Home Useful properties of fruits What happened to neo at the end of the matrix. The film "The Matrix": hidden meaning. Neo is not a savior. The plot, actors and roles

What happened to neo at the end of the matrix. The film "The Matrix": hidden meaning. Neo is not a savior. The plot, actors and roles

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The Matrix, a cult film shot by the then Wachowski brothers, became the brightest film event not only at the end of the 20th century, but throughout the history of cinema as a whole. Philosophy, depth, symbolism, coupled with unique special effects and absolutely exemplary production made this film one of the best fantasy action films of all time.

But there is something else elusive and attractive in it that makes you revisit it even more than a decade after the premiere. And every time to find new secrets.

To the anniversary of the first screening of The Matrix in Russia site collected 25 secrets about how this masterpiece was created.

  1. The name Neo (Neo) is an anagram of the word "chosen" (one).
  1. When Neo gets reprimanded for being late, a window cleaner wipes soap scum off the outside of a windowpane in the boss's office with his squeegee. The streaks on the glass strongly resemble rows of symbols running from top to bottom, with the help of which the operator observes the Matrix.
  1. The characters themselves on computer screens consist of reversed letters, numbers, and Japanese katakana characters.
  1. In the room where Neo is waiting for the Oracle, giant rabbits are shown on TV. Since Neo received a message at the beginning of the movie that he should follow the white rabbit, this symbolizes that he is on the right track. Also, white rabbits refer us to Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
  1. Actor Will Smith turned down the role of Neo to star in the movie "Wild Wild West". Will regrets this decision to this day.
  1. Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Val Kilmer were also considered for the role of Neo.. But, after Kilmer and Pitt refused, the choice fell between Depp and Reeves. As a result, the role went to Keanu.
  1. An attentive viewer will be able to notice the date on one of the monitors at the very beginning of the film - February 18, 1998. Toward the end of the picture, a different date is displayed on the screen - September 18, 1999. Thus, the events described in the picture take place within 19 months.
  1. Jean Reno came close to playing Agent Smith. But he turned down the role, instead playing in the movie Godzilla.
  1. The role of Morpheus was offered to Sean Connery., however, he refused due to the fact that he did not understand anything in the script.
  1. The name Morpheus refers us to Morpheus- the god of dreams in ancient Greek mythology. In The Matrix, Morpheus's ship is called the Nebuchadnezzar, after the name of the king of Babylon. According to legend, this king tried to understand the meaning of his dreams.
  1. The inscription on board the ship "Mark 3.11" denotes the number of the verse of Holy Scripture from the Gospel of Mark: "The unclean, at the sight of Him, fell on their knees and proclaimed: You are the heir of God."
  1. In the words of the boss Neo at the beginning of the film, there is a thick hint on Neo's future abilities: “Think you're special, Mr. Anderson? And the rules are not written for you?
  1. Trinity means "trinity". Therefore, the number of the room in which she is at the beginning of the film is 303.
  1. And Neo's apartment number- an anagram of the word "one" (first, chosen, number one) - 101.
  1. It was originally supposed to receive $ 80 million for the production of the film, however, Warner Brothers gave only 10. With the money, Larry (Lana) and Andy Wachowski decided to put it all into the first ten minutes of the film (the scene with Carrie-Anne Moss). The result impressed the studio so much that they received the rest of the money without any problems.
  1. In the film "The Matrix" the main characters use a Nokia 8110 mobile phone.
  1. In the first 45 minutes of the film performer Keanu Reeves speaks only 80 lines of text, 44 of which are questions. Moreover, for the first time, he was allowed to voice more than four sentences in a row only in the final speech, just before the credits.
  1. Before filming The Matrix leading actors trained for 4 whole months, learning the basics of martial arts. They did not expect such loads and were completely sure that a few weeks would be enough to gain practical skills.
  1. Prior to filming, all actors, occupied in the main roles, and the main members of the film crew were required to read Jean Baudrillard's book "Simulacra and Simulation". This book is a popular critical theory that tries to explain where is "reality" and where, in fact, are "simulacra" and "simulation". From it, at the beginning of the film, Neo takes out a computer disk.
  1. The color blue was deliberately removed from the film. to show how dark the world of the Matrix is.

When you watched The Matrix, did you pay attention to how much psychological pressure Neo was subjected to throughout the film? Let me remind you how it was. This will allow us to re-evaluate this hero and his fate.

In this video, I will consider only the first film of the trilogy as a self-sufficient work.

Neo has been looking for a meeting with a reputable hacker named Morpheus for a long time. And then, unexpectedly, Morpheus himself goes to him and offers to meet. It is clear that the appearance in Neo's life of such authoritative figures as Morpheus and Trinity is an important event, Neo is excited, and therefore vulnerable to psychological manipulation. In the future, the people of Morpheus use a number of psychological tricks to get what they need from Neo.

During their first meeting at the club, Trinity keeps very close to Neo, causing him to become embarrassed. She violates his personal boundaries and uses her sexuality, and Neo cannot contradict her, because. afraid to miss your chance.

Morpheus exerts psychological pressure on Neo from the first minute of the phone conversation, hinting at Neo's great importance.

Imagine that, say, your favorite musician, with whom your worlds do not intersect at all, suddenly comes out to you and begins to feed your vanity, frankly flatters you. Nice attack, right?

Who doesn't want to meet after such words?

During the second meeting, Trinity and Switch are already using mild intimidation and playing good cop and bad cop.

Morpheus is emphatically friendly. Once again, he constantly flatters Neo.

It would be naive to think that after all these manipulations, Neo makes a free choice. No, his choice is due to the pressure of authority and the fear of losing his dignity in his eyes, the fear of not meeting other people's expectations. Perhaps the most reasonable thing a person could do in such a situation is to toss a coin.

Morpheus is silent about the fact that by taking the red pill, all of Neo's former life will be lost. Not only that, the whole team knows that Neo is doomed to die: the first frames of the film, Trinity's dialogue with Cypher. But they do what Morpheus needs, because. he has some sacred knowledge, faith.

After taking the red pill, Neo finds himself trapped in a ship with no way out, with a new mentor to whom he must now obey. Recruitment completed.

Morpheus then tells Neo about the "real" world. And here it is important that Neo is forced to take the mentor's word for it. Everything that we, together with the main character, learn about the situation on the planet, about the war with machines, about the matrix, is just the story of Morpheus. And a sober-minded person has every right to doubt it.

Indeed, the "reality" Morpheus demonstrates to Neo in the simulator program. The question is: couldn't this picture of reality also be simulated?

After this phrase, Neo can no longer ask to see everything with his own eyes, because then he will question the authority of Morpheus, and he does not want to seem stupid.

Faith is one of the main motives of the film. Moreover, this is the faith of Morpheus, around which all the events of the film revolve. Morpheus leads people where his faith points, and his associates do what he says (after all, they have no choice). By the end of the movie, all the characters must be convinced that their leader was right.

It's no surprise that after all he's been through, Neo is despondent. The old life is lost, the purpose of the new life is unclear. He comes out of depression after receiving superpowers.

The next stage of preparation is the definition of an external enemy.

As you can see, Morpheus acts on the principle of "the end justifies the means." For him, the death of people who are not ready to leave the matrix is ​​quite acceptable. And Neo will subsequently act on the same principle - saving Morpheus, he, along with Trinity, will kill ordinary people.

In the future, I will show what type of consciousness corresponds to a rigid division into "us" and "them".

In general, the presence of this character does not fit into the logic of the film (let me remind you that I consider the first film as a self-sufficient work): after all, Pythia is a program. If she is on the side of the rebels, then this means a split in the intelligence of the matrix. "She's the guide," as Morpheus says. This means that it controls the actions of people, influences their will. Why then can she be trusted? There is no answer in the first film, and in Neo's place, we could well suspect Morpheus and the Pythia of collusion.

Pythia's behavior is the climax of moral pressure on our hero.

At first she is friendly to Neo, and then informs him that he is not the chosen one and shows that she is disappointed. But as soon as Neo sighed with relief - now he is free from responsibility for saving humanity - she brings down on him an even greater moral burden: she puts him before a choice - to die for the sake of a mentor or take the burden of guilt for his death.

Indeed, it is amazing! Methodically drip on a person’s brain so that at a certain moment he becomes ready to sacrifice his life. The salvation of mankind does not imply the obligatory death of the hero, does it? But now the stakes are being raised to the maximum, and this is the end point of Neo's preparation: willingness to go to his death.

The efforts of Morpheus and the Pythia bear fruit: Neo reaches the desired condition.

After agents capture Morpheus, Neo volunteers to rescue him. After all the manipulations carried out with his mind, he believed and is ready to die for the sake of a mentor.

Together with Trinity, they free Morpheus, killing a couple of dozen ordinary people along the way.

As we can see, if in his former life Neo his direct access to reality was blocked by the Matrix, then in his new life access to reality is limited by the ideology of Morpheus. In fact, Neo traded the awl for soap

Such consciousness, which does not directly interact with reality, but receives its description from an unconditional authority, I will conditionally call "sectarian consciousness". And in the group of Morpheus, we see many signs that coincide with the signs of the sect:

  1. Having a charismatic leader
  2. Belief based on leader's religious revelation - faith in the chosen one
  3. Recruitment using psychological manipulation
  4. Concealment of true goals (Morpheus reports about the law - not to free the minds of adults (44:53). But this is in conflict with his declared plans - to free people from the matrix.)
  5. Alienation of the individual from the outside world and his former social ties
  6. Blind obedience to the leader
  7. Psychological pressure
  8. Rigid division into friends and foes. Proclaiming the outside world evil.
  9. Use of ordinary members of the group to commit crimes

We've come close to calling Neo by his real name. But first, I will give the most important fact from the film, which will be my main argument.

At the beginning of the film, Neo opens Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation to the chapter On Nihilism.

In this book, Baudrillard describes the system of a modern cultural society and says that terrorism would be the only means to reveal the methods of total control, if the system also did not assimilate it, turning it into one of the simulacra (for example, when the government itself carries out terrorist attacks in order to confirm the presence of power in society).

Many have heard about some mythical original scenario in which the struggle of people with the matrix was also part of the matrix.

I think that the existence of such a scenario is very likely for the following reason: the Wachowskis could thus express the thought of Baudrillard, show how the system assimilated terrorism into itself. Those. made it only a means of self-checking for errors. Accordingly, in the first film, only the first thesis of the philosopher was embodied - the thesis about terrorism as a means for, so to speak, "awakening" people enslaved by the system.

So Neo is a terrorist. And the Morpheus group is a terrorist group. Morpheus, by the way, was called that at the beginning of the film.

Morpheus is the leader of the resistance. And leaders need heroes who are willing to make sacrifices for the leader's cause. A hero is a person who is ready to do anything without demanding anything in return. Such people are a real godsend for leaders who realize their plans. Neo is such a hero.

It is important to understand the difference between the "archetypal" hero and the "real" one.

The feat of the archetypal hero symbolically reflects our inner path of self-development. Therefore, the archetypal hero very often receives a kingdom at the end of the path, i.e. becomes a leader.

But in real life, the leader and the hero are almost never the same person. Because the leader is the one who unites people around him and leads them to the goal. And the leader cannot sacrifice himself, because then his cause will die. A hero is one who is ready to give his life for the leader, his goal and his associates.

Now we can formulate the main message of the film The Matrix: "You can become as tough a fighter with the system as Neo, if you unconditionally trust your mentor."

I think there is no need to explain what harm this idea can bring to a young man who dreams of a feat if it becomes his unconscious life scenario.


  • Matrix

The invincible Neo is another fantasy hero on the theme of the illusory nature of the world, which was addressed with enviable regularity in the 20th century by science fiction writers and film directors. The authors of the character - the writers and directors of the trilogy about the matrix of the Wachowski sisters - endowed the guy with inhuman abilities.

Neo can dodge bullets with ease, jump long distances, and even fly at supersonic speeds. Also, the savior of the world from the arbitrariness of artificial intelligence is an excellent telepath and knows how to see the future.

History of creation

The path of the Wachowski sisters to the creation of the cult film "The Matrix" was long and thorny. I had to prove to the producers that they could do such a large-scale picture. The Wachowskis had a love for movies from an early age, spending time drawing comics and the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. It was the game that contributed to the development of a violent youthful fantasy - after all, you need to invent a whole universe inhabited by characters of different stripes.

The idea that the world may be just a computer program arose among future directors in the early 90s, when they worked for the benefit of the Marvel publishing house. The impressive idea was developed into tangible sketches and presented to Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Joel Silver, producers at Warner Bros. Although the film industry's bison appreciated the work, they considered it too ambitious and difficult to implement, because some moments of technological progress did not yet allow to be transferred to the screen.

The producers suggested that the writers try out a lighter project, and the Wachowskis sold the rights to the film adaptation of the work "Hitler". Brian Helgeland rewrote it mercilessly, the authors flew into a rage and decided to try their hand at directing - the only guarantee that the idea clothed in literary form will remain untouched. Only now the laborious and expensive "Matrix" was not suitable as a "pen test", just because no one wanted to donate eight-figure sums to newcomers.

The same Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Joel Silver, who instructed the screenwriters to shoot a detective tape with a tiny budget, "Communication", gave the Wachowski duo a ticket to the director's chair. The film was not a success, but the Wachowskis won critical praise and received a long-awaited opportunity to film The Matrix on their own.

By that time, the sister's fantasy film script had been corrected, smoothed, some scenes were complicated. But to fantasize too much on steel, fearing that the budget will not be enough for too global events. The change of filming location also allowed savings - the newly minted directors moved the set from America to Australia, as a result, instead of the required $80 million, only $63 million was spent.

The authors of the idea of ​​"The Matrix" immediately after the release of the picture on the big screen were accused of plagiarism. A scattering of moments and details, as well as the meaning of the film, echoes other literary works and works in cinema. Before Wachowski, only the lazy did not think about the topic of virtual reality, programs and machines with intelligence.

The heroes of the picture “Total Recall” have the opportunity to leave the illusory world with the help of a tablet, described the “blind” inhabitants of virtual reality. The Time Lords computer appeared back in 1976 in the TV series Doctor Who, and the matrix as the name of cyberspace and the prototype of Trinity exist in William Gibson's novel Neuromancer. The dystopian picture "The Truman Show" introduces the idea of ​​the Chosen One. And most of the ideas are borrowed from the movie "The World on a Wire", say connoisseurs of cinema and critics - for example, traveling between worlds through a telephone receiver.

The plot, actors and roles

The plot of The Matrix is ​​based on the idea that the world around is just an illusion created by rebellious machines, and people serve them as a source of energy and do not even know what is happening. But among the "sleepers" there is a resistance team free from the Matrix, which believes in the existence of the Chosen One, who will be able to put an end to the arbitrariness of artificial intelligence. The events of the Wachowskis were included in the film trilogy: The Matrix (1999), The Matrix Reloaded (2003), The Matrix Revolutions (2003).

The difficult role of the Chosen One goes to the programmer Thomas Anderson, who works for a large computer company, who, with the advent of night, turns into a hacker under the nickname Neo. One day he receives an anonymous message that he is completely "bogged down in the Matrix" and an offer to find out the details. Fate brings the hero to the girl Trinity, through her he goes to one of the resistance team - the captain of the ship Nebuchadnezzar.

At the same time, "programs" guarding the Matrix attack Neo's trail. Under the leadership of Agent Smith, they meet with a young man and offer cooperation, but are refused. Then Neo with a "wired mouth" is implanted with a bug, and the hero falls under special control.

Morpheus gives the hacker two pills, giving him a choice: the blue one will help him forget all the events and the idea of ​​the matrix, and the red one will let him know the truth. Neo chooses the second option and wakes up, entangled in wires - that's how his life went. It's time to disconnect from the Matrix and challenge the machines.

The appearance of the protagonist of The Matrix was not detailed by the authors, which gave freedom in choosing an actor. The Wachowski duo, of course, wanted to see a famous person in the picture. Therefore, they offered a role, and even. But they received refusal after refusal for various reasons, and Leonardo was completely frightened of the work, oversaturated with special effects.

Neo chooses between blue and red pills

Then the offer flew to the actor, but he refused too - he did not want to leave America for many months. The producers were also unlucky with the next candidate - he would be ideal for the role, but the actor preferred to participate in the filming of "Wild, Wild West".

The circle of contenders for the image of Neo has narrowed to and. And here the filmmakers were divided into two camps: the producers preferred Reeves, and the directors Depp. But newcomers rarely win arguments.

The performers of secondary characters also had to be looked for. The role of Morpheus could depart or, and Agent Smith -. The stars were busy with other jobs. As a result, the scripts were handed over to and. The image of the main character Trinity embodied on the screen.

  • In 1967, the Wachowski twin brothers were born in Chicago. They declared themselves sisters much later, and in 2012 Larry became the first director to publicly admit that he is a transgender woman. Andrew followed his brother's lead in 2016.

  • Philosopher from Sweden Nick Bostrom, four years after the premiere of The Matrix, presented a scientific work in which he proves that earthlings live in an illusory computer world with only a 20% probability.
  • No wonder they say that ideas are in the air. The plot of "The Matrix" echoes the plot of the film "Dark City", which was released a year before the premiere of the film debut of the Wachowskis. However, this time the sisters cannot be accused of plagiarism - when the "Dark City" was being edited, the "Matrix" was already being filmed with might and main.

  • The actors for The Matrix were prepared thoroughly. It took four months to train the aspirants for the main roles in martial arts, and the consequences of the training almost derailed the shooting. So, for example, Keanu Reeves survived the operation due to the displacement of the cervical vertebrae two months before the start of the creation of the picture. On the first day of shooting, they took Hugo Weaving to the hospital to remove a polyp on his leg. The actor almost lost the role, but the directors decided to postpone the shooting of scenes with his participation to a later date. Filming the fight between Agent Smith and Neo at the subway, the team "lost" two stuntmen. Due to serious injuries, the shooting of the episode stretched for two weeks.


Some quotes from films directed by the Wachowskis have turned into catchphrases. One of them - "There is no spoon", torn from the phrase "The truth is that there is no spoon" - is today used in relation to apparent, illusory objects and things.

Fans of the trilogy also remember the quotes:

"Mr Wizard! Get me the hell out of here!”
“I will show them the world without you. A world without dictates and prohibitions, a world without borders. A world where everything is possible. What happens next is up to you."
"I guess right now you feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole."
"Time is always against us."
“The Matrix is ​​a system. The system is our enemy. But when you're in it - look around, who do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, hard workers, ordinary people whose minds we save. However, as long as these people are part of the system, they are all our enemies. You must remember that most are not ready to accept reality, and many are so poisoned and so hopelessly addicted to the system that they will fight for it.
"Knowing the path and walking it are not the same thing."
"Never send a man to do the work of a machine."
“Most importantly, do not believe any nonsense about fate. You are the master of your life."

Believe it or not, it's been 19 years since the Wachowski sisters' (then brothers') first film was released. The picture turned the world not only of most adolescents and adults (including ours), but also caused a resonance around the world, exciting the minds of the best philosophers who rushed to write scientific articles about its allegorical meaning.

After 19 years and after the release of two more films, The Matrix remains the favorite creation of cinema among people of that generation.

Carrie-Anne Moss - Trinity

Before filming in The Matrix, Moss was not a particularly famous actress, but after the release of the picture she became a star. She appeared in the films Remember, Chocolate, Paranoia, The Unthinkable, Pompeii. Currently starring in the TV series Jessica Jones.

Keanu Reeves - Neo / Thomas Anderson

After The Matrix, Reeves earned critical acclaim with roles in the John Wick franchise, Constantine, Blackout, The Lake House, Street Kings, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Also in 2013, he made his directorial debut, Tai Chi Master. And in 2011, Reeves, together with the artist Alexandra Grant, published the book Ode to Happiness.

Laurence Fishburne - Morpheus

Before playing the role of Morpheus, Fishburne was already an accomplished actor, and after The Matrix, his career took off. He starred in the cult TV series C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, Predators, Contagion, and reunited with Keanu Reeves in the second John Wick film.

Hugo Weaving - Agent Smith

After the role of the villain Agent Smith, Weaving began to appear in Hollywood blockbusters. His next big role was Elrond in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and later in The Hobbit. He worked again with the Wachowskis in V for Vendetta and Cloud Atlas. In addition, he voiced Megatron in the Transformers films, Noah the Penguin in Happy Feet, and Grimble in Legends of the Night Watchmen.

Joe Pantoliano - Cypher

He starred in the films "Remember", "Bad Boys 2", "The Eighth Sense". He founded a non-profit charitable organization and wrote two books on the fight against depression.

Marcus Chong - Tank

After the success of the first film in the trilogy, Chong was supposed to continue playing the role of Tank, but negotiations on further cooperation failed - presumably, the parties did not agree on a fee. The actor sued the studio, but in 2000 he was arrested. Since then, he has had a couple of roles on Law & Order, 4ISLA and Black Mark.

Paul Goddard - Agent Brown

The most notable work after The Matrix was the series At the Edge of the Universe.

Robert Taylor - Agent Jones

After 1999, he starred in Vertical Limit and the TV series Longmire.

Julian Arahanga - Apoc

After filming The Matrix, Arahanga decided to focus on his career as a director. Founded his own production company Awa Films.

Belinda McClory - Switch

She continued her acting career, starring in the film "All Saints", the series "Kate and Kim" and "Dr. Blake". She also began to play on the stage.

Anthony Ray Parker - Dozer

After the role of Dozer, he starred in the films The Marine, Resolve, and the TV series Spartacus: War of the Damned.

Matt Doran - Mouse

You probably remember Doran from his role as Elan Slimebaggano in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. The actor also starred in the films Battle of the Damned and The Great Raid.

Rowan Witt - spoon boy

After starring in The Matrix, Witt appeared on Home and Away and Artfull Dodger's Escape. He played the lead roles in musical productions in Australia "Into the Woods" and "The Book of Mormons".

Gloria Foster - Pythia

The actress died of diabetes in 2001 while filming the second The Matrix. Her acting debut took place on the stage, and in 1964 she first appeared on the big screen. World fame brought her the role of the soothsayer Pythia.

We all love good old fan theories that shed light on hidden plots that have been hidden for years. Our memories of the Jar Jar Binks theory, about which I recently made a video.

This time the theory will be about a movie that blew up the screens of cinemas back in 1999 and was so cool that it could literally shake up the entire cinema. This success was largely facilitated by the unusual genre of the film, which combined everything that its creators loved so much - the brothers, and now the Wachowski sisters. Namely - cyberpunk, philosophy, anime, martial arts and shootouts. It's no secret to anyone that the plot of the film was rewritten at the request of the publisher and initially the Wachowskis conceived a slightly different ending to the film, which they told the fans personally. However, being bound by the ties of corporate secrets, contracts and non-disclosure agreements, they may not have been able to tell us the most important thing.

A theory has emerged on the internet that could turn the entire movie on its head and prove that our famous chosen one, Neo, is not the chosen one at all.

Despite the anagram of his name NEO=ONE, he is not the one who was supposed to stop the machine uprising and reset the matrix.

So who then is the chosen one mentioned in the prophecy, you ask?
The Chosen One is...drumroll...Agent Smith!

Yes, it is the main villain of the entire trilogy who is the liberator of mankind and the crusher of machines.

And to get to the bottom of this, let's first understand what's actually going on in this crazy trilogy besides fights, gunfights and dreadlocked albinos.
So let's go.

In the first film, we meet Mr. Anderson, a hacker nicknamed Neo, who is at odds with his job, life and reality in general, until secret messages lead him to Morpheus, who reveals to him the shocking truth, telling him that the whole world, what he knows about is a computer simulation, but in reality, humanity has been enslaved by robots and is now growing them like mushrooms to feed on the energy of the heat of their bodies.

In the end, it turns out that, according to the prophecy, Neo is the chosen one, who is able to change the reality of the matrix and do incredibly epic things, and of course he must save the world. It would seem that this world has finally found hope, but wait a minute.

You see, in the second part of the film, the Architect of the Matrix explains to Neo in a very long, tedious and confusing monologue that "The Chosen One" is in some kind of a kind of machine plan and one of the synonyms for "The One" Chosen One in the computer world is the Prime Program or an elementary program, which is in some way the result of the imperfection of the whole system.

This is a necessary condition for a kind of diagnosis of the entire system for its vulnerability, and it can lead to the instability of the entire matrix.

It may not be easy to imagine, but we will try. Think back to high school math. When dividing by a column, the numbers are not always completely divided by each other and then a remainder appears, and so in simple words the Elementary Program or the Chosen One is the totality of all such remainders from all kinds of divisions within the system.

And as long as such a set of residues exists, the system remains imperfect and the entire matrix tends to chaos and, ultimately, to overload and self-destruction, which can wipe out all of humanity from the face of the earth.

And in order to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to add the code of the chosen one to the source code of the Matrix and then the system will reboot and humanity will be saved.

Therefore, Neo makes his way to the main source of the matrix, connects to it, fights the Agent Smiths and, being in the main machine server, releases his code and reboots the matrix, ending the war between machines and people. End.

This is exactly what it looks like to the average viewer. But with impressive special effects and shiny leather outfits, it's easy to miss the most important thing - the details.

Let's look at the text of the prophecy itself.

When the Matrix was first created, a person was born in it who could change things as he pleased, and adjust the Matrix for himself. It was he who freed the first of us and told us the truth. When he died, the Oracle foretold his return, which would destroy the Matrix and end the war, freeing humanity.

That is, summing up these words, we can conclude the following - if Neo is really chosen, then he must at least:

Born into the Matrix
- Be able to change it
- Destroy her

Now let's go in order:

Well, NEO wasn't born in the matrix, he was raised in a machine incubator pod. And the proof of this is the plug in the back of his head. Well, yes, you can certainly assume that he was REBORN at the end of the first movie, when he was killed by Agent Smith. However, the Pythia gives us a clear definition - for the first time, and judging by the words of the Architect, the events of the film unfold already in its sixth version, so this is not quite "the first time".

Mr. Anderson in those distant times was not even in sight, but do you know who was? That's right, Agent Smith.

Yes, yes, he was in it from the very beginning. He talks about the first version of the Matrix as if he saw it with his own eyes. And in the third film, he even calls Oracle Mom. Even though he is a computer program, the term "birth" can be applied to him as well.

Let's look at it from the other side. At the end of the first part, Neo jumped into him and destroyed him from the inside and this moment changed Smith once and for all, he was "reborn" into something more than an agent, he became a kind of virus. And as he explained to Neo, it was thanks to him that he was "reborn" in the matrix. So if you count the rebirth, then he had it too.

The second part of the prophecy reads:

He must "be able to change it."

Despite the fact that neo shows impressive results at the end of the first film with cool fatalities, but that's about all he can do. Yes, he certainly becomes a kind of superman in the matrix, but he cannot change it.

Well, he fights and flies cool, but this is not enough, the chosen one must be able to change the very fabric of the reality of the matrix, its physical laws. But Smith, shows much more impressive results.

Look at what the matrix turns into at the end of the third film, it becomes completely unrecognizable. And it was Smith who could change it beyond recognition.

You might counter this argument by remembering that Neo changed Smith and that without his influence, Smith would have been just a program following its own rules.

And as Morpheus said: "Machines are created in a world in which there are also rules," and, like any machine, the program has its own code, consisting of zeros and ones, and it is the instructions embedded in it that predetermine all the behavior of the program inside systems. That is, the program is incapable of going against the rules laid down in it.

And in order to become elected, it is necessary to Revolt against the whole system! And we know that before Neo jumped in, he was not against the system, on the contrary, he was very much in favor, unquestioningly following her commands as an agent. But is it?

Let's remember the torture scene of Morpheus in the first part "Matrices". We see Smith take off his earpiece and say he wants to escape the Matrix.

And when his partners came in and saw him without an earpiece, they were quite puzzled.

Agent Smith is the program that is supposed to keep the matrix safe. And his earpiece is a direct link to the system, so this moment can only mean one thing - Smith went against the system.

It's not just the headphone moment that tells us that Smith tends to rebel against the Matrix. His entire monologue in this scene sounds like he is neither more nor less than a man.

He talks about the smell, about the taste and how he is disgusted by all this, about feelings that only people can experience.

So long before Neo came along, Smith was waging a covert war against the system, and it is Smith, not Neo, who is the anomaly in the matrix.

Well then, let's move on to the final part of the prophecy:

His return will destroy the Matrix and end the war, freeing humanity.

The events of the saga end with the Matrix eventually rebooting, which can be considered its destruction, as the war between humans and machines ends at that very moment.

And guess who was the culprit of this event. That's right, Smith. The war ended because Smith was so powerful within the matrix that the machines were no longer able to control him.

It was he who, accumulating as elementary programs, loaded the system so much that it crashed. Such an overload of the system made it possible for neo to make a deal with the machines and end the war, giving freedom to people.

Yes, Neo is the one who made the deal with the machines and ended the war, but without the destructive power of Smith, the machines would have no reason to agree and go to a truce, because it is obvious that they were able to destroy Zion once and for all.

And in order to fully verify that we are right, let's remember the condition under which the matrix should have rebooted.

To prevent overloading and self-destruction - you need to add the favorite code to the source code of the program and then the matrix will reboot

Smith himself personally told Neo that he went against the system and did not play by its rules, and when the moment of the final battle came, Neo connected to the matrix from the city of machines and entered into an epic CGI battle with Smith and lost, becoming the last copy of Smith, which eventually exploded and because of this, it is not clear why, of course, all the other copies of Smith exploded.

So why did Smith still lose if he won the fight? This is very similar to the dumbest leak of one of the most epic villains in history, until we understand the most important thing.

The fact is that Smith became Neo. Note how the body and wires connected to Neo twitch as Smith consumes him.

He won this battle, assimilated Neo, and since his body was connected to the system, with the help of it he was able to add the code of his elementary program to the main code of the system, as the architect said. It was through neo's body that the real chosen one was able to finally reboot the system.

Having collected all the facts together, we can say that Smith is the very chosen one who, as befits real heroes, saved humanity without requiring recognition and gratitude. This selfless act happened by the will of the prophecy, despite the fact that the steps to it ran through extreme measures.

However, we still have one question left - why throughout the entire saga has everyone called Neo the chosen one if he is not the chosen one?

Of course, Morpheus and his entire team could just be wrong, but what about the architect? How about the oracle? They are the most powerful programs in the matrix and should have known the truth. Well, in general, it is, at least one of them knew for sure.

In a long monologue, the Architect tells Neo that it was the Oracle who created the Chosen One. And this not only reveals to us all the symbolism of the scene in which Smith called her mother, but also suggests that only the Pythia knows who the chosen one really is.

But no matter what, she keeps it a secret. At the very end of the trilogy, we see an interesting scene of the meeting between the Oracle and the Architect, in which the architect says a very strange phrase - "you started a very dangerous game."

What does this phrase mean? What kind of dangerous game is he talking about? He talks about her lies. She convinced everyone that Neo was the chosen one, knowing that this was not the case and that Smith was actually the chosen one. But why did she do it? Well, to this question of the architect, she replied that she just wanted peace. And that was the only way to get it. After all, knowing the machines that the elected Smith, the system would immediately eliminate him and the machines won this war.

But by convincing everyone that it was Neo, she allowed Smith to change the very fabric of reality in the Matrix so much that it gave him the ability to upload his code through Neo's port into the program's source code, which reset the Matrix and
ended the war.

And it was the lies of the Pythia that managed to bypass the system, forcing its subroutine to gain power and rebel against it, arranging a real revolution.

Yes, Smith is a real hero who saved humanity, remaining for all the most notorious villain for more than 15 years. Up to this point.

Such are the cases, but do not forget that this is just a theory that I found on the vastness of the global network.

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