Home Roses Assignments for the History Olympiad (school stage). Primitive gatherers and hunters

Assignments for the History Olympiad (school stage). Primitive gatherers and hunters

The beginning of the history of formation human society marked by that distant time when the first tools of primitive man began to appear. Our ancestors (australopithecines), while collecting, did not use any objects - neither unprocessed nor processed.

Tools of labor Prerequisites for the emergence

According to a number of scientists, (human ancestors) who moved to the earth from the trees, in the process of survival, used sticks and stones, “processed” by nature, for protection from predatory animals. Subsequently, the found objects began to be used for obtaining food. At first, they were used only as needed, and after use they were thrown away. But in the course biological development and continued accumulation of experience, anthropoid apes became increasingly convinced that the necessary tools could not always be easily found. This, in turn, suggested that objects needed by the ancestors should be preserved in some way. In addition, there was a need to use more convenient items. As a result of the tool primitive people instead of temporary they became permanent. At the same time, the ancestors gradually began to accumulate and preserve the objects they found.

Processed tools of primitive man

In one situation or another, it was not always possible to find objects with which it would be convenient to break a nut, for example, or inflict effective strike at the enemy, or dig up a root or tuber in the ground. Gradually, anthropoid apes begin to understand the need to give tools the necessary shape. This is how processed objects began to appear. It should be said that the processed tools of primitive people had few differences from the unprocessed ones found in nature.

Over time, experience began to accumulate, the ancient ancestors began to make hand-held small axes. This item was a universal tool of labor for primitive people for quite a long time and was used in a wide variety of activities. Among wooden objects, the digging stick, which had a pointed end, became widespread. With its help, they dug out larvae, roots, and tubers from the ground. A little later a club and a club appeared. For a long time, the first was used as a striking weapon, and the second as a throwing weapon.

These items were used during gathering, during hunting, and for protection against attacks by predators. A little later, primitive man makes a spear. Gradually it replaced the club and club. Along with the axe, various tools made of stone appeared and became quite common. Thus, scrapers, chippers, knives, discs, pointed points, spear tips, cutters, etc. appear.

How the tools of primitive people were made

Simple objects were complete. They were made from one piece of stone or wood. Subsequently, composite products began to appear. So, they began to attach a flint and then a bone tip to the end of the spear, using a leather belt as a retainer. Attached to choppers wooden handles. Such tools became the prototype of the hoe, hammer, and axe.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history.

School stage.

6th grade.

    On what principle are the rows formed?

(2 points for each correct answer, maximum score – 8)

A) Digging stick, chopper, scraper (ancient tools) _______________________________________

B) Nero, Trajan, Constantine (Roman emperors) _____________________________________________

B) Amon-Ra, Set, Isis ( Egyptian gods) ______________________________________________

D) Pictography, cuneiform, hieroglyphs (types of writing) _______________________________________

2. Answer the questions asked.

(4 points for each correct answer. Maximum score – 12)

2.1. What were the names of the records by year? Western Europe:

A) chronicles

B) chronicles

B) stories

2.2.What event happened in 800:

A) creation of the Frankish kingdom

B) Charlemagne became emperor,

C) the defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Poitiers.

2.3.What is the name of the document that listed the following punishments: “the fine for the murder of a royal warrior is 600 solids, for murder simple franc- 100 solids, slave - 30 solids.”

____"Salic truth"_________________

3. From the above phrases, make up definitions of two historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases may be repeated twice. In that linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words by case. 8 points for each correct answer. (4 points for a written sentence. 4 points for a definition) maximum score – 16.

A) Knowledge dealing with the past, area, study, of humanity. (field of knowledge dealing with the study of the past of humanity - history)

B) States, power by inheritance, sole, head, transferring. (sole head of state, transferring power by inheritance - monarch).

4. Do you agree with the statements below? If you agree, write “Yes”; if you disagree, write “No”.

(2 points for each correct answer. Maximum score is 10).

4.1The Phoenicians had a bad reputation in the countries where they sailed. (YES)

4.2. 2600 AD The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built. (NO)

4.3. in 395 AD the empire was divided into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire (DA).

4.5. The most sinister figure among the emperorsIcentury AD was Nero. (YES).

5. Solve a chronological problem.

(4 points for each correct answer. Maximum point -12.)

5.1. It is believed that the architect Imhotep began building the first pyramid in 2750 BC. The last pyramids were built in 1700 BC. How many years passed between the construction of the first and last pyramid? How many years ago were the last pyramids built? _______(1050, 3714)

5.2. The famous Rosetta Stone was created in 196 BC, and in 1822 J.-F. Champollion deciphered the Egyptian inscription on it. How many years passed between these events? How many years ago was the Egyptian inscription deciphered?

_____________________________________________(2018, 192).

5.3. The Tsar Bell, which is located in the Moscow Kremlin, was cast in 1735. What is the age of the Tsar Bell this year? ______________(280)

6. Establish a correspondence between the tools of labor and the occupations of ancient people.



1.pointed stone


2.digging stick

B. Gathering

3. Club

B. Making tools


1B 2B 3A 4B

7. Replace phrases catchphrases related to history Ancient world(2 points for each correct answer. Maximum point – 8)

7.1 The cause of the conflict, quarrel, dispute, subject of contention. (Apple of discord) ____________

7.2. A dangerous gift, a gift to the enemy with the goal of destroying him _____ (Trojan horse)

7.3. A way to get out of a difficult situation (Ariadne's Thread)

7.4. Weak, vulnerable spot (Achilles' heel).

8. Read the story of a Phoenician sailor who visited India. Write what wonders of this country are described in the text, replacing the numbers with words

(total 14 points: 2 points for each position).

Finally we landed on the green shore and entered the fragrant land. Yes, everything really smells there: the air, the trees, and especially the food into which the residents throw colorful powders or small balls - bitter, sour, sweet; so they can make a hundred cakes from ordinary flour different tastes(1). Although their flour is not ordinary: they grind it from grains grown by them on green bushes, knee-deep in water (2).

In this region, everything is strange: people collect white light lumps from the bushes and then dress in them (3); Their honey is hard, like frozen sand, and also crunches on the teeth (4). Cows enter any house, eat someone else's food, and no one drives them away (5).

The people in this region are like sea sand! And it is better not to fight with them, because they are not only large in number, but also skillful in battle. Their most important warriors are at least three meters tall, smart and loyal, with skin as strong as iron, with thick, powerful legs (6). And commanders fight quickly and confidently, because they can easily count and record the number of their troops using squiggles that are many times shorter and simpler than Egyptian ones (7).



sacred animal

Indian numerals

9. What event is shown on the map?

(Second war of Rome with Carthage).

School stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

2016-2017 school year


6th grade

Exercise 1. By what principle are the rows formed (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score - 6)?

a) cave bear, mammoth, woolly rhinoceros

b) werewolf, idol, spirit

c) digging stick, chopper, scraper

Task 2. Are the following statements true? ("Not really"). Enter your answers into the table

(1 point for each correct answer, maximum score - 8)?

    Iron was the first metal from which people began to make tools.

    According to scientists, the first people appeared in Asia.

    Paleolithic people already knew how to use fire.

    Human modern look appeared about 40 thousand years ago.

    The first domesticated animal was the horse.

    The double white and red crown became a symbol of the unification of the Egyptian state.

    Thoth was the god of wisdom in the Egyptian pantheon.

    The Egyptian pharaoh was considered the son of the god Ra

Task 3. Solve problems.

A. The famous Rosetta Stone was created in 196 BC, and in 1822 J. F. Champollion deciphered the Egyptian inscription on it. How many years passed between these events? Give your calculations (4 points for the correct answer).

B. The burial was made in 2010 BC. How old was this burial when archaeologists discovered it in 2012? Give your calculations (4 points for the correct answer).

Task 4. Read the description of the burial discovered by archaeologists at the famous Sungir site in Vladimir region. What can be learned from this description about the life of the people who left this monument? (10 points for the correct answer).

“The second burial, located under the first, belonged to an adult man. The deceased was lying on his back in an extended position. A flint knife, a scraper and a fragment of a bone object were placed with him. The skeleton was densely covered with ocher, and numerous beads made from mammoth ivory lay on it. The placement of the beads, which retained their original position, allowed the clothing to be reconstructed. The costume consisted of an open shirt, pants connected to shoes, and possibly a cloak. On her head was a hat, richly decorated with beads made from ivory and drilled arctic fox fangs. On her hands were thin tusk bracelets and strings of beads. Bandages made from bundles of beads are also traced under the knees and on the ankles. By inside On the legs, sewn beads formed long stripes connecting the pants and shoes. In total, over 3.5 thousand beads were sewn.”

Task 5. Conquests of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Fill in the gaps in the text by putting the numbers of words, names and titles given below (words and names are given in nominative case) into the table in accordance with letter designation passes. Please note that there are more words, names and titles than spaces in the text. (2 points for the correct answer, maximum point - 12).

The beginning of large-scale conquests associated with the name ………………….A. After a successful offensive during the Nubian expedition, his troops moved north into Western Asia, ravaging ………..B and…………. B. Egyptian troops reach Northern Mesopotamia for the first time in the area of ​​the river....................... D which they called “Inverted Water”. The restoration of Egyptian influence in the Eastern Mediterranean and the turn to an aggressive policy in general was uniquely reflected in the burial of the pharaoh: he was the first to be buried in …………..D near modern Luxor. The New Kingdom was not a period of construction of giant stone……………….E, preference began to be given to more secure and cheaper rock tombs.

    Thutmose III



  1. Valley of the Kings



6th grade.

Task 1. 2 points for each correct answer, maximum score - 6)

A) large extinct species of primitive animals;

B) representatives of the pagan religion of primitive people;

C) tools of labor of ancient man.

Task 2. No, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes.

1 point for each correct answer, maximum score - 8

Task 3.

A. 1822+196=2018 4 points for the correct answer).

B. 2010+2012=4022 4 points for the correct answer

Task 5. A-1; B-5; AT 3; G-8; D-10; E-11.

(2 points for the correct answer, maximum point - 12).

Task No. 2. Fill in the missing words

The earliest people lived on Earth for more than two million years ago.

The earliest man resembled a monkey in that he had (what kind of face? Lower jaw? Forehead?) He had a rough face with a wide flattened nose, protruding jaws with a sloping chin, a receding forehead, and highly developed brow ridges.

The main difference between ancient people and animals was that they knew how to create tools.

The oldest tools were digging stick, club, scrapers, axes, stone axes, and later they began to make spear tips.

The earliest people had two main ways of obtaining food: gathering and hunting

Task No. 3. Fill in contour map"The Oldest People on Earth"

1. Write the name of the continent on which archaeologists found bones and tools of ancient people

2.Color in the suspected area of ​​the human ancestral home

3. Mark with circles the most ancient sites of man and his ancestors

Task No. 4. Answer the questions about the picture of our time

Before you is Africa more than two million years ago: a herd of some unknown creatures. Some are looking for food, others are anxiously peering into the distance. Who are they? Are monkeys distant ancestors of humans? Or ancient people? The figure itself contains the answer to these questions. Find this answer and explain your thought

These are the oldest people. In the foreground, an ancient man makes a tool by processing stone. The ability to make tools, the ability to create, and not just consume, is the main difference between humans and animals

Task No. 5. Based on a drawing from our time, compose a description of the hunt for a cave bear

Where did the hunters lie in wait for the beast? What did he look like? Describe the actions of the hunters. For what purpose did they seek to kill the bear?

The hunters lay in wait for the bear at the exit of the cave, where, most likely, the animal’s lair is located. This is a very large and strong animal. Having climbed onto a rock ledge, the hunters throw large stones at the bear, trying to kill or at least stun the animal, so that later they can confidently descend and finish off the bear with spears. Most likely, people hunt bears to get meat, or maybe they want to drive the beast out of the cave, because ancient people lived in caves

Task No. 6. Fill in the missing words

Approximately 40 thousand years ago, man became the same as people of our time. Scientists call it a reasonable man.

Hunting fast-running animals and birds became more successful after the invention bows and arrows with curved tips

Task No. 7. Based on the drawings of our time, compose a story about the hunt for mammoths

1. Here is the beginning of the story

"Acting harmoniously and amicably, the hunters drove a herd of mammoths..."

Guess where and why?

Ancient hunters drove large animals into pre-prepared traps - natural or holes dug by the hunters themselves.

Why did the hunters set the grass on fire, wave torches, and scream loudly? Describe what mammoths looked like

To scare the animals, after all wild animals afraid of fire. This is noticeable in mammoths, which run primarily from fire, and not from hunters

2. Guess where the mammoth fell through. Can you tell from the picture that the hunt was dangerous? If yes, then with what? For what purposes did primitive people hunt mammoths?

The mammoth fell into a hole that was covered with branches. The animal will not be able to get out of it and the hunters will finish off the mammoth with stones and peaks. In the picture we see that one of the hunters is wounded, and we can assume that hunting was a very dangerous activity. But hunting mammoths brought a lot of meat. People made tools from animal bones, and made clothes from skins

Task No. 8. Answer the questions

1. You know that “reasonable people” lived in tribal communities. Why is such a community called tribal?

The community included several large families who were related to each other

2. What signs of a tribal community does the word “community” express? Why is it called that? What property did your relatives have in common?

People worked together to obtain food, build houses, make tools and clothing, and raise children. Food supplies, tools, and housing were shared

3. How can we explain that during excavations primitive sites“Homo sapiens” do archaeologists find figurines of women?

In tribal communities, the woman-mother enjoyed special respect

Task No. 9. Complete the task and answer the questions

Write the names of the tools shown. Which of these weapons was usually used for hunting animals, and which for catching large fish? Explain why you think so?

1. Spear. It is intended for hunting animals

2. Harpoon. Necessary for fishing. Piercing the prey, the teeth stuck in it, preventing the fish from slipping off the harpoon

Task No. 10. Answer the questions about the picture of our time “Primitive funeral rite”

Describe the drawing. What beliefs of primitive people can be learned from the ritual shown in the picture? Why was the deceased placed in a sleeping position? For what purpose did they put a necklace of bear teeth on him and put a spear in his grave?

A person is buried in a pit, in his usual clothes, with food placed in the grave. Ancient people believed that the soul of the deceased continues to lead the life that the living person led. They were buried in a sleeping position, probably because they believed it was possible for the soul to return to the body and “awaken” the dead. The bear necklace was a symbol of a courageous hunter who would need a spear to hunt in another world

Task No. 11. Find errors.

One student dozed off during class. He dreamed of Africa more than two million years ago... Here a group of monkey-like people is moving. Everyone is in a hurry to get away from the bad weather - the sky has turned black with clouds. Only two cheerful boys lag behind the rest, enthusiastically talking about something. "Enough talking!" - the leader shouts at them. Suddenly, heavy snow fell, everyone was chilled at once, even clothing made from animal skins could not protect people from the cold. Finally they hid in a cave. They immediately took them out from their bosoms and began to chew roots, nuts and even stale bread. Suddenly everyone froze in horror: a terrible predator was approaching the cave - a huge dinosaur. What will happen next?! It was not possible to find out: a call from class interrupted my sleep at the most interesting place.

What historical errors does the student’s dream contain?

2 million years ago: a) people did not know how to talk, b) snow could not fall in Africa, c) there were no clothes made from animal skins, d) they did not know bread, e) dinosaurs had become extinct by that time

Task No. 12. Solve the crossword puzzle "Primitive hunters and gatherers"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the vertically highlighted cells you will read the name of the cave where the drawings of primitive people were first found

Horizontally: 1. The mainland, where, according to scientists, ancient people lived. 2. Weapons of primitive hunters, which can hit a target at a great distance. 3. The first force of nature that primitive people mastered. 4. The occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain meat food. 5. A supernatural being that primitive people believed in; as if it lives in every person. 6. The largest of the animals hunted by primitive people. 7. Horned beast, which was often depicted by primitive artists. 8. Primitive weapon, especially needed by fishermen. 9. Occupation of primitive people, which made it possible to obtain mainly plant food


1. What sources help scientists obtain information about the life of ancient people?

Writings on cave walls, excavations

2. Do you think it is possible to compare primitive and modern Art? Give reasons for your answer

No, because with the development of civilization, a lot of knowledge was accumulated on how to draw correctly

3*. Find out which territories modern countries ancient people lived (use the Internet when searching for information)

In the territory South Africa and South Asia from 5 million to 400 thousand years ago

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