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Epics are created by tonic (it is also called epic, folk) verse. In works created by tonic verse, lines of poetry may have a different number of syllables, but there should be a relatively equal number of stress. In an epic verse, the first stress, as a rule, falls on the third syllable from the beginning, and the last on the third syllable from the end. The epics are characterized by a combination of real images that have a clear historical meaning and are conditioned by reality (the image of Kiev, the capital prince Vladimir), with fantastic images (the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber). But the leading in epics are images generated by historical reality. Often, an epic begins with a solo. It is not associated with the content of the epic, but presents an independent picture preceding the main epic story. The outcome is the ending of the epic, a short conclusion that summarizes, or a joke ("now the old days, now the deed", "that's where the old days ended"). The epic usually begins with a beginning, which determines the place and time of the action. This is followed by an exposition in which the hero of the work stands out, most often using the technique of contrast. The image of the hero is at the center of the whole story. The epic greatness of the image of the epic hero is created by revealing his noble feelings and experiences, the qualities of the hero are revealed in his actions. Trinity or trinity in epics is one of the main methods of depiction (there are three heroes at the bogatyr outpost, the bogatyr makes three trips - "Three Trips of Ilya", Sadko three times the Novgorod merchants do not invite to the feast, he casts lots three times, etc. .). All these elements (trinity of persons, triple action, verbal repetitions) are present in all epics. Hyperboles, used to describe the hero and his heroic deeds, also play an important role in them. The description of enemies (Tugarin, Nightingale the robber), as well as a description of the strength of a warrior-hero, is hyperbolic. This is where fantastic elements emerge. In the main narrative part of the epic, the techniques of parallelism, stepwise narrowing of images, and antithesis are widely used.

The text of the epic is divided into permanent and transitional places. Transitional passages are parts of the text created or improvised by storytellers during performance; permanent places - stable, slightly changeable, repeated in various epics (heroic battle, rides of a hero, saddle of a horse, etc.). Storytellers usually learn more or less accurately and repeat them in the course of the action. Transitional passages, on the other hand, the narrator speaks freely, changing the text, partially improvising it. The combination of permanent and transitional places in the singing of epics is one of the genre features of the Old Russian epic. The work of the Saratov scientist A.P. Skaftymova "Poetics and genesis of epics". The researcher believed that “the epic knows how to create interest, is able to excite the listener with anxiety of expectation, infect with delight of surprise and capture the winner with an ambitious triumph. In this era, Prince Vladimir reigns "forever", and heroes live "forever". In the epics, all the time of the action is attributed to the conditional era of Russian antiquity.

Epics and mythology

Epics are Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is any heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the folk name of the epic - "old", "old-fashioned", implying that the action in question took place in the past). tonic verse with two or four accents. For the first time the term "epics" was introduced by Ivan Sakharov in the collection "Songs of the Russian people" in 1839, he proposed it based on the expression "by epics" in "The Lay of Igor's Host", which meant "according to the facts ".

Mythology is an object of research in many scientific disciplines (philosophy, history, philology, etc.), including ancient folklore and folk tales: myths, epics, fairy tales, etc. Mythological ideas existed at certain stages of development in almost all peoples of the world. This is confirmed by both the study of history and the study of modern primitive peoples, each of which has one or another type of mythology. The main task of the myth is to set patterns, models for every important action performed by a person; the myth serves to ritualize everyday life, enabling a person to find meaning in life.

Epics are created by tonic (it is also called epic, folk) verse. In works created by tonic verse, lines of poetry may have a different number of syllables, but there should be a relatively equal number of stress. In an epic verse, the first stress, as a rule, falls on the third syllable from the beginning, and the last stress on the third syllable from the end.

The epics are characterized by a combination of real images that have a clear historical meaning and are conditioned by reality (the image of Kiev, the capital prince Vladimir), with fantastic images (the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the robber). But the leading in epics are images generated by historical reality.

Often, an epic begins with solo... It is not connected with the content of the epic, but presents an independent picture preceding the main epic story. Exodus- this is the ending of the epic, a short conclusion that summarizes, or a joke ("now the old days, now the deed", "that's where the old days ended").

The epic usually starts with inception, which determines the place and time of the action. Following it is given exposition, in which the hero of the work stands out, most often using the technique of contrast.

The image of the hero is at the center of the whole story. The epic grandeur of the image of the epic hero is created by revealing his noble feelings and experiences, the qualities of the hero are revealed in his actions.

Threefoldness or trinity in epics is one of the main methods of depiction (there are three heroes at the bogatyr outpost, the bogatyr makes three trips - "Three trips of Ilya", Sadko three times the Novgorod merchants do not invite to the feast, he casts lots three times, etc. ). All these elements (trinity of persons, triple action, verbal repetitions) are present in all epics. Hyperboles, used to describe the hero and his heroic deeds, also play an important role in them. The description of enemies (Tugarin, Nightingale the robber), as well as a description of the strength of a warrior-hero, is hyperbolic. This is where fantastic elements emerge.

In the main narrative part of the epic, the methods of parallelism, stepwise narrowing of images, and antithesis are widely used.

The text of the epic is subdivided into permanent and transitional places. Transitional passages are parts of the text created or improvised by storytellers during performance; permanent places - stable, slightly changeable, repeated in various epics (heroic battle, rides of a hero, saddle of a horse, etc.). Storytellers usually learn more or less accurately and repeat them in the course of the action. Transitional passages, on the other hand, the narrator speaks freely, changing the text, partially improvising it. The combination of permanent and transitional places in the singing of epics is one of the genre features of the Old Russian epic.

The work of the Saratov scientist A.P. Skaftymova "Poetics and genesis of epics". The researcher believed that "the epic knows how to create interest, is able to excite the listener with anxiety of expectation, infect with delight of surprise and capture the winner with an ambitious triumph." one

D.S. Likhachev in his book "Poetics of Old Russian Literature" writes that the time of action in epics refers to the conventional era of the Russian past. For some epics - this is the idealized era of Prince Vladimir of Kiev, for others - this is the era of Novgorod freedom. The epics take place in the era of Russian independence, the glory and power of Russia. In this era, Prince Vladimir reigns "forever", and heroes live "forever". In the epics, all the time of the action is attributed to the conditional era of Russian antiquity. 2

Read also other related articles "Russian heroic epic. Epics":

  • Features of the genre of epics

The epic is a folk-epic song written in tonic verse. Each piece consists of a solo, an opening and an ending. The first part of the epic was rarely associated with the main plot, mainly the introduction was written to attract attention. The conception is the main event to which the epic is dedicated. The ending is the last part of the epic, in which, as a rule, there is a solemn feast dedicated to the victory over enemies.

There are several types of melodies of epics - strict, stately, fast, cheerful, calm and even buffoonish.

Each legend was distinguished by a patriotic character, its plots were always laudatory and told about the invincibility of Russia, the virtues of the prince and brave defenders who immediately came to the rescue if the population was threatened by trouble. The term "epic" itself began to be used only in the 1830s, it was introduced by the scientist Ivan Sakharov. The real name of the songs about the heroes is "antiquity".

The main characters were mighty heroes. The characters were endowed with superhuman strength, courage and courage. The hero, even alone, could cope with anyone. The main task of these characters is to protect Russia from the encroachments of enemies.

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich and Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko - these names can be found in almost every legend. Prince Vladimir was the ruler of the Russian lands, and the heroes were the hope and protection of the Russian people.

The authors of the epics

Many facts concerning the authors of epics, the time and territory of their writing remain a mystery up to our days. Most researchers have come to the conclusion that the most ancient legends were written no more than three hundred years ago. On Wikipedia, for example, you can study several different theories and facts that scientists have identified.

The predominant number of epics were recorded by collectors from the words of the inhabitants of certain localities. In total, there are about forty stories of legends, but the number of texts already reaches one and a half thousand copies. Each epic is of particular value for Russian culture, folk epos, as well as for scientists and folklorists.

Storytellers could be people of different professions, so in the texts they mentioned comparisons that were more understandable and close to them. According to the tailor-narrator, for example, a severed head was compared to a button.

Epics were not written by one author. These are legends that were composed by the Russian people, and the lyrics were passed down from generation to generation. The songs were performed by certain people who were called “storytellers”. Such a person had to have special qualities. The fact is that the text of epics was never memorized by the storytellers, so the narrator had to independently link the plots, select comparisons, memorize important facts and be able to retell them without distorting the meaning.

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