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The legendary Chinese drink has spread all over the world and is firmly rooted in many countries. This is Pu-erh tea, the value of which has been repeatedly proven by folk healers in China. From time immemorial, the benefits of the drug were not subject to discussion; tea is still considered a cure for 1000 diseases to this day. There are several varieties of Puer - white, green and black, they are considered basic. Today we will consider the benefits and harms of the drink.

Puer production technology

For the manufacture of raw materials, leaves of several varieties are used, which are preferably collected from tea-type shrubs. The components must be large.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo fermentation (artificial aging), the process is carried out under the influence of special enzymes. It is this specific technology that allows tea to retain all its properties and not deteriorate for a long time.

A properly prepared tea leaf is often “rested” in parchment or a wooden box for 10, 20, or even 30 years. It is interesting that after such a long period of time, Pu-erh does not deteriorate, but becomes even richer, seasoned, and bright.

Some manufacturers prefer to ferment tea leaves naturally, aging them for about 7 years. If the process is carried out artificially, then the raw materials are collected in a heap, sprayed with a solution and left to “reach” for 1.5-3.5 months.

After fermentation, Pu-erh is dried and further infused for 1 year. It is this complex technological process that determines the high cost of products.

Pu-erh is usually sold in the form of pressed briquettes, cakes, bricks, cubes, tablets, bowls, mushrooms, or balls. In rare cases, you can find tea sold by tea shops in loose form. If we talk about types, Pu-erh is white, green Shen, black Shu.

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Indications for taking Puer

  • overweight, including obesity;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • low mental performance;
  • poor memory and concentration;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • slagged organism;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers caused by high acidity;
  • difficult activity of the liver;
  • low immune system;
  • accumulation of salts in the urine;
  • indigestion;
  • diabetes.

Pu-erh properties

  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • removes excess water, bile;
  • stops the fermentation of food in the intestines;
  • has a preventive effect in the spread of influenza;
  • improves immunity;
  • reduces blood glucose levels, which is appreciated by diabetics;
  • removes toxic compounds from the liver;
  • gives vivacity, improves activity;
  • reduces cravings for smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • removes old waste from the body;
  • cleanses blood vessels, seals their walls;
  • removes cholesterol plaques from the blood;
  • accelerates metabolism, in particular digestion;
  • blocks the access of blood to cancer cells;
  • conducts cancer prevention;
  • burns fat reserves;
  • fights gastritis and ulcers, reducing the acidity of the stomach;
  • frees internal organs from free radicals;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional background, calms.

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The benefits of Pu-erh

  1. In China, a tea drink is used to give the so-called intoxicating sobriety of the mind. This means that Puer is aimed at increasing concentration, improving brain activity, and relieving the effects of stress.
  2. Incoming theine, L-theanine, theophylline provide an energy boost for the whole day and at the same time relax the body. As a result, a person becomes calm and resilient to negative factors, sleep and general condition are normalized.
  3. Theine is the well-known caffeine, only in a milder form. In combination with other enzymes, the drink stimulates brain activity. Incoming neural mediators are responsible for a good mood, relieve excessive irritability and give peace.
  4. Geophyllin, which accumulates in the drug, affects the central nervous system. The substance clears the respiratory tract, reduces cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The blood is enriched with oxygen, resulting in a feeling of lightness.
  5. Such actions absolutely do not harm the vascular system and heart, as is the case with other similar drinks (artificial energy drinks, coffee, etc.).
  6. Alkaloid compounds are engaged in cleansing the body of free radicals, they relieve food poisoning, help the heart pump blood. Vessels expand smoothly, without stress.
  7. Tannins in combination with catechins stimulate all metabolic processes, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. It becomes easier for people with diabetes to live, as blood glucose stops jumping.
  8. Pu-erh tea should be consumed by patients who have a tendency to form blood clots. The drink kills bad cholesterol and removes it from the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack.
  9. Pectin is responsible for the prevention of cancer. The substance blocks the access of blood to the cells of malignant tumors, kills a harmful protein, which can be the beginning of the development of oncology.

The benefits of Puer for weight loss

  1. The drink allows you to get rid of excess weight without stress for the body. So, Puer reduces the feeling of hunger and maintains satiety after a meal for a long time. Tea speeds up metabolism, thereby burning body fat.
  2. The drug is responsible for the rapid digestibility of food and the absorption of valuable enzymes by the blood. As a result of losing weight, a person does not feel unwell, apathy, or a bad mood.
  3. Pu-erh removes excess fluid, fighting swelling of the limbs and tissues of internal organs. Tea improves intestinal patency, regulates the size of portions.
  4. If the reason for the appearance of excess weight is associated with the inability to control the amount of food eaten, make it a habit to drink tea a third of an hour before a meal. Your stomach will fill up and you will eat less.
  5. For people who prefer to follow very strict diets, Pu-erh is a must. The drink makes up for the lack of the "hormone of joy", thereby the fight against body weight takes place in high spirits.
  6. You should not get carried away with tea, otherwise you risk experiencing partial beriberi, headache and high blood pressure. Take a drink three times a day for 100-150 ml.

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The benefits of Puerh for digestion

  1. A separate topic deserves the effect of the drink on the digestive system. Pu-erh is recommended for duodenitis, ulcers, gastritis. The drug does not increase the acidity of the stomach, as does regular black or green tea.
  2. Soft enveloping properties protect the mucous membranes of the internal organs without irritating them. At the same time, maximum stimulation of the digestive tract is achieved, food is absorbed faster.
  3. In addition, Pu-erh has a laxative effect, cleansing the body even of old toxins. The drug removes poisons, heavy metals, radionuclides, fights stagnation in the intestines.
  4. The drink tones the bile ducts, has a beneficial effect on the bladder. Pu-erh restores the functions of the liver and the structure of the internal organ.
  5. Drinking tea will relieve you of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Puer puts in order the appetite, promotes the rapid disintegration of ethyl alcohol during a hangover.
  6. To enhance the antioxidant properties of the drug, you need to add a little brown sugar and milk to the composition. In addition, such manipulations saturate the body faster.

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Harm Puer

  1. During gestation, girls need to carefully monitor the food they eat. Products directly affect the health and development of the baby. The recommended dose should not exceed 240 ml. tea a day.
  2. In the presence of ailments associated with the urinary tract or kidneys, be careful. During exacerbations, stop taking tea. Otherwise, the drink will provoke the movement of stones.
  3. If you suffer from insomnia and increased irritability, it is not recommended to use Pu-erh and similar tonic drinks. In some cases, you can treat yourself to 1 cup of this tea before lunch.
  4. It is forbidden to relieve pain in the abdomen with Puer, tea can cause even more damage. Consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
  5. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of Pu-erh and strong teas in any quantities for people who have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  6. With proper brewing, the drink will not harm the body. Before drinking tea, it is important to choose high-quality raw materials.

Puer's Choice

  1. Give preference to trusted producers of high-quality tea, mainly the large factories ShuangjiangMengkui, Menghai and Xiaguan.
  2. Always pay attention to packaging and storage conditions. Quality tea should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.
  3. Tea is most often produced in the original pack of special materials. Forget about buying Pu-erh in sealed packaging. Such raw materials are prone to the development of mold.

Rules for brewing Pu-erh

  1. The smell of tea is revealed throughout the ceremony. The benefits of a freshly brewed drink are felt after proper aging. The strength of the drink is reached 10 minutes after pouring boiling water.
  2. In order for tea to show useful qualities, it is necessary to brew raw materials in a small porcelain or clay teapot. The taste is maximally manifested when brewed with purified water without impurities.
  3. A pleasant aroma is revealed at a temperature of no more than 93 degrees. It is forbidden to use bubbling boiling water, consider this important point. Without fail, warm the kettle, then brew the raw materials.
  4. Follow the rules strictly according to the instructions. The teapot is warmed up with the first boiling water and Pu-erh is washed from tea dust. The water should be about 90 degrees, after 10 seconds drain the liquid.
  5. For the second time, pour in boiling water, the temperature of which should not exceed 93 degrees. The brewing time of raw materials is from 3 to 10 minutes. To get a light drink, enough for 150 ml. water to take 3 gr. tea leaves, for strong tea, double the raw materials.
  6. According to the rules of use, tea should be brewed at least 10 times. All the colors and benefits of tea are revealed after 4-5 pours of boiling water. Each time it is important to increase the time of infusion of the drink.

According to the rules of tea drinking, the ceremony begins with the correct brewing of raw materials. Qualitatively prepared Pu-erh has a healing unique effect, while the drink has an amazing aroma.

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Video: how to brew pu-erh

In China, pu-erh tea is one of the most popular traditional medicines; there is even a list of 22 of its "officially recognized" virtues. In other countries, the use of pu-erh for treatment is not so common, but many gourmets and healthy eaters have appreciated its properties and included this drink in their daily diet. Novice tea connoisseurs should get to know the benefits and harms of such a product better.

Origin and production of Chinese Pu-erh

Chinese Pu-erh tea is very popular not only in China, but all over the world. This is a special tea drink that undergoes special processing and requires certain storage conditions. China is considered the birthplace of pu-erh, although some varieties are grown in Vietnam, Thailand and Laos.

Initially, pu-erh was made from special species of large-leaved tea tree, which grows only in Yunnan province. All the tea grown there is called "puer cha", which translates as "tea from the puer leaf" from one of the Chinese dialects.

It takes years to produce good pu-erh, and this is largely due to the peculiarities of growing tea trees.

Now, for the manufacture of each variety of pu-erh, leaves are collected from several bushes, dried to the state of green tea and subjected to fermentation - a procedure that ensures rapid artificial aging of the leaves. Thanks to this method of preparation, tea can be stored for years and even decades, and the older the product, the more valuable and expensive it is. Over time, the taste of pu-erh becomes deeper and richer. For this specific aroma, pu-erh is often called earthen tea.

Fermentation occurs as follows: the collected leaves are formed into piles of a certain size, sprinkled with water and aged for 50-100 days. Then the tea is dried and aged for another year so that it acquires healing properties and a delicate taste. The finished product is a dense pressed bars, from which you need to cut off a small piece to prepare fresh tea leaves.

Pu-erh varieties and types differ in the proportions of leaves collected from young and old bushes, as well as in the characteristics of fermentation and aging. Sometimes flavorings are added to pu-erh, but among true connoisseurs, the use of such tea is considered bad manners: they prefer the natural specific taste of the drink.

Composition per 100 g

1 tsp = 1 g of dry tea.

The energy value



In tea shops, pu-erh is sold in the form of "flat cakes", bars, balls and objects of other shapes.

Pu-erh varieties

It will not be easy for a beginner to choose the right variety from the whole variety.


Produced from top sprouts with several leaves. Fermented only in a natural way - years of aging. The most labor-intensive method of production, and, therefore, this type of pu-erh is the most expensive. Over the years of storage, it becomes darker, changing color from greenish to amber and dark brown. It has a sweetish taste and a complex aroma with hints of smoke, forest and berries.


It is produced by artificial fermentation, so it does not take years to make it. It has a coarser taste compared to green pu-erh; differs in aroma with notes of chocolate, wood and dried fruits.

Important: green and black pu-erh are types of tea, other varieties can be either green or black; some cultivars are of both types.


It is made from pressed buds from old perennial bushes. It brews and opens very quickly and strongly, has a herbal aroma and a long aftertaste, similar to dried fruits. Flavorings give soft creamy taste to drink.


It has all the useful properties of pu-erh, but, unlike the "pure" varieties, it does not have such a specific aroma. Due to the sweetish caramel flavor and smell, white pu-erh has gained great popularity among women.


Produced from the top shoots of young trees; it is fermented, as a rule, in a natural way - by many years of aging. It has a unique ability to adapt to the needs of the body: weakly brewed (up to 30 seconds) royal pu-erh helps to relax in a tense state, stronger promotes concentration and helps to "get together". It tastes like a walnut with hints of prunes and honey.


It comes in both black and green. Its main feature: the leaves for its production are collected only from wild tea trees, and not from specially grown ones. It differs from other varieties in the absence of a characteristic bitterness, its taste resembles a combination of dark chocolate, nuts and dried fruits.


One of the most expensive and valuable varieties - it undergoes double fermentation and is aged for several years. It has a complex taste and aroma with notes of chocolate, wood, nuts and grapes, and flavorings are never used in its production.

The Chinese are an inventive and practical people who have given the world many varieties of tea. Thanks to them, a whole tea culture was born and flourished with its legends, connoisseurs, technologies, and classification. One of the most famous and unusual varieties of Chinese tea - pu-erh, is invariably in the center of attention of gourmets, doctors, nutritionists and just curious people. What are the features, useful and not very properties of this product, the article will tell.

A bit of history

Each variety of Chinese tea has its own legend of origin, and sometimes even several. Pu-erh was no exception. A long and flowery story with many details tells how the tea intended as a gift to the emperor accidentally got wet in the rain. But instead of falling into disrepair, cakes made from pressed tea leaves acquired an unusual taste and aroma. The emperor, a great gourmet, highly appreciated the wonderful drink, and since then the technology for the production of pu-erh tea has been developed and improved.

It is not known if this was actually the case. But the connection between the invention of pu-erh and long caravan journeys, during which changes in humidity and temperature cannot be avoided, seems obvious. It is they - humidity and temperature - that trigger a special process of "ripening" of the tea leaf, which can last up to twenty years or longer. At the same time, not only the color and smell of tea leaves change, but also the chemical composition (and hence the properties of the drink).

The first documented mention of pu-erh tea dates back to the 7th century BC. It also has a geographic reference - a traditional area where this product has been grown and produced for centuries. Today it is called the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. This historical region also covers the northern territories of Laos, and Burma.

Production technology and types

There are many varieties of pu-erh, but the most basic classification distinguishes between two main types - shu-puerh and shen-puerh. What is the difference?

Shen Puer

It matures naturally, without the use of technologies that speed up the process. Manufacturing includes the following steps:

  • Collection of tea tree leaves (traditional technology suggests that the trees must be old). This work is done by hand, very carefully. According to the type of leaves (large old leaf, young leaves and buds), the raw material is divided into different grades.
  • Drying the collected sheet. The material is scattered in a sunny place so that the leaves slightly wilted and softened. Usually diffused sunlight is used for this, the procedure takes about 2 hours.
  • Shaqing - "fixing the green". The tea leaf is exposed to high temperatures in order to stop the process of natural fermentation in it. For this, for example, frying the leaves with constant stirring is used.
  • Twisting. It is carried out using special equipment. In this case, the leaves are crushed and secrete juice.

The more juice is released, the richer the taste of tea will be.

  • Drying (in the sun or in a special room with good ventilation).
  • Pressing into pancakes, cakes, tablets, bricks and other forms. Then the tea briquettes are dried a little more and wrapped in rice paper.
  • Natural maturation (can last up to 20-30 years).

Young shen pu-erh is light greenish in color. The whole process (from collecting leaves to sending pressed and packaged tea for “ripening”) fits into one day.

Pressed pu-erh is stored under special conditions: at a controlled temperature and humidity. During the "post-fermentation" - the ripening of tea in the form of pancakes and bricks, the quality of pu-erh becomes better and better every year. At the same time, the tea leaf changes color to a darker one, and its taste becomes deeper and more intense.

The price of sheng pu-erh also grows depending on the age of the tea, and reaches very significant amounts. Some rare collection varieties are even forbidden to be exported from China.

Shu Puer

It is made using an accelerated technology developed at the end of the 20th century. The traditional method of production is rather slow, it could not meet the increased demand for pu-erh, so the Chinese learned how to speed up the fermentation process.

Shu-puer matures in "wet heaps": the raw tea leaf is covered with a film and kept for several months at a certain temperature, stirring from time to time with shovels. When the raw material reaches the desired stage of fermentation, it is sorted and pressed.

The production of such pu-erh is more massive, and it costs less.

Although the manufacturers claim that it does not have any special differences from Shen Puer, this is not entirely true. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs confidently distinguish between shu and shen, and value the latter much higher.

In free sale, mainly shu-puer is presented, the prices for it are relatively acceptable. Shen is an elite tea, in Russia the cost of one pancake ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of rubles (depending on the variety, year, region of origin, factory and other parameters). However, in specialized stores and on a number of sites it is possible to purchase this premium pu-erh.

Beneficial features

Puer is a mature tea with a rich composition. It contains all the valuable substances:

  • vitamins (A, E, P, PP, ascorbic acid, a number of B vitamins);
  • minerals (fluorine, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and others);
  • amino acids (about 17 items, including L-theanine);
  • alkaloids (theine, theobromine);
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • organic acids.

This special "aged" tea has a strong effect on the body. Its beneficial effects on health can be felt by both men and women. Beneficial effects include:

  • Stimulating. Pu-erh invigorates and fills with energy. In some cases, even a state of mild euphoria is described.
  • Nootropic. Tea activates the brain. It helps to concentrate, accelerates reaction, promotes better memorization of information.
  • Diuretic. Reduces puffiness, promotes weight loss.
  • Pu-erh speeds up metabolism, which also helps to get rid of extra pounds.
  • Antioxidant. Helps maintain youthful skin, prevents the development of cancerous tumors.
  • The drink regulates blood sugar levels, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. Helps improve the condition of the blood in general.
  • Removes toxic substances, salts of heavy metals and even radioactive elements.
  • According to reviews, displays the decay products of alcohol.
  • Improves the condition of the respiratory system, helps to cope with respiratory diseases.
  • It has a beneficial effect on digestion, helps cleanse the intestines.
  • Pu-erh prevents the development of caries, strengthens teeth.
  • Improves liver function, accelerates the regeneration of its cells.
  • For women, a pleasant bonus will be the improvement of hair, nails and skin.
  • According to some reports, pu-erh contributes to the treatment of erectile dysfunction and has a positive effect on potency. This is one of the reasons why tea is especially beneficial for men.
  • The drink reduces blood viscosity and the tendency to thrombosis.


Like any potent product, pu-erh is fraught with a number of dangers. It is better to refuse the use of this valuable tea:

  • pregnant and lactating women (especially at the beginning of gestation and the first months of lactation);
  • hypertensive patients (because pu-erh increases blood pressure);
  • with urolithiasis (the pronounced diuretic effect of pu-erh can seriously harm with such a diagnosis);
  • with atherosclerosis (damaged vessels may not withstand increased load);
  • with ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis in the acute stage (during periods of remission, small doses are acceptable, but only on a full stomach);
  • with cholelithiasis (the choleretic effect of pu-erh can provoke the movement of stones and lead to the table to the surgeon);
  • patients with glaucoma;
  • children under 12;
  • at high temperature (tea has the ability to raise the temperature, it interferes with the action of antipyretic drugs).

ADVICE! You should not drink pu-erh before going to bed, because its tonic effect can lead to insomnia.

Fans of pu-erh tea are wondering if it can be given to children. Experts differ on this issue. Some do not recommend this drink until the age of 12, others are more loyal to the issue. In any case, for children (strictly over 6 years old), 1 cup of weak pu-erh per day is enough, if there are no contraindications.

Storage and preparation

Pu-erh is a rather “sensitive” product, its condition is affected by sunlight, humidity, strong odors, dust or grease. Therefore, it is recommended to store briquettes in a dry place, in the shade, best of all in sealed packaging or special wooden boxes with a tightly fitted lid.

The appearance of a white coating on the tea “press” indicates that the product is spoiled and cannot be further consumed.

For thousands of years, a whole culture has formed around this tea. Special rules regulate not only the manufacturing process, but also the rules for storage, the ritual of brewing and drinking. Connoisseurs of the drink use special utensils (you can buy them in tea shops): boards and knives for pu-erh, storage boxes, teapots and cups. This tea does not tolerate haste and fuss. It requires calmness and concentration on the process.

The recipe for preparing the drink is different for pu-erh of varying degrees of maturity. The older the tea, the hotter the brewing water is used. The teapot is advised to use clay, glass or porcelain.

The cooking algorithm for all types of pu-erh is approximately the same:

  • the kettle must be rinsed with hot water;
  • break off a piece from the briquette with a special knife or hands (the size depends on the desired strength of the drink), put it in a teapot;
  • pour hot water (from 80 to 95 degrees, depending on the “maturity” of the tea), pour it out after a few seconds (this will wash the sheets from dust and dirt, slightly steam them);
  • again pour hot water, leave for about 1 minute.

This is not the only way, if you wish, you can find algorithms for more complex "tea ceremonies" that turn pu-erh brewing into an art.

The color and taste of the finished drink varies and depends on the raw materials used. Young pu-erh gives a light infusion, its taste is characterized by notes of dried fruits. More mature tea is brewed into a dark drink with notes of chocolate and nuts in the aroma. up to 5 times, with each tea leaves the taste changes, revealing new facets.

(after about half an hour). Consuming on an empty stomach can cause stomach pain and heartburn.

IMPORTANT! Moderation is important when drinking tea. In case of an overdose, headache, nausea and discomfort in the intestines may occur.

Having learned in the previous post about its origin and properties, in this let's look at benefits and harms of pu-erh tea .

Pu-erh tea: benefits

#1 Puer Tea Benefits - Cheerfulness

Cheerfulness is better than from coffee - this is the very first benefit of pu-erh tea (and there is practically no harm from caffeine: there is a small amount of it). Approaching this indicator to energy drinks, in terms of the ratio of harm and benefit, pu-erh tea, of course, cannot be compared with them: the harm from properly brewed pu-erh tea is minimal, and the benefits are numerous.

Pu-erh Tea Benefits #2 - Cleansing

  • Pu-erh tea is good and therefore recommended. Any, including food or intemperate alcohol consumption the day before.
  • Due to the content of pectin in it, pu-erh tea gently cleanses the intestines, literally sweeping away harmful substances from the body.
  • In addition, pu-erh wonderfully cleanses the liver, helping it cleanse and rejuvenate the entire body.

The benefits of pu-erh tea No. 3 - prevention of strokes and heart attacks

Another proven benefit of pu-erh tea is and sugar. A study by Chinese scientists showed a 30 to 60% reduction in cholesterol levels in people who consumed 3 cups of pu-erh tea daily for 2 months.

The benefits of Puerh tea No. 4 - prevention of oncology

A study by British scientists proved that pu-erh pectin blocks the Gal3 protein involved in oncological diseases.

Pu-erh Tea Benefits #5 - Digestion

  • Pu-erh tea accelerates and optimizes digestion, relieves constipation and other congestion of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • 3 cups of pu-erh tea daily normalize the gallbladder in a few months;
  • only pu-erh tea can be drunk with peptic ulcer, as well as gastritis: due to its manufacturing technology, it is alkaline. However, here, when drinking pu-erh tea, you should still observe the measure and monitor your condition.

Benefits of puerh tea number 6 - weight loss

Puer tea speeds up the metabolism, helping these. In one of the studies, daily 3 cups of pu-erh tea allowed to throw off up to 12 kg in 3 months. Plus, another benefit of pu-erh tea is that it does not harm the appearance of hair, nails and skin. On the contrary, it makes them healthier and more beautiful.

Harm, not benefit of pu-erh tea

Pu-erh tea can cause unequivocal harm only if it is consumed on the stomach: it activates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract so much that it can lead to heartburn and even pain.

Both harm and benefit of pu-erh tea

At the same time, pu-erh tea causes both harm and benefit for the most part with improper brewing.

  1. The very first benefit of pu-erh tea can also become its harm: strongly brewed, pu-erh tea tones up so much that it is undesirable to take it:
    • at night (then it is difficult to fall asleep);
    • at high temperature;
    • pregnant and breastfeeding (more than 2 cups daily);
    • children up to three years old.

  1. In addition, strongly brewed pu-erh tea can raise blood pressure, which is good for people with low blood pressure, but harmful for people with high blood pressure.
  2. People with urolithiasis should use pu-erh tea with caution: having a pronounced diuretic effect, it can make kidney stones move. It is good if the stones are small (sand): this way you will get rid of them. And not so much if the stones are large: it will be very painful and you will have to go to the doctors.
  3. Also, by improperly brewing pu-erh tea, you can get another controversial benefit or harm - tea intoxication.

Tea intoxication carries with it the same harm as usual - vomiting, heart palpitations (even arrhythmia is possible), indigestion. However, tea intoxication from pu-erh is easily eliminated by changing the brewing process and does not cause such severe harm to the body as alcohol. Although, perhaps, for someone this is not harm, but, on the contrary, the benefits of pu-erh tea: maybe someone is striving for this. But we are definitely not supporters of a healthy lifestyle!

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