Home Natural farming Linguistic constructor using all of the above. Linguistic constructor from the company "Stygis"

Linguistic constructor using all of the above. Linguistic constructor from the company "Stygis"

(Completion time 45 minutes) 34 points

31. From the given words and phrases, make up definitions of two social science concepts. Name them. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words by case, etc. 4 points

Organization, politics, individual characteristics, expressing the interests of social groups, a personality that ensures its success, unification, an active part of society, ease of mastery, participating in the struggle for power, activity.

32. Most of the concepts and terms of modern social science have Greek and Latin roots. Here are words obtained by literal translation into Russian. Your task is to name the corresponding Russian translation scientific term. 10 points

  1. Liubomy.
  2. Housekeeping.
  3. Teaching about the future.
  4. Theology.
  5. Power of the best.
  6. Damage, damage.
  7. The doctrine of society.
  8. School science.
  9. The power of few.
  10. Going ahead of the people.

33. Solve the crossword puzzle. Give a definition of the concept that appears in the highlighted vertical line (number 2). 20 points

Horizontally. 1. German philosopher of the 19th century. 3. A system of government or social structure. 4. A system of knowledge about the development of nature, society, and man. 5. Speech of a social or professional group containing a large number of words and expressions characteristic only of this group. 6. Mental image of social reality. 7. The ability to do something, act in some way. 8. Change social status personality. 9. Large groups people, identified in Marxist social science primarily in their attitude to ownership of the means of production. 10. Position of the individual in society. 11. A person’s mental ability, conscious regulation of one’s behavior, control of one’s actions. 12. A sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior. 13. German philosopher, creator of the “categorical imperative”. 14. The unequal position of people in society. 15. An exclusive right to something in any area, owned by an individual, group of individuals or the state. 16. Necessity, need for something. 17. Ancient Greek philosopher. 18. The expected behavior of a person in accordance with his position in society.

Part II

Practical tasks(No. 1-3) 90 minutes 38 points

Task 1. Problem-cognitive tasks (No. 1 – 3) 22 points

(Running time 45 minutes)

Task 1.Working with an analytical table10 points

Analyze preliminary results All-Russian Population Census 2002

Marital status of the population (per 1,000 people of a given sex aged 16 years or more)

The total number of married couples was 34 million (1989 - 36 million), of which 3 million were in unregistered marriages. The number of women who indicated that they were married exceeded the number of married men by 65 thousand people. (in 1989 – by 28 thousand people). What are the features and development trends? modern family do these data say?

Task 2.8 points

May 10, 1907 in State Duma In Russia, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia P.A. Stolypin gave a speech on the way of life of peasants. In justifying the government's land reform program, he put forward the following arguments. The opportunity to obtain a plot of land as private property will increase the incentive to work and improve agricultural production. It will create conditions for the revival of the “weakest part” of society – the peasantry. The reform will make the peasant rich, and “where there is prosperity, there, of course, is enlightenment, there is real freedom.” Social peace in the village will become possible. Will get stronger Russian statehood. P.A. Stolypin concluded his speech with the famous words: “They need great upheavals, we need a great Russia.”

Prove that Stolypin justified the need for reform from different points of view. Which ones? Use the information received to confirm your opinion about the integrity of society and the inextricable connection of its main spheres.

Task 3.4 points

In the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin, Salieri, tormented by envy of Mozart, exclaims:

Where is rightness, when the sacred gift,

When immortal genius is not a reward

Burning love, selflessness,

Works, zeal, prayers are sent,

And it illuminates the head of a madman,

Task 2.

Analysis of the source of social information

(Running time 25 minutes)

Read the text and complete tasks 1-4. 10 points

Humanity does not have enough languages ​​created by world civilizations. It designs new ones. And if the emergence of languages ​​for working with computers and recording data is understandable, then what motivates people who develop completely new vocabulary and grammar?

Depending on the purpose of creation, artificial languages ​​are divided into several types:

Programming languages ​​and computer languages, necessary for automatic processing of information using a computer (Java, Pascal, C++, etc.).

Information languages ​​used in various systems information processing (SC, SCP, SCL, etc.).

Formalized languages ​​of science designed for symbolic notation scientific facts and theories (in mathematics, logic, chemistry and other sciences).

Languages ​​of non-existent peoples, constructed for fictional or entertainment purposes (Klingon, Quenya, Navi, etc.).

International auxiliary languages, created from elements natural languages and offered as an aid to interethnic communication (Esperanto, Volapuk, Interlingua, etc.).

Artificial languages ​​are spoken either by enthusiasts (Esperanto, Volapuk), or by heroes of novels and films, as well as their fans (Klingon, Quenya, Navi). Every new language We are attracted by the fact that it is the key to another world. Invented international auxiliary languages ​​create new culture. The author of a fantastic language, after spending considerable time at his desk, can create an entire universe. Learning such a language is a kind of test of dedication to the movement. Belonging to a particular nation (and in this case, obviously, to a subculture) is often determined by the dialect in which a person speaks. If you call yourself an elf, speak Elvish; if you want to make sure that you are a character from the Star Trek series, study Klingon. The language is like a dress code.

The Klingon language is a marketing success and an example of a serious approach to business. This is not a couple of hissing phrases in “snake” in “Harry Potter”. Director Leonard Nimoy and writer-producer Harvey Bennett wanted the Klingons to be a fictional alien civilization warriors, spoke in an intelligible language, and did not just mutter something under their breath. In 1982, Paramount Studios contacted linguist Marc Okrand, who earned his doctorate in 1977. University of California on language grammar North American Indians Mutsun tribe, asking them to create a language that would bear little resemblance to those familiar to most viewers. Okrand deliberately violated the rules common to existing dialects so that the speech would be as “inhuman” as possible. There is a "v" sound, but no "f", and the "d" sound is not at all like a "t". The strangest word order was chosen - sentences began with an object. (For example, “The boy kicked the ball” - which for native English speakers is a monstrous construction, because in the latter there are no cases of nouns that could indicate the subject and object of the action, regardless of word order - editor's note.) In addition, there were no traditional words of greeting – the Klingons turned out to have no need for them. Experts say that the Californian’s invention has many similarities with the ancient one. literary language India - Sanskrit. The Klingon writing system was constructed on the basis of the Tibetan one, due to its characteristic predominance of sharp angles.

Today, those who want to learn the “star” language have everything they need. The Klingon Language Institute (KLI), founded in 1992 in Pennsylvania with support from Paramount, publishes textbooks, translations of classics into a fictional language, and even Science Magazine. Okrand adds new words to the language as necessary. The Klingon dictionary was first published in 1985, and is now even available in an iPhone app. Wikipedia page and Google search in Klingon. On the basis of this artificial language, the programming language Var"aq was developed. Klingon is used by geeks (from the English geek - a person passionate about technology, including computers) from the series “Theory big bang" and "Chuck", the film "Paul". The epics “Gilgamesh”, “Hamlet”, “Much Ado About Nothing” were translated into it (in response to a line from the film “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country”: “You will not understand Shakespeare until you read it in the original Klingon”) and “Tao De Ching”, staged Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, as well as the mentioned plays by Shakespeare.

But still, Klingon is a media, cinematic language, and this is confirmed by the presence of comic allusions in it. Let's say the word "couple" is chang "eng (changeng), an allusion to famous conjoined twins Chang and Eng Bunker.

Okrand, by the way, in 2001 invented another Hollywood language – Atlantean, for the cartoon “Atlantis: The Lost World”. It was supposed to be a soft and pleasant Proto-Indo-European language. It is interesting that the main character of the film, the linguist Milo, is similar to Okrand.

For James Cameron's film Avatar, a special language was also created - Navi. It was developed by a professional linguist from the University of Southern California, Paul Frommer. He was inspired by Australian and Polynesian languages. Navi, like Klingon, has an agglutinative grammar (from the Latin agglutinatio - gluing; formation grammatical forms and derived words occurs by sequentially adding grammatically unambiguous affixes to the root or stem of the word). There are rare sounds here, common in Avar (a language spoken in Dagestan - editor's note) and Ossetian. Frommer wanted to create a language where meaning would change depending on the tone or length of vowels, but the director preferred guttural sounds. There are only 500 words in the Navi dictionary.

Such film languages ​​(as well as Esperanto, Volapuk, Interlingua and others) have one important drawback - they have no history. It's unclear what Klingon was like before its militarized speakers hit the screen. It is easy to learn because it is essentially dehumanized machine code from the 23rd and 24th centuries, focusing on phonetics and grammar without any development.

Elvish Quenya, developed over many years by the creator of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, is difficult to master. The fact is that this language developed both in books and in real life. For the professor-storyteller, the etymology (origin) of words is important, each of which is a work of art that has evolved over hundreds of years. Quenya is several forms of language that appeared in historical development. It has an ancestor - proto-elven (quenderin), two styles - ceremonial-scientific (parmaquesta) and colloquial (tarquesta, with two dialects: Vanyarin and Noldorin). In the Third Age of Middle-earth, Quenya began to be used for documents and names, while the most popular was Sindarin, the language of the gray elves from the Teleri tribe. In The Lord of the Rings it is called elven.

Tolkien himself, in a lecture given at Oxford in 1931, said: “In historical language“whether it is natural or artificial, words are never created out of nothing.”

In total, Tolkien developed about 20 languages, including 15 Elvish. He even coined a term for language construction - glossopoeia. It all started when Tolkien was 13 years old, with the creation of a humorous sound-replacement cipher called nevbosh (English nevbosh - new nonsense); then the real one appeared artificial language naffarin, traces of which can be found in later linguistic research. Tolkien was a successful specialist in English philology and a great connoisseur of languages ​​in general. He began to compose stories because he understood: in addition to sounds, words and rules, language needs a “habitat.” Without Tolkien's "cute" linguistic amusements there would be no Middle-earth.

The first list of words in Quenya was compiled in 1915, phonetics have not changed much since then. The language appeared in almost complete form in the 1930s, but even during the publication of The Lord of the Rings, changes were made to it (so that some texts are like Russian and Old Church Slavonic). According to the writer's son Christopher, for Tolkien, Quenya was "the language of his heart." It was based on Latin interspersed with the most beautiful, in the author’s opinion, languages ​​- Finnish and Greek. There are practically no borrowed words in it. And he really is incredibly melodious.

Quenya has complex phonetics, in the early version - 16 vowels, 8 diphthongs (combinations of two vowels, both of which are pronounced, but the first, as a rule, sounds a little longer), 36 consonants, in the late version - 10 vowels, 6 diphthongs, 25 consonants. Sounds can be combined according to certain rules, therefore, among the millions of Tolkienists there are many people who create groups with Elvish names and sing songs in Quenya, Sindarin and other dialects mysterious world. Tolkien noted: "Certainly main source pleasure - contemplation of the connection between sound and meaning. It can be noted that akin to this is the greatest pleasure that a person sometimes receives when becoming acquainted with poetry or exquisite prose in a foreign language, which he is either just beginning to comprehend or already knows quite well.”

In addition to the lexicon, Tolkien created a fictional sociolinguistic study "Lhammas" about the emergence and development of Quenya, and in different options Various versions were proposed, as well as an appendix to The Lord of the Rings and an essay on Quendi and Eldar.

Peter Jackson's film trilogy increased interest in Quenya - for example, it was officially taught at Turves Green Boys Technology College in Birmingham. Nowadays, journals are published in Quenya and dissertations are defended. Fans of the professor's work come up with new words, developing the language - if they consider themselves elves, apparently they have the right to do so.

Language largely determines reality - other writers have proven this. Anthony Burgess, in coming up with the nadsat slang spoken by nadtsatyje, “preteens,” that is, teenagers, for the novel A Clockwork Orange, wanted first of all to enliven the vocabulary of the text. And for this he used the words that he heard from the Leningrad dudes (in the early 1960s, Burges spent some time in Russia - editor's note). In the text, Russian expressions are typed in Latin letters: koziol, svolotsh, drotshenyi. The words are often the most common - droog, malchik, korova - but in this presentation they look like foreign words. By the way, Stanley Kubrick, who made a film based on the novel, indicated that his brainchild can be shown in Russia only with subtitles. Nadsat is the speech of sick international youth.

Newspeak by George Orwell in the dystopia “1984” is the language of a totalitarian society in which ideology and bureaucracy change the meaning of words contrary to the original norms and traditions.

Orwell described Newspeak in detail in an essay accompanying the novel. The goal of this project is to simplify the vocabulary and grammar so that the language can no longer be used to describe freedom and revolution. Therefore, the word “free” could only be used in meanings like “loose boots”, “free toilet”, but not “politically free” or “intellectually free”. Any word in the language could be used as a noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Negation was built using the prefix “not”, amplification - through “plus-” or “plusplus-”.

“...We must realize that modern political chaos is connected with the degradation of language, and then perhaps some improvements can be made and the impending demise can be averted,” Orwell writes in the essay, and his thoughts are based on real experience. During the Second World War, he worked for the BBC with "Basic English", created by linguist Charles Ogden to teach the language of the Kingdom to the population of its colonies (and to control their mentality). Basic English is only 850 basic words(650 nouns and 200 verbs) and simplified grammar. Orwell later seriously criticized this project, since such unification made it native speech into a “straitjacket for consciousness.”

Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will specifically learn Newspeak, but some Elvish language will do so. But to do this, you need to seriously love the world where it was spoken. Many teachers foreign languages argue that simply repeating vocabulary and grammar does not achieve anything. A vivid image is needed, associated with English, Spanish, French, and so on, so that a person switches, becomes, say, German for a while, and does not constantly transfer from his native to a foreign language. Fantastic languages ​​are obviously complex only at first glance, but how beautiful world reveals itself behind the combinations of these strange, attractive harmonies...

A) Svyatoslav, b) Yaroslav the Wise, c) Mstislav the Great, d) Igor, e) Vsevolod, f) Vladimir the Holy, g) Vladimir Monomakh, h) Olga.

  1. Linguistic constructor:
Make up phrases from the given words

A) supporters, in, direction, Rus', which, the founders, historiography, Ancient, state, Varangians, believed.

B) political, strong, which, around, in, land, central, state, economic, occurs, all, power, unification.

3. Historical linguistics:

A) How did the expression “go through fire, water and copper pipes" and what does it mean?

B) When and under what circumstances could the phrase “orphan of Kazan” appear?

C) The proverb “Shallow, Emelya, your week” now has the meaning of ridiculing a chatterbox, a windbag. How did it arise and what did it initially express?

4. By what principle are the words below collected? Which one is redundant? Write down the extra term and justify your choice.

A) Kuna, span, arshin, fathom, vershok, elbow, verst.

B) All, Korela, Chud, Merya, Yatvingians, Muroma.

C) St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the Golden Gate in Vladimir, the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernigov.

5. The Byzantine Emperor Constantine wrote around 948:“When the month of November comes, their princes immediately go out with all the Russians and go on a circular tour precisely to Slavic lands. Feeding there for a while the whole winter, in April, when the ice on the Dnieper melts, they return to Kyiv again. Then they pick up their ships... equip them and set off for Byzantium.”
Who are these princes, and what phenomenon did the Byzantine emperor describe?

6. In connection with what was the royal chapel of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin built? After all, he undoubtedly slightly disturbed the architectural harmony of the temple.

7. Arrange the cities according to the trade routes on which they were located:

1. Nizhny Novgorod 6. Constantinople

2. Chang'an 7. Itil

3. Samarkand 8. Bulgar

4. Sarkel 9. Smolensk

5. Ladoga

8. Working with a source:

Read the legend of the Tale of Bygone Years about the first religious reform of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich:

“In the summer of 6488 (980)... And Vladimir began to reign in Kyiv alone and placed idols on the hill behind the tower courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, then Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl and Mokosh. And they made sacrifices to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters to them, and these sacrifices went to the demons, and they desecrated the earth with their sacrifices. And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood.<...>Vladimir imprisoned Dobrynya, his uncle, in Novgorod. And, having come to Novgorod, Dobrynya placed an idol over the Volkhov River, and the Novgorodians brought sacrifices to him as to a god...”

8.1. Why did Prince Vladimir need to create a single pantheon of pagan deities in Kyiv?

8.2. How was this related to the tasks of strengthening the state unity of Kievan Rus?
8.3. Give examples from world history, the rulers of which nations accepted a single faith in order to strengthen the state.

9. Read the extract from the source:

“Why _______________Russian land, bringing quarrels upon yourself? A _________________

They are plundering our land and rejoicing that we are torn apart by _______________________ wars. From now on, let us unite wholeheartedly and protect the Russian land, and let everyone own their ____________________________.”

Fill in the missing words.

What event is it about? we're talking about in the source? Write what you know about it.

Vasily III died in 1533, leaving a three-year-old son Ivan with the regent mother Sophia Paleologus. She continued her husband's policies. It was during her reign that a monetary reform was carried out, introducing a unified monetary system based on the silver half. However, Ivan's mother ruled for only a year. After her death, the Shuiskys, then the Belskys, then Vorontsov came to power. Metropolitans also changed, because each group wanted to have support from the Church. This period was called by contemporaries “The Troubles.”



  1. What do the following historical figures have in common? Arrange these names in chronological sequence.
a) Peter II, b) Peter III, c) Catherine I, d) Catherine II, e) Elizaveta Petrovna, f) Ivan Antonovich, g) Anna Ioannovna.

  1. Linguistic constructor:
From the given words, make up phrases that reflect certain historical realities and terms. Name them. (Words cannot be used twice, but can be changed by case).
A) Those who wished, deadline, November, law, for, landowner, two-week, in, established, peasants, change.

B) Representations, code, encyclopedia, life, and, ancient Russian, rules, peculiar, home, everyday.

3. Write down the events that coincide in time:

A) Northern War;

B) oprichnina;

B) Livonian War;

D) invasion of Devlet-Girey;

D) election of Boris Godunov to the kingdom.

4. Historical linguistics:

A) How did the expression “read from blackboard to blackboard” come about? What does it mean?

B) In connection with what did the saying “work carelessly” arise and what is the meaning?

5. By what principle are the words below collected? Which one is redundant? Write down the extra term and justify your choice.

A) posadnik, thousand, bishop, governor, archimandrite, prince.

B) apse, altar, zakomari, Gothic rose, nave, drum.

6. How was chronology carried out in Russia before the reform of Peter I? In what year according to that chronology did the independent reign of Ivan IV begin? If such a count of years were preserved, how would 2009 be designated?

7. On what basis can we establish the seniority of the following names: Anna, Ekaterina. Andrey, Vladimir, Stanislav, Alexander? Place these names in the correct order.

8. During the reign of which Russian autocrat did what M.V. Lomonosov said about happen: “not only boyars and boyars, but also letters threw off their wide fur coats”?

a) Ivan the Terrible;

b) Peter the Great;

c) Alexander I.

Answer: ________________________

9. Make a table from the information below:


Event Russian history

World history event

1) 1054;

2) Battle of the village of Molodi;

3) 1147;

4) The end of the 30-year war in Europe;

5) 1572;

6) The first mention of Moscow in the chronicle;

7) Division of the Christian Church into Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox;

8) 1648;

9) Death of Yaroslav the Wise;

10) St. Bartholomew's Night in Paris;

11) The beginning of the liberation war under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky;

12) The beginning of the second crusade.
10. Working with a source

Read the chronicle legend about how Askold and Dir began to reign in Kyiv:

“In the summer of 6370 (862). this town disappeared, and we sit here and pay tribute to their descendants, the Khazars.” Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered many Varangians and began to own the land of the glades..."

Questions for the document:

10.1. To whom did the people of Kiev (Polyana) pay tribute before the arrival of Askold and Dir?
10.2. How does the chronicler determine the ethnicity of the legendary founders of Kyiv: Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv? Can they be considered the first Russian princes?

10.3. Give examples of which nations had foreigners become the first rulers of their states?

10.4. As you have probably already noticed, the establishment of the prince’s power over the land of one or another tribe was manifested in the fact that this tribe began to pay him tribute. What's happened

Tribute? How can you comment on the statement of one historian: “tribute is payment for a failed raid”?

11. Read the text carefully and look for errors in it. Underline incorrect dates, words and expressions. After the text write correct options.

On June 12, 1812, Napoleon’s “Great Armada” (640 thousand people), having crossed the Dnieper, invaded Russia. The Russian army numbered 590 thousand people, but it turned out to be possible to field no more than 200 thousand. The Russian troops were divided into 3 separate armies: one under the command of M. B. Barclay de Tolly, the other - P. I. Bagration, the third - M. I. Kutuzov. French army moved very quickly and Russian army was forced to retreat in order to unite scattered forces. The enemy's numerical superiority raised the question of urgent replenishment of troops. However, the principle of recruiting the army gave slow results. And Alexander I decided to take an unusual step: on July 6, he issued a manifesto on the introduction of universal conscription in the country. The Russian armies were able to unite only near Kaluga at the end of July. General leadership was assumed by Barclay de Tolly, who at that time held the post of Minister of War. A good strategist and courageous warrior, he was silent and reserved. The army didn't like him. Disagreements began with the generals, primarily with Bagration. These disputes are considered main reason that they failed to hold Kaluga. In this situation, Alexander I decided to appoint M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief, who arrived at the army headquarters located in Tsarev Zaymishche on September 17. And preparations for a general battle immediately began.


1. Choose the correct answer to the question.

1. The awakening of interest in the Russian language in the 19th century was facilitated by research


2. Which of the following events happened first?

3. The event that inspired F.M. Dostoevsky to create the novel “Demons” is

4. Which of the listed foreign policy events relate to the reign

Nicholas II:

A) Berlin Congress, summing up the results of the Russian-Turkish war

B) the beginning of the formation of the Russian-French alliance

C) concluding an agreement with England on the division of spheres of influence in Central Asia

D) conclusion of the Treaty of Rapallo with Germany.

2. Choose the correct answers to the question.

1. Which of the following events are associated with the concept of “Arakcheevism”?

2. What phenomena characterized the process of development of capitalism in the mid-1890s

A) developed capitalist production of agricultural products

B) high rates of development of industrial production

B) lack of factory legislation

D) participation of foreign capital in Russian industry

D) high level concentration of production in industry

E) representation of the bourgeoisie in government bodies.

3. Which of the following provisions are related to the concept of “peasant community” in

Russia in the first half of the 19th century?

A) decision controversial issues county zemstvo institutions

B) regular redistribution of land

C) allowing peasants to leave the community with land

D) allowing peasants to sell their plots of communal land

D) fulfillment of duties by communities in favor of the state

E) community assistance to impoverished peasants.

4. The work of which of the listed figures of national culture belongs to

The end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries (the Silver Age period)?

A) M.A.Vrubel

B) I.F. Stravinsky

B) M.I.Glinka

D) V.V. Mayakovsky

D) K.P. Bryullov

E) A.A.Fet.
3. Determine the principle of constructing series:

A) M.P. Lazarev, Yu.F. Lisyansky, F.P. Litke, G.I. Nevelskoy.

C) trust, cartel, syndicate, concern.

4. Place events in chronological order. late XVIII- XIX centuries:

A) Congress of Vienna

B) Morozov strike

B) defense of Sevastopol

d) abolition of serfdom

D) reign of Paul I

E) battle on the river. Berezina

G) judicial reform

H) Tilsit Peace Treaty.









Hello, friends. I have already written several times about different ones for children. And today I will show you a new product from the Stigis company - “Linguistic Constructor”. I have already written about their wonderful benefits and even recorded a video, be sure to watch.

So, the company’s line of educational games has added a new guide for teaching a child to read, i.e. Unlike all kinds of alphabet books that help to learn letters, the game from “Stygis” will help the child begin to read syllables after the first lesson, and not just learn the letters.

If you have already taught letters with your child, then you have probably encountered the fact that the child knows the letters, but he cannot add syllables. We had such a difficulty.

In the same game basic elements are syllables, so the child begins to read from the first lesson. And most importantly, he can not only read, but also form words on his own. After all, it’s easier to explain to a child that this is a syllable, for example, “ma,” rather than learning the letters “Em” and “A.” even if you teach sounds rather than letters, it is still difficult to pronounce the sound “M” without any vowel sound, and then the child cannot figure out why this syllable is read this way and not in another way.

But let's look at the game. It is packed in a strong cardboard box. Inside there are cards of syllables and letters, 4 small working fields for storing syllables and letters and one large working field, as well as instructions with more than 230 tasks and games.

In the instructions for the game you will find 10 lessons that are designed for a whole year of teaching a child to read. Lessons are code name, one such lesson includes an entire thematic section. Therefore, it will be enough for more than one lesson.

For example, in the first lesson “Syllables with the letter A” it is proposed to immediately study 10 syllables with the letter A! But do not forget that the lesson is a conditional name and you can study it for as long as your child needs to master the material.

Each lesson offers from ten to twenty games and tasks. You can play all of them, or you can choose the ones that your child and you like best.

Veronica really likes to play with the construction set, she loves to lay out words, and the process is very addictive to her, because with the help of syllables it is very easy to do. In addition to games with letters and syllables, the daughter came up with her own game; she builds houses from bricks with syllables

You can also play with kids like this. Lay out the trailers - syllables and find passengers in each trailer among the baby's toys.

Here's an interesting guide we've got. You can purchase the game “Linguistic Constructor” on the manufacturer’s website and in online store "Ozon".

By the way, if you like to give useful gifts, then this game will be just such a gift as on New Year, and for birthdays.

Komleva Tatyana Vladimirovna

History teacher

state budget professional educational institution"Sakhalin Polytechnic Center No. 5"

Master Class

"Linguistic constructor"

Among the methods that help the teacher form competent, reasoned speech of students, I bring to your attention a linguistic constructor. This technique does not require much preparation time. It can be used in any lesson: classroom, extracurricular. Moreover, it can be used at any stage of the lesson (updating background knowledge, goal setting, communication of new knowledge, consolidation of learned material, etc.)

I'm starting to use it at the very beginning school year, coming to new group. This simple technique allows guys who have speech problems show up, believe in yourself. This creates the situation of success we need so much.

What else is good about Linguistic Constructor? Already in this technique itself lies the possibility of improvement, of moving to a higher level.

The meaning of the linguistic constructor: using these words, create phrases (most often definitions, or short passages describing significant events) that reflect certain historical realities. According to the rules, words cannot be used twice, but can be changed according to cases.

At the initial stage, I change the words in pairs, then mix them more thoroughly.

Let me give you an example:

“law, established, period, two weeks, November, in, peasants, for, replacing, wishing, landowner, patrimonial owner, or.”

What do we get?

“The two-week period established by law in November for peasants who wanted to change the patrimonial owner or landowner is.”

Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day!!!

You have linguistic constructors on your desks, I suggest you compile them and present us with the resulting product. I suggest working in pairs.

What did you do?

Thank you for your attention.

What student reminder should the speech be?

  1. Correct speech, and literate, to be. Listener, then, it will be clear
  1. Freely, the learner, chooses, the means, linguistic, and the choice, for, bears, his own
  1. The speaker, speech, should not violate, truthful, generally accepted, and, sincere, behavior, norms, and morality
  1. Process, in, communication, compliance, necessary, listening, culture

Should, memo, what, expanded, be, answer, oral

  1. Should, the answer, correspond, the question, to the one posed, which, teacher
  1. be, answer, consistent, must, coherent, and
  1. Should, the answer, be, be, built, principle:, according to, arguments -, thesis -, conclusions -
  1. May, conclusion, assessments, personal, contain, scientists, assessments, material. Speech must be literary, literate, and accurate.


How to, memo, prove your, judgment

  1. Consists of, proof, argument, reasoning, conclusion
  1. Task, analyze what, clarify, prove, is required. Essential, fact, highlight
  1. Conclusion, determine, will, prove, which
  1. Arrange, logically, evidence, yours, theirs, with, connect, conclusion


How, speech, memo, correctly, pronounce

  1. Not, in order, to, read, but, on a piece of paper, to remember, easily, speeches, text, it follows:
  • then, think about what, oh, you will say;
  • basic, write down, your, ideas, speeches;
  • general, think through, speeches, plan;
  • insurance, for, write out, useful, card, for, remember, or points, main, speeches.


How to, memo, syncwine, write

  1. Line, first, of a poem, theme, one, usually expressed by a word, noun, name.
  2. Line, second, topics, description, two, words, in, usually, like, adjectives, names.
  3. Line, third, actions, description, within, in, topics, this, words, three, verbs, usually.
  4. Line, fourth, of, phrase, words, four, attitude, expressing, to, this, author, topic.
  5. Line, fifth, word, one, to, synonymous with, the first, emotional-figurative, on a philosophical-generalized, or, repeating, level, theme, essence.


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