (the child will follow you) and meet Abigail. In a conversation, she will ask for help and offer to "get to know each other better." It is enough to agree during the dialogue to her unambiguous offer, choosing the answer about her beauty. But regardless of your decision, you will have a choice: to betray the witch Reverend or protect her.

Stage 11. Pass

Finishing the epic the beast and at the same time quest Q1.5. "About Men and Monsters" , You'll get Pass to Vizima , with which you can finally get into the city. Go to the tavern M5.3) and say Shani that it's time to go.

Stage 12. Miller's Gate

After a short conversation, run after Shani to the gates of Melnik (M5.53).

Stage 13. Vizima

Mikula will let you into the city ... at the same time handing over to the city guards.

Q1.15. secret garden

Stage 1. Plants

The task will have to be completed in the next stage of the quest Q1.6 "Salamander Tail" . When you ask Odo (M5.35), how you can help him (showing first), he will talk about the carnivorous plants that have appeared in his garden and ask him to get rid of them. It will be two Echinopsa- It is better to use a fast fighting style against them. And don’t let the fact that you were a little tipsy at that moment bother you - you are a professional ...

Stage 2. Task completed

Killing Echinopsov, come back.

Stage 3. Trust Odo

Talk with Odo and get rewarded.

Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories"

Stage 1. Ghouls

The quest will start in the second stage Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" . Ask Mikulu (M5.42) how you can help him (first showing ring with the seal of the Eternal Flame ) and he will ask you to kill ghouls in the crypt ( M5.39). Now the entrance will be open.

Stage 2. Task completed

Kill everyone ghouls in the crypt, and at the same time take glass vial , lying next to the corpse of a girl ( M6.1) right at the entrance. When you return to the gates of Vizima, ( M5.39), meet the alchemist near them Kalkstein. At the same time, you will have to deal with the mercenaries of the Salamanders, led by the magician.

By the way: If in prologue you have chosen a battle with a chimera, then a pair of mutant hounds will be added to the mercenaries. At the same time, you will learn how the decision in the prologue influenced the further development of the plot.

Stage 3. Trust Mikula

Tell Mikule that killed everyone ghouls in the crypt, and get his trust and 200 orens. You will learn that the dead girl from the crypt was called Ilsa; she was his lover.

The next day he will go on duty at the Miller's Gate ( M5.53), there you will receive information that he and his friends are going to the crypt in search of treasures. However, you can go to the crypt and discover the cleared rubble immediately, without waiting for the next day. Here you can immediately complete the quest Q1.10. "Contract for Ghouls" , approaching Kalkstein.

Q1.18 Wanderers in the night

Stage 1. Drowners

Quest will start in the second phase Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" . Ask Harena (M5.49), whether he needs the help of a witcher, and he will ask to kill utopians next to your home. This must be done at night, when they crawl out of the water onto the shore.

Stage 2. Drowners (continued)

When you deal with drowners, Skoya'tael (several elves and dwarves) will appear on the shore. They will try to take the goods Harena. You can let them do it, or you can fight them.

If you give the goods to them, then in the second chapter Brick will be killed in Vizima and completing the quest Q1.19. "Doubtful Case" will become impossible. However, necessary for the task fisstech you will also be able to shoot from the bodies of dead bandits, instead of buying it from brick.

If you kill them, then Q2.29 "Mysterious Tower" banker Golan Vivaldi will be arrested, and you will need to pay a deposit for him - 200 orens. But in this case, you can get a book from him "Secret Gates» for free, instead of buying for 100 orens.

Stage 3. Elves

If you still kill three elves and a dwarf, then, after searching their bodies, you can find various useful items, for example, double arrow flowers which are not included in this chapter.

Stage 4. Haren's Trust

When you're done, return to Haren for an award. If you did kill the Scoia'tael, ask him about his missing friend Zoltana by the name Goog. Haren promises to make inquiries about him.

Side quests

Qp.3. Berengar's Secret

Stage 1. Berengar

The task begins with a conversation with Vesemir at the end of the prologue.

Stage 2. Berengar in the Outskirts.

In conversation with Reverend (M5.22, M5.25) you will know what he saw Berengar previously.

Stage 3. Chasing the Salamander

At the Salamander hideout M5.11), where you will get in stage 9 of the quest Q1.6 "Salamander Tail" You will learn from one of the thugs that Berengar has something to do with the Salamanders and is now possibly located in Vizima. This quest will now continue in the second chapter.

Q1.7. Wanted

Stage 1. Professor

A wanted notice with an arrest warrant hangs on a bulletin board in front of the tavern ( M5.3). It says that Professor, dead or alive, wanted for a bounty of 1,000 orens. Read so that the appropriate entry appears in the diary. This task will move with you to the second chapter.

Q1.8. Barghest Contract

Stage 1. Barghest skulls

The contract itself hangs on the bulletin board in front of the tavern ( M5.3). After reading, a diary entry will appear: witch Abigail (M5.33) will pay 100 orens for 10 skulls barghests.

Stage 2. Mining

Collecting skulls is not a problem - just run around the neighborhood at night and kill the required number. The easiest way to find them is near the chapels of the Eternal Flame ( M5.8). After collecting 10 skulls, carry them to Abigail (M5.33).

Stage 3. Reward

Hand over the skulls Abigail to get 100 orens and 2 mandrake root .

Q1.9. Contract for drowners

Stage 1. Brains of drowners

On the bulletin board M5.3) take and read the relevant contract. An entry will appear in the diary stating that Reverend (M5.22, M5.25) is willing to pay for the brains of three utopians. Remember that in order to get ingredients from the bodies of killed monsters, you must have the knowledge necessary for this (entries in the Bestiary). You can find the book you need to fulfill the contract in one of the houses ( M5.17) or buy from Abigail (M5.33).

Stage 2. Mining

Utoptsev can be found at night near the house Harena (M5.49) and near the gates of Vizima ( M5.42). After killing three and taking their brains, you can return to Reverend.

Stage 3. Payment

Having received trophies Reverend will reward you with 100 orens and the blessing of the Eternal Flame (which, unfortunately, does not give you anything).

Q1.10. Ghoul Contract

Stage 1. Ghoul blood

All on the same bulletin board M5.3) take and read the contract, which says that the alchemist Kalkstein ready to pay for the blood of three ghouls. To complete the task, you need an entry in the Bestiary about ghouls. Information can be obtained from the old woman ( M5.16, M5.18, M5.20) if you give her food (for example, of bread) and ask them to talk about something.

Stage 2. Mining

ghouls you will find in the crypt ( M5.39). To get inside, talk to the guard Mikula (M5.42), at the same time get Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" .

Stage 3. Payment

Tell Kalkstein that you have blood for him. In return, he will give you 100 orens and a book. "Fundamentals of Alchemy" .

Q1.11. racists

Stage 1. Fight

Not far from the Maribor Gates of Vizima, on the river bank, you will meet a dwarf Zoltana and four racists who surrounded him ( M5.43). If you support him in an unequal battle, a corresponding diary entry will appear.

Stage 2. Help

To complete this quest, just help Zoltan. Collect all inventory from the dead, and you will find a set of playing dice for poker .

Q1.12. Dice Poker

Stage 1. Poker with dice

Talk with Zoltan immediately after the fight with the racists ( M5.43), and ask about the bones found.

Stage 2. Dice poker: rules

Later, visit Zoltana in a tavern ( M5.3) and he will teach you the rules of the game.

Stage 3. Dice poker: beginner

Play a game with Zoltan. An entry will appear in the diary, and the quest itself will move with you to the second chapter.

Q1.13. Dice Poker: Beginner

Stage 1. Basics

Now that you know the basics of the game ( Q1.12), ask Zoltana about other players. You can play with Odo (M5.35), Haren (M5.49) and Mikula (M5.42).

Stage 2. Playing with Zoltan

Win a game against Zoltana.

Stage 3. Players: Odo

Show Odo ring with the seal of the Eternal Flame obtained by completing a quest Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" (also have to drink with him). Then say what sent you Zoltan, and he admits that he also plays poker.

Stage 4. Playing with Odo

Win a game of poker with Odo.

Stage 5. Players: Mikula

Show Mikule ring, ask about the bones, and say that you were sent Zoltan.

Stage 6. Playing with Mikula

Win a game of poker with Mikuly.

Stage 7. Lucky streak

This stage will end when you defeat three opponents (in any order).

The quest itself will move with you to the second chapter, where you can try your hand at professional players, for example, with Thaler (M8.26).

Q1.14. monster from the lake

Stage 1. Monster from the lake

When you kill the swimmer Nadira (M5.54), take the trophy ( The head of a floater) and the quest entry will be added to the diary.

Stage 2. Payment.

Hand over the trophy Huntsman(M5.9) and get 200 orens reward.

Q1.17. Crypt King

Stage 1. Crypt King

After completing the quest Q1.16. "Forgotten Memories" , you will gain access to previously unexplored parts of the crypt ( M5.39) and fight the alghoul mature (M6.11). Take Alghoul's head from his body to activate the quest.

Stage 2. Trophy

Take your head To the chief royal trapper (M5.9) and get 200 orens reward.

Q1.19. Doubtful case

Stage 1. Package

After completing the quest Q1.18 "Strangers in the Night" ask Harena, whether he still has work for you. He will ask you to deliver the package to his accomplice in the tavern "Under the shaggy bear" in Vizima. You can complete the task in the second chapter.

Q1.20. The heavy legacy of the past

Stage 1. Cave

The quest must be obtained from the merchant Leeuvaarden, which can be found in the tavern during the day ( M5.3). He will offer to find his friend who disappeared in the cave ( M5.56).

Stage 2. Remains

It is recommended to drink cat before descending into the cave. Inside you have to fight with several Echinopsami; human remains will lie next to one of them.

Stage 3. Burial

Take the remains Leeuvaarden, to which he will ask you to bury them. This must be done in the chapel Reverend. Stage 3 of the quest must also be completed. Q1.5. "About Men and Monsters" , to Reverend opened the doors of the chapel M5.22).

Enter, go down to the basement and put the remains in the sarcophagus. You will appear King of the Wild Hunt (small reference to the events of the book). He will ask you a question about Destiny, and if in response to his question you do not give up your belief in Destiny, he will summon a ghost Leo. If you strike him, take him from the remains red meteorite .

Stage 4. Payment

Get your reward at the tavern.

Stage 5. Companion is buried

For your efforts, you will receive 200 orens.

Q1.21. late bird

Stage 1. Trouble

If in a tavern ( M5.3), give a few compliments Rita Shapochka, then in the evening there will be an opportunity to meet her at the crossroads ( M5.58), surrounded by bandits. If you decide to help her, then deal with them quite easily, especially since you can take a lot of useful items from their remains.

Stage 2. Grandma's house

Rita asks to accompany her to her grandmother's house ( M5.24) agree...

Stage 3. Attack of the barghests

Passing by the second chapel of the Eternal Flame, you will be attacked by several barghests.

Stage 4. Another attack

A few more will attack at the next chapel.

Please note that Rita much weaker than you, so try not to let her die (otherwise the quest will fail). It is recommended to use the group style.

Stage 5. Date

Having spent Rita to home ( M5.24), don't forget to ask for a date. She will make an appointment for the next evening at the mill ( M5.57). Come there after sunset, and don't forget to grab a bottle of wine , which you give to her during the conversation.

Qp.22. Fisticuffs

Stage 1. Fist Fighter

In taverns, you can participate in fisticuffs for money. To make a challenge, just talk to any of the fighters.

Stage 2. Beat Fat Fred

Find him in the tavern ( M5.3) and challenge him to a duel.

Stage 3. Fat Fred is beaten

When you beat him, choose a reward from those that he will offer you. Silver ring with diamond - the most valuable of them in terms of value. The quest can be continued in the second chapter.

Important characters

Listed here are both characters with whom you can trade and receive quests from them, as well as those with whom you can communicate on issues not related to completing quests.

Tip 29: Any item you buy automatically appears at the merchant again the very next day (except meteorite ore, books and runes).

Abigail (trade)

On sale: Saltpeter, Black powder , goose fat, Suet, Temerskaya rye vodka , Local pepper , Cherry tincture , Plum tincture , Calcium Equum, Cream of tartar, Gynaceic acid , white vinegar, Naezan salt, Zerrikan Blend , bear fat, moon baby, crushed pearls, Absinthe, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Alchemical Gunpowder , Alchemy Paste , ghost oil , Red ribbon (amulet) .

Books: "About animals", "Swamp Monsters", "About barghests", "Field Plants"

Antiquary (trade)

You can find it in the tavern ( M5.3). Sells the following books: "Recent History" , "History of the World", "About the Barghests", "Monstrum or witcher description" , "Tales and legends" , "Conjugation of the Spheres" , "Prophecy of Itlin" , "Introduction to Magic" , "Fundamentals of Alchemy" , "Against the Inhumans" , "About animals", "Field Plants" , "Zerrikan Alchemy" , "Swamp Monsters" , The Book of Fear and Loathing, Volume 1.


Found and performs in the tavern ( M5.3). For 5 orens, he will sing you a few verses and tell you about Buttercup.

Declan Leeuvaarden(trade)

Haren Brogg (trading)

Usually stands near his house ( M5.49). To trade, you need to show Ring with the seal of the Eternal Flame . You can get it from Reverend (M5.22, M5.25) during the quest Q1.6. "Salamander Tail" , or at beggars

Sells: Light club, grinding stone , Saltpeter, Suet, goose fat, Temersky rye vodka , Alchemical Gunpowder , Grindstone , bear fat, Zerrikan mix , ax, Temerian iron dagger , Temerian steel dagger , small ax, Temerian iron ax , Temerian iron sword and blue meteorite.

Kalkstein (trade)

It will be possible to trade with him only in the second chapter.

Shopkeeper (trade)

Her tent is located near the Maribor Gate ( M5.23). She will tell you that Berengar was already here, but fled to Vizima. You can also buy from her: chicken leg, lamb ham, suet, goose fat, pork, chicken and bear fat.

Dwarf - blacksmith

Stays at his stall next to the tavern all day ( M5.5). Blacksmiths can forge a new sword from three pieces of meteorite ore, or strengthen a steel sword (and later a silver one) with the help of runes. Talk to him about weapons to buy Crinfidd oil (for 35 orens). It’s better not to ask him about Squirrels, otherwise he will get angry and refuse to talk.

city ​​dweller

You can find it in the Outskirts M5.26). She will give you tulips in exchange for wildflowers (daisies, for example).


Sitting at one of the tables in the tavern ( M5.3). If you manage to overdrink it (5 mugs of beer or 3 bottles of wine), it will give you book aboutGulyakh and Graveira .


Walks along the road where the chapels stand. ( M5.8). If you talk to him, he will give 100 orens, claiming to return the debt.

Elderly townswomen

You can find it at the chapel of the Reverend ( M5.22). In exchange for food, they will tell about Utoptsakh. An entry will be added to the Bestiary, and an entry about the ingredients will appear in the diary: Gynaceic acid , Drowner's brain, Ptomaine. Ask a few more times and you'll know ectoplasm, Wool werewolf, Monstrous lymph.

old women

They walk in the village next to the houses ( M5.16, M5.18, M5.20). For food, for example, bread, talk about ghouls. If you ask about local herbs, you will learn about the ingredient balissa fruit.

Rita Shapochka (trade)

Working as a waitress in a tavern M5.3). You can buy from her: Bread, Kaedweni stout , Vizima Champion , Grape, pear, Goat and cow milk , mettinskoe pink , Mahakam mead , Toussaint Red , Watermelon, chicken leg, Cheese, Lamb ham, Redanian herbal vodka , goose fat, Temersky rye vodka , Dried fruits and nuts , Cherry tincture , Temer alcohol.

Chief Royal Seeker

Usually sits by the fire M5.9). If you talk to him, he will tell you about the monsters by the river next to the mill, near the house Harena (M5.49) and in the crypt ( M5.39). Two of them can be rewarded.

peasant woman

Walking in front of his house M5.16). If you want to spend time with her, give tulips(can be taken from a corpse) ( M5.13), and offer to find a quiet place...

Vizima Herbalist(trade)

It stands right next to the tavern ( M5.2). Sells: raspberries, Blueberries, Apple juice, raspberry juice, Needle myrtle petals , hellebore petals , Mushrooms - shibaltsy, Daisies, balissa fruit, Honeycomb, orchids and also books: "Field Plants" and "About underground plants" .


You can find it in ( M5.18). Give her white seagull and get in return Ring with the seal of the Eternal Flame . It will come in handy if you want to talk to Odo , Mikula and Haren.

Dice Poker- the invention of dwarves, which quickly became popular in all sectors of society. The goal of the game is to collect a combination of dice of greater denomination than that of the opponent. The game consists of three rounds and goes up to two wins. The winner takes all the money from the bank, which is formed during the game by two opponents. The game is conditionally divided into two phases: in the first phase, the player receives a set of five dice, in the second, he rolls any number of dice or leaves the combination that fell out in the first throw. In the intervals between rounds, opponents make bets, the size of which depends on the experience and size of the opponent's wallet.

Geralt's experience in The Witcher will grow gradually, and each next opponent will be stronger than the previous one. Players are divided into beginners, professionals and sharpers. By winning his last game, Geralt will become a legend. The basics of the game will be taught by Zoltan Chivay in a village tavern near Vizima, he will also become the first opponent. Before him, you can brag about your successes at each new stage. To start playing poker you will need set of dice, picked up from the bodies of the murdered racists during the liberation of Zoltan Khivai near the river, a little further than the Reverend's house in the first chapter. Before each game, it is better to save so as not to lose money and not be nervous over trifles.

Poker rivals from the first chapter in The Witcher:

  • Zoltan Chivay- village tavern after liberation on the river bank.
  • Odo- Odo's house south of the village tavern. Show the ring with the seal of the Eternal Fire, received from the Reverend or the beggar.
  • Mikula- at the Merchant Gate, northern part of the map. Show the ring with the seal of the Eternal Fire, received from the Reverend or the beggar.
  • Haren Brogg- on the opposite bank of the river from the mill in the vicinity of Vizima, after completing Mikula's task in the crypt. Show the ring with the seal of the Eternal Fire, received from the Reverend or the beggar.

Poker rivals from the second chapter in The Witcher:

  • Jason Varda(40) - tavern "Under the shaggy bear".
  • Thaler(110) - the house of the huckster Thaler.

Poker rivals from the third chapter in The Witcher:

  • Comte de Wett(60) - in the watchtower after a dinner party in the New Narakort tavern.
  • Hierophant(40) - a grove of druids in a forest in the swamps.
  • Bonfire(20) - a gambling house opposite the city wall in the Merchants' Quarter, from the side of the Maribor Gates.

Poker rivals from the fourth chapter in The Witcher:

  • Chireadan(110) - on the shore of the lake near the cave of the elves, in a conversation ask for help.
  • Buttercup(60) - village tavern.
  • Hermit(80) - hermit's shack in the fields.
  • Ghost- a skeleton in a field outside the village, not far from the northern unfinished bridge.

Poker rivals from the fifth chapter in The Witcher:

  • King Foltest(400) - King's quarters after talking with Triss, De Wett and Velerad.

Other poker opponents in The Witcher:

  • Vaska(10) - the elder of the village of brickmakers in the swamps.
  • Gardener(20) - in the garden of the hospital of St. Swan.
  • Carmen(30) - Hot Thighs Brothel.

Poker dice combinations in The Witcher:

  • Poker - a combination of five identical bones.
  • Four of a kind - a combination of four identical bones.
  • Full house - a set and a pair at the same time.
  • Big straight - a combination of bones from two to six.
  • Small straight - a combination of bones from one to five.
  • Set - a combination of three identical bones.
  • Two pairs
  • A pair is a combination of two identical tiles.
  • Nothing


From the game The Witcher to a further sequel, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, not so much passed. The combat system, the old BioWare's engine and, of course, the cards depicting the results of Geralt's numerous love affairs (the number of which, by the way, Dandelion could envy ..) were left far behind. What else is left in the first part of the gaming saga about the white-haired witcher, Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken? Of course, rings are an attribute both for personal use and perfect as a gift for a noble aristocrat from Vizima's Merchant Quarter, and for a simple girl from the village of Temnovodye.

Ring with the seal of the Eternal Flame.

Perhaps this is the only ring that we get in the story, in the First Chapter. It will be given to us by the chaplain of the Eternal Flame, after we complete his quest "Light in the Night". According to the plot of the quest, Geralt will have to light a "sacred fire" in five chapels surrounding the Vyzim Suburbs. After we complete the quest, we will receive a ring confirming that we are acting with the consent and support of the clergyman. This ring is applied to such quest characters as the rich man Odo, the merchant (and part-time havenkar) Haren Brogg and the guard Mikula, guarding the entrance to Vizima from the side of the Merchants' Gate.

Ring with the seal of the Prophet Lebeda.

We can get this ring in the Second Chapter, in the Temple Quarter of Vizima. During our investigation, we will meet a man like Thaler, who is a buyer of stolen goods. In addition to the questions that will interest Geralt in the story, it will also be possible to play dice with Thaler (Level: professional) and offer to check whose liver is stronger (who will drink whom). We are interested in the second option, so we boldly begin our alcohol competition. After the victory, Thaler will give us the book "People of the Shadow" telling us about the Secret Services of Redania. It can also be read for a general understanding of the lore of the universe. However, do not rush to sell the book, because it can be exchanged much more profitable with the Shoe Shiner. You can find him near Detective Raymond Marlowe's house, usually under the archway leading to Swan's Asylum. In addition to the profitable exchange of goods for us, we can talk with him on many topics. He's pretty knowledgeable for a common vagrant. By offering him Thaler's book, we learn that he is a former Redan spy. In gratitude, he gives us the ring of the Prophet Cygnus. As for me, this is the most useful ring in the game, because it is with the help of this ring that we can easily negotiate with the "nice" old woman who rents a room to Shani. Granny will take us for a servant of the Prophet Lebeda and ask Geralt to direct Shani "on the path of faith and prayer."

Ring with the seal of the city guard.

We will also receive this ring in the Second Chapter. To get it, we need to complete the quest "Suspect: Vincent". To do this, we need to prove Vincent's innocence. Heading to the warehouse in the slums of the Temple Quarter at night, we will interrupt the Captain's meeting with the Salamanders. During the dialogue, Geralt can play along with the Captain of the Guard, or he can accuse him of colluding with the Salamanders. In any case, the case will end in a fight in which Geralt will kill the bandits. After some time, after talking with Vincent, we learn that he is conducting his own investigation. Immediately on the spot we tell him that he is innocent and in gratitude for such a clever conclusion, he will give us a ring with the seal of the city guard. Later, with the help of this ring, we will be able to get to the Swan's Hospital.

Ring with the seal of the House of Night.

We will receive the ring with the seal of the House of Night in the Third Chapter, at a reception at Leuvaarden in New Narakort. At a secular reception at the merchant, we will meet several familiar faces: Ipat Velerad, Triss, Princess Adda, and also, to the surprise of Geralt, we will meet Thaler. The Fencer appears at the reception, along with the knight Erkin von Blanten, as his representative. The knight took a vow to remain silent and protect the royal family, as well as many other vows that Thaler preferred not to talk about. To get the coveted ring, we must wait until Thaler moves away from the knight, then try to get him drunk. If this works out for us, then we will find out that the knight turns out to be an agent of Thaler. In exchange for silence, he gives Geralt a ring. This ring gives you a 50% discount at Temeria's most elite brothel, the House of Night. It also makes the Blue Eyed Girl quest a little easier. In order not to spoil such an interesting quest, I’ll just say that with the help of the ring we can not only get a discount, but also do without a fight with the guard of this institution, simply by showing him the ring of a “regular” customer.

It all starts with the fact that you will see how a girl and a boy run away from mad dogs. According to the classics of the genre, the girl stumbles in front of the very closing gate and does not have time to run into the defending fortress. And people refuse to meet her. Creatures, I can not say anything more about these people. Yes, I did not think that the witcher passage would be so cruel. Although, if you remember the book, then there is nothing to be surprised at. Only one merchant is eager to save the girl. Well, we won't be left behind. After killing all the dogs, you will see how the boy, Alvin, prophesies. And the Beast, the leader of the mad dogs, will retreat. Right there, Shani, the girl who met us, will tell us about dogs and a man with a salamander icon on his face. Talk to her about everything, and she will tell you that the Salamanders are a criminal organization that is particularly cruel. Okay, we'll deal with her. Otherwise, how can we continue the witcher passage without finding the robbers of our house? Finish the dialogue with Shani and collect the trophies left after the battle.

After that, go to the tavern and take all the tasks from the notice board. We will need both the money and the experience that we get. Go inside, if you have a starting capital of 25 gold coins, talk to fist fighters who can be beaten and earn money. Keep in mind that throughout the witcher passage you will have to look for more and more powerful opponents. This is one of the long quests in the game. The innkeeper Olaf for 5 gold can tell us an interesting story that does not interfere with our plot in any way. He can also leave some things for storage. Here sits the Antiquarian, from whom you can buy many different books. But they are not essential for us. If you want, you can have a drink with a local drunkard. When you're done entertaining, go outside.

I advise you to wander at night in order to collect the required number of skulls from the corpses of dogs. Although, of course, the witcher passage will not leave us without trophies. And there will be more than enough skulls. When you collect 10 skulls, go to Abigail, who must turn in the task. Before entering the door, a sick person is lying around, who is shouting something about a cursed witch. Okay it does not matter. Come inside. There is a very pretty witch, who is required to hand over the task. Ask about her products, but do not rush to buy something. Until you need it. When you finish talking to her uselessly - search her house, take everything you need, and go outside. Do not forget that during the witcher passage you will have to read many books in order to improve your knowledge of alchemy, and in general, you should collect knowledge about the world. Now go to the inn. There, still outside the fence, you will meet Rita, a waitress from a tavern, who wants to be raped by several bandits. I decided to protect Rita, after all, a man after all. After the death of all creatures, agree to take Rita home to her grandmother and go to a new mark on the map.

As soon as you bring her to the village, you will start a dialogue in which you can persuade her to meet you again. It's understandable why. In the witcher passage, it sometimes seems that Geralt only needs girls for sex. Tomorrow, after sunset, we must come to the old mill with wine. Okay, let's go. In the meantime, let's fulfill the contract for drowners, which we took from the bulletin board. To do this, go south, along the road that goes around the impassable part from the east. When you reach the bridge, go down to the river. I advise you to move along the river to the west, collecting along the way the brains of drowners from the producers of this product themselves. As you approach Haren Brogg's house, you will witness an interesting scene. Several racists want to shave off the dwarf's beard. Yes perishing, excellent people we decided to protect. And this time, the passage of the witcher game makes you doubt whether it is worth saving those who independently cope with their own destruction. I decided that it was worth helping the dwarf fight off the racists, especially with five of us for one - this is not fair. After all the villains are dead, talk to Zoltan, who will turn out to be your old friend. Too bad we have amnesia. Well, okay, ask him about everything, get the first mention of "Proteins" - a semi-criminal organization of non-humans who are fighting for their rights. HM interesting. The only question is how they do it. I think it's clearly not Robin Hood. After that, I propose to rest until sunset, in order to then go to the beauty at the old mill. The mill is marked on the map, so don't get lost. There, give the wine to Rita, who is already waiting for you. Great, now you have another card for another girl. How nice, however. But it's time to move on. We go to the reverend. His house is marked on the map, and is located not far from the bridge to Vizima. That's why it's easy to get there. But the Reverend is screaming for us to perish. And he tells an interesting story about another witcher. Berengar, who had already come to the village and promised to destroy the Beast. Yes, but he did not fulfill his promises. The reverend will also give us a task to light candles for that night in all five chapels around the village. Surely you have come across these chapels in your travels. So agree, especially since they pay us 100 gold for this. Turn in the quest to kill utopians and leave the reverend's house. As soon as you leave the house, you should notice that you have five marks on the map. That's what they need to burn. Okay, let's go in order. Just wait until midnight. It is not difficult to run along the road, so go ahead. Sometimes the passage of the witcher game makes us perform obviously useless actions. Although, of course, for a priest they are not. But let's leave him to his own delusions.

When all five chapels are completed, you will have a record that lighting candles did not help drive away the ghosts. Go to the Reverend and report to him about the completion of this task. Get your 100 gold and listen to new nonsense that the Beast was set on by the witch Abigail. Hm. And why don't I believe it? Anyway. Let's go to her and talk heart to heart. But before that, talk to the Reverend about people who wear Salamander badges. He will say that it is necessary not only to gain confidence, but also to win over three respected people from the village. And he will give us the ring of eternal fire, so that we would be believed in the village. Okay, we'll deal with that later. First - to the Witch.

And here we are with her. And she has our old friend - the boy Alvin. What a kind witch ... It's rare to find such kind characters in the passage of the witcher game. But come on, talk to her. She will say that Alvin can give us information about the Beast, but for this it is necessary to bring five petals of the needle Myrtle. You picked it up along the way, didn't you? Give her the petals and go on other tasks while she prepares the potion. For example, let's go to Odo's. His house is in the south, and he is marked on the map. When you go inside, talk to the drunken fat man. You will also have to drink with him, but oh well. Show him the Reverend's ring and... again you will have to drink and drink with him, bargaining. And you will have to bargain for the destruction of carnivorous plants. Doing it while drunk… hmm, interesting. In general, deal with fresh flowers that spit quite painfully at you. There are only two of them, so it won't be a problem. After the kill, go into the house and take the reward. After that, I advise you to rest for one hour, so that the hops pass.

Now we are going to Mikula, in order to earn more and his respect. You can find him near the northwest gate to Vizima. And he will ask neither more nor less, but to exterminate the ghouls in the crypt. Great, now we'll head to the crypt to exterminate some ghouls. Open the map, find the location "Crypt" and go there. Along the way, you should collect everything you can from plants, in order to help yourself a little with the ingredients later. Before entering the crypt, you will come across a place of Power. Carry out any ritual you need. For example, the ritual of life significantly speeds up health regeneration. Spent? Okay, now let's go inside the crypt. Inside you will see the corpse of a woman, which attracted the ghouls. Recommending you to use the "Cat" potion to see in the dark. After clearing the crypt and using another circle of stones, which will give you another magic sign, you can return to Mikula with a report. But when you arrive at the gate, you will find several Salamanders terrorizing the alchemist. Hmm, help the sufferer. Especially since you don't have a choice. After that, give the task to the Alchemist Kalkstein, get your reward. Then - the same thing in Mikula.

So, we won the trust of two residents. Now you can go to the third. This is where you saved Zoltan, remember? In any case, the mark is on the map. Go inside and talk to Haren. You can buy a piece of a blue meteorite from him. And you may not buy. Talk to him about the services of the Witcher and ask him about the box of dice from the crypt. You found her there, didn't you? Then leave the house You are separated from the mission by 8 drowners. And then a scoiatael will speak to you. Representative "protein", you guessed it. What will you choose? Give him the goods - or kill them? I remember that I am not a knight in shining armor, but only a witcher, a monster slayer. I will not give them the product. After the death of all Scoyataels, go to Haren's house. Take your money and get new information about the Salamanders.

Now go to Abigail and listen to what Alvin will tell us under the influence of the potion. And Alvin will tell us that the Beast arose from human shortcomings - anger, lust, greed ... a good opponent, right? Now it's time to go to the reverend and tell him everything you've learned. When you come to him, talk to him. He will send us to the tavern, where Olaf must take the key to his old house. In the tavern you will find a crowd of men who want to rape Shani. When the attackers are dead, you will learn that Shani is going to Vizima. And after that you will see the corpse of the innkeeper. Take the key from his body and go outside. Open the diary and mark the task on the map. After that - move west to the Salamander's house.

In front of the entrance you will be met by two of the salamanders, killing which is not the slightest difficulty. Next, go inside and repeat the act of violent killing with those inside. Collect trophies and inspect the hatch. Do these boxes look like anything? Get down. And there are already Alvin and other children. Okay, talk to the Salamanders and kill them. Then Alvin will come up to you and say that the Reverend himself sent him to an abandoned house. Well, aren't you a bastard? Okay, let's leave it. We need to get the kids out of the cave. Break the wall near which Alvin is standing and go forward. In the next cave you will meet Abigail, who will tell you many, many interesting things. And Abigail asks to protect her. And… you can agree to get to know Abigail better. Although I didn’t like her card, it’s good for the collection. After the bed scene, go to the exit. And there is already an angry crowd waiting for you. "Burn, witch, burn!" Yes, people are ugly. I didn't give them to Abigail. Never! Naturally, they will be frightened of the witcher and will not touch Abigail. It's time to go hunting for the Beast. He will not hesitate to show us. And now he won't run away from us! Killing him is easy, nothing special is needed. As soon as the Beast is dead, a crowd of people will appear, led by the reverend. They will also have to be killed. Make sure they don't kill Abigail. Killing them with a group style is not the slightest difficulty. Collect trophies, including a pass from the body of the reverend. Okay, now let's go to the tavern and get Shani.

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