Home Preparations for the winter Conclusion kak what has changed. What is a CEC certificate, and what is needed to pass it? groups of navigation bar commands See also section Regulatory and reference information

Conclusion kak what has changed. What is a CEC certificate, and what is needed to pass it? groups of navigation bar commands See also section Regulatory and reference information

Even for those who know what KOSGU is in the budget, decoding can be difficult. The classification of general government transactions is part of the classification of the account, which allows you to group the costs of the public sector of the economy depending on the economic content and includes a group, item and subitem.

  • expenses for payments to personnel in order to ensure the performance of functions by state (municipal) bodies, state institutions, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds;
  • purchase of goods, works and services to meet state (municipal) needs;
  • social security and other payments to the population;
  • capital investments in objects of state (municipal) property;
  • intergovernmental transfers;
  • provision of subsidies to budgetary, autonomous institutions and other non-profit organizations;
  • service of the state (municipal) debt;
  • other appropriations.

Decryption of KOSGU: subarticle 226

  • The first group includes income transactions- code 100. It includes sub-articles from 110 to 180, this includes all types of income that the organization has. Subsection 110, for example, includes all income from taxes. Sub-item 120 includes income from property (rent, etc.). 130 includes profit from services rendered. And other sub-articles.
  • The second group includes expenditure operations of the organization- code 200. The code has subgroups from 211 to 290. Here are grouped operations on wages, benefits, pensions, paid organizations, rent and much more.
  • The third group includes receipts of assets that are not related to financial- code 300. The specified assets can be both production and non-production. The group consists in detail of sub-articles 310-340. This includes income from the increased value of the organization's property, from an increase in the cost of maintaining software and databases, etc.
  • The fourth group includes the disposal of assets that are not related to financial is the code 400. This group includes 410-440 sub-entries. If the value of the property of the enterprise has decreased, compensation for damage, etc.
  • The fifth group includes the receipt of financial assets– code 500. The group has subgroups 510–550. This includes receipts from shares, promissory notes, an increase in loan balances, and more.
  • The sixth group includes the disposal of financial assets- code 600, which consists of 610-650 articles regulating the disposal of assets.
  • The seventh group includes an increase in liabilities– code 700, consisting of 710-720 subgroups. Here we are talking about increasing the debts of the organization.
  • The eighth group includes a decrease in liabilities- code 800. It consists, in turn, of sub-items 810 and 820, and includes operations to reduce various debt obligations.

In the budgetary accounting of institutions, all transactions in terms of income and expenses are distributed on the basis of the classification according to KOSGU. The specified classifier is necessary in the accounting department when forming the accounting policy of the organization, in order to fully take into account information about the operations performed.

Which CWR and KOSGU to use for public procurement

The detailing of each expenditure operation of an economic entity of the public sector is the basis for planning and budget execution. That is, effective and transparent planning, ensuring the intended use of allocated funds and the reliability of financial statements depend on the correctness of the selected code for the type of expense and the classification of operations of the general government sector.

An expense type code is a special numerical code that allows you to group homogeneous types of expense transactions according to their content in order to manage the budget process in terms of spending funds, as well as control its execution in accordance with the current requirements of budget legislation.

KVR 242 and 244: we reflect the costs in the field of information and communication technologies

Providing clarifications on the attribution of goods, works, services to the field of information and communication technologies is within the competence of the Ministry of Communications of Russia, which, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.06.2008 No. 418 "On the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation" - legal regulation in the field of information technology.

Analyzing the descriptions of the considered codes of types of expenses, we can conclude that only recipients of federal budget funds, as well as other recipients of budget funds, can apply CWR 242, when the relevant financial authority decides to apply this element of types of expenses. Budgetary and autonomous institutions of CWR 242 cannot apply.

Decoding and special cases of KOSGU 225 and 226 in budgetary institutions in 2019

Separate installation of equipment, if it is not provided for by the contract for the supply, construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment or additional equipment, refers to article KOSGU 226. Including the installation of security, fire alarms, windows and meters. The main thing to keep in mind is that the contract should be only for the installation or installation of the specified equipment. If you conclude one contract with a contractor for the purchase and installation of equipment, the costs will need to be attributed to article 310 of KOSGU.

The concept of "improvement" in the legislation does not exist. The financial department believes that these are the costs of creating a comfortable, practical and aesthetically equipped space on the territory of the institution. That is, these are various works, services and non-financial assets.

Formation of a working plan of accounts of budgetary and autonomous institutions in 2019

Recall that from 01/01/2019, the account numbers of the working chart of accounts of budgetary and autonomous institutions, depending on their economic content, must also contain in 15-17 digits an analytical code for the type of income - income, other income, including from borrowing (sources of financing deficit of funds of the institution) (hereinafter referred to as receipts) or an analytical code for the type of disposals - expenses, other payments, including for the repayment of borrowings (hereinafter referred to as disposals), corresponding to the code (component of the code) of the budget classification of the Russian Federation (analytical group of the subtype of budget revenues, code of the type of expenses, analytical group of the type of sources of financing of budget deficits). Zeros may be indicated in 5 - 14 digits, unless otherwise established by the Accounting Policy of the accounting entity.

In the elements of the directory "Items of the plan of receipts (disposals)" for articles of the type of KRB, it is enough to indicate the codes of the section and subsection, type of expenses and KOSGU. If necessary, you can specify a code from an arbitrary classifier "KPS Analytical Code", which is used to conduct analytics in accordance with the Accounting Policy of the institution.

Table of codes of KOSGU and compliance with KVR

  • Income to the budget account, an indication of the increase in the amount of residual funds of organizations that relate to the budget system.
  • The increase in the value of securities, not counting all kinds of shares and other documents reflecting participation in the capital. Carrying out operations related to investing in various securities (not shares).
  • Growth in the value of shares and other documents confirming participation in the capital. Expenses on contributions made to acts and other forms of valuable documents, as well as on budget investment.
  • Increase in debt on budget loans. Carrying out operations related to the issuance of loans from the budget in favor of other budgets, legal entities or governments of other countries.
  • Growth in the value of other financial assets. Investment of budgetary funds in other financial assets.

Thus, when drawing up all kinds of schedules, where KOSGU was previously indicated, now you need to put CWR. At the same time, participants in the procurement process should carefully read the comparative table of these codes, since the classifiers in them are somewhat different, which can lead to an error.

Budget classification

Budget classification represents a grouping of incomes and expenditures of budgets of all levels, as well as sources of financing their deficits. It provides comparability of indicators of all budgets. With its help, the systematization of information on the formation of budget revenues and the implementation of expenditures is achieved.

  • functional the classification reflects the allocation of budget funds to the implementation of the main functions of the state (management, defense, etc.). (Section → Subsection → Target items → Types of expenses).
  • departmental the classification of budget expenditures is directly related to the management structure, it reflects the grouping of legal entities that receive budgetary funds. (The main managers of budget funds).
  • Economic the classification shows the division of state expenditures into current and capital, as well as wages, material costs, and the purchase of goods and services. (Expenditure category → Groups → Subject items → Sub-items)

See also: Budget expenditures

Changes in 2019 for budgetary institutions

It was added that in order to organize management accounting at the request of the founder of the institution, in 1-17 digits of the account number, in which, according to Instruction No. 174n, zeros are put down, indicate analytical codes of receipts and disposals. At the same time, such an opportunity is prescribed in the accounting policy.

The Ministry of Finance has changed the procedure for the financial statements of budgetary and autonomous institutions for 2019 - Instruction No. 33n. New rules by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 16, 2019 No. 209n have already entered into force. You can find out about all the news right now from our table.

05 Aug 2018 10422

Conclusion of the KEC. What is meant by KEK help? Composition of the KEC Commission. When you need a medical certificate KEK.

The Ministry of Health is a federal executive body in the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the Ministry should set general guidelines for health protection and various medical issues, while lower-level structures should be involved in clarifying and concretizing these guidelines. Such structures include, for example, regional offices of the Ministry of Health, its departments and services, as well as regional administrations and other institutions.

The issues of the need to form clinical expert commissions on the basis of medical institutions subordinate to the state are regulated by the Orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia only in the most general form. Each subject - region of the Russian Federation establishes its own provisions on the composition, functions and procedure for the work of clinical expert commissions.

Below we will outline those points that an ordinary citizen who acts in medical institutions as a patient should know about such commissions for the general development.

So, in medical institutions (HCI) it is necessary to create, in established cases, a special body of a collegiate nature - a clinical expert commission (CEC). Let us clarify, just in case, that the term "treatment and prevention facility" is equally applicable to hospitals, clinics, trauma centers, etc.

The committee has several goals. However, for HCI patients, the power of the clinical expert commission to make decisions regarding controversial, ambiguous or conflict situations is of the greatest importance. This means that if the diagnosis of a patient causes problems for the attending physician, or the principles of the treatment offered by him, diagnostics, medical certificates issued by him, etc. raise questions or doubts in the patient, then the right to be an "arbitration court" is granted to KEK. In addition, patients should be aware that it is the conclusion of the KEK that has more power than any other medical certificate.

Conclusion can confirm a person's incapacity for work for up to a year. Plus, the clinical expert commission also makes a decision on sending a person for a medical and social labor examination. Such an examination determines whether a person is able to work, or whether he should be assigned a disability group.

Composition of KEC

The CEC consists of the most experienced professionals, who do not have to be practicing doctors. Depending on the considered medical (clinical) case, the members of the clinical expert commission of the health facility may be healthcare workers, representatives of the scientific community, public organizations and government agencies. It turns out that the clinical expert commission can meet in a different qualitative and quantitative composition. Moreover, the commissions in some health facilities are completely temporary and are collected only as the need arises.

In any case, the responsibility for the quality of the work of the clinical expert commissions lies with their chairmen. The chairman of the commission is usually appointed the chief physician of the medical institution in which the CEC is created. At the same time, one or two vice-chairmen of the KEK are appointed. Accordingly, if KEK conclusion is drawn up incorrectly, then the patient has the right to make claims, first of all, to them.

How to use the KEK medical certificate

Incidentally, medical certificates issued by the clinical expert commission to patients can be used in different situations. KEK help may serve as a basis for:

KEK help there is KEK conclusion, issued in an appropriate manner for issuance to the patient. Respectively, KEK certificate is subject to verification by signatures, stamps and seals, like any official document.

Of course, not every person in his life will come across the work of the CEC. However, to know and understand what this commission is not only possible, but also necessary for anyone.

CEC is organized to discuss and make decisions on the most significant clinical and expert issues of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, determination of working capacity, professional suitability and other medical and social issues, as well as to consider claims from patients and interested organizations that arise in the process of providing medical care.

The CEC holds its meetings weekly and is headed by the deputy head of the health facility for CEP.

By orders of the Ministry of Health of the USSR "On staffing standards for medical, pharmaceutical and other personnel of healthcare facilities" dated 09/26/78 No. 800 and dated 05/31/79 No. 560, the position of deputy for CEP in a healthcare facility is introduced if there are 25 medical posts or more. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1997 No. 43, deputies for CEP were transferred to the group of the administrative and managerial category and must also have a certificate of a specialist in public health and public health.

In accordance with Order No. 363/77 (not registered with the Ministry of Justice), which defines a three-stage system for monitoring the quality of medical care (1st stage - heads of departments; 2nd - deputy for medical work, polyclinic or CEP; 3rd - CEC LPU), deputy for CEP, being at the same time the chairman of the CEC of LPU, is usually responsible for the 3rd stage of quality control of medical care, but there is no strict regulatory framework on this issue. The chief physician has the formal right to put the deputy for CEP responsible for the 2nd stage of the examination of the quality of medical care, and the chief medical officer - for the third. The quantitative composition of CEC is not strictly defined, but should not be less than 3 or too large. To make a decision, at least 50% of the KEC + 1 members must be present.

Accounting for clinical and expert work, including registration of the conclusions of the CEC, is carried out by maintaining the “Journal of accounting for clinical and expert work of healthcare facilities (f. No. 035 / y-02), introduced by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2002 No. 154.

Conclusions (certificates) of KEK can be issued on forms of the established and arbitrary form. Copies of the EEC conclusions, with the exception of the conclusion on the severity of the work injury, are handed over to the patient at his request. In other health facilities or organizations, the KEK conclusions are submitted in accordance with Art. 61 Basics

The government of Moscow


On the organization of clinical and expert work in the system of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow

Document as amended by:
by order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow dated January 16, 2015 N 7;
by order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow dated July 12, 2017 N 498.

An analysis of the work of the clinical expert commission of the Moscow City Health Department and medical commissions of state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow shows that the existing organization of departmental control of the provision of medical care and examination of temporary disability of citizens as a whole meets the objectives of further improving the medical provision of the population of Moscow.

At the same time, in connection with the implementation of the activities of the Moscow Healthcare Modernization Program for 2011-2012, the priority national health care project "Health", the implementation of city targeted programs, as well as structural changes in the city health care system, the need to improve the efficiency and quality of medical care, optimization and standardization of the treatment and diagnostic process, further development of clinical and expert work at all levels is required.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 24, 2008 N 513n "On the organization of the activities of the medical commission of a medical organization", Regulations on the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 31, 2002 N 1070-PP "On the reorganization of the Moscow Health Committee", in in order to further improve clinical and expert work in the system of the Moscow Department of Health, strengthen its role in improving the quality of medical care for the population of the city

I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Regulations on the Clinical Expert Commission of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow (Appendix 1).

1.2. Regulations on the medical expert at the clinical expert commission of the Moscow City Health Department (Appendix 2).

1.3. Regulations on the commission for the study of lethal outcomes (KILI) of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow in the administrative district of the city of Moscow (Appendix 3).

1.4. The order of work of the clinical and anatomical conference (Appendix 4).

1.5. Standard minutes of the meeting of the clinical expert commission of the Moscow City Health Department (Appendix 5).

1.6. Standard act of expert control (Appendix 6).

1.7. The composition of the clinical expert commission of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow (Appendix 7).

2. To the directors of the State public institutions of the Directorates for ensuring the activities of public health institutions of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow:

2.1. Submit to the Moscow City Health Department proposals on the composition of the commissions for the study of lethal outcomes (CLI) of the Moscow City Health Department in the administrative district of Moscow.

2.2. Submit the lists of expert groups of CILI of the Moscow City Health Department in the Moscow City Administrative District according to the profiles headed by the chief freelance specialists of the Moscow City Health Department in the Moscow Administrative District.

Deadline - within two weeks from the date of issuance of this order.

3. Heads of public healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow:

3.1. Create medical commissions in the entrusted state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow and organize their work in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 24, 2008 N 513n "On the organization of the activities of the medical commission of a medical organization".

Deadline - within a week from the date of issuance of this order.

3.2. In the activities of medical commissions, to provide for the work of subcommittees for the study of lethal outcomes, medical control subcommittees, subcommittees for the examination of working capacity.

Deadline is permanent.

3.3. To exercise control over the activities of medical commissions in the entrusted state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow in accordance with the requirements of this order, other legal documents and in compliance with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation.

Deadline is permanent.

4. Clinical expert commission of the Department of Health to provide organizational, methodological and advisory assistance in the work of medical commissions of state health care institutions of the city of Moscow in accordance with the approved regulations; if necessary, make proposals for further improvement of this area of ​​activity.

Deadline is permanent.

5. Consider invalid the order of the Moscow City Health Department dated 13.04.2007 N 155 "On the further improvement of clinical and expert work in the system of the Moscow City Health Department" (as amended by orders of the Moscow City Health Department dated 04.05.2008 N 300 and dated 05.29.2009 N 627).

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Department of Health
Moscow city
L.M. Pechatnikov

Appendix 1. Regulations on the Clinical Expert Commission of the Moscow City Health Department

Appendix 1
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481

1. General Provisions:

1.1. The Clinical Expert Commission of the Moscow City Health Department (hereinafter referred to as the CEC) is created and its composition is approved by order of the head of the Moscow City Health Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

1.2. The tasks of the CEC are: collegial discussion and decision-making on all the most significant clinical and expert issues of the organization and quality of medical care, examination of working capacity and professional suitability, other medical and social issues within its competence, as well as consideration of conflict situations, claims of patients and interested parties. organizations that arise in the process of providing medical care in public healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow.

1.3. KEC is an organizational, methodological and advisory body. The chairman of the EEC is the head of the Moscow Department of Health, the deputy (deputies) - one or more deputy heads of the Department of Health. The CEC includes officials and chief freelance specialists of the Department, if necessary, specialists from medical universities, research institutes, institutions and other organizations can be involved. One or more members of the KEK are appointed by the Secretary(s) of the Commission.

1.4. The Chairman of the CEC, together with the chief freelance specialists of the Department, for expert control, forms a list of medical experts at the CEC from among the most experienced specialists of medical institutions, employees of medical universities, research institutes, scientific centers and other institutions and organizations, which is approved by the chairman of the CEC.

1.5. Medical experts at the CEC are part of the profile groups under the leadership of the chief freelance specialist of the Department, their activities are also coordinated by the members of the CEC.

1.6. The KEC meetings are held as needed. For each case requiring expert control, an administrative document of the Moscow City Health Department is issued, which determines the composition of the commission of medical experts for the main profile of this case, establishes the procedure, terms for preparing materials and the date of the meeting of the EEC.

1.7. At least five members of the CEC must be present at the meeting of the clinical expert commission. All cases received by KEK must be considered within no more than 30 days. If it is impossible to make a decision during this time, the period may be extended in accordance with the established procedure for the time necessary for the final study, but not more than 30 days.

1.8. In special cases, by decision of the chairman of the EEC, an extended meeting of the EEC is held with the involvement of directors of the State public institutions of the Directorate for ensuring the activities of public health institutions of the administrative district of Moscow (hereinafter - GKU DZ AO), heads of public health institutions of the city of Moscow, chief freelance specialists of the Department.

1.9. The secretary (secretaries) of the CEC ensures control over the timely consideration of materials by medical experts, their preparation for the meeting of the CEC, the execution of the minutes of the meeting of the CEC, the maintenance and storage of the established documentation.

1.10. In the absence of the chairman of the KEK, the meeting of the KEK is held by the deputy chairman of the KEK.

1.11. The meeting of the KEC and its decision are documented in the minutes. The decision of the commission comes into force after the approval of the protocol by the head of the Department of Health (Appendix 5 to this order). The minutes of the meeting of the clinical expert commission, as well as the materials of the internal investigation are internal documents, copies of which, certified by the seal of the Moscow Department of Health, are issued at the request of the prosecution and investigation authorities, as well as other institutions in the manner prescribed by law.

1.12. When the commission considers and conducts an expert assessment of the work of specialists or institutions, the presence of the inspected persons and heads of state healthcare institutions in the city of Moscow is mandatory. Representatives of institutions and organizations not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health, in respect of which an expert assessment was carried out, as well as representatives of insurance companies, the Office of Roszdravnadzor for the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region, etc., may be invited to the meeting of the clinical expert commission.

2. QEC functions:

2.1. Conduct an expert assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the treatment and diagnostic process and the compliance of the medical care provided with approved standards.

2.2. Evaluate the final results of the activities of specialists of structural divisions and institutions.

2.3. Consider the submissions of judicial and law enforcement agencies on the quality of medical care and examination of temporary disability.

2.4. Consider claims and claims of insurance medical organizations and executive bodies of the Social Insurance Fund on the quality of medical care and examination of temporary disability.

2.5. Consider the most complex and conflicting cases in which the medical commissions of state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow did not make a final decision, or when the applicants disagree with their decisions.

3. KEC has the right:

3.2. Submit, based on the results of the examination, to the Head of the Department conclusions on the compliance of the positions held by the heads of state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow and medical workers, on the advisability of revising the qualification category, the advisability of disciplinary measures and penalties, transferring cases to the prosecutor's office and investigating authorities.

3.3. Send submissions to institutions, organizations, departments on the provision of medical and social assistance to patients, their employment, career guidance and other issues within the competence of the commission.

4. Responsibility:

KEK is responsible for the validity and objectivity of the results of the examination carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Annex 2. Regulations on the medical expert at the clinical expert commission of the Moscow Health Department

Appendix 2
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481

1. General Provisions:

1.1. The list of medical experts at the EEC in the main medical specialties is formed from among the chief freelance specialists of the Department, leading specialists and officials of the health authorities and medical institutions of Moscow, which, on the proposal of the chairman of the EEC, is approved by the head of the Health Department. Employees of medical universities, research institutes, research centers and other institutions and organizations may be involved as medical experts.

1.2. The medical expert (hereinafter referred to as the expert) in his work is guided by the current legislation, legal documents governing legal relations in the system of examination of the quality of medical care, orders and regulations of the Moscow Health Department, orders of the chairman of the CEC, the head of the group of experts, these Regulations. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the protection of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control", a medical expert must have an accreditation certificate:

1.3. The expert carries out the examination in accordance with the instructions received from the head of the group of experts. Timely and in full conducts the analysis of the sent materials with the execution of the act of expert control.

1.4. Examination of the quality of medical care is carried out individually or with other experts (if necessary), on individual cases completed in this institution, on medical documentation (medical record of an inpatient patient, medical record of an outpatient, etc.), based on the results of an internal investigation or in person expertise.

1.5. The main task of the expert is to assess the correctness of the choice of patient management tactics, the volume and quality of medical care, the compliance of its provision with the Moscow City Standards for the provision of medical care, as well as the compliance of the provision of medical care with the final outcome of treatment.

2. The medical expert has the right:

2.1. Use the documents necessary for the evaluation of an expert case.

2.2. Carry out, if necessary, an examination on the spot in accordance with the established procedure.

2.3. Justify additional testing.

2.4. Participate in the preparation of the general conclusion.

2.5. Make proposals for further improvement of the organization and improvement of the quality of medical care to the population.

2.6. Regularly improve your professional level.

3. The medical expert is obliged:

3.1. To give a competent and objective assessment of the quality of medical care based on the study of medical records, and, if necessary, a personal examination of patients.

3.2. If necessary, apply for the involvement of other experts in the examination.

3.3. Discuss with the attending physician and the management of the healthcare institution the preliminary results of the examination.

3.4. Prepare recommendations for improving the level and quality of medical care, improving the work of healthcare professionals and institutions, including the elimination of the causes that caused the provision of medical care to patients of inadequate quality.

3.5. Based on the results of the examination, prepare an appropriate conclusion, draw up the results of the check with an act of expert control. The deadline for submitting an act of expert control of the organization and the quality of medical care should not exceed 7 days from the date of receipt of the necessary documentation.

3.6. Report to the head of the expert group on the results of work with the submission of an expert control act.

4. Responsibility:

The expert in accordance with the established procedure is responsible for the quality and objectivity of the examination.

Appendix 3

Annex 3
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481

1. KILI of the Moscow City Health Department in the administrative district of Moscow (hereinafter - KILI DZ in JSC) is created and its composition is approved by order of the Moscow City Health Department (hereinafter - the Department).

2. A lethal outcome in the administrative district of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the AO of the city of Moscow) is any case of a fatal outcome that occurred in the subordinate state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow on the territory of the administrative district. All deaths are subject to analysis at KILI DZ in the JSC, regardless of whether an autopsy was performed, whether a match or discrepancy in diagnoses was revealed at the autopsy (except for cases of violent death according to information from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination).

3. KILI DZ in AO are held at least once a week, and therefore at least 3 co-chairs of clinicians, 3 co-chairs of pathologists and 3 secretaries from among clinicians are required. The timing of the CILI DZ in the AO is on the 2nd month after the death. If necessary, KILI DZ in the joint-stock company is assembled urgently.

4. Lethal outcomes are sorted out on the spot by medical commissions of state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow. A report on the analysis carried out is sent to the secretary of KILI DZ in the joint-stock company on a monthly basis with a list of final clinical and pathoanatomical (forensic) diagnoses, as well as decisions of medical commissions for each case. Secretaries of KILI DZ in JSC, after consultations with the main freelance specialists of the Moscow City Health Department in the administrative district, select part of the observations for re-analysis at KILI DZ in JSC (at the same time, medical records of the inpatient and outpatient patient of the deceased are requested from the public health institutions of the city of Moscow). When parsing at KILI DZ in the AO of a fatal outcome in a hospital, an outpatient card of the deceased is also required, if necessary - from another AO of Moscow.

5. Materials on fatal outcomes from outpatient clinics are sent monthly to the secretaries of CILI DZ in the JSC with the application of medical records of the outpatient and autopsy diagnoses (pathoanatomical or forensic, if they were performed). All observations about which complaints were received from citizens, regardless of the results of previous reviews, as well as all cases in which shortcomings in the management of patients at the prehospital stage were identified, are selected for the CILI DZ in the AO.

6. Two weeks before the CILI DZ in the JSC, reviewers are sent medical records of deceased patients and copies of pathoanatomical or forensic diagnoses (if an autopsy was performed) by profile. The lists of reviewers by profiles are submitted by the chief freelance specialists of the Moscow City Health Department in the Moscow City Administrative District from the most experienced specialists, the number of reviewers is not limited, and the composition may change from time to time.

7. If necessary, representatives from medical institutions of other Moscow AOs are involved in participation in KILI DZ in JSC.

8. At KILI DZ in the AO, lethal outcomes are selected for clinical and anatomical conferences (AS) of the AO of Moscow and / or the city. On HOW it is expedient to consider several observations similar in terms of problems.

9. The Chief Pathologist of the Moscow City Health Department in the Moscow JSC ensures the participation of experienced pathologists from public health institutions of the administrative district of Moscow as co-chairs of the KILI or personally participates in the KILI (in the status of a co-chairman of the KILI), as well as for reviews on morphological issues . If an autopsy was not performed or a forensic autopsy was performed, the heads of KILI DZ in the AO can also involve pathologists to participate in the review and meeting.

10. If a forensic autopsy was performed to participate in CILI DZ, a forensic expert appointed by the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination is involved in the JSC. Lists of forensic medical experts for participation in CILI are transferred to the JSC of Moscow from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Cases of violent death at KILI are not analyzed, their lists are transferred to the secretaries of KILI DZ in the AO from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination on a monthly basis.

11. KILI DZ in JSC is responsible for the validity and objectivity of the results of the examination in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Annex 4. The order of work of the clinical and anatomical conference

Appendix 4
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481

1. The format of the clinical and anatomical conference (hereinafter - HOW) - a group of departments in multidisciplinary public health institutions of the city of Moscow, a public health institution of the city of Moscow, an administrative district, a city.

2. Tasks HOW - improving the skills of doctors and the quality of medical care based on a joint analysis, as well as discussion of clinical and morphological data on materials of lethal outcomes.

3. On HOW are discussed:

3.1. Fatal cases of scientific and practical interest for a wide range of clinicians, regardless of how correctly the disease was diagnosed during life.

3.2. Generalized data on sectional observations in technosological forms, the issues of morbidity, treatment and causes of death in which are relevant (thematic conferences).

3.3. Cases of discrepancies in the final clinical and pathoanatomical (forensic) diagnoses with systematically repeating defects in diagnosis and treatment.

3.4. Clinical cases that are difficult to fully analyze at PILS meetings, controversial or insufficiently clear observations of lethal outcomes.

3.5. Rare or understudied diseases, diseases with atypical course, iatrogenies, cases of drug disease and drug pathomorphosis of diseases.

3.6. Analysis of the activities of the pathoanatomical department (services of the GKU DZ AO, city) for the previous year (conducted annually).

4. HOW they are carried out during working hours according to the annual plan in public health institutions of the city of Moscow - once a month, in the GKU DZ AO - once every two months. Participation in AS is the functional responsibility of the management and doctors of those public health institutions who took part in the examination and treatment of the patient at the outpatient and inpatient stages. In large multidisciplinary hospitals, in addition to the general hospital, AS should be carried out AS by groups of the relevant specialized departments.

5. HOW also analyzes the results of a study of surgically removed organs and biopsies, confirming the correctness of medical thinking when making an intravital diagnosis, the completeness of the examination of the patient before the biopsy, the expediency of the surgical intervention and other methods of treatment.

6. Responsibility for the organization and quality of the HOW is, depending on the format, HOW the chief physician of the state healthcare institution of the city of Moscow, director of the GKU DZ AO,.

7. Preparation, organization and conduct of HOW are carried out by the deputies of the chief physician of public health institutions of the city of Moscow, the director of the GKU DZ JSC for medical work, the deputy heads of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow together with the chief freelance pathologist of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow in the administrative district or city. Employees of departments of medical universities and departments of research institutes can be involved in the preparation, organization and conduct of HOW.

8. The direct management of the meeting of the HOW is carried out by the chairman - the chief physician (director of the GKU DZ AO), and in his absence - the deputy for medical work.

8.1. By order of the chief physician (director of the GKU DZ JSC), two permanent secretaries of the AS from among clinical physicians are appointed, whose duty is to register in a special journal the dates of the conferences and their agenda, the personal composition of the participants, the names and positions of the co-chairs, the main provisions of all speeches, as well as the final summary adopted by the conference.

8.2. The deputy chief physician (director of the GKU DZ JSC) for medical work, together with the head of the pathoanatomical department (in the district and the city - the chief pathologists of the districts and the city) determine the agenda and date of the next HOW, which is brought to the attention of the medical staff no later than 7 days (in the district and city 2 weeks) before the day of the conference.

9. The cases to be analyzed are reported by the attending physicians, pathologist or forensic expert who performed the autopsy of the deceased, by the official opponent (reviewer) who analyzed the data of medical records (outpatient and / or inpatient) and presents his judgment on the course of diseases, timeliness, completeness and the adequacy of treatment, as well as the quality of medical records.

10. Reviewers (at least two) are appointed (invited) from among the most experienced clinicians of this or other state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow, departments of medical universities or research institutes no later than 2 weeks before the AS.

11. Messages from doctors (clinicians and a pathologist or a forensic expert, as well as reviewers) should be accompanied by a demonstration of all materials that allow to highlight the clinic, the pathogenesis of the disease and thanatogenesis (X-rays, tomograms, electrocardiograms, laboratory data in dynamics, images of macro- and microscopic morphological changes, etc.), as well as a review of modern literature on the analyzed problem. Their duration should not exceed 20 minutes, after which the cases to be analyzed are discussed by the conference participants, including doctors of other specialties who took part in the diagnosis of the disease.

12. HOW should end with summarizing speeches of the co-chairs (or one of them), in which the results of the discussion are summed up, proposals are made aimed at improving the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process.

13. The management of state healthcare institutions of the city of Moscow (GKU DZ AO, the Department of Health of the city of Moscow), based on the materials, conclusions and proposals of HOW, develops and implements a set of measures to prevent and prevent identified shortcomings in the organization of medical care.

Appendix 5. Standard minutes of the meeting of the clinical expert commission of the Moscow Health Department

Annex 5
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481


(head of institution)



1. Commission consisting of:


(Chairman of the CEC or his deputy)

(KEC members, coordinators of expert groups)


(specialists presenting materials at KEK, leaders of expert groups, experts)

KEC Secretary

In the presence:

Checked persons


2. Considered:


(medical documents, protocols, explanatory notes, results of official investigations, inspection reports, orders, etc.)

3. Found out

(statement of the essence of the issue under consideration)

4. Noted

(identified shortcomings and violations)

5. Conclusion:

KEK Chairman

KEK members

KEC Secretary

Annex 6. Model act of expert control

Appendix 6
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481

dated _______ N _______

By me, a medical expert at the Clinical Expert Commission




examination of the case

1. During the examination, the following materials were studied:

2. Statement of the essence of the issue under consideration:

3. Identified shortcomings and violations

4. Conclusion

medical expert

Team leader
medical experts
profile __________

Appendix 7. Composition of the Clinical Expert Commission of the Moscow City Health Department

Annex 7
to the order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated November 30, 2011 N 1481
(As amended by
by order of the Department
health care of the city of Moscow
dated July 12, 2017 N 498. -
See previous edition)

The composition of the clinical expert commission of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow

Chairman of the Commission:

Alexey Ivanovich

Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow

Deputy Chairmen of the Commission:

Alexey Vladimirovich

Deputy Head of the Moscow City Health Department


Andrey Viktorovich

Deputy Head of the Moscow City Health Department

Elena Yurievna

Deputy Head of the Moscow City Health Department

Secretaries of the Commission:


Maxim Leonidovich

Chief Specialist of the Office for the Organization of Inpatient Medical Care of the Moscow City Health Department

Valentin Yurievich

Chief Specialist of the Department of Organization of Primary Health Care of the Moscow City Health Department

Members of the Commission:


Andrey Viktorovich

Director of the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow "Directorate for Coordinating the Activities of Medical Organizations of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow"

Vladimir Borisovich

Director of the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow "Directorate for ensuring the activities of state healthcare institutions of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow"


Elena Alexandrovna

Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Primary Health Care


Elena Vadimovna

Head of the Department of Organization of Primary Health Care


Anton Vladimirovich

Head of the Department of Organization of Inpatient Medical Care

Evgeny Leonidovich

Head of the Department of Affairs and Coordination of Activities

Alexey Stanislavovich

Deputy Head of the Department of Organization of Inpatient Medical Care

Commission experts:


Grigory Pavlovich

Chief External Therapist


Mikhail Borisovich

Chief Freelance Endocrinologist


Tatyana Viktorovna

Chief Freelance Nursing Management Specialist

Elmira Ibragimovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Gastroenterologist


Andrey Stanislavovich

Chief Freelance Pulmonologist

Dmitry Stanislavovich

Chief Freelance Gastroenterologist


Tatyana Borisovna

Chief Freelance Occupational Pathologist


Elena Mikhailovna

Chief Freelance TB Specialist

Evgeny Alekseevich

Chief freelance psychiatrist-narcologist


Tatyana Timofeevna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Neurologist


Viktor Alekseevich

Chief freelance specialist in maxillofacial surgery

Andrey Yulievich

Chief Freelance Transfusiologist

Yuri Pavlovich

Chief Freelance Psychotherapist


Tatyana Yuryevna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Nutritionist


Elena Yurievna

Chief Freelance Cardiologist


Sergey Granitovich

Chief freelance pediatric specialist - urologist-andrologist


Svetlana Albertovna

Chief freelance specialist children's specialist in medical rehabilitation and spa treatment


Dmitry Yurievich

Chief freelance pediatric specialist - traumatologist-orthopedist

Andrey Anatolievich

Chief Freelance Neurosurgeon


Andrey Viktorovich

Chief Freelance Infectious Diseases Specialist

Vadim Erikovich

Chief freelance specialist - traumatologist-orthopedist


Natalya Sergeevna

Chief Freelance Specialist in Medical Genetics

Victoria Pavlovna

Chief freelance specialist in instrumental diagnostics

Evgeny Valerievich

Chief External Rheumatologist


Marina Vladimirovna

Chief Freelance Specialist - Clinical Pharmacologist


Elena Spartakovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Rheumatologist

Islim Nidal

Chief Freelance Radiotherapy Specialist

Alexey Yurievich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist


Larisa Ruslanovna

Chief Freelance Specialist for Primary Health Care for Children

Oleg Nikolaevich

Chief Freelance Nephrologist

Andrey Ivanovich

Chief freelance specialist-otorhinolaryngologist

Georgy Petrovich

Chief Freelance Psychiatrist


Evgeny Mikhailovich

Chief Freelance Forensic Specialist


Alexander Georgievich

Chief Freelance Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology


Konstantin Leonidovich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Hematologist


Olga Vitalievna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Specialist - Abdominal Surgeon

Ilya Mikhailovich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Ophthalmologist


Igor Efimovich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Specialist


Yuri Mikhailovich

Chief freelance specialist for the implementation of modern information systems in healthcare


Anastasia Yurievna

Deputy Chief Freelance Cardiologist

Alexander Borisovich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Pulmonologist


Larisa Konstantinovna

Chief Freelance Ophthalmologist


Natalya Evgenievna

Chief Freelance Specialist - Plastic Surgeon


Alexander Valentinovich

Chief Freelance Dentist

Sergei Pavlovich

Chief Freelance Radiologist


Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist

Alexey Izral'evich

Chief Freelance Specialist in Diagnostics and Treatment of HIV Infection


Igor Vasilievich

Chief Freelance Epidemiologist


Diana Vladimirovna

Chief Freelance Palliative Care Specialist


Yuri Nikolaevich

Chief Freelance Toxicologist

Oleg Olegovich

Chief Freelance Specialist in Pathological Anatomy


Ivan Fedorovich

Chief freelance pediatric specialist - anesthesiologist-resuscitator

Ismail Magomedtagirovich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Nephrologist

Alexander Nikolaevich

Chief Freelance Specialist - Allergist-Immunologist

Vadim Vadimovich

Chief Freelance Hematologist


Nana Vachikovna

Chief Freelance Specialist in Medical Prevention


Nikolai Nikolaevich

Chief Freelance Specialist in Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

Dmitry Yurievich

Chief freelance urologist


Denis Nikolaevich

Chief specialist in anesthesiology and resuscitation


Nikolai Filippovich

Chief Freelance Specialist for Emergency, Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine


Irena Vladimirovna

Chief Freelance Specialist in Medical Rehabilitation and Spa Treatment


Elena Efimovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Endocrinologist


Anna Anatolyevna

Chief Freelance Child Psychiatrist

Dmitry Dmitrievich

Chief Freelance Child and Adolescent Hygienist


Alexander Yurievich

Chief Freelance Pediatric Surgeon


Dmitry Vladimirovich

Deputy Chief Freelance Specialist - Cardiologist for Endovascular Diagnosis and Treatment

Anatoly Boleslovovich

Chief Freelance Osteopathic Specialist

Viktor Viktorovich

Chief Freelance Specialist - Cardiovascular Surgeon


Antonina Vladimirovna

Chief Freelance Nutritionist


Zhanna Borisovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Neurosurgeon


Elena Viktorovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologist


Andrey Alexandrovich

Chief Freelance Specialist for Adult Primary Health Care

Olga Nikolaevna

Chief Freelance Geriatric Specialist


Evgeny Alexandrovich

Chief Freelance Specialist - Thoracic Surgeon


Elena Leonidovna

Chief External Pathologist (Children's Network)


Olga Alexandrovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Oncologist

Sergey Alekseevich

Deputy chief freelance specialist for emergency, emergency medical care and disaster medicine

Igor Evgenievich

Chief Freelance Oncologist

Mogeli Shalvovich

Chief Freelance Transplant Specialist

Alexander Nikolaevich

Chief Freelance Specialist for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


Antonina Igorevna

Chief Freelance Neonatologist

Nikolai Anatolievich

Chief Freelance Neurologist

Alexey Vasilyevich

Chief Freelance Surgeon

Yuri Anatolievich

Chief Freelance Coloproctologist


Maria Alexandrovna

Chief Freelance Pediatric Cardiologist

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

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Of course, it is very difficult to collect all the necessary medical certificate forms to apply for academic leave, and it is very important that they all meet the strict requirements set by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. As you yourself noticed, the most important link in the chain of medical certificates is the conclusion of the clinical expert commission. Him like others medical certificate forms, You can easily order from us by phone or icq, and everything will be ready in a few hours without sacrificing quality. The conclusion is filled in and certified in strict observance of the established norms and therefore has full legal force. And the main guarantee for you in this case is the exclusive powers of the clinical expert commissions, which we have already talked about in a special article published on the site.

Hello! The conclusion of the clinical expert commission is issued on important work and educational issues related to the preservation of the health of an employee or student. So for example, given sample medical certificate can be used both to dismiss an employee for professional unsuitability, and to transfer him to an easier position for health reasons. The Clinical Expert Commission is essentially engaged in resolving complex, often conflict situations between an employee (or student) and the administration. The work of the clinical expert commission was analyzed in more detail in a special article posted on our resource. If you decide to order a named sample medical certificate(conclusion of the KEC), then here are the benefits you can get with it. First, extend the sick leave for more than thirty days. Secondly, to achieve a transfer to another position associated with less physical stress (in particular, the absence of night shifts, mandatory overtime, etc.). Thirdly, to receive an additional sick leave certificate (issued to patients with tuberculosis or occupational diseases). Fourthly, you may be issued a sample medical certificate for illness with a referral for examination and treatment in sanatoriums and resorts. In a word, you can really make your life at work easier and even relax in a sanatorium for free! Call or send an SMS-message to the number to place an order for the conclusion of the QEC. In addition, you can write to us in icq.

So, to answer your question, let's first look at abbreviation KEK decoding: the abbreviation "KEK" stands for "clinical expert commission". What is a Clinical Expert Commission? This is a specially created medical commission at medical institutions, all functions of which are subordinated to one goal and responsibility - ensuring the maximum preservation of the health of citizens. More specifically, if a person has problems with the physical condition, such a commission is obliged to take all necessary measures to combat the disease. How does this happen? This can take place in the form of control over doctors conducting medical practice, in the form of control over compliance with the proper conditions for keeping a patient in a hospital, as well as in the form of issuing special certificates - sick leave certificates - with the possibility of subsequent granting of academic leave, exemption from participation in physical education classes or even indications of the need to change the conditions of training and other indications designed to significantly improve one or another situation that has arisen related to a person’s malaise. Along with the above, the clinical expert commission has a number of duties and powers assigned to it regarding the performance of supervisory and consulting functions, and in addition, the execution of various types of medical documents that have legal force and are the legal basis for a particular action. More about abbreviation KEK decoding read on KEK and the medical commission, and also contact the phone number: or ICQ.

Thank you for contacting to us for advice. We will try our best to help you. To begin with, some information about the powers of the clinical expert commission, which can help alleviate your situation at work. So, the authority of KEK includes the execution of certain documents that can help you. These documents, in particular, can ensure your transfer to another, easier job due to poor physical health; it may also be your exemption from night work, an indication of the need for your transition to a lighter version of work within your specialty, and other changes in a similar vein. Among other things, documents containing the conclusion of the KEK may contain sanctions for the issuance of paid sick leave to those people who are sick with so-called "occupational" diseases. If you want to receive a quality KEK document and additional information about KEK, then use our where to get medical certificate- phone or ICQ. Get additional and useful information at Work of the Clinical Expert Commission.

Hello! We are glad that you are applying to our addresses with the conclusion of the clinical expert commission. We really provide our customers with quality certificates with the conclusion of KEK. These can be conclusions of various kinds, depending on the various purposes for which this document is required. Among others, the most common and "popular" cases for which we issue KEK conclusions to our clients are the following: 1) exemption from participation in physical education classes in various educational institutions; 2) permission to freely attend lectures and other classes in various educational institutions; 3) to take academic leave in any of the educational institutions. It is also possible to provide a KEK opinion for other purposes. You can get detailed advice from our specialists by phone number or ICQ number. Also refer to information about our addresses where can i get medical certificate at the reference form for KEK.

Let's answer your question first abbreviation KEK decoding this is how it will be completely”: CEC is an abbreviation for the concept of “clinical-expert commission”. This kind of medical commission can be created at any treatment-and-prophylactic, medical, outpatient and even sanatorium-resort medical institutions, in which the composition of the medical staff consists of at least 15 people. Each established clinical expert commission has a chairman. The head of the clinical expert commission may be the chief physician of the medical institution where the commission is convened, or his deputy for medical and labor expertise. However, even if the head physician is not the head of this CEC, his participation as a member is strictly mandatory under any circumstances. In addition, the presence and direct participation of the attending physician of the patient and the head of the department where the patient involved in the convening of the CEC is undergoing or has been treated is desirable at the meeting of the EEC. Please note that at the request of the patient himself, as a member of the CEC, specialists from other institutions can be invited to any polyclinic who can make some clarifications or express an independent opinion on the merits of the issue, which is being decided. Get a complete consultation on your issue abbreviation KEK decoding You can contact by phone: or ICQ. Please also visit the KEK website.

What is a complete abbreviation KEK decoding- clinical expert commission. The adoption of any decisions or conclusions in the KEC (expert commission) takes place exclusively on a collegiate basis, that is, simply speaking, by a majority of votes. Decisions and conclusions made during a meeting of a clinical expert commission organized at a medical institution are mandatory for their recognition and implementation by all public and private enterprises and other organizations, regardless of their type of activity.
Of course, there are cases when the established clinical expert commission raises doubts by its decisions, and the activities of its composition do not meet the requirements of competence and objectivity, then in such a situation, according to the instructions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen or his authorized representative (lawyer) has the right to apply to the court for annulment of the decision. Also note that in addition, the victim or his representative (injured party) has every right to apply to another independent clinical expert commission with a request to review the diagnosis of the disease, conditions of detention, actions of medical personnel, and the like. Consult in detail on your question abbreviation KEK decoding you can with our experts: phone or ICQ. Also visit KEK Commissions.

We recommend that before buying the opinion of the clinical expert commission, make sure that you have all the other necessary documents for care in your hands. , namely: certificates of temporary disability of the student form No. 095 / y and extracts from the outpatient medical record and hospital epicrisis form No. 027 / y. After all, without documentary evidence that you applied for medical help during the semester for serious reasons and underwent a course of treatment, you will most likely not be given academic leave for health reasons when considering this issue in the administration. And if you received unsatisfactory grades during the session, you are automatically ranked among the underachievers, and the path to academic leave for health reasons without further information for you is closed. All this does not matter if you order the entire package of documents for academic leave from us! If you are only interested in the conclusion of the KEK, you can learn more about it from the article on our website. The cost of the conclusion of the KEC is 1,500 rubles. You can place an order for this medical document without looking up from your personal affairs, simply by calling or writing an SMS message. It is also possible to communicate via the Internet, through the good old "ICQ". Our icq.

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