Home Beneficial properties of fruits Bird feeders: instructions, photos and original ideas. Bird feeder: ideas, photos and master classes How to make a paper feeder

Bird feeders: instructions, photos and original ideas. Bird feeder: ideas, photos and master classes How to make a paper feeder

Birds living in the wild need protection and care. It is especially difficult for them during winter: when it is frosty outside, it is so difficult to find shelter and food.

That is why caring people try to feed our younger “brothers” as much as possible. One of the ways that will not only help birds, but also decorate your garden is a feeder made from scrap materials.

In this article we have collected several of the most affordable options - based on descriptions and photographs, using already unnecessary items (plastic bottles or old dishes), you can easily arrange a place where flocks of birds will gather.

Material selection

After assessing the resources you have to create a feeder, you can choose an idea you like. However, it is worth remembering that not only its appearance, but also practical characteristics such as stability depend on the configuration.

That is why a good feeder must meet the following requirements:

Wear resistance and durability. Preference should be given to wood or plastic, which can withstand weather conditions without getting wet from rain and snow, or collapsing under gusts of wind.

In addition, the birds themselves often cause damage to the feeder - in search of crumbs, their beaks and claws scratch and tear fragile materials.

Proper size. Remember that if you cut out a small feeder, for example, from tetrapack, then large birds will not be able to eat from it, and small ones will start fights for space and shake out the food on the ground.

No sharp edges, protruding nails, etc. Birds are very delicate creatures, their feather protection and the skin on their legs cannot prevent cuts from sharp objects, so make sure that your feeder is not dangerous for them, especially if it is made of glass, plastic or planks!

Location and installation

Choosing the right location is extremely important!

Having chosen the most suitable position from the point of view of landscape design, evaluate:

Accessibility for birds. Perhaps the feeder will be closed from them by thick branches, or, conversely, it will be too open, and then, in a strong wind, the birds simply will not be able to get close to it.

Difficulty for cats. These animals are excellent hunters, especially those who live in villages and holiday villages. They are stronger, faster and more dexterous than their domestic counterparts, and therefore, sneaking up to the feeder, they can cause great damage to the bird community.

Ideas for making your own feeder

There are a huge number of different types of feeders - it all depends on your imagination and available materials.

We will try to consider both the simplest and the most original ideas.

House made of wood or plywood

Despite the apparent complexity, such a structure can be assembled with unnecessary boards, pieces of wood, glazing beads, plywood and, of course, special glue or nails.


The base should be a heavy, flat board. To make the walls and roof, you may need a drawing, however, you can get by with an eye.

A wooden bird feeder, depending on how much attention you pay to it, can become not only a place for birds to feed, but also an elegant decoration for your garden.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

This type of feeder is very easy to make and is perfect if you decide to involve children in the creation process. You need to cut one or two holes in the bottle so that you can not only pour in the food, but also access it without difficulty.

Of course, you should try to ensure that the cut edges come out neat and not too sharp (in addition, it is advisable to cover them with tape).

If you are using a small bottle (1.5-2 liters), then you can do it in two ways: cut a square or rectangular hole in the bottle, or prefer a U-shape so that you can bend a piece of plastic and make a visor.

If you decide to use a large bottle (5-6 liters, in which drinking water is usually sold), you can make a large side cutout. This will not only provide more food, but also give the birds room to maneuver.


To prevent the wind from ruffling a light bottle, it is worth placing a stone or a piece of brick at the bottom. This also applies to the next type of feeder.

Bird feeder made of tetra pack

You can also use juice or wine boxes to make a bird feeder.

To do this, you should follow the same technology as in the previous case: mark the location of the cut, cut it in shape, glue tape (or adhesive tape) along the bottom side of the opening, then make holes for a strong rope in the upper part of the tetra pack. All that remains is to hang the feeder in the place you choose.

Shoe box feeder

The cardboard from which the shoebox is made cannot be considered a durable material, but it is quite resistant to moisture, and if it is frosty outside, such a feeder can hang until spring.

The technology for making the feeder, as in previous cases, is also very simple: make four to six holes for the rope, slits on the sides and put a weight on the bottom for stability.


Other options

The above options are extremely popular - such feeders can be found at any dacha. If you want to make a unique feeder with your own hands, you should take unusual materials, for example, old tableware: a cup and saucer.

In the autumn, you can cut out a product from a pumpkin or zucchini; in the winter, halves of an orange, peeled from the pulp, are suitable for this. These feeders will surprise your neighbors and will undoubtedly decorate your garden!

Photo of a DIY bird feeder

We present to your attention several options for interesting bird feeders made by. It turns out that a feeder can be easily made from ordinary plastic bottles, all kinds of boxes, wood - if you wish. This article will try to awaken this desire in you, thanks to which many birds will be able to comfortably survive the winter.

First, let's look at the great variety of different feeders made from a variety of materials. This will help you decide on the look and choose the option that suits you.

from a plastic bottle and glass jar

After all, with the help of wood, you can give the feeder any look: you can build a mini-castle, you can put an ordinary “dining room” on stands, you can decorate the feeder with intricate carvings, etc. as far as your imagination allows and you can find the necessary building materials.

It’s very good when children are involved in making things - they immediately develop character traits such as caring for their neighbors, love for animals, responsibility, they show an interest in making things, creating something!

Whatever you make your feeder from, it is important to know the basic (and mandatory) elements of the feeder:

1. Your feeder must have a roof - this way the food will remain dry and will not be covered with snow, and it will be easy for the bird to enjoy your treat;
2. Be sure to make the opening of the feeder wide enough; the birds are very shy, especially afraid of confined spaces. What if several hungry flyers arrive at your “bird canteen” for lunch? It is important to take care of this option;
3. When choosing a material for a feeder, be guided by its strength and moisture resistance: the denser and more moisture-proof the source material, the longer your feeder will last;
4. The feeder very often turns out to be too light, so it reacts to every gust of wind, while grains and crumbs scatter and the birds remain hungry. To cope with this problem, you need to make the feeder a little heavier. To do this, place a piece of plywood or linoleum on its bottom (strictly according to the size of the bottom).

Now you will learn how you can make a similar feeder yourself from all kinds of cereals.

This feeder looks great and at the same time does its job perfectly! Tree branches decorated with such “decorations” give your garden an aesthetic and exclusive look. So let's get started!

We will need:

All kinds of grains, crumbs, seeds - all raw, since fried ones will only harm the little flyers;
Thick cardboard;
Dense nylon thread.

1. Using a pencil and a regular sheet of paper, draw the shape of the future feeder. Hearts, stars, triangles, circles, squares - any geometric shapes - will look beautiful;
2. Cut out the paper blank with scissors and attach it to thick cardboard. Trace with a pencil and carefully cut along the contour;
3. Take care of preparing bird food in advance. Choose unroasted and unsalted grains, all kinds of bread crumbs;
4. Using a needle and thick nylon thread, make a hole in the cardboard base and thread the thread into it - with its help this “delicacy” will be attached to a tree branch;
5. To ensure that the grains and crumbs stick together and are properly attached to the cardboard base, start preparing natural glue:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal (never oatmeal);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of running honey;
  • Flour.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a bowl and left for 30 minutes. for swelling.

6. Apply the prepared adhesive mass to the base;
7. In another container, thoroughly mix all our grains;
8. Dip and roll our “glue” coated base in the resulting crumb-grain mixture;
9. Ready-made grain feeders must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours - the mass must harden well and acquire the necessary strength;
10. Hang these delicious “treats” on the tree branches and watch from afar the feast of birds who have flown in to eat and eat!

Dissolve one sachet of gelatin in warm water;
Pour all kinds of grains into the still warm solution;

Place the molds and contents in the refrigerator to thicken;
Delicious toys are ready, you can safely hang them on tree branches!

Another “quick” option is to get a few old cups, or take ordinary plastic cups, fill to the top with the prepared mixture (on any basis suggested). After the mixture has thickened in the refrigerator, tie the feeder to a tree branch with a ribbon! The quick option is no worse!

An ordinary cardboard box can successfully serve as a bird canteen! However, it is advisable to select boxes covered with a special protective layer, laminate - this will significantly increase the service life of your feeder!

Juice boxes (they are coated with a special moisture-proof layer both inside and outside), small equipment boxes, medium postal parcel boxes, and bright candy boxes are ideal. Even shoe boxes will do a great job as a feeder!

Candy box bird feeder

You will need:
Candy box (3 pcs.)
Two medium nylon twines or two shoelaces.

Place one edge of the box into the other so that you get a triangle of three interconnected candy boxes, as shown in the figure:

Thread a string through the roof of the feeder, and with the second string securely attach your feeder to the tree.

candy box feeder

The feeder is ready, all that remains is to pour in the delicious grains and crumbs!

Even a child can handle making such a feeder (by the way, don’t forget to involve the children in this entertaining activity).

You will need:
Juice or milk box;
Long lace;
Knife or scissors.

Take a box of a suitable size and, using scissors or a knife, carefully cut a hole in the side wall of the box.

Thread a string through the top edge of the box, right in the middle, and secure the “freshly prepared” feeder to the branch.

Hurry up and fill the birds with food - they have already discovered a new feeder and are waiting for your treat with all their might!

If you want to make a feeder large enough. To accommodate a whole flock of birds, take a regular postal parcel box! Carefully glue the top with tape, cut wide holes in the side walls, secure it to the tree - everything is ready! Look what happened:

This is where the soul can turn around! There are all kinds of plastic bottles all around in different shapes and colors! There is a huge opportunity to show your creativity, invention, originality!

Let's take a closer look at the idea of ​​​​turning an ordinary plastic water bottle into a bird feeder.

We will need:

  • Knife or scissors;
  • Plastic bottle with a capacity of 5-6 liters;
  • Wire;
  • Bird food.

1. Using a knife or sharp scissors, carefully (so as not to cut yourself) cut a wide hole in the plastic bottle, located slightly above the bottom of the bottle (2-3 cm will be enough);

2. You can make several windows, one on each side.
3. Wrap the neck of the bottle with a strong wire and secure the other end of the wire to a tree branch;
4. Place plywood or a piece of linoleum on the bottom of the feeder, with their help we will make our feeder heavier and it will not swing and turn over with every breeze;
5. Fill up with bird food and wait for the “guests” you have invited!

Feeder made from a plastic bottle with spoon stands

Let's say that you want to make a small, compact plastic feeder, then take a 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle!

You will need the following materials:
1.5-2 liter plastic bottle;
Sharp knife or scissors;
Two wooden spoons for coasters;
Bird food.

Step-by-step instruction:
1. Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 2 liters, measure 15 cm from the bottom of the bottle with a ruler and make a through hole for a wooden spoon at this height in the very center of the bottle;
2. Go even higher (approximately to the middle of the bottle) and make another through hole for the second spoon. Only at a different angle (perpendicular to the existing holes);
3. Insert spoons through the bottle;
4. Enlarge the hole on the wide side of the spoon - the grains will spill out and it will be convenient for the birds to peck them;
5. Pour the birdseed into the bottle;
6. Tie wire around the neck of the bottle and securely attach it to the branches of the tree.
The feeder is ready! In a few minutes, she will be visited by birds who want to treat themselves.

Another version of a plastic bottle feeder, more simplified:

We use the same materials as for the feeder with spoons. But now we don’t need spoons, but instead prepare duct tape.

So, in a two-liter bottle we cut a large hole at a height of 5-7 cm from the bottom of the bottle. To make it convenient for the birds to sit on the cut edges of the bottle, we cover the sections with electrical tape or tape (your choice). We wrap the wire around the neck of the bottle and screw it to a tree branch. Pour in the food - everything is ready!

DIY wooden bird feeder

We have already looked at quite a lot of different options for bird feeders, made from all kinds of available materials and even waste. It would be completely wrong if a reliable and durable wooden feeder is left without attention - these are the kind of feeders that hung on the trees in our childhood. These are what our Trudoviks taught us to make during labor lessons!

Let's recall the manufacturing technology and - let's get to work!

First, let's get a little creative and draw! Armed with a piece of paper and a pencil, draw the type of feeder you plan to make. Seeing it on paper. Estimate the size of the future bird “dining room”. Only after this can you start making the feeder.

As an option, use ready-made drawings, which are presented at the very beginning of this article. The dimensions are already indicated there, the contours are clearly outlined - you can safely move on to the next activities.

To make a wooden feeder you will definitely need the following tools:
1. Hacksaw;
2. Hammer;
3. Nails.
Prepare the following materials in advance:
Plywood of the required size;
Bars 2x2 cm;
A thin wooden board for the base of the feeder.

We go strictly by size! Dimensions are shown in the drawing.

1. Cut out a rectangular base of the required size from a thin wooden board (solid);
2. Now we move on to the plywood sheet and cut out a rectangle of the same size as the base - this plywood sheet will serve as the roof of your feeder;
3. We cut the block into four parts, and one pair of bars should be 3 cm shorter than the first pair. Thanks to this design, water will flow smoothly over the roof of the feeder and will not stagnate on it - the roof will last much longer!
4. We retreat 1-1.5 cm from each edge of the feeder and nail the posts, first to the base of the feeder. And then we nail the roof to the posts. The front pillars should be shorter than the rear ones;
5. We nail a wire or a strong nylon cord to the middle of the roof and fix the feeder to the tree.
All! The work is done, pour in the food, and admire the merry bird feast! Don't forget to take photos - the memories will last a lifetime. There will be something to show your grandchildren and something to make with them!
Under no circumstances should we paint the feeder with paint or varnish - birds cannot tolerate such odors and will not visit a painted feeder with their presence!

What food is good for birds, and what food, on the contrary, can harm them?
Feeding birds is a rewarding activity, but it is worth knowing that not all food is suitable for birds to eat! One food can provoke illness in a gullible and hungry flyer, another can even lead to the death of the bird, but the third will definitely help the bird survive the cold and hungry press and live until the long-awaited spring!

So, what should not be given to birds as food:

  • Crumbs from fresh white bread;
  • Crumbs from rye bread;
    Peels of bananas and all kinds of citrus fruits;
    Cream pies, cakes;
    Roasted and salted sunflower seeds;

What you can and should treat birds with:

  • Raw seeds;
  • Buckwheat, millet, oats, millet;
  • Crumbs and small pieces of stale white bread;
  • Dried and cut into pieces fruits (dried fruits);
  • Tits are very fond of small cubes of unsalted lard;
  • For red-sided bullfinches, put rowan and viburnum in the feeder.

A few more photos of the original feeders:

Thanks to your attention and care in winter, more birds will have a real chance to survive, which in turn will definitely thank you later with their songs and “sanitary and health” work in your garden!

Watch also the video: Do-it-yourself bunker bird feeder in 10 minutes.

Who among us didn’t make feeders for our feathered friends as children? As a rule, suitable cardboard boxes or a pair of wooden planks fastened together were taken as a basis. And today in front of you are 12 original ideas on how to make a bird feeder, which will not only help birds survive the winter, but will also perfectly decorate your garden or patio.

1. A simple and universal option for feeding or watering birds.

2. To create this feeder, just take a couple of bright plates of different diameters, and you will not only have a table, but also a roof over your head.

3. Even the smallest helpers can be involved in the manufacture of such a feeder. Children will be happy to paint or use glue and colored paper to decorate any suitable cans, such as coffee or baby food cans, which are used as the basis for these feeders.

4. And such edible hearts can be hung on the balcony and admire the birds who stop by for a treat.

5. This version of the feeder, in the form of a three-dimensional month, is more complicated in execution, but as a result we get a reliable design with a good overview of the contents.

6. A great idea for a feeder made from natural materials, when nature itself is a source of inspiration for creativity.

7. Real art - a bird feeder in the image of a forest animal. Wood has long been used as an excellent natural material from which you can turn your garden into a fairy tale, if you wish, by mastering the basics of wood carving techniques.

8. The most traditional version of a bird feeder, where a plastic or glass bottle can be used.

9. So, a mailbox can serve double duty.

10. Having celebrated Halloween, do not rush to throw away its indispensable holiday attribute - a pumpkin, but rather make a hospitable feeder out of it.

11. This great idea will help your old chandelier find a second life - installing a bird feeder in it.

12. A wonderful idea to make a bird feeder from baskets and deep bowls that are no longer needed or have outlived their usefulness, decorating them to your liking.

Winter is not over yet, which means there is still time to take care of your feathered friends. I hope that some of the ideas presented on how to make your own bird feeder have inspired your creativity.

Bird feeders- a functional children's craft that will teach children to take care of nature and its inhabitants. At any time of the year, while walking in the park, children always with great pleasure feed the birds with seeds or bread crumbs, watch them and shower their mother with questions about what kind of birds they are and what else they like to eat. When winter comes, it is not easy for birds, because it becomes more difficult to find food under the thick snow, and at this time it is especially important to feed them. The kids will be very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​creating a feeding trough.

DIY bird feeder

For example, wooden DIY bird feeder- this is a task for a real master carpenter who knows how to work with wood and special tools, but, fortunately, there are simpler materials that will help you make a very useful craft - a bird feeder. You can make it using an empty tetra pack, cardboard box or plastic bottle; as you can see, these materials can easily be found in every home. You may not really like the idea of ​​cardboard, because under the influence of weather conditions this material will quickly deteriorate, so plastic is rightfully considered the most affordable and practical material. You can use two-liter bottles or five-liter eggplants.

In a harsh snowy winter, the birds that stay with you for the winter especially need support, because now they do not have the opportunity to get food for themselves in the fields, pick up crumbs on the ground - everything is covered with snow. The feeder consists of two parts: the lower container, where the seeds are poured, and the roof, so that snowflakes do not fly inside and rainwater does not accumulate.

If you are lost in options, which one is better? bird feeder, photo you can look on our website. By the way, with the help of such crafts made from waste material, you can expand your child’s horizons, because by hanging a feeder in the yard of your house, you and your children can watch and study their feathered guests.

Remember that you cannot use metal elements for the structure; it is not recommended to make grilles out of them, because at low temperatures they will become dangerous for feathered guests. If you do it from wood, then make sure that there are no nails sticking out anywhere or any sharp points.

If you decide how to make a bird feeder from tetrapack, then first you need to wash and dry it, then cut out holes, but it is not recommended to make holes opposite each other, because the wind can blow away the seeds. Holes can be cut on two adjacent sides. To make the structure stronger, you can insert wooden sticks into the corners. You can hang the feeder on a tree using a wire or thick thread, which must be threaded from above. Using wire, you can fix the structure on a tree trunk.

How to make a bird feeder

We looked at how simple the options may be DIY bird feeder photo, and now we need to dwell on the question of what can be offered to feathered guests for dinner. After all, some food can be harmful to birds, for example, you cannot treat them with spicy or salty food, you know that titmouses love to eat lard, but you can only offer them fresh lard. It is also not recommended to give birds black or rye bread, as it can ferment in winter, but crumbs of white bread will perfectly complement the diet of birds in winter.

The birds will also be happy with the cereals; you can mix a variety of them: oatmeal, corn and wheat chaff, millet. Rowan berries will be a real treat for birds. If you decide to sprinkle sunflower seeds on them, they should be raw, not fried or salted; you can crush the seeds a little first.

You can also worry about the health of the birds, and to prevent them from experiencing calcium deficiency, you can add crushed eggshells or crushed chalk to the food. You can also use parrot food, which is sold in pet stores, its cost is affordable, so you can sometimes pamper your birds with such a balanced diet.

Original bird feeders, will certainly become a real decoration for your garden plot, or you can make ordinary beads, string berries, nuts, bagels, slices of dry bread on a thread and hang such garlands on a tree in the yard. You can make these together with your children; the kids will be happy to string rowan berries onto a thread.

If the weather outside is frosty, then you can prepare a “pie” for the feathered gluttons: to do this, melt margarine in a bowl, mix it with grains, seeds, berries and other cereals, and then let the mixture harden in any mold. This “pie” can be hung on a branch or attached to the wall of a feeder. Sometimes seeds, berries and dried fruits are mixed with a little water and frozen in a mold, and then the finished “ice” is hung in the garden. You can also make sticks, like those sold in pet stores; the seeds can be fixed on any stick using flour glue. Birds can get the necessary calories from a piece of lard, but the lard must be fresh.

Bottle bird feeder

The simplest option is bottle bird feeder, even a schoolchild can do it, and one of the parents can help a preschooler with this task. You need to cut out the side of the bottle and hang it from a tree. You can also use milk or juice cartons; they are made of cardboard, which is resistant to moisture. In addition, such bags have the optimal shape for the simplest feeder; it just needs to be slightly modified.

In addition to the juice bag, which must first be washed and dried, you will also need twine and a sharp utility knife. To make a bright and original feeder from such a bag, you can also use self-adhesive film or multi-colored printed tape. Using these materials, you can paste over the bag, and then proceed to the next step. The original design can also be applied using a stencil and paint.

A wooden feeder will fit perfectly into the landscape of your garden, but you can either buy it or make it yourself from sheets of plywood using special tools - and this is a task for a real master, so you can use small thin twigs that can be used to cover the surface of the bag and make them decorative roof. You can involve children in this process; they will be happy to participate in the creation, and when the birds fly in for a treat, the children will be able to watch them.

After you cut a hole on one side, you can cover it with self-adhesive or electrical tape to strengthen the edges; thanks to this move, the edges will no longer be sharp, and the bird will not be able to get hurt. The hole can be square, cut on one of the sides, or you can cut it on the corner. To maintain the strength of the bag, you can make a triangular hole. The holes should be on both sides. You can insert twigs or Chinese chopsticks through the bag, securing them with tape. Finally, you need to thread a string through the upper part and hang the structure on it

Bird feeders

You can use the master class if you have any cardboard box on hand; all you need to do first is cover its walls with tape or self-adhesive film. But the cardboard should be thick enough, for example, you can use a shoe box. You will also need a lid: it must be raised above the main box, where you will pour the food. You can use pieces of wire to lift the lid. You need to make a hole in the middle of the lid, thread the string and make a loop. This loop can be used to hang the feeder.

You also need to resort to another tricky move: put a duplicate sheet of cardboard on the bottom, which can be wrapped in cling film. You can also use a plastic tray, thanks to which your craft will last a long time and the bottom will not soften.

They must be not only functional, but also beautiful, because they will be a real decoration for the playground. Even if you are making them with waste material, it would be useful to decorate it with paints, jute cord, buttons, ribbons and stickers, or you can use various natural materials.

Original bird feeders

Plastic bird feeder containers are the most affordable option; moreover, using a small plastic bottle you can create a system for uninterrupted feed supply, so even if you forget to add seeds, your feathered guests will not remain hungry.

This is done bird feeder made from a plastic bottle and two plastic spoons, you will also need some lace and scissors. It is advisable to choose a container with a wide neck and a wide lid, for example, for juices. You need to make two holes in the lid with the tip of scissors. Thread a string through the holes and tie it in a knot. This design can be easily hung from any branch or on the porch of the house.

Also, this design allows you not to worry that the birds will remain hungry, because as soon as they peck the food offered to them, the stand will automatically be filled with seeds. To replenish supplies, you just need to unscrew the lid and pour more cereal mixtures into the plastic container.

At the bottom of the bottle you need to make two holes opposite each other, one a little larger, the second small. You need to insert a spoon into these holes; it should be located slightly at an angle, so that the wide spoon itself is located slightly lower than its edge. To fix the spoon in this position, you can use plasticine, which can be attached to the outside of the bottle, and seal the hole where the edge of the spoon comes from.

A little higher, you can make two more holes opposite according to the same pattern, and insert a spoon into them. Original DIY bird feeder is already ready, and the spoon must be inserted into it so that the food from the bottle spills onto its base.

After watching the birds, you can do various crafts with children - or with felt.

Winter paper crafts in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Master class with step-by-step photos

Making the panel “Winter Feeder”. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Master class with step-by-step photos.

Authors: Alexander Gribovsky, 7 years old, a student at GBDOU kindergarten No. 25 in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg and Galina Dmitrievna Sorokina, teacher at GBDOU kindergarten No. 25 in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg.
Explanatory note: The variable part of my work program is called “Origami as a technology for the successful implementation of the main educational program and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.” This program is aimed at implementing the content of five educational areas: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; "Physical development".
I am sure that the use of origami technology in working with preschoolers helps to educate a mobile, creative person who can make decisions and bear responsibility for them, which corresponds to the new social order of the state.
My students love origami very much. This work - “Winter Feeder” - was made by my student Sasha Gribovsky during the thematic week “Wintering Birds”.
Description: this master class is intended for children of senior preschool age, educators, additional education teachers, and creative people.
Purpose: the panel can serve as a work for a competition or serve as an interior decoration, and will also be an excellent reminder of the need for constant care of wintering birds, which is especially important in winter.
Target: making the “Winter Feeder” panel.
Tasks: Learn how to beautifully design the “Winter Feeder” panel.
Learn to make bird figures using the origami technique.
Develop fine motor skills, eye, artistic and aesthetic taste.
Cultivate an interest in the life of birds, a caring and friendly attitude towards them, and a desire to help them survive the harsh winter period.


1. Base – Circle made of blue cardboard.
2. Squares of two-color paper (black with red, blue with yellow) (10x10); two colored sheets A 4.
3. Scissors, glue stick.
3. Snowflakes, sunflower seeds. Dear colleagues, today I would like to present to your attention a master class on making the panel “Birds at the Feeder”.

What's going on at the feeder?
And who is not here...
Two titmouses - two girlfriends
We arrived for lunch.
The sparrows chirp together
There are seven of them today!
The birds need to eat,
It's a very cold day.
What kind of bird is at the feeder?
Her trill turns silver,
With a tuft on top of the head -
This is definitely a waxwing!
Sad whistling monotonous
Invites everyone to a feast.
It's important and calm
Our red-breasted bullfinch.
Honored us today
The spotted woodpecker is a bright dandy.
From the second feeder proudly
Cleans everything out.
Every day in winter is cold
We provide this kind of lunch.
Let's not let us die of hunger
Our birds must die!
Winter brings considerable difficulties to all forest inhabitants: severe cold, biting frosty winds, all this significantly complicates the winter life of birds. But, despite this, they still cope with the bad weather and continue to chirp cheerfully, delighting us with their singing. But in winter, it is difficult for birds to find food, and without food, birds die faster than from frost. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange dining rooms for wintering birds - feeders. And be sure to feed these birds in winter.
Feed the birds in winter.
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring.

“A well-fed person is not afraid of frosts” - this is an expression about birds. The frost is not so scary for her if the bird is full!
Today we will make a panel “Birds at the Feeder”.
First, let's make the feeder itself. To do this, we took a sheet of colored paper A 4. We placed it in front of us with the long side facing us. Bend the two triangles down.

We cut out the roof of our feeder.

Now you need to take a second sheet of paper A 4. Bend it in half, connecting the long sides, iron it.

Unfold and cut along the marked line.

Then bend one of the resulting rectangles and then cut off the corners.

This is the bottom of our feeder.
Cut the second square into four long strips.

Now we assemble the feeder from the obtained parts and glue it to the base.

To make the birds interested in our feeder, we glue sunflower seeds to the bottom.

To emphasize the winter season, we decorate the panel with “snow-covered trees.”

We used old snowflakes and we got such delicate snow-covered twigs.

We also decorated our panel with snowflakes, and glued feathers - a snowball - to the roof of the feeder.
Our feeder is ready! Guess who will be the first to visit us?
Who is sitting in a shady park
On rowan branches?
Red-breasted, in a black hat,
The back of the wings shine.
All pompous and important
Like a vizier from distant countries.
Everyone knows, and everyone knows,
What is his name... (Bullfinch)
I. Zakharova

Bullfinches are a funny bird,
Not afraid of winter at all,
In winter he comes to visit,
Kholodov doesn’t notice.
This red-breasted bird
Forest winter singer.
The forest is a glorious home for her in winter,
Bullfinches are looking for food there.
Often flocks of bullfinches,
They fly into people's cities.
They eat winter rowan,
Everyone is waiting for spring together.

To make a bullfinch figurine, we will need squares of two-color paper or two squares of colored paper - red and black, folded with the colored side out and scissors.

Fold the square diagonally, corner to corner.

Fold the resulting triangle in half and straighten it.

Expand the triangle with its apex facing up.

Bend down one layer of paper so that the corner extends down about 1/3. (or two if it is single-sided colored paper).
Fold the resulting workpiece in half vertically.

Rotate the workpiece 90 degrees.
We form the bird's beak: on a small triangle, bend the corner inward so that it is visible.
Raise the wing corners on both sides.

On the side opposite the head, we outline the contours of the bird’s body and cut out the bird’s abdomen.

The tail can be made in different ways: you can make a rectangular cut in part of the tail or cut out the teeth. You can also make teeth on the wings.

We complement the bird figurine with eyes. Sasha used store-bought eyes and rhinestones. But the eyes can be drawn with a felt-tip pen.
The bullfinch is ready! Now let's place it on our feeder.

And now they have come to visit us... Guess who!
Loves seeds and lard
I was flying in the yard this morning
This little bird.
Guess who? ...(Titmouse)
N. Sergiyanskaya
Birds jump early in the morning
Along the snow-covered branches -
Yellow-breasted tits
They flew to visit us.
“Tin-shadow, Tili-shadow,
The winter day is getting shorter and shorter -
You won't have time to have lunch,
The sun will set behind the fence.
Not a mosquito, not a fly.
There is just snow and snow everywhere.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a good man!

If you look closely at our panel, you will see that making a titmouse is no different from making a bullfinch. You just need to take paper of a different color: blue and yellow.
After making several birds, place them randomly on a feeder or on snow-covered branches.

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