Home roses The man gives me a cigar. Why dream of a cigarette? Dream interpretation. Cigar according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

The man gives me a cigar. Why dream of a cigarette? Dream interpretation. Cigar according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

From the first grade, children study the “world around them”.

The variety of topics covered, the variety of teaching aids from different authors could not simplify the lives of children and parents. And unfortunately, this subject is still one of the most controversial and controversial.

Crafts and experiments are done by parents, they also create projects, help children draw the ringing of mosquito wings or traditional costumes, and on the Internet there are a huge number of photos of textbook pages that make fun of today's system of studying the world around us:

The globally leading goals of studying the subject "World around" are as follows:

  • formation of systematized knowledge about the diversity of nature and the conditions of its life;
  • development of a positive attitude towards nature, elements of ecological culture;
  • formation of skills of careful, creative attitude to nature.
  • education of the principles of higher moral feelings (relationship to the Motherland, its culture and history), tolerance, etc.;
  • fostering a culture of behavior and relationships;
  • developing the ability to empathize, show attention, provide assistance, etc.
  • formation of a general culture and erudition of schoolchildren;
  • development of value relations to the world around, moral and aesthetic feelings;
  • awareness of oneself as a part of nature and a member of society.

And the idea seems to be clear: it is necessary to acquaint children with the diversity of the surrounding world and give basic knowledge about the sciences, which will then be studied by separate subjects.

But in fact, we have complex, confusing texts, the absence of a single standard for a textbook. Topics covered vary greatly from program to program. And most importantly, children cannot complete assignments in workbooks, projects and much more without the help of their parents.

It is sometimes difficult even for parents to find the main idea in the text, to highlight the essence.

At the training "33 techniques for effective learning" we analyzed the paragraph of the world around us:

The parents read the text three times before they got to the point and prepared the Hamburger helper to retell the text.

At the same time, we, adults, have the skill of working with information and can process it several times faster than children. On the go, separating the important from the unimportant, the actual from the “water”.

As a result, it turns out that the information presented in textbooks requires a special approach to elaboration.

We decided to help parents and children learn to explore the world around them in such a way as to save energy, nerves and time.

Since the study of the world around us is one of the most controversial issues both for parents of schoolchildren and for family education, we collected all the experience and combined it into a training:

"The world. All you need to know"

The training will take place this Sunday, March 4th. The training starts at 10:00 Moscow time. Live streaming is free

You will receive ready-made tools for studying the subject, a review and analysis of literature and textbooks, and answer the question "How to study the subject of the world around you with a child"

You will learn:

  1. Why do we study the world around us?
  2. What problems do children face in learning?
  3. How to make the study of the surrounding world simple, understandable and interesting.
  4. On the air, you will fully analyze the world around you for grade 3.

You will receive a detailed analysis of the subject, as well as a universal algorithm with which you can disassemble a textbook for any class around the world in 1 day and prepare your child for successful certification.

In the training materials of the Premium version you will receive:

1. Recording of the training, which you can watch at any convenient time
2. Presentations and materials used in the training.
3. Intelligence map on the world around for grades 3 and 4 (review of textbooks)
4. Intelligence map according to the textbooks of the School of Russia program from grades 1 to 4.
5. Helpers for studying the subject

The training is conducted by: Renata Kirilina and effective learning expert Marina Baraboshkina.

What is the environment? It would seem a simple question that even a child in first grade can answer. However, it is worth digging a little deeper - and it turns out that in reality everything is much more complicated. And the older and more educated a person is, the more difficult his version of the answer is.

The reason for this is the great intellectual leap that humanity has made on the path of its evolution. Many religious movements, philosophical schools and scientific theories have given us the opportunity to change the interpretation of the answer to this question at our own discretion. Therefore, let's try to find out for ourselves what the world around us really is.

Truth in simplicity

To begin with, let's consider this issue, based on the logic of an ordinary person, without delving into the subtle matters of the universe. So, the world around us is the space that surrounds us. And it is at this moment that the first controversial statements appear.

If you look, it is quite difficult to outline the boundaries that separate one space from another. After all, there are no specific standards that can streamline all this knowledge in the minds of billions of people. In this regard, if we ask the usual question about what the world around us is, we will get different answers.

For example, for some it may be the space that surrounds them directly. For others, everything is much more complicated, and by this concept they mean our entire planet or even the Universe.

World around: wildlife

However, despite all the variety of answers, there are those that can be distinguished into a separate group. This is due to the fact that, despite minor differences, they still have some similarities leading to a common idea.

In particular, many believe that the world around us is all life around us. The same forests, fields, rivers and deserts. Animals and plants are also included here, as they are an integral part of this world.

What is the surrounding world through the eyes of philosophers?

Philosophers and theologians consider this question more deeply. After all, for them our world is part of a more complex reality. For clarity, consider the main features of their views on the current order of things.

According to religion, our reality is a place where people live only part of the path prepared for them. That is, the world around us is just a screen that hides from the eyes a more beautiful place - paradise.

As for philosophers, they formulate the answer to this question more vaguely. Depending on the school, a thinker can define the concept of the surrounding world in different ways. For some, this is a material place, for others it is spiritual, and for others it is a combination of the two previous ones.

In my opinion, the concept of "world around" is quite multifaceted, and each represents it differently. As for me, I consider the world that surrounds us interesting and surprising, and I am happy that I live in it.

The world that surrounds us

What is the environment? For one person it will space, which directly surrounds it, and for the other - Universe. In simple terms, this is all that is around us:

  • everything that is created by mankind;
  • nature;
  • inanimate nature.

However, the world is not only amazing, it is more amazing than we can imagine. There is a huge number of animals, phenomena and plants, the existence of which most people do not even suspect.

Amazing in the world

Lives in Madagascar amazing primate - rukonopozhka. Because of her slightly strange appearance, the locals are very wary of her. Their beliefs associate this animal with evil spirits and evil spirits. There is a sign that if you meet this animal, then death will inevitably overtake within a year.

One of the most mysterious phenomena creeping stones found at the bottom of a dry lake in the United States. The movement of stones without outside help is beyond doubt, however, no one saw how this happens - they move once every few years. Scientists suggest that this is possible due to changes in temperature.

coconut crab It is rightfully considered the largest representative of crustaceans - its length often reaches 35 centimeters. He lives on land, in burrows, where he arranges for himself a soft "bed" made of coconut palm leaves.

The most amazing tree on the planet - baobab. The unique ability of this tree is survivability: if you remove the bark, then a new one will grow in the shortest possible time. The thickness of the trunk often reaches 10 meters and wood absorbs moisture like a sponge. It is believed that the tree is able to live for thousands of years, but in fact it is impossible to confirm - no annual rings.

Ant Panda has absolutely nothing to do with a spotted bear other than appearance. Actually, it's not even an ant, and the German wasp, sometimes called the "velvet ant" due to the many hairs that cover its body. Like any other wasp, this "ant" may well sting and the discomfort will last for several hours.

The study of the surrounding world has a beneficial effect on the development of various aspects of the child's personality and, above all, on his mental development. In the process of cognition of nature, the social world, sensory processes, thinking, speech are improved, curiosity develops. The surrounding world is the source of feelings. Constantly observing the phenomena of the surrounding world and being in interaction with its subjects and objects, the younger student not only acquires rich sensory experience, but also develops the ability to analyze, establish connections and dependencies, generalize the observed and draw conclusions - in general, everything that makes the child smarter smarter, more inquisitive. At the same time, the logic of thought is brought up, logically correct speech and imagination develop.
In the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, it is quite easy to create situations of surprise, questions, assumptions, foresight, which become the basis for the appearance of the motive for obtaining knowledge, acquire particular importance in the development of logical thinking and coherent speech (speech-reasoning). The truth of the word itself, the logical exercise of thought - these are the elements of development that, according to K.D. Ushinsky, are born in the process of a child's knowledge of the world, for example, the world of nature. “Everything that is logical in speech,” the great teacher wrote, “comes from man’s observations of nature,” and logic itself “is nothing but a reflection in our mind of the connection between objects and natural phenomena.”
The activities that children do in the lessons of the world around them contribute todevelopment of educational and cognitive skills: schoolchildren set and solve problematic tasks, apply logical operations, compare, classify, find causal relationships, etc.
Closely connected with the development of thinking is the formation
communication skills: participation in a dialogue, in a joint discussion of a problem, building a coherent narrative, etc.
It is necessary to pay attention to another significant result, which leads to the process of studying the world around us - the development of children's erudition. In elementary school, children receive a fairly large amount of knowledge from various educational areas - natural science, geography, history, social science, anatomy, etc., that is, the subject "The World Around" is a cultural course that forms the general culture and erudition of the child.
“If the soul is healthy, if it is calm, sedate and temperate, then the mind will be clear and sober ...” - these words of the philosopher L. Seneca confirm the relationship between mental and moral education.
The process of studying the surrounding world affects not only the area of ​​mental development, but also contributes to the moral development of the individual, the formation of a humane attitude towards all living things. The child learns the rules of behavior in nature, in society, learns to interact with other people, understand himself and control his behavior. The study of our society, the history of the state, its culture, customs, civil wars creates conditions for the education of higher moral feelings - patriotism, humanism, internationalism
Of course, not all children have formed initiative, independent morally valuable behavior. Many schoolchildren are dominated by a utilitarian, contemplative, and sometimes egoistic attitude towards objects and people.
The task of the teacher - to instill in the child the desire to correctly apply the acquired knowledge, to objectively evaluate their behavior in the social and natural environment, to compare it with the exemplary one. It is classes on the subject “the world around us” that make it possible to transfer knowledge into independent activity: work in nature, helping a peer, showing attention to an adult, etc.
aspect of moral developmentchildren is the education of ecological culture. Children learn the elementary truths of science about the interaction of plant and animal organisms, about the connection between man and nature, about the need for a careful, diligent and reasonable attitude towards it. In recent years, there has been an ecologization of all natural science knowledge that is offered to younger students. Within the framework of the subject "The World around" children get acquainted with the most important ecological connections in nature, and the knowledge they gain becomes the foundation for cultivating an environmentally literate attitude towards the environment. The experience of emotional assessments of human behavior in nature is enriched, the skills and abilities of caring for animals and plants are being developed, providing them with the necessary assistance both in artificially created and natural habitats.
At the core
aesthetic educationprimary schoolchildren, which is carried out in the lessons of the world around them, lies in the figurative, emotional perception of objects created by nature and man. The situations of surprise that arise in this case determine an emotionally positive attitude towards the object in question. In this case, emotions play an orienting and regulating role. The diversity, brightness, dynamism of the objects of the surrounding world affect the stability of emotional impressions, and the relationship between emotional cognitive becomes a condition for the development of aesthetic feelings. The task of the lessons is precisely to support the born emotional state, use it to acquire knowledge and develop cognitive interest.
Based on the psychological characteristics of the interaction of a child of primary school age with the outside world, the first conceptual provision for constructing a course is determined - it is advisable that it be integrated. Many scientists have noted the importance of an integrated study of the surrounding world. Even the great philosopher G. Hegel pointed out that the knowledge of individual aspects of reality without their interconnection gives rise to "the disease of wandering from one object to another and intellectual stupidity."
The integrated construction of the subject "World around" provides the following opportunities:
- establishes closer links between the knowledge of nature and social life; understands the interdependence in the system "man - nature - society";
- realizes the need to comply with the rules of conduct, the essence of moral and ethical attitudes; receives initial skills of ecological culture;
– comes to understanding oneself as an individual, one’s abilities and capabilities, realizes the ability to change oneself, understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle;
- prepares for the study of basic subjects in the basic school.
The subject "World around" is characterized by the following
functions .
educational functionconsists in the formation of various ideas about nature, man and society, an elementary orientation in the available natural science, social science, historical and psychological concepts, the development of a holistic perception of the world around.
Developmental functionprovides: awareness of individual (understandable) connections in the natural and social world, the mental and personal development of the student, the formation of the prerequisites for a scientific worldview. The formation of general educational skills is provided - to highlight the essential and non-essential features of an object, compare, generalize, classify, understand the main idea of ​​a scientific text, realize that any event occurs in time and space, record the results of observations, etc. The developing function of the subject also involves the formation of elementary erudition child, his general culture.
Educational functionincludes solving the problems of the child's socialization, the adoption by him of humanistic norms of existence in the environment, the upbringing of an emotionally positive outlook on the world, the formation of moral and aesthetic feelings.
Culturological functionprovides conditions for the development of general ideas of schoolchildren about the culture of human society, about those achievements that appeared in the process of its development. The content that helps to realize this function includes a variety of knowledge about the main aspects of culture (education, the history of book publishing, art, science, technology, etc.), which contributes to the development of culture and erudition of the child himself.
propaedeutic functionprovides training for junior schoolchildren to assimilate a wide variety of information both from the natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.) and the humanities (literature, social science, history, etc.) at the middle level.
Thus, we examined the concept of the general development of the personality of a primary school student, got acquainted with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of this age, studied the significance of the subject "The world around us" in the overall development of children of primary school age.

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