Home Roses Various duas. Dua to increase the inheritance (rizka) and resolve material problems. Why wishes don't come true

Various duas. Dua to increase the inheritance (rizka) and resolve material problems. Why wishes don't come true

The theme of death is one of the key in any religion. And this is not surprising, because it is the thoughts of the inevitable departure to the Eternal world that largely determine the behavior of believers in earthly life.

In Islam, much attention is paid to ensuring that a person will be rewarded with a better fate after death. Relatives, friends and relatives of the deceased, as a rule, pray to the Almighty to place the soul of the deceased in the Gardens of Eden and forgive his sins. This purpose is served by various duas, the texts of which are given below. Caught next to the dying by a person, at the moment when the eyes of the deceased are closed, it is advisable to turn to Allah with the following prayer:

"Allahummyagfir (say the name of the deceased) uarfyag darajyatahu fil-madiyana wahlufhu fii a’kybihi fil-gabiriinya waagfirlyana wa lahu ya rabbalal alyamiin. Wafsi lahu fii kabrihi wa nyauuir lahu fiih "

Meaning translation:“Oh Allah! sorry (deceased's name), raise his degree among those led by the right path, become his successor for those who remain after him, forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds! And make spacious for him his grave and light it for him!”

Many Muslims know the phrase that should be pronounced, upon hearing the news of someone's death:

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Innya lillahi, ya innya ilyakhi rajigun

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we return!

Directly after burial It is advisable to turn to the Almighty with the following words:

"Allahummya-gfir lahullahummya sabbithu"

Meaning translation:"O Allah, forgive him! O Allah, strengthen him!” In the biography of the Grace of the Worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.) it is mentioned that usually upon completion of the burial, the Prophet (s.g.v.) stood for several minutes at the grave, and then turned to those gathered: “Pray (your Creator) for forgiveness for your brother (sister) and ask Allah (him or her) to strengthen, for, truly, now he (she) is being asked questions ”(Abu Dawud and al-Bayhaki). Further, remembering those who have gone to another world brothers and sisters, Muslims resort to special duas - they can be read both in their native language and in Arabic. Here are some examples of such prayers:

«Аллахуммягъфир-ляху уархямху уагафихи уагъфу а'нху уа акрим нузулляху уа уасси' мудхъаляху уагъсильху биль-мя-и уассяльджи уабяради уа някъкыхи миняль-хъатаайа кямя някъкайтяль-сяубяль-абйяда миняд-дяняси уа абдильху дяран хъайран мин дярихи уа ахлялЬ хъайран мин ахлихи uaziaujyan khairan min zyaujihi wa-ajilhul-jyannyatya wa agyinzhu min a'zyabil-kabri wa a'zyabin-nyar"

Meaning translation:“O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him and deliver him and show him mercy. And give him a good welcome and make his entrance(meaning the grave - approx. website )spacious, and wash it with water, snow and hail(i.e., a request is metaphorically expressed to provide the deceased with all kinds of graces and grant him forgiveness for all his sins and omissions - approx. website ), and cleanse him of his sins, just as You cleanse white clothes from dirt, and give him in return a house better than his house, and a family better than his family, and a wife better than his wife, and enter into paradise, and protect him from the torment of the grave and from the torment of fire!(This text of the dua is given in the hadith narrated by Muslim)

“Allahummya-gfir lihiyyanya wa myyyitinya wa shahidinya waga-i-binya wa sagyirinya wa kabiiirinya wa zyakyarinya uya unxianya. Allahhummya myan ayayahu minnya fya-ahyhihi a’lal-islamy wa myan tyayuyaffyahu minnya fyatyauaffyahu a’lal-name. Allahhummya la tyahrimna ajrahu wa la tudyllyanya byadyah "

Meaning translation:“O Allah, forgive our living and dead, present and absent, young and old, men and women! O Allah, make sure that those of us whom You give life live according to (the regulations of) Islam, and those of us whom You give rest, rest in faith! Oh Allah, do not deprive us of the reward for it(that is, rewards for patience during trials - approx. website ) and do not lead us astray after him (i.e. after his death)!”(Occurs in the hadith collections of Ibn Maji and Ahmad).

"Allahummy innya (deceased's name) fii zimmyatikya hyabli dzhyavyarikya fakihi min fitnyatil-kaabri wa a’zaabin-nnyari wa antya ahlul-vyafya-i vyal-hyakk. Fyaghfirlyahu varhyamhyu innyakya antal-gafurur-rahiim"

Meaning translation:"O Allah, indeed (deceased's name) is under Your protection and protection, save him from the temptation of the grave and the torment of fire. After all, You keep promises and show justice! Forgive him and have mercy on him, verily, You are the Forgiving, the Merciful!”(This dua is given in the hadith from Ibn Maji and Abu Dawud).

“Allahummya a’bdukya vyabnu amyatikya ikhtyadzhya ilya rahmyatikya wa antya ganiyyun a’n a’zabihi in kyanya mukhsinn fyazid fii hyasyanyatihi wa in kyanya musii-an fatyadzhyauzz a’nhu”

Meaning translation:“Oh Allah! Your servant and the son of Your servant needed Your mercy, and You do not need his torment! If he did good deeds, then add them to him, and if he did bad deeds, then do not charge him!”(The text of the dua according to the hadith transmitted by al-Hakim).

There is also a separate dua, which is resorted to in the situation of the ascension of the funeral prayers for a dead child

"Allahumma-ja'lhu lyanya fyaratan wa salaafyan wa ajran"

Translation:“O Allah, make it so that he is ahead of us (in paradise) and becomes our predecessor and reward for us!”

Dua in the cemetery

It is known that Muslims regularly visit the graves of their loved ones and ancestors. is also part of the tradition of holding the main Islamic holidays - Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayram) and Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.) said that the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) often went to the churchyard of Al-Baqi and said such text dua at the entrance to the cemetery:

"Assalyamu alaikum! Darra kaumin mukminina, wa atakum mat tuaduna, gadan muajzhalun, wa innya, inshallah, bikum lyakhikun. Allahum-agfirli ahli Bakiil-Gharkad ”(hadith from Muslim)

Meaning translation: "Peace to you! O those who are in the abode of the faithful, the promise has come, and tomorrow the turn will come for us, and, truly, be it the will of the Lord, we will come to you. Oh Lord! Forgive the sins of those buried on Baki."

In addition, while staying in places of mass graves of people, you can say the words:

“Assalamu alaikum, yaa ahlil-kubur. Yagfirullahu la nahua lakum. An-tum salafuna, wa nah-nu bil-asaar ”(Tirmizi)

Meaning translation: “Peace to you who are underground (in the graves). May the Almighty forgive both you and us. You have passed into the other world before, and we will be next.”

But how useful for dead people will be good deeds done in their favor - prayer and alms? This question occupies the minds of Islamic scholars, among whom there are those who question the possibility of helping the dead with living people.

Arguments of those who are in favor

To begin with, it is necessary to give arguments that will allow an affirmative answer to the above question: 1. The Holy Quran contains an verse that describes how new generations of Muslims will ask for forgiveness for their deceased predecessors:

“And those who came after them say: “Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who believed before us! Do not plant in our hearts hatred and envy for those who believed. Our Lord! "" (59:10)

This verse is an example of how Muslims should address the Almighty for previous generations of Muslims who have already left this world. If there were no special benefit for the dead in this action, then, obviously, the revelation of such an verse would not make sense. 2. Very often you can find a hadith that talks about deeds that benefit a person after death. “When a person dies, the list of his good deeds closes [that is, it can no longer be replenished], however, three actions will bring him reward in the grave. It is an alms given to other people who continue to use it, the production of knowledge and a well-bred child who will pray for his parent after his death ”(Muslim). 3. (funeral prayer) is, in fact, a request to the Creator for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) at the completion of all the necessary procedures for preparing the deceased for burial, said to the companions the following words: “Make dua for the salvation of the soul of our brother, showing him stamina and firmness, because right now he is being tested in grave" (Abu Dawud). In another hadith, which is given in the collection of Imam Muslim, it is said that people who come to the funeral prayer will actually intercede for the deceased. If there are at least a hundred such people, then Allah will accept their intercession for him. 4. In a hadith transmitted by Aisha (r.a.), it is reported that once a man addressed the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) and asked: “My mother died. Despite this, I feel that if she were alive, she would give alms to those in need. Can I do this deed instead of her now?” The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) answered this question in the affirmative (cited by Bukhari and Muslim). 5. Another argument in favor of the need to pray for the salvation of the souls of the dead is the norm from Islamic law, which allows you to make a pilgrimage (hajj) for the deceased. 6. In one of the hadiths of the Mercy of the worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.) the following situation is given. A sheep was brought to him, which he slaughtered himself. After that, the Prophet (pbuh) said: “For the pleasure of the Almighty. Allah is great! I performed this action for myself personally and for all those members of my community who could not perform the sacrifice ”(Abu Dawood, Tirmizi).

Arguments of Opponents of Prayer for the Dead

Many other arguments can be cited in favor of the need to perform good deeds on behalf of the deceased. However, representatives in the Middle Ages strongly opposed this. Here are some of their arguments: 1) The Mu'tazilites, who preached in their writings the need to rely solely on reason when studying the Holy Quran, cite the following verse:

"Every man is a hostage to what he has acquired" (74:38)

They argue that a person cannot count on success at the expense of other people. However, the Mu'tazilites overlook the fact that the verse refers only to sinful deeds. The verse does not apply to good deeds. 2) Another verse of the Holy Qur'an was a frequent tool in the hands of the Mu'tazilites:

“A person will receive only what he aspired to” (53:39)

From this follows the conclusion that the servant of Allah cannot count on the deeds committed by other people. However, this argument of the Mu'tazilites can be answered from several positions at once. Let's start with the fact that the above verse is. Its legal component is replaced by the verse from Surah "Mountain":

“We will reunite the believers with their descendants who followed them in the faith, and we will not diminish their deeds in the least” (52:21)

Islamic theologians interpret this text of the Holy Scripture in the sense that on the Day of Judgment, the righteous children of their parents will be able to weigh down their scales, which will contain good deeds. This is also stated in the above hadith about three things that will bring God's reward to a person after death. Further, it is worth noting that the verse cited by the Mu'tazilites refers to the infidels and those who hypocritically covered themselves with Islam. In some narrations, it is stated that the person mentioned in the verse is Abu Jahl, who brought much harm to the first Muslims and left this world in disbelief. Thus, the Mu'tazilite view of the issue under consideration is rejected by the vast majority of Muslim scholars.

Dua for the fulfillment of desires is a Muslim prayer, which, according to tradition, helps a person's dreams come true easily and quickly. Let's talk about the technique and nuances of this ancient religious technique.

Many people are concerned about the question: does Muslim prayer help those who are converted to another religion and do not profess. Opinions differ on this matter. In fact, it all depends on your beliefs and faith.

Some moments:

  1. If you do not consider yourself a particular religion, but recognize the existence of a certain Higher power, you can safely use the dua to fulfill your desires. The most important thing is to feel God within yourself, to believe in him, and it does not matter in what image you clothe him.
  2. If you are a believing Orthodox person, it is better to use Christian prayers. There will never be sincere faith in the power of the Muslim dua in your soul. And if there is no faith, desires will not come true.
  3. And, of course, if you practice Islam, dua is what you need. This statement needs no comment.

A person always works what he believes in. Therefore, if you are ready to completely leave doubts and rely on the magical power of Muslim prayer

Why don't wishes come true?

Reviews about the use of Muslim duas are very contradictory. Some people say: prayers work in a hundred percent of cases. Others, on the contrary, complain that their cherished dreams never came true.

What may determine the fulfillment of a desire, and why it may not be fulfilled:

  • You don't have faith. You are not ready to fully rely on the will of higher powers and believe that they will surely send you all the necessary opportunities to fulfill your desire. Namely, faith is the engine that activates prayer and makes it work.
  • You think that it is enough to read the words of the prayer several times, and then you can sit on the sofa and fold your hands. In fact, you need to make at least the minimum amount of effort available to you to make the wish come true. For example, if you dream of going on a trip, use the dua, and then study sites with last-minute tours, find out the cost of air tickets. Money for the trip will definitely appear, come to you, perhaps from the most unexpected source.
  • You don't have enough energy. The more energy in a person, the sooner his desires are fulfilled. So be sure to keep an eye on it. First of all, satisfy the basic needs of the physical body: good sleep, proper nutrition, sports activities. Secondly, fill yourself spiritually and creatively. Do what you love, spend time with people you like, practice meditation.
  • You have no sense of gratitude. And this upsets the balance in the universe. Thank God, yourself, those around you for everything that you receive from them. Even if it's small things. Be grateful for shelter and food, for positive emotions and small pleasant things that happen every day for every person. Thus, the balance of energy will gradually be restored, and your desires will be fulfilled much faster.
  • Wrong wording. Perhaps with the help of prayer you are turning to higher powers incorrectly. Together with health, ask “not to get sick”, instead of love - “stop being lonely”, The opposite effect works: you get only what you are afraid of. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of all your fears.

Check if there are any of the listed reasons that are present in your life. If there is a problem, fix it, and only then proceed to use the dua to fulfill your desires.

How to read a prayer correctly?

You can use the translation of Muslim prayers, but they will work most effectively if you read them in the original language, that is, in Arabic. Dua sounds can sound strange, so take the time to learn the exact pronunciation.

  1. The text of the prayer reads as follows: “Inaa lil-lyahii va ina ilyayakhi raajiiuun, allaahuumma indayakya ahtassibu musyybaatii fajuurnii fiihe, va abdiilnii biihee khairan minhe.” Learn it properly. You can also read from paper, but then the efficiency will be less.
  2. Remember the translation of the prayer, so as not only to mechanically repeat its words, but also to feel, to realize the whole meaning of the Muslim dua: “I sincerely praise the God of all worlds - Allah. Please help me, forgive me, protect and guide me on the right path. Deliver me from mistakes so that nothing hinders me on the path to righteousness. This is not a literal translation, but the very essence of prayer, which you must feel, must resonate in your heart.
  3. Pray daily, twice a day. In the morning, just waking up, and in the evening, when you already feel that you are about to fall asleep.

Watch a video about Muslim duas to understand the topic even better:

Conclusions and important points

Important points to be aware of:

  1. If you are not a Muslim, it makes sense to use dua. But the prayers of the religion that you profess will be much more effective. If you consider yourself an atheist, use positive affirmations.
  2. Before you begin to practice daily prayers, set a goal. Formulate your desire, mentally say what you want to achieve. The more specific the wording. the sooner the dream will come true.
  3. Pray regularly. One or two repetitions of the dua will not give much effect. But regular prayers, accumulating their power, become a powerful source of energy that will be directed towards achieving your goals.
  4. Hope not only for prayers, but also act. No need to rely only on magic, all the greatest power is in you. The more actively you make efforts to fulfill your desires, the sooner the power of dua will send all the necessary opportunities into your life.

This is all you need to know about the dua for the fulfillment of desires. Try it, make your dreams come true and share your feedback in the comments.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Original post by cassandra196

بســــــــــــــم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهُم يا صانع كل مصنوع و ياجابركل كسيرويامؤنس كل فقيروياصاحب كل غريب وياشافي كل مريض وياحاضركل خلائق ويارازق كل مرزوق وياخالق كل مخلوق ويا حافظ كل محفوظ ويافاتح كل مفتوح وياغالب كل مغلوب ويامالك كل مملوك وياشاهدكل مشهودوياكاشف كل كرب اجعل لى من امرى فرجا ومخرجااقذف قلبى لاارجو احدا سواك برحمتك ياارحم الرحمين

"Bismillahir-rahmanir rahim. Allahuma Ya Sani at Kullya Masna Ya Jabiro Kully Kullya Ya Muchnisa Kullya Famyrin ya sahilu sachyu Gibin Ya Shafsi Maridin Ya Hajsu Kullyikin Ya Kullyika Ya Kuliko Makhlyukin Ya Kullyu Kullybuhin Ya Fatihin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin Makhfutuhin ya Fatikha ya Fatikha ya Fatihu ya Fatikha ya Fatihu ya Fatikha hali yahi halit kulli maglubin ya maliku kulli mamlukin ya shahidu kulli mashhudin ya kashifu kulli karbin Ijal-li minanri, farajan wa mahrajan ikzif kalbi Laarju akhadan siuak.Birakhmatikya ia arkhamar-rahimin"

O Allah, creator of all creatures, O Comforter of all the poor, O Companion of all wanderers, O Healer of all the sick, O Bestower of blessings on the needy, O Opener of everything that is opened, O Conqueror of all that is conquered, O witness of all that is visible, O Deliverer from all suffering! O Allah, grant me a successful outcome in every case, cleanse my heart! I do not rely on anyone but You and trust in Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!
This prayer has 30 virtues:
1. If someone is among the enemies and is afraid of their harm, then he must, in a state of ablution, sincerely read this prayer 7 times, and Allah will protect him, insha Allah.
2. If someone finds himself in poverty and distress, then in the evening you need to perform 2 rak'ahs, in each rak'ah after "Fatiha" read the surah "Ikhlas". After prayer, read this prayer and say: "O Allah, for the sake of respect for "Tajnama" save me from poverty!" and then ask for what you want and run your palms over your face. InshaAllah, soon Allah will satisfy the request.
3. Whoever is defeated by sihr (damage) should read this prayer 7 times on the water, then pour this water over and drink part of it. InshaAllah, get rid of sihr.
4. If someone is so overfed that heart pains appear, you need to write this prayer with saffron on a white plate, rinse with water, drink it, wash your face and eyes.
5. If someone is sick for a long time, and nothing helps him, you need to read this prayer 70 times and blow on rainwater and give the patient a drink, insha Allah, he will soon get relief.
6. If someone finds himself in great misfortune and suffering, you need to sincerely read this prayer 1000 times in a state of ablution, insha Allah, Allah will give help.
7. Whoever wants to receive a positive solution to their problems from the boss should read this prayer 7 times near him and, inshaAllah, will achieve what he wants.
8. Anyone who suffers from hearing loss should read this prayer in the ear 3 times, inshaAllah, to get rid of the disease.
9. Whoever reads a prayer 48 times on Friday morning, everyone will be in friendship with that person.
10. If a person is in trouble due to injustice, then after each morning prayer, he should read this prayer 40 times and blow on himself. Insha Allah, get rid of trouble.
11. If a person is lazy and likes to sleep for a long time, then he needs to read this prayer on Friday, after Juma-namaz-25 times.
12. Those who do not have children should read this prayer on wax 70 times on Friday night, then put it in water and drink it, insha Allah, there will be children.
13. Who wants to become rich, you need to read this prayer every day 15 times.
14. Who wants to make friends with his enemies, let him read this prayer 70 times.
15. Who wants to have a successful business (trade), let him read this prayer 1 time before leaving the house and carry it with him.
16. For a successful dunya and Akhyryt, you need to read 3 times daily and ask Allah.
17. If you write on a plate and give the patient a drink, then he will recover, inshaAllah.
18. In order for the enemies to stop slandering, you need to read 11 times.
19. To safely return from a trip, you need to read this prayer 10 times.
20. If you read the dua 10 times during the sowing season, Allah will save you from any harm.
21. Whoever wants to receive the Shafaat of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, let him read this prayer 100 times daily.
22. If there is no love and friendship between husband and wife, let them write this prayer with saffron on white paper and put them in bed. Their relationship will improve, insha Allah, and no sihr will take them.
23. In order for Allah to open the gates of happiness for a person, one must read this prayer 15 times and ask Allah.
24. If this prayer is attached to a child, then he will be protected from fear and harm from genies.
25. During a difficult birth, you need to read this prayer 11 times and blow from the back on the woman in labor, Insha Allah, she will give birth soon and easily.
26. If a girl carries this prayer with her, she will cause sympathy for everyone.
27. If you read this prayer 5 times and blow on the animal, this will save them from illness.
28. To gain useful knowledge after the morning prayer, you need to read this prayer 70 times.
29. Whoever has a big debt, let him read this prayer 30 times with the intention of paying the debt, Insha Allah, Allah will give help.
30. A person bitten by a snake or a scorpion should read this prayer and blow into his ear. Soon the patient will receive relief, InshaAllah.

Quite often people, faced with certain difficulties in life, turn to the Lord for help. In Islamic doctrine, the form of appeal to the Almighty is called dua, which translates as "plea".

In His final Book, the Creator instructs us:

“If My servants ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls to Me. Let them answer Me and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right path” (2:186)

Making dua is possible not only in situations where believers are faced with any problems. One should also fulfill the prayer of the Lord in those cases when everything is fine in a person’s life, thereby expressing gratitude to Allah for all the blessings He has given. In addition, the execution is allowed not only for oneself, but also for one's relatives, relatives, friends and completely strangers. A believer, seeing that someone from his environment is faced with certain life difficulties, can ask the Almighty for help for a person in trouble.

Dua, being a form of appeal to Allah, is one of the types of worship of the Lord of the worlds, in connection with which, for their prayers, believers, by the will of the Creator, can receive His reward. The final messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (s.g.v.) once noted: “There is nothing nobler before our Creator than a dua” (Tirmizi and Ibn Maja narrate the hadith).

If a person wants his dua to be accepted by Allah, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions:

1. Purposefulness

There is a hadith on this subject: “When one of you turns to Allah with a request, let him be purposeful” (Bukhari, Muslim).

2. Confidence in the answer The Messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed: “Make dua to your Creator, being sure of the answer, and know that He does not answer the dua of those whose hearts are careless and idle” (hadith is quoted by at-Tirmidhi).

3. It is important to remember the Almighty not only when facing difficulties This is confirmed by the hadith: “Whoever wants the Creator to answer him in distress, let him pray more often in prosperity” (at-Tirmidhi, Hakim)

4. Patience

The final Prophet of God (s.g.v.) advised: “The prayer of the servant of Allah will always be answered, unless he asks for the commission of any atrocity or rupture, and also if he does not rush things.” Then Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked to clarify: “O Messenger of the Almighty! What does it mean to rush things? And he gave such an answer: “This is when a person says:“ I prayed to Allah many times, but did not receive an answer! and after that he despairs and ceases to ask Allah ”(Muslim cites the hadith).

5. Refusal to consume as food everything forbidden (haram)

There is a hadith about how the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) responded to the prayer of one of his contemporaries, who ate forbidden food: “O Lord! Oh my God! But his food is haram, his drink is haram… How will such a call be answered?!” (Muslim).

6. Mentioning the 99 names of Allah

The Messenger of the Almighty (S.G.V.) instructed: “Dua with the mention of the Greatest Names of Allah will be accepted” (hadith is given by Ibn Majay).

7. Before making a dua, it is necessary to glorify the Creator and His Messenger (s.g.v.)

The proof of this is the hadith: “When one of you expresses a desire to turn to the Almighty with a prayer, let him begin by giving praise to his Great Lord and glorify Him, then let him call for a blessing on the Prophet, and only then ask what he wants!” (at-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud).

Among the authentic hadiths there is the following: “The Messenger of the Almighty went to the prayer house to pray for rain. He made such a prayer, then turned towards the qibla and turned his shirt inside out ”(Bukhari, Muslim).

9. Raising hands during dua

The hadith says: “The Messenger of Allah began to make dua and raised his hands” (Bukhari, Muslim).

10. Take a bath

One hadeeth tells that at the end of the battle of Hunayn, the Grace of the Worlds, Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed ablution and exclaimed: “O Allah! Forgive Ubaydah ibn Amir" (Bukhari, Muslim).

It should also be taken into account: in order for the prayer of the believer to be accepted by the Lord of the worlds, it is necessary to choose the best time:

  • Dua at the end of the night. The Messenger of the Gracious and Merciful (LGV) explained: “When half of the night or a third of it passes, the Almighty descends to the lower sky and says: “Is there one who asks (Me) that I grant him? Is there anyone who turns to Me with prayers so that I will answer him? Is there anyone who begs Me for forgiveness so that I can forgive him?” (This hadeeth is reported by Muslim).
  • Dua after adhan. One of the sayings of the Prophet (s.g.v.) says: “When the muezzin pronounces the adhan, calling for prayer, the heavenly gates open above us and answer our prayer” (hadith from Hakim).
  • When making a prostration. The Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) instructed: “The slave is closest to his Lord at the moment of committing, so often call on Him with prayers at such moments” (Muslim, Abu Daud).
  • Friday afternoon. On this account, a hadith can be cited: “There is a period of time when the Creator gives a Muslim who stands up a prayer everything that he asks.” At this moment, Muhammad (pbuh) showed with his hand how short this period of time (Muslim) is.
  • After obligatory prayers. Once the Prophet (pbuh) was asked: “Which dua is accepted better than the rest?” And they heard in response: “In the last third of the night and after performing the five obligatory prayers” (hadith from at-Tirmidhi).
  • On the Day of Araf. The final messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) once said: “The best dua is the dua on the day of Araf” (at-Tirmidhi).
  • On the Night of Destiny. This is mentioned in the following hadith: “Whoever spends the Night of Predestination () in prayer with faith and hope for the reward of Allah, his previous sins will be forgiven” (Bukhari, Muslim).
  • When breaking the fast (iftar) after fasting. Mercy of the worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) once said: “A fasting person never rejects a dua during a conversation” (hadith is cited by Ibn Maja).
  • After making a big pilgrimage (hajj). One of the hadiths states: “The duas of the one who performed the Hajj are accepted” (Tabarani).

In order to receive barakah in deeds, one should try to turn to Allah Almighty in the best possible way, and in deeds beware of what He forbade and do what He commanded. Muslims need to trust in the Almighty Creator and turn to Him with prayers for help.

Barakat in deeds and in subsistence is the mercy of Allah Almighty, without which the affairs of a person are not complete.

In order for the Almighty Creator to grant barakat and increase the inheritance in business, there are different duas, and today we offer you several of them:

Allahhumma rizkan halalyan tayyban bila kyaddin wastajib duana bila raddin wa nauzu bikya anil fadihatainil-fakri wad-dini subhanal-mufarriji an kuli mahzunin wa ma’mumin subhana mann jaalya hazainihu bi qudratihi baynal kafi van nuni. Innama amruhu iz arada shayan an yakulalahu kun fayakun. Fa subhanal-lazi biadihi malakutu shain wa ilaihi turj'aun. Huval-avvalyu minal avali wal-akhyyru ba’dal akhiri va zahyyru val-batinu va khuva bi kuli shain alim layyakya mislikhi shayun fil ardzyy valya fis-samai va huvas-samiul alim. La tudrikuhul-absarun wa huva yudrikul-absara wa huval-latiful habir. Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Ayalmin.

Dua translation:

“Oh, Almighty Allah! Grant me barakat in my abundance, and give me the opportunity, as a result of my most productive work, to earn a lot of permitted good. Oh, Almighty Allah! Grant the opportunity to spend this property for the sake of Your contentment for the benefit of yourself, your family and others, avoiding excess! Oh, Almighty Allah! Save our movable and immovable property, our workplace, our wealth and our lives from various troubles, fires, theft and other hardships! Oh, Almighty Allah! Give us knowledge of the permissibility and rights of other (Your) servants. Give us the opportunity to earn eternal happiness by spending our property, wealth and soul for Your pleasure. Praise be to Allah Almighty, Lord of the worlds!”

What dua to read for good luck in business and for getting barakah?

Dua for success and barakat in business

Most entrepreneurs, especially those who have achieved some success in business, argue that in order to achieve something in business, you need to work, work, work ... Of course, we must create reasons for the fulfillment of our desires. However, if there is no barakat (grace) and tawfiq (assistance) from Almighty Allah, a person will not achieve any success in business and in other areas. Allah Almighty in the hadith al-qudsi, which is transmitted from Abu Zarr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “O My servants! If the first and last of you, humans and jinn, stand in one place and ask Me (for something), and I give each one what he asked for, this would reduce what I have only as much as the needle reduces (the amount water) when it is immersed in the sea. (Muslim, 2577) That is, if the Almighty Allah gives every person everything that he asks from Him, this will practically not reduce His wealth. Allah Almighty instructs his slaves to turn to him with prayers and ask him to fulfill all their desires and promises to fulfill them: “And your Lord, Allah Almighty, said:

“Call to Me (please to Me) and I will answer you (give what you ask).” (Sura Ghafir, 60)

In order for the Almighty Creator to grant barakat, assist and increase the inheritance in business, there are different duas. Therefore, whoever wants to succeed in business should make dua and ask for barakah and assistance from Allah Almighty. From Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) it is transmitted that a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah, this world has turned away from me, and it is moving away and moving away from me.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him: “Have you not heard the prayer (salat) of the angels and the tasbih of all the creatures of Allah, through which they receive their inheritance? Read a hundred times at dawn: “Subhana Allahi wa bihamdihi Subhana Allahi l-‘azim, astagfiru Allah” “Exalted is Allah, all praise be to Allah, exalted is the great Allah. I ask for forgiveness (sins) from Allah, "and the whole world will humbly come to you." This man left and after a while returned and said: “O Messenger of Allah, verily, this world has turned towards me so that I do not know where to put it (property).” (Al-Khatib) It is also narrated from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Allah lowered Adam (peace be upon him) to Earth, he got up, went to the Kaaba and performed a two-rakah prayer . Then Allah inspired him to read this dua: “Allahumma innaka ta’lamu sarirati wa ‘alaniyyati fa-kbal ma’zirati, wa ta’lamu hajati fa-‘tini su’li, wa ta’lamu ma fi nafsi fa-gfir-li zanbi. Allahhumma inni as'alyuka imanan yubashiru kalbi, wa yakinan sadikan hatta a'lama annahu la yusibuni illa ma katabta li, varizan bima kasamta li" "O Allah! Verily, You know my secret and manifest deeds, so please accept my apologies. You know all my needs, give me what I ask. You know everything that I hide in my soul, forgive my sins. O Allah, I ask You for iman (faith), which governs my heart, I ask for deep right conviction, which will tell me that nothing will befall me except what You have prescribed for me, I also ask contentment with what You have endowed me. . Further, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Then Allah Almighty told Adam (peace be upon him): “O Adam! Verily, I have accepted your repentance and forgiven your sins. Whoever turns to Me with this dua, I will forgive his sins, save him from the most difficult problems, drive away the devil from him, make his trade the best among all merchants, and this world will be forced to favor him, even if he himself does not wish it "". (Tabarani)

Dua with transcription and translation into Russian

  • Wa minhyum man yakulu rabbanā ‘ātinā fi ad-dunya hasanatan wa fi al-‘āhiratihasanatan wa kinā gyazāba an-nār. The semantic translation of a prayer from the Koran into Russian: “Lord, grant us good in this life and good in eternity and protect us from hellish punishment” (Sura al-Baqara, ayat - 201).
  • Rabbanā lā tuzig kulubanā bagda ‘iz hyadaitanā va hyab lanā min ladunka rahmatan ‘innaka ‘anta al-vahkhāb rabbanā ‘innaka jamigyu an-nāsi liyavmin lā raiba fihyi ‘inna Allāhya lā yuhlifual-migād. The semantic translation of the verse from the Koran: “Our Lord! Do not lead our hearts astray from the path of the true, after You have guided them to this path. Grant us Your mercy, verily, You are the infinitely Bestower. Lord, You will gather all people for a Day of no doubt. Allah always fulfills the promise. [The news of the Day of Judgment was reported by all the prophets and messengers, it is promised by God, and therefore there is no doubt that sooner or later it will come] ”(Sura Ali Imran, verses - 8-9).
  • Rabbi ishrah li sadri wa yassir li amri wahlul ukdata-m-min al-lisani yafkahu kauli. Translation: Lord! Open my chest for me! Make my mission easier! Untie the knot in my tongue so that they can understand my speech ”(Sura Ta Ha, ayat - 25-28).
  • “Allahumma, inni astahiru-kya bi-'ilmi-kya wa astakdirukya bi-kudrati-kya wa as'alu-kya min fadli-kya-l-'azimi fa-inna-kya takdiru wa la akdiru, wa ta'lamu wa la a'lamu, wa anta 'allamu-l-guyubi! Allahumma, in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra (here the person should be told what he intends to do) khairun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-kdur-hu li wa yassir-hu li, the amount of barik is fi-chi; wa in kunta ta'lamu anna haza-l-amra sharrun li fi dini, wa ma'ashi wa 'akibati amri, fa-srif-hu 'an-ni wa-srif-ni 'an-hu wa-kdur liya-l -haira haysu kyana, the sum of ardi-ni bi-hi. Translation: “O Allah, truly I ask You to help me with Your knowledge and strengthen me with Your power, and I ask You from Your Great Mercy, for truly You know, and I do not know, because You are the Knower of the hidden. O Allah, if You know that this matter will be good for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the Hereafter), then predestinate it for me and make it easy, and then make it blessed for me . And if You know that this matter will turn out to be evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), then take it away from me and take me away from it, and predestinate good for me, wherever it is it, and then make me happy with it.”

"God! Open my chest for me! Make my mission easier!"

Dua of Prophet Musa, alayhi salaam

What to do to get barakat?

You can often hear how Muslims wish themselves and others barakat. What does the word "Barakat" mean and what is its essence. Barakat is the blessing of the Almighty.

The word "barakat" in Arabic means "grace". Barakat is a mercy and an addition from Allah, with regards to literally everything that surrounds a Muslim.

Man is always striving for well-being and the greater good. But only the blessings sent down by Allah are blessed and bring true happiness to a person.

Barakat is the endowment of things with divine grace, so that even a small thing can become big and be useful. The greatest fruits of barak are manifested if this goodness or mercy is used in deeds of obedience to Allah. We need the blessing of Allah in everything, family, finances, relationships, health, children, work, etc.

There are some actions that can lead a person to receive God's grace:

  • Sincere intentions. If you want your actions and deeds to bring you barakah, start things with good intentions. Intentions are the basis of Islam, our every action will be judged on the basis of them. It is important that every action you take is for the pleasure of Allah. If we do something not for the sake of Allah, this deed will be deprived of divine grace.
  • Faith and piety. The Qur'an says: “And if the inhabitants of (those) villages would believe (with the True Faith) and would beware (of the punishment of Allah), (then) We would certainly open for them blessings [gates of every good] from heaven and earth [from all sides]" (7:96).
    “And whoever fears (punishment) of Allah [to fulfill His commands and abstain from His prohibitions], He will make a way out (from any difficult situation), and He will give him [he who is wary] food from which he does not expect” (65: 2 –3).
  • Trust in Allah. God in the Quran says: “And whoever puts his trust in Allah, for him He is sufficient. (Indeed) indeed, Allah completes His work (to the end). (And) Allah has already set a measure for every thing” (65:3).
    The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you had true trust in Allah, He would provide you with food, as he provides for birds - that they fly out in the morning with empty stomachs and return with full ones in the evening.”
  • Reading the Qur'an. This is a fountain that brings barakat!
    God in the Quran says: “And this [Quran] is a book that We sent down to you (O Muhammad), blessed [in it is of great benefit] (and) it confirms the truth of what was sent down before it” (6:92) .
    Do not forget the grace and mercy that we can receive through the reading of the Holy Quran. Our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him!) said that for each letter read from the Holy Quran, a reward will be given, and this reward will increase tenfold. Subhanallah, it's so easy!
  • "Bismillah". Every action of a Muslim begins with sacred words and the name of the Almighty. Remembering at the beginning of each of your actions, you gain the pleasure of Allah and his grace in doing this. "Bismillah" is the simplest and shortest dua, by saying which we protect ourselves from the shaitan.
  • Joint eating. In the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) it is said: “In eating together, grace is for you.” There is also this hadith: “Whoever has enough food for two people should call the third, and whoever has enough food for four people should accept the fifth or sixth.”
  • Honesty in trading. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The buyer and the seller have the opportunity to confirm their transaction if they do not diverge. And if they told the truth and made it clear (did not hide) the shortcomings of their goods, they will be blessed in their transaction, and if they lied and hid some facts, their transaction will be deprived of the blessing of Allah.
  • Making dua. Call to Allah with a request for barakah. Dua is the connection between the Creator and His creation. The Prophet himself (PBUH) appealed to the Almighty with a request for barakat. By making dua, you become closer to the Almighty, and he endows you with his blessing. In general, every deed aimed at obtaining the pleasure of Allah is blessed and brings grace.
  • Halal earnings and food. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Allah loves the good, therefore he accepts only that which is good.” This applies to food and earnings acquired in a permitted way. The limbs of the one who earns haram and eats haram will not obey Allah whether he likes it or not, and the one who eats halal and strives for halal income will also do good deeds.
  • Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in everything. The person who possessed the largest barakah in the entire history of mankind was the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is an example for Muslims in all matters and it is his example that we should follow. By studying his Sunnah and following his example, we will be able to become better, thereby gaining the grace of the Almighty.
  • Reading the dua "Istikhara". “Istikhara” is an appeal to Allah with a request to help in starting a business, if there is good in it, and to remove misfortune from it, if there is evil in it. After praying, a Muslim must rely on Allah and accept it, with the knowledge that the decision of Allah regarding his slave always surpasses any decision of a person, both in matters relating to this world and the world to come. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us the Istikhara prayer. He said: “If one of you is going to do any deed, then let him read two rak'ahs of an optional prayer, then say:“ O Allah, verily, I ask You to help me with Your knowledge and strengthen me with Your power and I ask You about Your great mercy, for, truly, You can, but I cannot, You know, but I do not know, and You know everything about the hidden (from people)! O Allah, if You know that this matter ... (here the person should say what he wants) will be good for my Religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then predestinate it to me and make it easy for me, and then send it down to me in this matter your blessing; but if You know that this matter will become evil for my Religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then turn it away from me, and turn me away from it, and predestinate good for me, wherever it is, and then bring me to their satisfaction."
  • Gratitude to the Almighty. In the Quran, Allah says: “If you are grateful, I will give you even more. But if you are ungrateful, then my torment is grievous” (14:7).
  • Charity. In the hadith al-Qudsi it is reported that Allah Almighty said: “O son of Adam, spend and I will spend on you.” The fastest way to get barakat can be helping the needy, sadaka and alms. It can be expressed in money, in words of support. By helping others, you cleanse your heart of sins and gain the pleasure of the Almighty.
  • Strengthening family ties. In the Quran, the Almighty says: “And beware (punishment) of Allah, by which you ask each other, and (beware of breaking) family ties. Verily, Allah is watching over you!” (4:1) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: "Whoever wishes to have a long life, whoever wishes that there is always abundance in the house, let him always remember his relatives." The hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) says: “The Almighty says:“ I am merciful, I created a family relationship and gave him a name from My name. I will keep in touch with those who keep in touch with relatives, and I will break the connection with those who will break off contact with relatives ”(Tabarani).
  • Get up early. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Allah made the first hours a blessing for my ummah." Get up for tahajjud, perform morning prayers. Try not to wake up the hours in which the Almighty sends blessings to people. In addition, this watch is much more productive for work than all the others.
  • Marriage. Marriage is a pious act and entails barakat. The Qur'an says: “And marry (O believers) the celibate (men and women) from among you [from among the believers] and the righteous [believers] from among your slaves and your female slaves [those that you possess]. If they [free and celibate] are poor, (then this is not an obstacle to marriage, since) Allah will enrich them from His bounty. [Marriage is the cause of getting rid of poverty.] And (indeed) Allah is inclusive [possesses all blessings], knows (the position of His slaves)!” (24:32)
  • Don't skip prayer. “And command (O Prophet) to your family (to perform) prayer and be patient yourself in it [performing it]. We [Allah] do not ask you (O Prophet) for a lot, We (Themselves) will nourish you, and the (good) outcome (both in this world and in Eternal life) is for (those who possessed the quality) warning ( from the punishment of Allah)" (20:132). Just imagine your life without this act of worship. How can a barakat be in such a life? - the basis of Muslim worship, and they are the key to the contentment of the Almighty.
  • Ask for forgiveness of your sins. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If someone constantly asks for forgiveness from Allah, Allah will appoint for him a way out of any trouble and relief from every anxiety and provide him with food from where he does not expect.” May Allah help you to gain barakah!

Dua for Success - Dua of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him)

Watch the video from YouTube: the dua of the Prophet Musa (alayhi salam)

"My slave will receive what he asked" (Muslim 395)

Watch video online from YouTube:

“If you see that your time is wasted and life is going on, and you still have not achieved or acquired anything useful, and you do not find barakah in your time, then beware that you do not fall under the ayah:

“And disobey those whose hearts We have made heedless in the remembrance of Us, and who follow their whims, and their work is in vain.” (18:28). Those. became worthless, vain and scattered, there is no barakat in it. And so that he knows that some remember Allah, but remember Him with a careless heart, from which, naturally, he will not benefit.

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