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What does a wrench tattoo mean. What is the meaning of the "Key" tattoo? Tattoo key for lovers hearts

Aries tattoo on shoulder blade

Tattoos with zodiac signs are a way to stand out from the crowd and show your personality. They emphasize the peculiarities of the character of their carrier and in some way influence the fate of a person.

The meaning of a tattoo with a zodiac sign

The meaning of the tattoo converges with the general astrological interpretation of each of the 12 constellations in the zodiac circle. Often the drawing is supplemented with other figures that emphasize the features of a particular representative of the sign.

This is, for example, a symbol of the element to which this or that sign belongs. Such a tattoo can become for its owner a good amulet and talisman for life.

Each zodiac sign is associated directly with the date of birth of a particular person. Therefore, in order to emphasize your individuality, it is necessary to draw a drawing exclusively of your zodiac subject.

Of course, tattoo designs for women and men will differ significantly. Women's tattoos can be given a more artistic look by adding color.

It is common for men to apply tattoos in more concise forms, where each constellation corresponds to a specific symbol. And the combination of zodiac tattoos with other artistic elements makes your drawing unique.

Combination with other elements

As you know, each zodiac cycle is patronized by the elements. For Capricorns and Taurus, this is the earth. For Aquarius, Gemini and Libra, Air. Crayfish, scorpions and fish are subject to the water element, and lions, archers and rams are subject to the fiery element.

Therefore, each constellation has its own picture, which may include, in addition to the image of the animal, also a symbol corresponding to each representative of the constellation.

A qualitative accent will be the inclusion of various flowers and plants in the image. The option when the sketch of your zodiac drawing is “stuffed” in the pentagram of its native element is a qualitative display of information about the representative of the zodiac world.

For example, Capricorn or Taurus can be inscribed in the pentagram of the earth, and the twins and representatives of the Aquarius sign can be pricked in the halo of air, and so on. You can always include your ideas and wishes in the tattoo sketch.

Places of tattooing with zodiac signs

The place of tattooing also has its sacred meaning. Favorite places for tattoo wearers are of course the wrist, back, forearm and chest.

But in the case of applying the symbols of the zodiac world, preferably a place on the human body where the tattoo will have the greatest power and influence on the life of its wearer.

A tattoo on the wrist is primarily suitable for representatives of fish, since the inner strength of the fish is concentrated in the hands. The hands are also the place of the zodiac for the sign Virgo. For lions, for example, it is typical to tattoo on the forearm, and for Capricorn on the legs.

It is necessary to approach the application of a tattoo responsibly, because it allows you to emphasize individuality and carries a certain message to the world. The drawing enhances the quality of a particular sign.

In the case of an ram, for example, the tattoo is placed on the back. This will add some tolerance to the owner of the image, because the drawing enhances the positive qualities of each sign.

On the chest, a sign belonging to representatives of calves or scorpions will symbolically look. For them, the chest is a source of strength.

What you need to know about the zodiac

Therefore, before applying a tattoo, you need to find out more about your sign. After all, a person will wear not just a drawing on the body, but a talisman, which will later be a talisman.

To do this, learn about the features of the sign, its symbols and elements. What colors and plants are inherent in the zodiac. And turning a unique idea into reality is the job of a tattoo master.

Recommended reading: Wrist tattoo

Video - tattoo of zodiac signs, photo gallery

Astrology provides us with knowledge about relationships, eating habits, sleep patterns and many other things, so why not look to the zodiac signs for inspiration when designing a tattoo? Tattoo trends come and go as fast as fashion, so it's pointless to base your sketch on something that will be out of date in a few months. Tattoos should have a deep connection with your spiritual outlook as well as your personality. Astrology comes in handy here as it can help you understand yourself better and choose the best idea. Here are 12 amazing tattoo designs for each zodiac sign.

Aries: roses and elegant flowers

This zodiac sign has a light, friendly aura. Aries are amazing, easy to communicate, but at the same time active and confident. They are sincere and gentle with people they like. That's why flower tattoos suit them best!

Taurus: Crescent

Taurus women are generally considered to be patient, gentle, persistent, generous. The moon symbol is perfect for natures who are both independent and dependable. Place a graceful crescent moon on the back of your head. This place is ideal for a tattoo, because if necessary, a bold decoration can be covered. But those who know where to look will certainly find it.

Gemini: leaves, stems

Geminis are the most sociable of all signs. They are witty, eloquent, can adapt to any situation, get used to the person they meet during the day. The calm and friendly nature of Gemini can be symbolized by a stalk with leaves or something that embodies versatility. It can be any design that reminds you how unique you are!

Cancer: creative tattoos

The ladies of this sign never run out of creative ideas and ways to show them to the world. Some may say they are everywhere, and they would be right. The Cancer woman can be quite moody and pessimistic, but her nature also has a loving and caring side. Tattoos are another way to let Cancer's creativity shine through. You will start with one small sketch, but it is likely that soon your entire body will be covered in something wonderful. Cancers generally do not have to follow the recommendations for choosing subjects for a tattoo. Come up with them yourself!

Leo: projects related to nature

Lionesses are very enthusiastic about life in all its manifestations. Simple patterns associated with nature, its rivers and mountains are the best you can come up with. If you haven't tried the nomadic lifestyle yet, now is the time to start! Start with a tattoo and then go on a journey for new adventures.

Virgo: laconic lines

Virgos do not like pretentiousness, this is the case that they say "beauty is in simplicity." They are perfectionists, they try to do their best. For Virgo, a drawing with simple outlines of literally anything is best suited. Tattoos like this one are elegant and simple, they speak of a person's open-mindedness, and at the same time they look stylish.

Libra: bold projects

Libra girls are fluent in the art of being charming. You may not feel like you are using these skills, but in fact you are. Charm is innate.

So when Libra is thinking about a new tattoo, don't overcomplicate things. The first thing that comes to your mind will probably be your best bet!

Scorpio: wolf theme

Scorpio women are a mixture of all qualities that are unknown and mysterious. They are obsessive in nature, but at the same time incredibly sensitive and often go where their intuition beckons them. This means that Scorpios are always full of surprises: you never know what to expect from them!

The wolf is a wonderful tattoo idea for women of this sign, because these animals are just as unpredictable. Complex in nature, wolves are generally perceived as dangerous, although only a small number actually attack humans (and only under special circumstances).

Sagittarius: elegant butterflies

Sagittarius women love to spend a lot of time at home, but that doesn't mean they can't have fun. All you need is to get to know them a little better. Then they transform just like a butterfly! This gorgeous look is perfect for a Sagittarius. Don't be afraid to experiment with different patterns and colors.

Capricorn: words and quotes

Most people think string tattoos aren't cool enough and it's best to opt for drawings or abstract designs. But this is not entirely true, at least not for everyone.

Practical Capricorn women are quite simple and ambitious, which is why it is useful for them to get a tattoo with a quote as a kind reminder of love, calmness and light in life. After all, even the strongest of us often need it.

Aquarius: watercolor

Aquarius women often have creative abilities, a lively mind, and creativity. However, they are often beautiful. They are great listeners and true friends. They usually have an aptitude for some kind of art, so a watercolor tattoo might be the best choice for them. These trendy patterns can be either simple in design or incredibly intricate. But they are always colorful, and this is exactly what the personality of Aquarius requires.

Pisces: abstract lines

Pisces women are kind and compassionate, to the point of being selfless. They are very sensitive, love to help other people, so most of the time they think about everyone except themselves. Abstract patterns suit the image of Rybka better than others, as they symbolize selflessness and intuition. You can make paired tattoos with a partner or create a unique sketch. Either way, the possibilities are endless!

Today, people often fill themselves with tattoos thoughtlessly, solely from decorative, rebellious, ethyl and other motives, while throughout the history of mankind, tattoos and piercings have had the most important sacred meaning, were applied to the body in the process of rituals and ceremonies in order to "fix" certain states on the body . Today, all this original idea has been lost, and people put symbols on their bodies, the meanings of which they do not know, they do it in prison and after a stormy feast, in causal and not very places. In fact, tattoos applied wisely can enhance or weaken the desired qualities inherent in the horoscope. They can help "offset" the destructive energies of some transits and fixed stars.

For example, the application of a fixed star, strongly expressed in the horoscope, can weaken its negative effect on a person.

Mars (including as a symbolic ruler of the 1st house) in different signs of the Zodiac can indicate the corresponding parts of the body that we hit most often. By putting a symbolic image of Mars on this place, we reduce the risk of injuries. Here it is worth remembering which part of the body corresponds to which zodiac sign:

Aries: head and face (ears are more Gemini!)

Taurus: neck, collarbones

Gemini: hands

Cancer: chest

Leo: back, solar plexus

Virgo: belly

Libra: lower back (yes, the famous "Kiss of Venus" - an area really ruled by Venus!)

Scorpio: groin and lower abdomen

Sagittarius: hips

Capricorn: knees, spine

Aquarius: caviar

Pisces: feet

Drawing on the body a symbol of a certain planet (especially on its transit through 1 house) is an opportunity to "strengthen" one or another quality of one's personality. Here, as in the topic about stones. If there are planets in your first house that you would like to strengthen - go ahead! Choose a part of the body corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac in which the planet is located, and fill yourself with health.

  • Do you want to become more active, more proactive, more assertive, brighter, bolder, faster, more athletic, sexier? track down when Mars will go to 1 house (or its ruler) and apply its symbolism to yourself. This happens once every 2 years. The symbols of Mars, in addition to a circle with an arrow, can be all types of cold weapons, stabbing and cutting objects, spear-shields, chili peppers, leopards and wolves, scorpions, falcons, wasps, thistles and nettles. If you want more esoteric - the tarot lasso "Emperor" and the Teiwaz rune. Piercing also applies to Mars.
  • Do you want to shine and attract attention, become more noticeable and self-confident, more artistic, raise the overall level of vitality, joy and creative energy? Solar symbolism to help you: this itself Sun, and Lions, and sunflowers, and scarabs - whichever is closer to you. Daisies, roosters, deer, palm trees - the list is long. The symbol of the Sun itself is a circle with a dot inside. Solar energy can be found in the rune Sowelu, in the nineteenth arcana of the tarot "The Sun".

  • Do you want to improve your intuition, strengthen your maternal instinct and generally become more feminine and kinder? Draw moon and related symbols on the passage of the moon through the desired points. It happens once a month, don't miss it. The Moon itself, and the symbol of Cancer, and lotus lilies, and hares in cabbage, and all sorts of crabs, and kittens (arguably, they can be attributed to Venus), and frog snails, and even owls will do. Rune Berkana, II tarot lasso "High Priestess".

  • Do you want to learn how to communicate with people, have more friends and contacts? track Mercury and draw your own symbolism. In addition to the classic image of Hermes, it can be monkeys, foxes, ferrets, parrots, squirrels, books, all kinds of bindweeds. I lasso of the tarot "Magician" and the rune Ansuz.

  • Do you want to improve empathy and attract romantic relationships? To become more feminine, more sensual, more erotic, more beautiful? Follow Venus, once a year it passes through your Ascendant. Symbols can be a rose, violet, daffodil, myrtle, doves, swallows, rabbits and butterflies, all kinds of donuts, lollipops, sweets and other sweets, fluffy cute kittens. Arcana "Empress", runes Fehu and Gebo.

  • If you want to become more authoritative, more status, wiser, emphasize your intellect and importance - catch Jupiter once every 12 years and apply its symbolism. Well, if you really want to, then you can wait for a harmonious aspect to the ruler of the first house or the Ascendant. Be careful with Jupiter, he can get fat! Symbols: centaurs, oak and acorns, cherry-figs, elephants, peacocks, eagles and tigers, lightning, crown, throne. V lasso of the tarot "High Priest", runes Jera and Ing.
  • Do you want to radically lose weight, become more serious, more restrained, more pragmatic, more consistent, create the impression of a punctual and businesslike person? Draw Saturn. But here you should still be more careful - this planet does not belong to the virtues and can bring a lot of problems and restrictions into your life. Of the symbols - a clock, a bear, a bat, reptile snakes, crows, spiders, mountains, death with a scythe.

  • Experiment with higher planets at your own peril and risk! If you want to make your behavior unusual, rebellious, original, to be different from others, to increase the possibility of brilliant insights - hit yourself Uranus. It accompanies astrologers, programmers, pilots. Once in 84 years, he, in theory, will pass through your Ascendant. The symbols are controversial (as with all the Higher planets), and yet they can be: airships, robots, computer themes, a light bulb, tumbleweeds, exotic birds and fruits, a sky with stars. Arcanum 0 "Jester" (I hope no one will think of beating themselves the XVI lasso "Tower" ...).

  • If you want to increase your musicality and develop sensitivity to sounds, smells, the subtle plane, increase the ability to perceive the collective unconscious, promote clairvoyance-clairaudience, or continue to hang around, draw symbols Neptune: hemp, poppies, fly agaric, seagulls and dolphins, albastroses, cameras, sea waves, notes, musical instruments, ships and submarines, chemical elements.

  • If you need to increase the hypnotic influence on other people, personal inner strength and pressure, dominance, strong-willed qualities (to shove like a tank), magical abilities - hit Pluto. In some cases, it can also contribute to fullness! Symbols: pearls, carnivore plants, mushrooms, ants, rock band symbols, tanks, hypnotic spiral, phoenix bird, Hades from the Underworld, oil rig.

If you are oriented in astrology - you understand the meaning, stuff what you want. If you are poorly oriented in astrology, then before drawing drawings on the body, consult an astrologer. You can inadvertently activate unnecessary and problematic areas of your horoscope. For example, if Venus is problematic in your horoscope, related to "unkind" houses, then its strengthening can lead to unpleasant consequences. What can we say about Saturn and the higher planets!

One of the basic rules is the correct time for tattooing. Remember: we do not tattoo ourselves in a state of blues and depression, in a state of intoxication, being in places where we would not like to return (it is especially undesirable to do this in places not so remote). Tattooing and piercing - modification of one's own body, 1 house (and the entire horoscope as a whole), a transition to a new status. Therefore, think carefully about what you fix for yourself and what new status you give yourself.

"Traditionally, drawing a picture meant a transition to a new status and, as a rule, went hand in hand with the procedures of Initiation or Rewarding. This was the case in the culture of the American Indians, and among European shamans, and in kenpo schools, and even among the Japanese yakuza. Successful completion trials, solution of a problem, victory - all this is astrologically determined. K. Daragan "Astrology of personality transformation".

Drawing tattoos on the visible part of the body is a hint of the planet being in the upper hemisphere of houses, which means changing the world around us. Applying a tattoo on the back and invisible area hidden from the eyes is a hint at the lower hemisphere of houses, at deep personal changes, transforming oneself, acquiring a new status. Daragan in his book mentions the tattoos of the SS under the armpits - in the zone of Ophiuchus.

In short, if you don’t want to bother, but you really want to fill yourself with something, do it after a certain victory and good luck, after receiving a certain social role (for example, becoming a CEO, president or just a parent), be sure to be in a good mood.

Throughout the ages, people have decorated their bodies with drawings. And in none of the eras, images were applied to the skin without a sacred meaning. After all, as you know, the image can become a real talisman for the owner. This practice is still alive today. To attract good luck in your life, just choose a tattoo according to your zodiac sign.

Ardent Aries

Do not overdo it with fire, a large-scale tattoo makes Aries uncontrollable and reckless

Aries is a fiery and hot sign. It's lava, it's a flame and a shock of sparks. The consciousness of Aries is always on fire - with ideas, plans, passion or ... hatred.

He is assertive and confident, so the image of fire, a tongue of flame or another fiery element will come in handy for him. Such a symbol will help the owner to be himself - strong and decisive.

Best Tattoos for Aries:

  1. Arrow. Such a symbol will help a determined person not to go astray.
  2. Bee. It will help you stay productive and not quit halfway through what you started.
  3. Crown. The true master of life will not interfere with such an attribute.

The bee is a symbol of courage and sociability. Arrows are usually made by men. The crown can symbolize the desire for power.

Restrained Taurus

Sometimes Taurus needs rest. As a reminder of this, the symbols on the hand

Taurus is the embodiment of beauty and grace. Both men and women of the sign have charm and attraction. And not in vain, because the patron saint of Taurus is Venus. Therefore, as a body pattern, you can depict a Venusian symbol.

The perseverance and diligence of Taurus is worthy of a separate book. But much more important for a tireless sign will be rest. To achieve the goal, the representative of this symbol is advised to prick himself a small palm tree. A flock of birds flying to warm lands will also look good.

Best options for Taurus:

  1. Heart. It will emphasize the gentle soul of the sign and its reverent attitude to feelings.
  2. Mountains. A cozy place where Taurus can indulge in reflection.
  3. Coin. Taurus with money on "you", so why not perpetuate this friendship with a symbolic drawing?

Air Twins

Lightness, weightlessness, even the elusiveness of the sign can be emphasized with this symbol.

Gemini is a sign of air and movement. These are sociable and subtle natures. The element of this sign is information. That is why inscriptions made in the form of handwritten text are ideal for him.

Images of books, writing quills and scrolls are also suitable. A stave, a treble clef or a palette with brushes will reinforce the delicate nature of Gemini.

Best tattoos:

  1. Butterfly. The twins are ready to take off at any moment. Just like a moth from flower to flower.
  2. Paired items. Hearts, doves or swans. Any paired image will display the duality of the soul.
  3. Feather. Light and weightless, it resembles the airy soul of the sign, ready to instantly pick up any idea.

A curious idea for extraordinary Gemini
Encrypt something of your own The lightness of the sign will be supported by butterflies on the ankle

Cozy Cancer

The lunar symbol will remind Cancer that his mood sometimes changes not only with his filing

Cancer is a symbol of water and a sensitive character. And it is also a great mystic and science fiction. For these personalities, a tattoo with sacred symbols is suitable. Runes, hieroglyphs, dates and encrypted messages.

The symbol of the anchor will strengthen the vulnerable soul. This drawing will reinforce Cancer's confidence in the future. A stylized cardiogram will personify the suspiciousness of the sign. The rhythm of the heartbeat is what drives Cancer.

Best Drawings:

  1. Moon. The patroness of the sign and its protector.
  2. Star. The symbol of mystery will suit this sign, because Cancers are never fully revealed to others.
  3. Kittens. It is good for the most caring sign of the horoscope to acquire an image of someone who needs care. Cute and fluffy muzzles will decorate both the body and the soul of Cancer.

Rune Turisaz corresponds to the zodiac sign of Cancer Unknown - the eternal craving of Cancer
Cancer can realize care and craving for helping loved ones in such a non-trivial way

noble lion

The card can be selected according to the date of birth, as they are different for everyone

Leo is the second fire sign and the king of beasts. It is pride, pride and honor rolled into one. To whom, if not for him, royal symbols are suitable: a crown or a scepter.

Adventurism and incendiary character will display the image of playing cards or dice. Some Lions prefer to portray their elegance and splendor in the form of a breast brooch.

No matter how strong the lion's radiance burned with pride, there is always a place in his soul for loved ones. The name of the child is the perfect tattoo for this sign.

Best tattoos for Leo:

  1. Sun. The patron of the sign Leo and his abode. Any image of the luminary will give the maned owner good luck.
  2. Flowers. There is no more sophisticated pattern than delicate petals. Hot Leo will need the lightness of chamomile or the perfection of a rose.
  3. The Dragon. The strength of the character of the Lion can be emphasized by the image of the dragon. Especially if the year of birth of the owner coincides with the eastern symbol.

With the help of this tattoo, the Lion attracts good luck into his life. The sun is a symbol of the source of hidden knowledge. The dragon tattoo demonstrates the power of its owner.

Thoughtful Virgo

Usually Virgos choose medium-sized drawings

Virgo is the sign of the earth element. She is self-confident, restrained and impregnable. She also loves precision and rules. The ideal tattoo for the Virgin will be a geometric ornament. It will be executed, without a doubt, flawlessly. Virgo will find the most skillful master and only he will entrust her canvas.

The girls of this sign, and what to prevaricate, guys also just love to idealize relationships. That is why they most often ask to fill them with the name of a loved one. Astrologers are less romantic: they advise Virgos to resist such temptation.

Ideal tattoos:

  1. Miniature drawings. Whatever is depicted on the body of the Virgin, it must be tiny.
  2. Infinity sign. Earth signs are suitable for the symbolism of stability and eternity.
  3. Tree, fruits, plants. The element of Virgo provides for productivity and fertility. You can strengthen these qualities with the help of plant drawings. Apple, olive branch or sprout.

For the Virgo who loves order, a geometric ornament is the best choice. Also, the ouroboros can be a symbol of infinity: a snake biting its own tail. An earthly symbol needs solidity, the ability to stand firmly on the ground

Refined Libra

Scales are exchanged for trifles, forgetting about the transience of time. Let his symbol remind you that it is better to act here and now

Libra is another air sign and pet of Venus. Often he forgets that youth is not eternal. The best image for Libra is a reminder of the transience of being. He will need a stylized clock or numbers.

The sign and symbol of charm in the form of some kind of elegant ornament will suit. It is enough to depict a stocking hem or a tiny heart in the hollow between the collarbones.

It is desirable that the image be hidden from prying eyes. Libra needs a close partner, so let him alone be aware of the existence of the picture.

Best tattoos:

  1. Duplication of the picture on the partner's body. Paired tattoos have found their fans in the face of Libra. This is a dual sign. It is a soul made for love.
  2. Ant. Will strengthen the diligence of the windy sign.
  3. Bold decisions. Scales are great originals. A pin “piercing” the skin or a pattern in the form of a bracelet will suit them.

Ant tattoo adds a sign of endurance Libra couple tattoos will be chosen carefully and for a very long time!
A pin tattoo can be used as a talisman against the evil eye.

Passionate Scorpio

The thin strings of the soul of Scorpio require an appropriate attitude

Scorpio is a raging sea and a wave of passion. This is the sexiest sign of the zodiac. His love, his feelings and emotions are a storm. Therefore, it is advised to decorate the most secret places with such a sign.

Also, Scorpios are single. The image of a wolf or a spider is suitable for them. This sign is also inextricably linked with mysticism. You can display the theme in sacred silhouettes or inscriptions in Latin.

Best tattoos:

  1. Chilli. Sharp, like the temper of a Scorpio. The spice perfectly embodies the character of the sign.
  2. spikes. Whether it's a rose with thorns or a pretty cactus, the symbol will guard Scorpio's feelings.
  3. String musical instrument. The heart of a water sign is like a string. It responds to every touch. So why not display it as a musical instrument? A violin, guitar or harp will do.

Thorns are also a warning about the hot temper of the owner of the tattoo. A tattoo with a wolf can also symbolize self-sufficiency. The tattoo, as it were, warns: be careful, you can get burned!

Changeable Sagittarius

The rebellious soul of the eternal traveler can be supported by appropriate symbols

The life of a Sagittarius is full of changes. He does not know how and does not want to sit in one place. After all, there is so much to discover in the world.

The thirst for impressions and knowledge will be personified by transport. The zodiac sign Sagittarius is advised to prick the image of a train, canoe or bicycle. Echoes the love of travel and a small travel suitcase or paddle.

What tattoos are suitable:

  1. Footprints. Paths traveled or only upcoming ones? This picture can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. Film. The perfect expression of curiosity. A few frames will serve as an amulet, guarding the new and unknown.
  3. Binoculars. An unusual solution for a sign looking for novelty.
  4. Treasure map. An original idea for the Sagittarius traveler.

Dedicated to the eternal adventurer
What can you see with it? The search for the unknown - the path of Sagittarius

Conservative Capricorn

Units of this sign are solved for large tattoos

Capricorns rarely get tattoos. Perhaps they don't have time to do it. Or maybe it's hard for them to decide on a pattern. In order not to rack your brains, you can depict your favorite quote on your body. Any plant motifs will do. An ornamental pattern with intricate lines will also win.

  1. Steampunk. Gears and cogs, supposedly peeking out from under the skin of Capricorn, personify his endurance and invincibility.
  2. Owl. Symbol of wisdom. The same wisdom is inherent in Capricorn - mature and reasonable beyond his years.
  3. Scull. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the symbol of death. This tattoo looks a bit "classic", but it fits perfectly.
Steampunk skull - a bold decision

Revolutionary Aquarius

Lotus will help inquisitive Aquarius in spiritual development

Aquarius are made to break the rules. These are saboteurs and revolutionaries. To display a rebellious soul, it is advised to acquire an image of a lotus - the perfection of the world. Well-known logos, beaten in a new way, are also suitable.

Love of freedom is perfectly embodied in the image of an open birdcage. You can beat the theme of a free bird or in the form of a dove released into the wild.

Best Pictures:

  1. Brush. The art tool will demonstrate Aquarius' desire to color the world.
  2. Wings. Symbol of freedom and flight. There is no sign that needs wings more than Aquarius.
  3. Angel. Describe the ideology and desire of Aquarius to help people. This is both friendliness and trusting partnership.

A great meaning is invested in a tattoo with an angel, most often individual for each wearer. Wings are not always a symbol of purity and angelic nature. They can also symbolize the desire for movement, dynamics Tatu with brushes - a symbol of the desire to decorate your life

Dreamy Pisces

Tattoos with ships, especially with sailboats, help Pisces in finding themselves

Fish are tender and trembling. And they love to help everyone and always. These are servants and advisers, healers of souls and the best lovers. However, the Pisces zodiac sign often lacks self-confidence. The precious stone depicted on the skin will reinforce his self-esteem. A tattoo in the form of a diamond will decorate both the male and female shoulder.

Pisces love to dream. Why, they simply live in a fictional world. The space theme will become an amulet for this universe. Stars, planets and comets - that's what Pisces needs.

Which tattoo to choose:

  1. Compass. It will help the sign to navigate in an unfamiliar and cold world.
  2. Trident. Instrument of Neptune, patron of Pisces. It will give the sign confidence and the ability to fight for their desires.
  3. Ship. A symbol of uncharted lands and a way to achieve your dreams.

The diamond symbolizes the deep potential of Pisces, which needs to be revealed. The compass in the form of a tattoo helps to find your life path. The trident can be a symbol of strength and power

Zodiac signs are always unique characters and customs. Everyone wants to pick up an individual symbol. You can choose a tattoo according to the sign of the zodiac, but most of those who decide on a body jewelry think about this last, choosing an image to their liking.

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