Home Roses Is boiled milk good for you? Details about truly healthy nutrition - which is healthier: raw vegetables or boiled ones? For whom are boiled carrots harmful?

Is boiled milk good for you? Details about truly healthy nutrition - which is healthier: raw vegetables or boiled ones? For whom are boiled carrots harmful?

There is a widespread belief that vegetables are much healthier in their raw form, and after heat treatment they lose most of their beneficial properties. In many ways this statement is true. But there are also exceptions. For example, carrots are useful both raw and boiled. Moreover, in some cases, the benefits of boiled carrots are only enhanced.

Beneficial properties of boiled carrots

The main feature of boiled carrots is that the amount of antioxidants decreases slightly after cooking, but at the same time their activity becomes 3 times stronger. Moreover, when boiled carrots sit for about a day, new substances begin to form in the root vegetable - phenols, which have a high level of antioxidant activity. True, there is one important circumstance - carrots must be boiled with the peel on.

Boiled carrots

Other valuable substances of carrots - B vitamins, vitamin C, Vitamin K, vitamin PP, and others also only increase their biological activity after cooking.

It turns out that boiled carrots are even more beneficial than raw ones. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa, which is very important for gastritis and stomach ulcers, and is also useful for problems with the kidneys and liver.

Nutrients in boiled carrots

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamins C;
  • Vitamins K;
  • Vitamins P;
  • Cellulose;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron.

The rich vitamin composition is beneficial for vitamin deficiency, and the richness of fiber helps with digestive problems. Betacarotene is indispensable for age-related vision loss and eye fatigue.

The benefits of boiled carrots have been established for diabetes mellitus and during the recovery period after a stroke.

Are boiled carrots good for children?

Doctors do not recommend giving carrots as complementary foods before 8-9 months. But this only applies to raw vegetables. Boiled, this healthy root vegetable can be given to babies starting from 3 months. Of course, the first doses should not exceed 1 tablespoon of boiled carrot puree.

For whom are boiled carrots harmful?

How much boiled carrots can you eat?

The recommended daily intake is 3-4 medium-sized root vegetables. If there is more, the skin on your palms and face may turn yellow. Too much carotene can cause health problems, from headaches to kidney problems.

How to cook carrots to preserve their beneficial properties

Its beneficial composition depends on how you prepare carrots.

1. Carrots are not peeled before cooking, but only washed thoroughly.

2. You can’t cut it either, boil it whole.

3. Place carrots in cold water and do not add salt.

4. The finished carrots are already peeled and other ingredients are added.

5. For better absorption, you need to add vegetable oil or sour cream to the carrot dish.

Recipes for healthy dishes with boiled carrots

Carrots go well with other boiled root vegetables, and besides, they make dishes elegant.

Carrot-beet salad with arugula

Grate an equal amount of beets and carrots on a coarse grater, add fresh arugula and parsley. Add salt, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Salad with carrots and beans


  • boiled beans - 0.5 cups,
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.,
  • grated cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 spoons.

Grate the boiled vegetables, finely chop the cucumbers. Crush the garlic. Salt everything and mix with mayonnaise. Sprinkle parsley on top.

It is believed that raw vegetables are much healthier than those that have been cooked. And there is undoubtedly a huge amount of truth in this statement. Indeed, heat treatment significantly reduces the vitamin and nutritional value of vegetables. However, there are a number of cases when a vegetable that has been cooked can be of much greater benefit to a person. And it all depends on the vegetable and the purpose for which it is eaten.

Undoubtedly, vegetables and fruits are good only as a source of potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin C. All other elements are contained in very small quantities. But in order to get that little value wisely, you need to learn to avoid the pitfalls of vegetables and fruits. The properties of fresh and cooked vegetables differ so much that they can be mistaken for different products. Let's try to figure out what is better - boil vegetables, fry them, or eat them raw? However, nutritionists still advise not to fry, but to boil vegetables, or eat them raw. In this case, the choice depends on what specific beneficial properties of vegetables interest you.

Eating raw carrots is a waste of time: only boiled carrots will give us beta-carotene. But for a child, eating raw vegetables is not only not healthy, but even dangerous. The fiber and pectin contained in the orange root vegetable put too much strain on children's fragile pancreas. In addition, compared to raw carrots, boiled carrots contain three times more antioxidants, which help prevent the development of cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Carrot in its raw form, it is an invaluable source of vitamin PP, which protects us from stress and sleep disorders, as well as potassium and iodine, which are necessary for the heart and thyroid gland. Carrot fiber stimulates the intestines, preventing constipation.

In boiled carrots, the amount of beta-carotene and lutein needed for good vision and youthful skin is much greater than in raw carrots, and they are absorbed five times better. Boiled carrots are recommended for intestinal, kidney and constipation diseases.
Note that the cell walls of many vegetables become softer when cooked. As a result, for example, from broccoli and spinach after cooking, a person receives 10-30% of carotenoids, and from raw ones only 2-3%. Orthodox raw foodists, of course, will object and say that vitamins are lost during heat treatment. Indeed, some of them are lost, but we assimilate the rest much better.

Tomatoes in their raw form, they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as they contain B vitamins. They supply the human body with magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for our skin and hair, as well as potassium, good for the heart, and calcium for bones. They contain chromium, which helps control appetite, which makes tomatoes helpers of all those losing weight.

When cooked, some of the vitamin C in tomatoes is lost, but the content of lycopene, one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature, sharply increases. Boiled tomato with a small amount of oil will allow lycopene to be absorbed as much as possible to protect us from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the immune system and normalize blood viscosity.

Boiled and stewed tomatoes are also much healthier than fresh ones. Although heat treatment somewhat reduces the vitamin value of tomatoes, it improves the absorption of lycopenes, the pigments that give tomatoes their specific bright red color. Lycopenes are very strong antioxidants and therefore prevent blood vessel diseases and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

How to get potassium from vegetables and fruits without harming the pancreas? It is better to bake eggplant (or any other vegetable or fruit) in the oven. The concentration of potassium increases, and nitrates and nitrites come out with the juice into the pan. As a result, you have a more competent product. Ideal when served with grilled vegetables as a side dish.

Potatoes require special treatment. Know that when you enjoy mashed potatoes, you are eating one starch. Fried potatoes are even more harmful. Potatoes should only be baked with their skins on. Those 2 mm that we clean off are the most valuable thing - vitamin C and potassium. Everything else is basically harmful to our body.

Garlic in its raw form, it is famous for its high content of vitamin C and its unique essential oils with antimicrobial properties. It will help lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation to the brain. After heat treatment, both vitamin C and essential oils disappear from garlic, but the content of allicin, which prevents the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, increases.

Beet It is usually rarely consumed in its raw form, but it contains a lot of B vitamins, copper, and phosphorus. When boiled, beets retain their beneficial properties, and they also act as a laxative.

It should also be noted that boiled vegetables (fresh vegetables are strictly unacceptable here) are indicated when following a number of therapeutic diets. These include, for example, a diet prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as a diet for exacerbation of gastroduodenitis with normal and high acidity (for these diseases, pureed steamed vegetables are eaten).

Boiled vegetable dishes have a number of useful properties. They are used in dietary and baby food, for fasting days and effective diets.

  • garlic , horseradish

Rules for cooking vegetables

  • Consume fruits and vegetables in their natural form (i.e., do not steam, fry, or stew) and only raw.< на и воздухе находились долго очень не они пока земли, из выкопаны или дерева с сняты только как возможности, по овощи), (фрукты плоды есть>
  • In the case when you add boiled vegetables to raw vegetables and freshly prepared fruits ( potato , beans), then at least do not boil them, but cook them baked or steamed, otherwise all vitamins and microelements will be lost.

You should never cook fruit at all - you will get poison. Boiled fruits - compotes, jams, preserves - are dangerous products, just like alcohol and sugar, for our immune system. You need to know this, remember and not violate it. If you have to cook vegetables, then cook over low heat, adding a few tablespoons of water (not oil), in a hermetically sealed pan. With this method of preparing vegetables, plant juices are preserved, and along with them in dissolved form and mineral salts . Only when the vegetables are served on the table or when they are ready, only then can vegetable fat or a little sour cream be added to them at the table.

  • Never salt vegetables! Only after they have been removed from the heat can you add well-pounded garlic , horseradish or finely chopped onion.

As you know, fresh vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin C for the body. Since other elements are present in plant foods in small quantities, their indicators were not taken into account during the study.

Scientists from the Institute of Food Research (England) compared the benefits of vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants raw and after heat treatment.

It turned out that The body can only obtain beta-carotene contained in carrots from boiled vegetables. In addition, boiled root vegetables contain 3 times more antioxidants than raw ones!

And here carotenoids contained in broccoli and spinach are absorbed by the digestive tract by 10-30% as a result of heat treatment, while in their raw form the digestibility is only 2-3%.

Also, lycopenes from boiled or stewed tomatoes are absorbed better than from raw ones. In general, it is recommended to eat potatoes and eggplants only baked: during the cooking process, almost all nitrates are removed from them, and their beneficial nutritional value only increases.

As for vitamins, which are known to be destroyed during heat treatment, scientists say that “Some of the vitamins, of course, are lost, but the remaining ones are absorbed by the body 6-7 times better.”

It is a known fact that cooking changes the composition of fruits and vegetables. This was the reason why boiled or baked (let’s not even talk about fried) vegetables were subjected to general ostracism.

However, people miss one important point: no one said that changes in composition during cooking are bad.

Let's find out what is healthier: raw or cooked vegetables, what are the benefits and harms of the latter, and does cooking reduce the amount of nitrates?

Which is healthier: raw or cooked?

Research has shown that on the one hand, cooking destroys some nutrients, but on the other hand, it increases the availability of others. No cooking method is the best, and neither is the absence of any processing. So, are cooked vegetables healthy?

Yes, in fact, fresh vegetables are no healthier than boiled ones. Many people believe that raw vegetables contain more nutrients than thermally processed (cooked, speaking in Russian), but in reality everything is not so simple and depends on the type of nutrients.

Researchers from Germany analyzed the condition of 200 people who ate only raw food. And what happened? These individuals had high plasma beta-carotene levels, but lycopene levels were significantly below average. Beta-carotene is found in carrots, and lycopene is found in tomatoes. By the way, raw tomatoes contain less lycopene than cooked tomatoes. Temperature breaks down the thick cell walls of plants, releasing nutrients stored in the cells.

Water-soluble nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin B, as well as a group of nutrients called polyphenols are most susceptible to destruction during cooking. Peas and carrots lose 85 to 95 percent of their vitamin C when preserved. Frozen cherries lose up to 50 percent of anthocyanins after 6 months. Cooking destroys about two-thirds of the vitamin C in spinach.

Depending on the preparation method, the loss of vitamin C ranges from 15 to 55%, according to a review by researchers at the University of California, Davis. By the way, what Vitamin C levels in frozen foods are often higher than in fresh foods.

Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and carotenoids (antioxidants), on the contrary become more accessible during processing. A report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports that carrots, zucchini, and broccoli are better cooked than steamed, fried, or served raw.

The most nutritionally destructive cooking method is roasting vegetables. Eh, alas...

When choosing a cooking method, you need to look for compromises. Cooking can increase the availability of one nutrient while destroying another. Here are some examples:

    As you know, carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which protects our body from aging, atherosclerosis, eye diseases and cancer. It turned out, beta-carotene is absorbed from boiled carrots 5 times better than from raw ones. By the way, boiled carrots are easier to digest and therefore it is useful for people suffering from various diseases of the digestive system and constipation to consume this root vegetable in its processed form.

    Raw carrots contain a lot of pectin and polyphenols (phytonutrients that are powerful natural antioxidants), which are destroyed as soon as you cook them.

    Cabbage after heat treatment also increases its beneficial properties, but only if you steam it. After cooking and frying, the carotene and antioxidant content in cabbage is lost. For example, the content of rare vitamin U is lost by 4% when cabbage is steamed for 10 minutes, and completely lost when cooked for half an hour.

    Raw beets contain many beneficial minerals and biologically valuable substances such as flavonoids and anthocyanins. Beets are also rich in iron, calcium and sodium. It contains them in the optimal ratio. Useful minerals from boiled beets are absorbed much better than from raw ones.

    Besides, boiled beets - a powerful laxative, it helps cleanse the liver, blood, kidneys and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Potatoes are rarely consumed raw, but many people like to mash, fry and boil them. It is best to bake potatoes in the oven in their “uniform”, because the main value of this vegetable is in the content of potassium and vitamin C. And these are precisely concentrated in potato peels, which we usually clean and throw away.

    Broccoli is a champion in glucosinolates, which fight cancer cells. The content of this antioxidant is higher in steamed broccoli. Also, carotenoids from boiled broccoli are 10-15 times easier to absorb by the body.

    Spinach, like broccoli and carrots, is rich in carotenoids. It also contains a lot of calcium. To make them better absorbed by the digestive tract, spinach needs to be boiled.

And although many people think that microwaves are bad for food, Microwaved vegetables may have higher concentrations of certain vitamins. A March 2007 study examined the effects of boiling, steaming, microwave and pressure cooking on the nutritional content of broccoli.

Steaming and cooking lose 22 to 34% of vitamin C. Microwave or pressure cooking can retain up to 90% of the vitamin C in broccoli.

About nitrates

Nitrates are salts of nitric acid that were an integral part of soil, water, plants and animals even before the advent of man and all these “chemicals” of yours! Nitrates enter our body with food and also with water. The danger is not the content of nitric acid salts in products itself, but excessive number of them. Norm of nitrates: per day no more than 3.7 mg of nitrates per 1 kg of human body weight. Those. for a person weighing 60 kg it will be 222 mg!

Please note that the upper limit of normal does not mean that you will get poisoned!

Most of the nitrates are in the growth zones of the fruit, where protein synthesis occurs. For example, in the stalk and top leaves of cabbage, in potato peels, and cucumber tails. Therefore, it is recommended to peel them, cut them off and not use them for food.

If you are still afraid of them, it is very easy to get rid of nitrates: for example, during storage, potatoes lose about 70% of nitrates, carrots up to 56%. When boiling potatoes, more than half of the remaining amount will be released into the broth - this is another argument in favor of boiled potatoes over fried ones. In addition, the heat treatment itself also reduces nitrate levels.

To reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables and fruits, peel them and place them in cold water for 20 minutes. In general, any heat treatment also benefits the fruit: for example, when cooking, the amount of nitrates is reduced by 80%. But the main thing is not to faint at the mere mention of nitrates.

According to WHO recommendations, an adult should eat at least 450 grams of vegetables and fruits per day: to improve intestinal function and prevent cancer. If you eat 500 grams of market apples, 8 mg of nitrates will enter the body, that is, the daily requirement for a baby weighing two kilograms. So don't deny yourself watermelon or apples for dessert!

How to cook properly to preserve vitamins


Of course, all this does not mean that from now on vegetables should only be eaten boiled or raw. All vegetables are rich in vitamins. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be present in your diet every day, but consume them in large quantities, and even more so torture yourself by chewing raw potatoes and beets or choking on boiled carrots that you personally hate, in order to provide your body with nutrients as best as possible, without costs.

The bottom line is that no cooking method retains 100% of the nutrients in vegetables.

At all, the best vegetables are the ones you eat. So it is more important to consider their taste and your preferences when choosing a cooking method. The best way to get the most out of vegetables is to enjoy vegetables prepared in a variety of ways—raw, boiled, baked, steamed, or grilled.

If you regularly eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, you don't need to worry about the preparation method.

The healthiest porridge
Porridge is one of the simplest, most delicious and healthy dishes of Russian cuisine. To prepare it you need only two ingredients: cereal and water or milk. Salt, sugar, butter, honey, jam, nuts, berries, fruits, and vegetables are often added to porridges. However, the main role is played by cereals, which contain many valuable vitamins and elements. The stores offer a large assortment of cereals, so choosing the one that will make the healthiest porridge is not easy.
Which porridge is healthier
There are many varieties of porridges: buckwheat, barley, rice, wheat, oatmeal, millet, pearl barley, corn, semolina and others. Undoubtedly, they are all tasty and nutritious, but their value is not the same. Some cereals are more healthy, they have practically no contraindications and are recommended for frequent consumption, others are less so; it is advisable to eat them less often, taking into account age and health restrictions.
Whole grain porridges are considered the healthiest. Crushed and ground cereals cook faster and are easier to digest, but often lose some of their valuable substances during the production process. Whole grain cereals include buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, whole oatmeal and others; ground and crushed - semolina, barley, wheat, buckwheat, corn, oat flakes and others. Choosing the best porridge is not easy, since there are no useless cereals. It should be borne in mind that the values ​​of porridge and cereals sometimes differ. Depending on the recipe, the usefulness of the finished porridge may decrease compared to cereals, and the calorie content may increase. Semolina, pearl barley and barley porridge
Semolina, pearl barley and barley porridges are considered the least valuable. However, you should not exclude them from your diet; it is enough to reduce your consumption to 1-2 times a week. Each of these dishes has its own exceptional, beneficial properties.
Semolina porridge is indispensable in the diet of weakened and seriously ill people, during the postoperative and rehabilitation periods, and for diseases of the digestive system. She is the leader in minimum fiber content.
The negative properties of semolina include a high gluten content, which causes celiac disease and provokes thinning of the intestinal mucosa in children, deterioration in the absorption of nutrients, vitamin D, calcium and iron.
Pearl barley is a champion in phosphorus content. It improves brain activity, perfectly relieves fatigue and restores strength. Due to its high lysine content, the porridge is called antiviral. Large amounts of selenium stimulate the formation of antioxidants.
Pearl barley porridge has several disadvantages: its preparation takes a lot of time; it is difficult for infants to digest; prohibited for those suffering from celiac disease; It is not recommended in large quantities for pregnant women and people prone to flatulence.
Barley, like pearl barley, is made from barley, but thanks to a different processing method, it retains more beneficial properties. Porridge is easier to digest and is useful for diabetes. It helps reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and normalizes metabolism.
It has few disadvantages: such porridge is prohibited for celiac disease and at the time of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
Corn, millet and wheat porridge
Corn, millet and wheat porridges are considered more useful. It is recommended to eat them 2-4 times a week, and corn up to 7 times.
The main advantages of corn porridge are its low calorie content and hypoallergenicity. The dish is easily digestible and can be given even to children. Thanks to amino acids, lysine and tryptophan, porridge strengthens the immune system, improves well-being and metabolism.
Corn porridge has few disadvantages: it is not suitable for people trying to gain weight; in exceptional cases, an allergic reaction to the product is possible, which is manifested by temporary slight redness of the cheeks.
Millet porridge is called cordial for its high content of potassium and magnesium. It is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, indicated for atherosclerosis, and improves hematopoiesis.
The disadvantages of millet porridge include the short shelf life of the cereal: it quickly goes rancid. Millet is not recommended for people with low stomach acidity, constipation and hypothyroidism. Abuse of porridge can lead to decreased potency.
Wheat porridge is suitable for dietary and baby food; it has low calorie content. It is nourishing, nutritious, quickly restores strength, strengthens the body and immunity. Recommended for people who want to lose weight, experience prolonged physical activity, or take antibiotics.
Porridge has few negative properties: people with gastritis and other diseases associated with low acidity should not abuse it; You can't eat porridge if you have celiac disease.
Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge
The three most popular porridges are considered champions in terms of the number of valuable elements: rice, oatmeal and buckwheat. In order for these dishes to bring the greatest benefit, it is enough to eat them 3-5 times a week. Deciding which porridge is the healthiest is not easy.
Third place. Rice porrige
Brown, brown rice is considered the healthiest, but it is not always found on store shelves and is more expensive. Unpolished short-grain rice is excellent for preparing porridge, as it retains a shell rich in nutrients. The cereal contains vitamins B, E, PP, H, fiber, proteins, amino acids, starch, iron, iodine, zinc and other substances. It contains virtually no fat.
Rice porridge is low-calorie, hypoallergenic, and nutritious. It occupies a leading position in the amount of complex carbohydrates, therefore it is an important source of energy. The amount of carbohydrates depends on the type of rice. In order for the cereal to lose most of its starch, you need to soak it before cooking.
Rice porridge is rich in protein and potassium. The latter neutralizes salt coming from other products.
Porridge helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, stop diarrhea, and restore strength. Rice is useful for diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and digestive systems. It is recommended for nursing mothers and overweight people.
Porridge strengthens the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and helps maintain nails, hair and skin in normal condition. Rice porridge has earned the title of “intellectual” for its positive effect on brain activity.
Disadvantages of rice:
Abuse of porridge sometimes leads to constipation and excess weight.
Frequent consumption of refined rice can trigger the development of diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Second place. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is cooked from oatmeal or flakes. Cereals are obtained by peeling grains from the outer shell, the strong husk. Flakes are made from grains that are steamed and flattened. Cereals take longer to cook than flakes, but are considered healthier.
Porridge contains vitamins B, C, E, PP, H, proteins, amino acids, fiber, pectin, starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus and other substances.
Oatmeal is called beauty porridge because it has a positive effect on skin, hair, and general well-being.
Porridge is nutritious, easily digestible, envelops the stomach, normalizes acidity, removes toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances, and is an antioxidant. This dish is recommended for patients during the postoperative and rehabilitation periods, as well as for people with diseases of the digestive system.
Oatmeal helps gain muscle mass, normalize weight, and cholesterol levels. It improves memory and brain performance, and is useful for various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Porridge has a calming effect: it helps relieve stress and normalize sleep.
It is good to eat oatmeal with honey, nuts, dried fruits and other additives. It also goes well with milk, which enhances the valuable properties of porridge.
Despite numerous advantages, the dish has several disadvantages:
Excessive consumption of oatmeal may result in calcium deficiency.
People with kidney disease should not get carried away with oatmeal.
Allergic reactions and digestive disorders are possible; porridge should not be consumed if you have celiac disease.
First place. Buckwheat
Cereals are made from buckwheat grains, which are first steamed (not always) and then peeled. Porridge is usually cooked from kernels, whole grains, or prodel, crushed cereal.
Buckwheat is the queen of porridges; it contains vitamins B, A, E, PP, fiber, folic acid, starch, proteins, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and other substances.
The porridge is hearty, so it is suitable for those who want to lose weight. The dish allows you to restore strength and gain muscle mass.
Buckwheat porridge helps normalize blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, the formation of the nervous and skeletal systems in children, strengthens the cardiovascular system, immunity, helps hematopoiesis, digestion, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Buckwheat has a positive effect on the circulatory system due to its rutin content.
Porridge is recommended for hemorrhoids, arthritis, rheumatism.
Eating buckwheat can improve the condition of nails, hair, teeth and bones, and complexion. It helps remove toxins and heavy metal salts. Lecithin contained in porridge is beneficial for the liver.
Valuable buckwheat has several negative properties:
Porridge is recommended for children, but should not be given to babies under 6 months of age. This is heavy food for a fragile body.
Patients should not eat buckwheat during an exacerbation of gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
In rare cases, people who frequently consume buckwheat porridge may experience weakness and dizziness. In order to prevent negative effects, it is advisable to combine the dish with vegetables or mushrooms.

Bon appetit! Read more.

Theories about proper nutrition are full of contradictions. Hundreds of nutritionists and nutrition experts give mutually exclusive advice. Every week new books about diets are published, and every specialist claims that his diet is the most correct.

Here are some of the most popular questions.

What is the best way to eat? Three times a day or six times in small portions?

Vegan or Paleolithic diet (includes meat, fish and vegetables, excludes grains and dairy products)?

Gluten-free or grain-based diet?

Low carb or low fat diet? Which is healthier?

Raw foods or cooked foods?

And this is just the tip of the nutrition iceberg!

My main principle: we are all different. Your needs are different from mine. My diet is not suitable for my 14 year old son. The two nutritionists who work in my office eat very differently. And this despite the fact that they are both nursing mothers in their early thirties.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to healthy eating. Each person's digestive system and genetic makeup are unique, just like their fingerprints.

In my work, I try to select products that will be optimal for this particular person, and not for his neighbor.

Am I ignoring different theories about healthy eating? Not at all. I study them all, try them in practice and discard those parts that are not suitable for me, my child or my clients for whom I am developing a diet.

Below is a short list of questions and answers about raw and cooked foods.

- Where did the statement about the benefits of raw foods come from? Is there any scientific basis?

Raw foods improve digestion and intestinal motility. But people with a sensitive digestive system should not suddenly switch to raw foods. It is better to gradually increase their amount in the diet.

Raw foods are typically low in calories and contain a lot of water. The negative factor is that raw foodists, in order to get enough energy and calories, begin to consume excessive amounts of nuts and fruits, and this is not always healthy.

- Raw foodists claim that raw food is the healthiest. But is it useful to everyone?

No way. We are all unique and have our own characteristics.

Some people feel a boost in energy from eating raw food. For others, it's a recipe for indigestion and will leave them stuck in the toilet.

Always listen to your body. A diet based on raw vegetables can truly have a healing effect on many. But not at all.

- The main benefit of raw foods is the enzymes they contain. Right?

This is a very controversial point. When we eat raw food, our body is forced to produce additional enzymes to digest it. Therefore, it is more correct to say that raw foods stimulate our body to produce enzymes (if we do not suffer from any disorders). People with poor digestion have difficulty digesting raw foods because their bodies do not produce enough enzymes.

Enzymes in vegetables are elements that plants produce for their own needs, and not for us. They do not function as digestive enzymes for humans. To put it more clearly, enzymes are proteins that start or speed up chemical reactions.

- Some argue that heat treatment of foods is harmful.

In some cases this is true. Food cooked at high temperatures can become toxic. But it is wrong to assume that this applies to any cooked food.

If food is overcooked, it loses some of its nutrients and enzymes. But when cooking over low heat (soups, stews, casseroles), only a small portion of the nutrients are lost.

Moreover, thanks to such light heat treatment, some substances are better absorbed by our body.

Some foods require a lot of cooking, like meat or beans (who would eat those raw?), but what about vegetables?

After stewing, some plant components are better absorbed, for example, vegetable protein. Studies have shown that certain phytonutrients (such as lycopene in tomatoes) are better absorbed after light cooking.

In addition, heat treatment destroys some harmful substances, for example, goitrogenic substances contained in cruciferous vegetables. Eliminating harmful substances allows you to safely absorb the nutrients contained in these foods.

- Which food - raw or boiled - is better for people with digestive disorders?

People with poor digestion (irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) should avoid eating raw foods.

To get the vitamins found in raw vegetables, I recommend blending the vegetables, heating them briefly, and then eating them slowly, such as eating a smoothie with a spoon. They can add additional components to smoothies that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system, for example, aloe or gelatin.


I believe that there is no need to argue about what is better - boiled or raw food, but to consume both in balanced quantities.

Variety is the main principle of healthy eating. Don't blindly adhere to dogma, find out what works best for your body and physiology.

Personally, I am of the opinion that for good digestion and proper bowel function, you need to consume a certain amount of raw foods. I think the same rule applies for most people.

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