Home Useful properties of fruits Can you get pregnant with endometriosis? Endometriosis and pregnancy - is it possible to save and give birth to a baby? Failure of the neuroendocrine system

Can you get pregnant with endometriosis? Endometriosis and pregnancy - is it possible to save and give birth to a baby? Failure of the neuroendocrine system

The ruling planet, the Moon, endowed all Cancers with certain similar features, which will be discussed in this article. The nature of Cancer men and women according to the horoscope is determined by the Moon, which makes the representatives of this sign very difficult to understand.

What is the character of Cancer according to the horoscope

Without exception, all Cancers have such a set of qualities as gullibility, gentleness and vulnerability. Sometimes it seems to others that representatives of this sign can be offended by almost anything, even a banal friendly joke.

In most cases, this is true: people born under the constellation of Cancer, by their nature, are not able to make fun of themselves, they are often proud and overly self-satisfied.

Representatives of this zodiac sign feel extremely uncomfortable outside their "hole" or "shell" - at home, room, or office. Often they severely limit their usual social circle, and reluctantly go beyond it.


It is highly variable. He is characterized by sensitivity and emotionality, as well as fidelity and housekeeping. Most of all she values ​​security and stability, likes to be confident in the future, although she often digs into the past and finds her mistakes there.

Cancer does not like to take risks and often experiences difficult emotional experiences. As a rule, he is quite benevolent, but due to the influence of the patron planet of the Moon, his character can become a little aggressive, then melancholy.

He has diplomacy, thanks to this he achieves his goals. It is important for him to feel the support of others, to be sure that they approve of his actions, otherwise he may behave recklessly, in this state it is extremely difficult to cooperate with him.


The character of Cancer is characterized by stubbornness - one of the significant shortcomings with which he should fight. Mostly he gives a meek and calm impression, but his thoughts and feelings are not so easy to unravel, this is not available to everyone, so for some he may remain a mystery.

They are the owners. They want the ones they love to be just for them. For Cancers, history and family tradition mean a lot, most often their consciousness is patriotic. They love order and cleanliness very much, they have a strong imagination, which manifests itself in their refined tastes.

It is possible to lead him only thanks to cunning, because he does not tolerate advice, he wants to decide everything on his own, as if he is confused by the thoughts of other people. He uses his art of passive resistance if a person is unpleasant to him. He is not very friendly with responsibility, but he will always perform important work reliably and successfully.

Like any sign of the zodiac, Cancer does not consider its character to be typical, perhaps this is true, but certain features in it, which the sign of the zodiac predetermines, must be present in any case. And to see it, sometimes you just need to look more carefully.


People born under this constellation are characterized by the use of introspection, the desire for inner perfection. They have a very delicate spiritual life, which is often subject to change. This sign is the most vulnerable, it is easy to offend them, although outwardly this may not be shown.

Therefore, as a protective tool against this and deep emotionality, they build a strong personality out of themselves, but internally they are very weak. They love everything new, travel, change, moving, gifts, acquaintances, they are quite restless, but at the same time they are attached to loved ones.

The character of men - Cancers

Indefatigable vanity and a constant desire for dominance basically form the character of Cancer - a man. Representatives of the opposite sex, as a rule, do not occupy high positions in his life, and, often, cannot even count on banal respect.

That is why freedom-loving and strong women are not recommended to associate themselves with Cancer: the rupture of such ties is simply inevitable.

Cancers - men get along well only with the ever-doubting, intimidated Pisces or Scorpions, thanks to which they can realize their crazy sexual fantasies.

The nature of Cancer women

Cancer women do not like to show their feelings in public, considering this a kind of surrender to a man. The desire to manage and control everything, often struggles in her with the desire to completely surrender to the power of her sexual partner.

The fair sex, born under the sign of Cancer, behave selfishly during sex, seek to satisfy only themselves, and usually they succeed with ease.

Women - Cancers are rarely happy in marriage: having felt the slightest weakness in the behavior of a partner, they begin to shamelessly use it for their own selfish purposes. Representatives of this sign become submissive and pliable only in the society of Aquarius and Aries, but, due to the complete discrepancy between the characters of the partners, such relationships rarely last long.

Vika Dee

The characteristic of Cancers according to the sign of the zodiac gives a description of the nature of a complex and ambiguous, which is under the strong influence of the Moon. Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable, so they rarely open their souls to anyone. They have an incredibly developed intuition, and Cancer men are known as the best experts on the female soul. A lively imagination, a rich fantasy attract them to everything unknown and mysterious, they often gravitate towards mysticism and the occult.

Cancers are characterized by sudden mood swings, which means a quick transition from joy to depression and, conversely, from gloomy isolation to quite friendly communication.

They are extremely sensitive to criticism and can withdraw into themselves if some remark hurts them.

Cancers need to constantly feel from their family and partners that they are loved and appreciated, they need not only care, but also affection, although they themselves can remain quite secretive and not let even relatives and friends get too close to them.

Cancer is inherently an introvert, but sometimes he is able to impress with his passion, determination and perseverance in solving the tasks facing him, which no one expected from such a phlegmatic and defenseless at first glance person.

Secretive and uncommunicative Cancer

Cancers are adherents of family values, wonderful husbands and fathers, wives and mothers. They are very attached to their parents, especially Cancer men, so their wives absolutely need to get along with their mothers-in-law. The facts show that Cancer is a homebody by nature, loves home comfort and good food, prefers a wife who will pay more attention to the house, and not to her career.

Cancer does not tolerate scandals at all and noisy fights. For him, the main priorities in the family are harmony, mutual respect and understanding, affection and care of the second half.

Cancers are very thrifty, because money for them is the personification of material stability and security.

Birth dates of people whose sign is Cancer

People born under the constellation Cancer celebrate their birthday between June 22 and July 22 during the summer months. Sometimes, however, quite rarely, you can find a different dating: the period of Cancer also begins, but ends not on July 22, but on July 23.

Cancer is the summer sign of the zodiac

What element is Cancer?

The element of Cancer is water, and the water is calm, so for them it is preferable not to the turbulent currents of life, but rather a stagnant pond. The element of Water makes people born under the sign of Cancer a little mysterious, but at the same time affectionate and soft. Cancers are immersed in their inner life dreamy and romantic.

But in still waters, as you know, there are devils, and Cancers are no exception.

Under their outward calm lies an emotional, ardent and excitable nature, endowed with amazing sensitivity. These phlegmatic sometimes capable of an incredible explosion of emotions, although they usually appear as unflappable contemplatives.

Cancer compatibility with other zodiac signs in love, sex and marriage

Cancer is considered the most sensitive and emotional of all the signs of the Zodiac, and the female soul is understood deeper than other signs. Love for him is impossible without deep mutual understanding, tenderness and support, but if he meets his soul mate, he will show maximum attention and tenderness and give himself completely and completely to her.

It is not easy to win the love of Cancer, and especially to make him confess it.

Cancer is very vulnerable. and is not inclined to open his soul, but if this can be achieved, then he amazes with his emotionality, depth and desire for understanding.

Despite his romanticism, Cancer selects a spouse very demandingly, because he is committed to family values ​​​​and wants the family to become for him not only a cozy home, but also a safe haven, where he is understood, appreciated, loved and never hurt his sensitive soul.

Romantic Cancer man

Cancer men usually get married quite late., but become wonderful spouses and fathers. - excellent housewives and, moreover, do not pretend to be the leader in the family, which is so important for many signs. Cancer needs a strong, strong-willed life partner, able to share all the good and bad that will meet on the path of life, to help and protect in difficult situations. For him, home comfort and financial stability are very important.

The most suitable relationships for marriage with Cancers can develop with Pisces and Scorpios, as well as representatives of their own sign, and for Cancer women in adulthood, Taurus and Virgo will become the best partners. Thus, the best spouses for them will be those who suit Cancers in love. .

Cancer is responsible for choosing a life partner

Cancer has the best sexual compatibility with these same signs, because they are able to give him what he needs so much - emotional intimacy and trust.

For Cancers, sex is not just somersaulting in bed, it is always accompanied by strong emotions.

The Cancer Woman may be a bit shy at first, but a sensitive partner will help her loosen up. Cancer needs tenderness and is able to give it himself, and it is possible to achieve complete sexual harmony only under this condition.

Possible partners Cancer
Aries Compatibility 43%

Aries has a too domineering nature for the relationship to reach marriage, the maximum is romantic relationships and passionate dates.

Taurus Compatibility 76%

This couple will make good friends, but a successful union is also possible if they make every effort for this. True, Cancer will have to be responsible for everything related to the family: financial security, children, etc.

Twins Compatibility 40%

The signs are completely opposite in relation to life, and they will not have a successful union either in love or in marriage.

Cancer Compatibility 33%

Their relationship will not stand the test of time, as they are too similar and require the same from the partner - attention, care, support and cannot receive them in full.

a lion Compatibility 28%

They do not suit each other either in temperament or in life aspirations, and although it is interesting for them to communicate, the marriage will not be strong.

scales Compatibility 19%

Although they are interested in each other, too different characters and temperaments will not become the basis of true intimacy and harmonious marriage.

Capricorn Compatibility 23%

Despite the strong physical attraction, they differ too much in interests and needs to form a stable union.

Scorpion Compatibility 74%

In this union, Cancer will have to give more than receive, as the partner needs constant support. But they are very attracted to each other, so there are chances for a strong union.

Aquarius Compatibility 40%

The unpredictability of Aquarius and the vulnerability of Cancer will not allow them to create a harmonious union.

Fishes Compatibility 86%

Both are signs of Water, they understand well, complement and support each other, they are not capable of long-term conflicts.

Virgo Compatibility 82%

Well complement each other in many ways, take care of the partner and understand him. A harmonious union is quite real.

Sagittarius Compatibility 51%

They attract each other with their opposites, but have little in common, since their goals and desires in love and life are different, so there are no grounds for a strong union.

Cancer children: what names suit them?

Many parents are not responsible enough about how to choose a name for a child, but in some unknown way it can influence the formation of his character, and therefore his future. That's why it is worth listening to the recommendations of astrologers choosing a name for the child.

Parents whose children were born under the sign of Cancer have a fairly wide choice, and here are not only familiar, but also old, and even rather exotic names for us.

The Cancer Boy can be named Andrei, Arseny, Valentin, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Denis, Dmitry, Zakhar, Ilya, Lev, Roman, Semyon, Stanislav, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor, Felix, Edward, Eldar. To this list one can add such ancient names as Demyan, Emelyan, Illarion, Mstislav - harmonious, but for some reason obsolete.

The name of the child determines his fate

A Cancer girl can be called Julia / Uliana (it is considered the best choice for her), as well as Elena, Lilia, Liliana, Lola, Olesya, Yana, Zhanna. This list can be supplemented with the following names: Anna, Alina, Anita, Valentina, Diana, Dina, Elizabeth, Zoya, Lydia, Olga, Polina, Sofia, Faina. And here are some more interesting, albeit less popular names for the Cancer girl: Juliet, Juliana, Bogdana, Vasilisa, Louise, Melania, Milan, Milena, Stanislav, Christina.

What is the best job for a Cancer?

Cancer Natural Giftedness gives him the opportunity to succeed in many activities, except, perhaps, those related to technology. Their rich imagination and emotionality, subtle intuition and ability to understand people make them good psychologists, advertisers, lawyers, designers, bankers and even politicians, as well as people of art and science, especially in the field of history.

Cancer can also achieve considerable success in business, because behind his image of a not too assertive, and sometimes defenseless person, it is difficult to see a far-sighted businessman who calculates everything to the smallest detail. The field of activity of Cancers is very wide: they are promised success in floriculture and horticulture, veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, medicine and pharmacology.

Cancerians are conscientious and responsible in their work, but they will not always strive for career heights if this requires less attention to the family

Cancer is a very good family man, a father who loves home comfort, and he will not sacrifice his family in order to move up the career ladder. These are Cancer men.

Cancer women also do not have special career ambitions, the family comes first for them. Their natural caring makes them excellent workers in the field of medicine, preschool and school education, social security; they often work in hotels and restaurants.

The ideal profession for a Cancer girl

Cancer symbol: what does it mean?

The Cancer symbol is a schematic representation of the zodiac.

And since the symbol of the sign is a crab, this symbol is often interpreted as two crab claws, which are always ready to grab something and, as experience with crabs shows, can no longer be released. Sometimes this symbol is seen combination of feminine and masculine- yin and yang.

Which tree and flower correspond to the sign of Cancer?

Cancer has several trees and flowers that match this sign. Among the trees are birch, apple, fir and elm, and the flowers are represented by lily, violet, forget-me-not and water lily.

Blooming apple tree for Cancer - a source of energy and vitality

What colors correspond to Cancer?

Cancers have a wonderful color scheme: silver, white, light blue, blue, lavender, light green.

Metal and stones for Cancers

Metal for Cancers, closely associated with the Moon - silver, lunar metal, and among the stones for them takes pride of place Moonstone. In addition, pearls, opal, emerald, rock crystal and onyx correspond to the sign.

A rock crystal souvenir will be a great gift for Cancer

May 8, 2018, 23:07 12 Dec
  • Planet patron: moon
  • Element: water
  • Mascot: clover, heart
  • Color: White
  • Chinese horoscope sign: goat
  • lucky day: Thursday
  • Difficult day: Saturday
  • Lucky number: two (2)

Zodiac sign Cancer: stones, talismans and colors

  • steward- Moon, in Exaltation - Jupiter and Neptune, in the fall - Mars, in exile - Saturn.
  • Motto:"I feel". "Extension".
  • Brief Description of Cancer: lunar, negative, feminine, cardinal, prolific, mobile, secretive, sinuous, water sign. Governs in the world people, women, crowds, society, meetings, public places and monuments, the sea, water courses, time and its cycles, crops.
  • Personality passive, expectant, abstract-thinking, creative, sensitive, faithful, homely.
  • Temperament- emotional-phlegmatic, sympathetic.
  • Soul and mind with a predominance of the energy of the moon (reflection, guardianship).
  • Spirit and Mind with the predominance of the energy of Neptune and Jupiter (ideology, faith, sociality).
  • The basis of the worldview- Spiritualism (search for the Divine).
  • In Esoteric Christianity Cancer corresponds to the apostle Andrew.
  • The stage of the alchemical process personified by Cancer, - dissolution.
  • Colors: white, light blue, blue, silver, polka dot green (grey is unfortunate).
  • Metal: silver.
  • Plants: water lilies, honeysuckle, white poppy, jasmine, willow, cucumber.
  • Mascot: clover, heart.
  • Lucky numbers: 2 and all numbers divisible by 2 and 5.
  • Lucky days: Monday Thursday. Bad days: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Common diseases: disorders (lesions) of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, rheumatism.
  • Cancer Stones: emerald, chalcedony, all white opaque stones. Stones of the zodiac sign opposite to Cancer (Capricorn stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: onyx, chrysoprase, all black stones.
  • The happiest talisman for Cancer in May, June and July there will be an emerald.

Cancer: description of the zodiac sign, full characteristics

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

The Moon, the ruling planet of Cancer, changes phases four times during its cycle (about 30 days), and makes its subordinates very emotional, easily moody, sensual people. The characteristic of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that when they are in a good mood with favorable phases of the moon, they look like a lovely fairy-tale child, but with unfavorable aspects, they are a little beast.

As a rule, because of such mood swings, Cancers are very shy and fear rejection more than all the other Signs combined. The description of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that they are ambitious in much the same way as Capricorns - their opposite. Lest you mistakenly think this Sign is weak and indecisive, note that the United States was formed in July - in the sign of Cancer.

Strengths- craving for creativity, caring, prudence, tenderness

Weak sides- irritability, resentment, vindictiveness, intransigence

Cancer governs the stomach and the nutrition system, but during nervous tension, Cancer eats poorly, and food can be poison for him.

The description of the horoscope of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that despite the fact that Cancers love their home very much, they like to travel. They especially love sea travel. The characteristic of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that they often yearn for the past, for childhood. If a Cancer is enraged (this is difficult to do, and it happens quite rarely), he often acts violently. The Moon governs all fluids, and Cancer should not overindulge in alcoholic beverages.

Positive, developed types of Cancers can be devoted, and many of them are on the list of patriots of our country.

The description of the horoscope of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that they are not as simple as they want to seem, they crave power, but power is not explicit, but hidden, secret, through magic, witchcraft. In their subconscious, they are immersed in the inner world, in the past, they are looking for a meeting with themselves, only more highly spiritual, a meeting with their destiny: this is their path of evolution.

Best video on the topic: characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Money, career and the best professions for Cancer

Unlike Capricorn, their path to success is roundabout, the same as that of their symbol, Cancer. Therefore, it is difficult to say which professions are suitable for Cancer. They move slowly, inch by inch, towards what they want to possess, and then at the most unexpected moment they grab their prey and, just like Cancer, hold it tightly and will never let go.

Cancer is a sign that loves comfort. When studying what professions are suitable for Cancer, it is worth remembering that he rules the 4th House of the horoscope, so the house and various household items are very important to him.

The psychology of Cancer is such that he first acquires a base from which he can then act more safely. The horoscope of the profession says that Cancers are very suspicious and rarely show their inner self in business if they are not confident in themselves.

Thanks to protective instincts, in the profession, the zodiac sign Cancer, both a man and a woman, have the potential of a financial genius. Adherence to traditions is one of the main features of his character.

When studying which profession to choose for cancer, it is worth remembering that one of the features of the Sign is a rich imagination, as well as a very acute sensitivity, emotionality, and impressionability. The horoscope of professions for Cancer indicates that this sign often has conflicting tendencies, hence the variability of character, unstable moods and a wide variety of states of mind.

In general, considering the professions that suit Cancers, we can conclude that they are excellent businessmen and private entrepreneurs, for this they have all the prerequisites in character - the ability to save money and the desire for financial stability.

The best job for Cancer is the one that brings a good income, since Cancer cannot be poor and happy at the same time. Cancerians do not like to take risks and will prefer a stable source of income rather than a chance based on speculation.

Cancers in love and social relationships

The moon rules a woman, and Cancer women feel in their element, and men, regardless of whether they are courageous or not, have many of the character traits inherent in women. In communication and love, Cancer men are not as aggressive as people of other Signs, but they create an attractive facade that forces a woman to take the first step.

If you want to know the secrets of communicating with Cancer, then remember that this sign needs the sympathy of the people with whom he communicates, he does not tolerate harsh conversation or strong criticism, regardless of whether it is deserved or not.

Cancers in communication and love can also be romantic, but they can also make their inner vulnerable self as hard as a cancer shell. Therefore, the sign of the zodiac Cancer is the most inertial and closed, in fact, on its own life, its own problems, on its own person. In this obsession with loved ones, family, children, housing, Cancers draw strength for another life - intense dreams, flights of fancy, internal dialogues.

The energy of the zodiac sign Cancer is familiar to most pregnant women; for men, except for Cancers and Pisces, these states are practically inaccessible.

If men abuse alcohol or use hallucinogenic drugs, they fall into the state of Cancers, since Neptune, the god of the earthly and cosmic oceans, exalts in this sign, he controls the endocrine system of the body and narcotic substances.

The sun is in the zodiac sign Cancer between June 22 and July 22. This is a period of fruit ripening, intensive growth and development of nature. According to the laws of cosmic analogy in communication and love, the zodiac sign Cancer is endowed with a strong maternal instinct, a sense of nepotism, homeliness.

Symbol of the zodiac sign Cancer: what does the image of Cancer mean

The symbol of Cancer, two interpenetrating whirlwinds, two beginnings ♋ - male yang and female yin - united to create a new life. These are two energy spirals that neutralize each other and gain stability, the isolation of energies within themselves. Cancer symbolizes processes that take place in a hidden form, secretly from everyone. These are both intimate experiences and extrasensory abilities using the body, more like a tool than an instrument.

Esoterically, the symbol means, firstly, the attraction of the Cosmic soul into Earthly life, the struggle of the laws of the material world with the laws of cosmic evolution; secondly, the sign Cancer makes it possible to enter earthly life, into a new cycle, without losing the inner core, the memory of life in other spheres, other incarnations, other states.

The description of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that up to 7 years old, with the right upbringing and orientation, a child can remember his incarnations, past experience, and then the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. Thirdly, the symbol of Cancer is also the female breast, which means pregnancy and care for offspring, this is nutrition and upbringing. He points out the importance of proper nutrition, emotional and intellectual environment for a harmoniously developed person.

In the 15th degree of this Sign, Jupiter is exalted. The sun passes through this degree on July 6-7, on the night before Ivan Kupala, when, according to legend, a fern blooms, and a person who has such a flower acquires the gift of clairvoyance. This is a hint at psychic abilities, which in most people are really aggravated at this time, primarily in Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios.

The description of the horoscope of the zodiac sign Cancer indicates that the energies of Jupiter, the planet of happiness - the patron, teacher, initiating into the secrets of life - are also invisibly present these days. Together with the Sun, they bestow health and higher knowledge on those who are prepared.

Celebrity Cancers

1st dean's office

: Henry VIII.

: P. Lumumba.

Scientists: G. Leibniz, W. Messerschmitt.

Artists: A. Akhmatova, L. Pirandello, P. Rubens, J. Rousseau, J. Sand, E. Remarque, A. de Saint-Exupery.

2nd dean's office

State and political leaders: P. Pestel,

P. Nakhimov, Nicholas I, J. Caesar, D. Garibaldi, D. Chamberlain, K. Zetkin, J. Pompidou.

Public and religious figures: J. Calvin, T. Gyatso.

Scientists: P. Kapitsa, N. Tesla.

Artists: K. Makovsky, M. Pyatnitsky, P. Fedotov, V. Mukhina, A. Tairov, S. Lemeshev, S. Obraztsov, M. Proust, V. von Gluck, K. Pissarro, Zh. Cocteau, G. Mahler, M. Chagall, F. Kafka.

3rd deanery

State and political leaders: A. Gromyko, D. Mazarin.

Public and religious figures: Pimen, P. Neruda, N. Mandela.

Scientists: S. Utochkin, S. Colt, X. Lorenz, G. Mendel, R. Amundsen.

Artists: G. Derzhavin, Y. Zavadsky, V. Mayakovsky, N. Bessmertnova, E. Evtushenko, Rembrandt, F. Petrarch, W. Thackeray, C. Corot, E. Degas, A. Modigliani, I. Stone, E. Hemingway , W. Clyburn.

The zodiac sign Cancer is the fourth constellation of the zodiac. It belongs to the water element, and its ruling planet is the Moon, which endows Cancer with a special mystery. This article will tell you more about Cancer people.

Cancers for their environment are very complex, mysterious and often illogical natures. Although in appearance they look quite cold and aloof, they have a very subtle and vulnerable nature. It is difficult to find a representative of any other constellation who would take feelings and love experiences with the same seriousness.

Although Cancer is a fairly consistent and whole person, they often suffer from mood swings. Cancers are also the most sensitive people from the entire Zodiac, who have excellent intuition.

It is very difficult for such individuals to perceive criticism, they do not like publicity, and they are emotionally very vulnerable. Cancerians prefer to live in comfort, they prefer a refined environment, and they always strive for safety.

Description of the Cancer man

As a rule, the Cancer man exaggerates life's difficulties and spoils the impression of himself with his depression and negative attitude. At the same time, in relationships, as a rule, the Cancer man shows loyalty, devotion, and also tends to idealize the object of his love.

In turn, he dreams of boundless love and devotion, which is on the verge of unhealthy adoration. It is important for him to feel like a leader in a pair. But although such a man selfishly seeks to constantly dominate the relationship, he will very quickly lose interest in a girl who is not a person.

All about the girl of the zodiac sign Cancer

Such a representative of the fair sex often overestimates her past, worries about lost chances and past relationships. The extreme dreaminess of such a young lady helps her to constantly fantasize and visualize different developments in her life.

Although the Cancer girl is distinguished by a penchant for saving, she can become a desperate shopaholic if she is taken out of a state of spiritual harmony.

In love relationships, the Cancer girl is obsessive, desperate, unpredictable and out of control. Sensual pleasures are very important to her, but she is ashamed of them and outwardly shows feigned coldness. The habit of often hiding the real self under a mask, a kind of "shell" prevents Cancer girls from creating happy and harmonious relationships.

Such a person always strives for independence and independence. Due to her excitability, she often becomes rude and capricious, only a very patient and sacrificial man can endure it.

An overview of the compatibility of Cancer with other signs

Cancer is the only sign of the Zodiac that will find common language with all the zodiac constellations equally well.

The most suitable partners for him are Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.

Also, Taurus and Virgo can act as a second half.

If there are mutual compromises, then the Capricorn, Sagittarius and Leo partner will suit Cancer.

As for not very suitable partners, among them are Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

The main character traits of the zodiac sign Cancer

Subjectivity and intuition

Cancers are always guided not by someone else's opinion, but by their own observations and feelings. They have a well-developed intuition, which they actively use in life. Even more - from Cancer, if desired, an outstanding psychotherapist will turn out, as he can see through those around him and feel what others do not even suspect.


Cancer can get a lot of valuable information by diving deep into itself, so the company of other people is not so important for it. The most important goal of Cancer is to direct their sensitivity in the most productive and enjoyable way. It is important that Cancer learn to use his sensitivity as a gift and use it to help others.


For the most part, Cancers are constantly experiencing internal anxiety on a large scale. They may become anxious over idle fantasies or random statements.

However, if there are no emotions in Cancer's life, he will feel half dead.

Great imagination and dreaminess

By nature, Cancers are more prone to daydreaming than to activity. It is much more pleasant for him to be in his dreams and the inner world than in the outer world. Although he does well in society when there is a need for it.

Patience and good memory

Cancer is a true example of patience. He is able to wait a very long time, using the expectation to gain trust, love or power.

Cancerians feel what is happening, slowly, with all the details, they will prefer to wait until the world comes to them before they take a step towards it.

In addition, Cancer has an amazing memory, he effortlessly recalls the details of his past. He does not need to go to a hypnotherapist in order to resurrect past events in his memory.

Desire to protect others

As mentioned above, Cancer is constantly worried for some reason. He will complain, grumble, court and seduce - all while wanting to take care of his inner circle. Indeed, due to excitement and anxiety, Cancer feels its participation in the fate of others.

It is fear that provokes increased concern for their neighbors. Some Cancers are ready to literally "strangle" other people with their care.

Thinking about security. Materialism

Cancer is sure that the life of any person is improved with the help of delicious food and a pleasant family environment.

Such a person is accustomed to building long-term plans based mainly on material security. He will never be trapped by his own impulses and irresponsible whims. Cancer is very decisive, it constantly seems to him that a black streak is about to begin in life. In fact, he is inclined towards pessimism (or towards realism, depending on the point of view).

Cunning. propensity to manipulate

Crayfish weave their web imperceptibly, but with perseverance. Since this is a watermark, he prefers not to talk about something directly. Such a person is more comfortable acting not directly, but indirectly.

He can become a victim of other people's manipulations, as his temperament imposes a taboo on those topics that are uncomfortable for him. In turn, Cancer becomes successful often also thanks to manipulation. But such behavior can cost him dearly when it comes to the topic of love. No one wants to be an instrument of responsibility or take the blame for a situation.

thin skin

Someone else's criticism or aggression greatly hurts Cancer. He also dislikes being surrounded by those who lack social conscience or personal sensibility.

Such a person can be easily offended by a dismissive attitude. Moreover, he will hold a grudge for a long time and will remember it in the future. Cancer is distinguished by pettiness in the matter of insults, whatever they may be - real or imaginary. And since such a person is very subjective, he is inclined to take everything personally.

Longing for the past and sentimentality

Cancer always thinks about the past. He may feel a sense of regret that he was not born a little earlier. Which is why he gets angry. In addition, Cancers are very prone to sentimentality.

He has a personal magnetism and tenacity

Cancer is able to easily win the favor of others. It is also distinguished by extraordinary tenacity, perseverance, patience, stubbornness and intransigence. He always achieves his goals, if not now, then in the future. This is not the kind of person who can part with his dreams.

Low self-worth

Cancer tends to doubt their own abilities and criticize others. His main problem is taking everything personally and feeling like a victim of this world.

Cancer is not characterized by insincerity, he is able to mislead people, retreat, but at the same time take advantage of the opportunities that fall out. Since Cancer is attuned to people, even predicting events is easy for him, in this area he will have great success.

In addition, Cancer can become an excellent politician, as he knows how to correctly use human weaknesses. He absorbs negative emotions, replacing them with a healing balm, which makes it possible to perform various metamorphoses.


He enjoys managing someone else's fate and setting a common rhythm. For Cancers, it is very important that certain conditions develop for everything.

Such a person is very skillful in motivating people to carry out their commands and they are able to get out of their skin to fulfill his wishes. He does not retreat from his position in any way and does everything as it should.

Cancer must learn to eliminate double standards and give other people more freedom. He does not want others to own him, then why is he trying to take power over others?

Great sense of humor

Cancer is a delightful humorist with a great gift for comedian. He finds something fun in any situation, even insignificant at first glance.

This is the Cancer man. Now you know a lot about the representative of this zodiac sign, and the following video will tell you even more interesting information:

Among all the signs of the zodiac, Cancer is one of the most mysterious and controversial. It is not easy for him to live in the modern world with its heightened sensitivity. But if he lets another person approach him, he will be able to solve the riddles of a changeable, like water, nature, all his life.

general characteristics

The validity period of the sign begins on June 22. His dominance in the zodiac ends on July 22. Under the influence of the constellation Cancer are all those whose month and date of birth are in this period of time.

Cancer is a unity of male and female energy. On the one hand, this is a maternal essence, and on the other hand, it is aspiration for development and growth.

The symbol of the zodiac sign is crayfish claws. In life, this means the ability to grasp important things with them and hold them tenaciously. Good days for this sign are Thursday and Monday. Bad days are Tuesday and Saturday. Lucky numbers are 2, 4, 5, 8.

Key events in the fate of representatives of this sign fall on 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71 years of life.

Element, color and talismans

Cancer belongs to the water element. In his life, this means endless emotional restlessness and inconstancy, hidden under the water. Ruled by the Moon sign. It also brings a lot of rebelliousness into the life of a representative of a water sign and has a strong influence on character.

The talisman is the symbolic images of the heart, cancer and clover. Blue, turquoise, silver, green, pink and white colors are most suitable for Cancer.

Among the jewelry for these people, it is better to choose silver with calcite, emerald or pearls.

Personality Features

The description of the sign cannot be put into a couple of phrases. The Moon, which influences the character of Cancer, makes it soft and sensitive. This sign has excellent intuition, which protects against unwanted contacts with people who can inflict mental wounds on him. The representative of this sign "creeps away into a quiet backwater and hides in his shell" until the danger has passed.

Outsiders often do not understand these people. The rapid change in their mood is surprising and confusing. Out of the blue, Cancer gets frustrated. People around do not have time to realize the reasons for such a drastic change.

But in a difficult moment, there is no better vest for complaints, in which you can cry. Such a person will suggest a way out. At other times, he is quite capable of jokes and fun in a close company of like-minded people.

However, many Cancers are at least slightly aloof from those around them. In a large team, representatives of this zodiac often feel awkward, shy and feel awkward.

Cancer man sometimes looks weak, but in his character there is always a clear setting to achieve a specific goal. And once he gets what he wants, he will never give it back.

The secrecy of such a person makes him attached to the house. There are rarely strangers in this area. Here you can successfully keep all your secrets. The same closeness makes Cancer form around himself a narrow circle of truly close people - relatives and friends, whom he can completely trust or at least know exactly what to expect from each of them.


In relation to the opposite sex, such guys behave somewhat selfishly, which offends the girls who fall into the field of their attention. Cancer easily attracts and also easily breaks off relationships. Selfishness also manifests itself in sex. With women in bed, he often behaves unceremoniously. The best partner for him is a masochist.

The roughness and aloofness that manifests itself in him at times are the flip side of his vulnerability.

It takes a lot of time to get to know such a man. From the outside, such a person may seem like a gloomy, dissatisfied type, but if he is truly imbued with someone else, he is able to become gentle and caring, in relations with girls he will show all his hidden romance.

If Cancer falls into melancholy and melancholic mood, he needs to be supported and consoled.

This man's caution is off the charts. This goes well with his practical and reasonable attitude to life. Usually such men do not suffer from a lack of money, they enjoy their accumulation, although this cannot be called greed. Rather, here we can talk about the continuation of foresight and the desire to secure your tomorrow. In this sense, representatives of the water sign prefer to have money at hand, and not investments in something.

Finance is an area to which the Cancer man treats without humor. Even if he is quite wealthy, he is more likely to underestimate his "reserves" and seem completely poor. And even if he suddenly starts spending his hard-earned money to satisfy some of his interests, this will not turn into a habit.

Treats savings with particular dignity. He would rather buy one worthy thing than spend money on cheap stuff, which will have to look for a replacement very quickly.

In clothes, such men adhere to conservatism. It is difficult to see Cancer in sweatpants, but in a well-cut suit - easily. And it does not depend on how much money he has.

The man of this water sign is very attached to the parental home and his mother. No matter how the Cancer guy portrays himself as an independent and adult person, deep down he will look for in any woman the same ability as hers, to caress and welcome his inner child.


The Cancer woman is very sensitive. She finds salvation from the seething flow of not always favorable foreign emotions in her family. In a family circle with orders that she herself established, she will feel as calm as a small crustacean in a warm backwater, where predators will not reach and a cold wave will not invade.

This woman is distinguished by great sexual energy, although she does not show her desires to the representatives of the opposite sex. It often looks like an impregnable rock in this sense, because it does not want to show its weakness. To hide it, can behave quite rudely.

Changes in the mood of such a lady are sometimes perplexing. At one time it can be sad and depressed, and at another - tender and cheerful. Moreover, it will be very difficult to guess what caused both sadness and joy.

Like Cancer, a man, a woman who was born under this zodiac sign, knows how to save money, although she will not flaunt her material well-being. Her needs are usually modest, and she begins to spend what she honestly earns on something other than obligatory purchases, which no one can do without, only when she is seized by a lack of joy. Although the savings in this case will still greatly exceed its costs.

She even looks at gifts from a practical point of view. If a loved one presents her with a luxurious bouquet for the holiday, without any coquetry, she can say that it was not worth spending money at all, but she will sincerely appreciate a walk along the seashore or just under the moon.

Nature gives her great joy. This background allows her to relax, and her companion gets the opportunity to see the brightest side of the "crayfish nature."

Such a lady, like her fellow Cancer, cannot stand being criticized. She can't bear to be abandoned.

She does not reveal her secrets, unless out of youthful stupidity. Over the years, such women are more and more inclined to keep their innermost thoughts to themselves. It even seems to them that their judgments simply do not interest anyone, therefore they do not want to impose them on anyone around. Trust in another person should be simply immense in order to frankly tell him your feelings and thoughts.

The patience of this woman is amazing. Sometimes it is so great for her that it does not allow her to move forward and make decisions that could save her from burdensome circumstances. When an unfavorable time in life comes, she often simply does not know what to do or is unable to decide to cut all the knots that do not allow her to “breathe” calmly. A typical Cancer reaction is to barricade themselves in their "shell" and wait for everything to fall into place.

She puts an incredible amount of energy into her patience, and only when she reaches complete exhaustion of her strength and makes sure that it is impossible to sit out the circumstances, she decides to make some significant changes in her fate.

Such ladies are not averse to sometimes behave like little girls. They need to be pampered. But one should not take such behavior for impotence in front of life. If the defender washes his hands, the Cancer woman will find a way to take care of herself. At the same time, she is capable of true heroism when it comes to loved ones who need her participation. This will never leave in difficult times and may be the only support that will give hope for salvation from a hopeless situation.


Because of its hypersensitivity, Cancer is most vulnerable in everything related to its nervous system. Depression is not uncommon for him. He can't work long hours without a break. Even a minimal vacation makes it possible for this person to relax strained nerves. Sometimes Cancer simply physically needs to move away from everything in the world in order to emerge from the informational and emotional flow.

Water procedures will help to overcome troubles. Herbal treatment will also benefit him.

Heightened emotionality makes Cancer prone to infectious diseases, because due to stress, his immune system always comes under attack. On the skin, traces of inflammation do not disappear for a long time. Other weak points in the body are the gastrointestinal tract and everything under the chest.

These signs should be especially careful about fatty and spicy foods. The stomach responds negatively to the stresses that Cancer is prone to (an ulcer is a fairly common disease among representatives of this sign). For the gastrointestinal tract, in this case, dairy products and foods with a high content of iodine are more useful.

It has been noticed that the representatives of the water sign have difficult periods of menstruation, but they give birth easier than others. The consequences of abortion on such women are much stronger than on the fairer sex, born under other signs of the zodiac.

Cancers often suffer from low blood pressure. Subject to excessive fullness. They are badly affected by a long sleep on a full moon. It is necessary to look for solutions to problems not from doctors, but in the right attitudes and habits. From nutrition, adherence to a clear schedule of sleep and wakefulness, their well-being depends very much. If you follow simple rules of life, there will be no need to go to the clinic.

Representatives of this sign are relieved of health problems by their favorite work. Moreover, it is better for Cancers to choose one to which they will devote the entire working day. There will be less time and effort for extraneous thoughts and unnecessary emotions.


Finding your loved one and only person is very important for Cancer. The difficulty is that the chosen one of the representative of this zodiac will have to remind him again and again of the sincerity of his feelings for him.

Cancer can take a long time to sort out candidates for the role of wife or husband. If such a person meets, he will do everything in order to win his sympathy. For this sign, family is a serious matter. In it he will hide from the hostility of the outside world, he will establish his own special climate in it.

Women born under the sign of Cancer partly treat their husbands as children and watch how they dress, eat, manage their health. Such ladies try to give advice and direct a loved one on the true path, if they believe that there is a special need for this.

In public places in the company of a spouse they are rarely and try not to stand out too much against his background. The role of the head of the family is assumed only if the other half seeks to get rid of it.

The Cancer man is always afraid of making the wrong choice of his future wife. A mistake in this regard will be perceived extremely painfully, therefore it can take a long time to take a decisive step towards creating a family. But if the decision is made, then he will not retreat from it.

A woman who marries him will receive a wonderful father for her children. Cancer closely follows what is happening in their lives, is interested in success and invests a lot in the development of their offspring.

It is difficult for him to accept changes in attitude from his beloved children. The older they get, the more time they spend outside the home and the more they have interests that are not related to their parents. It is very difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that the kids have ceased to be babies and are no longer so attached to their father.

The most suitable match for Cancer would be the same sign, as well as Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus.

Two Cancers in one backwater may well get along, being open to each other and financially secure. Virgo and Cancer are able to provide each other with family happiness - both are "home", and will be able to work for the common good with equal perseverance.

For Scorpions and Cancers, compatibility is based on the same life values. Both seek to have children, buy or build a common house and secure material stability.

Pisces and Cancer quickly find a common language, since the emotionality of one and the other is high compared to mundane prudence. For Cancer, Pisces, with their ability to empathize and listen, is almost ideal as a husband or wife.

The marriage of Taurus and Cancer usually develops as a calm and measured existence. These people do not have disagreements in everyday affairs. Both are practical and economical.

Relations with Capricorn and Aquarius will not be easy. Unlike Cancers with their addiction to home and family, Capricorns are set to strive for prestige and a high social position. In addition, they do not take into account other people's interests, and this repels the water sign.

Aquarius is driven by logic and intelligence. To a representative of the water element, a representative of such a sign seems too cold. In the eyes of Aquarius, Cancer, in turn, appears to think too narrowly. But the water sign evaluates Aquarius as suffering from gigantomania and superficially relating to important details.

Compared to domestic Cancer, Aquarius is prone to change places. So these signs are opposite, rather than tend to complement each other.


In their youth, many Cancers often expect that life itself will choose a business for them to which they can devote themselves. If the family has already established a business, it is easier for Cancer to fit into it, doing what he has seen since childhood. Or, on the contrary, out of a sense of contradiction to parents or circumstances, this sign will prefer something opposite in terms of activity.

When choosing a profession, representatives of this zodiac sign need to take into account their tendency to monotonous work. Such a person surprises with his perseverance and perseverance on the chosen path. He is able to devote himself entirely to the chosen cause, as he knows how to concentrate on the main thing and analyze everything that is directly related to the problem.

He is not inclined to change jobs, as he is strongly attached to the usual, and does not like changes that carry potential dangers and inconveniences.

Such an employee may not show excellent success from the first days, but he knows how to find ways to simplify the task not only for himself, but also for other participants in the process. In the workplace, such people show themselves as responsible performers who are constantly improving in their profession. Over the years, they can be safely entrusted with the most complex tasks.

It is desirable that this specialist has the opportunity to work in a quiet, calm environment, surrounded by a small circle of colleagues with whom good psychological contact has been established. A good option for such signs is the activity "at a distance". Without being under the supervision of his superiors, this person is quite capable of independently building a work schedule and not being distracted by extraneous things during the working day.

Cancer refers to the type of people who are comfortable to ride. He can be content with a small salary, which clearly does not correspond to the results of his work. If necessary, he will unconditionally overwork and “enter into the position” of the authorities.

These people make great animal handlers. They have special feelings for them.

These are wonderful nannies and educators in kindergartens, as they love and know how to take care not only of their children, but are also able to find a common language with them and win sympathy.

They make excellent cooks. The kitchen is one of those places where Cancer feels at its best. Passion for the earth and beauty makes them good foresters and gardeners.

The ability to concentrate allows these people to master the specialty of a watchmaker or jeweler. In psychology and jurisprudence, Cancers are also able to reach great heights. In this they are helped by the ability to inspire trust and keep other people's secrets. They make good managers of bars, restaurants and shops.

Among the representatives of this sign, many strive for leadership positions, especially since they have all the makings for this. For all their exactingness, such people are able to maintain a friendly, benevolent form of communication with subordinates. They keep their own anxieties and fears to themselves during the entire working time, devoting themselves entirely to the worries that arise on the way to business goals.

The Cancer leader is always focused on the main thing, and requires the same attitude from his subordinates. If necessary, he will personally teach the subordinate to do the work as required. At the same time, he will approach the issue of training with all care and patience, achieving results in a short time. This leader always sees where difficulties can arise in such cases and prudently prevents them.

At the same time, the chief Cancer is able to keep the team in suspense, since frequent absences, smoke breaks and lateness do not go unnoticed by him. The work done somehow, even at a superficial glance, will be distinguished from the one done in accordance with his requirements.

He always notices other people's omissions and will not forget to remember them when the time comes, as well as with all justice to pay tribute to reliable workers.

For all its severity, Cancer boss is not a cracker. You can count on his understanding. Being in the chair of the head, he notices problems that are not expressed aloud, the mood in the team and among individual workers. If something really happened to people, he will do exactly what depends on him to resolve the issue.


  • Cancers are dependent on the Moon in the truest sense. If you set a goal, you can establish a connection between the ups and downs of their mood with the phases of the Earth's satellite. For representatives of this zodiac sign, it makes sense to rely on the "indications" of the lunar calendar.
  • The actions of this sign are aimed at protecting yourself and your loved ones. These people strive to do everything in such a way as to save themselves from suffering.
  • For Cancer, his past is of great importance. Such people carry nostalgia for their childhood throughout their lives. They are attached to old, long unnecessary things.
  • By nature, Cancers are one of the most generous people. They don't need a reason to gift their loved ones and friends. Old debts have nothing to do with it either. They just get great pleasure, bringing joy to someone.
  • Representatives of this water sign often give the impression of being weak and defenseless. But if you get them well, they will respond in such a way with a word that the provocateur of the conflict will not be glad that he has become attached to Cancer.
  • Representatives of this sign are not from the category of lucky ones. They are much more likely to earn big money than to win them, for example, on the run.
  • Being homebodies by nature, Cancers devote a lot of time to home improvement. The best place to live for them is a house on the banks of a river or sea, surrounded by forests.
  • The lack of sociability of the representative of this person at a particular moment is due to the fact that he does not feel happy. Being upset, these people are able to completely isolate themselves from their loved ones. No need to touch them at such times. When the time comes, they themselves will "crawl out of their backwater."
  • Cancerians do not accept those who do not care about anyone but themselves, and will not tolerate cheeky types next to them.
  • This sign never forgives evil and betrayal. He can even avenge the offense, and at the moment when he is no longer expected to answer. But more often than not, Cancer simply stops communicating and withdraws into itself.

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