Home Beneficial properties of fruits What awaits in November of the year of Scorpios. Love horoscope for the Scorpio sign for November. Love horoscope: men and women

What awaits in November of the year of Scorpios. Love horoscope for the Scorpio sign for November. Love horoscope: men and women

Scorpios in November will be very susceptible to the influence of negativity and negative emotions. The stars recommend that they not forget about their own pleasure and periodically give themselves “shake-ups” of positive emotions.

The first half of November will bring Scorpios a lot of small troubles and troubles, which will unbalance them with their large number. Distracting representatives of this sign from solving large-scale problems can threaten a big scandal that will arise out of nowhere.

The emotional side of Scorpio will be heavily loaded during this period, and in order not to lash out at loved ones over nonsense, the stars recommend thinking about taking a vacation. Rest here is no longer seen as a physical component, lying down and doing nothing, but as an emotional one - remembering that life is beautiful and you can enjoy it. What exactly can bring joy and pleasure to Scorpios is up to them to decide.

It is strongly recommended that representatives of the sign take care of their health in November before the onset of frost and cold weather. Most of the representatives of this sign have severely depleted their immunity due to their workload. This situation needs to be corrected urgently. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling ill for a long time due to a common cold.

Scorpio Woman: Horoscope for November 2020

It is very important for Scorpio women to put their mood in order. To do this, you can take advantage of the day off and go to an amusement park, alone. It would be relevant to visit a beauty salon with relaxing treatments in the form of a sauna, relaxing massage or mud wraps.

Satisfying your little weaknesses will ideally help restore your depleted emotional fund, improve your mood and remind you that you are still a woman and not a workhorse. A positive outlook on things will help you cope much faster with the tasks that have been thrown at you.

People around you will still be surprised how you manage to do everything. Pamper yourself more often with pleasant little things in the form of chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream or a brand new manicure. Aggression, lack of sleep and mental stress will only negatively affect the results of your work and spoil the opinion of people around you. The main thing is, during moments of rest, to completely disconnect your thoughts from work and problems that still have to be solved.

Also, representatives of the sign should be prepared; dramatic changes will begin to occur in their lives this month. Those who are afraid of this can already start preparing themselves. Slowing down in making important decisions and fear of change will only ruin your life in the future. All changes that will occur during this period will only be beneficial, even if from the beginning this benefit will not be visible.

Scorpio Man: Horoscope for November 2020

Representatives of the sign will have several chances to take good risks in November. Whether they decide to take such actions or not is up to them to decide. The possible benefits from such actions will be very attractive, but there is no option to calculate everything down to the smallest detail. You will have to act at your own peril and risk. For representatives of the zodiac sign in November, the popular saying will be relevant: “he who does not take risks, does not drink champagne!” Your risks may well pay off even more than you expect.

The stars warn that all events that will take place in the second half of the month will no longer be subject to the influence of Scorpio men. This means that during this period they are only required to observe the development of situations and predict their further turns. They will not be able to influence or do anything about what will happen around them and in the family. Accordingly, they should under no circumstances worry or be nervous about this. You just need to let go of situations and accept them as they are.

Jupiter is strengthening in the sign of Scorpio, which means that in November 2017 the time of Scorpio has come. Try to spend it with maximum benefit for yourself and for those around you.
According to the horoscope for November 2017, Scorpio will feel like the center of everyone’s attention, and therefore will develop great self-esteem. You will want to impress others by demonstrating great inner strength and powerful personal appeal.
The time has come when most Scorpios celebrate their birthday! With which I congratulate you all and hasten to please you with the news that a truly happy year has come for many of you! It will be full of changes for the better and will help make your cherished desires come true. And this is great news! Therefore, even if now everything doesn’t look like this at all, don’t worry, believe in yourself and in your success. Act and don’t doubt, because faith, hope and love are the three pillars on which a person’s happy and harmonious inner life rests. This year you need to focus your efforts on establishing internal balance. If you are balanced, in peace and harmony with yourself, and do not engage in self-criticism and self-destruction, then you will be able to handle any external obstacles and problems.
So, now is the time to move forward and abandon the ineffective past. This is also a time of new beginnings or continuation of intensive work on previously started projects and intended goals. The whole sky is for you now, so feel free to follow your dreams!
In November 2017, there will be a tendency to impose your worldview on other people. Scorpio will control the social circle, trying to benefit from their contacts. Hiding your true intentions, you will begin to weave intrigues or make efforts to obtain information that interests you, so that you can later use it to your advantage. You may become involved in secret societies or dubious social movements, which will lead to the achievement of purely personal goals.
A position subordinate to any life situation will cause Scorpio severe discomfort. Secret desires will cause strong excitement and inner dissatisfaction, affecting the innermost corners of your soul.

Favorable days in November 2017: 7, 9, 12, 21, 22.
Unfavorable days in November 2017: 2, 4, 10, 17, 28.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio - Love, family
According to the horoscope for November 2017, Scorpio in love can be attracted to everything forbidden and mysterious, capable of awakening the imagination. The need to experience thrills or to experience strong feelings will awaken an interest in intense emotional life. The tendency to indulge your desires will be reflected in the relationship in marriage, since you may not care much about the feelings of the people around you.
In November 2017, Scorpio may begin a new romance, passionate and long-lasting. For many, it will lead to legal or civil marriage. Will there be any friction along the way? Probably yes. For you, each new romance begins with the belief that you are an ideal couple, but very quickly the understanding comes that you have little in common. For you, love is more important than conventions, but your loved one thinks differently. All this will give rise to friction, but they will not be able to destroy love, but will only add urgency to your feelings.
In November 2017, against the background of your increased external activity, Scorpio’s sexual activity will also increase, especially in Scorpio men. And this is wonderful, because a healthy and regular intimate life with a loved one is the key to motivation for success and prosperity. Not to mention how important this is for your sign.
If you have not yet met the man or woman of your dreams, then it is better not to suppress the surging flow of energy, but to try to channel this power into a constructive, perhaps creative direction. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, the likelihood that this will happen in the very near future is very high.
In November 2017, the love of pleasure or the search for an ideal partner can create problems in a romantic relationship, because the chosen one will be far from your ideal. You may get confused in sensations or fantasies, wishful thinking. The need for pleasure and social life will weaken your sense of reality, and you will be ready to go on adventures. Perhaps there will be a desire to assert oneself through control over people from one’s close social circle.
Family people will find a common language with children, whose affairs are going quite well.
Relations with relatives are stabilizing, and in one case we are talking about ending a long-standing quarrel, and in the other, about improving the situation into which your relatives accidentally found themselves.

Scorpio Horoscope for November 2017 - Health
According to the Scorpio horoscope for November 2017, Jupiter will not bypass this important aspect of your life. It gives you strength, energy, and with their help you can really move mountains.
In November 2017, pay your attention to the genital area. If you have a sedentary job, try to get up every 40 minutes and do a light warm-up and squats. This is necessary to ensure that blood does not stagnate in the pelvis and that inflammatory processes do not occur. It would not be amiss to remind you of the importance of protection during intimate contacts, especially if at the moment you do not have a permanent partner.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio - Money, finance
Scorpio's financial positions will also stabilize in November 2017; somewhere in the middle of the month, a quite decent amount will be credited to your account. This could be payment for work done or repayment of an old debt.
There are few expenses, and for the most part they are related to personal life.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio - Work, business
According to the Scorpio horoscope for November 2017, your career is beginning to gain momentum, which means that you will get a promotion in your old place or a new promising position. The stars are inclined towards the second option, but do not exclude the first. In any case, there will be more work, and with it much more responsibility. But you will be able to bask in the spotlight, and those who criticized you in the recent past will have to shut up.
In a word, there will be many pleasant moments and most importantly - not only in November, but for a long time - the whole year! This is exactly how long Jupiter will be in your sign. So work hard, roll up your sleeves, there are not many such opportunities in life. This advice is equally relevant for employees and free entrepreneurs.
Communications with colleagues from other cities or countries enter a very interesting phase when, instead of an uneven road with potholes and potholes, a flat, smooth, fast highway suddenly opens in front of you.
In November 2017, it was a good time for Scorpio to expand his business and take it to a new level. Even if the economic situation in the country says otherwise, you can find a way to increase your income level - at a time when others are tightening their belts and saving on the essentials. Only this method must be legal, otherwise there is a high probability of failure. Now it’s good to enlist the support of influential people, lawyers, as well as recognized experts, create an environment around yourself that will develop you, learn from the best.
If we talk about other opportunities, then to increase your value in the market as a professional, it is recommended to start learning a foreign language or take advanced training courses.
In the second half of November 2017, Scorpio will not be able to implement some of his plans due to forced restrictions on actions and lack of sufficient funding. Don't take this as bad luck. An objective set of circumstances will create obstacles for you, allowing you to think about everything again before making a final decision and try to change something. A good time for people who are creative, prone to contemplation, who love art or have an artistic gift.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

For those born in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, the third autumn month can be fateful in the truest sense of the word. November 2017 will provide you with a strong patron - Saturn, and the “lord of the rivers of time” will be helped by the Moon, although in its usual position it is quite aggressive towards your sign or, at least, neutral. This means that in most critical situations, circumstances will surprise you, unexpectedly developing in your favor. This does not mean that it makes sense to rely on third-party factors without paying due attention to your own preparation. On the contrary, a clearer and more consistent elaboration of positions will make it possible to achieve results that exceed even your own expectations. This especially applies to those Scorpios who do not work for themselves. On the other hand, now almost all life directions will turn out to be promising, and this is unlikely to surprise you, because it is obvious that you did a good job at the previous stage of life. If this is not the case, the end of the autumn season is unlikely to be problematic for you; the finale will simply not be as effective. In addition, you should not rely on naked reason; now it is better to trust your intuition, because Mars can provoke you and push you to biased conclusions.

If we dwell in more detail on the work area, we must say that in November 2017 the sphere of finance and income will be successful for Scorpio, but not necessarily as dynamic as you might have imagined. In other words, be prepared for the fact that some processes will be protracted. There is nothing wrong with this, you will just need to adapt quickly enough, focusing on new factors. This is unlikely to apply to your entire business. That is, it is unlikely that any fundamental conditions will change, but, for example, one of the business partners may refuse to cooperate or, on the contrary, “invest” in the business with much greater zeal than you expected. Any of the options will not harm you, but will force you to regroup your forces. If you are self-employed, try to fulfill your responsibilities as best as possible, because there is a high probability that now you will be able to lay a high-quality basis in order to get a new position in the future. In reality, such a situation is unlikely to be a revelation for you, and if it is, then you made a mistake somewhere. Correct yourself quickly, and success will not be long in coming. Now inaction or negligent attitude towards work will be disastrous. Such actions will strengthen the position of unfavorably disposed Mars, and then luck may turn away from you.

In terms of the sphere of personal relationships, emotions and experiences, November 2017 will be more dynamic for Scorpio. In the first ten days of the month, families will have to resolve several simple disputes and, as a result, come to important life-affirming conclusions. Lonely Scorpios at this time may meet a person or even people who will change their lives forever. In the second ten days, it makes sense to take a closer look at yourself so as not to miss any important personal changes. Under no circumstances refuse to help your loved ones, but try to act alone. Although it is also not worth bringing the situation to the point of fanaticism, in a clearly losing situation, help will not hurt anyone, especially if it is sincere help. In general, the end of the month will please you, and most importantly, teach you something useful. So don’t let your guard down and don’t rush forward headlong, otherwise Mars will trip you up. You will, of course, rise, but you will miss time, which, as we know, is too valuable to waste.

Attention! Thanks to the November 2017 horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Scorpio sign: Personal horoscopes for the Scorpio sign:

  • Favorable days for Scorpios in November 2017: November 2, 6, 10, 16, 21, 28, 30.
  • Difficult days for Scorpios in November 2017: November 3, 18, 26.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio woman

Love horoscope

November 1 - November 10. The influence of Mars is activated. For your love relationship, this means that you will continue to strive for meetings and dates, and your loved one will begin to avoid you. Suspicious Scorpios may immediately have doubts - what if he has someone else? Or has he fallen out of love and doesn’t know how to say it? Don’t rush to follow your fears, everything is not as terrible as you think.

November 11 - November 20. You and your loved one will want to devote most of the time to walking together, talking alone, visiting interesting places, parks, museums. During this period, you will be able to learn a lot of new things about your partner, he will reveal himself in an unexpected way, and will become closer and dearer to you.

November 21 - November 30. There will be a lot of passion in your relationship with your loved one. Intimate life promises to become very bright and varied, but everything will depend on you - encourage your partner more often, now your man may not be very confident in himself. You may have met better lovers before, but if you value this person, just keep quiet.

Romantic date. At the beginning of the period, you will happily spend time in a close circle, at parties - this is where a romantic meeting and acquaintance are most likely. If

You are now looking for a couple, there is a great chance of finding your chosen one in the company of friends.

Family horoscope

At the beginning of November, disagreements with relatives caused by financial problems are likely. Later, the severity of the conflict will decrease. Most likely, you will make certain concessions and agree with your family that the money should be spent according to their recommendations. And this is very wise.

The secret of happiness. Show more restraint when communicating with your family. You should not involve friends in solving family problems - their advice can only harm and worsen relationships with family.

Holiday horoscope

In the first half of the period, it is good to go somewhere with friends. Such a vacation will help you take your mind off pressing problems and bring new love into your life. In the second half of the period, it is better to relax at home, with your family, without crowds of people and crowded gatherings.

Place of power. Everything that is connected with your school and student years will bring back a lot of pleasant memories for you. You can visit your institute, go to the places where you were as a student, where you vacationed when you were studying. You will feel younger and more attractive.

Horoscope of work and money

You may increase your income slightly in the second half of the period, but this will most likely be due to gifts that will be given to you on your birthday. It is wise not to spend this money right away, but to put it aside for a rainy day or use it to pay off the most urgent debts. In your work you will show yourself brightly and creatively.

Purchase of the month. Expenses related to your active life - trips, parties, dates - are likely. There is a danger of allowing yourself extra expenses and ending up broke in the middle of the month.

Horoscope health

In the first half of the month, you will experience a surge in energy and peak activity. It is unlikely that any diseases will be able to break through your powerful immunity. In the second half of the period, various difficulties are possible, however, with due attention, all illnesses will pass you by quickly enough.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Scorpio men

Love. In the first half of the period, you will see an active, passionate, sociable Scorpio. He will be happy to invite you to visit his friends, he will be cheerful, witty, and may even make you a little jealous, as he will begin to enjoy success with your friends and his female friends. However, you will also seem attractive and sweet to his friends, so mutual jealousy is very likely. But everything will happen in a playful manner and will not harm your relationship.

Tone. In the first half of the period, your beloved Scorpio can show high class in any sport if there is a competitive element in it.

Finance. Unfortunately, your chosen one is facing a rather long financial crisis. If you don’t want to quarrel with him, you shouldn’t start conversations on this topic yourself. If he himself talks about his problems, support him morally. Believe in his future success.

Hobbies. A good hobby for your partner would be a real or online game with friends. You can also take part in this, but under no circumstances should you win against him - he is now very proud and passionate.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio child

0-6 years. The Scorpio baby will be cocky and can bring those weaker than him to tears. Therefore, encourage your child to communicate with equally active children. And teach him to listen to the opinions of others, then he will become a popular child with whom everyone wants to be friends.

7-12 years old. Little Scorpios will be actively involved in the social life of the school in the first half of the month. Your child can take part in a play, organize a trip to the theater or sports complex with friends. The main thing is that everyone goes together and in a large crowd.

13-17 years old. Scorpio teenagers will be willing to help their friends. However, later it turns out that your child is trying for a reason, but for the sake of a cute friend or girlfriend - but he is so secretive in personal affairs that he cannot tell you everything right away. Be careful.

Read the November 2017 horoscope for other zodiac signs:

The fateful nature of this November will be nothing more than a natural consequence of the main planetary alignment. Three powerful planets will intervene in the life of Scorpios in this period of time, and each of them will try to “pull the blanket” over itself (that is, to become the main creator of the fate of the representatives of your zodiac sign).

The first to actively intervene in your life is the Moon, which for some reason wants your usual way of life to become more emotional in November 2017 than in the past. It is not surprising that the “night luminary” will make you immerse yourself in yourself, and then, when you understand your true emotions, will ask you to voice them to those closest to you. Simply put, in November, traits such as openness, increased emotionality and a tendency to seek constant approval for your actions will appear in your character.

The Moon will try to make emotions your main strong point, but Saturn will judge differently. This wise planet loves it when the inhabitants of planet Earth set a strict plan for themselves, and then actively put it into practice. Saturn will call you to do the same. Already in the first ten days of the month, you will set some grandiose goal for yourself and begin to systematically move towards it. Saturn, in turn, will do everything so that nothing overshadows your “star path”.

Saturn will have to protect you not only from “ground-based” adversities, but also from the negative influence of your main November antagonist. This will be Mars, which will begin to introduce into your character such traits as a tendency towards aggression, excessive impulsiveness and attempts to constantly force events. Saturn, of course, will help you extinguish the negativity coming from Mars, but in this struggle a lot also depends on you! Learn not to lose control of yourself during difficult periods of life and do not allow momentary impulses to triumph over the voice of your common sense.

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